#perdido is doing his best
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silkhy-john · 2 years ago
Perdido: so a romantic partner is someone who helps hone your skills in battle?
Malos: sure!
Perdido: will you be my romantic partner?
Patroka: … what
Perdido: a romantic partner is someone—
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chlerc · 7 months ago
first-time dad ; pablo gavi
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— summary; he’s only ever on Instagram to post about his family and occasionally his footballing career but witnessing the first-time dad grow over time is way more sentimental and meaningful.
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pairing — pablo gavi x childhood-best-friend!f. reader
social media au
content — you barely see gavi as a man of many words but when it comes to his sons and the love of his life, he gets sentimental and sappy real fast
NAVIGATION + author’s note: my head’s been into chinese drama too much i forgot about this draft rotting.
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Liked by pablogavi, fcbarcelona and 3,493,107 others
ynusername baby gavira, august 2023 🤍
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pablogavi eres la mejor mamá que podría pedir (you’re the best mom he could ever ask for)
ynusername @pablogavi te amo mucho (i love you so much)
pedri eres la mejor mamá que podría pedir 👏(congratulations both of you)
ynusername @pedri gracias, te amo 🤍 (thank you, love you)
fcbarcelona new culer 🥹
ynusername @fcbarcelona siiiii
alejandrobalde felicidades mi hermano y la señora 👏👏 (congrats my bro and the missus)
ynusername @alejandrobalde gracias tío alejandro 🤍 (thanks uncle alejandro)
forblaugrana Project Gavi 🔜🔜
blaugrana.daily our gavi is all grown up
gavi.fanpage EXCITED!!!
joaofelix79 no puedo esperar para conocer al bebé gavi (can’t wait to meet baby gavi)
ynusername @joaofelix79 estoy seguro de que él también está ansioso por conocerte, tío Félix! (i’m sure he can’t wait to meet you too uncle félix!)
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Liked by pablogavi, pedri and 2,917,193 others
ynusername el 5 de agosto de 2023 comenzó nuestro proyecto @pablogavi Jr! bienvenido mi amor 🤍 (on 5 august 2023, our project gavi junior has begun! welcome my love)
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pablogavi lo mejor que podría pedir en mi cumpleaños, gracias, la mejor esposa que podría pedir. (the best thing i could ever ask for on my birthday, thanks you, the best wife i could ever ask for.)
ynusername @pablogavi los amo mucho a los dos 😘 (i love you two so much)
pedri mismo cumpleaños que su papá 🥹 (same birthday as his dad)
pablogavi @pedri siii, el mejor regalo de todos los tiempos 😆 (yes, the best present ever)
blaugrana.page the ACTUAL project gavi with the same birthday
gavi.jpg i love this little family so much, can’t wait to watch him grow up!
fcbarcelona Welcome culer!!! 👏👏
ynusername @fcbarcelona una camiseta con su nombre? (a jersey with his name on it?)
fcbarcelona @ynusername ya te lo envié por correo 😉 (already mailed to you)
joaofelix79 por fin está aquí! (he’s finally here)
ynusername @joaofelix79 si tio félix, ven pronto! (yes uncle félix, come over soon!)
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Liked by ynusername, joaofelix79 and 6,826,136 others
pablogavi oye Mateo ¿cómo ha pasado ya un mes? recuerdo que cuando tu mamá y yo nos enteramos de ti por primera vez, estábamos bastante conmocionados y perdidos, pero aún así felices. tú y tu mamá sois lo mejor que me ha pasado, ¿sabes? por favor, no crezcas tan rápido todavía. todavía tengo mucho que aprender como padre y sobre lo que tienes que enseñarme. gracias por darme la oportunidad Mateo ❤️ además, mamá tomó estas fotos. (hey Mateo, how has it already been a month? i remember when your mama and i first found out about you, we were quite shocked and lost but nonetheless happy. you and your mama are the best thing that ever happened to me you know? please don't grow up just so fast yet, i still have lots of learning to do as a father that you have to teach me about. thanks for giving me the chance, Mateo. also, mama took these photos)
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ynusername eres el mejor papá que podría pedir, mi pájaro enojado 🤍 (you’re the best dad he could ever ask for, my angry bird)
pablogavi @ynusername y eres la mejor mamá que existe (and you’re the best mama out there)
joaofelix79 Mateo es lo mejor que me ha pasado (Mateo is the best thing that ever happened)
ynusername @joaofelix79 seguro que Mateo también te quiere mucho tío Félix! (i’m sure Mateo loves you lots too uncle Félix!)
pablogavi @joaofelix79 ¿no soy lo mejor que te ha pasado? (i’m not the best thing that ever happened to you?)
joaofelix79 @pablogavi tú y tu hijo supongo 🙄 (you and your son i guess)
blaugranaplanet Mateo is growing up so fast!
livelaughlovebarca MATEO’S LITTLE ONESIES 🥹 and the bear pj’s!!!
saraguendogan Kais newest playmate soon!
ynusername @saraguendogan can’t wait 🤍
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Liked by marcguiu9, _ferminlopez and 3,965,022 others
pablogavi Otra victoria en casa antes de volver a la Champions el miércoles, os esperamos a todos. força barça! (another victory at home before returning to the Champions League on Wednesday, see you all there. force barça!)
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_ferminlopez Mi hermano ❤️ (my brother)
fcbarcelona Jugón 👏 (game on)
ynusername apoyando a papá (rooting for papa)
pablogavi @ynusername te amo mi ángel (i love you my angel)
barca4life Best midfielder out there
for.blaugrana Masterclass performance
gavi.daily only the best
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pablogavi hola Mateo, no puedo creer que ya estés cumpliendo seis meses. aprendo un poco más cada día siendo tu padre y estoy muy contento de que tú y tu mamá estén aquí conmigo. mamá y yo te amamos desde la luna y desde atrás, ¡y tus tíos también! tú y tu mamá me hicieron el hombre más orgulloso, estoy muy contento y orgulloso de llamarlos míos y nuestra pequeña familia. como siempre, no crezcas tan rápido Mateo, todavía tengo mucho que aprender. mamá volvió a tomar estas fotos...❤️ (hey Mateo, i can't believe you're already turning six months old. i learn a little more everyday being your father and i'm so glad you and your mama are here with me. me and mama loves you from the moon and back, so does your uncles! you and your mama made me the proudest man, i'm so glad and proud to call you two mine and our little family. as usual, don't grow up so fast Mateo i still have lots to learn. mama took these photos again...)
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ynusername Mateo seis meses! (Mateo six months!)
pablogavi @ynusername siiiiii mi amor (yes my love)
pedri mi pequeño está creciendo… (my little boy is growing up…)
pablogavi @pedri y te estás haciendo viejo (and you’re growing old)
mikkykiemeney Mateooo, so cuteeee!!!
ynusername @mikkykiemeney i know righttt, waiting to meet Miles!
gavi.family.fans Mateo is growing up so quickly!
forblaugrana Project Gavi coming along nicely
pablogavi.6 THE CUTEST!!!
lamineyamal ese nene es un tesorito, me lo comería! 😮😮 (you’re such a cutie pie, i could eat you up!)
pablogavi @lamineyamal por favor deja a mi hijo en paz 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ (please leave my son alone)
joaofelix79 ¡mi Mateo favorito! (my favourite Mateo!)
pablogavi @joaofelix79 hay otro Mateo en tu vida? (there’s other Mateo’s in your life?)
