#people are setting off fireworks at the school i live next to
dont-lick-my-foot · 3 months
people with adhd experience sensory issues
people with adhd experience sensory issues
people with adhd experience sensory issues
people with adhd experience sensory issues
people with adhd experience sensory issues
people with adhd experience sensory issues
people with adhd experience sensory issues
people with adhd experience sensory issues
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es-3 · 5 months
i love how no one can remember anything from trc except for vibes and so here’s a list i compiled of everything i remember from the entire series
blue made out with a ghost
the ghost was the funniest character and then everyone realized he was a ghost and then everyone forgot about him
persephone lived in the attic
there was a tree that showed them their worst fears when they went inside it and for whatever reason they took turns going inside it like why did they do that and also i think ronan dreamt it????
im pretty sure the trees spoke latin
was that a thing
now that i’m thinking about it i have no idea
boat shoes
the set up for manmouth manufacturing was set up in a way only teenage boys with no supervision could set up
they pulled a little defense against the dark arts teachers but with latin class instead and but i don’t remember how many latin teachers there were
blue and gansey talked on the phone
and then they took little drives but i don’t remember how often that happened
adam straight up killed a dude
blue is NOT a prostitute but she IS half tree
ronans objects of worship were confined to one downtown block
uhhhh i think there was a part with a lake in a cave and i’m pretty sure there were like deer or something and i think blues dad might have been but i do remember they got split up at some point in that cave
latin teacher killed noah
noah had a red car
i’ve heard there was a toga party but i don’t remember anything from it
ronan did not like lamps
adam is the eyes and ears for a sentient forest
the pig
robot ones too
declan dated a bunch of girls named ashley
there was like a hole??? in the ground?? at school i think??? and henry forced gansey to go in it and then trama dumped and then gave him the most traumatizing exposure therapy of his life
gansey has seen ronans dick at least once
adam and ronan ran around pushing each other in shopping carts
“she makes me quiet”
ronan did imaginary drugs and it ended with his organless brother getting kidnapped because his drug buddy had a big fat crush on him and i’m pretty sure there were fireworks involved in the rescue
did gansey go around knocking on doors and talking to people in different accents or was that lockwood and co? or was it both?
adam and ronan went around moving rocks because the trees that talked to adam told him to
blues aunt had lovely cubby hands also i think she might have been a bad guy but i don’t actually remember
oh there was like a crazy lady they found in a tomb idk why i forgot about her
gansey didn’t want to find glendower that one day because the aesthetic was off
maura and calla and persephone met on the side of a road
ganseys sister can fly helicopters
adam and ronan blackmailed their latin teacher for a fake crime with fake evidence that they dreamt up by making dream latin teacher do those things
the gray man was very slay
also he killed ronans dad
and he worked for the latin teacher
oh and there were sleeping mice
and a sleeping mom
and a toaster that didn’t work anymore
there was a grocery store scene i think and im pretty sure there was fighting in that scene
henry was kidnapped when he wasn’t wearing any pants
that’s all gang, tune in next time to see if i can remember anything from the plot
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sapphire-dreamsky · 9 months
on top of a hill with you, the sky was lit in shades of red and gold
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pairing: ryomen sukuna x reader starring: ryomen sukuna | reader settings: alternate universe | sukuna is a student studying at jujutsu high | sukuna is somewhat behaving | sukuna is confused with the new human traditions, someone has to help him adjust | sunshine x grumpy trope
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Sukuna tilted his head to the side as fireworks began their journey in the sky as singular strings only to fall down in a multitude array of red, purple and gold. After being sealed for more than one century, he missed a lot of human inventions. One of them included fireworks.
Upon knowing that, (name) also known as that 'brat' (affectionally, not that Sukuna would ever admit to it), took it upon herself to bring Sukuna to see the fireworks on top of a hill overlooking the sea. She claimed that the fireworks launching by the harbour were far more spectacular than those being released near the school. He deserved the best of shows. Or so she claimed. The girl seemed to always be conveniently forgetting that he was a murderer, a merciless sorcerer killer. And yet, her gaze never faltered from his red ones. She held her head high when everyone else was bowing to him in submission, praying that he wouldn't chop their heads off for every word that escaped their mouths. Everyone walked on thin ice around Sukuna. Despite his vow to not kill anyone, he was still feared amongst sorcerers. And he liked to keep it that way. Until that foolish brat came along, dared to smile sweetly at him, naively introduced herself as his new classmate as if he was a mere human sorcerer attending Jujutsu High and not the King of Curses masquerading as a student for the sake of his own entertainment and to cure his boredom with the people of this generation.
To him, the fireworks were nothing spectacular. They were just overrated explosives meant to look pretty. A way for humans to break from their routines of 9-5 by celebrating another incoming year filled with 9-5 shifts again. Another year to live by society's rules. There was truly nothing glorious about celebrating a new incoming year that will be filled with the same lifestyles even when (name) claimed the opposite.
"We make New Year resolutions before the clock turns to 12 00. On a piece of paper, you write your wishes for the next year. Come on, Sukuna! Is there anything you want to add on your bucket list?"
Sukuna pondered over the question for a minute. There was nothing much that he didn't do on a whim. Anything he wanted, he made sure to get within the next minute or hours if it was a long process.
"Kill everyone?"
(Name)'s mouth gaped open. Her eyes were comically wide open. For a minute, Sukuna thought he finally struck fear in that foolish human.
"You can't wish that! It needs to be a positive change!"
That girl was truly weird. She didn't scold him for his 'New Year resolutions'. He might have been a bit creeped out by her trust and faith in him to be honest.
"What should I wish for then? There is nothing I cannot get in this world."
"Well, I cannot tell you what to wish. It must be something you genuinely want."
The conversation was changed soon after. However, he did see her scribbling something on a yellow post-it note with her red coloured pen. He saw a faint "2024 resolutions" written on top of the paper. He only shook his head. Foolish human.
And now, as the fireworks exploded in the sky filling the darkness with some colours, he turned his head towards (name) only to notice that she had her eyes closed, head bowed with hands in a praying position. 'She must be making her New Year's Resolutions.'
A moment passed before another firework broke down in the sky. This time, it was a golden one. He watched as the colours reflected on her skin. She would look beautiful in gold. And red. Like a firework in the sky, the vision of her dressed in a white shiromuku with an innocent grin gracing her face as her eyes twinkled with happiness, was quick to appear and quicker to fade.
As if on cue, (name)'s eyes slowly opened. She turned her head to the side to look at Sukuna.
"Did you make a wish Sukuna?"
He turned his head away from her to look at the fireworks once again.
A red and golden light lit up the sky.
"Let's come here again next year, (name)."
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Happy New Years everyone! I pray that 2024 brings you health, peace, happiness and prosperity.
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worldsetfree · 8 months
Diamond is Unbreakable × Reader: Weekends Spent in a Beautiful Duwang
(+ bonus character sprinkled in just for you!)
At last, the weekend! You have survived another horrible week and once more been set free from the confines of societal expectations. You've been feeling a bit too stressed out lately, what with the serial killer and all... But what better way to relax than with some quality time with your beloved?
(I hope y'all enjoy these small slices of life! Feedback is welcome. These broader headcanons are really helping me ease into where I want to go.)
Higashikata Josuke
Great! He has to do some chores first or his mom will kill him, but he's been craving some TLC time with you.
He's kind of a homebody, so expect a day spent playing video games (cute couch co-op is exactly the kind of aesthetic he lives for), watching TV, and having snacks.
Loves physical contact. Will wrap his arms around you, soft kisses on your skin. Wishes you could stay the night and cuddle.
Super shy at school the next week. His friends will tease him about it.
Nijimura Okuyasu
"Oh, let me see if Josuke is free!" "No, no, no, babe. Let's take time for you and I."
When he finally gets the idea, his first suggestion is of course: going to Tonio's. It's up to you if you want to experience *that* with him, but either way a dinner date sounds like a great idea.
Okuyasu wants to be a gentleman this evening. Does his best, in his own way. Dresses up for you. "Oh, you look really hot tonight!" Holds open the door open for you. He'll get the cheque, he's rich now! (Excuse me, what?)
Is going to call Josuke and tell him all about it when he gets home. "Oi Josuke, I think I'm in love!" Josuke lives for it.
Kishibe Rohan
No. He's busy. Wait, you're serious? Oh shit, he feels kinda bad now.
You convince him to go on a cute picnic date in the park under the guise of people-watching for more inspiration.
Rohan's mind is more captivated by experiences than images. He finds himself noticing how the other couples act and decides to do some research. Holding your hand makes his heart flutter like a dove's wings. Kissing you is mental anethestic and fireworks all at once.
The manuscript he sends to his editor that week is notably more optimistic than usual. Pink Dark Boy won't be singing from the rooftops, but at least Rohan understands what's inspired the stupid cliché now. And he wants more and more exposure to this feeling.
Kujo Jotaro
He's tired and stressed out. Please take him away from this town, he actually really needs it. You both do, really. Responds to your request with an indifferent grunt. He's in.
Usually, he'd take you to the beach, but he's hit a snag with his thesis and if he sees those starfish right now he might just pull his hair out. And we wouldn't want anything to happen to his handsome locks.
Surprisingly spontaneous when he wants to be. "Let's go to Tokyo, I want you to meet someone."
The drive is peaceful and quiet. He's a great listener, but still not the best communicator. For example: he won't tell you until you get there that your lunch date will involve meeting his mom for the first time.
Tonio Trussardi
This sweet man takes a day off from his restaurant and invites you to his home. Greets you with flowers and wine.
Very excited to show you his garden. Look at his tomatoes!! Humble but oh so proud of the fruits of his labour.
