#pennywise is shook
alcinaslittlemaid · 7 months
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Naughty Little Lamb~
Pennywise 2017xFem!reader
•Warnings: Smutty smut, degradation, spanking (a lot), angry sex.. and much much more, Mild DD/LG (tiny bit) uses of pet names
(I’m not great at writing buts it’s the red hour 😳🌶️)
Come join the clown~
The hour was very late, you had struggled to get to sleep and Pennywise had gone out hunting. You felt a familiar throbbing in your underwear, by god you were missing him so much, your hand slipped down between your silky thighs and coating your fingers were your own sinuous juices.
You smirked and began pleasuring yourself, grabbing your vibrator imagining penny’s long slippery tongue slurping your insides out, your toes began to curl as you bucked your hips in submission, your mind travelling further, now imagining how smaller tentacles would slither out, gripping your thighs to keep you in place, long slimy tentacles restricting your movement, as his long, hard alien-like tentacle is forcible pushed into your tight hole, the ridges of his length hitting your clit as he completely ruins you.
Trying to get his entire length inside your tight, little cunt, you were getting close, finally going to be rid of your need for him (until tomorrow that is) you were almost riding your vibrator with pleasure
“Dooonnnt youuuu Dareeee~” that taunting voice in your head rang out like a bell you had recognised all too well
“Fuck…” you whined “Watch your mouth little slut” the voice growled, it’s raspy voice grunted in your ear as you slowly peeked up at the darkened side of your room, there…two golden orbs stared back at you, dark red circles rimmed it’s golden stare
“Oh my~ look at the filthy mess you’ve made, you dirty little slut” pennywise barked, stepping towards you “my! Dirty little sewer slut” he grinned before sitting down
“Come” he snapped patting his lap “But you said I couldn’t-“ you attempted a joke, but the state he gave you was stern, cold and deadly
“I said…COME!” He snapped, before dragging you roughly over his knee, your ass now presented to him like his next meal on a silver platter “Ah! Ow your hurting me! Penny what the fu-“ you were soon cut off by his to clawed fingers “Good little girls should be seen and not heard” his fingers were almost in your throat, you hadn’t a clue what was happening.
“You’ve been such a naughty, filthy little lamb Y/N” he teased before hiking your skirt up higher, his tentacles keeping you tightly in place as his hand slowly lifted behind your rear
“Now, we’re gonna play a little game~” he began, you shook your head at his silly games, but he was having none of it
“your gonna count every time I spank that little ass” he continued “and if you mess up or miss a number, they’re gonna restart and be even harsher…got it?” He hissed, you squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp
“Ohhhh you wanna play hide and seek? Okay! If hide and I don’t find you in under 2 minutes I won’t punish you! We can doooo whatever you want~” he had crossed his fingers behind his back while saying that. You nodded and took off running, trying to find a hiding place he hasn’t seen yet, meanwhile the clown began to the countdown to your demise
“Shit” you winced
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
You finally found a spot, sliding into it and shutting the door behind you ever so silently, you sunk beneath the piles of sheets and bedding
“10! Ready or not little bunny! Mr wolf is coming to find you hahahah” He cackled maniacally and began searching for you, his boots thudding against the ground in desperation. This was horrifying, he could do anything to you…you could hear doors opening and the disappointed sigh when you weren’t there “Oh my little lamb you are clever..” He then opened the door to your linen cupboard “but not clever enough- oh! Oh fuck where on earth is that little girl?” He slammed the door shut and began walking away…or so you thought
As soon as you heard a door downstairs creak open, you poked your head out and began sneaking back to your bedroom thinking you had won.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground by his clawed glove “You! You are so gullible…you think I couldn’t smell that throbbing, aching slit? Hahaha oh little one, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! You are a fly in my spider web” he giggled maniacally in pure pleasure, before dragging you back to the bedroom, a thread of drool trailing behind and a sinful, sadistic look in his eye.
End of part 1🎈
Lemme know what y’all think and I’ll write the next part!!
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not-my-final-account · 8 months
Danny is Gotham
“Are we safe now ghost boy?” Paulina asked
“Yes we’re fine,” I would usually be nicer but I had a whole evening planned before some ghost threw Paulina into the ghost zone for No Apparent Reason! Besides, something had been tugging at my core all day, I just couldn’t place it and it was getting annoying!
“We have to-” I cringed over in pain and it felt as though my core hada been shoved under tones of pressure.
I gasped for breath
“-ost boy! Ghost boy!” Paulina asked, getting incresingly worried. I grunted “Ghost boy are you okay?!” she asked
“Fright knight, gaurd Paulina.” I grunted, and then I flew off.
I flew towards my city, my haunt. My knight. My bird. I didn’t really understand what was going on but something was wrong, horribly wrong, with my bird, he was asking for help and I was going to answer.
I summoned a portal and flew through into some place, but where I was didn’t matter. I was looking at some pennywise rip off hurting MY BIRD!!! and I saw green.
I carried my bird out and held him in my arms, using my ectoplasm to heal him. “Shh, it’s okay. I’m going to bring you to your dad, you’re going to be alright.” I reassured
“Dad?” my bird asked weakly
“Your dad.” I reassured
“W-who are?” my bird tried to asked
“I’m Gotham.” I said “I owe you a great debt little bird.” I said “Healing my city, I’m so proud of you.” I cooed
“I- I didn’t fail you?” he asked hopefully
“You could never fail me, or your dad.” I told my bird.
I was stressing, I pulled my cowl on and off, Batman couldn’t help, Batman never helped and now Jason was gone! Jason was gone. Jason Was Gone. JASON WAS GONE. JASON WA- the door opened.
I spun around to see the silhouette of Gotham hovering in the air
“Gotham, Joker he-” I froze as Gotham stepped into the light. He was carrying Jason and dripping in blood- not either of their blood either.
“If you’ll excuse me, there’s a clown I have unfinished buisness with.” Gotham said, so calmly.
Gotham seemed calm, and yet the city raged. The earth shook in barely supressed rage, the sky thundered in booming claps like a clock ticking, the ocean roared in fury and unyielding anger, the wind shrieked and howled in grief. Gotham was angry.
“D-dad?” Jason sat up and I nearly sobbed in relief “Dad, Gotham saved me.” Jason said, he looked at the blood on the floor “Dad what happened to Gotham?!” Jason asked worriedly
“Gotham is fine. I’m more worried about what he’s going to do.” I said
“He’s going to kill Joker.” Jason stated, then he tilted his head “You’re not going to try stop him.”
“I don’t think anyone can stop Gotham.” I said honestly.
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charliedawn · 1 month
Hi Charliedawn! Are you still doing requests? If so, how would the slashers react if Y/N pranked them of leaving forever? (You may ignore this if you want)
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"Hey now ! Where d’ya think yer goin’ ?!"
Freddy shrieked and was so loud he alerted every single slasher in a 50 miles radius and they all came to see you with your bags. In an instant, they all came forth and pulled you back. You thought you could leave ? Ah ! Nope. Better luck next time.
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Penny doesn’t sleep and can hear a pin drop from China. You aren’t going anywhere as long as he has decided he still wanted you around. Besides, he can also read minds. So if you plan to skedaddle ? He’d be the first to know and stop you. Or else you could also include him in the prank. That would make more sense.
Jack Torrance:
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"Darling ? What are those bags for ?"
Jack saw your bags and immediately understood. He clenched his fists and felt angry…but he then calmed down. He looked at you and sighed before asking.
"Is that…really what you want ?"
If you confirmed, he would let you go. Jack would understand that you want to leave. However, that doesn’t mean Jack wouldn’t try to dissuade you. He would tell you that the others would miss you—and so would he. But he wouldn’t stop you.
Michael Myers:
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The moment that man’s eyes would fall on the bags ? You can forget about freedom. He would wrap his arms around you so tight that you would almost be suffocating before carrying you bridal style back to your room and close the door behind him. After you told him it was a prank, he stared at you for a few seconds and you felt his need to murder you at that moment.
Do NOT prank the boogeyman.
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Bo *sees you*
You *see Bo*
Bo *sees the bags*
You *start running*
Bo *runs after you and tackles you to the ground* : "Where ya goin’, darls’ ? Thought ya could run away from me, huh ? C’mere. I’ll show ya what happens to those who tryna leave my ass behind !"
When you told him it was a prank, Bo stared at you and it took a few minutes for him to calm down. And when he was calm again, he started yelling. Because, WHATCHA MEAN IT WAS A PRANK ?!
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Brahms rarely leaves you alone, so he wouldn’t exactly give you the time to plan a prank about leaving. But the moment his eyes would settle on your bags ? Yeah. Not happening. He would stick to you like glue and refuse to let you go. Even after you explained that it was a prank, that boy wouldn’t budge. He has severe abandonment issues.
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"Go on. Leave. I am not gonna stop you, nurse."
Pennywise has seen everyone he ever cared about die or leave him. He has learnt to be impassive and cold when it comes to people leaving him. He wouldn’t stop you. But he would secretly hate seeing you leave. But when you told him it was a prank ?
He was mad. Very mad. He didn’t speak to you for days afterwards. Pennywise likes a good prank, but not about this. He has abandonment issues himself, but they manifest by his desperate attempt to not care.
Jason Voorhees:
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He went head first in the fountain of the hospital in his hurry to stop you. He saw you leaving and ran to stop you, only to end up tripping and rolling to fall in the fountain. You—of course—went to help him right away. You forgot all about the prank and checked that he was alright. You helped him out and he immediately hugged him tightly—refusing to let go until you reassured him that you weren’t going anywhere.
Norman Bates:
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Norman didn’t say anything. He simply stared at you as you pretended to leave.
But you could feel his eyes on you—daring you.
I DARE you to leave me, Y/N.
When you turned around, you saw that his face was relaxed—but his eyes were still staring at you. He was silently waiting. Waiting for what ? You didn’t know. You were about to step out the door when you felt cold sweat running down your back. Your hand shook as it reached out for the handle. And just as you were about to open the door—his hand enveloped yours. His other hand wrapped itself around your throat as he whispered in your ear:
"…Are you sure that this is what you want, darling ?"
You gulped and felt unable to breathe for a moment—even though he was barely squeezing your throat.
"It…It was a prank, Norman." You finally revealed and Norman smirked. He knew it was a prank. Or else, you wouldn’t have MADE it to the door.
He kissed your temple.
I did something similar if you are interested?
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Pride, Prejudice, and Pennywise
Sam Winchester x little sister!reader, tiny bit of Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Synopsis: Sam’s movie night pick leads to some discomfort for you, but it doesn’t last long.
