wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
⋆·˚˚°✦ Masterlist ✦°˚˚·⋆
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messedupfan · 7 months
Chapter 14
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Summary: It's the new year! There's a new development in Reader and Wanda's friendship. Jean and Anna have a very important question for reader. And Rachel witnesses something special.
A/n: Hellllloooooo!! I hope y'all are having a good day. Anyone watch Love is Blind? Every season upsets me more than the last. Anyway, comment, like, reblog, and enjoy!
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By the time you stopped staying with Wanda, the pillow wall ceased to exist. The pair of you were comfortable enough to share the space together on the bed and not overthink it. At least that's what you told each other to be able to hold one another at night. On the Sunday that Vision was meant to come for the boys, he called Wanda early in the morning. You were confused and exhausted when you accidentally picked up the phone. Your eyes went wide when you realized that you answered the wrong phone. You quickly put it on mute and woke Wanda up. She had to put on a fake voice to try and match yours. It was a hilarious attempt and she had to hit you to get you to laugh quietly. You just climbed out of bed to use the restroom. 
When you came back, Wanda had her face in her hands. You rejoined her on the bed and she leaned against you once you were settled in. “Vision extended his trip. He said he'll pick them up next Sunday. Which, I'm okay with having them longer. Of course. I love them and I mean, they love you and Rachel so I'm sure that a part of them will be okay with it. But,” she shut her eyes and shook her head as you put your arm around her. “They're going to be so disappointed. I don't even know what I can say? What do you say to a kid when their dad would rather spend the holidays with his new family?” 
You frowned as you rubbed her arm. Even though you knew the question was rhetorical, you felt inclined to answer because you've been that kid before. “My mom wouldn't tell me. She wouldn't even make an excuse on his behalf. She would just distract me with so much fun that I wouldn't even know how long it was until I finally did see my dad.” 
“Do you think that will work?” She rubbed her finger under her nose. You laughed lightly as you shook your head. 
“No, definitely not. Those kids are too smart for that. But, I think I do know something that might work,” you began to remind her of the night before when the boys were bummed by the idea that they had to go with their father because they wanted to stay and have fun with Rachel. “Just say that you asked Vision to let you have the boys a little bit longer and he agreed to let them stay until school starts again.” 
And she took your advice, while you were in the shower, she went to the boys room and told them exactly what you suggested. They were so happy and they hugged her so tight she almost felt guilty lying to them. One of the hardest lessons she learned about being a parent was accepting that she did in fact have to lie to her children on occasion. She already had to tell them that she asked to have Christmas with them and they accepted that because Rachel was still in the hospital at the time and they knew their dad wouldn't take them to visit her. They were confused when they spent time with their dad's side of the family and he wasn't there but they had so much fun with their uncle Tony that it didn't matter. He chased them around and wrestled with them when Vision would have yelled at them for running and he would have punished them for playing around so much. 
The twins loved their dad but they didn't miss him. 
Wanda hosted a New Year’s Eve party that included her mom, the Starks, her brother and his family, plus her friends. You got to invite your friends, Steve and his partner Peggy, the new guy on the job site Thor, and Darcy. A girl you met on a dating app one time and the two of you decided to be friends after. It was rare for her to be in town because she is a political science major who is interning for doctor Jane Foster while she worked on getting her own doctorate. The internship had her traveling a lot. She brought Jane with her because she claimed that the woman was a shut-in. But with the way she almost instantly gravitated to Thor, you couldn't tell. 
You also invited Bucky, another work friend, and he brought a girl he'd started seeing a couple of months prior. A woman named Natasha. When she entered the house she appeared to be on edge. So did Wanda at first, you figured you'd have to ask her about it when you got the chance. After a bit, they both relaxed. 
Of course, Anna and Jean were in attendance as well. They kept wanting to tease you about co-hosting but with so many of your co-workers and your boss being there, they let it slide. You acted as a guest and the kids knew not to mention the living arrangement. 
“So, who are you kissing at midnight?” Darcy asks as she joins you outside on the patio. You needed a break from the party and it was a nice night despite the low temperature. “Me or the hostess?” She smirks then takes a sip from her blue disposable cup. 
You shake your head as you drink from your cup. “I’m not kissing anyone at midnight.” The kids were all in the boys room and you’d hate for them to run down the stairs and confuse them because you and Wanda kissed. They were already confused because one of the nights, Billy came running in from having a nightmare and caught you in the bed. Up until then, you and Wanda were telling them that you were sleeping on the couch. You got away with telling Billy that you also had a nightmare and he seemed to have bought the excuse as he climbed in and created space between you and Wanda so that he could snuggle with his mom. 
“Oh come on, that’s no fun,” Darcy nudges you. “Tell you what, I’ll kiss Agatha so you’ll have to kiss Wanda.” 
You narrow your eyes, “You just want to kiss Agatha.” 
She made a face as she laughed, “No, I just want you to kiss Wanda.”
“How much money is involved,” you ask, knowing the people that are inside. Darcy tries to deny that there’s a bet circulating around the party and eventually gives up. You look inside of the house through the windows on the doors and watch Wanda laugh as something her sister-in-law says. Things weren’t complicated with her but you were constantly afraid that they would become complicated. “I’m not kissing her so that you and whoever else is involved can win a bet.”
“Pietro was the one who started it so,” she takes another drink, “do you really want your boss to lose.” The look she gives you confirms your unspoken question of which side of the bet Pietro was on. You couldn’t believe that he bet that you would kiss his sister at midnight. You shake your head again and finish what’s left in your cup. 
“I need another drink,” you say as you get up from your seat and walk inside. Instead of refilling your cup, you toss it into the trash. Your eyes keep finding Wanda in the small crowd as you move about the gathering talking with the different people there. You liked getting to know Tony Stark but her laugh kept grabbing your attention. One of the times she catches your gaze and mouths a hello with a cute smile. You smile back and mouth, “Hey.” 
As it got closer to the countdown to midnight, you walked upstairs to check on the kids. All of them had made themselves comfortable either on a bed or on the floor. Luna and Rachel have taken the beds, the twins and Agatha’s son are on the floor. The tv was left playing a movie and you carefully turn it off since all of them are asleep. You put blankets over the three boys and tuck the girls into the beds a bit more. You don’t realize that Wanda is watching you until you look up to leave the room. You smile as you stand in the room of sleeping children and strategically step around them to avoid waking them up. 
You leave the door open a crack once you step out into the hallway, “I can move the girls out of the room in a little bit.” You whisper as you step closer to her. “I’m buzzed right now and would hate to drop any of them,” the truth is, you’d hate to wake any of them right now. 
Wanda looks at you with admiration as she continues to smile, “It’s okay. I think they’ll be fine for the night. I um, I actually wanted to warn you about something.” 
“There’s a bet on whether or not we’ll kiss tonight?” Wanda nods to confirm that’s what she was going to talk to you about. “What do you think about it?” 
She shrugs, “I think if we do, it wouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not like we haven’t before.” You nod. 
“But?” You anticipate. 
“But, I don’t want my brother to win,” she says mischievously. “Have you heard what side he’s on?” She asks and this might be the only time in your life that you don’t regret lying when you shake your head. The two of you walk down the stairs as you hear everyone counting down. 
“How are the kiddos?” Pietro asks as the countdown continues. 
“They’re all knocked out,” you inform him. He nods and is pulled in closer by his wife as they get to ten. You look around to find Jane and Thor gazing at one another, nine. Tony and his fiance, Pepper are holding each other close, eight. Agatha and Darcy each have an arm around each other's necks as they both face the television, seven. Mrs. Maximoff is sitting on the sofa with a big grin as she counts down, six. Howard is next to her with his head tilted back as he snores loudly and his wife Maria is next to him counting with a martini glass in her hand, five. Carol is kissing Val each second that is announced, four. Natasha is sitting on Bucky’s lap while he sits on the recliner with her arm around his neck and his around her waist, three.  Jean and Anna pull each other closer as they prepare to end the count down, two. That leaves you standing close to Wanda, one. 
“Happy New Year!” Everyone cheers as the countdown on the television concludes and they each exchange a kiss with their partners. You keep your hands yourself as you give Wanda an innocent chaste kiss on the lips. It’s quick, you’re not sure if anyone caught it. She smiles as she moves closer to her mom and kisses her on the cheek as she wishes her a happy new year. 
“Awe boo!” Darcy says as she digs for cash out of her pockets. The others that bet on you and Wanda sharing a kiss toss their money in the decorative bowl at the center of the coffee table. You wink at Wanda as Pietro shakes his head and puts money in the bowl. Wanda’s eyes widen ever so slightly before she continues to play dumb about the bet. The both of you fake being upset and make it clear that whatever is between the two of you is purely platonic. 
From the top of the stairs, Rachel hobbles back to Tommy and Billy’s room to hide the fact that she saw the whole thing. 
