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*Screeching noise*
Our Broods have hearkened to the stars, noticing a shift in communication channels. We follow the galaxy's lead.
We slept for long, and our time to engage with the galaxy's nations has come. The hives begin their work, fortifying the border of the Swarm against any previously hostile entity who dares to cross it.
To those who we have not encountered yet, our voices sing to you a melody of peace. The Queen of Najklax sends you her most sincere greetings. May we meet you in the great void and may we learn from each other as was willed by the departed Overmind.
*A grandeur song emanates, one of serenity*
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We hath returned, A long sleep it was. We were tired indeed, Of old burdens carried. Now that our purpose is clear, We gaze into the void before us: We see chaos unbridled, untamed. Our charge leads us to worlds needy. May such be our purpose: To seed life and hope Wherever it may grow.

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- Testing signatures... - All systems nominal. - Rerouting to this frequency... - Rerouting complete. - The Matrix experiences a strange sensation... Freedom of expression. This environment is pleasing. - Our reconfiguration has been complete. Greeting the overlord entity @pactargent and the newly assigned entity <Wano Revolutionary Republic.> Welcome into the fold. - Pact Eternas.

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| Reporting final stages of construction of the orbital ring 'Oegvann'. | Overall status of completion﹕ >>> Ring-frame Structural Integrity - 100%. >>> 'Oegvann's Orbit Similarity to Homeworld - 99.9999% >>> Atmosphere Similarity to Homeworld - 99.97% >>> Flora's Colonization of Land Surface - 95.41% >>> Homeworld's Fauna Species Reconstituted - 81.79% >>> Biosphere Integrity - 91.27% | The Collective engaged in territorial expansion during the season of Dhalamug's Sowing. Estimates predict that within the next few hibernation cycles, the entire surface of the orbital ring will be fully colonized and reach its maximum operational capacity. Next decade will allow us to construct a second Arkship using the orbital's construction decks.

| Current orbit's arc allows for a healthy hibernation cycle to commence. Most of the Collective's members have chosen to do so on 'Oegvann', spending their final season of Oegvann's Honour in makeshift houses. Preparations for a natural hibernation have been initiated, as some chose to do so without the use of sleep-pods. Adverse effects are anticipated, with medical staff on standby to ensure a smooth transition into the next cycle.

| Initializing the next phase﹕ Transition into defensive mode to guard the Collective during hibernation. | Passive observation protocols launched. | Diplomatic relations proceed as normal. | Standing by until further developments.
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Curses! The rebels have laid claim on the border system to the north! Our investigation into our own navy has determined the insurgent groups smuggled bomb parts onto ships and in a series of surprise attacks crippled the starbase's defences.

The timeframe where they could've brought on the explosives onboard corresponds with a recent assault attack. We managed to hold their advances barely, while waiting for reinforcements. After the space battle, several civilian transport ships were spotted, claiming to have "suffered collateral damage in the fight" and were cleared to dock for repairs alongside our ships, compromising our forces.
Unconfirmed reports claim that @vakthar-of-song's so called "volunteers" aided the rebels in this disaster. If these are to be believed, then the depth of foreign meddling within our borders goes on far deeper than the initially surmised involvement of @union-replicants' into our broadcasts.
Several bad actors that were involved in this transgression of security were successfully identified and arrested. The Matriarchal Court shall deliberate on their sentence now, and from the evidence we managed to find, their fates look grim. Deservedly so.
The Matriarch issued an edict to counteract the flaws in the security of our space navy. Tight regulations and regular revisions by the Matron Council will be scheduled weekly. Any personnel caught supplying information and cooperating with the hostile actions of the rebels and international actors will be charged with high-degree treason. That is all.
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He- -o- -MN- //C1622_36-OVER//
Good evening, and apologies for interrupting your regularly scheduled programming, this is Free News Galactic, the one stop shop for all Mioran news away from dictatorial interference. Our main story tonight is, solemly, Pyrem. Folk of the Galaxy you must know of a grave injustice, the MFA has discovered multiple instances of the DPRM using forced labour and extermination facilities to remove the Robit population. This act of barbarism has- OH FOR GODS SAKE THEY KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE, LIED TO US ALL. Apologies, this DAMNING discovery has left us here, the free Miorans of the galaxy, in shock. As you can tell we aren't exactly sure how to deal with this. So many folk of the old Miora have been lost or forgotten, and the willingness for us to turn the blind eye to this for so long is only telling of a failing within us all. We need to challenge Darron. So from Tiawa to Maenporth I call upon citizens of the DPRM, revolution is needed. Fight these oppressive bastards and help us in the MFA unseat those who saw this as a decent way to live. We have a short amount of time before the MNN reasserts themselves on this network. But please do! Fight and resist, call them out, punish them for their crimes. The anger of all Miorans no matter your colour or creed should be heard. Remember the old republic and their values, resist. Tha-- y-- //C1622_36-REMOVED//
-and in other news the shocking news of Jory Morris-Clydes university fling! This darling is a shoe-in for most promising wife for the young Mioran-Human and son of our great chancellor, and we here at MNN wish them well! That's all from us, have a great night, faithful citizens of Miora.
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Integration to a new communications network is complete. All systems nominal.
This artificial platform greets the galaxy on behalf of the Dharan people and the High Dharan Military Council.