Author’s note: hey guys! Hyperfixation is still going strong, I promise I haven’t forgotten about my Sherlock fic! I’m just having so much inspiration for Supernatural right now, but I’ll be back eventually with another chapter, promise! For now, enjoy the fruits of my hyperfixation.
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You and your oldest brother Dean had very little in common. For starters, he was the oldest Winchester, you were the youngest. He always agreed with your father, you rarely ever did–although unlike Sam, you didn’t voice your opinions often. Dean was stern, serious, and protective; you were always ready for a laugh. He was a flirt, you could barely hold basic conversations with people you didn’t know very well.
However, there was one thing you had in common with Dean; your hatred of horror movies. Although Dean hated them because he thought they were stupid and incredibly unrealistic; you hated them for a very different reason.
They terrified you.
Not that you would ever reveal that to Sam or Dean. After all, with the monsters, demons, and general malevolence that they faced during their occupation, you could hardly expect them to understand your fear.
But the brothers had kept you as far as possible from the hunting world, and watching horror movies just felt like a small snapshot of what your brothers must be facing on a daily basis. It was horrifying to think about. The horror movies just served as a reminder for all that you knew to be out there. Most people could watch those movies and brush them off as fiction; you couldn’t.
Unfortunately for Dean, and more so for you, Sam liked horror movies. The scarier the better for him. He claimed it gave him another angle to look at, a way to see the “fun” in their monster-hunting job. Well, that was all well and good for him, but you had lost many nights worth of sleep thanks to this little hobby of his.
Not that you could possibly tell your brothers–who had to be the bravest people in the world–that the unrealistic, stupid tv monsters scared you.
So instead, here you were, curled up in the small chair in the dingy motel room, Dean snoring in his bed and Sam enraptured in another horror flick. It had been his turn to pick the movie tonight, so horror it was.
You had tried to sleep through it, but you found that only hearing the screams, growls, and general fearful melee was much worse than hearing and seeing it, so you’d given up and gone to the couch to watch.
You tried desperately to look like the movie was gripping you with interest instead of terror, but you weren’t sure you were succeeding. Sam kept glancing your way, and you were afraid that it was because you were clutching your blanket just a little too tightly. Nevertheless, you couldn’t bring yourself to let go, even if it meant Sam figured out your secret.
You had become so focused on trying to look like you were enjoying the movie, that you hadn’t even noticed that it had gone to a commercial, and that Sam had gotten up out of bed to stand next to you. That is, you didn’t notice until Sam spoke.
“Hey bub, you ok?”
You snapped your head up to see Sam frowning down at you.
“Yeah-” you cleared your throat when you noticed that your voice came out a little too high. “Yeah, just great, why?”
Sam glanced at the tv and then back to you.
“Well uh, it's just…” he let out a sound that was half laugh, half sigh, “You look a little freaked.”
You tried to scoff, but even you could tell it wasn’t very convincing.
“Freaked? Why, because of the movie?” you peaked a look at Sam, and weren’t at all surprised that he clearly wasn’t buying it.
“We don’t have to watch it if it scares you.”
You shook your head quickly.
“It doesn’t.” You knew you’d spoken too fast.
Even though Sam wasn’t buying it, he shrugged and returned to his bed.
“Ok then.”
The commercials ended and the movie began again. It was reaching the climax, only getting scarier and scarier. This had to be one of the worst ones Sam had ever played.
You couldn’t hold back a tiny whimper at one of the more gruesome jumpscares; you were lucky that it wasn’t a full-on scream.
You were surprised when the tv suddenly clicked off, and Sam’s voice broke the short silence.
“Ok, come over here.”
You looked up in confusion, before hesitantly rising out of your chair and going to stand by Sam’s bed, still holding your blanket around you.
Sam lifted his covers, gesturing for you to join him under them. You instantly obeyed, darting under the covers and curling into Sam’s side. You had wanted to do that since the stupid movie had started.
It was silent for a minute or two before Sam decided to speak.
“You could’ve just told me that these scared you.”
“They don’t.”
Sam scoffed, “N/N. I know you’re lying. You know you’re lying. So how about, you don’t lie, and I’ll let you pick a movie to watch tonight.”
You looked up in surprise.
“Really? But it’s your night!”
Sam laughed softly.
“Really. Apparently I've been scaring the crap out of you every time it’s my night to pick a movie, so I think I owe it to you to get an extra pick, ok?”
You giggled, “Ok Sammy.”
Sam’s smile dropped after a moment and he sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You moved your head so that you could lean against his chest, comforted by his heartbeat.
“Because it's stupid.”
“It’s not-”
“Yes it is. You and Dean go out-out there and fight monsters, real monsters, and I can’t even watch it on tv! You guys are fighters, you’re brave, you save people, and I can’t do any of that! I’m a-” You swallowed hard. You hadn’t meant to let all of that slip.
“You’re a what?” Sam had sat up, dislodging you from your spot, and was now staring hard at you. “Y/N, what were you gonna say?”
You dropped your eyes to your fidgeting hands, avoiding Sam’s penetrating gaze as you mumbled,
“I’m a coward.”
You winced when you saw the tear drip onto your hand. Great, now you couldn’t even make it through a conversation without crying. Gosh, you were pathetic.
“Hey,” Sam ducked into your field of vision so that you had little choice but to look at him. You couldn’t help but think that his eyes looked sad.
He feels sorry for me. It was the only explanation you could think of.
“Don’t you ever say that, ok? Never again,” His voice was sterner than usual, an authoritativeness usually reserved for Dean in his voice.
You felt a sob bubble up in your throat, and you couldn’t hold it back.
“It’s true,” you managed to get out between breaths and tears as you leaned forward against Sam’s shoulder. You felt his hands come up to wrap around you, and he placed his head on top of yours.
“No, no it isn’t,” he said firmly. “Kid, me and Dean aren’t some great heroes, ok? We’re scared too, all the time. We just do what we have to do, even when we’re scared.”
You sniffle, “Exactly! And that’s why you’re so brave. But I can’t do that.”
Sam pulled you back, an incredulous look on his face.
“Are you kidding me? You do that all the time!”
At your confused look, Sam just scoffed and continued.
“Who summoned that demon in Phoenix last September? Who drove Baby–for the first time ever–at twelve years old to come and save mine and Dean’s butts when we were fighting that group of vampires? Who snuck past seven spirits to get to the grocery store to buy some dang salt when Dean forgot to pack more? That wasn’t us, baby. That was you.”
“You’re the one who forgot to pack the salt.”
Sam’s serious expression gave way to one of indignation.
“Hey now smarty-pants, I’m trying to help you here!” you giggled as Sam dug his fingers into your sides. When he relented, you looked up at him with a much more sober expression.
“But I didn’t fight anything.”
Sam shook his head.
“You don’t always have to fight something to be brave. Were you scared all those times?”
“Of course.” You felt a little ashamed to admit it, and you were surprised when Sam grinned.
“See? But you did it anyway. That’s what makes you brave, N/N. And do you know what I think?”
“I think you’re the bravest of us all.”
You blushed, “Sam, don’t.”
Sam laughed, “I’m serious!”
You giggled, “Ok ok, I get your point. Can we watch a movie now?”
“So wait, we’re rooting for Lizzie and Wickham, right?”
Dean awoke to the sound of your loudly dramatic groan as you responded to the middle Winchester brother.
“No Sam, he’s a douche. We’re rooting for Lizzie and Darcy.”
“But I thought Darcy was a jerk.”
“Would you just watch the movie!”
“I thought it was Sam’s night to pick the movie,” Dean grumbled as he sat up in bed. There was no way Sammy had picked Pride and Prejudice on his night. No. Way.
Sam just shrugged, “I let Y/N pick this time.”
“You let her pick Pride and Prejudice?”
Your voice was annoyed, “This movie is great, ok! Just give it a chance!”
Dean retorted sarcastically, “Yeah ok, sure.”
“I can’t believe she turned him down!”
“Are you kidding? After the way he proposed, no one would say yes.”
“I’m sorry Sam, did you even hear him? Most ardently? I don’t even know what that means, and it almost made me swoon!”
“You’re crazy!”
“Enough!” Both brothers jumped in surprise at your outburst. “You guys can debate this over the commercial, but the good part is coming up!”
“You’ve said that at least twelve times already,” Sam said skeptically.
“Yeah, and I’ve been right every time! They’re all good parts, trust me.”
Sam and Dean both grumbled, but sure enough they quieted down to watch the movie. You smirked. You wouldn’t have thought it possible to get Sam and Dean Winchester invested in Pride and Prejudice, but here you were. And it was great.
Best. Movie night. Ever.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
give me your thoughts x divider by @newlips the gif isn’t mine
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You shook with fear, watching as a giant clown crawled from within the drains, escaping the sewers with his golden gaze set on your scared form. You began to fear for your life, frozen as he began to stalk towards you, the rain hitting harder against everything. You watch with wide eyes as his foot catches on something, causing him to slip and fall to the ground, a loud splash echoing through the empty streets.
You couldn’t help it. After a second of watching the clown slip, you burst out laughing. You watch as he looks up and glares at you, but you can’t help but continue to laugh, clutching your sides as you lean forward. You forget that he was scary a few seconds ago and begin to walk off, still laughing, never turning around to look back.
Pennywise pouts, cursing the rain as he watches you walk off laughing at him.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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slasherstories123 · 1 year
Hello! It’s me again😅 and I loved how you did my request! Keep up the good work:) also I’d like to make another one (u don’t have to do it) of the same characters (Jason, Michael, pennywise and art) on how they’d react to their kid dressing up as them for Halloween:) maybe even a little toy weapon too! Again you don’t have to do this:)
Jason, Michael, Pennywise, and Art the clown’s reactions to x kid! Reader dressing up as them
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @mrs-heelshire @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @charliedawn @sleepypersonblog @slasherscrybaby @anim3l0v3r @kawaistrawberry21 @l0sercat
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Jason voorhees
This man is confused, Jason has big clothes so compared to you, his clothes are dragging you everywhere. When he looked for his mask he saw you with it along with his machete.
He immediately got worried and took away his machete, waving his finger in front of you to tell you no.
He took back his mask too, putting it back on his face. The idea of it being a mini version if him was adorable, but you aren't taking part in the killings he do.
“Aw come on dad! I wanna look like you!”
You could see him take a deep breath, helping his clothes fit you so you won't fall or trip.
He’d find a safer thing for you to hold instead of a machete and a spare mask he had. By the time he was done, he took a look at you, you didn't exactly look like him, but he was proud at the thought of you being a mini version of him.
