#people around you do little guy your okay your good youll never been wrong because existence
crude oil as a metaphor for interalized homophobia
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baroquebucky · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a bucky Barnes one shot with the line “I think that you’re not as dark as you want people to believe” please?
a/n: yup yup !! i hope you enjoy <333 I kinda went overboard on this one hehe,, feel free to send in some bucky requests !! pls tell me what u guys think !!
word count: 5.1k ,,, i said it was long,,
minor faws spoilers ?
bucky paints himself as a villain, someone to avoid at all costs. you think he’s too scared to admit how soft he really is.
A groan escaped your lips as you mindlessly moved your hand around, trying to find where your phone was in order to turn off your alarm. You sighed as you finally found it quickly shutting it off and closing your eyes again. You lay there with an empty mind, sleep about to over come you again, thoughts of soft sheets and cozy couch- ding! ding! ding!
You jumped up in surprise, heart racing as your second alarm went off. Rubbing your eyes you tumbled out of bed, shuffling to the restroom to change and get your morning started. You headed out the door of your apartment, locking it quickly before going to work, taking notice of the uhaul truck parked outside.
As the day went by you went through the motions of your day, you were itching to get back home, eager to see if you had new neighbors or not. The last time you had neighbors it was a sweet old man, he brought you banana bread when he first moved in, telling you he hoped to be a good neighbor to you.
You had grown close to him, Stan, soon thinking of him like your own grandpa, but he moved away to live with one of her children. He had taught you to be more level headed and less stubborn and always treat other with kindness.
The thought of him warmed your heart, deciding then that if you had a new neighbor you would bake them some banana bread as a welcome gift, you hoped they were around your age since you didn’t have many friends and most of them were too busy half the time to hang out with you.
As you returned home, the door for the apartment next door was wide open and you could hear voices talking while boxes were moved around.
“Steve i can move it on my own youll break your back trying” a deep voice spoke, another one followed, this one lighter and raspier.
“you and i are the same age shut up” the other man spoke. You smiled as the two bickered, probably a son and his dad or grandfather you guessed.
You changed quickly, taking note of missing ingredients for your banana bread and headed to the store, giddy to meet your new neighbors. You had never been outgoing, throughout college you barely made any friends because you were too scared to talk to strangers, but you were trying to turn a new leaf now.
After paying and heading back to your apartment you quickly got to work, mashing bananas and singing along to your music. Finally popping the bread into the over and sitting on your couch, it was already 8 pm so you hoped your new neighbors would still be up, or else you would have to wait until tomorrow and you didn’t want to give them cold bread.
As the oven dinged and you made sure the bread was perfectly cooked you grinned ear to ear, taking it out and placing it on a plate you had bought earlier, the sides were adorned with a simple but cute floral design and you hoped they liked it.
You were about to head out the door when you took note of your outfit, you but your lip and decided to change clothes quickly, putting on some looser jeans, a white t shirt and a thin sweater.
You grabbed the plate and headed out, listening to see if there was any sound coming from the apartment, luckily you could hear the tv, they were watching a soccer game.
“okay okay, just knock say hello, bread then go easy!” You whispered you yourself, heart racing and palms getting sweaty. You backed away from the door slowly, nerves getting the best of you.
“No i can do this i can do this!” You scolded yourself, in one swift motion you knocked on the door before you could think. You face falling as you realized you had actually knocked, what if it was too loud? What if they thought you were rude now and that you were- oh, wow.
The door opened and there stood none other than Bucky Barnes. You recognized him quickly since he was all over your timeline on Twitter, everyone gushing about how hot he was and how he deserved better. Your mind was blank now that he looked down at you.
“can i help you?” He asked, looking at you and then at the bread, and then back at you. Your eyes widened and you nodded.
“oh yes! bread! I mean heres bread! i made it- here is some bread that i made as a welcome gift, like welcome to your apartment” you rambled, your face was burning and you hoped that somehow he couldn’t tell, maybe girls in the 40’s didn’t blush so he didn’t know what was wrong with your face you thought.
“oh?” was all he said, he could hear your heartbeat racing, he thought you were terrified of him, rushing though your words to get away from him as soon as heavenly possible. Bucky heard you rehearsing outside his door, a small smile on his face as you got the courage to knock, he was excited, maybe he could try to be your friend, his therapist said he needed it, maybe you wouldn’t recognize him and he could start new.
All that was thrown out the window when your eyes widened and your heart began to race faster as you saw him, obviously you knew him, he was the talk of the town at the moment.
“oh my god sorry! I’m y/n, i live right next door” you smiled softly, cocking your head in the direction of your apartment, the plate still in your hands and you wanted to cry because why hasn’t he grabbed the bread yet when i made it just for you.
“I didn’t know if you liked chocolate chip in your banana bread or not so i made it half with and half without i hope that okay” you continued, hoping he would take the hint and grab the plate from you. Thankfully he did and you sighed softly, glad that he took it.
“I uh- don’t really have an opinion” he stated, his lips pressed to a thin line for a second before he cracked a small smile at you, happily returning it.
“well let me know which you preferred” you laughed and he nodded.
“I’m James by the way” he said, placing the plate on a box next to him, “I’ll just got put this on a plate and I’ll give you yours back give me a second” he began and you quickly shook your head at him.
“Oh no! The plate is yours too! you can keep it” you grinned and his mouth opened a bit, no one was this nice to him besides steve. You were too kind, too caring and soft and he didn’t want to taint you or weigh you down with his baggage.
“oh uh, thank you” he cleared his throat, his mind racing and telling him to stop talking to you, leave you alone before he ruins your life like he ruins everything else. “It’s late so you should uh probably go” he started and you felt your stomach drop, part of you upset he didn’t try to talk to you more.
“oh yeah, sorry, have a good night! I hope you like the bread haha, if you need anything I’m right next door” you shot him a grin and he simply closed the door, a frown on your face as you walked to your apartment.
You let out a sigh before your eyes watered a bit. You were never gonna try and make friends again you told yourself, heading to your room to get your pjs and going to the restroom to shower.
Bucky could hear the music from your phone through the walls, they were thin enough to begin with but his super soldier hearing didn’t do him any favors. He could hear the rumble of your voice but he couldn’t make out the words as you sang.
Bucky smiled a little bit, you were so pretty and sweet. No one had even made him banana bread before, let alone make him half with chocolate chips and half without.
Bucky munched on the banana bread, deciding he liked the one with chocolate chips better. A smile on his face as he mindlessly watched his tv, thoughts only of the pretty girl next door.
You finished showering and quickly got changed, sitting on your couch and flipping through channels until settling on reruns of your favorite show. You were bored out of your mind and were about to head to sleep when a knock at the door scared you.
You grabbed your pepper spray from your bag and looked through the peep hole, letting out a sigh when you saw it was just bucky. You put the pepper spray back and rushed to open the door.
“hi bucky” you smiled and he pressed his lips into a thin line.
“I liked the chocolate chip one better” he spoke, looking at floor then at you. There was a smile painted on your face and you nodded.
“Guess I’ll have to make you more with chocolate chips huh” you joked and he smiled a bit before stopping himself.
“I’ll uh see you tomorrow” he spoke before heading back to his apartment and you smiled.
It was a little bit, but it was something.
The first week was pretty stagnant, not much conversation and just small waves from your end. The second week was better, he waved back at you and even gave you music recommendations. By the third week he was coming around more, telling you good morning and goodnight if you bumped into each other in the hall.
He helped you bring a pack of water up after seeing you struggle with the first one.
“I can- i can just help you with that if you want” he spoke from behind you, and you looked at him breathless.
“oh my god please” you sighed, he quickly took the waters from you and lifted them with ease, you stared at him in shock before opening the door to your apartment.
“You can just set it on the counter” you spoke, starting to take everything out of the grocery bags. “I’m uh i was gonna actually cook dinner tonight, if you want to come- not that you have to! I mean i can just give some to you and you don’t have to come over” you reasoned, rambling to the super soldier.
“I’m busy tonight actually” he spoke and you flushed red.
“Oh yeah no! Of course you being a hero in all, that’s fine! thanks for the water help” you smiled, he returned it before exiting and closing the door.
You scolded yourself, obviously he didn’t want to hang out with you god you were trying too hard.
By the time it hit a month and a half of bucky moving in you had given up, he seemed to be stuck in a funk, constantly brooding and avoiding you at all costs.
You baked some banana bread, adding extra chocolate chips and deciding to give him it and try to cheer him up, making get him out of his funk.
You knocked on his door and he opened it quickly. You smiled at the man and shoved the banana bread into his chest.
“I noticed you were upset and so i thought this would help, extra chocolate chips” you grinned as his face broke into a smile.
You turned to leave but Bucky grabbed your wrist, turning you around to face him.
“i- uh do you wanna come in?” He spoke, his voice wavering.
“I’d love to” you replied, following him into his apartment, a smile on your face as your eyes wandered.
“i know it’s not the best, your place is a lot more furnished” he spoke, setting the banana bread down on the kitchen counter.
“that’s okay, as long as you feel at home is all that matters” you said, smiling at him while he sliced the bread.
“I shouldn’t be doing this” he mumbled, “maybe you should go” he spoke, setting the knife down and looking at him.
“oh” was all you said, not knowing what to do.
“I’m just- fuck, look it’s not you i just” he cut himself off, sighing and squeezing his eyes shut for a second before opening them again.
“bucky it’s fine i can go” you whispered, setting a reassuring hand on his metal one.
He expected you to flinch, turn away at the cold feeling. But you didn’t. You kept your focus on him.
“I don’t want you to” he spoke softly, eyes locking on yours.
“i don’t want you to but you should, because I’m always ruining things, I’m always messing something up. Everyone i love or care about gets hurt- it’s like I’m some dark force that ruins anything good. I cant do that to you y/n” he finished, pulling away.
You debated on giving him space or wrapping your arms around him, you could tell what he needed more.
“I think you’re not as dark as you want people to believe” you spoke simply. Looking at the super soldier square in the eyes.
“You walk around brooding and acting like you hate everyone but in reality i think you’re too scared to let anyone in. You aren’t evil or dark. Youre insecure and scared, you just need someone to show they care but you don’t let anyone do that.”
Bucky looked at you in shock, not even Sam talked to him like that. Your eyes went wide as you realized everything you said.
“I’m sorry i don’t know where that came from- i can leave I’ll go i just- i just want you to know that I’m here, no matter what time it is I’m here” you mumbled, quickly leaving his apartment and going to yours.
Bucky stood there in shock, you were right. Everything you said was right. He was scared, he was terrified of letting someone in only to have them ripped from him. He didn’t want to run after you immediately, he had to think through his feelings.
He showered and changed into some comfy shorts and sitting on the floor next to his couch and turning on a soccer match.
His heart raced, brows furrowing as scenes as the winter soldier played over and over in his head. The sound of a gunshot in his dream made him shoot up. A thin line of sweat on his forehead had formed and he was panting.
He ran to the restroom, washing his face with cool water and listening to the faucet as his breathing steadied.
He checked the clock, 2:25 am. He threw on a cozy black henley and walked next door, he was scared. Knocking softly twice he waited for a second, his advanced hearing picking up on some shuffling inside.
You opened the door, a bat in hand that quickly fell to your side when you saw the state bucky was in.
“oh buck what happened? are you okay?” You asked, instinct taking over as you wrapped your arms around him, leading him to the couch.
“i had a nightmare” he whispered, eyes not leaving the floor.
“do you want to talk about it?” You asked, he shook his head and you nodded. You grabbed a fluffy blanket and handed it to him, giving him the controller to your tv and excusing yourself into the kitchen.
You made two cups of hot chocolate, adding extra marshmallows to his. You carried them carefully to the living room and set them on the table, pushing the one with more marshmallows towards him.
“maybe this’ll help you relax” you smiled and he thanked you, taking a sip. The two of you watching tv in silence, drinking hot chocolate and sitting close together.
By the time it was 3 am you were yawning, tired from your busy day. Guilt rushed over bucky, realizing he had woken you up and you had to be at work early.
“I’m sorry i should go it’s late and-” Bucky started, getting up and you stopped him, pulling him down softly.
“it’s okay, tomorrow’s Saturday” you smiled softly, his mouth forming into an ‘o’ shape.
“You don’t have to leave unless you want to, I’ll stay here for as long as you want” you assured him, placing your hand on his one more time and smiled, eyes soft and heart swelling.
You fell asleep watching tv, Bucky was wide awake, but the steady beat of your heart soon caused him to drift off not long after.
Something changed that night, Bucky became more comfortable around you, inviting you to dinner more and texting you when he didn’t see you. He even had made you banana bread, which he vowed never to do again because it turned out horribly.
You had it bad, you were so whipped for him and he was so whipped for you, both of you harboring a crush and neither of you realized.
It had been three months since bucky moved in, the last month and a half had been a blur. You and Bucky hanging out at any and every chance, going on walks together in the afternoon and even grocery shopping together. You had to museums and taken care of him after mission. You gave him hot chocolate after a nightmare and stayed with him until he fell asleep again.
Bucky helped you de stress, getting you away from paper work when you were too tired and getting you out of the house when you were cooped up during the weekends. He helped you become more confident, complimenting you any chance he got and getting shy around you.
Bucky had another nightmare, and as if instinct he got up, a frown on his face as he knocked twice softly on your door.
“‘M sorry doll” he whispered and you shook your head, holding his hand and leaving him into your room.
You were so tired, you had woke up at 6 am to get to work early after they called you in saying it was urgent. You had spent all day running around getting home later than usual. It was 9 pm by the time you were showered and having dinner.
You had called one of your friends, catching up with them since you missed their call earlier, talking until 2 am when you couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer.
By the time your head hit the pillow you were out, you didn’t know how you even heard buckys soft knocking. But sure enough you got up, and let him in, you lead him to your room without second thought.
You gently shoved him on the bed, moving to the other side and snuggling back under your sheets. “gnight” was all you said before passing out again.
Bucky was shocked, did you trust him that much? Did he really mean this much to you? You were exhausted and yet you still took care of him. His heart melted and he quietly took off his shoes, holding them in his hand as he walked to the couch, laying down and covering himself with the blanket you had given him the first time he came.
Morning came and you came out of your room, Bucky sound asleep on your couch, a fond smile on your face. You began to make the two do you breakfast, as quiet as you could so that you didn’t wake him, luckily he slept through it all.
You shook him softly, whispering for him to wake up when you finished, slowly he got up. Rubbing his eyes as you told him to go sit at table to eat his breakfast.
The two of you eating and chatting, both still tired.
“I didn’t sleep in your bed, i know you took me but i don’t know i felt like you were just too tired to think” he told you, your face burned from how hard you were blushing.
“I did what?” You asked, eyes wide. Bucky only laughed and shook his head.
“I figured you were just too tired to think of anything else so i took myself to the couch” he smiled and you giggled.
“did you sleep well at least?” You questioned and he nodded.
“not as well as i do with you by my side” he smirked and you chocked on your water, coughing at his statement.
“oh my god you- it’s 10 am can i please get a warning” you shrieked and he sat there confused.
“I’m sorry?” He said, both amused and confused.
“I’ll wash the plates!” You spoke quickly, getting up and taking his plate and heading towards the sink.
“I have to go, i have a thing with Sam today” he sighed and you nodded, “okay have fun, good luck and be safe buck” you spoke and he smiled, heading out the door, excited to see you again later.
“No sam like i like her” Bucky spoke, walking besides the man as he looked at something on his phone.
“oh you mean like, like like her” Sam teased, keeping a straight face.
“god i hate you” bucky groaned, regretting ever saying anything to the man.
“well if you like her why don’t you cook her some dinner, or take her to a park for a picnic or something” he shrugged.
“woo her with your charming cyborg mind” Sam smirked and Bucky glared at him.
“i cant- i don’t know how to and plus she probably doesn’t even like me” Bucky began and Sam stopped in his tracks.
“she makes you banana bread, hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and sleeps on the couch to keep you company after you have a nightmare” he spoke, looking at Bucky like he was crazy.
“yes” Bucky stated, brows furrowed.
“oh my god you idiot obviously she likes you” was all Sam said before continuing to walk.
Buckys mind kept drifting to you, did you like him too? Maybe he should take you on a date, you talked about ice skating one time maybe he should take you to a rink, or maybe a museum.
You were exhausted by the time you finished washing dishes, you had barely been sleeping this past couple weeks, always trying to stay awake just in case bucky needed you.
You didn’t mind it, you loved that he trusted you enough to seek comfort in you. Watching movies with him at night to help get his mind off things was your favorite thing, sharing popcorn and eventually he would fall asleep. He was finally getting rest and that’s all that mattered to you.
Your phone dinged as you watched some tv, a text from Bucky.
hi y/n
You smiled, heart pounding and stomach doing flips, you replied after a minute. You didn’t want to seem too eager.
hi buck! i hope all is well w you and sam :]
Buckys heart rate sped up at the site of your text, nervous as he typed out the message.
You saw the three bubbles appear, then disappear and then appear again. Was he okay?
“okay read this” Bucky shoved his phone towards Sam, he nodded in approval.
“no no too much right? let me change it” Bucky shook his head, deleting the text before starting a new one.
“Bucky just-” Sam began but was cut off by Bucky shoving his phone in his face once more.
“Yes bucky it’s good now send it” Sam groaned, just wanting his friend to finally go on a (successful) date.
“I’m gonna change th-” Bucky started, but Sam was faster, snatching the phone out of his hand and pressing send.
“there! now please tell me you know what to wear on a date” Sam pleaded, the silence was the only reply Sam needed.
I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me. I think you’re amazing and wonderful, please let me know- i would’ve waited to ask you in person but i can’t stop thinking
Your face flushed and a smile broke onto your face. Quickly typing out a response.
I would love you bucky
to**** i would love to
You groaned as you read over your texts, god he was gonna back out now, surely. This is the same man who took a month to wave back at his own neighbor for fucks sakes, now you just accidentally told him you loved him?
I’ll pick you up at 6:30 doll :-)
You bit your lip, smiling and jumping around in glee, you could hardly wait.
“okay if it’s just a museum date how about you wear this, and that” Sam spoke, smiling at how Bucky looked in his outfit.
“I’m gonna take her ice skating instead i think” Bucky spoke, and Sam nodded, looking in his closet.
“I’m not letting you near any of my sweaters” Sam spoke and Bucky rolled his eyes.
“i have something back home to wear, thank you Sam” he smiled, pulling him in for a hug. Sam smiled, happy that Bucky was finally finding peace.
Bucky quickly got ready, hopping in the shower and putting on a t shirt and pulling his black Henley over it along with some nice pants.
He checked his clock, 5:47. Enough time for flowers, he rushed out, grabbing everything he needed and heading for the florist.
He remembered how two weeks ago you told him your favorite flowers, gushing about them in your 3 am sleepy haze.
By the time he arrived at your doorstep and hesitated.
“okay, okay, i can do this. just knock, flowers and ice skating!” He smiled to himself, remembering how you were just as nervous when you first brought him banana bread.
He knocked twice on the door, you opened it with a smile. Buckys eyes went wide and his words got stuck in his throat.
You looked beautiful.
“I didn’t know where we were going so i kinda just put on something somewhat casual, i hope that’s okay! If not i can change” you rambled and Bucky blinked rapidly.
“You look beautiful doll” was all he said you blushed, smiling and nodding.
“i got you some flowers” he spoke, nervous to see your reaction.
“you remembered?” you whispered and he nodded,
“how could i not?” your face was burning as you took the bouquet from him, placing them in a vase with some water quickly.
The two of you left the apartment, nervous and giddy to see where the night would take you.
The ice rink was packed, something neither of you expected, and 30 minutes into the line YPU were yawning.
“I’m sorry doll i didn’t know it would be packed” he mumbled and you shook your head.