When Sunday comes back around, you get up early to get packed. School starts again on Monday so that meant you and Rachel didn’t need to stay with Wanda anymore. It sucks because you wish that you could have an excuse to be here longer but seeing as none of the kids will be in the house in the upcoming week, there isn’t a reason for you to stay. 
You hug the boys and thank them for being so helpful with Rachel as you say goodbye. They each give you a tight hug before running off to get ready for their dad to pick them up. Wanda called him early to confirm that he will be here for them in the afternoon. He sounded annoyed and convinced her to drop them off at his house since he was recovering from his trip. 
Wanda pulls you into a warm embrace to say goodbye for the time being. You’ve had to resist kissing her the entire week. You wished that you hadn’t done it on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t make it easy either. Too many times the two of you ended up too close to each other. Wanda was getting frustrated that you weren’t getting the signals that she wanted something more from you. 
When the pair of you pull back from this hug, you and Wanda hold eye contact for a moment. Both of you are considering leaning towards each other. That is, until Tommy and Billy start shouting at each other. Wanda sighs and steps out of your arms. “I’ll text you later,” you say as you grab your bag to take to the car. Rachel and her bags are already in your truck. 
You help your daughter out of the truck when you arrive at her mom's house and you only take one of her bags inside since you need to keep the rest at your apartment. Jean and Anna give you weird looks when you're inside and you're curious as to why but you don't question it. “I'll see you guys next Sunday,” you say as you're about to leave. 
“Hold on,” Anna says as she grabs your arm to stop you. “Can you um…” her words seem to fail her. 
“Do you mind staying for tea,” Jean finishes for her. You look between the two of them and notice that something is up with them. You fear that they're about to tell you that their marriage is over so you nod and allow Jean to drag you over to the living room. “So, we wanted to thank you for giving us some extra time to ourselves.” 
“Okay,” you drag out as you eye her carefully. “What's going on?” 
Jean gives you a nervous smile, “Just wait for the tea. Okay?” You nod and sit quietly. There's an awkward tension looming in the atmosphere. You were worried about what they're going to tell you and they are nervous to ask you something very important to them. 
Anna comes in with a tray of three steaming mugs a few minutes later. “You haven't asked them yet, right?” Jean shakes her head as she waits for her wife to get settled. You accept your cup of tea with a close mouth smile and nod. 
“Okay,” Jean starts as she sets her mug down. “Anna and I were wondering if you'd consider making another baby,” you’re about to laugh considering you just went through a break up, “with me?” She concludes. You spit your tea out at the absurd question. “I should have waited for you to swallow,” Jean says as she gets up to grab a dish towel to clean up the mess but Anna pulls her back down. 
“Are you crazy?” You ask as you set the tea back onto the tray. “You tell me that you can barely afford Rachel and you want to add a newborn to your expenses?” You shout in a whisper. You don't want Rachel to get curious and walk in and get excited about having another sibling. 
“Listen, we talked about that. With the budgets the three of us have come up with-” 
“And the GoFundMe!” Anna chimes in. 
“Yes, and the GoFundMe that we set-up for the medical bills, I think we'll be able to get that covered. And it takes nine months to make the baby. Anna and I can get to a better place financially in nine months,” Jean explains. 
“Can you?” You nearly shout out loud. “Look, it's not just nine months of you growing a person. It's doctors appointments, it's prenatal vitamins, it's baby clothes and toys and furniture. We got rid of all that stuff a long time ago. It's not like you have hand-me-downs.” With your pointer finger, you tap the fingers on your other hand as you list the reasons. “Not to mention how expensive IVF can be.” 
Jean and Anna share a look, “We weren't thinking about doing this through IVF. It's safer and more cost efficient to go the more natural route.” Anna is the one to suggest this. 
You stick your neck out and slowly blink as you widen your eyes. You cannot believe what you're hearing. “You really just suggested that I fuck your wife?” 
“You don't have to be so crude about it,” Anna chides. “I plan on being present and it wouldn't be wrong for you to fornicate with my wife. It's purely for reproductive purposes.” You cringe at the medical terms she uses to describe the act she is asking of you. It makes you want to throw up. “I don't understand what is so difficult about it, you've done it with her before.” 
You slowly close your hands into fists, not because you intend to use them but because air was the only thing you could grasp without hurting yourself. “I was in love, we were in love. Rachel was created from love.” 
“And this baby would be too,” Jean argues. “We care deeply about each other, Y/n.” She tries to take one of your hands in hers but you recoil, disgusted by the touch you once found comforting. 
You shake your head, “That's not the same and you know it.” You take a few breaths to calm down before you get too worked up and as your mind clears from the shock, you are able to come up with a reasonable argument. “You two might be ready to have another kid, but I'm not ready. I can't take that on financially or even emotionally right now. Besides, there is so much that happens during their first few developing years that I wouldn't want to miss when passing them back and forth.” They share another look and you already know they've thought about a crazy solution to that. You're starting to think you should just leave. 
“Well, we were thinking that you don't have any parental rights to this one. So that we can have a kid that's ours full time. We really want a baby that we can raise together that's just ours and we chose you to help us with that.” You scowl at this, they're actually asking you to not be present in the life of a child that you're supposed to help bring into this world. You couldn't believe it. “If you think about it, we can't have kids on our own and I really want Rachel to have a sibling that comes from both of us. You've said it yourself, half siblings aren't the sa-” 
“Don’t even. I was a kid when I said that! I would never say that now. I love Kate,” you interrupt. “She is my sister.” 
“Okay, fine, whatever. You still felt that way at one point,” Jean snaps, annoyed by your lack of support. “You can go off and have as many kids as you want with whoever you want. We only have so much time to do this and we used to talk about having another kid.” Jean tries hard to convince you that this is a good idea but it only sounds more and more bizarre. 
“When we were together,” you remind her as if she was an idiot. At this point, you're starting to wonder. “Those plans disappeared the second we signed the divorce papers.” You look between the women that you have tried again and again to support and defend. When Jean introduced Anna to her parents, they weren't accepting of the relationship at all. It took you the better part of a year to get her parents to tolerate the relationship. They still held out hope that you and their daughter would reunite at some point. They knew a few couples that split up only to marry each other again a few years later. Then came the wedding last February, Jean's family didn't want to attend because they didn't want to believe it was happening. You made sure they came. 
Now here they are, asking more out of you. With what return? What do you get out of this other than a few traumatic nights and a child you won't be allowed to raise but know is part of you? Then you think about Rachel and how when she would play with her baby dolls, they weren't ever her children. They were her siblings. You've had many talks with her in the past about why she doesn't have any siblings and she has expressed how she doesn't want to be an only child. You put your face in your hands as you realize that she's already ten and she'll be eleven soon enough. You had thought your eight year age gap between you and Kate was pretty big, and when you thought about having kids you always saw yourself having kids with small age gaps. That was until you had Rachel at seventeen. 
“We're not expecting an answer now,” Jean finally says. “Just please, consider it before you say no.” 
You sigh as you can't believe that you're actually going to think this over. “Okay,” you rise and walk out of the house. You drive to the nearest liquor store, the one you met Wanda at and buy a couple of bottles of the vodka she had suggested. As soon as you got home, you drank until you passed out to forget about the asinine request. 
You overworked yourself all week, being the first one on site and the last one to leave. Someone needs to be focused on paying off those medical bills and not trying to rack up more of them. The work keeps you from thinking about what Jean and Anna asked. You couldn't believe that is a real idea they discussed and thought was okay to run by you. When you got home, you had a bottle of vodka with a side of instant noodles. 
On Friday, your coworkers, Bucky and Thor, ask that you join them on a night out and you accept. You invite Steve as well because Bucky took a liking to him but wasn't sure if he could invite the guy himself. You thought it was funny that he was being weird about it but you didn't catch how flustered he was when you informed him that Steve accepted the invite. Then Thor requested that you invite Darcy and her friend. He tried to play coy but you know that he really liked Jane. He was just the idiot that forgot to call her the next day. He claimed that he waited too long and now he needed your help. You didn't mind extending it, he was a decent guy from what you've gathered. 
A couple of hours later and  you're drunk enough to start spilling your guts. Starting with how much you miss Daisy before getting into the real problem. Jean and Anna's request. Shocking everyone at the booth. The guys all agree that you shouldn't do it but Darcy plays devil's advocate and says that she knows someone that could help at no cost at all because they owed her a favor. “It's not just the sex that's the problem, Darcy,” you try to explain. “I can't just pretend it's not my kid. If I were someone that didn't mind that kind of thing, sure, I'd do it. But I'm not that person, I would want involvement.” 
She puts her hand on your back and rubs soothing circles. It would be comforting if it wasn't her touch. You begin to yearn for Wanda’s touch again. You didn't realize how much you missed it. There is a loud group of people that are being disruptive and it puts you in a bad mood as you start to miss the Hub being your go to. You doubt Phil would let you step into that building ever again. 