Thinks the most romantic thing you two can do together is cook. But it's his day off? He doesn't mind! He loves his craft! Wants to hold your hands and teach you how to properly julienne a pepper.
Lives for that reaction when you take that first bite. Might use Pearl Jam to make it that much better for you. Domesticity makes him want a life with you.
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study-with-aura · 3 months
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Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Today was packed with so much music study! I am going slow with theory, but I am mostly caught up with where I should be on the course. I am about to finish up studying Haydn tomorrow. I'll be looking at sonata form and Emperor Quartet. Thursday, I should be ready to start on Mozart.
I also got some school supplies today because there was a huge sale going on in the store. It was only notebooks, but when I find notebooks that will work for only $0.45/each, I buy them. I went ahead and ordered my erasable gel pens too. I looked at different reviews and I found some for cheaper where the reviews said they were even better than Frixion by Pilot. I also ordered a scientific calculator. I've always used the one on the computer because it was easy enough to do what I needed to as it can be placed in scientific mode, but going into Algebra 2 and eventually pre-calc and calc, I probably need a physical scientific calculator that can do a bit more. By the way, it's pink! It won't be here until sometime next week because I did no-rush delivery, but I am excited! I always get excited when shopping for school supplies!
It's almost Independence Day here (July 4th), and fireworks have been going off like crazy, even though they are illegal where I live. Thankfully in our gated community, we don't worry about them too much, but our house is close to one of the main roads near the park, so I can still hear them every now and then. I also hear the police when they come by to issue fines. Seriously, the fine here for fireworks is nearly $1000. Only professionals are allowed to set them off at pre-determined times because there have been many fires from them and they cause a huge disturbance to people, especially veterans, and animals in the area. I am looking forward to the fireworks in our part of the city that the city sponsors every year. They're set off over the lake, and they are so beautiful!
Tasks Completed:
History 9 - Learned about classical music style + studied the life of Haydn + learned about Haydn's contributions to classical music style
Theory - Studied melodic writing + completed self-assessment + quiz
KA GRF Algebra 2 - Completed Unit 1: Lesson 6 (review of factoring quadratics)
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese) + completed daily quests
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Reading - Read pages 122-157 of Lumara by Melissa Landers
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Mark 11)
Morning Yoga
Youth Group at church
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noxx-33i · 6 months
Hello I have come to word vomit RGB trio thoughts and headcanons. Beware some of these will probably be nonsensical and not in order.
I think skate has the worst fashion taste out of the three. I can't say much on this though cause I also have an atrocious sense of fashion/lh
Boombox and to an extent Skate talk in 80's slang. Like radical, bodacious, hella, etc. 80's coded boombox just lives in my head rent free and i can't kick him out/silly
Their alcohol tolerance from lowest to highest goes: Skate, BB, Sling
BB and Skate crash at Slingshot's place ALL the time. At this point even Shuri and Vine are used to them just random showing up
^^continuing this I think they like to enter through anywhere but the window. Most especially Skate. BB at the very least is willing to act like a Normal person and use the door SOMETIMES. Skate however if he uses the door you'll bet that he's going in on his board. Whether or not he immediately crashes and breaks something inside is another thing/lh
Sometimes they'll just have Katy Perry Sessions with Shuriken. Like literally just listening to Katy Parry. Don't. Don't ask why I don't know either/lh
^^they have California Gurlz memorized.
If one of them does a crime none of them are snitching. If one goes down they all go down if one admits to it the other two will admit to it too. No bro left behind/silly
Sling is the smartest academically in their group and is probably the best at math. Not saying he's a prodigy im just saying BB and Skate are probably dumb as shit with math /lh+aaff
Sometimes Skate likes to record his Sick Moves™ and sometimes it would Also be in a place he proooobably shouldnt be in so Sling and BB take turns being on either camera duty or watch duty. Whether either of them are good at it is a different discussion/silly
Skate was caught stealing by the police once but BB was there and somehow he managed to trick them into believing he was Skate's lawyer and that he did not steal anything. Sling watched from the distant absolutely flabbergasted
Sling prices his menu very high and whenever someone asks he's just like "Oh yk, inflation!" and somehow it always works
they like setting fireworks off at night. Sometimes BB can't come cause he's too tired from work or something tho so
Despite Slingshot being the most academically smart in the group Boombox is the one who would hesitate when given a big shiny red button that could nuke Crossroads. Sling and Skate would see a shiny red button and go "ooo shiny" then BOOM!!!! /silly
idk if you want this but I have an au with my friend using the skins ingame (and some we made up for it hehe) where Snowboard and Rainbox were highschool best friends and they would get into shenanigans together like light theft (Rain is the distraction), parties maybe, etc andddd I love them very much
Snow in the au has canonically tried to rizz up a girl (in High School) only to bag her boyfriend AND her brother
^^The au takes place years later when Snowboard is in college (in Blackrock college cause there's no faction wars in this au) and when he comes back he finally meets Cozyshot who is Rain's roommate and erm my friend likes skateshot so I think you can tell what happens next (GAY PEOPLE) /silly
Okay im gonna stop rmabling now have a good day silly muah/p
IM GONNA RAMBLE TOO AND Oh my god ur so right on the first one.
SKATE HAS TERRIBLE FASHION SENse. I can smell it. Hes so sweaty he doesnt care ab his looks too much but bb would say "youre not going out like that
YES I AGREE. Boombox is stuck in the 80s and he doesnt want to leave. Im actually picking up these habits i wanna say rad so bad.
Skate being the lowest is the funniest shit wver bc i love bullying his ass. Did you tell i put NO EFFORT in his stupid hc reveal HEELP
I FEEL LIKE ONE DAY THEY MIGHT GET A SECRET HANGOUT PLACE… like fully furinisjed and with ac and all that fancy shit. How? Idk illegally? They probably have board games and dnd sessions with trusted friends who keep the place a hush
Bro theyre not normal they will never be normal… "GUYS HOW DID YOU GET IN" // "We lock picked your door" // "WHAT THE FUCK"
> lowkey skate would learn lock picking for fun and hed get so good at it he would be tempted to steal more stuff
>> that being said.. rob the bank?/ref
LOWKEY i feel like bb was a nerd in his younger years but grew out of it… he would probably like science facts and everyone thinks hes smart but hes not.. AND YES sling being math smart is so real teehee. Hes the expenses guy but also cant stop himself from spending more than he needs to
Skate n BB would get into so much trouble but no one can ever find them guilty in some fucking way and it makes the authorities so mad
Ironically id like to think Zuka easily catches them doing dumb shit but he doesnt care enough to report it
Sling has probably done tax evasion one or two times.. or more….
Ok cute hcs to vomit out… with ur mention of tired boombox i feel like sling and skate would immediately go to bbs place and crash not in a chaotic way but like ogghd.. ÖIKE THEY MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER BY GIVING SNACKS OR MASSAGES TO HELP HIM LOSE STRESS
Literally any time one of the RGB members get their vibes off its instantly to care land bc bcbc bc 😞😞🙁🙁😞😞😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *sobbing crying throwing up* theyr besties 😭😭 this xan be both platonic or romantic i legit do not care i love BOTH
With that in mind i feel like whenever skate and bb crash over sling would have a few of their favorite pastries from his cafe saved in his fridge… like dog treats LMAOO
This is likge.. dog-cat-dog relationship… but all are chaotic as fuck /silly
that au makes me think of sling with glasses for some reason… i need to draw so bad….!!!!;!2!
And they were roommates /ref+j
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knifesxedge · 1 year
1. the opening acts were GREAT like i need to listen to Royal and the Serpent and more Bring Me the Horizon the openers were REALLY REALLY GOOD
and YOU KNOW WHAT. they were PLAYING cupid’s chokehold over the sound system between bring me the horizon’s set and fall out boy coming on and i ACTUALLY THOUGHT TO MYSELF “haha what if this is their way of teasing the fact that travie is going to perform with them tonight” as a JOKE. and then i was RIGHT.
