#people are always falling over themselves to apologize and explain that they don't blame the character for the actions
madwheelerz · 2 years
Me, watching a Nancy stan have a breakdown over her, apparently being overhated-
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
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my gif proposition 🤞🏻👀
Jimin does not get enough love in this household and I'm not gonna have it.
Tags/Warnings: Royalty AU, infiltrator?Jimin, Maid!Reader, imprisonment, implied murder, arson, I blame my writing-playlist for giving me this idea
The cold floor of the prison below isn't what you'd hoped yourself to be found in tonight. But even so, there's no way you could've let them treat the poor stable boy like that just for an accident. You know Jungkook. He always puts his everything into any task he's given- he didn't deserve any punishment.
So instead, you went down the pit for him.
It's fine.
You've not been happy anyway. In this kingdom, there is no romance novel worthy love blooming, no prince that's kind, no heroes that save life's. It's the cruel reality of money and wealth placing them who own such things above the weaker, nothing else. You're not a heroine either. You're probably just stupid.
But it's okay. You've saved people prior to this - the royal advisor, a man who doesnt belong here either, for example, from being poisoned. You'd been punished for that, too, as you'd spilled his wine all over the table. There had never been a thank you or an apology directed at you - even after it was revealed that the wine had indeed been tampered with.
You know why this happens. It's because you refuse to be the king's amusement.
You've chosen this for yourself, chose faithfulness over a man long left behind in the land deep up inside the mountains where the snow never seems to melt and the horses still running freely, ready to be tamed. You can't forget him, even after all these years and even after realizing, deep down, that you'll never go home. It's alright - there's nothing you regret. "Huh." A guard says, walking back to where you sit. "Seems like the stable boy vanished. Ran off, that rat, and took one of the horses, too." The old man chuckles. "You saved him just for that?"
You don't answer. Internally, you're happy about it. Jungkook is a very able young man, taken from his mother at a young age, from far away, too, where the waves crash against the edge of the world, it seems. He will be fine on his own, away from the castle walls.
Maybe he will get to go home. See his mother and fish again with his father.
You're busy braiding the pieces of straw into something you're not sure of, when you notice smoke rolling over the ground. The blue-ish waves seem almost hypnotic in their act of curling over the floor like water that's not bound to gravity- it makes you quiet, doesn't let you call out in fear.
You don't have to. The guards are all suddenly running off, leaving every prisoner by themselves in their panic.
Standing up you can see a glimpse of the hallway far away- orange glow signaling a fire, panic now growing outside of the underground levels you're kept in. You don't want to die this slowly, painfully. You don't want to die in general.
A man walks into the prisons, a damp rag pressed to his face as he looks around, opening all the iron cages as the prisoners all flee. "What happened?!" One asks in a hurry.
"Run. Don't look back. Tell the world the king is dead." The man says, and you're almost sure you know exactly who he is.
As soon as he finds yours, your eyes widen. It is him.
Park Jimin. Royal advisor.
He says nothing when he opens the bars, just looks at you until his eyes soften, his lips curl upwards, and his arms open. You fall into them, hold him tightly, close, because that's what you haven't been allowed for so long now. "What did you do?" You ask quietly into his chest.
He feels like home.
"I gave you my word when they took you here." He tells you, before taking your hand and running out of the lower levels and through already burning hallways, until you're both in the massive courtyard, castle lit aflame.
You can't help but stop and stare.
"I told you I'd burn it all down if I had to." He explains. "I told you I'm gonna get you back and change all of this."
"The King is dead?" You ask, quietly so as a large window breaks from the heat.
"The king was never one to begin with." Jimin darkly answers, before a horse catches your attention.
The same Jimin came here with years ago. The same Jungkook had nurtured fondly the entire time. The same kind that runs with veins full of freedom through the mountains back home. The same that will take you back to your freedom now.
Back to your home, with the only hero, this story will never reveal to those who will read about this in history books one day.
But its fine.
You know that he exists.
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fly-you-dam-fools · 1 year
The Hogwarts Houses as Things I’ve Done:
Hello all! This is the long-awaited not awaited at all post about which Hogwarts House you think I'm in. I've tried to be pretty secretive of it and I don't think I've spilled about it (except to one person, you know who you are) because I've been waiting for this post.
All of this stuff has actually happened to me, some stuff is pretty funny 😂
PLEASE GUESS I'd love to see your take, and once a good number of people have guessed, I promise I'll disclose my Hogwarts House 😉
So, here we begin, in order of the Sorting Hat song in the first book so there aren't any favorites:
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Constantly thinks about all the things you could do to make a situation go wrong
Blasting music in the room and jamming while the family is out
Blasting music in the room and jamming while the family is in
Running around a campground randomly
That Hiccup meme supporting friend 👍
Picks dare at truth or dare and gets in trouble with the school
Constantly had to explain weird situations to supervisors in elementary school
Not liking supervising people because they always blamed stuff on us (the older ones) instead of the real guilty party (people that were younger)
Stashing trinkets behind a tree that’s off-grounds
Pretending the people running behind me are Grievers (the creepy stuff in The Maze Runner movies) to motivate me to keep running, and beat them
Types up an email or message with words that aren’t 100% soft and not-treading and clicks send impulsively
Intrusive thoughts on how long something would take to drop to the ground from a high place (like a small inanimate object)
Jams to video game soundtracks and pretends to be on a quest
Looks at videos on how to do cool sword/lightsaber tricks
Can picture themselves in a music video or dancing a super complicated number
Sends memes to friends constantly
Yells “Bless you!” to a person in another room
Initiate conversations with the new kid
Gets secondhand embarrassment from videos
Thinks about doing bad things then thinks about the punishment, then does the bad thing and feels super sorry and apologizes too much only to do the whole thing over again the next day
Gives money I found on ground to higher ups (regrets it later because I could have given it to charity)
Watches video of myself who didn’t reply to someone who said “Have a nice day”, feels bad
Blushes when writing fluff
Thinks fashion moodboards for hogwarts houses should be more varied
Constantly stubs toes on things (same place repeatedly)
Actually takes one piece of candy on Halloween when there’s no one at home
Has seriously never watched a horror movie before, but still enjoys the little thrills in other movies
Makes sure others are drinking water while sometimes neglecting to do the same
Feels bad when unable to make a commitment 
Seriously finds old couples/seniors so sweet
Is absolutely and completely distracted as soon as animals enter the picture, and will spend the next 45 minutes staring at a cute little bunny on the grass (at a respectable distance of course)
Always helps people with passing things out
Wishing humans could go days without eating or sleeping just to sit in front of a computer and do nothing
Folding clothes neatly only to throw them randomly in the closet
Yells at stupid characters in the movie to do better
Has a large collection of bookmarks
Uses phone as a bookmark because we all know which is more important
Daring other people to do things and never personally playing truth or dare
Reading ahead in class reads while keeping track of who’s talking and where in the book the class is reading
“You know there’s a spell for that right?”
Putting on thinner clothes just to feel that bone-chill to feel free
Falling out of chairs. Constantly. (or sliding off)
Hearing another conversation that you’re not a part of and accidentally reacting to a joke they said
Start a thousand projects but finish none of them
Terrible sleep schedule 
Goes off on alone and runs from the friend group an entire day because you want to spend time alone and run because it’s fun
Makes schedules just to not follow them
Starts way too many projects/stories but can’t/doesn’t finish them
Buy plants promising to take care of them only to watch them die with a neutral face
Sign up for every type of commitment and show up at none of them
Saying to a friend to not give spoilers to a movie then searching up the plot on Wikipedia
Thinks of ways you could usurp the teacher in class
Rants in an incognito search bar 
Searching up motivational quotes just to laugh at them
Makes friendship bracelets for oneself
Constantly either loves google or hates it
Has a rivalry with the internet
Goes to Apple Stores to pull up own website on Safari
Buying friendship bracelets/necklaces but not having anyone to share them with
Racks up accomplishments and certificates but stare at them in woe because they were of the past
Signature look is literally a smirk or raised eyebrow like what do you want from me
Walks around empty places with carefully planted steps, enjoying the echo that sounds across the room
Sits on a throne/chair in that pose occasionally
Is suspicious of everything that someone holds up or interesting suggestions, immediately thinking of the possible bad outcomes and how to avoid them
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This actually took me quite some time to compile (from when I first made this account!!), and feel free to reblog with your thoughts and how you relate too! This is just some things I came up with myself and thought what fit into which house~ Just have fun! Please don't repost though.
Tagging some friends because I'd like their opinion, hehe: @softbobamilktae @jinnie-forthe-winnie-recs @silvermistcosmos @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger
(I also vaguely remember doing a similar thing with asks but I totally forgot what people said (sorry 😭) and I can't find it...)
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thewritersafterglow · 2 years
5 ways to make a character toxic
hello, hello everyone!! today's post was requested by one of my followers, so we're going to be talking about how to write toxic characters. there are lots of reasons you might want to write in a toxic character to your novel, especially because if your novel has an antagonist, they're probably not the best person in the world.
note: i am not encouraging/promoting unhealthy or toxic behaviors with this post. i'm just explaining how to write a certain type of character. don't come for me.
also, the language of this post might switch between third and second person, and i'm sorry for that bc i'm using quotes from a website and i might miss some errors while proofreading!
gaslighting (not girlbossing 😔)
this is an tactic used to create doubt by reinforcing a false narrative. the gaslighter would use terms like “it’s all in your head”, “you’re imagining things” and “i could never do anything like that.” the extreme cases are complete lies that are repeated to achieve dominance.
gaslighting reframes a falsehood into a false reality. the victim usually doesn’t realize they’re being psychologically manipulated, or if they do, they suffer in self-doubt. toxic characters will use this to pit other characters against each other or create widespread confusion as to what’s true or not.
fight & make up
toxic characters will pride themselves in controlling arguments.  they like to start trivial arguments for attention. if they can’t win an argument, they storm out and later over-compensate with a saccharine makeup routine. the victim falls this behavior loop over and over again.
despite their convincing apologies, toxic characters have no intention of changing their behavior. they often justify their behavior on some previous trauma and expect you to excuse them.
toxic people are testing your tolerance with the aim of pushing your limits further and further into their favor.
playing the victim
toxic people often manipulate a situation to paint themselves as victims rather than perpetrators. this can be through omission of facts, but more often through outright lies. they project their nefarious deeds onto others to make them the bad guys. they then lie to generate sympathy for themselves and plead innocence or ignorance.
dependent toxic people could forbid their victim/partner to visit their friends and claim they only want to spend time with them. they may also blame others for their faults.
need for control
toxic people tend to be deeply insecure. their natural counteraction is to exert absolute control over others to fuel their imagined authority. anything or anyone that threatens their perceived control of a situations, they try to remove somehow. for example, the incompetent toxic boss who will do anything to protect their position.
also, (unfortunately) more commonly, consider toxic relationships when the dominant partner controls the household finances, living arrangements, vacation, and allocation of social times.
belittling the other person
this can be as harsh as threatening or deeply offensive behavior, or something more subtle such as sarcasm, or something more serious such as ignoring them, derogatory remarks or playing cruel pranks and later justifying them as jokes (people w/ toxic parents, raise your hands 🫡)
sometimes, it isn’t the words a toxic person uses, but rather the way they are expressed. toxic people can be dismissive, condescending, patronizing or accuse the other of over-reacting to a situation.
this also doesn’t always need to be verbal. gestures like eye rolls, grins, turning away and other gestures, serve the same purpose.
denial/refusal to take responsibility
a toxic person will refute claims of misbehavior such as a temper tantrum, immediately after having executed it. they often don’t even allow enough time to pass for you to doubt your interpretation of events. they break out into a barrage of nonsensical arguments to wear the person down.
other toxic behaviors are more strategic and do the exact opposite. they plant seeds of doubt in your mind to make the person believe that they didn’t actually throw a tantrum but rather engaged in a heated debate.
toxic people tend to never accept responsibility for their actions. they either reduce the severity of their actions, or outright deny that they did anything wrong.
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itsdanii · 4 years
Rejecting you and regretting it
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: slight cursing, rude behavior (resolved), do message me if I forgot any.
ft. sakusa kiyoomi, tsukishima kei
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
you're not oblivious to the fact that kiyoomi is a very conscious person
that's one of the things you loved about him
he was hygienic and he always made sure that his health was his utmost priority
but one downside is that kiyoomi had the tendency to push people away because of his straightforwardness
you were used to it and in fact, you were one of those people he tolerated
but everyone has their bad days
and unfortunately for you, today was kiyoomi's and since you were always attached to him by the hip, he unintentionally snapped at you
what's worse is that he snapped at you the moment you confessed to him
"Omi!" you shouted happily as you entered the gymnasium, giving Komori a small wave before making your way to where Kiyoomi was sitting.
He looked at you with a frown. He wasn't wearing a mask since they were training awhile ago and only took a quick break. "Y/n, what are you doing here?"
You sat beside him making Kiyoomi grimace and slightly move away. You frowned at him, completely displeased at the action. "I just wanted to give you a visit. Plus, I have something to tell you."
You started to fiddle with your fingers nervously. You practiced your confession several times already but doing it seemed harder than you thought.
"What is it? Talk, I'm not in the right mood to socialize right now."
Out of panic, you quickly blurted out a rather loud, "I like you!" You immediately covered your mouth with your hand and stared at him wide eyed.
The other players looked at you with sympathy, knowing what's about to happen. Out of all days, you really had to confess today, when Kiyoomi was in a pissy mood after several fangirls pushed themselves against him this morning, not minding his personal space.
Kiyoomi stared at you with a serious expression before standing up. "I don't like you. Leave."
"But Omi.."
"You're irritating and you always bother me when it is clear that I don't want your company." He turned around and left you on the bench, your head casted down in humiliation.
You whispered a small sorry before running out of the gym with tears falling from your eyes.
For the next few days, you did your very best to stay away from Kiyoomi. You changed your route to school knowing that your usual route meant that you have to pass by his house. Even if you got scolded several times for being late, you did not stop.
You sat near the door so you can easily exit the room after class. You even stopped eating with Komori and Kiyoomi during breaks and lunch. Even your usual routine of visiting the gym during practices was stopped.