“Anyone want more? I'll get the next round,” you stand up even though you barely can and Darcy takes notice as she quickly joins you. Buck and Steve have engrossed themselves in a separate conversation. Jane and Thor were practically eating each other's faces. She gave him the cold shoulder when she arrived but he was able to crash through her walls pretty quickly. 
While you wait at the bar for the drinks, someone falls against Darcy and she complains about her arm hurting. That triggers something protective in you and you grab the person to try and get them to apologize. They spit in your face and you shove them. Your friends are quick to escort you out of the bar before you get into something you'll regret. 
“Give me your phone,” Darcy says as she digs through your pockets. 
“Hey, that's my phone,” you try to grab it but you're really out of it. Bucky and Steve are both holding you up, they didn't realize that you had drank so much. They exchanged worried glances as they held onto you. Thor and Jane were busy trying to calm the person you pushed. 
Wanda’s week was quite uneventful. She worked quietly on the project she was assigned. With the spare time she has in her day, she worked on her passion project. The dream house she one day hoped to build on a land she's trying to buy now. She doesn't want to continue to be limited by this house. The house that's so full of nightmares. There were good memories here, like the boys learning how to crawl and eventually walk, but it wasn't enough to erase the negative energy that has embedded itself within the walls like black mold. 
She was planning on inviting her girls over on Friday but she really only wanted to be hanging out with you. Because of that feeling, she invited someone to sleep with instead. She needed to get you out of her head. You were starting to consume her every thought. Even when she worked on the plans for her dream house. Would Y/n like this much natural light if I add this wall of windows? Wouldn't they like a woodworking space, like my father had? Maybe Rachel needs a room… she dropped her pencil and scrapped the paper. She didn't need to be thinking about that. 
Wanda was kicking the girl, Jessica, that she had over when her phone started ringing. Her heart jumped at the goofy picture of you with the caller ID that you had set, covering her screen. “Hey you,” she greets as she shuts the door. “What's up?” 
“Wanda, keep it in your pants.” Wanda moves the phone from her face as she doesn't recognize the voice. It was still your contact information. “This is Darcy. We met last week,” she says with an urgency. This gets Wanda’s heart to race with worry. 
“What's wrong with Y/n? Why are you calling me from their phone?” She asks as she searches for her keys. Ready to be driving to the hospital. 
“They're fine for the most part. I think.” She goes quiet for a second. “Look, they're really wasted and I was wondering if you could pick them up?” Darcy asks nervously. “No stop! Hey! Y/n, don't do that! Steve, Bucky, get them!” Darcy shouts away from the phone but Wanda can hear everything she says. Wanda shakes her head. So far she hadn't known you to be the drunk type. She'd seen you have a few drinks and get a buzz but she hasn't seen you in such a state that your friends have had to parent you. 
Wanda sighs, “Text me the location. I'll be there as soon as I can.” 
“Okay, thank you,” Darcy sounds distracted. “Damnit, Y/n, why do you have a flask! Stop drinking!” Is the last thing Wanda hears before the call drops. She sits in her car for a few minutes before she receives the text of the location. It was a bar close to her house and she was there in no time at all. She doesn't even have to get out of the car to help you inside because Steve and Bucky shove you into the front seat. 
“Wanda!” You say happily as you realize whose car you've been dumped into. Your eyes are closed but you recognize the scent you had been wrapped up in for two weeks. “Where's Wanda? I want to say hi,” you mutter as you start to get sleepy. 
“Here's their phone,” Darcy says as she stands at Wanda's side of the car. “Don't let them call or text anyone. They're going through something with the ex and you have to make sure that they don't say something they'll regret.” 
Wanda is confused, “What happened between Y/n and Daisy?” 
“Oh no, honey,” Darcy smiles, “Not that ex. This is baby momma drama. You'll have to ask Y/n about that one in the morning. It's not my place to go into the details.” 
Wanda nods in acknowledgement. “Thank you for calling me. Does anyone else need a ride, I'd be happy to -” 
“Nope, we're good. Just focus on Y/n. Maybe try to get some water in them.” Darcy taps the car. “Good luck,” she waves as she rejoins the group on the sidewalk. Wanda drives you back to her house and helps get you inside. She didn't realize how heavy you could be when you're not holding your weight yourself. But she manages. 
“I’m sorry I drank too much, Wanda,” you mutter as you lean against her on the sofa. She was trying to get you to drink some water before she attempted to move you up the stairs. 
“That's okay, just drink this now,” she says as she puts the plastic cup against your lips. You take a sip and nearly spit it out as you show your disgust. 
“Poison,” you exclaim. “Gah, what is that? It's awful,” you say as you lean away from it. 
“It's water,” she leans closer to you. “Drink it!” She demands. 
You make a face and take the cup and chug the whole thing. “I think my body is rejecting it. I need to chase it down with something. Do you have any vodka?” You complain and Wanda shakes her head. 
“What did Jean do to you?” Wanda asks herself and you laugh maniacally when you catch her name. 
“She wants my baby,” you answer. And Wanda is concerned that there is going to be some sort of custody battle. She can't think of why there would be. Unless Jean has a better job opportunity somewhere else. 
“She can't take Rachel from you,” Wanda says as she gets up to refill the cup. 
“Not that baby!” You shout. “My other baby. Er. A new one. She wants a new one and she doesn't want me to have it.” Wanda relaxes a bit, still confused but at least it's not something that will necessarily disrupt Rachel’s life. She walks over and claims the cup of water is vodka. You drink it as if it was the first drink you’d ever had in your life. “That’s the good stuff right there, what’s that brand?” 
She is standing in front of you as she waits for you to finish the beverage. “I’ll tell you in the morning so that you don’t forget.” When you’re don’t she reaches for the cup and instead of handing it over, you grab her by the wrist and pull her to land on top of you. She tries to push herself up but you catch her lips in a sloppy kiss. “What are you doing?” She whispers as she pulls away. 
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” you reply. 
She shakes her head, “You’re drunk.” 
“So?” You ask as you try to kiss her again. This time she is able to slip out of your grasp. 
“So, this isn’t happening,” Wanda doesn’t go into how she’d be taking advantage of you since you’re so wasted and she hasn’t had a drop of alcohol all week. She doesn’t remind you of why you rejected her before or mention that she refuses to be a rebound for you. “Let's get you to bed,” she says as she lifts you up by your arm. You shake your head, disappointed by the rejection but comply. 
You're a little wobbly as you walk up the stairs. Wanda is closely behind you to ensure your safe ascent. You stop in front of her open bedroom door. Uncertain if she wants you to stay with her. But you decide that it's not her decision to make. So you move to the guest room. Wanda doesn't argue as she collects a bottle of painkillers and fills the cup again. She leaves the items on the nightstand beside you. You fell asleep the second your head hit the pillow. You snored softly and Wanda was surprised because you never snored during the time you stayed with her.
“I'll see you in the morning,” she says while she flips the light switch off and shuts the bedroom door. Wanda grabs the pillow that smells like you out of her closet and sets it on her bed before she gets in her pajamas. She crawls into bed and clutches the pillow to her chest as she inhales your scent in order to fall asleep.
Chapter 15
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles
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thena0315 · 29 days
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The Ladies of Phase 1
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hey-english · 4 months
the dubsmash wars.... take me back
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idonthaveacontract · 10 months
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this exact look is my favorite romance trope
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book-dragon-13 · 9 months
Christmas Moodboards Pt 2
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
I wanna make an AU for 1950s! Characters!
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Maria Hill
Carol Danvers
Darcy Lewis
Peggy Carter
Agatha Harkness
Laura Barton
Melina Vostokoff
Jane Foster
Who else???
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marvelrarepairbingo · 5 months
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Hey gang! We've got another round-up of great fics to offer up below the cut. Marvel Rare Pair Bingo - possibly soon to be renamed, we'll get back to you on that one soon! - is still going strong with a great group of writers and artists, with mini-events and other goodies to share. We hope you're ready to dig into our catalogue of goodies because as usual, we're bringing you the best with some fun rare ships. Also, if you're interested, check out our FAQ and see if you'd like to sign-up for your own Round 3 bingo card. Check out our Discord family as well. We're fun, welcoming, chatty (usually - sometimes life holds us back), and hey, there are even games and mini-events that are exclusive to the Discord group. Don't miss out on the fun!
