#pennywise x reader x papawise
alcinaslittlemaid · 6 months
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That one meme but the hottest horror clowns of tumblr
Art by me! Tag me if you reblog please!
The fact this drawing took over almost two weeks is astonishing😭🙏
Kudos if you know the meme
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sootrootdoot · 5 months
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used a base, forgot to post this which is part of a bigger project I'm not sure is out yet so here :>
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weniswastelandwenis · 2 months
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So excited to share my new work with the writing community! Prepare to lose yourself in an immersive new world, where enemies become lovers, and friends become enemies...? Check out my story, "Clown Love" on AO3! Critiques welcomed!
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the-blackholeus · 4 years
Cuddly Clowns/ Papawise X Reader X Pennywise
(I just love these two, so I decided to give them some love. ^^. So have fun^^ Female version is below.)
Y/N groaned as he awoke, turning his head away from the sun beams that shone through the window directly into his face. Blinking his eyes open, he let a yawn escape his throat, stretching himself before sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of his beautiful orbs.
“Morning, beautiful.”, a deep voice purred from beside him, and a smile made its way onto his face as he recognized it, turning his head towards the older clown that was laying next to him, a cigarette in his hands, grinning his typical grin. “Morning.”, Y/N mumbled, unable to form full sentences since his mind still dreamt happily on. He laughed and pulled him against him, wrapping his free arm around his body, nuzzling his face against his. “Having slept well?”, he asked and smiled softly. The human nodded, laying his head on his chubby chest, feeling his ungloved hand running through his hair, a deep purr rumbling through his body.
“Yeah. But the sun woke me up. Damn thing.”, he growled playfully, and the older clown chuckled, blowing smoke through his nose. “Be happy that it’s shining. Otherwise, it would be really cold outisde.”, he laughed, showing off his teeth, and Y/N could not help but smile. He was right he wouldn’t be here otherwise, with his murderous clowns Pen and Penny.” He turned his head towards the younger clown who was still sound asleep, mouth open, drooling all over the sheets. The human would have to clean it later, but he didn’t mind. To be honest, he was happy that he had to, so he knew that this all was not a dream, that those demonic clowns really were there, cuddling with him.
“How long have you been awake?”, Y/N asked and turned his head towards the clown, reaching out to pet him, getting an adorable purr out of him, pressing his head against his palm. “Quite a while.”
He laughed silently, wanting to get up to make himself breakfast, but before he could, Pennywise’s grip tightened around his chest. “Nu-uh, beautiful. You’re staying here.”, he growled softly and rolled to the side, trapping him underneath his arms and legs, careful not to crush him with his height and weight, killing his cigarette in the process so that he would not hurt him (or burn his damn house down). “Pen, come on! I’m hungry, and I also have work today.”, Y/N yelped, but were ignored by the older clown, who buried his face into his hair, taking his scent in with his huge, red nose he liked to honk once in a while to annoy him.
The human sighed, knowing that there was no room for arguing. Even if he would manage get out of his grip, he would simply get him back, and when he’s unlucky, Penny, his nickname for the younger clown, would wake up and then, he wouldn’t be even able to move because he would be crushed between two demonic clowns that eat children but love to cuddle until Y/N forget his own name.
“I hate you.” He chuckled at his human’s words, knowing that they were not meant to hurt him. “I love you too, beautiful.” He heard a low, hissing sound that he knew all too well, and Y/N turned his head towards the taller but younger clown, who was glaring at the both of them, clearly jealous of the attention he and Pen got for each other.
“Hey.”, he smiled and reached out for him, chuckling as he nuzzled into the palm of his hand, purring softly. The older clown laughed roughly and reached out of ruffle through his younger counterpart’s hair, grinning as the other growled, clearly angered by that he messed his hair up. “Morning Junior.”
The younger clown didn’t answer, cuddling up to them instead, trying to get as close to him as possible. Y/N chuckled and turned a little bit, wrapping both of his arms around their necks as he relaxed back. Maye he really should stay in bed today. The weather outside was bad, he was not feeling like he wanted to get out of bed today, and he had his cuddly clowns next to you.
What could be better. Right, absolutely nothing.
Y/N groaned as she awoke, turning her head away from the sun beams that shone through the window directly into her face. Blinking her eyes open, she let a yawn escape her throat, stretching herself before sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of her beautiful orbs.
“Morning, beautiful.”, a deep voice purred from beside her, and a smile made its way onto her face as she recognized it, turning her head towards the older clown that was laying next to her, a cigarette in his hands, grinning his typical grin. “Morning.”, Y/N mumbled, unable to form full sentences since her mind still dreamt happily on. He laughed and pulled her against him, wrapping his free arm around her body, nuzzling his face against hers. “Having slept well?”, he asked and smiled softly. The human nodded, laying her head on his chubby chest, feeling his ungloved hand running through her hair, a deep purr rumbling through his body.
“Yeah. But the sun woke me up. Damn thing.”, she growled playfully, and the older clown chuckled, blowing smoke through his nose. “Be happy that it’s shining, or else it would be pretty cold outside.”, he laughed, showing off his sharp teeth, and Y/N could not help but smile. He was right, she wouldn’t be here otherwise, with her murderous clowns Pen and Penny . She turned her head towards the younger clown who was still sound asleep, mouth open, drooling all over the sheets. The human would have to clean it later, but she didn’t mind. To be honest, she was happy that she had to, so she knew that this all was not a dream, that those demonic clowns really were there, cuddling with her.
