> Ciel
38 posts
Everything Ciel!
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cielwritings · 3 days ago
Could you do another claude x ciel x sebastian head canon post? :3
! Ciel x Claude x Sebastian !
Sorry, it's been an extremely long time! I haven't had any motivation at all... after this, I'll be clearing out my inbox. Feel free to send in more requests!
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Ciel will have plenty of dishes to eat for his meals. Sebastian and Claude constantly bickering over what the boy would like to eat, if Ciel doesn't specify. Sebastian makes nutritious things, while Claude likes to spoil him and make him greasy, sweet, and fatty things.
Bedtime is always a pain as well. Sebastian will put him in his nightgown, while Claude swears Ciel should wear a two-piece long sleeve set. "It's far too cold for that little gown," Claude will argue.
Ciel had to write a whole new schedule for the two to fit their wants. Every other day, Claude will make breakfast and dinner, while Sebastian makes lunch. Sebastian makes breakfast and dinner whenever it isn't Claude's turn. For bedtime, Ciel will decide what he wants to do first and who he wants to do it, and after that, the two men take turns.
Regardless of the schedule, the two men will fight like teenagers fighting for a boy. Sebastian would nitpick about what Claude makes Ciel wear. Sebastian canonically (according to Yana) dresses Ciel to be his type. Seeing him dress as Claude's type makes his eye twitch in frustration.
On the rare occasion the two get along, it's usually because Ciel's in danger. They both can compromise extremely quick, deciding on what to do and how to do it. Ciel would applaud them after, if he has the energy and dignity.
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cielwritings · 8 months ago
Halooo, if you don't mind could you do Ciel x ghost reader, where the reader is a ghost walking around the world looking for their purpose to either go to heaven or hell but they don't remember anything at all and just hang around a graveyard
! Ciel x Ghost!S/O !
been a while... i havent been motivated much
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He met you when he and an unrelated acquaintance went to visit a graveyard. The acquaintance was busy mourning as Ciel looked around.
Understandably, he was frightened at first. Though, seeing you look at him with those cold eyes made him relax. Even if they would put off anyone else.
He asks questions. Who are you, why aren't you at rest, how you died, how old you were...
You didn't remember much, though. He gets information from your grave, as miniscule of it as it is. He had to clean it off a little as well.
It was an awkward exchange, given the fact someone else was there as well. He kept looking around to be sure the acquaintance didn't see him talking to air.
He promised to come back as soon as possible as he left. You stayed there until he fulfilled that promise a few days later.
Ciel had attempted to get information about you from Sebastian, hoping Sebastian could find someone or something related to you. However, they came up empty handed. That didn't stop Ciel from talking to you, or giving you company.
He'd bring around small trinkets every time he visited you, showing you things you most likely hadn't seen before. Your originally stoic personality brightened a little, as he learned your favorite objects.
Sometimes, he'd bring things his toy company had made to your grave. Sebastian had wondered if you were related to Ciel somehow, but his confusion only grew when he realized you weren't.
Ciel leaves flowers on your grave, along with small bitter rabbit plushies. What was previously a lonely, dirty grave, was now decorated lightly with Ciel's friendly presence.
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
! C*ntb*y Ciel pt. 4 !
been a while huh?
read here!
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
Hello! I hope you're having a good day. Can I request anything for poly! P4 x Ciel? The new season has me BARKING over them lmao. Thank you so much in advance. 💕
! Ciel x P4 !
Cuuute cute cute!
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Overtime as Ciel and Bluewer bonded more and more, the other three got jealous. Joanne was a sweetheart, sure.. Edward was entertaining, Cheslock was... well, he was there.
Redmond was the first to initiate with Ciel, other than Bluewer. Ciel hesitantly agreed to sit with Redmond one day, not wanting to get on his bad side. Redmond, the whole time, was praising or complimenting Ciel somehow.
Violet was next. He asked for Ciel to be his muse, continuing to sketch the boy in various positions and situations. Some were more suggestive than others, causing Ciel to flush up. He thanked Violet regardless, accepting the sketches. Surprisingly, he didn't ask Sebastian to burn them.
Greenhill is more subtle, but after Sebastian pointed his advances out, Ciel can't unsee it. Greenhill was more fatherly, in a way. Not a father figure, but showed his affection in a way a distant father would. Patting Ciel's head, calling him 'kid' or 'bud' rather than a cute nickname like Redmond gives...
Meanwhile, Ciel was confused. Did Bluewer know about the other's advances on him? He'd personally grown used to it at this point, but he didn't want to turn his back on Lawrence.
"Bluewer..?" Ciel peered into Blue House, Lawrence sat alone, reading some book he found in the library. Upon noticing the boy, he lowered the book and locked his gaze to Ciel. "What is it?"