Jason will teach you how to set up some of his traps after constant begging, but that, he won't let you take part in anything else he does. If trespassers walk by with candy he’s stealing it for you
Michael Myers
All you’ll get is a head tilt out of him.
But behind the mask, he’s Intrigued by your wants to dress like him.
He’s a proud dad. But he’ll take away the sharp knife you have, simply putting it over your head so you can’t reach. He’ll look down at you struggling to take it back
“Dad come on give it back!”
He shook his head and out the knife up in a area you can’t reach. Michael is all in for sharp objects or anything that’ll cause destruction but you shouldn’t do it
The closest thing he gave you was a wooden spoon. It’s not a strong weapon but it can kinda cause harm. “Really dad?”
Michael nodded his head at you, giving you a quick pat on the shoulder, then giving you a bag, it was Halloween after all, might as well get you some candy
Pennywise finds it cool. But also tends to forget that you aren’t like him, you can’t and will never eat people, you’re not a cannibal.
He finds it adorable though, you trying to open your mouth wide like how he does, but it dosen’t work since he can unhinge his jaw in order for the deadlights to show
He gives you lots of balloons, and you’ll laugh every-time he gets into character on catching someone, you may be a child but your fear dosen’t affect him somehow. Instead, your fear makes him protective.
Pennywise one day saw you put on make up so you can look like him, if your make up starts to chip or starts melting he’d help you put it back on, he isn’t good at it but he’s trying. He wants you to scare kids.
Pennwyise will Watch from afar when you get candy, sure he can shape shift into a regular human but he wants to test you, and by the time you come back, he picks you up in a hug while laughing
“Good job mini me!”
Art the clown
The happiest man on earth.
When he first saw you, he couldn’t stop jumping up and down in excitement. Art can be ruthless, but he’ll NEVER let you touch his trash bag.
The trash bag is a no no, each time you try to touch it he’ll lightly hit your hand while waving his finger in your face
But he’ll find fake ones or will find more friendlier weapons to put in your own trash bag.
He did your make up himself. He’s good at it too. Sometimes he’s rough with it since he dosen’t know his own strength
He’ll have a proud look once you put the trash hab behind your back and follow him through the neighborhood for candy.
If any kids make fun of you you’ll scare them, Art is proud of you for that. By the time halloween ends your bag is full of candy, you and art take the time to sort through the candies that you’ll like and don’t like, the I es he don’t like, he’ll keep.
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sadakorosee · 2 years
S/O fell off the bed sleeping with Raphael (Oneshot)
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Raph x fem!reader (Short fic)
Summary: Raph's S/O fell down to the floor from sleeping with Raph. Reader is 5'2 or below. (Shoutout to short readers) :3
Raphael is both tall and broad. His body can cover an entire bed space; what more to say when y/n was only 5'2 and she wasn't exactly chubby nor slim. She's a thicc chick.
y/n decided to sleep over at the lair because 1) training with Splinter starts early morning and 2) her house was a 20 minute walk. She felt she was exhausted to walk and asked permission to sleep over. Of course the Hamato family didn't mind. She is their family now.
It was [12:45am] when their movie Halloween was over and Mikey switched off the tv when he grabbed Donnie's arm while shaking.
"D-Donnie, you don't think Michael Myers is in the sewers while we're sleeping, do you?"
"Mikey, you're referring to Pennywise and he's from IT. Halloween murders occurs every Halloween, like the title is self explanatory enough." Donnie let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously, why did you pick that movie when you know you're terror-stricken by it?"
"We all know what's going to happen; you'd stay up all night reading any comics with funny scenes in it and laughed so loud even Sensei's noise cancelling headphones don't work." Leo shook his head.
y/n looked up at Raph confused. As if he knows what she's about to ask, he waved it off. "Sensei requested it after Mikey got his first stereo box. It was my fault though; I brought it back after I kinda broke Mikey's-"
"My skateboard, brah!" Mikey retorted.
Everyone was fast asleep by [1:17am] including Mikey- well, he's trying anyway. He cuddled his teddy bear and mumbled something pizzas and interacting with humans above.
y/n was slump on Raph's plastron/chest as it goes up and down slowly. His right hand placed on her back to keep her in position. To an outsider, it was a cute sight but from where's laid, she can faintly hear snores from her mutant boyfriend and groaned when it got louder. Her hand tapped on Raph's chest as a way to say keep it down but instead of lowering it down, he snorted in his sleep and surprised y/n, her body jolted from shock and ended up on the floor with a loud thud.
"Damn it, Raph." y/n whispered through her gritted teeth and rubbed her aching lower back.
Raph woke up immediately by the thud and saw her on the floor with an annoyed expression.
"What are you doing on the floor, darling?"
"Looking for any expired pizza under your bed," y/n rolled her eyes. "For god's sake, Raph, snore louder next time. I can't hear it from down here."
Raph chuckled tiredly and carried y/n back to bed, placing his arm around her while he lied on his side.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he didn't forget to ask.
"I might break my hips. Maybe I should skip-"
"You ain't skipping Sensei's training." His eyes already closed but his lips formed into a coy smile.
TMNT Masterlist
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
SPRING BREAK - Roman Reigns
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Just a little idea of mines 💡
"Y|N," I heard my name being called by my out of breath bestfriend as she came running back to where I was laid out on my beach towel. "Y|N." She repeated a second time after I had ignored her when she first called out to me.
I groaned silently, taking my shades off. "What, Tori?" I asked, propping myself up slightly on my elbows. "Why are you breathing so I hard?" I again asked, squinting my eyes, partly because of this bright ass Miami sun and partly because of Tori's huffing.
I mean she's breating so hard, you'd think she'd just ran a marathon or something.
Before answering me, Tori grabbed at her half drunked water bottle, taking a long sip, holding up a finger.
"Damn," She said once she had put the water bottle down. "I needed that. Like you don't even know." Tori added, a giggle escaping her lips. "It's hot."
"And you were just running like you stole something." I replied with a giggle of my own. "Or someone was after you."
Tori shook her head. "No, no one was after me," She began explaining, a smirk forming on her face. "But I did meet this guy at the bar and I invited him back to the house tonight."
Is she serious?
We've been in Miami for less than a day and she's already picking up guys at a bar and inviting him to the house.
Correction, my dad and step mom's beach house.
"Can't you just go back to his place or something?" I asked, with a sigh. "I really don't feel like spending my first day or any day of spring break listening to you moaning out some random dude's name. Plus my dad will kill me if they knew I had a guy in the house. You know how strict that man is."
Tori shrugged, looking around at nothing is particular. "Do you see your dad here?"
"Me either," Tori said, with a sigh of her own, the only difference between hers and mines, was that hers was more of a happy kind of sigh. "And you won't have to listen to me moaning out," She paused all of a sudden as if she was thinking. "Fuck, I forgot his name." She laughed as she leaned back on her towel. "But whatever, you won't be focused on me and the possibility of me moaning my guy's name because he promised to bring his friend so you'd have a guy who's name you could moan."
I shot a glare over at her. "I'm not fucking some random dude," I gasped out. "He could look like Pennywise for all I know."
"Okay, one," Tori replied, holding up a finger again. "I'm sure he's hot as fuck, cause the guy I invited back is hot as fuck and hot as fuck people tend to run in the same circles." She said making me almost choke on the coke I had just swallowed.
Did she have to say fuck so many times in one sentence?
"And two," Tori spoke up again, after giving me a moment ti calm down from my coughing fit. "If he did look like Pennywise, I won't let him in."
I nodded, leaning back down on my beach towel. "Better not." I playfully threatened, as I slid my shades back on.
"Oh and I'm not saying this will come up," I heard Tori once again speak up. "But if it does..." She did one of her dramatic pauses as her voice slowly trailed off. "Tell him you're twenty one."
The fuck?
"Why?" I gasped out, not getting an answer from Tori. "How old are these guys, Tori?" I immediately questioned again, still not getting an answer. "How old are they?"
"Bitch," Tori laughed, flicking a small amount of sand onto my leg. "Just do it."
I shook my head, brushing the sand off my leg.
I knew this wouldn't just be a relaxing girls week.
The thing I didn't know is how crazy our last week of spring break 2011 would be.
"Oh, god," Tori, exclaimed bursting in to my room, as I stood in the mirror. "I am so jealous of your guy."
I bit at the inside of my cheek, overlooking everything about my appearance from my make up, to the dress I was wearing. "Should I have gone with the tight fitted dress instead of the loose one I have on?" I mumbled, not having heard anything she'd just said.
Tori reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from my mirror. "Y|N, you're gorgeous, tight dress or no tight dress." She responded, placing her hands on my shoulders giving me a slight shake. "But did you hear what I said about my guys friend?"
Tori squealed, bouncing slightly as she still had her grip on my shoulders. "The man's so sexy, he'd make you orgasm just by looking at you." She said, causing me to give her a look.
"So did you?"
Tori, furrowed her eyebrows at me, tilting her head. "Did he what?" She questioned.
I huffed. "Did he make you orgasm when he looked at you?" I asked, just barely able to hold my laughter in as I realized how extremely ridiculous Tori's words sounded coming from my mouth.
"Nope," She pouted. "He didn't look at me. But I know what I'm talking about." Tori added, once again grabbing my arm. "C'mon, before you find something else to over analyze."
I sighed, allowing my bestfriend to lead me downstairs and into the area of the house where the guys were at, which I guess you could call it the game room or whatever.
I mean it has a pool table in the center so...
"Guys, this is Y|N," Tori said loudly, getting the two guys attention. "The person who owns this house, so if you fuck something up she'll fuck you up and I'll help." She spoke again, causing me to bite down on my lip in attempt to keep from laughing.
There was no way in hell, my five foot, three inches ass, and Tori's five foot four inches ass was beating these muscular men.
But I guess we'll have to try since Tori's put it out there.
"Y|N," Tori's voice rang in my ears, snapping me from my thoughts. "This is Chaz," She said, continuing her introductions, and even though she said Chaz, her eyes and his reaction seemed to say that she had gotten his name wrong. "And this is Joseph." She added, nudging me, I guess to let me know that was the friend who's here for me.
Damn, I thought.
Tori was not wrong about him.
"You could just call me Joe." Joseph, I mean, Joe said taking a few steps closer to Tori and I, his hand outstretched to me.
"Excuse me," Tori giggled, a bit sarcastically. "He's just Joe."