“How long have you been awake?”, Y/N asked and turned her head towards the clown, reaching out to pet him, getting an adorable purr out of him, pressing his head against her palm. “Quite a while.”
She laughed silently, wanting to get up to make herself breakfast, but before she could, Pennywise’s grip tightened around her chest. “Nu-uh, beautiful. You’re staying here.”, he growled softly and rolled to the side, trapping her underneath his arms and legs, careful not to crush her with his height and weight, killing his cigarette in the process so that he would not hurt her (or burn her damn house down). “Pen, come on! I’m hungry, and I also have work today.”, Y/N yelped, but were ignored by the older clown, who buried his face into her hair, taking her scent in with his huge, red nose she liked to honk once in a while to annoy him.
The human sighed, knowing that there was no room for arguing. Even if she would manage get out of his grip, he would simply get her back, and when she’s unlucky, Penny, her nickname for the younger clown, would wake up and then, she wouldn’t be even able to move because she would be crushed between two demonic clowns that eat children but love to cuddle until Y/N forget her own name.
“I hate you.” He chuckled at his human’s words, knowing that they were not meant to hurt him. “I love you too, beautiful.” She heard a low, hissing sound that she knew all too well, and Y/N turned her head towards the taller but younger clown, who was glaring at the both of them, clearly jealous of the attention she and Pen got for each other.
“Hey.”, she smiled and reached out for him, chuckling as he nuzzled into the palm of her hand, purring softly. The older clown laughed roughly and reached out of ruffle through his younger counterpart’s hair, grinning as the other growled, clearly angered that he messed his hair up. “Morning Junior.”
The younger clown didn’t answer, cuddling up to them instead, trying to get as close to her as possible. Y/N chuckled and turned a little bit, wrapping both of her arms around their necks as she relaxed back. Maye she really should stay in bed today. The weather outside was bad, she was not feeling like she wanted to get out of bed today, and she had her cuddly clowns next to her.
What could be better. Right, absolutely nothing.
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clawtitties · 4 years
‘’Liar liar’’ chapter 1 (Currywise x Reader SFW)
Note from Noa :
Hey so this is my very first time uploading something to tumblr/online in general aside from when I was like 13 and uploaded a supernatural fanfic to wattpad- Also I’m very new to writing in general I’ve just been a really avid reader on here. SO this is my first like multiple chapter project be gentle with me. Okay bye now don’t roast me please oh god oh no-
word count :1070 yowza
The only thing you could feel, and simultaneously the only thing you seemed to recall, was the ache of your feet crashing against the ground with each step. You couldn’t remember a single thing about last night, today, or any night at all. All you could focus on was desperately gasping for air and maneuvering through the trees. The thin and winding path you were on had ended a long while ago. You couldn’t even tell if that was a good thing or not. At least now the thing chasing you wouldn’t have a direct trail to follow in it’s depraved attempts to console you. You didn’t even know who, or what, it was but here it was trying to hush you like you were it’s offspring.
 It was roaring now.
 ‘’Come on baby!’’ it started in a tone that sounded so near to desperation you almost turned around to look at the wretched thing. ‘’Papa don’t like playin’ these games!’’ it called after you, this time sounding like a pained shriek. Tears started to stream down your face. You didn’t know what anything was anymore, it was an all-consuming feeling of confusion and dread. You almost felt like your stomach was doubling over on itself, that your intestines were twisting and turning with every frantic step. Everything you knew before was gone, it felt like you had just been born and instantly shoved into this situation by the cruel hand of fate.
 You winced in pain, still keeping up the running pace although your knees were starting to give out beneath you. You hadn’t really been used to running before this day but you kept going like your life depended on it. The freak effortlessly keeping up with your pace didn’t seem to have any physical limit at all. It was barely breathing, everything about its mannerisms just hammered the gravity of the situation into your mind more and more.
 Your feeble body slamming against something woke you up from your thoughts.
 ‘’There’s a good girl’’ the same voice- although now much more calm and less breathy- echoed through your head. It sounded like pure defeat, your life was now over before it even started for the second time. Pure,  still somehow loving defeat. It held you in it’s arms, gently rocking you back and forth. ‘’No’’ was all you could say, repeating it over and over as a stream of tears inched down your face. The grimace you wrenched your face into out of sheer frustration was starting to ache. You couldn’t even tell what hurt and what didn’t, it was all just turning into one big mess.
 All you could do was punch the wicked thing’s chest, fully defeated.
 ‘’Shhh, baby. Papa’s gotcha’’ its words swam through your mind but you still couldn’t recall anything.
 You could feel its chin rest against your head. It seemed to radiate unbearable heat, not burning you but still making your skin crawl. The heat almost reached into your skull and through your brain like a snake hypnotizing its prey. Its claws sank into your skin in an effort to console you as it spoke; ‘’Now, care to do some explainin’ doll?’’
 ‘’I-I... I don’t have a clue as to what you mean’’ you stammered out.
 The thing snorted. ‘’You did just spend a good 20 minutes of my time, runnin’ through the woods’’ he spat out with very slight amusement left in his voice. Your whole body shook in disbelief. ‘’I... I have no idea who- or what- you are’’ you whispered so quietly that even a predator’s ears would barely hear you. ‘’Did I hear ya right, sugar? You’re claiming that you don’t know who I am...’’ he began to speak while lighting a cigar he had swiftly yanked from the depths of his frilly sleeve. He took a drawn out breath and spoke again; ‘’... although I’ve been railing ya pretty frequently for the past month or so’’
 You started to tremble again, your body was very obviously starting to shut down. Your face was painted in sheer disbelief. ‘’Ya wouldn’t be playing some kinda joke on me would ya, honey?’’ the loving tone in its voice tried to pull through as the clown attempted to understand what in the world was happening to you.