Ciel told him about what the other three had been doing, and asked if it was something they typically did with each other's fags. Hearing a 'no' leave Lawrence's lips made him nervous.
"..Is it okay for it to be happening? I mean, they have their own fags..." Ciel asked, nervousness tinting his 'perfect student' tone.
Bluewer only raised a brow. "Huh? Of course. I do not own you, Ciel. You do what you wish, just don't try being a replacement for their fags."
That.. wasn't the answer Ciel was expecting.
What he definitely wasn't expecting was for Bluewer to bring up their conversation to the other three at the Swan Gazebo. Right in front of him. Except Edward, Cheslock, and Joanne were preforming tasks elsewhere...
Redmond laughed it off, Violet blushing just barely, Greenhill seeming the most worried there. "Do you not like it?" he'd ask, Ciel giving a reassuring (albeit hesitant) 'I do'.
So now, whenever Ciel is alone with them in the Swan Gazebo, he'd be passed around like some sort of blunt to be loved on.. though, he didn't mind it.
What he DID mind? Sebastian laughing at him at the end of the day.
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
Can I ask for a romantic Ciel x his descendant! gender neutral! reader? (Sorry if this is weird. :'D)
! Ciel x a Descendant S/O !
nothing's too weird here :)
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You two suspected nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nada. Zero. You guys were loving on each other all the time, giving each other kisses and hugs (though in private).
Sebastian could.. smell something, though. You smelt familiar, but he'd never seen you before. You smelt like his young master even before you ever touched him.
Whenever Sebastian sees you being affectionate with Ciel, Sebastian couldn't help but get.. a suspicious feeling.
"Young master, do you know this person somewhere? Prior to me meeting them, have you ever seen or met them before?" "Huh? Of course not. You'd know..."
So then why did you smell like him!? Sebastian couldn't stop thinking about it, he needed to do research.
While invasive, he'd pluck your hairs in your sleep. He'll draw your blood in the most painless way he could imagine. Ciel was harder, he didn't want to hurt the boy, so he stole some DNA off of Ciel's nightgown.
Alas, after testing, it was true. You two were related. He couldn't figure out how just yet, but he knew you two were. Now, to break the news...
You and Ciel were huddled up on the couch one day, having a small snack while watching a movie, when Sebastian came up to you two.
"Pardon me for interrupting you two, but... I've come to quite a serious conclusion."
As Sebastian told you two, neither of you looked surprised.
"Yeah, we.. kinda knew." you told Sebastian. "I showed him my family tree and his matched up with mine a little."
Sebastian quickly ran off after apologizing.
Meanwhile, you and Ciel continued your date night with a smile.
After that situation, Sebastian didn't give you questioning glares anymore. If that's what his young master wanted, so be it.
You and Ciel weren't effected by this, really. The shock of it had worn off after you two initially found out.
The two of you continue to cuddle every night, like you're huddling together for warmth. It's an adorable sight.
..Even Sebastian can admit that fact. You two were like cats in love.
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
Ciel x a reader whos sleeping pattern is really random? Reader isn't human so they don't *need* to sleep but they take 1-2 hours naps once or twice a day whenever they feel like it, to kinda reset. Theyll fall asleep next to him while hes working sometimes.
Thank you.
! Ciel x Reader with an odd sleeping pattern !
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Sebastian wasn't too confused about this. Some non-humans needed sleep, but when you informed Sebastian you didn't, that's when the confusion started.
Sensing you weren't a threat, he let you meet his master. Ciel knew a few demons, but he was closest with one, and that demon didn't require rest. Seeing you curled up on the couch fast asleep was quite odd.
It wasn't like you slept the whole day. You slept two hours at most, maybe once or twice a day. Typically, it was after meals. You didn't do anything active, nor did you eat anything large. You just decided to.. sleep.
You seem very energized when you wake up from your second nap, no longer going to sleep until the next day.
Sometimes, on a good day, you'll take your nap when it's time for Ciel to go to bed. Due to his busy schedule, he can't really fall asleep with you. So on the rare occasion he can, he'll cuddle up to your side, listening to your breathing (if you decided to breathe that night).
Or, alternatively, he'll hold you. His heartbeat and soft breaths lulled you to sleep much, much quicker.
Though, you'll wake up energized, and most likely wake Ciel up as well.
They tried giving you things to help you sleep... but you never seemed to get tired. You just fell asleep to fall asleep. Ciel can't blame you, he'd fall asleep whenever he wanted if he could.
One time when he was working, you were next to him watching. He didn't mind onlookers, finding it quite endearing how curious you were about what he does.
But then, you curled up into his lap and fell asleep. He was shocked, but he shouldn't have been. You hadn't had your daily nap yet, so it was inevitable.