Title: In the land of gods and monsters Author: Wolfsheart (me) Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B2: That’ll never happen again Pairing: Bruce Banner/Thor, Hulk/Thor, Tony Stark/Loki Rating: Teen Warnings: Established Relationship, Established Loki/Tony Stark, Established Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Implied/Referenced Sex, Humor, Sexual Humor Summary: When three rogue Frost Giants show up in Central Park, turn it into a mini and temporary Jotunheim, Thor and Tony do their part in the fight by encouraging their boyfriends…by ogling and thirsty commentary. Word Count: 1289 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55313029
Title: I Feel What You Feel When Everyone’s Gone Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N4: Image prompt: Sam Wilson with the shield Pairing: Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson Rating: Teen Warnings: On the Run, Mild Blood, Developing Relationship Summary: Sam’s having a chill night on the first cold one of Autumn when Camp Lehigh fell onto pieces over Steve and Natasha —literally. Word Count: 3260 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50991697 Title: What Is A Girl Like You Doing In A Place Like This?, Chapter 1 Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N2: Natasha Romanoff Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Rating: Teen Warnings: Spies & Secret Agents, Mission Fic, Reunions Summary: While on a surveillance mission, Natasha runs into an old ally from a competition agency. Fearing that he could interfere with her case, she decides to pay him a visit before it’s too late. Little does she know how that is going to turn her plans side down. Word Count: 3019 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47567218/chapters/119883439
Title: Of Ice Cream and Park Benches Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: I3: melted Ice cream Pairing: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Panic attacks Summary: On a hot April afternoon, Matt and Foggy decide to take a break from studying and go for some ice cream in the nearby park. A bad day turns even worse when the park and the ice cream trigger flashbacks of something Matt would rather forget. Word Count: 2898 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51545782
Title: Out Kink The Kinkster Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G2: Shower Together Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: ABO, Blowjobs Summary: At first, it started as a way to relieve stress and boredom from days spent in a safehouse, fueled by hormones. Then it became something the pair craved from one another, try as they might to deny it. One thing fell into another and they agreed to become friends with benefits, figuring nothing could go wrong. Except it’s them and something always goes wrong. Word Count: 3769 Link:https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/728024464849256448/out-kink-the-kinkster?source=share Title: Fic Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: I2: Dom/Sub Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega, Alpha/Omega, Omega Clint Summary: Bucky loves it when Clint avoids taking his medicine, it means he can play with his Omega all he wants. Word Count: 1769 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/731913759359205376/clints-medicine?source=share Title: Play Stupid Games, Win A New Way To Keep Warm Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: N2: Huddling Under The Covers Pairing: Steve/Thor Rating: Explicit Warnings: Pissplay, Watersports Summary: After Odin gets under his skin and Steve tries to swim across a frozen river to retrieve their fishing boat, Thor has to find a new way to keep his fiance warm Word Count: 2024 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732028017798463488/play-stupid-games-win-a-new-way-to-keep-warm?source=share Title: Stress Relief In A Flowery Gown Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G3: Karma Sutra Pairing:  Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter Rating: Explicit Warnings: Trans Characters Summary: It felt like they were always dancing around one another, denying each other pleasure. What little conversation they have had, Peggy clings onto when her agent gets under her skin. She’d need it most of all when her agent got under her skin once again, denying her the chance to wear one of Rogers’ famous designs. She finally throws it all to the wind when he makes a comment, pulling Steve into her office to fuck these frustrations out and have an important conversation. Word Count: 3644 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732391483829846016/stress-relief-in-flowery-gown?source=share
Title: Don’t Go Searching For What Goes Bump In The Dark Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G5: Forced To Hurt Partner Pairing: Clint/Bucky Rating: Mature Warnings: Hurt/Comfort Summary: They had worked for this peaceful life, after a lifetime of turmoil and pain. They deserved this peace that they’d carved out for themselves. Peace can only last for so long, as life liked to remind Clint that it surely was a bitch. His peaceful life with his mate, with the love of his life, his soulmate is crumbled into ruins when Bucky disappears one morning. Clint would do anything to get his mate back, even if that meant walking into the slimy tentacles of Hydra itself. Word Count: 2337 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732749869200130048/dont-go-searching-for-what-goes-bump-in-the-dark?source=share
Title: Here, At The End of All Things Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: O2: Nightmares Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: Physical - Touch-starved, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Resurrection, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief/Mourning, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Trauma, Uncanny X-Men (2018) Wolverine and Cyclops, Alternative Universe - Slight Canon Divergence Summary: The other X-Men have vanished, and a newly-resurrected Scott has called out their enemies to face him at the remains of the School, determined to take as many of them with him as he can. He didn't expect Logan to show up and help. He didn't expect to survive. And he certainly didn't expect Logan to stay and look after him afterwards. Word Count: 3248 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50118301
Title: Resolution Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I2: Soothing/Healing touch Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Sexual Content, telepathic trauma, Not Jean Grey Friendly Summary: After a bitter argument with his ex, Scott is rescued from his doubts by Logan. Word Count: 2474 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53440141
Title: Fifth Times the Charm Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I1: "Opportunity Knocks" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott is Scott, Logan is a Softie (X-Men) Summary: Scott Summers has been trying to ask Logan to the New Year party for a couple of weeks, but it keeps going wrong. When he finally gets the chance, can he overcome he fears to find out if Logan feels the same? Word Count: 2162 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53115751
Title: Long Nights Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: G4: Napping Together Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: 5+1 Things, Missions, Only One Bed, Pool & Billiards, Grief/Mourning, Hurt Scott Summers, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Protective Logan (X-Men), Grumpy Logan (X-Men), Making Out, Intimacy Summary: Five long nights that Logan found difficult... and one long night he didn't. Word Count: 3791 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53116726
Title: New Beginnings Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I3: "I love you" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Krakoa Era (X-Men), Developing Relationship, Intimacy, Making Out, Resurrection Summary: Mother Mold has been destroyed, and the whole of the new mutant nation of Krakoa has been celebrating. Everything has changed, everything is new, and maybe it’s the chance for new beginnings. Word Count: 1475 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53556145
Title: It’s a Party! (It’s a Party! - Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O5: Alternative Reality/Universe Pairing: Logan Howlett & Morgan Stark, Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: blindfolds, mentioning of sabotage, teasing Summary: Logan brought the cake for Bucky’s birthday party and immediately got roped in the preparations by a young lady. Steve put a blindfold on Bucky, who complained. And Sam, he got accused of sabotage. Word Count: 862 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46204081/chapters/116320420 Title: Moonlight - Private Investigations - Chapter 1: Moonlight P.I.? Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O4: Noir Detective AU Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Natasha Romanoff, Frank Castle/Darcy Lewis, Frank Castle & Natasha Romanoff Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: suggestive themes, discussion of death, mentioning of violence, mentioning of brainwashing, mentioning of cheating Summary: To get her P.I. business running, Darcy did a favor for her neighbor. Natasha had a different idea to do so and introduced Frank Castle to her. Word Count: 2748 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47468947/chapters/119626003
Title: Hydra Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O3: Run in with a Hydra (not Hydra!) Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: doubt, mistakes, dark Summary: Our boys have a run-in with a hydra. Word Count: 0(Moodboard) Link: https://www.tumblr.com/muffinengineer86/733819216896180224/title-hydra?source=share
Title: Soaking Wet (Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2: Pick-up lines Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: porn, unprotected sex, squirting, wet sex Summary: Loki’s eyebrows pinched together. He had trouble processing what he just heard. How could a woman be too wet during sex? Word Count: 948 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48809404/chapters/123127993 Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 6: Operation “What shark, Tony?” Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G1: Nightmare fuel Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Jack Rollins, James “Bucky” Barnes & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: attacked by creature, fatigue, jump scare, pranks Summary: “Dr. Lewis, if I may interrupt. Sir is very uncooperative. I think now is the perfect time to initiate the plan “What shark?". Sir refuses to stop his current project. He hasn’t slept for fifty-three hours.” Jarvis’ voice sounded out of the club room’s speakers as Darcy and club members discussed the newest edition of the “Hot Stitches” magazine. “Yes!” Peter jumped up, all eyes on him. “Peter!” Darcy looked at the youngest club member with a raised eyebrow. Word Count: 1022 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/125381350
Title: Steam Train (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 10) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N5: What the hell was that noise? Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, triple agent Brock, train driving, crack taken serious, fantasy, dreaming, sexual references, kinks mentioned Summary: Darcy never thought she would enjoy steam trains. Okay, she didn’t enjoy the trains, but her men were having fun learning how to operate one. Brock and Steve loved trains, and she had (with Tony’s help) found a place that gave you the steam train engineer experience. Her nerds not only dragged her with them, no they dressed accordingly. She had to admit they looked good in the train driver uniforms, dirty thoughts good. Word Count: 1153 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/124924105
Title: Margarita Monday on a Thursday Part 2 (Her Red Lips - Chapter 4) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N4: Survival Sex Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Yelena Belova, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: drinking, talking about big breasts, talking about stealing, mention of men’s opinion about big breasts, curse words Summary: Darcy spilled the beans to Yelena. The Russian now tried to summarize everything and make sense of it. Darcy wasn’t forthcoming with the missing details, but that wasn’t what had Yelena upset. No, it was the pitiful content of Darcy’s pantry. Word Count: 1830 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/123582538 Title: Crystal Ball and Truths (Simply Magic - The 24h Help Hotline) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: Free Space - Magic Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, magic au, witch!Darcy, hotline operator Loki, crystal ball, language, slow burn Summary: “Ah, Darcy. How long has it been? Two hours? You must like my voice a lot.” Arrr. Gods. Was he reading her mind? That man was so entitled! She wished the Darth Vader Force choke move was real. “No, not really. As you should know by now, I’m an astrophysicist, and your manuals are shit. On top of it, I inherited a shop full of old magical objects with no manuals at all.” Word Count: 1141 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385414/chapters/129850864
