#people even saying they will block a reader if they comment with an emoji
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actualhumancryptid · 2 months ago
I see so many posts bemoaning fic commenting culture, and how it is so much worse now. How things are commodified. The readers are entitled, and see our work as just content to consume. it was better before!
I am begging 'nuance' on this one.
Of course as a writer I want readers to comment. Of course I want to hear that they enjoyed what I wrote, and to have that connection. And to be honest, the serotonin. (let's be real, that is part of it for a lot of us. Not so different to social media).
But people can't always comment. And they won't. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing or the end of the world.
People have all sorts of reasons for not commenting, and it isn't just because they are entitled, or lazy, or 'bad'. That's a pretty reductive way to look at readers as a whole. Whatever the reason (the lack of time, being overwhelmed/pressured by the task) the act of reading is a fundamentally different mental space to the act of writing composition. Reading is immersive, whether you're reading a novel or a smut fic. There's a mental load to the shift into: engaging in literary criticism/describing your current emotional state/essentially writing a letter to the author. Especially if the fic was enormous, or particularly amazing. You have just finished it, you haven't even processed it. And now oh my god, do some words, yes anything will do!
It's understandable that some people freeze, or think 'I can't do this now!'. Only it's very hard to then remember to come back, and write that comment later. It isn't because people don't care. There are so many ways they are interacting with your fic that you will just have no idea about. That's true of tradpubbed works, of self-published zines. it's true of visual art in all its forms. Once it's out in the world, it will have a life of its own. And people will love it and never tell you. They may hate it and never tell you. It might form the bedrock of their personal philosophy. And you will never know. That unfortunately is the nature of making art.
Is it fair? I mean, you made this thing for free! There are no other rewards for you, supposedly, other than comments and kudos.
But that isn't true either. Because I hate to tell you this, no amount of comments will be as satisfying as having made the thing and enjoyed the process of making the thing (and it works! Or doesn't! But it was fun!). Yes we do need some form of acknowledgement that this thing we did isn't floating out there, unnoticed, forgotten. We want our work to matter to somebody. And that's valid. But if you don't find the act of making it a reward in and of itself, then perhaps it's time to try cultivating that. Because you will certainly be happier. And sure, you're allowed to be miffed when nobody comments, or when it feels like nobody is seeing you. You're human.
The thing is, I am finding this evangelical push towards beating fic readers over the heads with their commenting failures a troubling trend. That just makes everyone involved feel defensive, and is such a fraught way to try and have this conversation.
How do we foster a robust fandom community? How do we bring back that sense of connection we had in the past? How do we stop fics from feeling like a consumable good?
Well, it's not by being a dick to readers. They are not a consumable good either.
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blackkatmagic · 3 months ago
the "no emoji comments or I'll block you <3" take makes me sad. it comes across as unappreciative of your less loquacious readers and the heart feels condescending... some readers can read better than they write, some readers just don't have the spoons to pour hours of their life and effort into paragraphs of praise.. if it's specifically about emoji bombing, you may want to edit that into the note
Hey. Please look at what you just wrote. The heart feels condescending. How do you think it feels to work for days or weeks on something, and the majority of responses to it are just that heart? It kind of sucks. I've had people who went through literally years worth of work and dropped a heart on every single chapter, and man, that bummed me the fuck out. Like, I get not having the spoons, but across 70+ chapters and you couldn't even say "I like your characterization" or "this is a fun plot"? It makes it hard to keep writing, quite frankly, to know that someone couldn't even be bothered to put in a fraction of the effort I did to post the damn thing. To know that my work wasn't good enough to elicit any reaction beyond a single push of a key.
I'm not demanding that anyone change their fandom habits, or put in more effort. I'm not asking that people leave me reviews. I'm saying "please don't do this, and if you cross this boundary I've drawn, I'm going to block you". And that's my right. You can dislike it, and that's fine. You don't have to engage with my art. But I want to not be bummed out about writing, so that's my stance for the sake of my own mental health.
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mistydeyes · 2 years ago
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eyes for the stars
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summary: The 141 boys can't help but feel slightly jealous about your celebrity crush. They can't help but wonder why you're so obsessed with them.
pairing: 141 x civvie! Reader
warnings: swearing, spoilers for Euphoria!
a/n: a little self indulgent because i too have all of these crushes (love my problematic ladies, sydney and phoebe <;3)
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price: pedro pascal
The minute you laid eyes on him you were hooked. From episode 1 of The Last of Us, Pedro became your very apparent celebrity crush. Who doesn’t love a strong parental figure who will do anything for his unconventional child?
Ever the observer, Price noticed how your Instagram stories were filled with reposts of Pedro at award shows, magazine covers, and even behind-the-shoot pictures. He even noticed the growing collection in your shared home of Mandalorian memorabilia. He couldn't help but feel hurt that his partner posted a celebrity more than him.
As Gaz looked over his shoulder he commented, "Looks like a more handsome version of you, Sir." "Get back to work, Sergeant" Price commanded, before shoving his phone back in his pocket. He couldn't believe that this was getting to him.
“You have a type, love,” Price said as you sat watching another episode of Narcos. It was your turn to pick a show to binge and of course, you picked this one. Price secretly wished you spent his leave watching anything else. You were glued to the screen as you sat in your boyfriend’s arms. “I do not,” you argued, “you and he are so different.” You rolled your eyes and he let out a small chuckle.
“He’s an older man who is surprisingly resourceful and doesn’t let many people in until he’s given someone to protect with his life,” he began and you realized the similarities, “Plus, look at him. I might start shaving my beard and only having a mustache for you.”
As the realization hit you, you couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at his observations. You paused the episode and held his face gently. "I'd much rather have this mustached face here with me than him," you said and shared a loving kiss.
Price was later happy to say that your stories of the man were significantly less than before. Good thing he didn't see your phone wallpaper was of the very famous Pedro Pascal edit (yk the one).
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soap: sydney sweeney
You both were unapologetic about your love for the problematic blonde on Euphoria. Although you couldn't condone her rumors about Glen Powell, you couldn't help but obsess over the gorgeous woman. A new Syd’s garage TikTok? Queue you running around your house to find your boyfriend. You both religiously watched her in episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale and White Lotus. Don’t even get me started on when she appeared on the red carpet, your texts were flooded with pictures and emojis.
There was always one rule between you and Soap: don't watch any Sydney Sweeney movies or shows without the other. He instituted that rule once the new Euphoria season was predicted to come out. As he left for another mission for the 141, he kissed you and said, "No Sydney without me, promise?" As you gave him your pinky, you wouldn't realize you would be breaking that rule later on that year.
To be fair, no one could have predicted that their mission would have taken until the end of November. Also, it was technically Soap's fault for not binging the show before he was deployed. However, since the call to duty was ever present, he didn't want to start a show without knowing he could finish it. You waited until August to finally start it. You had been dying since the season ended in February and had blocked all spoilers.
The minute the show started, you knew you couldn't stop. The plot line between Nate and Cassie was just TOO GOOD. Hours later, you had finished and were ashamed of yourself. You just had to know how the drama between Maddy and Cassie ended. Logging out of your account, you tried to hide all the evidence before your boyfriend inevitably came home.
It was December when Soap returned, excited to be home with you and even more excited to start Season 2 of Euphoria. As you made you both some popcorn, you heard an ear-piercing scream from the living room. You rushed over to see what happened but Soap stood there with a shocked face. "Bonnie, why does HBO say you finished all the episodes?" he accused and you knew you were done for. "I-" you started before he interrupted. "You betrayed me, worse than Graves," he said almost as if he was crying. As you looked at him sheepishly he said in a soft voice, "Please tell me that the rumors about Cassie and Nate aren't true."
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gaz: henry cavill
Who could compete with Superman? Certainly not Gaz, in fact, he would get a little jealous when you mentioned your little crush. You loved Henry Cavill specifically the DC Comic version of him, not The Witcher. Gaz regretted ever letting Soap get you into the new films.
For the past year, your boyfriend would not hear the end of your pining for the dark-haired beauty. You were non-stop, always talking about his latest interviews and always having his films on repeat. Gaz even had to stop you from putting a framed picture of Henry on your fireplace mantle. You finally agreed that Henry belonged on screen, not in a frame along with your loved ones and your boyfriend.
Gaz miraculously was home for Halloween, a first! You had been invited to a party by your friends and decided on a Cat Woman costume. Oddly enough, when you asked Gaz what he was wearing, he said he already had it covered. This was his chance to show you who the real hero was. You tried to find out the best you could (even looking through his search history) but you could not find what it was.
"Babe, can you at least tell me you're on theme?" you asked over the phone, it was a few weeks before his return and you were anxious to know his secret costume. "Trust me, love, you'll be pleasantly surprised" he answered and you audibly groaned at his mysterious tone.
“Kyle, are you ready?” you called, dressed in your Cat Woman costume. You loved Lois Lane but something about the powerful energy Selena Kyle had plus her sexy attire made you pick this instead. As you adjusted your all-black outfit in the mirror, you heard your boyfriend descend the stairs. You turned around to see him dressed in Superman’s signature costume. The costume was of surprising quality, perfectly defining your boyfriend's physique and making his butt look great.
