#peggy Carter x Daniel sousa
timaeuslover001 · 3 months
Forget Endgame. This is what Peggy and Daniel’s Life was like after Agent Carter S2:
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lest we forget:
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captainsophiestark · 2 months
What The Fuck Is A Grid System
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Jack Thompson's a New Yorker, dammit, and when Peggy and Daniel leave him to find his own way through the winding streets of LA with only some shaky directions as guidance, he might need a little help from a local to see him through.
Word Count: 2,031
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: It is not only a miracle that this got done, but also that I'm happy with how it turned out 😂
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I narrowed my eyes as I sipped my coffee, watching a man on the sidewalk. The same guy had just walked past this building for the third time, looking increasingly irritated. He kept checking a sheet of paper in his hands, then looking up at the buildings before disappearing out of my sight. So far, he'd never been gone more than a few mintues before coming back.
I debated getting up and saying something when he returned a fourth time, although I ultimately opted to stay put. But when he came back for a fifth time looking ready to hurl the paper in his hand into traffic, I decided to do something.
I stood, setting my coffee cup down at the counter with a wave to the barista before heading out the door. The guy still stood in the middle of the sidewalk, the same spot he'd visited almost half a dozen times now, looking around the city like this time, something would change.
"Hey!" I called, strolling up to him with a wave. He turned around slowly, like he wasn't sure I was talking to him, then narrowed his eyes when he saw me approaching. I gave him my best winning smile. "You look like you could use some help."
The guy scoffed, immediately turning away from me. i just smiled a little wider. He was tall, and handsome, and clearly pretty arrogant. Unfortunately for him, he also clearly had no idea what the hell he was doing.
"So what are you looking for?" I asked, ignoring the clear brush off and stepping closer to him again. "I can probably help you find it."
"I don't need help," he snapped, at last turning to face me. I just raised an eyebrow and stared right back. He cleared his throat, quickly turning back to the paper in his hands as a flush crept up his neck. "I don't need help. This city needs help. Who the hell lays a place out like this?"
"Ohhh. I thought you had some New York enegry going. That makes sense."
"What? What's that supposed to mean?"
I waved him off. "Don't worry about it. Look, you may just be able to walk in a straight line to get where you want to go in New York, but this is LA. We do things differently here."
"Differently and much, much worse."
I snorted and rolled my eyes, then snatched the paper out of his hand before he could stop me.
"You're trying to get to the Sunrise Resort, right? Come on, it's this way."
"I've already tried that way."
"And clearly you did something wrong, since you ended up back here again. C'mon, let me help you. Unless you want to stand outside this coffee shop all day?"
I paused on the corner of the block, looking back at the man in question, his scribbled directions still held in my hand. He glared at me, and for a moment, I thought he really might not follow me. Then, he sighed and rolled his eyes, putting one foot in front of the other all the same as he trudged towards me.
"Fine. Let's go then."
He breezed right past me, walking with all the speed and huffiness I'd expected from him. I absolutely beamed at his retreating form, letting him get a few steps further away from me than necessary before calling out down the street.
"Wrong way, hot shot!"
He froze, his shoulders shooting up to his ears. I just grinned, waiting for him to eventually turn around. He did, slowly, a fierce scowl on his face. I had to fight back a chuckle.
"At least now we know where you were going wrong before. C'mon!"
I turned on my heel and started heading down the street in the opposite direction, this time trusting him to follow me. In less time than I'd been expecting, he caught up to me, falling into step beside me and walking with a confidence I hadn't expected him to recover for at least twenty minutes.
"You still need that paper, or do you actually know where you're going?" he huffed. I grinned and held it out to him.
"All yours!" He snatched it out of my hands, then shoved it in his pocket without another word. I let us walk in silence for another few steps, but this walk was going to be about half an hour all-told. I wasn't going to spend it walking in silence. "So... what's your name?"
The guy cut his eyes towards me, looking a little suspicious. I let the silence stretch, looking at him expectantly, and after the better part of the next block he sighed.
"Jack. What's yours?"
I told him, giving him the same beaming smile I'd given him a few times now. This time, he actually seemed a little more receptive to it.
"It's nice to meet you, Jack. So, what brings you out to LA?"
"Business. With any luck, I'll be out of here in a few days."
I laughed. "Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous. It's the middle of winter, there's no way you're not at least a little bit happy to be in the LA sunshine over the New York winter."
"Have you had a pizza here?"
"Yes. I've also had ice cream on the beach in February. Both have been fantastic."
He snorted. "You really haven't lived yet if you think the pizza here is fanastic."
"Hm." I let my eyes wander, scanning the street ahead of us. Lo and behold, one of my favorite gelato shops was open on the next block, and even better, with almost no line. "Alright, pizza snob, time for a pit stop."
Before he could so much as open his mouth to ask a question, I grabbed Jack's arm and dragged him through the doors of the gelato shop as we walked past.
"Try doing this when you go back to New York and not freezing your ass off," I said as I stepped up to the gelato counter, pulling him with me. He huffed, but didn't put up any more of a fight. I smiled to myself as we surveyed the flavors laid out before us.
"Well, LA? What do you recommend?"
"Hm... honestly, you can't go wrong at this place. But I've always been a fan of the chocolate."
"Chocolate, huh?" He turned to the person behind the counter and called out. "We'll take two cones of chocolate."
I grinned, slipping forward to the counter and paying for the both of us while Jack grabbed our gelato cones. He turned for the cash register, then turned back to me with an incredulous look when he realized I'd beat him to it.
"I was gonna get that," he said. I just smiled and took my cone out of his stunned hand.
