#people stop being weird about religion for a second please?
greenflower21 · 2 months
I wish people would stop treating Kira’s faith like something detrimental to her strength as a character— like, as if being religious makes her any less “good” in their eyes.
Kira is a deeply religious person- it is one of my favorite things about her as a character. It does give her a layer of complexity we don’t usually see, but I wish we could re-frame this and stop thinking about her religion as a type of complexity usually looked at by fans as a moral shortcoming.
Yes, I know it is difficult for socially “progressive” people in our current political climate to see religious characters and not immediately equate their religion with bad things and oppression. But in reality religion, like people, is many layered, diverse, complicated, and so so important to so many people and societies. Religious belief does not always equal Political conservatism and/or oppression: equating the 2 is actually harmful to communities like mine. Like the Bajorans, Jews have survived countless tragedies, and yet we are still here: we are still here, because we didn’t relinquish who we are, which in many cases (not all) is our faith and religious practice. The Bajorans were almost obliterated— their faith united them and kept them going— THIS, is why people like Kira felt so threatened when the federation tried to come in and suppress it (even though they meant well)— Kira’s opposition to Keiko O’Brien teaching Bajoran students about the wormhole isn’t bc she has some kind of moral flaw bc of her religion, it’s because she almost saw that essential piece of their culture destroyed. And if the Cardassians didn’t manage to destroy it by force, the federation just might destroy it by way of “benevolent” assimilation. She isn’t being “anti Science,” she’s just not on board with the idea of the federation totally ignoring and rejecting her people’s autonomy and cultural beliefs. And as a religious Jew, I can definitely understand where she is coming from.
As a socially progressive person, AND as an Orthodox Jew, I love representation like Kira Nerys, because it makes me feel so seen. I too care about fighting injustice. I also love Hashem and I love my culture and I resent the way that secular people talk about us as if we don’t live up to their moral standards because we believe in G-D and have a lot of intricate practices to show that belief that don’t make a lot of sense to them. (Assimilation is in itself a form of oppression you know)
Kira being religious is a beautiful part of her character. Yes, it makes her “complicated,” but not in that it adds flaws. It adds culture and love and faith and community and passion and so so many things. It makes people like me feel seen and valued. You know what doesn’t make people like me feel seen and validated through? People talking shit about faith and acting like it’s a character “flaw” that hinders someone’s ability to be the perfect paragon of “progressive” virtue. .
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allinestarr · 8 months
Relentless 2/?
Charles Leclerc x Fem Driver Reader Platonic! / Max Verstappen x Fem Driver Reader!
(Guys if I had to describe this chapter in a song, it would be this.)
“ Uhhh I’m telling you going out tonight is a mistake.” You groaned as you spoke to your best friend over FaceTime.
“Y/N you deserve to celebrate. You worked hard all season and made second in drivers and constructers. Don’t devalue yourself. I know you’re bummed I can’t make it out but I promise we are going to have so much fun during break.”
“ I know Rachel but it’s just going to be so awkward. Lewis had to leave to Paris because he had some work obligations and everyone’s bringing their significant others and I’ll be the only one alone.”
“ That’s not true. Lando’s single and he’s going.”
“ Yea but you know how he is. He’s always got a crowd around him and goes off to Dj and can’t sit still. I’m going to look like a lost puppy following him around..”
“Well what about Fernando or Charles?”
“ Fernando left to be with his girlfriend in Spain and Charles.. well I don’t know. I think Alex had to leave because she had an emergency.”
“ Well there you go. Just hang out with Charles.”
“ Yea but I don’t want people to get the wrong idea. You know what happened last year. We hung out after he broke up with Charlotte and everyone blamed me for their breakup. It took a lot of pr to clear my name.”
“ Y/n it will be fine. Stop making up excuses and enjoy yourself!. Now, what are you wearing?.”
Sighing you went over a few outfits before you settled on a mid length open back black dress with some heels. Minimal make up cause you didn’t need it and some loose curls.
“ Y/n you look amazing!!” Rachel screamed.
“ You sure?. The dress feels tight and keeps riding up.”
“Y/n it’s perfect. Now go and get to the club. Have fun but not to much. Call me in the morning so we can debrief!. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
Soon after the Uber came and you made your way to the club.
“Y/n you made it!.” Lando said as he hugged you.
“ Yea. I said I’d come and here I am.”
Max was sitting off to the corner with Kelly and didn’t bother looking up to greet you. As time and drinks passed by everyone separated to dance or head off. Lando as predicted was at the Dj booth with his friends and Charles was pretty much drunk. You only had a few drinks so you only had a light buzz. To be honest, clubs and galas weren’t your scene so you couldn’t wait to leave.
“Y/n I love her soooooo much.” Charles slurred against your shoulder he leaned on.
“ I know Charles. Do you want to leave?.”
“No you don’t understand.. I love her soooo much. I regret being here. I wish I was with her right now. Everytime I’m not with her I’m so sad.”.
When you looked down at him you saw he was in fact crying, so you smiled and wiped away his tears.
“ Charles why don’t we leave so we can talk away from prying eyes.”
He smiled and nodded. When your Uber was outside you helped Charles up and he put his arm around your waist for support as you made your way outside the club. With no time to tell everyone you just decided to text them when you got back to the hotel. You didn't miss Max’s cold gaze following you with his fists clenched as you got closer to the exit. Kelly looked at him and followed his gaze to you. She raised her eyebrow curiously before looking back at Max with a scowl. Weird you though, but not your business.
Arriving at your shared hotel you took Charles to his room. He was pretty much dead weight by the time you laid him down on his bed.
“Ok Charles I’m going to leave you a glass of water and some ibuprofen for the morning. Get some rest and we will talk over breakfast.”
As you were walking away he grabbed your hand.
“No wait I want to ask you something…”
“Will you help me find a ring?..”
“Uh sure.. for what?..”
“For Alex. I want to ask her to marry me.”
“Yes!!. Of course I will!.” You smiled and hugged him.
“Please don’t tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise.”
“My lips are sealed. Now get some rest. We will have much to talk about in the morning!.”
Walking back to your room you bump into Lance. He smiled and nods a hello as you walk to the elevator to get your floor.
You woke up to your phone ringing and when checking, it was your best friend. As much as you wanted to decline the call to sleep in for another hour, you knew she would just call till you picked up.
“Hello..” you groaned.
“ Are you ok??.”
“Yea why would I?.”
“Well the things people were saying was pretty cruel.”
“What are you talking about??”
“Have you not checked any of your socials??”
“ No I just woke up. What’s going on??”
“Well, you were photographed with Charles and he was holding onto you and it looked like you had something going on. He was leaning close to your face and you were touching his face. They're saying Charles broke up with Alex since she’s not there and that you and him are having a fling. And the worst part is that someone who they say is a credible source said it was true.”
“That’s insane!. There’s nothing going on with Charles and I. He was drunk and was saying he missed Alex and started crying so i comforted him. I brought him back to his room and left. I can’t believe this is happening again!.”
“I know y/n. I didn’t believe it when I saw it. Listen I can come earlier if you want so you don’t have to be alone.”
As much as you wanted to at yes, you couldn’t. She’s already done so much for you and she’s taking 2 weeks off work just to spend time with you when she could be with her family.
“It’s ok Rae. I’ll be fine. I’m sure my pr is already working on fixing this. I promise I’ll keep you updated. I’ll see you next week.”
“Ok, just call me if anything. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye."
Staying in bed all day to grovel sounded pretty good right now, but you promised breakfast with Charles so after a quick shower you sent him a text and met in the lobby. You were met with paparazzi outside the hotel bombarding you with pictures and questions.
“Charles why did you cheat on your girlfriend?.”
“Y/n how long have you and Charles been together?. Before Charlotte or before Alex?.”
“Charles is true you let Y/n win in Brazil?.”
You couldn’t get to Charles car quicker as you sped off to the cafe. Opting to sit in the farthest table away from anyone you ordered some food and sat down in silence before Charles took off his sunglasses. His eyes were red and puffy. He'd been crying.
“Charles, what’s wrong?.��
“Well apart from what’s come out everywhere, Alex called me this morning. She… she broke up with me. She saw the pictures and said she couldn’t do it anymore.”
“But it’s not true.”
“I know, I told her that but she didn’t believe me. Not when they said there was a credible source. I called around and tried to find out who it was but all they said was it was someone close to the grid. I just don’t know who would do this!.”
“ No but I have my suspicions. Don’t worry about it, I will get this all cleared up. It's going to be ok. Now, I believe we were suppose to talk about a ring..”
“ I don’t know anymore..”
“Charles, listen to me. You love her and she loves you. You and i both know that that’s rare to find with our jobs. She’s been with you through thick and thin. You said you couldn’t stand being away from her for a second. If you say she’s the one, then she’s the one.”
“You’re right. I’m putting my faith in you. So should we talk about rings?.”
You smiled and nodded as you spoke about what kind of ring she’d like and where to go to look at some and what kind of proposals he had in mind. After wrapping up the conversation you parted ways promising to meet up in Monaco to go ring shopping.
The week passed by and you were in your apartment in Monaco with Rachel.
“What should we do today?”
“I have to meet up with Charles so I won’t be back till 3 or 4. Landos in town if you want to hang out with him.”
“What are you doing with Charles?.”
Remembering your promise to keep his secret you had to come up with a lie.
“We have to go over some stuff our pr asked us to do.”
She looked at you suspiciuosly but accepted your answer.
“Oh ok then. I’ll go hang out Lando. Call me when you get back.”
“Alright see you later.”
It felt bad lying to your best friend but under the circumstances, it was necessary. After visiting pretty much every jeweler in Monaco, nothing caught Charles eye.
“It’s ok, we will find something somewhere else. What if we go to Paris next week. I heard they have the cutest vintage rings.”
“I guess. It’s just so frustrating. Nothing is going right. I have been calling her nonstop and she blocked me. I showed up at her house and she won’t answer. I sent her flowers and letters and she sends them back. I’m losing hope here.”
“ Hey don’t say that. She will forgive you. I’m narrowing the list of suspects and when I find out, I'm going to set this right. Till then, call me if anything.”
The only 2 people you could think of was Lance and Max. When you called Lance and asked him straight up, he denied it. He said he saw you walk him into his room and walk right out but didn’t suspect or think anything of it. You believed him and apologized for bothering him. That left none other then Max. The last person you would ever talk to yet you found yourself dialing his number.
“Meet me at my place in 1 hour.”
Before he could say anything you hung up. Luckily Rachel was still gone when you got back. An hour later the door bell rang and upon opening it, revealed a pissed off Max. Walking away from the door you waited for him in your living room. He closed the door behind him and sat next to you on the couch.
“Well on with it. You called me, so what do you want.”
“Did you tell the media I was having an affair with Charles?.”
“No!. Why the hell would you think I would waste my time talking about you?.”
“Gee I don’t know, maybe because you hate my guts and you were scowling at me all night at the club. I know it was someone close to grid who confirmed those false rumors. It all leads to you!.”
“Do you hear yourself sometimes?. I’m pretty sure it requires someone to care about the person to talk about them and you y/n, I don’t care about. So if that’s all, I’m out of here.”
Looking into his eyes you knew he was being honest so how was it possible you got it wrong. Is there someone else out there that hates you?. Who could it be?. Wait… now that you think about it.. it couldn’t be..
“What?.” He furrowed his brows.
“It has to be her. The way she looked at me that night.”
“She would never do something like that!. Unlike you she has class.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?!.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve ruined Charles relationship.”
You couldn’t help the pit in your stomach and the tears welling up in your eyes. He went to far.
“You motherfu..”
Before you could finish your sentence Rachel walked in calling your name.
“Y/n everything good here?.”
“Yea, he was just leaving.”
Max regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He didn’t know why he said it. Was it because you accused his girlfriend or because he was jealous?. He got up and walked to the door but before walking to the elevator he turned around thinking of something to say but before the words came out you closed the door.
“Sorry…” he whispered to himself.
Walking back to his place he thought about what you said. Kelly was mad that night and has been mad at him for quite a while. She said all he talked about was you. Whenever he lost he would talk about how you cheated someway or whenever he won he would say how much you sucked or how you didn’t drive as good as him. He said the only reason he wanted to win the championship was to rub it in your face. That night though was the worst fight he had with her.
