#this is my longest one bc i have so much history w kyoya...
imaginetyzx · 4 years
“If you wanted to go on a date, you could have just asked.” wwwiiiiiith...... heh.... kyoya. Totally not obsessed, reigenquest
ahhhh very late but here we go! im winging it here
(oh btw were like. rewinding my age for the sake of plot. pretend im just fresh into 18)
The only thing luckier than the fact I got into Ouran was that I was able to convince them to let me have a boys uniform. The only thing is, I’m not out to my family, so when I leave for school I wear the girls uniform, and then change in the bathroom when I get there. Thanks to this, not only does almost everyone use he/him for me, but I also met the Host Club. It’s surprising I never heard about it though, considering I’m a third year.
Well, I’m not conventionally attractive, so it really isn’t surprising. Not rich either.
Anyways, that's where I'm headed right now. The Host Club. At first, I was only visiting as a guest, but the dramatic blonde 2nd year insisted I join. Even I was hesitant about it. I’m not that attractive, honestly I’m not special.
“Nonsense! I’ve never seen anyone like you! Each member of the Host Club caters to a specific type that girls like to see, and you are unique and unlike the rest of us!” He cheered.
“How?” I ask.
He started explaining the types of the other members. ‘Boy Lolita, Brotherly Love, Cool, etc etc.’
“You’re obviously the Nerdy type!” He shouted at me.
Well shit, he ain’t wrong. No arguing with that.
Besides, Haruhi was in there (somehow) so I caved and said yes.
Let's get to the point. I’ve been in the Host Club since early in the year. I would say November-ish. It’s April now. I definitely have a crush on Kyoya. I cannot deny any longer. Problem is, he never really shows interest in anyone. So I am just living my life the way I always have, having a crush that I’m positive won’t be returned, so I just sit quietly until it disperses.
I open the door to the music room and zip in as fast as possible, because I know I’m late. Had some work to do. It’s fine. I’m nowhere near as popular as Tamaki and the others so it’s fine.
After attending to some visitors, the room starts to clear out.
I check my phone.
“Oh, wow, it’s still early. Anyone wanna come to the mall with me? I need to buy a couple things.” I say out loud, as an invitation. I rarely do this, but every once in a while I like to humor them and let them explore other places that aren’t rich-centric. Is that a term? EnRICHed? Haha.
“I’m fine, thanks.” Haruhi pipes up. Since she declined, Tamaki dragged on his answer for a couple minutes.
He said no.
“Sorry. Mitsukuni has to uh. Brush his teeth. And do laundry.” Mori-senpai very clearly makes up an excuse. I’m not sure why, though.
“Well we would LOVE to come, but I think k-” Hikaru is speaking until Haruhi slaps her hand over his mouth. Thank you.
“I’ll come.” Kyoya speaks softly as usual.
Wait did he say yes? What?
“Oh! Really?” I say, obviously taken aback. Of all people to possibly say yes, Kyoya? What is he up to?
He nods, walking away to gather his stuff. This is crazy. I don't know if I can do this.
Bzzt Bzzt! My phone?
[txt.haruhi]: youll be fine!
We get to the mall and I’m already finding it hard to make small talk. 
“So, why did you want to come along with me?” I ask him. He's several inches taller than me, but not many, so I hardly have to lift my head to talk.
“I was here once with Haruhi, and I didn’t have much free roam, since I had been brought here against my will, and without any money. I wanted to come back more prepared this time so I could properly observe.” He talks blankly, showing no signs of ulterior motive. Maybe he wanted to spend time with me but won't admit it either? Probably not.
We spend a little while walking around and mostly browsing. A few times we stopped because I found something on my list, or because someone recognized Kyoya. 
Some time passed and I felt my stomach rumble.
“Ahh, we should eat something! There’s a fancy place on the roof we could go to if you’d like!”
“Then I assume I’m paying? You don’t have enough money left for that place after your other purchases.” He is right. Wait, has he been keeping track of the money in my wallet?! Jeez! I know I’m not rich, but I’m not dirt poor either!
“Er-well…” I’m frozen. I did intend on paying for at least part of his food, but he’s right. I would only have enough for one small dish up there.
“Let’s just go here. It’s just food.” He gestures to a nearby fast food station and starts walking over to it, obviously not taking no for an answer.
I look over the menu, picking the cheapest options of what I like. He either hears my mumbling, or can read my damn mind, because when there’s only one person in front of us he speaks.
“Tell me what you’re getting. I’ll pay.” He doesn’t move except for turning his head back to me.
“No it’s okay really, I can afford this m-” Before I can finish, he has turned around and faced me with a glare. It’s not necessarily a threatening glare, more of a ‘this will take less time, just do it’ kind of look. I cave, give him my order and go pick a table.
A few minutes later, he comes back with two trays and sets mine down in front of me. 
"Thank you!" I say, he simply nods and starts eating. It's...odd. He seems…relaxed. Well not normal relaxed. More like he isn't putting on a nice guy act like he normally does. 
"If you wanted to go on a date, you could have just asked." He says, putting down his food for a moment before taking a sip of his drink. 
Excuse me. The fuck. Did he just say. 
"W-w-what? I wasn't thinking of that! I just had to go to the mall and thought I would offer anyone in the club to come with me!" I defended myself. To be fair, it did originally start off as innocent plans. Then the twins had to overhear me of course, so it was all downhill from there. 
"Even so, it's obvious that Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai made up an excuse to make it more likely you'd end up alone with someone. Or when Hikaru was about to say something but Haruhi cut him off. I saw you give her a nod."
"I swear it wasn't intended that way! But I will admit, I am glad with how things turned out…" My voice got quieter the more I spoke. Idiot! I'm practically confessing my love right now! Shut up! 
"Why?" Kyoya asks. What? 
"Why what?" I say in return. 
"Why were you happy about it being just us?" He sounds genuinely curious. 
I sigh. There's no turning back here, if I tried to play it off he would see right through me. 
"When I first came to the Host Club, back when I was just a visitor, you were my favorite. At the time I couldn't pinpoint why. I mean obviously, you're good looking, but then again all of the Host Club is. I just had a feeling. Then, after getting to know everyone, I felt myself feeling the same way, but amplified. I'd go to bed at night thinking about the conversations we had that day, or wondering if you were asleep already, it was bizarre." I pause, to sip my drink. I'm afraid I'm babbling, but I don't know how to stop. I could talk about why I like him for hours. 
"But in terms of today, uh, we don't really get the chance to spend time together outside of school or the club room, so I was just really excited! You're r-" Somehow while I was talking, he took both of our empty trays and put them above the trash. He caught me off guard and cut off my sentence by grabbing my wrist, making me stand up, and started walking, trailing me behind him. 
Where did this come from? Where is he taking me? Oh god did I annoy him by talking too much? I do that sometimes. 
Kyoya takes me out of the mall, and to a random area right next to the mall. It's kinda like a tiny park, but just full of plants and benches. He brings us over to a bench and sits down, still holding my wrist, pulling me to sit down too. 
"Is everything okay? Why did we come all the way out he-" I don't let my concern show on my face, until he interrupts me. 
"Shut up, please." Before I can even reply to that, he kisses me. 
Well fuck! 
It's not a hard kiss, but it's definitely succeeding in making me shut up. He backs away after a moment and I'm frozen in shock. 
He grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze before letting go and standing up. 
"I think that went well. We can do this again sometime." He turns around to face me, and smiles, before walking away. 
It wasn't a smirk, exactly, more of a happy grin? 
That's the important part. 
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