#peregrine falcon kin
feathers-fur · 3 months
Reminder to all my feathered friends, you are still a valid bird therian if you’re afraid of heights! The flesh you are imprisoned in wasn’t made to fly and your subconscious knows that, your fear protects you until you can fly again
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theatrekidenergy · 5 months
Theriotype update: So like not 100% sure of anything y’all but here’s just some possible theriotypes I’m questioning rn:
- Saarloos wolfdog / Czechoslovakian wolfdog / wolfdog of some kind or just a dog looking like a wolf — some kind of canine is what I’m getting at
- Peregrine falcon
- Werewolf (otherkin but still, it’d be tied into the canine theriotype in some way maybe I think????)
(if you aren’t aware, hi! I’m Adam! I’ve known Im a therian since around June 2022 and spent some time away from the community for a few months because life was just a lot and now that im coming back I’m reevaluating and questioning theriotypes and such so come along for the journey or just stop by!!! <3)
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corvidstar · 3 months
[Remade post]
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Hi! My name is Nat, though I also go by Victor (preferred) and Faust and I use he/it/they pronouns. I´m a 19-year-old Spanish alterhuman and I´m studying education in university.
I´m a therian, otherkin and fictionkin, although I tend to use alterhuman or therian generally on other social media. I´ve been aware for almost all my life that I was non-human, but I discovered the term when I was around 12/13 years old, now I´m here after quite a troublesome experience discovering my kins.
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Talking about kins, here´s a list of my actual kins, since they´ve changed from my first introduction post.
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- Corvid theriotype, mostly ravens, crows and magpies.
- Barn Owl, tyto alba.
- Cheetah.
- Peregrine falcon.
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- Lightfury/Nightfury dragon.
- Ymbrine.
-Merfolk. /Might be a Kith!/
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- Adora (She-Ra and the princesses of power)
- Reki Kyan (SK8)
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- Rika (Pokemon, the power of us) /Copinglink due to trauma/
- Lucy Gray (The hunger games) /Copinglink due to trauma/
- Howl (Howl´s moving castle) /Copinglink due to trauma + funlink/
- Luna (OCkin)
- The Narrator (Stanley Parable)
- N (Pokemon) /possibly a copinglink/
- The 10th doctor (Doctor Who) /discarding since it may be a hyperfixation and not a kin/link /
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My research is not yet finished, and I don´t think it will ever be, so I keep a journal to write about my experiences, sometimes I post what I write on Instagram (same username) and here!
I love reading, art, music and going out, although I sadly live in a city I enjoy nature and I wish it was closer to me. I love musical theatre, as of right now I love “Les Miserables”, my favorite books are “The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and “Frankenstein”.
Here you will find my other socials and some other stuff!
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sunnytherian · 9 months
•°•°Presentation (yes, I should have made it before)
•you can call me Sunny ,Dylan or Felix
•my theriotype(s) : peregrine falcon (main), siberian husky, cat, and striped dolphin
•My kintype(s) : Phoenix bird
•i'm spanish, so the English isn't my native language and I speak it a little bad QwQ
•i'm trans ftm and bisexual (male preference)
•my pronouns are he/him
•i have adhd
•i'm a minor, so DNI if your blog is +18 or if you're a p3d0ph1l3, z00, or anti-kin
• current hyperfixations: spiderman, douma from demon slayer , dragons, mental health videos, scout camps/ anything related to scouting (I'm a scout btw), hazbin hotel and dogday from poppy playtime
That's all by now, bye!!!
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lesboylycan · 1 month
s. so. there's three options right now.
(1) we are owlhearted and/or peregrine falcon hearted (2) we are owlkin and/or peregrine falcon kin (3) we are some combination of the above two (4) this is just a particularly strong flicker being somewhat informed by our childhood love of Guardians of Ga'hoole
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theramseyloft · 4 years
You go on about how intelligent/emotional pigeons are, but you treat them like objects and that bothers me. You separate bonded pairs of these intelligent, loving animals so frequently as if they don't have any feelings. And then you wonder why these birds afterward do not just take a new mate instantly. You are continually traumatizing these animals and causing them to shut down because they probably begin to realize any new bond they make will only be severed.
I do that because they are.
There is a huge difference between treating a living being like an object and acknowledging that the feelings of a non-human will not often perfectly align with those of a human.
Different species are different.
They have different physical, emotional, and social needs, even if there are a lot of close parallels.
And there are certainly a lot of parallels between humans and pigeons;
They are self aware cooperative social learners.
They form societies.
Those societies have a culture that varies regionally and they have a base line of values...
But their society, culture, and values are different from a human’s because pigeons are not human.
Nothing specializes in preying on humans. We generalize in preying on everything, as a species, as a whole.
We change our environment to suit our needs as much as we are able, and we are more able with every generation.
While things, objectively, can happen to any human at any time, out of nowhere..
On the whole, we generally don’t expect them to.
As such, our monogamous relationships are, ideally, “Until death do us part” meaning “Until we both die of old age, preferably around the same time.”
To the extent that closely bonded humans are emotionally devastated by the loss of that life partner.
To many of us, a life partner is also counted as lost if they engage in sexual infidelity, and if this happens, we are just as devastated (if not even more devastated) as we could have been if that partner had died.
Pigeons are a prey species that evolved in a cheetah-and-thompson’s-gazelle-style arms race with the Peregrine Falcon.
Their monogamous relationships version of “Until Death do us part” can be better translated; “Until one or the other of us gets eaten on a foraging trip.”
And sexual fidelity does not enter into the equation for a pigeon unless their partner is treading or being tread by some one else at the exact moment that bird wants to tread or be tread by their partner.
A cock who wants sex will seek out his wife first, but if she is not interested, he will go asking all the hens away from their nest until one agrees and crouches for him.
If his mate changes her mind and wants him to tread her, she will seek him out and crouch to present herself.
He will tread his wife, and after they do the cute little “I just had sex” dance that’s reserved for mated pairs (side flings get neither this nor courtship. Just sex and separate.) she goes off to do what ever she wanted to do.
If the cock is satisfied, he goes with his wife.
If he still needs or wants more sex, he can tread as many hens as he wants. His wife will not care, because she has had her turn.
If a hen wants sex, she will seek out her husband, generally, but if he’s busy or away, she’ll present for who ever she likes.
Her husband does not care who filled the egg. He only cares that she lays it in his nest and he gets to help set and raise it.
Pigeons divorce partners they consider to be inadequate. Cocks who fail to fill eggs, hens who refuse to set eggs, partners of either sex that don’t spend enough time reaffirming their bond with their spouses...
Unrequited relationships and love triangles are also relationships that pigeons find themselves in.
A pair is considered to have divorced if one partner or the other moves in and spends their nights in the nest of another partner, not for mating with some one else.
Some times, divorces are mutual, and both birds move on to other mates.
Some times, they are not. And the partner left will pine and keep making overtures to reconcile with the partner that left them.