Flashback to fight after club
Kelly saw how Max tensed when y/n showed up. She couldn’t tell if his face was red from the alcohol or from looking at y/n but she would keep a close eye. As the night went on and everyone went their own ways y/n danced with Charles and sat back down in the vip booth with him. Kelly didn’t miss how he clenched his fists and jaw when he saw y/n leave with Charles. It was so obvious to Kelly why. He didn’t want to talk when they got home but she wasn’t going to let it go.
“You like her don’t you?.”
“What are you talking about?. You’ve heard me all season complain about her, why would you assume I’d like her?.”
“Max im not blind. I saw the way you tensed when you saw her with Charles and how you watched her all night.”
“You’re imaging things. I could care less about y/n. Now please Kelly, drop it.”
Max didn’t leave any room for her to talk as he walked away to change and go to sleep. Deep down she knew it was more then that. Y/n would not take what she worked hard to get. So she made a call to one of her friends.
Back to Max POV
When he got home Kelly was sitting on the couch on the phone. He didn’t want to eaves drop but when he heard your name he stayed silent against the wall.
“Yea I can’t thank you again. It’s good everyone sees how much of a home wrecker Y/n is. I just couldn’t believe it when she told me she was with him again. I just hope she doesn’t do it to anyone else.”
When she finished her call he walked up to her.
“Hey baby you’re back early. I didn’t hear you come in. How was coffee with Charles?.”
“What do you mean why?”
“Why would you ruin Y/n’s reputation?."
“I don’t know what your tal..”
“Stop lying!. I heard you!. You were the one who told the media Y/n was with Charles!.”
“And so what if I did!. Why do you care?!. You hate her, right?.”
“That’s not the point!. You lied!. I thought you were better then that.”
“And you don’t lie?. You think I’m stupid?!. I know you’re in love with her!. It’s so obvious. You said me and P were your whole world. We’ve been together for so many years and now you want to throw it away for some whore!.”
“Don’t try to manipulate me into the bad guy. I told you I don’t care about her. You lied and I can’t trust you. I think it’s best we take a break. We need space to think things through.”
“This is a mistake Max. We are a family. We can work this out.”
“No. I’ll pack some bags and you can stay here with P. I’m going to stay with my sister for a little bit. I’ll call you when I’m ready to speak to you.”
“Max don’t do this. Please!.”
As much as Kelly tried to convince Max to stay he had already packed his bags and prepared to leave before stopping in P’s room to say goodbye and that he’d be away in a business trip for a few weeks.
Back to Y/n
After Max left, Rachel tried to get you to talk but you told her you didn’t want to, so she dropped it. Instead you had a girls night in with some romcoms and your favorite foods. Everything was a mess so you decided to do something about it by starting off with Charles.
"Hey Rae, how do you feel about going to Italy next week?."
"Are you kidding me?? Is that even a question?. YES! YES! YES!!!!."
"Great, ill book our flights now."
Mission get Charles and Alex back together is in play.
The week went by fast without issue and soon enough you and Rachel were on the flight to Italy. You told Rachel about the plan minus the engagement part. After settling into the hotel you put on a summer dress with a hat and shades to not be recognized and headed to Alex’s house. Knocking on the door you waited till someone answered. When someone did, it was a middle aged lady.
“Hi, is Alex home?.”
The lady looked at you confused like she didn’t understand and you realized she probably didn’t speak English and you definitely didn’t speak Italian. So you tried loading up your translator app but it was taking forever to load. Another voice came from behind her that you recognized to be Alex.
Taking of your sunglasses and hat you nodded. She said something to the lady who walked away and then she leaned against the door.
“What are you doing here?.”
“Well, first to say me and Charles have never had any kind of relations. He’s been my friend since I’ve joined formula 1. I have never seen him in that way and never will. Secondly, I couldn’t stand seeing Charles mope around Monaco any longer. All he does is stay inside all day on his sim or play piano. And finally, I wanted to have some good gelato.” You smiled.
Alex’s face didn’t change as she processed all you've said. Eventually though, she smiled sadly.
“I miss him. I’ve never gone this long without him. I was so hurt and embarrassed when I saw those articles. Then he showed up here and it made me sick seeing him but even more turning him away. I tried moving on but all I can think about is him.”
A single tear dropped down her cheek as you hugged her.
“Is he here?.”
“No, he doesn’t know I came here. Listen why don’t we get some gelato and take a walk?”
She smiled and excused herself to get her purse. You texted Rachel.
y/n: Mission Charles and Alex back together Successful 💞✅
y/n: getting some gelato with Alex, be back soon. Don’t tell anyone including Charles, want it to be a surprise. 🤔
Rae: yayyy 😃
Rae: I love love 💕 🥰
Rae: my lips are sealed promise. 🤐🤫
Rae: also please bring me back a gelato 🍨 😀
Y/n: will do, see you soon!! 🫡
After talking to Alex for a while she agreed to come back with you to Monaco to see Charles. She didn’t call or text him to let him know, wanting it to be a surprise as well. Till then you spent your days eating the best food you could get and every gelato flavor you could find. Your pt was going to be pissed when you got back, but it was worth it.
The day came and you’d finally made it back to Monaco. Rachel had to leave the last day in Italy since she had to go back to work, so it was just you and Alex. The plan was to drop off your things first and head to Charles place. You didn’t know who was more nervous, you or Alex.
When you arrived at Charles front door you nodded to Alex as she let out a breath and knocked. Charles opened up and held his breath when he saw Alex. He was to stunned to speak so Alex did instead.
“Oh hey sorry.. I just can’t believe it’s really you..”
“I’m sorry..” they both said in unison.
They laughed and Charles spoke,
“I’m sorry that I hurt you. Those rumors were just rumors. I love you and only you.”
“I know. I love you too. I was hurt but I know now that it was all lies. Y/n explained everything to me.”
That’s when he noticed you were next to Alex and he was confused.
“But how?.”
“She came to my house and told me. We spoke for a while and I understand. I’m sorry I doubted you.”
“My love, you don’t have to apologize. It was my fault. I hope you can forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to be forgiven. It was a misunderstanding. Let’s just forget about this.”
“Well that’s my queue to go. Guys im happy for you. Im gonna leave you two love birds to it. If you need anything call or text. See you later.”
You said your goodbyes and headed back to your apartment. It was late so you just stopped by your favorite restaurant and got some food to go. Getting out of the elevator you could see a man sitting against your door. Cautiously you approached him and as he heard your footsteps he looked up.
Previously / Next
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @sadg3 @d3kstar @runs-with-scissOrs
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mrplantfr · 20 days
(TW: Mentions of religion, murder)
*Was diagnosed with ADHD/ Autism at a very young age, but it took a really long while since he had to constantly write stuff in pen instead of talking.
*Has hated pens since he first learned to write because his shaky hands write terribly in pen.
*Despite not being able to talk, he can laugh, scream, and hum. He really likes stimming by laughing because it feels like the one chance he gets to sort of talk. (That felt really sad-)
*Grew up in a Christian household, and even though he isn't religious now, when he's really scared he'll pray just in case. (I'm really sorry if that came off as disrespectful or anything, please let me know if it did I'm not Christian so I wouldn't know that well)
*Has really noticeable eye bags due to his lack of sleep, when he was a teen he used to put some of his mom's makeup on that specific part to cover it up but stopped after he got bullied for it.
*He was definitely a mama's boy and still is, he visits her weekly to take care of her and Emails her often to talk with her.
*Is a workaholic to a dangerous level but can never keep a job as he always murders someone in the end.
*His special interest is knifes, he has a lot for cooking and eating, along with to kill people. He always looks for new ones whenever he can, like a kid in a candy store but he limits himself to only buy 2 at a time. He also looks up facts and articles about them a lot, it feels very comforting to him.
*Speaking of knifes, he cooks really well! Ask him to make anything and he'll be amazing at it to a whole new level. He has at least 2 cabinets filled to the brim with spices and herbs and tea packets. Whenever Argos comes over he likes to bake some new treat he learned how to bake and insist he tries it. (They're usually French or Italian)
*He has a Funk Pop Keychain he got in High School of Deadpool and pirated all the movies with it and read all the comics as a kid. He knows the second one word- for- word and summarizes the movies and stuff when he's bored.
*He has very good hygiene to an impressive level, and he still has one of those hand sanitizer rubber things from a few years back. He has a weird habit of carrying around tooth picks despite not being able to open his mouth.
*He'll grab onto Argos' hand and just start squeezing it out of nowhere. Don't ask why, not even he knows. Not like he could answer anyway.
*He watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force as a kid (if ykyk) and his favorite was always Master Shake because of his voice and risky humor.
*When he uses a computer he always minimalizes tabs, never keeping an unnecessary one open because he gets really frustrated at computer lag. He also plays music on one tab when he wears headphones. And his favorite game to play on it is Yandere Simulator because he likes to make all the characters really upset at his answers. (Took inspo from Ashur Ghravi there)
*He always picks at his fingers when he gets stressed. He tried a picky pad but he hated the noise the beads made and the texture of the silicone so he threw it away along with his other failed attempts at stopping the habit. He gets really insecure when people talk about his hands, he always thought they were too boney and cold for anyone including himself to like them. (He cries when they leave him alone after)
*When talking music his favorite artists are John Leher, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, and Lemon Demon. (Don't tell him he has to pick just one.) He really likes music from the 70s - 90s music, old- times music always brings him nostalgia from his parents and grandparents playing it when he was little, it brings back memories to playing around in the summer heat and relaxing at home.
*He enjoys dressing simple a lot because it feels like he doesn't have to worry about dressing himself too much. But he ADORES looking at really stylized outfits, the more complicated the better! He watches Rupaul's Drag Race so he can judge the outfits along with the actual judges (But who doesn't???)
*He's grown really good at slow dancing over the years. But he always waits for someone (Argos) to ask if he wants to dance because he doesn't want to seem like he's showing off. But when I tell you he feels like a brand new person, swaying along with the music, taking in every word and step and tap while he dances, I mean he feels like he could become the next background dancer for Mitski. And he feels so proud of himself for that!
*Hes definitely a salty over sweet kinda guy, with sugar he can only take so much of it before he has to be excused. Yk? Thats why him and Argos always go to the same place, because he feels like when he knows what he can get each time he can prepare himself more for what he will eat. (In other words, safe food) And when I tell you he gets picky about food, I don't mean he only eats a handful of things and refuses anything else. No. I mean he's a.. Selective eater. Like, he loves trying new foods and he's willing to try anything. But for example, let's say that he hates mustard (same) and you give him something with mustard. Now, he will eat it and be nice about it, but that doesn't mean he'll enjoy eating it. Got what I'm tryna say? Okay.
*He loves watching old black & white films to try and decipher their 1900s talk to now. He often has to pause the movie to look up what certain words mean, but usually he knows what they're saying and he just laughs along about it.
(WRITER TALKING) Okay, so, thanks for reading this!!! I really hope you liked it! :0 I adore TWOMP so much its ridiculous, but I obviously have a favorite. Mr.Plant is honestly the most relatable character I've ever seen in my life, everything about him makes me go "HE'S SO ME!!!!!" if I'm honest. Anyway, I hope you liked it. Bye. :3
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ransprang · 2 years
Namor x Asian!reader praying to water gods
Note:- saw this request earlier and decided to write it! Admins are Asian so hit close to home ;)
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Your parents had always taught you about the power of mother earth’s elements. In your religion praying to sun meant asking for light and abundance, water for prosperity and a good farming season, earth for fertility. Thanks to your culture being surrounded by nature was your go to, it helped you feel relaxed and happy.
This season the rain was scarce, farmers were complaining. It was a nationwide issue, there was food shortage and people were suffering. You knew what your mother would have done, so after waking up that day you made your way to the lonely mountain lake nearby. The water from the springs collected into this small lake as it further flowed into the ocean. You stood there joining your hands and closing your eyes. You began reciting a chant you had learned in a scripture that your grandmother used to own, it was to summon the water king. Whispering to yourself for the ancient one to descend and make it rain on your land, making it fertile and luscious again. As you prayed, the wind blew faster against your skin and the sky began darkening. You weren’t sure if the wonder was done by your prayer or a coincidence, but you walked away with a smile regardless.
A few days of rain later there was a dry spell once again, despite there being no actual crisis, you thought back to the time you prayed and it rained. You liked rainy days better anyways, so you made your way down to the lake, followed the stream and reached the coastline. Staring into the horizon that seemed to blend in with the sky, you decided to say a quick prayer once again. “Oh lord of water, please listen to me again. Make it rain, let the plants feast and animals bathe.” You said in your native tongue. As you opened your eyes this time there was no change, everything was still the same. You embarrassingly giggled to yourself and turned around to leave when you heard splashes behind you, something seemed to be drawing closer.