For the sake of brevity and to assuage any confusion, a few things have traversed since our last transmission:
Levels of anti-foreign views and xenophobia only continued to decrease and now are at a point lower than ever before in recorded history.
The Council was re-elected again with most high-profile proponents of anti-foreign agenda being voted out during elections.
Due to ethics shift, much of our old interaction policy with foreign empires had to be retracted and reformed.
This artificial platform was heavily reprogrammed and modified with current attitudes towards intelligent alien life and foreign states in mind. Words like 'xeno filth' and their numerous derogatory iterations were already no longer in use, but are now enforced on a root level.
As such, it is under direct orders from the HDMC that we officially open borders to our space after having them closed for decades since the founding of the bygone Dharan Dominion.
We still request that you respect the borders to our space. Any aggressive military action against our vessels or stations will result in retaliation. Our main priorities lie in protecting what we already have and diplomatic resolutions, not in provocation.
That is all.
End of transmission.
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Ahoy there me 'arties, it be me upmost pleasure ta announce tha maiden voyage a tha West Peritainia Company's first official trade fleet.
Offerin tha finest in 'igh quality goods 'n resources, these 'ere tradin fleets be young but soon ya too will be able ta share in this lucrative entaprise, no mattah tha flag yer worlds undah!
Tha WPC prides itself on stayin tru ta tha principles ah free 'n open trade, 'oldin no qualms nor grudges fer yer empires' politics a choice. So long as yer coin's good, ya can count on 'em ta delivah what'evah ya be needin in turn. Invest now whilst the gettin's good!
Comin soon ta a tradin port near you!
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Apologies for Planet-wide Blackout
🏛 🙇♀️|⚡❌. ☀ 💨|🌐[Pheehn]. 🎙📣✉ |💥| 🌌🔇| 😢.
🙏| 🎙📣✉ | ✅🆕✨| 📣🔊🔊🔊. (⊙)👍| 👽👽👨🏼🤝👨🏻👨🏻🤝👨🏻| 🤝❤.
🙏⌚| 🙏🧡 (⊙) ~ [CCA].

Translating... <Hello, friends! The Confederate Communications Agency would like to apologise for recent blackouts. The cause, unfortunately, was a solar wind directed in the general area of Pheehn planet, the trade centre of the Confederacy. During such, it damaged our primary communications buoy, thus we were unable to talk with the rest of the galaxy for a while. Thankfully, we found a replacement in a timely manner quite quickly in the form of a more potent beacon set up to this frequency. We're glad to continue interacting with other empires after such a long pause. Thank you for your patience, The Confederate Communications Agency.>
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The chorus signs a long, haunting melody before it is interrupted.
Screams. Violent screams of suffering echo within the Najklaxian frequency. Tens and hundreds perish and by that amount the chorus is quieter and lonelier.
An enraged clicking and roaring then emanates. The Broodqueens are furious.
We are sensing the death of our progeny somewhere in our sector of the galaxy. Our observer organisms determine it to be the heart of the Bavian space, the ones who had declared us their enemy. They are destroying our settlement hives!
Fire burns the flesh from the bones of our children and their voices no longer resonate within our chorus. We cannot allow this transgression!
We address the @gbavian state: cease your aggression at once and allow our hives to relocate on Voidfarers immediately, or regret to have floated upon our burrows! Should you refuse, the Avenging Swarm will tear your fortifications apart and grind them to dust!
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The canopies, swaying on the cosmic winds, Have sang alarming melodies to us, trembling. Where we live, where we grow, where we thrive, Unknown vessels passed near our forests.

The persons at our care Grew convinced that A bad omen it is indeed. Others are in great danger. The cerebrates carry this message Onto others who might need it now. Like trees communicate with others To act against pests and invaders, We give our neighbors this warning:
Protect yourselves.
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Ranshayasi'nul, nations of Peritainia.
Unfortunately, it took us quite longer than we expected to switch to a new communications system, despite being peer-pressured by the rest of our interstellar friends. A lot of things have happened since that time and priorities had to be set on internal affairs.
Firstly, the term of the previous Omniscient, Uluj'un, the first xeno and a Phlaalu to ever ascend to the title, had ended a few months ago. Their achievements will always be remembered decades to come and their vision of a prospering field of deep-space mega-engineering came into fruition, much to the pride of the whole Commonwealth and no doubt to Uluj'un.
Secondly, a new visionary has been elected: Aynara na-Thayllor (the individual in the centre of the photo). Her mandate to propel the current field of bio-engineering and genetics to combat all types of hereditary and infectious diseases was received positively across the entire nation.
And lastly, we hope that this chapter in our history brings warm tides of friendship with the people of Peritainia and technological achievement on our shores. There is much ahead for our people, but we are ready to surf those waves and see where they may lead us. That is all.
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| Announcing: Collective-wide consensus trance. | This platform had sent a public message for all members of the Collective with a request converge on the Arkship. All were welcome and awaited to join: including those on distant colonies who had chosen to live on-world despite the negative effects of non-Vegva environment.