At first, Kiyoomi didn't mind. He knew that you'd come back in a few days just like you always did. You like him after all, right?
But when a few days turned into weeks, He started getting bothered. Why weren't you pestering him like always? Why did you stop visiting him? You said you like him, right?
It was the second week that Kiyoomi took action. He woke up extra early to wait for you infront of your house, aiming to confront you about your behavior.
When you went out, your eyes widened slightly upon seeing Kiyoomi waiting for you outside. He was wearing his face mask while staring at you intently, letting you know that he purposely waited for you.
You looked down and was about to walk pass him when you felt him tugging on your wrist. Your gaze snapped to his hand, not believing that he was indeed touching your skin.
His eye twitched at the weirdness of you not calling him like usual. Sighing, he stepped a little closer to you, hand still holding your wrist to ensure that you won't run away from him.
"You're ignoring me," he said while eyeing you. "Why?"
You took your hand from him and furrowed your brows. "I'm just doing you a favor. I don't want to be a bother anymore. Isn't this what you wanted?"
"It's fine, Sakusa. You don't have to force yourself to apologize just because you feel bad or obliged to."
He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I'm not apologizing because I feel bad."
"Then what? You're apologizing just to make fun of me? I know I said I like you but that doesn't mean that you have the right to-"
"You don't get it!"
At this point, you were both raising your voices. Some passersby were looking at you two weirdly, some even running as to not get caught up in the fight.
"Get what, Sakusa? Why don't you tell me so I can understand?!"
"I like you!" Kiyoomi exclaimed. "I... Fuck. I like you, okay? I wasn't in the mood when you confessed and I rejected you without thinking. I messed up. The moment I saw you walk out, I knew I fucked up real bad and I-"
"And I thought that you'd come back the next day to bother me again like usual. I wanted to apologize but my pride-"
You sighed as he continued to ramble. With fast movements, you stood on your tiptoes and encircled your arms around his neck to pull him down to you, kissing him over his mask.
When you let go, Kiyoomi was silent. His eyes were wide and you thought that you went over board. Panic made its way to your face as you try to find the words to explain.
"Sorry, I didn't me-"
This time, he was the one to cut you off. Kiyoomi took off his mask and bent down to kiss you on your lips. One of his arms snaked around your waist to support you while the other settled on your nape, angling you to him.
"Be my s/o."
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Tsukishima Kei
Everyone in Karasuno knew how much you like Tsukishima
In fact, you remind him everyday
You often give him fresh strawberries from the market and even bake him strawberry cake
Sometimes, you would put little sticky notes on his belongings and write some encouraging words like "you can do it", "I believe in you" or "take it easy!"
On his birthday, you even gave him a hoodie with a dino design (which he secretly loved)
There are times that you knew Tsukishima gets irritated when you visit and even snaps at you but you didn't mind. You liked him and a small snap will not discourage you
But what you didn't know was that it would only take one conversation to completely shatter your heart
"-And they're back," Sugawara said as he saw you enter the gym, a bubbly smile present on your face as usual.
"Kei!" You skipped your way towards Tsukishima and handed him his water bottle which you voluntarily refilled with hot water.
He only gave you a 'tsk' and took the water bottle. Adjusting his glasses, he stared at you from head to toe as if analyzing you, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
"What are you looking at? Have you finally come to realize that you like me back?" you cheekily asked, poking his bicep.
"No. I was just wondering how someone could look so ugly."
Despite what he said, you forced yourself to giggle, covering your upset feeling with an eye roll. "Oh shut up, Kei. You don't have to hide it, you know? Don't worry, I'm not going to reject you."
You winked at him causing Tsukishima to blush even more.
The rest of the boys snickered and laughed at his reaction which made Tsukishima more embarrassed than he already is.
"Just confess to the girl already, Tsukishima. Can't you see she's trying hard to win you?" Daichi said with a small chuckle while patting Tsukishima's back.
Tsukishima just huffed and pushed his glasses up. "What's there to like? They're nothing but an eyesore anyway."
"What?" you asked in disbelief.
Having a playful banter with Tsukishima was normal in your routine but this was the first time he called you such an offensive term. Does he really think of you that way?
"Oh come on, stop acting dumb. I don't even get why there are guys running after you. I mean, there's really nothing much to look at, right?"
Everyone grew quiet at what he said, clearly not expecting Tsukishima to be at such level of rudeness.
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat as your insecurity skyrocketed. "I try hard every single day to look presentable to you. I-"
You paused for a moment to laugh pathetically at yourself. "I exert a lot of effort to make you notice me. I cook for you, I give you gifts. Heck, I even stay after class to help clean the gym so that the task would be easier for you and I'm not even asking for anything in return."
Tsukishima glared at you sharply that you immediately felt extremely smaller than him. "I never asked you to do those things for me."
"Can't you at least show me that you care?" You wiped your tears with the back of your hand. "Because I'm slowly getting tired of this push and pull game."
"Don't you get it? I don't like you. Why don't you stop pushing yourself to me and start getting a life, hm?"
"Tsukishima, that's enough!" you heard Daichi yell at him.
"Y/n?" Sugawara was immediately beside you, his hand rubbing circles on your back in attempt to calm you down.
"No-" You lifted your face up to meet Tsukishima's eyes. "I think he's right. I should stop being a nuisance and focus on myself."
"I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry," you said before giving Tsukishima a bow and leaving the gym with everyone's eyes following your figure until the door shut.
Everyone could only look at Tsukishima as he cursed under his breath.
The moment you left the gym, you headed straight to the comfort room to let your tears out. You stared at yourself on the mirror as tears cascaded down your cheeks.
"You're beautiful," you reassured yourself while pointing at your own reflection. "What he said doesn't make you any less. Know your worth."
You wiped your tears and splashed your face with cold water before getting out and heading to class without sparing Tsukishima any glance.
You ignored Tsukishima, stopped visiting the gym and focused on yourself. You even made made friends with some of your classmates that you didn't bother getting associated with last time because you were too focused on capturing the attention of Tsukishima.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain male was eyeing you as you interact with other people. He blamed himself for pushing you away. He didn't talk to you, thinking that you only wanted space for a couple days before bothering him again.
He knew that what he said was out of line and he regret everything he did. He even asked Yamaguchi and the rest of the team for advice but all of them responded with the same answer - apologize and tell you how he feels.
Tsukishima gripped the pen tightly as he watched you laughing at something your classmate said. The said classmate was too close to you and it was obvious that he was trying to flirt with you.
"Tsukki?" Yamaguchi called out. He followed Tsukishima's gaze and sighed. "Why don't you go and talk to them?"
"Tsk. Why would I do that? Can't you see they're enjoying his company?" Tsukishima bitterly said.
"You'll end up losing them if you don't do something about it now. Who knows, they might already be lo-" Yamaguchi stopped as Tsukishima instantly stood up and made his way to where you are.
Taking your wrist, he pulled you towards him, heading out of the classroom.
"Tsukishima, what the hell?!" You tried to resist but his grip on your wrist only tightened.
You gasped as he suddenly stopped, trapping you against a wall with his arms beside your head.
"I'm sorry." Tsukishima closed his eyes, balling his fist as he bowed his head. "I said hurtful words to you and no amount of apology will take those away but I want you to know that I regret every single one of it."
You bit your lower lip as you felt yourself tearing up once again. "Do you really think that I'm ugly? I was hurt, Kei. It's just.."
"I'm sorry." His hand made its way to your cheek, cupping your face while he wiped your tears with his thumb. "You're not ugly."
You shook your head and averted your gaze from him, a sob escaping your lips as you felt yourself falling for him deeper. "Don't. Just stop. I'll accept your apology but please just leave me be. I won't be able to stop my feelings for you if you keep leading me on."
"But I don't want you to stop."
"I've fallen for you." He tipped your chin up with his hand making you look at him and you were surprised to see the vulnerability in his features. "Please look at me again, y/n. Keep loving me because I swear that I'll do things different this time. Give me a chance."
You can't help but encircle your arms around him, burrying your face on the side of his neck as you nodded repeatedly. "One chance, Kei."
Tsukishima hugged you tightly, lips pressing on the side of your head. "One chance." He leaned away from you and held your face with his hand, eyes boring to yours admiringly.
"You're beautiful."
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Likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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mageofseven · 4 years
Hi there! Congratulations on the 100 followers!! I'm really happy for you! If you don't mind, I would like to submit a request ^_^ Could you do the brothers reacting to an MC who is really sympathetic towards them? Like the brothers could tell a sad story or just look down one day and MC starts tearing up and goes over to hug them while spouting words of reassurance to them. Thank you :3
Aww this sounds really cute! Of course I'll do it!
Also, thanks 🥰 I'm so happy happy that this blog has hit such a milestone and I'm really grateful to all of you guys~
Spoiler warnings: Year One spoilers in Lucifer, Beel, Belphie, and Satan's sections, Chapter 32 spoiler in Asmo's section
Really isn't the type to open or talk about any issues he has so it'd take a very long time for MC to get such a moment with him.
When the moment does come, I'd imagine the sad story involving the day he lost Lilith. Maybe one day he's feeling oddly sentimental and wants to tell MC in detail about the day that eventually led to their existence?
His eyes went wide when he realized they were crying thought.
"You..." They sniffled. "You really gave everything you could for your sister till the very end."
When they they flew their arms around him, the demon could only sigh and pat their back.
"I did not tell you that story so you could pity me."
"B-But... you're always giving your all; not just for Lilith then, but for your brothers too. You bear so much responsibility and work so hard... you have so much on your shoulders that no one ever even acknowledges."
"I don't need it to be acknowledged; I just need my brothers to be safe and taken care of." He tried to pull back to look at them, but they tightened their hold on him.
The man sighed and squeezed back, realizing that his words won't really sway them.
It was strange... having someone care about his wellbeing and acknowledge his hardwork. It had been a long time since anyone had done so.
The man just felt odd, a bit uncomfortable, but... appreciated it nonetheless.
Honestly, it was probably after the millionth time his brothers ganged up on him for no reason.
MC had snapped, finally having enough of it all and screamed at them to just stop, to just for once leave Mammon alone.
The second born rushed to their side.
"Oi! It's no big deal--"
Gaaah! He couldn't handle their tears with all of his brothers watching!
He quickly dragged MC to his room. When the door clicked shut, he pulled them into a hug.
"Whaddya doing this for, Human? I'm fine..."
"But they're ALWAYS giving you shit, even for things that aren't your fault... and I hate it."
The tense demon was struggling to figure out just what to say to calm them down.
"Yeah, yeah, I know... but it's better this way, believe me."
"Better than what?" The human pulled away to look up at him.
Oh devil... they'd probably just cry more if he explained, but he honestly felt cornered by the sobbing human.
"I... look, it's just better if they say shit to me instead of to each other, got that?"
Just like he thought, MC's tears started spilling quicker. Panicking, he led them to the couch and pulled them in for a tighter hug.
"You don't need to go crying for me..." He mumbled. "I mean, it's the nothing The Great Mammon can't handle."
He struggled to tell them so, but it meant a lot that they cared about him. The man couldn't say he could think of a single other person who'd shed tears for him.
Honestly made him wanna shield them from those moments for now on though. Whenever his brothers start talking shit, he tried talking over them and finding a reason for MC to leave the room.
He's glad they care about him, but he never wants to see them cry again if he can help it.
In contrast to Mammon's situation, what probably broke MC with Levi was his own negative talk about himself.
He rushed to his Henry's room to when he had gotten his new game shipped from Akuzon
But when the human turned down his offer to play with him, the Avatar of Envy deflated, muttering about how they probably have a million things they'd rather do than spend time with dirty no-good otaku--
They. Were. Touching him!!!
"Please... don't talk about yourself like that anymore." They teared up as they hugged their friend.
The third brother's brain was just short circuiting. He was getting... affection???
Eww, gross... keep doing it
...is what he'd be thinking if they weren't crying!!
"Please... just remember that I know you're better than the things you say about yourself." They told him. "I know you're a kindhearted, smart, and passionate person and I really want you to see that too."
The human got him tearing up too.
"O-okay..." He mumbled.
For this brother, the moment would have taken place when Satan told MC how he was born and how he felt that he had to gain knowledge so he could feel worthy of being respected and didn't want to be dismissed as a person just because of how he was born.
It was towards the end of his story when he noticed MC start to cry.
Before he could ask, however, the human launched themselves at the blonde.
"You don't have to do that..." They buried their face in his shoulder. "You have nothing to prove to anyone."
Satan raised an eyebrow at this. He wasn't quite sure what to say. It has been a lot time since anyone tried to comfort him or hug him.
The last hug he recieved was probably from Beel or Asmo when he was a child.
The man sighed and wrapped his arms around them as well.
"I'm honestly not sure how to respond to that... thank you though."
The fourth brother just felt odd at the human's comfort; it simply wasn't something he was used to nor did he really know how he was expected to react to their care
But... he also had no intention of rejecting it.
For Asmo, it was around the time of the Bloody Moon event, the day of voting to be exact.
Asmo was nervous about the contest and was worried about losing to Lucifer.
After watching the demon snap at Luke when the poor boy just wanted to help him, MC pulled the fifth brother aside and gave him a hug.
"It's okay." They told the demon. "I know you're gonna win because you worked so hard for it. Even if you don't though, I'm still right here for you. Always."
The demon teared up a bit and squeezed the human back.
"Awww, Doll!"
The man really appreciated all the support MC had given him throughout this period
And the fact that she cared enough to comfort him while he was at the lowest made him feel so touched.
This is why they're his favorite person; they're always there when he needs them.
It was when Beel told them about the day he thought his sister died.
An archer on his Father's side of war was ready to shoot and Beel had to choose whether to protect Lilith or Belphie
Causing his sister to be shot in her wing and fall from the Celestial realm.
When hearing about the guilt he felt from not being able to protect his sister, tears spilled down MC's cheeks
And Beel pulled her in for a hug.
Of course Beel would make this into something he had to comfort them about.
"Hey. It's fine." He rubbed their back.
"No, it's not." The human sniffled. "You've carried this guilt for so much long than I've even been alive... but you shouldn't. It wasn't your fault."
"No." They pulled back to look up at the big demon. "You didn't shoot the arrow nor did you start the war. It was never your fault and... I don't think your sister would be happy if she knew that you blamed yourself for it."