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Liked by ynusername, joaofelix79 and 4,615,179 others
pablogavi hola mi pequeño Mateo! no puedo creer que haya pasado un año desde que naciste. solía ​​pensar que no valía la pena celebrar mi cumpleaños hasta que llegaste tú. me alegro mucho de haber podido compartir mi fecha de nacimiento contigo y no hay nadie más a quien agradecer más que a tu mamá. gracias por hacer esto posible mi amor, @ynusername. Ustedes dos son para siempre lo mejor que me ha pasado. ¡por muchas más celebraciones de cumpleaños compartidas contigo, hombrecito! el amor de mi vida y mi Mateo, ustedes hicieron esto posible y ustedes dos siguen siendo el mejor regalo de cumpleaños. gracias por darme la oportunidad de ser tu papá Mateo, gracias por darme una oportunidad mi amor.❤️ (hey my little Mateo! i can't believe it's been a year since you were born. i used to think my birthday's weren't worth celebrating until you came along. i'm so glad i got to share my birth date with you and there's no one else to thank more than your mama. thanks for making this possible my love, @ynusername. you two are forever the best thing that happened to me. to many more shared birthday celebrations with you little man! the love of my life and my Mateo, you made this possible and you two are still the best birthday present ever. thanks for giving me the opportunity to be your dad Mateo, thanks for giving me a chance my love.)
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ynusername feliz cumpleaños al hombre que me hizo la mujer que soy y feliz cumpleaños al pequeño Mateo que me hizo la mamá que soy hoy 🤍 (happy birthday to the man who made me the woman i am and happy birthday to little Mateo who made me the mama i am today)
pablogavi @ynusername te amo muchoooo, más de lo que jamás imaginas (i love you so much, more than you ever know)
pedri feliz cumpleaños a mi pequeño Mateo, tu tío favorito es el que más te quiere! 🎂🎉 (happy birthday to my little Mateo, your favourite uncle loves you the most!)
joaofelix79 oh nooo, ¿por qué mi hombrecito está creciendo tan rápido? feliz cumpleaños mi pequeño Mateo el tio te quiere mucho (oh nooo, why is my little man growing up so quickly. happy birthday my little Mateo, uncle loves you very much)
alejandrobalde Feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, espero verte en el entrenamiento más! 💪 (happy birthday little Mateo, hope to see you at training more!)
frenkiedejong happy birthday little Mateo!
lamineyamal el pequeño Mateo está creciendo bien, feliz cumpleaños pequeño! (little Mateo is growing up well, happy birthday little one!)
hctorforrt_ feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, el tío Marc y yo estamos abiertos a más sesiones de niñera! 🎉 (happy birthday little Mateo, uncle Marc and I are open to more babysitting sessions!)
blaugrana Everyone calls him ‘Little Mateo’ 🥹
blaugranaplanet the cutest little Mateo!
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mateogavi Feliz cumpleaños para mi! mamá y papá dijeron que este pastel era mío, así que jugué con él! el osito es muy lindo, ¿no crees que se parece a mi pijama? estoy tan feliz de haber recibido tantos juguetes nuevos de mis tíos! feliz cumpleaños a mi papá también 🧸🤍 (happy birthday to me! mama and papa said this cake was mine so i played with it! the bear is so cute, don't you think it looks like my pyjamas? i'm so happy i got so many new toys from my uncles! happy birthday to my papa too)
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pedri feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, espero que te guste tu nuevo juguete! (happy birthday little Mateo, hope you like your new toy!)
mateogavi @pedri lo hice, muchas gracias tío Pedri 🐻 (i did! thank you so much uncle Pedri)
joafelix79 feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, ten cuidado en el auto nuevo te tengo bien? 🏎🏎 (happy birthday little Mateo, be careful in the new car i got you okay?)
mateogavi @joaofelix79 tendré mucho cuidado tío Félix y cuando vuelvas te mostraré mis habilidades! (i will be super careful uncle Félix and when you come again, i’ll show you my skills!)
alejandrobalde sigue entrenando duro con el fútbol que te tengo pequeño Mateo! ⚽️ (keep training hard with the football i got you little Mateo!)
mateogavi @alejandrobalde señor si señor tio Alejandro! (sir yes sir uncle Alejandro!)
hctorforrt_ pequeño Mateo, espero que te guste la pista de carreras que te tengo el tío Marc y yo! (little Mateo, hope you like the race track uncle Marc and I got you!)
mateogavi @hctforrt_ me encanta, muchas gracias tio Marc y Hector! (i love it, thank you so much uncle Marc and Hector!)
marcguiu9 tío Marc te quiero mucho pequeño Mateo, feliz cumpleaños ☺️ (uncle Marc loves you so much little Mateo, happy birthday)
mateogavi @marcguiu9 Yo también te quiero mucho tío Marc!! (i love you so much too uncle Marc)
_ferminlopez creciendo bien pequeño Mateo, ¿te gusta el gran oso de peluche que te tengo? (growing up well little Mateo, do you like the big teddy bear i got you?)
mateogavi @_ferminlopez si tio Fermín! He estado durmiendo con él, mamá lo pone a mi lado por la noche. (yes uncle Fermín! i've been sleeping with it, mama puts it beside me at night)
blaugrana.daily Happy Birthday Mateo!!!
pablogavi.family Can’t believe you’re one already, happy birthday Mateo!
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Liked by pablogavi, joaofelix79 and 1,928,108 others
ynusername hola mi pequeño, no puedo creer que ya estés cumpliendo un año. te amo a ti y a tu papá más de lo que jamás imaginarás, no lo olvides. Mateo, gracias por guiarme y enseñarme cuando estaba perdida como mamá primeriza. mi pájaro enojado, gracias por amarme y darnos una oportunidad. ustedes dos son las mejores cosas que me han pasado. gracias por darme la oportunidad de ser tu mamá Mateo, y gracias por elegirme mi pájaro enojado. feliz cumpleaños a los dos chicos que me hacen la mujer más orgullosa del mundo. los amo mis amores 🤍 (hey my little man, can't believe you're turning one already. i love you and your papa more than you'll ever know, don't forget that. Mateo, thanks for guiding me and teaching me when i was lost as a first time mama. my angry bird, thanks for loving me and giving us a chance. you two are the best things that ever happened to me. thanks for giving me the opportunity to be your mama Mateo, and thanks for choosing me my angry bird. happy birthday to the two boys that make me the proudest woman alive. love you my loves.)
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pablogavi Siempre juntos, no lo haría de otra manera. Estoy muy agradecida de que sois tú y Mateo. (always together, i wouldn’t have it any other way. i’m so grateful it’s you and Mateo.)
pedri ¿crees que te ves lindo en la tercera foto, eh? (you think you look cute in the third picture eh?)
pablogavi @pedri Bastante lindo obviamente 😒(quite cute obviously)
joaofelix79 la tercera foto es una broma 🤣🤣🤣 (third picture is a joke)
lamineyamal @joaofelix79 lo juro, la foto más divertida que he visto en mi vida. 😂😂 (i swear, funniest picture i’ve ever seen)
aurorapaezg feliz cumpleaños mi guapo 🤍 (happy birthday my handsomes.)
ynusername @aurorapaezg muchas gracias mi otra mitad 🥹 (thank you so much my other half.)
barcawaglife the cutest family!!!
forblaugrana Happy birthday gavira’s!
fcbarcelona Feliz cumpleaños nuestros guerreros 🥳🙌 (happy birthday our warriors!)
nikefootball Happy Birthday our star boy ⭐️
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mateogavi te gustan mis conjuntos? mamá dice que me veo mejor que papá ���� (do you like my outfits? mama says i look better than papa.)
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joaofelix79 definitivamente te ves mejor que papá 🤣🤣 (you definitely look better than papa.)
lamineyamal cocinado por su propio hijo (cooked by his own son.)
pablogavi @lamineyamal callarse (shut up.)
mikkykiemeney the matching samba’s 🥹
ynusername @mikkykiemeney stop i LOVE it so much, all of us have one 🥹
aurorapaezg ooh luciendo mucho mejor que papá (ooh looking so much better than papa.)
pa6los cutest family ever, can’t change my mind
joselumato niño guapo 😁 (handsome kid)
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mateogavi mamá y papá dicen que no pueden creer que cumpla dos años. Pero si yo voy a cumplir dos años, ¡entonces mi papá también se hará mayor! ¡feliz cumpleaños para mí! 🐻 (mama and papa says they can't believe i'm turning two. but if i'm turning two, then my papa's getting older too! happy birthday to me!)
