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pupunu · 9 months ago
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kiimaisetmuumipeikot · 2 years ago
Valmistumislaakson tarinoita:
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Onnea kaikille valmistuville ja hyvää kesää kaikille muillekin!
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backgrounds-for-ads · 4 months ago
Osta kuva Joulupukin joulukuusi
Rakkaat asiakkaat!
Joulu lähestyy, ja meillä on ilo esitellä teille upea kokoelma valokuvia, jotka varmasti tuovat iloa ja sydämen lämpöä projekteihinne. Joulu on rakkauden, yhteenkuuluvuuden ja ilon aikaa. Kokoelmassamme voitte kokea joulun todellisen hengen.
Kokoelmat sisältävät värikkäitä kuvia, jotka esittelevät joulun perinteitä ja symboleita. Näet kauniita joulukuusia, iloisia perhejuhlia ja ystävien yhteisiä hetkiä, joissa jokaisella kuvalla on oma tarinansa ja tunteensa. Nämä kuvat vangitsevat joulun tunnelman jokaisessa yksityiskohdassa.
Jokainen kuva on korkealaatuinen ja suunniteltu erityisesti suunnittelijoille, markkinoijille ja yksityishenkilöille, jotka haluavat ilmaista rakkauttaan joulua kohtaan. Olipa kyseessä sosiaalisen median kuvamateriaali, mainosmateriaalit tai yksinkertaiset joulukortit, me olemme täällä auttamassa sinua.
Miksi kauniiden kuvien hankkiminen joulun aikana on tärkeää? Koska kuvat voivat vangita tunteita ja muistoja. Kuvamme on suunniteltu niin, että ne näyttävät erityisiä hetkiä, jotka muistavat ja jakavat rakkaiden kanssa. Näiden kuvien avulla on helpompaa välittää rakkautta ja iloa joulun aikana.
Voit selata laajaa kokoelmaamme verkkosivustollamme. Kuvamme on jaettu teemoittain, tyylin ja värin mukaan, mikä helpottaa sinua löytämään tarpeitasi vastaavat kuvat. Älä jätä väliin mahdollisuutta hankkia näitä erityisiä kuvia projekteihisi.
Kuvat eivät ole vain kuvia; ne ovat kutsuja viestien ja ideoiden esittämiseen. Jokainen yksityiskohta on tärkeä, ja kuvamme auttavat sinua tuomaan esiin viestisi. Joulu on antamisen ja rakkauden aikaa, joten tee viesteistäsi erityisiä kuvamme avulla.
Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä tai tarvitset apua oikean kuvan valinnassa, älä epäröi ottaa yhteyttä asiakaspalveluamme. Olemme täällä tarjoamassa apua ja tietoa, jota tarvitset. Olemme tukemassa sinua koko prosessin ajan, valinnasta ostamiseen.
Etsiessäsi jouluteemaisia kuvia löydät mahdollisuuksia luoda uusia muistoja ja perinteitä. Kuvat ovat muistoja iloisista hetkistä, joita voit jakaa rakkaidesi kanssa. Jokainen kuva tuo mukanaan tarinan ja historian juhlistasi.
Kuvamme voivat myös toimia inspiraationa omille projekteillesi. Esimerkiksi voit luoda kutsukortteja, joulukortteja tai jopa taidepainoksia jouluteemalla. Anna luovuutesi kukoistaa ja tuo erityinen sanoma projekteihisi kuvamme avulla.
Muista, että jokainen valitsemasi kuva voi tuoda erityisiä tunteita ja tarinoita katsojilleen. Ota aikaa tutustua kokoelmaamme ja anna itsesi inspiroitua joulun kauneudesta ja hengestä. Kuvamme vievät sinut matkalle muistoihin ja iloon.
Joulun juhlimisessa sinulla on mahdollisuus näyttää taiteesi ja luovuutesi. Kuvamme tarjoavat tilaa ideoillesi ja rikastuttavat projektejasi. Käytä kuvia luodaksesi uusia muistoja ja tunteita yleisöllesi.
Älä unohda, että joulu on antamisen aikaa. Kuvamme avulla voit jakaa iloa ja inspiraatiota ympärilläsi oleville. Jokaisella ostoksellasi et hyödy vain itse, vaan myös ne, jotka saavat luomuksesi.
