#pelle was hot tho
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im-goin-mad · 1 year ago
dressing up as euronymous for halloween and putting on one of these bad boys
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pells-beautiful-wife · 3 months ago
Period head canons 🩸🤕
law, pell, penguin, sanji, doflamingo, robin, zoro
How one piece characters treat you on your period
If you want other characters I am happy to write for a bunch more I'm just doing my favourites rn <3
AN, I'm on my period rn and oh lord I am not having a good time 😢 really need some head canons rn
(happy new year)
Trafalgar Law
~ knows your cycle off by heart
~ prepares for everything, the mood swings, if you get cramps, extra pads/tampons/menstrual cups in every bathroom, if you can name it he's got it
~ would still expect you to do some work unless your cramps are bad, although even if they aren't it would be less work then usual
~ has every pain relief method under the sun and some that aren't, he's got special teas, heat pads, ice packs, pain medication, a list of exercises, everything
~ would still have sex during your period but only as pain relief
~ it's also not spontaneous, it's usually in the shower because he does not want to clean cum and blood off the floor/bed
~ does not go down on you even if he kinda wants to just a little, he will definitely finger you tho and let's you suck him off but won't fuck you on his dick, he doesn't wanna hurt you (unless you like it, if you do he's got you pressed against the glass wall of the shower pounding you so hard you feel like your gonna split open)
~ might ask you for something in return every now and then but avoids asking when your on your period
Pell the falcon
~ cuddles you a lot and definitely gives you massages
~ takes time off work to look after you if your having a really shitty day and definitely doesn't expect you to do any work
~ makes you tea and always refills hot water bottles, will also have ice packs in the freezer though, and definitely takes you out on a date at some point, unless you don't feel like it, in that case he gets dressed up nice and cooks you your favourite meal
~ expect princess treatment and you will not be disappointed
~ absolutely would not ask for it, this man rarely does, but he definitely quadruple checks with you if you ask him for it
~ goes slower than usual, definitely checking if your okay regularly
~ nothing kinky or outrages, keeps it simple and cleans up afterwards, he doesn't mind if you make a mess he just makes sure your not bloodying anything expensive
~ wouldn't go down on you but would finger you and would make love with you (he's gentle and sweet this ain't sex it's worship) he wouldn't let you give him head though
~ very sweet
~ he doesn't have much period knowledge but if you ask him for something he does everything he can to get it for you
~ definitely showers you with kisses and affection and probably gets made fun of by Shachi
~ he's the kinda of guy to fall for the internet prank where you ask him for something completely made up and he believes you and tries very hard to find it only to be told it doesn't exist
~ he's okay with whatever your okay with although won't go down on you that's his main thing he won't do, he also refuses to hurt you even if you like it
~ would ask for it but only if he was pretty horny if not he's fine with taking care of himself
~ loves it when you give him head, in fact he might prefer it to almost anything else (other then you sitting on his face but that's for a different set of head canons)
Black leg Sanji
~ princess treatment
~ won't let you lift a finger
~ he'll make anything you request, no matter the hour or the difficulty
~ knows a lot about periods but not everything and is a little clueless when it comes to flow but knows a lot of foods to make you feel better
~ anything to please you, literally anything
~ very wary about sex though, he doesn't want to hurt you, he probably does it anyway and doesn't regret it
~ although he is super not sure if you ask him to eat you out, he will and although it's not his favourite thing he'll do it if you ask
~ he also won't ask for this but please suck him off he craves it
Donquixote doflamingo
~ acts like he doesn't give a shit
~ convinces himself he doesn't give a shit
~ but if you mention you need anything he will at first tell you womp womp but a servant will appear at you door with exactly what you need as soon as he leaves
~ will deny he does this but he is a lot sweeter to you and gives you small gifts
~ oh you though he wasn't gonna fuck you cause your on your period yeah sorry honey no
~ acts like there isn't blood pouring out of you onto the sheets...