But when a mate just disappears and doesn’t come back, they are assumed by the remaining partner to have been eaten.
If they were closely bonded, the remaining partner may wait a week or so at most, in case they were lost, in hopes the missing bird will make their way back and reunite.
If, after a week, the remaining bird is keeping to them self and not socializing, something is physically wrong, and anthropomorphizing it as “depressed” can get the bird killed.
The veterinary term ‘depression’ describes an animal that is physically ill, be that from a pathogen attacking it to ingesting or absorbing a toxin or simple vitamin or mineral deficiency.
For example;
A week after I became aware that breeding pigeons could become salt deficient and gave the flock a salt and trace mineral brick, birds that had shown no interest in bonding or courting for months are suddenly flirting with everything that moves.
They were not too traumatized to before.
They had a mineral deficiency.
They did not court because they did not feel good.
With the addition of their supplement brick, lo and behold, they all feel better and are courting again.
I have an entire flock to take care of, and I am responsible for the wellbeing of every individual I bring into the world.
To avoid overcrowding, I have a cap of 10 breeding pair.
Because that is the number of adults and their offspring under 6 months old that my loft can comfortably house.
When ever a new breeding bird leaves quarantine or a keeper reaches 6 months, a bird of the same sex has to be retired and made available to avoid overcrowding and the stress and disease that come with it.
Who retires when is not arbitrary.
There are very strict criteria.
1. Physical health.
Regardless of whether or not I have a replacement ready, a bird who may be hurt by the physical process of reproduction or the strain of rearing young, or who may pass on genes that may be harmful to potential offspring is retired on the spot and adopted out with a strict nonbreeding agreement.
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Gus is a sweet boy,
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But this happens to him every molt, and we have since found out that it runs in both sides of his family, proving it to be genetic and cumulative.
As cute as he and Leela were together, I cannot let him breed.
Because I would have to be a monster to be willing to knowingly pass that painful condition on to another generation.
He has a forever family familiar with his condition to whom he is going on Monday.
2. Undesirable structure
I do not mean anything as stupid as “This animal isn’t pretty enough.”
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Cody is not only gorgeous, but an excellent father who has served our program very well.
But his muffs are big enough to make walking uncomfortable, so while I like the rest of his traits, that’s one I want to breed away from.
Now that I have a brother and Sister of his with short muffs that do not cause them discomfort, 
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and suki
will continue contributions to the project
and Cody is available.
3. Antisocial behavior that disrupts or disturbs their flock mates.
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And Pookie 
Are the poster children for flock disruption.
They are a gay and bi mated pair of cocks, who are literally turned on by prying other treading pairs off of each other.
If they see another pair treading, Indica will grab the hen by the scruff, Pookie will grab the cock by his, and they will pull in opposite directions, prying the treading pair apart, and marching them in opposite directions towards the wall.
Indica and Pookie will then throw the bird they have at the wall and then run back to meet each other in the center of the floor, smooch-feed each other back and forth, and take turns treading each other.
On top of this, they defend 15 of the 36 total nest boxes in my loft, refusing to pick a specific one or let any other pair settle in a box to lay.
You may or may not have noticed that when I advertised the available birds on Thursday, I made a point of saying that I would prefer these two be adopted together because they are bonded and would be happier that way.
A prospective new family is coming to meet them on Monday.
But they are SUCH a violent disruption to their flock mates that if only one had a home lined up, it would be unkind to the rest of the flock to keep them both on the insistence that they go together.
4. Shitty parenting history
Parents who tend to ignore eggs or peeps, leaving all the work of setting or feeding to their partner.
This is a personality trait, and such a parent puts dangerous strain on their partner and stress on their peeps. 
Their partner will usually divorce them for that, so adopting the bad parent out isn’t “Splitting up a bonded pair”.
Their former spouse is usually looking for or has found some one else with out any interference on my part.
5. Too many offspring/grandchildren
This is to avoid any more inbreeding than necessary.
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Betty is one of the best studs here.
He is an outstanding father who sits tight on his eggs, pumps his peeps full, and educates them carefully though weaning.
MANY are his children and grand children, and he has a strong preference for birds with faces like his.
He has already bred with his niece to produce Sherry, and I would like to avoid having him breed to any more of his kin.
Once his peep with Liang is weaned, he will be adopted.
Liang is very skittish, and she liked him right off the bat, so I delayed his retirement to give her more time to feel secure with the flock.
But with her egg hatching, she is allowing herself to be casually flirt with more.
Wukong still likes her. So do Cherub and Ginger, so she’ll have her pick when Betty goes to his new home.
6. Temperament
The Therapy Bird Project is working towards developing a performance breed with a temperament conducive to Therapy work.
All else being equal; The birds are all physically sound with no known detrimental genes, no embellishments too exaggerated, not overly aggressive to flock mates, great parents... Then the bird least interested in human company gets retired.
The ground work of physical and mental base soundness has to be laid first and foremost for that excellent temperament I’m aiming for to shine in their handler’s lives for as long as possible.
You probably have not noticed that when bonded pairs retire at the same time, I make a thing of them being bonded in hopes that they will be adopted together.
Dodger and Alex retired close enough to each other that both are still here, and I would prefer they be adopted together.
But if one of them gets a perfect home lined up where I think that individual will be happy, I will not refuse them that good home for the sake of not splitting up a pair.
You care about the idea of that a LOT more than the pigeons themselves do.
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salamencerobot · 4 years
The Sleepy Gods( an sbi poem)
A peregrine falcon, an older god, of the winds and the wings that soar. He’s seen worlds grow and fall, mistakes repeated from long before He’s built his own worlds, raising castles to the sky He’s raised his own family, comforting the gods that cry
The eldest is a boar, a god of the fight, Leading humans to battle through the dark of the night He fights for freedom, for his homes For the fields and forest he roams. Bards tell stories of the battles he’s led But none sing of the destruction his twin sows instead
His twin is a demon, the god of blood on hooved feet, The color of flesh flushed red from the heat The scream of rockets and his scream of a war cry Blood turns the stones red as he leaves them to die "Blood for the blood god!" Rages through his head He protects only his kin, left the rest for dead
The littlest one, a sable, The god of tricksters and burrowers and theft War is prideful and revolution well known, And the wind is an old god, one of the only left But theft is everywhere, From the sky to the sea From the ground we walk on, Even in a humble bee. For the birds steal from dogs And the vines steal from trees And the ferrets steal from people And the badgers steal from bees For even the littlest can win All they need is some luck So remember, if you can dig You will never be stuck
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vilegroove · 3 years
Lyrics from 'Dark Tales From The Insulation Booth' (03/31/21)
For all those hip-hop purists and anyone wanting to get down with that Hank Solo lingo.