I nodded, ignoring Tori as I reached out to take Joe's hand. "Y|N." I replied, mentally cursing at myself for saying my name again, after Tori had just announced it literally thirty seconds ago.
"Nice to meet you, Y|N." Joe responded, flashing a bright smile to me.
If his gaze wasn't enough to make a pool down there, his smile definitely would get the job done.
"And I'm Chad." Tori's guy from the bar cleared his throat as I continued to have this weird moment with Joe, my hand still in his. "Not Chaz."
I slowly pulled my hand away from Joe's, about to respond to Chad only to be interrupted by Tori as she turned on some music from her phone.
"Enough with the names." Tori groaned, turning the music up even more than it already was. "Let's do shots!" She shouted bringing over a bottle of Hennessy, placing it down on the pool table to go over and search for shot glasses.
The fuck did that come from?
"Tori," I gasped, the second she came back to the group with the shot glasses and a bottle of coke, I'm guessing to chase the liquor with. "Where did you get this?" I asked, glaring at her as she gave me a look.
"From the bar downstairs." She said through clenched teeth, before forcing out a quick laugh. "Forgot you had it?" She asked, playing off my question with one of her own.
I guess not to bring suspicion to the guys or our age.
She did say to tell them we were twenty one if the question came up.
I forced out a laugh of my own. "Right..." I trailed off. "I guess I forgot I had that considering I'm more of a wine drinker than a Hennessy drinker."
Tori mumbled a barely audible, "mhm..." as she began pouring the brown liquid into the miniature glasses, handing them out to the four of us. "To spring break twenty eleven and to new friends."
Ugh, my dad's gonna kill me whenever he does come back here, and sees his liquor's missing.
But maybe he won't notice.
"To spring break twenty fifteen and new friends." I repeated after Tori, Joe, and Chad, throwing my head back and downing my shot in one gulp.
Fuck that burns, I thought to myself as the brown liquor quickly made it's way down my throat, then almost instantly threatened to come back up.
"Take a sip of this." I heard Joe say, as he reached out to me, passing me a plastic red cup. "It'll help it stay down." He added, a smirk now replacing his smile.
And even though he was smirking, it wasn't a sneaky smirk where I felt worried.
It was more of a proud smirk, I that makes since.
I took the red plastic cup, feeling the coldness from the coke soothing the burn that the Hennessy left behind. "How did you know I needed this?" I asked, just knowing my cheeks were red from embarrassment.
"The look you made was similar to the one I made when I had my first taste of Hennessy." He explained, with a chuckle. "Then I discovered it was easier with a chaser."
I nodded, biting at the inside of my cheek. "But I didn't see you chasing it." I replied, noticing Joe had only poured me a bit of coke, and none for himself. "And you definitely don't look like someone who's fighting to keep it down."
Joe again chuckled. "I'm used to it."
"Oh, well," I said, bringing my hand up to twirl a piece of hair that fell in my face. "Like I said, this isn't my go to."
"I know," Joe replied, coming a little closer, reaching out to tuck the piece of hair I was just twirling behind my ear. "You're more of a wine person."
"Exactly." I whispered, suddenly unable to tear my eyes from his.
It was now a little while into the party, the music from Tori's phone was blasting even louder and she had taken Chad up to the room she was staying in while we were here.
I was a couple more shots of Hennessy in and had finally built up enough liquid courage, as they say, to lean in for a kiss from Joe while he stood between my legs as I sat on top of the pool table.
After a few seconds of sloppily making out, I slowly pulled away, breathlessly, giggling at the smeared lipstick I left on him. "I got lipstick on you." I said, running my thumb along his lips trying to wipe as much off as I could.
"I don't care." Joe quickly replied, sticking his tongue out just enough for it to brush against my thumb, before bringing his face down to the my neck, almost immediately finding my sweet spot.
A soft moan escaped from my mouth as I bit down on my lips. "Mmm..." I mumbled, enjoying the feeling of Joe's lips on my neck. "Wanna move over to the couch?" I finally was able to ask, before letting out yet another moan.
Joe pulled away from my neck, lifting me up from my spot on the pool table, and over to the couch and the second he made contact with the leather couch, I pushed him back, allowing myself to be on top.
I leaned down, reconnecting my lips with his, my hair falling around us while our tongues fought for dominance.
His hands slowly traveled up into my dress, stopping at my butt, as he pushed me even closer into him.
It was like my body now had a mind of its own as my hips began to rotate on top of the buldge that was now poking through his jeans.
The feeling of him pressing up against me giving me a sensation I don't think I've ever felt with any of the other guys I've been with in the past.
What is it about this man?
But as fast as the feeling had started, it stopped when I heard my bestfriend's voice getting closer and closer.
"I promise I wasn't squinting at your dick, Chaz," I heard her say, as I glanced down at the man underneath me. "It was something in my eye, that's all." Tori spoke again, her voice and footsteps now sounding like they were right outside the room Joe and I were I'm.
A loud scoff was heard, followed by Joe's friend's voice. "Oh, something just so happened to irritate your eyes the second I took my boxers off, Tori?"
Feeling a laugh coming, I immediately clasped my hand over my mouth.
"It was a coincidence." Tori replied.
"Joe..?" Chad could be heard calling out, seemingly ignoring Tori's previous statement. "Joe?" I heard him call again, before eventually coming into the room where Joe and I were. Tori following closely behind. "Ready to go?"
Joe shook his head, a frown forming on his face as he looked from his friend to me. "Do I look ready to go?" He sarcastically asked, motioning to me as I sat comfortably on his lap.
"But dude, you drove." Chad mumbled, awkwardly standing in the doorway, eventually letting out a sigh when he realized Joe had zero intention in leaving right now. "Fine, I'll just walk." He said, turning around, almost bumping into Tori as she made her way into the room. "And for the last time, my name's Chad not Chaz." He told her before disappearing out the room, and eventually out the beach house.
"Whatever," Tori said smirking as she walked over to the couch me and Joe was currently occupying. "Looks like it's just the three of us." She added, squeezing in the narrow space that was left on the couch.
I pouted, leaning my head down to reat on Joe's chest for a second before bringing it back up, glaring at my bestfriend. "Seriously Tori?"
"What?" She asked back, pretending to be clueless as to why I was quickly becoming frustrated with her.
I rolled my eyes, looking down at Joe.
Lust was very much evident in his eyes, as I'm sure it was in mines.
Was I really gonna let her ruin the mood between me and him?
Fuck no, I mentally answered myself before I quickly stood up, extending a hand to Joe as he looked slightly confused.
"Let's go upstairs to my room." I said, quickly pecking his lips.
The taller and much bigger man nodded silently as he held onto my hand and allowed me to lead him upstairs.
I don't know what had gotten into me.
Maybe it was the few shots of Hennessy.
Maybe it was the sexy stranger I'd come to know as Joe.
Or maybe both.
But whatever it was, I knew I wasn't ready for the night to end.
Not yet, anyway.
"Don't forget to use a condom!" Tori yelled put as we made our way up the stairs.
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Could I possibly have some slasher bois (primarily Jason, Pennywise, and Bubba) reacting to a s/o who when on their period just kind of, shut down and sleep a lot. Been having those bad period days lately.
(I’m sorry this took literal years 🥲)
- Jason only has a vague idea what periods are, the concept horrifies him! His partner had to teach him everything
- He’s amazingly attentive, refusing to leave them for long unless strictly necessary
- S/o has to be the one to go into town for period supplies, so Jason can’t help :(
- This man literally tamed a rabbit because you cried about wanting to hug something soft last time. What a guy!
- Some periods are bad, full of pain and snapping. He knows it���s not your fault you’re so angry, and he’ll take your yelling if it makes you feel better. You always cry and apologize anyway, he knows it’s just the period.
His darling had come back to bed after rushing out, looking sick and exhausted as they collapsed beside him with a groan.
“I living person shouldn’t bleed that much.” They complained, wrapping their arms around him and snuggling into his chest. They always got cold on their period, so he’d scrounged as many comforters as he could to keep their mattresses insulated. He hated to see his lover shiver, the lake got so cold in the mornings, mist hanging over the water like a spirit that spread through the camp and spread its cold.
Jason knew that living people could bleed a lot, himself included, but he figured that this was a different situation and his person didn’t want to be corrected.
So instead he stroked their hair as they dozed on his chest, a fitful rest full of tossing and turning. He should make them their favorite food later! He’d need to cook it far away though, they always hated the smell of cooking meat around this time.
He traced words onto their skin, declarations of love and admiration as his little lover slept. Every time they made a noise of pain and curled around their stomach his heart hurt, he wished he could do more!
His darling had once told him that being there was enough, and so he was determined to stay for as long as possible.
The can alarm jingled.
“Go, it’s fine.” His s/o muttered, sliding off him to retreat into the blankets. No it wasn’t! He would have to leave them! Alone and vulnerable! What if one of those nasty people broke in and tried to hurt them!
Jason was going to prove how much a human really could bleed, and then he was never leaving his s/os side, that much was certain.
- Pennywise knows all about periods and their quirks
- He gets annoyed how boring you can be, but he understands you can’t exactly help it.
- He loved you for your human quirks, which includes the less lovely part
- Tbh he likes the smell of the blood, but when he said that they threw a pillow at his face.
“Humans are strange.” He shook their limp arm as his human was curled in his lap. One of the perks of being a creature beyond human understanding was the fact he was always the perfect size, and his human could fit in his lap like a kitten if they wanted.
“So’re you.” They whined, curling tighter against his ruffles, a throw blanket emblazoned with woven loons and chickadees wrapped around them. He had given them the nickname of Loon once as an insult, but instead had been bombarded with childhood memories of calling out to the diving bird, of red eyes like his own being drawn on paper plates at a log cabin. The nickname stuck.
“My dear Loon, you are the strangest creature of all.” He cupped their squishy little face and peered into their beautiful human eyes, eyes like the Maine sky on a clear day, like the pine forests that stretched endlessly and hid dead in gnarled roots, of muddy lakebeds full of fish and stones and secrets. His human was a wonder of this world, the only wonder. He was older than time itself, had seen countless humans pass like cattle, had seen thousands of memories and life stories end, but this human, his human, was special. They were his everything, and he’d never quite be convinced they were only a human and not some otherworldly being.
One day he’d discover a way to keep them alive forever, and he’d find a way to stop their human ailments like this period while doing it. His human deserved the world, not the pain of biology.
“Yeah, yeah.” He let their head fall from his gentle grip to lay against his chest once more, beautiful eyes closed and breathing even. He may be a creature of fear, but they would dream of home tonight, of escaping into endless pines and swimming in a lake, he’d make sure of it.