It'll take a lot more to erase hundreds of years of guilt but...
He was really glad that he could talk to them about this.
Most of his brothers weren't good with emotional talks nor could they handle talking about Lilith.
To have someone he could turn to with this topic... it meant everything to him.
He hugged the human close for a while and thanked them for this talk.
Belphie apologized for... ya know... the Incident™️
MC had learned along the way that he essentially did all of it because he never really healed from his sister's death
And he wanted so desperately for someone to blame.
While Beel blamed himself for Lilith being shot, Belphie blamed himself for her life being put in danger to begin with.
It was his own interest with humans that got her involved with them
But he couldn't handle the weight of those thoughts so he put so much energy into redirecting his self-hatred at humans.
Finding out his sister lived a happy life with the human man she loved after he thought she died, finding out that MC descended from his sister... it was enough for the weight of his actions to truly hit him.
That's why he apologized to MC
And why MC understood it all too well.
The human hugged him close.
"I'm sorry you suffered for so long..." They said softly. "I won't hold any of it against you; I just want you to heal and be happy."
The seventh brother froze. After everything he did to them, they could still say something so kind to them?
...they really did come from his sister.
The demon knew they were different people and he didn't confuse them for Lilith
But he still felt they inherited his sister's kind heart.
Not that he said any of this aloud, of course
But having MC with him, who not only tried to understand him, but even held him close to comfort him from the long standing pain in his heart...
He was just grateful for them.
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thoughts-from-k · 3 years
How to make your friends turn away from you 21+1 tips and tricks
0. Find someone who likes you. It should be a "problematic" person., makes it easier to criticize them later, and show off your perfection (you support and accept every kind of people, and you say it often enough).
1. Tell them how desperately you wish for someone to give you help/advice/constructive critique about something you do. When they do it, turn them off every single time - without exception - telling them you disagree, and you wanted to do it the way you just did.
2. Tell them you wish to find people for things you like doing. If they go with you, and try, criticize them at every single opportunity. Make them really feel how their efforts are worthless, highlight yourself explaining how you do it (so much better, and how much more effort you put into that activity).
3. Try something they would like to do, and say you don't want more of it, because it isn't interesting for you. Find something you can point at as a reason, for example: you are not competitive, they are, and they do it to compete with you. [Ignore your behaviour in 2.] They are doing things wrong (how they organize a club or something) . Say it, even if they followed the advice you gave to them.
4. Be offended if they don't watch your 40 hours game videos, but when they mention you a book they liked, find superficial information about it, form a negative opinion, and tell them how you's never read anything like that. Generally do your best to break down their motivation and enthusiasm about anything they might like.
5. Be demanding. Demand information (more than you actually need), feelings (yep, you really want them to feel certain ways, if they can't they are not true friends). Above all! demand complete access to their private life, otherwise you have to believe they are hiding things from you, and you cannot trust them.
6. If they keep some privacy, or don't want to constantly argue with you, and don't say everything they think, then tell them you can't trust them.
7. If they defend themselves, or argue about your attitudes towards them always say: - you didn't say anything wring to them - you don't remember saying those things. Always come out of the fight as "the victim". Don't apologize! Never admit you did something wrong.
8. Tell them how badly they treat you, and how much you tolerate from them.
9. If they say you are angry, say you aren't, they can't make you angry. (In other words, they can't reach you, you don't care enough about them to take it seriously.)
10. Never admit you did something wrong against them, but if they confront you with a mirror, saying you think you are too perfect, then say: you are aware you aren't perfect, and make mistakes, and sometimes you say rude things to others purposefully in anger. (never admit you're doing this to them too, it's important)
11. After some fights, if you made them apologize a few times, and made them feel awful friends, you can start the next phase.
12. Tell them you can't talk to them about anything, because you are afraid of their reaction. If they say the same about you, call them idiots, and cowards.
13. Repeat it enough times, you don't trust them. You don't want them to think you changed your opinion about them.
14. ALWAYS - very important - in every conflicts they have or ever had, take the opposite side. Don't forget to point out they caused it all to themselves. And don't offer any help to heal from these.
15. After doing so, complain a lot about it how nobody supports you, and all you want, a caring friend.
16. Ignore them a lot. If they bring it up, say you thought they didn't need as much attention as your other friends.
17. Complain about lack of friends again.
18. Call them your friends, but continue to behave the same way. If they ask why you are with them, if there is anything you like about them at all, then respond with confusing silence, and don't give any clear answers, avoid the question. If they say something positive about you, you just nod, saying it's same on your side too.
19. Make them feel guilty about everything: about treating you bad, about not doing everything in life they "could" (according to you), not wanting to know about your sexual life... everything you can think of. Criticize them for everything you hate in yourself. But deny if they say you share that trait.
20. If they try to discuss the friendship problems, never take the blame for anything. But demand change from them. (5. + 10. combined)
21. Throw them away if you are sue they will come after you, trying to make peace with you. But you never go after anyone to apologize, nobody is important enough for you.
+1 If they reach the point of human endurance, and leave you behind, then show their messages to your still existing supporters, and make them pity you, and boost your ego. You'll be fine in no time.
Note: Sorry for the bitter humor. I had bad luck, I knew more then one of this type. In those friendships, even if I saw the person's value, I constantly found myself defending, explaining myself. Nothing was ever really good enough for them - except when they had bad times, and I was there to listen and help. And sometimes these people - because they are not monsters - actually helped, and I felt gratitude. And that made me stay around them longer than I probably should, because I felt it would be a betrayal. But there is a point, when it just doesn't work anymore and falls apart. Things happened like this: I shared common hobby with them, art. And if I didn't manage to say what they wanted to hear, and obviously I didn't, then at one point they said they hate my works, I shouldn't show them anything I created. Let's say I liked the landscape painting more than their character drawing. Or liked their own drawing more than their hobby translations. Or with one of them it was difficult, because the person really have a lot to improve and I didn't want to be too harsh, so just pointed out a few things... for the person's request. And the reaction was complete rejection, this friend said it was purposefully like that.
We played it a few times, and then I gave up. I am not an art teacher, I tried to do something good, in a gentle way, but even that didn't work. Soon the same person started to complain about the lack of support and constructive criticism. Tried to push me into giving critique again, and when it didn't work, I got the: "I hate commenting on your works" and ignored my works. I tried to be friends with a certain community. I didn't fit it, some thought it's fun to mess with my emotions, being rude. I grieved my father too, everything just came at once, and I talked about it to my friend. For a few moments the person said it was unfair, but then I could say something my friend didn't like, and then the opinion changed to this: I caused it for myself, that group's reaction is understandable. That's how dynamics change with this type. And if someone is more emotional - like me - it's likely they/we react to that, confront the friend, and then there is fight over fight until one has enough brain to leave it all behind and close the friendship. No other options left.
If you feel like you're reading about one of your relationships, then let it be a warning sign. If you are the one doing such things to your friends, then it's a mirror for you. Please stop doing it. Thanks for reading!
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tardytothepardy · 3 years
Fruits Basket - Vol 21
"What do you have there?"
"A knife!"
That's probably all I can say about this one lmao
Kyo's still thinking back to when he met Kyoko, and how he felt about her as a kid. It was strange to him, in a way, but very welcoming, because unlike the majority of people around him, she treated him like a spunky kiddo(that's what she called him because he never told her his name) who seemed to have a hard life, but still seemed nice. In other words, Kyoko treated him kindly, something that Kyo had only experienced with Kazuma, which is extremely heartbreaking, oh my god.
But that only made what happened later hurt that much more, when she died. He heard her say that she won't forgive him, and those words have stuck with him to this day. After Kyoko's death, Kazuma took Kyo to the mountains, "to train". There wasn't much training, honestly, because Kyo was thrown into the depths of just,, self-hatred, mourning, regret, all of it. The only way he could get out of it was to place blame elsewhere, and that elsewhere was Yuki. It was easy, to be expected, almost encouraged in a way. It's not even that Yuki did anything in particular (I doubt they were even around each other enough for Yuki to actually do anything to Kyo), it's just that it was easier. And that helped Kyo enough that Kazuma let him return back home, which is around the time that Tohru showed up at Shigure's house, and the start of the series. When Kyo first saw Tohru, he couldn't believe it. He just wasn't allowed to forget what had happened, was he? It was interesting, in a way, to finally meet the girl that Kyoko was always talking about, to finally hear her voice rather than a picture, anecdotes, and a lonesome dinner. But it also hurt. In the end, he says he won't forgive himself, and he doesn't expect Tohru to forgive him either, for holding all of this back.
Tohru doesn't like that though, only having those two options: to forgive or not. It's really not that simple. She doubts that her mom meant that, "I won't forgive you", because she wasn't that kind of person, and even if she did mean it, Tohru's going against it, because her love for Kyo overpowers her love for her mom. She screams at him that she loves him, regardless of all of that. It doesn't matter dude! He can't believe it though, and he runs off, with Yuki, who overheard a portion of all of this, chasing after Kyo, with the spirit of "jfc you fucking moron get back here".
Oh remember Akito? And how she was thinking about Tohru? And how she has a knife? Well, she just entered the chat. 🔪🔪
She enters the chat by vaguely saying that the curse is breaking, to Tohru, who at the moment is partially occupied with thinking how fucking miserable Kyo looked before he ran off, but now Akito's here. (That sounds bad, like a "now Tohru has to deal with Akito 🙄" thing, that's not really what I mean. Tohru's just going through a few things at the moment) She asks Tohru if she's happy now, now that Akito has became the outsider, the loner, the bad guy, after waltzing into her life (and the lives of the Sohmas) and completely disrupting it, without a speck of dirt on her hands. Tohru's putting two and two together and steps toward Akito, asking if she was there the whole time (at this point Tohru did not know Akito had a knife), and oh jeez Akito just slashed at Tohru. Despite Akito yelling at Tohru to stay back, Tohru starts thinking of things through Akito's lens, how this whole time, Akito must have been so lonely. She was marveled for being God, but because of that (and her lashing out but hush), no one ever wanted to be around her. She was told that she was above everyone else, and she treated them as such, and they did the same back to her.
Tohru mentioned how Akito always spoke of permanence, because it was the only thing that Akito ever had to hold onto. Akito lashes out at that (i don't think she cut Tohru, but Tohru does end up having two cuts, so i think this was the second, both times they were just on her arms), saying that Tohru doesn't know what she's talking about, she won't fall for Tohru's crap! She can't be won over by nice little words like everyone else (are you sure about that dude). Tohru doesn't really deny it, she agrees that she is dirty, and bad. She wished for her own permanence, to forever be with her mom, but that didn't and couldn't happen. She says that realizing this is very lonely, realizing that you can't make anything stay, you can't grab onto it with all your might and beg for it to stay, it will move on in its own time. This ends up further upsetting Akito, thinking back to Akira and what he said to her as a child. She screams that she doesn't want to be left behind, alone in this huge world of strangers who don't know or care about about, or need her. She's terrified, and she says there's no saying that someone could ever love her, she'll be all alone when the curse breaks. Tohru then offers to be her friend. (Honestly this scene is kinda heartbreaking for me, seeing Tohru all scuffed up with tears in her eyes, offering to be Akito's friend. This girl does so fucking much all the time, regardless of the fact that she just heard that the boy she loves was involved in some way to her mother's death, her personal crisis of Kyo becoming more important to her than Kyoko, and now she's cut up and bloody, probably soaked through by the rain, trying to console a thoroughly upset Akito, like,, jfc Tohru)
Akito smacks Tohru's outstretched hand, saying she's mocking her, that when Akito starts to get upset, she'll get irritated, when Akito complains, she'll get mad, she'll hate Akito, she'll abandon her, but Tohru just puts out a hand, offering to be Akito's friend regardless. And once Akito realizes that Tohru would totally be there for her if she needed Tohru, Tohru literally falls off a cliff. Kinda. Do you remember back in the beginning of the series when Shigure mentioned that the ground is kinda unstable, and that's why there was a landslide? This is the same kind of thing, the ground crumbled underneath Tohru, and she fell. The first time I read that scene, I wasn't entirely sure if it was a metaphorical thing or not. It was not.
After Tohru fell, Akito just started screaming (fair enough, honestly), screaming for someone to come help, anyone! Shigure and Yuki come (and off in the undisclosed distance, Kyo also hears the cries), and Shigure actually asks Akito if she pushed Tohru off. Akito manages to explain what happens, and Yuki calls an ambulance. Shigure takes Akito back to the house, and a little bit later Kyo comes back to the house, and overhears Shigure explaining things to Hatori over the phone, and fuckin bolts over to where Tohru is. She's unconscious, scuffed, with cuts and blood on her, and holy shit, remember that one dream Kyo had a while back? Yeah, well, this looks wayyy too close for comfort to that dream, and Kyo's pretty freaked out. Distantly, Tohru can hear him crying, and she's just like, "Don't cry, it'll be okay, there's no reason to cry." She thought about how she worried that her love for Kyo ended up hurting him, and she was sorry for that, but she couldn't help it. It's revealed that Tohru fell in love with Kyo around the time of the Dark Form/True Form thing was going down, I think when Kazuma first showed up. She wishes for Kyo to be able to live a full life, even if it's hard, even if they aren't together. (Very emotional stuff, really.)
The next day, Yuki sees Tohru's grandfather at the hospital (who is visiting Tohru as well), and he asks about "that orange-headed boy", and Yuki says he was just an idiot that has bad timing, and he made Tohru cry. He can make her happy better than anyone, and he did that. He stopped himself short, but Tohru's grandfather was like, "About that," and presumably told Yuki to fucking brawl with Kyo, because that's exactly what he did after hearing from Haru that Kyo didn't try to see to Tohru. Before the fists went flying, Yuki asked Kyo about it, and Kyo said it was for the better, that all he'd do was hurt Tohru further. He couldn't protect Tohru when she needed it, he didn't want to do further harm.