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joaofelix79 feliz cumpleaños a mi chico favorito! 🐻 (happy birthday to my favourite boy!)
mikkykiemeney happy birthday to Miles’ first ever friend 🥹
katrinefogtfriis happy birthday to the most precious and handsome little boy i’ve ever met.
pablogavi Feliz cumpleaños a mi chico favorito, siempre agradecido de tenerte y permitirme la oportunidad de ser tu papá. te amo más de lo que jamás sabrás. (happy birthday to my favourite boy, always grateful to have you and allowing me the chance to be your papa. i love you more than you'll ever know.)
_rl9 Happy birthday little Mateo!
_ferminlopez Feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, no puedo creer que ya cumplas dos años. Eres el chico más agradable que he conocido, mi tío te quiere mucho. 🐻 (happy birthday little Mateo, i can't believe you're turning two already. you're the nicest boy i've ever met, uncle loves you so much.)
blaugrana.daily Happy Birthday to little Mateo ��
ynusername lo mejor que me ha pasado 🥹🤍 (the best thing that has ever happened to me)
444daily little Mateo is growing up so fast
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ynusername hoy es un día especial, no sólo celebramos el cumpleaños del pequeño Mateo y Gavi. Le damos la bienvenida al mundo a Guille. No puedo creer que los 3 chicos bajo el mismo techo compartan el mismo cumpleaños, pero bueno, al menos hago 3 cumpleaños a la vez. Siempre agradecido por mis 2 hijos y su fuerte papá, que siempre ha estado ahí para mí a pesar de los altibajos de su carrera. feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo y mi pajarito enojado Pablo, bienvenido al mundo pequeño Guille. No puedo esperar para celebrar los 3 cumpleaños juntos. 🤍 (today's a special day, we not only celebrate little Mateo and Gavi's birthday. we welcome Guille to the world. i can't believe the 3 boys under the same roof are sharing the same birthday but hey at least i throw 3 birthday's at once. always grateful and thankful for my 2 boys and their strong papa who's always been there for me despite his ups and downs in his career too. happy birthday little Mateo and my angry bird Pablo, welcome to the world little Guille. can't wait to celebrate all 3 birthday's together.)
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pablogavi Los amo a los tres más que al universo, más de lo que jamás merecen. gracias por hacerme el hombre que soy, por hacerme papá, por el pequeño Mateo y Guille dándome la oportunidad de ser su papá. (i love all three of you greater than the universe, more than you all ever deserve. thanks for making me the man i am, for making me a papa, for little Mateo and Guille giving me the chance to be their papa.)
joaofelix79 uni más para mí para amar!!! (one more for me to love!)
lamineyamal mismo nombre ah @guillefc.70
guillefc.70 @lamineyamal si si, no puedo creer que tenga el mismo nombre que una estrella. (yes yes, can’t believe i got the same name as a star.)
mikkykiemeney another friend for miles, you and gavi make the cutest babies 😵
ynusername @mikkykiemeney he’s got a secret 🤫🤫🤫
_ferminlopez jugadores como su papá (ballers like their papa.)
forblaugrana Happy Birthday to the Gavira family, welcome Guille. 🎉🎉🎉
433 Good day for the Gavira’s
barcelona.daily Happy Birthday little Mateo and Gavi. welcome Guille!
pedri Gavi lo cronometró bien, eh? (gavi timed it right, eh?)
pablogavi @pedri si soy bueno en todo ☺️ (yeah i’m good at everything)
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Liked by aurorapaezg, joaofelix79 and 2,826,910 others
ynusername bebe gavira número dos, el 5 de agosto siempre será un día especial para mí. del 2004 al 2022 y ahora 2024. Te quiero pequeño Guille, bienvenido a casa 🤍 (baby gavira number two, 5th august will always be a special day for me. from 2004 to 2022 and now 2024. i love you little Guille, welcome home.)
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pablogavi No puedo creer que esté presenciando esto por segunda vez. honrado. (can't believe i'm witnessing this for the second time. honoured.)
joaofelix79 mi hermano tiene un timing impecable eh, el pequeño Guille ya tiene buena pinta (my brother has impeccable timing eh, little Guille looking good already)
aurorapaezg mis sobrinos son los mas lindos (my nephews are the cutest)
fcbarcelona Welcome new culer! ✨
barcawags highschool lovers are the cutest
katerinefogtfriis little Guille is looking so adorable 🥹
barca4barca THE CUTESTTTT OMG!!!!!
_ferminlopez que descanses pequeño Guille y la mamá de Mateo, cuídate mucho! (rest well little Guille and Mateo's mama, take good care of yourself!)
ynusername @_ferminlopez muchas gracias fer, eres el mejor 🤍 (thanks a lot fer, you’re the best.)
pedri cuidate mucho mi hermanita descansa bien (take care of yourself too my little sister, rest well.)
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pablogavi parece que el pequeño Mateo se está tomando bien su nuevo trabajo como hermano mayor. Debe estar muy cansado de jugar con el pequeño Guille y de cuidar a su mamá cuando yo no estoy en casa. mi pequeño Mateo está creciendo demasiado rápido y el pequeño Guille también está creciendo sano. (looks like little Mateo is taking his new job as an older brother well. he must be really tired playing with little Guille and looking after his mama when i'm not home. my little Mateo is growing up too fast and so is little Guille is growing up healthily too.)
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ynusername Concéntrate en tu pelota y recuperación. el pequeño Mateo estará en casa para cuidarme! (focus on your balling and recovery. little Mateo will be home to look after me!)
pablogavi @ynusername si señora, lo que usted diga. (yes ma’am, whatever you say.)
pedri se parece a su papá, un caballero (takes after his papa, a gentleman)
_ferminlopez sus padres le enseñaron bien, el tío más orgulloso aquí mismo (taught well by his parents, proudest uncle right here.)
joaofelix79 Necesito recompensar a mi pequeño Mateo la próxima vez que visite Barcelona nuevamente, hay muchos regalos preparados para los pequeños Guille y Mateo. (i need to reward my little Mateo the next time i visit Barcelona again, lots of presents prepared for little Guille and Mateo.)
sophangls if you observe carefully, gavi’s only on instagram to post about his family and occasionally football 😭
dani.carvajal.2 un hombre de sabias palabras, un verdadero caballero (a man of wise words, a true gentleman.)
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itwasmegan03 · 18 days ago
Mi sueño perdido (My lost dream) - sae itoshi x fem!reader
No one really knew why Sae Itoshi, after returning to Japan from Spain, seemed more fragile, depressed, and cold.
Recently, he even had an argument with his younger brother, Rin. He was so angry that he stormed off to his room to clear his head and thoughts, and to finally finish unpacking the suitcases that had been sitting there for weeks.  He sighed before starting to tidy up his room, putting away his stuff and sorting his luggages.
Only the smaller ones remained, so he decided to take a break. However, while putting his clothes in the closet, he found a photo album, through the messy pile of clothes that had formed from emptying his suitcases. He shook off some of his clothes, making them fall and, as if it wasn't already enough, making all the photos that were inside the small album spill onto the floor.
He sighed again, but then he got surprised—among the scattered photos, some depicted a couple, while others showed a person smiling happily.
They were beautiful pictures that deserved to be displayed, stuck on the wall or the wardrobe, or hung on a string surrounded by small lights to highlight them even more. 
And yet, Sae had chosen to hide them away, binding them in a photo album, at least decorated with stickers and ribbons in the colors of the Spanish flag. 
It was a precious object, this was the reason why Sae had changed: being separated from su amor made him this lukewarm.  That collection of photos held the most beautiful memory of his life and his not-so-adventurous journey in Spain.
Unfortunately, it was a memory he could only reminisce about, not continue to live, as he would have liked if he hadn't returned to Japan for failing his dream of becoming the best striker in the world. 
Nothing was right since he returned "home." Could he still even call it home?
His home was being in her arms, as she comforted him and told him that, despite everything, to her, he would always be the best, her best.
