#permission to dance live in las vegas
shina913 · 2 years
Permission | JJK
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Pairing: Dancer!JJK x Fem!Reader
Rating:  M (🔞); NSFW
Genre: stripper(ish)!AU; one-night stand; fluff; smut
Warnings: cussing; alcohol consumption; lap dancing; lots of hip grinding; food play; mentions of dry-humping; dirty talk; oral (F-receiving); fingering; clit play; breast/nipple; praise kink; protected sex; multiple orgasms
Word count: 6,703 words
Summary: You get more than what you bargained for during your friend's bachelorette party weekend.
A/N: This is loosely based on a true story...with some embellishments, obvs 😅 Anyway, if any of you ever get a chance to go to Magic Mike Live in Las Vegas--it's a good time 😏
The visual is Esquire!JK or ON!JK during MAMA practice 👀 The song during the lapdance scene is Jodeci's Freek'n You ; while the title was taken from Ro James' song. I've been really inspired by a lot of slow jams lately so--get all those body rolls in!
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Five pairs of heels hot-footed their way through the marble floor. You and your friends rushed through the final course of your dinner and hopped into a rideshare hoping to make the scheduled show.
“Shit…is it this way?” Your friend, Leia, calls past her shoulder while you all walk aimlessly around the casino floor.
“I’m pretty sure,” Myla says unconvincingly while looking through overhead signage for directions to the theater. Still, you follow her lead as she speed-walks through the crowd. 
“A-ha! There’s the escalator!” She exclaims. She was here not so long ago with her boyfriend for an anniversary trip and reported back as they did an advanced ‘walkthrough’ of where the show was located.
The show in question was supposed to start at 7:30 and it was nearly 10 minutes past that time after you all practically jogged toward the rideshare pickup area. You kept glancing at your phone’s clock…you knew you’d be late. You just hoped that you didn’t miss too much when you finally arrived at the door.
“What if they give away our spot? Or worse, what if they won’t let us in?” Yuna asked in a panic while trying to adjust her “Bride-to-Be” sash around her shoulder and waist.
“And why would they do that? We paid for these tickets last month!” You reasoned.
“Exactly,” Divya agreed. “We all paid to see these men grinding shirtless onstage, damn it and nobody will get in the way of that!”
“Fuck, I shouldn’t have worn these heels,” Yuna curses when you all step onto the escalator.
“Girl, don’t worry–you look hot! When you get picked to go onstage, Soobin will be sorry he let us take you on this trip,” you giggled.
Yuna scoffed. “Well, regardless…I would have gone anyway!” Her comment elicits laughs from your whole group as you finally arrive at the door.
While the usher scans the tickets from Myla’s smartphone, Yuna leans in and whispers in your ear. “And how do you know I’m getting picked? Did you pre-arrange something?”
You cocked an eyebrow at her. “Maybe,” you mumbled then laughed as the staff guides you through the doors with his flashlight pointed to the ground.
You walked into a dimly lit room and were greeted by loud shrieks and whooping from audience members. You could understand why.
At center stage were 10 dancers, who were currently taking their shirts off seductively to reveal their signature washboard abs.
One of them catches your eye. He had his hair pulled back in a bun, revealing his sharp jawline. He revealed a full sleeve of tattoos on his right arm so it was easy to spot him in the crowd.
You’re so distracted by him that you trip over your feet, nearly falling onto Leia, who was walking right in front of you.
When you arrive at your table, you find two girls who had taken over your seats under the assumption that you were no-shows. The usher tries to reason with them but one of them is dismissive. Divya steps up and mouths something inaudible. She had a smile on her face but your best friend was a firecracker and you know that she didn’t sweet-talk those girls into getting out of your seats.
They finally, begrudgingly get up and move to their actual seats, which were located at a spot that had an obstructed view.
They grumbled under their breaths but Divya just smiled and waved at them. She turns to you and laughs, “What did I tell you? Nothing and no one will get in the way of me watching hot, sweaty, half-naked men grinding for me!”
You laughed and then eventually join the crowd in screaming as the female emcee introduces the next act of the show.
“Hey, gorgeous! Can I bring you up for the next number?” The emcee approaches your table, addressing Yuna, who had a white, bedazzled veil pinned in her hair.
She nervously looks back at your group, and then at you–who was responsible for organizing this ‘excursion.’ You all screech in excitement, goading Yuna, who screams her agreement.
The emcee takes her hand and guides her to the opposite side of the stage.
Minutes later, the music starts and the spotlight comes on. A dancer glides across the top of the bar. It wasn’t a fully-functioning one–just another flat surface that served as a stage.
Even though his face was obscured by the baseball cap that he wore, his sunshiney smile was unmistakable and contributed to his sexiness. After a few flips and smooth spins from him, more lights come on and your group screams when you spot Yuna, who was sitting at end of the bar.
The dancer kisses her hand and brings her closer. A fellow performer hands him something in his hand, which you realize is whipped cream after he pipes a bit of it into his mouth.
More squealing from the audience when he pulls her in closer and proceeds to peel his shirt off.
He gently wraps his hand under her knees and gently brings her legs up. Slowly, he lays her flat on the bar much to everyone’s delight, and does more of his dance, grinding his hips above her. He picks up the whipped cream and squeezed a little bit on her exposed thigh and licks it off.
Next, he crawls up higher, squeezed a little bit of cream on her cleavage, and seductively licks it just the same.
For his final act, he pulls on her arm to where she was sitting upright, where his bare chest is right in front of her. The song is about to fade out and he pipes a strip of cream at the center. He wiggled his finger at her to beckon her closer, and she does. You watch her lean in and stick her tongue out, just in time for the lights to go dark.
Your group and the rest of the theater go crazy.
After another group dance wraps up, the lights dim again and they switch to a combination of red and blue shades. The music starts to play–starting off with a brief sound of rolling thunder fading in through the speakers followed by the first few notes of the song.
I wanna freak you…were the words that echoed to the deep thump of the bass.
A few dancers sauntered out of different corners of the theater and some were coming down the steps that connected from the second-level balcony. They were dressed in black underwear and not much else. All of them were carefully scanning the room for a target.
The emcee announces a reminder, one that she’s made all throughout the show. “Remember, everyone–if you don’t want any attention from our boys, just say the safe word: ‘unicorn’ and they’ll move on with no questions asked!”
This was a free-form portion of the show where random members of the audience may get a lap dance.
When the beat dropped, spotlights were trained towards each dancer and whatever section they were in, grinding and body-rolling into consenting audience members.
Everyone, including your group, gets on their feet, screaming and cheering, hoping to get one of the dancers’ attention.
“I want that one!” Myla pointed at one of the taller dancers who was two tables down from you. “I want him to drown me in those dimples!”
“Not if I get him first,” Divya contests, putting two fingers between her lips to let out a loud, high-pitched whistle.
You laughed while your friends argued over which hot guy they wanted to dry-hump then. You briefly turn away to reach for your drink.
After taking a sip, you hear a voice calling from behind you.
Your group was so distracted by one side of the theater that you had forgotten that all guys were making their rounds in both levels, and all directions.
Even in the dimly lit theater, you instantly recognize him by his full sleeve of tattoos. It was the same guy who had been trading glances with you as soon as you sat down for the show.
“Uh…h-hi,” You stutter as he approached you.
“May I?”
Your eyebrows lift when he asks for approval to dance for you. The ladies next to your table are screaming, begging for his attention but he doesn’t hear them. At this moment, his attention was solely on you.
“You may.” You smiled as the girls next to you looked deflated.
Your approval earns you his best panty-busting grin. He then scoots your chair toward him and swings his right leg over to your left side so his crotch was hovering over your thighs. Your girlfriends start screaming when he begins to roll his hips.
He takes your hands and brings them up to rest them on his well-sculpted pecs. Then, he proceeds to guide them painfully slowly down his chest. You close your eyes briefly on contact. His skin felt soft and smooth, and his scent was this dizzy mix of sweat and cologne.
“Eyes up here.” You vaguely hear his command and you obey accordingly.
You look up to see him looking down at you. The POV perspective was not lost on you. Here was this insanely gorgeous man, grinding up on your lap while your hands were on his bare chest.
Tonight, you got my time Tonight you won't be sorry Tonight, you got my mind What must I say? What must I do? To show how much  I think about freek'n you
When your hands got to his waist, he guides them backward, where he rests them on his ass. 
You and your girls pre-gamed back at the hotel before heading down to the theater. Coupled with the drinks you had at dinner, you were feeling bolder than usual.
You give him a gentle squeeze, followed by a playful smack. Leia sees what you did and it makes her scream louder, egging you on.
His eyebrows quirk in surprise but he chuckles softly. Without missing a beat, he grinds some more, subtly moving in closer to you…so close you could feel his breath on your cheek.
“You’ll pay for that,” he whispers darkly in your ear and continues to undulate his hips.
You laugh and decide to tease him back. “I really hope that you’d make me,” you countered. With the knowledge that you were never going to see him again, it was an empty challenge.