"You snooze you loose. Besides, I'm the one who dragged you in here. Consider it a better welcome to LA than our street system gave you."
Jack snorted, but the joke got him moving again. He fell into step beside me as we headed out of the gelato shop together.
"Well, thanks then. And I can say definitively, this has been a much better welcome than this city's ever given me before."
I laughed, leaning into Jack a little as we continued down the street, both happily eating our gelato. Unlike earlier, this time the silence was more comfortable than irritated, and I didn't mind it one bit.
As we continued making our way through the city, taking a few more gelato-style detours as we went, we fell into easy conversation. We talked about New York and LA, and Jack and I's lives in both places. He didn't seem to want to talk about work very much, so instead we talked about hobbies, things we liked to do in our free time, and even sports.
"Alright, you might've convinced me that there's something to this city that would make it bearable to be here for more than a few hours, but you will not convince me there's anything to the sports here. You don't even have a baseball team, for crying out loud."
"Oh yeah? Well both of our football teams beat all three of yours."
Jack huffed and waved me off. "Fluke. We'll get you next season."
"Like hell you will."
Jack snorted, but when I glanced over at him, I found him staring at me with an incredulous smile on his face.
"You know... I almost wish I were still lost," he said, the words tumbling out of him like he hadn't had time to think them through. "Walking around this city with you is the only time I've enjoyed myself here."
I smiled back at him, trying to ignore the way my heart sped up in my chest.
"Yeah. Why'd you decide to help me out, anyway?"
I shrugged. "You seemed like you needed it. And I didn't have anything more entertaining to do with my afternoon, anyway."
Jack huffed another laugh, then smiled at me.
"Well, then here's to you having way too much time on your hands."
"Cheers to that," I said, grinning right back at him.
Unfortunately, despite all our wandering and detours along the route, we'd finally made it to the hotel he'd been looking for in the first place. I heard Jack let out a small sigh as we headed into the lobby, and both of us dragged our feet more than we had for any other part of the way here.
"Well... I guess this is it, then," I said, turning to him and trying to force a smile on my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a man and a woman making a beeline for us. One of them shouted out Jack's name, a fair bit of concern and irritation conveyed in just Jack's name. I took a half step back towards the doorway, but Jack's hand shot out and caught my own before I could get further.
"Hold on. I'm not about to let the only thing worth being in this city for walk out that door without another word."
"I think your coworkers are anxious to talk to you."
Jack waved them off with his free hand. "They waited this long, they can wait a little longer. Can I get your number? I'll give you a call as soon as I'm done here. Take you out on a real date."
I raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying my tour of LA doesn't count as a date?"
"I bought you gelato! There's nothing wrong with platonic gelato, but after spending an hour and a half on a trip that usually takes thirty minutes, I think it should count as date gelato."
"Fine! Fine, alright, I agree with you. Let me take you out on a second date."
I grinned. "I like the sound of that."
Jack rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything as I grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled my number on the piece of paper he'd been trying so hard to decipher before I'd stepped in to help him. I handed it over, then leaned up to give him a quick peck on the cheek before stepping back.
"Call me," I said, slowly backing away. Jack's coworkers had stopped just short of hovering over his shoulder, and I appreciated them not interrupting our moment, but they looked increasingly impatient to talk to Jack. He didn't seem to care, his eyes never leaving me as I headed out of the lobby.
"I will."
"You better."
"I promise."
He grinned at me, and I grinned right back as I took the last few steps out of the lobby. The minute I cleared the doors, Jack's coworkers descended on him, sweeping him away with lots of gesturing and shouting I couldn't hear from beyond the glass. I watched them for another minute, then finally turned away with a smile still on my face.
Thank goodness LA didn't use a grid system. If not for our confusing network of streets, I'd never have met Jack. I couldn't wait for him to call for our second date, not least of all to point out my new argument in favor of LA's city planning. I could already tell, we were going to have fun.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 10 months
“Yeah AoS season 7 and Endgame were great!”
goes back to my Peggysous fics in delusion
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Rewatching Agent Carter and thinking about how much better the show could be if Peggy and Angie ended up together and so did Sousa and Thompson.
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cloakndagger2 · 9 months
Can an AoS fan explain to me in detail what happened to Daniel Sousa on the show. I’m writing a Peggy Carter fanfic and even though I plan on watching AoS one day, I read he doesn’t appear til s7 and there’s no wayy I’m waiting that long
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avesrinapproved · 9 months
or after a year of not speaking Howard stark shows up at the SSR asking for Peggy's help finding some of his stolen gadgets, and rekindles their relationship despite the loss of the others in it.
It’s been a whole year since the war and despite all the plans they made.. They all made, Peggy hasn't so much as heard from Howard outside of the usual scandalous news stories. She was starting to believe he had completely forgotten she existed, that is until… Howard comes walking into SSR, trailed by Rose "ah agent Carter! just the woman I was looking for!" he says, walking right towards her desk.
The others stand up, hands on their guns, staring at him with a look of shock and confusion, as he just strides right into their office.
Carter looks up, "Howard?"
"Good to see you Peg, got any snacks?” he asks, looking through her desk. “I just flew in from London and I'm starved."
"Howard, my desk!" She huffs and smacks his hand a bit.
"Um, Miss Carter.. Is.. Mr S-.. Would you like him escorted out?" Rose asks. Everyone is just watching, not really seeming to know how to react to this intrusion.
"What? Oh, no, he’s no harm," Peggy dismisses.
"Don't worry there isn't anything here I don't already know" Howard waves dismissively, while eating a snack bar he pulled out of Peggy’s LOCKED snack drawer, "anyway peg I need your help, some of my... toys have been stolen and I'm having a small bit of trouble recovering them. You know I'm not really the sleuthing type, and I don't really trust anyone else. Would you help me out?"
