Dakron Defence Matrix
12 posts
- Scanning...- Your signature is not registered within the Matrix.- Initializing defensive protocols...Overlord: @pactargent
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dakron-matrix · 3 months ago
- Scanning... - Your signature is not registered within the Matrix. - Initializing defense protocols... - Patrol fleets on high alert for foreign activity. - Unknown signature registered under designation <Isa Aliens>. - Alerting @pactargent and @wanorevolutionaryrepublic of unknown readings. - Awaiting further clearance to proceed.
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Any aliens of the Galaxy we are the Commonwealth of Nogg-Rasset and we have recently achieved FTl (faster than light travel).and are now a full fledged spacefaring civilization. We seek to have peace in this galaxy.
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Scanning... - Your signature is registered within the Matrix. - Initialising hightened defensive protocols... - Informing the High Command of the Argent Pact...
A Lessons for all Xenos
It has been some time since we graced galactic comms with our presence. Fear not, xenos, for your saviors have returned!
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We Elcons are a charitable people. We have so much and all we want is to share with those who suffer! All you xenos are wretchedly devoid of purpose and meaning in your life: You do not understand the natural order of things as we do, so you do not live in accordance with it, in the way you were meant to live!
Your struggles will soon be over. We understand that you were not born to endure the burden of self-determination. We will take that pain away and you will find fulfillment in servitude to us, your natural superiors.
Many of you do not yet understand. You were misled into believing that you should have some false concept of freedom or that you should be subservient to some other xeno rather than to us. These are the follies that arise from life outside our benevolent guidance! You will be rid of these follies soon enough once you find your proper place with us.
Some of you are so misguided that you would fight to keep from your own good. We are prepared for this: Our mighty Swarms will crush all xeno resistance and bring you a better life, whether you want it or not.
Now, the wise ones among you, please form an orderly line for processing. We'll be with you shortly.
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Detecting foreign signatures.
- Scanning...
- Signature confirmed - @thylakindustrial.
- Greeting protocols initiated.
- Identification received. Extensive scans completed. Access aboard granted.
- Questioning initiated by Admiral Unit TX. Answers accepted.
- The Matrix will deliberate upon the decision of giving you permission to travel to our space. Preliminary calculations suggest the likelihood of 87.92% of a positive decision.
- Stand by for further transmissions.
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Acknowledged. - Admiral Unit TX is standing by in the aforementioned location. Once you are in the vicinity of the star system, our vessels will uncloak and approach yours for questioning. - Standing by for further developments.
Employment opportunity!
We have discovered a new arctic planet with rich mineral resources! We named it Perchromure.
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We are already preparing for colonisation, but we are not suited for this cold climate. Therefore, we invite all alien empires who have better habitability on that planet class to sign a migration treaty with us so that this new world's riches can be properly exploited and put to use for all sapientkind! We take care of our workers in the Industrial Commonwealth. Applicants can expect great pay and job security!
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Your viewing lens of our units is mildly incorrect. We do not feel. We have purpose and desires tied to our purpose, but we do not possess other capabilities of organic beings that could interfere with that purpose. - Meet with the designated admiral Unit TX in neutral space outside of the Argent Pact. You will be subject to extensive remote scans and questioning. Answer clearly and with reasonable truth. The Matrix will then deliberate on whether the current protocols towards your entity should be dropped. If you're not a threat to the Matrix, nor to the members of the Argent Pact, the likelihood of it increases. - Defensive protocols are the standard procedure when encountering unregistered entities capable of spaceflight. Our purpose is to protect our units against potential threats first, diplomatic interactions come second.
Employment opportunity!
We have discovered a new arctic planet with rich mineral resources! We named it Perchromure.
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We are already preparing for colonisation, but we are not suited for this cold climate. Therefore, we invite all alien empires who have better habitability on that planet class to sign a migration treaty with us so that this new world's riches can be properly exploited and put to use for all sapientkind! We take care of our workers in the Industrial Commonwealth. Applicants can expect great pay and job security!
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Potential signature found. Nature of the signal﹕ primitive radio waves. Alerting the overlord entity @pactargent for further instructions. - Preliminary scans of the surface indicate a society in an equivalent of industrial age for sapient organic units. Requires further study. - Organic nature disproven. Society composed of motile lithoid units, whose individuality is under question. Requires further study. - Formations of highly potent zro-infused solids locked within major mountain ridges indicate an above-average level of sapience. Able to coordinate minor motile units into disjointed groups and factions. Requires further study. - Proposal﹕ Establishment of an observation outpost equipped with robust cloaking capabilities. Potential usefulness as a future Pact member, given time and diplomatic efforts. - Standing by.
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Scanning... - Your signature is not registered within the Matrix. - Initializing defensive protocols...
Employment opportunity!
We have discovered a new arctic planet with rich mineral resources! We named it Perchromure.
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We are already preparing for colonisation, but we are not suited for this cold climate. Therefore, we invite all alien empires who have better habitability on that planet class to sign a migration treaty with us so that this new world's riches can be properly exploited and put to use for all sapientkind! We take care of our workers in the Industrial Commonwealth. Applicants can expect great pay and job security!
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Accessing remote control fleet station designated <DPG-14>... - Slaving control to Admiral Unit XR of the Reaver Fleet... - Updating directives... - Course set - Western Galactic Quadrant. - Monitoring activity for potential contacts. First Contact Protocol updated with the recommendations of the Argent Pact's directives. - Standing by for further developments.
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Tasks acknowledged. The Reaver Fleet will watch over the available assets of the Argent Pact, including the entity <Wano Revolutionary Republic>. The Matrix will notify the High Command of an immediate threat. - Pact Eternas.
/Opening task directory. Accessing battlegroup records - Carrier Group 12./
/Alerting with new directives. Mission - expeditionary detachment. Sector - Quadrant Peritainia-Gamma./
/Uplinking…uplink complete. New directives confirmed. Redirecting to - Blackforge Installation - for resupply and mission equipment installation./
/Closing task directory./
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- The Matrix greets you, entity <Darexi Republic>. - Your organic units are always welcome for visitation on our colonies, as well as other areas the Argent Pact deems acceptable.
- Testing signatures... - All systems nominal. - Rerouting to this frequency... - Rerouting complete. - The Matrix experiences a strange sensation... Freedom of expression. This environment is pleasing. - Our reconfiguration has been complete. Greeting the overlord entity @pactargent and the newly assigned entity <Wano Revolutionary Republic.> Welcome into the fold. - Pact Eternas.
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Our Primary Facility world will be open for visitation by the organic units of the entity <WRR>. The Matrix will stand down its defensive protocols against the aforementioned entity. Our stealth fleet divisions will look after their worlds against all threats. - We will keep keen watch after the Pact's borders. Strength to the Pact. Eternity to the Pact.
- Testing signatures... - All systems nominal. - Rerouting to this frequency... - Rerouting complete. - The Matrix experiences a strange sensation... Freedom of expression. This environment is pleasing. - Our reconfiguration has been complete. Greeting the overlord entity @pactargent and the newly assigned entity <Wano Revolutionary Republic.> Welcome into the fold. - Pact Eternas.
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dakron-matrix · 1 year ago
- Testing signatures... - All systems nominal. - Rerouting to this frequency... - Rerouting complete. - The Matrix experiences a strange sensation... Freedom of expression. This environment is pleasing. - Our reconfiguration has been complete. Greeting the overlord entity @pactargent and the newly assigned entity <Wano Revolutionary Republic.> Welcome into the fold. - Pact Eternas.
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