He smirked then slowly backed away. “I’ll remember that,” he gave a wink before sliding off you. He brought your hand up to his lips, kissed it, then moved on to a different section of screaming audience members.
When he leaves, Yuna grabs your shoulders, shaking you as she shrieks her excitement at your face while Myla, Divya, and Leia give you high-fives.
Two acts later, the lights come back on onstage and one chair, placed on one side comes to view.
“I know I’ve said this multiple times but in this show, we are all about getting your permission here.” At the emcee’s announcement, a dancer comes up onstage. He had a soft, innocent-looking smile but the crinkle on the corners of his eyes showed a hint of cheekiness.
A woman with a ‘birthday girl’ sash is ushered onstage by a different dancer who had a smoldering look. He also looked sexy as hell but the bandana he wore as a headband to get his hair off his face gave him that little bit of a boyish charm.
When the smoldering guy gets off the stage, the cheeky dancer greets the audience member and beckons her to sit on the chair propped onstage.
Once she settles in, the song swells. The singer croons about asking permission from his significant other to give him the green light.
“Everyone, let’s welcome ‘Sasha!’ Sasha, will you give Jimin permission?” The emcee asks.
When she nods enthusiastically, he smiles at her and brushes his thumb to his lips before he begins his routine. He starts off slow, seducing the birthday girl with a few caresses on her cheek. He then carefully peels his shirt off before getting on her lap to grind on her.
The crowd eats it up and the woman is completely enthralled by the rest of his routine.
While everyone’s eyes are glued to the stage, a different dancer, taller and leaner with the plushest lips approaches you.
“Hi, will you come with me onstage?”
You were surprised to be picked a second time but maybe these guys lose track of whoever they give lap dances to during the show.
You were about to decline when Yuna screams, “Oh my god, yes, YN!!! Pick her!”
The dancer smiles and you relent, thinking that this was just a lucky night for you.
As you are ushered toward the stage, another chair is propped diagonal from the woman who was already there. Was this a double act? You weren’t sure.
“What’s your name, honey?” The emcee asks, pointing the microphone to you.
“YN,” you answer.
“Alright, YN! Will you give Jungkook permission?”
You whip your head around underneath the blinding stage lights, trying to identify this ‘Jungkook,’ to no avail. Then, thinking there was no way anything could go wrong, you absently shrug your shoulders and say, “Y-yes.”
You sit down as soon as the chorus fades into the next verse of the song and you feel an arm caress your shoulder. You turn your head and once the glare of the spotlight fades, your eyes widen at the sight of the same tattooed hottie, now dressed in a pair of jeans and what looked like a tear-away shirt.
Jungkook pushes your knees together and just like the first time, dances on your lap. He cupped your nape and leans in, which sends the audience into a frenzy.
Still, in a state of shock, all you can do is laugh nervously while he goes about his dance. He tears his shirt open, hands roaming over his chest and cupping himself, his hips perfectly timed with the beat.
He does a synchronized choreography with Jimin, where they switch off partners briefly so you have the other dancer grinding on you for a few bars of the song.
You were in awe of the routine. It wasn’t trashy or remotely corny. Even the way they stripped their shirts off was beautifully synchronized. It was all seductive and designed to stimulate your senses.
You’d gone to another adult male revue show once, a few years ago and even though you had a fun time, you felt that it seemed a bit old-fashioned. Not only were the men terrible dancers but the show was formatted to focus on them.
This show was different. It felt more interactive and more focused on the audience.
Every dancer there, looked as if they were all asking you what you wanted and were fully intent on giving it to you by the end of the night. 
Not long after, Jungkook gets up and speaks into your ear again. “I need you to put your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist. It’s all part of the routine,” he says hastily. 
“W-What?” Your pulse raised. You didn’t see any hint of this act within the customer reviews.
He cocked his head to the side and uttered, “Time to pay up!”
In a flash, he lifts you off the chair, making you instinctively grab onto his neck for support. He smacks you in the ass, making you yelp in surprise.
You were subconsciously grateful that you decided to go against the mini-dress and instead went with black jeans and a mock-neck fitted top, lest you suffer some sort of wardrobe malfunction.
He carefully lays you on the floor, gently pushing your knees apart–and at the drop of the beat,  dips his head to your center, and grinds his hips against the floor. 
The crowd goes wild when he rises to his knees, takes your ankles, holds them straight up with one hand, and grinds into you. He puts them down, hovers over you, and flips his body around in a 69 position with you.
Deafening screams fill the entire theater, making your eras ring.
The last thing you remember before your vision blacks out is seeing Jungkook’s shit-eating grin with pink paper bills falling around you like confetti.
“Oh my god! Thank you, guys, for planning this,” Yuna gleefully says to your group. “This is the best bachelorette ever!”
You snorted. “Shit, I hope it’s the only one you’re planning on having.”
“Ugh, girl! You know what I mean!” She laughed, then hugged you tightly. You all file out of the theater and take group photos, thanking the nice stranger who offered.
“Man, those guys got me so horny, I might drunk-dial my man for a little action,” Divya blurts out.
“Whatever you decide, do it in the walk-in closet, please,” Leia says.
“Speaking of horny–how bout that one guy hitting up YN twice?!” Myla teases, making the other girls pile on you.
“Guys, stop!” You wave them off. “He’s just doing his job. It’s not that deep.”
“Oh, I can tell–he really wanted to get deep into you,” Divya and Myla high-five each other.
“Whatever,” you shook your head. “Do you all still want to hang around here or head back to our hotel? I got us on the list at the club there. What do you want to do, Miss Bride-to-Be?” You turn to Yuna.
“Eh, let’s head back,” she shrugs. “Besides, I need to change out of these fucking heels. My toes are about to fall off!” She winces as you all head to the rideshare pickup area. “And then we’ll head into the club to get fucked up!”
“Hell yeah, ladies’ open bar for the win!” You yell out.
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“Sheesh, I’m freaking starving. I’m thinking of heading straight for the crab legs and prime rib,” you say to Myla while your group stood in line to check in for your brunch reservations.
“At 10:45 in the morning?” She says with a quizzical look.
“It’s a buffet, My. They serve everything once it opens.”
After crawling back up to your suite a little after 2AM this morning, it was a shock that your whole group managed to wake up and get ready in time to make your way to the buffet at your hotel.
“I don’t know about you guys but I’m down for bottomless mimosas,” Divya remarks.
“Me too,” Yuna says.
Leia, who just handed her credit card to the cashier turned her head to address the rest of you. “Me three! Also, I’m pretty sure I had a dream about one of the guys from last night,” she quipped.
You yawn, trying to keep yourself awake while your girlfriends reminisce about your wild night out.
Myla teases Yuna about being so drunk that she wanted to  Facetime-sex her fiance, Soobin, from the club’s bathroom. Unfortunately, she passed out from having one too many shots. Sometime in the middle of the night, she apparently admits to dry-humping Divya, whom she shared a bed with last night.
Yuna embarrassingly apologizes. “Girl, if you wanted to dry-hump, you could have told me. I brought my teenie mini on this trip,” Divya says, making Myla laugh out loud.
Leia’s ears start to ring. “Speaking of dry-humping, I still can’t get over the action that YN got last night!”
Your cheeks start to heat up at the memory–you did have a lot to drink last night and may have said some naughty things to one of the dancers. But you weren’t going to see him again so you laugh it off in an effort to move on from the subject.
“Are we still on that?” You laughed. “I mean…fine, it was pretty wild but you guys are making a big deal out of nothing. I’m sure they have to do that several times a night to audience members–based on the reviews I’ve read online, at least,” you say in an attempt to rationalize the situation.
“I don’t know,” Divya says. “He was pumping his hips awfully hard when you guys were onstage!”
“Ooh look at those crab legs!” You exclaim loudly.
That seemed to be the magical word to get the heat off you. Deep down, you wished you didn’t have other plans today since you seriously contemplated seeing the show again. Then again, this trip wasn’t about you–it was about celebrating Yuna and your friends who wanted to indulge in a wild weekend, without spouses, kids, or significant others.
With two plates full of meat and seafood, you carefully make your way back to your table. But you abruptly stop when you notice staff setting out some braised pork belly.
“Dee!” You call out to Divya. “Help me get a plate!”
She stops to turn to you only to say, “Do you see how full my hands are? Just come back for it later.”
You let out a pathetic whine when you see several patrons grabbing one plate after another.
You curse under your breath, torn between abandoning one of your plates to pick up some pork belly.
“Need some help there?” A male-sounding voice asked.
You whip your head around in confusion. Your mouth falls open when you see who was offering to assist you.
“Uhm–h-hi,” you say to the same man who gave you a lapdance and essentially dry-fucked you onstage in front of hundreds of people.
It was like a scene out of a movie. A bunch of male entertainers randomly running into a party of women who were in town for a bachelorette party, at a buffet–out of all the other buffets this city had to offer. You couldn’t have planned it better yourself.
Your parties pushed your tables together as chatter flowed casually. Jungkook sat next to you while his buddies, Jimin, Namjoon, and Hoseok chatted away with your girlfriends.