“i don’t mind I’m just a bit tired is all” you smiled, yawning one more time and apologizing to Bucky.
“Cmon i know what we can do instead” he smiled and you looked at him confused, but he quickly took your hand in his and pulled you out of line and back to his car.
The drive was silent, soft 40s music coming from the speaker as you headed to wherever bucky was taking you.
Before you knew it you were back your apartments, you were confused to say the least but decided to stay quiet and let Bucky guide you.
“Wait here” Bucky smiled, running to his apartment before coming back out with a backpack and taking your hand once again.
“I like to come up here when i need some time alone or just to think” he spoke, clicking on the top floor in the elevator.
You followed him out of the elevator, around the corner and up some stairs, and then you were on the roof. Bucky smiled at you as you saw the sunset over the buildings around you.
You were so busy taking in the view you didn’t see Bucky setting up the picnic infront of you, gasping at the small setup he managed to make.
“It’s not much but-” he started and you shook your head.
“It’s just enough” you whispered, sitting across from him.
The two of you talked until nightfall, smiling the whole time and giggling at each other’s anecdotes.
You were laying on Buckys chest, listening to him talk about the constellations as pointing them out with his metal hand, his other hand was softly running through your hair.
“-and that one is Ursa Minor, the little bear” he continued, listening to your heartbeat as it steadied. You had fallen asleep. Bucky smiled, happy that he could finally return the favor you had done for him every night.
He moved as quickly and quietly as he could, packing up everything into his backpack again. As he headed to pick you up you moved, opening your eyes slightly.
“did i fall sleep?” You mumbled and Bucky smiled, picking you up swiftly and you giggled.
“love when you treat me like a princess” Bucky smiled at your words.
“good thing I’m gonna treat you like one for as long as your mine” he replied, you blushed, fully waking up.
“yours huh?” You smirked and he blushed.
“You can put me down in awake” you smiled and he set you down gently.
“will you be my girl? I promise I’ll treat you like a princess, even promise to never bake again” Bucky smiled, stepping closer to you.
“you make a tough bargain barnes, i think it’s a yes” you smiled, pulling him by the hem of his shirt and placing your lips on his.
The two of you smiled into the kiss, breaking into a fit of laughter halfway through.
“why are you laughing?” You smiled, and he put his hand up in defense.
“you started laughing first!” He defended, pulling you in for another kiss before you could argue back.
You walked to your apartment hand in hand and in comfortable silence.
“I had a really good time tonight bucky” you smiled, turning to the super soldier.
“I had a great time too doll” he grinned and you turned around, unlocking your door. Bucky was already walking to his door when you stopped him.
“You arent gonna come in?” You questioned and he smiled, nodding and following you in quickly.
The rest of the night was spent cuddled up on the couch, hot chocolates in hand and watching your favorite movies on tv.
The two of you fell asleep before the first movie could even finish, you had never felt more well rested in your life. Bucky didn’t have a single nightmare and was the most relaxed he’d been in 80 years.
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yoonlixstars · 3 years
shy- seungmin
genre: Just pure fluff
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x reader
Word count: idk
 Today was Monday, just a normal day at your highschool, which your bestfriend, seungmin, also goes there with you. You two have been friends since childhood. you two met at like 2 or 3 years old. but little did you know, he had a crush on you ever since you met eachother, you did too. but you we’re just too scared to tell him, your were afraid he wouldn’t like you back and it would ruin your strong relationship you had with him. “hey y/n!” his voice rang through your ears and that snapped you out of your thoughts. “oh hey seungmin!” you replied to him in a cheerful tone. happy to see him, “How are you?” As he asked that with his cheerful eyes, you responded with a “Good! And you?” “Im doing good too.” Before Seungmin could speak more. A shout interrupted you both. you looked behind seungmin, and you saw Stray Kids! His other best friends, well your basically best friends with them too. “HEY GUYS!” Shouted jisung, being loud like always. “Bruh shut up, everyone can hear you.” You giggled at their childish behavior. “Anyways, what were you two talking about?” Chan asked with a small smirk on his face, looking at seungmin. The rest of the members were also looking at seungmin like that. They all knew his secret: That he had a crush on you. but they also knew yours: You had a crush on seungmin. they made a promise that they wont tell your secrets. But they also had a plan. “Guys stop, we were just talking.” Right yea, just talking.” Jeongin said, in a playful tone. They all laughed, expect you and seungmin. “why are you all laughing? we were just talking.” You were now curious. “Nah, nah forget it, lets get to class, were late.” Lee know said, not answering your question. The bell rand and all of you walked off. As you were walking to class, Hyunjin walked up to you. “Hi y/n!” you didnt notice him and you had to be honest, it kinda scared you. “Oh hey Hyunjin!” you gave him a smile. “Hey can we talk?” You were now kinda worried, you had never seen him this serious. “Yea whats wrong?” You were super curious now. “When are you gonna tell seungmin?” You were now confused “Tell him what?” “you know that, you like him.” You looked down when he said that. “I really want to, but what if he doesnt like me back?” Hyunjin giggled, knowing seungmin told him that he liked you. “No silly, just tell him.” “I cant, it might ruin our relationship.” Hyunjin sighed hearing that. “Okay fine, but wanna come over to our house?” He asked, as he was now excited. “Sure! Ill be there at 3:00!” “okay then i gotta get to class.” the second bell rung for the people who are tardy. “Yea me too, bye!” hyunjin said bye too. and now you both walked off to your classes. (classes are boring so lets just do a magical time skip.) It was 5:pm already and you just arrived at their house. But the boys had a plan for you and seungmin. Once you walked up to the front of their house. You knocked and Felix answered the door. “Oh hey y/n!” he looked very excited that you were here. And you found it kinda weird. “Hey felix!” “come in, come in.” He said as he moved aside so you can enter. “thanks” You gave him a war smile. You turned to look at the living room, and as you expected. All of the boys were sitting on the couches laughing and making jokes. Until there eyes turned and you caught their attention. Once they saw you, all of them jumped up from the couch, greeted you and gave a hug. “Hey y/n!” Jeongin also sounded very excited you were here. (once again lets do a magical time skip) You all were just chilling in the living room, eating snacks and just talking about random stuff. And jisung said something “Hey y/n can we show you something?” you were kinda suspicious at what they were gonna show you. but you gave in anyways. “Uh, sure what is it?” “right this way please.” Lee Know said as if he was a waiter in a restaurant, all of the boys stood up and started walking somewhere in their house. (a short magical time skip) you got there and there was a door, “what is this?” Seungmin asked, as he knew nothing about what they were about to do. they opened it up and it was just a regular room, they grabbed seungmin and put him infront of the door, they did the same with you. “Uhm, what are you guys doing?” Seungmin asked, sounding a little weird, while you were suspicious of what the boys were trying to do. “nothing, youll see.” I.N said, smiling from ear to ear. They pushes both you and seungmin in the room. They screamed like girls trying to close the room. “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!” you shouted running up to the door, wanting to keep it open before they could lock it. “HAHA HAVE FUN CONFESSING TO EACHOTHER IN THERE!” Screamed felix, “BYEEEEEEE” lee know also screamed sounding like a dying rat. you were banging on the door. just shouting, meanwhile seungmin was really thinking if he should confess or not, but he did. he grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around. “y/n, i think its time i say the truth. ever since we were kids i really liked you, and i ahve kept it for years, and i still like you, i mean, love you.” When he finshed saying that you were speechless but also shocked. You couldnt say a word, but you responded by kissing him. he was shocked for a few seconds, but gladly responded to your kiss. He pulled away first and asked “Does this mean you like me back?” “Of course silly!” Before you or him could say anything else. The door busted open, “BRUH NO WAY THEY FINALLY CONFESSED!!!!!!!” Hyunjin was shouting while jumping around. all of te boys cheered and congratulated you. you and seungmin just chuckled at them. and yall lived happily ever after. the end-
okay, this story sucks. but i wrote it because i saw a story about seungmin so it gave me the idea. anyways yea oky bye
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ankhisms · 4 years
ok so I've been going thru Some Shit, and like I started therapy around 4 months ago and it's been helping me think and reflect about who I am and what I want, but at the same time I'm really scared of bad things happening to me and losing people I love, so idk . these last months I've barely talked to more than 3 people and I'm just thinking about if maybe it wouldn't be better if I just. isolated myself. like I'm already too traumatized to ever have pets again, I know I'll never find a partner, i already don't want to have kids, I just need to push away anyone who tries to come closer right? I caught myself thinking "I just need to make the friends I have rn hate me and give up on me" and like I'm well aware that's probably not the right thing to do but I'm just to tired and scared, and if I have to picture a future, I'm always alone in it. and idk maybe it's just better that way. my therapist said I have a drive to take care of people and things but like. I've failed so many times shouldn't I just stop? I don't wanna go through this again. I shouldn't be going through this right now I'm so tired.
sorry its taken me a bit to reply, i honestly really relate to this and have had a similar experience so i wanted to be able to express my thoughts & feelings on how isolating myself has hurt me clearly.
i think that when weve been traumatized it makes sense to our brain to think "i just have to not try again, i have to retreat and not engage with anyone" because in our minds thats what we think will keep ourselves and or other people safe.
but in reality isolating ourselves from others does nothing good for us or for the people around us. when we isolate ourselves we are depriving ourselves of human connection and of the basic needs that are fulfilled through connecting with other people, but at the same time were scared of the trauma that has come from interacting in the past and so we convince ourselves that starving ourselves of human interaction is for the best. its not. even if you cant believe me right now i promise you that isolating yourself is not the right answer and its only going to hurt more, and you never deserve any pain.
its scary to think about the future, even for people who havent experienced a huge amount of trauma it can be daunting! and connecting with other people can be scary too, its scary to test the waters with someone new youve met especially after youve isolated yourself for a while. but you know what else? its worth it. its worth it to risk being scared, its worth it to put yourself out there and its worth it to possibly fail because yknow what its ok if things dont work out!! it really is!! its alright if something goes wrong, its alright if you make a mistake, its alright if you have a disagreement with a friend or if you guys drift apart, its all okay and its all a normal part of life.
no one is perfect and no one knows all the answers about life and about how to navigate through human interactions. all i can tell you for sure is that human beings are meant to connect with one another and meant to form bonds, were a very social species and we would not have survived this far if it werent for our inate ability to care for one another and to connect with each other.
i promise you that for every interaction that you feel bad about or that you feel like you messed up there will be another interaction in the future that can be a good one. you havent even met all the people who will love you in life yet, and the friends you have now dont want you to push them away. they want you to be safe and happy and they want you to be in your lives because we all have an impact on one another and on each others lives no matter how close we may be to each other. its hard and it takes effort to connect, there might be times where things dont work out but you deserve to have people in your life who will support you and cheer you on.
im still really struggling with the idea that anyone could ever love me romantically and its hard to picture someone wanting me as a partner because of that so i know what you mean when you mentioned feeling like youll never find a partner. something ive been trying to remind myself is to not give up on myself or on opportunities/paths in life before ive even tried them, and to not expect myself to be perfect at whatever im doing right off the bat. dont give up on yourself ok? you never know who youre going to meet and you are absolutely always worthy of love and loveable as you are.
sorry this got a little long, please take care of yourself and dont shut yourself out from everyone else ok? i believe in you
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sauveteen · 6 years
Need You | s.m
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just.... angst (no this isn’t a series i just wanted to use a name kay) check the tags for a trigger warning PLEASE!
Teresa’s always been half a step behind on everything. Whether it was puberty and growing boobs overnight, finding a boyfriend, having her first kiss and eventually her first time, she was always the ‘It’ll happen, don’t worry’, or the ‘I’m sure you’ll find someone’ kind of a gal. Now, as she climbs up the stairs to her dorm, keys spinning around her fingers, whistling the tune to a country song, she realises that she’s half a step behind on life, too. She dressed up and she put on makeup and she did her hair and came back without anyone by her side and that isn’t fair, is it? Teresa, of all people, deserves someone walking her home. She deserves someone waking up next to her and not hating her for drooling all over their pillow. She deserves to come home to a funny, and if God’s gracious enough, cute guy.
She shakes her head, laughs a little at the joke her life’s become, and steps onto the landing of her floor. And then she stops in her steps, does a double take, and stares. (She might have gawked a little too, if she’s being honest.) When she said she that she deserved to come home to a cute, funny guy, she didn't mean Shawn. Well. Shawn’s funny, at times, and he's admittedly cute, too, but he looks like he's several steps behind on everything, more than she is, and that kind of upsets Teresa a little. She stands there a moment, watching his hunched figure, his blotched face and and his tear stained cheeks and the curls he'd obviously been running his hands through and thinks Fuck, I’m going to cry.
He hasn't noticed her yet, she assumes. He's staring at a wall and his eyes have this absent look in them and her heart’s beating against his chest because someone's hurt him. Someone's hurt him so, so, so terribly bad and for some godforsaken reason he's at her door and she's going to have to look at his face and pretend like she's okay. She isn't. She can't see people hurt, and if he's here then he either expects her to console him or talk to him or listen to him and. And Teresa's terrible at every single one of those things. She's good at whistling through her nose and blowing bubblegum bubbles and aligning frames just right without having to use a leveller but God is she terrible at all things emotional.
It's Shawn, though, and she considers him a friend. He has to consider her one too, if he's unabashedly upset and on her doorstep, so she silently closes the distance between the two. Takes her heels off at the stairs, and tiptoes her way over to her room. Shawn blinks, then, and looks up at her. And then his face twists, and sure, he might be the one crying, but she's the one whose heart twists into itself.
“I'm drunk,” Shawn admits, wobbly chin making her head hurt. He mumbles a little, reaching out to tug at the bottom of her dress. Teresa kneels in front of him, placing her heels on the floor, and pretends like she knows what she's doing. She doesn't. She doesn't even know why Shawn's here, of all places, since he has other, better friends and they barely know each other, but there's little she can do about it. She's The Chosen One tonight. She never knew a reference from her favourite book could leave such a bad taste in her mouth.
“Yeah, Tess.” Tess. He's never called her that before, has he? Has he ever called her anything apart from Acosta or dumbass? She doesn’t think so. “I'm so drunk.”
“Did you get lost?” She doesn't know what to do with her hands. Should she reach for his face, should she hold his hand, should she play with the strings of his hoodie? She doesn't know. Fuck. When Shawn reaches towards her, though, fingers brushing along her knuckles, she turns her palm upwards and interlaces their fingers. Good. He's doing most of the work.
“No.” He says, and then sniffs. Her lips pull down in a frown, and she decides that she's going to be here a while, so Teresa folds her legs under herself, and she listens to him talk. “I— I didn't get lost. I. Tess—” His voice breaks, and his head drops. Softly, as if ashamed, he mutters, “I need you.”
Teresa isn't going to lie. If there's one thing that life's taught her, it's to always be honest to herself. And to be honest, she's a little confused. A lot confused, actually. Sure, she considers them friends, and sure, he bought her coffee once, but that's it. That's all it ever was, all that it ever was supposed to be. A friend from class who she occasionally swapped notes with and asked for pens. But he's here now, and she can tell he's trying to push his tears back in, and he says he needs her. He doesn't know her, and he probably only knew where her dorm was because he stole her binder and had to return it, but he needs her right now. And she has to be there for him, no matter how confused she is or how rough the carpet feels under her bare legs. She squeezes his hand, though, because she feels like that's a good start. Her words fail her, and she finds the fact that she writes as a passion a little ironic at the moment, but he squeezes her hand back and that's all the assurance she needs.
“Do you—” Teresa clears her throat, unsurely brushing the back of his hand with her thumb. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
Well fuck, then. What next?
“Shawn,” Teresa places two fingers under his chin because that's how it is in the movies, and she tips his head up to look at him better. “You need to tell me what's wrong.”
“I— I can’t.” He sniffles, and then he chuckles, and she'd be confused if his previous claim hadn't hit her again. He's hurt, sure, but he's drunk. “She made me promise.”
“Who's she?”
“My girlfriend.” Shawn says this, and then his eyes widen a little. He sucks a breath in, leans away from her, and takes his bottom lip between his teeth. Giggles emptily. “I meant my ex. I think. I don't know.”
“Did she—” Teresa doesn't know how she's supposed to ask something like this. She tips her head forward, finding his other hand and folding their hands together on his lap, and continues solemnly, “Did she hurt you, Shawn? Are you hurt?”
“I can't say. M’not allowed to. She said that. I'm not allowed to tell you, Tess.”
“You're crying.”
“Yes. Was. M’not crying anymore, see?” Just as he claims that, a tear rolls down his cheek, and Teresa gingerly thumbs it away. She hopes that the Gods that are pulling the strings at this very moment are enjoying the show, because really, she isn't. She's so close to tears that one might mistake her for the victim. “Won’t cry over her.” A sob rakes through his body. Shawn lurches forward, heaving as if he needs to throw up, and tightens his hold on Teresa. His head finds purchase on her shoulder, warm breath fanning against her skin. Unsurely, she reaches for the back of his head, pulling him into herself. If she couldn't feel his tears on her skin or his laboured breath against her shoulders then maybe, maybe she would've joked about the awkwardness of it all, but she can't. Not right now. Right now, Shawn needs her.
“Wanna play a game, Shawn?” Shawn shakes his head, curls brushing along the tops of her shoulders, but she persists. When she thinks comfort, she thinks two things: her mom’s cream cheese sandwich and her stupid, stupid game.
“What's your name, Shawn?”
“You're so stupid,” He mutters. His lips brush against her skin and she jolts a little, but he speaks again. “I was so stupid.”
“Hi, Shawn, I'm Teresa. Who's your favourite singer?”
Shawn doesn't reply. She scratches the back of his head, resisting the urge to instinctively kiss his temple, and guesses for him, “John Mayer? Me too. Love the guy. Dad material. What's your favourite book?”
Shawn doesn't answer, and she doesn't expect him to, but his breathing evens out after a while. She expects him to let go, but he holds onto her like he expects her to continue, like her mom's makeshift questionnaire isn't a stupid shenanigan she made up for her stubborn daughter but something that actually makes him feel better. Teresa humours him, rubbing a hand up and down his back, and asks, “Why are you here, Shawn?”
His face is resting on her shoulder now, not against it, so when he whispers she hears it clear as day. “My friends can't know.”
“Know what?”
“Why we broke up. If. If we broke up, then why. She cares too much, what people think.” Teresa’s about to ask him why his friends can't know, but he speaks again, and she swallows her words and wishes she would've choked on them. “She cares about everything. And everyone. She— she pretends to care about charities. Doesn't even like puppies.”
Teresa’s lips pull down in a frown. “That's not very nice, Shawn.”
“Yeah,” he exhales heavily through his nose, pulling away, and decidedly wipes at his face. Teresa wants to tell him it's futile because the waterworks are still wild and he's still crying, but. But she doesn't. “I'm sorry. She's… allowed to fall out of love.”
“Mhmm,” she rubs a hand down his arm, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. She wishes she knew what happened. She wishes she could hug him better, and maybe whip him up a cream cheese sandwich, but it isn't Teresa that Shawn needs. It's an outlet, a dumping ground. And all things considered, Teresa’s weirdly okay with being a dumping ground if it helps someone heal.
“I just— Tess.” He chokes back a sob, running a hand through his hair, fruitlessly tugging at the roots. His face is flushed, and when he moves the neckline of his tee to hunt for a necklace, she sees that so is the rest of him. He's hurting so bad that he looks sick, and so Teresa isn’t surprised when her lip quivers a bit. It's like he's struggling to form a sentence, and when he does, he mumbles it. Like he's admitting it to her, but he wishes he didn't have to. “I… I wish she'd cared about me.”
Teresa’s always been a little overdramatic, but when she says that her heart literally breaks into two at how shattered he sounds, she isn't exaggerating. All soul, all vigour leaves him then, and he defeatedly falls against the wall. Fixes her with an empty stare. “I deserved it.”