He stroked your hair as you slept, calling for Sebastian to rest a blanket on you. His body heat kept you warm enough, though.
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
! Sebaciel Wedding HCS !
in honor of their wedding in the newest episode!
just imagine this is normal in their time lmao
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Sebastian absolutely tried to get Ciel in a dress. He and Nina tried getting him into a skirt as well, but the boy refused.
The wedding was private and public... because they had two weddings. One was official, the other wasn't. The public one was the first and official one, the second being private and just for fun.
In the official one, Sebastian wore a suit, as per usual. This suit was tailored to fit the theme of royalty, being much more expensive than his normal suit. His stood out more, not wanting to blend in with the best men.
Ciel wore a white suit for the public wedding. They were considering a fancy feel to it, considering he's an earl, but they deemed it to be too close to Charles grey. Everything except for his tie was white, the suit having gold details honoring the Phantomhive name and the Funtom company.
The wedding went smoothly. Lizzy stood out as a bridesmaid. For this wedding, there were three best men and three bridesmaids, even if not needed. Lizzy wanted to come, so Ciel shrugged and decided to bring along more bridesmaids. All the bridesmaids and best men wore gray. Despite Lizzy being pouty about it, she didn't throw a huge fit.
Both the 'bride' and groom picked one bridesmaid and best man to stand out to the rest, to show how close they were. Ciel picked Lizzy, giving her white (with a soft pink) details to her dress. Sebastian picked Finny, though he was torn between him and Bard. Bard didn't mind giving the title to Finny, seeing how nervous the poor boy was.
Their cake wasn't much special, considering Sebastian wasn't the one who made it. Ciel had many pieces that night, Sebastian gently scolding the boy. "You shouldn't eat that much, you will get a stomach ache and potentially stain your suit."
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Their private wedding was much different. They had the whole manor to themselves that night, the servants staying at a hotel (they did all the wedding prep, so they were exhausted). Grell kept a sharp watch for intruders, even if she was salty she wasn't the one in a dress walking down to Sebastian...
Sebastian wore comfortable clothes. Comfortable black clothes, with a hint of nobility to them.
Ciel wore a nightgown, and instead of the baby blue thin one he wore, he wore a white thick one. He had a fake white flower tucked behind his ear as well.
Instead of a ceremony and celebration, they huddled up close to each other, exchanging kisses.
Sebastian adored the way Ciel would occasionally pull away, panting softly for air. His soft whines and huffs sent shivers down his spine, quick to push his tongue back into the boys mouth.
Ciel's fingers tangled into Sebastian's hair, the knee between his legs not helping his case.
Ciel still had some makeup on him from their public wedding. Soft pink lip gloss smearing across his lips once they finished their session. Sebastian had some on him as well.
Instead of wiping it off, he kissed down Ciel's dainty figure, drinking up his whimpers.
You can decide where they went from there.
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
Hello there lovely person, I got a request for ya, it's a modern Ciel x reader who dresses in Jirai kei(by the way I'm the same person from the other Jirai kei request) but the difference is they go to school and people usually say stupid stuff to the reader, for example "Pikachu" "anime girl" "batman" or other stuff, even flirting with them even if they are uncomfortable and because of that reader wants to stop dressing in the fashion their love because of stupid remarks that annoy them, also just like before take you time and remember to think about you mental health before anything ♡⁠
! Ciel x Reader Who Wears Jirai Kei 2 !
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He thought clearing your phone would work, but boy was he wrong. You still looked quite down. Perhaps you were upset with him doing such a thing? But you looked so happy as you cuddled him that night...
After brief thought, which lasted about two minutes, he already had the conclusion. The one place Ciel never followed you to is school. That has to be it. School.
"Sebastian," Ciel spoke as he drank his morning tea, Tanaka assisting you with your bath. His eyes locked with Sebastian's. "Enroll me in their school. I have concerns I'd like to see for myself."
Sebastian feels a sense of deja vu. Regardless, he has Ciel enroll. He was in by the next week.
That familiar chirpy attitude Ciel puts up in front of others was especially prominent here. Everyone knew who he was, so he had to be polite. Polite, but also humble. Due to this, for the first few days of his stay there he couldn't see anything the matter.
Though, he overheard a conversation with you and a friend. It was friendly enough, talking about what typical friends do. Your friend then started to raise their voice.
"Asshole, watch where your hand's going!" they spat at someone. He prayed it wasn't you. His nerves both relaxed and tensed when he heard a different voice- a mans voice.
"Whaat?" the man chuckled. "Look at 'em. Little anime girl should know her place. Dressing like that is screaming 'I sell myself' after all."
Ciel had to grit his teeth. He knew Sebastian would get onto him for that later.