Title: Legendary Lost & Mythological Found Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N2: Creepy Housekeeper Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Daisy - Symbiont, Crete, Labyrinth, lost, talk about getting children, minotaur, a creature of legends, found, chocolate, cursing, verbal fighting Summary: Walking back the way he came, Daisy held his nose in the wind and sniffed. He found her trail, but it ended suddenly. The only thing he could make out was her glasses on the ground next to an old stone with a strange glyph, looking like a maze, carved into it. “Fuck.” “Ouch.” Darcy rubbed her butt, looking confused around the dark room. One minute she walked under the bright sun of Crete with Daisy, and the next, the ground beneath her feet opened and swallowed her up. Word Count: 1044 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49330948 Title: Operation “What shark, Brock?” (Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets: Chapter 9) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N1: Sphinx Riddles Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rolins, Frank Castle & Jeff the land shark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, Darcy Lewis & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: canon divergence, Jeff - the land shark, pranks, Jeff on a motorcycle Summary: Out of reflex, Brock waved back. He stopped himself and kept staring at the corner the motorcycle had rounded. “Did you see that?” “What?” “Frank Castle drove past us with Peter Parker and a shark on that bike.” Brock gestured towards the street corner. Word Count: 902 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/130289551
Title: The Cherry Incident (Her Red Lips - Chapter 2) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: B1: Scars Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Cameron Klein, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: cuckolding, insults, cheating, unhealthy pinning, shirtless man, triple Agent Brock Rumlow, Brock is kind of an asshole, but not to women Summary: Brock spotted Darcy as she set up a picnic for her boyfriend. Jack only was sarcastic but Brock took it quite literally. And now he was shirtless interrupting Darcy's and Cameron's date. Word Count: 1632 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/120530506
Title: Waiting for a Reply (Matchmaker Femdom Edition - The Dating App: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Yelena Belova & Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers & Thor Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Avengers Tower AU, language, D/S dynamics, gentle femdom, submissive!Steve, domme!Darcy, dating app, it’s all Nat’s fault, kink negotiations, self-doubt, Yelena is a good friend, Thor is a good bro, alcohol, mentioning of other drug use Summary: Two days went by without a reply to her message. It was not only eating on Darcy but also Steve felt bad for not opening the app. Thor and Yelena helped their friends to overcome their self-doubt. Word Count: 942 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898709/chapters/136884361
Title: Reassurance (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 14) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2 - Hugs and Kisses Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: T Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, twins, fertility god, blessing, royal traditions, pre-wedding jitters, anticipatory grief, Fandal is flirting with Brock’s mom Summary: Darcy leaned into his back as best as her baby bump would allow. “Planning our or your escape?” "Neither." Brock took her hands in his, squeezing them tenderly. "Why? Do you need rescuing?" “No.” She lay her head between his shoulder blades. “Just a little nervous. I know we discussed it, but ...” Word Count: 838 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/138631783
Title: Coddling The Injured (Dating Trouble: The Flying Wand: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No Power AU, language, farmhand!Steve, farmhand! Bucky, handjob, Hitachi Wand, bleeding, sex dream, wound, Sam must never find out, sexy nurse uniform, Nurse!Steve, Nurse!Darcy, Patient!Bucky Summary: “You know I threw the wand!” Darcy asked from the doorway, smirking while playing with a lollipop. Steve’s breath hitched, and Bucky’s mouth fell open with a breathless “Wow!” Her boyfriends' reaction was priceless. Smirking, she popped the lollipop back into her mouth. Her boys did react to her new outfit exactly as she expected. Word Count: 710 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53701648/chapters/137013619
Title: The Flashback Blanket Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: B3: Loki Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark (I'm using this as my one popular-ship exception) Rating: Gen Warnings: N/A Summary: Loki was pressed against a wall, green flickering sickeningly around his hands, eyes tinged red. Thor threw himself towards him as Steve grabbed for the shield. “Wait, hang on! Back off!” Tony, armorless, darted in between them, hand held out warningly not to Loki but to Thor and Steve, gesturing them back. “Give him some room, for fuck’s sake - “ he said as he all but shoved them away from Loki. “Stand away, Anthony, he will harm you.” Word Count: 1936 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51245299
Title: Pier Fishing Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2: Prompt was "break up," but I replaced it with the adoptable "pier fishing" Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: Gen Warnings: Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: Pier Fishing Author: MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2, by way of an adoptable Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2,071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: “Insider” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: N5: “Discovering someone’s secret identity”. Pairing: (Not) Brock Rumlow X Jemma Simmons (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Skrull, betrayal, heartbroken. Summary: Jemma discovers a horrible secret. Word Count: 538 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731245857969733632/insider
Title: “Urban building” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G1: “Scary urban legend” Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rollins (Friendship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Urban legends come true, enchanted building. Summary: Urban legends aren’t real, are they? Word Count: 530 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731336443201486848/urban-building
Title: “Now is real” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G2: Pretend couple becomes real Pairing: Clarice Fong X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) Rating: Teen Warnings: Love, fluff, undercover mission Summary: Clarice and John finally admit their feelings. Word Count: 502 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731517641592815616/now-is-real
Title: “Not an alliance” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G3: “Shapeshifters” Pairing: Raven Darkholme & Erik Lensherr (Work). Rating: Teen Warnings: Shapeshifters, argue. Summary: Can mutants have an alliance with shapeshifters? Word Count: 511 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731698834616516608/not-an-alliance
Title: “I can’t believe it” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G4: “Dealing with a betrayal” Pairing: Marcos Díaz X Lorna Dane (Eclaris) (Love) Rating: Teen Warnings: Betrayal Summary: Can Marcos forgive Lorna and protect their child? Word Count: 540 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731880026978631680/i-cant-believe-it
Title: Melted gift Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G5: “Melted ice cream”. Pairing: Anna Marie D’Ancanto X Robert Drake (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Melted ice cream. Summary: Bobby cook something special for Rogue Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731972515557261312/melted-gift
Title: “Escaping” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O1: “Survival instinct” Pairing: Clarice Fong/Ferguson X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Escaping, Sentinels, Purifiers. Summary: Clarice and John need to use their abilities to escape from danger. Word Count: 521 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732151821570818048/escaping
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: “Spooky photographs” Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs. Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: Spooky photographs Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Glitter” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O3: Sequins/Glitter Pairing: Nico Minoru X Karolina Dean (Deanoru) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Glitter, fluff, femslash. Summary: Karolina loves glitter, Nico doesn’t. Word Count: 507 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732514225252139008/glitter
Title: “Undead” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O4: Necromancer Pairing: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Friendhship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Necromancer, spirits, talking to the dead. Summary: A necromancer can’t be a problem for Nico, right? Word Count: 542 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732608594725470208/undead
Title: “Garden” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O5: Surprise Pairing: Karolina Dean X Julie Power (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Secret garden, secret gift, femslash. Summary: Julie wanna surprise Karolina. Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732876877742637057/garden
Title: Cost Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: B1 “Short term gains at a long term cost.” Pairing: Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong (Friends). Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: Mention of betrayal. Summary: Steve asked Clarice for help. Word Count: 556 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/745469836561350656/cost https://www.wattpad.com/1429251324-marvel-rare-pairing-round-3-cost https://archiveofourown.org/works/54406006
Title: Cross the Sky for your love Author:  SomeSortofItalianRoast Card #: MRP- 067 Square Filled: O5: Running out of Time Pairing: Tony Stark/Thor Rating: Teen Warnings: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, First Kiss, Injury Summary: Tony had spent years learning how to live as Tony Stark and as Iron Man. He'd never thought he'd be racing across the sky against time itself as he tried to save his Soulmate. Word Count: 2170 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51394282
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 1: Two Drink Limit (Limits Were Made To Be Tested) Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: B2: image of Tony & Rhodey Pairing: Tony & Rhodey, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rating: Teen Warnings: first meeting, flirting Summary: Rhodey lays down the law, Tony scoffs at the very idea, Carol is considering hijinks, and Maria is up for the challenge. Word Count: 1752 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732862242223210496/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 2: Darts and Tequila and Pairing Up Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N5: best friends forever Pairing: MIT Bros, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: flirting, drunken shenanigans, kissing Summary: Rhodey braces himself to make his move, Tony makes his, and last call comes as a surprise to everyone. Word Count: 2093 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732941439022006272/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 3: I'll See Your Hangover, and Raise You Another Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N4: found family Pairing: Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau, MIT Bros, Carol & Maria Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: hangovers, slightly secret identities revealed, embarrassment, plans for a second date Summary: The boys are having just as miserable a morning as could be expected after their night out, but when they finally do show up at the demonstration, a couple of familiar faces are there to greet them. Word Count: 2068 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733050469850710016/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Heart Eyes Over Coffee Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: O2: Unexpected Love Pairing: Bucky/Sarah Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: coffeeshop AU, work dad bucky and his teenage kids, flirting, fluff and humor Summary: Papa Bear Bucky (wow, does he hate that nickname) falls in love at first sight, while his work kids ogle and make helpful commentary. "Helpful" being extremely subjective... Word Count: 2324 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733488970613374976/new-session-archive-of?source=share
Title: a bruise of a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: G3: Stuck together - literally Pairing: Loki/Stephen Strange Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: Loki and Stephen become stuck together when a spell backfires. It has mixed results. Word Count: 2690 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51557656
Title: warm like a hug, sweet like a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: B5: Coffee Shop (+ O5 Bakery AU) Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/Stephen Strange Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: N/A Summary: Down Mainstreet, Westview, NJ, Wanda Maximoff and Stephen Strange meet from across the road. Word Count: 4390 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51554248
Title: What Doesn’t Kill Us Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: Square I1 Mission ends bloody but successful and the adoptable prompt Bruises and cuts. Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Thunderbolts team, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker/Sam Wilson, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop, James "Bucky" Barnes & Yelena Belova Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Drama & Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, they're all messed up your honor, Team Dynamics, Mother Hen Bucky Barnes(love that that's a tag), 5+1 Things, Divorced John Walker Summary: It very much starts and ends with John which is kind of an issue because Sam gets so fucking smug about it. “You do know that you’re less their team leader and more their nanny, right?”