“Oh, Shawn,” Teresa whispers, finding herself between his parted legs, hands gently cupping his face. She wipes his tears away, trying ignore how hot his skin feels under hers. She hopes to God he isn't running a fever, and shuffles closer, “Don't say that.”
“It's what she said. I deserved it.”
Teresa’s lost. She doesn't know this girlfriend, and even if she did, how does one respond to that? Who says that, though? Who says that when you've just broken up? Right, she realises not long after, Shawn doesn't even know if he's broken up or not.
His lips part, and Shawn draws in a laboured breath. He's looking at her face, but he isn't there. She can't reach him, even though he's physically in her hands. This entire ordeal has done fucked him up, Teresa concludes. “Do you think.” He blinks, struggling to keep his eyes open. “That she ever loved me?”
He deserves honesty. After what he’s been through and what she knows he’ll continue going through, she owes him that. “I don’t know, Shawn.” She whispers, eyebrows scrunching together, “I wish I did. I so badly wish I did. But listen to me, okay? Whatever happened, you didn’t deserve it, okay? Nobody deserves anything that hits them this hard.” Shawn’s head dips, like he’s trying to deflect. Like he doesn’t believe her. “No, no, Shawn. Listen to me.” She brings his face back up, and she realises that maybe, maybe she was shit at consoling people because she never cared about them. It was always sympathy, never empathy. She realises that now because as she sits there, trying to get him to listen, Teresa feels herself physically coming apart, too. Shawn didn’t deserve this, and he should know that.
“Hi, Shawn, can you hear me? Check check.” She jokingly taps his ear, and he leans into her touch. “Listen to me. I don’t care what she said, alright? I don’t care. You’re my friend and you don’t owe me jackshit yet you’ve always, always been the nicest guy around. You’ve walked me to the building when I was too scared of the dark, you’ve brought extra pens to class because you know I always forget mine, you finished my essay because I fell asleep on my desk after a rough day. Normal guys don’t do that. They don’t do shit if there isn’t something there for them, and yet you always have. You deserve nothing but happiness. Shawn. Do you believe me?” She sniffs, willing herself to continue. “You only deserve love.”
“No.” He tips his head back on the wall, letting his eyes flutter shut. “No, m’nothing but a pretty face. No personality. I get pushed around. What guy lets themself get pushed around? Just a pretty face, nothing else.”
“I.. I got punched, once.” He looks her in the eye this time, and Teresa falls back on the floor, bringing her knees up to her chest. Dumping ground, she reminds herself. She needs to let him vent. “And I— I could’ve hit him back. She said that. She said I could’ve hit him back, and I should have. But I didn’t want to. That guy, he… he looked terrible. He’d had a rough day, I could tell. I didn’t want to add to it?”
“That makes you a good guy, not a pushover.”
“No. Real guys don’t take fists to the face and walk away. Only pretty, pushover guys do.”
“That isn’t you talking. It’s her.”
“But she’s right, isn’t it? This wouldn’t have happened if I was a man. She wouldn’t have gone to him and—”
Teresa’s eyes widen, somewhat in realisation, but more so in pain. He’s been cheated on. She isn’t sure, and she’ll probably never be, but it all makes sense now. Why he kept saying he deserved it. Why he couldn’t tell his friends. Why he looks like he’d dressed up for a date, but is outside of her dorm, crying. It all makes a little too much sense, and she finds herself struggling to breathe as she watches him gulp painfully.
“Shawn, buddy, why are you here? Where’s Oliver?”
Shawn’s best friend. Shawn’s supposed to be crying with him, not her. Where is he?
“He—I, we..” And when Shawn scrunches his nose, squeezing his eyes shut to press his tears in, Teresa knows. She knows, and she fucking hates it. “We’re— not… talking. Anymore.”
“Oh my God,” The words fall out of her lips in muted whispers, but she knows Shawn hears. He knows that she knows too, now, and he thought it might come as a relief. It’s all easier if she knows. He doesn’t have to lie, he’s tired of lying, he’s tired of having to pretend like he’s okay. But he sees the switch in her demeanour. He sees her eyes go from empathetic to pitiful, and he knows he’s blown it. He doesn’t what he was expecting any way. For her to hug him better? To make him the cream cheese sandwich she once told him about? He’s so stupid. He’s so stupid and he knows he won’t ever stop blaming himself for what happened, but when Teresa reaches over to pull him into his arms, he lets her. He allows himself to breathe her in and hold her close because he isn’t sure when he’ll have this again. Shawn doesn’t know if he’ll find the warmth that Teresa emanates, the warmth that she used to emanate, without stupidly breaking his own heart again. He doesn’t know, for now, all he knows is that he was unworthy of her. Unworthy of her love, and that he deserved it.
He cries into Teresa’s shoulder, and when he’s all out, he’s so sure he hears her crying too.
im not tagging people because this shit is pretty useless lmao iefmv 
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imaginetyzx · 4 years
“If you wanted to go on a date, you could have just asked.” wwwiiiiiith...... heh.... kyoya. Totally not obsessed, reigenquest
ahhhh very late but here we go! im winging it here
(oh btw were like. rewinding my age for the sake of plot. pretend im just fresh into 18)
The only thing luckier than the fact I got into Ouran was that I was able to convince them to let me have a boys uniform. The only thing is, I’m not out to my family, so when I leave for school I wear the girls uniform, and then change in the bathroom when I get there. Thanks to this, not only does almost everyone use he/him for me, but I also met the Host Club. It’s surprising I never heard about it though, considering I’m a third year.
Well, I’m not conventionally attractive, so it really isn’t surprising. Not rich either.
Anyways, that's where I'm headed right now. The Host Club. At first, I was only visiting as a guest, but the dramatic blonde 2nd year insisted I join. Even I was hesitant about it. I’m not that attractive, honestly I’m not special.
“Nonsense! I’ve never seen anyone like you! Each member of the Host Club caters to a specific type that girls like to see, and you are unique and unlike the rest of us!” He cheered.
“How?” I ask.
He started explaining the types of the other members. ‘Boy Lolita, Brotherly Love, Cool, etc etc.’
“You’re obviously the Nerdy type!” He shouted at me.
Well shit, he ain’t wrong. No arguing with that.
Besides, Haruhi was in there (somehow) so I caved and said yes.
Let's get to the point. I’ve been in the Host Club since early in the year. I would say November-ish. It’s April now. I definitely have a crush on Kyoya. I cannot deny any longer. Problem is, he never really shows interest in anyone. So I am just living my life the way I always have, having a crush that I’m positive won’t be returned, so I just sit quietly until it disperses.
I open the door to the music room and zip in as fast as possible, because I know I’m late. Had some work to do. It’s fine. I’m nowhere near as popular as Tamaki and the others so it’s fine.
After attending to some visitors, the room starts to clear out.
I check my phone.
“Oh, wow, it’s still early. Anyone wanna come to the mall with me? I need to buy a couple things.” I say out loud, as an invitation. I rarely do this, but every once in a while I like to humor them and let them explore other places that aren’t rich-centric. Is that a term? EnRICHed? Haha.
“I’m fine, thanks.” Haruhi pipes up. Since she declined, Tamaki dragged on his answer for a couple minutes.
He said no.
“Sorry. Mitsukuni has to uh. Brush his teeth. And do laundry.” Mori-senpai very clearly makes up an excuse. I’m not sure why, though.
“Well we would LOVE to come, but I think k-” Hikaru is speaking until Haruhi slaps her hand over his mouth. Thank you.
“I’ll come.” Kyoya speaks softly as usual.
Wait did he say yes? What?
“Oh! Really?” I say, obviously taken aback. Of all people to possibly say yes, Kyoya? What is he up to?
He nods, walking away to gather his stuff. This is crazy. I don't know if I can do this.
Bzzt Bzzt! My phone?
[txt.haruhi]: youll be fine!
We get to the mall and I’m already finding it hard to make small talk. 
“So, why did you want to come along with me?” I ask him. He's several inches taller than me, but not many, so I hardly have to lift my head to talk.
“I was here once with Haruhi, and I didn’t have much free roam, since I had been brought here against my will, and without any money. I wanted to come back more prepared this time so I could properly observe.” He talks blankly, showing no signs of ulterior motive. Maybe he wanted to spend time with me but won't admit it either? Probably not.
We spend a little while walking around and mostly browsing. A few times we stopped because I found something on my list, or because someone recognized Kyoya. 
Some time passed and I felt my stomach rumble.
“Ahh, we should eat something! There’s a fancy place on the roof we could go to if you’d like!”
“Then I assume I’m paying? You don’t have enough money left for that place after your other purchases.” He is right. Wait, has he been keeping track of the money in my wallet?! Jeez! I know I’m not rich, but I’m not dirt poor either!
“Er-well…” I’m frozen. I did intend on paying for at least part of his food, but he’s right. I would only have enough for one small dish up there.
“Let’s just go here. It’s just food.” He gestures to a nearby fast food station and starts walking over to it, obviously not taking no for an answer.
I look over the menu, picking the cheapest options of what I like. He either hears my mumbling, or can read my damn mind, because when there’s only one person in front of us he speaks.
“Tell me what you’re getting. I’ll pay.” He doesn’t move except for turning his head back to me.
“No it’s okay really, I can afford this m-” Before I can finish, he has turned around and faced me with a glare. It’s not necessarily a threatening glare, more of a ‘this will take less time, just do it’ kind of look. I cave, give him my order and go pick a table.
A few minutes later, he comes back with two trays and sets mine down in front of me. 
"Thank you!" I say, he simply nods and starts eating. It's...odd. He seems…relaxed. Well not normal relaxed. More like he isn't putting on a nice guy act like he normally does. 
"If you wanted to go on a date, you could have just asked." He says, putting down his food for a moment before taking a sip of his drink. 
Excuse me. The fuck. Did he just say. 
"W-w-what? I wasn't thinking of that! I just had to go to the mall and thought I would offer anyone in the club to come with me!" I defended myself. To be fair, it did originally start off as innocent plans. Then the twins had to overhear me of course, so it was all downhill from there. 
"Even so, it's obvious that Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai made up an excuse to make it more likely you'd end up alone with someone. Or when Hikaru was about to say something but Haruhi cut him off. I saw you give her a nod."
"I swear it wasn't intended that way! But I will admit, I am glad with how things turned out…" My voice got quieter the more I spoke. Idiot! I'm practically confessing my love right now! Shut up! 
"Why?" Kyoya asks. What? 
"Why what?" I say in return. 
"Why were you happy about it being just us?" He sounds genuinely curious. 
I sigh. There's no turning back here, if I tried to play it off he would see right through me. 
"When I first came to the Host Club, back when I was just a visitor, you were my favorite. At the time I couldn't pinpoint why. I mean obviously, you're good looking, but then again all of the Host Club is. I just had a feeling. Then, after getting to know everyone, I felt myself feeling the same way, but amplified. I'd go to bed at night thinking about the conversations we had that day, or wondering if you were asleep already, it was bizarre." I pause, to sip my drink. I'm afraid I'm babbling, but I don't know how to stop. I could talk about why I like him for hours. 
"But in terms of today, uh, we don't really get the chance to spend time together outside of school or the club room, so I was just really excited! You're r-" Somehow while I was talking, he took both of our empty trays and put them above the trash. He caught me off guard and cut off my sentence by grabbing my wrist, making me stand up, and started walking, trailing me behind him. 
Where did this come from? Where is he taking me? Oh god did I annoy him by talking too much? I do that sometimes. 
Kyoya takes me out of the mall, and to a random area right next to the mall. It's kinda like a tiny park, but just full of plants and benches. He brings us over to a bench and sits down, still holding my wrist, pulling me to sit down too. 
"Is everything okay? Why did we come all the way out he-" I don't let my concern show on my face, until he interrupts me. 
"Shut up, please." Before I can even reply to that, he kisses me. 
Well fuck! 
It's not a hard kiss, but it's definitely succeeding in making me shut up. He backs away after a moment and I'm frozen in shock. 
He grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze before letting go and standing up. 
"I think that went well. We can do this again sometime." He turns around to face me, and smiles, before walking away. 
It wasn't a smirk, exactly, more of a happy grin? 
That's the important part. 
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scullyy · 6 years
Title: C+L
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1455
Summary: Clementine tries to explain to AJ what love is and ends up explaining her feelings for Louis.
A/N: I kept thinking to myself ‘what if this happened during the party’ and I couldn’t get it out of my head. I also needed to write some happy to forget about everything I witnessed in Episode 3. I hope you enjoy this simple fluff :)
There was something about the music, the way it filled every crevice and crack, that excited AJ. It was his first every party, it seemed like a new realm. The walls no longer appeared to be caked in grime and dried blood but a rather lovely shade of purple that his eyes hadn’t been introduced to. “Jazz” as Clem had called it, made AJ want to twirl around in circles till he fell from the dizziness.
“Why is it called jazz?” He asked Louis, the man seemed to know the most about music.
Louis was tapping his feet along to the tune, he would have preferred classical but Clem was bobbing her head along in time with his feet, so it was worth it. “I believe it’s slang that translates to ‘spirit’ or ‘vigor’ from the 1860s’.”
“It sounds cool, I like it.” AJ smiled as he began to bop his head along with Clem. Team Fun had now somehow become mediocre dance trio. “Hey Clem, can we dance?” He twirled the tip of his toe into the floor, nerves bouncing through him.
Clementine beamed. “Of course goofball.” She gently took AJ by his little hand and swung him into the centre of the room. “Do you want to lead?”
AJ blinked slowly. “Lead?”
“Here, stand on my feet,” AJ did as he was told, his toes poking Clem’s ankles. “I’ll lead us this time. One day I’ll teach you how to dance properly.” She began to sway slowly back and forth, stepping around in tiny circles.
AJ giggled as the room swirled, the other kids becoming a blur. “Why do people dance Clem?’
“Some people find it fun, others do it to show their love for another person.” Her eyes fluttered over to Louis, who was leaning against the side of his piano, his smile bursting with pure light as he watched Clementine.
“Love? There other kinds of love?”
Clementine nodded. “There are many reasons to love someone AJ. For their looks, personality, sometimes their status-”
“-what’s that?”
“It’s like how popular you are. Sometimes people only love others for how well known they are, which isn’t fair.”
AJ soaked in the knowledge. “So there are wrong reasons to love someone?”
She lifted up his body and spun him around in the air. “Yeah, there are. Promise me that if you ever fall in love it’ll be for the right reasons.”
The idea of being in love never crossed AJ’s mind. He loved Clem, wasn’t that enough? “But how will I know?”
Clementine gazed into his large eyes, they twinkled like the lights around them. “Because you’ll want to do everything you can for that person. You’ll want to see them happy, even in a world like this.”
AJ smirked, happy in the fact that his love for Clem was right. Seeing her happy, after everything they had been through together, was enough for AJ to be happy also.
Her toes began to pinch beneath his weight, he was heavier than she originally thought. “Hey AJ, can we stop for a bit?”
“Okay,” He huffed, hopping back onto the solid ground. AJ caught Louis smiling at Clementine, he appeared to be caught in some kind of dream. AJ shifted his focus onto the grand piano, maybe Louis could play a song for everyone? His eyes travelled along the keys until he noticed a peculiar shape. “Clem, what’s that on the piano?”
She turned to where his finger was pointing, her blood going cold as her eyes focused on the carving. Her special carving from a special night. “Oh, it’s...uh…”
“What’s C+L?”
Clementine frantically waved her hand at Louis, snapping him out of his fantasy world. She directed her head towards the piano, trying to articulate what she was trying to point out. He understood alright, biting his lip softly.
“C+L?” Now it was Ruby’s turn to be curious, she set down the mystery crate and crept up alongside Clementine. “What does that mean?”
Louis tried to stifle his laughter. “Do you want to tell them or shall I grace them with the news?”
Goddamn him and his nonchalant nature.
By now all the other kids had gathered around the piano. “Tell us what?” AJ asked, his eyes darting back and forth between Clem and Louis, his patience was wearing thin.
Clementine wanted to sink into her hat and hide. This was not how she wanted to tell the others, especially AJ. “Louis and I...you could say that we’re a thing now.” She flinched when Ruby squealed in her ear.
“When did this happen?!”
“That’s crazy!”
“This is amazing.”
She looked across at Louis, who was nodding along to what their friends had to say. It was crazy and utterly amazing. “I’d say it’s more than ‘a thing’. It happened the night the raiders came, this charmer admitted her burning feelings for me.” Louis placed a hand over his heart and squeezed his shirt lightly.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” She rebuffed his lies. “You’re the one who named a song after me.”
The hopeless romantic in Ruby was absolutely bounding around inside her heart. “Y’all are adorable!”
“I can’t believe Louis got a girlfriend!” Willy shouted. He and Mitch would joke for hours on how Louis would be the last of the group to find a girl, let alone one who would be remotely interested in him.
Clementine raised an eyebrow at her small friend. “Girlfriend?”
“You bet your ass, Willy.” Louis hollered, the death stare from Clem was worth it.
AJ tried to figure it out. He loved Clem, so did Louis love her in the same way? Did he love her for her personality? Was she considered pretty to him? “Do you love Clem?”
Louis almost choked on nothing, coughing up his buried embarrassment. “I know that I like her, a lot. Who knows what the future holds little dude.”
Clementine held her own hand and gave it a tight squeeze as the room filled with a choir of “Oooooh”.
AJ was still confused. Maybe this was a type of love that Clem hadn’t explained yet. “So you two like each other, like Violet and Minnie did?”
A hush fell over the room as the kids eyed down Clementine and Louis. “Yeah AJ. Violet and Minnie were dating, just like Clem and I are.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Ruby pat Clem on the back. “Somehow you two managed to find romance in the middle of all this. That’s darn impressive.”
Clementine felt a wave of peace come over her, no one was turning it into as big of a deal as she thought. “You guys are taking this better than I thought.”
“Well, we had a feeling,” Tenn mumbled. “You guys act the same way Minnie and Violet did when they were first dating.”
“God, we’re not that obvious,” The unconvinced glances didn’t cure the sinking feeling in her stomach. “Right?” Clementine never expected to have her feelings exposed like this, by a child nonetheless.
Louis ran a hand through his hair. “If you didn’t want to be obvious, why did you carve our initials in a heart on my piano?” Now it was his turn to tease his sweet Clem. She was so cute when in a flustered state.
There was so explanation, her words spluttered out of her mouth. Clementine couldn’t lie to herself, Louis and his devilish charms were part of the reason as to why she likes him, why she wants the world to know that they belong together. There was also his kind heart, unique sense of humour...out of this world good looks...wait what point was she trying to make again?
“Alright let’s leave these two alone now,” Ruby turned back to the box set upon the ground and sat beside it. “I found them. Okay Clementine, these here are our official Ericson’s psych evaluations and probationary reports.”
Clementine stood over her, eyeing the box. “Okay.”
“I don’t get it.” Said AJ with a cross look on his face. What was the big deal about a box full of papers?
“Well, these explain why all of us got sent to this school in the first place.” Despite the information that some of the records held, Ruby was keen to go down memory lane.
Louis nabbed himself a spot on the floor. “And how we got stuck here for as long as we did.”
“So, what’s the game?” Clementine humoured Ruby and sat beside Louis.
“I figured if we’re all going on this crazy mission together, you might as well know who we really are. Especially now that Louis is your boyfriend.” Ruby winked at the lovebirds.
Louis gazed at Clem, appreciating how the purple light fell upon her face. “Boyfriend and girlfriend, I like the sound of that.”
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maxhoemo · 6 years
Chicago - 1923 
It was a cold, crisp evening in February. The snow blew in the harsh wind, cutting the skin like a knife. Women struggled to trudge up the sidewalk, turning up the collars of their fur coats over their eyes. 