“I heard there’s someone who needs a superhero,” he triumphantly said as he struck a pose. You smiled widely and took many pictures. “You look amazing, babe! This is just like the movies,” you said excitedly as you kissed him on the cheek. “Bought it just for you” he winked, “Gotta let you know who the real hero is.” You laughed and punched his arm lightly. “Let’s go my Lois Lane,” he said and you grabbed his hand, getting ready to face the world with your hero.
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ghost: phoebe bridgers
Now Ghost isn't like the rest of the 141 boys, he won't let his jealousy get the better of him. BUT COME ON, you were in love with Phoebe Bridgers, the haunting singer of Boygenius whose grey hair glistened in the moonlight. You owned every single record of hers and constantly pined over the TikTok videos of her on Taylor Swift's tour. You even bought you and Ghost her matching sweatpants with bones on the front and her name on the butt. He wouldn't admit it but he did love her style. Still, he couldn't help but feel a little twinge of jealousy whenever Kyoto came on the radio.
While on duty, Ghost could feel his phone ring. He answered immediately, knowing you only called for emergencies. He was greeted by you screaming. "BOYGENIUS IS COMING TO LONDON WE HAVE TO GO!!" you yelled excitedly. Ghost mentally slapped himself, he would have to remind you that this line was only for major injuries or death. "Love, Boygenius is not an emergency," he said sternly before you responded, "SIMON, PHOEBE FUCKING BRIDGERS WILL BE SHARING THE SAME AIR AS US," you yelled back. Ghost was glad no one was around because he would never hear the end of it. "Calm down, I'll see what I can do," he said before reiterating his love for you and hanging up.
When Ghost returned home, you were in a deep depression. You opened the door and looked sadder than he had ever seen you. "What's wrong?" he asked, closing the door behind him and taking you into his arms. You let out a few tears as you sat on the couch together. He noted you were all decked out in one of your many Phoebe hoodies and shorts. "I wasn't able to get tickets," you sniffled, "they sold out immediately." You knew it was stupid but your heart was crushed. You would never get to see her live.
"Well good thing I know a thing or two about computers," he said before pulling out his phone to show you a confirmation email. Your eyes widened when you saw he had secured VIP tickets to meet the band and watch from the pit. "Happy anniversary, my love," he said and you were speechless for a moment. "Simon, I think I could marry you," you whispered as you hugged him tightly. "Anything for you darling," he said and kissed you. As you excitedly confirmed all the details and peeked at the set list, Ghost felt the need to poke fun at you. "Do you love her because she has a thing for skeletons too?" That earned him a light slap to the chest.
The day of the concert, you could've fainted upon meeting the band. They were all so much cooler than you could have ever imagined. As you talked Julien's and Lucy's ears off, Phoebe walked up to Ghost. "Sick mask dude, gotta get me one of those," she said in her deep, chill voice. Moments later, Ghost almost had to subdue you as you tried to force the mask off his face to give it to her.
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sadnightforus · 1 year ago
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biker boyfriend!juyeon x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: In an attempt to surprise you for the 500 days anniversary, he took you on a ride to his favorite places that are far away from the city, after various complaints from you that you found nothing to do in Seoul. 
WARNINGS: none… we reached this point guys (besides the mentioning of Eric being a super rich guy that’s all). too much fluff *insert the crying waterfall emoji because normal emoji does not cut it* 
A/N: don’t know if y’all know this but I was inspired by that one particular fanmade video. the og concept was supposed to have a bad boy vibe but he looks too good in that middle pic so I have to comply with this one instead. so cute, I’m kicking my feet fr. also omg full on fluffy soft fic from me??? I Will Die. 😭😭😭
reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
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You’re bored of Seoul. 
 Don’t get it wrong, you don’t hate the city at all. But Seoul always has something going on. The streets look amazing during the day and night and there’s modern technology everywhere. Everything seems so fancy and lavish. You’re proud of how far the world has come. 
 Even though it’s incredibly hard to earn a quiet time for yourself since it’s a really busy city and if you want complete silence, you have to block out their own voices. It’s hard to ignore the presence of others when there are loud noises and so many people at once. 
 However, for you, it’s also the city of love.
 You met Juyeon when you both first enrolled into the same college and happened to closely share a semester together due to the duo group work your professor was making you do (and the deadline was well over 2 weeks). Those 2 weeks were blissful, you used to think he was a bit cold and even more so, a bit too full of himself, since he is immediately dubbed as ‘the dancing prince’ and he hangs out with the popular crowd. But your first impressions didn’t matter because he was incredibly nice and polite, and was so helpful when helping you with the project too, be it ideas or just offering to take places in completing the work. And you both ended up getting an A due to the outstanding efforts you put into your work, which you have to thank your amazing partner for. 
 And after the project ended, he still keeps in contact with you, insisting that you’re quite an interesting individual to know and hope to develop a further friendship. A total lie from him because he later admitted that when you both got into a relationship with the saying that by then, he already liked you and he just wanted to see if he has a chance with you. 
 Now back to the present. 
 It’s Saturday and you both are on a semester break. You live with your roommate/coworker and she’s off to work already, leaving you alone in this apartment as it’s your day off today. You were cleaning up your room and wiping off the dust off the furniture when suddenly you received a phone call. You look at your caller ID and you can’t help but smile when you see who it is. 
 So you pick up, pausing your cleaning process so you can talk to him just a little bit. 
“Hi, my pretty baby.” 
 That name never fails to flatter you and make your heart jump out of your chest. 
“Hey there, pretty boy.” 
 You think you do a pretty job concealing your flustered face and tone (rightfully, sue him for reducing you into a mushy lover). Otherwise, you would’ve been so embarrassed if he knew he had done irreversible damage to you. 
“You don’t have any plans for anything today, right?” 
“Why? You wanna take me to one of Eric’s father’s fancy restaurants?” 
“Great idea, actually.” He laughs, humoring you along. It’s no secret that Juyeon loves spoiling you. He had a hard exterior, according to all of your friends and you yourself. But when you guys began dating, they were subjected to the PDA between you two and their opinions on him quickly changed because just who is this guy? And plus, he also likes to take you on a new adventure. 
 Somehow, it makes you feel like a naïve teenage girl who’s dating a bad boy and you always wanted to ask him if he is truly one (even if you know he works part-time as a barista for his parents’ café shop). It’s hard to believe that someone as perfect as him can possibly exist. It’s unbelievable. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to join me for today's exploring.” He shyly explains and you can feel his shy smile tugs through his tone. What have you done in your past life to get a guy like him wrapped around your finger? Whatever you were doing, you’ve done it right. 
“If it’s Seoul, I’ve practically walked through every shady alleyway. It’s no fun.” You whine, your wet cloth cleaning off the dust is long forgotten amidst the phone call between you and your lover. 
“It’s not Seoul. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He keeps it vague and you suspect that he has a surprise for you. 
“Okay, let me clean myself up a bit.” You exclaim, putting down the wet cloth and hanging it up to dry from your bedroom (in your defense, it’s not dirty at all. You have a habit of wiping off your dust often and you definitely don’t have enough time in your hand to clean it right now). 
“Can you pick me up in an hour and a half?” You ask him, strutting around in your room to go to your bathroom to freshen yourself up. 
“You can still show up in sweats and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He says, means every single word of it because he thinks you’re pretty. So goddamn pretty he loses his mind over you and he doesn’t believe that he’s the one who gets to have you all the time. 
“Lee Juyeon, shut up. I think I stink. Do you honestly like it when I’m sweating like a dog?” You make a gagging face while you’re putting on your cleansing foam. 
“The sweats can’t wipe away your beauty.” His reply makes you want to bang your head into the wall so bad. 
 God, he’s such a romantic. 
“I’m showering. You can save that sappiness when you pick me up later.” You furiously blush, trying to get him to end the call so you can get ready to go wherever he leads you to. 
“I’ll see you later then, baby.” 
 And the line is disconnected. 
 You sulk a bit before putting your device back as you snap back to reality. But you’re also beyond excited where he will take you to today. 
 So you divert your attention back onto getting ready and hoping that the new things you’ve been wanting to try out will work. 
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“You look absolutely breathtaking.” Is the first thing Juyeon says after he comes to pick you up. 
 You decide to wear a black big cozy jacket, combined with black jeans and white shirt, which goes with his similar casual wear that he chooses. 
 There’s a spark in his eyes as he scams your whole body. A boyish smile yet so much of a shyness ticks behind that expression. He hands you a helmet, to which you still remember that the particular item is a gift from his dad who bought motorcycle tools equipment as a present for his 19th birthday and that includes the helmet you’re holding in your hand. You check to see if it has been unlocked yet. Once you see that it does, you quickly put it on your head, adjusting it properly before locking it and you gently hop onto the vehicle, excited for the ride.
“Are you ready?” He asks, wanting to make sure that you’re seating yourself comfortably before the motorcycle takes off.
“I’m all done.”
 And you hear the engine takes off, as the vehicle takes both of you far away from your place.