 You shook your head.
‘’It’s just- I’m- I can’t- I woke up this morning next to you’’ you whispered, desperately hoping that the thing would understand even a little bit. Even the slightest understanding from it- him- would drastically improve your situation. Another wicked snort from him echoed in your ears. ‘’Here’s the thing, sweetums’’ he began peacefully, giving you the slightest bit of hope that he’d understand.
 ‘’I don’t believe you, not one bit’’ he laughed, almost sounding like a snarl as a crooked pity smile crept on his lips. ‘’Boo-hoo-hoo, okay miss I don’t want to play with that old clown anymore!’’ he spat and quickly vanished into thin air, his voice still echoing around you. ‘’Have it your way princess’’ his increasingly fading voice growled.
 ‘’Enjoy yourself!’’ were the last words you heard from him. If there’s one thing you knew it was that you should have according to all logic felt more comfortable now that he was gone. According to everything you should be feeling better, at least a little. That couldn’t have been any less true. You were sat there in the middle of a forest you barely knew, feeling vulnerable and knowing absolutely nothing about who you were.
 You couldn’t handle it anymore, not like this.
Another note from Noa :
If anyone wants to be tagged when I get new chapters out let me know? I know it’s bad and the pennywise community is struggling to stay alive so I doubt but. 
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darkrimmedeyes · 5 years
Pennywise with Pregnant S/o headcanons
I tried my best ;3;
You didn't know how to tell him, he was an eldrich being that ate children, you weren't sure how he'd react to the news.
Of course you knew you couldn't keep it from him forever but until then you'd know how to warm him up to the idea of being a parent, hopefully.
He had noticed a change in your behavior, you were more skittish around him, you'd tense when he'd trail his claws over your stomach and overall seemed to be less physically affectionate.
He was confused of course but maybe that was a human thing, he had never been around one for as long as he was with you.
Then about two months into your pregnancy he could sense it, the change in your body and the babies deadlights forming.
He pretended to be oblivious, irritated that you hadn't told him that you were with his child but at the same time happy that you were pregnant.
One night when neither you nor him could find rest he carefully wrapped both his hands around your stomach, ignoring the way you tried to flinch away.
"When were you going to tell me?"
The question catches you off guard, his voice didn't give any indication wherever he was mad or not.
You know immediately what he's talking about, the way his hands move over your abdomen and belly left no room for doubt about it.
You hesitated before confessing that you wanted to tell him but were too scared of his reaction, after all, you didn't want to loose the baby.
He's relived by your answer and pulls you into his arms. Knowing that he's not angry at you, you turn in his arms to cuddle against his form.
He feels you crying against his suit, the weeks of pent up worry were finally catching up to you.
He began rubbing your back and hushing you.
"Don't worry my sweet mortal, I'll take care of you and the little one"
After that night he was much more protective about you.
He's more gentle with your body and picks up on any signs of distress immediately, he's become a living guard dog that will bring you anything you ask for.
You'll always feel his eyes on you when you go through your daily activities, sometimes you'll see a red balloon drift by or notice a figure from the corner of your eyes.
He insists on going with you when shopping for the baby. He'll accompany you as his human persona Bob gray.
He'll nuzzle against your baby bump once it becomes noticeable, he's very fascinated at how your body and hormones are changing to let his child grow inside you.
He's like your personal heater.
Roughly around your 5th month of pregnancy he'll start to make chittering and clicking noises against your belly.
You notice that every time he does it the baby will stop kicking.
"I'm talking to our little one, telling it that you need rest"
He'll take you to his nest during your last month of pregnancy, his instincts tell him that it's the safest place for you to give birth, here you'll be undisturbed.
You're a bit scared about having your child without medical care but he assures you that everything will be fine.
The birth itself lasted for an hour, Pennywise held your hand and comforted you through the whole process, whispering encouragements in your ear and trying his best to help make things easier for you.
Once you finally give birth he'll clean your child like a cat would with its new born.
He's absolutely ecstatic, for years he's tried to have offsprings and now holding the little version of you and him gives him a feeling of content and pride.
Once you'll feel better he'll bring you back to your place so you can rest on your bed and hold the baby yourself while he cleans you.
It looks a lot like you, it has your skin colour and the fuzzy hair on top of its head resembles yours but with a few patches of light ginger.
The second the baby opens it's eyes however you realize that there's no doubt who the father is. Both irises are blue with specks of amber and gold.
Pennywise will pull you in his lap and watch fondly as you nurse the baby. He's never been more at peace but now that he has a mate that gave birth his offspring he feels a deep satisfaction and happiness, maybe even love.
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myclownjunction · 5 years
BABY? Pennywise x Reader imagine
*hollers quietly* HE’S SO CUUUUTE!
*One day you return to see that Pennywise was nowhere to be seen, you were confused where is your boyfriend?
*You head mewl and wail, then you try to find the source, you go to your room and see a cocoon that moves and wails
*You take careful steps to your bed only to see
*PENNYWISE, but smaller, he was crying and drooling and there was a note that read
* ‘ From Maturin, I’m sorry but there was an accident and he turned into a baby and I can’t find Papawise, I will try but please take care of him until I find Papa! Maturin~’ 
*You are shooked, shaking and nervous, your boyfriend the Eater of Worlds is a baby now
*You pick him up and coo at him, this makes the little bundle of limbs calm down and coo back at you sniffing and giggling as remembering you
*You shake him and kiss his forehead making him goo at you and you smiled and giggle how cute he is, he just nuzzles to you and enjoys your love
*You have read all books on how to look after babies and you definitely are pro now!