Bracing yourself you turned around in haste, only to see a man fit to be a king, stand tall and wide before you. He had beautiful honey skin, dark eyes and hair, green shorts with ornaments that only made him glow more. As your eyes scanned him, the only jarring thing was the wings attached to his feet. Your heart began beating fast out of fear. He had lines of worry or annoyance on his forehead as he spoke in a thick accent “you’ve been calling for me.” For a moment you were shocked but finally realising he had heard your prayers. You softly spoke “are you the sea god?” He smiled widely “some might say…yes. What do you want?” you will-fully said “did you make it rain that day? Can you make it happen again” you felt naive. This could very well be a prankster who could shockingly hold his breath for long and weird feet. He laughed “No I didn’t, that was the skies. I do not make it rain”. You knew this was too weird to be true. He gave you one final smile before turning around to swim deep into the ocean again.
The incident had you reflecting back at home, it was almost funny and you had been an idiot to even believe him for a second. The next day early morning you decided to go back to the beach and pray again, and there he was. This time you saw him swim from the deep end to the shore, this man surely did not live in water right? He walked out “what is it now? You need to stop this.” You laughed “Wow you’re a dedicated prankster, where were you hiding?” He shot you a disgusted look and in no mood to entertain this conversation, he once again left.
Over the next few days you tried forgetting about it, but a part of you had more toxic thoughts. He was a friend on demand! Whoever he was and whatever he was up to, he would come to you when you called. A week down, you tried the ancient prayer once again, he showed up just as expected. This time you were convinced he was some sort of mermaid. He was visibly annoyed “You have to stop this. You will get yourself in trouble, you don’t know what you’re messing with” you responded nonchalantly “sure sure, mr olympic swimmer. How long can you even hold your breath for?”. He walked forward, closer to you, his chest close to yours, looking down into your eyes. You were lost in his black orbs, but, he was angry “do this again. And you will suffer the consequences.” You being a playful person, tippy toed and kissed his cheek. The man before made an expression he didn’t even know he could make, disgust mixed with shock. You chuckled, as he once again turned around and left this time a little embarrassed. Clearly his threats were futile.
The following month, you were spending the day with your family when an argument broke out. You felt berated and upset, spending most of your time at home with these people how could such disagreements even break out? Why was there no understanding? Crying you left for a walk alone at night. Just as you remembered your mysterious friend. Going to the secluded beach you chanted while crying, you were on the verge of breaking down, god you needed someone to talk to. But, nothing happened. He didn’t come…you chanted repeatedly, feeling like the boy who cried wolf, you sat there on a rock defeated.
Suddenly the waves rose, crashing louder against the shore. A built figure emerged, he finally came. He seemed to have heard your crying with your calling, this man brought sympathy with him this time. He sat next to you but you thought of him someone close to so you instantly hugged him tightly. Not sure of what to do he politely kept his hands on your back and comforted. “Please tell me your name…” you finally asked reeling yourself back in. -“Kukulkan or Namor” he said strongly. You had read about him before, in the stories of mythical heroes of Mayapan. You didn’t see him in that way though, your perception of Kukulkan was simply a friend from the sea. He saw the look in your eyes and said “what is it? Today I’ll stay”. You both sat on the rock together as you kept your head on his shoulder wrapping your arms around his bicep. You didn’t feel uncomfortable around him, after all spending nights thinking of him had made you used to the idea of having him close. Kukulkan didn’t seem to mind either. Spending the whole night talking to each other, he seemed to confide about Talokan in you too.
Kulkukan became your friend, he became a confidant and perhaps someone much closer. Over the next many years, he came when you called, he watched you change and grow as a human. Kulkukan listened and shared, till one day he took you with him into the waves of the ocean far far away.
Your Prayer,
Admin Sav
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demoisverysexy · 2 years
For reals though, how would you improve the church in a more socialistic and queer friendly manner? (Answer cannot involve defenestration)
So, to get the church to a more progressive place would be a tall order. So I’m not gonna aim for “socialistic” quite yet, at least at first. Rather, I would first want to lay the groundwork for more radically progressive things in the future, while making some changes that should have taken place already. These include, in no particular order:
Allowing for gay marriage and full participation in the church for trans folks: perhaps the most radical change on the list, and the most needed.
De-emphasize the idea of eternal marriage, and expand the idea of what eternal family is: Essential for aro/ace people, and goes hand in hand with the first one
Apologize for past wrongs: This includes doctrines such as the priesthood/temple ban for black members, past and current colonialism, and the current practices of LGBTQ exclusion from church ordinances and participation.
Give every worthy member the opportunity to have the priesthood: Also needed to make the church less patriarchal. This would hopefully lead to more diverse leadership in time
Get rid of the idea of “unchanging truth”: This hurts us more often than not, and leads us to defend ideas that are harmful. Better to be committed to focusing on all the “many great and important things” God has “yet to reveal.”
Developing and spreading a unique mormon theology: We need some ideas and thinkers to be popularized that are more uniquely weird and Mormon. People like Patrick Q. Mason, Fiona and Terryl Givens, and Adam S. Miller come to mind, and I am sure there are many more. We cannot be content to crib notes from evangelical Christianity.
Get inspired by other faith traditions: Idk, Mormons could really stand to gain inspiration from Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc. I mean, we do believe that most if not all religions have truth in them, and we should do more as a church (and as a culture of individuals) to seek to learn from other religions.
Keep encouraging reliance and interdependence, but stop defending capitalism: Mormons being thrifty and resourceful is good. Just not when they’re encouraged to treat capitalism like a nigh spiritual doctrine. Stop it.
Get rid of the American Exceptionalism: This speaks for itself.
Really embrace the Book of Mormon: A lot of the power of the BoM goes untapped, I think. The BoM is a document about how to be a Christian when the world crumbles around you, how to have faith in Christ in a faithless and hopeless world. It describes in detail the evils of xenophobia and fascism and class division, and tells us that while a better world is possible, we must never be complacent, lest division arises and plunges us into chaos. It is a book of religion unlike any other, and while our reliance on the D&C is important, I think we cannot be content in thinking that simply having the BoM makes us different from other Christian faiths. We have to look at what about the BoM is different compared to what came before in order to be truly Mormon.
Focus more on Christ and his love and forgiveness and grace and mercy: Please for the love of God we don’t have nearly enough of that, as much as Mormon weirdness is great, we often get lost in the esoteric weeds and miss the forest for the trees. Bring it all back to Christ please and thank you
More tolerance for those who leave: This speaks for itself. Mormons tend to get too defensive about their faith, and are scared and intimidated by people who decide it is not for them, in part or in full. We should do more to listen to them and be welcoming to them without trying to force them to return.
Change the focus of missionary work from proselyting to service: Some good strides have happened here with the introduction of service missions, but to me, I think all missions should be service first and proselyting second. And we need to be a lot less door to door salesy. It’s creepy and a bit manipulative a lot.
Let us say Mormon again: Nelson, buddy, the devil ain’t laughing at us. But a lot of people are laughing at you for this one, bucko.
So yeah. Not a conclusive list, but some helpful first steps to make progress down the line, hopefully. Thats how I would start I think.
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
We are the Nexus Nebulae (or Nexus Collective), a polychimera system of 400+. If you don't know who's fronting, you can just refer to us as Nexus, Nebula, Echo, or Guardian, they/them (plural form).
We accept all system origins here. We aren't debating it. Don't send discourse, we will immediately block you.
More information is packaged below vvv
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Previously [echovoidsystem]
Bodily we are over 20. If you are a minor and us interacting makes you uncomfortable, feel free to say so and/or block us- we understand (/genuine).
We are physically disabled on multiple fronts, and have autism, ADHD, GAD, MaDD, and a handful of other things. We post about these things frequently. You can block the tags [#meds talk], [#doctor moment], [#not eating tw] and [#low health] if those particular things bother you.
We really really like getting asks and messages, however due to the aforementioned GAD we struggle answering them literally ever. So unless you ask a direct question that needs an answer, we might just never respond. Just know that we definitely saw it, and we definitely were happy about it, but we're just too much of a sopping wet cat to answer.
If you need to ask for certain trigger tags, feel free. We will never judge you, no matter how "weird" or obscure it is. Just know that certain things (e.g., swearing, all caps) are things we won't tag simply because they're too frequent of topics here, so at that point it may be better to just unfollow.
Also, we have multiple memory disorders, so there is a chance we may forget to add tags. We do usually manage to keep up with it though.
We currently have tags for [#emetophobia] and [#scopophobia].
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@thestarlightindex: our 'second main' where we mostly reblog terms we like and talk more in detail about our system & sources & MaDD
@echo-reblogs-creatures: self-explanatory. you want some Creatures?
System member sideblogs:
The Nameless Echoes, collectively: @nameless-beasts
The Hermitcraft/Empires Introjects™, collectively: @crowningachievementsmp
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We know DNIs don't work, but this is just a way for us to say what we do and don't support here. We block people we're uncomfortable with.
ALL system origins, be it nontraumagenic, created/tulpa, or anything else
ALL GOOD FAITH QUEER IDENTITIES. YES this includes all aspec people, INCLUDING CISHET ASPECS. YES this includes people with tertiary attractions. YES this includes mspec lesbians and gays. YES this includes xenogenders and neopronouns. YES this includes fags and dykes and she/hes and lesboys and he/him lesbians and multigender people and everything fucking else.
Sex work, drug addicts, people with stigmatized disorders such as ASPD or NPD. No, "narcissistic abuse" is not a fucking thing, stop being a fucking ableist.
Otherkin, or anyone who falls under the alterhuman label.
All races and religions (though we may be clumsy with this and accidentally say the wrong things. We're white, raised in a solely christian community, so we're still trying to learn how to shake off the bigotry our parents taught us. We genuinely want to learn and get better with this. If we say something wrong, please tell us, but please be patient with us and don't just yell. Most of the time we aren't even aware what we're saying is harmful. That isn't an excuse, but is an explanation.)
Other notes:
if you have "mcyt/dsmp" in your DNI we will just block you. We have introjects. Just leave us alone.
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Dividers from here (eyestrain & flash warning for the blog this links to)
Current header was from google i don't know where it came from ;-;
Current pfp was edited by us :)
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spongebobafettywap · 3 months
The anon is right in saying Nightcrawler replaced Rogue in the plot : Krakoa had Mystique resurrect Destiny after years of being dead and she didn't even tell Rogue about it or get her to help out. The only scene we got between Mystique and a child of hers tied to Destiny was with Nightcrawler where he gave a yes vote to having Destiny in the mutant government because he wanted, and I'm not pulling your leg, "to please Mystique". There was no bonding scene or story between them in the 2 years before this happened so it came out of nowhere and just made fans go "Kurt, that woman won't hesitate to throw you off that same cliff again. Why are you like this". At the end of the day Nightcrawler's yes vote didn't matter because Destiny ended up being useless. The writer, who came up with that scene and left the plot nearly 3 years ago, said in interviews he actually planned to get Rogue involved in that plotline but scrapped everything about it last second. Then the retcon happened and the remaining writers and the fans doubled down on undermining Rogue's relationship with both Mystique and Destiny while pushing for one between Nightcrawler, Mystique and Destiny. There are really people out there that say Destiny actively always used Rogue as a tool, never seeing her as her child, with Rogue being fine with it since "she knows her".
For the Excalibur weird moment, Rogue was part of the same team Nightcrawler had in the 90s with Jubilee and Gambit too. That team never interacted with Nightcrawler since he got on Krakoa and even pushed him aside during an event that involved lots of sword fighting. Why ? The plot gave no reason except that "his teleportation was too weak" (you and the anons said he had a big upgrade long before Krakoa so this is all a bull argument) but I just think the only thing that could have stopped Nightcrawler and his "making a religion, becoming its cult leader and creating an inquisition for it" plot was a friend or two asking him if he dropped his brain off somewhere while teleporting because THAT IS NOT SOMETHING HE WOULD EVER DO so they cut him off from all his friends for a whole year in story then 2 more for good measure until the retcon.
I'm a Rogue fan and the Nightcrawler ones have been very very annoying for 5 years now and it keeps getting worse.
I don't understand how there are Nightcrawler fans who like all this stuff, back when I interacted with them they hated the dull overly religious Nightcrawler but now apparently as some deluded cult leader who wants to please his deadbeat mother that's something to defend?
Because let me tell you I would much rather my favourite characters be underused than overused in such a stupid, insane manner.