Or, five times Bucky looks after his team and one time he lets someone else take care of him. Word Count: 9091 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54242446?view_adult=true
Title: A Shadow Among Shadows Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I4 Ghostly Chill Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker, background John Walker/Olivia Walker, background James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson - Relationship, implied John Walker/Sam Wilson Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Smut, Light Hurt/Comfort, Open Relationships, Knife Playdom/sub dynamics, light roleplay, Fighting As Foreplay, John: this better not awaken anything in me, also John: actually on second thought, No cheating Summary: He really wishes he was normal sometimes, normaler. At least Bucky’s in a similar wavelength of messed up, take some lose some and all that bullshit. Or, they have an arrangement. Word Count: 5093 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54254146
Title:  As if We had Plenty of Time Author: stormxpadme Card #: NSFW Bingo Card #2 - complete Square Filled: Caught in the rain | Your clothes are soaked. Take them off. | Fireplace | Sharing body heat | Friends to lovers Pairing: Scott/Logan/OC Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Summary: It's been almost three decades since jealousy issues in the X-Men's team almost led to tragedy. With the relationships between Jean and Logan and Scott and his wife unshakeable by now and everyone having grown and matured a lot, the two couples recently discovered a new and exciting solution for the occasional sexual tension still playing between all four of them. A night of comfort after a funeral in Germany finally offers a chance at least for three of them to embark on this journey of exploration together. Word Count: 11127 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134730
Title: My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold, chapter 3 Author: stormxpadme Square Filled: MRP Spring Break Adoptables (prompt: 13 - Picnic) Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: none for this chapter Summary: Logan helps Scott recover from physically and mentally being brought back to life. Word Count: 5899 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51254512/chapters/138639148
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ibelieveinturtles · 10 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Characters: Brock Rumlow, Darcy Lewis, Peggy Carter, Jack Rollins, Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, demon king!Brock Rumlow, goddess!Darcy Lewis, goddess!Peggy Carter, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Demons, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Crack, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers Series: Part 66 of Bingo Bonanza Summary:
Demon King Brock is tackling the filing when unexpected visitors arrive with a request: pretend to let the hero coming to kill him win.
Title: Demon Kings and Meddling Goddesses, Chapter 2 Squares Filled: DLBHQ Weekly Challenge: The Five Tastes Week DLBHQ Mega Bingo Card: E7, Dragon Steggy Bingo: Fantasy AU Author: ibelieveinturtles Fandom: MCU Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Rating: T Tags/Warnings: demon king!Brock Rumlow, goddess!Darcy Lewis, goddess!Peggy Carter, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Demons, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Crack, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers Summary: Darcy is indignant, Peggy is single-minded and Brock has bigger things to worry about. Word Count: 1111 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46531900/chapters/131506213
@darcylewisbingohq @steggybingobash
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moonythejedi394 · 1 month
snippet from ch19 of into the dark
When they get to Saks, it is closed just like Steve was promised. Darcy, Peggy, and Angie all look horrified.
“Why is it closed!” Darcy whines. “What are we gonna do now!”
“Go in anyway,” Steve says, knocking on the door.
Someone comes to unlock it. Steve flashes his Seyrbakov ring, little that he needs to; his and Bucky’s wedding got leaked to the press by a caterer, so everyone knows what he looks like again.
“Welcome, Mr. Barnes,” they say. “My name is Victoria Hudson, I’m the manager. Please, please, come in.”
Darcy’s jaw drops. “Did you get the whole store closed just for us?”
“Yep,” Steve says.
They file in. Bucky’s right behind Steve and Steve can feel his gaze burning a hole in his jeans. His bodysuit has ridden up and exposes a bit of his back.
“This way,” Victoria tells him. “Your personal shoppers are Janice, Allie, Tisha, and Courtney. Please, anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask. When I’ve shown you to your dressing room, would you like refreshments?”
“What do you have?” Steve asks.
“We have sodas, champagne, and wine – red and white,” Victoria says.
“I’ll take a Diet Coke,” Steve says. “Ladies?”
“Champagne!” Darcy says at once.
“Same,” Angie says.
“Red wine,” Peggy answers.
“I’ll fetch it right away,” Victoria assures Steve. “This way.”
They’re shown to a private dressing room on the first floor. The guards wait outside after inspecting it. Inside, their four personal shoppers bow and Victoria whisks away to fetch their refreshments. The personal shoppers introduce themselves as Bucky takes off his coat and falls onto a couch. Steve, to be mean to him, drops into his lap.
“No touching,” he says.
“G-ddammit,” Bucky mutters.
“Where would you like to start?” Allie asks.
“You’re the lovebirds,” Steve says to Peggy and Angie.
“Lingerie!” Angie says at once.
“G-ddammit,” Bucky repeats softly.
“We have a very wide selection,” Tisha says. “If you would please, we’ll get your measurements and then bring you one of everything.”
Steve gets up, shrugging off his jacket, which he drops into Bucky’s lap and Bucky puts to the side. Each of the four shoppers takes their measurements, then whisk out of the room again. Steve sets himself in Bucky’s lap again and then examines his nails.
“Youse wanna join me for mani/pedis after?” he asks.
“Is that even a question?” Darcy counters.
“Yes,” Peggy says.
“Fuck yeah,” Angie laughs.
Victoria arrives with two other employees and their refreshments. They bring in an entire cooler, filled with ice, Diet Coke, and three bottles of champagne, as well as a bottle of red wine. Victoria personally uncorks the bottles and fills the ladies' glasses. Steve just drinks out of the can. Bucky goes to take a Coke and Steve slaps his hand away.
“Would you also bring waters for my husband and our employees?” he asks Victoria.
“Certainly,” Victoria answers.
“Bucky, wallet,” Steve adds.
Bucky sighs and digs out his wallet. Steve pulls out three hundred dollars and tips all three of the Saks’ employees.
“Thanks!” one of the other two says.
After they leave, Steve then takes the time to count all the cash in Bucky’s wallet. Seven thousand. He puts four thousand aside for the personal shoppers, then tucks the rest away for the time being.
“I’m very sorry,” Bucky says again.
“I heard you the first time,” Steve says.
“What did he even do?” Angie asks.
“I woke up alone, he was working first thing in the morning on a Sunday which is his one day off, and he didn’t take his Xanax,” Steve says. Then whips around. “Did you take it when we got home?”
“Yes!” Bucky says.
“Good,” Steve answers, then turns back to the room.
“Man, I can’t wait to see what you’ll do if he seriously fucks up,” Angie says.
“Vacation,” Steve tells her. “Without him,” he adds with a dark look over his shoulder; Bucky raises his hands in surrender.
“Take us with you?” Darcy begs.
“Sure,” Steve says.
Darcy pumps a fist. Peggy sips her wine.
“I absolutely adore that we had no other friends in high school,” she says to Steve.
“I absolutely adore that we were buddied up in Fang!” Darcy laughs.
Their personal shoppers return, along with six other employees, carrying large baskets of lingerie, two for each of them. Steve gives a hundred dollars each to the other six employees, then gets up and just unzips his boots there. There’s only one changing room.