Etsitkö klassisia muotoiluita tai moderneja tulkintoja joulusta? Löydät kaiken tämän kokoelmastamme. Kuvamme on suunniteltu ottaen huomioon jokaisen maku ja tyyli, tarjoten sinulle runsaasti vaihtoehtoja. Älä jätä väliin mahdollisuutta tuoda kauneutta ja iloa projekteihisi.
Aloita nyt ja tutustu kuviimme! Kokoelmamme on täynnä upeita kuvia, jotka varmasti inspiroivat sinua. Älä jää paitsi mahdollisuudesta tehdä joulustasi erityinen kauniiden kuvamme avulla.
Kiitos tuestasi! Toivotamme sinulle iloista ja merkityksellistä joulua!
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viime vuonna meillä oli yhdistyksellä kissa nimeltä max. maxilla oli meille tullessaan silmät tulehtuneet, ja niitä hoidettiin kuukausien ajan silmätipoilla. välillä silmät olivat jo parantuneet, ja sitten tilanne paheni taas. lopulta viime kesänä maxin oikeaa silmää ei enää pystytty pelastamaan, vaan se jouduttiin poistamaan.
voitte ehkä kuvitella kuinka kurjana tää kissa oli. ja kuinka paljon me hoitorinkiläiset max-raukkaa rakastettiin.
vuosi sitten max adoptoitiin meiltä uuteen kotiin.
tällä viikolla pääsin erään toisen yhdistyksen toimijan kanssa vierailemaan maxin kodissa.
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tältä näyttää terve, onnellinen max ikiomassa kodissansa. tän takia me tehdään meidän työtä.❤️
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torillatavataan · 11 months ago
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guanomole · 8 months ago
Äiti: sun pitää nukkuu viikonloppu sit sohval ku tulee vieraita yöks.
Minä: sen takii meil on vierashuone ja on siskon perhe ennenki nukkunu siel.
Äiti: joo mut ny siel on se vauvakin ni sisko nukkuu siel vauvan kans ja (siskon mies ja toinen muksu) nukkuu sun huonees ni ei herätä kaikkii samas huonees.
Minä: that makes no sense??
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yokyopeli · 9 months ago
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Kolmiapila: Onnellinen perhe (1953) trailer [9.5.2024] Directed by Kyllikki Forssell
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izutsoupmi · 2 years ago
All these new mom spotlights reminded me that we never got a better shot of Utena's mama. Although I'd find it immensely hilarious if she's got faceless protag syndrome. Do you think Nemo's mom is gonna be a bifauxnen?
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IN LOVING MEMORY... (she's not dead)
and yeah wow she IS the only mom left to see from the fantastic five. I agree it would be very fun (for me) and good (for me) if she was a bifauxnen, onnk-san pls
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kevytmaitohorsma · 9 days ago
tympeetä ku menee mökille saunomaan ja sit ku vähän käy vilvottelemassa ni heti ollaan ottamas kuvia ja jakamas kaikille
my favorite genre of alien picture is little grey aliens just naked in the woods like why the fuck are you here. you have a spaceship. why did you come to earth to just stand in the woods and look at us with no clothes
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valentin10 · 3 months ago
Keskusta vapauttaisi perhe-etuudet veroista – uusi linjaus räjäyttäisi vanhan ajattelutavan ja nostaisi syntyvyyttä 10 000 vauvalla per vuosi
Keskusta vapauttaisi perhe-etuudet veroista – uusi linjaus räjäyttäisi vanhan ajattelutavan ja nostaisi syntyvyyttä 10 000 vauvalla per vuosi
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corvusternion · 4 months ago
> is your thinkp^n, perh^ps, fried
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kiimaisetmuumipeikot · 1 year ago
Aikuisuuslaakson tarinoita:
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firewoodperth · 11 months ago
Perh Firewood
Our firewood prices are extremely competitive as we use no middlemen, and we use large trucks for safe and efficient handling of our product. For #Perth #firewood, click: https://www.oakfire.net/firewood
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thalassatea · 1 year ago
äiti: ukki on tulossa käymään huomenna aamusta eli kukaan ei saa olla sammuneena kylppärissä aamuyheksän jälkeen
veli, sammunut kylppäriin yhden (1) kerran: tämä tuntuu kohdistetulta
minä, sammunut kylppäriin nolla (0) kertaa: aijjaa, mun mielestä ihan hyvä hypoteettinen ohje
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damnprecious · 19 days ago
Meinasin lisätä et mun suosikki on tinkstangeli mut sit rupesin epäilemään et onkohan se ees sana, tingeltangeli-version näytti internet tuntevan
Nippelitieto on kyllä yks mun suosikkisanoista
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winxanity-ii · 4 months ago
ship: father charlie x fem!reader warnings: nsfw 🔞 ( oral sex/f. receiving; overstimulation; coercion/dub-con?; sacrilege, heavy religious imagery ) word count: 4.1k a/n: ahhh….I just want to say I'm so thrilled with all the love and support for the mini Devotion series! It means the world to me to see you guys enjoying it as much as I do. And a huge thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I got drunk asf, and here's the rough draft I made while tipsy, lolol. Hope you all enjoy~ 😈✨..