 The air feels fresher than usual, the atmosphere and the feelings remind you of the old Hong Kong movies you used to watch with your friends as a teenager. You always dream of doing something wild and adventurous to feel the essence of the ‘neon & loneliness’— something that has been used to precisely describe those types of movies. And now it’s like you’re living your dreams out. 
 If it’s a dream then you don’t want to wake up from it. 
 His soft woody cologne that radiates from his body all makes you feel like everything is in a daze and you’re the main protagonist of those films that you always loved. How did you get so lucky? 
 The motor is being driven further away from the city and you’ve crossed numerous luxurious stores and fancy places as you hold on tight to your lover. You’ve seen different kinds of people today; the sad, the happy, the singles, the couples, the divorced, the kids, teenagers, adults and you think you might’ve driven past celebrities by accident too. 
 Your eyes are trained to watch the road and take your worries off the daily life you’re experiencing today. You think though, instead, it’s making you realize something very precious about life. 
 People can be in a state of anything, regardless of their age. And they’re diverse, they have something to tell. Behind every person, there’s a story that is waiting for a person to uncover those. Uncover the deepest, best and worst parts of themselves. 
 You think you’re lucky that your boyfriend is the most gentle and caring person who always brings out the best part of yourself. Never once had you ever felt as if you were held back or restricted from good opportunities. He always encourages you to chase after your dream, while he steadily works towards his goal. 
 The short breeze through the city now has long escaped. You both are going somewhere unfamiliar, although you’re not sure how exactly familiar he is with where he plans to take you. However, you know better than to doubt him when he is quite literally the very same person with a really great taste in everything.
 Your thoughts do eventually come to a stop as he drives to a gas station and by that time, it’s around 3 and a half in the afternoon. The vehicle’s engine is no longer running after he shuts the power off and you know it’s time you get off the bike.
“I’d like to fill in the tank please.” Is what he says. His honey voice, ever so softly, makes you wonder how people aren’t falling for him already. The staff comes to him immediately and helps fill in the gas as per request. 
“Do you want to buy something?” He turns to ask you. “Or do you need to use the bathroom?”
“Not really.” You respond as you shake your head.
 You both stand while waiting for them to pump the gas and calculate the bill. And when you both are done, he gears up the vehicle to signal that the adventure is nowhere done. You hop on it, excited to see what will be waiting for you.
 You both leave the place, 
 Your boyfriend’s scent soon lures you to sleep, with you being barely able to open your eyes. It hasn’t been that long that you fall asleep together with him, but you both are somehow always away with the college assignments and personal workloads that are being dumped on you. Having him really close for the first time in 3 weeks does nothing but really makes you want to rest up.
 And you think to yourself, hmm, screw that. He’ll wake me up when we arrive at the place.
 Then you lay your head and close eyes as you feel yourself drifting further away to the dreamland that has been long awaited for you.
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 You woke up once you felt like you were being carried.
 You didn’t register it until you felt the abnormality of the said body pillow that you’ve been resting on start moving up and going even gradually higher. It’s only then that you open your eyes, consciousness not fully hitting you yet as your exhaustion keeps luring you to the dreamland. However, since you don’t have such a habit of sleeping when you are being moved around, you try your very best to open your eyes and pray that the sunlight will hit your eyes, although it’s unlikely as the sky beams with the color of soft orange and yellow, like a beautiful fire in flames.
“Shh, baby. Just sleep.” He shushes you, continuing to give you a piggyback ride. You immediately protest and almost go feral and also, almost cause a disturbance to him too.
“I’m wide awake, you can put me down and I can walk.” 
“Nice try, but no.” He chuckles and you can already imagine the most annoying yet such a beautifully crafted boyish grin plastered all over his face. He’s lovely– that’s just who he is.
“But where are you taking me?” You ask, eyes now can’t close on their own as your sleepiness already wears off from talking earlier.
“You’ll see.”
 And several minutes later, you both reach a part of a town that you’re sure has never been here before. He seems to be lost, with the way he hesitates to take a step further as he walks. 
“But Ju…” You whine. “Can’t you tell where you’re going?” You plead for him to give an answer, you so badly wanted to know what place he will show you this time. 
“Nuh uh.” He shakes his head a bit, still insisting on being mysterious and vague with the direction you’re heading. 
“But will you put me down? It’s uncomfortable being carried when I’m like, awake.” You complain and he finally gives in, sighing as he puts you down and you almost stumble forward and fall as the gravity feels new to you and if your boyfriend wasn’t there to catch you at all, you’d certainly slip by now. 
“Thank you.” You mumble out. 
“You good to go?” He asks, offering you his hand to hold as you busk in a new, unfamiliar place together. His eyes sparkle up, light of hope and love, so much adoration stores up in a gaze of his that belongs to a person that you’re proud to call him yours. 
 You’re losing track of yourself with the way you keep looking at him without a word, like a dumbfounded teenager that has no idea what they should do when they harbor romantic feelings towards their crush. But he lets you, until you gulp down to wet your throat and proceed with the next thing you’re going to say. 
“Yes.” You have a dopey smile on your face. “I can’t wait.”
 And you both take one step, two steps and more steps forward. Until you get inside the mysterious building. 
 Your boyfriend is not a man of many words, but his actions are always sincere. When he speaks, he always expresses his love for you. 
 You can even say that in almost two years of your relationship, you never have to doubt his feelings for you. That’s just how transparent he is. You don’t think you can find a greater love than him.
 With more steps further, you make it past the door and you see many abstract arts and paintings being hung, scattered all across the wall. Each frame and piece, colorfully coming together to make a piece of stories that is waiting to be told. The lines that piece it together, asymmetrically perfect in a way that it never seems to be out of place, although if you separate it, it wouldn’t make much sense to the naked eyes that only saw the remaining pieces and never get the chance to witness the beauty of the completion and harmony that lies in the form of crafts that you see with your own eyes. 
 Similarly, that’s how you feel about your boyfriend. 
 Not many people know him and you always had the impression that he was rather cold and closed off. That’s how he appears to the outsiders. The description of him from fellow classmates and his friends are drastically different because they never get to fully see what he is like as a person. 
 A person who is full of love to give to others, the one who dotes on others and is full of adventures. 
 Life with him is never boring, he brings a new kind of joy in your life. The kind of excitement that is dangerous, but you’ll let him lead you to go anywhere, even if it’s a thousand miles away. You trust him to keep you safe because never once had you been harmed or run into dangers.
 He instructs you to stand in front of him, you do so without a question. He pulls out a silky fabric and you already know what he wants to do– blindfolds you for the surprise. You let him as he carefully wraps the material around your eyes in a gentle manner to ensure that it doesn’t hurt you.
“Hold my hand and follow me.” He speaks to you softly and you nod your head. “I want to show you something.”
In a sight of darkness that is hard to break from, you let him guide you. He’s your light amongst all of this and you know he’ll never let you slip or stray away. With careful steps forwarding on the stairs and going up, further and further and then the floor feels smoother without the anxiety of reckoning,  it only takes a bit to finally realize you’re past the staircase.
 You feel like time freezes and you’re not sure how much time has passed by, although you think it’s not that much. It’s by far, the most anticipated thing for you. 
 Then you hold his hand tighter as he takes you in this unfamiliar place.
 You’re not the only one with so much adoration for your significant other. Your boyfriend is no different from you. 
 For Juyeon, being with you makes him feel like he’s in heaven. There’s no greater feeling than your presence around. 
 You heal a broken part of him that he didn’t know existed until you become the most cherished and frequent presence in his life, which is no doubt, loneliness.
 You’re calming, intelligent and intriguing. You’re an open book, but also, a mystery that he wants to keep uncover. He can lose himself in just studying about you and he wouldn’t care. You’re that someone to him who he trusts, with all of his life.
 When he inherited a motorcycle as a present from his parents in 11th grade, he usually rode it everywhere alone, even when he had friends. He discovered many fascinating locations, hearing every kind of life story from strangers whom he met on the road when he did his little exploring and witnessed people going through many stages of life. He used to watch people flirting and he wished that he had someone else to share his perspective and sightseeing with.
 You came along unexpectedly and stole his heart away. He can barely imagine a life without you now. The things you do to his heart is unhealthy. You’re the sole reason that his burning passion for life doesn’t become something he deeply despises. 
 The once cold seat of the motorcycle is now replaced by the warmth of you. And he wouldn’t want to have it in any other way. 
 He has seen many beautiful things that calm and heal his soul, but none of it were you.
 He thought beauty lies in the empty roads of complete darkness, or constellations and stars in the sky. But it’s clearly you, who is a Venus personified. 
 He’s in love and he’s not hiding it. 
 Which is why he wants to show you this view.
 By stopping in his track as he has reach the final destination, he reaches to slowly the blindfold off your eyes, all while tells you to still your eyes closed and only open under his command. 
 Both of you walk further and further away, with the help of Juyeon who guides you in the desired direction. Cold breeze hits you and you realize now that you’re most likely on the balcony and not in the secured walls of this building. 
“Open your eyes, baby.” 