4. patrick made the dog puppet sing along to this ain’t a scene which was CUTE AND FUNNY and pete stuck his head inside the puppet again
5. magic 8 ball was a DOUBLE tonight AGAIN and it was the live debut of i am my own muse and then 27 AGAIN. BRUTAL. when pete said “should we play something really really new that we’ve never played for anyone before?” everyone started screaming
7. SPEAKING OF WHICH. pete did this little “magic trick” where he disappeared behind a curtain he held up on stage and then reappeared at the BACK of the stadium towards the seats where we all were! it was fun and also pretty cool!! he stayed there for a whole song too :)
8. pete had like three wardrobe changes and by that i mean he had 3-4 tops which were a giant snuggie-style oversized hoodie, which he took off at some point to reveal a t-shirt underneath? and then when he was up at the back of the stadium he was in a normal-sized hoodie and THEN at the end of the show he was wearing the iconic mesh-and-roses top. fashionista
9. the PYROTECHNICS. i’ve never been to a show with pyrotechnics but the way they were integrated at this show were SO COOL. FLAME JETS AND FIREWORKS. and of course pete’s flamethrower bass. i yelled a lot during this show and a lot of the yelling was about the flamethrower bass
10. the location was really interesting!! the weather was FANTASTIC and besides that it was a really cool little (“little”) tennis stadium that was in the suburbs of queens NY like LITERALLY tucked in between a bunch of rows of houses :> there were people playing tennis at the tennis club right next door that we could see from our seats! it just REALLY fit the vibe fob seem to have been going for the whole tour + pete talked about how his mom was from queens and his grandmother had graduated from the high school in the neighborhood (forest hills) the stadium was in 🤗 ALSO there was this on one of the pillars which i think illustrates how very fitting to the whole vibe of the album/tour/fall out boy in general the place was:
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11. even the parts of the set that were more “standard” like the pink seashell opening the concert and love from the other side and the big classics like sugar we’re going down and thnks fr th mmrs and saturday (SATURDAY. TO END THE SHOW) were just. so incredible. i’ve never been able to see fall out boy live before so it was just such an incredible privilege especially since @movingdayy was so kind as to invite me and erie and gifted me a ticket so that i would be able to see the tour even though i thought all year that i wouldn’t be able to :’) the sets were super incredible and the band interacted with all the setpieces a lot too which made it really unique
12. i handed out a LOT of bracelets and i STILL have a crazy amount. mutuals if you want a fababoi bracelet and are willing to give me your address i will mail you one ❤️
so YEAH that’s my quick overview of the concert it was just insane, incredible, life-changing, etc etc etc etc 🧡 i probably forgot some stuff that i will inevitably kick myself for but those were like. THEE standout moments. i sang along to every song they played and my throat hurts and it’s 2 am and erie and i just swapped drivers for the rest of the way home so i MAY be missing some important things due to being overtired 👍
EDIT: FUCK I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT. ROB FROM MIDTOWN WAS APPARENTLY IN THE FLOOR SEATS AND PETE SPOTTED HIM WHEN HE WAS COMING BACK TO THE STAGE FROM THE BACK OF THE STADIUM AND WAS TALKING ABOUT HOW HE WISHED ROB COULD COME UP ON STAGE AND THEY COULD PLAY SOME MIDTOWN SONGS. and THEN patrick joked about how he “doesn’t even remember the words to their own songs” (<- paraphrasing) and pete went “not this time…maybe another :)”. jersey shows coming up I Am So Scared
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dulcisregnumdorm · 7 months
🍫💘🎡Candy Cupid Carnival Chapter Summeries🍫💘🎡
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Has Valentines Day passed, yes
Do I care, no
(I sincerely did want to try and write more for this event but the most I was able to come up with were chapter summeries so this is what we have)
Chapter 1:
 Dulcisregnum is chosen as the Valentines Day dorm to hold an event, Yuu gets involved too as prefect.
Chapter 2:
 The dorm chooses a theme and are given their instructions to build the carnival, the next day (Day 1) Yuu is given the task of helping Temperance beg Crowley and fail to do so. 
Chapter 3:
Temperance gets an idea and leaves the NRC campus for the day, with the free time Yuu now heads to Dulcisregnum to check up on the others, Luxolite is repurposing the karts into bumper-cars,Terrence is working on spreading the word, Willa has been tasked with commissioned secret valentine gift baskets and Vincent is on firework duty. 
Chapter 4:
Due to not having a date Yuu starts up some banter with the first-year group about their own love lives at lunch. In the end they all decide to go to the carnival together.
Chapter 5:
Temperance arrives back at the end of the school day with monetary and physical backup to speed up the creation of the candy carnival.
Chapter 6:
Yuu heads back home for the night and meets Grim as they both talk about romance and who they ship.
Chapter 7:
(Day 2) After fending off his fangirls Yuu helps Terrence spread the word about the carnival and they both share a bonding moment.
Chapter 8:
Soon afterwards Yuu gets a text message from Temperance and the two head back to Dulcisregnum as Temp has bought “magic arrows bracelets” that give off a temporary in-love effect to those who wear them. Due to their rarity Temperance basically planned to sell them to make up for going over budget.
Chapter 9:
The next day (Day 3) everything seems alright, the dorm is counting down the days to Valentine's Day, and all seems well, until Temperance discovers that the magic arrow bracelets have gone missing. To make things worse a troll account on magicam has started a rumor that claims that people who spend their valentine's day in NRC will break up soon. Causing NRC to go trending in a bad way and giving RSA good PR in the process.
 Chapter 10: 
As Yuu watches the rumor spread around NRC they are invited back to Dulcisregnum to brainstorm ideas for damage control.
Chapter 11:
Before the meeting begins Yuu finds Willa in the main room being closed off by herself, after some questioning Willa finally breaks and reveals that she is the culprit behind the missing bracelets. She furthermore explains that she doesn’t understand why everyone around her is obsessed with love as she never grasped non familial love before.
Chapter 12:
As Willa finishes explaining herself it turns out that Temp and co were actually listening in on the conversation. Despite the major setback of the rumor Willa gives back the bracelets to Temperance and the group get everything ready for the carnival tomorrow.
Chapter 13:
Valentines Day finally arrives and A LOT of confessions are made, some are mutual others sadly not. Despite that there is a lot of chatter about how the RSA Valentines day event has at the last minute fallen through. Deciding to ignore it  Yuu invites Willa to attend the carnival with the 1st year group together as friends, agreeing Willa gets permission and the 1st year group go out to the candy carnival together.
Chapter 14:
There ends up being a bigger turnout for the carnival than imagined. As the night goes on the 1st years go on the bumper cars, win plushies and due to losing a bet go on the tunnel of love which is a violent rollercoaster. During the night Yuu and Willa do run into the other members of Dulcisregnum running the Valentine's Day attractions.
Chapter 15:
With the night being an overall success, the dorm members come together on a hill to see the fireworks Vincent set up go off to close the night, with a very, VERY loud bang.
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asylumseriesdaily · 3 months
It's time.
(Asylum, Prologue & Chapter 1)
Yeah so I wasn't gonna post today because life but I refuse to sleep yet and I'm taking my newest batch of wigglers on WigglerSim very seriously so to cope with the real horrors we're gonna turn to the fake horror.
If there's anything this book did right it's sum up my feelings on unwilling institutionalization right here. Not much to say about this prologue other than that it's one paragraph that tried and failed to set a spooky theme.
It's not a horror novel without the protagonist being inexplicably afraid of The Woods. You aren't gonna get lost in the woods, Dan. You're here to go to summer school. You're not cool enough to get lost in the woods. The only teenagers that get lost in the woods are lacrosse boys who blow their dicks off with illegal fireworks.
Dan is such a loser. The homework's not gonna fuck you dude. God I feel like a stereotypical disney movie bully but someone has to give this boy a reality check.
The school is also not going to fuck you, Dan. Quit waxing poetic about the architecture.
This feels like a fake out for a Southern Gothic novel. The Scary Forest, the church, the ridiculous amount of time spent describing the scenery. I wish I was reading the Southern Gothic novel that the author seems to wish she was writing.
Why does Dan not object more to the fact that he somehow knows the way better than the GPS?
Dan. Dan. You just paid 60 dollars for a cab ride. That's like twice the normal cost of a cab ride in 2024. And you're in 2013 where prices still make sense. You're gonna be here for the rest of the summer with probably no way of getting more money. What are you doing.
Dan. A guy holding comic books is not automatically "your people". Stop this behavior.
Dan would be right at home on 2013 Tumblr I think. He thinks nerds are an endangered species and/or oppressed. Plus he's living in an asylum studying for the next 5 weeks. He would do serious numbers.
Nothing deep for this chapter because it's literally only like 3 pages.
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hecateisalesbian · 9 months
i already know 4 but 3-44
3: Uhh I’ve done it like a few times but not really no
4: I know I always joke about this on my blog but actually? Not really. I don’t actually like the taste of most alcohol. The only drink I’ve had and really liked is an espresso martini 🍸 (and some lemonade seltzers but shh)
5: I have medicated drugs that I take for allergies, period cramps/pain in general, and another one for personal reasons but in terms of like weed like I said I’ve done it a couple times but not really.
6: anywhere from 14-24
7: Nope.
8: Hell Yeah Baby! I want a bunch
9: Only your basic one in the earlobe
10: I’ve already planned out my next couple piercings (Double Earlobe, Helix, etc)
11: Irl: My friend [redacted] who I’ve been best friends with since we were 7. She lives in Colorado but we’re still amazing friends. Digitally: 👀 not tryna start a war but I’d have to say the person I’m closest with digitally isssssss [redacted] (<�� hah you thought I was gonna say)
12: Single 😔
13: (in a romantic sense) when they like the same things i do. Also dressing hella cool. If you’re a stranger in public and your dressed cool I’m instantly in love with you
14: (In a romantic sense) making fun of others for just being themselves.
15: *sigh* Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
16: I love you. Simple as that. (Also the previously mentioned dressing hella cool)
17: My sister and my Ex-Best friend
18: Oooooo we’re not diving into that rabbit whole. It does connect with the fact that I don’t do discord tho :p
19: I’m GAY (in all realness though my favorite animal is a snake because of Slytherin (🖕 you jkr) but now it’s my favorite animal because I think they’re awesome)
20: My physical appearance
21: Hmm. My sense of style or my calfs (seriously)
22: Actor, professional cosplayer, or something in the film/acting industry.
23: With all of them I’d say it’s pretty good
24: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
25: I’ve never really thought about it but just something that sparks both our interests. A simple date to the park or a date to Meow Wolf (<- so cool) are both great ideas
26: the us government
27: I’m polyam so like. There’s kinda a few. But one of them is tall with reddish brownish hair and she’s a great friend :,)
28: almost every person at my school
29: It got boring and a little awkward after we finished doing everything fun so I asked my sister to pick me up but pretend like I didn’t ask her to
30: The people
31: “I’ve only gotten money from [Redacted], and [Redacted] says she’s gonna indivually buy”
32: Idk. I’m disappointed is definitely up there
33: I like your style
34: Women
35: Men (not really attracted to them as much but if the right one came along)
36: My home in Colorado
37: Stretch Marks
38: Being a Vet (but then I found out animals die 😔)
40: A lot of people
41: In my bed nice and warm and asleep
42: Waffles and sausage
43: …..chat noir
44: In Florida (where I live atleast) it’s illegal to set off fireworks on the beach except on the 4th of July, and New Years Eve and New Years Day
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135 X-Files fanfic, w/ summaries
I...missed Summer 2022 masterlist somehow. Oops.
