the name sounded cooler in my head
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Just a student at Blueberry Academy. Hello there!(Pokemon IRL Blog- CW Unreality)
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blueberry-gills · 11 days ago
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Alcremie -- Natsumi Yoshida
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blueberry-gills · 14 days ago
My fence wasn't able to get any of the good chocolate this year :(
I mean it's still good. Kind of. Maybe I'll go to the student store tomorrow to get some other stuff
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blueberry-gills · 16 days ago
Aah, yeah. That makes sense. They still sound pretty neat!'s definitely. Atypical ,^^ It's to like. Promote battling and team building I think. The Academy as a whole really focuses on that sorta stuff. It's interesting. 👍 probably not as expansive as the Wild Area though haha
POINTS. Fellow Alcremie Trainer!! Hello!!! :D
Um...! Your Charlotte looks so cute!! How did you two meet, if I may ask?
mornin. i'll deliver the compliment to her. :-). as for how we met, milcery are pretty common round turffield, n my da took me out there once a while ago. think i was about 10, maybe
i dont remember when she evolved, though. 's always nice t'see other alcremie trainers though, i feel like the only other ones out there are the battle cafe runners
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blueberry-gills · 22 days ago
Why are there so many Cheri Berries in the Savannah Biome right now. I can't take five steps without seeing like three of them or something
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blueberry-gills · 28 days ago
Mhm! It really is. It's a great place for studying, training, just walking around....lots of things ^^
And aaaaaaa thank you so much!!!! ;; the ocean was actually the first thing I thought of when I saw the color combo zshffhs I'm glad you like it, too!
Hellooooo! Fellow Blueberry Student and Alcremie Trainer!! It's nice to meet you ^^
How are you finding Blueberry Academy??
OMG HIIII It’s awesome seeing other Blueberry Students on here!!
TBH I absolutely love BBA, it’s genuinely amazing. Literally love dorming here and hanging out in the terrarium and everything!!
Also!! Fellow Alcremie trainer yippee!! Arista is a ruby swirl ribbon sweet, what about yours?
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blueberry-gills · 28 days ago
Ah, nope! I have not...most of what I've heard about the place is from my friends ,^^ I'll take your word for it, though!
I see! That sounds pretty fun- if you're into battling at least. Though if they're that popular, I'd imagine they'd get pretty crowded....Hm. Uh. Have you ever visited one?
And! I caught Sugar at my school! It's got a little biome terrarium thing called the. Terarium. I think it's supposed to be a pun?? Anyway. There's a bunch of wild Pokemon in there!
POINTS. Fellow Alcremie Trainer!! Hello!!! :D
Um...! Your Charlotte looks so cute!! How did you two meet, if I may ask?
mornin. i'll deliver the compliment to her. :-). as for how we met, milcery are pretty common round turffield, n my da took me out there once a while ago. think i was about 10, maybe
i dont remember when she evolved, though. 's always nice t'see other alcremie trainers though, i feel like the only other ones out there are the battle cafe runners
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blueberry-gills · 29 days ago
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blueberry-gills · 29 days ago
!!! That's great to hear!! I'm glad you're liking it here! The Terarium is super neat, isn't it? I spend a lot of time in there's nice! It's almost easy to forget the whole thing's underwater sometimes haha ,^^
Ooooh! That's such a pretty combination! The purple of the Sweet pairs so well with the Ruby Swirl Coloring... uh! My Alcremie, Sugar, is a Mint Cream Alcremie with a Berry Sweet :D
Hellooooo! Fellow Blueberry Student and Alcremie Trainer!! It's nice to meet you ^^
How are you finding Blueberry Academy??
OMG HIIII It’s awesome seeing other Blueberry Students on here!!
TBH I absolutely love BBA, it’s genuinely amazing. Literally love dorming here and hanging out in the terrarium and everything!!
Also!! Fellow Alcremie trainer yippee!! Arista is a ruby swirl ribbon sweet, what about yours?
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blueberry-gills · 29 days ago
Oooh! Turffield!! I've seen a few pictures of the place, I think. I didn't know you could find Milcery there, though! That's really cool ^<^
And yes!!! It is really nice! always love seeing other Trainers' Alcremie, and seeing how varied they can be! Those battle cafes though...they seem really heavily associated with Alcremie, yeah. I've seen them brought up a bunch whenever someone talks about Alcremie online and stuff ,^^ they sound sorta interesting? At least? Possibly?
POINTS. Fellow Alcremie Trainer!! Hello!!! :D
Um...! Your Charlotte looks so cute!! How did you two meet, if I may ask?
mornin. i'll deliver the compliment to her. :-). as for how we met, milcery are pretty common round turffield, n my da took me out there once a while ago. think i was about 10, maybe
i dont remember when she evolved, though. 's always nice t'see other alcremie trainers though, i feel like the only other ones out there are the battle cafe runners
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blueberry-gills · 29 days ago
Everytime I see the word Alcremie I get this jolt of recognition like 'Woah!!! I know about that!!! That's so cool!!!" And I spend a couple seconds just soaking in that feeling
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blueberry-gills · 1 month ago
Sizzle's started doing a thing where when I'm petting her and I pull by hand away she grabs me and pulls my hand back down. And if I get up to do something else she starts wailing and staring at me with the saddest, most pathetic looking eyes you've ever seen. So really I'm left with no other choice than to Keep Petting the Salandit
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blueberry-gills · 2 months ago
W. What do you mean Sligoogle
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There's like three things wrong here I'm losing my mind
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blueberry-gills · 2 months ago
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i was baking and alcremie took a picture with my phone accidentally while fidgeting with it. i thought it was pretty :3
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blueberry-gills · 2 months ago
Man. My sleep schedule's all messed up from break now -_- I don't think my Pokemon are helping either dhajsnsn
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blueberry-gills · 2 months ago
hello! I see you have the same form of alcremie that we do! blueberry sweet and all. neat.
does sugar like to decorate things as well? wondering if that’s a swirls thing or an alcremie thing!
!! Helloooo! ^^
You're right!! We do!!! That's so cool!!! :0 aagh, Mint Cream with a Berry Sweet is such a good combo for an Alcremie! Such gorgeous blues....
Oh! And yes! Sugar does decorates some stuff, on occasion! Usually berries and fruit slices and things like that. ^<^
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blueberry-gills · 2 months ago
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look at this picture of swirls from when swirls was just a milcery!!
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blueberry-gills · 2 months ago
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❄️ a sweet Advent afternoon at the Atom Palace ✨ { my trainersona }
wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎄🎀🩵💕
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