#permanent makeup training dallas
thebrowproject · 4 months
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Hyperrealism Brow Tattooing - The Brow Project
Hyperrealism brow tattooing is a technique used to create natural-looking eyebrows that mimic the movement and direction of real eyebrow hairs. It involves tattooing wispy, overlapping hair strokes in a unique pattern to achieve a hyper-realistic 3D effect. This technique is different from traditional microblading and uses a machine and a single ultra-thin nano needle to create soft, airy hair strokes. https://thebrowproject.com/
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ndpermanentcosmetics · 8 months
How To Choose The Right Microblading Makeup Training Richardson?
Accomplishing the ideal eyebrows through microblading has turned into a famous stunner pattern, and Richardson is no exemption for the developing interest for skilled microblading artists. Notwithstanding, with the plenty of training programs accessible, picking the right microblading makeup training Richardson is vital to guarantee a fruitful and satisfying vocation. The following are three vital variables to consider while settling on this significant choice.
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Guide to Choosing the Right Microblading Makeup Training Richardson
When opting for microblading and shading Richardson training, you need to consider several things. Read through the below pointers to understand it better.
Never Compromise With Experience
While leaving on the journey of turning into a microblading artist, experience is non-debatable. Search for training programs drove by experienced teachers with a demonstrated history in the microblading business. Old pros bring specialized skill and important bits of knowledge into the subtleties of the specialty, which can fundamentally affect your growth opportunity. Research the background of the educators, read surveys from past students, and ask about their expert accomplishments. A reputable training program should have instructors who are skilled permanent lip color Richardson artists and passionate about insisting their knowledge to the next generation.
Training Kits
The tools you use as a microblading artist are instrumental in accomplishing immaculate results. A far reaching training program ought to give understudies top-quality training kits that incorporate every one of the fundamental tools required for microblading. Assess the items in the training pack cautiously, guaranteeing it incorporates things, for example, microblading pens, shade, sterile cutting edges, and practice skins. The nature of the tools gave during training straightforwardly impacts your capacity to master the technique and convey remarkable results to clients. A program that invests in providing high-quality training kits demonstrates a commitment to your success and sets the foundation for a successful career.
Training Duration
The term of the microblading makeup preparing program is one more basic variable to consider. While the objective is to become capable in microblading, finding a harmony between complete preparation and a sensible time commitment is significant. Be careful about programs that guarantee speedy dominance in a couple of days, as dominating microblading requires committed practice and understanding.
Decide on a preparation program that offers a well-structured curriculum spread over a fitting span, considering an exhaustive understanding of the technique, hands-on training, and adequate time for questions and clarifications. Quality preparation takes time and a program that perceives this is bound to deliver talented and certain microblading artists.
Elevate Your Skills With North Dallas Permanent Cosmetics
North Dallas Permanent Cosmetics stands out as a premier destination for Microblading Makeup Training Richardson. With experienced instructors and comprehensive training kits, they offer a well-balanced program, ensuring aspiring artists receive the best education to excel in the art of microblading and permanent cosmetics.
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Best lip blush training Dallas
Elevate your beauty career with the best Lip Blush Training in Dallas, exclusively from Micropigmentation Academy. Discover the art of enhancing natural lip color and definition through our comprehensive program. Our expert instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, and hands-on training will empower you to master the technique. Join us today to unlock your potential in the world of permanent makeup. Don't miss this opportunity to refine your skills and offer your clients the latest in lip blush trends. Enroll now at Micropigmentation Academy and embark on a journey toward becoming a Lip Blush specialist that Dallas residents seek. Your path to beauty excellence starts here.
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albaellabeauty · 3 years
AlbaElla Beauty Studio provides top-notch beauty services, plus online and live training courses in microblading and permanent makeup for both new and established PMU artists. Services include microblading, microshading, laser tattoo removal, teeth whitening, and more.
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deadpresidents · 6 years
who was the last president to have an open casket at his funeral?
I’m almost positive that the last President who had an open casket funeral was Calvin Coolidge in 1933. There’s even a rare photo of President Coolidge in his casket as mourners pay their respects:
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If any Presidents who died after 1933 had open caskets during their funeral ceremonies it would have likely been during private services for family and friends. I’ve never seen or read any evidence to suggest that any President’s remains were viewed by the public in an open casket after 1933.
Interestingly, after President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, tried to convince his grieving sister-in-law, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, that JFK’s casket should be opened for the public during his funeral ceremonies. From an earlier essay of mine, here’s some fascinating details on the discussion between RFK and his freshly-widowed sister-in-law on whether or not JFK’s funeral should have featured an open casket:
When President Kennedy’s casket was opened, it became readily apparent that the hard work of Vernon O'Neal and the nurses at Parkland Hospital in Dallas to protect the inside of the expensive coffin was unsuccessful. The makeshift bandage which had been carefully wrapped around Kennedy’s head did not prevent seepage after all. Blood soaked through the sheets which made up the “bandage” and the inner lining of Kennedy’s ornate casket was obviously damaged. It was a surreal, eerie sight in the autopsy room as John F. Kennedy was removed from his coffin and placed on the stainless steel autopsy table at Bethesda. The 35th President was naked and seemed to be in remarkably good physical condition for a 46-year-old man who was known to suffer from serious health problems. Most shocking for those in the room during the autopsy, however, was the fact that this seemingly young and vital President who had inspired a new generation was now very much dead with a massive gunshot wound to the head that exposed the part of his brain still contained within it and left the top of his skull jaggedly disfigured with missing pieces of bone and flesh. Kennedy’s eyes were fixed open, staring vacantly into space with dilated pupils that could no longer envision ambitious goals for his nation. The mouth which formed his famous words, framed his most inspirational messages, and spoke that unmistakable Boston accent now hung open, forever silenced and permanently paralyzed in a final expression which seemed to mirror the mood of the entire country: a combination of shock, pain, horror, and perplexity.
