#pei ming will be telling xl what a great party it was and xl will think of a way to put restrictions on the costume choice next time
ghostkingsupreme · 1 month
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Of course Pei Ming had to be a banana 🍌
Xie Lian & Hua Cheng | Feng Xin & Mu Qing | Shi Qingxuan & Ming Yi
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 5
Gonna go conquer Ep 6 after this
Previously on TGCF…
-Back in Paradise Manor’s armory
-Boo Chinese censorship!!!
-Lang Ying is me when I’m experiencing a sensory overload or meltdown
-He spun him right round like a record baby
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-Hua Cheng is in a modeling pose (As my sis would say, “Now he’s draping himself.”)
-It’s going down!
-He just did an effortless backflip
-Lang Ying is clutching at XL sleeves!
-Hey!  Qingxuan!  No interrupting him!  Bad Windmaster!  Bad!
-I think he does have issues with Ming Yi, you just don’t know what they are
-Dude just roasted the Earth Master
-Yep that’s foreshadowing
-He’s in a battle stance!
-That was an awesome sword twirl
-He called him, ‘Your Highnesss’!  This ain’t no drill!!!
-Oh no he’s airbending in an inside area!
-No not the polearms!
-“We could’ve solved this peacefully”  Literally a quote that suits Aang and Ezran from the Dragon Prince
-He caught a fan!
-In other words, Hua Cheng just said, “Mine’s bigger than yours”
-Oh no!  Stilettos!
-It really is a martial arts series
-He’s bringing the whole place down!
-They’re redirected!
-There’s Taihua
-It’s a hugeass goddang sword!
-Another sword twirl!
-That he is a beautiful idiot, that he is
-Dang that was beautifully animated
-Hua Cheng has a really great laugh
-A sword duel!
E Ming: We will defeat him!
-An explosion!
-Oh no loose flames!
-There’s a fire at Paradise Manor!  
-Oh you are so DEAD Qingxuan
-Really fanning the flames isn’t he?
-Get the Ancient Mystical Chinese Fire Department, preferably those that can bend Fire and Water!!!
-No not the weapons!!!
-Man Hua Cheng is really going, “This is fine” after that scuffle
-Because of that misunderstanding, Xie Lian and mainly Qingxuan ended up barbecuing the armory.
-You better pay Qingxuan
-His line on debt’s gonna age like curdled milk
-Oh no his right shoulder!
-He deflected both attacks
-You can even hear E Ming’s chirps in the flashback
-Qianqiu’s been silent since the whole escape
-Back in Heaven already
-He changed his robes like a magical girl!
-It’s not a race
-Feng Xin again and he’s concerned
-Now Mu Qing came
-Now there’s a commotion
-A levitating spell
-The female turquoise robed NPC
-Ooh neat healing spell
-The blood’s all down his sleeve
-*Gasps* He hit the nail!
-Another imperial perceptor
-Also, Fang Xin sounds a lot like ‘Feng Xin’, and that’s when you start to not tell the two apart (Xie Lian ILYSM but you couldn’t have picked a more distinct and unique name???)
-Ling Wen, with answers
-It’s like the party for Bosco in Book 2 Earth, The Earth King
-There’s the survivor’s guilt
-Pei Ming is at Ling Wen’s side, no surprises
-Xie Lian’s already guilty
-Hey don’t drag XL down like that
-Now Jun Wu has entered
-That’s it?! “He’ll survive”
-The way Jun Wu erased the blood from XL’s sleeve didn’t feel like an actual healing spell to me at all.
Jun Wu’s whole dynamic with Heaven is summarized as:
Jun Wu: I love all my Officials equally! Xianle, Ling Wen, and *looks at smudged writing on hand* Pringly
Ming Yi: My name is Ming Yi your majesty!
Jun Wu:  Yes, whatever, Ming Ming
Incorrect quote source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw6lLBkXVBw
-Just like Agni Kai
-Dang, I like the way he said ‘Taihua’
-Lang Qianqiu backstory
-His mask
-He really did look like a beggar
-Qianqiu was so happy and innocent!
-Ties in with the flower and sword symbolism
-Ok who threw him that sword?
-Aw man, the way the sword reflects Xie Lian’s eyes filled with regret
-Dude don’t injure your arm, the right one’s important to people like me!
-He did another foolish action
-No not the left arm
-It’s a vow a lot of protagonists would struggle to keep in the future
-You can actually see the anguish
-He blocked it with his cultivator whisk
-Taihua is right!