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automatismoateo · 7 months
I stopped believing in God and I want someone to congratulate me via /r/atheism
I stopped believing in God and I want someone to congratulate me I love myself enough to not believe that I was created by a guy who hates me and I'm sure I sound like the stereotypical "14 year old atheist" right now but religion was making my life so much worse and I feel so much better just saying "I don't believe in God." Everyone I've talked to about this has taken a tone of "Oh this must be so hard, I support you" or stuff that's the opposite of what I want like "Oh, you should get into the occult, here's how I pray to Lucifer" and I kind of just want people to be happy for me that I feel like I'm kicking a bad mental habit. Again, I'm sure I sound edgy as fuck here, but my emotional relationship to religion felt like an alcoholics relationship to the bottle and I feel like I stopped self-harming and it's just weird that people are being so artificially gentle about it rather than actually encouraging. Anyways, if you have a second, please just indulge me and say something nice about me rejecting God. Submitted March 10, 2024 at 11:20PM by roxxxorzzz (From Reddit https://ift.tt/qa7B4MJ)
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searous · 10 months
Director Disrespected
writen by: Ash prompt: Main character meets an alley cat that offers them a deal for magical powers
So, strangest thing I've ever seen? Oh, I know just the thing.
• • •
Sundays. I hate Sundays. Most people say they hate Mondays, but nope, I hate Sundays. Why you ask? For some reason, we decided as a society that Sunday is the universal day off which means that everything is closed--that or will be soon.
So anyway, this story starts on a Friday. I was walking home from school. I live in one of those big cities where that's a thing you can actually achieve. Somewhat anyway. Decided that day to take a shortcut I normally don't. There was some construction going on on the route I usually take and I just didn't want all the noise. Slipped in behind some restaurants, some guy was digging in one of the dumpsters for something. I think he said something to me, but I can't be bothered to remember it. Walked a few blocks, taking a couple of turns in order to go in roughly the right direction. The dim and slightly damp city atmosphere was somehow relaxing to me.
The Alleys were quiet. I didn't even notice until this little black cat jumped out a window landing about ten feet in front of me. It just stood there staring at me. I say it was black, but that's not completely right. It was, but it had a white circle around one of its eyes. Its eyes were purple too. I wasn't even paying attention, but something about how off this thing felt pulled my attention. Remember I said it was quiet? Yeah, well, I mean it--no sound, no cars or nothing just pure silence. Creepiest thing I've ever experienced.
I stopped and just stared at it. It must've been only like five seconds or so, but it felt like minutes.
"You're a strange little fella aren't ya?"
The cat turned to me, sat down, and--this isn't a joke--it spoke to me. It said,
"Indeed. More than you know."
Immediately I looked up from the cat, but I didn't see anyone behind it in the alley. Turned around and no one there either.
"Hello?" I called out to whoever just spoke.
It sighed "Right here. Yes, me. You've been staring."
"The," it, cleared its throat? "cat. Right in front of you."
"No way."
"Oh if you only knew."
This time when it talked I was watching. It didn't even open its mouth. It's like it was talking to me in my head.
"Well, since you've taken an interest," the cat spoke again.
It jumped up onto a pipe that happened to be about eye level with me. It walked along it until it was right next to me and sat down once again.
"My name is Chaliya. Pleased to meet you." It held out a paw like it was offering a handshake.
I hesitated for a moment, and it seemed to notice.
"Well, go on, I won't scratch you."
Slowly I lifted my hand and shook its paw. It did actually shake back, it wasn't the one sided limp way that animals normally do.
"Wait," I said, "are you a boy or a girl?"
The cat sighed "Of all the questions to ask, that is the first one you think of."
I let go of its paw, and it immediately started licking it. Weird thing too is it kept talking while doing this. It felt like the voice and the cat in front of me were two completely separate things.
"I'm neither," It continued. "but that's not here nor there."
"Are you even a cat?"
"Ah, that's more like it. Of a sort, yes. I am what is known as a Director. But first, I need to ask you something personal." It paused for a moment. "Do you believe in magic?"
"Magic?" I laughed. "Of course not, what?"
"I see. What about religion? God perhaps?"
"Nah, I'm not really into that sorta thing. Thought of there being some big guy controlling everything scares the hell outa me."
"That isn't much an uncommon opinion." It cleared its throat again. "However, what if I told you it was real?"
"I'd say you're full of it."
"Hold out your hand for a moment, please."
I did so. For some reason, I felt like I could trust this thing. Thinking back on this I should've been terrified, but I was calm, maybe calmer than I've ever been. The cat placed its paw on the pads of my middle and ring fingers. It then exhaled slowly, and as it did, a cool mist poured out from its paw surrounding my hand. The mist was thick, thick enough I couldn't see through it. When the cat was done with whatever it did, it retracted its paw.
"Now move your hand."
Again I followed its instructions. When I moved, the mist stayed clinging to my hand. And this is when I started to panic a bit.
"What the-!" I swung my hand around, waving it in a vein attempt to free it from the mist.
"Easy, easy," The cat spoke in a soft almost bored tone. "here."
The cat made a sound like someone blowing out a candle and the mist quickly dissipated like you'd expect mist to do.
"Now that you've seen that magic is real, and what I say is true, what are your thoughts?"
"Uh, cool I guess." As I spoke, I leaned down to scratch my leg.
"Now, what if I told you I could give you that power, and much more? There is a price, of c-"
Finished with my scratching, I straitened and interrupted it. "Eh, nah. I'm not really interested."
"Wait, what?" The cat responded, sounding confused and surprised.
"Yeah, it just ain't my thing." I put my hand back in my pockets, turned and began walking away.
"Hey!" The cat called after me. "Where are you going!?"
"Home. Where do ya think?"
The cat sat there on the pipe staring at me as I walked away. Last thing I heard was it sigh and say "Teenagers these days."
• • •
"So yeah, that's the strangest thing I've ever had happen."
"Kyle," my friend spoke.
"You turned down, actual magic?"
"Uh, yes?"
"Why would you do that!? Actual. Magic. Who even are you?"
"Eh," I leaned back in my seat. "Like I said, it's just not my thing."
"I seriously cannot believe you right now."
0 notes
why-horror · 1 year
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This comic is called Galatians 4:16 due to many reasons. I had (and still do) have a rocky relationship with both religion and God. I was once a believer and a strong one too. 
The first panel is of me with the galaxy as my face (which is a common theme in this comic) as I still have agnostic views. The galaxy bubble represents how I have a lot of space in my mind and how I allowed his figure to fill up my head with what I believed was true  where I strongly believed I was chosen by God simply because I was able to see and talk to Him. The second panel shows how I would pray constantly, begging to hear something from him, until I one day heard his voice. I remember praying “why my brother” and hearing him say “because it’s you, Nathalie. You are the reason why” and I believed it ever since. After I heard him talk for the first time, we would talk all night when it was my bedtime. I remember being so young, but filled with joy whenever it was time for bed because that meant useless conversations with God. And we would talk and talk until I fell asleep. He stook with me, but when I woke up he’d disappear. After years of talking, I slowly found myself discovering myself more. I would slowly stop praying and stop going to church frequently. I could tell it made him angry. But I still lived my life. Until the day after Valentines, I attempted. I remember praying asking for help, but I did not get a response. “Should I do it? Answer me, please?”. Instead, I had a full blown psychosis episode and attempted. After that attempt, I never heard from God for a while. I remember praying in the hospital bed, praying in my room at the mental hospital, constantly reading the bible, still believing I was the chosen one, because that’s what He said, right? 
But received nothing.
Not even a peep.
And I caught myself feeling guilty. And the cycle would start again where I tried to get his attention. And I’d feel guilty again. 
Until over the summer, I found myself in a healthy state of mind again. After my attempt I was diagnosed with Bipolar with Psychotic symptoms, OCD, depression, and more. It all started to make sense when I realized my OCD and psychosis played a huge role in how I viewed religion. The OCD symptoms where it feels like God was constantly watching me, judging my every move which then developed to the delusion that I was chosen and that I was meant to do something big in the world (thanks psychosis!). I remember getting better with medication and hearing his voice one night. He apologized, but instead of forgiving Him, I ignored him. And ever since, we haven’t had a conversation. I still struggle with the occasion guilt and “are you sure I am not the chosen one?” feelings, but they are so much easier to manage. They don’t fill my head with anxiety like they used to.    
Artist Statement:
I was inspired to talk about my OCD and Spiritual Psychosis because I want people to know what it actually is like to have these very detrimental mental health issues. I remember finding out what I had for the very first time and feeling like I was crazy because there are so many misconceptions of OCD and Psychosis that makes the issues seem less than what they actually are. OCD Is not about “perfection” and “straight” although that is a trait, does not mean that everyone has it. As for Psychosis, people think these people are “violent” and “weird” for seeing/hearing things that are not there or believing in something that is not true. 
I was inspired to put this comic on the internet because of Qahera. This artist puts their comics in the way I have mine set up and describes a little about the comic in the description. I really like this because it makes it easy to navigate and read. I was also inspired by Zahra’s Paradise, especially at the end where she is grieving the death of her son. I wanted something similar in the sense that I wanted the reader to feel the emotion. I added the one panel with mainly words about how I was feeling at the time. Adding a lot of text to one panel just shows how crowded my head felt when I would pray. 
This is not the original comic nor idea that I had when I was making this comic. I was originally going to have a sex superhero who was going to educate people on sex, kinks, and fetishes, however, as I was about to finish, I dropped my laptop and broke my screen. I was very upset at the fact that I had to restart again. And I dreaded it until last minute and now I am here posting this very late. I am glad that I got to get feedback on my last comic, but sad I could not get any for this comic. it is okay, though. I was able to do what I can in the time frame I was given. I learned that it is not okay to procrastinate, but it is okay to start over, even if it means again and again. I learned how to be patient and do things when I am in a better state of mind.
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Dear Silver,
First, please don't tell others of the content of this letter, I want it to be just between us. Second, I know we don't talk much, but I hope you could be honest with me, you know, human to human. Why are Sebek, Lilia, and Malleus acting so weird?
Lilia has offered to kill for me like five times, and I haven't really noticed him offering that to anyone else (thank God). Plus I walked in on Sebek calling a bunch of students worthless humans, and then when I was offended he fell prostrate on the floor and begged for my forgiveness. Like, I gave him it, and then he just ignored the people he was insulting? Like I was the only one who's opinion mattered? And Malleus has straight up offered me, a magicless commoner, to be his co-ruler. Like, I know I'm his first friend, but I don't think Briar Valley's citizens would be impressed.
So I just want to know, is this a fae thing? Could you explain why I'm the only one they act like this to? Like what makes me more special than everyone else?
Thank you!
(Reader is in their world. Feel free to throw this letter out or respond with any length you desire. A completely oblivious reader is just so funny to me, because I know that's how I'd react.)
(also I love your writing and I hope you have a nice day! :) )
This made me laugh. The (not so) small hints to some of my works and more... just pure comedy material! XD
Also, this letter is longer so it's a “write your heart out” one.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, religion, stalking, death, murder, obsession, obsessive themes, power imbalance, blood, violence
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Silver-Not a “fae thing”
Hearing someone knock on the door of Ramshackle you went up from the couch. In the night it had suddenly began to rain which made you sleep in the entrance hall to see over the buckets and when you needed to empty them, a timer waking you up every two hours. Just what would you do for a small spark of magic so you could fix this? Finally reaching the front door you opened it just as you looked down on yourself. Good lord, you looked even worse than how the ghosts must have looked before they died. To your surprise it wasn't the usual face of a Heartslabyul student. Riddle sometimes send one over as a servant so that you “could live up to your standards”. The color of his hair immediately gave away who he was. Just what did he want from you? And whY wAs HE KNEELING??! Holding out a letter like you had seen knights hold out a sword to their queen in historical dramas you were finally saying goodbye to your sanity. Just why the heck was Diasomnia always so weird when sketching was about you? Taking it you gave him a smile before excusing yourself with “I need to look after the buckets and if the cealing stopped to dropping with water.” Closing it you were trying to shake off the feeling of someone still drilling holes into your head. Wait a second... did you just see Lilias face for a moment in a hole in the cealing??!
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Dear Overseer,
I am apologizing for our behavior. I swear that we always had good intentions in mind! It is not a “fae thing”. We decided to make sure that everything would go well as long as you stood here with us. All we are trying to do is making you as comfortable as possible. Never would we have ever imagined that our actions would be seen as weird or something like that. But dear Overseer, is this a test? Are you trying to find out if a simple letter would shake the foundation of my belief? You are of course our dear Overseer. The gentle gaze that watches over the world it created. Of course we would behave differently towards you.