★·.·´ɢʀᴏᴛᴇsǫᴜᴇʀɪᴇ 🇲‌🇦‌🇸‌🇹���🇪‌🇷‌🇱‌🇮‌🇸‌🇹‌`·.·★
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You wouldn't say you were a bad person.
Selfish? Maybe. Impulsive? Absolutely. But "bad" seemed a bit of a stretch.
It's just that, when you saw something you wanted, you didn't hesitate to take it—and, honestly, you had no regrets. Not until now, at least.
Sitting here, surrounded by the smell of old hymn books and dusty incense, listening to some wrinkly old man in a white robe drone on about salvation.
The whole thing was your mother's doing. She had this recurring phase, like clockwork, where she'd get bitten by the "Bible bug."
For a few weeks every year, she was the most devoted Catholic you'd ever seen. She'd call, text, guilt-trip—anything to get her kids back on the straight and narrow, even if just for a Sunday morning.
For the last seven years, you'd managed to dodge it. Moved out at eighteen and never looked back, leaving the duty of church attendance to your three other siblings.
Usually, someone would take one for the team and tag along with Mom until her enthusiasm fizzled out again. But this time, it seemed your luck had run dry—your sister had finally roped you in, and here you were, seven-year streak shattered.
You sighed deeply, eyes half-lidded as they flicked across the stained glass windows—all those saints staring down at you in judgment.
You couldn't help but think of all the things you could be doing right now. Sleeping, for one. Your bed sounded like heaven compared to the hard pew beneath you.
Or brunch with your friends—mimosas and laughter, not these monotone chants and the faint smell of mothballs.
Hell, you could've called Kevin over and gotten dicked down instead of dealing with this—
Your thoughts screeched to a halt, slamming against an unexpected sight.
The old priest, the one whose croaky voice was practically white noise at this point, stepped away from the pulpit. In his place was someone else—someone younger, someone whose presence commanded attention.
A man, tall, dark hair neatly combed back, with a crisp black cassock that hugged his broad shoulders just right. He moved with a sense of ease, like he belonged up there.
And damn, was he handsome. Handsome enough to pull your focus completely, which was a feat in itself given the circumstances.
Your eyes tracked him as he approached the podium, his voice replacing the rasping chant of the old priest. It was smooth, warm, resonant. Nothing like the man you remembered from years ago.
He spoke about community, faith, redemption—but all you could think was how someone like him ended up in a place like this.
You found yourself leaning forward, just slightly, as if drawn in by some invisible force. Your irritation melted away, replaced by a strange curiosity.
Maybe… maybe this wouldn't be the worst way to spend a Sunday after all.
The priest stood quietly at the altar, his figure framed by the soft light filtering through the stained glass windows. A faint scar traced its way down the right side of his forehead, a mark that spoke of some unknown hardship or past misadventure.
He was youthful but with the stillness of someone who’d seen enough to understand patience and humility.
With each breath, the man seemed grounded in his presence, shoulders relaxed but broad, the fabric of his robe resting comfortably against his chest.
His appearance was almost angelic, yet the subtle scar and the weight in his eyes hinted at something more complex beneath the surface—a man of God, perhaps, but one who had walked through fire to find his faith.
