#peppers from seed
ainawgsd · 1 month
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I made chicken and chickpea curry for dinner! With riced cauliflower
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It was good. I used peppers and tomatoes from my garden. Might have been better with chicken broth, but I only needed a little and I didn't want to open a quart just to use a little bit of it. And now I have yummy leftovers to take to work for lunch.
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elucubrare · 6 months
ok herb garden version uhhhh 5.0 let's gooooooo
i'm putting in gravel at the bottom for drainage and only doing things that should be good companion plants (rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley) AND now i actually have decent sun exposure so it should hopefully work this time
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babykittenteach · 7 months
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Anyway, here’s some positivity. Plant babs. A little leggy because I didn’t account for them sprouting that fast and so didn’t have a lamp set-up, but they’ll be fine. Roselle, hibiscus sabdariffa. You might know them from agua de jamaica or from all your herbal cranberry-flavored teas that actually are mostly made of this. They were my favorite thing I grew last year,
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netheris · 1 year
The heat from all spicy peppers comes from the SEEDS! So unless you want to relocate the firey pits of Hell TO YOUR MOUTH, DE-SEED YOUR PEPPERS BEFORE CONSUMPTION!!!
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scifigeekgirl · 3 months
Headcannon about Tech: He's the friend/partner who if he gets into a hobby with you then by next time you see him he will be am expert in that field.
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balkanradfem · 6 months
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I am ridiculously happy about these; I've been saving this one big laundry detergent bottle for years, and I was planning to cut it up and put a hot pepper plant in it, but, I had 2 hot pepper seedlings. Then I randomly found another, similar detergent bottle abandoned outside! I cut them up to make them into planters, and, it's not very visible on the picture, but I grabbed colored pencils and drew on them for decoration. You might be able to see little hot peppers drawn on the right one! The left one has a meadow with grass and flowers. They're more visible in reality and they both look so cute. Not to mention the plants look happy and eager to grow, I had just transplanted them and they had no visible stress on them. Looking forward to little baby peppers!
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gotankgo · 5 months
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I’ve got a bunch of seedlings growing on all of my windowsills and this red bell pepper is the standout sprout
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sirsheoth · 3 months
My one (1) bell pepper seedling has grown a singular little leaf after having its cotyledons eaten. Proud of you buddy
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doctorweebmd · 3 months
me: *gets up at 6 am, take an hour in my ‘garden’ pruning and mulching and admiring, come back inside for my coffee wiping the sweat off my brow*
me: *vivid flashbacks to seeing my own mother do this half a million times as I was growing up*
me: oh no
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coldflasher · 9 months
so idk if i mentioned this but i got really into gardening this year. i've wanted to grow my own vegetables ever since i was a kid and now i have a garden i can actually do it. so i went all out. i grew tomatoes and strawberries and courgettes and peppers (they didn't go so well, wrong climate) and i spent weeks digging up the bamboo that the former owners planted (top tip: NEVER PLANT FUCKING BAMBOO, IT'S THE DEVIL'S PLANT) so i would have more room to grow things and it was SO FUN going out and picking my own food straight out of the garden, being like 'hmm i kinda feel like lettuce' and then just. going and grabbing some from the garden. AMAZING!!!
anyways then i went on holiday for two weeks and my family did not really take care of my garden while i was gone (fair, not their job) and the wind trashed my plants so i kinda lost enthusiasm cos it was all wrecked, and then all my tomatoes got a disease due to irregular watering because i couldn't be bothered going out there to water them every night, and THEN it was winter. so i lost interest and now i only go out into the garden to put potato peelings in the compost bin
and i was sat here like damn, i really hope that gardening wasn't just a short-lived obsession because it's easily one of the coolest hobbies i've had and also gets me away from the Horrors, aka, screens and the internet, and also let's be real, i spent way too much money on compost and plant pots, so it'd really suck if i never do that again, especially because everyone says the first year you grow your own food it's not really helpful financially cos all the supplies cost so much, it's only when you've been doing it for a year or two and figure shit out and don't have to start from scratch that it starts saving you money. so like. it would be nice to actually reap some financial benefits of what was a very expensive hobby lmao. (i bought OVER TWO HUNDRED LITRES OF COMPOST. IT SOUNDS LIKE A LOT BUT UNFORTUNATELY IT'S REALLY NOT, ESPECIALLY WHEN MOST OF YOUR GARDEN IS PATIO SO YOU HAVE TO GROW EVERYTHING IN CONTAINERS)
ANYWAY tl;dr the switch flipped in my brain again and i spent an hour today looking up different kinds of runner bean. there's a variety called firestorm, so obviously i'm gonna have to try and grow that. and i'm mentally planning out everything i'm gonna grow and now i'm chewing on the bars of my enclosure cos i can't start growing anything until april >:( boooooo
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transastronautistic · 5 months
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holding onto my sanity by thin little green threads 🌱
it might not be a lot but dammit i AM going to live to enjoy some homegrown chamomile tea & zucchini bread while i watch bees gathering pollen from the zinnias i planted for them!!! i’ll stick around for that!!!!!
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geocyclist · 1 year
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This evening’s harvest: poblano pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, and a patty pan squash
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pizzahutdemodisc · 3 months
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All thanks to grandma & grandpa for instilling the knowledge of botany and self sustainability in me.
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The chili plant I started growing from seed last year is doing well and suddenly I've become an old man who randomly walks outside to go look at his vegetable garden except the garden is a singular chili plant that currently has a few flowers on it
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angelicxi · 4 months
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re: prev rb. baked!!! i said baked!!!
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butts-for-days · 4 months
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plants!! 🌱 🪴 🌿🥬🫛🍅🌶️🍉🥒🍓🥕🌷🌸
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