*You take him for walks and he has your favorite plush toy because there’s your scent on it 
*He loves taking baths, can you imagine him, the more foam the giggly he is, you always keep him close to you, you sleep on a big bed
*You take bath give hit toys he turns into a baby shark or Kraken and tries to destroy the ship, sweet little destroyer
*He loves to turn into baby animals, brace yourself because cuteness coming!
*Put him into any attire but leave the ruffle on, go and buy him a bib! Forget the pacifier he spits or chews it into bits
*HE LOVES MEAT, so nothing else even popcorn he might get sick
*He loves when you sing him it makes him still and calm also very sleepy, he’s a calm baby and he loves you even in his baby form don’t forget it
*He loves to tangle himself, don’t worry he will untangle he’s a flexible baby, he loves to bite his leg like any baby
*He loves toys that he can chew his teeth are itchy so expect few bitten furniture
*When Papawise comes in you’re with Junior on your hands, he was speechless for few moments but then Junior felt him and squealed making Papa shed a tear
*” My little destruction! You’re small again, I’ll rip Maturin apart, this ba-!” as you shush him not to swear before Penny
*Papa is always there to look after him when you need to go to your job/college/university
*Papa always checks you out but he knows you’re his son’s mate and he will never cross this territory but damn you fine!
*Expect to have family time A LOT!
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“Daddy’s home from work, pet. Have you done everything I ordered you to?” papa please?
Warning: daddy dom, butt play
"Daddy's home from work, pet. Have you done everything I ordered you to?"
You spun around and pressed your back against the sink. You hadn't heard the older clown come in, but then again, he probably hadn't used the door.
"Papa, you startled me."
He smiled at you but it didn't quite reach his eyes. The warning was there.
"I asked you a question girlie."
You pushed away from the sink and dried your hands on your apron before folding them in front of you while you recited your chores. That seemed to please him and his grin spread wider.
"Well, you've been a busy little bee today. You must have busted your ass to get all that done."
He chuckled in his deep, smokey way and took a step closer. His eyes dropped down to your skirt.
"And what about the rest of it? Did'ya follow my orders?"
Heat rose to your face as you dropped your eyes in embarrassment, and nodded.
"Yes Papa."
"Don't mind if I check for myself do ya?"
One of the kitchen chairs pulled back from the table on it's own and Pennywise flopped down in it. He braced one hand on his knee and beckoned you with the other. It wasn't a request.
"Bring your ass over here."
You didn't bother taking off your apron before you rushed to stand in front of him. He shoved his hand up your skirt and you gasped as his warm glove covered your bare mound.
"No panties? Good girl. Now bend over so I can check the other place."
He grabbed your hips and spun you around until you were bent over the kitchen table, then lifted your skirt up around your hips. You felt his hands on your ass, kneading, squeezing, before he spread your cheeks open and laughed. His hot breath hit your skin and you bit your lip to keep from squirming. It was beyond embarrassing.
"You been wearing this all day?"
You nodded again as you felt him poke at the pink jewel of the butt plug. He tugged on it, but your body wouldn't let go.
"That's my girl."
He twisted it inside you, then slapped you hard on the ass.
"You've been such a good pet. I think you deserve a little treat. Whadda ya say?"
He didn't wait for an answer before he spun you back around and grabbed your legs. In one quick motion, you found yourself on your back, spread out on the kitchen table. Dishes shattered as the dinner you had worked so hard to prepare clattered to the floor. Papa already had his thick cock in his hand as he stepped on the chair and climbed up on the table between your legs.
"Don't worry princess, you can eat off the floor when I'm done with you."
He lined up and pushed into your cunt, stretching you, filling you to the line that ran between pleasure and pain while you clung to his shoulders.
"Then after you clean up this mess, I'm gonna pull out that plug for some real fun."
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misstgrey92 · 5 years
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alcinaslittlemaid · 7 months
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🎈𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕?🎈
Pennywise 17x Papawise 90! XFem!?Reader
I’m depressed again so y’all know what that means?
Comfort and kisses!+Fluff! from the 7ft clown 🥲🎀🎈
Tw: Self harm mention, thoughts of Sewerslide, shitty mental health, medication mention, mental breakdowns, attempts of overdose! Emetephobia!!
The fluff begins in the second ———
Grab a cuppa tea or coffee and Enjoy! 🍷
You curled up against the large plushies propped up against the wall of your bed, your whole body shaking, your eyes stung from constant tears that streamed down your soft cheeks. Your medication had not worked, causing you to stay up later than usual after pennywise tucked you into bed, before going on a hunt.
You cautiously got up, your mind blank, almost as if you were in a thoughtless trance, you began to make your way to the bathroom. Dried tear tracks coating your face, your pressed a sharp, metal blade into your arm deep, fresh tears dripped down your face, blood gushing out of your arm as you picked up a bottle of pills from the cabinet and began taking them all at once. Stood there staring into the mirror, the room began to spin violently, your throat filling with vomit and your motions becoming mindless and slurred, you became dizzy and suddenly everything went black as you numbly felt your body smack into the floor. ————————
You felt your body be lifted from the cold, hard bathroom floor, spit trailing from your lips causing a long line of drool behind your body.