OG series
Season 1
Jeer: Mulder visiting the Boys.
Unicorn Sightings Scully visits Mulder's apartment for the first time.
The Warranty: Scully gets a watch.
My Little Friend: Mulder buys a watch.
Like Birds on High: Post "Beyond the Sea", Mulder recovering in the hospital.
The Jinx: Mulder and Scully traps in a high school gym.
Season 2
The Jar A social visit at the Gunmen.
Clays: Set during "Red Museum", Mulder and Scully eats BBQ.
The Sushi Dinner: Mulder and Scully go out for sushi.
The Piece of Information: Skinner and Mulder talk about his partners.
Too Early to Tell: Mulder visits Scully at her mother’s, set after Scully’s abduction.
Season 3
Set!: Conversation and a card game.
Loud: living habits, sharing hotel rooms.
What to Do with April Showers: A little fun to be had at the office.
A Waste of a Nose: Mulder's finds his favorite perfume.
Cabana Bar: Scully has a date this weekend.
Modeling: Mulder draws Scully a bath.
Season 4
A Freaky Fairy Tale: Post "Small Potatoes," door’s kicked, eddies’ booked, what’s next?
Lunch A: Never in a million years did she ever think she would be having lunch, at a cafeteria, in a middle school, with Fox Mulder sitting right across from her and drinking chocolate milk.
Unspoken: Set during "Home".
Surefire Tell-Tale Signs: Hotel room etiquette
Superstitious: A Friday the 13th story.
The Prince in the Blue Plastic Chair: Set during cancer arc, Mulder and the waiting room.
TCB: Post Never Again, Sequel to The Game.
Season 5
Lucky: Mulder has a chat with Frohike.
Things We Don’t Talk About: post bad-blood, Mulder talks to Scully about the case.
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off: At first, he dreads seeing unfamiliar phone numbers, set during cancer arc.
I Count the Moments, Darling: Post "Kill Switch".
Pioneer Club: Mulder gets a piece of mail and Scully is intrigued.
The Love Song of Prime: Mulder sees Scully kissing another man.
Post Fight the Future
Fireworks: Fourth of July, 1998.
A Prayer: Set during the movie, the Gunmen breaking Byers out.
Season 6
Three Inches: Make a big difference.
Bedside Manners: Dr. Scully and her bedside manners.
Aquadina: Post "Agua Mala." Mulder recovers.
Fooling: just fluff.
The Best-Laid Plans: Mulder's best plans.
Counting: A celebration. Happy one-year.
Juvenile: Being young again.
Apart: Scully gets picked up at the airport after a mini vacation.
After the Dream It was all a dream, or was it not?
Bachelor Pad: Fox Mulder and his bachelor pad.
Sweet Revenge: Mulder's getting his revenge.
Siren and the Sailor: Mulder calls his friends to express some gratitude.
True Lies: Doodling in the meeting.
Cafeteria: Pre "the Unnatural", Scully getting her ice cream.
First Summer: Lovers in summer time.
Summer School: Another seminar for Mulder and Scully.
Strings: Another afternoon in the bullpen.
Scully’s Arched Eyebrow: Mulder has a little misunderstanding about trees.
The Cross: The items to turn one on.
The Investment: Mulder visits the FBI accountants.
The Sasquatch’s Club Rob and Laura goes shopping.
Five Boxes: Mulder helps Scully get rid of some boxes.
The Crush: Mulder calls Scully while they’re a continent apart.
Season 7
Bloody Tuesday: Post "All Things," The morning after.
Caddyshack: Post Je Souhaite. Popcorn and a movie date.
The Last Moments of October: Halloween, 1999.
Kitten: post "Je Souhaite", Mulder and Scully talk about his wish.
Morning Person: He thinks everything about her is adorable, and that’s not because he’s in love with her.
Minty Fresh: A good thing after waking up.
Calling Baby Sisters: Scully gets a phone call.
Seven Seven Forty-Nine: Mulder has a dream.
Season 8
Hard-boiled Eggs "He’d punched people for far less."
Losing Grey Matter: Nighttime, in the household with a newborn.
How the Stars Stole the Night Away: Mulder comes home, but is it really him?
Jupiter: Mulder sings a lullaby.
Season 9
Mother’s Advice Mulder following his mother’s advice.
The Motel Guide for the Wanderlust: Mulder writes a book.
Season 9+
All the Moms in the World (are the Same): Mom and Mulder.
Delta Glen: the ultimate road trip of seeing America.
Simple Maintenance: Visiting mom.
Homes Away: Life on the run. For fun.
Infinity: Healing is being understood.
Mulch: Mulder digs a garden.
Home Improvement: Making improvements on the remarkable house.
The Project: Mulder learns to bake.
Gossip Folks: Working with the enigmatic Dr. Dana Scully...
The Big Four Zero: Scully turns 40.
Nighttime Intermissions: Scully hears a sound and Mulder investigates.
Shells: Life on the run. A road trip without a destination.
Slipper Hero: In the unremarkable house, Mulder waits for Scully to come home.
Just in Case: December 21, 2012. The end of the world is coming.
Revival Period
The Records: A busy day at the records office.
Wizard: The woes of being a superhero.
Unspecific Time:
3x-13: Three stories about comforts.
Sympathy: Mulder and Scully visits a museum.
Lounging: Summer solstice is the longest day of the year.
Lass: School fun.
Packing: Scully learns how to pack.
Designated: It’s not like they’ve never drank together.
Smitten: It's hard not to be smitten with Dana Scully.
The Riddle: Mulder tries to guess Scully’s screen name.
Preparedness is the Mother of Luck: Staying over at Mulder's.
Eureka Springs: one bed.
Reruns: Mulder spends some time in his apartment after an injury; Scully visits.
Puppy Love: Mulder muses about Scully's hand.
Born-Again: The first time story.
Regulars: Mulder and Scully make a bet.
Funraiser: Putting the fun in church function.
Fools in the Summertime: Mulder is under the weather.
The Lavender Soap: Mulder walks down memory lane.
Ask and You Shall Receive: How Mulder got his partner.
Sensible: Mulder and Scully’s shoes.
Emily AU:
Bossy: Emily is a bossy little girl.
A Practice: Emily studies for a vocab quiz.
Mutt: Emily draws a picture.
Extra, Extra, Extra: Emily gets a toy.
Compliments: Aunt Tara visits.
Bedtime: The bedtime routine.
The Swing: Emily gets a swing.
Ultrasound: Scully gets a prenatal check-up.
Open House: Going to an open house.
Emily and the Giant Pumpkin: Uncle Charlie sends his love.
Cricket Universe:
Frog: William and Mulder talks about girls.
The Sea Monsters of the Atlantic Ocean: The Scully-Mulder's take a trip to the beach.
The Carousel Slide Projector: Family game time.
The Love Interview : Cricket interviews daddy about the love of his life.
Granpes: An old fool meets a smart child.
Cricket’s Best Friend: Mulder observes his daughter’s friend.
Coral: Coral is for the 35th year.
Cool: William gets his 19th birthday present.
Jacksons AU:
Here Come the Mulders: A typical afternoon.
Fire Fear: How Mulder got in trouble with his boys.
Divergence series:
Stonehenge: Season 7 split, before “All Things��.
St. Marks: Season 6 split, post “Unnatural”.
The Old Man’s Choice: The Smoking Man intervenes.
The Romantic’s Choice: Frohike to the rescue.
The Girls’ Choice: A boy’s imaginary friends.
A Mother’s Choice: Scully changes her mind.
The Witnesses’ Choice: Will think something’s funny about his parents.
The Caller’s Choice: William comes home after a phone call.
The Daifu: Summer in Northern China, mid 1800's.  A young, new doctor and his best lost girl.
Marrying Superman: Getting married, post-colonization style.
34 notes · View notes
A Matter of Time
Surf's up, gang! 
Aloha from the beach! Okay, not really. I'm at home at time of writing, but I've made 2 whole trips out to the ocean this week, so I'm feeling beachy! Which, if you live near the water, is a pretty good way to feel in the summertime! 
In enjoying the season, I started thinking about the complex production timelines of comics, the ways in which some comics feel timely when they were created well ahead of the events they seem related to, and a book I read recently that had one time element that really didn't work for me. So let's take some time to talk about time! 
Story of Seasons 
Where I live in the U.S., summer means a certain thing. At this time of year, we're largely through the June Gloom and into hot, sunny days. The sun rises before I'm usually up, and I wake up early, and sets around 8 p.m. Most nights, in at least some parts of town, there are fireworks. Folks are having barbecues at home and along the beach--which people are flocking too. The college-aged kids only roll up after they've got up, and since they don't have school, you can usually not expect to see them before noon. And while the coastline's popping, closer to us, things are quieter exactly because school's out and the college campus has largely cleared out. And, specific to where we live, it means the trolleys and buses and some buildings and street signs, have assumed their summer wrap, promoting Peacock and Futurama's return and whatever else companies spent boodles of money on to promote ahead of and during San Diego Comic-Con. 
That's what the exterior of my life is like right now. Sweet, hot, summertime fun outdoors--though I spend most of my time in with the cats. And there's still a little bit of that in my work. I'm planning meeting up with folks at San Diego Comic-Con and, while I'm not particularly involved, I'm watching Riley Farmer get the Sonic the Hedgehog: Endless Summer one-shot buttoned up for next month. But most of what I'm working on is already well ahead, working actively on releases across the fall, and switching from planning to the first steps of production on our winter releases with spring 2024 already cresting the horizon. 
It's a funky dichotomy. If you go into a comic shop in the next two months, summer programs will be in full swing, from DC's big summer crossover event, Knight Terrors to IDW's Endless Summer, to Ultimate Invasion and the Hellfire Gala stuff Marvel's got going on, as well as Skybound's kicking off their Energon Universe, and whatever stores have left of the projects kicked off for Pride. 