“How long are you in town for?”  He asks you.
“We’re leaving tomorrow.” You answered.
His face faltered slightly. “I see. Early flight?”
You shook your head. “No, after lunch. Some of my friends will probably need some time to recover. They plan on staying up all night, trying to tick all of the boxes for this trip,” you laughed.
He laughed as well. “That’s cool. And a buffet is on your checklist?”
“Of course,” you smiled. “What about you? Do you hang out at buffets during the day when you’re not grinding your hips up at customers at night?”
He threw his head back and guffawed. You thought the way he wrinkled his nose when he laughed was adorable. “I mean, the food’s good here and they have the best selection out of the other places.”
You nod your head at his response.
“I’m glad to run into you, though,” he whispers in your ear, making you chuckle.
“Do you always say that to everyone you’ve given lapdances to?”
“No, because I almost never run into people I’ve given lapdances to,” He smiled, pushing some errant strands of hair away from your face.
You weren’t sure if he was full of shit or just being cute. Scratch that–you were sure about one of those things.
You laughed. “You’re cute.”
“Thanks. I think you’re cute, too.”
After brunch, your group didn’t have any solid plans before your reservations to The High Roller, a fancy Ferris wheel where groups of adult parties could avail of the open bar privileges in each pod.
One thing led to another and the next thing you knew, your group invited them for a bit of fun this afternoon.
Namjoon, the one whose dimples Myla wanted to drown in, suggested checking out the Seven Magic Mountains, an outdoor art installation in the desert which was a bit of a drive away. Since the strip was really more fun at night, exploring away from it was a welcomed idea.
You all head to the hotel’s parking lot to call for a rideshare when Jimin stops to check his weather app.
“Damn, the weather report says it’s going to rain,” Jimin remarks.
“What? But it looks so sunny out, though?” Hoseok countered.
“If it’s going to rain, I have another idea of what we could do indoors!” Namjoon pipes up. He suggests an indoor escape room at the next hotel. They also happen to have relatively cheaper casino games compared to the one at your hotel.
Everyone is in agreement until you realize that you planned to go back up to your room to take your jacket and change out of your bottoms.
“Sorry guys, I need to go back up to the room to grab a couple of things. I’ll come back down as fast as I can!”
“Need any help?” Jungkook offers.
Your girls start to snicker amongst themselves and you grow flustered.
“You don’t need to do that. I can find my way back,” you smiled, starting to walk back to the elevators.
“Right, but just in case you all decide to go on ahead to maximize time, at least you’ll have a local guy to show you around?”
You roll your eyes, thinking you could just humor this guy to stop your girlfriends from teasing you.
You relented. “Fine, you guys can go on ahead.”
“Just give us a call, YN,” Leia calls out, adding a mischievous wink while you and Jungkook walk back toward the elevators together.
When the doors shut and the cab ascends, you both stand on opposite corners.
You exchange looks as the cab ascends. He makes some remark about how much the hotel has changed since he was last here, to which you absently nod your head in blind agreement.
“Anyway,” he says in a sudden switch in subject, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you since last night.”
You gulped just as soon as the elevator dings its arrival on your floor. All you do is chuckle nervously and walk into the hallway, pretending you didn’t hear what he just said.
The censor beeps and you turn the door handle to enter the suite. Once you both stepped in, he caught you by your waist and gently spun you around to face him. Caging you against the wall, he asks, “I wasn’t sure if you heard what I said earlier?”
“I did,” you answer simply.
“I meant it.”
“Oh really,” you challenged.
“Yes,” he reaffirms. “Shall I show you?”
“I mean…it’s all empty words to me. Flirting is part of your job, isn’t it?”
He chuckled. “Last time I checked, I’m currently off the clock. So that must mean that I’m not bullshitting you.”
You smiled back at him. Truth or not, he was hot and you wanted to know more of what he was all about right this second. “Well, what are you waiting for then?”
He flashed a grin before he sealed his mouth over yours.
He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, smiling through your kisses while he carried you toward the bed. All the while, your tongues continued to lick into each other’s mouths and your hands roved everywhere.
You stumble onto the bed closest to the door and he haphazardly strips you off your bottoms.
“Geez…fuckkk.” your hands fisted the sheets beneath you, Jungkook pinned your hips to the mattress and flitted his tongue against your clit. Your core tightened and your vision blurred while your body settles into the pleasure that his tongue and fingers were so intent on giving to you.
The sight of his dark head between your legs made your pulse thrum, racing in unison with the steady humming that he did against your flesh. You caught sight of your panties on one side of the bed–they were ruined, literally shredded to pieces from his grip, and yet he was still fully dressed.
“I’m ready.” You pushed your fingers into his hair. As much as you relished his oral expertise and would happily lie on this bed all day to enjoy it, you didn’t have the luxury of time. Not to mention that people were waiting on you to simply fetch a jacket.
If those few seconds where you cupped him by the doorway were any indication of what you felt underneath those jeans,  you wanted it inside of you sooner rather than later.
“I’ll decide when you’re ready.”
“Come ooon,” you whine. “We have to—holy fuck!“ You gasped at the hard suctioning from his mouth, coupled with the two fingers he slid into you.
“You were saying?” He lifts his head, a cocky grin on his face while continuing to slowly rub the raw bundle of nerves deep within you.
“I want you inside…now,” you mewled while your legs shook.
“You’re so close, I can feel it,” he whispered before dipping his head down again to tease your swollen flesh with the tip of his tongue.
You plump your own breasts and tug at your nipples to get yourself closer to the edge.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Jungkook breathes out at the sight of it.
You sucked in a deep breath as your climax neared. Even though you wanted his cock to fill you, the urge to cum while he ate you out was stronger.
You let out a breathy cry as you trembled through your orgasm, your back arched off the bed while you rode your high with each thrust of his fingers.
He hovers over you and whispers in your ear, “Atta girl.” His praise sent another course of shivers through you.
Eyes still shut, you groaned. “I’d come harder if you were inside me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smirked. You flutter your eyes open to see him pulling off his shirt. His jeans and boxers followed more slowly.
You push up and lean back on your elbows. It was much more seductive to watch him do this privately…without prying eyes and other thirsty bitches wanting a piece. This show was all for you and you alone.
He straightened from shoving his boxer briefs down, then knelt on the foot of the bed and crawled toward you.
He hovered over you, his hair falling around his face. Tilting his head, he lowered his mouth and lightly traced the seam of your lips with the tip of his tongue. “I’ve wanted to taste you since I first laid eyes on you.”
You dart your tongue out to lick his. “I could say the same about you.”
You gripped his hips, arching upward to try to feel his warm skin against yours. You needed that closeness…craved it, even. And at this moment, it didn’t matter that this wasn’t going any further past the four walls of this hotel suite. You just wanted him.
You catch a glimpse of something squeezed between his pointer and middle finger. He brings it up to his mouth and tears the foil open with his teeth.
He sits back on his heels to roll the condom on while you sit up to pull your top off.
You wrapped your fingers around his length. He moans softly when you slowly pump him in your fist. You lean closer to kiss him, your hand still sliding up and down.
He breaks the kiss for a moment to slot himself between your legs, lining himself up to your center. He cradles your nape to pull you back into a kiss.
Slowly, he pushes into you. That initial contact, the soreness, makes you gasp. He continues to inch his way in, gradually stretching and filling you. Your walls clench around him once he’s fully in.
Your nails dug into firm flesh of his ass and tugged him against you. you didn’t care that it might hurt. If you didn’t get him in you, you thought you’d lose your mind.
Jungkook slid his hand into your hair, fisting it to hold you where he wanted you. “Look at me.”
You stilled at the command in his voice. You stared up at him, your frustration melting as you watched a slow, gradual transformation sweep over his handsome face.
His features tightened first as if he were pained. A wince knit his brow. His lips parted with a gasp, his chest beginning to heave with labored breaths. His jaw ticked and his skin grew hot to the touch. 
Your hands gripped onto his biceps, anticipation building.
“Fuck me, Jungkook,” you begged–hypersensitivity be damned.
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” he utters before he sinks himself into you.
Your mouth was agape while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You felt him enter you inch by delicious inch–you could have sworn you’d just cum again and he hadn’t even started to move.
You gasped. He was hard and so, so deep into you. The connection was…indescribably intense.
His hips ground against yours. His entire body steeled, his chest muscles and arms visibly straining as he pulled out to the tip before he slams back into you–hard. The scene was reminiscent of the night before, where you were both in the same position, fully clothed.
Except now, he was actually inside of you…claiming you in every possible way.
You moaned in pleasure while his chest rumbled with a low growl. “Fuck, you feel so good…”
Tightening his hold on you, he started to fuck into you rhythmically, nailing your hips to the mattress with fierce thrusts.
He buried his face in your neck, feeling his hot, steady breaths in your ear. Thrusting harder and faster, gasping heated words that drove you absolutely crazy.
You were so focused on every move, every swivel of his hips, every stroke that had pleasure coursing through your whole body like electricity.