until he sees it embarrasses you then he will absolutely tease you about it, just completely degrade you
~ fucks you like usual rough and doesn't stop till your sobbing
~ we all know this man doesn't believe in aftercare but on your period he will stay for a little while longer maybe caress your hair for a second and instead of the rushed toothy sloppy kiss he usually gives you when he leaves he'll kiss you softly on the cheek and say "sleep well mi amor" but he'll say it so softly you'll question if you even heard it
Nico Robin
~ reads stories to you whilst you cuddle and she massages your abdomen
~ definitely makes you tea
~ brings you small gifts and trinkets she thought you'd like
~ do not hide emotions from her she can read you like a ponglyph and definitely lets you cry into her if your upset over nothing she doesn't judge
~ absolutely destroys you on her fingers
~ 50/50 on going down on you depends on her mood (we all now robin is a little freak let's be real)
~ does expect you to do her afterwards tho unless your really crampy
Roronoa Zoro
~ naps with you all the time but it doubles when your on your period
~ keeps you close at all times he is super protective and if you are the slightest bit in pain he is going straight to Nami and robin for help
~ he knows almost nothing about periods and it definitely bothers him, it makes him feel bad that he can't help you on your period so you can be sure after your first period when your together he will be researching afterwards
~ definitely eats you out, doesn't give a flying fuck that there is blood dripping out of you and down his face, in fact he likes it better that way, not that he'll tell you that
~ probably won't use his dick tho because he notices how overly sensitive you are down there and he is girthy,
~ he will be more gentle with you but he makes up for it once you stopped you period and fucks you harder than usual
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ishikawayukis · 1 year ago
Yes que si hablo español JAJAJAJA I just thought it would be weird to straight up start talking in spanish but I really needed to reference that meme (and here’s the moment where I’m unsure which language I should keep using WJDIEBD) y no me molestaría que me compartieras el video<3 bc I don’t mind shipping!! I’m not hardcore either but I love the dynamics too so it’s hard not to agree with a bunch of ships lol
NO ACTUALLY FAIR tbh I did skip some flashbacks back in the first season (see: Syrup Village) and if it’s dragging too much bc of that I do skip the flashbacks
Fr no one can convince me these guys don’t curse, I love they decided to show that side of them AND how it is unique for both of their personalities (see: Zoro saying ass and Sanji saying arse) but yes a documentary about the process would be *chef’s kiss*
NADIE SE MUERE JAJAJA I just finished the Alabasta arc (thank gOD) and I lowkey cried for Pell juST FOR HIM TO COME BACK??? I’m glad but wth they’re going to make me desensitized/skeptical with future ‘deaths’ atp bc most of them seem to come back anyways
Zoro literally just said “Sorry, but…I’ve never once prayed to God” and I was like “holy sh*t that’s hot” just for him to freaking scream like Tarzan while swinging on a vine minutes later LMAO and two things: 1) is this a good lose my mind or a bad lose my mind?? and may I know if it’s during the 100s?💀😭 2) I’ve seen people saying pre time skip a lot!! Is that like a canon event that just happens and we don’t see that ‘time skip’ (kinda like the blip for the avengers) or is it like a time travel thing or something?? If the answer is too much of a spoiler I’m fine without knowing it, just sounds confusing LOL
I have my fair share of songs that I didn’t think I listened to them that much so I get it 😂😂 my #81 song is Not Fine by Day6!!! which feels kinda fitting to me rn ngl JAJAJAJA
AJAJAJ the constant struggle of wait what language do i speak in now. i tend to always go with english because i'm aware of how Chilean i am and sometimes people don't understand what i'm saying, so whatever makes you feel more comfy <3 this is the video it's SO stupid but it made me cackle and i couldn't sent it to my friend that's watching it because she hasn't reached alabasta or ace yet
the one thing i will complain about one piece (well, one of the things LMAO) is the flashbacks like yeah i do love how fleshed out all the characters are but man keep it short and sweet
i LOVE that sanji is the only one with a different accent in english from the straw hats, like it makes so much sense for his background this is all i can say without spoiling anything (y weno en español también acento canario de taz mi amado)
NO BUT SAME i was fucking sobbing over pell and then they were like teehee actually he's not dead 😋 there is a reason for that tho i think it had to do with 9/11 no i'm not joking LMAO
SKYPIEA ZORO MY FUCKING BELOVEEEEEEED everytime he says that when someone is like "omg you're gonna make god mad!" i went a little insane because yEAH MAN TELL THEM, and him doing the tarzan scream he's just a little guy he's feeling goofy and silly and we love him for it. also!! are you watching it in japanese or dubbed? because luffy sings an iconic song during this arc that everyone loves LMAO. it's a uuuh it's a mix LMAO and it's in the 300's i think. the only thing i will say about the time skip is that it's a canon event and nothing more because it's more entertaining that way teehee
ooof man now that's a song LMAO it could've been zombie which i would ask all good dear is everything ok (obviously the answer would be no)
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sunchosens · 6 years ago
im an hour into midsommar and nothing “scary” has happened yet so needless to say, i’m scared
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drarrytrash · 4 years ago
Get 2 Know U
Tagged by the genius and talented @fictional
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know better.