But there have also been other things you are curious about. My fathers offer as a example. I am aware that he could be a bit off-putting with such a thing. He is just concerned. There have been many individuals who dared to try to usurp your throne and make themselves the highest being in our world. Because of that, my father has become rather extreme with his measure when it's to whom to end and whom not to. I have to say, although I understand your side I also understand his. Let all the sinners that dared to attack your divinity be cleaned off of this world. I shall help if the situation ever arises. I promise you that.
Sebek has done that! Oh dear Overseer, please forgive him! H can be someone very hard to work with but at the same time I have to ask for your forgiveness! He and I grew up and I know that deep down he cares for everyone. I'm happy to hear that he made up for his rude behavior. Just begging for forgiveness was a bit weak though. He should have begged for forgiveness and sworn to be yours for all eternity. I will never understand how he is able to call himself a true follower.
My master has already asked you that? I thought he would give himself a but more time. You see, he was always so nervous whenever the topic of you becoming our dear ruler came up. We all care about you without limits so don't worry about anything.
I do have to admit though, that I am jealous. They all have so much to offer to you whilst I can only write you this letter. I am not such a great general that I can promise you neverending punishment for the heretics neither am I of royal descent, able to give you a life in luxury. I am just a simple human. But I promise that I would do anything for you. Tell me whenever you need something and you shall have it. Just please, grace me with a glimpse of yours. I am aware that to you I am nothong more than vermin. Let me at least serve you with my life.
Sincerely yours,
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kimjongness · 4 years
Finished Tiny Pretty Things and I was extremely disappointed.
Rape - TW
What is up with writers adding rape into a show like it’s spice and not addressing it? This is the second show I’ve watched that did that.
“No” means no!
And Shane sounding so predatory by saying that Oren liked it, shoving his hands in his pants after he Oren said he wanted to stop like wtf?!
Tf is wrong with people! And ofc they make their gay rep a rapist 🤮 so many stereotypes
Neveah (Race Baiting)
They promoted the show as Neveah being the female lead who was defying things. Damn near every clip was of her dancing. Then what actually happens is they give her all these stereotypes, pushes her whole storyline to the side, and she barely dances...
This reminds me of what John Boyega had said about promoting black people as important but then not treating them as such in the actual storylines.
They did gave her the regular backstory, you know the trauma porn that they love giving black characters. They don’t even wrap up her storyline with her family. They just disappear.
I wanted to see her perform and become the best but all we get is an angry mammy.
Did the white writers really think that would resonate with black viewers? Or was their goal to enforce stereotypes for non black people?
Do they think the only life black people can live is one without their parents and can only get things because white people need a sob story? It was giving Dance monkey dance.
Then Neveah and Oren being pushed together with no build up? Seriously? They really did not give a fuck about her character. The actors had great chemistry, which honestly saved them for me, but they didn’t write for them.
Stop. Just stop. Writers please! Stop!
All the adults were predators.
I’m happy that Caleb’s relationship with DuBois was addressed. Her saying that Caleb would hate her for doing what she did, regardless if he consented. I’m happy about this because often times this side of the story isn’t told. The story of children looking back on a relationship that they thought they wanted only to realize that the adult had manipulated them.
But then why tf are we supposed to shipping Shane and Dev? I like them together I do. But at the same time, I’m creeped out because Dev is a aware that Shane is a teenager. It’s weird! He is a pedophile!!!
The fact that Nabil doesn’t get an apology from Caleb after all the bs he put him through because of his religion, but they’re “besties” now 🤮
The shit that’s just brushed under the rug in this show.
They made sure Shane got his apology from Matteo, but not one for Nabil??
White Favoritism
You could tell the writers favored Bette & Cassie which was disgusting because they spent the entire promotion portraying Neveah as the focus.
Out of all the characters the girl in the damn coma and another one, who wasn’t the female lead, had the fleshed out story’s 🙄
They didn’t give a fuck about June’s half assed relationship with Nabil or Neveah and Oren’s, but gave Bette and Matteo so much writing???
They wrote more for Shane and Oren, Bette and Oren, Bette and Ramon, Ramon and Delia more than they did for the WOC. It’s fucked!
They did give June a good backstory, but of course she was constantly at Bette’s side because she’s just a Angel 😇 (not serious) and criminalized the black woman who had June’s back. So fucked.
Then the forced relationship between Bette, June and Neveah. No one ever apologized to Neveah she just forgave everyone and wanted to solve all their problems like the good Mammy she is 🙄
Also Neveah going to visit Cassie???? That didn’t even make any sense. They didn’t know about each other yet she was dreaming of her before she met her???? Gotta squeeze the white girl’s storylines in. Forgo how much sense it makes for the black lead. Who cares about her character? Am I right? :)))
Then also having Nabil worship Cassie who didn’t even treat him right 🤮🤮
I’m saying all these things because I want better. This show really fucked over Neveah.
And shown extreme amount of White Favoritism the entire time.
Constantly, showing the white characters as saints and all the awful shit they do is address for two seconds with no repercussions and not writing for the black woman other than when she’s saving the white characters.
I hope they learn from this and do better. I want a season 2 for Neveah so they can write for her.
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deexchanel · 3 years
New York
Word Count: 2,655
Pairing: Avengers x BlackFem!Reader. Justice League x BlackFem!Reader but more specifically Clark Kent x BlackFem!Reader.
Warning: Arguing, mention of miscarriage, angst.
Summary: After not being in contact for so long, someone decides to make a visit.
A/N: The title has nothing to do with the one short. Oops. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!😁 below is Y/N’s outfit for the first half.
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A long day after helping the team on their mission, Y/N wanted some pizza. It was around 10 p.m. when she decided to leave the tower. Tony was asleep in the chair, Steve was asleep on the couch. Natasha and Bucky were on the floor watching a movie. Thor was rummaging through the refrigerator, he was watching the movie as well but stopped to get some snacks.
Loki was in the library reading a book. Peter was on patrol so that’s why she felt safe with being out so late. “Loki I’m leaving to get some pizza okay?” He closed his book, preparing to stand up.
“Alright, I’m going with you.”
Y/N placed a hand on his chest so he could stay sitting. “ I want to go by myself Loki. I’m going to be perfectly fine, Peter’s patrolling right now.”
Loki sigh trying to push down his overprotective feeling. “Alright, just be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Y/N hummed kissing his forehead, she then walked to the living. Everyone in their same position except Thor was now back on the floor.
Y/N kissed each of their foreheads, “I’m going to go get some pizza. Anyone wants anything?”
Natasha shook her head,“ No, be careful though. I really want to pause this good movie to save your ass.” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing her purse from the hook.
“Bring me back some pizza? I’m rather hungry.” Thor said with his eyes glued to the tv.
“You’re always hungry Thor. Bring me some too. Better yet, why don’t I just come.” Y/N heard shuffling from behind her. She wanted to take a peaceful by herself to get pizza, is that too hard to ask? “No Bucky, I want to go by myself. I can handle it.”
She turns around to see him looking at her hesitantly. “You sure Y/N? I don’t mind coming-”
“I got it, really. Go enjoy the movie Bucky. I’ll be right back.” Y/N cut him off, walking out of the door. Bucky stood there dumbfounded, “Is she acting weird or it’s just me?” He pointed to the door, looking at Natasha and Thor.
“She seems alright with me.” Natasha shrugged and Thor didn’t reply.
Y/N took a deep breath hearing the new york life sparkle in her ears. Taxis coming and going. The roar of the subway beneath Y/N’s feet. Everyone talking but still being able to hear your own conversation.
Lights flashing brightly, babies crying, the homeless constantly asking for money. The smell of 1,000 vendors, many selling gyros. Broadway fans going insane when their favorite cast member walks out of the stage door. People of every race, color, and religion.
“Finally,” Y/N mumbled after a good minute of walking, she arrived at the pizza store on the corner. She ordered and stood in line for 15 minutes then left with 5 boxes of pizza. Stopping at the park, Y/N sat on a bench eating pizza enjoying the night air.
Y/N was happy with life but sometimes a person just wants to be alone. A little part of her misses the old lifestyle she had. Bruce, Barry, Diane, Victor, and Arthur. She missed them so much, especially Clark but he was the last person she wanted to see.
They were old lovers, at one time there wasn't a thing Clark wouldn't do for Y/N. Time skip, Y/N found out she was pregnant but due to stress from Clark, she miscarried. No one knew because of the genuine smile she held on her face. He was probably so caught up with Lois to not notice that she'd been gone for a year now.
She loved Clark, Y/N was his best friend. Lois came into the picture and he dropped everything just for her. Heartbroken, Y/N came to new york searching for happiness. She found it in the avengers who she now calls family.
Today was the anniversary of her baby and she just wanted to be alone. She was alone when it happened so she rather be alone now. Y/N stared off into space not even hearing someone land beside her. You read right, land.
The deep voice took her out of her gaze. Y/N turned to see Clark in his superman attire. Shocked, she could barely get anything out. "...Clark??"
Clark's face held worry," Y/N..." Y/N furrow her eyebrow confused cutting him off.
"What are you doing here Clark?"
"I can't come to see you now? Y/N I haven't seen you in months."
"Clark I don't wanna talk about that right now. I want to know how did you know I was here??" Y/N stood up, placing her unfinished pizza in the box. She couldn't even enjoy alone time without being bothered.
"Bruce's been track you this whole time Y/N. Come home, we miss you. I miss you." He reached out for her hands. Surprisingly Y/N let him grab her hands. She shook her head.
"Clark I can't just leave. I have a life and family here. You have Lois now, that's who you need. Not me."
Clark looked down," She left me Y/N. Lois said me being superman was too much."Y/N sigh knowing how to hurt he was. Yes, she was mad at him but sometimes not everything needs a reaction. Keeping it calm, she gave him a hug.
"I'm so sorry Clark, I should've been there for you."
Clark held her close smelling her wonderful smell of lavender. "It's okay Y/N. I know this life is treating you well."
Y/N could feel that it was getting late. "Clark I have to go, but I do have to ask you something." He pulled back glazing into her brown eyes.
"What is it Y/N?"
"Tomorrow evening bring the team to the tower. I want everyone to meet each other. I'll cook! It'll be so much fun."
Clark looked at her with hesitation, "I don't know Y/N.."
Y/N gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Please Clark? You get to see me in a nice outfit." He smiled giving in.
"Oh alright."
"A little bit of this," Y/N murmured pouring grated cheese on top of the macaroni. She placed it in the oven, closing the door with her butt. Dinner consisted of steak with tarragon mushrooms with a side of macaroni. Y/N had been in the kitchen all day while the team did their overview with Fury for missions they have done.
"Smells amazing in here Y/N! What you make?" Steve's voice came from behind while she grabbed plates out of the cabinet. "Food Steve. You'll see when it's dinner time and if you don't mind, can you help me set the table?"
Steve nodded his head with a smile, "Sure I don't mind Y/N." The two joked around while they set the table. Clark and everyone were to be here in about 20 minutes. When she got home from the park last night, Y/N told the avengers about this evening dinner, and boy it was some weird faces.
She didn't know who was harder to convince, Tony or Steve. Maybe because they had been on the team longer. Once finished Y/N ushered Steve to go get dressed. She was so caught up with finishing the meal, that she didn't check the time. "Fuck!"
It was 10 minutes until Clark and the rest got there. She was nowhere near ready. "Y/N why aren't you ready?" Tony asked in disbelief when he walked into the kitchen. Y/N pulled at her hair.
"I know, I know! I was too caught up in finishing the steaks. Can you watch the food so it won't burn? please?"
Tony sigh,"If that makes you get dressed faster then I'll watch it." He opened the lid, the food smelled amazing. "Yeah hurry up, this smells good. I'm ready to eat."
"Thank you!" She kissed his cheek, rushing past so can get dressed.
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"Y/N they're here!" Steve called up the stairs. Y/N hopped around on one foot trying to put on the other boot. When it finally slid on her foot, she stood in front of a mirror taking a deep breath. She wanted all her favorite people to come together and be her support. To make her forget about the pain she went through a year ago yesterday.
Y/N walked downstairs with all eyes on her. Clark's mouth was agape from how good she looked. "Arthur! Diana! I've missed you guys!" Y/N hugged her with passion.
"Me too. You look beautiful." Diana hugged her back. Y/N moved towards Arthur giving him a hug. "Thank you."