He missed her so much, and all he could do was relive those moments by looking at the photos they had taken together. It helped him calm down, but the yearning was killing him. There were two pictures Sae loved the most: 
one was taken by an old lady, who had offered to snap it because she thought they were a good couple—Sae still recalls how su vida smiled and blushed when the old lady said “Vosotros sois una pareja muy bonita”.  The picture showed them sitting on a beach towel, watching the sea while Sae was holding her gently in his arms. Or rather, she was gazing at the ocean, genuinely, while Sae was gazing at her, at her smile, to be precise—He loved watching her smile more than watching the sea to relax. It was she who calmed him. She was his sea. Her laughs were the calm and pretty sounds of the waves and just her was the rest, she was his everything. (Oh, how he missed her. Just with the thought of the warm sea-water he would think about her.) 
The other photo was, of course, of her smiling sweetly—it was taken by Sae and he was completely in love with it. When he saw her like that and decided to take the picture, it was because he had fallen in love with her again, as if it was the first time his teal eyes laid on a beautiful creature like her, and he wanted to capture that moment so he could reimagine it every time he felt upset.
(But she had told him there was no need to take a picture—because she would have been with him every time he felt stressed. Actually, she would be there for every moment of his life.) 
And it always worked, he would have felt better after looking at it, he would always think “God, she’s so pretty”. But that day, he missed her too much—her wet, salty hair sticking to her shoulders, her eyes looking at him so deeply, her smile that melted his heart every time, her small figure that he loved to hold—he just missed everything about her. 
And just as he changed his dream from becoming the best striker in the world to becoming the best midfielder, he could also change this only memory—he could reawaken it and create new ones. 
He had already lost one dream and he couldn't lose another one, especially this one.
So he didn’t wait another second and he told his manager to book him the first flight to Spain.  He grabbed his phone, digited a few numbers, and in his terrible yet cute Spanish, he said:
"Mi vida, te extraño muchísimo y quiero verte. ¿Me esperarías hasta el final?"
He wanted to see her so bad—at least one last time.
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VOCABULARY su amor: his love su vida: his life (as “my dear”/��my love”) Vosotros sois una pareja muy bonita: You are a very beautiful couple. Mi vida, te extraño muchísimo y quiero verte. ¿Me esperarías hasta el final?: My life (My love), I miss you so much and I wanna see you. Would you wait for me till the end?
A/N HAI! I'm back with this little one-shot, tho I don't really like it so please let me know your opinion! If I will have more time, motivation and ideas this might get a pt.2! I hope you liked and enjoyed the reading <3
Please I kindly ask you to not repost and copy any of this. Or at least give me credits, if you want a translation I could translate it in Italian, since it's my native language! Reblogs are appreciated!
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moiteneia · 1 year ago
The Lost Prince:
AU em que q!Cellbit é o Principe Perdido do Reino Quesadilha. Procurado desde do seu desaparecimento aos 13 anos, ninguém sabe onde ele está. Até que a Princesa Herdeira, q!Bagi, ordena que aquele dito como o melhor soldado de seu reino caminhe em direção A Guerra de Sangue no reino vizinho para procurar o príncipe perdido. 
O que q!Roier não imaginava ao chegar lá era que aquele que deveria ser o seu príncipe estaria em meio aos corpos e segurando uma única faca para matar seus adversários. Sem lembranças de quem ele era ou deveria ser, q!Cellbit é apenas uma criatura tentando se manter vivo enquanto é forçado a lutar. 
Será que ele conseguirá salvar q!Cell ou esse está mais perdido do que todos poderiam imaginar?
AU in which q!Cellbit is the Lost Prince of the Quesadilha Kingdom. Wanted since his disappearance at the age of 13, no one knows where he is.
Until the Crown Princess, q!Bagi, orders the one said to be the best soldier in her kingdom to walk towards The Blood War in the neighboring kingdom to look for the lost prince.
What q!Roier didn't imagine when he got there was that the one who was supposed to be his prince would be among the bodies and holding a single knife to kill his opponents. With no memories of who he was or should be, q!Cellbit is just a creature trying to stay alive while being forced to fight.
Will he be able to save q!Cell or is he more lost than anyone could imagine?
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librarycards · 9 months ago
hiii for the book ask: exordia by seth dickinson? also would love a rec (just in general or based off that)!
added to TBR | on my TBR | couldn’t finish it | did not enjoy | it was OK | liked it | loved it | favorite | not interested
[took off bc it seemed Fantasy Adj but i put it back on bc of your rec and because i will follow seth anywhere including into a big fat fantasy book]
the issue with reccing books to you is like, what HAVEN'T you read. if you haven't checked them out already, Jeff Vandermeer's older work –– Veniss Underground and the Ambergris Trilogy, are def worth checking out, and imo some of his best stuff. they have new, gorgeous covers now too, so!
THAT REMINDS ME have you read Perdido Street Station? If not, you Gotta.
And here's a more obscure one: if you liked Failure to Comply / Dhalgren, I think it's worth checking out Dark Neighbourhood by Vanessa Onwuemezi.
All of these involve cosmic-adj catastrophe and mass confusion/deliberate misdirection, weird researchers doing weird things, horror that's actually just The State Doing Statist Things, etc.
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dianaladrislovebot · 2 months ago
hi :D I'm completely on board with this au, very excited to see what you do. don't suppose you want to share more about your ocs? /nf
YES GOD I WOULD LOVE TO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING i’ve never had an excuse to talk about them before so ill lump my other ones in here too for good measure. obviously these will be in the context of the actual book series but they will be adapted to fit the twitter au just like everyone else :)
victoria ‘tori’ weismann
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victoria, who goes by tori, is coates resident goth kid in the grade below caine, drake etc, complete w drawing on her shoes, decorating her uniform w safety pins and being generally creepy. most of coates thinks she’s a witch of some kind and she does nothing to refute said rumours. she doesn’t talk much, and when she does it’s very soft spoken and very cryptic. she has an off putting vibe and many unsettling things to say but despite how calm and stoic she portrays herself, she’s actually quite mischievous and enjoys freaking people out. she has the power to see ghosts, due to her affinity for death and her obsession of it pre-fayz, which is why she’s at coates. it starts to deteriorate her mental state during the fayz however as nobody believes her or understands what she’s talking about and she realises death isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, so she lives alone in the apartment buildings where everyone is content to leave her alone, except quinn of course, because he’s quinn. he attempts to encourage her to get out of shell, accidentally forming a friendship (and later a relationship) in the process (which he is more than happy about while tori remains hesitant)
charlotte ‘lottie’ mcdaniels
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in all of her surfer girl glory, lottie is the best friend of sam and quinn that completes their little trio (bc those boys NEED a girl around desperately they’re completely hopeless). a perdido beach native, she’s the one who introduces both sam and quinn to the water, something none of them ever grew out of. come the fayz, her friendly exterior, complete w her curly golden locks, freckles and warm inviting brown eyes, starts to harden when the climate begins to shift, and when she gets fatally shot during the grocery store heist, her outlook is affected forever. she becomes much more shut off, preferring not to engage w people and when she does, what she has to say usually isn’t nice. she keeps a low profile for most of the fayz due to her injury and the need to recover (in which she moves in to clifftop w lana, wherein they become close which is 👀 a whole other story), but after the big split stays in town to make sure her best friends evil twin doesn’t further destroy the town she grew up in. this inadvertently creates a bond between her and my favourite random background character, frederico, who has come back to work for his former king.
caroline baxter
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quite the book nerd, caroline is often underestimated by majority of the people around her due to how soft and girlish she appears, but you are mistaken if you think she’s incapable of holding her own. this is something dekka learns, when they migrate to the lake and she runs into her by chance. dekkas still attempting to get over brianna after confessing to her while on the brush of death, and caroline is more than happy to be of assistance. the two grow close, eventually beginning a relationship in secret much like edilio and roger. caroline has a very large book collection, she enjoys pink and being girly and has a large collection of jewellery, shoes and perfumes. despite being perceived as ditzy, she’s much smarter than she looks, which comes in handy when they realise they don’t have much help now that astrid is gone.