Carter blinks a few times, before rubbing the bridge of her nose, this man will be the death of her, "I.. Oh.. Uh.. Let's get lunch."
"Ah good idea. I know this great place only a few blocks from here, got a private room and everything." Howard says, already headed for the door.
"Perfect." She gets up and grabs her bag, the others still staring with wide eyes.
"Oh you won't be missed right? This was rather sudden." Howard asks, turning to look back at her then the others.
“No, they can handle the work on their own." Not like they let her do anything of importance anyway.
"Good," he nods and takes her out
"Do you want to re-explain what you just asked me?" she asks quietly as they walk.
"Ah someone stole some... trinkets from my house, bad ones, and they're selling them on the black market, and I want your help recovering them." Howard reiterates, “I have a vault. ‘Had’ I should say. Sub-basement of my office. Triple-thick, lead-lined. It was where I kept my bad babies.”
“Bad babies?” Carter asks, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Inventions too dangerous for anyone… Even my friends.” Howard explains
“Which begs the question, why invent them at all?”
“I can't help what I think of, but I can damn well control what I sell. At least I could until last month.”
Peggy leans closer “What happened last month?”
“I was in Monaco… with a lovely tax advisor. When I got back, I found a hole under my vault, all the way to the sewer. Somebody cleaned me out. A couple of weeks later my bad babies, they start turning up on the black market.”
“So you've come to me to help get them back, why not just go to the police or something, instead of barging into my office?”
“Oh come on Peg," Howard says rolling his eyes “we both know it would end up in the hands of your office anyway, and I wanted you to lead the case. Plus, it's not too big a jump to see me cutting a hole in my own vault and making some money on the sly. And I knew you wouldn't think that.”
She pauses before sighing, "If anything gets used... Alright. Alright, we need to start quickly. What information do you have?"
"I had Jarvis make you a whole file of all the info for you and your... coworkers... as much as I'd not like them involved, I also don't want to go to jail and if it gets out that they're being sold overseas or anything and I don't stay on top of it I'm screwed."
"Fair enough.. I will make sure this is handled. You just need to keep a clean face."
"Thank you, Peg," he says, clasping her hand in his. “I'll help the best I can as well... should I officially file it or can you handle that?"
"I can handle it." She nods
"Thank you," he says happily.
It's not long after that they arrive at a very high class restaurant, not really a place you go for your lunch break, and certainly not in your work clothes. This thought is only confirmed as they walk into the near empty restaurant. Only a few very well dressed people dotted about the grand dining space.
"oh... Howard, this is a bit much." Peggy protests, the large crystal chandeliers and mirror polished marble floors making her feel very underdressed indeed.
"It's the best place to eat, trust me." He says, just waving to the seating person and leading Peggy to a grand room labeled ‘private dining’ and closing the door behind them.
"It is a real nice change from my normal breaks." Peggy says as she sits down in one of the plush velvet chairs. “Though I'm afraid I'm a bit underdressed for such a place
“Nonsense.” Howard insists “you look amazing! Like always. And it's not like anyone but me and the waitresses can see you. And we don't judge pretty ladies, no matter what they're wearing.”
“Are you trying to charm me, Howard Stark?" Peggy chuckles.
“Maybe, is it working?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
Peggy pauses, pretending to consider it. “Maybe” she says with a smile.
“Fabulous,” Howard purrs, giving the waitress a polite head nod as she sets out menus for them.
“Thank you.” Peggy says to the waitress, as she opens the menu to read it over.
“Their filet mignon is amazing,” Howard says, pointing it out on her menu. “They also have fantastic lobster if that's more your style.”
“Oh both of those sound marvelous”
“Then get both. If you can't eat it all you could always bring the rest home.'' Howard says nonchalantly, like that's the only thing she would be concerned with.
“Well, since you're paying, I guess I will.” she says setting the menu down.
It's not long after that their waitress comes back to take their orders. And not long after that they’re brought plates of amazing looking food, lobster drenched in a golden sauce, steak with herb butter, chicken in some sort of mushroom sauce, soups, pineapple fruit bowls, breads, the whole shabang, all plated to look as fancy as possible.
Howard loads up a plate with a little bit of everything. “Here you are” he purrs as he hands her the plate, snatching up some pineapple for himself before starting on his own plate.
The waitress is very attentive while they eat, clearing away plates and refilling their glasses while still giving them privacy, which is rather appreciated as her and Howard catch up. Howard tells her all about the places he's been over the last year, the parties he's been too people he's met, he's been keeping himself busy without her, having flown all over the world not seeming to stay in one place for more than a week. And here she's been, sitting in the ssr covering the phones and sharing her bed with a roommate.
By the time Peggy’s done eating Howard's started in on his latest invention “it could even help you with your spy work, if you'd like to try it out.'' Howard offers, and the promise that he'd have to come back and see her again even after all this stuff is over is… tempting…
“Speaking of my work, I should really be getting back to it.” Peggy says as she stands, dusting herself off
“Oh right yes, I'll walk you back” Howard says also standing
“You don't need to walk me back, I'm perfectly capable.”
“I know you are, Peg, but I want to talk to your boss, and I want to spend more time with you.” Howard says, offering her his arm.
Peggy nods, looping her hand into his arm.
“Please come again!” the hostess calls as they leave.
“We will!” Howard calls back, blowing her a playful kiss.
