this post is brought to you from the “we love Wilbur Soot to fucking death and support him through his tough times even when he’s not putting out content because we love him to fucking death” gang
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Their friendship >>>
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Me listening to Roadtrip by Dream ft PmBata mood board:
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Found these two next to eachother in my camera roll
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Dono: “Who would win in a fight, you or Dream?”
Sapnap: “If I had I gun I would win”
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Ghostbur and Friend uwu
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Quick drawings I did while watching the stream but I forgot to post them 🤡✨
But damn this was such an awesome stream 😭😭
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I decided to design a few dreams. OG Dream, DreamXD, and finally twitch prime dream.
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STOP asking me if I’m doing well mentally. I literally have minecraft youtuber twitch notifications on, I think you already know the answer.
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Ranboos and a Ranbob
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yay dream won!! but rip to the parrots :((
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karl jacobs but make him a butler
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Reasons why Dream should be given a Prison Pet /rp
There's a plethora of passive mobs that can't turn hostile, so he can't sic his pet on anyone and endanger them. These include:
Parrots- small, easy to keep away from danger by being told to sit either on the ground or his shoulder. He can choose what color he wants to feel like he still has his freedom of choice
Cats- also small and can be told to sit to keep them away from the lava wall. He could also pick what color he wants, giving him independence and choice
Fish- these ALSO come in very many colors and shapes he can choose from. It'd need a tank, but he likely wouldn't be able to use the water to get out since it'll just make cobblestone he can't break.
Bees- can be tethered to the back wall with a leash to prevent it from flying into the lava. They can set up a system where he can gather honey for himself to drink/eat so he doesn't have to constantly wait on Sam to feed him
Foxes- a little tricky to breed, but if this one works he can have fun with giving it different things to hold. Also can keep this one tethered to the back wall to keep it away from the lava.
Any of the livestock mobs (cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, mooshrooms, etc)- these might take up a bit of space but they can also provide good company and a possible food source depending on what he picks (mooshrooms give stew, cows give milk, chickens get eggs which he can probably spawn more chickens with and have more than one pet if Sam allows him to)
horses/donkeys/mules- these can also get big and it might make his cell a bit cramped. Of course this can be fixed by either modifying the mob's data to keep it a baby or expand his cell. This is another one he can choose a color for, and he can ride it for a bit of entertainment.
He should be able to tame it himself (if it can be tamed such as if he's given a horse, a parrot or a cat) so it's actually His. He should also get to name it, because if you name something you can get more easily attached to it.
It gives him an attachment, shows him that attachments are okay to have
It also gives him responsibility, if he can take care of the pet then he might start taking care of himself
He needs something to keep him company when he isn't being visited
There have been like 2 wars over pets on this server because people care about them so much. If Dream can care about a pet then we might see a positive change in attitude and set him on the road to recovery
I really hope the prison situation changes. Dream is a terrible person who did terrible things; im not condoning his past actions and I fully realize that Dream was willing to keep Tommy (and whoever the prison was initially meant for) in those conditions. However, this doesn't change the fact that Dream, too, is human and doesn't deserve to live in those conditions. In fact, his condition in the prison is likely going to change nothing at all, and if he does change he's going to get worse.
A pet would be a great first step towards recovery and reform. If he rejects the pet, then he should still be allowed counseling and therapy to help him solve his problems rather than let him wallow in self-destructive tendencies.
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I don’t have much confidence with my art atm but I hope it makes some people happy at least :]
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Despite of all the insane crap happening in the Dream SMP..
I would just like to remind everyone who the real baddest bitch on the smp is
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