arabella ‘ari’ soren
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if the name sounds familiar, it’s because it is. the cousin of everyone’s favourite monarch, arabella, who will only respond to ari, is the daughter (biological, wink) of caine soren’s uncle (in my head their family is ari’s dad as the oldest, grace, the coates headmistress as the middle child and caine’s father as the youngest), and is a very confusing individual. on the outside, she seems very hyper and outgoing and friendly, which isn’t always a good thing when you attend coates academy, but on the inside she’s much more gruff. having been sent to the aforementioned boarding school due to her affinity for mechanics and robotics, which her family doesn’t see as an appropriate hobby for a girl and is hoping to ‘straighten her out’, she serves as caine’s ‘building man’, much like jack is his tech man. despite her estranged relationship w her cousin in which they both pretend isn’t there, she goes w him down to perdido at the beginning of the fayz, but soon defects from him after watching him attempt to fatally harm sam. fearing her life in drakes hands now due to her disloyalty, she joins sam on their journey to find astrid and is nearly plastered alongside them. she spends the rest of the fayz quite close to sam, bc despite having no blood related family ties, the two still feel like they have a connection through caine.
i’ve been sitting on these for quite a while now and have had nothing to do w them and no reason to talk about them but i’d love to do so more if anyone would like me to !!!
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gone-series-orchid · 1 year ago
literally one of my biggest gripes with gone is just how wasted the characters are. like all the women obviously because god forbid a woman have depth but also the male characters.
like, i hate caine as the character he is and i’m so annoyed at the potential he had. he was given away while sam was kept. that’s gotta be damaging. he was sent to coates that had a reputation for “troubled kids”. he was bitter, jealous and most importantly 14. the shit he did in the first book was horrific but all the coates trio shouldered some blame (diana less but still) giving him some leeway. drake was turned into the “big baddy” giving the angle of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” allowing an opportunity for caine (and diana) to join perdido gang under “we kinda have to” circumstances in which we could’ve watched both of them grow and repent the best they could for their actions (again more caine than diana) and then caine could sacrifice himself and it wouldn’t have felt so hollow. i have so much more i could elaborate on but part of the reason i hate caine so much is that he could’ve been so much more just like so many of the other characters.
sorry for the rambling
never be sorry for rambling, anon! i love rambling. i do it all the time!
i agree that caine's character had wasted potential. i really think mg just exaggerated his cruelty way too much in the first book for any redemption to work, though, at least imo. i'm not sure the argument that the coates trio all had a part in the cementing really holds up under scrutiny--caine's clearly positioned himself as the ultimate authority on things, so drake successfully swaying him to do such a cruel thing either makes caine weirdly malleable (which feels too vaguely out of character for me to take seriously, especially since he just established that he wanted to be king of the fayz, thus not sharing the power with orc or any of the perdido beach thugs).
not to mention cementing however many mutant kids in coates must've taken a lot of time and premeditated activity, (getting the cement in the first place, etc.). even if caine did it with his telekinesis, there would be a lot of time for him to come to his senses about how screwed up it is. and he just...doesn't. which to me seems a lot more evil than i think mg wanted it to be. drake may be a sadist, but he's not the one insisting he should have unchecked power and doesn't pretend to be doing things for the greater good. and diana is definitely culpable, too, but she doesn't have any direct hand in the cementing as far as we know. still is an absolutely terrible look for her morality-wise and one of the number one reasons i've never liked her much, but she definitely isn't as bad as caine.
i totally agree that, once drake lost his arm and was cemented (ha!) as the big bad antagonist he is, caine should have stopped being an active thorn in sam and co.'s side. it's kind of baffling that caine's one of the only characters who's gone into the mineshaft and realized the extent of the gaiaphage's evil, to the point of going catatonic over it, but then after he recovers he just goes on as normal, trying to take over the fayz. he makes tenuous peace with sam in order to get the mineshaft plugged up or whatever at the end of hunger, but his trajectory doesn't change overall. it's low-key maddening. i totally agree that a sooner redemption would make caine's sacrifice that much more narratively satisfying!
thanks so much for the ask! please feel free to send more!
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vulpixen · 1 year ago
I made a fic for @stanuary in going with the prompt Animals. This is set in my Lost and Gained AU where Stan has a wife and kids as well as grandkids. Enjoy this small read of the animals Stan has had in his life!
A young Stan huffed when he was tasked to take out the trash this time around after dinner. It was full and heavy, but his dad Filbrick told him to suck it up and take it out to the trash cans outside. Out the back door, Stan was dragging the hefty load to the back when all of a sudden, he heard the sounds of chittering and the clanks and shattering glass falling out. It alarmed Stan so he put up a tough-guy attitude to confront this supposed intruder. 
“Hey! Stay out of our trash or I’ll give you a knuckle sandwich! And not the edible kind!”
Stan marched up the trash and what he found shocked him. It was a young possum that was munching on a tossed out sandwich when it looked up at the young boy and hissed at him. Stan expected a seagull or rat in there, but this possum seemed like a cooler animal than any other animal he encountered. A little guy trying his best to survive in this world all alone. Stan couldn’t help but to give some sympathy. 
“Uh… actually,” Stan presented the garbage to the possum, “you can have this. I’m not allowed to have pets, but you seem real neat! I’m gonna call you Shanklin!” The possum inched closer to Stan and sniffed at him. Stan slowly reached to touch the possum and pet him, disregarding he was stinky and covered in trash. 
Some years later….
Stan and Andrea took the time to go camping with their three children, James, Jessie and Leroy while in Perdido Key, Florida by the water. The day was sunny and the water was fine for sailing on the Stan o’ War. It was a good, sturdy boat for the occasion, even without Ford there to enjoy it, too. Stan thought back to him, but he wanted to be happy for his kids and put on a smile.
It would be the afternoon while James and Jessie were chasing each other by the shore when they come across a young chocolate labrador looking at them with interest. 
James stopped in his tracks to take notice of the dog. The dog seemed to be a stray and didn't see another person around whom the animal could belong to. Jessie was immediately happy to see a dog. 
“Doggie!” Jessie slowly goes up to the dog to let him sniff at her and open to being petted. 
“Hey, dog, what are you doing out here?” James and Jessie noticed the dog not having a collar and name tag. “You lost, boy?” The dog licked at him. 
“He doesn’t belong to anyone, it seems like,” Jessie smiled brightly at an idea. “Think we can ask Mom and Dad if we can keep him?” James appeared doubtful, having heard his dad say they can’t have a lot of pets, but pets weren’t exactly out of the question. 
“We can try, but you know Dad doesn’t approve of most animals. Like that one time we tried to convince him we wanted a hamster.” Jessie frowned but she was hopeful. 
“We can still try. This dog needs a home.”
The twin boy and girl lead the eager dog back with him to the camper where Stan and Andrea were cooking hotdogs and displaying the chips and soda/water for them all to have. Leroy helped with setting it up. 
James and Jessie arrived with the dog walking next to them, wagging his tail smelling delicious food. Leroy gasped seeing the dog and brought a smile on his face. 
“Mom! Dad! We found a dog!” announced James. Stan looked from the grill and Andrea from the cooler to see the dog. Stan wasn’t too keen about it. No other pet can replace what Shanklin had in his heart. 
“No. We can’t keep the dog.” The dog stopped wagging his tail and the kids were disappointed. Andrea seemed dismayed as well. Stan continued grilling the hotdogs. “We don’t have the means and that dog could belong to someone.”
“But he has no collar and name tag. He’s a stray that needs a home.” Jessie displayed the puppy eyes and quivered her lips in pleading. 
“We never had a dog before,” mentioned Leroy. 
Andrea looked at her husband and got up from her seat to go up to him. 
“We can make room, Stan and pick up pet supplies on the way home.”
“See? Mom wants a dog, too!” James spoke. 