Howard dips into a bakery on the way back to her office to pick up 2 boxes of donuts “as an apology for breaking in”
When they get back he sets the first box down for the telephone girls then walks Peggy back to her desk "thank you again for your help, oh here's the information I have, feel free to drop by and look at the hole in my floor whenever you like."
She nods, "Alright.. I will get this looked over and see you soon."
"See you Peggy! Don't let me down!" He says, dropping the second box of donuts off in their break room before poking his head into Dooly's office to chat.
"Don't get yourself into more trouble." Peggy calls as Howard heads out.
"Oh I plan on it!" He says as the elevator doors close, and now all eyes are on her.
"So what did he want?" Sousa asks, turning in his chair to look at her.
"You two seemed really… friendly. Didn't take you for that kind of girl Carter." Thompson comments.
She rolls her eyes and busies herself sorting the papers Howard gave her. "Mister Stark has gotten himself into a little.. Predicament with some of his inventions. Someone stole some of them and well, they're not the type that should ever be on the market." she says curtly.
"Ah, and he asked you to handle it? Think he'd want someone who actually knows what they're doing to handle it if it's that critical."
"Hey Carter! Are these donuts for us?" Krzeminski asks from the break room
"Yes, they're from Mr Stark!" She calls before sighing, "And I think you're starting to sound jealous that he asked me personally." she says to Thompson.
"Not jealous, just think he shouldn't put a woman on what seems to be a very high risk task." Thompson says with a shrug
"Fuck yeah! Mr Stark can stop by anytime!" Krzeminski comes out with 2 donuts and plops down at his desk
"Thank you Krzeminski, I will tell him that." She says while glaring at Thompson.
"Carter, can you come here?" Dooley calls from the doorway of his office.
"Yes sir?" she asks walking over to him.
"I need to discuss the Stark case with you." He beckons her in and closes the door behind them. "I am sure you know that we usually do not take personal cases, but since this is a national security concern, we will make an exception. Since Stark requested your assistance, you will take care of everything. It is your responsibility to conduct investigations, collect evidence, all of it, but no one will be mad if you need some help."
"Understood. I will say something if I do need help." Peggy nods, internally rolling her eyes.
"Right, you’re dismissed"
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earth-6677 · 11 months
Nasty Boys Don't Ever Change
It's Peggy, Miss Carter if you're nasty!
Our heroes put their plans into action but so do their enemies. Turns out HYDRA's allied with some nasty marauders.
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Peggy's Ship tags
*Daniel Sousa
*Edwin Jarvis
*Jason Wilkes
Broship tag:
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 14 Prompt: "If you don't stop now-"
Summary: When Y/N is the first female agent allowed to work the night shift, side by side with Jack Thompson, Peggy and Daniel want to make sure she doesn't miss the hint.
Word Count: 1,108
Category: Fluff, Humor
Requested by @bandshirts-andbooks! This was so fun to write Babs lol, hope you enjoy!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I scribbled away at the report I was working on, completely ignoring the pointed throat-clearing from my friends on the other side of the desk. The workday was almost over, so if I could just block them out for a little longer-
"If you want to pretend to ignore us, that's fine," said Peggy, her voice light and teasing. I fought back a sigh. "Daniel and I can just have the conversation with ourselves. We know you can hear us."
I made a face, glancing up long enough to make eye contact with both of my friends before slowly and deliberately raising my hands to my ears and plugging them. Since I'd already decided to be this childish, I figured I'd go all out, so I stuck out my tongue too.
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and then Daniel reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling one hand away. I glared at him, ready to yank my hand back and continue ignoring them both, but he spoke lowly before I could.
"You know, if you plug your ears, we'll just have to raise our voices so you can hear us."
I narrowed my eyes at him, wordlessly threatening murder, but Daniel didn't blink as he stared back. Finally, after a minute, I sighed.
"Fine. I won't plug my ears. But it's basically five, so maybe you two should just head out. You know, get a jump start on the weekend-"
"And leave you alone with Thompson sooner?"
I turned to glare at Daniel. Like before, he didn't flinch.
"Y/N, listen," started Peggy, leaning forward and looking at me like she was being the reasonable one. "Everyone in this conversation is aware that you have feelings for Thompson. All we're trying to get you to hear is that, since Thompson actually agreed to let you work the night shift with him, making you the first female agent to work a night shift... he might return those feelings."
I sighed, long and hard, through my nose. I put up with so much from these two.
"Great. I've heard you. Now mind your own business, both of you."
"We've long ago made this our business," Peggy responded, an all too pleased smile on her face.
"Yeah, come on," continued Daniel. "I have no idea what you see in Jack, but you clearly like him a lot. And you didn't let up when you saw me and Peggy dancing around each other. So we're not letting this go, either. Not when you spend every minute he's in the room moon-eyed staring at him-"
"Daniel, if you don't stop now-"
"What's going on over here?"
Peggy, Daniel, and I all whirled around at the sound of Jack's voice next to my desk, like kids caught digging in the cookie jar.
"Nothing!" I answered quickly, before whirling back around and glaring at my two friends. "Daniel and Peggy were just saying goodbye before they left for the night."
"Well, then, goodbye. Now get out of here, you two are off the clock and I'm not paying you overtime."
Peggy and Daniel shared a loaded look that I didn't miss, and that I also doubted Jack missed. I rolled my eyes, then the three of us stood.
"You don't have to tell us twice to get us out of here," said Daniel, stretching a little as he got to his feet.
"I sure did," I muttered. He ignored me.
"You two have fun tonight," said Peggy, giving us a pointed smile as she turned away. I narrowed my eyes at her and Daniel as they linked arms and started heading for the doors of the agency together. They didn't look back once, the bastards.