You moaned helplessly, his mouth slanting over yours, capturing it. Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving a small trail of crescent indents on his flesh.
Another orgasm brewed within you, everything tightening, clenching, squeezing. He shoves one hand beneath your hip, cupping your ass to lift you to meet his thrusts. His cock stroked your aching center over and over.
“Ahh…holy sh–I’m…fuck…” you babbled incoherently.
“Right there with you, YN.”
With a broken sob, you climaxed in a rush. His body tenses, shuddering as his own orgasm rips through him.
He collapses on top, though careful not to put his full weight on you. You both try to catch your breaths, all the while having no clue how long you laid like that. His lips grazed over your shoulder and neck–it was an unexpected soothing moment.
“You know, your friends could get suspicious,” He chuckles, pointing to your outfit that was completely different from what you had on when you came up to your room.
You roll your eyes. “I’m sure they have a good idea of what went down.”
“Oh, do they?” He sauntered toward you, his arm snaking around your waist.
“Yeah. We’re all grown-ups here who just want to have a good time,” you answered him.
He leans in closer, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. “And did you?”
“I did, thanks.” You give him a quick kiss on the lips. “Anyway, Yuna sent me a text saying that they’re at the restaurant if we want to meet up. You’re welcome to come if you want to?”
He sighs and carefully pulls himself away from you. “Ah, I wish I could but I gotta get back and get ready for the show.”
You shrug nonchalantly. “Oh okay.”
“I don’t get off ‘til 1AM. Sorry,” he says with regret.
“Hey, no need to apologize. We both got what we wanted,” you say simply.
He nods. “Are you leaving tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” you answer. “Time to get back to reality and all that.”
“Well, if you’re ever in town again…” he says slowly.
Jungkook was cute, but he was just a fantasy. And this was just a one-time thing. You figured that he was just being nice.
“Sure,” you answer him vaguely. “I’ll hit you up.”
He smiled, walking toward you again. “Alright well…have a safe flight back, I guess?” He raised his hand to touch one of your fringed earrings.
Sure, he was just a one-time fuck but it was probably going to be a while before you’d forget about him.
He stood there, his face an inch away from you, staring.
“I thought you said you had to leave for work?” You chewed at your bottom lip and stared back at him.
“I did say that,” he whispers while he tongues his lip piercing. While you watch him do it, your body temperature quickly rises to a fever pitch once more.
He swallowed roughly. “Would you think it was incredibly cheesy if I asked for a goodbye kiss?”
What mesmerized you was his big, round eyes and the hint of vulnerability that flowed out of them. You’re not sure why but the thought of that made you want to give him anything that he asked for.
“No. You can have one.”
With your permission, he captures your mouth with his.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and deepened the kiss. You licked into his mouth, stroking your tongue along his eliciting a low growl from him.
His hand grazes the small of your back and moves lower until he reaches the swell of your ass. He gives it a definitive squeeze, making you jump slightly. He catches you and presses his body harder against yours, while you moan into his mouth.
You’re both breathless when you pull away. He presses his forehead against yours.
“Damn…I wish you lived around here,” he panted.
The yearning in his voice was unmistakable. Under normal circumstances, you would hang onto that, roll around, and coat yourself in it. But as any person knows, nobody expects permanence in this town. And whatever happens here…stays.
You giggled, dipping your head on his chest briefly. When you lift it, you see him smiling at you. “I mean…we had our fun, right?” 
He flashed a warm smile and agreed. “Yeah, that was fun.”
You both make your way back down the hallway and toward the elevators and attempt to make small talk.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” he answers.
“Your performances at the club…do you pretty much stick to the same routine every night?”
He shrugs. “Depends. Sometimes, the emcee asks the audience member to choose a dancer, sometimes it’s random. But we all stick to the same routine with a few improvisations.”
“Ah,” you nodded.
He pushes the ‘down’ button and immediately, one of the elevators opens up and you both step into the cab.
While it descends, you decide to sneak a glance at him only to find that he was doing the same thing. You both burst into laughter.
“Sorry…I didn’t mean to stare,” he says.
“It’s fine,” you smiled.
“So, why did you ask about the performances? Was there a number in particular that you were curious about?”
You shrugged absentmindedly, staring at your feet. “N-no reason. Just making conversation.”
He smirks, crossing his arms over his chest as you approach the first floor.
You shake your thoughts out of your head, keeping in mind that your friends were waiting for you to rejoin them.
You didn’t know why you felt awkward all of a sudden. He’s just been inside you, for crying out loud! And yet, maybe the thought of him being this unattainable fantasy was what prompted you to say the things you had said last night and earlier today…or you were just horny.
You start to rub the back of your neck to diffuse the tension there. Yep…definitely a high percentage of just feeling horny.
Finally, the elevator doors open up and he steps out right before you. Before he gets too far, you capture his wrist and tug him back toward you. It takes him by surprise.
“You know what? I am curious about one thing.”
His eyebrow quirked with curiosity.
“That whipped cream number–”
Before you could finish, he cuts you off. “I remember passing a coffee shop around the corner. He grazes your chin with his thumb, making your pulse erratic. “Maybe we can buy a can from them and I can show you what really goes on after the lights go out.“ He cocked an eyebrow at you.
Your answer is immediate and a little too breathless. “Yes–let’s do that!”
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jmdbjk · 8 months
Episode 5: WELCOME!
Beyond the Star, produced by HYBE Media Studio
BTS continues to break records with Butter and Permission to Dance.
Whereas Dynamite was intended to be a feel good song for the fans during trying times, Butter was a little more intentional. BTS did not think they would release another single after Dynamite and the BE album but the pandemic was wearing on so out of many songs that they were sent to consider, they chose Butter. Namjoon rewrote most of the rap and the rest, as we keep saying, is history.
Butter broke Dynamite's Youtube premiere record of peak concurrent viewers with 3.9 million as well as other viewer number records.
Butter debuted at #1 on the BBHot100 and charted at #1 for 10 non-consecutive weeks. "Smooth like butter" became the catch-phrase of the summer of 2021.
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And FINALLY, BTS heads to Los Angeles at the end of November 2021 for their first performances with a live audience. The world is still trying to emerge from all the covid restrictions but this is their chance. The U.S. has opened the doors and they go for it.
They will be one of the first artists to perform at the brand new SoFi stadium.
They are going to give it their all because things are still uncertain. Performing concerts with live audiences, being able to perform physically after such a long break and the fear or dread of NOT being able to perform again with an audience was the biggest thing weighing on them. Yoongi seemed optimistic and Namjoon said he hoped so but was afraid of having his feelings hurt again.
They realize their bodies are aging and that before the pandemic, as we know, they were driving their bodies into the ground physically with their grueling schedules.
It was 2 years between performances with a live audience – Love Yourself/Speak Yourself in Seoul, October 2019 to PTD LA, November 27, 2021.
Watching them prepare, as a group, for a major concert is awesome. These behind the scenes are very precious because they now know what it feels like to go through the motions of a live performance WITHOUT an audience.
The quality of their preparation and rehearsals increased. They had time to talk about the performance and production. They changed some things that they previously did during concerts. They said their energy levels were even higher than ever.
(PTD concert remix of Fire needs to be released this year. Just sayin.)
After they finally perform in front Army, they have mixed feelings. Relief, excitement, trepidation that this might be the last time. It was still a time when they didn't know if they'd get to perform again after PTD LA. One thing we learn is that they realized if they didn't get to perform once back in Seoul, that would be it for three years because of enlistment. Enlistment was the wall they faced every single day.
But as we know, the Seoul shows did go on in March 2022 and the Las Vegas shows in April and we also know how the rest of 2022 went.
We see them enjoying some free time in Los Angeles while in-between concerts, something they never got to do before. I think they made the free time a requirement when doing concerts. Their bodies needed to rest.
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We see them win AOTY at the AMAs.
It is more serendipity because Namjoon mentioned a little bit before in this episode that he'd thought about quitting until he realized they belonged on that stage and knew that's what had to happen. Jin says the previous 2 years were a time for them to reorganize themselves and they were able to release Dynamite, Butter, Permission to Dance and reach even more overseas fans and make their concerts even more exciting.
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Jungkook says they were not expecting to win AOTY at the AMAs. Winning Artist of the Year at the AMAs enabled them to view it as yet another door opening to their future.
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Holding sold out concerts in huge stadiums, performing at the top of their game, winning huge awards at western award shows, these things legitimized them being asked to represent their country at the UN and other global and international diplomatic conferences.
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I know... they were asked to do this BEFORE they won the Artist of the Year at the AMAs, and BEFORE the PTD shows, and it is because of what they'd accomplished before those things, but it further drives the point home that BTS will continue in the future to be a big player in the music industry worldwide and they already know this.
Jungkook says they aren't sure what the future holds yet but ignoring what's happened is not an option.
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Tae says they want to remain the artists who impart a positive influence.
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They have finally realized what their purpose is and they are realizing the influence they wield.
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starryjkoo · 8 months
Jungkook’s Weverse live April 5, 2022 when they were in Las Vegas, the second song he plays “stuck with you”. He mentions that he’s just returned from dinner with the members and Bang PD. I hadn’t connected the song until now.
