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preston-logan · 8 years ago
An Open Letter to the Cast & Crew of Teen Wolf
Dear Teen Wolf Cast & Crew:
As the beginning of the end (6B premiere) draws in, I want to say thank you to you all. Thank you for the characters you created, the stories you’ve told, the friends you’ve helped me make. But most of all, thank you for giving me a safe haven. For years, this show has been my escape when things got rough. I know for a fact that my life would be no where like it is right now if it wasn’t for Teen Wolf. There’s many things, big and small, I want to thank Teen Wolf for. Thank you Dylan for portraying Stiles and brightening up my day with the sarcasm (which I’m glad is slowly returning to S1-2 like sarcasm). Thank you Linden, Susan, and Melissa for portraying the parents, the relationships and love they have with their family is something that means a lot to me when I watch. Thank you to the Teen Wolf writers for, of course, creating these amazing stories, but also for sparking my ever-growing interest in the world of writing and creating stories. Thank you, Laura Webb for helping me find a brand new and life-changing meaning to music. Now, it was hard for me to shorten up my thanks for these next to that mean so much to me, but I tried:
Thank you, Holland Roden for portraying Lydia Martin and the writers for creating her. Seeing how smart Lydia was motivated me beyond belief for me to excel in my academics. There’s days when I don’t want to study or am procrastinating, but then I remember Lydia’s smarts and it makes me want to improve mine, so I do the work. Not only has Lydia’s knowledge helped me, but seeing her strength and just her development in general. Seeing how she went from someone who hid her knowledge for the sake of popularity, being in an emotionally abusive relationship, and hiding her scars and pain develop into this openly smart, caring, badass banshee has been something that helped me greatly. And, I’m not going to lie, her wardrobe has helped my clothing style greatly (thank you TW wardrobe department!).
Thank you, Tyler Posey for portraying Scott McCall. There’s days when I’m scared and anxious, then I look at Scott and his bravery and that brings me my bravery. Scott and his loyalty and kindness helps me to always try and be kind and to help others. Just everything about Scott has the power to bring me out of my negativity, his positivity and values remind me to try and push the negativity aside. But most importantly, if it wasn’t for Scott McCall I wouldn’t have found Tyler Posey. Tyler Posey has taught me the most important thing that I needed in my life. If he wasn’t open about mental health, I would have still been in the terrible mindset I was years ago, sidelining my own mental health. But thanks to Tyler, I realized that I shouldn’t be ashamed to want to get help for my mental health and wound up the courage to speak up. My life has only gotten better since then.
Teen Wolf will always hold a special place in my heart. Saying goodbye is going to be hard. Sometimes, I get a bit nervous thinking of what I’m going to do with this huge part of my life gone. But that’s when Mama McCall’s wise words of advice step in. It’s time for me to be my own anchor.
Thank you, Amanda Twitter: @lvdiastiies
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jjsmaybnk · 8 years ago
end of semester icons + blogrates!!
hello everyone!!!! i’m finally done my spring semester and i wanna celebrate by making some icons!!! i’m also cleaning up my icons page so id love to add some new ones to it!!
r u l e s
mbf this westallen trash
reblog this post
send me an ask with who you want an icon of (character, ship, celebrity) & also the color as well as a rec of some kind! (music, shows, movies, books) 
check out my tags page to make sure i watch the show (id rather make icons of shows i watch/fandoms im in)
check out my icons page?
that’s it! format for the blog rate is below!!
url: /10
icon: /10
theme: /10
mobile theme: /10
posts: /10
overall: /10
following?: no, sorry / +f / yes! / always & forever
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deathcure · 8 years ago
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probs daydreaming about dob but what’s new? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lyidiastiles · 8 years ago
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Cold bones. Yeah, that's my love. 
Cold sheets. Oh, where’s my love?
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danystargaryens · 9 years ago
Meg’s Fandom Family :D
Always thought this was super fun! so i decided to make my own! :D
to join:
You don’t have to follow me,but it would be nice!
reblog this post to get this message out
tell me what character you would like to be and your favorite quote of that specific character. (No ships please) 
send me an icon or I will choose one for you.
check out the family page to see who’s taken
Check my navi page for all my fandoms! scroll a bit too see more then just the originals Get atleast more then 10 notes or,i will hide in shame forever!>.<
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preston-logan · 8 years ago
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↳ “To be honest I am totally up for killing you right now, but I’ve got other priorities.”