"So... what was all that about?" asked Jack, turning to me the second our friends had cleared the agency doors. I huffed a laugh and turned to face him with a small smile.
"They're still trying to play matchmaker."
"They make any good points?"
I grinned. "Well, they did point out that you must like me if you let me stay to work the late shift with you. They really might be onto something there."
Jack scoffed. "For two of my best detectives they're sure oblivious sometimes."
"I'll say."
Jack and I shared a smile, and then he slowly leaned in until we were almost nose to nose, our breath mingling. His smile widened as his hand moved up to cup my face, and then he closed the rest of the distance and kissed me.
Jack and I had been together for a few months now. It had all started as we worked towards our mutual goal of setting Peggy and Daniel up, mostly so we wouldn't have to watch them exchange longing glances every day at work. In the process, he'd stopping being a dick to me, and I'd realized I actually really liked him. The rest was history.
To be fair to Peggy and Daniel's skills as agents, Jack and I had intentionally been keeping our relationship a secret from the beginning. It wasn't all that high-stakes, but we'd wanted to enjoy the beginning of our relationship without everyone in the office chiming in about it, to our faces or otherwise. We still hadn't told anybody, but our interactions had changed enough for Peggy and Daniel to pick up on the energy. They'd been hounding us both for three weeks to try to set us up, and for our part, Jack and I had just laughed when they weren't looking.
After a few long moments, Jack pulled back, both of us still with grins on our faces.
"So... we gonna tell them?"
I hummed in thought, hopping up to sit on my desk, swinging my legs a little as I fixed Jack with a mischevious smile.
"We probably should. It's gone on long enough that they should probably know."
"But there's still a lot of fun to be had in how we tell them. And, unless some emergency comes in that we have to deal with tonight... we've got plenty of time to figure out the best way we can think of."
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" he asked, leaning down to kiss my temple before taking a half step back towards his office. "Because I do."
"I love you too. Now come on, go get a notepad from your office so we can brainstorm ways to mess with our friends."
"Honey, you don't have to tell me twice."
I grinned after the swaggering form of my boyfriend, my heart singing. I really did love him. And this was gonna be fun.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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hansensgirl · 1 year
🪽— 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱
summary. | Steve Rogers is a good man. You’re a good woman. Emotional affairs are harder than they seem.
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pairings. | Steve Rogers x fem!reader, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter, fem!reader x OMC (brief), Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
warnings. | ANGST, light smut, allusions to sex, cheating, emotional affairs, pregnancy (not the reader), crying, bad family, sadness, age gap, power dynamics (boss x employee), Christmas, heavy petting, kissing, broken vase (accidentally), sadness, drinking, smoking, nightmares, mild argument, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
word count. | ~2.5k
author's note. | hi! i'm sort of back. i'm very sorry for my hiatus. here's a new fic! this is based on the lyrics from Phoebe Bridgers' Savior Complex, which is one of my favourite songs of all time. let me know what you think! taglist: @hansensfics. i might delete this one, but please don’t save it or upload it anywhere. thanks! MINORS DNI! 18+ ONLY!
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He’s your boss. You work directly under him.
He isn’t bossy. Really, it’s an issue. Every time he gives you a task, he says ‘sorry’ first and finishes the order with another apology. You tell him he doesn’t have to apologize, but you’ve got the same problem as well. It’s always atonement for something you haven’t even done. You wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it hurt him.
Mr. Rogers is very nice. He has a secret office that he lets you stay in whenever you want. There’s a couch from one country and a desk from another. Each item is foreign in this room.
You’re always so tired, but he tells you to avoid caffeine. He gives you a blanket and tells you to lie down. You listen at first but can never relax. Not when you know he’ll be alone.
The honesty was a mistake at first. Mr. Rogers is so sensitive that he feels what you feel. He knows you so well that if something’s wrong, he’ll bother you until confession. You tell him almost anything, biting your tongue when you know you get too close to baring your entire soul.
The male friend of yours who keeps asking you out. The exams you study for to no avail. Your parents’ absence. Mr. Rogers—Steve, he insists—is a good listener and very wise. It makes sense. He’s much older than you and was on his own adventures when you were born.
The adventures are where he met his wife. Her name is Margaret, and she’s everything you aren’t. She’s headstrong and beautiful beyond words. She’s good with numbers and brilliant. She knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get them.
Peggy is a real keeper. The wedding rings on their fingers prove this well.
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Nothing more than a few kisses and caresses have intertwined you and Steve. Nothing physical, at least.
You’re quiet around him. Never say anything more than a sentence. You shy away when your eyes met, especially if he says something sweet.
Words take up the space as you grow closer. Steve is particularly good with words, whereas you often stutter and blend words together.
And sometimes, there is complete silence. It’s contentful. He replies to emails, and you sort through the pile of mess in the corner.
You tell him your dreams, and he tells you the ones he’s already fulfilled. What he studied in school, his family, his friends, his favourite country he’s been to. Nothing about Peggy—neither of you can bear it.
Unless she’s done something that’s hurt his feelings—like when she swears she doesn’t talk to Daniel Sousa anymore, but he hears them calling late at night.
Sometimes, Steve talks for so long that it gets dark, and your shift is over. He pays you extra—or, at least, tries to. You never take the money because nothing was lost. You enjoy the little time you have with him.
He takes you home, wanting you to avoid walking down the street in the pitch-black evening.
His car is a mess—the same as his office. He apologizes sincerely and pushes everything in the front seat to the back. The directions consist of “take a left” and “keep going straight.” You assume he’ll forget it. You don’t know how much this means to him.