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It goes counterintelligence, Berenstein psy-op Schwarzschild radius, holographic mind job I’m a ticking time bomb stuck inside this nightmare It’s warfare for the welfare of the poor From tenement to parliament the charlatans of artifice In shadows stocking armaments or ornaments with arguments Coordinates are carpeted while Harlequins are marketed Unfortunate subordinates are targeted by Artemis I sit solo, spit a mental freestyle No polo, UH I spent it on these re-fries Meanwhile I filleth up the syllabus In real time and if I spill enough to pick it up I just might reach minds Smash atoms, push phantoms into chasms Is it a random happenstance Or a predetermined anthem? Step inside a web this some spider vs fly shit Step into a world this some Illuminati eye shit What would you do if you had no shoes? And you had no rules and you had no school? What would you choose? If the choice ain’t yours Ain’t your chore, Ain’t your war, Ain’t your battle, Ain’t your fight You’re just standing in line man waiting to die They pulling strings with grizzled fingers While the stem cell research helps them linger Tempers up, fear the farming In a cave under threat of a terror bombing Nails clawing, the cause of flesh wounds Supply and demand panoramic cesspools Inhale jet fuel on the way to school man Chemtrails forming the new pollutant Confusing the students and keeping them stupid Obtuse attitudes, man, these dudes be ruthless On point to the point I barricade the joint Inhale, exhale man this tasters choice Blue bloods eschew mud, chew cud like us cattle We battered and bruised up but we still fucking battle Never let em get to you - Ask me bout the subterfuge War and peace entwining in an ever whirling centrifuge Veteran rookie: Dichotomy so sue me Used to Hank Solo now I roar like Wookie
Christ I get wicked when I'm alone and I'm lit Smoke clones and then spit till I foam at the lips My ego cast a shadow that could cause an eclipse And I can't get through doors cause my head won't fit I'm starvin' like Marvin, lookin' for a target I'm barkin' dark jargon like I'm stalkin' park joggers My though pattern is laced with dark matter Fight alien races is space an spark blaster I spit lines for like minds who smoke kind I write rhymes with weight that warp space time Ante-up I'm about to erupt Krakatoa flow all over Like I'm bustin' a nut, spray paint Jackson Pollock All over her gut - Dirty Harry on the mic But you ain't sweeping me up I'm a sad sap but I can rhyme not half bad Cause I been mixing words since I was sperm Inside my dads sack Yakkity-Yak Don't talk back, as a matter of fact Rewind the track back so you can practice your rap I'm high gloss your skills are not polished You're whack and lack knowledge Go back to clown college - Fuck taxes, pay homage I'm glad you acknowledged Hank is just flawless I'm bank your just wallet
I'm cold like deep space I master this pace Knock you flat face In fact my sharp skates Cut circles round you lark fakes Question what marks make Shave you to carp flakes For use in my shark tank
Let’s jump in it, I’m with it I’m finna kill it and stay I've been the realest Since dealers was Shitting diapers away Blank face I don’t keep it at bay
No whale watching, I’m hopping But no landing, I’m offing to each planet I’m locked in, nigga said I’m a Martian You niggas fandom, I’m popping But got plans to just pop him I’m a man no ones stopping Fire plans imma watch them gain Burn away just like Mary Jane I put away, she too nice for days, make way Cause I’m burning all the mainframes No place to lay I ain’t keeping all you plain janes Just some grams and Violas In my denim jeans, we keep it real Chef Chief serving up them fiends. Mother Fucker.
Hank: Alright, let's go home
Jay: One more take
Calling all cars, calling all cars check No red on neck no death stars left Cloud nine? Found my rye moldy Back bent over like a lawn chair folding Cats maw scolding, guts on fire Eyes why at the sky as the pyre grows higher Seems unwind from his old grey coat, Whether freestyle rhyme or line from a note Spine unaligned all in a twist, Time on a line s'all in the wrist Hood up, man-boobs, thyroid leaking, Ballpoint sketch like a fanboy geeking I'm open in the middle I'm closed at both ends I'm a villain to my family I'm a hero to my friends Grasp at the last straw sinner to his kin, Juxtapose foes who just oppose this.
People let me tell you, I work hard every day I get up out of bed, and put on my clothes 'Cuz I got bills to pay
(Don't fall a-haha) When we drive, we feeling all the trees get the breezin The Cuts is Vile, I like the way he mistreat em I can give 'em bars a plenty that’s critical but I'd rather heal with words, that’s medicinal It's time to give a good vibration Break bread and conversate over good libations The frustration no hesitation, will arise Higher then a peregrine falcon in the sky Peace to the nieces and nephews I raise And the son I don't got, father figure I stay You know we got it, I figured I be The Martyr For working class guppies Just tryna make it to supper And we keep it very clever, Uh HUH, yo Whatever the case I waste no time Serving em with a taste But foist let me put on on my woirk boots and grab a dairy milk before I make it to curfew We Breezing
Juxtapose foes who just oppose this.
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mogai-zone · 5 years
Hello! I’m goskin (My kin is with the Northern Goshawk: Accipiter Gentilis) and falconkin (My kin with the Peregrine Falcon: Falco Peregrinus). I use the pronouns she/her/hers/herself, go/gos/os/oshawk/gosself or fa/fal/alc/alcon/falconself. Could you create both flags for me and also do a pronoun validation for me? My name is Izzy by the way. Thank you so much for doing this; you don’t even know how much this means to me. I’m so glad that you create a safe space for neopronouns and kin.
Wow this is a long one! I’m glad you like the account and I’m so happy that it makes you feel safe!
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Here are both flags - Sonic
Pronoun validation:
This is Izzy! Her pronouns are she/her/herself and she is goskin and falconkin. The ask of hers that I received was very kind. She is valid and I support her! I hope everyone else supports her too because she deserves it! I’m glad she’s happy with her identity and I hope she’s proud of herself!
This is Izzy! Os pronouns are go/gos/os/oshawk/gosself and go is goskin and falconkin. The ask of oshawk that I received was very kind. Go is valid and I support gos! I hope everyone else supports os too because go deserves it! I’m glad go’s happy with gos identity and I hope go’s proud of gosself!
This is Izzy! Alc pronouns are fa/fal/all/alcon/falconself and fa is goskin and falconkin. The ask of alcon that I received was very kind. Fa is valid and I support fal! I hope everyone else supports fal too because fa deserves it! I’m glad fa’s happy with fal identity and I hope fa’s proud of falconself!
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feathers-fur · 5 months
This would be such a nice day to fly, but alas, I am currently cursed to walk the Earth
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 7 years
Here we go: We’re starting out with the fun ones. Time to vote in the NEORNITHEAN FAMILY you want, and then a specific bird will be picked from that family in the last week of the prelims, solely so that write-ins won’t be necessary. Please READ the below information so that you make an informed voting choice! You have through January 7th!