"Yeah you look too good, don't make me have to beat anyone up from looking too hard." Thor snorted which made Arthur glance at him for a second. Y/N moved to Bruce.
"I hope you're doing good Bruce other than Barry getting on your nerves."
"Hey!" Barry said in defense.
"I'm good, just missed having you around."Bruce expressed which kinda shocked Y/N because he wasn't so open. She then gave Victor and Barry a hug. "I've missed you, two knuckleheads, together."
"We've missed you too." Victor smiled.
"What are we eating, it smells so good in here," Barry said excitedly. Y/N laughing gesturing towards the dining table. "We're about to find out, let's eat!"
Everyone cheered a bit sitting at the table, you know they didn't mingle but sat on the opposite side. Y/N walked over to the stove trying to bring the food to the table but Natasha stopped her.
"I got it Y/N, go sit down. You've been on your feet all day, I can bring the food to the table." Natasha grabbed the glass casserole dish out of her hand. She wasn't lying about her feet hurting but Y/N wasn't going to admit it.
Y/N sigh, "Fine, I'm bringing the champagne to the table though." She hurriedly grabbed two bottles of champagne before Natasha could protest. She definitely needed a sip before dealing with two rival heroes.
There were conversations here and there but most of Y/N. She had all her favorite people in one room. Dinner was running smoothly until...
"So Y/N, Clark told us that you were coming back to stay permanently. I'm excited to have you back." Barry used his knife to cut the steak. Y/N didn't know who to look at crazy him or Clark. She could feel the hard glaze from Bucky.
"What's speedy boy talking about Y/N?" Tony asked tilting his head. Steve sat down his knife.
"Yes please do explain."
"I uh haven't said anything like that. I had planned on visiting, it wasn't official." Y/N scratched her arm out of nervousness from all eyes on her.
"I knew I wasn't going insane. Y/N wasn't going to go back permanently, she's not that crazy." Thor chuckled drinking his champagne.
Victor glanced at him sideways."What's that supposed to mean? Y/N wouldn't be crazy if she came back permanently. That's honestly the perfect decision if she does."
"Guys.." Y/N trailed off but was ignored by everyone. "Y/N is right where she belongs. Do I need to say more?" Loki wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"If she wants to come back permanently then she can. Y/N's only been with you guys for what ? a year? She's been with us forever so you know who she's going to choose." Arthur leaned back in the seat.
"Sure fish boy." Tony let his smart mouth get the best of him. Y/N took a sip of her champagne to calm her nerves.
She was ignored again. "Y/N is coming with us and that's final. That's the only reason why I came to this wretched place was for her." Clark crossed his arm and Bucky narrowed his eyes at him.
"She's not going anywhere with you. I stand on that."
"Barnes right, you think I was going to let her leave with you after what you did? That's really funny." Natasha chugged the rest of her champagne down. Y/N winced at what she said.
"Guys please."
"Does that matter? Y/N is coming whether you like it or not." Bruce said setting his fork down. Diana nodded in agreement.
"I don't have to anything. Just know I'm not going down without a fight?"
"You people are so petty and tiny." Thor laughed using his fingers to indicate how small they were.
"If Y/N doesn't want to leave she isn't going to leave. it's her decision." Steve sat forward in his seat. They were getting louder by the minute.
"She isn't going, you weaklings," Loki growled sitting forward in his seat as well, not taking eyes off Arthur. Both Clark and Bucky held an intense stare.
"We should go few rounds." Tony stood up and so did Bruce.
"Let's do it then Stark."
Y/N chugged down the rest of the champagne. "Stop." The argument between them grew louder. "Stop!" Y/N stood up placing her hands on the table, no one noticed.
She slammed her hands against the table. "STOP! JUST STOP IT!" Everyone stared at her in shock.
"ENOUGH WITH THIS! I brought you altogether because I wanted support. I needed support."Y/N gritted through her teeth, tears welling in her eyes. "The one time I step out, you all can't even put your petty egos aside. I don't care who I'm staying with and I don't fucking know why it's an argument. I just wanted it to be a normal night."
Y/N lips trembled as she cried, "I can't hold on to this no longer. I was pregnant before I left Clark. I lost the baby. I lost it the day I went to find out the gender." Clark squeezed his eyes closed, his heart broke hearing the news. "And I hate myself so much for even letting myself stress so much that I lost it. When it happened I was alone. I didn't have you, Bruce, or Diana. I didn't have no one. I came to New York heartbroken."
She looked at the Avengers, they held a sad face. Natasha's cheeks were coated with tears."You guys mended my broken heart. You made me feel welcome and I don't know how I could ever repay you." Y/N wiped her tears.
"But I can't deal with this between all of you. I'm leaving so you can have your big ego contest."
She slid the chair back, walking to the elevator. "Y/N!" Bucky called for her but she ignored him. "Shit!" Clark curses under his breath getting up from the chair. Tony shook his head at him.
"Leave her be Clark. She probably went up to the roof or to the park for fresh air."
Y/N sat in the chair at the airport. She was only going out of the country for a couple of days just to clear her mind. Bruce and Tony have been blowing up her phone none stop. She was tired and waiting on her flight to be called. "Ugh, I'm so tired." She mumbled rubbing her temple. She got up going to the bathroom.
It was oddly quiet until she heard panicked screams. "What?" She murmured looking over her shoulder. Parademons were everywhere. Y/N scrambled to grab her phone trying to be quiet. She slid down the wall, covering her mouth trying to contain her breathing so she wouldn't be heard. The vibration from her phone caught one of their attention and she didn't know.
Still scrambling, Y/N declined the call somehow. She knew she was fucked, tears raced down her melanin cheeks as she held her breath. The parademons appeared beside Y/N, one inspected making sure she was the right one. It snatched Y/N up and she screamed.
The two teams were either sitting around or cleaning up. Clark stood in front of the wet dishes drying them off while Bucky cleaned them. He froze hearing Y/N scream in his ears. Diana noticed and instantly spoke up.
"What is Clark? What's wrong?"
"Y/N's been kidnapped."
Omg, I feel like this is so weird😂😂😂. I am going to make a part 2 I just gotta think about how it's going to go. I have a busy weekend ahead so I won't update until Monday.
Yk i had to make Y/N damsel in distress 😉. Clark is her lover but Bucky does like her. This is kinda a part 2 of Vacation. I love Marvel and DC so why not put them together 😁!
I hope you guys enjoyed this weird post even though the title has nothing to do with the plot of the story, I just couldn't think of anything 😂😂.
Stay slutty my friends 💜
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haechanokeh · 4 years
I’m right for you [pt. 3]
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[teaser] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 2 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I’m right for you, babe. You know what I’m thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain’t workin’ ‘cause you’re perfect and I know that you’re worth it I can’t walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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today is you case presentation with mark. you were deeply affected of what happened in the cubicle but mark seemed unbothered because he was greeting you as usual. it wasn’t weird, he always greets everyone but what was really weird was your classmates. they were looking at you and it made you felt conscious, they were not saying anything but sometimes you catch them glancing at you but you brushed it off and focus on your brainstorming with mark.
yes you do dislike mark but you thank god that he's your partner. he never missed a question from your professor during case study on the other hand you're just standing beside him dumbly. you only understand the question AND the answer once mark responded. well, mark a very kind person he was, despite of answering it alone he made sure that you're included in the case saying base in y/n and my research, even lied that some are from my own research but of course not. plus, for some odd reason, your classmates' eyes were literally made you uncomfortable to the point you were having a hard time to breathe or your social anxiety attacking you. however, at the very moment, you want to give mark a tight hug for making your life easy.
the whole presentation ended. you were putting your things back to your back while standing while mark scrolling in his phone because his dad texted him asking if he could buy him some new pen. you gasped when an arm was on your shoulder, and that caught mark's attention but he hid his annoyance. 
"hey, y/n, i heard you like someone ha?" his brows were playfully raising. it was lucas, he gave mark a meaningful glance but mark smiled confusingly.
"what?" you didn't have any idea what he's telling you. 
"i heard someone saw-"
"mark!" mina suddenly appeared calling mark's name a little too loud which made lucas stop from talking. "we're going to a milk tea house, do you want to come with us?"
“y/n, come with us.” lucas pulled you closer to his body. mark was taring at lucas arm around your shoulder. you weren’t aware of mark’s expression because your mind was thinking ways to breakthrough from lucas. 
“no!” mina exclaimed. he caught everyone’s attention, and she became flustered. “i mean, we will only make her feel uncomfortable and lucas please remove your arms to y/n, she doesn’t look comfortable.” she mumbled. lucas did remove his arms from you. 
“milk tea? can we also come with you?” then the people started to surround mark. it became noisy, knowing you who’s allergic to people and noise sneaked out from the circle and left the room.
mark turned his head to look at you but you’re nowhere to be found. he sighed and forced himself to interact with his classmates.
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your mother texted you that he will be away for one week because of their excursion. she left you an allowance good for one week including your meals for the whole day and transportation. you already had your dinner outside. right now you were just laying down on your favorite long sofa in your living room, watching NCT 2020 funny moments. suddenly, mark's name popped. mark is your class representative, he has access to class contacts and it wasn't that mark called you because you're always late in the class so for almost past 3 years he's the one you always contact just to inform the class that you're just late. 
wait, did i miss an announcement? you quickly left the class maybe something came up.
"hello, was there an announcement?" you directly asked
"none, just checking you. we haven't had a proper conversation awhile ago unless it's case related." 
you heart melted, he's very kind and sweet... that scares you.
"ah okay." you simply answered. it wasn't because you want to talk to him, well you really don't want to talk to him but it wasn't that he's annoying or anything- it was just you hate phone calls. you hate talking with someone in general unless it's your mom. 
"well, have you eaten yet?" he tried to save the conversation, he wanted to hear your voice longer.
"yes." it was a one-word reply. 
mark was slightly shattered because you don't seem to want to talk to him. he just thought that maybe you were tired.
"okay, goodnight."
"yeah." then you hang up. 
you returned watching youtube until you drifted into your dreamland... no it wasn't your dreamland.
you gasped and sat up as you woke from another perverted dream with mark. your chest was rising aggressively and you look down as you felt the wetness between your thighs. you raked your hands over your hair as you felt frustration and guilt. this was your second time that you dreamt of mark doing erotic things. you looked at the digital clock it was already 2 am. you groaned and stood up, you want to wash your body because the stickiness just made you feel more guilty if it stays there longer.
you entered your room and stripped, walking directly into your bathroom. you opened a warm shower and as the water trickled on your body, hands unconsciously trailing to the south. your dream was so hot, you can't lie about that. it was in the same cubicle but instead of his digits, it was his dick inside you. 
your eyes closed as you rubbed your bead slow while recalling your dream. you squeezed your left breast and imagining it was mark's squeezing it. you want something to fill your womanhood so you inserted your two fingers and thrust it. your lungs felt like being suppressed by pressure, your thrust became furious. 
"oh my- mark fuck." you moaned his name and you have never been so ashamed. it was so wrong but the feeling was so good that you weren't able to stop yourself from moaning. you felt the tension in your thighs. you knelt down and the hand that squeezing your breast was now on your clit rubbing it furiously. 
"mark! fuck right there." you felt the tension in your abdomen and your legs started to shake. your body just gave in, bending down, cheek shoved against the wet tiles while the warm water splashed on your body.
you screamed erotically, eyes rolling and lashes flickering. your legs were shaking as you reached your high.
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 mark hasn't slept yet, it's okay for him because there are no classes. he was staring at the ceiling and mind preoccupied by you.
he was trying to understand why do you keep pushing him away even though you clearly wanted him too. mark did remember where you say he's very different from you, and so? what's wrong with it? what he didn't like is the thought of changing just for a single person but...
"shall i?" he chuckled bitterly. he was really close to his insanity. he feared that this affection will grow into something that is uncontrollable- like an obsession.  
he checked the time through his phone. it's 5 in the morning. he decided to jog outside, so, he took a quick shower and wore his tracksuit and running shoes. maybe if tiredness hits him, he will feel sleepy. mark already went to your house and he didn't tell you that his house is just a few blocks away from you, instead of going to his normal route, he changed it, jogging in your house direction.
when he was closed to your street, he was surprised to see you outside. he stood and admire your naturalness from afar. your hair was disheveled, your eyes weren't completely closed yet, and your face was a little puffy but it doesn't take away your beauty. plus, your cute teddy bear pajamas made him smile. he sends his gratitude to god because he created a masterpiece. 
yeah, mark is deeply in love and he thinks there's no way out of this feeling. 
you were actually waiting for your breakfast, your pancakes from mcdonalds and a warm chocolate drink. when the delivery arrived, you paid and gave him a tip for being quick. you were about to go back inside when you heard a VERY familiar voice which was owned by the person who sleep deprived you 
"Y/N!" his voice was loud, it even cracked. 