- He has to learn about female biology since he grew up in a male dominated family, it’s a long and slow lesson but he grasps the concept after a bit
- It’s hard for him to imagine such a thing and why the body does that! He knows a lot about bodies, and that was a weird thing
- On the bright side anatomy lessons are easy with a diagram
- He’s the sweetest and most attentive boyfriend during this time. All he wants to do is love you and hold you until the monster goes away
- He hates having to do work for once, actually standing up to his brothers if they try and tear him away or -gasp- say something mean about you!?
- He doesn’t see why anyone would be mad at you for such an ailment
“I’m okay hon, don’t hover.” His s/o scolded gently as they walked around the kitchen. It was more of a hunch, arm wrapped around their middle and face drawn tight with pain. He wanted to scoop them back in his arms and bring them back to bed, but they had insisted on getting up to make breakfast for the boys. Southern ideals and all that, though he would have been happy to cook, he used to anyway. He knew his s/o just liked helping however they could, and this was all they really knew when it came to the weird life their family led. Drayton even let them use his kitchen, so that was proof they were a good cook, he just wished they didn’t feel the need to right now.
He made a soft noise of discontent, sitting in an aged stool that creaked under his weight, watching them intently.
They were so beautiful. They insisted they weren’t, but he knew better. Plenty of men, and some women, he’d seen watch them, and while he didn’t like it he knew his partner was a capable person and could care for themselves. They were the most loyal person he’d ever met, and they saw something in him that he couldn’t.
“Fuck!” He watched them drop an egg as tried to crack them into a bowl to beat, the egg shattering on the floor. They had always been a bit clumsy, so this was hardly a shocking event.
But- but instead of cleaning it up with a little smile and self deprecating joke they sniffled. Tears welling in their soulful eyes and hands shaking as they scrubbed at their face.
He stood up in a panic as they let out a strangled little cry, stifled by their hands over their mouth as they hunched away, trying to hide.
He hated not being able to talk sometimes, how they could avoid listening if they didn’t look when he signed.
He lay a hand on their shoulder, dwarfing it.
“I’m okay, give me a second.” They protested, trying to shrug him off before giving up to lean into him. They looked exhausted, ready to fall asleep there in the kitchen. They should be in bed!
‘I make.’ He signed in front of them, arms around them and chin on their head. They fit against him like a puzzle piece, a perfect fit.
“No, I… You know what, fine.” They sagged into him, letting him scoop them into his arms without protest. He would’ve been able to carry them even if they did, but he hated forcing them to do anything they didn’t want to, it made him sad.
“Once this is over Drayton and I are making Texas style barbecue I swear.” They sighed into his shirt as he carried them to bed, tucking them under covers and throw blankets he’d taken from the empty cars. He would look forward to that, their barbecue was amazing.
He smoothed down their hair, pressing a kid to their head before lumbering off to furnish breakfast before his brothers woke up.
I’m not dead! Suffering from my own bad period, but not dead. Endometriosis is a bitch let me tell you! I made do other slashers too, I really want to do a Carrie piece, but for now here.
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~ My Flesh ~ Thomas Hewitt ~
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warning : +18, minors don't interact, smut, chainsaw play, knife play, blood drinking, cannibalism, praise kink, angst, hurt, tiny comfort, mutulating a corpse, death
Summary : Another night past, she continued to look around for her car keys. But next to her husbands she finds herself in the hands of the cannibal.
next chapter, masterlist
It seemed like an eternity before she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The warmth of the wax and the room through the water came to her.
Nevertheless, the goosebumps did not leave her body when she stepped out with the towel. Looking around, however, she found that Vincent had disappeared.
She was alone again. Sighing, she looked for her dress but it seemed to have been either taken or broken by the killer. Looking around, she was surprised to find a new dress on the bed where she had been lying before.
Not completely new, the individual wax and blood stains let her know that it had already been worn. ,,The dress of a dead woman" came over her lips as she put it on and dared to go out into the corridors. Still looking for the key and her freedom.
The question of where exactly her car keys might be crossed her mind. But in the end she only had the option to keep looking. Still on the middle floor, she only had the option of going down or up. They're upstairs, she thought, thinking of the Ghostface killers.
They hadn't touched her last time and otherwise they seemed to be less of a threat than, say, Pennywise. But the clown seemed to be the biggest mystery under Freddy. Maybe the supernatural really existed? But they hadn't really helped her when Brahms came. She shook her head above, she wouldn't get far.
Except to feel Michael's uncomfortable presence on the back of her neck all the time. Something she wanted to avoid. So she decided to go down another floor. Maybe the keys are at Eddie's she thought as she tried to look somewhat normal again.
She smoothed out her dress, tidied her hair and tried not to tremble at the slightest movement in the shadows. Eddie Gluskin seemed to have been down here the longest. He was her first husband of eleven. He was the one who wanted her from the beginning. He had to have her keys.
Her footsteps stop in the hallway as she walks down the corridor towards the lift. Neither Bo nor Vincent nor Peenywise had shown up to bother her. ,,It's almost too quiet," she muttered and stood in the lift, about to close the grate when she flinched and stifled a scream.
Michael emerged from the shadows, his head slightly tilted as he watched her. In the silence she heard his deep breaths, the two black holes in his mask watching her and his knife still in his hand. Is that what he gave me? she asked herself, wondering anyway where all her wedding presents were.
They would turn up again. ,,I'm going downstairs, Michael," she told him, pointing to the lift display before it started moving and she disappeared from his sight. He frightened her.
His silent way of moving around just like Jason. The two of them scared her the most in that respect. Not to mention that she was still dependent on the protection of her husbands.
Although the patients in her mental state knew that they had to avoid the eleven, this was not the case with her. She shuddered when she thought of the scene in the kitchen. It's only a matter of time, she thought, biting her lip as she thought of the clown.
He seemed to feed off her fear, the first time she met him was enough for her. For a moment she seemed to feel his teeth in her skin again.
A painful memory. Shaking her head slightly, she heard the lift stop and she arrived at the lowest floor. ,,Searching," she murmured and began to look around in the still somewhat lit parts of the lowest floor. Easier said than done.
The lights seemed to get dimmer by the minute. With every step through the corridors, into rooms and corners, it seemed to get darker. She found her way to the lift and to Eddie and Brahms' room again, but she didn't knock.
Her hand hovered for a moment in front of the wood. But when she thought of how Eddie might react, she said. He would probably just take me on the bed again she thought and felt uncomfortable before she hurriedly went on.
Through more corridors and hallways before she stopped at a junction when something caught her eye. She let her gaze wander for a moment before something like joy appeared on her face. ,,My room," she said delightedly and opened the door to the room where she had woken up chained.
After touching the light switch, the single naked bulb came on and illuminated the bed. Before she discovered an old table that actually contained her gifts. Going there immediately, she looked for the knife but did not find it. ,,Are you looking for something?" she suddenly heard a voice behind her and saw Freddy grinning at her, leaning against the wall.
She saw him watching her, didn't know how long he had been standing there until his blades were dragging across the wall, leaving furrows. ,,My knife...where is it Freddy?" she asked, trying not to let her discomfort show. But the demon only smirked before the light flickered and it suddenly went dark.
Instantly the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, her heart beat faster and she was about to rush towards the door when it suddenly disappeared. ,,Let me go, I'm awake," she urged him and pressed herself against the wall to have something against her back.
She was awake, she felt the cold, her heartbeat, she felt everything. She could not sleep. She heard his laughter, the sounds rubbing against each other. Suddenly she felt a strand of her hair being tugged and twisted.
She flinched and wanted to flee, but fear had taken hold of her. ,,Clever girl," he purred before the light in the room went on and she was alone again. She felt her legs threaten to give way for a moment and she pressed herself even harder against the wall. Her fingers went to her hair.
The strand had been cut off. He had touched her indirectly. It was only a matter of time before he would strike. Dragging herself along the wall, she came back to the door.
She opened it and was about to run into the corridor when she bumped into someone. But instead of something warm and human, it was cold steel she ran into. ,,Thomas" she said quietly, the name of Leatherface who was holding his chainsaw in front of her and she had run straight into it.
She swallowed, knowing that all he had to do was turn it on. One switch on and her body would be cut horribly in half. She slowly moved back into the room, wanting to get away from him. Please not now she thought and had already put her hand on the door when he simply took her by the wrist and pulled her out again.
She hissed at his grip which was painful, not bone breaking but it would leave a mark. ,,Please don't, not so hard, I'm coming with you" she tried to persuade him but he continued to pull her silently behind him towards the lift. Thomas Hewitt had hardly noticed him, even less than the others.
But his sudden appearance frightened her. Especially because she knew he was a cannibal. Just let it be the night, she prayed inwardly as she got into the lift with Thomas and they rode up in silence. She tried to put as much distance between them as possible. But because of his height and width, in addition to the chainsaw, this was hardly possible.
Only when the lift opened and they got out did they have some space. She knew where he was pulling her. She knew they were going towards his room. They had almost reached the door when they suddenly heard a noise.
At first she thought it was one of the other murderers, but when she saw that it was just another patient, she calmed down...no, she even felt safe. A strange thought but she still blamed it on her encounter with Freddy. She heard Thomas grumble something that she could best translate as ,,Wait". She should have run away, screamed, run and just get out of here.
But she didn't. She knew that if she ran now, she would trust the older one to kill her. Instead she stood still, trying to calm herself somehow as she watched the horror before her eyes. Thomas walked towards the patient, the sound of his chainsaw before he suddenly lunged and thrust it through the patient.
Screams mixed with the noise of engines and blood and organs splattered to the floor. But what brought the nausea to her body was when he dragged the lifeless body behind him to come back to her before he opened the door and they both went inside. ,,Oh...this is ehm...nice" she tried to pretend to be interested as she almost threw up. The whole room was strewn with bones, corpses and other human and animal remains.
Coupled with a hint of old sixties and seventies furniture and wallpaper that could be found, and a risque butcher's cleaver hanging from the ceiling. It was the very hoe on which Thomas suddenly found the body hanging. It was disgusting.
It took all her strength not to vomit on the floor. Instead, she stopped, still slightly unsure, and looked around. Before she heard the grumble of Thomas symbolising her to come closer. She nodded slightly and followed his instructions before coming to him.
Suddenly, however, his risky hand was on her shoulder and he began to tug at her dress. ,,No wait!" she shouted, signaling him to wait. To her surprise, he did, although for a moment he seemed slightly confused by her reaction.