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is a little fucked up!
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sunmaylight · 3 years
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt.4 - Wind & Water Master Arc: The Water Master Side & Ghost City pt. 3, Party City in the Crimson Light
Here we are. At the second (?) half of the Wind and Water Master Arc. I don’t know about the rest of the community, but I now consider that the Wind and Water Master Arc to be split on which of the two Elemental Masters are focused. With Wind Masters’s arc first and Water Master’s arc second.
I am excited cause the Water Master side had a going in it. Especially since the Black Water Sinking Ship - He is going to be introduced. I wonder how his lair will be compared to Hua Cheng’s. Can’t wait
Obviously, what I forgot to mention earlier. If you haven’t figured it out already,
Ch 119: Xie Lian says Four Supremes, but someone corrects him that it’s the Four Calamities.
- Me: lol. He forgot Qi Rong is part of them.
Famous saying in the Underworld: “Crimson Rules the Land; Black Masters the Waters.”
- Me: Wow. What a quote from the book, got to note that down.
Pei Ming: Demon Xuan.
- Me: ...wait. Scholar He. Demon Xuan....SQX has He and Xuan as part of his birth name..... MF!
How to ride a Flying Shovel 101 with Ming Yi and Shi Qingxuan
1) Have the owner step on the handle
2) Have the guest stand on the spade of the shovel
3) Fly
Hua Cheng soaking in Xie Lian protecting him like a cat
- Me: That is one smug cat.
Fangxin is an old blade and has to fly for a long time
- Me: Oh, so it’s grand-sword Fangxin instead of Uncle Fangxin
Hua Cheng is standing on water while holding Xie Lian
- Hehe. Christianity reference could happen. Hua Cheng = J**us
The two get swept up by the waves and land on shore. Xie Lian sees Hua Cheng isn’t breathing. Xie Lian gives him CPR
- Me: Wait, do Ghost need to breath?
Hua Cheng opens his eyes
- Me: Oh! MF
Ch 120: Coffin Boat building
- Me: The ‘wilderness survival episode’
Xie Lian telling Hua Cheng that to him, “...what matters is you, not the state of you.”
- Me: *wipes tear away from eye* I-I’m not crying. Are you crying?
Riding the waves in a closed coffin that is designed to house only one person.
- Me: Well, I can think of a lot of ways where this can go wrong and horny.
The entire coffin scene until they break out to see who/what is whacking their ‘boat’. The are greeted to the sight of Pei Ming and Shi Wudu staring at them
- Me: Well, this is like what, the second time Pei Ming caught Hua Cheng and Xie Lian in a romantic situation?
Pei Ming taking Demon Xuan’s minions and forming them into a basketball
- Me: Hi, I need visual of this entire scene please
Action scene! The invisible water demons.
- Me: oh yay! I was wondering when that would happen. 
- Also me: You know, I would love to see a book of spells and hypological structures of how ghost biology is
Lake mirror shows another realm. SQX is trapped in a prison with others. Everyone, except Pei Ming jumps into the Mirror Lake
- Me: Well, what reference can I put for that? Through the Looking Glass? Wonderland? Movie thing?
Xie Lian asks Hua Cheng for Spiritual Power and has to emphasize on the ‘little’
The other side of the mirror lake is a place where spiritual powers fail. Xie Lian is the only fighter of the group now...besides Hua Cheng if  he decides to do something
- Me: Xie Lian, I hope you become a great MVP
Ch 122-123: Revealed that the group has ended up at the Nether Water Manor. They go to the manor and have a jump scare from a skeleton that literally jumps at one of them at a certain phrase said.
- Me: Oh, yeah. I think things are being pieced together in my head now...not a pretty picture.
They find a Distance-Shortening array that can only teleport one person at a time. Ming Yi is the only one who can activate it among the group.
- Me: Well, isn’t that the perfect timing to separate the group.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng end up at the Puqi Shrine with the rest of the group is unknown. Xie Lian understands who the Reverend/Demon Xuan is. 
- Me: Called it
Xie Lian learns that Hua Cheng and Demon Xuan had some agreement in the past that makes the two unable to sabotage if it’s something important to the other.
Ha Cheng seeing Xie Lian do a familar hand seal: “...gege?”
- Me: *sob* I can hear so much emotions from Hua Cheng when he said that as the Ghost King realizes what Xie Lian is going to do. Confusion, realization, fear, concern, and so much more
Xie Lian is now with SQX in the horror game: Survive on Nether Manor Island. It is filled with running, hiding your intentions from your ‘best friend’ and trying to find your brother. Try your best to survive, or else your fate will be decided by Black Water.