Ian Carter, from the comfort of his automobile, laughed as he lit up a cigar. “Ya’ imagine walkin’ in this, Chet?” he asked one of his goons.
“Ech. No way...” The sleazy right-hand shook his head. 
“Come on boss,” said his driver. “Don’t ya’ feel a little sorry for em’?”
“I aint got no sympathy for a dame in a mink coat. She can afford not to walk, she’s just too stupid. Or proud... I’ll tell ya’ who I feel sorry for... Them,” He pointed out the window. A handful of people stood at the corner. This particular corner was well known to a certain segment of society. “Hookers and Gunsels... Them’s the ones with no choice.”
“Ya’ got a big heart, boss.”
“I do. Don’t I?” Ian agreed, leaning back in his seat. “Speaking of my big heart, after dinner I’ve got a certain act of, uhh, charity... I wanna conduct over on 11th. If you know what I mean.”
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
“I’m sure you don’t....” Max answered, a little more snippy then he intended. He hated cleaning up after these drunks! But he knew he had to help with the family business... And earn money other ways... Prohibition had not been kind to his family. His grandfather’s Australian style pub had been a huge hit when he’d first come over, but the outlawing of alcohol had nearly sent them all to the poor house. Max had been wearing the same stained old work shirt for a year now. Maybe longer. And those thugs... Those thugs who sold his father hooch at jacked up prices and threatened him and skimmed his earnings...! Those dogs got to live the high life! It made Max’s blood boil! He didn’t even notice how rough he was suddenly scrubbing the table. Shaking his head, he threw the rag back into the bucket and went to get some clean water.
As he was filling his bucket, he heard a sudden commotion. He raced out from the back. It was those goons! Coming to threaten his father again. “Hey!” Max called. “Leave him alone!” He tried pulling his dad back, out of their grip but it was no use.
“Max, please, stay out of this...” His father begged. 
“No! I’m not gonna let them hurt you again!” 
“Ya’ think yer tough, daffy boy?” One goon asks. Max was about to make a smart remark when he found his face inches away from the end of a switchblade. 
“Don’t!” His father cried.
Max was just frozen in place.
“Oh Man! That was some good corn!”
“Right here,” Ian instructed his driver. “I want this place for myself...” He adjusted his jacket before stepping inside. His chest puffed out and his men on either side of him. He didn’t expect to step into the middle of a commotion.
“Hey!” he shouted. His loud booming voice enough to intimidate the two goons.
“Shit...” One mumbled.
“Hey...” The other spoke up. “This place is Vinny’s territory.”
“Not anymore it aint. Now make tracks. Unless the two of you want a couple of Chicago overcoats, huh?”
“Vinny’ll hear about this...” One threatened as they left.
“Yeah. Tell him all about it...” Ian turned back to the owner. “You okay?”
The younger one, he just shook his head and looked down. 
“What kid, no thank you?” Ian teased. But the boy turned around and walked away. 
Max just wanted all of these types of people out of his life. Though he knew that was impossible as long as his family was on the wrong side of the law. He sat down at an empty table. Running his hands through his hair, he let out a deep exhale. He took a cigarette from his pocket and placed it between his lips. But as luck would have it, he was out of matches.
“Need a light?”
Max looked up. It was him. “Go away.”
Ian didn’t respond. As usual, Ian did what he pleased. Taking a seat beside Max he lit his cigarette for him with his lighter.
Max took a puff, raising an irritated eyebrow at the man. The smoke billowing around his delicate features. 
“Look,” Ian said. “I just wanna talk to you.”
“Well, I don’t wanna talk to you.”
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
Max’s face fell. “No,” he hissed in a stern voice.
“Sure I do,” Ian went on. Flashing his famous smile. “Up on the street corner. I wouldn’t forget a pretty face like yours.”
Max clenched his teeth, narrowing his eyes at Ian. “You’re making fun of me!?” He slammed his hand down on the table. “That how rich cunts get their kicks?”
“No, no. You’ve got me all wrong.” Ian placed his hand over Max’s. “It’s not like that. I just mean, you work so hard. For your family. I wanna help you.”
“Help me? I don’t...”
“Look. I know Vinny cut your pops a bad deal. Sendin’ his chopper squad around here. And, well... I just can’t stand to see human suffering.”
Max rolled his eyes. “Sure...”
“What do you charge up there? 25? 30 cents a go?”
“Kick off...!” Max pulled his hand away, his voice cracking.
Shit... Ian wasn’t trying to upset the little daisy.... “Hey, hey. Shh.. Shh...” He grabbed the spindle of Max’s chair with one hand and pulled it closer. Their two seats now practically touching. “I’m just saying, you shouldn’t have to do that.”
“Why the hell would you care!?” Max shouted in a whisper. Obviously this was not the kind of conversation he wanted anyone to overhear.
“Because...” Ian’s eyes shifted back and forth. He looked around the room before leaning in closer. His own voice dropping to a whisper as well. “What’s your name?”
“Max...” he whispered back. Still annoyed, but confused on top of it.
“Max...” Ian leaned in closer. Whispering softly into Max’s ear. “You’re hiding something... Well, so am I...” He ran his hand up Max’s thigh, causing him to jump. He squeezed it, less than an inch away from touching his crotch. Max’s breath hitched in his throat. “More than just how you bring in the dough... Am I onto something...?”
Max didn’t answer.
“You got thoughts in your head. And feelings. And you try and hide em’. But it’s hard, aint it Max?” Ian’s soft whisper. His breath against his ear. It made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He bit down on his lip. “I’m the same way...” Max’s dick twitched. He cursed himself silently. Crossing his legs, Ian retracted his hand. 
“W-what are you going on about....?”
“I want to make you an offer.”
“What...?” He turned to look at him.
“How would you like to never work again? What if you could have everything you ever wanted? Just come home with me. You’ll have everything you could ever need.”
Max’s eyes studied Ian for a moment, before he pursed his lips and leaned away. “I am not interested in being your sex slave.”
“No,” Ian laughed. “Dollface. Ya’ got it all wrong. You don’t gotta do anything. You don’t even have to touch me.”
Max raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t make sense of this guy. Nothing in this world was for free. Max had learned that long ago.
“I just want someone around. Someone I can relate to. To talk to... To... Look at... To...” He struggled to articulate it. “...Keep me company.”
“That’s really all you want...?”
“Swear to God.”
Max was silent for a moment. He seriously considered the man’s offer. Who didn’t want to live the high life? Be one of the lucky ones? Of course it was tempting... But these were thugs. They were dangerous. And if Max had learned anything it was that they were not to be trusted. And besides... “My family needs me.”
“You’re family’ll be safer than they ever were before.”
“How so?”
“Look. That’s what I came here for in the first place. This speakeasy here. This is valuable territory to me. I want it. And that’s all I want. Me and my boys will protect your family. And we’ll give em’ a fair price on the merchandise. And I don’t need no cut.”
“Well, I find that all a little hard to believe.”
“Max. All I’m interested in is taking this place out of the control of that putz. That’s my only motivation.”
“Oh really? It seemed more like you were here to chat me up.”
“You? Nah. You’re just a little bonus,” Ian flashed him that smile of his again. “You in or...”
“Well... I...”
“You look awful hungry. You know I just had this real nice steak and toast. But hell... I could eat again...”
Max frowned. What a sleeze-ball. Max lived entirely off of soup. And even that had been tight lately.... This guy was using everything he could against him. But... What an offer... He could only imagine the way these guys ate. And did he really mean that? He wouldn’t have to touch him? Not do anything at all? It didn’t make any sense. He couldn’t really just be lonely. What if this was all some kind of trick? What if they killed him? Max couldn’t really think of any reason they would have to do that. But these were thugs. Maybe they just got their jollies off that way. But then again... Ian hadn’t hurt anyone... He hadn’t threatened anyone. Maybe Max had them pegged all wrong. After all, he and his family made their money illegally too... Besides. Going home to a leftover pot of broth was not appealing. He couldn’t live in regret over such an oppurtunity. Even if Ian was a phoney, he could at least see for himself. “Umm... Well... Maybe I’ll give it a go. A small go. But if I change my mind... You’ve gotta bring me right back home. As soon as I ask, got it?”
“Of course. You’re a free bird, Max.”
“Well then, I suppose I accept your offer. For now.”
Ian grinned and held out his hand, which Max shook. Was he making a huge mistake...?
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Takara’s Hero Academia, Season 2 Episode 2 [Eijiro Kirishima/OC] [Female!Aizawa/Hizashi]
Okay, so here we finally are. I feel like it’s been forever since I updated this story. Sorry! 
Anyway, um, I do now have a Patreon, in case anyone wants to actually pay me to write or whatever. Seriously, though, don’t feel pressured to do anything with this. I am just seeing if anything will come out of this. 
Moving on, I’ll do the taglist. @elite-guard-hardygal @dailyojiromashirao @souskena and @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 . I apologize for not having this up last night!! I thought I’d be able to sit down and get it done but then I ended up getting sidetracked and then it was midnight and--whoops. I might post what I did instead later. It’s kinda cool! Hardygal knows what it is, lol. XD
Okay, so lemme add the link for this series’ Masterlist! 
Okay, now let’s get to the story! :)
God Bless and Good Day! 
~The Lupine Sojourner
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By the time the final bell rang, I was exhausted.
I yawn and stand, gathering my things up before Eijiro grabs them and slips them into my backpack for me, and I blush a little. He was still distracting me! I thought I was going to try to pull myself together around him! Regardless, I smile.
“Thanks, but you really don’t have to keep doing this kind of thing for me…” I mumble, scratching the back of my neck. Eijiro shrugs.
“I want to.” He replies and my blush goes a few shades darker.
“O-oh…” I mumble. “Okay.” Then, Ochaco opens the door.
“Uhh...why the heck are you all here!?” I look up and see the doorway packed with students.
“Do you students have some business with our class?” Tenya asks. No one replies. I shift awkwardly, shrinking back a little into my seat. The spotlight wasn’t something I was used to. If I had to guess, they’re here to scout out the class that’s fought villains...greeeaaaattt.
“Why are you blocking the doorway?” The class pervert asks. “I won’t let you hold us hostage!” I roll my eyes. Like he could do anything about it. Katsuki, backpack over his shoulder, stalks toward the door.
“They’re scouting out the competition, idiots.” He growls. “We’re the class that survived a real villain attack. They wanna see us with their own eyes.” I gulp, standing. If he was leaving, I should, too. I needed to find Mom and Dad, anyway. Eijiro takes my backpack and walks toward the door with me. I smile gratefully at him. “At least know you know what a future pro looks like.” Katsuki continued. I roll my eyes, the smile dropping.
“Katsuki, enough. We’re all striving to be heroes. Technically, that makes us all potential future pros. Stop.” I call, but it doesn’t make a difference.
“Now move it, extras!” Katsuki snaps as the crowd goes quiet.
“Katsuki!” I bark, hobbling over.
“You can’t just go around calling people extras just because you don’t know them!” Tenya interjects, his arms waving wildly in his emotional state. I open my mouth to add my own lecture, but then a voice rings out and I freeze.
“So this is Class 1-A.” It was Hitoshi! “I heard you guys were impressive, but you just seem like an ass.” He was talking to Katsuki as he made his way through the crowd as I crutch over.
“Shinso!” He never liked me calling him ‘Hitoshi’ in public. He smiles briefly at me, nodding subtly, then turns back to Katsuki.
“You know this clown?” Katsuki growls. I glare at him.
“Yeah. We went to middle school together.” It was a reason I know his name, at least. I didn’t need to go further and embarrass Hitoshi.
“I was sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs in her class.” He continues, sighing a little and rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s just how Katsuki is,” I defend, “but seriously. Not all of us are like him.” Katsuki glares at me. Hitoshi closes his eyes.
“I wanted to be in the hero course.” He says to no one in particular...or maybe Katsuki. Or 1-A. I’m not sure. “But, like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track.” I suddenly realize why Shinso was here; part of it might be checking on me, but a larger portion must be him declaring what he intended to do. He wanted to win the Sports Festival or do well enough that he can be moved into the Hero Course, like Mom did when she was in high school. “Such is life.” His eyes narrow at Katsuki, who’s remaining surprisingly calm. “I didn’t cut it the first time around, but I have another chance.” I knew it! “If any of us do well in the Sports Festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the Hero Course, and they’ll have to transfer students out to make room.” Oh, no...this was a declaration of war. “‘Scouting the competition’?” Hitoshi asks rhetorically. “Maybe some of my peers are, but I’m here to let you know that if you don’t bring your very best, I’ll steal your spot right out from under you.” Hitoshi tilts his head a little. “Consider this a declaration of war.” I blink.
“Shinso…” I murmur, biting my lip. The rest of the class flinches in shock, but I look at Shinso dead in the eye. Hitoshi was serious, but only glaring at Katsuki, who was glaring back. Was he just acting tough to push himself?
“Hey, you!” Comes a new male voice, and someone else forces their way to the head of the crowd. He had incredibly thick blonde eyelash-looking things around his eyes, with silver hair and a fire in his eyes to match Katsuki’s. Oh, great. Another hothead. “I’m from Class B, right next door to you! We heard you fought some villains and- -oh, shit.” He stops short when he sees my boot and crutch. I sigh and gesture to the boot.
“Yeah, we fought villains.” I reply. “And I got the injuries to prove it.” He takes a step back, then scoffs.
“Well, looks like the rest of your class are brats who think they’re better than us!” He challenges. I roll my eyes and point to my backpack, in Eijiro’s hand.
“That’s my backpack, but it hasn’t been on my shoulders since I got here. Eijiro here was the one who got me out of the villain attack and he’s been helping me ever since. The rest of my class are great people, too. Bakugo’s just...headstrong and doesn’t listen to anything or anyone.” The guy turns to Katsuki.
“Oh, great! Talk all you want, loser! It’ll just be more embarrassing when you’re K.Oed!” Katsuki just scoffs and walks away.
“Don’t you ignore me!” The newcomer roars angrily. I move to get Katsuki, but Eijiro beats me to saying anything.
“Dude, where’re you going?! You gotta say something! It’s your fault everyone’s hating on us, Bakugo!” Katuski just glances over his shoulder.
“These people don’t matter.” He growls.
“Huh!?” Eijiro snaps.
“The only thing that’s important is that I beat them.”
“Katsuki, stop!” I snap. “Yeah, we have to beat them to win, but heroes also need to have good teamwork with others. You need to work on that if you want to be the top.”
“Says who?” Katsuki retorts, then walks away before I can say anything else. The silver-head pops up again.
“Hey! I’m coming for you!” He exclaims. Katsuki ignores him. I go to chase him down and talk sense into him, but then decide against it. Right now, Katsuki’s only focus was winning the Sports Festival. If I were to talk to him, he’d only see it as me trying to undermine his chances somehow.
“I hate that that was such a manly exit…” Eijiro grumbles, clenching his fist. I bite my lip.
“Yeah, but...there’s no way he’ll win the Festival if he pisses everyone off.” I reply.
“Meh. He’ll be fine.” Sero counters.
“Besides, he wasn’t wrong.” Fumikage points out. “We have to beat them.” Kaminari groans.
“Yeah, sure, but this sucks!”
“So let’s prove them wrong.” I call, coming back further into the class room. “Don’t be what everyone thinks we are. We’ll prove them wrong.” Denki groans.
“But he made us everyone’s enemy!”
“Yeah, and all these dumb idiots will be gunning for us in the Festical now.” Mineta adds. I shrug, not looking at that little creep.
“Look, just keep training hard and don’t be an asshole and we’ll prove them wrong.” I retort, looking at Kaminari. He laughs.
“Kinda blunt, Yamada, but I like your style!” I chuckle and wave him away.
“Call me Takara, and thanks.” Eijiro then calls me and puts my backpack beside my desk for me. I notice he’s glaring at Kaminari, so I try to distract him by smiling at him. “Thanks.” The students outside slowly go away, talking about this and that, and I have to restrain myself from giving some big speech about how great my class is because the truth is...I don’t really know them yet. I don’t know enough to definitively stand up and say what I want to say. I then look up as Shinso walks over, giving me a small smile.
“Hey.” I smile back.
“I’m glad to see you’re better. You had me scared for a moment.” Anyone who didn’t know Shinso might think he’s just saying that. His voice didn’t give much emotion away, but I understood. He meant every word.
“That was some speech.” I note, sighing.
“I meant that, too.” He says, leaning against the desk in front of me and crossing his arms. Most everyone’s left and I wanted to talk to Shinso, anyway, so I stay.
“Don’t lie; you just wanted to see me.” I tease, smiling.
“And what gave you that idea? I just wanted to send my message to 1-A.” He retorts. I roll my eyes, then sigh and pick at my skirt.
“...I’m worried, Shinso.” I confess softly.
“About what?” He asks, brow raised.
“About the Festival, and...and if I’ll be healed enough to prepare myself to fight. I just...my ribs don’t hurt that bad, but my leg still needs work. And I still need to train. A lot. I just...Mom and Dad will be watching. The world will be watching. I want to make a good impression.” Eijiro apparently takes that as a kind of cue, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
“You’ll make a great one!” He assures me, daring to squeeze me close enough to mush our cheeks together. I blush and laugh.
“If you say so.” I reply, squeezing him in return. He straightens up, lets go, and puts a hand on my shoulder.
“But seriously; don’t sweat it. You’ll be great!” I grin and put my hand over his in a moment of boldness. 
“If you say so.” I retort. Eijiro understood the deeper meaning; I support you, but think you’re downplaying yourself too much.. It was somethign we’d done for each other a lot as we approached this school year and the challenge of learning how to be a pro hero. Shinso pushes off the desk.
“Well, it was nice chatting, but I should be going.” He says. I stand, too, and hug him.
“Thanks for coming.” I murmur, drawing away.
“Your friend’s right, Takara; trust yourself. Besides, your parents adore you. No matter what you do in the Festival, their love won’t change.” I nod.
“Yeah, yeah. I just can’t help worrying about this whole thing.” Hitoshi shakes his head, chuckling.
“Don’t.” With that, he shrugs and waves as he walks away. I watch him leave and then pick up my backpack, slinging it over one shoulder, insisting on carrying it this time, despite Eijiro tugging on it.
“I got it. I’m not going far. Just to the teacher’s lounge to find Mom and Dad.” Eijiro pouts.
“Takara, you shouldn’t overdo it.” He mumbles. I smile, adjusting the backpack a little.
“I’m not.” He suddenly leans forward gives me a hug. I wonder where this is coming from, but find that I really like this. His hug is strong, but not overwhelming, steady and warm. I feel so safe and secure, I lose myself for a second and bury my face in his neck. He smells like cologne and men’s bodywash. One of those two things had teatree oil in it, something that made him smell amazing!
I then feel Eijiro stiffen and come back to reality and I blush almost blood red as I release him. Our eyes were so wide, they might have popped if they were balloons. “S-so-sorry!” I stammer, grabbing my crutch and running as quick as I can out of the classroom without using the crutch. Eijiro hadn’t moved, so I had a headstart, managing to get away before he- -”Ow!”
“Oof!” I blink, my leg flaring a bit as I realize I’ve run into somebody. Instantly, I stand and apologize. The person I hit laughs.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. It happens sometimes.” It’s a female, third year if I had to guess. Her Quirk makes her look wolf-like, her fur a mottled grey, black and earthen brown. It was so pretty! Her eyes were sapphire blue on the outside and emerald green on the inside and her tail flicks back and forth mindlessly and I have to remember to talk. It was rude to just stare.
“But still. I’m, um, Takara. Takara Yamada.” Her eyes light up.
“Oh! My dad works with your parents!” I raise a brow.
“Really?” She nods.
“Yeah! Oh, sorry! I’m Asami. Asami Hamato.” I grin.
“Like Hamato-Sensei that teaches the second years’ literature?” Asami laughs.