“Is she alright?” A gruff voice echoed out in your unconscious state “she will be…” a raspy voice answered back as the sound of water sloshing filled your ears in an echoey way “what in the georgies dismembered arm happens to her arms?” The gruff voice sounded concerned “Long story, I’ll tell you don’t worry” the raspy voice replied. Suddenly, your lips were pressed against another pair, air filling your lungs “Come on Y/n” one of the voices puffed “
You sat bolt right up coughing and spluttering “fuck-“, you choked, vomit filling your throat as you puked into the murky water “Aughhhhh- Ayghhhh” you panted “Cough it up doll, it might be a gold watch” papa chuckled, happy that your alive “Now come here” you were suddenly dragged into a bear hug by pennywise, his soft, silk suit rubbing against you “Oh little lamb~ you scared me half to death, I thought you were a goner” You swear you could hear his voice breaking, his heart was racing in his chest
“Come here darlin” papa said pulling you into his arms, holding a fresh cup of water “here clear out your immune system a little” you nodded and almost downed the water immediately “Woah, Woah Woah doll face, slow down you’ll give yourself hiccups” he chuckled again before laying you down in penny’s nest pulling the blankets over you, penny dragging an anti bacterial wipe over your gushing arms “ARGH SHITT!” You snarled in agonising pain, papa smacked your head with a newspaper he was reading “language babydoll” he growled as he kneeled down by your arm, wrapping it in bandages and pinning them up “Shhhh it’s okay pet, shhh”
Finally, either clowns crawled in on either side of you snuggling into you with they’re arms snaking around as you all fall asleep, protected, snug and safe.
Penny’s hand snakes into your hair, drawing little circles on your scalp “Mine precious dolly” he purred drooling slightly on your chest❤️
I’m sorry for this sob story but again my mental health has declined rapidly so it’s a bit personal 😅
I’ll try not to post as much upsetting stuff
Love you all ❤️❤️
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sootrootdoot · 10 months
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doodles of pennywise my vers of him anyway lol also one with him as a sea monster thing because that happened in a dream once. also a papawise O_O ??????
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infptarius · 5 years
Got any Pennywise Christmas head-cannons for the holidays?
Okay all, this is my first hc, please take it easy on me. xD I’m hoping I do this correctly.
Penny (2017-19)-Pennywise doesn’t particularly care about human holidays, other than the fact that children are typically more closely guarded during them. That frustrates him to a degree, but he gets a sick, twisted pleasure out of finding ways to tie in traditions to his methods. (Those bells on the roof? DO NOT GET UP IT IS NOT A REINDEER.) (Trail of gelt on the floor? DO NOT FOLLOW IT, YOU WILL BE EATEN NOT EATING.)-He will likely try to eat his fill beforehand and just avoid humans all together during their holidays. He doesn’t like to think about the strange feeling he gets when he sees people being warm and kind to each other in large groups like that. (No one tell him he’s lonely, he’ll prove you wrong by eating you.)-Pennywise DOES enjoy the days after a particularly gifty holiday, as he can find plenty of new discarded items. They pique his curiosity sometimes, when he isn’t on the hunt for tasty fear. -He thinks any religious activity that humans engage in is both silly and pointless. He is the Eater of Worlds, the supreme being. His perspective- he IS our god, and we should be offering him snacks instead of doing our silly little rituals. (What’s it called Eds…? Gazebos?)
Penny x S.O.- If you want to spend the holiday with friends or family, expect a very disgruntled and possessive clown to return to, IF you can get away from him to attend.- If you want to spend your holiday with Pennywise, he will prefer that it be in his lair. It makes him feel warm inside in an unfamiliar way that he rather enjoys… he would never admit to that, though.- He would prefer to have your focus solely on him. You might want to read him stories so that he can focus on your voice, or stroke his hair and massage him… he might return the favor~.- If you decide to include him in your festivities by bringing them to his lair, expect him to not even try to understand. He will just look at you with an expression that says ‘this is so stupid.’ If you try to push him to participate things will likely just get destroyed in a tantrum.- If, however, you brought him a gift? He is all about it. His ego LOVES offerings. He doesn’t understand the context, you see. Don’t expect a gift in return to be waiting for you. He might pluck something he thinks you would be interested in out of the pile of items in the cistern. (Just say thank you, he’s trying.)- Want to introduce him to mistletoe? You’d best be aware he is not going to think it’s a one-and-done thing. You better be ready to go the whole nine yards if you start kissing him, because once again, Pennywise doesn’t do human traditions.- Bring him peppermint themed things, suck on a candy cane. It’ll get him excited to see all the white and red, especially if it has anything to do with your body.- If you insist that he comes to you, he will only do so after immense effort, and he will hate it. He’ll stand in the corner of the room glaring at you with his wall-eyed 'I can’t believe I’m here right now’ face.
Papawise (90’s)- This old boy is much more festive, and he has a blast during the holiday season.- He may not credit religious beliefs or rituals, but he will take any chance he can get to get off a few good laughs at the expense of some poor child’s sanity. (He’d probably cause hallucinations in a family’s children and estrange them from the adults for acting strangely, then sweet talk them into coming near a drain, a window, too close to a photo…. BAM. Holiday dinner.)- Papa will definitely barge in on a family’s celebration to scare the wits out of anyone he can while the rest stand completely unawares. Red and green balloons exploding and getting blood no one else seems to see EVERYWHERE? Yeah, he’s being an asshole.- Cigars. All the cigars. He’s not really celebrating the spirit of the holiday, but I mean when isn’t a cigar just nice? The aesthetic appeals to him.- Could eat the day before a holiday and still sneak out to see who he can scare up. He doesn’t give a shit about people being nice and lovey with each other, he just wants a delicious terror-stricken meal and everyone regardless of love is afraid of something. (Just… obviously one at a time, it’s no fair to gang up on him, guys.)