Now the scene has shifted to the hospital, with two people being stuck in bed: Tohru and Kureno. Kyo tries to see Tohru, to apologize, to talk, something, but Hanajima and Uotani are not having it. Hanajima points out that apologizing wouldn't even mean anything, because Tohru doesn't blame Kyo for anything that happened. Hanajima says that there's other things that Kyo needs to do before he can see Tohru. Certain Things, and honestly I'm not sure if she was just bullshitting and using her ominousness to her advantage or if she actually knew something, but Kyo agreed (internally, anyway): there was something he had to do before seeing Tohru again.
Yuki might as well have said that was complete and utter bullshit, who does Kyo fuckin think he is? A goddamn superhero, able to fly in the second Tohru's in trouble? Doesn't he see the way Tohru acts around him? The way she smiles whenever he's near? Kyo's shocked by that, but he doesn't like the way Yuki said it, so he asked why couldn't Yuki do it (this is actually out of order but shh), he's already so perfect and shit. Basically, he's finally saying that he has always envied Yuki, because it just seemed like he got everything that Kyo wanted, especially when they were kids. Through the flying kicks and punches, Yuki says the same thing, but in the end, he can only be himself, same thing for Kyo. Neither of them (or anyone else) can be anything other than themselves, and sometimes there are things that only one person can do. In this case, only Kyo can kinda,, make her happy, I guess. I think that was the implication, which is nice. Kyo then goes off to see Tohru at the hospital, but the visiting hours are over, but y'know it's the thought that counts, right?
(Meanwhile) (btw how many times do these kinda things wreck Shigure's house like can they not take these things outside or something)
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On the part of Uotani and Hanajima (and really everyone else who is visiting Tohru at this time), there's another level to keeping Kyo out: it's that everyone kinda knows that Tohru might be a little messed up if she did see Kyo again so soon after that whole shpeal that happened before Akito showed up. Tohru had a bomb dropped on her, and then she helped Akito calm down, and then she fell off a cliff; she didn't have any time to process the things that Kyo told her, especially that last line of his, the whole, "I'm disillusioned" thing, which all the significance that I personally can find within it is that he said that he wouldn't be disillusioned when Tohru was telling him about her father, but there really seems to be a bigger thing here that I'm not getting, idk. Anyway, there's that whole mess as well. Besides from that, there also seems to be this idea, I guess, that once Tohru is around Kyo again, they won't really be apart, so this is kinda like the last few moments with just Tohru? Or something? Hanajima and Uotani were talking about how Kyo's gonna "steal Tohru away", and seeing as Tohru is their close friend, I suppose it makes sense, from a selfish perspective (but not in a bad way), that they would want to "have" Tohru as long as they could.
Meanwhile (y'know that 60s Batman scene transition thing? That's always what I imagine when I write that, with the music included. Imagine how annoying it'd be if I put in a gif of it every time), Akito is having a Struggle Moment. She's at the hospital, and holy fuck is she guilty about stabbing Kureno, which is nice she totally should be it'd be really concerning if she wasn't, and Momiji pops up and asks if Akito came to see Kureno or Tohru (oof that guilt it's now been doubled), and Akito bursts out with confusion: why doesn't Kureno blame her?! He could've (should've-- wait what) blamed her, gotten angry, something?? Momiji says that it's because Kureno and Tohru (because Akito also visits Tohru) are that kind of stupid: they just don't blame people for things, they're always allowing for forgiveness. So why question it, why not just accept that Kureno isn't angry at her, isn't blaming her, just accept the kindness.
Akito thinks back on when she visited Kureno, and he asked her if she was okay. She thinks that if she had said she wasn't, that Kureno would have gone back to her side, and stayed with her, despite what she had done to him. He would stay with her until she no longer needed him, because he just has that kind of unselfish kindness. This kindness, in retrospect, doesn't make Akito feel much better though, as she thinks (realizes?) that she's basically been killing him, this whole time (before the stabbing, of course). No apology could fix this, no matter what Kureno would say, Akito wouldn't ever stop feeling bad for what she had said and done, not to him but to the other Juunishi as well (I suppose the Sohma family as a whole, honestly). Momiji just says that Akito has to take care of Kureno from now on, and to make sure that she doesn't do something like this again. Then he tells Akito a story (i don't get to hear it and that makes me quite sad ngl) and later Akito visits Tohru. But that'll be talked about later. Now we're talking about
(60s Batman transition sound) Yuki! And the other people in the student council. Kakeru mentions how the school is abuzz with what happened to Tohru, and how rumor has it that Kyo's the one who got her in the hospital. (Yuki doesn't really deny that, btw) Unsurprisingly, it's not really something that he has talked about, seeing as it's not very casual conversation, and it is a bit of a downer, but he realizes that he's not too upset by it. (By that I mean the overall recent series of events, not solely Tohru's accident) I guess violence is the answer, sometimes.
Kimi then asks what Yuki's relationship with Tohru even is, and Kakeru, unfiltered as usual, just drops, "She's like his mom, in his mind" as if that wasn't something that Yuki was struggling with for a long time??? Whatever dude, but one day Yuki'll probably have his revenge. At any rate, there were a lot of shots to Machi doing her thing, so if it wasn't already clear from the story so far, Yuki likes Machi. If you hadn't picked that up, it's a whole thing.
Anyway, later on Yuki and Kakeru are looking for get-well gifts for Tohru, and Kakeru just straight up says, "If I don't know what to give to someone, I'll just choose something I like, so that if they don't like it, I can take it, and I'll like it," which, as it turns out, Machi does the same thing. (That comes later but it's the not most important thing so shh) After getting a gift, Kakeru says that he's going to visit Tohru, but he insists on doing it alone, and so Yuki wanders off, walking down the street (he's makin his way downtown, walkin fast, faces pass), and he thinks about how, when he was in big crowds, he used to wonder, if he disappeared, would anyone really notice? Now though, that's not really a worry. He knows that there is at least one person who would notice, who would be worried if he disappeared. And holy shmow, he just found the perfect gift for her! He calls up Machi, and they meet up at a train station, I think, I'm pretty sure it's a train station idk I've never been in one, and it turns out that she got a gift for him as well. (It's fertilizer, remember back to that scene, with the,, yeah. Ok.)
The gift is a big Mogeta doll (probably like a stuffed animal), like the one that Ayame had in his shop, except he had the gall to write on it? Machi said that it was a limited exclusive item, but Yuki managed to find it (for a fair price too, apparently), and she really likes it. She says she'd like to thank Tohru for what she's done to help Yuki become who he is presently, that she's really glad that she was able to meet Yuki, because without him, she definitely wouldn't be the person she is today. It was some super soft stuff, there were plenty of "aw"s when I read that whole interaction. They're so fucking cute, it's great.
Anyway, other than Kakeru asking Hatori what he ate to look that handsome (which is something I still can't get over), there wasn't much else to the book, so I'll finally end this (I took several days in between writing this it's inexcusable). Yay ✨✨
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [okay so we said that JJ have gone to get the PE shit and are casually having a 🚬 and the teacher is like go see what the hold up is and Ella volunteers cos 1000% that bitch and she of course starts a vague rumour about them being saucy with it] Janis: are the boys saying shit Jimmy: what kind of question's that? Janis: fuck's sake Janis: right, how do you wanna deal from your end Janis: 'cos you can say shit or you can slag me off like you'd never, either way, your move, new boy Jimmy: how do you want me to? Jimmy: I could give a shit what gets said about me Janis: alright, just say nothing then Janis: I'll deck her Jimmy: 👍 Janis: hardly Jimmy: nowt close to a challenge my end Jimmy: and it ain't like you'll have one flooring her Janis: still can't get her to take it back Janis: have to force feed her or some shit for that Jimmy: and what? you've got a missus waiting at home that'll be 💔 you were at it with someone else in the sport's cupboard? Janis: Fuck off Janis: if I've got to explain sexism to you then cba Janis: no one's chatting shit on your name like they are mine Jimmy: I bet lasses are, 'cause I shouldn't have touched you with a barge pole or some bollocks Jimmy: hang on, I'll check Jimmy: [DMs] Janis: and what? Janis: I didn't start it, take it up with Blondie Jimmy: I don't care what any dickhead in this shithole reckons, it's your problem if you do Jimmy: that's what Janis: Don't need your groundbreaking hot take to know that, tah Jimmy: stop whinging at me then, tah Janis: I ain't, do one Janis: I was checking you weren't making it worse for me, that's it Jimmy: job done Jimmy: and there'll be a new #scandal tomorrow so no need to check in with me again Janis: you reckon, new boy? Janis: you'll be lucky if another kid joins before you leave yourself Jimmy: I'll be leaving myself soon as Jimmy: you'll be lucky if it ain't you and 👑💀 stuck doing the project Janis: mistaking me for the bitch that cares about her A Jimmy: nah, I weren't Jimmy: the 😎 ain't prescription Janis: i'd get her to spread that it is Janis: don't wanna shout about how that look is a choice Jimmy: you ain't that bad that I feel the need, looks wise at least Janis: great Jimmy: any road, my brother's deaf, if I start spreading that shit about they'll be asking my sister if she's got a fake leg or some bollocks Jimmy: be a bit rude to her Janis: I'm not gonna chat shit on your unfortunate genetics, don't worry Janis: can't rival mine anyway Jimmy: @iantaylor8 if you wanna have a go Janis: unless he has his own law firm, I'm not bothered Jimmy: 💔 for him Janis: obviously, we had a great time amongst the unwashed bibs and muddy footballs Jimmy: surprised she could get the door open Jimmy: 💀💪 Janis: got that burst of adrenaline knowing she'd get extra treats from her master for it Janis: could've been in there alone, obviously helps other people give more of a fuck that it was you Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: so yeah, it is your fault, cheers Jimmy: didn't send myself or force you to have that 🚬 off me, mate Janis: not my go-to defense story Janis: crying rape might seem kinda cute but I'm alright Jimmy: funny Jimmy: you ain't that cute I NEED to fuck you mid P.E Janis: oh no Janis: let me go cry into the nearest 🏀 Jimmy: the mats would be a better shout, they've managed all that 💦 Janis: oh yeah, bring up the mats Janis: not heard enough about what a romantic setting they are Jimmy: soz, next time I'll assault you in the 🚽 Janis: even better Janis: I'll just stay in there and set up shop Jimmy: 💕 Janis: should've picked an option with a racket Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: work too, fair heft behind that Jimmy: bit of class an' all Jimmy: rich girl won't have nowt to whinge about Janis: 'cos I've proved well classy Jimmy: will do with a full orchestra behind your rampage Janis: I'll find a music nerd in these DMs Jimmy: 🥇💡 Janis: beats Mia suing me 'cos I killed her girlfriend Jimmy: another'd spawn from Mia's rib or some bollocks Jimmy: she'd be alright Jimmy: if she don't regurgitate one like a 🐍 jaw unhinged Janis: 🐑 don't baa on the way out, new boy Janis: ask my sister Jimmy: You're alright, I'd rather not talk to her Janis: wow Janis: same Jimmy: 😱😱😱 OMG Jimmy: no wonder every dickhead thinks we're love's young dream Janis: yeah, she's SUCH a delight, everyone else 💘s her Jimmy: obvs Janis: you're new, so I'll let you off for not being up enough on the gossip this once Jimmy: tah Jimmy: so generous, you Janis: apparently so Jimmy: go on, what do you want me to do Janis: ? Jimmy: you're that 💔 Janis: you can't do fuck all Janis: even if I were Jimmy: Why can't I? Janis: what's to do Janis: they chat shit 'cos they got none of their own Janis: none as interesting as what they wanna gob off about anyway Jimmy: I dunno, that's why I asked Jimmy: but alright Janis: just forget about it 'til they do, like you said Jimmy: nowt to bother remembering Janis: not a diss, just factual so Janis: yeah Jimmy: bet Ella counts her 🚬 Janis: easier habit to hide when you have to brush your teeth at least ten times a day Jimmy: got something else to blame when they go yellow and fall out an' all Janis: set of falsies is the way to go Janis: off and on again whenever you need to purge Janis: I'll float it Jimmy: shame she don't do lads Jimmy: that's a kink right there Janis: she definitely does Janis: that's why this is bullshit Janis: does whatever 💀👑 needs her to Jimmy: I'll live without hearing about them threesomes Janis: grim Jimmy: they still ain't welcome up north Janis: 💔 how will they cope Jimmy: idk idc obvs babes Janis: 🤮🤮🤮 Jimmy: go ahead and spread that about as your official ™ reaction to my 😘 Janis: no one cares if you were good, new boy Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: that'll be why my inbox is full Janis: your inbox is full because a. people think you're good as is b. they wanna know if I am Jimmy: if they reckon I'm good they care enough to have thought about it Janis: alright, they're well concerned Janis: if you need 'em to be Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: you ain't concerned about what I do or don't need Janis: nah, I'm not Janis: just a weird hill to live and die on Jimmy: would be if it were the one I were on Janis: 👍 Janis: just saying, no one is concerning themselves if I had a good time or not Jimmy: I heard you Janis: alright Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: later Janis: [actually later, like a lesson or so whatever] Janis: do you know George Daley? Jimmy: Why? Janis: 'cos I wanna know if he's telling the truth or not Jimmy: about what? Janis: apparently you told him loads of extra details he was loudly telling his mates Jimmy: leave it out Jimmy: new boy, remember Janis: he's not also saying you're best friends Jimmy: I'm saying I've said nowt Jimmy: piss off Janis: okay Janis: you're marginally more plausible