"Oh?" You raised an eyebrow in appreciation as you stared at the handsome man up there. You leaned over a bit to your mother, eyes never straying from his figure. "Ma, who's that? Is he new?" you whispered to your mother.
She looked up from her phone, Candy Crush flashing on her screen. You silenced the snort that wanted to come out. Looked like she might retire from church early this year, you thought to yourself, seeing her early signs of disengaging.
She glanced up at the front, giving a quick look before going back to her game. "That's Father Charlie Mayhew. He was brought in about two or three years ago, I think," she murmured absently, barely paying attention.
Father Charlie.
You watched as he spoke, his voice strong yet gentle, his eyes sweeping over the congregation with a genuine warmth. He wasn't like the old priest—this one seemed to genuinely care, as if each word held weight.
You wondered if that scar came from something dramatic, some story worth knowing. Your gaze lingered, taking in the slope of his shoulders, the way his lips moved with each word. Something about him felt... magnetic.
You found yourself sitting up straighter when the two of you made eye contact—he blinked, his words stumbling just slightly, a brief hitch in his otherwise smooth delivery. "I, uh... I apologize," he stuttered, looking off to the side, the tips of his ears turning pink.
You caught the way his eyes shifted nervously, almost as if he was trying to regain his footing. It was subtle, but you could see it—the way he tried to pull himself back together, to get through the rest of the sermon without any more disruptions.
He cleared his throat to continue, "As I was saying... uh, the importance of faith in our lives cannot be overstated. We must always strive to, um, to do what is right, even when it's difficult..." His voice trailed off slightly, but he managed to steady himself, his eyes avoiding yours as he focused on the rest of the congregation.
It made something stir in you, a mix of curiosity and amusement.
You bit down gently on your lower glossed lip, eyes trailing over his form, taking in every subtle detail. The way his hands gripped the edge of the podium, the faint flush creeping up his neck—it was all so telling.
He seemed innocent, reactive.
You smiled to yourself, letting your gaze linger as he continued, noting the way he seemed to avoid looking in your direction now, as if afraid that another glance might trip him up again.
Maybe you should pay a visit to Father Charlie—see if you could break that serene composure of his.
You could already imagine it—the way he might tense up under your touch, the way his voice might crack if you whispered something just a bit too forward.
The thought alone made your heart race, anticipation bubbling up inside you, like something in you just knew—he'd be fun to unravel.
You leaned back in your seat, a slow, satisfied smile playing on your lips. Oh, this was going to be fun.
The sermon ended with a quiet murmur of 'Amen' from the congregation, followed by the gentle shuffle of people rising from the pews.
You glanced around, watching as people slowly made their way to the exits, some stopping to chat while others lingered near the back of the church.
The old priest was nowhere to be seen, but Father Charlie remained, standing at the front as he spoke softly to a small group of parishioners.
Your mother, of course, made a beeline for him. You heard her voice carrying over the hushed conversations, gushing about how moving today’s sermon was.
You rolled your eyes, unable to help yourself, and slowly rose to your feet, making your way over with an almost lazy stride.
As you approached, you could see your mother perk up, her eyes lighting up as she turned to you. "Oh, there she is! Father Charlie, this is my youngest, ____." She gestured towards you, her hand lightly resting on your arm to pull you closer. "You've met my other children over the years."
You could see the change in Father Charlie almost instantly. His posture shifted, his back straightening just a little more, his eyes rounding as they landed on you. He seemed almost like an eager puppy, his gaze bright and attentive.
He quickly pulled his eyes away, turning back to your mother with a polite smile as he nodded. "Yes, I remember," he said, his voice a touch softer. Then he turned to you, his eyes meeting yours as he gave you a gentle smile. "It's nice to finally meet you. I don't think I've seen you here before... ?"
Your mother gave a sort of laughing scoff, waving him off as she caught his attention again. She chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, Father, the day she willingly comes to church without an incentive is the day the devil is welcomed back into Heaven's gates."
You kept your eyes on Father Charlie, a small smile tugging at your lips as you tilted your head slightly. "Maybe I just hadn't found a good enough reason to come before," you said, your gaze locked on his, your voice light but carrying a hint of something more.
His eyes widened just a little, and you watched as a faint blush spread across his cheeks, his lips parting slightly as he blinked, clearly caught off guard.