Papa x S.O.- Papa isn’t going to be fussy about where the festivities occur, but he’s going to be involved, and it’s going to be just him and you. - He’s going to show up when you’re not ready, possibly still getting dressed or preparing the food you’ll eat, possibly wrapping him a present. (You’ve probably learned by now if you’re going to wrap his gifts it had best be well beforehand on a day he would never assume.)- You had better have gotten him something good, too. Something classy. Something sophisticated….. Like a box of cigars. Or maybe some sexy underwear that he’ll get to take off of you. (If you’re with Papa, you know how much he likes to play Daddy.)- You both know it’s not because he needs or couldn’t get anything himself. It’s about you thinking about him. Papa wants his baby to be thinking of him.- With Papa, one thing you surely do not need to supply is mistletoe. He has come prepared. Whether it’s above your head or above his groin remains to be seen.- He won’t want to be in the sewers, there’s no real sentimental value there. He’s just fine with invading your home, your mind and your body.
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#2 Pennywise x Reader NSFW
Warnings: smut, sex in front of third person, slight swearing, calling him daddy (not a full kink)
18+ please no minors
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That was your favorite time of day, when you just came home from work, changed into your home top and skirt and walked toward kitchen to have a snack. But you only thought that you could have it, you almost entered the kitchen when your feet lost connection with the ground and the next moment you were squeezed and pinned tightly to the wall. "Oh Penny... missed me?" you smiled and damn who could doubt that any snack was nothing in comparison with what happened. "Well, more than you think, pet" he wrinkled his cute nose mischievously before putting you back down on the floor and towered over you to satisfy your height kink 'cause how damn hard he loved to watch you getting weak at the knees and all stirred up. He let his fingers running from your hips to your breasts barely touching you and you found his left hand crawling to your neck and clutching around it. Your body responded immediately with unbearable heat between your legs, and he scented you oozing. 'More than you think" he repeated himself and captured your lips with his. You almost cried out at that impetuous kiss but lowered your hands subtly and stuck your thumbs under elastic of your panties and pulled it down. Your small piece of cloth fell down to your ankles and you felt that Pennywise stopped kissing you but kept your lips connected. "I see everything" he mumbled against your mouth "So impatient", "It got too soaked, I should to.." you mumbled back placing your hand onto his one that was holding your neck and rubbed his knuckles sweetly. He pressed you into hard surface of wall with his weight, pushed his thumb to your jawline and turned your head to the side to lunge his ruby lips at your neck making you into a panting mess. But it all went slightly differently with a loud knock on the door that both of you hadn't heard at first. "Grr.. screw them! maybe?" Pennywise whispered in your ear and pressed into you harder trying to smother what remained of your conscience, but the next knock was louder. "Oh, love! I bet that's Papa Pen came to pay a visit to us! And from the insistence, he needs to vent" you put your arm around his neck and slithered your free hand into his fluffy orange locks, "We should let him in, I doubt he's gonna stay too long" you twirled his hair and he looked at you frowningly. Man, what a pouty thing! You couldn't help but had a hint of a smile despite your own frustration when he walked towards the door never taking his grumpy eyes off you and sound of bells completed each his expressly heavy step.
You stood beside the large armchair Pennywise was sitting in resting your elbow on its back. He was trying to talk to Papa, who sat in front of him, but couldn't stay focused because of your closeness especially since he saw your bare thigh out of the corner of his eye. He was making an effort not to stare at you when Papa's sudden call disturbed him "Boy! Boy! Hello? Are you listening to me?". "Aww shit" Penny shook his head guiltily but hurried to nod and glanced at him, just to realize that in general that was a random question, Papa just wanted to rant even not waiting for any feedback. Your cheered up monster slid to the edge of armchair seat to half-turn to you. "Oh, you come here now" he grabbed your arm in a flash, pulled you to step in front of him and tugged causing you to plop onto his lap. You instantly felt him hungrily nuzzling your neck behind an ear and rubbing your thigh with his hand, "So now it's much easier to listen" his voice sounded rather absentminded as he said that more to himself, but Papa didn't pay too much attention to it keeping droning on. Meanwhile, Pennywise made a small whimper as he hooked your thighs with his hands, opened them and got you straddle his lap with your back facing him, placed your legs over his long ones and then he slowly spread his knees making you open wider. "Oh yes, like that..." he gasped and you loved how hard his hot exhale turned you on. You knew that he remembered very well how you had gotten rid of your panties before Papa's coming and this tiny detail clearly drove him unstoppable. His soft gloved hand trailed back and force along your right thigh, then stopped at inner side of it under your skirt and started to stroke it in small circles with tips of his fingers while the other hand slid under your arm to cup your breast. Your sigh was absolutely inaudible but Penny sensed it and pressed his lips to your exposed shoulder blade giving you a good drooly hickey and it made your head spin, you were dying of desire and squirmed unwittingly, craving more.