Steve stays parked outside your building when you rush to your room. You live on the bottom floor and are right by the entrance. You’re a movie’s heroine when you throw yourself on your bed and giggle, butterflies filling your stomach.
He is something. The scriptwriter has Steve’s dialogue under his name but with “CHARACTER: TBA” in parentheses. No one knows if the film will be completed. No one knows how it will end.
Mr. Rogers stays parked outside, forehead resting against his steering wheel, and he’s trying to get a hold of his nerves.
Eventually, he grabs his pack of cigarettes that he always hides from Peggy. She often reminds him of his mother—without the sagacity. She tells Steve what he should or shouldn’t do a lot. He hasn’t lived since he breathed you in.
He smokes with the windows up, tears flowing down his face because he knows this can’t happen. He cannot betray his wife, but he doesn’t want to hurt you.
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Steve comes to you on a starry night. You can see the moon and something else twinkling through the trees, and he rings your doorbell.
When you open the door, he’s a large man cowering like a small child. He wants to cry—you can tell. His mouth is in a frown that won’t disappear, and his eyes are glassy.
He’s drunk when he practically falls on top of you. He is slurring apologies that you know are unnecessary. His breath smells of whiskey, and he’s very heavy. You’ve fantasized about him on top of you during restless sleeps, but not quite like this.
Somehow, you crawl out from underneath the older, married man. You know it would be fruitless to lift Steve up, so you drag him to your bedroom.
You keep the door to the bathroom open and bring a bucket as well. The water on your bedside table is his now, and so is the charger and landline. Anything he wants of yours, he can have. He doesn’t even have to ask.
It’s hard to sleep when the one you desire so profoundly is in your bed, sadder than he should be. He drifts off with ease, but he’s violent in his tossing and turning. He shines with sweat and tears, soaking your sheets with his scent. You’re not sure if you’ll wash them. It’s a nightmare you can’t rouse him from, one that you don’t dare to ask him about the next morning.
Steve must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed. It’s small, too small for his big being. Or maybe it’s his hangover—perhaps even hunger. You offer to make whatever, but he grumbles.
He’s not sure why he’s taking his disappointment out on you. He wasn’t trying to test you, but you should’ve turned him away. You should’ve told him to go back home to his wife with her expected child inside her womb, but you don’t know this terrible secret. If you did, it would tear you apart from the inside out. This, he knows, for sure.
Mr. Rogers doesn’t say much to you in the morning, drinking two cups of coffee and staring out the window. You sit across him, and he looks past your face—the very visage he can never seem to tear his eyes away from.
“You shouldn’t have let me stay,” he finally says.
“Why not?” you ask, “you came here yourself. I could never turn you away.”
“You need to. You need to go out and, I don’t know, spend time with boys your age. Boys who don’t have wives or girlfriends they won’t leave you for.”
You flinch as if he’s raised one of his gentle hands.
Steve sighs. “That’s not what I meant. I think the lines between us have blurred. We’re not doing the right thing here, honey.”
You can’t look up, can’t face him. You wish this wasn’t the topic. You wish he had told you about his dream instead, and you would have told him yours. The one where he leaves you, the one where he gets his happy ever after with Peggy, and you get nothing.
He gives you a kiss on the head and bids you goodbye. You’re happy you have a day off tomorrow.
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It’s almost Christmas, about two weeks since the conversation. Steve tries to make things seem normal. Normal in the sense that he hasn’t made his employee fall hopelessly in love with him. Then, normal in the sense that Peggy doesn’t exist, and he can still keep you in his arms until a customer comes in.
You go on dates with your guy friend like Mr. Rogers has insisted, but they’re unfulfilling. He often prefers to stay home and rent a movie, followed by sloppy kisses and dry humping that is unsatisfactory for only you.
“You don’t have to go out with only him,” Steve reminds you one day. You’re in his lap and he’s just finished reading through his entire diary with you. Most pages are about the employee he’s infatuated with, few are about his wife.
“I know. I just don’t want anyone else but you,” you tell him.
Moments later, his mouth is on your neck and his hand is up your skirt. You’re just about to come when a delivery man walks in, calling your boss’ name.
The shop is closed for a week, and your father has invited you to visit him and his new family. Your step-sisters are older and runway-ready. They have wonderful jobs and husbands that aren’t seeing women younger than them.
It’s like a closed practice. An event you can only watch from afar. You have no place here, even if your stepmother cleaned the guest room for you. You book a new plane ticket so you can go home early. You don’t make an excuse because they don’t even ask why; they just bid you goodbye.
You land at a horrible hour. There are too many taxis that families need—families trying to have a nice, hurt-free holiday.
And so you call Steve, and he answers on the first ring.
“Hello?” he greets, and you can sense some kind of anxiety in his voice.
“Um, hi. Happy holidays,” you tell him, nervous beyond belief as well.
His voice is smooth like honey, crooning in your frost-bitten ear.
“Happy holidays, baby,” he says. Peggy isn’t nearby.
“Uh, I’m at the airport. I was with my dad’s family, but I left. I don’t know how to get home. All the taxis are taken up.”
“I’m on my way, okay? Just sit tight, sweetie.”
“Thank you,” you exhale, “thank you so much, Steve.”
“Anything for my girl.”
When he arrives, he finds a place to quickly park. He takes your sole suitcase out of your hands and presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
It’s sudden.
Mr. Rogers—your boss, a married man—is kissing you like you’re his only lover. Like he’s your boyfriend, and he’s missed you dearly.
You lean in for more, and he pulls away. Smiling, he opens the car door for you.
He takes the long way home, the ones with few cars driving alongside.
“I didn’t know you left,” he eventually says.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. It was a last-minute thing.”