than him so take your word Jimmy: I'll take my 🏆 soon as you've engraved it Janis: don't get ahead of yourself Janis: either your imagination is lacking or it's his Janis: and I know you're WELL artistic so Jimmy: alright, stop flirting with me Janis: how many more girls need to tell you that's disgusting Jimmy: how many lasses are in this school? Janis: ha Janis: know they don't do royalty in the north, even they ain't that thick Janis: come up with a new bit probably Jimmy: 👌 Janis: send you his socials if you wanna smack him down Jimmy: go on then Janis: [does] Janis: he's the least attractive one in the groupshot, go figure Jimmy: the 🦐 looking twat? Jimmy: alright Janis: 😂 Janis: good shout Janis: fits with your fish kink Jimmy: What lesson you in? Janis: Physics Jimmy: that's [a classroom/ lab number situ, don't get lost boy] ? Janis: next one along Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [shows up and decks this boy so that all kicks off] Janis: [dramaaaaaaa] Jimmy: [enjoy the show bitches] Janis: [what are you gonna make of that, ladies, when it looks like you're defending her honour instead of your own] Jimmy: [when you lowkey are though, we see you boy] Janis: [we all do, not her though so it's fine] Jimmy: [literally been here no time Jimothy, casual crush at first sight okay then] Janis: [we know you're both hot no hiding from that] Janis: how much trouble you get in? Jimmy: You've been here longer than me, have a guess Janis: 🤔🤔 Janis: depends how much of a good mood the head was in 🥴 Jimmy: ☕ were half full Jimmy: might be 🥃🥃 or 🥃🥃🥃 depending on his measures Janis: either way, bet you have to write him an apology Janis: always make you do that Jimmy: [shows her his 🦐 doodles all over said apology] Jimmy: ✔ Janis: 😏 sincere Jimmy: Am I supposed to invite him out for a 🦐🍛 or what? Janis: no Janis: he'll 😢 and with his eye how it is now, might explode from the pressure Jimmy: can either handle a #ladsnightout or you can't Janis: poor shrimpy Janis: he looks better for the swelling, honestly Jimmy: might write me a thank you note Jimmy: been after a pen pal Jimmy: 💕 Janis: figures Jimmy: ? Janis: artistic Janis: prefer 🖋 over 🗣 Jimmy: nah, just northern Jimmy: can barely write and I need the practice Janis: tell the head that, she can tell her bosses, and they'll get you out of detention Jimmy: 👍 Janis: success story ⭐ Jimmy: my dad will be dead proud Janis: buzzing Jimmy: what am I missing then? Janis: a sense of purpose? Janis: your keys? Janis: what? Jimmy: what 🗨 dickhead Janis: oh, what shrimpdick said? Janis: just more bollocks than I'd heard already Janis: if it were bad before, it's 💘 now Jimmy: you could've said 💀👑 were in there Janis: how was I supposed to know you'd show up Jimmy: what did you think I were gonna do? Janis: well, see him after school sounds a bit gay but Janis: not barge in to a lesson, obviously Jimmy: yeah I asked you for directions I weren't gonna use Janis: I thought you were bullshitting Jimmy: you're alright, there's nobody about to see me 😭 Janis: probably work in our favour once everyone else calms down Janis: reckons we're both gay so Janis: let her do the work with the 🗨 Jimmy: what were it you said? buzzing Jimmy: that'll be me Janis: 👍 Janis: you didn't get in proper shit, did you Jimmy: What's proper shit? Janis: like excluded level Janis: anything below that, not saying sorry for your 😭 Jimmy: weren't after a sorry off you any road Janis: 💔 Jimmy: and I never hit him that hard Janis: I know Janis: but he's being a right tart about it Janis: make more sense if he was good looking to start with Jimmy: 🦐💔 Jimmy: you a vegetarian or what? Janis: hilarious 🙄 Jimmy: 🤡 me Jimmy: it were you who said it Janis: 'cos my taste borders outside aquatic, I'm gay now, alright Jimmy: nowt to do with me Jimmy: literally Janis: you asked Jimmy: nah Janis: you just curious about my dietary needs Jimmy: if that's a crime, give Mia's dad a bell Janis: 🤞💘 Janis: they're well pissed off rn, nothing else Jimmy: sod catholic school, don't even need it Jimmy: about to get into heaven off the back of that Janis: told 'em it weren't me that was getting #saved Jimmy: you wanna piss 'em off a bit more? Janis: obviously? Jimmy: Alright, what would? Jimmy: I'm here, you're there and we're 💕 Janis: you said no one's about? Jimmy: I did do Janis: a teachers showed? Jimmy: nah but that means they could in a bit Janis: fuck it Janis: hang on then Jimmy: 🤞💘 Janis: [ask for a pissbreak, go to whatever room this is and take a #goals selfie for the first time] Jimmy: [love that because it makes the fake dating less out of the blue as a request so well done lads] Janis: [you're welcome] Janis: get more ❤s than her she'll 💥 Jimmy: I'd say challenge accepted but it ain't one Janis: 🥺 when your boyfriend isn't as fit as you thought Jimmy: if you're doing that face since you've been back, you'll really sell the starcrossed lovers angle Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: 😒 translate just as well Jimmy: I get it, there's no oscar in your future Janis: fuck off Janis: it ain't hard Jimmy: couldn't hack the proposition of being in my ad, you Janis: that's different Janis: besides, tell me it won't be funnier to make her do it Jimmy: might be for the first 10 takes Janis: she gets to roleplay with daddy to rehearse she'll be 🏆 Jimmy: SUCH a romantic, you Janis: just want her to be happy, like Jimmy: fuck her, I'm giving you the 🏆 Janis: #blessed Jimmy: that's me, obvs Janis: no, you're #saved Janis: don't hog them all Jimmy: one #'s worth fuck all Jimmy: every dickhead knows you need to flood it Jimmy: bit biblical an' all, that Janis: you get sent her to get turned? Janis: hardcore conversion therapy Janis: here* Jimmy: not gay, just fit and mysterious Janis: 👌 Jimmy: gone right off 🐙🦑🦐🦞🦀🐡🐠🐟 but I don't reckon we can call that hardcore Jimmy: or much of a turn Janis: aren't supposed to eat shellfish actually, so God should be made up Jimmy: success story ⭐ Jimmy: like you said Janis: can go back to where you came from now Janis: in the nicest, non-racist way possible Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: 🙏* Jimmy: tah my dear Janis: not 👠👠 but you get what you pay for Jimmy: ain't my fault the tip jar's got nowt in Jimmy: @💀👑 Janis: I remember Jimmy: she ain't changed her ways or owt recently, funny that Janis: she needs the #bornagain Janis: thank fuck she ain't got a dog Jimmy: Oi, what's El if not a service 🐕? Janis: she walks herself enough though Jimmy: she does do laps round the table before she gets her ☕ Janis: not surprised Janis: beyond surprised she can still manage it without the heart attack, obvs Jimmy: 🙏* Janis: deal with the 😈 Janis: gotcha Jimmy: if you can say fuck it today, why not, like? Janis: decent tagline Janis: I'll put it on the site Jimmy: good shout Jimmy: I were gonna say if you need 📸 for it, give me a shout an' all Janis: like IOU one 💘 selfie? Jimmy: sir ain't getting my nudes that easy Janis: gutted Jimmy: 🎻💔😭 Jimmy: call it another deal with the 😈 if you want, mate, but I were being serious Jimmy: bagsied the 🎨 ages ago Janis: alright Jimmy: alright Janis: was thinking, how do we piss her off more with this project Janis: without it being dead obvious that that's what we're doing Jimmy: Depends Janis: on? Jimmy: do you mean us or the #content? Janis: both Jimmy: what thoughts did you have? Janis: well, obviously we can't put in anything that she can run to sir with Janis: but, like the ad, you can edit it to be like one of those no win no fee things like you said Janis: shit like that Jimmy: Do you know what her dad actually looks like? Janis: hold on Janis: [finds his linkedin or whatever 'cos that bitch] Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: you reckon we could use his shit Janis: he has a website as well, can take bits of that as #inspiration Jimmy: few edits so it ain't LITERALLY his, bit of a parody, OMG she'll be fuming Janis: right, that's the VIBE Janis: could use his face but distort it, shadow it, put a bag over Janis: you know she'd know still Jimmy: I've been pissing about with hers an' all Jimmy: [shows her what he's been up to because he didn't have her father's deets] Janis: that's good Janis: on the same page on this one Janis: make 'em victims of medical negligence or something Janis: botched hair transplant Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: dickheads sometimes put a 👍 review of their website, happy clients that sort of bollocks Janis: right Janis: and if we make her the lawyer she wants to be Janis: can't really complain Jimmy: she can't but not to sir Jimmy: can* Janis: that's all I care about Janis: she ain't gonna stop COMING for me 😭 Jimmy: or her man for me 😱😱 Janis: soz I don't know what classes he takes so you can smack him and all Jimmy: he'll find me, unless they're both all mouth Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: *🤞 Janis: least the muscles are purely for show Jimmy: 💪🏆 me Janis: mhmm Jimmy: so complimentary, you Jimmy: I get why your inbox is full Janis: don't need to be Janis: I'm the 🏆 Jimmy: I'm taking back the one I gave you a bit ago for generosity or whatever bollocks it were Janis: I'll survive, mate Jimmy: 👌 dry your eyes and crack on Janis: enjoy your DMs Jimmy: Oi I'm illiterate remember, and there's no need to rub it in, Janet Janis: there'll be lots of pictures for you, no doubt Janis: get the gist real easy Jimmy: 🤤🤤😍😍 Jimmy: might be right about me being saved Janis: 😷 GROSS Jimmy: we'll both live Jimmy: 💔🎻 Janis: real tragedy that Jimmy: give it a few years to get on the English curriculum Janis: not that you'll ever know Jimmy: might still be trying to pass it Janis: awh Jimmy: *🤷 Janis: i'm well concerned about your education Jimmy: HANG ON, is this NERD FLIRTING?!! 💕🤓 Jimmy: I'd heard loads about it Janis: have to see what 💀👑 reckons Jimmy: I'll @ her Janis: she'll love that Jimmy: [does obviously and sends her whatever response] Janis: good to know she's SO on board with this 💘 Janis: have to keep it up if she's gonna be so 😭 😤 Jimmy: if she can't have us, next best, obvs Janis: now she knows how poor Ella feels Jimmy: what the fuck is going on there? Janis: if she ain't in love with her idk Janis: she don't need her to buy her shit Jimmy: I'll have to @ her an' all Janis: fill your boots sherlock Janis: 🤞 it's a death cult naturally, so they take my sister with 'em Jimmy: sounds like a bit of me, that Jimmy: gutted I pissed off their leader Janis: well, you want a new 👜 she'll take you in and make you pay with  🩸🥵😭 Jimmy: if it can start a gay teletubby scandal, might do something for me Janis: better rep than 💫💘 Janis: probably Jimmy: what ain't? Janis: cheer Janis: s Janis: not the only one with an inbox full of hilarious 'better' offers Jimmy: you wanna go from 😍😍 to 💀💀💀 in 3 days that's your shout Jimmy: be a record around here at any rate Janis: I'll just do one when you get mixed messages and top yourself Jimmy: take it up with the 'better' offers, more of 'em you can take out, the 'better' this shithole would be Janis: no shit, like Janis: not that much of a slag, sadly Jimmy: you called me Sherlock, pointing out the bloody obvious is my job done Janis: go shoot up and go to your mind palace, like Jimmy: not that much of a druggie, sadly Janis: letdown Janis: said you were 😎 Jimmy: 😎 by 💀👑 standards is bound to be a letdown by yours, Jules Janis: understatement Jimmy: alright, bighead Janis: coming from you, that's almost a compliment Jimmy: I know Jimmy: you can stop fishing now Janis: piss off Jimmy: 😏 Janis: 🖕🖕🖕 NEW BOY Jimmy: 💕 Janis: anything that reminds you of our glorious leader 😍 Jimmy: this teacher's ☕ breath is really doing it for me Janis: cruel and unusual punishment that Janis: tell socials you're being tortured Jimmy: start me a # Janis: #justiceforjimmy is catchy but you don't have a name so won't help Jimmy: @ Mia's dad for legal words beginning with n Jimmy: 🤞 he's got that far in the alphabet or you're on your own, girl Janis: I'll have to go for the cryptic #whereisnewboy Janis: not having 👀 on you must be well distressing for them anyway Jimmy: steady on though, sounds a bit like I've already ghosted you Jimmy: not very #goals that Janis: oh yeah Janis: 🐇🐇🐇 Jimmy: 🐇 on the boil or nowt Jimmy: 💀👑 rule 1 Janis: I'll think on it then 👻 boy Jimmy: 👍 Janis: #getghostboyout Janis: how long did you actually get in there? Jimmy: #bustoutghostboy Janis: lowkey suggestive Jimmy: 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 Jimmy: right, they'll LOVE that Janis: [pisstakey socials] Jimmy: [replies that are lowkey suggestive because we know we've started something] Janis: [when you don't even know what you're doing but you're doing IT] Jimmy: [god bless you both]
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atinyidea · 5 years
The Ache Of A Broken Heart | Ateez Song Mingi
⟶ requested by @un-kpop-ular! thank you for the request lovely!
⟶ highschool!au, bestfriends!au, female!reader, named!reader, hanahaki!au
⟶ angst prompt: “it hurts”
⟶ 3133 words!
edit: hi so it's been a couple years and I've realised how genuinely arophobic this kind of au is and I just want to say that while I'm not deleting it (it was a request) I'm not supporting it and will not write anything like a hanahaki au again. Please do some research if you're confused and I apologize to those who mightve felt hurt reading this oneshot.
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"I don't understand why you haven't just told him?"
"Well it's not like me telling him will make anything stop. And there's the potential that I'll lose him completely if I tell him. It's not that simple."
"It can be! You tell Mingi you love him and then he can accept that love you back and you stop coughing up fucking flower petals."
"San!" She whined, lifting her head from its resting place on the toilet seat. "I can't force him to love me back! Besides he already has a girlfriend. I'll get over it sooner or later."
"Is later is when you die choking up a whole bunch of flowers?"
"I'm not going to die!"
"You threw up a whole flower just three minutes ago! You're getting worse! I know you." San paused, gently petting her head. "I know how much you let yourself fall into your feelings. You're sensitive, Jiyeon, you always have been. It's not going away."
"I'll make it go away." She whispered, biting her lip and avoiding his gaze. San simply huffed, pulling you into his chest and just held her for a while, rubbing circles into her back.
Choi Jiyeon was many different things to Choi San but the main fact was that she was his cousin. His only cousin. His father was her father's brother and the two only children became as close as siblings due to the fact they shared the same house.
Jiyeon and San were the same age, born a month apart because their mothers planned it. They grew up in a big house with a big garden. They had loving, caring parents and an extremely fortunate wealth and upbringing.
They went to a public school, making plenty of their own friends but somehow they always managed to converge groups to make one big friend group. And, in that friend group just happened to be Song Mingi.