He followed you whenever he could, keeping himself secluded away so no one noticed. He heard some.. not so favorable things. 'Pikachu girl' could be mistaken as something nice, but their tone implied otherwise. 'Batman' didn't make much sense to him. Who the hell is Batman? You're no bat. You didn't even look like one. Is Batman an anime?
..What's he talking about?!
The flirting is what really pissed him off. You're bound to be harassed one way or another in school, but this really pushed him to his limits. That same day, riding the carriage home, Ciel looked at you with quite a serious gaze.
You felt yourself shiver.
"So. I'll go straight to the point. You have two options. One, you're leaving that school the moment you graduate your grade and being home-schooled from now on... or two, you switch schools."
Immediately, you jumped to his first offer. As much as you hated the attention you got at school, you couldn't help but want to wear those clothes again. Free of judgement.
Ciel's manor was perfect for you. Ciel was perfect for you.
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
Not sure if requests are opened buttt, if there are then what about Ciel x succubus reader who pretty much rivals Sebastian, secretly trying to stop Ciel from his revenge so they can keep getting affection from him
! Ciel x Succubus!Reader !
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Safe to say, Sebastian hates you. The amount of danger you put Ciel in is unreal. The funny thing is, he and Ciel aren't even close to getting revenge. They've been so caught up in requests from the Queen, they haven't been able to focus on their own goal. You're just.. doing stuff to do it.
Ciel will be held hostage, and you'll be spiting the kidnapper passive-aggressively. Enough to where they glare at you and Ciel and tighten their grip on the gun, but nothing further.
There has been a case you've gotten Ciel hurt. He was pistol-whipped, causing him to pass out. Eventually, you got your hands on him and cleaned him up before bringing him back to Sebastian.
'Cleaned him up' meaning you licked up the blood dripping at the back of his head.
Sebastian didn't let you see Ciel for the rest of the day.
You like to tease the boy under tables, wanting to hear him scoff, whine, whatever. That's your goal, to be fair. You feed off of his pleasure, as grotesque as he and Sebastian thought it was. They don't even know why you're still around, really. They found you backed into a corner by perverted men, so they helped you. You just sort of clung to them since then.
Sebastian was the first to figure out you were a succubus, he could smell it on you. The need for lust, the hunger. He gave you a stern warning. Do not play with his food.
Ciel found out very, very later. He was nearly under your spell, when Sebastian came and took him away from you. He broke the news. Ciel couldn't exactly grasp the idea as to why you wanted him of all people, but he knew you had to eat eventually.
It just wouldn't be him. The most you got were soft whines and pleading stares before Sebastian would usher him away.
Even in serious situations, you'll always be reaching down to squeeze Ciel's thighs. During Madam Red's funeral, you stood by Ciel as he kissed her cheek. You groped his butt, almost causing him to fall into the casket.
Not to mention, Lizzy was pissed off..
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
Yandere Ciel and Sebastian x reader (poly) who doesn't mind (maybe even likes) them being yandere for them because reader was neglected/mistreated before meeting S&C and is glad to finally have someone who actually cares about them? Totally not projecting.
If this is too dark then I'm sorry. An alternate ask is S&C being isekai'd into a modern day omegaverse? Also poly Ciel and Sebastian x reader. 😺
Thank you in advance either way! I love all of your writing.
! Yandere Sebaciel x Mistreated!Reader !
no worries about something being too dark :) and thank you!
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You were quite quiet when you and the two first met. Ciel ordered Sebastian things related to you. To help you open up, get comfortable, talk more, express your wants more..
Eventually, they got quite needy. At some point, Sebastian didn't need to be ordered. He did it out of kindness, which was shocking considering what he is. Ciel was satisfied with Sebastian, Sebastian being much more well behaved around him now.
Ciel developed feelings for the both of you. Sebastian caught on immediately to his feelings for you and himself. He gladly accepted his masters feelings. Now, you...
Ciel pretty much knew Sebastian liked you as well. Ciel considers Sebastian a dog in a derogatory sense, sure.. but he really was like a needy puppy. It reminds him of his dog whom he had also named Sebastian. Big and intimidating, all bark with Ciel but never bite, wanting to be affectionate but Ciel shutting him away...
These feelings only got stronger and more intense. Whenever they hinted their love for you, you didn't pick up on it. You were mistreated nearly your whole life. It could very well be your whole life, but of course you won't remember your toddler days...
You never knew what love was, so they would teach you.
But because you didn't know what love was, you didn't understand what they wanted. They wanted you to themselves, but you'd walk away, ignorant.
Ciel had to think. He came to the decision that forcefully keeping you was his best choice.
Locks. Everywhere. He ordered his servants to not let you leave, a pair of eyes on you at all times if you weren't in Ciel's bed with him. Even in the bathroom, someone stood outside under the bathrooms window, and someone stood outside the door.