- Me: Well, that is a horror show that I didn’t put much notes in. Must be because of how absorbed I was in the story at that time.
Xie Lian monologuing about his discoveries of everything so far. How he connects the dots and realizations to everything about Ming Yi’s identity
"Ming Yi” utterly destroys Water Master’s fan attack with a flick of the wrist and takes the fan away from him.
“Ming Yi” dissolves into Demon Xuan like water flowing down paint to reveal the actual picture underneath. 
- Me: I need visuals so bad.
He Xuan drags SQX and SWD to some dungeon like place. He Xuan gets his own brand of ‘justice’.
- Me: No comment. Read this for yourself
The horror of the climax of the Wind & Water Master arc ends with Xie Lian ejected from SQX’s body at the most crucial moment. He awakens to the sight of Hua Cheng sucking the spiritual energy out of his body to cancel the spell. Hua Cheng is kissing Xie Lian
- Me: Wow. Efficient. Don’t know how to react to seeing this romantic scene after something horrific though
Ch 125: Qi Rong ruins the moment
- Qi Rong, I would start running now.
The aftermath of the Wind & Water Master Arc ends with them picking up Pei Ming. Also learn a new side to He Xuan, he is a lonely man whose thirst for revenge fed him for so many years. 
“No one can know what he’s thinking.”
- Me: Now I feel sad for He Xuan. Even moreso now then before.
It is revealed that the fisherman were dragged into the sea during the Water Master’s Heavenly Trial by a third party.
- We have a possible thi- fourth party. Previous three: XL & HC, Heaven, He Xuan
Ch 126: Xie Lian and Hua Cheng try to learn who is this other mysterious party is for dragging Xie Lian to Banyue pass, and now this.
- Me: Concern. Who is dragging Xie Lian around? Why are they dragging him around?
After the funeral for Water Master, Qi Rong is behaving funny. Hua Cheng barges in and takes the two away to Ghost City.
- Me: Ghost City pt. 3, Party City in the Crimson Light? ((Oh, that should be the other header))
The group is at Ghost City, without someone.
- Me: Wait! They forgot Lang Ying ((MY SON!))
 Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are by themselves. Hua Cheng practices calligraphy again at Xie Lian’s encouragement. 
Ch 127: Ghost are going out of control, Qi Rong escapes, Hua Cheng is acting clingy to Xie Lian. In the background as Qi Rong escapes, it appears that he has a routine with Ghost City 
- Me: lol. Even in this pain, they have a routine that is uninterrupted. 
Qiandeng Temple is sealed shut. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are trapped. THAT ENTIRE SCENE OF XIE LIAN CALMING AN ALMOST BERSERK HUA CHENG
- Me: Wow. What a night that was for Xie Lian and Hua Cheng.
Next day, Hua Cheng doesn’t remember and explains that it was a sign of Mount Tonglu opening.
- Me: Man, Hua Cheng, you missed out big time.
Ghost have escaped from imprisonment in Heaven. Xie Lian is tasked to work with Qi Ying.
- Me: Qi Ying? That one guy that threw a bed at Pei Ming?
Xie Lian goes back to Puqi Shrine all mope. Lang Ying is around, though. He tries to help Xie Lian, but during lunch(?) Xie Lian burnt the food. He is about to throw it away, but Lang Ying eats it instead.
- LANG YING! Ahhh, no! Please be alright soon. Please don’t get food poisoning.
Xie Lian is laying down in bed thinking of Hua Cheng.
- Me: Xie Lian missing Hua Cheng like a wife missing her husband on a business trip
Quan Yizhen is on the floor choking on Xie Lian’s cooking. He is revealed to be the one giving Xie Lian the gold bars
- Me: Xie Lian. What kind of ally did you make? QYZ seems like an instinctive guy.
Lang Ying speaking up and being bolder.
- Me: Did Hua Cheng do something to Lang Ying to make him grow more of a backbone?
Now that QYZ is here, Xie Lian debriefs him on the new mission. Find the Brocade Immortal Robe
Ch 128 author (MXTX) notes: No one can eat Xie Lian’s cooking besides Hua Cheng.
- Me: Wow. Way to give a spoiler. But okay, that makes sense.
Ahh, the Mount Tonglu arc is coming soon. First there has to be the chaos that the opening of Mount Tonglu brought.
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