 You let the light penetrate your vision as the skin that covers your seeing splits apart. 
 The view is breathtaking. 
 The sky turns into a light beat of deep orange, pale blue, deep pink and purple. You see the simplicity, the complexity and something so lively. 
 You see how the sky slowly turns itself into a pitch black, as the colors start to beautifully blend themselves, creating an unforgettable view that spreads through all across the universe from your own eyes. The wind blows slowly, as if to celebrate the magic of your shared happiness with him, which makes the moment even more unreal. 
 The lights that hang from there only intensifies its beauty. 
 You see polaroids of you both together being decorated, some you weren’t aware that the pictures were being taken. There are books and a table for dining that are put together like high end restaurants and you have no doubt that it wasn’t just a one day of work at all. 
“Happy 500 days anniversary.” He tells you, hand gently caressing you. “This house originally belonged to my grandpa. He has since passed it down to me.” He states so ever so softly and you’re shell shocked. 
“He told me that if I find someone special, I should bring them here. Because this house witnesses how my grandma and grandpa love each other and everyday is always special to them. For a long time, I didn’t understand what he meant because the idea of a lover that exists in a lonely person’s story doesn’t make sense. But I met you, my special person. I want this house to witness our love, too.” 
 You have tears brimming in your eyes as you listen to him speak further, all while his gaze lovingly settles on you and his thumbs wipe your tears. 
“I didn’t know what love was until I met you. When you’re away, I miss you. When you’re sleeping, I wish you’re awake so I can tell you some jokes that make you laugh.” 
“Me too.” You lose yourself into the warm brown eyes of his. “When I think about you, all my sadness disappears. It’s cliché, I know. But.. I think I’m so lucky to have you.” You choke on your own silent sob as he presses light kisses onto your lips.
“I’m so lucky to have you too.” He says truthfully. “I never believe in destiny, but I think we’re destined to love each other.” 
 And under the now moonlight that slowly shines onto you both, he cups your face and kisses you with all his might, as fireworks go off in the sky, as if to be a witness of this beautiful love story. 
 You don’t care for any of that as he whispers ‘I love you’ and you whisper one back too.
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cielwritings · 10 months ago
Hello thereeee, I just randomly thought of this request but modern Ciel x reader where the reader wears Jirai kei clothing, since it's known about mental stuff people usually give them glares assuming bad stuff about them because of stereotype, if you do it please remember to take your time and not rush for you own mental health ♡⁠
! Ciel with a S/O who wears Jirai Kei !
Oh i love this style!! i never knew it had a name!
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Being from England, he doesn't see it often. Though, he'll occasionally see small bits of it. You were really the only one he saw dressed up completely in the attire.
He didn't mind it. To him, it looked like a feminine style with some comfort in it, while also being fit to wear outside. He sees no issue, so he doesn't comment on it.
Though, you seemed sad one day, wearing something out of your usual. You wouldn't tell him what was wrong, instead simply asking for his affection and reassurance. He ordered Sebastian to figure it out.
It didn't take very long. Sebastian knew it had something to do with your clothes, so he asked Nina and Grell. Both of which came to the same conclusion. Either you weren't happy with how you looked in it (whether it be because of yourself or a third party), or you just had a bad day.
Ciel, hearing this, liked to look over your shoulder. He'll catch you scrolling on social media, paying closer attention to your notifications. These comments you were getting were.. odd.
What the hell is a femcel?! What are they talking about you doing... drugs? Wearing long sleeves meant you're hurting yourself? What?!
To Ciel's knowledge, you weren't any of that. Even if he had no idea what a femcel was. Sebastian told him to not worry about it...
"My lady," Ciel spoke, hearing your phone buzz in your pocket at dinner time. "Do you mind... handing me your phone? I would like to take a look at what's bothering you."
At first, you had no idea what he meant. "The buzzing doesn't bother me. I can put it on silent if you need."
Ciel shook his head, "That's not what I meant, my dear. Allow me to show you."
So, you handed him your phone. He immediately opened your instagram after painful navigation. You felt your heart go to your stomach. Suddenly, you had the urge to excuse yourself to the restroom, though you didn't.
"These are nice photos," he points to a few of your posts where your outfits were especially 'extra'. Lots of accessories, more makeup, and the occasional energy drink in hand.
So, he clicked on a photo. More comments than likes. He clicks the comments.
"Hm," he hums, finger to his chin. "What does this mean?" he gestures to a comment. Some oldhead commented a knife and laughing emoji. The meaning was obvious, but he wanted to hear you say it.
"It's nothing." "Oh? What about this one?" he points to another comment, which referred to you as someone who did 'street parties'. Some comments under them were gifs of anime girls with gross bedrooms.
You just looked at him nervously. He sighs, your silence saying more than what you could ever say.
"I'm having Sebastian cleanse your account. Everyone who leaves a negative comment will be blocked, deleted, and your account will be set to private until I state it's alright otherwise."
It was a drastic measure, but clearly you weren't happy with what everyone has been saying. "While Sebastian does this, we're going to finish our meal and go to the city. We'll be buying you some new clothes. Don't think I've noticed your attempts at burning and shredding the old ones."
Your face flushed, and you nodded. Sebastian took your phone with a reassuring smile, and promptly left after Ciel gave the go-to.
Ciel kissed the corner of your lips, stabbing your fork into your food and lifting it to your mouth. "Enjoy your meal, now."
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suosteacup · 9 months ago
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🌸 Age in bio (or anywhere accessible/visible in your blog) to interact. Ageless blogs, blank and empty blogs and porn bots are automatically blocked on sight.
🌸 Ageless blogs and blank blogs, please refrain from reblogging my nsfw pieces and/or reblogs.
🌸 For followers uncomfortable with sm*t/nsfw stuff, kindly block the tag #kitty☆thirsts along with the usual fandom nsfw tags (such as #haikyuu smut, #jujutsu kaisen smut, etc).
🌸 Minors 14 years old and below are refrained from following me but are still allowed to interact (strictly sfw only). Minors 15 years old and above, on the other hand, are now allowed to follow me though you have to abide by my blog dni/byf (particularly blocking the sm*t/nsfw tags). If—IF!!!—I see you liking, commenting, and even reblogging with my content (also reblogs) that have the tag ‘kitty☆thirsts’, I will (unfortunately and sadly) block you 😊 /gen
🌸 I don’t accept requests (writings) unless it’s for an art ask game/event. All my writings are purely self-indulgent and written with a female reader in mind (but I’m trying to write fics for gender-neutral readers, too). Thirsts and brainrot (fluff and sm*t) are okay though (applicable for Haikyuu/Blue Lock/Wind Breaker characters only) but please no sc*t, w*terw*rks, ch*king… or anything in between (I forgot my hard no’s oh noes 😭 I should’ve written them down before when I sent an nsfw event ask to a moot 🤦🏻‍♀️).
🌸 All the characters depicted in my writings (sfw or nsfw) are either aged-up or canonically post timeskip (unless otherwise noted). I do not write underaged characters in an nsfw setting/scenario—that’s a big no-no here.
🌸 Please don’t hesitate to use tone indicators when replying/sending asks/DMs and reblogs/answering the taglist form to be made soon(!!!!!), else I wouldn’t know if you’re joking or not (in case I don’t see any emoji enclosed). /g
🌸 This blog interacts with and supports DC blogs/writers/content creators and may share some dark content, so reader discretion is strongly advised. Proper tw/cw’s will be tagged accordingly.
🌸 DNI if: racist, ableist, sexist, have a hatred towards the LGBTQIA+ community, have a hatred towards DC writers and blogs, participated in character hate night, blogs who spam-like posts jfc (depends on the blog), bully other Tumblr blogs jfc (doxxing other people and sending anon hate), people who always assume/misunderstand other people’s actions/sayings, plagiarizing other people’s work AND/OR reposting my and other artists’ art!!! (without permission AND credit), people/blogs who lie about their age!!!, Islamophobic, pedophile/creep, blogs sending real sugar daddy/baby asks/comments/DMs. Also don’t be rude! :)
※ If you have other queries, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask or DM and I will gladly help you! *headpats*
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followerofmercy · 8 months ago
Fanfic 20 questions! I was gonna say 'fuck it I love talking about myself even if nobody tagged me' and then realized @hua-fei-hua already did like. Two weeks ago. Whoops aldsjf I don't check my mentions. ANYWAY THANKS HOMIE
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
Currently 119. Should be 120 in a week or two
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
361,556 published. We can add another 60k that is written but unpublished for Monoceros Novae, 9k miscellaneous Hearthling notes, 24k unpublished honkai notes and another 50k in my general notes document.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively rn, only Genshin and Honkai. I'll write for other stuff when I feel like it.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Missing Person - Hollow Knight, genfic, little ghost and Quirrel - 1500 kudos (this is why small fandoms are the best alsdfj)
I Need to Leave Him Before He Leaves Me - Genshin, Alhaitham/Kaveh - 987 kudos (helped a lot of people think about their autism with this one lmao)
Homeward Bound - Hollow Knight, genfic, little ghost and Quirrel - 757 kudos (Idk why this one blew up. Wasn't that great but I appreciate the attention. Probably people sorting by kudos)
How 4.1 Should've Gone - Genshin, Aether/Lyney kicking Wriothesley's ass - 656 kudos (First and only time rewriting canon. Surprised at how well received it was)
Abusing the World Tree - Genshin, Lumine/Scaramouche - 643 kudos (Yk I used to really hate this fic and I still do, but not as much as I used to. I still think the entire premise is Horror instead of cute, but I think I did good with the prompt. )
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. I literally only write fanfic in order to connect with people alsdfj why the fuck wouldn't I take an opportunity to yap. I judge my success as a writer by how I make my readers feel/helping them realize something about themselves/etc and the communication is really fulfilling
I mean sometimes I don't reply if it's literally just like, a heart emoji, which I still appreciate but I don't have a lot to go off of there
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably the one where Steven Universe walks off a cliff on accident while he's sad and can't control his fall speed anymore and dies. I was much younger when I wrote it asldfkj.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That I'm proud of? No clue. Probably another Steven Universe one where Steven and Connie went to prom.