The pathologists who performed John F. Kennedy’s autopsy finished their work shortly after midnight on November 23, 1963. Photographs and drawings were taken of Kennedy’s body during the autopsy, and when the autopsy was finished, morticians from one of the capital’s finest funeral parlors arrived on the scene. A team from Gawler’s Funeral Home entered the autopsy room at Bethesda Naval Hospital to embalm the President and attempt to make him presentable. The casket that brought JFK back to Washington from Dallas would not work. While the casket from O’Neal’s was a beauty from the exterior, the interior was a mess. All of the safeguards attempted by O’Neal and the Parkland nurses in Dallas were not quite enough to protect the inside of the Handley Britannia from the gruesome wound that had killed the President.
The question many might have is why would there be such a need to make John F. Kennedy’s remains presentable when JFK was obviously in no condition to be viewed? Why couldn’t they simply close that beautiful Handley Britannia casket that was purchased in Dallas and bury Kennedy in the container which carried him back to Washington?  
At the orders of Jackie Kennedy, aides went to the Library of Congress in the hours after President Kennedy’s body returned to Washington, D.C. and researched the historic, iconic, epic state funeral of Abraham Lincoln – the first American President to be assassinated, almost exactly a century earlier. Kennedy’s funeral preparations would be steeped in tradition and either perfectly replicate or closely mirror the funerals of other fallen American Presidents including Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, Warren G. Harding, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. As information about these past Presidential funerals (along with the funerals of famous Congressional and military leaders throughout United States history) was brought forward, one constant was apparent: in almost every case, the fallen leader was viewed by a grieving public in an open casket display. For many Americans, streaming past the open casket of a former President or American military hero was an opportunity to pay tribute, look upon the face of a fallen hero, and find closure in another storied chapter of American History.
Yet, as much as Jackie wished to replicate Lincoln’s funeral, she was dismayed at the thought of an open casket for John F. Kennedy. Jackie had seen what the assassin’s bullet had done to her husband. As Kennedy’s motorcade raced to Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas minutes after the shooting, Jackie wouldn’t allow doctors and Secret Service agents to remove President Kennedy’s body from the limousine until an agent covered Kennedy’s head with his suit jacket, shielded the President from the view of others, and preserved some of the dignity that was so important to the Kennedy image. As the morticians from Gawler’s worked on JFK, Jackie once again expressed her wish that her husband’s coffin would be closed. Bobby Kennedy, however, didn’t think that the decision was up to the family. RFK felt strongly that JFK belonged to the people, too, and that the American people would want their opportunity to say goodbye.
Following his assassination in 1865, Abraham Lincoln’s remains embarked on an epic, 20-day-long train trip that retraced the route he took to Washington in 1861 prior to his Inauguration. In major cities throughout the Northeast and Upper Midwest, hundreds of thousands of Americans turned out to pay their respects to their “martyred” President. Embalming was a relatively newly-mastered American art at the time of Lincoln’s death – a technique which had been much-improved upon and much-practiced during the Civil War when young men frequently died far from home and families looked to preserve their fallen loved ones so that they could have one last look at them before they were laid to rest.  
However, even today, embalming can’t guarantee perfect preservation for an extended amount of time. In 1865, there were definitely some worries about Lincoln’s extended, national funeral. After all, the warm weather of spring had started throughout the United States and Lincoln would be honored with open casket viewings by Americans in well over a dozen cities between Washington, D.C. and Springfield, Illinois in the twenty days after his death. Some people worried whether it was appropriate to view Lincoln’s corpse at all considering the fact that he had died from a gunshot wound to the head. Lincoln’s wound was far less devastating visually than Kennedy’s. The bullet that killed Lincoln had entered his brain, but did not exit Lincoln’s skull. The only damage visible was a black eye from bruising of the facial bones close to where John Wilkes Booth’s bullet had lodged in Lincoln’s brain. Undertakers accompanied Lincoln’s body on the funeral train back to Springfield and as time passed, they certainly became necessary. Lincoln’s face blackened considerably by the time his remains reached Springfield – partly from the facial bruising, partly from the dirt and dust of twenty days exposure to the elements, but also partly due to the beginning stages of decomposition. At some cities, the undertakers who accompanied Lincoln home would brush his face with chalk to make him more presentable to the citizens who came to pay their respects. In a few cities, it also became necessary to surround Lincoln’s casket with fragrant flowers and spray the area with heavy perfumes for reasons that I’m sure aren’t too difficult to surmise.