Now, Jiyeon would have to admit, Mingi was, in fact, San's friend first. However, soon after meeting Jiyeon and Mingi were quick to become best friends. Jiyeon would be lying if she didn't say that, besides San, Mingi knew her best. Mingi was the first to tell her everything, the first to include her in events and jokes. He told her everything and in turn, she'd tell him everything too.
Well, except for one small thing.
Choi Jiyeon was completely in love with Song Mingi. And he didn't love her back.
Jiyeon never used to believe in the Hanahaki Disease until the petals started making their way down her throat. She thought it was a myth grandmother would tell to wain children off of loving recklessly. Her own grandmother would tell Jiyeon stories of the girls she used to know. Of how the would give their heart to anyone who'd take it and in return were given flowers. Only when she was a little older did her grandmother tell her that the gifted flowers were actually a curse in the body. Flowers that would come from nowhere and choke one out until one found themselves throwing the petals up. Jiyeon had never taken her grandmother seriously.
Maybe she should have.
She hadn't even noticed she had begun to love Mingi when the first petal arrived. She had been asleep when it did and woke up to a petal laying on her tongue. Having gone to a house party the night before, getting quite drunk by the amount of pain her head was in, she took no notice. She had, unfortunately, woken up with worse things in her mouth before.
The first time she actually threw up a petal, she and San were having their annual weekend movie marathon. In the middle of the fourth film — Star Wars: A New Hope — Jiyeon suddenly hunched over, grabbing both her throat and her tummy. After what felt like hours to her, which in reality was only five minutes of San freaking out behind her, she finally coughed up the petals that had bloomed in her tummy. Both Choi's sat in silence when she had finished, simply staring at the white petals that were stained red. Jiyeon only realised they were stained red with blood after San had handed her a napkin to wipe her mouth and it too came away red.
"What was that?" San asked, both of them now slumped on the floor on their knees, the television in the background now being nothing more than white noise.
"I don't really know."
"How can you not know?"
"Well, it's never happened before!"
After a beat of silence, San spoke up once again, his voice only hairs above a whisper. "It's like that old story grandma used to tell us, don't you think?"
"The story about the women who would die throwing up flowers when the person they loved never loved them back?"
"That was an old wives tale San! A myth! A story to teach children to be mindful of who they give their heart to."
"Well, how else do you explain what just happened to you?"
His question had her stumped. How could she explain what just happened? The feeling of something unnatural climbing up her oesophagus, catching in her throat and choking her until she coughed it out covered in blood was not something that could be explained away or turned a blind eye too. There was blood. Bloody flower petals. That came from inside of her. And it hurt. It hurt so much.
"But that tale was about someone who loved another who couldn't love them back. I'm not in love with anyone, San." She avoided his gaze. "It's probably something I ate that didn't agree with me. That's all." She dismissed.
San sighed and she heard it. He sighed because Jiyeon had never been about to lie to him — or to anyone for that matter.
"Ji..." San trailed off. "You can tell me."
"I don't know what you want me to say."
"Is it one of our friends?"
"Is what one of our friends?" Jiyeon feigned ignorance, still not looking up to match her cousin's gaze.
"The person you love," San whispered, manoeuvring from kneeling to sitting, shifting slightly closer to the girl.
"Who says I love anyone?" Jiyeon whispered, finally turning her head to face San.
"Because I think we both already know who you love." San smiled sadly, gently bringing the girl into his arms. He rocked them back and forth gently, trying to create an atmosphere in which Jiyeon felt safe enough to speak her truths.
She rested her head against her cousin's collar. "Are you mad at me?"
San shook his head, even though she couldn't see him. "No. Why would I be?"
"Because..." She looked up, "Mingi's your best friend."
San chuckled. "You can't even lie to yourself. Mingi's your best friend. Sure, he's my good friend but you know things about him he'd never think to tell me." His smile widened a little, lifting a hand to ruffle her hair.
Jiyeon sighed, closing her eyes. "Okay. Maybe I'm in love with Mingi."
"I don't know!"
"It's not like it matters anyway. He won't love me back that's why I'm throwing up petals or something." Jiyeon's eyes flew back open.
"Grandma always said didn't... not wouldn't or couldn't." San reminded her gently. "There's still a chance. You just have to tell him."
Jiyeon sighed, her head thumping back into his chest. "Fine." She breathed out, her throat finally numbing. "I'll tell him next time I see him."
The conversation the two had the next time Jiyeon saw Mingi however, was not the conversation she had in mind. He had grabbed her in the middle of the hallway, minutes before the bell for the first period, his handsome face graced with the bright grin only Mingi could create. It sent a flutter of butterflies through her tummy. Before she could get a word in he had already told her his news. The smile on her face had frozen, to the point where she began to panic he's see through the fake happiness she exuded.
"Haneul said yes! She said she'd be my girlfriend!"
Panic froze Jiyeon to her spot. How could she forget about Haneul? The pretty girl Mingi had the biggest crush on. He had spent hours telling Jiyeon all about her. How kind she was. How pretty she was. The way her voice sounded when she spoke to him — "like bells... or the sound of a thousand angels humming!" — and about the way she spoke to him. He told her about how Haneul was smart, how she helped him with all the things he struggled with academically — as if the study sessions he spent with Jiyeon did nothing for him.
Jiyeon had always felt funny when he would talk about Haneul. She hadn't realised the feeling was jealousy until she stopped telling herself she didn't love him.
Haneul was perfect for him; just the right height, just the right build, just the right personality. How could Jiyeon ever be seen as more than just his best friend when someone like Haneul was interested in him?
"That's great! I'm proud of you!" The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them. The way his grin beamed brighter tore a rip through her heart and something built up in the pit of her stomach. The bell rang a second later and the two made their separate ways for their first lessons.
Jiyeon couldn't concentrate that entire day. Not many people seemed to notice her out-of-it daze apart from San, who looked at her with silent worry as their group sat together at lunch. Haneul has joined them, sitting close to Mingi's right side, answering the questions their friends had for her with a sweet smile.
Why was there nothing wrong with her?
Jiyeon couldn't blame her though. It wasn't Haneul's fault Jiyeon had fallen in love with her best friend. It wasn't Haneul's fault Jiyeon's body had decided it would take out its heartbreak on her, breaking her down piece by piece until her insides crumbled into torn up petals.
That had been sixth months ago.
Sixth months strong were Haneul and Mingi.
Jiyeon thought that it would get better. That the ache in her chest would dissipate now that Mingi was in fact taken by one of the sweetest people Jiyeon had ever met.
“Why don’t you, you know, date someone? Get your feelings under your own control.” San has said one day during a particularly harsh day, your entire bathroom floor covered in blue petals and sickly red blood after a couple hours of coughing and spluttering. You had given him an exhausted glare.
“It wouldn’t be fair to the other person. How would I explain this? ‘Oh, sorry about the mess! My body is just displaying its heartache outwardly because I love someone, who’s not you, by the way, that doesn’t love me back.’ Yeah, that’d go down a treat.”
San rolled his eyes at her, letting go of the hair he had held out of her face. “I’m just saying. It might be a way to get over it. To get over him. To get your health back?” He pressed gently. It didn’t take much to know that San was worried. Jiyeon had lost a noticeable amount of weight, not being able to keep much of anything down — especially after being around Mingi. She had become quiet, one might say reserved, which was unlike the person she was a couple of years ago who was never without a smile or a laugh.
She felt defeated. “I don’t want anyone else to feel like this. It hurts, so much,” She swallowed. “Every time I throw up those flowers it feels like my heart is being smashed with a steel hammer. Or as if it was made out of paper and each petal was just another rip in the fragility of a water soaked piece of paper. It’s dark. It’s a disgusting feeling and I never want anyone to feel it, ever.”
San’s head cocked to the side, his eyes dropping with worry. “You’re dying, Ji,” He whispered. He took one of her hands in his. “Just try it. Please.” He begged.
Jiyeon bit her lip. It would be too arrogant to assume someone would fall in love with her so easily, wouldn’t it? She could let herself be involved with someone else, couldn’t she? She could get over the dark could that surround her heart, right? She nodded, “Alright.”
So San sent her on a date. Ironically enough, another of their friends, Jeong Yunho, had been interested in Jiyeon for a little while. When San has brought up his little conundrum — “I need someone to set Jiyeon up with but every one I can come up with are all dicks” — Yunho has jumped (literally) at the opportunity.
The date was fun. It was exciting. They had met at a restaurant, exchanging shy smiles and small hellos before ditching the restaurant — it was only San who made the reservation anyway — and spent the night just together, deciding on what to do by playing small games of rock-paper-scissors. Jiyeon found herself smiling, laughing for the first time in a long time. She had temporarily forgotten all about Mingi and the pain that would wrack her body almost every other night. They went to an arcade, playing on different games for a few hours, playing around with one another and cumulating enough tickets to get two matching teddy bears. They took a walk through a park, stopping to play on the playground apparatus and unlocking their inner children with small games like who could get the highest on the swings or who could stay upright the longest on the merry-go-round. They found themselves sitting in a booth at McDonald’s, grinning and sharing embarrassing stories about themselves and their friends — mainly San — while sharing two big boxes of chicken nuggets.
Jiyeon felt guilty when she got home, saying goodnight to Yunho and finding herself texting Mingi all about it. She felt guilty when she realised why she was so adamant for Mingi to know. She wanted him to feel jealous. And she felt horrible when he simply congratulated her and offered to go on double dates in the future, her bedroom floor covered in a smattering of red petals after she broke down in tears.
Yunho was kind. His smile was sweet and his words were sweeter. They went on multiple dates and Jiyeon could feel herself getting lighter. The petal attacks slowed down but, they still happened.
Yunho was kind but Jiyeon was scared. On their last date, he walked her home, their hands laced together as they walked under the stars in the night sky. Jiyeon had told him early on in their relationship that she was sorry they had to go slow. She hadn’t given him a solid reason for her need to go slow and he hadn’t pushed her for an answer, but she knew deep down she’d always be scared to take the next step with him, or anyone for that matter. At her door — one that was unlocked because San just knew she’d forget her keys — Yunho had taken her face in his hands and kissed her. Truth be told, she had enjoyed it. His lips were soft and he bent down enough to brush her lips before straightening up slightly, causing Jiyeon to follow him to a height her tippy toes would allow. However, when she opened her eyes the face of her unrequited lover stared back at her and her smile dropped.
Blinking away the image of Mingi’s face she was greeted with the worried eyes of Yunho. “I’m sorry if that was too fast.” He whispered, eyes dropping to the floor. A familiar feeling twanged across her body as her heart sunk, once again, in guilt.
“You have to go.” Her voice was low. She could feel the familiar sensation arise in the back of her throat and she, under no circumstances, never wanted Yunho — happy, kind, sweet, loving Yunho — too see her like that.
He stuttered and she felt worse. “I- I'm sorry. Just give me another date. I don’t want to stop seeing you.” He cupped her face again, tilting her head up so their gazes could meet.
She needed him to leave.
“You have to go.” She repeated, gently stepping out of his hold. She went to speak again but her words were caught in her throat as she coughed harshly. When she pulled her hand away from her lips, looking between Yunho and the bloody white petal in her hand, tears had already sprung to her eyes. She didn’t give him any explanation before turning on her heel, barrelling through the door to find the nearest bathroom.
She could hear him chasing after her, the sinking feeling of guilt consuming her for how much he cared for someone who was caught up with a boy who couldn’t love her back. She retched into the bowl of the toilet, multicoloured petals falling from her lips in encased in the sickening sound of blood being spat from her mouth.
Yunho was kind. He bent down next to her and held her hair from her face. He rubbed circles into her back, his soft voice falling into a quiet song. When Jiyeon had finished her attack her body wracked itself in sobs instead. She felt horrible inside and out.
“I’m so sorry.” She wailed.
He didn’t respond, stopping his soft singing.
“It hurts so much!” She sobbed, not lifting her head to face him. “I am truly sorry.”
After a while, her sobs lessened and the two sat in silence.
“You don’t have to be sorry.” Yunho finally replied, tilting her head to face him again. “I’m sorry you have to go through this,” He whispered. He raised a thumb and wiped at the side of her mouth, watching as the blood there transferred from her lips to his thumb. “I’m sorry you think you’re going through it alone.”
She looked at him, concentrating. Then, her insides froze again. Her tear ducts overflowed again once she realised just what he was talking about. Her one wish had been destroyed. Someone else was feeling what it felt like to be broken. And it was her fault.
She feared she wouldn’t be able to love anyone other than Mingi. She feared that Yunho loving her would kill him inside as loving Mingi did to her.
But in the end, Choi Jiyeon loved Song Mingi, even though they were young, even though he was taken, even though he was just her best friend.
She’d die loving Song Mingi, and in the end, she did.
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mazanica · 5 years
Hey! Absolutely LOVE your "the toys caused the bite au"!!! It's gives me the feels!! Your art style is very refreshing as well. Tho I do have a question, sorry in advance if you've already answered this question: What did the toys and og fazcrew fight about after the murders? I know Bonnie was mad cause Blue didn't protect the kids but I don't understand why Freddy and Red had a falling out, same for the others. Again sorry if this was answered already. Thanks and have a nice day!
Hi! Thank you, I’m glad you like it!! <3<3 I’m happy to explain, since it’s not really spelled out in the video or any of the other things I’ve done with it. I hope my explanation makes sense, but I’m putting it under a read more because it got longer than I intended >w<; (I love talking about my stories and stuff)
**Edit: Do Keep Readings not work anymore???
Freddy never really fell out with Red; Red fell out with Freddy. You’ll notice that never once has Freddy been seen yelling at/acting harshly towards Red; Red has been the one being harsh and yelling/arguing, interrupting, glaring/baring his teeth, etc. Freddy just tried to talk to him, and watched sadly as someone he cared about just completely broke down.
Anyway, as for the why it happened, it was a disagreement over how to go about after the murders- because they’re both the Freddys of their groups, they’re both natural (designed) leaders and had always had a very equal-footing with each other- they’re not each others’ boss, they’re the bosses of their own groups. They just sorta... ran the pizzeria together (which is, undoubtedly, what led to their close relationship) and could usually agree or at least compromise, but...