Before he could say anything, your mother’s name was called from behind. It was one of her church friends, and in an instant, she was off, waving a quick goodbye and leaving you standing there in front of Father Charlie.
You didn't waste a second, taking a daring step forward, your eyes fixed on him. "So..." you said, letting your gaze roam over him before meeting his eyes again. "You seem awfully young to be running a church like this. I have to say, I'm impressed."
He looked bashful, glancing down for a moment before looking back up at you. "Oh, well, thank you. I just... I do my best," he said, his voice soft, the pink on his cheeks deepening.
You smiled, tilting your head just slightly. "Do you do one-on-one sessions, like other churches do?" you asked, your voice carrying a hint of mischief.
He blinked, clearly confused for a moment, before his eyes widened in realization. "Oh, you mean confessionals?" He nodded quickly, his expression shifting back to something more serious. "Yes, I do. In fact, I was planning on doing confessionals later today, after the services. Not many people take me up on it, but I think it's important to always offer the option."
"Oh, really?" you said, letting your voice drop just a bit, your head tilting to the side as you watched him. You let a small smile curve your lips, your gaze never leaving his. "Well, you wouldn't mind if I came to see you and... confessed, would you, Father?"
He stuttered, his blush deepening as he quickly nodded. "N-No, of course not. You're more than welcome to come by, anytime," he said, his voice a bit shaky.
You smirked, giving him a nod. "Perfect," you said, your voice smooth, before turning on your heel and walking away, back towards where your mother was waiting.
You could feel his gaze on you the entire time, the weight of his eyes almost burning into your back. And you loved it.
This really was going to be fun.
The church grew quieter as the service officially ended, people slowly trickling out while you lingered, waiting for your moment.
Eventually, you made your way to the confessional booth, the small wooden space feeling cramped as you settled in. The air was close, the scent of polished wood and incense hanging heavy.
You could hear Father Charlie shuffling on the other side, the sound of the door closing behind him, the rustle of fabric as he got seated.
You took a breath, letting the silence stretch for a moment before you began. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned..." you said, your voice soft, but there was an edge to it that you couldn't quite hide.
There was a pause before you heard him clear his throat, his voice coming through the small screen that separated you. "The Lord is always ready to forgive. Please, tell me your sins, my child."
You sighed, leaning back slightly, your fingers brushing against the hem of your dress. "I fear I desire a man that is just out of my reach," you said, your voice carrying a hint of frustration. "It's wrong for me to want him... but I can't seem to help myself."
There was a moment of silence, and you could almost picture the look on his face—concerned, earnest, wanting to help. His voice was gentle as he responded. "Desire can be difficult to control, but it is not inherently sinful. It is what we choose to do with that desire that matters. You must pray for guidance, ask for strength... and remember that God understands our struggles."
You hummed softly, your eyes half-lidded as you listened to him, but your mind was drifting. His voice was soothing, and you found yourself imagining what it would be like if things were different.
If there wasn't a screen between you.
If you could reach out, touch him, feel that innocence melt away under your fingers.
Your hand trailed down your side, your fingers brushing over your thigh as you let out a soft sigh.
His voice cut through your thoughts, sounding a bit uncertain. "Sister ____... are you alright? Do you hear me?"
You smiled to yourself, your mind made up. You leaned closer to the screen, your voice dropping to a near whisper. "Father," you began, your tone coy, "I must confess... I find it difficult to focus when you're speaking. You have such a... soothing voice."
His breath caught audibly, and you could almost hear the way he was struggling to gather himself. "W-What do you mean, sister?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly, laced with confusion.
"It makes me think... sinful thoughts."
You could hear the slight hitch in his breath, the rustle of fabric as he shifted. "S-sister," he stammered, clearly taken aback. "This... this is not appropriate."
You ignored his protest, your voice growing softer, more intimate. "You know, Father, I've always heard that confession is good for the soul. And right now... I think there's only one thing that could truly absolve me of these desires." You let the words hang in the air, knowing exactly what you were implying.
"Sister, this... this isn't..." His voice was shaky now, the uncertainty clear. "I don't think—"
"Come get me, Father," you whispered, your tone daring, challenging him. "You wouldn't leave me like this, would you?"