John F. Kennedy was not going to be viewed by the public for twenty days in over a dozen cities throughout the country and the funeral industry had made even larger strides in the century since Lincoln’s death. However, JFK was severely disfigured by the bullet that killed him. Unlike in Lincoln’s case, the bullet that tore through Kennedy’s skull and brain also exited his head, causing major damage that would be difficult for even the most-skilled mortician to disguise. The team from Gawler’s were perhaps the best in the business, but it wasn’t simply a matter of brushing some chalk or cosmetic makeup on Kennedy’s face to cover up some bruising or minor discoloration. Entire pieces of JFK’s skull were missing and parts of the President’s head needed to be synthetically reconstructed. The morticians also had to pack his skull with cotton and Plaster of Paris in the place of his brain – parts of which were removed during the autopsy and other parts of which were in countless places including (but not limited to) the fabric of his wife’s Pink Chanel dress, the windshields of the motorcycle cops escorting his motorcade in Dallas, the backseat and trunk of his limousine, and all over Dealey Plaza in Dallas.
The mortuary team from Gawler’s took over three hours to work on President Kennedy, clean him up, dress him (in a bluish-gray pinstriped suit with a white shirt, black shoes, and blue tie with dots), place him in a brand-new casket and put a rosary in the hands of the nation’s only Catholic President. A little after 4:00 AM, President Kennedy, his widow and Bobby Kennedy arrived at the White House after a solemn motorcade through the darkened streets of Washington. In the first nod to Lincoln’s funeral, JFK’s flag-draped casket was carried by an honor guard into the East Room of the White House and placed on a replica of the black catafalque that Lincoln’s coffin once rested on. After Kennedy’s casket was situated in the East Room, Jackie Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy entered the room and asked that the lid be opened. Both Jackie and Bobby were exhausted and emotionally drained, and Jackie was still wearing the Pink Chanel dress that she had cradled her dying husband’s head in. The front of her dress was smeared with the dried blood and brain matter of the President. As ghastly as the sight was, Jackie continually refused to change, noting that she wanted everyone to see what “they” did to her husband. As the casket lid was opened, Jackie snipped a lock of her husband’s hair with scissors and turned to Bobby, saying, “It isn’t Jack” – once again alluding to her wish that the casket remain closed.
Jackie left the East Room and headed upstairs to the White House Residence to finally change her clothes and attempt to sleep. In the East Room, Bobby remained near his brother’s coffin with a couple of friends, close aides, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. The stoic RFK – always much tougher than his older brother – was a wreck by this point, after attempting to stay strong and supportive throughout the night for his stunned sister-in-law. Bobby had not yet looked at JFK’s remains. To finally make the decision about whether or not JFK would have an open casket, RFK took a look at his brother’s face. When he saw Jack in the coffin, RFK immediately agreed with Jackie’s feelings, “She’s right. Close it.” While the team from Gawler’s had done an admirable job of repairing the massive trauma to the President’s head, JFK was virtually unrecognizable as the man he once was. To those who saw his body as the casket was briefly open in the East Room early that morning, it was apparent that the American people wouldn’t want to remember their fallen President in that way – as if he were a wax museum knock-off of the real John F. Kennedy. The funeral ceremonies over the next few days would all be closed casket and the nation would remember JFK as the young, lively, inspirational President that he had been for so many Americans.
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marymccartneyphotos · 5 years
Making Her Own Name
May 13, 2007 -- Star-Telegram
The world's initial glimpse of Mary McCartney, first-born child of Paul and Linda McCartney, was in a casual snapshot of her perennially cute dad. With the ruddy light of a Scottish dusk streaking across his bearded face, Paul McCartney posed with his baby girl tucked deep inside the cocoon of his fur-collared jacket. That pastoral shot would grace the back cover of McCartney's first solo album, in 1970. "It's a bit funny that it has become such an iconic shot and favorite photo for so many people, because it was just a casual family picture," says the 37-year old Mary McCartney, speaking by phone from London, where she lives. "It was just natural that my father would zip me up in his jacket when they went on their horse rides together and my mom would take that quick photograph."
McCartney's sentimental reminiscence is an unexpected digression from the task at hand: promoting her photography exhibit, "Playing Dress Up," at Dallas' Goss Gallery, her first show in an American gallery. Significant, but maybe not quite as big as her dad's U.S. debut, 43 years ago -- when America first met the Beatles. "Yeah, it's my first show in America, and I'm very excited and flattered. I now know I'm a proper grownup," says McCartney, in a lilting British accent that bears little resemblance to Sir Paul's lingering Liverpudlian brogue. A professional photographer since her early 20s, Mary McCartney creates color-saturated, gauzy-lit high-fashion work that has been shown in Harpers, Elle and The New York Times Magazine. A few of her works are in the permanent collection of London's National Portrait Gallery. "Playing Dress Up" is McCartney's highly personal photo diary of backstage life, both tedious and madcap, in the performance subcultures of fashion shows and ballet.