But Red is still young, he hasn’t been through a lot of things that actually hurt, and in the Aftermath ‘Verse Freddy and the other OGs had already been through a set of murders (there were two different sets of murders, the one that got the OG crews’ restaurant shut down and then the one at the Toys’ restaurant) and Freddy was somewhat desensitized to it by then (Bonnie very much so was not- Freddy had come to terms with it while Bonnie was still haunted by it).
Freddy was trying to be logical about it, and Red, being driven by his emotions (rather out of character for him, as he’s usually very studious and is typically the one who keeps his wits about him), felt like Freddy didn’t care, or at least didn’t care enough to do something about it. Really it boils down to; people react differently to grief. Red let himself be consumed by it, much the same way Freddy had when the first child was murdered outside his restaurant. Freddy had already been through this and even though it hurt, he knew that Red was only going to make things worse by acting rashly.
Had Red and the others not immediately gone after the murderer, if they had given themselves time to calm down (the Bite happened the day after the murders), things would have turned out differently- Red would have come to find that, logically, Freddy was right, and Bonnie would have finally admitted to himself that there was nothing Blue could have done and apologized. But that didn’t happen.
Freddy chose to give Red the space to calm down (a choice he regrets now), believing an animatronic as sensible as Red was would calm down enough to see things logically if given time. Of course, he was wrong. But he didn’t know that at the time. Maybe if it had been any other little girl, Red wouldn’t have been so rash.
As for the others, Foxy and Mangle, and Chica and Chii didn’t actually fall out. Chica disappeared to be alone because it happened again, while Foxy went with his old friends to try and help them (Foxy was angry but not at the Toys, something he and Bonnie got into a fight about later because Foxy and Freddy both thought it unfair for Bonnie to blame them. Chica stayed out of it). None of them thought that leaving the Toys to mourn together and comfort each other would end so badly.
Now idk if you’re partly referencing my Oneshot Collection, where this idea (that the Toy Band cornered the murderer where Mangle could get him) originated, in which Freddy was the only one to not blame the Toys, that was seeeveral years ago and I’ve made several changes since then. I felt like if all of them blamed the Toys, it would diminish Bonnie’s reaction. Now they each have a unique circumstance;
Freddy tried to talk sense to Red, but ultimately chose to give him space to sort it out himself and ended up losing Red completely because of it.
Bonnie blamed Blue, leaving that night on very bad terms with words he didn’t mean, and never got a chance to apologize.
Chica chose to isolate herself, she doesn’t even have proper last words with Chii. And now she’s left wondering if she had stuck with Chii, maybe Chii wouldn’t have agreed to the Plan that was, at its core, suicide from the start.
And Foxy? Well, he chose to go after his own friends rather than stay with the Toys- or, specifically, Mangle. And six years later, when he wakes up from shutdown, he finds out his sweet, sassy Mangle was the one who took the bite.
Also, though I know it doesn’t line up with canon, it’s after the OGs wake up in 1993 just to find themselves in a new restaurant, fixed up, and discover that the Toys were scrapped (read: dead) that they begin hunting the night guards. Because 1) The murderer was a guard, and 2) The Toys lost their lives in an attempt to stop the murderer. But the OG crew didn’t know who the murderer was- only the Toys saw him. All they were sure of was, the Toys got the wrong guy (because Jeremy Fitzgerald had shoved the Murderer away, and the OG crew knew Jeremy was not the murderer- after all, the murders happened during the day, long after Jeremy had gone home. Also, the article Freddy found had a statement from an “unnamed employee” about how Jeremy jumped between the man the animatronics were cornering and Mangle...) and they decided they’d finish the Toys’ work.
Even if they have to kill every Guard who comes through to do it.
I’M SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG HHHHHHH I don’t even know if any of it makes sense bUT YOU GOT ME TALKIN AND I COULDN’T STOP.
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rumasaca · 6 years
What's your take on Amuro, as in what can he do to improve? He's one of my favorites (no. 2) but I also feel that he has some stuff to work on wrt to his occasional angry tunnel vision towards Akai :|a (don't get me wrong though, I enjoy the ship! I just don't think he deserves the hate that he gets, but I also don't think he deserves only praise because a character with no flaws isn't fun imo; hopefully this isn't worded too offensively/insensitive), have a good day! c:
ahahahaha, awww, thank you anon~
hmmm.  i’ll explain properly exactly how i think about and approach fictional characters, then.  basically:  i don’t really care much about whether someone is a good person or not in fiction, because i don’t really think of that as being what i’m interested in when it comes to fiction.
what i like from fiction, ultimately, is probably uncomfortable truths.  realistic depictions of people and conflicts falls in second.  so the type of characters i gravitate towards are not morally good, because what i enjoy is watching people genuinely struggle with being good people or choosing to be terrible in order to accomplish something.
so, that’s why i like rei.  he’s on the border between aoyama’s usual brand of morality and something else entirely.  while, yes, he’s ultimately in the wrong, watching the way he justifies his actions to himself and how he thinks about himself and other people is so intriguing to watch.  it’s like… it’s basically like watching anthy unfold in utena.  you’re absolutely aware they’re not good people.  but you’re also aware that this character probably comes the closest, more than any other character in their respective works, to acting like a real person.
i mentioned yesterday how much i think about how he’s confirmed mixed heritage now while simultaneously xenophobic and patriotic.  he’s extremely perceptive, but he just can’t deduce the truth behind scotch, even though he knows everything necessary to do it.  sometimes his anger is based on justifiable reasons, but sometimes he takes it terribly far, and he always has excuses to fall back on for his actions.
and this is what real people do!  we are all much more like rei than we care to admit.  we make mistakes.  awful mistakes, sometimes.  we justify our actions to ourselves and others.  then we stick the shame somewhere behind us and block out the memories whenever they bother us.
“but he tried to run over an elementary school teacher.”  yeah, he’s not a good person.  but that’s not the point.  he’s not supposed to be.  i don’t want him to be.  he never was in the first place.  if you want someone who is, that’s totally fine, look elsewhere.  i’m not really a fan of “praise his good traits and criticize his flaws” because that’s not how i think about and analyze characters.
like.  mixed heritage rei.  i want to emphasize this.  never before in the manga has aoyama bothered to even think about how actually being mixed would affect a character’s socialization and understanding of society beyond shiho’s “got bullied in school and is now quiet!”  and now we get another example, and now it’s not entirely sympathetic: it extends to xenophobia.
what i’m saying is this:  rei’s thousands of terrible points make him a character with really good characterization.  not morally good, but characterized well.  that’s what i want in a character!  so when you say “improve”… actually, the way i would improve rei is to make him worse.  look forward to my fic in which rei shoots an albatross /bricked for the literature joke.
of course, i want to make it clear now that making characters terrible people is not the only way to achieve interesting characterization.  but rei has been made interesting in the particular way he has been made a terrible person.  his angry tunnel vision @ akai is just another symptom of the irony behind his character: because of his righteous, brokenhearted anger about scotch’s death, he’s incapable of deducing the truth behind it.  he’s completely alone—everyone he’s ever loved is dead—but at the same time, he  lashes out at the world around him to relieve his pain and guilt.  he’s struggling, and no one can give him a good answer to his dilemma, because there is none.  what does he do the moment he finds out the truth?  does he just up and forgive shuichi?  it’s probably been at least seven years now.  how is a person supposed to completely remake themselves if their reason for living is proven completely wrong?  how does he reconcile his former image of the world with the one after that revelation?  who does rei become once he learns that he was wrong this entire time and that he’s always been wrong?
all of rei’s worst enemies are inside.  but because it’s so incredibly difficult to confront your personal demons, he settles for projecting them on the people around him.
i don’t know a single person who hasn’t, at some time in their life, done something like that.  even if it was something as small as realizing you did something wrong and then making up excuses for your behavior rather than confronting yourself about it.  blaming it on the person you hurt, because they reacted too much to what you did (it wasn’t that hurtful, was it?).  suggesting someone else should change themselves.  or blaming it on nonliving factors (i was drunk, i was sleep-deprived, i was having an awful time with my anxiety, etc.  to be clear, this last example doesn’t mean “anxiety is fake and everyone should be able to do everything all the time” but “if you scream at a friend that they’re an awful friend and they should feel terrible about themselves because you’re dying of anxiety over your last exam, you still have to take responsibility for what you did and apologize to them while also making sure you won’t do it again.”)
so, i dunno.  mostly what i’m getting at is, i’m not really sure what you mean by “improve” because that could either mean 1) rei becoming a better person morally speaking or 2) rei getting better characterization.  i’m not even sure how i would go about doing 1.  not sure i would want to anyways.  rei being a trainwreck is why i like him so much.  it seems like you’re conflating good and bad traits (morally) about rei with good and bad characterization, possibly.  after all, wouldn’t the fact that he needs to improve in the first place suggest that he have character flaws?  so how could he have none?  wouldn’t angry tunnel vision count as one?  buuuuut tbh i’m probably misunderstanding what you want to say, so i’ll leave it at that.
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thebluelemontree · 7 years
Harry the Heir is such an arrogant douche! But some people say that since he apologized to Alayne at the feast, he's not that bad and their romance is definitely a possibility. Some even go as far as to say that Sansa will fall in love with him and this story gives them Mr Darcy/Elizabeth vibes. What is your opinion on their possible relationship? BTW I don't think Darcy had bastards all over Derbyshire)))
Elizabeth is not tasked with seducing Darcy nor ever intended him to be a love interest.  Darcy was genuinely regretful at learning how his attitudes and behaviors affected other people and set to changing himself.  Not to win Elizabeth over either, but to be a better person and to try to correct his mistakes.  Harry... no.  He’s in his heir position by sheer dumb luck and he acts like Robert Arryn is already dead in the ground.  I don’t think Darcy would be able to identify with who Harry actually is at all.  
Harry apologized because Anya Waynwood made him as she also insisted that he dance with Alayne.  She stands to collect a fat dowry from this.  She’s not forcing Harry to accept the betrothal per se, but she is making him be “nice” and interact with Alayne.  At least enough times so Alayne can presumably seduce him as I’m sure Littlefinger assured her would happen.  It’s such a grudgingly given apology that almost seems like it pains him to sink so low to apologize to a bastard.  I don’t see how it can be read as genuine.  And he only does it after she refuses to dance with him, which I’m sure he was expecting her to just light up and be grateful for his asking.  Not even a please forgive me.
And there he stood, Harry the Heir himself; tall, handsome, scowling. "Lady Alayne. May I partner you in this dance?"
She considered for a moment. "No. I don't think so."
Color rose to his cheeks. "I was unforgiveably rude to you in the yard. You must forgive me." 
Still she’s had enough experience with difficult people to know that sometimes a harsh exterior can hide a suffering soul beneath the surface.  She wants to know the real Harry and look at him with a critical eye.  So she is willing to dig a little deeper, mildly tolerating his rudeness to ask him directly about his bastards.  It seems as though he accepts his natural children well enough, even though he was callous in his treatment of Cissy after her birth.  For a moment, things look like they might be “different with Saffron.”  Sansa could certainly understand if Harry was in love with her and he was being pressured to marry another which would explain his rudeness.  Yet, he’s awful quick to agree to send Saffron away for the mere suggestion of some “spice” with Alayne.  Not that different with Saffron, is it?  
I think it’s clear that Harry’s head is easily turned and what she can expect from him as a husband.  He is not the worst guy ever.  He’s shallow, arrogant, and seems to follow his dick around.  Sansa has seen too much real cruelty to be easily shaken by his behavior.Of all his faults, at least he’s not a liar.  He’s pretty bluntly honest, in fact.  The nicest thing she can come up with to say about Harry is that he has nice teeth and dimples; however, as far as Sansa knows this marriage might be her only chance to go home, which is the only thing she’s ever really wanted.  This scene, I think, goes to show how far Sansa has come in her evaluation of a love interest way more than it points to an actual love interest.  This is not 11/12 year old Sansa that would have shrunk down, cried and blushed, and blamed herself for a handsome knight not liking her.  Nor is she tongue-tied. easily rankled, or naively misunderstanding innuendo (heck she’s making innuendo now!) This is older Sansa learning how to deftly handle and flirt with someone who is overly harsh and bluntly honest to the point of being offensive.  Sound familiar?  ;)
I would say Harry represents a fairly typical type of husband that many wives accept as normal.  The question is can Sansa, who has always dreamed of a mutual love in her marriage, abandon that dream to settle for Harry so she can maybe one day go home and finally be safe?  I don’t think she’ll have to end up making that choice after all, because shit is setup to go down fast and hard in the Vale probably by her second chapter.
George is using a lot of misdirection in the Vale arc and I believe Harry is a red herring.  While we’re all looking toward the Young Falcon and all those untouched, shining knights of the Vale (ahem, knights of summer) to be the answer to our prayers, we’re forgetting all the other hidden players ready to twist the plot.  
Lyn Corbray who is LF’s friend pretending to be his foe but who really is a foe.  What if he found out who Alayne is?  He desperately could use the ransom and it would be a nice little F.U. to LF at the same time.
Ser Shadrich and his team who’ve know who Alayne really is and have been living under LF’s nose for months waiting to strike.
Myranda Royce who also knows who Alayne really is.  We don’t know yet how she’s going to affect things.
Lothor Brune who has a crush on Mya Stone might be set to switch sides if Sansa plays match-maker.
The Mountain Clans who have been armed with steel by Tyrion.  They got a hard on to take the Vale back and are still occasionally brought up as a threat that has never been dealt with.
Yohn Royce is back in Runestone with his forces biding his time for his opportunity to bring LF down. He also has ships, a port, and his own grain stores.
Possibly a catastrophic avalanche from the Giant’s Lance with the Gates of the Moon right in it’s path.
Just focusing on Harry, remember he “earned” his knighthood in a tourney that was rigged for him to win so Yohn could exert influence over the heir against LF.  You think this tourney isn’t rigged for Harry to win by Littlefinger for the same reasons? I think we’re being told this is not the horse we or Sansa should bet on.  We also have the competitor that Alayne will actually give her favor to that just might shake up that tourney outcome judging by tourneys past.  Harry bears some similarities to Ser Hugh of the Vale that was killed by a giant’s lance in the hands of the Mountain at the last tourney Sansa attended. 
They both are arrogant, newly made knights.  
They both sport the Arryn colors and symbols though they aren’t Arryns.  