Would Jimin and Jungkook have to clear their companion enlistment with their agency? Their members? What are your thoughts?
Oh, that’s a really interesting observation! I see why people associate "Stuck With U" with Jikook — Jimin dancing to it right before enlistment was so random + the lyrics were so cutely and coincidentally reflective of Jikook and their situation. I think that’s still a bit speculative for me considering it’s definitely a song JK would play during a live anyways, but that's still such an interesting observation considering the timing and everything 👀!
You know, I hadn’t actually considered Jikook might have been discussing the buddy system all the way back pre-CH2 but now that you mention it, it’s definitely possible. Like, by April 2022 BTS had definitely decided on some of their enlistment plans so Jikook deciding to enlist together then wouldn’t be shocking. It’s so crazy to think about though! It makes me look back on so much of CH2 differently. I’m so curious about what the actual timeline for everything was!
And I don’t think it’s something they would have needed to clear with their agency tbh! I feel like all the members were pretty in control of their enlistment plans and just filled HYBE/BH in after they made their decisions so they could help coordinate all their schedules and whatnot. There was obviously some wiggle room with everything too because Namjoon seems to have changed his plans somewhat last minute when originally he was planning on going with JH. But I don’t think Jikook would have needed special permission to go together because at the end of the day, it was their decision to make and obviously a very personal one.
I’m sure they informed the agency as soon as they settled on it though, and might have discussed it with them. I think HYBE has actually been really proactive about protecting all the members while they’ve been enlisted so it would definitely have been beneficial to let them know as soon as possible (especially when you look at things like the response from K-JJKs).
I don’t think they needed to clear it with the other members either, but I definitely think it’s something they would have likely discussed with them. It really looks like all of the members tried to coordinate their enlistment plans as much as possible and put a lot of thought into everything. It’s hard to say when they finalized their plans, but it’s clear there was a lot of care and intent behind all of their decisions, it’s seriously touching. And I’m sure Jikook definitely took the group and the rest of the members into consideration when making their own plans.
If the question is would anyone try to discourage them, or would they need permission specifically because enlisting together could be risky if their relationship really extended beyond friendship, well. I think Jikook are smart enough atp to know how to navigate that situation without putting themselves at risk, and the other members probably know that too (despite a certain subgroup whining about how a gay couple would never take that risk).
There’s already been a lot said by other people about glass closets and plausible deniability and theories that they intentionally kept things on the down low in CH2 because they were enlisting together etc etc (which is a valid theory no matter the nature of their relationship btw, when you once again look at responses like the ones from K-JJKs and how dangerous that could be for them in general).
So I really don’t think anyone would discourage Jikook from enlisting together, nor do I think they would particularly feel the need to get permission, when the members likely trust Jikook to handle themselves, and when the benefits of enlisting together would likely far outweigh any risks. It already seems like Jikook have been supporting each other a lot from the tiny snippets we’ve gotten from them since they’ve enlisted. I’m sure the other members would know this better than anyone and were probably pretty relieved to know they were going together tbh. And I think the group really respects each others autonomy to make decisions like that as well.
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
Bangtan Sonyeondan: Butter, Permission to Dance & PROOF
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The group soon added Butter & Permission to Dance to their English song line up, once again with Grace taking the helm of translations and being the first one to sing the songs in full for the boys to then add in their own voices. 
Butter, Grace’s all time favourite, soared through the charts. It also earned them their second Grammy nomination. The music video was also another one of Grace’s favourites to film, as she loved the simplicity of the concept - letting the song and the dance do all the talking. Permission to Dance was another easy one for Grace, who revealed on a V-LIVE that the outfits weren’t her favourite to wear and she hated the whole ‘cowboy’ theme but loved the concept behind the song. 
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(outfit by hobiverse)
She also got to meet her mother’s favourite band, Coldplay. Acting as a translator to the group, she got on extraordinarily well with Chris Martin who signed a couple of pieces for her mother. It also brought Grace a lot of joy when she saw how shy Seokjin acted around Chris Martin, resulting in an endless amount of teasing. 
It was an era of busy times but also uncertain times as behind the scenes there were talks of a hiatus, military and other issues. It was also during this time the group left their dorm and moved into their own apartments, which had been bought previously. An unsettling time for Grace who felt like she had finally settled into her role of who she was, who she should be but now there were changes to come. 
Permission to Dance on Stage in Seoul allowed Grace to finally be the performer she was. 
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PROOF (2022 - present)
An anthology album with three new singles - Yet to Come, Run BTS and For Youth. However, this was not a happy time for Grace - it had been announced on 5th December 2021 that the group would be devoting more time to their solo projects and at the end of the final concert for Permission to Dance on Stage in Las Vegas, Proof had been announced. 
RUN BTS was by far Grace’s favourite song to perform and one she looked forward to, but the FESTA dinner had put a dampener on things for her. She had sat between Seokjin and Yoongi, mostly quiet for the whole entire thing - she didn’t say much, didn’t even react much to the boys crying and picking at her food. Fans were starting to worry that maybe, just maybe, this might be the end of BTS as an eight-member group as they confirmed they were now living apart, they were now focusing on their solo projects. 
Grace’s long-awaited mixtape had been put on the shelves again and meetings with the boys in private as they worked out their plans of who was bringing an album out at what time, who was doing what, etc. made Grace put everything on hold. She was completely in a rut and one she didn’t fully know how to come out of.
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After the concert in Busan, when the military enlistment was announced by Seokjin, Grace went into quiet mode. She continued working behind the scenes, did a V-LIVE every now and then but kept quiet on all social media including the Instagram she had opened with the boys. She was there to see Seokjin off on December 13, the two sharing a quiet yet knowing look between them and then the news came that J-Hope was enlisting. 
During this entire period, with Namjoon, J-Hope, Yoongi and Jimin releasing their own albums, Grace quietly supported them with ARMY not knowing until the BANGTAN BOMBS were uploaded onto YouTube - Grace even accompanied Jungkook for the World Cup but no mention was made at Grace’s request. She also sent flowers and best wishes to Taehyung while he was in Mexico, once again all kept quiet. 
BigHit kept releasing statements that their artist was fine and would be releasing her own album soon, with Grace’s schedule already planned for all the way up to 2025 when her boys would return and they would be eight again. 
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roppongi-division · 10 months
"The question isn't who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me."
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Age 0:
She is born to her mother and an unknown man in San Antonio, TX.
Her father abandons her and her mom after finding out Mireya isn't his daughter.
Her mother begins dating another man.
Age 2:
The man she thought was her father leaves the family for some reason.
Another man takes his place as his mother begins dating him.
Age 3:
Her mother begins putting her in child beauty pageants.
She is told how to stand, how to walk, how to sound, etc.
Though she doesn't win most of them, her name gets out there as a beautiful young child.
Age 4:
She soon becomes something of a child model, starring in commercials and magazine covers.
Age 9:
After her mom changes boyfriends for the umpth time, she finally decides to ask who her father is.
Her mother refuses to answer, stating that she doesn't want to talk about him.
She also tells Mireya not to ask about him again.
Age 13:
She starts entering teen beauty pageants.
She views it as the same thing as when she was younger; she is sick of it.
She dreams of being a professional actress.
Age 14:
She starts high school.
She isn't allowed to make friends or hang out with boys, per her mother's instruction.
She finds this to be hypocritical of her considering she changes boyfriends all the time.
Her school is hosting a school dance. She asks her mom for permission to go. She says 'no', unsurprisingly.
Upset, Mireya sneaks out to go anyway. For the first time in a long time, she has fun.
She fights with her mother upon her return home, calling her a hypocrite.
Age 15:
Her body begins to mature, meaning she gets a lot of attention from guys.
Age 17:
She graduates high school.
She considers going to college to studying acting; her mother thinks it is a waste of time and money.
Age 21:
Despite pressure from pageants and her mother, she manages to graduate with a bachelor's in acting and theatre.
She decides to leave San Antonio to go to L.A. to pursue an acting career.
She and her mother have one last fight when her mother tries to stop her.
She states she's sick of the pageants, the pressure, and her mom trying to live her life through her because she made mistakes.
She runs off with the money she made from the pageants and heads for the west coast.
Unfortunately, the money she makes is quickly used up because her mother has blocked her credit cards.
She is forced to stop in Las Vegas and find work until she can get some money in her pocket again.
She gets hired at a bar as a bargirl.
The mistress in charge teaches her the ins and outs of bartending, dancing on stage and flirting with customers.
Mireya takes to it quickly.
One of the girls, who has a Middle Eastern theme going, teaches Mireya how to belly dance, which she loves.
Age 22:
While working in one of the bars one day, she is told that a new DJ is coming to help with one of the shows.
She doesn't really pay him any mind until she locks eyes with him. He calls himself 'DJ Veenyle'.
He asks her out on a date after the show. Mireya happily accepts. He introduces himself as 'Kai Quinlan'.
The two spend several days together, enjoying each other's company.