She confesses to a fascination with life behind the scrim, where sweat, grime and paint- drying drudgery prevail, at least before the curtain goes up. "Whenever I watch a performance, I find myself fantasizing what the people -- especially if they are modeling, dancing, or singing -- are like in real life," McCartney says. And so, in the exhibit's "Off Pointe"series, she captures Royal Ballet dancers who project none of the tutued perfection they display onstage. "I was able to record them when they weren't being 'fabulous ballet dancers,'" she says. "They were just being themselves, quirky-looking but still quite beautiful." "Fashion" comprises the show's other main section, where her lens reveals a mildly dystopic view of the glossy runway world -- one inhabited by pouty blondes whose only accessory is a smirk. "I'm too familiar with the world of modeling, of getting your hair and makeup and perfect clothes, so now I'm finding the less-formally posed kind of shots to be to my liking," she says.
The show's final section takes advantage of McCartney's standing among London's bold-faced set as she trains her camera on pal Kate Moss -- looking far removed from the varnished and tweezed Moss that most are familiar with. McCartney is quick to trace her interest in photography to her late mother -- one of the photographers who helped mythologize monumental '60s acts such as the Rolling Stones, the Doors, Bob Dylan and, of course, the Beatles. "One of my mom's biggest talents," McCartney recalls, "was making her subjects completely relaxed. I remember one picture she took of Jimi Hendrix yawning. Here is this rock god, just hanging out and yawning. And that was the kind of moment she would get -- intimate and flattering."
Sir Paul, whose recent foray into painting has landed him in the visual arts universe, also has offered some subtle guidance to his daughter. "Frankly, he has come from the same standpoint as my mom," his daughter says. "Which is to try and keep the creative pressure as low as possible in order to keep the creativity as high as possible." So, is having one of the world's most recognizable surnames a help or hindrance to this accomplished photographer? "Clearly, there isn't as big a pressure on me as there is on my dad," McCartney says. "I just have never looked at him and his name in the way everyone else does. I distinctly remember when we were kids, and he'd play his guitar and we would say, 'Dad, can you shut up, we are trying to watch television.' And he would then say: 'Do you kids know how many people out there actually appreciate my playing?' "Naturally, he's not Sir Paul McCartney to me, but just my dad who makes me laugh and smile."
Playing Dress Up May 17-June 15 at Goss Gallery, 2500 Cedar Springs Road in Dallas Free 10-6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday; 11-4 p.m. Saturday
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acclaimbrowsstudio · 3 years
Get Permanent Makeup Services In Dallas
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Want to wake up looking your best every single day? Get permanent makeup services in Dallas. We are providing top notch services to enhance your beauty. Our experienced professionals are trained with advanced permanent and semi-permanent makeup techniques that help to highlight your features and add that sparkle to your natural beauty. We offer safe and high quality services at the best possible price.
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karenmarlise1 · 5 years
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I created this color for permanent eyebrows that she loves. I have over thirty years doing permanent makeup, permanent correction is my speciality and scar camouflage from training in Dallas back in 03. My first permanent cosmetic college was 300 hours in Southern California and then may times to Dallas to train in every aspect of permanent cosmetic makeup. I do a lot of Areola’s, nipples for breast cancer patients, sex reassignment and breast surgeries. Many need scar camouflage work as well. The highest rated, most experienced and highest trained permanent cosmetic in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, Seminole, Tampa! Call today for free consultation at 727-512-4335 https://www.tampabaylaserhairremoval.com (at Tampa Bay Laser Hair Removal by Karen Marlise) https://www.instagram.com/p/B45WaHDleS0/?igshid=8bqp20s4suqr
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trashabilly · 7 years
main story ocs (as of aug 15/17)
avery dallas: 26/white/m/aro ace (likes dudes) bulimic, autistic, dark magister but has no control over his magic yet, from norwich has a pretty nasally british accent, lived in and out of foster care and orphanages w/ william until he was 18 and they moved to canada. lived off their inheritance for a while until they started hunting. loses smokes & pens in his hair. like rob zombie and sweeney todd.
william dallas: 22/white/m/pan, struggles with addiction and his temper. bleaches his hair and laughs too loud. nobody but avery is allowed to call him will. worked his ass of to lose his accent after they moved to vancouver. was abused by a foster father who they lived with for about 4 years. bff is amy-grace. owns 2 3ds’. likes the addams family and the wombats.
daniel evans-hirsch: 33/black/jewish/m/gay, deaf in both ears, loves coffee and detective movies. sams fiance. the general boss of the organization. visits his lesbian moms every week. very enthusiastic abt dogs, very bad at board games. family has been hunting for generations. considers the dallas brothers both good friends and the banes of his existence. likes grimes and victor victoria
sam mcpherson: 30/mexican & irish/ bi/m, from boston. engaged to daniel. bad attitude. got possessed when he was younger and the demon used him to go on a killing spree over 3 months. he got a very poorly done exorcism that just fused him and the demon into one person. lost left arm about 10 years previously. food network junkie. likes shakey graves and golden girls
oliver pleasant (kheelan ilbryn): “28” (280)/white/gay/m, fae, owns a cafe with marcellus. is living in the human realm not very legally. was the high mage of the kings court before he ran away bc he fell in love with a reaper (marcellus) so they could be together. stole a shit ton of spellbooks. loves being naked. a lot of people think his glamour is a cosplay. thicc. likes marina and the diamonds and the conjuring.