I will say that A Bard Walks in and Hugs the Bartender is my favorite 'happy' ending fic because of a comment I got on it. It's a story about forgetting details about deceased loved ones and the guilt that comes with that and then comfort that that's a natural part of the process, and someone let me know that they felt so seen. They said the forgetting is a part of grieving that doesn't get addressed enough and it was so nice to see it in writing and I'm like. Pack it up boys we've officially won writing! My writing has fundamentally changed a real life person. I have achieved what I consider success.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely and usually unintentionally. Had a dude call Arlecchino a 'psychotic bitch' in a comment where they were genuinely trying to praise my writing, but on a fic intended to show her doing her best and I'm like. I don't really have the energy to debate why that was rude and I'm blocking you. Bro if you see this tumblr post and you didn't intend to, like, shit on the entire premise and everything I love about that character, hmu in DMs and we can talk asldfkj. Otherwise please find other authors to read
Otherwise I think I'm secure enough in my interests and unabashedly unashamed of anything Problematique I write that bullies decide to choose better targets?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes and I've given up writing normal sex. I'm not good at it. I have a weird kind of medical kink where I think the word penis is sexier than cock and, yk, most people would disagree. I'm both better at writing gore and horror that achieves the same kind of intimacy with a slight sexual bend, and I get more fulfillment out of it. Anatomy of a Blade remains one of my proudest works.
Also I prefer writing it as a character study. I love finding jackoff material but I can't write it for shit. Pour one out for the authors doing what I can't asldkjf
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
Nah. The setting is usually so important to my interpretation of a character that I just Can't put them somewhere else. Same with AUs. I'd rather write an original story at that point. I will fantasize about it occasionally tho.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yesn't? I've had a few lines ripped, especially for rarepairs, but I had such an unfortunate thing happen recently asdlkjf. This new author so excitedly asked me if they could use one of my fics for inspiration and I'm like "omg of course!!! I'm so flattered!" because I was! and then when they finished writing it and told me about it I was so excited to read it!!!
and then I did
I'm sitting here like "...Who's gonna tell them that this is actually plagiarism without embarrassing them and completely crushing their motivation to write ever again" asldfkjasdf;l
like OBVIOUSLY they were not trying to steal, because why the fuck would they announce it to me. But also I don't want them to be served a cease and desist later down the line so we had to have a little talk and it's all good now. I'm really excited to see what they write next!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Supposedly! I've had several people ask me if they could and then just. Never followed up aldk;fskj. It's a shame because I'm absolutely fascinated by linguistics and would love to pick their brains about what translation choices they made and why.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta? Ray did one chapter as an epilogue to one of mine, and I think I've worked with Sen a few times on shorter pieces. Otherwise I'm a bit of a selfish writer and a control freak adsljf
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Constantly changing. I'm currently on a Bootheng and Zhongxiao kick, tho once I watch more of Madoka Magica I'm probably gonna lose my mind over Homura/Madoka. Also Adora/Catra as I watch more Shera.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Literally too many to list. See question 1 and the 50k words worth of notes
I have so many ideas that I really need to pick and choose what I work on because there literally just isn't enough time in the world - unless I start doing cocaine or something, but even then I think I'd still have the same problem. Join my discord server if you're an adult and wanna hear me whine about it asdlfkj
16. What are your writing strengths?
Fitting body language and other scene description with dialogue. I don't see images in my head and I think in motion a lot, so I think I do a really good job of keeping a scene rolling while people are talking without having to bring everything to a screeching halt to describe, idk, the color of the carpet on the stairs.
Also emotional damage
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably longer works? I lose drive to work on anything over 6k words pretty easily and I also struggle with pacing. I'm insisting on finishing Monoceros Novae so it can be my first novel because everyone's first novel sucks ass. I'm getting it out of the way so my original works will hopefully go better asldkfj
Oh. Also what people look like. Fuck you you get a pronoun and maybe a hair color. If Martha Wells can do it with Murderbot, so can I lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Just for the love of God don't put it in italics unless you're making a point that the person using the other language doesn't use it naturally. I'd like to highlight the poem Kupu Rere Ke by Alice Te Punga Somerville for my feelings on it alsdkjf.
Also gonna copy stardustdiving's answer and say that it's great for multilingual characters and places it makes sense, but I personally think it's a little annoying when it's just a shippy pet name to be cute without, like, some kind of basis for it. Notably Childe calling Zhongli Xiansheng. It's fine if he would say that BUT HE WOULDN'T. He'd call him Mr., Sir or Motherfucker Ratbastard Whyaren'tyoudeadyet
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Undertale! Surprised at how well a lot of the fics have held up over the years.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Changes a lot as I develop as a writer. I'm really proud of Frustrations of the Hunt and this is the vibe I want my original writing to have.
I'm also really proud of my one and only FMAB fic about Alphonse getting pants. It's more serious than it sounds.
I actually have a collection of my works that I'm really proud of too!
Let's tag @resplendent-chungus. Do it bitch /affectionate
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dark--whisperings · 1 year ago
✨✨✨✨🫱Care to share🫲✨✨✨✨
The message was sent to you because someone loved your writing and stories. ❤️
▪️What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
▪️How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
▪️What do you do when you have writer's block?
▪️How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
▪️Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
You are welcome to answer if you have the time and desire, or you can simply respond to the questions that come to mind.
💐Thank you for your work as a writer and as a member of this fandom!💐
OMG anon, what a sweet message! Absolutely made my day! I'm so glad that you liked my fics. ✨💖🥹✨💖🥹✨💖🥹 And wow, these are some great questions!
Extremely long response under the cut because I simply... have no chill LMAO.
What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
It's so daunting to post your first fic for so many reasons, but just... go for it. Write what you want and fuck what anyone else thinks. Writing should be something that you do because it gives you joy, and you shouldn't cater the things you write to align with popular tropes (unless those are things you actually feel inspired to write). Guarantee that somewhere out there, you made someone's day with your fic, even if they didn't comment. Fanfiction and writing are about creativity and giving yourself permission to meet yourself where you are, whether that's being silly, escaping the shittiness of the world for a few hours, exploring something deeper and more vulnerable, revolting against canon, or whatever else.
Also on that vein, leave kudos, comments, and asks for your favourite authors! As much as we like to say that we write for ourselves, it also is immensely helpful to receive positive feedback. It doesn't need to be a hugely detailed comment... keyboard mashing and emoji flailing are just as important. As a writer (and reader!), support your fellow writers! Don't be afraid to interact with people you recognize on your socials... we're just seven monkeys in a trench coat on a good day, and typically love flailing about fandom with others. Being able to chat and create with other creators and fans online has been an incredible experience for me. (I'M STARING AT YOU MY MUTUALS 👀👀👀)
How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
Oooh this is a fun one! I actually prefer to switch POVs in my writing, because I like to play with the concept of an unreliable narrator on both sides, and then switch abruptly give the reader insight into other characters perspective. I think it's a fun experience as a reader.
As far as characterizations, I think about the differences in how they might act, how they speak, their mannerisms, and right down to the differences in their vocabulary. For example, Anakin is more likely to be blunt and say exactly what's on his mind, whereas Obi-Wan is more likely to use more interesting words and gilded speech. Adding these pieces is usually part of my editing process to! I'll typically start by getting the plot and words on the page, and then edit the characterizations in later.
... and then, you know, sprinkle in some of my own head canon for the characters. Because 😇✨creative license✨😇.
What do you do when you have writer's block?
Writing sprints in a fandom server! Honestly, sometimes I'm stuck simply on principal, and sprinting gives me the motivation (because I'm the type of person who works better under pressure). If that doesn't work, I try switching to a different WIP or chatting with a friend about it (you'd be surprised how effective a simple conversation with your beta can be). And barring that... look for a beta project. I actually started out in fandom as a beta, and I find that a brief switch between writing and editing can kickstart the creative juices!