Eventually, as they became more.. obvious, you started catching feelings too.
You upset Ciel one day.. unintentionally. You were out on a walk with him when someone commented on your outfit, saying it looked nice. You thanked them, and Ciel got upset. Only you should say such sweet things to Ciel, you should ignore outsiders, unworthy of even hearing a peep from you.
It was awkward and uncomfortable with Ciel by your side for the rest of the day. He'd be snugged up close, or standing nearby.
You two were tucked into bed by Sebastian, both of you getting affectionate pets goodnight. Ciel turned to face you, your eyes already half-lidded, sleepy. His hand ran through your hair.
"You are very pretty," he states, kissing the tip of your nose. "I.. adore you."
Unlike you, Ciel and Sebastian knew that it wasn't normal to keep you under close surveillance. Even if Sebastian didn't understand human morals, he understood what they were and why, but he couldn't bring himself to follow them. He couldn't understand why the things were what they were, and why they were bad.
Seeing you smile and awe at Ciel's protective, obsessive words.. concerned Sebastian, but he appreciated how easily swayed you were. Even Sebastian hasn't heard such words from Ciel. The way he looked at you, demanding you that you stay inside for the rest of the week, all because you stuck your hand outside of a window...
You'd kiss Ciel's cheek, obeying. You apologized, and asked for a hug as a further apology.
Reluctantly (out of shock), Ciel gave the hug. Sebastian had to pry you off because of the fact you refused to let go...
You were odd, sure... they may never understand, as you hadn't opened up. However, you're their little doll regardless.
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cielwritings · 9 months ago
Hello thereeee, I just randomly thought of this request but modern Ciel x reader where the reader wears Jirai kei clothing, since it's known about mental stuff people usually give them glares assuming bad stuff about them because of stereotype, if you do it please remember to take your time and not rush for you own mental health ♡⁠
! Ciel with a S/O who wears Jirai Kei !
Oh i love this style!! i never knew it had a name!
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Being from England, he doesn't see it often. Though, he'll occasionally see small bits of it. You were really the only one he saw dressed up completely in the attire.
He didn't mind it. To him, it looked like a feminine style with some comfort in it, while also being fit to wear outside. He sees no issue, so he doesn't comment on it.
Though, you seemed sad one day, wearing something out of your usual. You wouldn't tell him what was wrong, instead simply asking for his affection and reassurance. He ordered Sebastian to figure it out.
It didn't take very long. Sebastian knew it had something to do with your clothes, so he asked Nina and Grell. Both of which came to the same conclusion. Either you weren't happy with how you looked in it (whether it be because of yourself or a third party), or you just had a bad day.
Ciel, hearing this, liked to look over your shoulder. He'll catch you scrolling on social media, paying closer attention to your notifications. These comments you were getting were.. odd.
What the hell is a femcel?! What are they talking about you doing... drugs? Wearing long sleeves meant you're hurting yourself? What?!
To Ciel's knowledge, you weren't any of that. Even if he had no idea what a femcel was. Sebastian told him to not worry about it...
"My lady," Ciel spoke, hearing your phone buzz in your pocket at dinner time. "Do you mind... handing me your phone? I would like to take a look at what's bothering you."
At first, you had no idea what he meant. "The buzzing doesn't bother me. I can put it on silent if you need."
Ciel shook his head, "That's not what I meant, my dear. Allow me to show you."
So, you handed him your phone. He immediately opened your instagram after painful navigation. You felt your heart go to your stomach. Suddenly, you had the urge to excuse yourself to the restroom, though you didn't.
"These are nice photos," he points to a few of your posts where your outfits were especially 'extra'. Lots of accessories, more makeup, and the occasional energy drink in hand.
So, he clicked on a photo. More comments than likes. He clicks the comments.
"Hm," he hums, finger to his chin. "What does this mean?" he gestures to a comment. Some oldhead commented a knife and laughing emoji. The meaning was obvious, but he wanted to hear you say it.
"It's nothing." "Oh? What about this one?" he points to another comment, which referred to you as someone who did 'street parties'. Some comments under them were gifs of anime girls with gross bedrooms.
You just looked at him nervously. He sighs, your silence saying more than what you could ever say.
"I'm having Sebastian cleanse your account. Everyone who leaves a negative comment will be blocked, deleted, and your account will be set to private until I state it's alright otherwise."
It was a drastic measure, but clearly you weren't happy with what everyone has been saying. "While Sebastian does this, we're going to finish our meal and go to the city. We'll be buying you some new clothes. Don't think I've noticed your attempts at burning and shredding the old ones."
Your face flushed, and you nodded. Sebastian took your phone with a reassuring smile, and promptly left after Ciel gave the go-to.