There was silence for a long moment, and then you heard it—the slow shuffling as he moved. The sound of his door opening, the soft creak of the confessional booth as he stepped out.
You pushed your own door open, stepping out into the dimly lit church. Father Charlie was standing there, his head downcast, his face flushed a deep red. He looked like he wanted to say something, but no words came out, his eyes flickering up to meet yours before darting away again.
You took a step towards him, your movements slow, deliberate—like a predator closing in on its prey. His breath hitched as you approached, his shoulders tensing. He cleared his throat, his voice barely above a whisper. "Sister, I... this isn't right. We shouldn't—"
You reached out, your fingers brushing against the front of his chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his breath beneath your touch. You let your hand slide down, your voice a low purr. "Father," you purred, your eyes locking onto his, "I want you to take me somewhere... push me to a higher calling, yeah?"
His eyes widened, the pupils dilating as he stared at you, his lips parting in shock. For a moment, he seemed frozen, and then, almost as if the word was pulled from him, he whispered, "Okay..."
His hand was trembling slightly as he reached for yours, and you let him lead you out of the main church area, his eyes flicking nervously around to make sure no one was watching. He led you down a dim hallway, stopping at a small door that opened into a cramped janitor's closet.
The second the door clicked shut behind you, you were on him.
You pushed him back against the wall, your lips crashing against his. He gasped, and you took advantage, licking into his mouth, tasting the hint of mint on his tongue as a low groan rumbled from your throat. His hands hesitated for a moment before resting on your waist, his touch light, unsure.
You deepened the kiss, feeling the way he shivered beneath your touch, your hands pushing up under his cassock, fingers skimming over the hard lines of his abdomen. His muscles tensed under your fingertips, a shudder running through him as he let out a shaky breath.
You pulled back, just enough to see his face in the low light, and he chased your lips, leaning forward as if he couldn't stand the sudden loss of contact.
You let out a dark chuckle, your hands coming up to cup his flushed cheeks, squeezing gently. His face was a deep shade of red, his eyes half-lidded, his breath coming in short, uneven pants. He looked almost dazed, completely overwhelmed, and it only made your smile widen.
Your thumb grazed over his plump bottom lip, pressing gently before dipping just inside his mouth. His eyes fluttered, his tongue flicking out hesitantly to brush against your thumb before retreating. You let out a soft sigh, a hint of a teasing smile tugging at your lips. "Oh?" you murmured, raising an eyebrow, your gaze fixed on him.
Charlie swallowed hard, his eyes locked onto yours, his breathing ragged. You stepped closer, rising onto your tiptoes, your lips just barely grazing his as you spoke. "You did so well during the sermon, Father," you whispered, your voice low and dripping with suggestion. "It makes me wonder... what could such a blessed mouth do somewhere else?"
His breath hitched, his eyes widening slightly, but he didn’t pull away. You gripped his shoulder, your fingers digging in just enough to make him shiver, and tugged him downwards. "On your knees," you said, your tone commanding, leaving no room for hesitation.
Slowly, almost as if in a trance, Charlie sank to his knees, his eyes never leaving yours. His gaze was filled with a mix of confusion, desire, and something almost like reverence, and it sent a thrill through you.
You watched as he knelt before you, his lips parted, his chest rising and falling with each shaky breath. You could see the conflict in his eyes, the part of him that knew this was wrong, that wanted to resist—but the desire was stronger, and he couldn't bring himself to stop.
You smiled, running your fingers through his hair, your touch surprisingly gentle. "That's it," you murmured, your voice softening just a fraction. "Such a good Father... doing exactly what you're told."
You took a step back, your eyes never leaving his as you moved to the nearest wall, leaning against it comfortably.
With slow, deliberate movements, your hands reached down, unzipping your mini skirt and letting it slide down your legs, pooling around your ankles. You made a show of it, your fingers tracing along your thighs, sliding over your hips, and letting out a soft sigh as you watched him.
Charlie's eyes widened, his gaze following every movement, his lips parted, his breath catching in his throat. The flush on his face deepened, his eyes locked onto you with something like awe, mingled with pure, unfiltered desire.
You smirked, lifting one hand and curling your fingers in a come-hither motion. He hesitated only for a moment before slowly beginning to crawl towards you, his eyes never breaking away from yours.