How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
Music. Sometimes lyrics give me ideas for new project. But a lot of the time, it's the feel of certain songs that inspire ideas for new fic. Sometimes, I write from experience, or write about things I'd like to experience. In a lot of cases, writing is a very personal experience for me. I also very much enjoy participating in the fandom prompt festivals. There's just something about being inspired by a random prompt from a stranger and potentially making their day. 💟💟💟
Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
Just that I love you all, adore the obikin fandom, and am incredibly grateful for the experience I've had so far. This has been the best fandom experience I've ever had (and I've been kicking around online for 15 years now). I wouldn't change it for anything, and it wouldn't be possible without the dedicated creators and lovely readers to cheer us on! 💗💗💗💗💗💗
Also if you feel inclined... drop me an anon ask with links to your favourite fics if you would like! Bonus points if it's a fic you wrote and are proud of. I want to read all the things, and maybe have a party in your comments!🫂🫂🫂
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bambiraptorx · 7 months ago
🍄 share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Gonna be honest I don't really have any favorite ships, at least in the Rise fandom. There's only a couple of ships I've ever really invested in, and normally it's some variation on "this relationship was doomed from the start and/or they could never make it work" and also there's little to no physical stuff (as in barely even handholding lol). Romantic relationships just don't tickle my fancy.
🔪 what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hm, there's probably been a lot of them, but the one off the top of my head is what kinds of poisonous beetles are native to New York. It was relevant for Minor Interference ch 19, where Raph ate a beetle that he thought was spicy. Yeah that's cause it was poisonous. Dude ate a poisonous beetle with no thoughts about it lol.
🏜️ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
There's a couple of different kinds I really like. One is the one that mentions specific things that the reader liked, which is nice because it kinda gives me a better idea of what really struck people, if that makes sense? The ones that are basically an in-depth analysis of what's going on are also super nice to get (I don't get a whole lot and people tend to discontinue it after a few chapters, but the rareness kinda adds to the specialness).
The third kind is the people that come back and comment on every single chapter with strings of emojis or hearts. There's something really nice about seeing the same readers return and instantly knowing it's them because they always comment the same way.
🐝 tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Okay I've got a lot of people I could tag but it's late so I can't think of names (that and I'm generally uncomfortable tagging people lol) but @screwnames-ihatenames is definitely a big supporter. They always leave really nice comments, and its super encouraging.
(There's totally other people I'm not thinking of right now though, it's nothing personal i promise my memory is just shit)
🧩 what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Bad formatting and bad grammar/prose. If there's a few things here or there I don't mind, but if I have to mentally edit or reformat the story in order to actually process the information, I'm just not gonna keep reading. To be fair I'm fairly picky about things like grammar, sentence structure, word usage, etc, maybe more so than other people might be, but if a fic is a solid block of text without even using indents for dialogue, that's a no for me.
There's some other stuff that I avoid, but luckily that's stuff that people usually tag for lol.
ask game for anyone interested
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abcd-em · 1 year ago
I don’t get your tags. I thought youve said multiple times you write fic for you?! Why do you need comments to get you going if you do it for you? You’ve had a few fics that seem to not get much reader traction but you keep going w it anyway (and sometimes even put off ones that are more popular) bc you are writing for you, right?! So which is it then?
I don't get your message.
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Just in case this comes from a place of genuine curiosity (and if so, babes, you gotta remember how your tone can be conveyed bc... this ain't it), @missamyshay did a really great post that said everything I could extremely eloquently. I recommend reading it.
And to answer which it is for myself specifically: its both. I contain multitudes.
I write because I want to see these stories, I post because I want to share them. The act of sharing them comes with a desire to engage with people about them, and to know that they're being read (just like I said in my tags; even getting a few heart emojis is so revitalising because I know someone is there!!! I know its being read)
Sometimes, my whims lead me astray from my more 'popular fics', and the whims is enough to keep me going (p.s. usually in these cases i am talking to people about these 'less popular fics', whether thats having my handheld as i plot them out or I'm being cheerleaded on them. It's truly amazing what communication and community can do, innit.)
Sometimes, even when I'm writing a 'popular fic" that I've had multiple anons asking for updates for and the hits say people are there, when I finally get around to updating, it feels as though I've sent it into the void and when I've been dealing with a mental block, that can really suck.
Fandom as a whole is a community. The communication between artists and writers and readers is what keeps that community alive.
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actualaster · 1 year ago
Honestly, the whole ever-shifting and frankly toxic culture around comments on fics make me, as an author, want to just disable comments entirely so none of my readers ever feel pressured to use up their social spoons on a comment I will almost never respond to because I simply do not have the social spoons myself to converse with random people--I am barely managing to talk to my friends and family lmao, you think I can respond to a total stranger??
And yes, more and more readers are expecting replies back because they're owed them in response to commenting originally.
And then there's all the authors I've blocked who hate "spam" comments like "loved it" or "extra kudos!" or emojis despite the fact that people will ask for any comments at all--maybe don't ask for "any" comments if the only ones you value are the essay comments?
(And so many authors share things that make it clear the only tolerate non-essay comments at best but don't really appreciate or like them)
Honestly the only comments I want are from people who genuinely had something they wanted to say--even if that really is just "extra kudos"--and not from people leaving a soulless comment out of a hollow social ritual obligation they don't truly feel interested in. It's the fandom version of smalltalk and I find smalltalk to be a form of torture. :/
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keldae · 29 days ago
Hi! I’d love to hear your answers for 3, 17, 27, 36, 46, 55, and 74 of the fic writing question list! c:
(Sorry for so many - I almost added even more 😭)
Never apologise for sending me ALL the questions! ;)
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
There's no real "process" that I use, it's entirely "what vibes do I have?". I'll usually try to set the scene with where and when we are, and who's around, and what's going on, but I never have a layout for where to begin/end the scene. It's all in the vibes!
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
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(also Tumblr gave me a "are you okay?? Do you need a suicide hotline??" while I was searching for that gif...)
Anyway. I try to have multiple projects going, so if I'm lacking inspiration on one WIP I can just bounce to another. But this doesn't always work so well! So I'll try to chat with a friend who gets it (also, I'm pretty sure @obvious-apostate and I are on a CSIS watchlist from our text history and Google searches...) and sometimes something will shake loose. But a lot of the time I just languish in despair until something comes along and kicks me in the ass.
Other answers under the cut!
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Most favourite: the "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU" or keysmash or heart emoji comments that I loooove seeing. ;) I also love being able to convey a story and emotions!
Least favourite: writing all the fun scenes, and then being stuck with the necessary boring scenes needed to tie them all together. Looking at you, original novel...
36. How do you write kissing scenes?
With great difficulty! (Seriously, my ex, aka "Mr. Dump Kel Over Discord" didn't exactly kiss with passion... it's been almost a decade since somebody's made out properly with me. >.>) I try to focus more on the mental and emotional aspects of kissing, rather than the physical.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I think I'm pretty emotive and emotion-driven with my writing! I've been known to make people (myself included) cry or snicker out loud with my writing (and apparently gave one guy nightmares...).
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Oh maaaaaaan... that's a hard one. I'll have to say Devi, since she's had more of a fan following in the year and change that I've been writing her, vs Xaja who's been in my head in some aspect or another for like 16 years (and has all the trauma from it ;) ). But Xaja's a favourite of mine just because she's my oldest imaginary friend/OC, even if her stories on AO3 don't gain as much traction (that might just be because BG3 is a waaaaay bigger fandom than SWTOR).
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Besides the use and abuse of em-dashes and ellipses? It would be emotion driven, a lot of looking out through one person's eyes. Action and combat scenes would be a little weak, but by God, I will make you feel ALL THE THINGS.
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ichigotheringbearer · 2 years ago
💫💝🌻🧿💌 !!!
thanks for the ask!!! not all these emojis are on my phone so bear with me
shooting star: my favourite kind of feedback is always when a reader talks about how much they loved a fic, how happy it made them to read. I got a keysmash comment a few weeks ago and it was amazing. People getting excited about my work is always great.
heart box: not in a bad way, but Tears of the Dragon got WAY more traction than I expected. It was my first time posting any anime fanfic, and while it definitely didn't blow up I must say I'm definitely pleased with how many people enjoyed my take on IchiIshi. It's only a few months old and already one of my most popular fics.
��: with fanfiction specifically a lot of my favourite fics get very little attention, especially since some of them are crossovers or Pendragon fics which get almost zero attention anyway. Some days blocks hit hard, and little comes out, but a successful writing session can be genuinely cathartic and to be perfectly honest I don't know where I'd end up without writing.
Eyeball: I read the fic myself, even if it flops. Like I said, some of my favourite fics (especially Vignettes of a Post-Ravinian Halla) have almost no hits because they've got a tiny fandom: but I contributed regardless, and "wrote the fic I wanted to see." At least I usually like the outcome. (Fun fact: my most kudosed fic is actually one of my least favorites.)
✉️: my long time coming WIP, the White Wraith of Eriador, has so many moments I'm really overly stoked about, but if I have to pick something to tease: I've gone WAY too deep into the mundane of Yiga Clan life and I am way too proud of it. Apparently even their soap smells of bananas :)
If any of this piqued your interest, you can find me on ao3 as zangetsu_frodo !