“Yeah. He might quit after this semester, though. He wants to start a self-defense dojo for people with less, um, combative Quirks.”
“Wow, that’s amazing!” She nods happily.
“Thanks.” She hands me back my crutch. “Here you go.” I take it. She pauses. “Wait...you’re in 1-A, right?” I nod.
“Yeah.” She gestures to my boot.
“This from that USJ incident?” I nod.
“Yeah...turns out your leg breaks when a superhuman grabs it to slam you into your mother.” I tried to sound light, like it was a joke now...but my voice wavered. Asami winces.
“Yikes. I’m glad you’re doing better, then.” I was grateful she didn’t press me for more details as I squirm.
“Thanks. I should probably let you go. It was great meeting you.” Asami smiles.
“Yeah, it was great meeting you, too. Maybe I’ll see you around, okay?” I nod, starting to walk off.
“Yeah.” We wave at each other and I continue on my way. Luckily, Eijiro hadn’t pursued me. I blushed again just thinking about that moment…
What was I thinking?! I’d just...it’d felt so good having his strong arms around me, his warmth making me feel safe and at ease, even if it was just for a moment. And then I went and ruined the mood by sniffing him! Ergh!
Finally, I reach the teacher’s lounge. “Hey, champ!” Dad calls. “I was just gonna come looking for yah!” I walk further into the room.
“Hey. I was just talking a bit with the others before I came up here.” he smiles.
“Okay.” I decided to focus on Asami, not that. I’d never hear the end of it if I told Dad I sniffed someone (especially Eijiro) out of nowhere.
“I met a third year on my way here.” Dad tilts his head.
“Oh? Who are they? I might know her.”
“Asami Hamato.” Dad grins.
“Oh, yeah! Her dad works here; Hamato Yoshi. He’s a nice guy. Kinda quiet, doesn’t say much, and doesn’t hang around the school a lot.” I shrug.
“Asami also said he wants to start a self-defense dojo for people that don’t have very combative Quirks.” Dad’s eyes go wide.
“That’s great!” I grin.
“I know, right?” Dad then grabs his stuff.
“Alright. Shota’s resting on the couch, but it’s time to go, so I’ll get her.” I nod.
The next few days went quick, and after school, I’d pop in for a little healing. Never anything extreme, but enough that in those few days, I was healed enough that Recovery Girl gave me the okay to start getting back into exercise and training, warning me to take it a little slow at first.
At that particular session (when I was cleared for training), All Might happens by the door. “I didn’t know you still needed healing…” He mumbles, walking slowly into the room. He looked guilty, but I don’t know why.
“Well, I didn’t want to drain my stamina too much because of school and stuff, but, um, yeah...I should be all healed soon, though, right Recovery Girl?” She chuckles.
“Yes, I believe so, now hold still so I can use my Quirk.” I do and find the healing sensation something I’ve gotten used to at this point. I watch Toshin-Oji go into his real form and sigh heavily as he sits on a cot.
“Takara, I...I wanted to say I’m sorry.” I blink as Recovery Girl moves away.
“Wait, what?” I ask, genuinely confused. “What for?”
“I couldn’t be at the USJ because I wasted my time as All Might that morning being heroic. I was stupid and now you, Shota, and Izuku paid the price.” I blink, remembering that Izuku’s legs seemed broken when he leapt out to protect All Might at the USJ. I wince.
“Is Izuku okay?” I ask automatically.
“He’s fine.” Recovery Girl assures me. “Besides broken legs, he only had minor injuries and two broken fingers.” I breathe out.
“That’s good.”
“How’s Shota?” All Might asks, bringing us more or less back to what he’d said. I sigh.
“She’s...coping. It’s not easy for her to adjust to needing to wear casts on both of her arms, but she’s happy she’s not blind.”
“She could have been blinded?!” He asks sharply in shock. I pale. Wrong thing to say!
“...Her orbital floors were pretty badly damaged, but Recovery Girl managed to heal them. She’s fine...or, at least, better then she used to be.” I chuckle awkwardly, and All Might smiles in relief, exhaling.
“That’s great news. Frankly, I was worried about you two, even after I heard you were stable. When I saw you on the ground, caught under Nomu’s foot...I didn’t know what had happened, just that it pissed me off so much I saw red and next thing I knew, I had you in my arms.” I blink. He’d been feeling this way since the incident?
“Toshin-Oji, you really can’t blame yourself- -no, seriously- -the only ones to blame are the villains.” I reply, holding up a hand when he tried to interrupt. “Even during the fight, I knew as long as I could hold out until I got to Recovery Girl, I’d be okay. I knew my injuries were bad, but I always had that notion in the back of my head.” I realize what I’m saying and turn to Recovery Girl. “I mean, not that I assumed you’d help me or anything! I just knew there was a possibility that I’d be healed pretty quickly!” She holds up her hand.
“I knew what you meant, dear. And, unlike another student, I haven’t had to heal you much, so of course I’d help you out. You and your mother were hurt pretty bad. I knew I could help, and I did, so let’s all agree to put this behind us, okay?” I smile.
“Yeah...okay. Toshin-Oji?” He turns his head to look me in the eye. “I love you.” He blinks.
“I love you, too.” He says and I swoop over to hug him. “You truly are a treasure.” He murmurs, squeezing me just a little harder and kissing my temple. I tear up a little in happiness and bury my face in his chest.
“Hey, Tik--...am I interrupting?” Dad asks, trailing off when he saw what was going on. I pull away and smile at Dad.
“Nah, we were just clearing some things up.” I reply, winking at Toshin-Oji. Dad seems to read the subtext and nods.
“I see. Well, Shota’s ready to go, so let’s not keep her waiting, okay?” I nod.
“Okay.” I turn back to the office. “Bye, guys!” I call, waving as I walk out of the room, thankfully not needing my boot. “Thank you, Recovery Girl!” I add.
“Don’t overdo it, dear! Start slow!” She calls back and I nod in acknowledgement.
“Hey, Tik-Tak, there’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about.” Dad says as we walk, and I nod, wondering what he could possibly want to talk to me about.
“Okay.” I prompt. He wraps an arm around my shoulders.
“Shota and I have been talking, and we think it’d be best to move into the faculty facility here on campus. That way, Shota doesn’t have to be driven to work everyday and we all have a bit more independence. Would you want to do that?” I nod.
“Yeah, Mom mentioned you two were toying with the idea, and I told her I could have my stuff packed in, like, two hours. Honestly, I think it’s a good idea!” He ruffles my hair.
“Thanks, Takara. Frankly, I’m using the whole move as a way to help Shota.” He sighs, slumped and looking away. “She’s taking this hard. Villains got the drop on us and she’s still trying to cope.” I blink.
“I...I’d imagine so.” I mumble. “Honestly, I haven’t been sleeping too well, myself. I keep waking up to nothing, feeling on edge for some reason, wondering what woke me, but I’m able to go back to sleep. Sometimes, I swear there’s someone in a room, but when I do the vibration thing, no one’s there.” Dad looks at me somberly, hand on my shoulder.
“That’s completely normal, Musume. Even Shota’s been having nightmares. She keeps waking up, clutching her face and staring around the room with her Quirk active, like she’s looking for enemies. It’s hard to get her to calm down.” I sigh. Figures Mom has her own demons to deal with.
“Maybe we can have movie night? Watch some corny comedy or something?” Dad chuckles.
“Maybe. Or we can ask Toshinori for show suggestions to watch as a family.” I nod eagerly.
“Yeah!” I’m already whipping out my phone and typing up a text as Dad laughs.
“We’ll look up recipes for popcorn and make a night of it. What’dya say?” I grin at him, sending the text.
“I say ‘hell yeah’!” I reply, high-fiving dad. This was a great idea!
Within five minutes, I get a text back.
Toshin-Oji <3:
Well, if you’re looking for something that makes for a good distraction, I’d recommend some of the older movies by an American film studio called Walt Disney. They have an interesting 2-D style in their early works and I find the stories charming. As for shows, I’m not sure...maybe look around and see if something appeals to you all.
I smile. That was an interesting idea, for sure.
The next day, we were at the fake city from the entrance exam, training. It was a lot of fun, even if I couldn’t really work myself the way I wanted to without making my leg cramp and spasm even after healing the broken bone. It was slowly coming back to normal, though, as I practiced simple kicks and stuff after a really short run to build that muscle back. My ribs forced me to take breaks, as well, if I pushed it too hard, but they were coming along great, too. My phone buzzes as I finish a pretend fight, so I check who the text is from.
Eijiro Kirishima:
Hey, come look at the tall building’s roof!
Confused, I decide to go ahead and walk over. I knew Eijiro was in the same area as me, so I knew which tall building he meant. However, it was so tall, I couldn’t see clearly what I was supposed to see up there. All I saw was a small blurry thing that might be Eijiro.
Ok, I’m here. What do you want me to see? I can’t really see anything…
Just a few seconds after I sent that, I hear a faint yell and then look up to see- - “Eijiro!” I scream, backing up toward the building make sure I wouldn’t be hit. I knew what he was doing; practicing falling long distances and using his Quirk to survive them. It was just training, but...still. If he didn’t activate his Quirk in time...thankfully, he lands and comes back up almost instantly, thrusting dramatically through the cracked pavement.
“Yyyeeaaahhh!” He roars, grinning wildly at me as he walks over, dusting himself off. His grin then turns into a smirk. “Impressed?” He asks, one hand on his hip, the other on the wall. I snort, blushing a little as he leans in just a little.
“You’re insane. You could have died...but to answer your question...yeah, it was kinda impressive.” I reply with slightly pink cheeks, chuckling and walking away, when Eijiro puts his other hand on the other side of my head. I turn to look at him. His face is intense with some unreadable emotion as he stares at me.
“So...did I smell good?” He asks, leaning in. I blush and lean back against the wall. Where was this coming from!?
“Um...what?” I ask stupidly, my racing mind unable to process what he might be talking about.
“What happened after the final bell yesterday...that hug…” My blush darkens. Oh shit! I’d almost forgotten! I lick my lips.
“I- -I’m so sorry about that!” I squeak, unsure how to take this reaction. Was he mad? Disgusted? He was so hard to read right now… “I, ah, I mean…yeah...you did smell good.” Why was that hard to say? It was a fact, nothing more...right? He then smiles, laughing (I swear he’s blushing, too, though) as he leans back, keeping one hand on the wall. I blush darker and want to sink into the ground.
“Takara, relax! I was just teasing!” He chirps. “But, good to know!” I exhale, then smack his arm.
“You jerk! I thought you were mad at me or something!” That, and I thought maybe...that was leading somewhere- -stoppit! This is not the time for those kind of thoughts! He’s just a friend! Stop!
“Aww, Takara, I could never be mad at you for long!” He replies, patting my arm and moving away.
“Good to know, jerk.” I grumble, the tone undermined by my smirk, then I sigh and nudge him. “You know, you’re a good man, Eijiro.” I mumble, cheeks red again “You didn’t have to help me, but you did, and I want you to know it means a lot to me.” He’s definitely blushing as he walks beside me. I wanted to make sure he knew how much all his help meant to me.
“Takara, I’d do it again. Anytime.” I feel an instinct to hug him but refrain and settle for smiling at him as we walk back toward where the others were training.
“And I’d do it for you.” I reply, just letting myself enjoy this moment. It was two friends affirming their bond...and that’s it…
So why am I blushing?!
(I promise I don’t mean to keep forcing KiriKara down your throat but most of these moments write themselves. Hope y’all don’t mind! (: Can’t wait to show you all the Sports Festival!)
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
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chapter seven / rem belongs to @forlornraven / masterpost / mature content
Twenty five cents seems so much heavier than it should. A weight in his pocket, in his palm, and Nakoa knows getting the heaviness from him will only make him feel better, but…
He still can’t pick up the receiver.
Rain pelts against the side of the phone booth, and Nakoa shivers. Across the street, Rem sits in the van, his feet kicked up on the dashboard, smoking. Nakoa can just barely make him out through the foggy window panes.
They haven’t talked all morning. Not even so much as a hello.
With shaking fingers, Nakoa drops the coins into the payphone and lifts the receiver. Dials home, and waits.
If his father picks up, Nakoa will hang up. He’ll return to the car, he’ll ride off into the sunset with Rem. If his father picks up, Nakoa won’t listen, won’t even speak. He’ll let the fucker wonder.
It’s his mother. Nakoa’s heart clenches, nausea twists his stomach into knots. He voice cracks a, “Mom?” and he feels twelve years old again, the first time Michael hit him. Donna says nothing, though, so Nakoa says, “Did I lose you…?”
“No, one moment, let me get a pad…” Then, distantly, “Just someone from work, Michael, I’ll take this in the other room.”
Relief spreads through his veins, and his eyes burn with unshed tears. She’s keeping him from Michael, and—he chokes out a laugh. Thinks if she’s stood up for him years ago, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Nakoa,” she says, her voice watery and weak. “Are you okay? I won’t ask where you are, but are you okay? Do you need money? I can—” She pauses. “I don’t know how I would get it to you, but I /could/, sweetheart, I could.”
Nakoa grips the receiver, closes his eyes tight against the onslaught of tears. Fuck. “I didn’t—No, Mom, I’m fine. Are you okay?”
A sigh of relief. “Now I know you’re safe, yes.” Another pause. “Why did you leave?”
“Don’t—this isn’t. I’m not—” He leans his head against the phone box. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I miss you so much,” Donna says. It feels like Michael’s hands around his throat, hearing her words. “I wish you would come home.”
“I can’t. You know I can’t.” He swallows. “I just wanted to let you know I’m okay. Okay?”
“You’ll visit, though, won’t you?”
Fear grips him tight around the throat. “No—I can’t—” Once upon a time, Nakoa thought maybe he’d never get out of his father’s sight. Now that he has, the idea of ever seeing him again…
He looks back at the van, at Rem playing air guitar in the driver’s seat. “I’ll—I’ll call again, okay?”
“Nakoa, wait!” Donna hesitates, then says, “He has people looking for you. You know your father is an influential man, I just… please be careful.”
People—why the fuck would Michael care about it. Why would he waste resources on finding his own fuck up of a son?
Nakoa shakes, anxiety rocking him apart. “I gotta go. Love you, bye.”
He slams the phone down in its cradle harder than he needs to, steps out of the phone box, and stumbles to the van. The rain’s at a downpour now, and when Nakoa climbs in the passenger seat, next to Rem, he’s soaked.
“How’d it go?” Rem asks, turning down the music. Then, seeing Nakoa’s expression, asks, “Hey, what the fuck—what’s wrong?”
Nakoa’s throat feels tight, tears burning at the corner of his eyes again. He blinks, says, “Nothing,” but then Rem’s hand is on his shoulder and Nakoa breaks.
His sobs are silent, quiet things sung to the backdrop of The Cure, and Rem pulls Nakoa into a hug, awkward from the angle but no less appreciated. He speaks against Nakoa’s ears, but the blood roars too loudly in his ears to be heard.
Searching for him. Nakoa thinks about the stories Rem’s told him, about the guy with a bat, the windshield, and, when he can speak, Nakoa asks, “Did you know?”
“Know what?” But Rem sounds sufficiently confused, and Nakoa doesn’t want to believe he’d lie to him, so he decides he doesn’t believe it. “Hey.”
Nakoa doesn’t look at him. Thinks back to all the stupid shit he’s said and done, the mixtape, leaving in the first place without a plan. “Rem.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m here.” His voice is soft, and in the storm, Nakoa thinks this is the safest he’s ever felt. Locked away from the world in Rem’s arms.
Maybe it’s how lost he feels, maybe it’s Rem’s breath warm against his neck, but Nakoa still feels safe enough to say, “I think I’m in love with you.”
It doesn’t hurt to say them. Nakoa’s not sure if it’s because he already hurts so much, another piece of it won’t make it worse, or if it’s…
Rem’a lips brush against his neck, soft, softer than Nakoa’s used to from him, but he says nothing. After their morning, Nakoa’s surprised by his closeness, surprised by how easily he came to Nakoa, but.
“I’m an idiot,” Rem says.
Nakoa blinks. “That’s not exactly the response a guy wants to hear.” Rem laughs. “Neither is that.”
“It’s not… badly received, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Rem clears his throat, pulls away. “…you’re…that’s…”
“I wasn’t going to say it,” Nakoa says. “That’s what the tape was for. Kind of let you figure it out on your own.” Without Rem’s body heat, the van’s cold. Nakoa reaches for the knob for the heater, fingers shaking again. “I didn’t wanna fuck this up.”
Rem’s voice is soft when he says, “You wouldn’t have fucked it up. Hell, if I haven’t fucked it up…”
But commitment’s a different storm than… whatever it is they’ve been doing. Intertwined, but Nakoa knows the feelings he gets from Rem, but he’s wanted to fuck plenty of people. Rem goes farther than that.
He always has.
“Hey,” Rem says, knocking his elbow against Nakoa’s. “We’ll figure this out. That’s what we do, right?”
Figure it out. A weight settles in Nakoa’s chest. “Right.” He turns away. The van no longer feels like home, but like a prison. Maybe he was better off at home, under Michael’s thumb, or…
With a frustrated sigh, Rem says, “I’m not. I don’t mean—”
“Can we just not talk about it? Forget I said anything.”
“I can’t say it back.” Rem gives a frustrated groan. “I’ll get there, okay, I will. Just, this is important. You’re important.”
Nakoa certainly doesn’t feel that way. He clears his throat, wipes a hand down his face, and says, “Can we just go?”
He splurges for a hotel on the coast. It takes half of what Nakoa has left, but it’s worth it for two nights of the view of the ocean, for two nights with the salty breeze.
For two nights of Rem getting decent rest in his own bed.
They arrive at 9am to the hotel. Nakoa’s kept his distance for a while, after his accidental confession, and he hasn’t touched Rem without being touched since. He’s passed out in the passenger seat, instead of sleeping with Rem on the mattress, because the closeness feels wrong in the aftermath of Nakoa’s words.
But he steps out of the van and closes his eyes at the wind coming off the ocean, and feels peace. Water droplets spray his face, and Nakoa imagines what it might be like to drift away on waves like these, away from Michael, from money and the concern of where they’re going to sleep next.
Rem takes two towels from their room for the beach, and Nakoa disappears with a fake ID to the nearest liquor st to surprise him with a bottle of whiskey.
“Aw,” Rem says, twisting the top off. Behind him a sign reads, NO ALCOHOL ON BEACH. Rem downs half the small bottle and hands the rest to Nakoa. “You spoil me.”
Nakoa shrugs, downs the rest of it.
With the people around, Nakoa keeps to himself a little more, thankful for the excuse. Still, Rem has other ideas. “No one knows us here,” Rem says, against Nakoa’s neck. “We could fuck on the beach if you wanted.”
“And get thrown into jail?” Nakoa snorts. “Actually, fucking you might be worth the public indecency charge.”
Rem’s mouth is warm at his neck, sends shivers down Nakoa’s spine. “You think you can take me?” His voice is low, rough against Nakoa’s ear.
“Bold words,” Nakoa says, but instead of turning around and pulling him into a kiss, Nakoa elbows him in the ribs and ducks away, laughing as he takes off down the beach.
They settle, finally, a good distance away from the others. Nakoa slathers sunscreen across Rem’s back after he writes ‘fuck me’ with the lotion, feels the reverberation of Rem’s voice against his own hands as Rem speaks.
“I thought we could head back through the mountains, right? Montana, then through North Dakota.”
Nakoa wants to tell him they should go back to Colorado, but the place still has Nakoa checking over his shoulder, so maybe not. Maybe this is best, this haphazard map searching.
“Maybe settle in for a week somewhere,” Rem says. “Get a job or something.”
“You mean I get a job. When was the last time you held down anything?”
Rem shoots him a look over his shoulder, reaching for the lotion. “Depends. When was the last time I fucked you?” He pushes Nakoa back against the towel, bites at his neck. “I miss handcuffs.”