But because you're seeing those things in stores, it means they're done and as I've talked about a bit before, generally comics have to be done a ways before their release. In an ideal situation, a comic is done between 7 and 10 weeks before the on-sale date. In a less ideal situation, a comic needs to be done at least 3 weeks before the on-sale date for most printers/distributors/final-order-cutoff reasons. But, in the former case, it means this next week, I'd be looking at what needs to go out right around mid-September--the first week of fall. And those are the things that'd be finishing. Let's say you'd need at least 10 weeks before that for finalizing the script; drawing, coloring, lettering, and doing any production on the issue; and getting it approved by all the relevant stakeholders. So the things entering that phase in the next week wouldn't actually see stores until the last week of November. 
In the books world, there are three spans, rather than the four seasons. Those are Spring (Feb-May), Summer (Jun-Aug), and Fall (Sept-Jan). And when you're working purely with single-issue comics, when you're in one span, you're generally working on titles for the next. When it comes to collections and OGNs, you can be working on stuff years ahead of time. (As an aside to all this, it's also super interesting that this is how things are sorted because it really speaks to publishing in the northern hemisphere... sorry to anyone in the southern hemisphere who is looking at IDW's Endless Summer and thinking "but it's winter!") 
I bring all this up as a reminder that comics take a long time to make and when there are comics have a particularly timely element, like a summer event, they're the result of months of work and planning to hit that specific date that falls in that seasonal span. And while tons of planning can go into something like a 5th week event (in months with 5 Wednesdays, some publishers will add extra titles on the 5th week so they have releases for that Wednesday without disrupting the regular monthly schedule of their titles), it also means sometimes something happens that seems very intentional, but is purely coincidental! 
Unintended Timeliness
Wendy Xu has a new book coming out next month, The Infinity Particle. Like all of her books, it looks very good. Straight from the copy, it "explores big questions through the eyes of an aspiring inventor and the lifelike AI she finds herself falling for." And in the build-up to release, advance reader copies have gone out to booksellers, librarians, and reviewers--the folks who should see the book early because it will help the book get more traction in stores, libraries, and more visibility with readers. But because of developments over the past year, it also is now very closely tied to a hot button issue: AI. Through the circumstances of the world around The Infinity Particle's release, early reviews and examination of it are inherently looping it into the larger conversation. Wendy's gone on the record about, as she said, "'AI' (derogatory)" and "AI-in-fiction (complimentary)."  But one of the things she's also been very clear about is that she's been working on this book since 2018 when we weren't talking about AI in the same way. 
I bring this all up because, when taken with my previous point about how long it often takes comics to be made, a lot of the timeliness that you may seen in a work can be coincidental. As another example, I've been asked a few times about whether the Metal Virus arc in IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog was in any way inspired by the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. That arc is, in many ways, about a global pandemic. That arc, also, was pitched over a dinner at WonderCon 2018, where only the very first issue was on sale a week early and the series had not yet launched widely. The majority of it was written and in production before March 2020 when the U.S. really shut down in the early days of their response. So, no, the timelines don't really work out, it was just happenstance. 
And as a writer/artist/editor/etc, that's one of the things you have to keep in mind. I came from journalism, where timeliness was often an important part of storytelling. "New" is 3/4ths of "News." But outside of strips and editorial/political cartoons, it is much harder to incorporate true timeliness to your comics work. So, often, the default is to look for timelessness--something that isn't pegged to a specific event or set of circumstances, but that can be appreciated whenever because it speaks to something larger. Timelessness doesn't need to be forward-looking necessarily. It can be reacting to or interpreting long-standing history. But the benefit of trying to tell a story that always feels relevant, even if the cultural context around it may change the reader's interpretation from your intention (and there's a longer conversation to be had about interpretation vs. intention), is it usually doesn't feel immediately aged. 
The flip side of things having an unexpected timeliness is when you try to execute something to be timely, but in the interim of writing to execution or just through the flow of time, it just isn't anymore. Somewhat recently, Becca rediscovered "Boyfriend" by Big Time Rush. Obviously, this song is like 13 years old anyway, but boy howdy does the song feel it's age when they call out 2008 Best Picture winner, Slumdog Millionaire. It's not to say you can't or shouldn't put things in the context of the time they're written in, just that being considerate of it is probably to your benefit because specific cultural and contextual touchpoints should feel additive to the work and the intention, not haphazard as a way of showing modernity. (Two quick asides to this: 1. If you don't like "Boyfriend" by BTR musically, you do need to watch the video because it is wild. However, maybe "Boyfriend" by Dove Cameron will be more to your tastes and is incredibly funny if you listen to it as a response to the BTR song. 2. Cultural references aren't the only things that can feel dated or be misused and make your comic worse--see every time AAVE is misused in comics and the creators are immediately dunked on.)
A Timeless Romance... And Leia Organa
Last bit for today, building off what we were just talking about. I recently read Neon Gods by Katee Roberts. It's a smutty retelling of Hades/Persephone set in modern times. (I'm still figuring out some upcoming blogs, but certainly the aforementioned AI and also why SO MANY WORKS are gravitating to Hades/Persephone are on the shortlist). Overall, I liked it. Like many first books in a series, I hear it picks up in later volumes. There's a lot to say about it, but one thing that really stuck out to me was while I understand that it is set in modern day, anytime it made a specific modern reference, it really threw me off. 
Throughout the book, people make calls on their smart phones and have video conferences and there are guns and cars and skyscrapers and other hallmarks of modernity. And it is totally fine. It sets the scene and makes sense for the story being told. But every once in a while--I remember it happening 3 or 4 times--something specific gets called out and it feels weird. One of those times being a reference to the gold bikini Leia wears in Return of the Jedi. It's the sort of touchstone that should feel innocuous. Most folks know it, even if they don't super know Star Wars. But when it happens as like a singular pop culture reference in a work (the other specific callouts I remember feeling odd were a reference to UC Berkley and a brand-name medicine), it weirdly works against the modernity because it feels too concrete in a world of otherwise abstract modern life. It is so solid, so recognizable, that it almost begs the question of why there aren't more references throughout and it vaguely asks questions of the world and of the characters that aren't actually consequential to the plot--or, perhaps, that are consequential to a larger overarching plot that isn't really investigated in depth in the first book. Either way, it was just a little moment that in my reading created a bump that I'm remembering a week and a half later better than some of the actual plot elements or hot smutty scenes, which probably is not the intent of that otherwise kinda throwaway line. 
Okay, shifting away from all that for a moment, I wanna talk about my many cool friends! Who have a new page on my website! Inspired by the webrings of old, I wanted to do a little something to help folks who find their way over to my site find their way over to the sites of other cool folks who are making comics! Right now, you'll notice a lot of family and people who work on Sonic in addition to a few other friends, but always happy to add folks that I've worked with or know and like who might want a bit more web traffic flowing their way. 
While we're on the topic, I know a number of former IDW folks are still looking for work. You'll find links to their LinkedIns there and if you have any opportunities that might be a good fit, please reach out! Also specific shout-out to Yu & Me Books, who could use some help at the moment. 
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I'm now on Patreon sharing, wouldja believe, this very blog! As well as some other cool stuff that I've got planned! If you've been enjoying the blog for a while and want a new way to read or support it with a small tip, the Patreon might be for you. I'm also going to be doing Patreon-exclusive blogs that show off stuff like scripts and pitching materials that I can share, WIPs of some of my personal projects, some weird video/audio/streaming content at certain levels, and have a somewhat ambitious group funding goal where subscribers to my top tier mostly help me fund making more short comics by being able to pay cool artists I know! 
Do you not want to read this pitch for my Patreon? Good news: If you subscribe to it, this is cut out from the blog! Ooo aah! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Craig of the Creek (Cartoon), Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video game), My Adventures with Superman (Cartoon), the beach, Girly Drinks by Mallory O'Meara (Book), the aforementioned Neon Gods (okay, that was last week, but y'know), Stab that Cake (TV show), the only real social media, Clapback, Cruel Summer (TV show), Crime Scene Kitchen (TV show), "Shy Boy" by Carly Rae Jepsen (my queen), the music video for "Water Slide" by Janelle Monae (really loving the aesthetics of their new stuff), Starship Troopers (Movie), thinking about The Love Witch (due for a rewatch). 
New Releases this week (7/5/2023): Sonic the Hedgehog #62 (Editor) Brynmore #1 (Editor) - Actually came out in my last gap week, but go grab it! 
New Releases next week (7/12/2023): Off week for me! Buy something else groovy!
Final Order Cut-Off next week (7/10/2023 - AKA Preorder Deadline) Brynmore #2 (Editor) Godzilla: War for Humanity #1 (Editor)
I'll be at San Diego Comic-Con! My schedule's gotten pretty full, but if you're going to be there, do reach out and let me know. I'll at least try to say hi! IDW announced our panels for the year and I'll see you at Sonic the Hedgehog: Speeding to the 900th Adventure on Sunday at 10, room 25ABC! 
Side note, because con is coming, I may or may not have an update the week of SDCC itself! And Becca's Twitch streams will be off that week, but they'll be streaming throughout the rest of the month. Just anticipate Tuesday streams, rather than Wednesdays, because of some scheduling conflicts. Just through July. 
Oh! And a reminder I am on Bluesky, but don't expect to see me on Threads! That service seems lousy! 
Pic of the Week:
Becca and I at the beach! Beach stuff including some cool shells and part of a crustacean's shell! 
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay, let’s do up some stuff for winter holiday stuff for various species, huh?
