redrobin22 · 5 years
‘Batwoman : Drink Me’ Unpopular Opinion
Watching Sunday’s Batwoman was different. We had so many highs and pitfalls over the last few that I was ready for something a little more low-key. And this was low-key. Yeah it had action, yeah it had the sexy club scenes, and yeah I laughed my ass off when Kate cut her finger on purpose and the chick Sophie was talking to nearly hit the deck. I called Alice turning Nocturna on Mary the moment the two ‘villains’ were on screen, and just nodded when it happened. When Mary figured out that Kate’s Batwoman, I cheered. And then there was the kiss...don’t get me wrong, I’m Bisexual, I cheer when queer happens and it’s natural, not awkward and forced and makes even the biggest Queens want to leave the room. But I wasn’t happy. Not because it was awkward. We all want Kate to have a happy moment. But her happy moments with Moore are long gone. Moore cowed when the chips were down and played good little soldier, then went on to be Kate’s dad’s lapdog. I like her as a character, but as a love interest for Kate? No. Kate’s gonna go through a lot. We all know it. She has to. She’s BATWOMAN for gods’ sakes. There’s not really a happy end for the Bat family because it takes away a part of who the characters are. Dark, broody, with little resolution because the character is based on tragedy, and if you resolve that tragedy...the drive to do what they do isn’t there...not the way it needs to be. I know BatMoore shippers all over the place are gonna come at me with torches and pitchforks, so go ahead I guess. Kate is gonna need someone in her corner in a way that Mary and Luke can’t be, and I don’t trust Sophie to be there. She’s too invested in her job, too hung up on being Jerkob’s second in command and I don’t trust him to exist without being an asshole, unfortunately.The kiss scene for me was a way for Sophie to express a moment of weakness and trying to find her way back to who she thinks she is. If she was truly invested in fixing things for herself, she would have gone to Kate. Batwoman is a safe bet, Batwoman is anonymous. A mask. A way to hide an indiscretion. If Moore knew, 100%, that Kate is Batwoman, the kiss would mean something different. But it doesn’t. That’s why I don’t like the BatMoore ship. At least not right now. This probably made no sense, but whatever. Rant over.   
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redrobin22 · 6 years
So I’m an avid writer of many things, and after discovering the fantastic mix of Ocean’s 8 fics on AO3, I figured I’d post my own up on my FFN profile. It’s gotten some traffic, but maybe y’all can tell me whether or not it’s any good.
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redrobin22 · 6 years
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So yes, I’m a massive WoW Nerd...and yes I’m totally in love with Sylvanas Windrunner. Which translated itself into this terrifically awful fan fiction series I’ve posted on fanfiction.net. Anyway, given that the newest expansion came with the option to show pride in your faction by creating group photos, I thought I’d include a visual of all of my characters surrounding my main. Y’all can hate on me all you like. I’m for the Warchief.
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redrobin22 · 6 years
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‘Cause you’re the reason I believe in fate, you’re my paradise And I’ll do anything to be your love, or be your sacrifice ‘Cause I love you for infinity
If this isn’t their song, I don’t know what is...
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redrobin22 · 6 years
OMG who doesn't! These two are so fantastic...
if you ship debbie / lou from ocean’s 8 reblog or like this so i can follow you
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redrobin22 · 6 years
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God, these two wrecked me...I adored O8, but we need more!! 
Between Oceans 8, and the sheer amount of Jaymes Young I’ve been listening to (if you haven’t heard of him, please look him up...his soundtracks are ALL Ms Lou Miller, for serious) I’ve started compiling a list of little fics, because seriously, who doesn’t want to make sure we’re covering our bases with this crew?!
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