The first major division of modern birds, with the rest being neognaths. All lineages except for the tinamous and lithornithids are flightless. Highlighted families include Lithornithidae (early flighted palaeognaths with long slender bills), Aepyornithidae (elephant birds), Rheidae (rheas), and Dinornithidae (giant moa).  List of ineligible candidates: Struthio (ostriches, family Struthionidae), Casuarius (cassowaries, family Casuariidae), Apteryx (kiwi, family Apterygidae)
The earliest-diverging  group of neognaths. Modern galloanserans include a wide variety of land and waterfowl. Highlighted families include Pelagornithidae (birds that evolved fake teeth coming out of their beaks), Dromornithidae (large, flightless herbivorous birds that resemble emus or moa), Anatidae (waterfowl such as ducks, geese, and swans), Phasianidae (landfowl such as pheasants, partridges, and turkeys), and Presbyornithidae (duck relatives that mimicked flamingos & lived in the latest Cretaceous).  List of ineligible candidates: Gallus (chicken & junglefowl, family Phasianidae), Pavo (Indian peafowl & green peafowl, family Phasianidae), Gastornis
A group of mostly insect-eating neognaths, including some of the most specialized vertebrate fliers. Highlighted families include Apodidae (swifts, fast flying insectivores that spend much of their lives in the air), Caprimulgidae (nightjars, nocturnal or crepuscular insectivores), Steatornithidae (oilbirds, nocturnal frugivores capable of echolocation), and Trochilidae (hummingbirds, the smallest living birds, capable of hovering flight).  List of ineligible candidates: Nyctibius (potoos, family Nyctibiidae), Mellisuga (bee & vervain hummingbirds, family Trochilidae), Podargus (tawny frogmouth & other members of Podargus, family Podargidae) 
A variety of early-diverging neognaths that are found to form a clade by some studies. Include both tree-dwelling and ground-dwelling species. Highlighted families include Columbidae (pigeons, stout-bodied mainly herbivorous birds that are often kept as pets), Musophagidae (turacos, arboreal frugivores with unique pigments in their feathers), Cuculidae (cuckoos, mainly insectivorous arboreal and terrestrial birds), and Otididae (bustards, terrestrial birds including some of the heaviest modern flying birds).  List of ineligible candidates: Columba (rock dove/pigeon & other members of Columba, family Columbidae), Raphus (dodo, family Columbidae) 
A group of mostly ground-dwelling neognaths often associated with water, including the cranes, rails, and their close relatives. Highlighted families include Gruidae (cranes, long-legged omnivorous birds), Rallidae (rails, mostly secretive semi-aquatic birds), Aptornithidae (adzebills, large flightless, possibly predatory, extinct birds from New Zealand), and Heliornithidae (finfoots, grebe-like aquatic birds from the tropics).  List of ineligible candidates: Grus (whooping crane & other members of Grus, family Gruidae) 
Mirandornitheans & Charadriiforms 
Two groups of neognaths that may or may not be closely related, both mainly foraging in or near water. Mirandornitheans include grebes and flamingos, whereas the very diverse Charadriiforms include gulls, sandpipers, auks, and many more. Highlighted families include Phoenicopteridae (flamingos, long-legged filter feeders), Podicipedidae (grebes, diving birds with lobed rather than webbed feet), Scolopacidae (sandpipers, a diverse group that mainly forages on shore), Laridae (gulls, terns, and skimmers, agile fliers that forage near the water surface), and Alcidae (auks, wing-propelled diving birds).  List of ineligible candidates: Pinguinus (great auk, family Alcidae) 
A great diversity of neognaths that mostly hunt in aquatic environments, including some of the most specialized marine dinosaurs. Highlighted families include Spheniscidae (penguins, a semi-aquatic group of flightless birds living mostly in the Southern Hemisphere), Phaethontidae (tropicbirds, a group of seabirds with extremely long tail feathers and very small feet), Gaviidae (loons, diving birds that resemble ducks & geese but are not closely related and are extremely clumsy on land), Pelecanidae (pelicans, birds with large beaks that allow for the consumption of huge quantities of seafood), and Sulidae (boobies and gannets, seabirds that plunge-dive for prey).  List of ineligible candidates: Balaeniceps (shoebill, family Balaenicipitidae), Eudyptula (little blue penguin & Australian little penguin, family Spheniscidae) 
Accipitrimorphs & Opisthocomiforms 
Accipitrimorphs include the majority of diurnal birds of prey. Opisthocomiforms include the hoatzin, an unusual herbivorous South American bird. The two groups are probably not close kin, but a recent study found opisthocomiforms closely related to telluravians, a diverse group of mostly arboreal birds including accipitrimorphs and the remaining bird groups in this survey. Highlighted families include Cathartidae (large scavenging birds mostly from the New World), Accipitridae (hawks, eagles, and Old World vultures), Teratornithidae (giant extinct birds of prey, among the largest flying birds ever to have existed), and Opisthocomidae (the unusual hoatzin and its close fossil relatives).  List of ineligible candidates: Gypaetus (bearded vulture, family Accipitridae), Sagittarius (secretary bird, family Sagittariidae), Opisthocomus (hoatzin, family Opisthocomidae), Harpia (harpy eagle, family Accipitridae) 
Owls, a group of mostly nocturnal birds of prey. You’ve probably heard of them. Highlighted families include Tytonidae (barn owls and their close relatives), Strigidae (all other modern owls), and a variety of fossil owl groups.  List of ineligible candidates: Tyto (true barn owls, grass owls, & masked owls, family Tytonidae), Athene (burrowing owl & other members of Athene, family Strigidae)
Non-Piciform Coraciimorphs 
Coraciimorphs are a group of mostly tree-dwelling telluravians. Many nest in tree cavities or burrows, and they encompass a diversity of ecologies including predators, fruit-eaters, and omnivores.  Highlighted families include Coliidae (mousebirds, frugivores that climb and hop acrobatically through the trees), Alcedinidae (kingfishers, predatory birds that catch prey by diving from a perch), Bucerotidae (hornbills, omnivorous birds often with bony crests on their large bills), and Trogonidae (trogons, fruit-eating birds with backwards-pointing first and second toes). List of ineligible candidates: Dacelo (kookaburras, family Alcedinidae), Pharomachrus (true quetzals, family Trogonidae), Upupa (hoopoes) 
A particularly diverse group of coraciimorphs including woodpeckers and barbets. Highlighted families include Gracilitarsidae (small, long-legged extinct piciforms that may have been agile fliers), Galbulidae (jacamars, long-billed insectivores with shiny plumage), Picidae (woodpeckers, tree-climbing birds that drill holes in trees while foraging and nesting), and Ramphastidae (toucans, particularly large-billed barbets from the Neotropics).  List of ineligible candidates: None 
Cariamiforms & Falcons
Two groups of mostly predatory telluravians. Cariamiforms are ground birds whereas falcons are mainly fast aerial hunters. Highlighted families include Ameghinornithidae (extinct herbivorous ground birds that may not actually be cariamiforms - but what they actually are is poorly studied), Phorusrhacidae (terror birds, often large-bodied extinct flightless predatory birds), Cariamidae (seriemas, long-legged predatory birds with retractable second toes), and Falconidae (falcons, mostly fast-flying predators as mentioned previously).  List of ineligible candidates: Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon, family Falconidae), Titanis, Phorusrhacos (both family Phorusrhacidae) 