Through the fog building in his head and the heat building in his stomach, Nakoa says, “You lost the keys last time!”
“They were plastic!”
“You had to cut me out of them with wire cutters,” Nakoa says, but he’s grinning. Rem’s pressing kisses along his torso as he goes down, his hands holding him up, sinking into the sand. Nakoa really doesn’t want sand in his business anymore than strictly necessary. “I’d rather not be locked up and at your mercy for the rest of my life.”
“Gotta have my fun too, don’t I?” For a few seconds, he just stares into Rem’s eyes, hoping, searching… until Rem pulls back with a goofy grin, and the world rights itself.
“What?” Rem’s eyes are shining.
Nakoa shrugs. “Nothing, just…” His gaze drifts, over Rem’s eyes, his hair, his tattoos—down the horizon, down the beach, across the water. From their spot in the sand, it’s hard to see anyone at all. They’re almost completely hidden by a small spot on the beach which is hidden by rocks. Rem has a mischievous glint in his eye, and he unbuttons Nakoa’s jeans, fingers moving so slow Nakoa can barely handle it, before Nakoa shoves him away with a laugh.
“Come on!”
“I’m not fucking you here,” Nakoa says, grinning like a fucking fool at Rem. He thinks about the mixtape, about Rem’s response. He thinks about what Rem had said about not being able to say it back.
He thinks about Rem, about how much Nakoa does love him, in spite of his bullshit, in spite of the shitty things that he drags them through.
Nakoa’s hands ache for a joint, and all he wants to do is get high and fuck, slow and leisurely, until Nakoa’s not sure where he ends and Rem begins, but Rem, here, sober and smiling and pleased…
He’ll take it.
Rem covers him in sunscreen and presses open mouthed kisses along Nakoa’s shoulders, then pulls him up against a rock and leans against one of the shadowed sides. Sunglasses sit atop Rem’s nose, blocking out the sun. He’s already turning red, though, Rem.
With a longing glance towards the water, Nakoa crawls up to lie beside Rem. He sinks into the warm sand, like a backrub against his muscles, cramped from the van. If he lifts his head, just a little, he sees Rem.
The warmth, the breeze, the distant sound of kids playing. Rem sitting at his feet, his breathing quiet and steady.
It’s more like this than it isn’t, but it’s still not often enough that Nakoa won’t take the brief respite from the bullshit.
Nakoa dozes. Dreams of small ocean-side cottages and sex in motel rooms, in resorts. Working at a job he doesn’t hate, of Rem’s smile and his laugh and the cadence to his voice when he’s trying to turn Nakoa on (so, always).
When he wakes, Rem’s fucking with a Walkman, fumbling tapes between his fingers. “Hey,” he says, nudging Nakoa with his foot. “Come here.”
So Nakoa goes, because he always goes, settles in between Rem’s legs, his back to Rem’s chest, and waits for Rem to plop the Walkman in his lap. Rem shoves the headphones on over Nakoa’s ears and says, “Listen. Yeah?”
His hand brushes down along Nakoa’s arm, and, after hesitating for just a second, Rem presses play.
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southsidewrites · 6 years
Rydia 9-16
Oooh, the angsty ones.  I’m into it.
9. Have they made each other cry?
Absolutely.  Lydia cries pretty easily, especially if she’s already in a bad mood.  There’s been many times where Reggie just didn’t think about his words in a fight, and then suddenly she’s crying, and he has no clue what to do. (She hates this because she wants it to be clear that she’s still mad, and he should absolutely not be comforting her right now.)
As for Reggie, he’s cried about Lydia, but never from something she specifically said or did to him.  It’s more like they have a fight, and loses it a little bit because he thinks it’s going to be the end.
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them. 
I’ll leave it up for you guys to decide if this is something I came up with on the spot or a scene from something else...
“Lydia, you knew it was going to be like this,” Reggiesnapped, quickly losing his cool. “You knew what we were getting into when Iaccepted the scholarship.”
“Did I, though?” Her voice was level, but her green eyesradiated a level of fury he had never been on the receiving end of. “Becausewhen I moved my entire goddamn life to be with you, I assumed we’d actually betogether.”
“That’s not fair, and you know it.  You know how hard I have to work if I everwant to make it off the bench.”
“Work?” she laughed bitterly. “Is that what you call stayingout drinking until God knows when?”
“With the team,” he asserted. “The guys who I spend ninetypercent of my life with because they can help me get a fucking second ofplaying time.”
She laughed painfully, squeezing her eyes shut.  When she looked back up at him, her eyessparkled with tears. “Okay, I guess I do get it, then.  Playing time matters more than me.  I suppose that’s all I need to know.”Shrugging, she grabbed her keys off the table. “I’ll just head back then, and youcan call me when the season’s over.”
“Lydia, wait,” he said, his voice dropping apologetically. “Pleasedon’t.”
“Why not?” She was crying for real now, her voice shaky. “Iknow that you’re busy, Reg.  I really doget it, but—” She swallowed hard. “But I thought I’d still have a boyfriend.”
“You do, Lyds.” He reached for her, and she took a step back. “Please,stay.  This is my only weekend off until—”
“Until Christmas,” she finished. “Trust me, I know.  It’s just a damn shame that even that wasn’tsacred.  I’m going back, Reggie.  Maybe at Christmas, you’ll remember I’mcoming.”
11. What causes them to fight?
Usually stupid things, like someone leaving clothes on the floor or forgetting to walk the dog.  That, and their terrible jealous streaks when the other’s getting “too close” to someone.
12. Do they have differing political opinions?
Not as much as you might think.  Lydia’s pretty darn liberal, and Reggie gets a heck of a lot more liberal when he’s not living with his parents.
13. Name something they would never do for the other person. 
Lydia would never compromise her values, hurt anyone, or try hard drugs.  Reggie won’t give up his dreams, and he absolutely won’t ask for help, even when he really, really needs it.
14. What would be a dealbreaker?
Cheating.  Lydia’s insecure enough around Reggie’s friends, and if he actually did something to confirm her fears, she’d never be able to look at him again. Reggie’s similar.  He’s been with a lot more people, but he’s never committed out of the very fear he’s not good enough.
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
Lydia can’t stand his optimism sometimes.  Especially when she’s in a bad mood and he’s trying so hard to find a bright side.  
Reggie gets annoyed by how closed off she can be.  Although she’s getting better at it, he really wishes she would just admit when something’s wrong. 
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other? 
They’d still have a ton of respect for each other.  They’re so different that both of them are pretty shocked they’ve made it this long.  Neither are vindictive people, so it’d probably be a very smooth breakup.
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softevan · 7 years
We’re Not Who We Used To Be (SOFT Mini Series)
A/N: So I have decided to make a series of scenarios based on specific lyrics from Harry’s songs which I’m so excited about because i’ve been writing all day. Some of them will be smutty, some wont, but ill put the warnings before hand. I want to thank a lot of you who have been supporting of me and my writing. If you have any lyrics requests please don’t hesitate to let me know. But I really hope you like this one, enjoy! -K
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 4K
Pairing: Y/N and Harry
This week is the ARIA awards in Australia and Harry has been scheduled to perform. Because he has been on tour and constantly traveling I just think that he needs a few days off instead of going to an awards show. His manager Tommy had insisted on him declining the invitation to the show and have a non hectic couple of days, especially to spend time with me. But of course Harry being Harry he didn’t want to let anyone down and he decided that he wanted to go.
Harry always wanted me to come with him on tour, which is something I would be so happy to do. But my job is always my main priority. Through out our relationship, we had seen that we had been focusing too much on our carers, and neglecting our relationship. With both of our singing carers it was hard. But now with my tour over I’ve decided to take some time off to be with Harry and actually try to be here for him. Its his very first tour with just him and his band and of course he needed me to be there with him. Its not easy being on the stage by yourself, its very intimidating to say the least. But with me travelling with Harry I get to see and experience new things with him, and write new songs along the way. Knowing that Harry feels more at home with me being here for him, and knowing that I give him comfort when he sees me standing at the side singing along to his songs means everything to me. It just makes my heart swell at the thought.
“Babe, its either going to be the Gucci or the Alexander McQueen outfit, just pick one?” Harry came out of the hotels wardrobe with both his hands filled with these unusual coloured suits, with a puzzled look on his face, scrunched eyebrows waiting for my reply. “H you always go for Gucci so wear something different” I looked up at Harry, dragging my concentration from my novel in my hands to him then back to my book. “Okay sold” His cheeky grin spread across his face and put down the suits of the side of the bed, then making his way over to me. “Babe?” His hands sprung up to my book and pulled it away so my attention was on him. “H” I looked up and his face which still had the cheekiest grin on it. “Do you wanna grab something to eat?” “Yeah sure, I actually am quite hungry” “Okay cool” He knelt over me to grab the hotel phone to order in. I yanked the phone out of his hand and put it back to the server. “Do you not want anything?” The confusion setting into his face, I grabbed his chin to pull the smile back and I pushed my fingers into his dimples which I know he loved. “How about we go downstairs to the restaurant and eat? We can look cute and go out for a romantic meal?” “Sweetie I am so washed I cant be bothered going anywhere tonight” He pulled himself onto the side of the bed beside me with a sigh leaving his lips. “Harry its just for an hour or so, we haven’t had dinner together in a while” I looked back around at his face, still with a awkward look to it. “We had dinner yesterday” “Yeah, a salad in the dressing room” I sighed and pushed my body to lay on his chest with my arms wrapped around his waist facing him. “Im sorry it was just a thought, I know your really tired” “Im sorry baby ill make It up to you, when I have a day off we can do whatever you want, I promise” He pulled my forearms up so he could kiss me ever so gently on the lips then across my cheeks to my temples. “So do you want Chinese takeout or Indian?”
The next morning was the rehearsal for the awards show which was tonight, and as usual the preparation is crazy. People running around grabbing the lights, seating arrangements, the routine of the awards, scheduled performances, and of course the celebrities that are there to rehearse. I sat in one of the seats in the audience waiting for to watch Harry’s sound check for tonight when I seen him walking out with six people running after him. He immediately was looking for me in the room and his eyes landed straight on me. I gave a wave and made my way to the front of the stage where the cameras sit. “Hey baby girl” He crouched down kissing me and sat back up. “Hey H, you excited for tonight?” “Yeah I am, ill be fine once the performance is over and I get to sit beside you” I could feel my cheeks burning as if the lights were glaring down heat onto my skin. “I love the way I can still make you blush” “Shut up Harry and get up there” I giggled as I swatted at his shoe giving a smile his way. “Your going to be here right?” “Where else would I be?” He kissed my hand and got up to the band to organise the performance for tonight. “Y/N” I heard a shout from the left of me. I turn around and see Ella, or as most people know her, Lorde, came running to me and greeted me with a hug. “Oh my gosh hey girl no time no see” I screamed when we hugged for more than too long, but not seeing her for ages it made up for lost time. Me and Ella were really good friends when we first got into the industry. We are both signed on the same label and we kind of grew together. But over time obviously with our different lives and fame we kind of grew apart, but of course we still are good friends. “Congrats on the big tour chick” “Aw thank you, I’m just glad that I now have time to see and spend time with Harry, he’s having so much fun and I’m so happy to see him happy” I giggled at her. Her face didn’t rocipacate. “Are you happy though?” “Of course I am why wouldn’t I be?” She pulled her arm out, initiating to take a seat beside her. “Look Y/N I know when your not happy about something, is it Harry?” “No no its not Harry at all” “Then what is it?” I took a deep breath, and just let it out to her. “I don’t know, I just feel like recently we haven’t been as close as what we were before he released his music. Dont get me wrong we are still close, but I mean, I hate to say this, but- I kinda feel like we are growing apart a little” She looked down at my hands that were clawing down my jeans, which might as well have holes in them at this point. “If that’s the way you feel then maybe you should talk to him about it” “Yeah” I look over to Harry that was talking to one of the guitar players in the band, showing him the certain chords on the guitar he wanted played. Looking at him I know I couldn’t do it to him, not here and not when the whole tour is happening. It was crush him. “No, I cant bring it up now, its just, theres too much going on right now” “Well, I do think you need to talk eventually” My gaze went straight back to Lorde, which she had a sympathetic smile to it. She does have a point, but right now, it needs to be shot to the back of my head. My main concern right now s supporting Harry tonight. The chords from Kiwi came on and my full attention went straight to him with the music going straight through my body.
A few hours later I was finally finished hair and makeup when I hear him coming into the room with a few other people talking about the show tonight. I looked at Lou that was telling me a story about Lux and how she has started to take an interest in makeup. “And I said to her no yeh cant use nail polish for eyeshadow, I nearly had a heart attack then” Her accent strong like Harry’s always made me feel more comforted, I’m not sure why. Was probably the accent, which is stupid, but its always the small things for me. “Baby you look beautiful” Harry came over with food in hand and pushed a kiss to my head while Lou was still trying to perfect it. “Harold get away, glam squad here, no boys aloud innit” My face srunched up with laughter seeing Harry’s reaction. “Fine Im leaving, in a huff” He flicked his imaginary hair and walked off to the door. “As long as your huffs over in an hour to come back so I can do your hair you can huff to your hearts content pet” The laughter coming out of me was nearly the worst laugh in history, but the way they get along just makes you want to piss your pants. “You guys are so funny together Lou” “I mean its a pure comical show so yeh cant really get it anywhere else can yeh?” We both giggled and I got up to make my way into get changed.
When we were close to the red carpet of the ARIA’s I start to see Harry tense up a litte beside me, which made my hand glide up his thigh. “Hey youll be fine” “I know love, just not a huge fan of the red carpet bit” “I know, that’s what I’m here for, remember?” My eyes looked up into his nervous ones, reading him is so easy, you just know what he is feeling just by looking at him. “Just keep your eyes on me, right?” “Right” I felt a small kiss to my cheek as I looked back to the window of the car. I sometimes think to myself how can I make him feel better, he should be used to this kind of stuff. He has been doing it longer than what I have been. But then again everyone doesn’t like any of their job do they?
The night went smoothly, no humps or hiccups with the whole night. His performance was outstanding as normal, and on top of that he won best international artist which is amazing. He never gives himself credit for what he has done and want he can do. But then again when I think of myself being an artist I never think that I’m perfect. “I’m so glad to be home, well, back to the hotel I guess” He chuckled as I went to set my bag down on the kitchen table and he look off his blazer. “Babe I have to say, if that skirt was any shorter, I could of easily slipped inside of you when you were sitting on my lap after the show, fuck you looked so hot tonight” His hands automatically went straight to the back of my thighs and rubbed there way up underneath my skirt, clutching my bum. I quickly turned around so his hands couldn’t get where they wanted to. I knew where this was going. “Oh so you want to do it now?” His breathes got deeper as his eyes trailed around my body, eyeing me up like a piece of candy. “Of course, love, I just wanna bend you over this table” His ring covered hands found their spot again straight to my bum, clutching it in his palms, giving me a good squeeze. “Baby you torture me” His eyes reverted back to mine, trying to read me. I wasn’t really feeling the whole atmosphere. Since I talked to Lorde it really got me thinking about us and this whole ‘problem’ if that’s what I even wanna call it. I need to bring this up now before its too late. “Harry, every time I wanna have sex you say your too tired, now you want to?” “Well, yeah, why wouldn’t I?” His eyes gave out confusion that set to my lips then back to my eyes. “Look Harry, I really need to talk to you” I pulled his hands away from my bum and pushed him away to I could look at him properly. “Y/N, are you okay love?” He leaned on the chair that was sitting in front of him, waiting for me to make a coherent sentence that didn’t seem too stupid. How can I even start this conversation. “Harry, I feel like recently, this between us, well, they aren’t the way they used to be before” His face grew puzzled at my statement, never taking his eyes off of me. “I feel like somethings not right here, with us, is there something wrong with us?” “Of course there isn’t baby girl, I mean all couples kinda go through this I guess, but there is nothing wrong with us” He started to make his way back to me and I pulled myself back to the same distance that we were in before. I didn’t want him thinking that this conversation was over when it was just getting started. I didn’t want to brush off this conversation for the sake of not getting into a fight. I hate confrontation but this just needs to be said to him. “Harry I’m not happy. Im not happy that the fact that when I bring up something to do or something that I want to do that you always brush it off to the side and not make it a big deal. Like the few times that ive asked you to come with me and have a romantic meal or go for a walk, or even just to get coffee and spend some alone time together before you have a show. Look I know that you have the tour and I know that it can be stressful. But I’m here too, I know that I’m here for you to support you but I’m here, I need some Harry time to myself, and not with other people around shouting at you one million things.” His face just sat there, emotionless. He had no vibes coming from him, which is never a good thing when it comes to Harry. Not being able to ready him makes me think did I do the right thing and even bring this up?
“We do have alone time, when I come home from a show and we cuddle in bed with a dvd” “Harry that’s not spending time with someone, that’s just laying down before bed. We aren’t talking, we are just laying there until we fall asleep. That’s not being with each other” “Well in my eyes that counts for something” “Well in my eyes it doesn’t” The air in the room gets thicker and the tension starts to rise. “I feel like your not trying anymore H. I gave up my whole life to be here with you when I could have been at home right now” “Oh please, don’t give me this guilt bullshit” “I could have been writing songs for another album, and gee I don’t know, spending time with my family?” “So to get your own way in this fight you want to make me feel bad about you coming out here with me and throwing that back in my face?” “Oh so now its an arugment?” “Did you really think that this was going to be a good and smooth conversation Y/N?” His voice raised to a scary tone as he started to walk across to the other side of the kitchen. “I don’t know what you want me to do Y/N, just say to everyone ‘hey I wanna spend time with my girlfriend so I’m going to cancel a few shows here and there. Its not like that you know, I cant just take time off when I want it. This is my job. I am exhausted” “Harry I’m not asking you to give up tour dates for me, I’m asking you to make an hour just for us. Im not asking for a whole day. Even just a dinner, or something. But your not even trying, I feel like I’m the one that’s only trying here” I walked to the side of the sofa and sat down on it, looking down at my hands as the tears streamed down my face. “I feel as if you don’t love me anymore Harry” “What the fuck kind of statement is that? If I didn’t love you anymore, I wouldn’t care where you would go, I wouldn’t care if you were here or not, I wouldn’t give two fucks about you” My blood started to boil again and I got up to face his red complextion. “If you even fucking cared about me and our relationship we shouldn’t be even having this conversation. Im only asking for one fucking hour of your time, to actually spend time with your 4 year long girlfriend. Thats not a lot I’m asking here since your the one that’s asking for my full 24 hour time. You asked me to come with you not me” “And you said yes, you didn’t have to say yes, you could have easily said that you wanted to spend time with your family because I would have understood” “No Harry I wanted to come with you because I thought that it would have been an experience that I wouldn’t ever want to forget, to be with my boyfriend and to travel the world and see things that I didn’t see when I was alone” A small silence stilled as we took in what was said in the space of ten minutes. “I was thinking of the things that we could have been doing, as a couple. Making our relationship stronger” His face never left the ground, with his hands clasped around the sides of the marble designed island made me see that this was getting to him. I never thought that this conversation would have gotten this far. But it goes to show that he really didn’t think about it. I walked up to him and stood right in front of him and forced him to look at me. “How many times did you come out to see me when I was touring and you were away making your album?” “Dont pull this bullsh-“ “How many times did you come out to see me when I was touring and you were away making your album?” I repeated with a more stern tone to it. I needed to get him to see what was really going on, but it still wasn’t clicking. “Once” He mumbled with his face hung to the ground; keeping his face away from mine. “How many times?” I asked him to repeated it. “Once” His voice raised as he looked up at me. “Yeah, once out of 32 shows. That just proves my point, I’m done with this conversation” I started to walk away from him and he grabbed my arm with great force to stop me in my tracks. “Dont just walk away from this when you think your done, its not done here” “Right okay, lets keep fighting the same fight. If that’s what will get you to see it then please ill be happy to” I pulled my arms away from his grasp and folded my arms looking directly at him. “Y/N, if you really think that I don’t care, and brought you out here to waste your time, or just use you for comfort from home, then maybe you should leave and go home. Because to the quite honest with you, this attitude, is really getting on my last nerve” The attitude that was streaming from his body language was something I never thought I would see coming from him. He started to walk away into the kitchen when of course I followed him, with a lot more coming into mind. I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget anything that I had planned to say in my head. “I try so much for you Harry and your the one that throws it in my face. You really think that I’m giving you attitude? Yeah actually, maybe I am, because its the only way to get it through your thick skull that is whole thing is ruining our relationship” “Eh no actually Y/N because this whole relationship was fine until tonight” “You thought that it was a fine relationship” Once again a silence broke through the room waiting for someone to say something. I knew if I needed to explain more to him about us then it wasn’t even worth trying anymore. “Harry I shouldn’t have to explain to you if I’m happy. You should know that. You cant be this great guy int he public eye and then be a complete dick behind closed doors. Your either one person or the other, which is it? I fell in love with the nice charming guy that would do anything to be with me, and treat me with respect and treat me like no other guy would treat me. But that guy isn’t there anymore. I cant wait for him” I couldn’t keep my tears back looking at him. I was standing there pouring my heart out to him and he just stood there, facing me, watching me, looking right through me. Maybe I’m starting to break him. “I love you Harry. Not the guy that’s standing in front of me right now, but the guy that I met 4 years ago” I started to walk into the bedroom across the hall and slammed the door shut behind me. Thats when I broke, so hard. I held it in for so long trying to be strong to get everything out, and now that its out in the open, I kinda feel glad that I said it, but also regret it. Im thinking back to an hour ago and just thinking I should have just had sex with him and it would have been a good night. But it would ave just been me prolonging the enevitable.