Ciel kissed the corner of your lips, stabbing your fork into your food and lifting it to your mouth. "Enjoy your meal, now."
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cielwritings · 10 months ago
HCs for Ciel as an older brother? Maybe a bit of r!Ciel added in please? :3
! Older Brother Ciel !
weheheheheh... i cant wait to see rciel in the anime if they continue making seasons. which im sure they will.
R!Ciel is named Riel.
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You were born mere days before the tragedy regarding the Phantomhive name. You and your two older brothers were the only ones to have survived.
Unlike your brothers, you weren't sold off. You were far too young. Instead, you were left in the cold by some building. Fortunately, on one of her daily walks, Elizabeth had spotted you. She swiftly brought you back home.
The month had passed, Ciel returned home without his brother. You didn't know this. You were a month old, after all.
Months turn to years, you're now three. You had no prior knowledge regarding your other older brother.. until the brother you grew up with, Ciel, was abolished of his title from Riel's return.
You needed a guardian always. Riel tried convincing you to stay with him as the manor was far safer. You denied, and stayed with Ciel and Sebastian. Sebastian is, and has been, Ciel's guardian... so what's the difference?
Sebastian takes his orders literal. He was ordered to prioritize Ciel's life over anyone else's. He and Ciel got into fights more frequently whenever Sebastian protected him over you. So, you never left Ciel's side, even if you wanted to. You were almost always glued to him in some way.
Either you'd be on his lap, he'd be holding you, you'd be forced to hold his hand, whatever it may be. If Sebastian picked him up, you're being picked up too. If he's being changed, you will turn around and face the other way in the same room. Baths are no different. Ciel will always be in the room, eyes averted. If anything were to happen while you were bathed, he'd be swatting Sebastian away to scoop you up into a towel. Even if it hasn't happened yet, Ciel already thought about this stuff.
At some point, it became enough for you. You loved Ciel very much, you loved being by him, but this isn't clinginess anymore.. what can this be classified as?
You'd be coloring with him one day. Somehow, your art was far better than his. Then, it was bed time. The night prior, you were graduated from sleeping on your own with Ciel nearby, to sleeping with Ciel. Thanks, robbers.
Ciel was not a happy boy. You weren't either. You couldn't even cuddle your plushie properly, as you'd be facing his chest. Why? Because if you get shot, your organs wouldn't be facing the window. That's how much Ciel cares.
While cuddled up in his arms, you spoke. "I wanna sleep on my own."
Ciel understood, but not in the way you'd imagine. "I know, change is hard."
"No.. I want my own room."
That, he didn't understand. He looked at you like you were just playing and acting silly. He ruffled your hair with a faint smile. "You can't. You're with me." "I don't want to."
If anyone else had told him something as offensive as that, he'd get pissy. For some reason, this just hurt!
"..You have no choice. Riel took all of my money, silly." "Oh.." "Do you want to live with Riel?"
You were put on the spot, freezing up. You hesitated, but shook your head no. Not because you wanted to live with Riel, but rather because you just.. wanted some sort of privacy.
"Good," Ciel smiled, nose buried in your hair. "Just get some rest."
The moment Ciel fell asleep, Sebastian entered and replaced you with a pillow and allowed you some free time. He'd tuck you into bed with Ciel the moment you fell asleep. Ciel never noticed this happening throughout the days.
Your relationship with Ciel was complicated, sure, but you loved him. He loves you too, if that wasn't obvious enough.
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cielwritings · 10 months ago
Am not sure if your request are open but if they are can I request a ciel x fem reader where she likes to talk about dark shit like death and that but she always smiles while saying it and her eyes are filled with excitement. And she also has a demon butler but he's used to our shit😭 but if you do this request ty!!
! Ciel x ... Scary fem Reader? !
felt this tbh
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After calling it off with Elizabeth, fearing he wouldn't be enough for her, you were his new fiancee. Though, he'd only spoken to you once or twice prior.
Ciel had a feeling your butler was a demon, seeing how they and Sebastian glared at each other whenever they caught glimpse of him. No demon can let Ciel's soul just idly walk past. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw the strap of your dress slip just a little, revealing the start of a seal.
He didn't bring it up.
You two were sat together one day, discussing hobbies whilst playing chess. Ciel's were simple. Puzzle games, the occasional sketch, enjoying sweets..
He didn't expect yours. You said it so happily he nearly missed it.
"Oh, I quite enjoy looking over autopsy reports." "Ahh, is that so... wait."
Ciel would look at you, dumbfounded while you giggled. His reaction was on the mild side compared to what you used to get from others.
"There's something quite interesting regarding the human body." you said, putting Ciel in checkmate after he fumbled his latest move from shock. "I can recite you the layers of skin if you'd like."
"..No, that's.. quite alright, my lady."