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moonflowerchanniesgirl · 3 years ago
My Beautiful Mistake
Pairing: idol chan x ex idol reader
Genre: angst, pure angst,
Warning: break up, less than ideal idol company, overthinking, anxiety, reader does not communicate 
Summary: He was never one to break a promise and you couldn’t help but wonder if that was the reason he stayed with you.
Word Count: 1.5k
Part 2 My Breautiful Choice
Authors note: this is not an accurate representation of stray kids but an interpretation based on an idea that stems from them.
This kinda stemmed mostly from my anxiety lol, I tend to overthink a lot, like a lot a lot. It’s a little bit based on what happened with Hyuna and Dawn. I love Chan but sometimes the way he says and does things give me so much anxiety.
Tumblr media
We all make mistakes, that's part of human nature. Sometimes we just don’t know that we’ve made a mistake or we don’t want to think that we’ve made one at all. How were you supposed to admit that your mistake was that you fell in love with a man that had the greatest sense of responsibility you’ve ever seen? 
The thought didn’t pop into your head until recently. It started innocently enough with Changbin asking you a simple question.
“Do you think you would ever want to perform on stage again?” He asked as you were cuddled against Chan on the sofa in their dorm watching Show Music Core to support Lee Know. The second he asked the question you felt Chan physically tense up as he waited for your answer. 
“No, not really, I like being behind the scenes,” you answered honestly and Chan relaxed but you could tell that his mind was still tensed up. He barely responded to you when you tried to talk to him that night, so caught in his own head. It was at that moment that you started to wonder about everything in the relationship.
You met Chan when you were still an idol, your two groups debuted around the same time so you often saw each other around. You were from a much smaller agency and were never on the same level of popularity as Stray Kids but they always greeted you guys nicely and sometimes the two groups would chat in the downtime while waiting to go on stage. You made the music for your group and you would chat with Chan about producing. He listened to a few of your group's songs in Chan’s room as he praised your producing skills and many Stays became a fan of your group as well. You were thankful so you offered to treat him to a meal and over the meal you guys bonded over your love of music and food. It was a tiny flame of a crush that grew bigger and bigger over time. There came a point where you couldn’t imagine not hearing his voice on the phone as you both worked on songs in your individual studios. You cherished his laughter as you made a lame joke, the way he smiled softly when you face timed him to complain about writer's block, the way that he would send you a “fighting” paired with a wolf emoji before you would go on stage. You really liked him and hoped that he felt the same.
 After two years of pining for him and holding in your feelings, you finally confessed. You were over the moon when he said he felt the same. It was a dream come true and even though there wasn’t much that changed between the two of you, it felt wonderful to be able to call him your boyfriend…to a very select few people of course. The two of you kept the info to only his and your members. His dating ban was up but it wasn’t wisest to be dating openly as an idol and your company didn’t have a ban but your CEO did have a weird fixation on how “pure” the girls were supposed to be. A fact you learned the hard way when a photo of you and Chan hugging backstage leaked. The two of you should have been more careful but your group had won your first major award and you just couldn’t keep it in. 
Your company immediately terminated your contract for ‘immoral conduct’ and you were kicked out of your group without even a chance to defend yourself. Compared to you, Chan got a light scolding for being so careless in a public place and some angry comments from fans that faded away after Stays mass reported a few accounts. You literally went from the top of the world to rock bottom and you couldn’t even talk to Chan for a few days as all you did was cry. Why were you being punished for being in love? When you finally felt stable enough to see Chan again, he held you close as if he was scared that you would just drift away. 
“No matter what happens, I will always be here for you,” he said as he cradled your head against his chest. “I will always be by your side loving you.” 
It was a promise he kept as you started working as a full-time producer instead of an idol. It let you keep working with music while also giving you a schedule that let you be around Chan more often. He really barely let you leave his side as he whined and aegyoed his way into getting you to join them on their hectic tours. You would work in the hotel room while they rehearsed, watch them on stage, and then go back to the hotel to cuddle with your tired yet somehow energetic boyfriend. The boys were used to you being around and Stays even made a game where they tried to spot you in the back of SKZ talker videos. You were happy in your current situation, happier than you thought you would ever be but then the doubt crept in.
It started with the question Changbin asked and then you caught Chan watching an old fancam of you at a music show. You came to their dorm after a meeting and saw Chan watching the fancam on his TV as you quietly pushed open the door to his room in hopes of surprising him. He didn’t notice you come in and you stared at the complicated expression on his face. You didn’t know that he watched your old fancams and you couldn’t imagine why he did. You probably should have talked to him about it but instead, you backed away, closed the door, and sent him a text that you were about to enter their dorm. You pushed open the door 5 minutes later to see Chan smile up at you as the tv only displayed his computer background.
You couldn't help but overthink about the things you noticed and then you combined that with your understanding of your boyfriend. He was sweet, caring, warm, hardworking, and responsible. Almost too responsible, never breaking his promise of doing Chan’s room weekly even if he was dead tired or busy. The more you dwelled upon it the more it festered in your brain. Bangchan never broke a promise, even if that promise didn’t make him happy. How many times did you watch him work himself to death or suffer because of a promise he made? The late nights helping the boys with their music when he should have been sleeping. How many times did you notice him feel responsible for something that was out of his control? The way he cried in your arms about Hyunjin having to take a hiatus. Each promise was a weight on his shoulder and you had unknowingly been adding to that.
The words that reassured you when you were at your lowest chained him to you. Did he want that or did he just feel responsible for the aftermath? The easiest thing you could do was just ask him but… how could you? You mulled over how to bring it up but every time you tried it was like your brain fried itself. How were you supposed to ask him if he actually wanted to be with you or if he just felt responsible to have to keep being with you? You thought back to every little argument between the two of you, every instance where you might have gotten on his nerve, every time he took you on a date instead of resting like he needed because he promised to take you out. 
The final straw was when you were out with the boys at a bar. They were having a bit of a drink and celebrating before they started preparing for the next album. Most of the boys were tipsy while you had chosen to remain pretty sober in case you spilled the thoughts that had been plaguing your mind all these days.
“Hyung do you think you and noona will get married someday?” Hyunjin asked with a giggle while the other boys cooed in anticipation of Chan’s answer. How they got to this topic, you had no idea.
“Of courseeee I promised I would always be by their side!” Chan answered, the alcohol making him bolder in front of the boys than usual. He gave you a kiss and he was so tipsy that he didn’t notice how you had both your hands clenched tight. He would marry you because he promised you, not because he loved you.
That night you made a decision. While he slept the alcohol off in bed, you packed everything of yours up from his dorm. Running away was easier than having to sit him down and have him tell you directly that your worst fears were confirmed. You knew that you couldn’t leave him with no explanation though, knowing him, he would panic and think that he did something wrong to make you leave. He didn’t, you just finally woke up from your perfect fantasy. You left him a simple note before you took your suitcase and left their dorm.
I love you so much Chan, but I realized that I’ve been chaining you down this whole time. Don’t worry about the promises you made to me anymore, I just want you to be happy now. Goodbye Chan.
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Alright here we go (because I have a lot of feelings):
TW: I'm gonna be a hater with MY OWN OPINIONS here, take it with a grain of salt. If you like it, that's fine. It is not an indicative of your morality and you can do what you want or what you feel is best. I even enjoy some fics that have these things. I am just a hater, ignore me or not
Reader characters that are described eenie, teenie, tiny, small whatever. Basically something that describes them as the standard skinny girl
This could include smaller waist, smaller wrist, smaller arms, etc. But somehow they always give them big boobs if the reader is female/AFAB (imo reader fics should try to be inclusive and it just takes me out of the fic when the fic's reader character gives off “typical skinny anime girl with big honkers” vibes). Omegaverse fics where the omega/beta reader is just a skinny twinky anime character makes me so mad because YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE THEM SMALLER!!! JUST HAVE THE LOVE INTEREST BE MUCH BIGGER AND STRONGER JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I UNDERSTAND the desire for size difference and physical power imbalance (bcoz same 😌✋). But just highlight how big (or strong) the love interest/s is/are, not how small and petite Reader/YN is. Make the reader character feel suffocated. Make them feel the heebie jeebies. MAKE THEM FEEL SMALLER!!! TERRIFIED!!! SUFFOCATED!!! HAVE THEM OVERPOWER THE READER, NOT WEAKEN THE READER This is honestly easier to ignore with monsterfucker fics (in my own humble opinion) because no matter how big you are, the other person/monster is bigger (and stronger). You could have the monster in question haul you over without breaking a sweat no matter the height and weight (shout out to @obsessivevoidkitten and her monsterfucker fics especially for her size inclusive fics even if the fics isn't explicitly made for chubby readers, lemme take a second to put Yandere Bull Man (Arrin) x Reader here, cuz it's my fave and I always go back to it when I want to be comforted and spoiled) You mean to tell me that in order for this person to be able to overpower me, I have to be skinny?! This is the fic equivalent of me having to not wear heels so that my date is not insecure about their height eugghhhhh. Honestly fics like these sometimes are like those free size clothes where they promise you that it would fit you BUT IT DOESN'T and it. Just. RUINS. THE ENTIRE. EXPERIENCE!!!