Stan could see he was outvoted four to one. He took a look at the dog and was reminded of when his dad denied him pets, but not Shanklin as he never told him nor his Ma of him when he was around and stayed outside. The white cat they had was more of their Ma's cat named Pearly than his and Ford's, the cat having been considered an exception. A dog was very different from a possum. But he cannot deny the family a pet when he’d been denied for much of his life. Why deny them this?
“... Okay. We can keep him. So long as he doesn’t pee and poop on anything, he can stay.” The kids cheered and hugged the dog. Stan gave the dog an unseasoned hotdog and pet the animal. 
“What name do you think we should give him?” The kids each had their idea of what to name their new family member. 
“Lion.” Andrea suggested. “Like the Sea Lion, dogs of the sea.” The kids seemed onboard with the name. “And they love the water like this one does.”
Stan felt his heart warmed seeing his family happy with the new addition and agreed to the name. “Alright, Lion it is.”
Years later….
Stan found a kid(young goat) on his property when one of his grandkids showed him the small goat outside in his front yard. 
“Grandpa, look!” exclaimed one of the grandsons Leon, looking much like a younger version of his grandpa Stan, but with blue eyes filled with excitement. “Someone left a goat here and drove away. I don’t think they’re gonna come back.”
Stan snorted, recognizing the guy who shorted him on cash that drove off. “That cheapskate! … Well, I’m stuck with a goat now.” He knelt down to the brown goat with the chipped horn as he bleets at him and reached for his burgundy fez hat to chew on, making Leon laugh. 
“I think he likes you!”
“He ain’t gonna be eating this. I’ll get him some food and think about what to do with him. I have to talk to your grandma about it.” Leon perked a smile. 
“I think you should keep him. You and Granny Andy should have a pet.”
“Oh? How come?” The young boy shrugged. 
“Goats are neat to have, I think. He can keep the lawn from growing more and less money for you to spend on mowing.” Stan laughed in amusement. 
“That’s a great idea! We’ll just see.” 
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terristernwrites · 1 year ago
Hi, happy STS~!
As I get closer to finishing my current WIP's first draft, I'm having trouble dealing with the large amount of exposition I need to do before the end. Have you ever run into this problem? How did you deal with it? What's the best way to handle exposition, in your opinion?
(from @tisiphonewolfe)
This is a really awesome question!
So I think there's a few ways of doing this and some of it depends on genre and audience expectation.
If you look at something like Solaris or Perdido Street Station, we absolutely have massive wedges of exposition but we as readers are okay with this as they work with the character and situation that we know so far. So if you're rolling in sci-fi and fantasy brackets you can somewhat just do it, so long as it makes sense to set it out in text (a lecture, or a scheme, or someone having to be clued in because they're not as advanced as the hero, etc)
If you're working on a less dump-friendly genre then we have to work into layering more subtly and this can mean going back and laying the groundwork earlier with some foreshadowing and as-yet-not-significant info that crystallises as we approach the end! So for example in one of my stories I had the heroine comment that her father's magic never harmed her mother, though it was very aggressive against others. This was just a background line until we see later on that the love interest in unharmed by her magic, indicating as yet not admitted love for him.
Similarly, depending on what other characters you have to work with, conversations and fights are a good way to get into out. In Stolen Treasure Helena is sucked into a fight about stolen art due to her skills as a curator and this lets the reader see some of the background of the group she's now entangled with and the tensions there. This is needed to the end confrontation to make sense but saved me getting someone to give her the low-down explicitly!
I am also a fan of some character knowledge that we get fed in when it becomes relevant. To use Stolen Treaure as an example again, Helena knows about black art auctions due to her work, so she can comment on them when they're brought up without it seeming too out of nowhere, and it didn't really need foreshadowing outside of her being dedicated to her job so knowing her stuff. As such, if its reasonable the character might know things they can share it when appropriate without that being a "cheat", unless that info should have been essential beforehand.
I see I have written a small essay, sorry this is so long!
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motsimages · 1 year ago
Someone in a WhatsApp group asked for a "big love story in a book that is not a romantic book" and the first thing that came to mind was Perdido Street Station and Isaac and Lin's relationship.
It is a peaceful relationship, already established. It doesn't have the ups and downs of a romantic story because it's not about that but their love is calm, pure and respectful. And it is understood that Isaac will do his best to care for Lin when she is attacked.
I don't know what other people understand for Big Love Story but to me, it fits.
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dedicaticn · 2 days ago
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀biography .
luisa fortuna was born in 1892 as the middle child of her parents . her older brother emilio , works as a stagecoach driver in chuparosa , while her younger sister is miranda . despite her family's poverty , luisa taught herself to read , write , and speak english as they lived together on their homestead in campo mirada , perdido , nuevo paraíso , mexico .
at just 19 years old , luisa is both a young schoolteacher and a dedicated revolutionary . the hardships she and her family endure do not faze her . despite overwhelming odds and devastating losses , she remains calm under pressure , urging john to help her cause and to be a good man by not turning his back on those in need . a no-nonsense leader , luisa takes decisive action to achieve immediate and measurable results .
she has fully dedicated herself to the local rebellion while also ensuring her family is cared for . focused , resolute , and compassionate , luisa is deeply committed to defending the oppressed . however , despite her strengths , she possesses a certain naivety that leads her to trust and love an extremely unworthy man—her fiancé , abraham reyes . unbeknownst to luisa , reyes does not love her , frequently cheats on her , and does not even remember her name .
luisa is devoted to the revolutionary struggle and is regarded as not only one of the best leaders but also one of the most skilled fighters , as she can fight just as well as any man .
luisa stands at five foot five with black hair neatly tied back in a low ponytail with a few loose strands framing her face and brown eyes . she wears a simple cross necklace and typically dons a slightly worn , short-sleeved white blouse with blue trim along the square neckline and sleeve edges , revealing her collarbones . a long , blue skirt falls to her ankles , complemented by a purple sash wrapped around her waist , tied in a loose knot on her left side with one end hanging down . she completes her outfit with simple brown leather sandals .
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postersdecinema · 6 months ago
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Uma Vida Difícil
I, 1961
Dino Risi
Um filme que pretende dar uma imagem crítica da Itália do pós-guerra. Uma sociedade vendida aos valores do consumismo, do capitalismo, da corrupção, esquecendo em absoluto o sonho revolucionário dos que lutaram contra o fascismo. Silvio Magnozzi, o personagem interpretado por Alberto Sordi, é precisamente o símbolo desses combatentes comunistas, que não querem render-se ao milagre económico do novo-riquismo burguês e, por isso mesmo, tem uma vida difícil, sem dinheiro e sem família. É uma Itália que esqueceu os valores e vive apenas de aparências e futilidades.
A mensagem é interessante, mas o conteúdo é ligeiro. Alberto Sordi é pouco convincente como revolucionário. O seu personagem tampouco mostra grandes convicções ideológicas, perdido entre o amor à mulher e à revolução e rendido constantemente ao álcool.
Como crítica social, o filme sabe a pouco. Como comédia ou drama familiar, falha completamente.
Não é certamente um dos melhores momentos cinematográficos, nem de Sordi, nem de Risi.
A film that aims to give a critical image of post-war Italy. A society sold on the values of consumerism, capitalism and corruption, completely forgetting the revolutionary dream of those who fought against fascism. Silvio Magnozzi, the character played by Alberto Sordi, is precisely the symbol of these communist fighters, who do not want to surrender to the economic miracle of the bourgeois nouveau riche and, for this very reason, have a difficult life, without money and without family. It is an Italy that has forgotten its values and lives only on appearances and trivialities.
The message is interesting, but the content is superficial. Alberto Sordi is not very convincing as a revolutionary. Nor does his character show great ideological convictions, lost between his love for his wife and the revolution and constantly surrendering to alcohol.
As a social critique, the film falls short. As a comedy or family drama, it completely fails.
It is certainly not one of the best moments in cinema, neither by Sordi nor by Risi.