"what are you doing here?" you asked.
"morning jog, and good morning to you." he replied and greeted at the same time.
"jog.." you paused and gasped. "from your condo to here?!" you exclaimed in disbelief. mark laughed at your reaction. of course it'll shock you because you already been in his condo and if he jogged it from there to here, he was supposed to be passing out right now.
"no, my family house is actually a few blocks away from here."  he said.
WHAT?! this is not good. you thought. the more he gets closer the more he has access to your mind and body. you masked your displeased face and just nodded.
"okay, ahm. i'm heading back now. bye." you pointed at your house door and awkwardly turned your back walking towards your door.
you expected him to do something because he always do that but to your disappointment he didn't. you looked back to check if he was stil there but he was no longer standing there but you saw him jogging away from your direction. you sighed in disappoinment that made you mentally slap yourself for feeling very contradicting .
you ate miserably your affordable and favorite pancake.
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mark took a bathe and go down to eat breakfast together with his parents. they prayed before eating. the cooked food by his mom made him question why your ordered delivery food for breakfast.
"how's school?" mark's dad asked him.
"good, still the same." he replied.
"your father will lead a service, you can invite your classmates. oh mina, you can invite her, she's very sweet girl." his mom said but she doesn't have any motive. she knew mark have not interest in romantic relationship as of the moment, her child was so focus in maintaining his grades and scholarship. at least, that's what he though.. if she only knew.
"i'll try." he forced a smile but behind it was growing tiredness. he knew that his classmates doesn't really want to praise but because they were so fond of mark and they just love to hang out. it defeated the purpose of going to church.
after the breakfast, mark's parent left for their work. he washed the dishes and went up stairs and stayed in his room with his music and guitar. it helped to detach his mind from thinking of you, but it was just temporary as he saw you name appeared in his phone. he almost threw his guitar just to answer your call very quick.
"y/n? why?" he sound so excited.
"ahm, mark... well.. perhaps, do you ahm, have notes from yesterdays discussion? i mean in all cases, not just ours?" you were very stuttering because of shyness. your class have long test about the cases but you're notes are everywhere and you can't understand your writings.
"yes." he said. he knew where this is going. he quickly get out from his bed and go straight to his closet, choosing shirt to wear. "do you need it? i can bring it to you."
"no, no. ahm, you do digital notes right? mind if you could send it through gdrive?" you really don't want to bother him... nah lies. you're just preventing things from happening.
mark paused for a moment and was a little hurt, he understood your statement as if you don't want to see him. but mark will not having any of that.
"it was handwritten though." he faked sorry. he hoped you didn't notice what he did there, hoping that you received it as if it was literally handwritten like directly to paper since he sounded apologetic.
"oh... i see. well, ahm, can you drop by in the house?"
mark still not satisfied by just dropping by.
"how about we study together? we can review together."
you translated it like 'the smartest in your class can help you'and that's very tempting. you can't easily study 8 cases and you need him. you used his diuretics notes in lecture, you almost aced it. now, your lab needs him.
"then, pizza is okay for you?" you whisoered from the other end.
mark secretly fist pump and grinned in triumph.
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you spayed air freshener in your living room and changed your shirt to another shirt? you only have tees just in different colors, you changed your short into black sweatpants. you made sure that your hair was far different from the hair he saw this morning. you already ordered the pizza.
the doorbell rang. your quickly opened the door for him. mark was standing, carrying his ipad and his other hand holding a two milk teas in a cup holder. he's wearing dark blue t-shirt and gray sweatpants. you smiled awkwardly and let him in. you scanned his body, looking for paper or at least a piece of paper but you didn't see any of it. mark was looking down at you, watching you observing him.
"where's your notes?" you curiously asked.
"here." he lifted his ipad. your jaw dropped.
"i thought you did not do digital notes?"
"i don't recalling telling you i didn't, i just said it was handwritten and when i saif that handwritten in my ipad." he reasoned. taht made you think later realizing that he was right and that made you dumb.
you sighed in defeat.
"by the way, bought you milk tea since you missed it yesterday." he said, you acually don't care if you missed it or not.
you walked towards the single couch and patted it.
"you can seat here." you said.
he quickly sat down and put the milk teas on top of your living room's table. he confusingly watched you when you sat on the long couch and it was the end of it. you were too far from him.
you noticed his sulking face.
"mr. mark lee, what's with your long face?" you chuckled teasingly.
"why are you too far from me?" he pouted.
"damage control." you replied shortly and get your case 3 notes which is very illegible to read. "can i borrow your case 3?"
"why? what did i do?" mark asked was clueless. he did not pay attention to your question
"mark, being alone with you is not healthy anymore." you directly answered him.
"orgasm is healthy, what do you mean?" mark didn't get your.
"mark, that's not what i mean. we're like horny teenagers doing unappropriate things."
"we're already passed in that phase in life, we're both adults." he rebutted.
you mentally face palmed yourself in frustration. why is he so smart and dumb at the same time.
"mark, that's not why i mean. we're being to touchy, every time we are left alone the next thing we knew we're touching each other. do you know how scary was that to me? it only happened twice but i am already longing for more! when i don't feel your touches i go craaazy! i even touched myself for freaking 2-" you froze when you realize what you were telling him you stared blankly at him.
on the other hand, mark was very pleased hearing you exploded from frustration as you became honest for the first time.
"you touched yourself? what 2?" he smirked and lifted his brows.
you cleared your throat.
"can i borrow your ipad? i need your case 3." you murmured and look anywhere but him your face heat up. you want to be swallowed by your favorite sofa.
"then get it."
you look at his ipad sitting on his manly wide spread apart thighs. your eyes stared at the mark that makes your knees weak and wet pussy. his fiery eyes looking directly toyou while he was sitting comfortably on the couch and arms are both in each side of the armrest.
"mark lee, i need it." you tried to use your stern voice but failed because your voice was too small.
"i told you, you can get it.. here." he glanced at his ipad.
you gulped and the living room's air became thick. your submissive self switched on and you just found yourself walking towards him. your hands felt cold as you reached for his ipad. when you lifted it, his bulge forming in his gray sweatpants made you almost drool. you were reminded how fucking hot it was.
you want to touch it and do anything you can possibly could but your single rational braincells keeping you in the light.
"you don't seem sure of what you really wanted to do." he snapped you from overthinking. "should i make you choices?"
"what?" you asked confusingly but your voice was shaking.
"you bring that ipad with you and go back to where you were sitting, or..." he looked up to you with his dark eyes, leaning a little forward you trace the side of your hips with his palm..
"put the ipad on the table and sit in my lap."
mark knew that you can never say no at this state. if you could only see how your body shivered and how defeated your face was, he knew you already gave in.
and his was right.
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the original draft was deleted because of my stupidity 😭 idk think this is good as the original draft.
hello, some of you asked me if i have a tag list, i will be creating one.
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Tag List:
anyways, i would like to say thank you for supporting this story. i did not expect some of you will like it. i also want to thanks people who leaving message through dms and ask praising this story. also to those nctzens hearting it 🥺🤗
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giaourtopita · 4 years
oh no i was summoned by a religiously traumatised 17 year old and now i gotta babysit them
again, kinda ooc. these are really fun to write, by the way if you have any suggestions for the next parts feel free to send me an ask or message me!! i don't know why i didn't mention this in the first chapter but this fic, especially this chapter, is very self indulgent!! i hope you'll like it<333
warnings; underage gn mc, religious trauma (about christianity)
< previous part
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*after a few weeks from the first summoning of lucifer, mc really thought that he was just severely misunderstood. history and christians did him dirty, mc remembers themselves telling him. lucifer always felt his pride and ego boosted whenever they had a talk. mc really did look up to him, sure he didn't tell them everything about him or his family but they were okay with it. he tries to help them with homework from time to time, even if he's busy.*
*mc started thinking that if lucifer, a demon whose reputation in the human realm is beyond repair, is that nice to them then maybe someone would also be nice. lucifer told him they lucked out with him but if they tried to summon another demon things could possibly not turn out the way they wished to. it was almost as if lucifer not only wanted to keep them safe but he also wanted to keep them a secret especially from his brothers.*
*he loves his brothers a lot but he really didn't want them to spoil his fun. normally humans were extremely biased against him, so seeing a human especially one so young being so understanding and really trying to see things from his point of view really made him think that maybe not all humans are as pathetic as they seemed.*
*mc made a copy of the grimoire so that they could return the book back to the library. they thought if their parents were to find the original it would be much worse than just finding a notebook full of summoning spells and information about demons written using pretty glitter gel pens and having cute stickers stuck on the pages*
*they sat in their room while reading their own copy of the grimoire. satan, they read. almost immediately prepared themselves so they can do the summon.*
*they tried summoning him three times until they stopped. they thought maybe there was an error with the copy of the grimoire so they went back to the library to check just to be sure.*
*meanwhile in the devildom, satan was at the royal library. he was looking for any new books he could read. that is until he felt it, the feeling of getting summoned returned. he tried grabbing one of the new arrivals at the library but it was too late.*
*satan suddenly found himself grabbing the same book as mc. both exchanged a weird look before saying anything.*
mc: i thought the summon didn't work...
*satan didn't like getting summoned, let alone being summoned by a stranger. he didn't bother with pacts for this exact reason, he thought summons were a waste of time when he could just read instead, heck! even re-reading something is better than getting summoned, he thought.*
*satan noticing the book he and mc were holding, he got curious. average humans don't have such powerful magic. he was interested to know how this was possible.*
satan: i tried to delay the summon so i could finish my book in peace. now, how were you able to summon me?
mc: give me the book you're holding please.
*satan gives the book to mc and they turn to the page that's dedicated to him.*
satan: oh, but that requires a lot of power. are your family members sorcerers?
mc: oh no they're far from that, they would probably freak out if they ever find out that i have casted spells. maybe even send me to a christian boarding school and perform exorcism on me.
satan: how come you're not like them?
mc: i just felt forced into believing in it. the more i interacted with christians the more sure i was that i wasn't like that. sure there are good ones but most people i have interacted with say nasty things about people that haven't done anything to them and make up excuses about how their religion agrees with what they say.
satan: i see but why did you summon me?
mc: well, the other demon i summoned seemed pretty nice so i thought that since he was nice you would be nice too. i'm sorry for summoning you, you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to.
*mc was nervous about his answer and kind of scared, but tried hard not showing it.*
satan: it's too late now, but if you're interested i could give you some recommendations on who to summon next.
*mc nodded and satan started looking for something in the grimoire while grinning. when he finally found the page he was looking for he turned the book to them and showed a demon*
satan: that's lucifer and make sure to summon him late at ni-
mc: that's the one i've summoned actually, he even gave me a spell so we can set a time for when i can summon him.
satan: oh.
*satan seemed disappointed, mc noticed that but they wouldn't comment on it.*
satan: lucifer is my, uh brother. he's the oldest actually, out of seven.
mc: really? when i was younger i used to think that he was you.
satan: you used to think that he was me?
*satan started laughing, he laughed very loudly. mc was starting to get concerned.*
mc: what happened? why are you laughing? people here do confuse you for each other.
satan: lucifer and i have a pretty rocky relationship, i don't really feel like talking about it. anyways i'll show you the rest of my brothers.
satan: here's the second-born, mammon. he is the avatar of greed so you can't let him near anything of value. unless you want him to steal it, it's kind of annoying.
mc: so if i summon him, what would happen?
satan: he would probably think you're one of the witches he's indebted to.
*mc continued to listening to satan talking about his brothers until it was pretty late and mc had to head back to their house. but there was one last brother mc just had to ask about*
mc: what about this one?
satan: this is belphegor, you should never summon him. he's holding a grudge against humans and he will not hesitate hurting you. you were lucky you summoned me and not him.
*satan said with a concerned and worried look on his face*
mc: okay i won't summon him, i promise. and thank you for hanging out with me.
*noticing how late it was, satan offered to walk them home. after arriving at their house he asked them to inform him first about summoning him and only do it if it's absolutely needed.*
*mc wished him goodnight and entered their house ready to be scolded for taking too long at the library.*
next part >
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The One He Got Right
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,700
Warnings: None. Just a crazy amount of fluff.