“No, no. Don’t apologize. I went to your place to say ‘hi,’ but no one was home.”
“I should’ve told you. I really am sorry,” you profess.
Steve places a finger on your mouth, shushing you. His hand moves to cup your cheek, and you push your face further into his palm.
“Thank you for picking me up,” you whisper, looking at him intently.
“I’m glad you called me. I missed you. I would do anything for you.”
You say nothing to that. You turn the radio on and the last song is one you recommended to him. You both hum the lyrics until it ends, and he turns it off.
“I always enjoy it when you drive me,” you confess after a while.
“Oh yeah? Why?” he smiles.
“You’re careful. You don’t go too fast or slow. You know what you’re doing. You’re such a pro at it,” you explain, slightly self-conscious of your reasoning.
“That all?” Steve teases, raising his eyebrows.
“Hm… No… I love your hands.” You giggle.
“Yeah? I know you do, baby. Always starin’ at them. I bet you think of them touching you all the time,” he rasps, briefly letting go of the wheel to rub at his beard.
You squeeze your thighs, mind already turning with scenarios where Steve touches you like a starved man.
His hand on your face moves back to your mouth, thumb swiping your bottom lip before pushing in. You suck on the digit, giving it the treatment you would to his cock. When you reach out to touch him, the car suddenly halts.
He stops on the side of the road, eyes watering. Regret etches his features, and you know what’s to come.
“We can’t,” Steve says, pulling his finger out. “Not yet, at least.”
“I know” is all you have to give.
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Peggy visits the store in early March. Underneath her shirt is a small baby bump.
When you see it, your heart stops.
Steve brushes past you to lead her away, examining your face for hurt. You’re behind the shelves and watch the couple, your mouth parted with your eyes threatening to leak. You turn and head towards the back, choosing to hide somewhere so you can fall apart in solitude.
Mr. Rogers watches as you leave. He wishes you would look back and give him something, anything. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wasn’t supposed to hurt you this way. But he did, and he will try to make it right.
Peggy leaves eventually, and Steve closes the store early. He searches for you, listening for a sniffle or movement.
You sit on the floor, a broken vase next to you. He quickly nudges the debris away so you don’t get hurt.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he says, looking down at you. You look up, eyes bloodshot, and you stare at him with something he can’t place. He envelopes you in a hug, and you can feel his erratic heart clamouring against your face.
“Come with me to the office, please,” Steve begs.
You shake your head.
“You ask too much of me, Steve. You have a wife and an innocent child on the way. We can’t keep doing this.”
“No, no. Please, just come. Please, honey,” he pleads once more. “At least hit me, yell at me, tell me to go fuck myself.”
“Why would I? I’m happy for you. You’re getting what you’ve always wanted.” Your voice cracks, and you force a smile. Steve sees through it all.
“No. I want you—I love you. But I don’t have you, do I? Listen, I’ll leave her. I’ll still be a good father, even though I know that’s not my kid at all. We’ll go elsewhere. Move into a nice home and do whatever we want,” he rambles.
Strong Mr. Rogers breaks apart in front of you. You take him into your arms, and you both cry together.
You’re the one that leads him to his office. You sit on the couch with him and notice that his wedding band is gone. He always wears it when Peggy comes by, but he didn’t this time.
“That night you took me in—I dreamt of you. I dreamt you weren’t mine, and you didn’t love me anymore. I messed something up and didn’t fix it. It was the worst nightmare I’ve ever had,” Steve admits.
You don’t say anything. As much as the whole ordeal hurts you, as terrible as what you’ve done to a woman and her child, you can’t let Steve go. Neither can he. It’ll have to end someday, just not now. Not yet.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
What’s the batfam’s favorite marvel ships?
Dick: Peter Parker x MJ
Jason: Deadpool x Wolverine
Tim: Billy Kaplan x Teddy Altman
Damian: Moon Knight x happiness
Duke: Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes
Cullen: Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Stephanie: Scott Lang x Jimmy Woo
Cassandra: Nico Minoru x Karolina Dean
Barbara: Bruce Banner x Thor
Harper: Kate Bishop x America Chavez
Carrie: Loki x Mobius
Kate: Carol Danvers x Valkyrie
Alfred: Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
Selina: Thanos x Stormbreaker
Bruce: Steve Rogers x Tony Stark
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sassypossumm · 3 months
California Seems A Good Option...
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Leave on a honey moon for two months and the world turns on it's head... maybe Peggy should've stayed in California...
Peggy Carter x Edwin Jarvis ft. Jack Thompson
[ignore Canon, Peggy's married to Daniel now]
Jarvis hurried to answer the door, and his face lit up when he saw none other than, 
"Miss Carter." He breathed a sigh of relief and ushered her in, closing the door and taking her hat. "Or Mrs. Sousa," He fumbled, taking her coat and placing both on the rack behind him.
"Please, Mr. Jarvis, let us continue as we have. Miss Carter is fine." Peggy smiled and smoothed down her skirt. 
"How was the honeymoon?" 
"Perfectly delightful, it was good to be in California again." She folded her arms and took in his measure. His hair was a touch out of place and his shirt tails weren't entirely tucked in. Something was amiss. "How have things in New York been?" She asked casually. 
"Fine." He hedged, averting his eyes. Peggy raised a brow. 
"Fine?" She stared at him pointedly and pursed her lips as he fidgeted and finally met her eyes with an exasperated sigh. "Where's Howard?" 
"In the library." 
"In the library?" Her brows raised. A light smile tugged at the corners of his lips. 
"We do have a library, Miss Carter." 