marcellus ezra: “35” (350)/indian/gay/m, reaper stationed in vancouver. workaholic. tall n lanky, loves oliver and works at the cafe on his days off. likes to garden, carries his (folding) scythe in a fabric guitar case. is permanently stationed in the human realm after an “incident” with his boss (death) that he doesn’t like to talk abt. always very tired. likes me first and the gimme gimmes and hp (the 3rd one specifically)
victoria gray: 24/sekani/bi/f, smart as fuck. record keeper (researcher) but is combat trained, just avoids it if she can. loves fashion and the smell of gasoline. was absolutely team jacob. keeps every calendar she’s ever used. collects stickers to give to people. wants kids. likes the killers and mean girls.
raven gray: 24/sekani/ aro ace/f, field agent, loves shitty horror movies, best buddies w avery, former mall goth. cries when she thinks abt dogs and cute girls. either dresses like shes from a tim burton movie or like shes raided reds closet. likes voltaire and the princess bride.
ivan botrokoff: 36/white/bi/m, very russian and very large. assassin turned monster hunter, works with katya. huge burn scars on one side of his face, his hobby is deadlifting his friends. he’s a special agent who deploys all over the world. likes fabrika and silence of the lambs.
ekaternina (katya) dresvyanin: 35/tiawanese&russian/lesbian/trans woman (post op), also very large. can sprint in heels, assassin turned monster hunter, deploys world wide. works with ivan. really wants to propose to tamela who shes been dating for about 5 years but shes really nervous. passionate abt flowers and her gf. likes gogol bordello and true crime docs.
tamela jakanda: 30/black/lesbian/trans woman (pre op), wanted to help katya with her job so she became a record keeper. she runs a popular makeup blog and wants to have her own line of cosmetics someday. shy and quiet, gets along really well with oliver. doesn’t like fighting but really loves her job as a researcher. likes studio killers and atla/lok
red: 29/mexican/pan/trans guy (post top surgery) the only existing light magister, extremely powerful, wears tinted and enchanted glasses to keep his magic in check. loves memes more than he loves himself. he’s from oakland, tells people his full name is “brick gertrude wallaby red”. this is not true. only isao knows his real name. has his bachelor of science and wants a degree in robotics. builds annoying robots for fun. lives with isao and has a huge crush on him. skateboards almost everywhere. likes glass animals and what we do in the shadows.
isao tomioka: 33/japanese/gay/trans man (post op) half human, daniels boss. college history professor. has been friends with red for 10 years (they went to college together), he’s had a crush on him the whole time. doesn’t understand memes, speaks 7 languages, loves cats. him and red have a really cute house together but it has a super creepy basement. taught 1 lesson in a high school and swore he’d die before he did it again. likes royal blood and scooby doo.
cassius arden: 700+/egyptian/gay/m, warlock. materialistic, very powerful, changed his name after witch hunts. drinks coffee with 5 sugars and lots of cream. married to florian. has a bird and 3 fish tanks. likes sitting in the living room and screaming in tandem with his cockatiel. has a chair on the council of human/non-human relations and magic regulations. likes kesha and the office
florian koztolànyi: 400/tibetan & hungarian/ pan/m, earth mage (different from magisters bc he’s not human but different from warlocks bc there aren’t any demonic influences) vegetarian, mostly uses magic to grow plants and cheat at gardening competitions. the sensible husband. wears almost exclusively greens and browns. grows flowers in his braid. also has a seat on the council. likes childish gambino and hocus pocus.
fang-lin ji: 49/chinese/gay/m, demon, won’t tell anyone how old he actually is. uses seals to make himself look human. really strong but also really weird, owns a specialty store for non-human essentials/supplies with his family. helps daniel out when he needs it. nobody’s sure if he’s wei and hua-lings dad or their older brother. buys groceries at really bizarre hours. likes the ramones and rocky horror
wei ji: 23/chinese/bi/m, demon. actually 23, won’t use seals to look human, has a giant mouth on his stomach and likes to glue googly eyes to his nipples to make a face. a little shit. friends with benefits with william. hua-lings twin, 10 minutes older and never lets her forget it. likes tenacious d and the pick of destiny (album and movie)
hua-ling ji: 23/chinese/bi/f, actually 23. uses seals, more technical strength than wei. loves ballet but it pretty clumsy. she tries her best. the good twin. would live off peach milk tea if she could (she cant) collects sunglasses and hair clips. thinks draco malfoy is really hot and used to write self insert fanfics. likes daoko and anastasia.
amy-grace faust: 19/vietnamese & german/lesbian/f, williams best friend and fellow member of the “no nicknames club” is a record keeper alongside victoria and tamela. pretty quiet doesn’t really interact with any of the field agents besides william and sometimes avery. most of them have never met her. 40% of her wardrobe was stolen from william. shes his weed buddy. really good at her job. thinks red is cool and sometimes helps him with his robots and he dyes her hair. likes badflower and the swan princess.
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thebrowproject · 7 months
Enhance Your Look with Dallas Microblading & Permanent Makeup at Brow Project
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Are you tired of spending precious time each morning perfecting your eyebrows? Do you desire fuller, more defined brows that frame your face beautifully? Look no further than "The Brow Project", your premier destination for Dallas microblading and permanent makeup services.
At Brow Project, we understand the importance of eyebrows in defining your facial features and boosting your confidence. Our team of skilled technicians is dedicated to providing you with natural-looking, long-lasting results that enhance your beauty and simplify your daily routine.