She took a shaky breath in and out as she took the dress and pulled it off over her head. Carefully she laid the dress on a table and made a makeshift attempt to cover her breasts and intimate areas. This is worse than Vincent's she thought and lowered her gaze to the floor.
She feared that any second he would grab her and put her out of bed. She flinched as she felt him place her in front of the dead body. She looked up slightly and saw him move away from her and pull on an iron chain that lifted the body slightly over her. ,,Shall-Shall I help you?" she tried, hoping it would just be over.
Everywhere she looked, death seemed to be looking at her. She suppressed a sound of fear as she saw him grab a large butcher's knife and come towards her. ,,Don't!" she screamed as she saw him lunge and she closed her eyes. But he wasn't aiming at her, instead she felt the patient's warm blood run down and cover her naked body only seconds later.
Thomas had cut the dead man's throat and the blood that was still in his body flowed down onto her naked body. It was warm, sticky and it seemed to take her over completely.
The more she breathed in, trying to swallow her panic, the more metal she smelled. It was intoxicating and dizzying. But she didn't have time to wipe the blood off, instead Thomas grabbed her and threw her onto the bed.
She could feel the decompression sticking to her, the blood not leaving her body and the bed turning red. ,,Thomas, I-" she was about to try to reason with him when she saw not only his intense arousal but also that he had the chainsaw in his hand. She fell silent and pressed herself against the wall behind her, trying not to scream.
He came closer, the glint of hunger and excitement in his eyes. The blood excites him, she realised, feeling not only her aversion but also how the blood and the temeparut fall and rise had hardened her nipples slightly. She felt the blood all too clearly on her.
Before she suddenly felt the cold sting of the ketensaw on her arm. ,,Please...don't" she pleaded and looked at Thomas. She saw lust behind the mask. She felt him move the steel from her arm to her torso up to her breasts. The small metal hacks of the chainsaw scraped across her sensitive nipples with just the right amount of pressure.
He knew what he was doing and something told her that this was apparently not the first time he had done this. She felt the metal clench lightly against her, stronger for a moment, weaker for a moment.
How her body reacted unwillingly before he let go of her breasts and she gave an unwelcome sigh. She heard his breathing grow heavier, more excited almost needy. She winced as she suddenly felt the cold metal go up her leg.
With every centimetre he moved closer to her centre, her heart beat faster and faster. ,,You...Thomas...you can do better than that, can't you?" she asked, hoping that she would get him to back off. But she saw that he seemed to ignore her, and the metal moved further up her leg.
On her heated body it felt pleasant in spite of everything. As if she were putting ice on the hot spots. But she couldn't escape, she was already too pressed against the wall. She was tense, aware of the danger of the machine, but still. But she felt her heart beating faster, and not just out of fear.
She had truly been down here too long. ,,Please Thomas...I know you are good-show me how good" she stammered as the first spikes of her sex were only a hand's width away and she was afraid of what he would do when he had achieved what he wanted. But he stopped. Suddenly he stopped and looked from the machine to her.
She saw something change in his gaze, he seemed to be enjoying it. He wants praise, she said in a flash. She leaned forward slightly and felt the blood move slightly before her fingers ran over the cold machine. ,,Show me how good you can be," she encouraged him, flinching as he lifted the chain sails and moved them slightly in front of her.
Before she gave him an encouraging nod and also weighed the body. It was only moments before the machine started and she whimpered slightly.
Before she saw him use the machine to further abuse and dismember the already destroyed body. She heard the bones crack, the blood splash around and the intestines hit the floor.
Before the machine was placed on the table by Thoams, the engine still running and she felt small new splashes of blood covering her. Before she suddenly saw Thomas coming towards her and taking off his apron. The old shirt revealed much of his body.
Although he was taller and broader, she could clearly see the strength that resided in him. She saw the distinct bulge that appeared on his trousers. This won't...fit she thought and winced as he joined her on the bed.
She felt the bed creak and the old mattress sink slightly. She wanted to try to get off the bed but felt him practically overpower her with his body alone.
She had no chance to escape. Instead she felt his fingers go to her hair, the once soft strands sticky with blood, but Thomas didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, it seemed to please him.
The more blood on her body seemed to excite him even more. I am his food she thought in shock and feared the worst. But Thomas seemed to have his own plans. While he used his one hand to explore her body.
Her breasts in a semblance of massage, feeling the softness under his fingers, he used his other hand to lay her down on the bed as gently as he could.
She resisted, but she doubted he had even used his strength to push her down. The bed squeaked as he repositioned himself but did not let go of her.
She could still feel his big hand on her breasts, he could probably have doubled them over. She shuddered as she realised how big he actually was. She felt his arousal on her thigh as he leaned forward slightly.
Let go of her breasts and ran his hands along her belly and side. She felt him smear the blood, spreading it even further over her body. She saw how he seemed to grin as his leather mask slightly consumed. Before he suddenly leaned down and licked the blood from her breasts.
She gasped in surprise as he almost aggressively licked the blood from her body, even biting her lightly and seeming to try to get her blood.
Her hands alternated from the bloody stuff to his arms, she felt his muscles under his shirt, felt him wanting more of her. She tried to concentrate on him, the arousal flowing slowly through their bodies.
For a moment this seemed to work before she suddenly felt something cold and sharp against her stomach and suddenly opened her eyes. ,,Thomas!" she cried out, half pleading, half frightened, as the cannibal pressed the point lightly into her belly.
She hissed and tried to push him away, afraid he would disembowel her. But he did not move. Instead he pushed the tip further in and she cried out briefly as he broke through the skin and got what he wanted. Her blood.
Instantly she felt his warm tongue running over her wound, taking as much of his blood as he could get. She felt his arousal twitch, how he wanted more and his other hand went up her leg. She tried to close her legs but his one hand was enough to open them again.
She let out a sigh mixed with painful sounds through the wound. As Thomas' fingers rubbed over the small tender spot. He had heard her reaction, looked at her and repeated his movement. He felt her legs trying to close again, twitching slightly as he increased the pace.
How she laid her head on the pillow and the words of praise reached his ears. Before she heard the rattle of fabric and the unbuckling of a belt. Tension was in her body as she saw him place himself, the blood that was on his hands now on her centre.
It was the mixture of her blood and the patient's that he used to bring his cock to full arousal. She swallowed again and would have liked to jump off the bed. But Thomas didn't seem to care. For him, his own pleasure seemed to be more important.
Without preparing her or warning her, he simply penetrated her. His almost guttural grunt was interrupted by her groan. As her fingers clawed into his arm, clinging to him, she tried to get used to him somehow. But Thomas was taller and wider than Eddie and Brahms.
It was as if he felt her completely, it took her breath away for a moment. ,,Th-Thomas" she tried to sign to him somehow that he should wait.
Tried to get him to listen to her but he did not. Instead he thrust into her, seeming to lose himself in her, finally getting the physical intimacy while chasing his fantasy. She gasped as she felt his hand grasp her hip painfully. Just the right pressure to make her shudder.
Just the right pressure to make her do his bidding. She felt him pulling her against him as she tried to get away from him. But he didn't let her, he just pulled her back, kept using her before she heard him pull the knife back over her body with his other hand.
Her breathing was irregular, whimpering moans came from her lips. She groaned as the older man drew the blade across her skin just enough to let a small gush of blood flow again. Before he wiped the blood from her again with his tongue, leaving marks.
All while he not only thrust into her faster but also released his hand from the knife and gripped her neck. She felt him squeeze, increasing the pressure on her neck. As she swallowed, automatically trying to get more air into her body.
While her eyes went from open to closed and her hands went from his arms to his hand. Slipping from the force of his thrusts and arousal. While a suppressed moan slipped from her lips.
She felt her body tingle as she desperately tried to stave off the inevitable. ,,Tho-Thomas...the-the others" she said and looked at him pleadingly. Hoping he would understand what she meant. Before he let go of her at the last moment.
She inhaled heavily again but barely had time to calm down. Then he simply lifted one of her legs over his shoulder as if she were just one of his victims.
A lifeless object he used. Only to thrust into her even faster. The throaty pleasure-filled sounds filled the room. She felt herself coming closer to her own end, felt the tingling in her abdomen and Thomas becoming almost animalistic.
His grip on her waist tightened, she felt him bend down again to lick away the blood he had received. ,,Please," she pleaded, panting, her head shifting back and forth on the pillow in a desperate attempt to block out the sensible noises echoing in the room.
It was only a few moments before she felt him become more erratic, chasing his own orgasm. Suddenly, as she felt her own orgasm approaching, she felt an unspeakable pain in her leg. A guttural moan mixed with a scream and Thomas's grunt made them both come.
It took another moment for the cannibal to decide to pull out of her. She saw him looking at her with half-open eyes. His hands, smeared with blood and dirt, pulled out an old cloth from somewhere. Before the pain came again and she hissed. She looked down and saw that he had bitten into her thigh.
Saw his bite deep enough to make it bleed. Before he tried to stop the bleeding slightly with the cloth. ,,Thank you," she murmured, nodding slightly at him, still overwhelmed by pain and arousal, before pressing the cloth to the wound. Before he gave her one last look and rose from the bed to put his apron back on and grab a knife.
Before he began to cut up the corpse as if nothing had happened. The smell of blood permeated the room as she tried to ignore the sounds of the butcher. Instead she prayed that she could walk.
To be the immobile one down here. I might as well throw myself into his chainsaw, she thought, closing her tired eyes for a moment.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 1 year
Richie stood behind Eddie, a wide grin spreading across his face as he held a comb in his hand. "I'm trying to fix your hair, so hold still," Richie playfully scolded, his voice laced with affection.
Eddie rolled his eyes but complied, turning slightly to face his husband. "My hair didn’t need fixing! It was yours that’s a trainwreck! And you better not make it worse, Trashmouth!" he teased, unable to hide the fondness in his voice.
Richie chuckled and ran the comb through Eddie's soft locks, his fingers occasionally brushing against his scalp. It was a simple act, but it held a deep intimacy that only they could understand. When Richie was a kid, his mother was not patient or gentle when it came to brushing his hair. The brush picked roughly at the knots, making his scalp ache for the rest of the day.
As Richie meticulously adjusted Eddie's hair, he couldn't help but recall the countless times he had teased his friend about his meticulous grooming habits back in Derry. He used to joke about Eddie's fanny packs and how his hair always had to be perfect. But now, as they stood together as adults, Richie realized how much he adored those quirks and how they had become an integral part of who Eddie was.
Eddie watched his boyfriend’s reflection in the mirror, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Despite the years that had passed since their terrifying encounter with Pennywise, Richie still had a way of making him feel safe and loved. It was a feeling he cherished every day.