What you felt next was your slick juices literally dripping on the floor. "Mmmhm my little princess got so needy" his fingers grazed your swollen clit on purpose making you shiver, "You love it when Pennywise has you so horny, I know you do" he hummed into your neck tucking the edge of your skirt under its waistband to get better access. He grazed your clit once more and another drops of your juices exuded, you both got so carried away and didn't quickly notice Papa Pen staring at you. Just for a second you were a little confused but right after that you got in the naughty mood and leaned your back against your lover laying your head on his shoulder snuggling into his ruffles. "Uh-oh" you mewled biting your lip and Penny's hand fondled your pussy squeezing your clit between his index and middle fingers sliding them up and down. You could fucking swear he cackled softly approving your sass. "I.. I.. I, of course I understand you missed each other and.." Papa started jabbering but you broke him off "Oh yes" you whispered still laying on Pennywise and cupped his cheek lightly drawing him towards you "I've been waiting for my Daddy.. all this.. fucking long day", and he touched your lips with his in a loud desperate moan as moves of his fingers got more intensive "And Daddy can't wait anymore", he reached down between your bodies lowering band of his pants enough to take out his dick, large, looking almost like human one, but marbled red and white with a bright red tip. You closed your eyes with a deep groan of pleasure as that flexible part of him started to rub itself between your opened slippery wet lips stroking them from each side like it was a long thick tongue. "Do you like this, little one? Do you like Pennywise pleasuring you?" he cooed hoarsely in your ear peeling up your thin top to grab your bare breasts grazing your firm nipples with his palms. "Fuck yes" you melted with sensations when his claws gently pierced into your chest, "Tell me, princess" he growled and you both seemed not paying attention to messed up Papa Pen. "Oh yes, Daddy, I love how sweet you stroke my aching pussy... Oh yes... Please, I want more..." you pressed your cheek to his pale neck panting hard, covered his hand with yours and pushed his claws more into your flesh leaving five tiny holes. Your giant clown snarled dragging you into a rough but loving kiss and wrapped his arms around your thighs to lift you like you weighed nothing resting his elbows on armpits of chair. "As my little princess wishes" he nibbled at your earlobe as his taut swollen dick slipped into you, "Fuck yes" you hissed through your clenched teeth. Yes, you two pretended that you didn't pay much attention to your guest, but apparently he had a problem and it turned you on even more.
Finally you peeked at how Papa moved his hand down diffidently and lightly brushed his fingers over his evident bulge with a jerky gulp. He couldn't take his eyes off your lewd action and he couldn't stop already, and the next moment hidden buttons on the front of his costume were undone. He opened the sides apart and pulled the bottom part down to free himself, and his painfully hard meaty cock immediately sprang out and slapped against his chubby lower abdomen causing him to sigh with relief. "Mhm.. C'mon, stroke it, Papa, jerk it off" you gasped relishing his uncontrollable arousal while Penny was giving you lingering deep slow thrusts. Your legs were dangling over his ones not reaching any supporting surface, and you bent your knees a bit more so you succeeded in putting your tiptoes on the edge of armchair. What a rush it was, to be able riding him, you arched your back to get a perfect angle defiantly looking at Papa. Pennywise didn't seem to mind giving you a little time to be kinda in charge, his growl coming from the gut sounded more than favorable and so sexed up. You rested the back of your neck on his shoulder and went a bit faster making him let out a husky moan, you enjoyed how swollen he was inside you and that girth filled you up completely. "Mmmhmm... so wet.. so tight.." he hummed in a low voice "You like taking my dick, don't you" he whispered caressing your right thigh with his palm, "Oh yes... yes... like that..." you were out of breath and groaned pressing your parted lips to the side of his jawline where you could physically feel his deep low roars. Your own sloshing fast thrusts were accompanied by not less obscene sounds from Papa Pen, with a lot of precum he was furiously sliding his fist up and down his shaft with loud slaps at the base of his dick never taking his eyes from the spot between your legs. All that brought you to overdose of lust making your insteps trembling and you knew you were going straight to the finish, "Penny.. oh Penny.." you whined and run your hand down seeking for soon release. "C'mon, pet, cum for me.. I know you're close" your monster's sensual murmur prodded you to finger you clit and literally two strokes were enough and you almost blacked out as you came so sharp feeling one wave of pleasure after another still putting yourself on his stiff dick and moaning his name. "Ooohhh damn" Papa's shaky grunt echoed along with his hard slaps and he shot his load all over his tummy when Pennywise clutched your hips and raised a speed to the limit and finally he spilled his thick cum in you with a deep satisfied groan...
You all spent a few more minutes getting your breath back after such intense sensations, Penny's cock was still in you as you got limp on him. Papa cleared his throat and broke the silence first "Khm... I.. I seem to be up late... but.. but can't say I regret it!" he stuttered picking some cloth out of his pocket and tried to do something about the mess he'd made on himself. Penny chuckled huskily adjusting your skirt and top and then he caressed your cheek pulling you into tender kiss slowly fondling your tongue with his while Papa was bringing his costume to its original condition. As he got buttoned up, he rose from the chair, nodded a little and made his way to the door. Your clown kissed your temple "Let's go to walk him out, love", he gently slipped out of you, all covered in your mixed juices, revealing a huge wet spot on his pants, he definitely loved that evidence of your hot fuck and just tucked himself in, then you both stood up and followed Papa. As you walked a few steps a lot of sperm leaked out of you making long trails along your inner thighs, your legs were still weak and suddenly gave way under you but Penny caught you by grabbing your waist and held you tight. Papa glanced at that and noted pretty soaked pants with a ribald smirk "Oh, that's my boy" he sang clapping your boyfriend's shoulder proudly, "I'm going home and you, you carry her to the bed now and take the best care of her, babygirl is tired! See you again some evening" he winked stepping out. As soon as the door closed he heard a thud against the other side of it and an eager moan. "«I missed my Daddy», part two" he declaimed to himself like compere and cackled.