Their main class of winter holiday is already covered here- essentially a community swap-meet-turned-festival
There’s a variety of other regional festivities including common ones honoring necromancers, the dead, and some classes of spirit (always good to thank the fucker who’s making sure it only gets so cold, or that the seasons keep turning and you don’t get stuck in eternal winter (there are folktales about eternal winters)) but there are enough and varied enough that we can only go very general things
Namely there’s food, there’s generally gifts or offerings to the relevant individuals (so many necromancers make a chunk of their living off yearly ‘thank you for being here and doing your job’ gifts), there’s songs sometimes
Normally not decorations or anything, most of the time they’re not considered especially auspicious or celebratory
Cultures in areas that experience notable winters are comparatively slim among Lenopan, but the Winter Solstice, for a species that freezes easy, is a big-ass deal
You don’t leave the house- if you’ve got livestock that aren’t housed in an attached barn (the farther north settlements do that) then a chunk of you go and sleep with them, if there’s people in the children’s house guess what they are celebrating just them and the babies
I mean, we’ve already discussed that Lenopan try not to go out in winter (school’s~ out~ for~ winter~) but you seriously don’t go out on the solstice in any culture, they aren’t about that life
There’s three ‘most widely celebrated’ versions of the whole solstice deal
Version One- has sort’ve a Groundhog Day thing going on, homes have a small window in one of the major rooms that’s at the right position and angle to let in the noonday sun on the solstice. It’s kept closed up and covered the rest of the year, but on the Winter Solstice it gets opened up. Used to be that, like with most Lenopan windows, it was just open, but in nowadays it’s generally filled in with colored glass or plastic so now people can go hang out in the room on the day. If the noon sun shines through the window, then it’s said that spring will arrive early, but if it doesn’t then the winter will run long. If the sun is shining then people freaking gorge themselves and throw loud parties with singing and children bouncing off the walls, while if it isn’t then individuals fast for the next three days, ostensibly in mourning but probably at first was sort’ve a ‘save food for the long winter’ situation. Because it’s an either/or whether people are celebrating or mourning, there’s not really decorations, though there are traditional songs, including ones asking/begging/threatening the sun to show up and chase winter away. People also change their colors for the holiday- going to bright colors and bold patterns if the sun shines and pale, solid colors if it doesn’t
Version Two- also known as ‘honey why are the neighbors screaming?‘. Must make loud noises. Must decorate with scary things. Must sing songs of the death of winter at the top of your lungs. Entire point is to scare winter away. These lot don’t celebrate on the day of the Winter Solstice but the day after- the idea being that winter has been growing in power since the Summer Solstice (hence why nights have gotten longer and it’s gotten colder) and is at it’s peak on the solstice, hence the next day is when you start the assault to drive it back to wherever it goes when summer gets the upper hand. Imagine if people set off fireworks on Halloween to scare the bad spirits away, it’s a similar thing. You eat hearty foods and play games of physical fortitude and strategy. Challenge your cousins to Civ V and wrestle over who gets to be play as the Zulu. Really if they weren’t likely to get calls about disturbing the peace they’d fit right in with humans here.
Version Three- the only fuckers who used to go outside on the solstice. They used to combine the solstice with a garbage burn-off, when the weather started turning cold they would build covered stone structures to start throwing their trash in, and when the Solstice arrived they would send someone outside to light it all on fire. These were beacons, though beacons for what varies- some places it was to guide anyone who got lost in the long night home, or to attract luck or friendly spirits, or a scream into the darkness that they had not and would not fall. There would be cages arranged outside the structure and connected to openings in the bottom, they would be attached on the solstice and catch jevirir- a sort’ve salamandery centipedey psuedo-mammal that would take shelter from the cold in the trash pile. Their winter coloration, in the old days, was considered specifically an emblem and even emissary of winter and so they would be caught and drowned to make sure winter would eventually end. Of course this isn’t done anymore, they don’t even do the trash piles anymore. Instead now every fall families build temporary stone structures with colored glass and plastic roofs and stick spotlights inside them. The lights can be turned out from inside the house, so nobody has to go outside. As for the jevirir, nobody sacrifices them for the sake of spring anymore, at least not actual ones. They buy or make fake ones of clay, stone, reeds, wood, to sink in the water the day after the solstice. They make a whole event out of it, and one of the major holiday activities is hiding these fake critters around the house, after which the kids take the shapes of their natural predators and hunt them down, winning a holiday treat if they manage to find them all.
The Empire puts added emphasis on, again, the Winter Solstice, but for the most part all Osmosians celebrate it in one way or another
There’s some other winter holidays in Savar- mostly days celebrating specific deities, heroes, etc- but the solstice is the Big One
It’s the big winter deal for, again, pretty much all Ossys
In Savar there’s a lot of prayers and such for the Winter Solstice, it’s a whole thing, sacrifices made to deities, primarily to Shil, Lyis, Vernito, and whatever of the wind deities is in the top spot for the area
In every celebrating community there’s traditional songs and stories, as most holidays have, some of them even from back before The Hunting in some communities
There is so much food. So much. Savar doesn’t have many feasting holidays- Darum’s festival, Vernito’s, and the Winter Solstice really- plus citizens of the Empire feast to celebrate the anniversary of it’s formation, while non-citizens feast the day before to celebrate Ossys officially being classed as a sapient species with rights galaxy-wide
What people eat varies with where they are, who they are, etc, but within the Empire stuffed foods, preserved plantstuffs, and fresh meat and fish
The most common decorations are windchimes, windspinners, and bells. You also get strings of beads and baubles in various colors and made of various materials, plus some packs are able to put up fabric banners and ribbons (fancy, I know)
It’s very much a pack holiday, in fact if you see Ossys celebrating something that isn’t pack-wide or ‘the whole main body of the clan’-wide? It’s probably an event they borrowed from another species for one reason or another
Colors associated with the growing seasons are commonly used, though what those are varies widely depending on where fuckers are
There are so many different fuckers with so many different traditions on that planet, so instead we’re gonna focus on what Kwarrel grew up with because I’m as good as god here and also it’s been a long couple of days
The biggest of the winter holidays he grew up with was, essentially celebrating snow
Not technically but, it’s a whole thing
Basically, winter time means less sunlight, the Big Central Deity of the religion Kwarrel grew up with (it still needs a name) is quite literally The Sun, clearly she's not on top of her game in winter and you need to get her going again so it can stop being so damn cold and the crops’ll grow
The general idea is that once a year the Sun sorta gets seasonal depression and you need to make her happy so she can go back to making things warm and bright
So, how the ends up with snow
Snow is, sort’ve symbolic of the stars for these fuckers- the Sun’s daughters made the world and everything on it, the Sun and her Daughters make the stars, it sorta makes sense that these things that are never exactly the same are emblematic of the stars which similarly are homemade and therefor never exactly the same
So, how do you cheer up the Sun? You remind her of how much you appreciate her. You sacrifice food so she can share in the fruits that grow in her warmth. You sings songs for her, and perform grand, intricate dances. You praise her name and fill the world with light for her.
And you make it clear how much you appreciate her work
These fuckers make so many snow ornaments and decals and just, lots of snowflakes. Lots and lots of snowflakes. Because you can’t make stars, only the deities can make stars, it’d be insulting to make some shoddy representation of their work, so instead you make snowflakes. The delicate, intricate crafts bound to the world.
(Why yes, before you ask, this lot do represent the stars with snowflakes in art as well. Not the Sun herself, though. She mostly gets represented as the greatest, fattest woman within a great glow of light, when she isn’t represented as just that great glow of light. A few pieces have represented her as both man and woman at once, but that’s controversial as fuck and probably gonna lead to a major schism one of these days, just make a whole new offshoot religion.)
Snowflakes are made of just about anything. Fabric, paper, glass, wood, grass, crystal, seriously anything goes as long as it’s a snowflake. Used to be expected that you’d make your own, pass them down the family, and that they’d be white, very pale grey, or very pale blue, but nowadays you can find them for sale and in whatever colors you can imagine. As you’d suspect, there’s people up in arms about it.
Specific foods eaten vary from area to area, but delicate little pastries dusted in powdered sugar are a mainstay for obvious reasons. Also eggs are common, egg yolks specifically, though how they’re prepared again differs by region and sect and such. It’s important the yolks are unbroken though, you can’t eat broken yolks on that day.
Sacrifices to the Sun, meanwhile, are typically dried fruits and vegetables that are ripe in summer and specifically stored so they can be burned come winter. Official explanation is that the smoke carries the essence of the produce up to the Sun. Some households do it individually, some chunks of families do their sacrifice together, some whole herds. In regions where this is the dominant religion you may even get the better part of cities or towns getting together to make a vast pile and set it ablaze.
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pepperonidk · 4 months
iv. schmuel of klimovich || all i could do
"How lucky I am to be in love with you." "When you come home to me..." 
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Pairing: Lee Jihoon x f!Reader Summary: Na-na-na-na na-na-na na-na oh, you get to be happy! Warnings: i mention that the reader is struggling to find jobs and struggling to get into grad programs, which can be a heavy subject (trust me I know it all too well) Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: i really suggest listening to the song along with the chapter. I use a lot of the lyrics in this, but the song is really fun and it's just a cute scene in the musical. also, if you find yourself wanting to talk about any of these struggles, i'm always here for you! I know exactly what it's like to be rejected from every grad school you apply to... always remember that before it's reader insert fanfic, it's writer insert lol
join the taglist! previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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Jihoon didn’t hear the sound of the door swinging open or the sound of your shoes being angrily thrown on the ground as you entered the apartment. In fact, the only thing he did hear was the sigh you let out as you flopped on the couch behind where he was sitting on the living room floor.
“Hey angel,” he set his guitar down against the coffee table before finally turning around to see you rubbing at your temples. He winced at the sight of it. “Rough day at work?”