Finished with his task, Richie placed the comb on the bathroom counter and turned to face Eddie, his eyes shimmering with affection. "There you go, Mr. Perfect," he said, his voice filled with a mix of playfulness and adoration.
Eddie blushed, his gaze meeting Richie's. "Thanks, Trashmouth. We should get going now. We don’t have a lot of time," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.
Richie closed the distance between them, his arms encircling Eddie in a warm embrace. "Do you think Ben and Bev would hold their wedding for us?" he teased, his eyes lingering towards the bed.
Although Eddie couldn’t resist Richie’s affection, he shook his head to resist his intentions. Later, he said in his mind. “We just fixed your hair. You’re going to look like Big Foot’s brother.”
They stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, cherishing the love they had fought so hard to preserve, their own version of happily ever after. They were attending Ben and Beverly’s wedding today, another love story that had its falters due to Pennywise’s curse against Derry. 
Richie nuzzled his face into the crook of Eddie's neck, his voice muffled but filled with mischief. "Come on, Eds. We've got time for a quick detour," he whispered, his warm breath sending shivers down Eddie's spine.
Eddie chuckled softly, his fingers gently tracing patterns on Richie's back. "You're insatiable, Richie. We have important things to attend to, remember?" he replied, a mix of playfulness and affection in his voice.
Richie pulled back slightly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, important things. But we deserve a little fun, don't we?" he countered, his lips curling into a playful grin.
Eddie couldn't help but smile, his heart swelling with love for the man who had brought so much joy and laughter into his life. Richie had a way of making even the most mundane moments feel like an adventure, and Eddie cherished every second of it.
As much as Eddie was tempted to give in to Richie's playful advances, he gently extricated himself from the embrace, a hint of reluctance in his eyes. "We really should get going, Richie. Ben and Bev have been waiting for us," he said, a touch of regret in his voice.
Richie pouted playfully, his eyes widening in mock disappointment. "Fine, Mr. Responsible. But you owe me a rain check," he replied, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but a soft chuckle escaped his lips. "Deal," he said, his voice filled with warmth.
Hand in hand, they made their way out of the room. As they stepped into the day, their hands intertwined, Richie and Eddie embraced the future that lay before them. 
Eddie took a breath. That moment will come, he thought to himself. Just when to ask the love of his life to marry him was a tough question.
Something I may continue. Let me know what you think!
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alcinaslittlemaid · 6 months
Sick Doll🌡️ + Bad Dream💤
Papawise x fem!reader
Warnings: emetophobia, sickness symptoms,
Fluff, papa being a sweet old man, but a little suggestive!
Summary: You have a sick bug, papa takes care of you❤️
“Bleughhhh” You retched into the toilet, your mouth had been spewing vomit all morning and most of the night. You were exhausted, your vision was spotting, your brain was being smacked constantly with a frying pan, your stomach was twisting into a pretzel, not for the right reason this.
You gagged, kneeling by the toilet bowl with your shaking hand over your mouth,
God I wish papa was here…. You sighed and stood almost downing bottle beside you.
Does Babydoll need her papa?…..
You shook your head, thinking the voice was your brain hallucinating. You lurched carelessly back to your bedroom
“Hmmmn I wonder if papas home?” You pondered hopping down the stairs cautiously, almost smacking face first into the wall beside you.
You could hear papa talking to someone, his gruff voice an almost immediate comfort to you
“Yeah, but what happens when that kid gets away pen? Huh? You have to keep your eyes and mind on the prize and another thing-“ He stopped, noticing that you were stood in the doorway listening.
Papa was sat in his caramel brown, arm chair, puffing on a cigar, propped up by pillows for his sore back. Last of the summer wine was playing on his tv.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to evesdrop sugartits” he puffed on his cigar blowing the smoke at you, your peered away coughing on the fumes, noticing another familiar clown looking at you in that usual vintage clown suit “Hiii Y/n~” penny squeaked giving you a tight hug, a thick alien purr rumbled in his chest.
Papa was looking at you intently “Buttercup? Are you feeling okay?” He hummed “Y-yeah I’m fine”
“Mutton chops we know when you’re lying” they both chimed together “Back in my day, you know where lying would get you?” Papa growled lowly “W-where?” You swallowed hard slowly backing away.
This man was unpredictable. “A spanking”
“You’re not too old to go over my knee sugar~” he teased making you blush slightly.
You glanced up, a thick drop of Drool from penny’s cherry lip “eugh pen”
“Don’t change the subject doll” He stubbed the cigar out in the ashtray “Come here~ Come to papa~” he patted the silky thigh of his clown suit, You nodded, wondered over and sat on his lap. He smiled and scrunched his clown nose, pressing his hand to your forehead “Awhhh my little kitten is sick”
“Your forehead is cold and clammy dolly”
He cooed
“Penny~ Looks like we’re gonna have to play doctor-“ papa opened his eyes, there penny was stood in a nurses uniform, holding a needle with a sharp syringe “Pennywise loves to play….” He huffed “Doctorrrrr”
You stared at him in disbelief and shock
“Woah woah woah penny! No!” Papa held you close to his chest “sugardoll shhh it’s okay”
Papa lifted you into his arms, cradling you “papas girl aren’t you doll” he cooed kissing your nose “come on, let’s climb the wooden stairs to Bedfordshire” papa chuckles at his little joke before lifting you bridal style, carrying you up to your bed, pennywise following behind.
“B-But Papaaaah I’m not-“ you were soon cut off by your own yawn, you body and mind betrayed you “Come on doll~” he carefully tucks you in “Papas sweet little girl” he kisses the top of your head and tucks you into bed, placing some ibuprofen on the bedside table.
Later that evening, You aggressively tossed and turned in the blankets, kicking and squirming in the sheets. Your heart was racing, your body sweating.
Your vision distorted and blurry, the room was spinning violently
“Ahh-ahhh Uhh” you glanced over at what was once your chair, but not sat a 6ft creature staring back at you.
Your about to scream when it crawls towards you, prowling and screeching, it’s slender black arms and pointed teeth glare at you, it’s sharp claws ready to rip into your flesh, it suddenly pounces on you.
“Ahhhh! Shit-“ You woke up in a cold sweat, your mind drowning in terror and your head spinning with a throbbing
The door swung open briskly, papa was stood in the doorway “Babydoll? What’s wrong I heard screaming?” Papa rushed in, he was donned in a silk dressing gown “My dear? What’s wrong?” He asked
taking a seat beside you placing his hand on your forehead “Oh sugar doll your sweating profusely, here drink some fluids, keep hydrated” papa stroked your head, nuzzling his hand into your hair handing you a glass of water “I just- I had a bad- I had a horrible dream, where a creature was about to rip me to shreds and and and” You practically chugged the water from the glass in pure thirst “Then I remember floating- fuh- floating towards a bright yellow- no three bright yellow orbs of light I felt my body floating off my bed-“
“Pennnnnyyyy” Papa huffed looking over at your wardrobe, penny’s glowing yellow eyes burned from the darkness “Whhhhhaaaaaat?” He giggled with a sadistic smile “Did you?” He snarled “Mayyybbbeeee, oh come on old man, a little fear never hurt anyone” he chuckled causing a thick glob of drool to spatter against the floor, you saw papa rolling up his newspaper, thrashing penny over the head harshly with it “You Stupid courteous fool!” He snapped “Aghhh! Ow ! Ow !ah” Penny hissed looking over at you “Your gonna pay for that bitch” He growled again, a playful tone in his voice.
“Pennywise the dancing clown! Apologise to y/n right now” papa growled
“Ughhhh fine” Pennywise approached your guest bed “I’m sorry for frightening and tenderising the little lambs meaty flesh” Pennywise drooled over you, his teeth sharpening “Pennnyywiseee” Papa lifted the paper again “Ugh I’m only kidding” pennywise joked wrapping his arms around you “I wouldn’t hurt a thing” He purred, his mood changing almost drastically “Good boy” Papa smiled sitting on your bed again “You feeling okay doll?” Papa asked, looking at you as you lay curled up in the blankets.
You nodded, another yawn leaving your lips “You want me to stay with you until you fall back asleep?” He asked stroking your head to which you nodded again, resting your head on his pillow “Alright sweet doll” He smiled,
And with that, pennywise snuggled up next to you and you both fell asleep, papa watched over you with a warm smile, staying by you all night.
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dylanking298 · 2 years
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Scary movie:
It was a scary movie night with Dylan my boyfriend and he had dared me to watch some of the most scariest movies he could think of. "So yn....Pennywise or Nightmare on elm street?" Dylan said while holding out the two dvds.
I gave him a cocky smirk. "You pick." Dylan smirked and chose Pennywise. I gulped because that was the movie that everyone said was extremely scary. And what made it worse was my striking fear of clowns. I always hated them ever since I was a kid, but I couldn't tell Dylan that or I'll never hear the end of it.
Dylan made popcorn and brought out a 6 pack of Pepsi and nachos. It looked delicious but I probably wouldn't be able to eat any of it during the movie. We relaxed on my couch with the lights off as the movie started. I took a deep breath and reassured myself that it wouldn't be that bad.
But I was wrong.
Jump scares left and right that made us both flinch and I was curled up in a ball shaking because of one scene in the movie. That deranged clown ate a kid!
I looked to see of Dylan was disturbed by it yet, but he was taking this as far as I was. Except I was losing miserably. "Hey Y/N? You okay babe?" I put on a brave smile. "Of course! How are you enjoying the movie?"
Dylan looked down at me smirking like he had caught onto my game. "How are you enjoying the movie?" I shook my head finally caving into the my fears. "I'm afraid of clowns."
Dylan paused the movie and looked on concerned. My face was pale, my palms were sweaty and my heart was practically beating out of my chest. "I'll stop it baby." Dylan said canceling the movie. "You okay?"
"Yeah.." My voice trailed trying to sound strong. Dylan came over and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry I didn't know..."
"it's my fault too. I should have said something before hand." Dylan hugged me for a long time before pulling away. "Wanna watch something else to get your mind off things?" I nodded. "That would be nice." Dylan turned on another movie. 'The devil wears Prada.'
"I heard it's really good." Dylan said while making everything comfy for you. "How about I order us a pizza and for dinner? I'm starving."
I smiled. "I love that. Can you make mine with extra cheese on my side?"
"Of course baby. Of course."