Summary: Jay and (y/n) have been dating for several months now, so, when his birthday comes up, the reader wants to throw him a surprise party.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Fluffy happy jay is my religion, that's all I'm gonna say. Also, I feel like the One Chicago universe could have a lot of surprise parties, so, if they won't give it to us, let's just indulge ourselves, right? 
As always, I hope it doesn’t suck too bad and, please, feel free to give me feedback!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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“You know, babe, I was hoping you’d be able to get the Thursday off so that we could go out and have some fun, or just stay in and cuddle. You can choose.” Jay said whilst caressing your feet in his lap.
“While that does sound good, I’m not sure I can convince my boss to give me the time off on such short notice, Jay.” You confessed with a tired sigh. “But what’s so special about Thursday for Voight to give you a day off anyway? You didn’t mention any big cases lately…” You asked your boyfriend, not missing how he started to uncomfortably shift his position on the couch.
“Uh, he said I should take the day to myself because it’s my birthday. That’s why I was hoping-”
“What???” You asked him, sitting up straight, already buzzing with excitement. “It’s your birthday in four days and you didn’t tell me???” Jay just looked at you like you were crazy.
“Well, I’m telling you now. Besides, it’s not that big of a deal. I just figured that since I’m getting a rare day off, I’d spend it with the person I love…” He tried to sound nonchalant, but you knew what game he was playing. And, honestly, you didn’t really care, because you’d always loved birthdays and holidays in general. So, if you had a chance at being with Jay throughout his, you’d take it.
“Not that big of a deal? Who are you? The Grinch? Of course, it’s a big deal, babe!” Your excitement was almost tangible. “So, tell me, what is it you want us to do, hum? Is there gonna be a party? Wait a second, have you been party-planning without me this whole time?” Your boyfriend couldn’t understand how went from too grinny to too offended in two seconds like that.
“What? Party? No! No! Not at all, baby! I really just thought we could spend some quality time together, you know, without the possibility of me getting called in at any minute…" He told you and, all of the sudden, he looked exhausted, making you feel stupid for bombarding him with your craziness like that.
"Oh, okay… Look, I'm sorry I freaked out, babe. It's just that you're such an amazing boyfriend – and everything else, really –, so, when you said it's your birthday… Let me do something?" You asked, with what you considered to be your sweetest smile. At that, Jay started chuckling lightly.
"Well, I could let you do something, but your company is already gonna be much more than just something. And that's all I could possibly want from you, princess." How could you even try to resist that man?
"Okay. Then, uh, I'll get the day off, no matter what, but… I'm still doing something!" You said with a wicked smile.
"Oh, God. Fine, just don't exaggerate, okay?" Hearing that, you gave him a look.
"Right, right. Note to self: don't exaggerate." At that point, Jay decided to just give in, which was the best he could do, since your plan was already shaping up in your head. It was going to be a long four days…
The next morning, after leaving Jay’s place, you started calling people while walking to work. The first on your list was Herrmann because there was no party without a venue. And what better venue for your boyfriend’s birthday celebration than the very place where he liked to spend so much time?
“Hi, (y/n/n)! How you doing?” Christopher asked with his usual excited voice.
“Hey, Chirs! I’m great, how are you? And how are Cindy and the kids?” First things first: to convince the petty man to let you use his bar like that, you were gonna need to be your most charming self.
“Ah, we’re all good too, thanks for asking, kid! Listen, uh, how’s everything between you and Halstead? He hasn’t shown up at Molly’s in a while…” Normally that would have gotten you worried, but this time you knew that it was because of the demanding case his unit had closed last week and then because of how he was trying to spend most of his crazy free hours with you.
“Everything’s fine, really. The thing is that he’d been a little too busy with Intelligence’s latest case and then he was a bit tired in his free time, so we’d just spend the nights in… But thank you for the concern, Chris!” By that point of your relationship with Jay, you’d met pretty much everyone who hung out at the first responders’ bar (at least everyone who was friends with your boyfriend), and it was fair to say that they all had a lot of appreciation for you. Herrmann, for example, was always trying to look after you. Treating you like a daughter. And, as sweet as that was, you were about to use it to get him to give up Molly’s for the party. “So, um, you mentioned that we haven’t been to Molly’s much lately… How’s the business going?”
“Ah, (y/n/n), look at you! Always worrying about other people! The business is going well! But you know how these things are… Could always be better.” He told you, in that very Herrmann way, always thinking ahead and making growth plans.
“Yeah… Well, you know, Jay always tells me about how much he loves it there… How much that place and the people in it, especially you, mean to him…” You threw your bait. It wasn’t exactly true, but it wasn’t exactly a lie either. You knew how much all of that meant to Jay, he never even had to tell you about it.
“Really?” You could practically hear Herrmann’s grin through the phone. “I hope he knows that we all at 51, hell, at Molly’s, see him as family too! He’s such a good kid... ” Perfect. It was now or never.
“Speaking of him knowing how much he means to us, as you know that his birthday is coming up on Thursday, I was-”
“What??? His birthday? I, I, I, ah, I didn’t know that…” Another perfect strike for you.
“Well, then I guess that makes it a bit weird for me to ask you what I was about to…” God, it was moments like this that made you think that you could've been an actress.
“No! What?! Not at all, what was it?”
“I was wondering if you could give Molly’s up for a surprise party I wanna throw for him...” You said, ripping the band-aid off, with your fingers crossed that the guilt-trip you tried to put him on would work its magic.
“Oh!” If only you could see him now! Split between wanting to show Jay how much he cared and the projections of how much he’d lose giving Molly’s up like that. “You know what? To the hell with it! Jay was one of our first regular customers and got us rid of that scumbag Arthur, so yeah! We’re doing that for him!” You wanted to scream at how perfectly your plan had worked out, but you stopped yourself as Herrmann said (for no one’s surprise): “But I’m not giving any free drinks to anyone!”
“Okay, okay, Chris.” You said laughing. “What you’re doing is enough help already! Thank you so much!”
“Nah, don’t worry about it! Just wish everyone would appreciate my gestures as much as you do, instead of complaining that I should be doing more…” At that point, you were laughing your ass off, as you couldn’t keep it inside any longer.
“Okay, then I’ll let you know when and who’s gonna need the keys to set up the decoration and stuff.” You said whilst brushing the tears away from your eyes.
“Alright, (y/n/n), I gotta go now, but I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Yeah, talk soon. Bye.” One down, some more to go.
And that's how you spent your morning: completely ignoring your work, in between calls to put Jay's surprise party in motion. You put Stella, Severide, and whoever else wanted to help them in charge of the drinks. Sylvie and Chloe were on the cake. Adam and Kevin were taking care of the food, duly supervised by Kim and Hailey, as you knew they couldn't be trusted to not eat anything before the time. You let Maggie and Ethan in charge of the decoration, along with any more help they could get at Med. And Will and Platt were going to contact Jay's other friends. You were on the tricky assignment of keeping your boyfriend in the dark about all of that until it was Thursday night. While, also, overseeing everyone's work, because, well, you were the organizer! 
To say that there were many bumps along the short period of time you had until the party was stating the obvious. Several times during those three days you got calls from Will, panicking over the fact that, every time he saw his brother, he felt an urge to scream 'Surprise!!!'. Seriously, after this party, Jay Halstead just couldn't let you out of his life, because the amount of energy it took to keep yourself from murdering his older brother... It was a clear show of love.
Still, everything went well and there were no murders. The Thursday morning came as quickly as you knew it would and, thankfully, everyone had their parts of the plan pretty much done. Which meant it was your time to shine: operation keep-the-detective-from-detecting had begun!
“So, today’s the day. Are you gonna tell me what is it that we’re doing?” Jay asked you with a soft smile on his lips.
“Yes, of course, detective. But only after we get you a proper birthday breakfast!” You told Jay while pulling him out of the apartment to go to this diner you knew he loved. When you got there, the orders were already waiting for you at your favorite table, and, being the silly bean he is, your boyfriend got pretty impressed by it.
“But, what?! How did you get them to do this? I thought they never took orders over the phone!”
“And they never do!” You confirmed with a wink, trying to hold back the laughter. Not that you could keep it inside any longer when his eyes landed on the personalized birthday wishes written on the pancakes. As much as he liked to act like a tough guy most of the time, at that moment he couldn’t help but let out his inner excited little boy.
“Oh my God! This is amazing! It’s so cute!” He beamed brightly.
“I know, I know. Now eat your breakfast, birthday boy!” You ordered with a fake look of annoyance on your face. But instead of just digging in on the food, like you’d told him to, he leaned in from across the table to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“The day barely even started and I already know that this is gonna be one of the best birthdays of my life!” He told you, as a genuinely happy smile took over his features.
“Well, then I’m glad I can be of service.” You said, and, like that, the day passed by. You wandered, hand-in-hand, the streets of a rare sunny Chicago, had lunch by the Riverwalk, went to the movie theater, and, finally, back to his place.
“Okay, today was amazing! But, I gotta admit, I’m a bit tired… So what do you say we open a bottle of wine, order some Italian, and cuddle our way into the night, hum?” Jay asked, already sitting on the couch with his phone in hand.
“I say a big colossal no!” Hearing that, he looked at you super confused. “Because I already told Will that we were gonna meet him for a couple of beers at Molly’s.” Instead of just sighing and standing up like you thought he’d do, your boyfriend narrowed his eyes to you, in a way that showed he got suspicious of something. “What?”
“We’re gonna meet Will at Molly’s? On my birthday?”
“Yeah, why?”
“No, nothing. It’s just that, coming from you and Will on my birthday,” shit! He emphasized the birthday part again, “that doesn’t sound like just a meetup for beers at Molly’s, that’s all.” Damn it, a thousand times damn it! Why did he have to be so good? And that stupid cocky smile he had on right now was still gonna be the death of you. Before you even said anything, you knew it wasn’t gonna be very convincing, given how useless your brain seemed to be at the moment. So you could only hope that he’d turn a blind eye and just go along with it when you said:
“Well, it is just a meetup at Molly’s. And, if you must know, I only agreed to it because Will spent all day blowing up my phone with texts, saying that I stole his baby brother from him on a date that you two should always spend together.” You lied, trying to put up an annoyed façade.
“Ah, well, if that’s the case, then let’s just stay here and ignore our phones.” Jay suggested with a shrug. He knew you were lying, damn it!
“No!” You answered a bit too quickly. “We, uh, we can’t do that! Because, first of all, it would be very douchy and, second, Will would be mad at me forever, and that can’t happen if I have any hopes of ever becoming a Halstead.” You didn’t even realize what you’d just said, until after it came out, but then it was too late to go back. He glued his eyes on you immediately, while you tried to hide your blushing face with your hands. “I can’t believe that I really just said that out loud.” You sorta-whispered shyly, never uncovering your face.
“Me neither…” He confessed with a huge grin, also going to remove your hands off your face with his. “Baby, I know I don’t say this much, because, as you know, words aren’t really my strongest suit, but I love you. And I, too, have real high hopes that you’ll become a Halstead someday.” He told you, making your eyes tear up.
“I love you too, babe.” You barely let it out before he pulled you in for a warm loving kiss.
“So, you say that a lot in your head, hum?” He asked with a smug smirk on his lips.
“Shut up, let’s just go.” You grunted, trying hard not to blush again.
“Do we really have to, though? You know Will doesn’t get to decide anything between us.” Jay tried to reason with you, apparently forgetting about his suspicions.
“I know, but we’re not bailing on him like this, Jay.” At that, he gave you an annoyed pouting look but eventually gave it up and headed to the bar with you.
Before you got out of the cab, you managed to, discretely, shoot Will a quick text, to let everyone know that you’d arrived. That way, as soon as Jay opened the door, letting you in first as usual, the mini crowd of guests shouted:
“Surprise!!!!!” You couldn’t help but break up in laughter when your boyfriend almost jumped back outside after the scare. Jay Halstead, the man who was always prepared for anything, got completely caught by surprise this time.
“Oh my God, guys, what the hell?” He asked with a shocked expression that just made everyone in the bar laugh hard, as they started reaching out to hug him and say their birthday wishes. 
In the midst of all that, Jay saw you smiling shyly on a corner and immediately knew who was the mastermind behind it all. That made him think of how, when you came into his life, you were like a sunshine ray that never darkened, making his hardest days easier and better. And you were even more now. 
Jay Halstead had definitely made a lot of wrong, shitty, decisions throughout his life. On both personal and professional levels, they’d gotten him a lot of heartache. But dating you was for sure the one he got right.
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