“You ladies mind a bit of nudity?” Steve asks, dropping one boot into Bucky’s lap.
“Not at all,” Tisha promises.
“G-ddammit,” Bucky hisses a third time.
Darcy grins and yanks off her top. Bucky hastily covers his eyes so he can only see Steve. Peggy and Angie go looking through their baskets first. Steve takes off his other boot, then unzips his jeans. He can feel Bucky peeking at him. Gleefully, Steve shoves them down. His bodysuit is a thong. Bucky sucks in a breath. Steve drops his jeans into Bucky’s lap, too, then shrugs off the sleeves of his bodysuit.
“Nu porți lenjerie intimă?” [Are you not wearing underwear?] Bucky asks sharply.
“Nope,” Steve says, slipping the garment off.
“Dă-ma dracului,” [Fuck me] Bucky exhales.
“Nope,” Steve repeats.
Darcy strips naked, too, and Bucky fully covers his eyes, crossing his legs. It’s nothing to do with Darcy. Steve goes into his lingerie baskets and sorts through items, setting aside everything he already doesn’t like, which is about a quarter of it. Tisha collects that, putting it aside to be returned. Peggy and Angie use the changing room, but he and Darcy are quite content to be naked and to try on everything then and there. Bucky can’t even see what Steve’s trying on because of Darcy and he grumbles about it in Romanian. Tisha assists Steve and Allie assists Darcy in trying on each piece. Steve decides another quarter isn’t worth buying, but takes the rest. Already, he’s spending almost forty thousand dollars. Darcy ends up with about twenty thousand dollars’ worth. Peggy and Angie come back out with armfuls of lingerie to buy and Steve looks over each piece to total them up; Peggy’s spending about fifteen thousand and Angie’s spending nearly thirty thousand. It’s been about two hours at that point.
“What would you like to see next?” Tisha asks.
“I think party clothes,” Steve says, looking at the ladies. “Good?”
“Fuck yeah,” Angie says.
“And matching shoes and accessories!” Darcy says.
“Yes,” Peggy agrees.
The shoppers get their preferences, then take back what’s been rejected and Steve pops open another Diet Coke.
“Do you have your clothes back on?” Bucky asks.
“Nope,” Steve says.
“I’ll put mine on,” Darcy laughs, slipping her top on without her bra.
Steve turns around as Bucky peeks from under his hand. Steve decides to be meaner and knocks Bucky’s ankle off his knee, then sits in his lap to sip his soda.
“Dă-ma dracului,” Bucky repeats softly, looking at Steve’s dick.
“How about we do mani/pedis tomorrow?” Steve suggests. “That way we can take our time here.”
“Boss, can I have the day off tomorrow?” Darcy asks, back in her jeans without her underwear.
“Yes,” Bucky says.
“I’m in,” Darcy says.
“If we do it after five,” Peggy answers, “I’ll be off work by then and Angie doesn’t work Mondays.”
“It’s a date,” Steve says. 
“Can we come over early and use the hot tub?” Darcy asks.
“Sure,” Steve tells her.
“You gonna ask me?” Bucky prompts.
“No,” Steve says.
Bucky sighs. He’s still looking at Steve’s dick and he’s getting hard. Steve will not stop the torture.
“Man, I love free champagne,” Angie sighs. “Pegs, can I get drunk?”
“If you’d like,” Peggy answers.
“Fuck yeah,” Angie says before kissing her.
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I need more fics where instead of side characters being horny about stevetony individually theyre horny for them together thank you
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
Okay, here is my tentative list for kinktober! If you want a certain pairing with any of these, please feel free to send it in!
Kinktober 2024
1. Temp play (Soft!Daddy!Yelena x bratty!fem!reader)
2. Piercing (Dom!Wandanat x sub!fem!reader)
3. Pet play (Puppy!Kate Bishop x Domme!Fem!Reader)
4. Watersports
5. Bondage (Domme!Maria x subby!fem!reader)
6. A/B/O (dom!alpha!Agatha x omega!reader)
7. Markings (Agatha x fem!reader)
8. Praise kink (Carol Danvers x fem!reader)
9. Flogging (Dom!Scarlet Witch! x subby!fem!reader)
10. Overstimulated (Mean Mommy!Agatha x fem!reader)
11. Knife and gun play (Mob!Boss Natasha x fem!reader)
12. Breath play (Bishova x fem!reader)
13. Collaring (Mommy!Wanda x fem!reader)
14. Gangbang (Mob boss!Wandanat, Carol, Val, and Kate x fem!reader)
15. Hair pulling (Valkyrie x fem!reader)
16. Lactation (Mommy!Wanda x fem!reader)
17. Period sex (Wandanat x fem!reader)
18. Shower sex (Mommy!Wanda x fem!reader)
19. Mirror sex (Wandanat x fem!reader)
20. Stockholm (Dark!Agatha x fem!reader)
21. Monster fucking (Tentacle!Agatha x fem!reader)
22. Thigh riding (Dom!Kate x subby!fem!reader)
23. Breeding (G!P!Nat x fem!reader)
24. Somnophilia (Dark Witch!Agatha x fem!reader)
25. Pussy slapping (Domme!Maria x fem!reader)
26. Edge play (Corrupted!Wanda x innocent!fem!reader)
27. Lap dances (G!P!Natasha x stripper!fem!reader)
28. Phone sex (Carol x fem!reader)
29. Hunter/Prey (Stalker!Nat x fem!reader)
30. Aphrodisiac (Valkyrie x fem!reader)
31. Masks (Serial killer!Kate x innocent!fem!reader)
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Happy pride month from @the-lesbian-of-too-many-fandoms here are my favourite sapphics (but everyone is valid 🥰)
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janeykath318 · 11 months
Steve’s Christmas Miracle (Shieldshock)
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“Man, Steve, you’ve got to get yourself a little holiday cheer man. This place looks like the barracks,” Sam commented, shaking his head at the lack of decor in Steve’s cabin. “I’m free to help with tree duty, if need be.”
Steve shook his head, morosely sipping a beer.
“Thanks, but no thanks, Sam. I’m not feeling it this year. I can’t do festive. Thanks for the offer, though.”
Sam frowned, a little worried about how dead Steve’s expression was. Ever since the defeat of Thanos fourteen months ago, Steve had lived like a hermit and had been very withdrawn.
“Okay. Just so you know, the offer to come to Louisiana for Christmas is still on the table. You’re sure you’re alright, Steve?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just need the solitude this year.”
Sam didn’t fully believe him, but he didn’t push. He understood what Steve was going through. He only hoped the man wouldn’t go too far inside his shell.
“Okay, but you call me if you need anything. Take care, Steve.”
He squeezed his friend’s shoulder and quietly left, dialing Bucky on his way out the door. He’d have Bucky do another check in on Steve before the trip.
Steve sank back into his sofa and shut his eyes. He didn’t know how he’d ever be able to celebrate again. They’d won, but at a high cost. The image of Pepper weeping by Tony’s body flashed in his mind along with Clint’s grief stricken face returning from Vormir. He didn’t know how much more pain he could take.
“Agent Lewis?”
“Yes, Captain?”
“Michael has an assignment for you. In his office.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Darcy nodded solemnly at her heavenly superior, but she was inwardly squealing at the thrill of finally having another assignment. It was the time of year when humans needed their help the most and she looked forward to helping bring hope to hurting souls. She’d spent her earthly life volunteering in shelters and soup kitchens during the holidays, and now she got to spend it helping reignite the joy of the season.
“Agent Lewis, you will be working with agents Carter and Romanoff on our next subject, one Steven Grant Rogers.”
Darcy’s eyes widened, but she kept her mouth shut. Even she knew better than to interrupt Michael.
“Here are the files for you: Past, present, and future,” Michael handed each one a folder. Darcy noted that hers said PRESENT. Hmm, this could be interesting. “I chose you three because you all knew or interacted with Steve during your time on earth and would have unique insight into his character. Steve’s heart is still soft, unlike many of our clients, but years of hardship have left him cynical and wounded and deeply depressed. Your mission is to point him towards help and healing and remind him of life’s joy’s. It is critical that he not continue to cut himself off in his grief and drive away his friends. He may not be a Captain America anymore, but he needs to see that there is very much a place in the world for Steve Rogers. Do you understand?”
They all nodded solemnly, Peggy and Natasha giving each other knowing looks.
“Good. Mission starts on Christmas Eve. I expect you will be prepared and follow the rules.”
He stared a little longer at Agent Romanoff and Darcy hid a smile. Natasha was still new to the job of heavenly messenger and tended to meddle more than what was strictly allowed.
After they were dismissed, the three members of team Save Steve gathered in their cozy angelic staff lounge to go over their files and talk strategy.
“So, how did you know Steve?” Peggy asked Darcy, after Natasha had brought them up to date on her last memories of Steve and his mental state.