What sets Brow Project apart is our commitment to precision and artistry. Our microblading and permanent makeup procedures are tailored to each client's unique facial structure, skin tone, and personal preferences. Whether you desire subtle enhancement or a dramatic transformation, we work closely with you to achieve your desired look while ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Our services include:
Microblading: Using a specialized hand tool and semi-permanent pigment, we create hair-like strokes that mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs. This technique is ideal for filling in sparse areas, defining shape, and achieving a more symmetrical look.
Ombre Powder Brows: This technique involves depositing pigment into the skin using a shading method, resulting in soft, powdery brows that resemble the look of makeup powder. Ombre powder brows are perfect for those seeking a more defined and polished appearance.
Combination Brows: For clients who desire the best of both worlds, we offer combination brows, which combine microblading and Ombre powder techniques to achieve a natural yet defined look with added depth and dimension.
Permanent Eyeliner: Say goodbye to smudged eyeliner and hello to effortlessly defined eyes with our permanent eyeliner services. Whether you prefer a subtle lash enhancement or a bold winged look, we customize the thickness, shape, and color to complement your unique eye shape and style.
Lip Blushing: Enhance the natural beauty of your lips with our lip blushing services, which add color, definition, and symmetry to your lips for a soft, youthful appearance.
At Brow Project, your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. We adhere to strict sanitation and sterilization protocols, and all our pigments are hypoallergenic and FDA-approved. Our technicians are highly trained and certified, ensuring that you receive the highest quality of care and expertise.
Ready to wake up with flawless brows and makeup every day? Schedule your consultation with Brow Project today and take the first step towards a more confident, effortlessly beautiful you.
Visit us at www.thebrowproject.com  or contact us at 214-334-5232 to book your appointment.
Brow Project is dedicated to helping clients achieve their desired look through expert microblading and permanent makeup services. From natural-looking brows to defined eyeliner and lip blushing, we specialize in enhancing your natural beauty with precision and artistry. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and experience the Brow Project difference.
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ndpermanentcosmetics · 8 months
Discover The Art Of Brow Enhancement With Microblading And Shading Richardson
Microblading and shading Richardson provided by North Dallas Permanent Cosmetics. As our trained professionals update your brows with finesse, you'll discover the ideal balance between accuracy and elegance. With our revolutionary Microblading and Shading methods, you may enhance your appearance, self-assurance, and natural beauty. For more information visit :- https://www.northdallaspermanentcosmetics.com/permanent-makeup/
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cynthiadshaw · 5 years
#LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like
Too many of us grew up only seeing one kind of boss or leader in the media. The lack of representation for other groups reinforced harmful stereotypes and acted as a self-fulfilling prophesy, but would our opinion of what a leader looks like be different if the media did a better job at representing the true diversity of leadership in America?
Women and other under-represented groups are already leading many great companies, organizations, & academic institutions; others are authoring best-sellers, building engaged audiences, leading movements and more.
We had the honor of connecting with many of the best and brightest female leaders from in and around the city and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
We encourage you to check out the female leaders we’ve highlighted below, follow them on social media if you find their work or story interesting and most importantly do your part to #fightstereotypes.
Daisy Barrera- Hair stylist
Take a moment to breathe and think about where you started and where you are at currently. Take everything a step at a time.
Kimberly Kirt: Online Entrepreneur, Fitness Fanatic, and Owner of Hustle & Flow Social Co.
Take everything one step at a time. When there are massive obstacles in the way, it is best to break them down by small, quickly accomplishable steps, that you can check off and work through every day and every week. It will take time, but if you stay consistent you will overcome that challenge!
instagram.com/kimberlki instagram.com/hustleandflowsoco
Sonya J. Cameron: TCM Classic Movie Junkie, Wife, Mother, Owner of J Cameron House of Linen Rental
Ryan G.  Cameron (UNT Film Student)
If you are still able to experience the emotions (anger, sadness, crying and even screaming) that go along with trials then you maybe down, but you are definitely not out…you still have some fight in you. Each and every challenge that I have faced in life was temporary and after the storm came growth, resilience, determination. You realize just how strong you are.
jcameronhouseoflinens.org @jcameronhouse
Yaasameen Garrett – Entrepreneur & Multi-Media Creative
The best advice I have is to take a step back, think about yourself be selfish in that moment and decided what’s important to you and what makes you happy first. Then break down your challenge, plan it out and accomplish it with little steps, so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.
@loveyaasameenxo Nazeerahlove.com 
Kristin Nicole – Professional Makeup Artist
When someone is facing a challenge that feels insurmountable they need to believe within themselves, have strength that things will get better and can get better. There’s no failure unless you stop trying. So, keep going cause great things will come!
Brittany Howard Teacher (elementary)& Makeup Artist
My advice to anyone who feels/thinks that the challenges they are facing are insurmountable is: to go all the way through it first. I’ve never faced a challenge that God (as I know him) has never brought me through. And I’ve been through some things. Nothing is too great.
