#pelipper unmail
teamplasmaofficial · 1 year
Pelliper un-mail: your son. yeah sorry he's mine now and i'm going to treat him better.
N? He is already being cared for adequately, thank you very much. He is a young man now, you are in no place to take him.
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mary-inkay-cosmetics · 9 months
Pelipper Unmail: The closest object
( - @pebbin-on-the-sea )
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not-gonna-lose · 4 months
Pelipper unmail! The catness. You're keeping the bell, though. They're attached to all of your beltloops now.
Thank you for that- Fuck you for the bell, though-
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detective-prince-pkmn · 9 months
Pelipper unmail!
Your rebellion
...of course. Why wouldn't it happen to me, too?
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 9 months
Pelipper unmail! Your next nightmare.
And the doorknob.
C: Hey, we just bought that--
A: No. Shush. This is a worthy trade if it means I can actually get a decent night's sleep for once
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the-silly-birds · 7 months
// Ok.. How is there 10 of you that actually decided to follow me?
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Pelipper mail!
A hug. That’s it. The pelipper hugs you.
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psn-stalling · 9 months
Is this blog open for Pelipper Unmail?
Ollie's problems may be over! Or not. :3
Either way, Pelipper Mail! A singular milk chocolate bar.
Oh-? Thank you. My head feels better now. I'm still heading to the Pokémon center though.
This is actually a pretty good milk chocolate bar. Thank you :)
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blueberry-gills · 8 months
Pelper. Unmail
👍enjoy the chocolate
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elite-amarys · 9 months
Pelipper unmail!
The glitter
<A picture is attached. In it we see a Pelipper in what appears to be Amarys' room. The room is covered in glitter, which the Pelipper is attempting to pick up with its oversized beak. It doesn't seem to be working. End ID>
I think the vacuum may be more efficient. Thank you for trying to help, however. The sentiment is appreciated.
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battle-subway-ghost · 10 months
[Pelipper Mail has been reactivated on this account!]
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teamplasmaofficial · 1 year
pelipper un-mail! All of your keyboard keys. Have fun trying to type anything intill you get new keys
I have gotten new keys now, for your information.
I am not sure how you managed to get into my private quarters and vandalize my private computer. If anything I applaud your skill.
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benchspkmnirlhub · 3 months
A Guide to Pokemon IRL
Hello! Pokemon IRL has been getting more and more popular over the year and a half I've been in the community, and I'm seeing lots of people being confused by it.
So I'm making this guide, to hopefully help people understand it better, and perhaps join us in this wacky community.
Part 1: The Basics
Essentially, Pokemon IRL is a RP community centered on one single premise: Blogging as if you were in the Pokemon world. It's a hybrid of askblogs, RP blogs, and general tumblr blogs.
There's very few rules to it, other than just "don't be a jerk". There's all kinds of Pokemon IRL blogs, from regular OC trainers, to canon characters, to characters who are Pokemon themselves, to even Fallers from non-Pokemon media, and more!
The main thing is that 98% of Pokemon IRL operates on the multiverse. Blogs can have conflicting canons, since the multiverse exists, and the blogs can be from different universes. This also means that multiple people can RP the same character. I've lost count of the amount of Kieran and Silver blogs.
Why is Pokemon-world tumblr multiversal? Who knows! But that's the one generally accepted canon thing across almost all Pokemon IRL blogs.
Part 2: Glossary
I know glossaries are usually at the ends of books, but I figure it's important that I define some important terms before I get to the rest of this guide.
Rotomblr - The generally accepted name for Pokemon-world tumblr. I personally prefer to use the name Tacklr instead, but that's just my opinion.
Sapient Pokemon - Pokemon that are sapient. Typically refers to Pokemon that run blogs. Some blogs don't allow interactions with them. Some blogs love interacting with them, though, such as all my blogs!
Eebydeeby - A human that has been turned into a Pokemon. "Eeby" is short for it. "Sleeby" means "slow eeby", or a human that has been or is in the process of slowly turning into a Pokemon.
Hybrid - This has two meanings. The first is someone who's part human and part Pokemon. The second is a Pokemon that's part one species, part another species.
Pelipper Mail - This is a multiversal system of mail, powered via Pelipper! You can have Pelippers send items to other blogs with this. Can be enabled or disabled per blog. Same goes with the next five terms.
Pelipper Unmail - Instead of giving, this is taking. This steals something from another blog via Pelipper.
Pelipper Malice - Essentially, this is sending something to another blog that you know will hurt them.
Musharna Mail - It's like Pelipper Mail, but with dreams! This can be used to send dreams to other blogs.
Musharna Malice - Just like Musharna Mail, but it's nightmares instead of dreams.