Sadly, Kai has to leave, and the two bid each other farewell, hoping that they'll see each other again.
Age 23:
After saving up some money, she decides to leave the bar and continue to L.A.
She arrives in the city and is pointed to a nearby movie studio.
Unfortunately, it is just an indie studio that produces B-rated films.
She searches for another movie studio that is further away, but can help get her career started.
Unfortunately, the movie makes adult films and, unknown to her, is secretly owned by the mob.
The mob gets her hooked on heroin to make her more compliant.
She is basically used as nothing more than a prostitute.
Age 24:
She is, surprisingly, saved by Kai Quinlan, who came to rescue her.
He cares for her while she is recovering from her trauma and drug use.
After several months of therapy and medication, she is deemed fit healthy.
After several more months, Kai asks her to marry him. She accepts.
She refuses to tell her mother, not wishing to speak with her.
Though things get tense between her and Kai's mother, Kai is, thankfully, there for her.
The two are wed in New York City, Kai's birthplace.
Kai's sister bequeaths her and Kai a brand-new car as a wedding present.
Age 25:
The two have their honeymoon in Tokyo, Japan.
She is surprised when Kai asks her to stay with him in Japan.
After thinking about it, she decides to put her acting career on pause and agrees to stay with him.
They both renounce their American citizenship, officially becoming Japanese citizens.
Age 26:
It is revealed that she and Kai are unable to have a child due to her being diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia.
She is depressed by this ordeal and becomes melancholic.
Kai helps her every step of the way.
After almost a year of therapy, she starts to feel better, though she is still sensitive about the topic of children.
Age 27:
No longer having the heart for acting, she passes the time by teaching young girls and women how to dance.
She is introduced to 'Zakari Hiroya', an orphaned teenager who plays games of chance.
She is asked by Kai if they want to adopt Zakari. She is skeptical, but agrees.
She eventually decides to raise him as his own son.
She goes back to work, dancing in bars and nightclubs.
Age 28:
After a period of time of this, she eventually decides to open her own with her husband's help.
The two find a suitable place in the party district of Roppongi in Minato and take out a loan to have the nightclub built.
Age 29:
Within a year, the couple's nightclub is finished.
Though Mireya wants to jointly own it with her husband, Kai refuses, letting his wife be firmly in charge.
She calls it 'Gypsy's Palace'.
Kai begins playing exclusively at the nightclub, boosting its popularity.
Though she is the owner, she still performs and dances.
Age 31:
She manages to pay off the loan for the nightclub.
She decides to expand it, adding a casino in one wing.
Zakari decides to help out, performing extreme stunts in the casino for money.
Age 32:
Together with Reika Aichi of Shizuoka, she starts up a recreational center for young girls.
Age 33:
The H-Era officially starts, and the Party of Words takes control of the Japanese government.
Her husband becomes depressed, due to TDD breaking up.
She does what she can to make him feel better.
Age 34:
Chuohku, in an effort to consolidate more power, forces Kai to join the D.R.B.
After hearing that he must form a team to enter, Mireya offers to join. Though Kai doesn't want her or Zakari to get involved, they join, regardless.
She becomes the second member of the Roppongi Division rap battle team, Private Party, alongside Kai Quinlan and Zakari Hiroya.
12 a.m. - 1 a.m.: Performing at Gypsy's Palace
1 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.: Returns home
1:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.: Asleep
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.: Freshens up
11 a.m - 12 p.m.: Makes and eats brunch with family
12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Heads to recreational center
12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.: Tutors young girls in dancing
2:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.: Returns home
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.: Works out
4 p.m. - 6 p.m: Freshens up for evening
6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.: Walks to nightclub
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Does paperwork for nightclub
8:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.: Prepares and opens up nightclub
9 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.: Observes nightclub
11:30 p.m. - 12 a.m.: Performing with husband at nightclub
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Found a family that loves me
#Welcome to Gypsy's Palace
#Happy with my life
Trauma Hashtags
#A fatherless existence
#I couldn't live my own life
#Deprived of a child(hood)
Other Info
Hobby: Dancing
Weakness: Large Ego
Trauma: "Ever since I was born, my mom has always dictated how I should live."
Twitter: @TheGypsyQueen1
Drinks: Yes
Smokes: Yes
Special Skill: "I'm not afraid to take charge when I need to. I'm a charismatic leader."
Intro Quote: "If negativity knocks on your door, it's your choice to let in it."
Trauma Quote: "I'm sick of it, mother! I'm sick of all of the pageants, the stress, not being able to do what I want, everything! But worst of all, I'm sick of you! I HATE YOU!!"
Ending Quote: "Sorry, but we don't abide wallflowers here in Gypsy's Palace."
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moonjxsung · 7 months
Star, I also had a small panic attack with your ask about pit tickets cause I’m notorious for missing tour announcements 🥲
I feel like you’ve been to so many concerts, I’d love to know all the kpop ones you’ve attended 🥹
I still haven’t seen SKZ 🫠 my only three kpop concerts were BTS on the Wings Tour in 2017, then SNSD on their 10th anniversary fanmeeting ALSO in 2017 in Seoul and I was 19, a broke college student and my mom went OFF on me about spending so much money on concerts when I didn’t have a proper job 🙃 it was a whole thing so I controlled myself and only recently began attending concerts again, and my first “kpop” concert was Yoongi on the Agust D Tour 🩷
Also what concerts do you wanna go to? I love talking about concerts sorry. My dream concert was SNSD since I was 12 so that’s why I had my last moment as a dumb teenager and basically went broke to see them. Right now I NEED to see SKZ live or I will die, I’ll also try getting tickets for the IU concert this summer since I put it off cause I was scared SKZ was gonna announce something 🥲
Anyway I hope we all get to see the boys live 🩷 manifesting tickets for us all
ME…. Every time I see anyone talk about skz announcement my heart falls out of my CHEST thinking I missed a tour announcement 🥲 DON’T WORRY GUYS I will spam the fuck out of this account when they announce it !!
I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WENT TO THE WINGS TOUR I AM SOOO JEALOUSSS 💔 I haven’t been to too many kpop concerts, but definitely enough to know how they work and plan better for them and stuff! The ones I’ve been to are:
• BTS permission to dance in LA D1
• BTS permission to dance in Vegas D2
• Ateez Break the Wall tour in Oakland
• Stray Kids Maniac encore in LA
• Yoongi D-Day tour in Oakland
• 3racha at Global Citizen Fest in NYC
I also had Blackpink tickets but I sold them in hopes that Shinee would do a world tour when Hard was released (spoiler: they did not🥲) and I almost saw Twice but I ended up forfeiting bc a work thing came up 😭 Concerts I WANT to see live are:
• SHINEE. My number one. I will die if I don’t see them. Any member from SHINee solo concert too!
• Nmixx !! Their recent album omggg zero skips
• Itzy
• Twice
• Blackpink
And any group I’ve already seen, as many times as I can! I tried for Coachella tickets this year but unfortunately it was too soon to work with my schedule so I’m hoping Ateez do a world tour at some point. I’m planning on going to 3 cities for the next skz tour and my sister and I are going to possibly fly to another country for a SHINee concert because I will simply pass away if I don’t see them at least once.
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userhobi · 2 years
 every month of 2022!
link your favorite and/or most popular post(s) from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
thank you for tagging me @sevencoloredstar @kithtaehyung @jiniekook @sopekooks @itsallaboutzayn, you all are such wonderful creators and i love seeing your works on my dash! ♡
january 📆
most popular: TAEHYUNG for GQ, JANUARY 2022 
favorite: all men do is lie 🙄
february 💕
most popular and ultimate favorite: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR HOPE
❥ dior hoseok
❥ sope compilation
❥ cutie yoongi  
❥ 18 days of hoseok sets
notable mention: tried out this grid format for the first time
march ☀️
❥ daechwita movie poster
❥ taegi compilation
❥ an angel for an angel
notable mentions:
❥ set that unexpectedly received a lot of attention: pink hyungline
❥ different sharpening technique used: i’m your hope, you’re my hope, i’m j-hopeeeeee ♡
april 🌸
may 🌧️
most popular: YOONGI: *demonstrates flirting *HOBI: 😂😂😂
❥ a yoongi smile a day keeps the depression away 💛 
june 🕶️
most popular: POV: he takes up every corner of your mind
❥ irl angel 🥺 - tried a new sharpening technique that i stayed using the rest of the year
❥ this cutie 🥺
❥ cutie 🥺
favorite coloring: 
❥ You did things to me that I just can’t forget 
july (so much hobi content this month! 🥳)
most popular: HOBI ON WEVERSE LIVE 220725 😚
❥ certified cutie 🥺
❥ hobi at his album release party 🥳
❥ giggling cutie 🥺 
favorite coloring: 
❥ before 🥰 vs. after 😳
❥ his hair looks sexy pushed back
august 🍨
most popular + ultimate favorite: Hobi cursing during Lollapalooza 2022 ✨
❥ some sweet words from tiger koo 🐯💛
favorite coloring: 
set that unexpectedly received attention: HOBI ARRIVING TO PARK SOHYUN’S “LOVE GAME” RADIO SHOW ✨
september 🍁
❥ shy boy namjoon
❥ cool shade stunner 😎
❥ favorite namjoon hair
favorite coloring: pretty tete ♡
october 🎃
posted a set that was in my drafts since april: TAEHYUNG, PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE - LAS VEGAS LQ VERSION 
tagging: @indigonamjoon @rosebowl @jinstronaut and @userjungkook97 (please feel free to ignore if you’ve done this already)
december ❄️
namjoon brought me out of my giffing hiatus temporarily 😂
when they showed Namjoon how people in their 30′s (apparently) speak to their friends on the phone and asked him to practice it 😂
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wnjunhui · 11 months
Concert ask game!