The sight sent a thrill through you, a shiver of excitement running up your spine. He reached you, his hands carefully coming up to rest on your legs, his touch light, almost reverent.
His fingers traced along your calves, moving upwards with a hesitant slowness that made you release a shaky sigh, your back arching slightly as his touch grew bolder.
His hands were trembling as they reached your hips, his fingers brushing against the edge of your underwear. He swallowed hard, his gaze flicking up to meet yours as if silently asking for permission.
You gave a small nod, and he let out a shaky breath, his fingers hooking into the waistband and slowly slipping your underwear down, his eyes fixed on you the entire time.
Once they were off, he shifted closer, his breath ghosting over your bare skin. He surprised you by gently lifting one of your legs, settling it over his shoulder as he pulled you closer, his face inches away from your most intimate parts.
He let out a deep, almost pornographic groan as he leaned in, taking a slow, deep breath, as if breathing you in. The sound sent a jolt through you, your fingers tightening in his hair.
Charlie looked up at you one more time, his eyes searching, as if asking for final permission.
You smiled, your fingers sliding through his hair before giving a gentle but firm scratch along his scalp, your silent approval. He closed his eyes, letting out a shaky sigh before leaning in.
At first, his movements were hesitant, his tongue slipping out to give an experimental swipe. He was sloppy, uncoordinated, his lack of experience clear, but there was a determination in the way he moved, as if desperate to please.
You let out a soft hum, the sound encouraging him, and he grew a little more confident, his tongue pressing more firmly. He licked a long stripe up, his tongue swirling at the top, and you couldn't help the small smile that tugged at your lips.
"That's it, Father," you murmured, your voice a soft purr. "You're doing such a good job."
The praise seemed to light something in him, a low groan vibrating against you as he pushed in closer. The sound made you gasp, your back arching slightly as the vibrations sent a rush of pleasure through you, your fingers tightening in his hair.
He grew bolder, his tongue delving deeper, slipping inside you as he began to eat you out like a man starved. He was messy, the wet sounds filling the small space, his lips and tongue moving with increasing fervor, as if the more he tasted, the more he craved.
He bullied his tongue into you, his nose brushing against you as he lost himself in the act, his hands gripping your hips tightly, holding you against him as he worked.
You bit down on your lower lip, trying to keep quiet, but the soft, wet sounds filled the small space, making it impossible to ignore.
Your hand moved up, your teeth sinking into the back of it as you stifled a moan, your thighs trembling as he continued. His tongue moved with determination, pressing deeper, swirling before retreating, then focusing on your most sensitive spot.
When his lips closed around your clit, giving a particularly hard suck, your vision blurred, and stars burst behind your eyelids. Your back arched, your body pressing against his face as the waves of pleasure rolled over you, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
Your thighs shook as you slowly came down, your body relaxing slightly against the wall. You let out a shaky breath, your fingers still tangled in his hair, tugging gently. You gave Charlie a small shove, pushing him back just enough.
He hesitated, his tongue giving one last languid lick, followed by a reluctant suck before he finally pulled away, his lips glistening, his breath coming in low, heavy pants. His bottom face was a mess, his eyes half-lidded, dazed as he looked up at you.
You leaned down, your fingers cupping the bottom of his face, your thumb brushing over his flushed cheek as you gave him a swift peck on the corner of his lips. He blinked, his eyes widening slightly, a blush deepening across his face.
Straightening up, you reached down, picking up your discarded thong, folding it neatly before slipping it into the pocket of his cassock. He stared at you, his lips parted, his breathing still uneven.
"Thank you, Father~" you purred, your voice dripping with satisfaction. You watched as his blush deepened even more, his eyes darting away from yours. "You know," you continued, your tone teasing, "I might just have to come back for confession more often."
He swallowed hard, his eyes flicking back up to meet yours, a mix of confusion and something darker swirling in them. You smiled, giving him a wink before turning on your heel, striding out of the closet, leaving him kneeling there, his breath still shaky, his face still flushed.
As you walked away, a satisfied smile playing on your lips, you couldn't help but think that maybe church wasn't going to be so bad after all.
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A/N: hehehe, dont mind me, just wanted to see charlie's and y/n relationship in reversal...
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