A group of intelligent, large-beaked birds that are often distinguished by their colorful feathers and complicated vocalizations. Often times are kept as pets, though none are domesticated. Highlighted families include Cacatuidae (cockatoos, cockatiels & relatives, large parrots with crests and extreme loudness), Psittaculidae (parrots such as lovebirds, lorikeets, and Asian parrots - so a very diverse group), Psittacidae (macaws, parakeets, amazon parrots, and caiques), and Messelasturidae (extinct relatives of parrots that were birds of prey)  List of ineligible candidates: Strigops (kakapo, family Strigopidae), Psittacus (African grey parrot & Timneh parrot, family Psittacidae) 
Non-Corvidan Non-Passeridan Passerines 
Passerines (or perching birds) are mostly small-bodied insect- and seed-eating birds, as well as the majority of modern bird species. The following are passerines and passerine-like birds that do not belong to two of the more specific passerine groups Corvida and Passerida. Highlighted families include Zygodactylidae (extinct passerine relatives with backward-pointing first and fourth toes like parrots), Pipridae (manakins, a group of Neotropical passerines in which the males often perform elaborate courtship dances), Pittidae (pittas, often colorful birds that live on the forest floor), Tyrannidae (tyrant flycatchers, insect-eating passerines that often aggressively mob predatory birds), and Menuridae (lyrebirds, terrestrial birds known for vocal mimicry, males have elaborate tail plumage). List of ineligible candidates: None 
One of the most diverse passerine clades, including the groups closely related to crows. Highlighted families include Oriolidae (orioles, arboreal Old World omnivores including a few species with poisonous feathers), Paradisaeidae (birds of paradise, Australasian passerines in which the males often have extravagant plumage and spectacular courtship rituals), Vangidae (vangas, a group of Madagascan passerines with very diverse ecologies), Laniidae (shrikes, predatory passerines that impale prey on pointed objects), and Corvidae (crows, jays, and magpies, highly intelligent omnivores).  List of ineligible candidates: Corvus (crows, ravens, and rooks), Cyanocitta (blue jay & Steller’s jay) (both family Corvidae)
Another of the most diverse passerine clades, including the groups closely related to sparrows. Highlighted families include Picathartidae (rockfowl, bald-headed African passerines that nest under rocky overhangs), Paridae (tits, small acrobatic omnivores that mainly forage in trees), Sittidae (nuthatches, small passerines that forage by descending tree trunks headfirst), Nectariniidae (sunbirds, mostly nectar-eating Old World passerines), and Thraupidae (tanagers, a diverse group of often brightly-colored Neotropical passerines, including the famous Darwin’s finches).  List of ineligible candidates: Parus (great, Japanese, cinereous, & green-backed tits, family Paridae)
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wildinbritain-blog · 6 years
How Well Do You Know British Wildlife?
Surprisingly, three out of 10 Britons do not know there is wildlife in Britain. But the larger British Isles are teeming with wildlife including land mammals, birdlife, and marine life. There is also a wonderful variety of small animals and insects including the lovable bumblebee.        The good thing is that you can travel to any of the popular wildlife viewing sites in a short time seeing as it is that the UK is not a large country. The diverse landscape is a bonus attraction for the avid tourist. There are marshes, moor, cliffs and beaches to explore while looking for wildlife. All of it here in the UK.
What is some popular wildlife to see in the UK?
•    Scottish wildcat
This feline is to be found in Northern England, Wales and Scotland. It is almost indistinguishable from the domestic cat and can crossbreed with it. The numbers are declining because of this diminishing breeding line.
•    Pine Marten
This is a kin to weasel, and native to the Lake District. It is a nocturnal hunter and prefers to sleep in underground burrows.
•    Red squirrels
This squirrel has ginger fur and taller years than the grey squirrel. The ginger fur changes to a grey shade in winter. These cute furry animals are declining in numbers as they are decimated by squirrel pox from their larger and more numerous kin, the grey squirrel. They number less than 200,000 of them.
•    Skomer vole
This rodent is only found on Skomer Island in Wales. It is popular prey for the numerous predator birds on the island.
•    Hedgehogs
These rodents are also on the decline due to habitat destruction and changing climates. They numbered over 30 million 50 years ago but now number about a million.
•    Turtledoves
These beautiful birds have become very rare to see in the UK have declined in numbers by over 90%. The best time to see them is in the summer.
•    Natterjack Toad
It has become very rare to hear this noisy amphibian, remaining only in small numbers in Norfolk and Lincolnshire.
•    Slow Worm
This is a legless lizard that closely resembles a snake. It can be found in all parts of the UK.
•    Bumblebees
These hairy black and yellow striped bees can be found hovering over flowering plants all over the UK. Unlike the aggressive honey bees, bumblebees make are generally harmless and their gentle buzzing will be heard in many fields, gardens and parks.
Bees in general are a particular passion of mine. I recently became a beekeeper and regularly purchase products from The Humble Bumble as they donate to various bee charities and organizations. I just received a new bee charm from them for my sister which i’m over the moon with!
What are the best places to see wildlife in the UK?
Cairngorms National Park, Scotland
The Cairngorms National Park in the Scottish Highlands is a land of rare beauty with a variety of wildlife and stunning landscapes. The varied landscape consists of forests, moorlands, mountain, and grass fields. The wildlife to be found here includes pine martens, red squirrels, Scottish wildcats, and golden eagles. There is also a variety of small mammals, rodents and innumerable insects including wasps, ants and bumblebees. Tourists can walk this place on foot in guided tours.
Blakeney Point, Norfolk
This is area is world famous for its attraction as a site to see marine bird life. It is a breeding ground for grey seals with over 2,000 grey seal pups coming to life each year from October to January. This area is part of Blakeney National Nature Reserve. An organized boat trip is the only way to get here during the breeding season.
The Isle of Mull, Scotland
The white-tailed eagle has been re-introduced in the UK on this isle. This is the biggest bird of prey native to the UK. It can be spotted swooping down on fish in the sea or soaring over the forests in search of small prey. Buzzards and golden eagles can also be sighted here. Marine attractions include porpoises and dolphins.
Falmouth, Cornwall
Pendennis point is on this location. This is one of the best spots in the UK to view marine wildlife, with breathtaking sea views as the background. There are also good views of Falmouth Bay and River Mal. It is a good spot for viewing bottlenose and common dolphins.  Other marine attractions include shallow swimming sharks, grey seals and a variety of marine birds.
New Forest, Hampshire
This ancient woodland and heath is home to a herd of over 3,000 wild ponies that roam this area. Tourists can also spot all the deer species that are native to the UK. Other attractions include birds and snakes as well as insects including butterflies, dragonflies and bumblebees.