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spinka362 · 2 years ago
The Unpredictable Universe of Steampunk
In our continuous reality where improvement pushes dangerously speedy, there exists a subculture that recollects the past while at the same time embracing what's to come. Steampunk, a sort that wires portions of the Victorian time period with innovative turn of events and sci-fi, has gotten the hearts and minds of darlings all around the planet. In this article, we'll plunge into the captivating area of steampunk, investigating its early phases, rich, social importance, and moving beyond improvement steampunk weddings ideas .
The saying "steampunk" was produced in the last piece of the 1980s as a request portrayal for a mix of sci-fi and dream that envisions an elective history where steam power, exactness structures, and diverse, stunning plans are at the front line of improvement. Steampunk draws motivation from the State of the art Resistance and the Victorian time, a period known for its careful craftsmanship and multifaceted arrangement.
Key to steampunk's appeal is its irrefutable visual exquisite, which joins specific parts with best in class imaginings. Key pieces of the steampunk tasteful include:
Steampunk fans constantly wear clothing suggestive of the Victorian time. Undies, slips, formal covers, and strip parasols are well conceived plan decisions.
Nonexistent machines and contraptions are frequently embellished with flexible precision gear-tooth wheels, pinions, and switches. These mechanical parts are indispensable for the class' visual individual.
The grouping extent of steampunk is overwhelmed by warm metallic tones, especially metal and copper. These materials awaken a tendency adequately mature and craftsmanship.
Steampunk characters continually wear pilot style goggles, which serve both a reasonable and elaborate clarification.
Creation and Progress: Steampunk universes are piled up with fantastical headways like carriers, mechanical creatures, and time machines, all filled by steam and accuracy instruments.
Steampunk isn't bound to visual feel alone; it fundamentally impacts creating and standard society. Two or three recognizable models include:
However not a steampunk essayist in that frame of mind of the workmanship sense, Jules Verne's works, for example, "20,000 Relationship Under the Ocean" and "From one side of the World to the other in Eighty Days," have hugely impacted the class with their gutsy soul and creative turn of events.
One more trailblazer of sci-fi, H.G. Wells, added to steampunk with works like "The Time Machine" and "The Dispute of the Universes," which part elaborate Victorian-period contraptions and speculative mechanical gathering.
Contemporary creators like Philip Pullman ("His Weak Materials") and China Miéville ("Perdido Road Station") have added their own stand-apart goes to the steampunk gathering, growing its scholarly endpoints.
Steampunk focuses have advanced into film and TV, with motion pictures like "The Class of Striking Excellent individuals" and the enlivened part "Steamboy." The television series "Master Who" sometimes explores steampunk parts in its time-traveling attempts.
Steampunk-themed computer games like "BioShock Interminable" and "Shamed" have pleased gamers with their rich, striking universes and innovative turn of events.
Steampunk's aiding through request lies in its capacity to move fans to a world that changes care for the past with an energy for what's in store. Past style and making, the subculture has further agreeable importance:
Steampunk connects with inventiveness and craftsmanship. Fans routinely participate in Do-It-Yourself endeavors, making their own groups, contraptions, and headways. This powerful framework creates improvement and conclusive capacities to reason.
Steampunk shows and occasions give potential open doors to equivalent people to get together and praise their typical advantages. These get-togethers cultivate strong regions for an of neighborhood crew.
Steampunk considers assessment of "ponder how possible it is that" conditions ever. It maintains unequivocal thinking about the effect of progression and social decisions.
Steampunk's thought on reusing and upcycling lines up with contemporary practicality endeavors. Different steampunk signs join recovered materials, fostering the opportunity of typical responsibility.
Steampunk proceeds to advance and change as per contemporary sensibilities. It fills in as a wellspring of motivation for gifted specialists, scientists, style coordinators, and creators. Its subjects of progress, creative mind, and care resonate with people looking for a break from the speedy, improvement driven world.
As the world turns out to be consistently robotized and digitized, the allure of steampunk, with its hand uniquely crafted contraptions and romanticized past, offers a reviving offset. Steampunk stays an appearance of the assisting through interest with a past time's energy and the immense potential consequences of human imagination. Whether you're an energetic fan or simply an inquisitive passerby, the incautious universe of steampunk welcomes you to research and embrace the grandness of a past period's vision tending to what may be not too far off.
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dianaladrislovebot · 7 months ago
gone headcanons that have popped into my unhinged little brain, part 9
hey yall i’ve been sick lately and my sinuses feels stuffy as fuck so i haven’t been thinking a lot the last few days so enjoy a couple of longer prewritten hcs to satiate you for the time being
roger and diana became friends towards the end of the fayz. they’re similar in nature (at least in my head they are) and due to diana being pregnant and roger being the nurse they were forced to spend time together. they end up finding solace in each other. also diana just deserves friends in general bc why did she have caine and caine alone
early in the fayz astrid made a map of perdido to make things easier for people (the one in the books) and when they relocate to the lake, edilio asks sam to make one of tramonto for the same reason. he comes to collect it a few days later (a lot of time to draw a map, mind you) to find the worst drawing he’s ever seen. no one asks sam to draw anything ever again. he soon goes to ask roger.
gone.grouptherapy has brought it to my attention that bug steals people food a lot (i.e. the mints that one time) and is likely the person who stole that beef jerky that caused the fight between hunter and zil, leading to harry’s death, hunter’s beating and the start of the human crew. in short, bug caused a butterfly affect of creating a n@zi group for some beef jerky.
sam doesn’t remember any of the events in hunger after his run in w drake. not only had both his mind and body gone into shock, but he was also pumped full of morphine. after lana healed him, he completely passed out for like. several days, and while lana healed the surface wounds there was still residue from the spinal damage drake caused. he was bed bound and had severe back pain for a while to the point where he was almost completely out of commission in between hunger and lies, which is why astrid took over. both sam’s mental and physical health were too unstable for him to do it himself.
after hunter died, the council decided it was best to continue hunting for meat, as it fed quite a lot of people. they got some other kids to take over hunter’s job (i know hunter had his powers but they probably just used guns yk) and then shared the meat between the lake and town. it was one of the only reasons caine and sam communicated after the big split. neither of them enjoyed it.
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virtualsonic · 2 years ago
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Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps M. sus C. T. Ante sus C.