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charliedawn · 7 months
hi charlie ^_^✧*。i hope you're well. i'm not sure if you're accepting requests atm, but i had an idea which is how would the slashers react to a siren nurse (fem or gn) who walked the corridors of st. louis late at night singing haunting and alluring melodies as they went about their job, or whatever song was in their head? one of their favorite songs would be "curses" by the crane wives. maybe they would sing brahms a lullaby sometimes? but a creepy lullaby that was also strangely soothing to him. anyway, i would just like to see what you'll do with that idea. make any changes or adaptions u like, feel free to put your own spin on it. and take your time bc i know u get a lot of asks ♡
this is that song:
(Thank you for the request and the song ! It’s beautiful. 10/10. 🤩 Hope you like it.)
The Right Wing of St Louis:
Michael Myers:
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Michael rarely sleeps. He doesn’t need to and is unable to. Too many nightmares and concerns about his own life and duality. And he usually sleepwalks too. So, really…He doesn’t like sleeping. But, this is why you were put in charge of the night shift.
"Sleep, Michael. Sleep your sorrows away in the darkness of the night. Let your dreams take over…" You whispered to him, but he only looked up at you with a saddened expression and shook his head.
"I don’t dream." You read when he gave you a piece of paper before bedtime and you smiled knowingly before looking back at him. You then stroked his cheek.
"You will tonight. I promise. Rest, Michael. You deserve it."
He seemed skeptical at first, but finally complied and went to bed. You then tucked him in and started humming next to his bed. When you started singing, his eyes started to slowly close and strangely enough…He dreamt that night.
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"P-Pretty voice. Soooo pretty. Such a pretty bird." Penny giggled and looked at you with a wide grin. He knew you were a siren, but he had never seen one before. He was curious and whenever you would start singing, he would appear behind you and just squeeze you tightly or just start tilting his head to the rhythm.
Penny doesn’t sleep like normal people do, so he can appreciate the music fully. Most people would sleep, but he would take your hand and start dancing with you. Unlike his brother, Penny is no singer. But, he is one hell of a dancer.
He would smile and laugh while you keep singing and he’d even watch over you when it’s YOUR time to sleep.
Penny *watching over you.* : "Sleep sleep, little bird. Sleep well."
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Pennywise also has the power to sing people to sleep. But, he doesn’t use it because a) He doesn’t like to and b) He doesn’t want to. He only ever sang to the children he ate and his past family. It isn’t a memory he likes to keep and he would simply hum along to the songs you are singing sometimes. He’s also move forward and backwards on his rocking chair as you sing. Sometimes, he’d sing with you and even dance when it is the middle of the night and no one is around to witness this moment, but he’d never do it in front of the others.
Pennywise *smirks* : "A siren, huh ? I wonder how a siren tastes…"
He would never eat you of course. He likes to joke a lot, but he would protect you and feel affectionate towards you. He would listen to you and sing along sometimes and then…the most beautiful and sweet melody would put the whole hospital to sleep.
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Brahms remained silent as your majestic self walked through the halls of St Louis—your magic voice singing everyone and everything to sleep. Your voice was soothing and deep, so deep he was afraid he might fall asleep and never wake up. He laid down on his bed and waited for your arrival—as per every night.
He never locked his door at night.
When you arrived, you sat next to him and kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes and when you started singing, he felt at peace and relaxed. He held your hand and smiled when you whispered.
"Sweet dreams, Brahms…"
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason is the same as Brahms. He likes physical touch and be reassured. He waited for your voice to soothe him to sleep. You usually slept in their room at night because both babies wanna hang on to you and they both feel safe in your presence.
Jason would sleep on your lap and have a good rest. He would slowly fall asleep to your gentle words.
Arthur Fleck:
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"Y/N. I knew it was you. Come in. Come in. Please."
Sometimes, Arthur asked for private sessions. The man had nightmares and dark thoughts that none could even begin to comprehend. But when you sang, he forgot his troubles and worries. You would sometimes take his hand and softly lull him to sleep. He liked it.
Freddy Krueger:
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"Yo ! Who’s singing ?! Shut za hell up, bitch !" Freddy shouted before shoving a pillow on his head. Freddy is the sleep demon. He isn’t one to sleep with siren songs. He prefers silence. But sometimes…He would stay awake to hear you and a small smile would appear on his face.
Secretly, he didn’t mind your singing all that much…
Bo Sinclair:
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"Hello, birdy. Come here. Come to Papa."
He literally tackled you to the ground his first night in St Louis. You must understand that Bo was raised by fishermen and bars. He knows what a siren is and knows that whoever owns a siren is supposed to get extremely lucky. He would want to capture you more than anything and make you sing ONLY for him. Fortunately, Brahms and Jason would never allow you to get hurt or captured. So, they’d defend you and fight the Sinclair brothers if necessary.
The Left Wing of St Louis:
Father Paul:
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The first time Father Paul heard you, he thought he was losing his mind. Your voice was like an angel’s and he truly believed his time had finally came. But, it didn’t. And every night, he would hear you and his mind would settle for a little bit. He would hear your song and find mercy in that moment.
The only link the Right Wing and the Left Wing of the hospital ever had: You.
Your voice would make them feel a little better in their misery and Father Paul enjoyed hearing you, when all thoughts of happiness and hope was lost…one beautiful thing remained.
Jonathan Crane:
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Jonathan Crane was laid down on his bed—locked up and attached securely. He was staring at the ceiling and let out a small sigh. He was restless. It was the third day in the row that he was being tested on and he had no moment of peace…not until night fell and a voice came from outside. A quiet lullaby. So beautiful and peaceful. His eyelids felt heavy and he finally found a certain inner peace within.
"…Thank you, lady of the night." He uttered in a whisper before closing his eyes and sleeping soundly.
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Aye, it's DubDaddy on the track
Not a rapper, but I thought I'd have a crack
Another song, another bar, another stack
We keep coming back now we're picking up the slack
Get laid, get paid, gatorade
Trigger treats sweet but can't beat the blade
It's Halloween bitch it's time to get made
You better lock up or you're gonna get slayed
Aye the boys are comin in
Got lit last night on the cherry gin
Smokin gas, eating ass, now committing sin
We going large like Amy Schumer's second chin
Hey everybody my name is JoshDub
When I don't do crime I talk shit at the club
I like corona no lime and having a tug
I get my bread no crust cause you know I'm a thug
It's Halloween, my girl cook and clean
Doing flips in the sheets, call that trick and treat
In the back of a Bentley and we got on rings
Riding in the streets shouting scary things
The Boys in town and we hunting clowns
Couple Kings with a couple crowns (dank memes)
Scaring kids while we're blowing clouds
It's Mully in the back and your bitch is getting ploughed
It's spooky and cold on this dreadful night
But we got some beauties in our sight
We love the shadows, and fear the light
But we'll steal your girl with one quick bite
On Halloween you can hear many sounds
Some screaming, some crying in the background
But if I see some kind of creepy clown
Oh you better believe it's going down
All the witches they be on me, with glee
When I walk up in a room its a party
Got no reflection but there's one thing you can see
All competition running scared as they should be
Never giving out our secrets I'm like (hush hush)
Wiping away all the haters like a (brush brush)
We be stealing all your candy in a (rush rush)
Dropping songs and videos that always (crush crush)
Got these demons in my head overwhelming me with fear and dread
(Dread dread dread)
Screaming in my bed, keep me grinding till I'm dead
(Dead dead dead)
Spirits in my mind come to visit me from time to time
(Time time time)
People say I'm sick but I swear to God I'm fine
(I'm fine, I'm fine)
Trick or Treat, excuse me what the fuck is this?
Candy corn, Bit O Honey, one Hershey Kiss
Que no sabes que me dicen el Mexorcist
If you don't know who I am, then I'll tell you what it is
Got a blanket to protect me and a wooden cross
I sprinkle holy water to show demons who's boss
I make videos to scare all the kiddos
And I'll exorcise your Tia with a bag of hot Cheetos
I shook Freddy Kruger's hand
Grow harder than the grudge
Make Pennywise float too
And give Huggy Wuggy a hug
I got good at hide and seek
You can always ask the fed
I put poison in your goat
Now that chupacabras dead
I live in the States, born in Monterey
Got a gringa by my side
She can cook some frijoles
I cross the border and la migra said
'hey, come on down but you just can't stay'
Running and hiding and walking and fighting
You don't got the papers to even be trying
To say it was easy then I would be lying
Soy un inmigrante con gran corazón
empeze recojiendo la bazura de tu escalon
Y ahora ocupo la pantallo de tu abitación
Asta parece yo tomo gasolina.
Te incendió con mi rap eso es pura adrenalina
Mi tierra la extraño nunca olvidare mi casa
Un saludo para todos mis latinos y mi raza
Now give me the Reeses cup bitch
Yada yada yada yada, something bout a square
New meme Juice Box bout to go Blair
Like the Witch, that's the sitch
Halloween night bout to wake up in a ditch.
And I'm stacking up dinero
Got this young man feeling like George Romero
Pick the bone clean always saw it in the tarots
Dig a little deeper boy you almost skipped the marrow
I don't really know
I don't really know
Yada yada
Yada yada
My goldfish took a little holiday
Left me feeling sour like that Minute Maid
One day he said he want to go to outer space
So I made a little rocket outta Gatorade bottles
Catch your grandma at the Walmart
And she gonna catch the fade
I don't really give a fuck
Im just tryna get paid
I'll smoke your grandad too
If he even looks my way
I'll kick your little sister
In her motherfucking face
That's that shit you learn in Florida
When you smoking K2
Hold that shit up in my chest
Boy I'm bout to turn blue
Im might mosey down to Target
Man and buy me that canoe
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bked0n-lorazepam · 4 months
"Inseparable" Part Nine
“Ya sure you’re okay, Nicole? You look worse than when Patrick came out of the sewer.” Y/N winced, holding Nicole up as they walked their way back to the entrance of the sewers. Nicole huffed out a laugh and grunted when she almost tripped over something in the muddy water.
“I’m fine, Y/N. Pennywise didn’t hurt me,” Nicole paused, “Well, I guess he did.” Y/N gasped, looking over her friend’s body to make sure she wasn’t dying on her. 
“No, no! Not like that, Y/N.” Nicole shook her head and continued on, nodding her head to the bright exit. “I’m hurt, but not badly! It’s um, nothing I didn’t want.” She mumbled the last part too quickly for Y/N to hear.
“What was that?”
“Nothing! Just, please go. I’ll talk to you later.” Nicole smiled at her friend and lightly nudged her. Y/N let out a sigh and returned the friendly gesture, wishing Nicole a farewell and good luck with whatever the hell was back there.
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