Kielder Forest, Northumberland
This is the home of the photogenic red squirrel whose numbers have dwindled dramatically. This forest is also home to bats, badgers, pipistrelle bats and other small mammals. Tourists can also see an osprey swooping down on these small prey from time to time.
Causeway Coast, Northern Ireland
This rugged coast landscape is a challenge to navigate but offers plenty to see in terms of wildlife. The cliffs are home to agile mountain hares and birds including peregrine falcons, and puffins. There are sharks, Atlantic grey seals and porpoises to be found in the sea.  Bird watchers will find an interesting variety of marine birds including razorbills, auks and guillemot heading off to fish in the sea, homing in and heading to breeding grounds.
Shetland and Orkney Islands
These isles in the northernmost point of the UK offer plenty for the tourist if you can get there. The waters off the coast hold killer whales, minke whales, humpback whales, white-sided and white-beaked dolphins. There are also sea otters and a variety of marine birds. Bird watchers will especially find Skara Brae, Noss and Sumburgh areas rich with different bird species. These isles are also interesting archaeological sites.
Gilfach Nature Reserve, Wales
This is a great spot to see otters on the hunt for salmon. They come here every year from October to December to catch easy salmon prey at the waterfalls as the salmon swim upstream. These elusive water predators can also be spotted at other times of the year although it is a bit harder to do so. Early morning and sunset hours are the best for viewing.
Skomer Island
The hugely popular Atlantic Puffin is to be found in good numbers on this island off the coast of Pembrokeshire in western Wales. This is a popular destination with birders who come here for the rich bird life and photo opportunities. Seeing about 70,000 Manx Shearwaters make a landing in the dusk is a phenomenon that is one of the rarest in the world. There are also the photogenic Atlantic puffins who are happy enough to pose for photos as they are well-used to human presence.
This is one of the most beautiful inhabited places in the UK. The meadows of Kingcombe are perfectly kept and preserved, with over 200 years of well-maintained fields, hay meadows and hedgerows. All of it is done naturally without pesticides which makes it highly attractive to insects and other small wildlife.
There is plenty to see if you take the time to stroll leisurely through the meadows. There are buzzing bumblebees, numerous scurrying insects and different birds that make a living of these small prey. The soothing landscape holds plenty to see and photograph.
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newmayhem · 5 years
Elavie Breeds
Disclaimer: None of this is mine, everything was collected from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes’ old websites, the wiki, and the old message boards. Anything written in the first person is a direct quote from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. For all the entries in the The Den of Shadows Reference series, check the tag or this page.
There are, in modern day, thirty-one distinct breeds of shapeshifter. These include four types of falcon (gyrfalcon, peregrine, aplomado, merlin), nine types of serpent (white viper, cobra, taipan, viper, python, red rat snake, black rat snake, emerald boa, mamba), two breeds of Azteka (jaguar, quetzal), four forms of avian (hawk, crow, raven, sparrow), two breeds of fox (arctic and red), three types of Rajar (spotted eagle rays, manta rays, and moray eels), tigers, lions, cougars, leopards, wolves, hyenas, osprey, and fruit bats.
The four falcon breeds are collectively called the shm'Ahnmik; they have existed as a single empire, under the falcon Royal House, for several millennia. The Ona, Empress, rules without question.
The nine serpents are collectively referred to as the serpiente; excepting the white vipers, they have followed the royal line of the Cobriana since their inception. The ruler is called Diente; his/her mate is called the Naga (female) or Nag (male), and the heirs have the title of Arami. The white vipers, Maeve's kin, most often belong to a group known as the Obsidian Guild.
The four types of avian follow the royal Shardae line, the hawks. They are led by the Tuuli Thea (queen) and her alistair (consort).
The jaguars and quetzals of the Azteka are led by their priests and priestesses of Malinalxochitl, who are also often called bloodwitches, and the tecuanime, a group of high-ranking traders.
The two types of fox, collectively called the Vulpes Elavie, live in individual dens each consisting of ten to fifty members. Each den is led by its Yahto, the (always male) single individual whose responsibility it is to remain aware of happenings in the outside world, and protect the den from human (and other shapeshifter) encroachment. Life inside the den is very restrictive, with very few rights granted to individuals, and even fewer to women.
The Rajar live exclusively around the island known as Devil's Lantern. They are the only type of elavie that was animal first, and given by Leben human forms. Their numbers swelled during World War II, when a boat full of Japanese, fleeing persecution and internment in America, was storm-tossed up on the rocky shores of Devil's Lantern. The thirty survivors moved onto the island, and later began to mingle and later intermarry with the inhabitants.
The tigers form the majority of the Mistari, another long-lived culture stretching in some form from the tigers' origins in China to modern day in Africa.
The lions' civilization in Africa fell to invaders shortly after they received their second forms. Since then, they have mostly been nomads, subject to the leadership of the lands they visit.
The cougars and leopards are both native to the Americas, specifically to an intermixed group of native people and European settlers.
The wolves originate with the nomadic tribes of early northern Europe. For most of their history, they have been known for their well-traveled ways and their far-reaching trade.
The hyenas, or Pakana, have as a culture split and recombined many times throughout their history, with the end result that none of their people know their kind's origins. Pakana are unique in that they are intensely drawn to other Pakana; even those who are human with recessive Pakana genes will instinctively prefer the company of other Pakana to humans.
The Desmodus existed as a single nation for several centuries, ruled by three kings from the Royal Caste and the priests of the Holy Caste, but the cohesion of their civilization fell apart in the eighth or ninth century. Individual Desmodus elavie still exist today, but they have no formal leadership.
Osprey are among the most modern shapeshifters. They used to be Unitarian Universalists. Go figure.
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nyeusigrube-haven · 4 years
Elavie: Breeds
On Elavie Breeds
There are, in modern day, thirty-one distinct breeds of shapeshifter. These include four types of falcon (gyrfalcon, peregrine, aplomado, merlin), nine types of serpent (white viper, cobra, taipan, viper, python, red rat snake, black rat snake, emerald boa, mamba), two breeds of Azteka (jaguar, quetzal), four forms of avian (hawk, crow, raven, sparrow), two breeds of fox (arctic and red), three types of Rajar (spotted eagle rays, manta rays, and moray eels), tigers, lions, cougars, leopards, wolves, hyenas, osprey, and fruit bats.
The four falcon breeds are collectively called the shm'Ahnmik; they have existed as a single empire, under the falcon Royal House, for several millennia. The Ona, Empress, rules without question.
The nine serpents are collectively referred to as the serpiente; excepting the white vipers, they have followed the royal line of the Cobriana since their inception. The ruler is called Diente; his/her mate is called the Naga (female) or Nag (male), and the heirs have the title of Arami. The white vipers, Maeve's kin, most often belong to a group known as the Obsidian Guild.