Your lips formed a pout as you nodded your head.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked gently, reaching up to grab one of your hands to hold in his.
“Not really,” you admitted. “Nothing out of the ordinary when working at a restaurant during the holiday season.”
Jihoon just nodded. You'd eventually talk. All he had to do was listen. And so it went.
“My boss wants me to work Christmas Eve,” you groaned. “Even though I specifically asked for the 23rd and the 24th off so I could watch your show.”
“Who the hell is going to a diner on Christmas Eve?” Jihoon wondered.
“Apparently enough people to call more than half the staff in,” you replied. “And I just always feel like the people who work there are always looking down on me.”
“What?” Jihoon was bewildered. “How–”
“They think I’m snobby,” you pointed out, burying your head in your hands. “They call me ‘Doctor Drop-out’ behind my back… and to my face.”
“Baby…” Jihoon cooed. He moved onto the couch to sit beside you, tangling his fingers into your hair as you as you laid your head down in his lap. “I wish there was something I could do.” And he really did. 
As he held you close, he couldn’t help but be angry at the disconnect between the smart and talented firework he knew you to be and the empty shell of a person this dead-end job pummeled you into. This wasn’t the first time since you’d started working at the diner that you had come home in a rough mood, so Jihoon was more than well-versed in how to coax you out of it.
“Hey angel,” he began softly and his voice was laced with nostalgic admiration. “Do you remember when we first met?”
You scoffed and turned to face Jihoon, your head still resting in his lap. “How could I forget?” you asked. “What about it?”
“I can’t either,” Jihoon smiled, tracing the slope of your nose with his finger. Your eyes fluttered shut at the contact. “Remember when you were talking about your neuroscience class?” 
You hummed in response as he continued. “Well, that was when I knew,” he affirmed. “That you were one of the brightest minds this world had to offer.”
You were quiet for a while and Jihoon wondered if he said something wrong. Before he met you, all he really had to care and worry about was himself. He’d had his fair share of girlfriends and therefore his fair share of arguments, of course, but as a musician, he knew the right words to say to make someone feel good. 
When you finally spoke again, Jihoon felt his heart relax. “What about now?” you replied softly, timidly. Your voice was laced with a sense of wavering insecurity and bitterness that Jihoon had not heard in your voice before. “A top university graduate with honors, on track to discover a miracle cure to some disease, stuck working at a Denny’s on Christmas Eve – do you still think that way?” 
The bitter undertone in your voice surprised Jihoon. In the two years that he’s known you, you’d always been so sure of yourself, so determined to fight for a life that you wanted, just like him. In his mind, you were both on the same one-track path to success… unfortunately you were facing a few more hurdles than he was. 
His road was littered with flower petals and cheering fans. He had finished his music degree somewhere in the middle of his class, average by all means, but he had been receiving offers left and right for promotions and promises of fame and wealth. He figured you were just a few steps behind him, and that your time was soon. He knew that you weren’t expecting to get into your first choice of medical school, but when the second choice rejected you… and the third… and the one you applied to as a joke… Well he knew that could take the best of anyone. 
In any case, Jihoon knew it was his job as your boyfriend to pull you up when you fall, to cheer you up when you’re down.
“Yes,” he replied sternly. “Always.” He pulled you up to sit in front of him on the couch as he reached for his guitar. He noted the puzzled look on your face as he began to explain. “I wasn’t planning to show you this until closer to Christmas, but now is as good a time as any.”
“Show me what?” you questioned.
“Well,” Jihoon continued as he began to strum a plucky and playful tune on his guitar. “Last week, I went to see Seokmin’s last show at the university.” 
You nodded at him as he began to smile in excitement. “He took me backstage and a bunch of his friends were singing this song that I guess was in another musical, and I don’t know, I just loved it. I was planning to sing it at my gig as a Christmas special for everyone. But it was also going to be my gift for you.”
Jihoon could see you resisting the urge to smile, as if wanting to hold on just a little bit longer to the tiredness and bitterness you were just feeling. He took it as his cue to begin his song.
“Schmuel would work 'till half-past ten at his tailor shop in Klimovich
Get up at dawn and start again with the hems and pins and twist
41 years had come and gone at his tailor shop in Klimovich…”
“My gift was going to be a song about an old man?” you finally laughed and Jihoon felt relieved.
“Please don’t interrupt,” he teased in between lines as he continued singing a story about an old tailor who wished for more time to create the dress of his dreams and a magical clock who promised to grant it. Skeptical Schmuel, however, had resigned himself to making do with the time he had left. Jihoon continued into the upbeat chorus.
“And the clock said
‘Na na-na-na, na-na-na
Oh, Schmuel, you'll get to be happy!’”
Jihoon stood up from the couch, still strumming and singing but now prancing around the living room and twirling around and nearly knocking the lamp off the side table. You began to laugh as he prodded you to sing along with him. The story continued on, Schmuel fighting his disbelief until the clock convinced him to just try one more time.
And so Schmuel did, lacing his thread and starting to sew when he noticed the clock turning time back. His cuts and stitches were perfect fits, and Schmuel finally cried out to go back 41 years.
Every ribbon and button were intricately placed and he felt his dreams finally taking shape. He finished the dress as time brought him back to his younger days in a smaller town and that dress was the dress a girl wore on the day she promised to love a young man named Schmuel, who knocked at her door just a day before.
The story ended happily but the song was not quite over. The tune began to quiet down and Jihoon switched to single strums as opposed to the plucky melody he began with.
“This is the part where I changed things,” Jihoon explained before continuing.
“Plenty have hoped and dreamed and prayed
But they can't get out of Klimovich.
If Schmuel had been a cute girl instead
He would’ve looked a lot like you.
Maybe it's just that you're afraid to go out on to a limb-ovich”
“Yeah,” Jihoon shook his head as you laughed at his last line. “Not my best work, I know.” He cleared his throat.
“But shouldn't I want the world to see
The brilliant girl who inspires me?”
Jihoon cherished the way you blushed and smiled sheepishly at him as he finally continued into the last chorus where he replaced Schmuel’s name with you.
“'Cause I say
‘Na na-na-na, na-na-na
Baby, you get to be happy!’”
As he finally ended the song, he set the guitar back down gently on its stand, and pulled you from the couch and into his arms. He placed a sweet kiss on your forehead before he led you to the fireplace that was strewn with framed pictures of the two of you. He reached for one in the middle, a selfie taken on your third date at the amusement park and pulled from behind it a flash drive and a square velvet box.
“I had an old friend who went to Harvard tweak your CV and I went to find more applications for schools that you definitely qualify for,” he slipped the flash drive into your hands before opening the velvet box that held a simple but clearly expensive silver watch.
“Take a breath,” he began, pulling the watch out of the box. “Take a chance, and take your time.” He slipped the watch onto your wrist and locked the latch in place. A perfect fit. Jihoon looked up to see tears brimming your eyes.
“Jihoon I–” you were interrupted with his lips on yours. You tasted like saltwater, Jihoon noted.
“I just got my first royalty check,” Jihoon began, quelling your worries about the expensive gift. “And with the money from the last couple of shows, it’s enough to cover the rent and bills for a while.”
A gasp slipped from your lips. Jihoon smiled and reached his thumbs to swipe the tears from your eyes. “Babe, that’s amazing,” you replied.
“I’m giving you unlimited time,” he quoted the song. “Well, not unlimited, maybe just a few months.” The two of you laughed in relief. “So go and be the ambitious freak I know you are and be happy.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight embrace. It wasn’t until Jihoon began humming the song again that you finally pulled back from him. His left hand found your waist and his right hand found your arm as he twirled you around the living room to the sound of his voice.
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Taglist: @yksthings @alonelystarfish @coveyland @xuimhao @sana-is-ms-rmty @gummymintae @maverey
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hlficlibrary · 2 years
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Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
🌴 I'll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt (E, 122k)
Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not; Harry went to Chicago where he found a boyfriend and couple of college degrees. Six years later, Harry ends up back in Edwardsville for the summer and he and Louis fall into old patterns and discover new ones.
ft. One Direction, the local boyband; Horan’s Bar and Grill; families, most especially children and babies; Officer Liam Payne; many local festivals and fireworks displays; and Anne Cox, PFLAG President.
🌴 Jump Before We Fall by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (E, 113k)
Louis and Zayn's lives revolve around running a hotel by the sea, Harry is a student who wants a life far from home for just a little while, Niall doesn't know where life leads him and Liam thinks he has already found all purposes in his life.
🌴 somewhere in between lightning by jassy117, nauticalleeds, shiningdistractionwrites / @nauticalleeds (E, 99k)
A summer gone wrong (or very right) when, under Liam’s persuasion, Louis finds himself drunkenly applying for Love Island, and getting accepted. Oh, well. A summer spent on an island paradise couldn’t be all that bad, right?
Imagine his surprise when Louis arrives in sunny Majorca to find that his first love and ex-boyfriend, Harry, is another contestant, about to capture the hearts of everyone in the villa. Most normal people don’t have to face their ex on an otherwise straight TV show. Most normal people don’t fall for their ex again in front of the whole nation, either. Too bad this whole situation isn’t normal.
🌴 Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything (E, 97k)
Rather than spend the summer working at their desks, Louis and Harry are given the opportunity to crisscross the country together in a tiny camper, filming their adventures for a YouTube series.
It soon becomes obvious to their viewers that there’s something more than friendship between them. Eventually, they figure it out.
🌴 Salt & Vinegar by elsi_bee / @elsi-bee (E, 77k)
Louis is ready to experience the local flavour during his next few weeks in beautiful Costa Rica. So why does the same British boy keep pulling him in?
🌴 Adore You by @isthatyoularry (M, 67k)
Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. Harry doesn’t want to get married, but Louis does. They don’t fit, but then again they really, really do.
Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.
🌴 If I Had Three Wishes (They'd All Be For You) by phdmama / @phd-mama (E, 66k)
When Harry Styles sets off for Provincetown, MA from his tiny hometown of Kerkhoven, MN, he’s facing an uncertain future. He’s always planned to leave, just...not like this. When he meets a gorgeous cabaret performer on his first night in P-town, little does he know how his life is about to change, or how much he has yet to learn. When they become more than just friends, Louis makes it clear he's not looking for anything serious, but at least, Harry consoles himself, they’ll always be friends. Over one extraordinary summer, Harry learns to navigate life on his own through a journey of self-discovery and sexual awakening. But when Harry’s past tragically reappears in his life, will his friendship with Louis be able to hold on?
🌴 Felt Nothing Like Home by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird (E, 61k)
The Bon Appétit YouTube channel has become an unexpected success partly due to the newest series developed by classically trained pastry chef Harry Styles who is intent on making the art of baking accessible to the masses. He and his best friend Louis Tomlinson have been with the magazine for years and they’re unused to the level of online fame they’ve suddenly achieved.
It’s easy for Harry to brush it off and ignore it (despite the teasing they get around the test kitchen) because Louis is happily married and has been for years—since just before they met for the first time. Or, it was easy to brush it off, but at the beginning of the summer, just as they’re leading up to the stress of planning the annual holiday issue, Louis and his husband decide to file for divorce.
🌴 We will find a way by Star_Henderson / @tommosgun (M, 54k)
Harry Styles, fresh out of Uni, his first job is assistant tour manager to 17 Black, join them on their tour of European Summer music festivals. Temptation takes over and Harry and Louis become a thing, but can Louis handle this thing? He's not even into guys so why is he in Harry's bed?
Some angst, lots of fluff and sex and music.
🌴 Full Moon Dreaming by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom (E, 43k)
Every month, Full Moon Dreaming reveals a person’s soulmate. Sometimes it’s an object or a place, or for the lucky ones, the love of their life.
Louis has given up hope of dreaming of a person, resigned to living a life devoid of that kind of all-consuming love for another and receiving the same in return.
But when a new neighbour descends on Louis’ beloved Hanson Bay and moves into the other beach house, could all that be about to change?
🌴 You're the Light by @allwaswell16 (E, 31k)
Before beginning a new graduate school in the fall, Louis Tomlinson decides to spend the summer working in Chicago as an editor’s assistant for the Chicago Tribune newspaper and staying with his old college roommate. What he finds on his first day of work is a tall, gorgeous editor named Harry who has the most beautiful green eyes he’s ever seen—and who also happens to be his new boss.
🌴 It's the Climb by @lululawrence (NR, 25k)
The Hannah Montana AU where Louis is a world famous punk rock singer with a stage name of William and Jay drags him back to Tennessee for the summer. In her attempt for Louis to get back to his roots, he just so happens to reconnect with Harry, and things never go quite as Louis expects them to.
🌴 That Summer Feelin' by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes (E, 24k)
Harry's been looking forward to going back to work at Canyon Moon Camp all year. She's excited for a chance to have a peaceful summer where no one knows her. The last person she expects to see is Louis Tomlinson, the girl with the bad reputation at school back home. Harry is finally forced to face the feelings she's been avoiding since the first time she laid eyes on Louis. Good thing she has all summer to figure them out.
🌴 Strawberry Moon by @turnyourankle (E, 20k)
Harry really should have known better than to agree to one of Niall’s schemes. Especially one that involved Irish magic. Then again, how was he supposed to know he and Louis would end up swapping bodies?
🌴 Not Ready for This by @berzerkshires (E, 18k)
Louis and Harry are both single fathers and their children decide to go out on a date. The dads insist on meeting one another before they agree to let their child go out on this date.
🌴 Under the Moonlight by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (T, 15k)
Harry and Louis have been friends online for years. They've never met despite living only a few hours from one another. One fateful summer a silly little lie, a family vacation and an accidental meet up lead to a week of fake dating on Mallorca. All in all, a holiday Louis won't easily forget.
🌴 Don't delete the kisses by ishiplouis / @pocketsunshineharry (G, 12k)
Louis and Liam have a bucket list to complete during their last summer together and Harry is the too cute for his own good beautician that appears in Louis’ life at the right time.
🌴 The Charles Compass Trilogy by @sadaveniren (E, 8k)
Louis Tomlinson is a successful writer who rents a beach house on the Cape to try and finish the final book in his successful Charles Compass trilogy.
🌴 Tennis Whites by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf (E, 4k)
Harry settles himself on the bench, puts his sunglasses on, and focuses his attention on the court. There, in all his glory, is Louis Tomlinson.
🌴 In the Shallows by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup (T, 2k)
Fuck superyachts, Harry thinks.
Actually, fuck all yachts, he amends. He has no idea if this is a superyacht or a regular yacht. Or possibly just a really fancy speedboat. All he knows is that he’s hurtling along at a dizzying speed, pulled by a rope tangled around his tail.
I am never getting on a yacht, he thinks as he whizzes by a school of fish. Nothing good comes from a yacht.
🌴 Point. Drop. Call. by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou (G, 1k)
Teenagers get bored on a hot summer day and decide to play a little game…Whoever loses has to call their crush, no matter who or where they are.
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hanaonesflower · 2 years
(this work is inspired by one of @emmyrosee’s pieces)
P/s: I adore your work!
Featuring: Sakusa Kiyoomi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Miya Osamu, Tendou Satori, Akaashi Keiji, Kageyama Tobio, Terushima Yuuji, Kuroo Tetsurou, Suwamura Daichi, Kozume Kenma, Kyotani Kentaro
Sakusa smiles a lot and isn’t afraid to express his contentment with life. He loves the outdoors, especially hiking and picnicking, however, he refuses the hike on “strenuous trails” because it defeats the purpose of relaxation and taking in the view.
Iwaizumi loves to garden. He has a variety of fruits and veggies but the most he has of are tomatoes. The ones he grows are so vibrant in color and robust in flavor. This next favorite are bell peppers. His green, orange, and yellow ones make his garden look like a fireworks show. If he can gather enough, he’ll give them away to his friends and family and every single time he receives positive feedback. His next project will be lemons.
Oikawa is really into arts and crafts and secretly has his own sewing machine and lots of colorful markers. He likes to bullet journal and that’s how he keeps his busy schedule organized. He’s also the type to journal his feelings, too. He does so quite often and he thinks it had helped him manage the stress surrounding his lifestyle.
Ushijima likes playing video games and comic books. He builds a shelf for his collection and loves to show it off like a cute nerd. Ushijima is the biggest buyer of any comic book store locally, sometimes he would even make it a thing to conduct a road trip to antique comic stores and collect vintage books.
Osamu eats instant ramen and finds ways to turn it into a fine art. Adding eggs, sesame seeds, pickled cucumbers, kimchi, etc. anything and everything that could elevate his dish. He even goes out of his way to make his noodles from scratch and invests in a pasta pressing machine and expensive (and unnecessary) pasta knives. He claims that any substitute would never get the job done to his satisfaction.
Tendou is a yoga instructor with a twist. He employs kittens and adult cats in the yoga classes that occasionally meow and climb onto his students back or take up too much space on the yoga mat. He serves some CBD infused tea to induce relaxation and release any tension in his students before their sessions. His class sizes seem to always increase.
Akaashi boxes. He loves boxing despite his calm and elegant demeanor. He doesn’t box because of its “violent” expression but it provides him with a healthy rush of adrenaline that he can’t seem to achieve with volleyball. If anything, he thinks his movements and setting ranges become more agile and nimble by boxing because he gains more control. He goes at least twice a week.
Kageyama loves swimming and his favorite is backstroke. He likes the calmness of the water and how swimming allows him to take a break from precision and fastness that he constantly has to be in a state of with volleyball. His favorite time to swim is at night, so he can stargaze while treading on the water surface. He stays there until he prunes and the wind turns slightly drafty.
Terushima loves elderly people. He makes sure his homework is completed before the weekend so he can spend his time volunteering at a nearby nursing home. He serves meals and keeps the elders company by playing chess or water their gardens. He loves going there on bingo nights even if it is a school night, he likes to sit around with everyone, although still a bit of a menace, he always manages to make everyone laugh and have a good time.
Kuroo loves to clean. Most would even go as far as saying he’s a neat freak. There’s a place for everything in his home, and he splurges on cleaning supplies. Always looking for the next best cleaning product or tools. His living quarters are spotless and free of any strange odor. His friend genuinely enjoy coming to his place because of how clean and cozy it always seems to be.
Daichi loves to build his own personal computer. He researches parts day in and day out, and spends more countless nights assembling all the parts together. He finds it so fascinating how each electricity paths are compatible with one another and what happens when they aren’t. He thinks placing down the keys on his board is calming and fun to do. He has one of those light up keyboard with muted clicking sounds.
Kenma loves to read books. His favorite genre is contemporary fiction that incorporates time traveling and future oriented. He loves reading so much that he starts to participate in creating writing and researches prompts that will peak his creativity. He has a few drafts on his computer and debating whether or not to release it for others to read.
Bokuto loves to solve math problems for fun. He finds them on the internet and would buckle down with a piece of scratch paper, a graphic calculator and pencil and goes to town. His favorite has to be calculus and least favorite is geometry. He doesn’t understand why math needs to be proven, it’s literally there in the numbers. An honorary mention is trigonometry.
Kyotani loves to paint. He believes in the high quality of the products he uses. His paintings mostly are of flowers, the sky, the ocean, insects and geometrical shapes. Most of the canvases he uses are purchased from the art store but he finds an interest in grafting his own.
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