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murderdaddymayhem · 5 years
Yandere!1990!Pennywise Headcanons
Requested by anon!
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Penny will watch you from different places. He’ll watch you from sewer grates, shower drains, and even through the window to make sure you’re not with anyone else who likes you
He gets jealous very easily. If you get a compliment from someone he deems threatening to his plans with you, that person will turn up missing or dead
He approaches you, and uses a couple jokes to make you laugh. Then he tells you he loves you, and gives you some balloons.
Honestly, he’s charming and you’re into him, but he’s so straightforward. You tell him you’ll think about things, and leave it at that
A guy you like confesses his love, and Pennywise overhears. That night while walking home, Penny stalks them, and lures them in by pretending to be you. He then kills them horribly
You start to notice a pattern with all the missing people… when you confront Penny about it, he just laughs it off and tells you how beeee-you-teeful you look.
You finally agree to start dating him, falling for the fact that he’d do anything for your attention. He’s overjoyed, and nobody dares develop a crush on you now
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clawtitties · 4 years
‘’Liar liar’’ chapter 4 / END(?) (Currywise x reader)
Note from Noa :  WELL this is presumably the last chapter! I really just wanted to bring this one to an end so I can pick up something else. The ending was really difficult for me to figure out so if it’s really bad I’m sorry- If anyone at all wants to see like an aftermath or something like that let me know (I doubt it but hey) 
this ones also quite a bit shorter because I didn’t want to slap a bunch of filler rambling in there- also like I said I wanted it to be done and over with lmao
‘’I know what you did’’ you whispered, your voice shaking along with your entire body. He looked at you with fake puzzlement. You had figured out exactly where you needed to be for this moment, and he had followed your plan almost to a tee.
 ‘’Whatcha mean?’’ he said, smiling. The sickly sweet mannerisms almost made you gag. This needed to end one way or another. You didn’t respond. Instead you slowly inched your hand across the kitchen counter you were leaning on. Truth be told you didn’t know what he did, not exactly at least. You had a gut feeling that he did do something to you, something about a monstrous clown creature acting loving and sweet towards what was at it’s very root it’s prey. That was exactly what you were, it’s prey, it was trying to lure you closer to him where you’d be the most vulnerable. ‘’Come on sugar, tell Papa what’s bothering you’’ his voice sounded almost like a snarl, like the sweet exterior was breaking. The bastard inched closer to you.
 ‘’You know what you did to me’’ you said, trying to sound as confident as possible. Inside you were absolutely terrified, he could do anything to you. He could tear out your throat in the blink of an eye, leaving you to bleed out on the floor. You considered for a moment whether death would be a viable option after all, there was no guarantee that killing him would bring back your memory. In fact there was no guarantee that you even had memories. Pennywise could have easily just brought you into this world to torture for his own amusement. Still, you had to hold on to the little hope you had.
 He said nothing. You were visibly shaking now, it was both out of frustration and fear. It was quickly becoming more and more apparent that you might not make it out of this alive. The clown’s eyes were quickly turning a bright amber, along with the anxiety and wrath building up inside you. You couldn’t take his bullshit anymore.
  ‘’You know what? Just fucking kill me!’’ you were screaming now, tears streaming down your face. ‘’Just fucking do it! Kill me, fucker!’’
 He stayed silent, tilting his head out of what you assumed to be confusion. He couldn’t sense your fear anymore, you took his power away from him. You wanted all this to end, one way or another. This was something he had never seen before, a human who wasn’t afraid to die. You wouldn’t be subdued anymore.
 You were staring at each other straight in the eyes. Tears still streaming down your cheeks, your face was wrenched into a pained expression. You were hanging on to whatever slither of hope you had left to stay as confident as possible. Dying was your last worry, the creature could easily just decide to keep things as they were. You’d be stuck forever if you made even the slightest wrong move.
 Within the blink of an eye he was leaning up against the very counter you were backed up against. He rested his chin on his gloved hand and scrunched up his brow in a comically exaggerated thinking motion. He let out a drawn out sigh and then finally spoke. ‘’No’’ was the only thing escaping his painted lips. Your vision started to blur a bit. What the fuck, surely he’d take enjoyment in snapping you in half? Thoughts were racing through your head. The facade of confidence you were holding up was cracking, and it was cracking quick.
 You weren’t facing him, but his glowing amber eyes were quite frankly digging into your spine. You carefully considered your words but the decision you made will never feel considered at all. You stayed with your back facing him, he wasn’t necessarily the last thing you wanted to see.
Another note from Noa :
Thank you to anyone who read this shit! I doubt it’s any good, but I definitely did at least decent for this being my very first longer writing project! I’ve written before for school and one whole supernatural oneshot, so I consider this to be my first writing baby! :^)
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Okay fellow Clownfuckers I have two new fanfics for you. One is a continuation of my other fanfic, The Real Me which you can find here. It’s just the next chapter. 
And this one is a new one with BOTH daddy and papa wise. Also in this one there’s an implied mention of Two Cents (PennyxPenny) if you don’t like then don’t read, I understand if you don’t like it.  
Anyways if you do, here it is! 
Hope you all enjoy!!!! 
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