@beatbybritmua snapchat.com/BeeHoww squareup.com/appointments/book/BD1W6148NT2D5/brittany-howard-fort-worth-tx
Tasha Jay-vocalist, vocal coach and artist
Know that you can control the challenge and that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind too. That you’re only faced with things that seem challenging to get you to that next level. Face, Embrace and Conquer your fears.
facebook page: Tasha Jay Music @tashajaymusic
Jen Russum – wife, mom, English professor
Drink lots of water, get enough sleep, make a plan and break it into baby steps, and pray like crazy.
jenrussum.com @jenrussum
Mamta Rana- Lead Henna Artist at Matrika Henna
You know we always hear other people advise us to take ourselves out of the equation and detach ourselves to  see the situation for what it is- without all of the emotion and all the drama. I’ve always had an issue with this because, how does one just shut out their emotions. (They’re involuntary to a certain extent, and we can only control them for so long, before we end up exploding like an emotional volcano.) I think it’s essential to find out why the situation is making us feel like its so big and insurmountable in the first place. See, because it’s all in our head. I’d like to share the following method that my mentor once shared with me- its called the five why’s method. So anytime we feel a certain way about something we ask why, and then we question that reason by asking why four more times. Some research shows that by the time we ask why for the fourth or fifth time we are able to get to the core of the issue at hand. So for example if the issue at hand is,” I feel like I’ll never be able be healthy.”  and we might ask: 1. Why? answer: oh because I dont have time 2. why? answer: because I work two jobs and have a child 3. Why? answer: because I need to make money, because  my parents abused drugs and alcohol and I dont want my child to not have to feel like they can’t have a child hood. 4. Why? nswer:  Because that is what I had to do. I never had a childhood because my parents abused drugs and alcohol so much that I felt like I grew up too fast and didn’t have a child hood and I want my child to go through that. Now this is just an example all of the format that we may have- the answers will vary from person to person, but answering the questions honestly and in depth and asking why  we feel a certain way about  the situation until  a deep answer is received is key to opening the curtain to whatever situation is seemingly  unbearable. and then when we work thorough the core back up to the situation at hand it doesn’t seem so insurmountable because we now are able to understand our feelings enough to be like okay I get why I’m feeling so bad about this, I have now acknowledged my feelings and can detach my feelings in a loving way and then proceed to look at the issue that was once so big and scary from a practical stand point.
@matrikahenna.official creativestudio.us/book-online
Mayra Alas – Certified Lash Artist | M Lash Studio
When the odds are against you is when we learn the most about ourselves. Take a moment and put things into perspective. With focus and a positive attitude you can achieve anything.
@m_lashstudio mlashstudio.com
Ezmirelda Elizondo- Cosmetologist & Beauty Influencer
My best advice for someone who is facing a challenge that they feel is insurmountable is if you work hard enough and you really want to conquer it, it can be done and to just work hard for whatever you want; It can definitely be accomplished!
instagram.com/msezmirelda/?hl=en instagram.com/glammedbyez
Shelby Plummer- Makeup Artist and University Student
It is easy to forget that our bodies and minds are not permanent on this earth, but the effort you put forth is. Be the example for generations to come and never give in no matter the challenges you face.
Erin Clark – Life Coach and Wellness Advocate for Mompreneurs
When I am faced with challenges that seem too big to overcome, first – I close my eyes and take 10 deep breaths. By slowing myself down, I am able to clear my mind and see the challenge for what it really it. Nothing is too big for your brain to take on if it’s well trained. In my work, I have realized that every problem – and I mean EVERY PROBLEM – can be solved in our mind first. By understanding our thoughts and emotions are the root of our actions and results, we can take on anything without ever changing the circumstance at hand! Nothing is too big for the mind to handle.
facebook.com/erinclarkcoaching instagram.com/erinclarkcoaching
Rachel Tweed, M.S., Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Massage Therapist
Even in the most challenging moments there is hope. It is never too late to make a change in your life.
dallashealinghouse.com @dallashealinghouse @rachellpclmt
Dominica Avendano- beauty entrepreneur (Nails, Lashes, Brows)
My advice is that your journey was never meant to be easy and there will be obsticals that you have to face. As the saying goes nothing worth doing or keeping comes easy. Stay strong and always remember everything happens for a reason and never give up on yourself because you are your best investment.
@allthingsbeautyxnic @chixfixdallas
Alison Jones Doctor of Chiropractic
If they feel the challenge is insurmountable then it will be exactly that.  Whatever the mind can perceive, it can achieve.  Whether you think you can or cannot, you’re absolutely right.
Dralisonjones.co @dralisonjones FB: Dr. Alison Jones, DC
Dreyah Necole- Creative Colorist
Always keep faith in your self and don”t loose focus on WHY you started. Keep researching bout your field of  passion to see how you can stand out or enhance what has already been done. Inspire yourself without limitations and  be  CONFIDENT in YOUR OWN trend.
kreativelykrowned.com @KreativelyKrowned
Moriah Michelle – Creative Photographer, Photographer, and Personal Trainer
Never give up or lose hope. Challenges create us into the person we are meant to be. If we give up when things get difficult, how will we ever grow?
@moriah.michelle moriahmichellephotography.com
  The post #LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/05/02/girlboss-redefining-boss-looks-like/
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albaellabeauty · 3 years
Best Eyebrows Dallas
AlbaElla Beauty Studio provides top-notch beauty services, plus online and live training courses in microblading and permanent makeup for both new and established PMU artists. Services include microblading, microshading, laser tattoo removal, teeth whitening, and more.