1,7, 1 and 25! Hope you're well hun!
i'm doing great, anon. thank you ☺️
1. how many live concerts have you been to? i have no idea, too many
7. what is the loudest concert you’ve ever been to? i don't know if i was the loudest, but i couldn't hear properly for a couple days after my nct 127 concert
25. which concert did you feel the most exhausted after? definitely bts permission to dance in las vegas... my lower back was killing me, i got to the hotel and i couldn't feel my feet 🫠
concert ask bait
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0613magazine · 1 year
032423 Rolling Stone
Jimin Is Ready to Show the World Who He’s Become
The multi-talented star and BTS member talks about his solo debut album Face — and shares how much his bandmates supported his creative process
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Before Jimin was sure he could release a solo debut album, his fellow BTS members believed in him first. 
It was last spring, and the group was in Las Vegas, carrying out the last shows on their “Permission to Dance on Stage” stadium tour. In between nights, he opened up to his brother-like band members over drinks and told them about the self-doubt he’d been experiencing during the pandemic. That’s when he received the encouragement he needed from the group, who will celebrate their 10-year anniversary this summer, and felt prepared enough to embark on his own project.
“I was thinking things like, ‘Why am I living like this? What am I doing right now?’” he tells Rolling Stone through an interpreter, speaking on an early spring morning from the HYBE office in Seoul. His bandmates assured him that everyone goes through these growing pains. They suggested that expressing himself through music could offer a way forward.
Now, the 27-year-old artist from Busan, South Korea is preparing his vision as a solo pop star with Face, a captivating six-track album. Across the project, which is full of various sonic moods that veer from spiky and hard-hitting to velvety and sleek, Jimin portrays the conflicting feelings he’s had about himself and his journey as an artist. Though he wasn’t originally a singer when he joined Big Hit Entertainment at age 16, he’s developed one of K-pop’s most unique voices: It’s sweet, with delicately sharp edges, and he contorts his vowels as if they were soft curls of smoke. Through these subtle inflections, he conveys bitter isolation on the melancholic R&B song “Alone,” but then quickly switches to explosive anger on “Set Me Free Pt. 2.” On that boisterous, horn-laden hip-hop track, he proclaims that he’s entering a new era where he “won’t hide anymore even if it hurts,” singing as if he’s gritting his teeth. 
The project is a bold evolution from Jimin’s work in BTS, where he’s shown his penchant for making emotional R&B through tracks like 2016’s “Lie” and the sultry Latin-pop-inflected “Filter.” In 2018, he showed he could take on an acoustic singer-songwriter approach with his debut solo single “Promise” — which recently got an official release after living only on SoundCloud for years. For the upcoming Face singles, he’s also been teasing meticulously prepared performances, which have become a signature for the skilled dancer whose fluid yet powerful style is informed by his background in modern dance and martial arts. (To see the full scope of his talent, fans can watch his viral contemporary dance to “I Need U” at the 2019 MMA awards, where he flips and spins effortlessly as if he were wind personified, or his scene-stealing performance in 2020’s “Black Swan.”) He’s come a long way since he was a teenager impersonating the sensual performance style of his role model, Big Bang’s Taeyang; this January, he experienced a full circle moment when he was featured on the K-pop veteran’s long-awaited solo track “Vibe.”
Jimin explores a mesmerizing mix of emotions on the album’s lead single “Like Crazy,” which will come in both English and Korean versions. He found inspiration in the 2011 Drake Doremus-directed drama of the same name. Struck by the film’s depiction of a passionate romance between a British woman and American man whose relationship can never stabilize because of visa issues and their respective careers, he tried to convey these ambiguous feelings through the song’s choreography. He’s a perfectionist to his core: When I tell him that I’m looking forward to these performances, his response is simply, “I’ll work hard.” 
This album is called Face. What does the title mean to you?  In this album, I look back at myself. I heard that the word “face” has many different meanings. Of course, it has the meaning of the noun, face, but it also means, “to face, to [confront],” as a verb. So in order to stand at this new starting point and begin a new journey, I thought it would be necessary to look back at myself and face myself entirely. 
When you looked back at yourself, did you discover something new?  I wouldn’t say that I felt something new. But when I look back at myself during the pandemic and the emotions that I felt then, I actually didn’t really realize the feelings I had back then. [I thought] I was fine. I was happy. I was just enjoying things. But looking back, I realized that those weren’t the only feelings [I had]. After realizing that, I just thought that I should overcome [these feelings]. I think I kind of learned how to become a grown-up. I realize that I felt various emotions during the pandemic.
When you look at the lyrics on this album, there are themes of loneliness, wrestling with yourself, and of finding freedom. What kind of thoughts and feelings did you have while writing these lyrics? I’m actually not good at beating around the bush, or indirectly saying things, and that’s the same with my lyrics. I just wrote the emotions as they were, exactly how I felt two years ago, and the emotions that I felt in every situation [at that time]. So if you just listen to the music, you’ll understand the lyrics right away. 
How did you want to express yourself musically or production-wise on this project?  Since for every song, the emotions are all different, I wanted to express those feelings the way they are through the [production]. In the first part [of the album], there’s anger. The main track [“Like Crazy”], it feels happy, but there’s also loneliness behind it. Also, the choreography for the main track and the pre-release single, “Set Me Free Pt. 2” are totally different. 
“Interlude: Set Me Free” is a song by SUGA, from his 2020 mixtape D-2 as Agust D. How is this song and your song “Set Me Free Pt. 2” connected?  I think it would be hard to say that they’re actually connected. But when I was working on this song, I just thought that the phrase “set me free” would be the perfect title for it. Then I realized that there’s a song with the same name on Suga’s mixtape already. When I listened to that song, I realized it’s also a song about the struggles of becoming more mature, becoming a grown-up. So I thought it would make sense for my song to become the “part two” to that song. If we do have a chance or opportunity, I think it would be nice for him to do a feature on my song. [Laughs]
The first song, “Face-Off,” starts out with a melody that sounds like carnival music. What is that supposed to represent? It doesn’t actually have a specific meaning or significance. But when I worked on this song, the producers and I started fooling around with different pianos and instruments. When you listen to it, you realize this song is very intense, rebellious, and has a lot of anger. But starting it like that [with the carnival sound] would be a stark contrast to the rest of those vibes. So they said, ‘You know, if you start the song like this, it would be kind of paradoxical or ironic, and it could be pretty fun.” 
With “Interlude: Dive,” there are sounds of water and then sounds of you talking on stage. What kind of story is that track telling?  Originally, the first track was “Face-Off,” which is really intense and rebellious, and the next track was the main track, “Like Crazy,” which has a feeling of dreamy intoxication. I thought it would be nice to have something in-between that would bridge those two tracks, so that’s how we came up with “Dive.” If you listen to the track, you might hear sounds of someone panting for air, or me running somewhere. I wanted to give this feeling that I was lost and wandering. So I tried a lot of different things [for that song]. I actually recorded myself running around using my phone, and it was a fun process. 
For “Like Crazy,” you were inspired by the film Like Crazy. What did you like in particular about this movie, and how did it influence the song? I was actually on YouTube, and I came across this video of a mashup between this song “In Return” by Breakbot and clips of this movie. I was like, “Oh what is this?” and that led me to watching the movie. I thought it would be very romantic and sweet, but it turned out that it’s actually a very realistic and stark depiction of a breakup. So when we were talking about the main track, this movie suddenly came to my mind, and I thought it would fit well with the kind of song [we wanted to make]. So I watched the film again, and I included different points of inspiration [into the song]. There are some interesting excerpts of dialogue at the beginning and at the end [of the track] that express exactly what I wanted to say.
Can you share what the “Like Crazy” choreography and performance is going to be like? I tried to express the feelings of that movie… You know, the somewhat complex, somewhat lonely, somewhat happy emotions. I tried to express all these ambiguous and subtle emotions in a slightly sexy way, but I’m not sure how it’ll end up being received by people. [Laughs]
I know that you have a background in modern dance, as well as different martial arts like taekwondo and kendo. How do you think these different movement forms influence your dance style now? Honestly, when I started to learn choreography, I thought my background in modern dance and different kinds of movement would be a hindrance to me. But when I was establishing my own way of expressing choreography after debuting, I think those things actually became hugely helpful. What I thought would be bad habits ended up having a positive impact. I could see dances with a different perspective than other people, and I could mix in my modern dance style or incorporate powerful acrobatics into the choreography. So I think those foundational forms actually built who I am now. 