"Well of course I knew there was a library, I just didn't know Howard knew there was a library." She gave him an incredulous look and began marching to the library determinedly. 
"And there's a lady in the kitchen..." He called after her. Peggy froze. He managed a soft chuckle; her curiosity had been peaked. Slowly she turned to look at him through narrowed eyes. 
"A lady?" She stepped back towards him. 
"A very mysterious lady." He whispered conspiratorially. Peggy's brow raised again, and she folded her arms. 
"Really?" He nodded furiously. 
"And she refuses to divulge her origins." He paused and looked at her thoughtfully. "She's intimated that she's been waiting for you, Miss Carter." Peggy's gears began turning. 
"Am I correct in assuming she's the reason Howard's in the library." 
"You'd be correct." 
"How long has she been here?" Peggy began tapping her foot, she wasn't certain she was going to like the answer. 
"Two months." Peggy's foot paused mid tap. "And in that time, Mr. Stark hasn't gone out once if the lady in question didn't accompany him." 
"Howard Stark has only seen one woman in two months, are you certain we're talking about our Howard Stark?" Jarvis shook his head and leaned closer. 
"And that's not all, Miss Carter," 
"Hey, Marge. How was the trip down lover's lane?" She whirled around to see none other than Jack Thompson leaning against the wall, casually eating an apple and staring at them like it was the most natural thing in the world. 
"Jack Thompson?" She raised a brow and looked at him curiously. Jack merely shrugged his shoulders and gave her an obnoxious smirk before biting into the apple again. 
"Miss Carter, all I can say is that it's a relief to have you back." Jarvis breathed behind her, his posture instantly deflating. Peggy glanced from Jack to Jarvis mouth slightly open.
"Perhaps I should have stayed in California." She muttered under her breath. 
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ao3feed-peggysouson · 2 months
Broken Crown
by JustAShark In which Baron Von Strucker is looking for people carrying the x-gene for his experiments. To his surprise, he finds that one of Hydra’s enemies, the chief of the East Coast SSR, has it. So he has a brainwashed Michael Carter- who he calls an Autumn Hunter- collect the target. The target is none other than one Jack Thompson, who has been hiding the truth of several family member’s abilities all his life. Words: 929, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of And So We Fall Fandoms: Agent Carter (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Jack Thompson (Marvel), Wolfgang von Strucker Relationships: Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa/Jack Thompson, Jack Thompson/Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter/Jack Thompson Additional Tags: A weird mesh of the Weapon X Omnibus novels and the MCU, Hurt No Comfort, (for now) - Freeform, Whump, Threesome - F/M/M, Post-Season/Series 02 Finale, Kidnapping, Canon-Typical Violence, for now, It gets darker as we go through the series tho, Nazis, semi canon compliant, Historical Inaccuracy, POV Jack Thompson (Marvel), Jack Thompson Needs a Hug (Marvel), Jack Thompson Lives, For the moment anyways, Struker’s mutant experiments, Bisexual Male Character, Polyamorous Character, Human Experimentation, whuch is only mentioned here but will get more explicit later on in the series, Michael Carter Shot Jack Thompson, Brainwashed Michael Carter, Mutants, Mentioned Magneto, Eugenics (I guess??), Just disturbing nazi bullshit tbh, Disturbing Themes, This was me practicing my writing. It spiraled from there I’m sorry, My First Work in This Fandom, Song: Broken Crown (Mumford & Sons), How Do I Tag, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Possibly Unrequited Love read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57874360
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galactandro · 2 months
um hi.
my name's galactandro and im a tumblr user. obviously.
i am a die hard swiftie and marvel fan. i've listened to most of Taylor Swift's discography and i've rewatched almost everything that marvel has released (including xmen, shows, and one-shots). currently sorta obsessed with mutants so yes i most likely will be talking about them a lot.
i have so many fav characters from marvel it's ridiculous and i probably forgot someone-
Marvel Movies - Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch), Pietro Maximoff (even though he has like 26 minute screen time) (Quicksilver), Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier), Loki Laufeyson, Tony Stark (Iron Man), Peter Parker (Spiderman), Wade Wilson (Deadpool), Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
Marvel Shows - Phil Coulson, Daisy Johnson, Leopold Fitz, Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Sylvie Laufeydottir, Miss Minutes, Howard Stark (specifically from Agent Carter), Edwin Jarvis
Mutants (from all movies, shows, and comics) - Charles Xavier [Prof X] (specifically young Prof X), Anna Marie [Rogue], Erik Lehnsherr [Magneto] (specifically young Magneto), Kurt Wagner [Nightcrawler], Logan [Wolverine], Ororo Munroe [Storm], Remy LeBeau [Gambit]
i am a HUMONGOUS BOOKWORM. my favorite authors are Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Tahereh Mafi and I usually read fantasy, mystery, dystopian, all of that sort of stuff.
along with being a bookworm, i also LOVEEEEE music. without music, i really don't know how i would function.
i love astronomy (space), psychology (mental function), astrology, photography (photos) and etymology (origins of words).
in terms of music, i legit have no specific genre i listen to. it could range from taylor swift to green day to the neighbourhood if i wanted to. the whole premise of my music taste is everything i do like versus everything i don't like.
My Favorite Musicians - Taylor Swift, The Offspring, The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Halsey, Katatonia, Lorde and probably a whole lot of others but these are my main ones right now.
i am also a dancer. i did ballet for around 9 years and im continuing with contemporary dancing. and with that obviously comes singing :)
i love learning languages. i know two languages fluently, im intermediate in one, and beginner in two.
i don’t play a lot of video of games but the ones i do i absolutely love. i play minecraft, just dance, and legend of zelda totk and botw.
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