Magic Anons - Essentially, this allows anons to do whatever they'd like to the characters on your blog. Use caution when enabling this, though, as it's suspected that some people fetish mine with these.
High Stakes - Basically, this refers to anything that can majorly injure many characters, or otherwise have lots of bad stuff happen. Many blogs don't like interacting with this stuff, so it's best to tag it.
Drama Stakes - Like High Stakes, but less. This is when stuff is happening that could lead to in-universe ruined relationships. Best to tag this too.
Ultra Stakes - Like High Stakes, but more. This is when things lead to potential death of many characters. Definitely best to tag this as well.
Chosen - Sometimes someone is a legendary's favorite special little person, and they get powers from it! That's essentially what a Chosen is.
Faller - Someone, usually from a non-Pokemon media, who falls into the Pokemon world. Essentialyl a way of writing a non-Pokemon character in Pokemon IRL.
Self-Insert Faller - An OOC blogrunner falls into the Pokemon world. Can get very meta.
Muse Mixup Madness - At the start of every month, there's an event where some blogs temporarily change their core concept for a day or a few. It's best to tag these, and to give warnings beforehand.
Part 3: Setting up your Blog
Setting up a Pokemon IRL blog is a lot like setting up a regular tumblr blog, just in-character.
The main thing you'll need is a pinned post explaining the premise of the blog. These are usually in-character, with an OOC section at the bottom.
It's best to warn for possible triggers that might pop up on the blog, as well as explaining your boundaries (i.e. if you don't want Pelipper Mail).
Feel free to theme your blog too, changing the header and icon, adjusting the theme colors, maybe even have a custom theme!
Once you have that all set, you're ready to interact!
Part 4: Interacting
I made a full guide on how to interact here, if you want to check it out!
The main thing is, don't be afraid to interact. Even with big blogs. Everyone's happy to receive interactions! Worst that can happen is that your interaction is ignored.
So don't be scared! Jump in, and start interacting!
Part 5: General Advice from my Friends
I asked around for any additional advice people wanted to add, and here's what some people had to say:
"uhhh ooc communication is super important, especially if youre trying to do a plot with someone or smth along those lines" - @espers-n-espurrs
"Uhhh "Do it scared" Like. If you're nervous about doing something but you wanna do it, do it even though you're scared!!!!! Also like. Have fun. People can tell when you're having fun. Be silly. Do what you want forever. Also that big blogs 9/10 don't mind interactions with smaller ones. I think I count as one and like. I am just as scared as interacting with new people as the smaller blogs who wanna interact with me" @chaos-cousins
"interact with people" - @justalileepguy
"The absolute worst thing that can happen if you send someone an ask is that they delete it. People like getting interaction, even if it's from a blog you don't follow. If you're having trouble interacting, find something your two characters have in common and point it out" - @fated-furret
Part 6: Miscellaneous Stuff
If there's anything I'm missing, feel free to let me know, or add it in a reblog! I've been in this community for a long time, but even I don't know absolutely everything.
If you've read this far, thank you! I hope this guide helps in some way. Reblogging it is appreciated, but not necessary.
And if you're thinking of joining the Pokemon IRL community, then I'm excited to help welcome you!
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not-gonna-lose · 4 months
Pelipper Unmail!
24 boxes… over 24 hours.
...better than nothing, I guess...
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detective-prince-pkmn · 9 months
Pelipper unmail/mail!
the anger and the hurt, it it replaced with the feeling of warm sunshine and flowers.
...thank you...
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amewwayofliving · 2 months
Is this thing working?
Er, hi there. I'm Mew. Yes, the Mew, the one a lot of you have been searching for. Er, forgive me, but I didn't really want to be a lab Ratatta, or whatever you all call it.
Look, being a part of the pantheon is tiring. So much work to do, all the time. So I quit.
Don't really want to live as a wild Pokemon either, and I'm kinda curious about this whole civilization thing you humans have going. So, er...mind if I join you all?
I'm just trying to live a human-like life. Can't be any worse than scolding Rayquaza for not responding to Groudon and Kyogre's arguments for the third time this month.
If any of you are my new neighbors, then, er. Hope you don't mind your new neighbor being a Mew. Or I'll have to move somewhere else.
Also, Pelipper Mail is on.
So, er, yeah. That's about it.
Hello! Bench here yet again, with a sixth active blog! Someone should probably stop me, but now I have enough active blogs for a whole Pokemon team!
Mew's just trying to fit in among humans while remaining a Mew. No human disguise this time, I'm already doing that on Illanero's blog.
No NSFW stuff whatsoever, and magic anons are disabled. Pelipper Mail and all its variants (Unmail, Malice, Musharna Mail, Musharna Malice) are all enabled, though. And sapient Pokemon interactions are welcome and encouraged!
I hope you all enjoy this blog!
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