The four types of avian follow the royal Shardae line, the hawks. They are led by the Tuuli Thea (queen) and her alistair (consort).
The jaguars and quetzals of the Azteka are led by their priests and priestesses of Malinalxochitl, who are also often called bloodwitches, and the tecuanime, a group of high-ranking traders.
The two types of fox, collectively called the Vulpes Elavie, live in individual dens each consisting of ten to fifty members. Each den is led by its Yahto, the (always male) single individual whose responsibility it is to remain aware of happenings in the outside world, and protect the den from human (and other shapeshifter) encroachment. Life inside the den is very restrictive, with very few rights granted to individuals, and even fewer to women.
The Rajar live exclusively around the island known as Devil's Lantern. They are the only type of elavie that was animal first, and given by Leben human forms. Their numbers swelled during World War II, when a boat full of Japanese, fleeing persecution and internment in America, was storm-tossed up on the rocky shores of Devil's Lantern. The thirty survivors moved onto the island, and later began to mingle and later intermarry with the inhabitants.
The tigers form the majority of the Mistari, another long-lived culture stretching in some form from the tigers' origins in China to modern day in Africa.
The lions' civilization in Africa fell to invaders shortly after they received their second forms. Since then, they have mostly been nomads, subject to the leadership of the lands they visit.
The cougars and leopards are both native to the Americas, specifically to an intermixed group of native people and European settlers.
The wolves originate with the nomadic tribes of early northern Europe. For most of their history, they have been known for their well-traveled ways and their far-reaching trade.
The hyenas, or Pakana, have as a culture split and recombined many times throughout their history, with the end result that none of their people know their kind's origins. Pakana are unique in that they are intensely drawn to other Pakana; even those who are human with recessive Pakana genes will instinctively prefer the company of other Pakana to humans.
The Desmodus existed as a single nation for several centuries, ruled by three kings from the Royal Caste and the priests of the Holy Caste, but the cohesion of their civilization fell apart in the eighth or ninth century. Individual Desmodus elavie still exist today, but they have no formal leadership.
Osprey are among the most modern shapeshifters. They used to be Unitarian Universalists. Go figure.
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kin-helping · 8 years
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peregrine falcon self-care for anon!
stim pillow | bathbomb candle 1 | candle 2
-mod padme
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salamencerobot · 3 years
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#tastes like a clay shop smells. dust with a hint of salt and sweat nostalgia on your tongue. a hint of fire coming from the kiln in the back
My Top Posts in 2021
The Sleepy Gods( an sbi poem)
A peregrine falcon, an older god, of the winds and the wings that soar. He’s seen worlds grow and fall, mistakes repeated from long before He’s built his own worlds, raising castles to the sky He’s raised his own family, comforting the gods that cry
The eldest is a boar, a god of the fight, Leading humans to battle through the dark of the night He fights for freedom, for his homes For the fields and forest he roams. Bards tell stories of the battles he’s led But none sing of the destruction his twin sows instead
His twin is a demon, the god of blood on hooved feet, The color of flesh flushed red from the heat The scream of rockets and his scream of a war cry Blood turns the stones red as he leaves them to die "Blood for the blood god!" Rages through his head He protects only his kin, left the rest for dead
The littlest one, a sable, The god of tricksters and burrowers and theft War is prideful and revolution well known, And the wind is an old god, one of the only left But theft is everywhere, From the sky to the sea From the ground we walk on, Even in a humble bee. For the birds steal from dogs And the vines steal from trees And the ferrets steal from people And the badgers steal from bees For even the littlest can win All they need is some luck So remember, if you can dig You will never be stuck
82 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 00:56:27 GMT
Can we talk about the fact that wayneradiotv had a fucking PANIC ATTACK MID ACTING STREAM, AND KEPT FUCKING GOING. **IN VR**.
89 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 06:01:16 GMT
How to write your dragon in an accurate way: a rage fueled essay by an environmental science major
first off @camille-the-space-ghost​ thanks for encouraging me
now, this is going to be two major parts (For now i might change it later on). 1. the environment, and 2. the dragon itself. also a lot of these tips can apply to fictional creatures in general, but they’re focused around dragons.
Part 1: environment
Now one of the main things you need to know about the world is that evolution works in niches. An evolutionary niche(Nee-sh) is what your creature specializes in/what makes it distinct. There aren’t any specific terms i’ve learned for them, but for example a rabbit would be a small burrowing ground-based herbivore that specializes in numbers over long lifespans. That sets it apart from say, squirrels, which are tree-dwelling.
There are two types of niches. Fundamental Niches is all the roles a creature COULD fill. in our case, a dragon could conceivably hunt most creatures in a standard irl forest. However, its Realized Niche would probably be large animals like wolves, deer, moose, etc, because while it COULD hunt smaller creatures, it would be less efficient at hunting them, so predators like foxes and wolves would take that up. The difference is a bit more nuanced than that, but it’s not too important. What is important to know is that two species cannot have stable populations while having the exact same niche. Their niches can overlap, but if they have the same niche, eventually one will overtake and outcompete the other. This is one of the reasons why invasive species suck so bad
So if your dragon is a purely water dragon, depending on it’s size, you may want to remove some species from it’s environment. if it’s whale sized, maybe orcas and toothed whales aren’t in that environment, because the dragon eats it’s food (baleen whales are chill though because they eat another food source). Food isn’t the only component of a niche, the available space can impact it too. for instance, if your dragon eats seeds and lives in tree trunks, it might be competing with trunk-dwelling birds for space, even though it eats seeds and those birds might eat insects. in this case, the birds might be chased out if the dragon population gets too big, but if they both stay stable, they could reasonably live in the same space since their food niche is separate.
1.5: environmental storytelling.
Most animals leave impacts in their environment. some are common, like poop or footprints or bite marks. Some are rarer like woodpecker holes or beaver dams. If you want your dragon to fit in, have it make an impact on the world around it. If your dragon is big, maybe it knocked down a tree or to when it was learning to fly. If your dragon is small, maybe it likes to collect a certain color of flower, so all those flowers are picked from its area. If you’re writing your dragon to be sapient (aka thinking like a human), you can have a lot of creativity with this. I reccomend looking up bowerbirds. they have hordes too, and you can get some ideas from them.
2. the dragon
the other half of this equation is the dragon itself. This will mostly focus on behavior and looks. This is important for artists and writers alike.
Behavior: we’re getting this out of the way now.If your dragons are not sapient, take your cues from nature. large herbivores are constantly wary and are some of the most dangerous beasts, since anything is a threat. Think hippo vs lion. Both are terrifying but at least you’re kinda safe around a full lion. A full hippo still thinks you’re a threat. If it’s a smaller animal, then they might be skittish and flee quickly. Think flight vs fight priorities. If a healthy adult could reasonably take it’s main predator, it’ll fight you too. If a healthy adult could NOT take it’s main predator, it’ll flee. (think about how in monster hunter, one of the most dangerous creatures is a herbivore. aka diablos) Obviously this isn’t a constant rule but it’s good enough for most situations. If your dragon is not sapient, note that animals usually eat until they are full. they have no concept of rationing. The reason that they dont exhaust their food source is that eventually their prey gets hard enough to find, and then their populations drop, and prey populations spike again. it’s a constant back and forth, it’s rarely perfectly stable, but usually species can stay extant in the same area without problems, because it’s also rare that animals kill after they’re full.