Once I calmed myself down I decided to get myself back to our house in London to give us some space because at this point I think that’s all we need. I made sure that all of my stuff from travelling around was in my suitcase and zipped it up. I looked around the room and to Harry’s suitcase. Just knowing that I cant look for one of his graphic t shirts to wear to bed just made my heart break, but I know that doing this will help make him see that I’m serious about this.
I made my way down the halls trailing my suitcases at hand with the phone to my ear talking to the driver, and I seen Harry sitting on the sofa looking straight my direction. “Okay thank you, ill see you in 5” I hung up the phone and tried to ignore the fact that Harry was sitting watching me as I made my way to the door. “Y/N” He jumped up off of the sofa and hit his hand off of the door so I couldn’t open it. “Why are you doing this, why are you leaving?” “If you cant see that this is our main problem, I cant help you. We both need time to think about this” I grab the door handle and harry pulled it away. “Need time to think about what? Y/N we can talk about this and we can figure this out” His eyes began to fill up with tears. “Harry I cant sit here and pretend that everything’s okay when its not. I cant do this relationship if its one sided, its either we work 50/50 or I’m done” I pulled his hand away from the door handle and walked out the door with my suitcases. As I walk down the hallway I hear the faint noises of a scream and a loud smash coming from our room; hearing what this is doing to him just is breaking me into two, making me think that is this the right thing I’m doing. But what is breaking my heart each time I took a step, he wasn’t chasing me.
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evellyynn7 · 7 years
That Night pt.2 of Meeting Mr. Wrong
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            “It all started on a dark and cold night, November 7th to be exact.” I said very quietly almost regretting doing this. Dean was such a good listener, his eyes looked at me with such compassion as i told the whole story.
          “Lets do something crazy tonight guys!... unless some of you are gonna be little wusses” Steve was looking at us 3 girls, Nancy Wheeler, Barbra Holland... and me. He was of course mostly referring to Barb since she looked the most nerdy out of our bunch, he thought we would be at least a little bit easier to loosen up and i mean that in a dirty way too.
            Billy Hardgrove was there along with Tommy H and Carol. They of course were there to get lucky and wasted while my 3 friends and i were just trying to up our popularity status. “Hey here’s a clever idea, why don’t we play a little game to help these newbies ‘loosen up’ Billy said with a wink to me and his famous smirk. “That may be the only smart thing you’ve said all day Steve” joked. The others laughed and agreed while the rest of were nervous at first but warmed up to the idea while Barb was always against this ‘loosening up’ game.
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           “Alright, fuck it, how do you play the damn game” i couldn’t believe i said that, i guess that was just all that naughty that’s been shunned away from my good girl act. “Oooo this pretty little girl has a naughty side?” Billy said this in a shocked but intrigued way. “C’mon Billy just tell us how to play the damn game” Nancy saw how i was learning to just go with it so she followed along. “ Okay book worm don’t get aggressive” Billy said this with less interest and more annoyance of Nancy. “Okay so newbies have to prove themselves to us by doing some dares that are given to you by yours truly” he winked and let out a puff while gesturing to his friends. Steve interrupted fast “So i’ll start with miss wheeler, i da...” Billy cut him off with anger in his eyes. “But my good friend forgot to mention the best part!, if you guys cant complete the dare then you have to strip one item each time” he seemed proud of his lustful command.
         After several halfly and fully covered dares, there laid 4 girls in either just a bra and panty or maybe they still had a sweater or jeans on. I was one of the girls in just a bra and panty but i never felt so alive and bad but i loved it not to mention i was far past drunk. I knew that barb felt uncomfortable the whole time and so did the whole group so they went easy on her and she just had to take off her coat. “Ok so this one is for Liv over there.” Billy said grabbing my hand while I lounged on the chair carelessly with my drunken and half covered gorgeous bod. His eyes lingered and he couldn’t hide his blushing and lustful eyes. This drove me crazy cause he was so handsome and sexy but i didn’t want to get to far, i just wasn’t ready for anything that big. I stood up very unsteady and barb saw that, she came over and told me that we should all go and that she would drive. “I think we all had enough fun why don’t we start heading home, you don’t look to well Liv.” “I’m fine i don’t need you to be a mom right now, why don’t you go you never fit in anyways, and don’t say that i don’t ‘look good’ for all i know your probably just jealous.” I knew right after i said it that i screwed up but it was too late. “ You know what, im done trying to be a good friend, i will go home and good luck trying to get home like that, maybe one of your new ‘friends’ can sober up before driving.” she left in tears running towards the woods. “Whoa whats up her ass!” Billy laughed and began kissing my neck but i just stood there in shock and a dazed confusion.
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          Later that night Billy and i had made our way to Steve’s couch while tommy and carol took a spare bedroom and Steve led Nancy to his room. I had a feeling of what was going to happen but i was not in my right mind to fully stop it. He leaned in and starting kissing me slow then it suddenly turned harsh and passionate, i could feel his hands making there way up my thigh and i let out a small gasp. “Hey im not sure i wanna take this that far“ i mumbled against his lips but he ignored me and just kept going further up. I heard a faint scream and broke the kiss. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what doll, the only thing i wanna be hearing is you moaning my name.” he smirked then slowly went in again and then bit my bottom lip slowly. Little did i know that it was barb coming back to drive us home since she was actually a good friend who cared for us regardless and not just someone who was only trying to get in my pants. “ Billy i dont know about this” “Oh cmon your just shy but ill be gentle and then all youll feel will be pure bliss” he then lowered me on my back and made his way down by kissing me in every spot that sent chills to my body so i let go and just went with it.
          The next day Barb wasnt at school and nanc and i just thought that she was just mad at us but as a week went by we were beyond worried untill 2 days ago when we heard about her on the news, thats when our worried hearts turned into broken grieving hearts. The only good thing was that news report landed on a saturday and i could be a wreck the whole weekend and process things before heading back to school. Thats when things got crazy and people started suspecting her best friends and the sad truth was that i knew something others didnt, this slight piece of evidence could make everybody i care about turn on me.
                “And thats how it all went down Dean, I know i sound absolutely terrible but i want justice for barb.” He was looking at me with wide eyes and a dreamy gaze but i couldnt quite make out what he was thinking. “Wow olivia im shocked but so happy you told me, everything will get better from here on out” he gave me a reassuring smile and leaded me back to class and he happened to casually lay his hand on my waist and guide me, then whispered i think you sounded like a strong and beautiful girl for what you had to go through but im also gonna sound like a douche when i say this but im glad you didnt go after your friend cause it might have gotten you too and i wouldnt be able to meet the strong and beautiful girl standing right in front of me.” i blushed like crazy before walking into the class, once again all eyes were on me and Dean noticed so decided to do something about that. He walked in and said, “Every body should know that your classmate Olivia has helped this case tremendously and you all should give her a smile the next time you see her” “ i should be seeing you around miss hopper” he smiled and winked at you in a professional manner but you could tell it was far from that.
                  A week has past and your uncle hopper went away for a couple of days to solve this case with the winchester brothers, leaving you to watch El. Today she went to go hangout with her bunch while you stayed home and catched up on some vampire diaries. *knock knock* i was shocked to hear a knock on my door, maybe my uncle came back early i thought. I get up from my comfy spot and open the door to a pleasant surprise. “Dean!! how are you? we haven’t spoken in a while and i thought you were supposed to be with my uncle” i was confused yet happy since all my memories had been good with dean and i trusted him on something that meant so much to me. “ Well your uncle asked either me or my brother to check up on you and i happily agreed” he flashed his dazling smile and walked in. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me, for the past few hours we caught up and got to know each other on a whole other level, it was like weve always knew each other and time seemed to fly. I showed him my room and my personal things including some secrets. “ Ive always wanted to tell you this but i think your absolutely gorgeous.” he kept his beautiful blue eyes latched on me and leaned in for a kiss.I went in and soon enough we were naked on my bed over heated and satisfied. “You can spend the night” i said smiling at him with my fingers tracing his bare abs. “Im sure theyve got this covered for tonight” he smiled down at me and kissed my forhead, then we fell asleep in an instant.
              The next morning was amazing, waking up to a shirtless sexy Dean was priceless and epecially getting to watch his cute face sleep. He woke up with a smile and said “ Mornin gorgeous, how did you sleep, i know i slept well with you by my side” he pecked my lips “I could say the same” I got up to kiss him more passionalty and put some clothes on in the bathroom but as i was leaving i felt his eyes heavy on my naked body. I shut the door and got dressed but i stayed in the bathroom because i heard my uncle enter my room screaming his head off! Dean was shook and got up fast trying to defend himself while my uncle was saying “I cant belive you!! i practically told you to babysit her for a few hours and i come home to you naked in her bed doing who knows what! time to leave Mr.Wrong, youve helped enough. As i finished getting ready i walked out with shame all over my face and my uncle telling me to go for somebody my own age.
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Mark: rape victims. Theyre the most hurt out of all this and you keep thinking back to when you and Candy talked and you kept saying "Candy i need to do something about the rape victims. They need help" and she said "mom What about me?" And you said "candy all i know is i love you too much to know right now" and that was all. So, I'm thinking each race has barely enough tickets left. If we do the same as Woodstock on the teams. You know Matt Hagan's team has a guy who raped you yourself in the high school bathroom when you were trying to be "normal" and so. Im thinking eridacate those few make it safe for everybody before. Then when it's safe have tree insert free tickets and airfare what like a United airlines gift card and one for lodging with extra money on them of course to go on a separate trip later on their own someplace nice with their families, kids and soulmates, lost parents and siblings and more.
Me: mmhmmm
Mark: i know i lost you at DNA4U. Tree what is the percentage of rape victims not tested?
Tree: 2%
Mark: so see it will be perfect and tree can just email the rest.
Me: sounds good to me
Mark: and i will pay because you are truly running out. You only budgeted $4 Billion for the First Chandler of the Year Event. You're at $3.62 billion according to the trees calculations and i know youll add more midway because of the ones just beginning that hadn't earned all year. There's some special summer people the Tree sees coming in the future for the NHRA and associates. A whole entire family in human trafficking. Its Steve Torrence and you want to buy them a house and a few cars and a plane and butler and you're already out of money.
Steve: they can just live with me
Mark: your house isn't big enough
Me: let them pick a bunker location and we will remodel
Mark: what?
Me: my gramma went back and most of her bunker because they were so used to it and so many. If i build them what i think is the greatest house in the world, it won't be good enough. Im not like them
Mark: well i think you're wrong. They want out.
Me: the sunlight itself is damaging to the eyes. The weather changing all the time and it's so much to get used to the outside world. So i think Idk... Im not gonna assume. But my grammas is in the side of a hill and we put Windows in it. So there's many alternative opportunities that we can do. Im not trying to save money. I just want to spend it perfectly.
Mark: i know that's all you want to do. Jason Line's family has got out. And they're okay. I'm gonna expedite some people. I'll be back don't post yet.
Saint Luches: He's sexy. When she said his vein was popping.. Yum. Hey! I tap in her phone! I see her wallpaper! And it's his veins popping! Fucking hard!
Tumblr media
Fuck yeah man. It's life. Thoughts roaring through hos body at high rates of speed
Alex: that's all I was trying to say
Mark: i put video in for people i select in the DNA4U so they will have to check. They should ask you for help Alex. Okay? Even if yoh don't like them
Me: okay baby
Alex: got it baby. But only if yoh fuck me
Me: please. Pay me. First with a hard Dick then cold hard cash and gifts oh and feed me dinner.
Mark: feed me Seymour
Alex: i love you baby
Me: only me. Not that Saint Luches. He's mine.
Mark: will you two stop and listen to me
Me: only cause that vein is popping. Alright. what baby?
Mark: you make me laugh too much. Sabrina you know what to do. There is too many people still to attend the track so what do we do?
Me: well they will need to make room in the camps and double up in cars so there's enough parking and so they may be in the way of workers in the trailers.. So we will see if NHRA can make a special Chandler Love section
Mark: yeah let's decorate it with hearts..
Me: oh all romantic!!! Like white linen. Roses. Mmmm like dinner is that oyster romantic stuff
Mark: oh and cinnamon
Me: yeah cinnamon all floating through the air. We can put something on top of the trailer like a wax burner. Which will be perfect because a each cube really only lasts 3 days. So dump it out and get in the road.
Mark: yeah see yoh already have no money. You already got the candle wax and warmers and flower vases from me and tree. You and Candy arranged that in 2016. But you still need to buy flowers and you did have the families of special victims to take them home already. But not the vases, they wrap them in wet papertowls on the bottom of the stems then use wax paper they can later press the flowers into to have pressed flowers. So that is already budgeted in the $3.62B you have them going to local to the track homeless shelters.
Candy: oh dad i forgot that!
Me: how's it going there Chandler Bing?
Candy: call me Candy
Me: all right 007
Candy laughs surprised: mom!
Agent: alright they will be furnished by the CIA. Setting out tables and serving food
Mark: yeah we got real wooden tables and chairs. The chairs don't fold. They stack. Her dad made them.
Candy: oh dad!
Mark: her mom's idea. Jesse Tony was so shocked. He said "i know how to make those!" They're so beautiful with vines of love coming down. She really was in love with him again that day.
Me: :D
Mark: it happens, happiness. Ok. So then everything is fine. Alex you'll have to help Steve with his parents.
Alex: what about my parents?
Mark: this weekend since you can't have her Because she HAS to go to Columbia. Her children need since organizational skills.
Candy: that's good mom. You got to do that. She's killed him 4-6 times since you last saw him.
Me: I think she's like Alex. Into kink. She might be his daughter.
Alex: shit. I think she is
Saint Luches: whoooo the world we have on our hands
Me: this is how i just saw Alex in my head
Alex: don't you dare say what you just saw
Me: so hes all "you used to always wake me to eat. You'd give me a handy to wake me unless i was already out and and probably pretending to sleep and id pull you on to ride. Then youd feed me by hand the breakfast you made or dinner if It was ready and Saint Luches didn't tell you to wake me early. Then I'd tie you up on the weekends to the bed" that's what ive heard so far of our relationship in his eyes.
Alex: just the sex part! (He laughs) oh my god! I can't believe she said that about me
Me: that's not even... So I've been wearing pearls and hes all i want to wrap these around your neck so tight when we're fucking... But they're yours and they'll break so I'll buy you a different necklace to wear. A whole box
Saint Luches: whoo!! He went full kink!! Hes not holding back!!! Whooo weeeeee neat! This is gonna be fun.
Me: oh and i got all this saggy ass on my skin -- skin on my ass from that last 15 pounds i lost. He's all Saint Luches get this, hes all, i want to wrap my hands in it and just yank... Like its not attached to my body but then Saint Luches get this, im all okay sounds good because i can't even feel any thing there cause the nerves are all dead. Uh huh. I'm like yeah let's... Whatever you want baby.
Saint Luches: and you're serious!
Me: uh huh yeah
Saint Luches: that's what I know!
Me: so then last night he's telling me "I'm just gonna get a leash when you go to NHRA and put it around your neck", I told him that's too degrading in public bedside you don't want that any way. A leash and collar are boring. They're just standard. Pearls has control where you wrap around your fist and it's your intensity on your cock that makes you want to break the pearls. Its completely different. But i told him he can put a cuff on my wrist and leash me there because i know he really does want to leash me in public
Alex: i fucking do so bad!! I've always wanted to!!
Me: well people know who we are now so its not like walking around all randomly in NYC in a business coat. Suit and heels. With a spiked collar and leash... Besides you know the problems there... So a wrist is just an extension of your tiny short arm. And so in the current situation its applicable to chain me to him... But also Alex, you must remember if you're not looking some one can take it off me and put it on something else and you not even notice
Alex: yeah i know! That's happened and I heard you screaming and looked and then I was hooked to the fucking metal banister of the stairs you were sitting on and you were all the way down the street with 2 cars to pick you up
Me: I.... Uhh. Yep.
Alex: fucking mother Teresa kidnapped you said I was abusive in a sexual nature to you. So I started wearing the collar and I looked sexy, too. Maybe that's what we will do instead...
Me: if you want to baby. Mother Teresa had me so scared. I was afraid she would take off my clothes to find the bruises of you biting me and squeezing me so tight
Alex: she was going to until you told her you felt you were in a rape situation and told her to take off her robe which she did, all fucking wrinkled l nasty
Me: yeah and i told you to let's go Like 10 times and all yoy did was stare at her.
Alex: i was staring at her face! I was scared! Then sh3 dropped those mini blinds and I snapped out and I realized she was gonna fuck us on that table, you weren't kidding about her! God she was nasty. I don't even think she wanted to kidnap us. Just make us drugged and drunk and fuck us until her little shriveled ass dried all the way up.
Me: i told you
Alex: no! Dont say it!
Me: her pussy would always drip down her ass crack and she would never die unless someone killed her!
Alex: id rather talk about kink. And I didn't wanna talk about that either.
Me: we're supposed to be spending money. Help me. Ohhh kink for
Mark: no we got that! No actually we did. Star studded collars and shorter leashes and cuffs and also Abu in leather to strip. While walking around
Alex: oh my god. Did you really do that for me?! Oh my God!!!
Me: on a day too hot to wear clothes and waster hoses to water down t-shirts
Candy: mo-om!!
Me: we warn before hand and we got bathing suit tops -- string bikinis.
Alex: omg. Stop baby. Quit. Baby. Quit. Omg.
Me: and xl white t-shirt to 5x .
Alex: oh Fuck!!
Me: we got it all clean fun
Candy: and where are they gonna get dressed?
Me: by the water slides
Candy: well okay then!!!
Me: and we will have mud wrasslin
Candy: mom!
Me: please baby Like we weren't born in Alabama. Ut Its in plastic pools. We will have clean dirt brought in. So no little rocks or stickers or branches
Alex: oh my God! Why do i love you! This is why!!
Candy: mom! That is not what i want to do! But i want to watch!!.
Me: girl. You'll do it.