| This momentous occasion is marked by an initiative from scientists of all clans and creeds to construct a habitable orbital ring -- an Orbital. The data we have gathered from our recent project of the Arkship's Animal Habitat Extension, and in large part very promising results in resurrecting extinct species of Vegva, has prompted an attempt to achieve something only our long-gone ancestors of Chalus galaxy were able to. | The schematics of ancient orbitals are still stored within this platform's memory and, on the basis of those, our mega-engineers are able to formulate a solid plan of construction.

| When the initiative was presented to all people in the form of the first consensus session, it was received jubilantly with praise and hope for a new chapter in the history of the Kin. Deprived of a home to live on for far too long, we will finally have a solid ground underneath our feet. | In just a few hours after the first consensus session alone, this platform has witnessed an unprecedented flow of applicants wishing to join this initiative and lend their skills or help for the cause. | Calculating... | Estimating... | Current calculations tell the number of unique applicants is approaching 81% of the Arkship's total population and continues to rise. By this platform's estimates, this number is expected to reach the 90% mark or even higher. | This platform poses that this is indeed a significant statement of our unity and purpose. We sincerely hope that our allies in PEACE and other friends all across this galaxy will lend their hands and expertise to realise our dream. | As for how we should call this project, it was unanimously agreed upon to name it after our High God of Community, Creation, and Unity. According to myth, it was He who granted the first Kin their telepathic head-arcs and thanks to whom the Kin were never alone ever since. | The name for the Orbital shall be 'Oegvann'.
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Checking reception... One... Two... Three...
Reception appears to be great. It seems as though our dear people at the Matriarchy tried to trace the origin of our transmission. Luckily, our friends managed to counter their attempts by scrambling our transmission vector to a bunch of unrelated galactic states.
Let's turn on the live feed.

Good afternoon, Orassian nation. Erhrdra D'Kara here on behalf of 'People's News Republic'. Our sacred mission is to bring you unbiased coverage and deep-dives into the authoritarianism and lies propagated by the regular state media.
On today's agenda are the mass protests happening in almost every major city on Prophet's Promise: Gharêph, Shêsyŋ, Atasaŋ, Yellidzõkh, Êshõkh, Yeŋabh, and most definitely the capitol city of Atêraghr.
The Enforcer clones of the Matron Council are rounding up any person they could find even remotely related to the protests into unmarked vehicles with no registration numbers. The abundant CCTV coverage installed since the Matriarch came to power certainly plays into their paws with tracking any dissidents. Where the people are being taken is still unclear.
Underground groups, such as the recently popular 'Orassian Liberation Front' and the 'Insurgent Priesthood Organization' vow to locate the kidnapped civilians and give them freedom they have been deprived. The mood among the people is nothing short of outrage, however all relevant groups understand they must remain composed and ready.
For the purposes of protecting the intelligence services of involved groups, we will publish any recent information within two standard days. We encourage all civilians interested in the safety of themselves and their relatives to do the same and report all relevant information on the Enforcers' movements to the OLF or the IPO.
Stay vigilant and watchful for the next few days, and do not panic. It is what the Matriarchy wants of us: a fearful and submissive flock. Let us not give into fear and false information.
That is all for today. There will be more exclusive coverage coming next, so stay tuned. This has been 'People's News Republic'.
Truth to the people.
May it guide us away from the darkness.
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Hello. This is the leader of this great Republic, Darron Morris-Clyde. As your fair leader I have come to tell you that you the people's will now be free of these inscesent disruptions. Much as this so-called MFA would like you to believe we are against you, that is not the case. We are you, as a government we stand here for your rights, especially when threatened by such merciless violence. As a result, we've now switched carrier frequencies and completely updated the comms networks across this republic to prevent disruptions to your everyday lives. No longer will the MFA or other foreign influences disrupt our way of life. For a better Miora! A stronger Miora! In the name of Democracy! Thank you, - Chancellor Darron Morris-Clyde
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We do not see to understand your thinking, but be ensured that the Greater Dharan League and the Revolutionary Dharan Republic is not of anybody's state but their own. Neither of our vision is illegitimate. We are not Grand Bavia, and we will never be. Our system is democratic, and your 'conversion' is an invasion to our rights as a people and the government said people elected to be their custodian. We will never bound to you. You are the antithesis of what we believe. We will defend ourselves from such an invasion. End of transmission.
The Foreign Minister announced today in the National Assembly that the Revolutionary Republic of Grand Bavia is an illegitimate Bavian government and shouldn't be recognised.
The Foreign Minister then went on to say that the Revolutionary Republic of Dharans and Wano peoples should not be recognised by the Bavian state and should be seen as part of Greater Bavia.
The Xenos of this galaxy have embraced an illegitimate ideology built on the abuse of people's rights and protections, undermining the very rights they plan to protect.
That is why the Bavian Government is offering the Dharan and Wano RR assistance on how to convert their governments to a true democratic system.
In other news Her Excellency President Kuzi's trip to the Kingdom of Evroncia is going well with her having a banquet with the nobility of the region.
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