Now if your dragon IS sapient, then you get to have fun! take your cues from human behavior (with some twists obviously). Have individuals that have eaten all the food in their area foolishly and are known to try and steal from other dragon’s hunting grounds. Have dragons that have made alliances with humans in exchange for gold. Have dragons that have pets because they think it’s cute, and the pets have learned to tolerate them (this doesn’t have to be like how we bred dogs to be tame. look at snakes, individual-wise their behavior is dictated by how much handling they get at a young age. its about tolerance and a lack of fear, not necessarily love). Have dragons that have favorite fishing spots that they SWEAR just has better tasting fish.
also, just a general thing, learn what features are defensive vs offensive. For instance. poison is generally defensive, while venom is generally offensive. think about the situations where an animal would use these features. This is one of the things that pisses me off about MH. Rathalos is a hunter and doesn’t reasonably need venom spikes, fire and talons and teeth work just fine. Rathian, on the other hand, has a completely practical use for them, which is defending the nest. you don’t want to blast the area around your nest with fire, and venom requires less movement to use (using claws could crush an egg on accident)
part 2.5: looks
this is the fun part.TAKE YOUR CUES FROM NATURE. there are animals in every kind of environment, Take inspiration from them. MH does this pretty well, with animals like cephalos, a desert creature, having large fins to cool off, and a relatively aerodynamic body to move through sand.
So, here are some ideas to make your dragon look like it’s made to live in the environment. These are not set in stone, you can use a couple, or none at all.
Flying-specific: White/blue belly scales to make it hard to spot in the sky. Feathers for warmth,. Tails that can spread out for braking and control. (Toothless did this right). look at hawks
Burrowers: animals that move and hunt through burrowing usually either use their claws to dig, or dig with noses (like hognoses!), look at burrowing snakes and lizards for this. They might also have better smell because they can’t see underground.
Forests: Stripes/spots for camouflage. If it perches on trees, give it bird feet. If it tends to walk on the ground, give it thicker feet for stability. If it uses calls to communicate over long distances, make them simple and LOUD. It’s hard to have detail in sound across distance in forest, the leaves absorb a lot of it. Give it sharp claws if it’s going up trees, as well as a thinner body so the tree can handle it. If it’s a nighttime hunter, give it better smell than sight.
Ocean: Movement is key, you want as aerodynamic a shape as possible. Horns are kinda eh here, fins are better because they can fold flat. Take inspiration from fish, eels, and sharks for movement types. You can also look at species like squids and octopi if you want something new. if you’re looking for camouflage in open ocean, many fish have light bellies and dark tops, so they blend in if looked at from the top or bottom. If you’re camouflaging in a reef, go fucking hog wild. If you want funky colors and shapes, you can look at cuttlefish, and octopi, masters of dynamic camouflage, color changing, and mimicry! If you want to make a species of dragon that swims in schools, give it a very thin stripe down the center! schools of fish actually use those to sense the movement of those around them. Communication in water is deep for long distances but high pitched for close distances. Think dolphins and whales.
                Deep Underwater: many species are blind, and those that have vision can only see specific kinds of light that they use for communication. Bio luminescence is used to communicate. It’s hard to get really big in the depths, there’s massive amounts of pressure, low oxygen, and food is hard to come by. you can do it, but most large deep dwelling creatures are just super long. Now you can have MASSIVE carcasses down there, because that’s where everything falls when it dies! If they live down deep, they’ll probably die when brought to the surface, because everything kinda fails.
Caves: If your dragon just uses caves as a home at night, you might not need many adaptations to the environment. But if your dragon lives deep in dark caves, then you’re gonna have to adapt to a whole new kind of animal. Many cave-dwelling animals are pale and blind, because you don’t get light down there. most eat tiny creatures, and it’s hard to get big down there. similar adaptations to living deep underwater. Limited food and nutrients, no sunlight, etc.
Sandy deserts: cooling down is the biggest focus here. Big fins and ears are what many species use to cool down, circulating blood through them. You also have snakes and lizards that walk weird and “dance” to keep the sand off of most of their body at any time. If your dragon doesn’t have internal heating, they’ll likely burrow at night to conserve heat (sand stays warm for a while). Light colors are common here not just to camouflage, but also to reflect more sunlight. staying under cover is also very important, because of how open it is. Watering holes are peaceful areas, usually, though if your creature dwells in water that’s not gonna be the case (crocodiles)
The Poles: varies depending on if you’re in a tundra or a cold desert (like Antarctica), but some things stay constant. Many species build fat, for insulation. If your species doesn’t have fur, they better be thicc as hell, or I’ll be sad. Most species also have thick fur on their paws to stay warm, as well as claws so they can have traction in icy areas. You want extremities like ears and fins to be small, and shouldn’t exist without a use (Like fins could be used for communication and sensing motion in water, and ears are for hearing). limbs tend to be small and tight to the body to conserve heat. Think about how jackrabbits, a desert species, have long limbs and ears, while arctic bunnies are small and compact. Same with foxes. Tails are also included here, though again if it has a use it can stay (locomotion, and foxes use the tail to cover their face when they sleep). Snouts should also be small. Burrowing is also common here, because snow is a FANTASTIC insulator. if your species has a predator, it’s likely to have light colors because camoflauge is important here.
Alright, that’s all I can think of for now, thanks for reading! feel free to ask me for specifics if you need them, I’m always willing to help
197 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 03:01:01 GMT
Serizawa as a character is incredibly reassuring. He's very clearly meant to represent people who struggle with mental health and other chronic issues, and he himself clearly has some kind of severe anxiety. (Also probably people who are recovering from an extremely controlling relationship.) In any other show, the whole point would be either making fun of this recluse "living in his moms basement" or dragging him out forcefully to help him.
But he's brought out nicely. He's shown love and care and people genuinely care about him. He's given friends. He's like 30 but he's able to start life and that's so reassuring to people like me, who are terrified that if we don't start now, we'll miss our chance. And the best part is that it's not played as a joke. They genuinely care about him, and helping him adjust to the real world. The umbrella isn't ripped away, he puts it away willingly. It's HIS CHOICE. His storyline is about giving agency to people with mental disorders and that's wonderful.
And that combined with Mob makes me think mp100 has some amazing storylines about mental health that need to be shown more.
239 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 16:47:36 GMT
Props to grian for literally having a panic attack during dodgebolt and STILL playing. Jesus Christ man.
453 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 21:49:10 GMT
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