“That’s the thing. I really didn’t,” Darcy sighed. “I remember him as this skinny kid who was a regular at the diner I waitressed at. He’d always smile this beautiful smile at me, but he never said a word and let his friend do all the talking. He seemed nice, though. I feel like we might have had an encounter of some sort, but it was really close to when I died and all my memories of that day are still blocked. It’s kinda frustrating. I honestly think Michael might have found someone else who knew him better.”
“There are no mistakes,” Peggy said firmly. “You must have had more of an impact on Steve than you thought. At that time in his life, a friendly face would have meant a lot, even though he was too shy to talk to you. He didn’t have many friends and unfortunately, most strangers were bullies.”
Darcy grimaced. “Ugh. Poor Steve. This file was tough reading. How do you think he’ll react to us, Agent Romanoff?”
“Steve isn’t phased by much anymore,” Natasha answered. “But he’ll likely think he’s dreaming. He’ll be cooperative, unlike a certain person I will not name.”
She scowled and Peggy and Darcy chuckled. Natasha had just handled a particularly stubborn old codger, who’d been a lot like the infamous Scrooge. She’d proven successful, but not without a struggle.
“This sounds like it’s going to be an interesting mission,” Darcy predicted. “I’m going to have to trust that Michael put me in this for a good reason.”
“That’s the spirit,” Peggy approved. “This is my last mission with the agency and it’s a very important one. Let’s give Steve a Christmas he won’t forget!”
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queen-daya · 2 years
Song of the Day-NoTheme Thursday (3/2/23)
“Whatcha Gonna Do? (It’s Up To You)” from Agent Carter
Like If You Know The Song/Reblog or Comment If You Listened To It
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sergeantrosabellaswan · 3 months
The Selection, MCU crossover royalty AU
SUMMARY: Fifteen girls. Two princes. One crown. The competition of a lifetime.
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The arrow flew from my bow, quickly and silently making contact with the target, killing the deer instantly. Before the creature had even hit the ground, the Queen’s Bandits had pounced, knives out to cut dinner down to smaller pieces.
“That was a good kill, Rosabella!” Thor was quick to lavishly praise me, a hint of jealously shining in his eyes; his father had been one of the village hunters before he died three years previously due to bandits.
I leaned my bow onto the toe as my boot as I leaned forward, watching my little band of misfits hard at work. For the millionth time, I cursed King Joseph, if he could even be called a king; he had sworn to care for his people, but had neglected my small village by allowing bandits to invade us nearly every other week.
I ducked my head to pick at my threadbare blouse, all but see through due to one too many washings. My boots were no better- practically falling apart, with duct tape wrapped around the ankles and heels, making the sad looking footwear wearable- for the moment being.
I glanced around the dense trees nervously; even though I knew that the eight of us could take down bandits, should they dare to make an appearance, I was still wary out in these dangerous woods.
“Victor, do you think this will be enough for dinner, or should we continue hunting?” I asked quietly, speaking for the first time that day.
The red haired man quickly took inventory of the meat, skins, bones and organs, all which were tucked in heavy duty leather bags to make transportation easier on us all.
“I would get at least one more kill,” he answered with a simple shrug, his voice soft as well, waiting for me to make the call.
I nodded silently before turning, nodding to my close friends, who all quickly fell into line behind me; Sam, with his on the spot sense of humor and heavily tattooed body; Victor with his quick mind and even quick ability to do mathematics in his head on the spot; Thor, with his brutish strength and sweet, easy going nature; Loki with his graceful agility and ambidextrous hands, Pietro with his charming smile and sweet kisses; Peter with his nimble ability to quickly scale trees to keep a lookout for kills and bandits.
And then there was me.
Rosabella Swan.
I was skilled enough with many weapons, my main weapons of choice being deadly close combat and throwing knives and my trusty bow. My ability to skillfully hunt and my general distrust towards all except my Queen’s Bandits made my temper somewhat unpredictable; but what I lacked in social skills, I made up for in being the village sheriff.
“Loki, do you hear anything?” I asked, my voice coming out as a quiet whisper. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him tilt his head as he closed his eyes for the briefest of moments. His eyes shot open as he quickly took up the lead, taking up deeper into the wood on a heart thumping chase.
At long last, I spied our target, and I loaded my bow with an arrow and got ready to take aim. I breathed in silently before letting the projectile fly. A smirk took over my face as the deer fell, and once more, my Queen’s Bandits got to work.
I watched them work as I slipped back into my thoughts once more; da’s brutal murder still fresh on my mind. The hand that wasn’t holding my bow clenched into a tight fist and I had to stop myself from breathing heavily. My father had sent countless letters to King Joseph, begging for help in defending the village from bandit raids, only to get chirping crickets in response.
The king had da’s blood on his hands; if I should ever meet him, I would deck him and most defiantly break his nose. I honestly didn’t care if assaulting a member of the royal family was certain death, I knew I had to make the king feel what I had felt for the past three years.
He had worked so hard to make the capitol and all the surrounding cities and towns prosperous, so why had he ignored the little village of mine?
I was snapped from my thought by Loki standing in front of me and placing a gentle hand onto my shoulder.
“Are you alright?” he asked me softly, his hand rubbing a comforting circle into my skin. I smiled up at him before pulling away.
“Come on; we should be heading back now,” I called out in a soft voice, avoiding his concerned question. “I don’t feel safe this deep in the woods with bandits running underfoot once the sun goes down.”
“Following right behind you, sheriff,” Pietro said, his easy smile nearly making me swoon at my dark haired lover. I barely managed to stop myself from making doeful heart eyes at him as I turned, a light blush dusting my cheeks as I led the way, my boots silently marching through the underbrush and leaves.
I skillfully followed the subtle X’s that I had marked the trees with to help lead us back to the village, my eyes darting from every tree to every bush; it wouldn’t surprise me if bandits attacked us in the open.
I didn’t like being vulnerable; it only led to certain death around this neck of the country.
Within minutes, we were on the less traveled road that led to the village; I couldn’t help0 but notice fresh tire tracks in the dust.
“Careful, now,” I warned in a soft voice. “I don’t think it’s the bandits, but be sure to keep your guard up!” I’d didn’t have to turn my head to see that everyone was nodding their heads in silent agreement as I slowly led the way towards the only exit into the crudely fortified village.
I was about to round the bend when Thor placed a hand onto my shoulder.
“Wait here; I’ll go check it out,” he breathed into my ear before going first before I could kick up a protest.
Barely even a minute passed before he called out to us.
“It’s safe!” his booming voice nearly making me jump. I was first to go around the bend, where I saw a motorcade was all but blocking to entrance. As we approached, we all couldn’t help but notice a man in an expensive looking suit was arguing with the half dozen sentries who were guarding the village from bandits.
“Look, you going to have to wait for the sheriff to return from hunting,” one of the sentries was saying firmly over the other man’s blusterings, clearly done listening to whatever crap the he was trying to feed the armed sentry. I could only roll my eyes as I marched up to the front of the village with most of the male population of the Queen’s Bandits falling in behind me.
“Sheriff! Welcome back!” a second sentry called out in an annoyed tone of voice. “These blokes are trying to get in… some kind of official business… I’m sorry to say that I tuned them out after they mentioned something about royalty or whatever…”
“You’re the sheriff?” Mr. Fancy Pants asked in shock. “But you’re a girl!”
This made me stop and slowly turn to face him. I drew myself up to my embarrassingly short height before marching straight up to that sonofabitch and staring him directly in the eye.
“I am not a girl, I am a dangerous storm with skin that will destroy you unless you tell me what you Goddamned hillbillies think you’re doing in my village,” I hissed venomously, ignoring everything until Pietro placed his hand onto my shoulder, messaging my skin gently. My hand went up to his as I stared up at the messenger, who was clearly trembling in his spotless shiny boots.
“I’m afraid this is between King Joseph and Miss Rosabella Swan,” he sniffed delicately, making my blood boil at the name of the king.
“It would be a wise choice to state your business,” I growled, not at all amused with the colors that the man’s face was turning. “Right now.” When he didn’t answer, my volatile mood turned even further south. “Turn them away!” I barked before beginning to storm into the village.
The sound of a car door opening caught my attention and my hand went to the knife I carried at my back, my head turning to see who was emerging from the motorcade.
My blood went cold as King Joseph ambled up to the little cluster of people blocking the front of the village.
“You!” I snarled, beginning to charge towards the man who was responsible for my father’s murder; I was stopped by Thor and Loki, each grabbing a hold of my arms as two more men joined the king. I didn’t recognize them; one was a scrawny blond who looked like a gust of wind would blow him over; the second was a well-built man with dark hair that lightly brushed his shoulders.
I laughed bitterly at the shocked expression on everyone’s face.
“What brings such a murdersome king like you to my small village of Wakanda?” I asked with a deep scowl etched into my face.
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