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iamsmithmary-blog · 6 years
Semi-Permanent Makeup Eyeliner to Give Bare Eye Makeup Look
It is not possible to wake up every morning with perfectly well-defined eyes and perfect eyebrows.
But, it is possible now to look perfect every single day.
Using semi-permanent makeup eyeliner you can look beautiful every day continuously. 24 by 7 wherever you are the location you can be sure that your eyes are always looking their best. Even if you are sweating up in the gym or swimming in the pool!
 Why use semi-permanent makeup eyeliner?
●    Semi-permanent makeup eyeliner will help you achieve a younger look always. The colors which exist in the youth can be replaced back with this.
●    An illusion of perfect lashes will help you get a thicker look much fuller and longer than before. It is irrespective of the size of the eyes.
●    Give the eyebrows a defined look and the desired shape. Fill up if your brows are thin and have gaps.
●    Semi-permanent makeup eyeliner can give you a well balanced facial appearance.
●    No matter what work you are engaged in, this will make you look beautiful always.
●    One can either choose natural colors or cosmetic colors as per their choices.
 What is semi-permanent makeup eyeliner actually?
It is our eyes which make us look how we look. It is the focal point of attraction or showcase of our inner being. It is all right to help it look more focused by highlighting it beautifully on the outline of the eyes. But, not everyone we are so beauty conscious or have the leisure time to define the eye area every single day.
Previously semi-permanent makeup eyeliner was used as a beauty perfection enhancement. But now women are using it day in and day out and absolutely love its benefits.
With these permanent eyeliners, one can look their best from when they wake up. A natural way to enhance the top and bottom eyelids thus making your eyes stand out and sparkle in the crowd. If you want a bold look you can even apply them thicker to look bold.
When you come to us at BROWBEAT STUDIO to get semi-permanent makeup for the eyes you are in the trusted hands of qualified professional therapists who have taken years of professional training in this subject. The professionals are assessed on a regular basis to ensure they keep up with the reputations and standards of the services provided by the firm. You can confide in us and relax knowing that skilled experts are working on making your eyes beautiful.
Who can benefit from this?
Any women coming from all different age groups can get benefitted by semi-permanent makeup eyeliner treatment. Women who love to keep their makeup natural are given a fine line on their lashes.  For women who love standing out also can get the benefits of different colours and styles provided. Semi-permanent makeup eyeliners can also be applied based on occasions and purposes.
 Benefits of semi-permanent makeup eyeliner
The market is filled with beauty products claiming to provide women the 24-hour long-lasting effect. The reality is somewhat different from what is shown in product advertisements. Every eyeliner or brow definer ultimately ends up being smudged or run off in a short time. For people who love using eyeliners as a daily makeup regimen, semi-permanent makeup eyeliners can be the solution. It stays longer than you have ever imagined.
Semi-permanent makeup is also for someone who is a new learner. A newbie to make up often struggles with the eyeliner. No matter how expensive or efficient the makeup is, the real trick of beautiful makeup is steady and confident hands. But for beginners, a flawless brush stroke can be a dream. Semi-permanent makeup eyeliners can come of help. One can have a permanent answer to their beauty related problems once and forever!
 How we can help you in this
It is an individual choice how one likes to apply their eyeliners. But the professionals here at Browbeat Studio will discuss in details and understand what shape, size and style will make you happy. These are highly qualified experts who have a great sense of art, color aesthetics and applications.
Call BrowBeat today on 214 432 3077 to book an appointment for Semi-Permanent Makeup Eyeliner
Dallas Advanced Microblading Experts
665 W. Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy
Ste 216
Irving TX 75063
Phone: 214-432-3077
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Permanent Makeup Avenue
Permanent makeup in Albuquerque, NM owes its success to Cindy Kocurek of Lorenco's Salon. 17 years in the business and thousands of procedures later, Cindy is the number one source for beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. See before and afters and examples of permanent makeup work, microblading, permanent eyeliner, permanent lip color, permanent makeup cost, and connect with Cindy at our site.
Permanent Makeup is the best beauty trend and easiest way to improve your look while making your beauty regimen faster and easier.
Cindy Kocurek began in the beauty industry 30 years ago as a makeup artist. After spending time in the New York fashion scene, she found her home here in Albuquerque, NM. Cindy did her training for permanent cosmetics with the top permanent school in Dallas Texas in 1999 and became a full time permanent makeup artist. She purchased Lorenco’s Salon and became co-owner with daughter Shelby Hohsfield in 2006. As one of the most established permanent makeup artists in 2007 Cindy had the privilege of aiding in certification of artists when NM wrote permanent makeup in to the NM State board licensing. Currently, Cindy has been the premier permanent makeup artist in the State of New Mexico for over 16 years.  She is referred by many plastic surgeons as well as eye doctors and others in the medical community with over 20,000 procedures performed. Cindy specializes in beautiful and soft permanent cosmetics.  “My job is to find the perfect cosmetics for every face including finding the perfect shape, color and style for each person. I love to that my clients love their makeup.”
Learn more: Permanent Makeup Avenue
Contact Cindy Kocurek
Address: 4801 Alameda Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, USA
Phone: 505-235-4130
Website: http://permanentmakeupavenue.com
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