Candy: what--what?
Me: baby girl youll get to watching and you'll start wondering how that feels., like is the mud cold? Is it really so fresh? Like you can't watch a mud wrassle without wanting to get in. It's the law. At first youlk be all As long as it's not in my hair, but once it gets in there you'll be all fuck oh my God this mud is good you won't even,care. You'll start making yourself dreadlocks. For real. Its good shit,
Alex: that's so hot and heavy baby what else you got for me
Me: Alex. Its for my child! Every child needs a good mud puddle. She will go with her brother and sisters before anyone else gets in. Like off hours. During a private time. Just for employees and lovers. My children will play in the mud just like i let their sister Annabelle. Its my rule as a mom. But it's clean spa quality mud.
Candy: for real mom? Im gonna cry! I gotta walk away!
Me: you're welcome. I don't care how old And wiser than me you are you're my baby. Mark already bought everyone the tickets.
Mark: and some Columbian Abu that need to return to America and not to Columbia.
Alex: so when Sabrina comes. There will be whips and chains. This excites me.
Me: this way Every one knows the threat is present! No guessing! I'm here. Black leather is out. Whips.Whips. whips and chains. If Steve Torrence thought this weekend shopping was erotic and silly just wait, it gets worse and better! I bet we could put up an outfit for him. Get him topless, some long leather arm cuffs with fringe ... Chaps. Boots.
Alex: and what am i wearing?
Me: nothing. A loin cloth in public places,
Alex: shut up! You're Not kidding me are you
Me: i swear he just sighed with relief.
Alex: shit i did babe. I was like yeah! She's doing an new Animal house but animal. Leather is animal skin and she wull wear purple or pink or red zebra.
Me: it's caaaaaaaaavemaaan!
Alex: oh my God that was sexy. You know she iw the only 100% pure Neanderthal in the world. She has every single Neanderthal gene. No one else in the world does.
Me: mmhmmm Annabelle only has 75% because ironically yummy kinky bastard you only have 50%. If She's yours. But She has your lips
Alex: i know. And punishing attitude
Mark: it's because he evolved from bestiality.
Alex laughs: shut the fuck up.
Me: your face is too red for me to not to want to ask questions.
Alex: im a civilized caveman
Me: dont lie to me
Alex: i wear suits
Me: mmm
Alameaniae: great now can we get back to me? I kill my husband bring him to life and fuck him
Me: you're a healer and goddess of fertility. Its quite simple although authentically unknown around the world as many people try to mimic you without the known skill. But you're not evil. Just a Goddess of sudden powers that bestow truth and honesty beyond any means of life itself. You truly despise evil and you can't Fuck even your husband if he has even a dusting of evil on him. So you kill him and make him whole again.
Another killer daughter: Just like Saint Luches used to do to Sabrina. You all do. Even Mark.
Mark: WTF. I never did that to Sabrina. Saint Luches
Saint Luches: just that one time she went silent and didn't moan during sex.
Me: because i learned not to because it attracted attention from a child wanting to know what that noise was. Well IDK. Apparently its common in other relationships.
Tree: there is 1600 goddess to God relationships that are 100% that way. Mark never. Saint Luches on impulse. And Alex more often than not. Jesse Tony never.
Alex: hey I love the bitch, it's hot what can I tell you
Tree: but usually with Alex it's on accident, he's accident prone. But he heals all her scrapes and Bruises if he gave them to her or not. So he's only done it 45 times out of 648 sexual occurrences.
Me: it's passion. I usually don't feel it. Mostly I hop out because i do feel pain. And i know he doesn't want me to. Then i watch him fuck my dead body. Its very interesting.
Alex: I'd check my watch and see if it stopped. Check a wall clock to see how long she been dead then i tell her what the fuck are you doing dying on me? Where does it hurt? And then i heal it and she goes back to life, she's rhe sick one watching me fornicate on her dead self
Me: thats sexy as Hell.
Alameaniae: So all the rest of you are doing it on accident? Im doing it on purpose
Armageddon: currently there's 1600 of you purposely killing your spouse which is 0.000366% of the world. Which is quite interesting. You will be studied.
Alameaniae: okay! :)
Armageddon: usually that style of attitude we turn into cats, we were not aware why this was occurring but now we do. Because we fuck up and torture. So then you kill who you think tortured the most when we thought we were fulfilling a prophecy which we now know is a lie. Thanks to Sabrina and her attitude ans refusal to turn to lust to be her guide and instead strengthen love not only for herself but the world. Again as she did in the 1980s. And so now we will exclude prophecies as some are lies designed to take over the world which we now know in impossible. Due to the one actual full Neanderthal on Earth. Sabrina = Cleopatra = Lady Godiva = Goddess = S.Leigh and all hwr other names. Still her. Just like she said, you can change everything about the way she looks and the world around her but yoh can't change her. Its true and that isn't a prophecy. Its an anti-prophecy.
Me: because im awesome like that. All Neanderthal Gene!
Mark: baby You make laugh
Armageddon: and you did kill Sabrina Mark 2x. But the difference is you all do it during sex unlike the 1600. Saint Luches in the beginning because hes insecure he can fuck well enough. Alex at the end because hes certain she will run away. And Mark's two were accident related when they were interrupted (by rapists) and he was trying to hide what they were doing. I'm just saying there is a difference is all. And even still Alex doesn't do it on purpose. But Saint Luches will. 113 times out of 492.
Mark: Jesus Christ! God!
Armageddon: but Saint Luches was circumcised too far so sometimes he had pain and thought Sabrina could feel it as well.
Mark: oh
Armageddon: those 3 only lived together 6 months.
Alameaniae: God! She really is a nympho!
Me: and I advocate for Soulmates. Fix the issue with the cats please.
Armageddon: oh yeah hold on leg me call tree. Shhh.
Mark: He really uses his phone. That's so hilarious. You don't even know his number do you? Or mine or even Alex's. Not even Saint Luches.
Me: I dont even have their emails.
Mark: so we got rape victims, some human trafficking. No murdered but those come in. Abuse will be eradicated for some and educated to stop. We have all your other paperwork but most of the post -- well all till this one has been new
Me: ok. I'll rest. I still have till the weekend is up to add.
0 notes
glowstickhaloboy · 7 years
AU where keith accompanies lance to get a tattoo
so like. lance expects pain. he knows that getting a tattoo will hurt, he just doesnt know how much.
so he brings keith along with him.
thats the thing. keith is lances rival (but also kinda his friend, so it isnt weird to ask him to watch lance get a tattoo) so lance would never  n e v e r  show weakness in front of keith, even if he was getting a needle repeatedly buzzed through his skin
(lance is not terrified of needles, but that doesnt make him their biggest fan)
he made his appointment like a week ago, and since he was doing something small, they were able to squeeze him in much faster than hed thought they would be able to. suddenly, he has to quickly muster up his bravery.
“are you okay, man?” asks keith as they walk into the shop. “you look kinda pale.”
“what? im fine. shut up. mind your own business.”
lance almost feels bad, but hes more distracted by the fact that hes about to permanently mark his skin with ink. like. forever.
and its a worthwhile tattoo, its his aunts name on his shoulder because she passed away last year, and a lot of the adults in lance’s family have the same tattoo and he wants to prove that he’s not a baby anymore, but its still a big commitment
lance and keith are taken to the back room, where a guy is literally in the process of getting a tattoo done, which should not be a surprise in a tattoo parlor, but still lance kinda stares like he cant believe hes really here
keith nudges him. “are you sure youre okay?” he asks again. its the genuine concern in his voice that steels lance’s resolve. bastard.
“i am fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine Keith, what part of that statement dont you understand??” he glances back at the dude with half a dragon on his back. gulps. “totally fine.”
“because if you arent sure about this,” keith continues, “you shouldnt do it.”
lance scoffs. “im sure, keith. dont be ridiculous. and since when did you care? besides, i already made a downpayment, so if i dont go through with it, im out 60 bucks.”
keith shrugs. “whatever you say.”
so eventually the guy getting dragon-ed leaves with more of a dragon, not all of it, because apparently huge tattoos are done in sessions (by hour how can someone be okay with getting needled for h o u r s at a time???) and the artist wipes down seemingly everything in the room with disinfectant. lance is grateful for this. it gives him plenty of time to bolster his courage again.
the artist explains everything through to lance, and he doesnt know why hes still nervous. he really doesnt want the needle to hurt. he doesnt want to regret the decision in three months. he doesnt want everyone to make a big deal out of him getting a tattoo.
he has to take off his shirt because the tattoo is going to be on the back of his shoulder. hes been using humor to cover up his freak out this entire time, but now if he laughs he’ll mess up the tattoo, so he just has to lay there, trying not to look at keith, and listen to the pandora station the shop has playing.
finally, just as its about to start, even though keith is there, lance admits to the artist, “the anticipation is going to be horrible if im not facing you-”
“relax, man,” the artist says. “im not gonna leave you hanging. I’ll tell you before i come at you.”
and lance is like. okay. you can do this. brave face time. keith is right there. time to impress him.
and then the needle starts buzzing and lances eyes must go as wide as saucers. keith hides a snicker behind his hand and lance glares at him harder than he glared at uncle ricardo when he went for the last quesadilla at lance’s sister’s wedding. “i dont see you getting stabbed over here, keith,” he says.
keith shrugs. “you chose this,” is all he says.
“damn right i did, and its important to me, so stop making fun of me, you nerd ass jerk face.”
keith sobers. “youre right, sorry.” hes still smiling, though.
and, okay, there is pain. theres definitely pain. but its honestly not horrible. thinking about what it was going to be was definitely worse than going through it. lance isnt a wimp, he finds a rhythm to breathe in and grits his teeth past the burn.
all in all, the tattoo does not take more than fifteen minutes. lance is actually surprised by how fast it goes. he stands when the artist tells him to and twists around to check out his back in the mirror.
his heart soars. it looks awesome. he may or may not tear up a little.
the artist helps lance bandage the tattoo and gives him instruction for aftercare, and lance returns the favor with a generous tip.
keith is holding out lance’s shirt, and lance flushed when he realizes that hes still naked from the waist up. he snatches his shirt and tugs it back on.
“it does look really good, man,” says keith.
lance is practically glowing. “it does, doesnt it?” he says. “my family’s going to love it.” and then softer, “i love it.”
keith punches lance’s arm lightly. “you should. and, for the record, i was surprised at how well you kept it together. except for gritting your teeth once, you really handled yourself.”
lance’s blush deepens. “were you watching that closely?” he asks, embarrassed.
keith doesnt say anything because they reach the door to the shop. he holds it open for lance. lance catches a whiff of the pizza place across the street.
“dude, i am starving. i havent been able to eat all day, i was so nervous. you wanna grab something to eat? my treat, since i dragged you all the way out there.”
keith--keith--smiles. “i’d like that,” he says.
once theyre seated inside, lance asks, “so come on then, if you were getting a tattoo, what would it be?”
“i already have one,” keith says, stone serious.
“really?! where??”
“on my foot. its a wolf’s head that says courage. its spelled out in the teeth.”
“no way! youre lying to me right now! i gotta see this!”
keith rolls his eyes. “obviously im lying lance. but if i had to get one... i dont know. i would want something personal. but i feel like i dont have enough pieces of my own life to pick something out yet.”
lance stares for a second. blinks. “keith, that is literally the saddest thing anyone has ever said to me. you arent waiting for your life to stumble back towards you! youre living your life right now. who you are right now is, well, who you are. and your life is what it is. even if youre not, i dont know, complete, youve still got to have things that are important to you.”
“yeah.” keith looks down at the table, folding a closed sugar packet. “i guess youre right.”
their pizza shows up. they dig in, and the conversation turns lighter. lance surprises himself by thinking how much hes enjoying spending time with keith. keith, of all people, makes lance happy. like he has any right to.
“alright,” keith says at last, his mouth sort of full. “it would be a massive cock over my heart.”
lance chokes. “KEITH.”
“because of how much i love cock, lance, you see, its whats most important to me-”
keith breaks and starts laughing. “Shh youll get us kicked out!”
lance stifles his heart attack with great difficulty. because keith, who lance had the biggest hate-crush on in the history of hate-crushes, just told lance that he loves cock, and lance has one of those. and it is definitely getting the wrong idea from this conversation.
“i retract my question on the grounds that you are not taking this seriously,” says lance, blushing furiously.
keith nods. “thats fair.”
they recover quickly and finish their pizza. as theyre walking out, lance realizes that he really doesnt want their fun day together to end yet. he invites keith back to his house for video games or a movie or whatever, and hes sure hes going to be shut down. but keith, surprisingly, accepts.
halfway into the movie, keith breaks the stiff canal of distance lance placed between them on the couch to say, “lance. you know ive been hitting on you all day, right?”
lance chokes again even though there isnt anything in his mouth this time. “oh yeah?” he stammers. “well, m-maybe you’re so lousy at it i couldn’t even tell!” his voice sounds shrill. his face is burning. he cant look keith in the eyes.
“i thought that might be a possibility,” keith says coolly. “that’s why im telling you know: i have a crush on you, lance.”
“You cant just say stuff like that!” lance protests, waving his arms around defensively. “what am i supposed to say back to that?”
“hopefully, something like, ‘wow, me too, keith, today has been the most fun ever.’”
without looking at keith, lance slowly melts leftways on the couch, so he ends up pooled somewhere in keiths general area. “i had fun today,” he says. “i think youre hot. and nice. but thats all youre getting out of me.”
keith laughs, and lance decides he could stand to hear that again. all in all, not a bad day
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my-luminescence · 7 years
I seriously know that it sounds crazy. I know. But I feel like I met my soul mate the other day. I know it was literally the first day I met him so I don’t understand why I feel this way. I’m having trouble sleeping cause I keep thinking of his eyes. They were this beautiful hazel color and I don’t think I am ever gonna forget them. Ugh this is so frustrating. I feel like things are gonna feel purposeless for a while until I stop thinking about it. I’m just being ridiculous I don’t know I just have never met someone that I would have been so sure about before. He was so nice and wholesome and genuinely listened to me. He cared. But he’s probably straight. But then again.. no he’s probably straight. But maybe still my soul mate. WHAT THE HELL ISAIAH YOULL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN EVER GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF. No. It’s just so weird. I made a list of what hooked me and I’ll explain each one now:
Hawaii- He talked about Hawaii a lot and like I just fucking love that place even though I’ve never been there and it’s always been my dream since 1st grade to go there. He got a fucking job there and I LOVE that. That means he wouldn’t mine living in a house with me on Kauai maybe? As long as it’s shorter than a palm tree cause that’s state law and you best believe we’ll be law abiding citizens and contribute the best we can to bettering society.
Flip flops- So I totally had just met this boy. We were all swimming at the Lake for Mercy’s birthday and I left my flipyfloppies on the shore which was down this like mini cliff thing away from the camp site. Well I completely didn’t realize I was barefoot and before I could even realize that I had left my flippy floppies down there he had already got them for me. And it was POURING RAIN WHAT THE FUCK.
Volkswagen- He drives a Volkswagen just like me. Like it’s almost the same color. That’s so h*cking weird.
Religious- He’s Mormon. Before you even start to tell me.. I know. But like still. He’s at least Christian. I need that good influence and moral in my life. Even if he is *italics* MEGA Christian. I have always preached having someone that’s right with God. It’s not important to everyone I know but I consider it pretty important. Not like life or death but ya know.
Eyes- I’ve already touched on this a little but DAMN I HAVE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT IN MY 19 YEARS OF LIFE. THEY WERE THIS BEAUTIFUL DARK CARAMEL MIXED WITH FLECKS OF FOREST GREEN AND I COULDNT CONTAIN MYSELF BECAUSE EVERY TIME HE TALKED TO ME HE MAINTAINED VICIOUS CONTACT AND I JUST KNOW THAT MY PUPILS DILATED AND I CANT DECIDE IF that makes me feel weird or not. I always feel weird what the hell Isaiah of course it make you feel weird you feel weird even when you’re asleep. Remind me why my parents decided to have another kid?
Dark- Em said that he was ¼ Vietnamese. Is that true? I can see it. His complexion was this beautiful brown color and not to be gay but his hair color/body hair color (?) was so pleasing to look at and I’m a complete fäg don’t talk about it.
Build- He has that stocky build that I have continuously sought after. Idk what it is but his build was so RIGHT.
Genuine concern- Okay so enough with fleshly concerns let’s get down to business. This guy CARED. Like really cared. It didn’t matter what I was talking about he always asked questions about whatever outrageously dramatic story that I might have been telling at the time. He asked me about where I work and he made sure that I could hear the tv cause I told him about how I can’t hear very well and he asked me all about that and call me crazy but it seemed like he really cared.
Touchy- when it was time to settle down for the night to watch a movie. He crossed Em’s living room to come sit by me on the couch. We both had a blanket and we shared the couch just me and him. He kept looking at me. I saw it. Marching band has given me excellent peripheral vision. He watched my reaction to the movie a lot cause he had seen it before I hadn’t. Oh! I FORGOT TO MENTION SOMETHING. This boy also LOVES movies like me. When Em asked what everyone wanted to do, me and him both said “movie” like at the same time. And then when everyone else wanted to play a card game were both like UGH (jk we didn’t show an annoying uproar about it we just shut up and played the game cause games are cool too). But when we were done with the game and Em asked what we wanted to now, I said “I already told you that I’d like to watch a movie! I always will give my input if you want!” And he was like “and Isaiah already said what I wanted to do so I just didn’t have to say anything else” and I was LIKE YES WE BOTH LOVE MOVIES I CAN PICTURE IT NOW US BOTH CURLED UP ON A COUCH IN OUR HOUSE ON KAUAI WATCHING MOVIES ALL DAY WHILE ITS RAINING AT THE BASE OF WAIALEALE. But anyways while we were watching the movie he kept like touching be with his legs and he finally fell asleep with them left on mine and I just really love small physical contact like that so it was just really cute that he felt comfortable with me so fast. When he woke up I was like “Good morning!” And he just flashed such a beautiful sleepy smile and a little laugh. SYMPHONIES IN MY EARS. Listens- He listened to every. Word. That I had to say. Need I say more? Ten points to gryffinfuckingdore. Humor- I think of the Sam Smith song “HE COULD HAVE YOUR HUMOOOOOR BUT I DONG UNDERSTAAAAND CAUSE HELL NEVOR LOVE YOU LIKE I CAN CAN CAN” he had the same humor as me as he picked 2 of my card in Apples to Apples and he asked who put one down at one point and I just raised my hand and oh– there was that little laugh again!!!!!¡¡¡ Boyish- He was playing with Em’s dog in the cutest way. I played with Fran first and then he did and it looked like he like mirrored exactly what I had done. He like made violent jerks against the carpet with Fran’s little ball in his hand and it was soooo cute. He loves animals. He also put a little “ :P ” (handwritten) in Mercy’s birthday card that he got for her. Precious!
Active/Participates in Something- he does gymnastics! Yay he likes to stay busy and active! What more could I ask for?!?!
Taller- he was taller than me which is always a necessity when you’re basically a woman inside like me(?). Voice- his voice wasn’t too manly like it had little inflections in it that made it almost unisex. Lots of highs and lows. I have a feeling that he has a large vocal range. I could listen to him talk for weeks. Such a smooth-as-honey sound flowed from his mouth doors.
Well. I think I’ve probably burned this boy into my brain forever. I’m ready to die now. (I’m just kidding I just really wish he didn’t go to school in Arizona and lived 3.25 hours from me here in GA). I know I’m being dramatic and will regret this post in the morning but I just feel like I met this boy for a reason ya know? People like that don’t come around every dynasty. I think I’ll keep his memory forever if I never get to see him again. He was the perfect match for me. It could never work though like always lol. Goodnight Tumblr sorry for this outburst I didn’t mean any wrong by it.
With love, Isaiah
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