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jjsmaybnk · 8 years ago
lukasphillip >>>> wsetallen
aaaaand im back to my favorite url!!! since eyewitness is over i decided it was time to go back to my faves!! 
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bassistreggie · 8 years ago
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It's been a long day but I look cute in these photos, so why not post them? ✨✨
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lyidiastiles · 8 years ago
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I don’t believe that. Not all monsters do monstrous things.
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alinastarvko · 8 years ago
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this past week i reached 700 followers which is insane! thank you so much <3 i honestly don’t know how you put up with such a shitty blog but thanks, i love you. I have decided to celebrate it by doing name aesthetics and moodboards. please excuse the shitty banner, i was trying to be aesthetic but failed miserably 
=what you must do=
follow this aesthetic hoe 
reblog this post pls (likes don’t count) don’t let this flop 
send me an ask with one of the two options: name aesthetics or moodboard*
just be patient since making moodboards takes a some time** and i’m picky af 
you can see some of my moodboards here 
*The moodboards can be based on a fictional character/ship (check my fandoms here) or personal (send me your fave colors, things you like, zodiac sign, whatever that helps) 
**In case this is successful, i might not finish them all tonight, but i’ll try my best to get it done tomorrow, thank you in advance for your patience <3
and that’s all! ✿♥‿♥✿
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maliasass · 9 years ago
My fave @lydiasavedme​ tagged me in a thing!
Rules: name 5 of your OTPs from 5 different fandoms and tag 10 people (or as many as you want) to pass it on!
Malira- Teen Wolf
Root x Shaw - Person of Interest (i’ve cried over them like 5 times tonight)
Nyssara - Arrow/Legends of Tomorrow
Malec- Shadowhunters
Waverly Earp x Nicole Haught - Wynonna Earp (this is just an excuse to tell everyone to go watch Wynonna Earp, my new lesbian friendly fave)
I tag: @any of my perfectcombonet baes who want to
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preston-logan · 8 years ago
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↳ “I guess this is the part where I say something witty. I’m not witty.”
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jjsmaybnk · 8 years ago
thanksgiving icons & blogrates!!!
hello friends!! happy (almost) thanksgiving!!! & if u don’t celebrate than just happy wednesday!!! since the thanksgiving holiday is tomorrow & i have some free time (and i just sort of redid my icons page) i figured i’d celebrate by doing some icons and blogrates!!!
here’s what to do:
mbf this philip shea trash
reblog this post
send me an ask with what kind of icon you want (character, celebrity ship) & also a color as well as a rec of some sort (movies, music, tv shows, anything!)
check my tags page to make sure i’m in the fandom bc i prefer to do icons of shows/movies that i watch
check out my icon page?
please give me time to do each one :)
format for blograte is under the cut :)
url: /10
icon: /10
theme: /10
mobile theme: /10
posts: /10
overall: /10
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deathcure · 8 years ago
tw fancasts/blogrates
in honor of teen wolf tuesday stydia day, i will be doing fan casts and blog rates! 
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must be following this piece of stydia trash remastered
reblog this post to spread the word
send me your s6 theories, opinions, rants, excitement & also your selfie tag if you want a fan cast (here’s me if you wanna see)
if necessary, blacklist: #rea does rates 
format is below!
url: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | scott mccall
icon:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | stiles stilinski
theme:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | lydia martin
posts:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | malia tate
overall: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | liam dunbar
want one?
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lyidiastiles · 8 years ago
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Hey guys!! Since I just reached 1k followers, I wanted to do a tumblr awards to celebrate!!  Thank you guys and I hope this turns out well!!  There will be one winner and two runner ups for each category. 
Must be following me
Reblog this post, likes will only count as bookmarks
Last day to enter is February 3rd, winners will be posted on the 4th
Best url
Best icon
Best mobile theme
Best theme
Best multifandom blog
Nicest blogger
Best blog aesthetic
Best original content
Winners get:
One fic of choice from any of my fandoms
3 mobile themes (icon+header)
A spot on my updates tab for a month
A follow from me if not already
5 promos upon request
Runner-ups get:
3 mobile themes (icon+header)
A spot on my updates tab for a month
A follow from me if not already
2 promos upon request
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