Your butler would overhear. More like eavesdrop, though. They'd enter the room, holding a tray of sweets and tea. You excused yourself to the bathroom in the meantime.
"Pardon my question, but.." Ciel began. "Are you.. aware of your mistress' interests?" "Are you judging her?" "..No."
He was weirded out, but he wasn't judging you. Can those two be separate? He wonders..
"I'm very aware of her interests and I help her indulge in them."
Your butler said that and left as you returned. Ciel sat there, utter confusion on his face.
..What did they mean by that?
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cielwritings · 10 months ago
Would love to see your take on sebastian in his demon form f*cking ciel? Including things like his heels and fangs and stuff 😭 slightly kinky ig shejjdd
! Demon Form Sebastian & Ciel !
Here's your request :)
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cielwritings · 10 months ago
Could I request Ciel having a best friend who can play 13 instruments?
! Ciel with a really.. REALLY talented friend !
if only i could do this man...
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It was a gradual thing. First, you showed off your skills with the piano. Then the violin, then the cello...
Then it started to get ridiculous. No way you're human.
"Sebastian, I want you to be true with me. Are they a demon?" Ciel would ask quietly, as he watched you play the bugle.
"I cannot sense any demonic energy from them, my lord. I sense a confident and clear-cut soul, if anything."
Ciel simply stared at you with a gaze that screamed jealousy... and interest.
You two started to become friends when he offered to pay you to give him lessons certain instruments. While Sebastian was a little jealous he picked you, he didn't put up a fight and let it happen.
The instrument he had you attempt to teach him was the guitar. Alas, the strings broke on him.
So he tried the jew harp. He chipped a tooth.
Surely he couldn't mess up a harmonica-
He had an asthma attack. He got too cocky with a complicated piece and had an asthma attack.
You still tease him about that, even if Sebastian gives you a glare every time you do. Ciel doesn't mind it as much as he does, rather, Ciel finds it fairly amusing how you can find his misfortune funny.
You two became closer and closer by the day. He opened up more and more to you, expressing his nightmares (but never what they're about). If you stay over and he has one, you and Sebastian will be by his side in an instant.
While Sebastian refuses to leave unless ordered to, Ciel takes it to his advantage. He'll get Sebastian to tell him a story while you play a soft instrument to set the mood. He's out like a light halfway through it.
One of his favorite things to hear you play is the piano. An old but gold choice, isn't it? There's just something charming about the way your fingers dance along the keys. Your body swaying and moving with how intense you'll get.. it's almost like he's watching a musical performance!
Sometimes you'll be there with him and Sebastian, playing music while Sebastian teaches him how to dance. Elizabeth wouldn't want to slow dance forever, so they do numerous genres. Perfect for how many instruments you know!
Of course, Ciel still sucks at dancing. It's the thought that counts, right?
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cielwritings · 10 months ago
What if Ciel, r!Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Soma, Agni (and whoever else you wanna add) worked somehwere like ouran hshc? Like how would they be w each other and with a reader/customers n all that? 🥰
! Ouran HSHC AU !
..also, imagine soma and agni being related
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This took forever to think about.
Ciel as Haruhi, R!Ciel as Tamaki, Sebastian as Kyoya, Claude as Mori, Alois as Honey, Soma and Agni as the twins. Soma as Hikaru, Agni as Kaoru (it made most sense but my fujo brain wanted agni to be the seme...)
Despite Soma and Agni being the brocons, they aren't the most popular duo. That's Ciel and R!Ciel. A teasing older twin, and a shy younger twin.
Alois is more-so a mix of Shiro and Honey. He isn't the innocent type Honey is, but goes for the dynamic of Honey. For girls that wish for a cute boy to dote on. He has a naughtier, playboy personality like Shiro.. as shown at the end of that episode he's in.
This club is known for being quite.. taboo. Only the girls that were known for being naughty or improper went there, or the girls too shy to admit it. Sometimes, even boys or GNC people as well! Everyone gets treated the same though.
You'd be welcomed with a kiss to the hand from Sebastian, leading you to a table for you to sit at. Ciel will be the one to ask who you'd wish to schedule.
If you pick Ciel, he'll be quite sweet to you. He'll be kind, brushing his hand through your hair sweetly. He'll offer you his favorite candies, telling you that he doesn't share with just anyone. You're special! If you want, he'll let you have a taste of his favorite lollipop. Then, he'd like the exact same spot you did for an 'indirect kiss'.
If you pick R!Ciel, he's much more flirty. He'll always have a hand on you unless you explicitly say no. On your arm, holding your hand, in your hair, on your knee. He'll rest his head on your shoulder, taking in your scent. Whether it be your natural one or some perfume or cologne you put on, he doesn't care. He loves your smell, and will let you know that fact.