Both seem to be knighted before they were truly ready, for reasons that have nothing to do with their abilities.  Hugh, squire to Jon Arryn, was knighted by Robert I for Jon’s memory.  Harry for political jockeying.
They are hidden forces in play that they are woefully ill-prepared for and they are charging headlong into.  This doesn’t look good.
I don’t think Harry is long for this world.  And his potential demise fits into the greater themes of Littlefinger’s legacy as Lord Protector in the Vale.  Corruption, bribery, and excess that the majority of lords have been seduced by does not make me feel confident about those knights and grain stores being put to good use.  It’s all lies and Arbor gold built on a foundation of rot.  I see massive waste and snuffed out potential as a very George-esque consequence for this decadent folly on the cusp of winter.  The tourney feast and games feel very Masque of the Red Death with the world falling apart outside and these nobles sequestering themselves in a decadent, glittering daydream.  The Red Death still gets in and pwns everyone. Yeah... :/  I think Sansa’s Vale arc will resolve in an epic, tragic smash by any number of George’s planted wild cards.          
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ghoulblogging · 7 years
ahhh i love your reactions! thank u for this blog, i really like your character portrayals! how do u think the highest affinity fallout 4 companions would react to somewhat of a crybaby sole survivor? like they don't give up easily, doesn't hinder their abilities or anything like that, but they just have a tendency to tear up with frustration or at sappy things, u feel me?? basically a 2 ounces whoop ass 2 ounces cry baby Sole
Cait: At first, she finds it really annoying, every damn time really? For every little thing? The first few times it happens she kinda stops everything because she’s really confused as to what could have caused tears in the middle of some ruins or a fight or listening to a boring holotape, but as soon as she realizes that the sole survivor is continuing on she kinda just ignores it. She doesn’t understand it for the life of her, but the image of the sole survivor crying as they kick ass is pretty amusing to her, so she figures live and let live.
Curie: She gets pretty startled the first time the sole survivor breaks down into a crying fit for a moment before continuing on as if nothing happened. Her instincts is that something is wrong, there’s something to diagnose here, but all the sole survivor’s checkups seem normal. She switches her thoughts to maybe there is something mental on, and without probing too much tries to get to the bottom of it casually, asking a few things here and there. When the sole survivor realizes she’s trying to figure it out, it makes them tear up and they get a little mad and tell her to not worry about it, its just something that they do. Curie apologizes, but remains curious about it.
Codsworth: He’s dealt with it before, even in a “normal” day to day life the sole survivor would cry about stuff, so he was always used to being handy with a tissue and a nice pat on the back. It’s normal for him at this point, and he treats it as normal, much to the sole survivor’s comfort.
Danse: When he sees the sole survivor crying, he gets really concerned. He stops what he’s doing and goes to them, asking what’s wrong. When they try to tell him not to worry about it, he still continues fretting over them, telling them that he doesn’t like seeing them upset. They think its incredibly sweet, but assure him not to worry. Sometimes when they cry he can’t help but cry too.
Deacon: When he sees them crying, he is a little awkward about it and kinda looks the other way to be polite. Regardless of how close they are, he knows that some things are truly personal, and he assumes the crying is as well, the sole survivor has been though a lot after all. When it persists, he tries to be sensitive about it, but eventually speaks up, doing his best to comfort them and tell them to keep their chin up. They gotta fly under the radar, and crying in public is a way to draw attention. When they explain that its no big deal, he’s still somewhat concerned, but decides the solution is some sunglasses, to hide most of the tears.
Dogmeat: He’s usually pretty good at picking up on their emotional state, but when he notices them crying, he gets a little confused. They’re going about business as usual…. but sad? He follows them around and when they pause he sidles up to them for some pets. Hopefully that will cheer them up.
Hancock: When he sees them crying for the first time he heads over to them, giving them a hug and asking, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s with the waterworks?” He tries to keep things lighthearted, and to make them smile, and he succeeds. Even though the tears, they smile and tell him not to worry, they just get teary. Hancock nods a bit and squeezes them tight, and tells them to cry it out if they need to. He kisses their cheeks where the tears fall.
MacCready: At first he’s very concerned that something’s wrong. He tries not to butt in, but he doesn’t last that long. He goes to them and asks what’s wrong, if there’s anything he can do, if its because of something he did. This is giving him anxiety. The sole survivor smiles and squeezes his shoulder and reassures him, they just cry easy, they say. He’s relieved, and relaxes a bit. “Well, if its ever something you need to talk about, I’m always here.”
Nick: He can’t help but feel protective of them when he sees them cry. He tries to be polite about it, not wanting to make a big deal of it, but once they are more at ease he lets them know he’s always there if they need anything. They thank him but tell him its not a big deal. “Alright then, good to know. Let me know if you if you ever need a hanky, let me know.” He keeps what they said in mind, giving them space when they need it, and being there with a tissue when needed.
Piper: When she sees them crying, her first instinct is to joke and make a sarcastic comment, “There’s a lot of sad stuff out here Blue, I don’t blame ya.” It cheers the sole survivor up, and they totally ham it up, saying how the pile of garbage they are walking by is so tragic. They both laugh, and the sole survivor tells Piper how they just get emotional sometimes, can’t help it. Piper replies with a “No worries, but don’t expect me not to razz ya there.” They both laugh some more.
Preston: The first time he sees them crying, Preston tries to make nothing of it, knowing that they have reason to be emotional, especially with nearly every sight in the Commonwealth bringing back memories. When he notices it happening more often he tries to reach out to them, saying that he understands all the stuff that they have gone though. Wiping their tears, the sole survivor says thanks, sometimes they can’t help but get get weepy, even at the smallest thing. Preston starts asking them about good memories if they have any, which sometimes makes them weepy too, but it at least puts them in a better mood during.
Strong: It takes him a little while for him to notice that the sole survivor cries more than a normal human, he doesn’t have a ton of experience with humans, maybe they are all like that. Finally he gets curious enough to ask, and they tell him they just can’t help it sometimes, and yeah, not everyone is like that. Strong says something about how humans have a lot to cry about, not being as tough a super mutants and all. Every once in a while when he catches them crying he says, “Ah, ah, ah, no need for tears human!” in a funny voice, and that always makes them laugh.
X6-88: He doesn’t make anything of it really. To him the frequency of their tears doesn’t make much sense, but he figures its not really his business, so he carries on as usual. Every so often he’ll get particularly curious about why they are crying and ask, trying his best not to pry too much. He’s not the best at comforting people, but at least he tries. Eventually they just develop enough of a rapport where the sole survivor will cry and he will give them a sympathetic nod or a pat on the shoulder.
BONUS Mason: The sole survivor assumes he would make fun of them for crying, but he’s surprisingly comfortable with it. He catches them tearing up and he encourages them to really let it out. Emotions are natural and it feels so good to let them out. He cries with them, loud and long, letting out howls and generally being very loud. Its somewhat startling, but the sole survivor goes with it, letting out all their emotion. It actually feels really good.
Bonus Maxson: He raises an eyebrow the first time they seem to get overly emotional over something small. He says nothing for a moment, but finally looks at them sternly and tells them to get themselves together. “We have important work to do, I can’t have you emotionally compromised.” This, unfortunately, causes the sole survivor to cry more, and he panics a bit and breaks his tough guy act and comforts them.
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skeletorific · 7 years
Okay, so kids can be reeeeeally too curious for their own good, so I can imagine them one day just. Walking up to one of the Sanses and pulling up their shirt. They don't do this to a Papyrus because they're too tall to reach. XD
Too cute an idea not to do headcanons for. Sorry if I went a little angsty for some of them. 
UT!Sans: He’s just minding his own business, trying to get the damn registrar in order. Normally Boss does this but Edge is trying to get the other’s to “take responsibility” or something. In his view the one doing the paperwork should be the one who knows what the hell they’re doing, but then Boss isn’t exactly in the business of asking for other people’s opinions. 
As usual a couple of the kids are coming and going. He has a pretty open door policy on his office and a lot of them like to come mess around with some of his more child-friendly science equipment. Currently, its Melody, sitting quietly and playing with the Newton Cradle. 
Finally he gets into a rhythym, absorbed in his work. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Melody get up and move behind him, but he’s not worried. There’s nothing dangerous in his office, he’s made sure of it. And his attentions a little too absorbed at the moment…..
A sudden tug on his shirt and WOAH  is it drafty in here or is it just him?
Melody has his shirt almost over his head and is staring curiously at his ribcage. Sans chuckles nervously. “Uh, heh…not gonna lie, kid, that took a lot of spine.”
Melody gives him a disgusted look and drops his shirt.
“Aw, come on, that was a real rib-tickler”
“I’m leaving.” Melody said rolling her eyes and walking out. A second apssed, and she stuck her head in the doorway again. “And I’m not coming back!”
Sans chuckled to himself and got back to work.
UF!Sans: Red grumbles to himself as he walked around. Okay, he’s always doing that, but this particular hour of the day made it more audible than not. Recess, a full hour of the little fuckers running around in every direction. It had been someone’s bright idea to stick him with near permanent monitor duty of this, the idea being that he had faster instincts than most of them, he would be able to get there fast if someone was about to hurt themselves. It was, he had informed them, not that hard. All it required was you had to remove your head from your own fucking pelvis, and you’d be set to stop the little idiots from throwing themselves off the building.
Blue and Papyrus weren’t thrilled. And it didn’t matter in the end. So here he was, prowling the edge of the yard, trying to prevent snotnoses from getting cuts and bruises. Leeroy, as always, followed him like a shadow. A shadow that talked too much. 
“Hey! Hey, Red, can I see your rib cage?”
“Cause I said so, that’s why.” His eyes were trained on Yoshi. The little klutz was insisting on climbing one of the jungle gyms. Undyne also had her eye on it, but if the fish couldn’t get there in time he’d have to use his magic.
“But I wannaaaaa”
“Tough shit” Red muttered. But faster than he could blnk the kid was in front of him and jerking his shirt over his head.
The reaction is instantaneous. His eye lights up with magic and he practically jumps away while shoving the kid off. Harder than he would have meant to in any other situation. Leeroy yells in surprise and looks at him with wide, slightly scared eyes while Red breathes hard trying to get a handle on himself. His hands are shaking and he can’t get the glow in his eye to fade.
“What the fuck were you thinking?!”
“Don’t do shit like that!” He’s yelling now, and other eyes are on them. Undyne seems pissed at first but it changes to a look of concern when she sees how bad he looks.
“I…..I’m sorry.”
The anger hollows him out and he’s doing his best to convince himself that its different, he’s not in danger, it was just a fucking kid., but his body doesn’t know that, it just knows for a brief moment it was exposed. In the end he mutters “its fine” and stalks off. Undyne has Sans cover his shift, and nobody says anything about it. For once even Boss doesn’t chew him out for walking out. 
Leeroy walks on eggshells around him for a few weeks, and Red finds a hand-written, poorly spelled apology note in his office. 
US!Sans: “Woah, Undyne!” Bryn said, mouth open and eyes staring in awe.”That so many muscles!”
“Fuhuhu! Of course!” Undyne grinned, hands planted firmly on her hips as her crop-top showed her eight-pack in its full glory. “I’d have to after all the training I do!” She flexed on of her powerful biceps and kissed it while the kids stared at her in awe.
“Pfft, wha? Alph I’ll believe, but you do not have an eight-pack, dude.”
The kids looked confused. “But….you’re a skeleton.” Yoshi said. 
“THAT….THAT DOESN’T MATTER!” Blue said, but there was a faint cyan tinge that betrayed the bluff.
“Well, let’s see then!” Bryn said, hiking his shirt over his head before he could say a word. 
“That’s just an rib cage!” Leeroy said.
There was a blue glow of his magic and an ecto-stomach formed, eight-pack in place.
Melody huffed. “Magic tummies don’t count.”
Blue yanked his shirt out of Bryn’s hands, blushing. “ITS RUDE TO LIT UP A SKELETON’S SHIRT WITHOUT PERMISSION!”
Undyne took pity on the skeleton. “Eh, sure they count. Alright, let’s play some soccer!”
SF!Sans: Billie knew that if he was going to continue to be the rival of the Bratlord, he would require some intel. Chandler had told him once about this famous quote: “If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles”. Well, he was pretty sure he knew himself, so all that was left was his enemy. 
He had been sneaking around Rasp for almost the entirety of freetime, watching him carefully for any weaknesses. He wasn’t sure what kind of weaknesses, but there had to be something. 
In the end, though, he was starting to get impatient. Bratlord didn’t have any soft fleshy bits that he could hit when they fought. Just hard bones that hurt Billie’s hand. Not that he would admit it. Superheroes and lawmen didn’t get hurt. Especially not by their worst enemies. 
Suddenly he remember last wekk, when Blue summoned a magic stomach on the soccerfield. Was it possible that Rasp had one too? That would make it a lot easier to fight him……Only one way to be sure. He waited until Rasp was distracted by something, and then ran up to him, yanking his shirt up over his head. 
Nothing. Just an empty rib cage. Billie huffed in disapointment an let teh shirt fall. 
The second he did he realized Rasps eyelights had vanished and he had frozen. Before he could say anything though, they cam back and he was immediately bak to posturing. “TRYING TO EXAMINE ME FOR WEAKNESSES? I CAN’T SAY I BLAME YOU, MY RIVAL, BUT YOU’LL FIND YOURSELF WOEFULLY DISAPPOINTED. I HAVE NONE!” Despite the usual arrogant tone, there was a quaver to his voice and  Billie noticed his hands were shaking slightly.
Rasp caught him staring at his hands and so clasped them behind his back.” I-I THINK I HEAR BLUE CALLING FOR HELP” and he scampered off. 
Syrup explained it to him later. A skeleton’s SOUL is in his ribcage, and its a remarkably unprotected area. All someone would have to do  was reach up the cavity and they would have a hold of it, and would be able to kill them. This had happened to him and Rasp more than once Underground, and they were pretty naturally defensive about their rib cages being uncovered. 
Billie never apologizes, per se, but he never tries to reach under the shirt again. He will even stop their “battles” in the middle if Bratlord’s shirt flies up and won’t start again until he can cover himself. Its a little embarrassing for Rasp but in a way he appreciates the child’s sense of honor. 
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