When you were preparing this album, how did the other members help you? Or how were you influenced by them during the process? Actually, my members were the people who made it possible for me to start preparing this album. This all began at the [Permission to Dance on Stage] concerts in Las Vegas last year, and at the time, I was struggling with the emotions that ended up in [“Like Crazy”]… While we were talking over drinks, I told them, “I don’t know if I’m doing well. I don’t even know what I’m doing.” But the members said that it’s perfectly fine to feel that way, that it’s okay to feel lost sometimes. They suggested, “Why don’t you express these emotions through music?” 
So the moment I returned to Korea from the United States, I met up with the producers and started working on music right away. I’m so thankful to my members for inspiring me to start working on this album. I don’t know how people are going to react to the music, but I actually was able to completely resolve and move on from all those feelings of being lost. I’m perfectly okay now, so I’m so very thankful to them. 
What was it about the Las Vegas concerts that brought up all these emotions for you? As you know, we couldn’t meet our fans in person during the pandemic. At that time, I didn’t feel like I had enough space or time to be able to reflect on myself. So I [lived] not really knowing what I was doing, or why I was working so hard up to that point and for what. Each day, I had all these different thoughts and emotions. But during the Las Vegas concerts, I had the chance to talk with my members about how they were also surviving during this time. Before, I thought that I was the only one who was feeling and acting weird, and that all my members were still working really hard and still looked really cool, that they were shining on their own. I thought I was the odd one out, so talking to them really helped me get back on my feet. 
On a different subject, what was it like working with Taeyang on “Vibe?” It was such a happy memory for me. As you know, he has been my role model since I was little. So the fact that I could meet him, listen to him sing right next to me, be able to closely observe him working on music, dance with him, film the music video, and perform together… All of it made me so happy.
When Taeyang appeared on SUGA’s interview series, Suchwita, he said that you’re someone who works really hard. Hearing this, how do you view yourself? I contacted him a lot during the entire process of recording and practicing “Vibe.” I actually took a lot of time recording my parts on my own, since it’s not a very easy song. I think everytime I made a new recording, I sent it over to him, like, “This is today’s version of the recording, could you listen to it please?” Then the next day, I would send a new recording and say, “I fixed these details, what do you think of today’s version?” After he saw me doing that, I think that maybe that’s why he said that and saw me in a positive way.
Can you describe the way that you practice while preparing to release a new album? There’s something I always say to the producers I work with: “Practice is the answer.” If I have some time after I finish work in the evenings, I practice singing with the producers. I practice dancing. I keep trying to spend as much time practicing as I can. It’s just an infinite cycle of practicing. 
Source: Rolling Stone
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Watch "BTS - FULL CONCERT - LAS VEGAS #bts" on YouTube
La to Vegas safe fast car lanes to and from
Ship parking to avatar to vegas
Billion dollar hands, it can.
Vegas interested.
Oh yeah live like a king for indulgence explorer package.
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abcnewspr · 2 years
For the 10th Week in a Row, ‘Nightline’ Grows in Total Viewers Year to Year
‘Nightline’ Leads CBS’ ‘The Late Late Show with James Corden’ in All Key Target Demos for the Week and Season to Date
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*ABC News
ABC News’ “Nightline” ranked No. 1 in Total Viewers (891,000) for the 3rd consecutive week during the week of Jan. 30, 2023, based on Live + Same Day Data from Nielsen Media Research. In fact, “Nightline” outdelivered CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden” and NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers” in Total Viewers in 9 of the last 10 weeks. In addition, beat the CBS program in Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49.
For the 10th week in a row, “Nightline” improved on the year-ago week in Total Viewers (+5% - 891,000 vs. 848,000).
“Nightline” was up week to week in Adults 18-49 (+2% - 138,000 vs. 135,000).
Season to date, “Nightline” is growing compared to the same point last season in Total Viewers (+8% - 915,000 vs. 845,000). In addition, “Nightline” leads CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden” in all key target demos.
This week “Nightline” covered how family, friends and pillars of the Black community paid their last respects to Tyre Nichols as he was laid to rest; the investigation into the Memphis PD’s use of force against Tyre Nichols; Juju Chang’s sit-down interview with Jinger Duggar Vuolo; Super Bowl halftime secrets; “Magic Mike’s Last Dance”; the new details revealed from fatal “Rust” shooting charges; segregation on the Las Vegas Strip; and Jason Segel and Brett Goldstein’s new show “Shrinking.”
NOTE: On Friday (2/3/23), CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden” was retitled to “Late Late Show-JC-ENC” and NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers” was retitled to “Seth Meyers-SM” due to being repeats. The retitled telecasts are excluded from the weekly and season averages. CBS’ and NBC’s weekly averages are based on four days (Monday-Thursday).
ABC News’ “Nightline” is late-night television’s prestigious, award-winning news program featuring the most powerful, in-depth stories that shape our lives and the world around us. It is anchored by Juju Chang and Byron Pitts. Eman Varoqua is executive producer. The program airs weeknights from 12:35 p.m.-1:05 a.m. EST on ABC. “Nightline” has also produced numerous original documentaries available on ABC News digital platforms and Hulu.
Week of Jan. 30, 2023:
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Source: The Nielsen Company, NTI Total Viewers, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 Live + SD Current Week (w/o 1/30/23), Previous Week (w/o 1/23/23) and Year-Ago Week (w/o 1/31/22). Most Current Data Stream: Season 2022-2023 (9/19/22 – 2/5/23), Season 2021-2022 (9/20/21 – 2/6/22), Nielsen ratings for ABC, NBC and CBS include additional airings in select markets. Beginning 8/31/20, national ratings also include Out of Home (OOH) viewing. Averages based on regular telecasts.
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC News. Images are distributed to the press to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size.  
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bat-yenny · 2 years
Veja "Fancam 220416 Go Go 고민보다 Go BTS Permission to Dance PTD On Stage Las Vegas Concert Live 방탄소년단" no YouTube
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jinsgoldenratio · 2 years
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mel, she/her 🎂 may 9 💗💜💙
stan list
ᵁᴸᵀ bts [hoseok / yoon2seok bias line] 2021 txt [taehyun] 2021 le sserafim [yunjin] 2022 ateez [wooyoung + yeosang] 2022 seventeen [hoshi] 2023 mamamoo [moonbyul] 2015 snsd [tiffany] 2009
concert chronology
12.10.20 → psy, house of blues [la] 21.11.21 → bts, american music awards pit [la] 21.11.27, 11.28, 12.01, 12.02 → bts, permission to dance on stage [la] 22.04.08, 04.09 → bts, permission to dance on stage [las vegas] 22.07.24 → txt, act: lovesick [la] 22.07.30 → txt, lollapalooza [chicago] 22.07.31 → j-hope, lollapalooza [chicago] 22.09.16 → zico, legacy itaewon [seoul] 22.10.07 → crush, hanyang university [seoul] 22.10.15 → bts, yet to come in busan live play [busan port] 22.11.18 → mamamoo, my con [seoul] 23.04.11 → epik high, all time high [la] 23.05.10, 05.11, 05.14 → agust d, d-day [la] 23.05.27, 05.28 → txt, act: sweet mirage [la] 23.06.04 → mamamoo, my con [la] 23.09.21 → se so neon, se so neon world tour [la] 24.06.16 → p1harmony, p1stage h: utop1a [la] 24.07.20, 07.21 → ateez, towards the light: will to power [la] 24.07.26 → kcon d1 [la]
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mygbrazil · 3 years
07032022 - BTS BigHit via Twitter
BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE - LIVE PLAY em Las Vegas (https://youtu.be/Tr-jVgphiHA)
#.PTD_ON_STAGE_LV #.LIVEPLAY #.PermissiontoDance #.BTS
© @mygbrazil - Por favor, dê os créditos se usar!
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bts-trans · 2 years
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220409 Big Hit’s Tweet
[#오늘의방탄] 두근두근☺️ 첫 Las Vegas 공연! 소중했던 아미와의 추억을 안고 방탄소년단은 2회차로 달려갈게요🥰 이제부터 시작인 거 아시죠? 내일 또 만나요💜아미💜
#BTS #BTSARMY #PTD_ON_STAGE_LV #TheWaitIsOver_BTSinVegas #BTSAllegiantStadium #PTD_ON_STAGE_LasVegas1회차공연
[#Today’sBangtan] Ba-dump ba-dump☺️ First show in Las Vegas! BTS will run to the second day while holding on to their precious memories with ARMY🥰 You know this is just the beginning, right? See you again tomorrow 💜ARMY💜
#BTS #BTSARMY #PTD_ON_STAGE_LV #TheWaitIsOver_BTSinVegas #BTSAllegiantStadium #PTD_ON_STAGE_1st_Show_In_LasVegas
Trans cr; Rinne @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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acidicloveee · 2 years
please when I saw him I thought of this 😭😭
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