🎵 last song: Cyber Sex by Doja Cat its the only way I can access dopamine lol
🎬 last movie: Emma bc my gf and I watched Queen’s Gambit and decided to be h*rny for Anya Taylor-Joy lol
🍿 currently watching:  am consuming the X-Files at a truly unwell rate lol 
📚 currently reading: Halfway through Never Have I Ever (short story collection) by Isabel Yap, she also writes fanfic and two of the stories really have oneshot vibes!! About to start Samuel Delany’s Nova tho. Last thing that really blew my mind was Tillie Walden’s On A Sunbeam (I have a bookstagram under @ boooooks if u want book recs from me)
💭 currently craving: lol I just went to one of those like. everything you could possibly think to fry places for lunch and had a hot dog fries mozzarella sticks and a san pell at a picnic table in the sun so my desires have honestly been fully met
I’ll tag: @draco4draco @slytherco @dragontamerdame @wistfulrat @sitp-recs @tackytigerfic @gallifrey1sburning @grimmicks @hufflefluffles @church-mice
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pieseas · 6 years ago
I find conversation not involving William Jackson Harper's character in Midsommar is weird. Like people think Pelle or whatever is the hot loving one. Even knowing it was all for getting her to join the cult. When the most realistically decent person in the whole group was Josh. Like Christian was basic d*ck guy to Dani. But he was big d*ck guy to Josh. Josh never was rude to her but was never super nice. He did give her sleeping pills kindly when she asked every time tho. Hell that's the sole kind gesture in this entire movie.
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langdvnshepherd · 6 years ago
I’m just yanking your chain about the pelle!Michael fic, I low key hope you do actually write it, but I think it’s just funny! I don’t know many people who liked Midsommar, so it’s nice to see people that like it, and to somehow include Michael into it, is like a wet dream lmao
I don’t wanna say everything that I had thought about for it, in the event that I do muster up the energy to write it, but just picture it (without the problematic aspects obvi)....
Outpost!Michael manipulating you for weeks on end into cheating on your partner (cough cough if you can guess who it’d be then I salute you even tho it’s not that hard lmao) to do a mating ritual with him so he can create and heir... How hard it would be to resist him and how insane it would drive you because he would penetrate every single one of your thoughts until he gets you to crack. 
And there’s all of the angst and betrayal that I have come up with (hehehe) so it would be a wild ass, hot ass, fic that you don’t even need to see Midsommar to understand and just basically follows the same storyline 👀
We shall see we shall see 😪 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 6 years ago
*tosses Pelle for the character thing*
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff - I think I’ve seen you mention he’s a Ravenclaw? >.> 
best quality: He’s really determined and I kinda like his stance on how he views his people. He’s not this devout Dalish who is like oh elfy things this and that, he actually sees where the problems lie in their culture, and he tries to make a difference out of it. It takes a strong person to do that and not just stay ignorant for the sake of their people. I really like that quality in him. I also like that he has a thing for qunari :P I can relate, haha.
worst quality: He’s stubborn (but I mean so is Kaaras lol XD). I think Pelle still has a little bit of growing up to do, but he’s also a really young muse, so that makes SENSE, and I like that he can be that way as well. Not every muse is this wise old man that has experience up their sleeves, I like that struggle, I like them learning and bettering themselves. But sometimes I forget he’s a muse that’s essentially been married. :’D 
ship them with: So long as Pelle is in a happy relationship, then it’s good to go :3 I don’t know a lot of Pelle’s ships, tho, so I can’t say ^^; 
brotp them with: No idea tbh haha. Who’s his fave companion? There we go XD
needs to stay away from: I feel like it would be beneficial for Pelle to actually stay away from his clan >.> 
misc. thoughts: I admit, I always feel a bit strange about younger Inquisitor’s in that role, but that’s probably because I’m an old fart, lol. I feel bad that they wouldn’t be able to handle the stresses of such a life, because it’s A LOT for someone who’s never dealt with any experience in that area, even for people who HAVE. So I always just feel bad for younger Inquisitor’s in that role.
As for a companion, tho, I really enjoy Pelle and think he’s a nerd XD He’s good at what he does, and I think he gets along with a lot of people which is really nice to see. I hate that he and Kaaras started on such a negative foot, because it’s so damn hard for Kaaras to change his mind on someone (stubborn arse lol), but I think they’re VERY SLOWLY getting friendlier - and it’s entirely on Kaaras being slow because it’s Kaaras and their different perspectives really just left a sour taste in his mouth -_-. *sigh* This is what I deal with XD 
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langdvnshepherd · 6 years ago
Hi hello I just wanted to inform you that I legit had a sex dream abt Michael pulling the whole Pelle 'do you feel held by him' line last night, so thanks for putting that nugget in my brain lmao have a lovely day mam
Oh my god @avesatanormalpeoplescareme look what we did 🤪
Honestly tho that sounds so hot my puthy is wet just thinkin abt it I’m glad the crackheadery I put out onto this site was able to give you that experience
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