Versión en Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a un dúo de personajes que pertenecen a una muy querida película animada de Disney de la última década y que se ponen a posar para mostrar su trabajada apariencia física, además de que la musculatura que muestran dejan ver que son dos de los mejores policías que existen no sólo en su departamento, sino que también en la ciudad que viven, así que sin dar más vueltas presento a Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps Mostrar sus Cuerpos Trabajados Ante sus Compañeros del ZPD
Aquí vemos al joven zorro con su amiga coneja ponerse a entrenar una vez más en el gimnasio que tiene el cuartel policial del Departamento de Policía de Zootopia y se observa que los chicos deciden tomarse una pausa de sus usuales entrenamientos para mostrar la musculatura que ambos chicos tienen y que se los muestran principalmente a los miembros más nuevos que se incorporan al departamento de policía y que están comenzando a conocer las diversas actividades que se hacen dentro y fuera del cuartel policial y que deja ver el porqué ambos policías están entre los más queridos y populares de la ciudad, además de que a pesar de las diferencias que tienen ambos en cuanto a como llevar cabo su trabajo de policía, demuestran tener un grado de compatibilidad muy fuerte que lleva a que puedan llevarse bien y disfrutar del trabajo que hacen, mientras se ponen a enseñar a los recién iniciados lo que pueden obtener siguiendo una sana alimentación, mucha ejercitación física y mucho trabajo y dedicación dadas a su profesión y más cuando eres un novato en las labores policiales y no cuentas con gente experta que te puedas guiarte de referencia para ver si estás haciendo un buen trabajo o si estás haciendo un mal trabajo
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, ya que ha pasado mucho tiempo que no había un dibujo de estos chicos y que además lo hago después de que hace unos meses tuviéramos la noticia de que hay una secuela trabajando y que se espera que se estrene dentro de unos años más, cosa que ha ayudado a revivir un fandom que parecía haber perdido fuerza y más considerando el tiempo pasado desde su estreno en un lejano 2016 y el cómo han cambiado mucho las cosas de ese momento hasta ahora y no siempre de manera positiva, mientras se observa que nuestros jóvenes héroes tienen un nuevo momento de reconocimiento que deja ver porqué son dos de los mejores policías que existen en la ciudad y que no se molestan en mostrar su mejor apariencia ante el interés de sus compañeros del cuartel policial que trabajan y que se pueden darse esas pausas cuando no están ocupados en su labor de patrullar las calles de la ciudad y atrapar criminales cuando tienen que hacerlo para resguardar la paz y seguridad de su querida ciudad, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps (C) Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush y Walt Disney Pictures
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing that I present to a duo of characters that belong to a much loved Disney animated film from the last decade and that are posing to show Their well-worked physical appearance, in addition to the musculature they show, show that they are two of the best police officers that exist, not only in their department, but also in the city they live in, so without further ado I present Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps Show Their Worked Bodies Before Their ZPD Colleagues
Here we see the young fox with his rabbit friend start training once again in the gym that has the police headquarters of the Zootopia Police Department and it is observed that the boys decide to take a break from their usual training to show the musculature that both boys they have and that they show them mainly to the newer members who join the police department and who are beginning to learn about the various activities that take place inside and outside the police station and that shows why both police officers are among the most loved and popular in the city, in addition to the fact that despite the differences that both have in terms of how to carry out their police work, they show a very strong degree of compatability that leads them to get along and enjoy the work they do, while they begin to teach the newly initiated what they can obtain by following a healthy diet, a lot of physical exercise and a lot of work and dedication given to their profession and more when you are a rookie in police work and you do not have expert people who can guide you reference to see if you are doing a good job or if you are doing a bad job
Well friends, I hope you like it, since it's been a long time since there was a drawing of these guys and I'm also doing it after a few months ago we had the news that there is a sequel working and that it is expected to be released within a few more years, which has helped to revive a fandom that seemed to have lost strength and more considering the time that has passed since its premiere in distant 2016 and how things have changed a lot from that moment to now and not always in a positive way , while it is observed that our young heroes have a new moment of recognition that reveals why they are two of the best policemen that exist in the city and that they do not bother to show their best appearance in the interest of their colleagues from the police station who work and that they can take those breaks when they are not busy in their work of patrolling the streets of the city and catching criminals when they have to do it to protect the peace and security of their beloved city, well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps (C) Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush and Walt Disney Pictures
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years ago
(Hi, me again.)
I think first I’ll wander around and take in everything. Starting on the 1st floor before going to the 2nd. Then I’ll go talk to Remus about his exhibition and also how he’s feeling.
Glow Eyes 
Right next to the reception and staircase leading up to the second floor there was a tiny room with a black drapery in front of the door. On the sign next to the door it simply read "Installation, Remus Perdido & Logan Aimer, 2023, You may touch the artwork".
You transformed your body into a shape more similar to a humans to more easily understand the installation as you walked inside. The room was pitchblack making it impossible to see absolutely anything. You held your humanlike hands out to feel around while taking a step or two.
A frankly disgusting feeling touched against your hand. It was sticky and humid as if you were digging around in the cutopen stomach of a corpse trying to pull out the intenstants. The first time Janus had tested it he had honestly become fully naseous.
Even when you moved your hands around it still felt as if the substance stayed on your skin but as you left the room and light shone down on you once more you couldn't see anything on your skin.
A group of edlerly ladies had entered the art house while you were in the installation. It seemed like the ladies had already been out and about anyhow and had simply decided to look around since they had nothing else to do. Mostly they were just chatting though.
Remus was quite literally vibrating while shaking Remy around. He was saying something to them which was most likely something about how many visitors he had....there were like....4 ladies....
You continued up onto the second floor and was immediately faced by the huge painting detailing the outside of Oswald's apartment. It was titled "I know where you live" and you noticed that the sign was noticeable bigger than the one for the installation. Janus and Logan were looking at it while talking to each other so you continued past them. You looked into the room playing the video of spiders eating parts of a boombox until the song stopped playing for a while. The song still echoed through the upper floor's walls even when you left.
The ladies left rather quickly and eventually Janus and Logan left to get some lunch as well. They promised to come back later and to bring coffee with them. Rowan came not soon after. She payed the entry fee before opening her wallet and shoving a big wad of cash into the donating box.
She casually fixed her hair while sayug "I just Love supporting local art"
She grinned while pulling her brother into a half sort of hug and ruffling his hair around while he let out joking threats about how he was gonna cook her into a soup if she didn't let him go.
"To think that my dukey bro has got an entire art exhibition" She said in an overly sweet tone while finally letting him go.
"You gonna look around?"
"Nope! I''ve seen enugh of your shitty art for a lifetime! I'm just here to the great sister that I am!"
"More like a grate sister. A TRASH grate!" Remus tried to look smug.
"Not your best work"
"Yeah...But yours worse!"
You went back to looking at the art. The scent hit you as soon as you entered the second room on that floor. It smelled stale and rotten. Luckily you could simply retract your nose for a bit.
On the walls hung several paintings showing different angles of human bodies. The paintings looked distorted and weird in a way you couldn't place until you read the small sign by the door of the room. The paintings had been made using watercolor but bodily elements such as snot and spit. What the paintings showed hadn't been as important as seeing if using human elements could make the paintings more visceral somehow. One of them was titled Literally blood, sweat and tears.
Your hands still felt a bit gross and weird from touching the goop like substance in the installation room.
Voices came from the lower floor as a tiny group of tweens came in. They still had their backpacks on from school with emo band pins littered all over. Remy went out for a smoke break while feeling stupid over it because they knew they were just innocent kids the smudged eyeliner and dark clothes still made them think of Virgil and it made them all queasy.
The tweens went through the art quite quickly and you could hear them say to each other things as "This sucks" and "This fucks". Remus looked over to his twin while holding in a laugh.
"I got a compliment" He said all proudly. His sister roller her eyes.
Around the same time Patty got off work so she could rush over and look at the exhibition. She couldn't stop sputtering out how good it all looked while pulling Rowan along with her. (Even though she didn't get what any of the art meant).
You went into the last room and noticed a low purple lightning coming from neon lights in the ceiling. It shone down onto the otherwise starkly white room. A lone bed stood in the middle with the pillow case Remy had embrodiered.
It took a few seconds before you noticed that your hands were glowing purple as well. You realized the light was ultraviolet and was reflecting the goop like it was invisible ink. The goop had been on your hands the entire time you just hadn't been able to see it until now.
Since you had seen everything the exhibition had to offer you went down to the first floor again to talk to Remus. There were tissues by the entrance door that was probably for the goop. You just transformed back into your usual floating ghost form instead.
Remus and Remy were showing each other memes on their phones when you appeared. You asked him about the exhibition and how he was feeling.
"UGHGH I got bugs all over my brain and heart!! They're crawling all around! There's so many emotions I'm gonna fucking burst into clumps of meat!" He exclaimed while waving his arms around "I didn't think this many people would come!!"
"That's what she said" Remy added that made Remus laugh out loud.
"It's also scary though because art is like wounds all over my body and showing it is like people poking big lemons into the wounds- Oh did you know that if you get scurvy all the scars on your body reopen? It's true!"
"Getting scurvy right after getting top surgery must like fucking suuucck"
"Even worse, Imagine bottom surgery!"
"Oh shit!"
Remus stood up and walked in circles to get his energy out before saying "I'mma go up and check so all the art on the upper floor still looks like it should"
"Alright babe, don't die!" Remy joked back.
You floated down next to Remy while they showed you a few memes. Tiny snails started to appear on the ground near the two of you. Remy greeted them and half sarcastically told them they had to pay the entrance fee to look at the art.
The snails kept surrounding Remy until they even started to tug at their shoelaces as if they were trying to get them to walk somewhere. Eventually Remy set their phone aside and asked "Girlies what do you want me to?"
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