The use of the word 'cunny'
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOOIIIINGGGGGGGG!!! IS THIS A FANFIC OR A FUCKING COMMENT ON A LOLI ART POST IN A WEEB SUBREDDIT? I SWEAR TO GOD, YOU MIGHT AS WELL ADD THE 😭EMOJI!!! Pussy dessicating fr I swear, the amount of fanfic (especially König x reader fanfics) that uses that word makes me so mad. Like, really? Just use pussy or cunt or hole! This is prolly correlated to the 'small reader' complaint that I have because cunny implies a cute dainty reader but it just gives of "The love interest of this fic is actually Drake into underaged girls, not even a simply controversially yet legal young adult woman" vibes That word belongs in a comment section in a post of an underaged anime girl (who is totally a 1000 year old goddess bro trust me bro) not in a fanfic made by to get people's rocks off If I had a dick, it would retreat inside my body and go "euggghhhhh"
Gummy walls
You guys ruined Pinkie Pie's pet and chewing gum for me, fuck you
Overly feminine reader (and doesn't tag/say so)
By that I mean reader whose life gives off "Tiktok aesthetic" vibes. Like they give/describe reader wearing a very specified set of clothes or too much of a personality iykwim. It just rubs me the wrong way. This is an x reader not an oc x character. It just gives of Wattpad book vibes ngl
Long blocks of texts with no line breaks
Come on, now. It can't be that hard to press 'Enter'.
(e/c) (h/c) and the like
It just breaks the immersion and I don't want to pause reading just so I could recall what these are. Just say 'their eyes' or 'their hair'. This is actually much more common around 10-5 years ago than it is now so I don't see much of these thing
A fic that explicitly describes a reader with straight hair
As someone with curly hair and dealt with various mean (an understatement) things throughout her life until recently, this just irks me. It just takes me out of the fic. Even if it's a fic that only had the reader straighten their hair for no plot relevant reason. No. I would not fucking do that, that's nasty It's actually very rare that reader is given an explicitly straight hair, jut implied
Accents that are written so strongly in a fic that I just can't understand it.
Common in COD fics with Soap in it. Like I don't know if you are making fun of him and other Scottish people or if that's really how Scottish people talk. Now it prolly might be a skill issue because English is my second language and my grasp on the English language is based on how school taught it to us at a young age and my exposure to various media and the internet at a young age but still.
No punctuation and all lowercase
I don't mind bad grammar or spelling mistakes (if it's not THAT bad) because I know that English can be hard for people who are not exposed to it at a young age. But it does slightly bother me if there is no proper punctuation because it makes it harder for me to read it, same goes to all lowercase fics (it's fine if it's short but it slightly hurts my eyes when it's 2k+ words)
Bimbo Reader where the other characters (the love interest) clearly don't care about reader's interests
Boo. Jail for them other charas. Not all of them are bad. I actually liked some of them but that's because the characters in the fic took interests in the BReader's likes and hobbies and showcased their dynamics. Now, I do understand that the writers are into degradation and dehumanization that a Bimbo reader fic can give but again, I'm just not into it.
Characters that are too ooc that it might as well be a whole new character
Reader being given a name
That's an OC, dumbass
Cheating Yanderes that don't get their comeuppance
FUCK YOU!!! I hope your favorite female character from a shonen anime becomes a housewife with no other personality other than wife and mom.
Reader having an explicit callsign (COD specific)
I just feel like is the same as giving the reader chara a name. Kinda like how Simon is Ghost, Johnny is Soap, and Kyle is Gaz.
Reader being given specific descriptions (even if they don't have any explicit name) such as hair, body type, outfit, etc.
That's an OC with extra steps Now, I would have to explain myself a little bit further here. I am referring to when a fic just straight up describes the reader character that might as well be a description for an OC (giving them specific eye color, hair color, body type etc. combined). I am not talking about fics that is something on the lines of chubby!Reader, curly!Reader, etc. These are fics made because most fics are made with assumption that the MC is skinny, has straight hair, and vaguely European or American or white or light-skinned, and it does makes others that do not fit this demographic alienated. These fics are there to make others feel included and seen. And I fucking love them
Characters who have some kind of mental disorder (let's say anxiety) being babyfied or owo-fied
Neurodivergent characters being infantilized
Now for my (possibly) unpopular opinion
Y/N is fine, actually
I want to say that in my heart of hearts. Y/N and their cousin, [Name], isn't really that bad or immersion breaking. Y/N is like a self-insert we play as. They are here to represent us. They are our eyes and ears. It is our player character. Our avatar. We are them. They are us. I don't mind a fic going: "Y/N!!!" instead of You hear someone shout out your name because in my opinion it just fits the pacing and the vibes more. Of course, it is better to minimize the usage of Y/N but if you feel like it fits the pacing/wording/situation/overall vibe/feeling better, using Y/N might actually work better instead of various alternatives. Sometimes a nickname or epithet could work but sometimes, good ol' reliable Y/N L/N is just better.
Again, I want to say that there are fics that had the stuff from the above that I enjoyed and even if I didn't, I know that it was very great but not something that I, myself specifically, liked.
y’all, what’s something that will turn you away from a fic? it could be anything. dialogue, formatting, the way a person is being described, secondhand embarrassment, characterization, etc?
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melancholic-pigeon · 4 years ago
I think a lot about the feedback debate in fandom.
And this comes from me having fallen into the "hits are people running away" spiral less than a year ago. I'm here because I was there, recently.
Kudos specifically gets me, though.
There's this push for people to kudos every fic they finish reading because "It's the least you can do" or "you owe the author if you read all the way through", along with some "kudos aren't good enough, you have to leave a comment"
and I think as @ao3commentoftheday said in the linked post, this is people devaluing kudos. A kudos is literally identical to a comment that reads "Kudos! ❤"
It's supposed to be a signifier that someone liked your work. It kinda waters down the meaning to consider it an obligation, and the overwhelming majority of people do not use kudos as a way to mark that they finished a work.
But if you're inundated with people making the argument that kudos should be used as a "made it through the fic" marker rather than a comment reading "kudos! ❤", kudoses lose their impact. If you imagine them as an obligation, they cease to be a compliment.
And if that's the slurry you're in, of course you feel unappreciated and invisible. That's a totally reasonable conclusion to come to, if you don't know that very few people devalue kudos that way. Of course it hurts if you think a kudos simply means "I read this"!
And I get why people want readers to understand how authors feel. I really, really do. There's always a nonzero number of people in fandom who simply haven't thought about how much it would mean to the author to get a comment, and hearing "authors love comments!!" can be really helpful!
But I do wish that we as authors would put a little more effort into reciprocating that understanding.
Because you do not and cannot know why someone isn't commenting, and "I know some people have crippling anxiety about commenting, but they can just come up with a script or send a heart emoji" doesn’t cut it.
You don't know why they're anxious. They could freeze up and have a panic attack at the idea of posting a comment at all. Some people have OCD and spend so long ruminating on making sure the comment is Right because Terrible Things Will Happen if it's Wrong that they're forced to give up. Maybe they have severe fatigue and/or chronic pain and they literally can't go through that extra step (hi, me).
Maybe they have PTSD from fandom harassment and they're afraid of bringing attention to themselves. Maybe they have PTSD for some other reason and it's blocked them from believing they could ever have anything to say that won't just piss the author off. Maybe they're ESL and they've been viciously mocked for their imperfect grammar. Maybe they have ADHD, and they seriously meant to, but then they lost track of it (hi again, me!).
Maybe they're simply still working up the nerve.
Guilting makes it worse. Much, much worse. All of it.
I legitimately stopped reading any fanfic for a few months because I felt so bad about how shitty I must be making authors feel, and it seemed better not to add to their disappointment if I couldn't summon up the energy or brain to comment.
How is that better?
And I have to say, in every single stat spiral I have seen (including mine!), the ratio is the problem, but what functionally happens is people discard kudos and hits as irrelevant.
"Only two hundred people kudosed out of x thousand hits! Everyone hates me!"
Another way to say that is two fucking hundred people liked it enough to leave you a comment reading "kudos! ❤"
and when presented as though this is a negative thing...without meaning to, you just swept two hundred people into the garbage and told them their positive feedback doesn't count.
Same thing with people who forget or are unable to kudos, actually— views are (mostly; see linked post) people who looked at your work. several people in the notes of the linked post up top go into why people who loved things may not kudos them, as well as breaking down why hits aren't an accurate measurement for reader engagement in the first place!
Most of your hits aren't people running away because they hate you. That's the sneaky hate spiral talking, and sneaky hate spirals lie to you. It's what they do. A majority of those hits are people who enjoyed it. We are throwing the baby out with the bathwater when we devalue hits, too, not just kudos.
To go by the OCD example from earlier, maybe they're working on a compulsive need to kudos everything they read. Or maybe they're just shy, or it's a really bad pain day and they only have enough spoons to read. Maybe they just forgot.
The people who liked it count. They matter, even if all you see of them is their presence in your hits.
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