If you pick Sebastian, he'll act, unsurprisingly, like a butler for you. But a more daring one. He'll hold your tea cup as you drink, he'll wipe your mouth sensually, he'll feed you. He makes sure everything you have in your mouth is perfect, and the smallest complaint you have will leave him apologizing and treating you 10x better. His compliments are very unique, and always leave you flushed beyond belief.
Picking Alois will leave you almost as flustered as Sebastian. Perhaps it's the taboo, but the way he'd curl up in your lap and ask for pets is adorable. He treats you, of course, but his cute little face is irresistible. Twirling his soft hair while Claude watched in the distance, making sure everything was going okay. Alois called you his big sibling, or one of his parents. He loves seeing how flustered you get.
Picking Claude is practically a two for one deal. Alois is almost always at his side, clinging onto him, looking at you with a pout of jealousy. Claude is a much more professional butler role, his advances being more subtle. But you expect it, so every movement he makes always leaves you flustered. Whether it be the slightest graze of his hand on yours, or perhaps he breathed a little too hard on you. He knew how to tease, and he did it well.
Soma and Agni, however, are a 2 for 1. Without Agni, Soma is nothing. Without Soma, Agni is nothing. So you kind of have to get both... which Ciel and R!Ciel decided to price down to be the same cost as everyone else. They're more seductive, almost worshiping you, in a way. Soma will hug you from behind, Agni praising you, on his knees for you, stroking your legs. One time, the two bickered about who would do the worship. Agni begged to be the one, as the prince shouldn't be on such dirty floors.
Of course, it ended up in brocon fanservice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, my prince.." Agni whispers, wiping a tear from Soma's eye. Crocodile, of course.
The other's merely watched in curiosity, confusion, or interest.
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cielwritings · 10 months ago
Ok, one more then I'll get back to work! And you can pick since I'm a Libra who can't decide shit!
Either a sfw: Ciel is shopping with Doll, Alois, and Maurice and overheard some girl being mean to Doll and hearing her sneer "How does it feel to fall for someone so out of your league" and without a warning he goes over and answers "Amazing actually, I'm so happy" and walks off
Or NSFW: The boys watch one of Doll's shows and while Joker is handling the aftermath, he notices Doll is missing. Sebastian also notices the three Noblemen are also missing and sighs. Doll hurries them to her tent and have fun. Next day Peter completely calls her out "nice hickies there" during breakfast
Again, you can pick either or ignore. Thank you again so much for listening to my weird ship shits
! Shopping With Doll, Alois, and Maurice pt. something !
honestly i lost count... not a bad thing though!
i picked sfw because my tumblr-only followers are starving LOLOOL
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Public interactions were hard for all of them in their own right. Some people would see Ciel and fawn or be overly respectful, embarrassing him. Some would see Alois and whisper about the rumors of his trauma, some would see Cole and assume he's a playboy or being used.
However, Doll gets glares. People assume she's a thorn in the side of everyone.
Doll eyeballed a dress in the window of a shop, Cole and Alois picking up on this. "Would you like it?" Alois chirped. "I'd be happy to buy it for you, Dolly!"
Cole shook his head. "No need, I'll purchase it for her." "No.. I don't think you will!"
The banter went back and forth, before Alois decided to make a break for it and ran into the store. Cole followed soon behind, leaving Ciel blinking to himself, and Doll being latched to Ciel's side.
"It's alright. They do this often." Ciel mumbles.
"How about we find somewhere to eat while we wait? I reckon they'll fight for a while." Ciel suggests, already dragging Doll to the nearest Korean corndog stand.
Doll stood silently, a few feet away as she watched the corndog be made. A woman in a long dress sat nearby, sipping her tea. She watched this interaction, and couldn't help but snicker. Fortunately, Doll was close enough to her so she can speak in a way that Doll knew it was directed toward her.
"How does it feel to fall for someone out of your league? You're aware a lady shouldn't be eating such.. fattening foods. You're sure to not catch his eye." she stated, the tip of her finger tracing the rim of her teacup.
Doll froze up, shock in her eyes. "..Pardon?"
Doll's voice was deeper than the lady expected, causing her eyes to raise slightly.
"..You heard me, young ma--"
"It's amazing, actually." Ciel butted in, a shoulder landing on Doll's shoulder. He had two corndogs in his hand, passing one to Doll. "I'm very happy. I couldn't be happier. I'm quite surprised with myself, actually... I've refrained from putting a ring on her finger for so long."
The woman scoffed. This was royalty, though.. he can easily demand for her head to be cut off if he so wished. She looked back at her tea cup, taking a long sip.
Cole and Alois had returned, dress in Cole's arms. "We split the pay," Alois said with a smile.
Cole looked unimpressed, however. It was clear he wanted all the credit..
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