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Pegasus Knight
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So uuuhhh, was this the cover story for the Serenes Massacre?
Tanith: You see, a plague had struck the capital, spreading out to affect the surrounding region of Nevassa and beyond. Ashnard was crowned the year after that great tragedy finally subsided. In the entire history of Tellius, no calamity has claimed the lives of so many beorc and laguz--not since the great flood. Two years before, it struck Begnion, and the entire population of Serenes was nearly obliterated. The year after that, close to a thousand beorc--nobles and peasants alike--perished in Daein.
Found this while looking through base conversations, and is this a localization error, or a legitimate piece of world building that was never expanded upon. I consult the local Tellius Lore Master!
Hi! Thank you so much the ask!
I think, if anything, it was a localization gaffe. @docidoci did some work on an informative analysis of the script differences between the original Japanese script and the English script. I highly recommend reading through their posts and taking a peek at their analysis for Chapter 18, where the line you're asking about comes from.
It's important to keep in mind that the scripts for these games were translated piecemeal by the translation team, and they often didn't have an idea of the bigger picture, so they were trying to make heads and tails of the bit they were given to work on out of context, which likely led to the issue docidoci mentioned.
That base conversation wouldn't reasonably contain a "cover-up" for the massacre. We just had a whole arc for the last 4 chapters exploring laguz slavery and the senate's crimes against the herons, including the extreme guilt the citizens of Begnion feel for the massacre. It'd be extremely silly for Tanith to be trying to hide what happened to Ike, who was there, working for Sanaki to help make peace with the herons for the massacre the entire time ("Yes, Ike, I did watch you learn that Begnion burned down Serenes Forest and commit genocide of the herons after falsely accusing them of assassinating the prior apostle from Apostle Sanaki herself, but let me sell you a lie about it now." See how silly that sounds?).
It's more the feeling of just lamenting the huge tragedies happening so close together. So, maybe something to the effect of "In the entire history of Tellius, nothing has claimed the lives of so many beorc and laguz outside of war--not since the great flood. Then, twenty years ago, the entire population of Serenes was nearly lost when the forest burned down. The year after that, close to a thousand beorc--nobles and peasants alike--perished in Daein" would have been a little better.
The translation team didn't have that context and were trying to just make the conversation make sense here (so linking them together makes sense if you're just looking at it on its own), but it now doesn't make so much sense in context.
I do think the original script is still a little flippant (though I rely entirely on Google Translate and vibes or fan translations/analysis, as I cannot read Japanese, and I have not found a fan translation of this so GT it is), as it's "oh what a tragedy that the herons were almost all lost 20 years ago" and likening it to a natural disaster (the plague), since it was a genocide and closer to an act of war than a calamity no one could have prevented, but I wouldn't say she's trying to lie about the cause outright, just play down the severity of Begnion's actions (which does make sense, countries that do a genocide don't often admit how heinous it was).
I'll share the original script from PegasusKnight here for anyone more knowledgeable about Japanese to judge any flippancy for themselves.
[タ��ス] ……アシュナードが即位したのは、 確か…18年前のはずだ。▼ デイン王都ネヴァサ周辺で ひどい流行り病があって… 人が大勢死んだ翌年だったと記憶している。▼ テリウス大陸史においても、▼ 戦以外で、あれほど多く 立て続けにベオクやラグズが死んだのは…… 創始の大洪水以来だったろうな。▼ 20年前のベグニオンでは、 セリノス王国の民がほぼ失われ…▼ 19年前のデインでは、 王族を含め1000に届く数の ベオクが死んだと言うのだからな。▼ Path of Radiance, Chapter 18, "Tanith"
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The Allusions to Wine in Lythos
I must preface that this post's main advertised material is not the result of my own research, instead based on a page on the Japanese website pegasusknight. As suggested there, it seems that the names attached to Lythos are meant to have a common naming scheme like the other kingdoms in Fire Emblem: Engage, with it taking names related to wines.
Vander is the steward to the Divine Dragon Alear. The name is a shortening of the Greek name Evander, carried by a figure in Roman myth. It is said that he founded the Roman city of Pallantium, which has been suggested to have become Palatine Hill.
In Japanese, Vander's name is ヴァンドレ (rōmaji: vandore), romanized as Vandre. It has been suggested that this is derived from Vin Doré, a wine that contains 24-karat gold dust.
Clanne is an apprentice to Vander and twin brother of Framme. The name seemingly is derived from the Irish word clann, where we get the word clan. The word was also historically used to refer to someone's followers, appropriate for Clanne and Framme's fervent attendance to Alear.
In Japanese, Clanne's name is クラン (rōmaji: kuran), romanized as Clan. It is possible that the name comes from the Japanese wine brand Arugano Clan (JP: アルガーノ・クラン; rōmaji: arugāno kuran).
Framme is an apprentice to Vander and twin sister of Clanne. Framme is a Norwegian and Swedish word that can mean "at the front of", possibly referring to her being one of Alear's first allies in the game. It could also take from the Irish frum fram, referring to a loud noise or uproar; this could be based on her overexcitement and her emphasized loud voice.
In Japanese, Framme's name is フラン (rōmaji: furan) romanized as Fram. She may get her name from Cabernet Franc (JP: カベルネ・フラン; rōmaji: kaberune furan), one of the most common black grapes used in wines.
Lumera is the Queen of Lythos and the Divine Dragon Monarch. Lumera is the Sicilian word for "light". In Japanese, Lumera's name is ルミエル (rōmaji: rumieru), romanized as Lumiere. Lumière is the French word for "light". Additionally, there are two notable wineries called Lumiere: one in California, one in Japan.
Alear is the Divine Dragon and child of Lumera. Alear is a Spanish word that can mean "to alloy, to mix and combine (typically to make less pure)" or "to ally". These could relate to the Engage mechanic, combining oneself with the Emblems. Alternatively, it could be based on Alear being a mix of Fell Dragon and Divine Dragon.
In Japanese, Alear is called リュール (rōmaji: ryūru), romanized as Lueur. Lueur is a French noun meaning "glimmer, glow". This maintains a light-based name scheme with Lumera, though it has a weaker quality, indicating them not being 100% Divine Dragon. The start of the name likely ties to the Japanese word for a dragon, 竜 (rōmaji: ryū). It has also been speculated that the name is derived from Bordeaux supérieur wines (JP: ボルドー・シューペリュール; rōmaji: borudō shūperyūru).
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In her Forging Bonds, Mercedes reveals her recipe for the sweets she bakes were passed down from her father’s family, and her father taught her mother how to bake them (they cooked together) !
But there’s this interesting tidbit about a timeline :
“ Before I was born, there was strife in the Empire, and he was killed. My mother and I lost our house and title. “
What kind of strife is she talking about?
Mercie’s dad was killed, and his house disappeared ? Mercie was born before the Insurrection so it can’t be that, but it can’t be the latest Brigid war, because Petra remembers her parents and she’s younger than Mercedes so... ?
On pegasusknight the script goes :
お父様はね、私が生まれる少し前に 政争に巻き込まれて亡くなったの
Googlised, it goes
“Your (lel) father was involved in a political dispute and died shortly before I was born.”
Mercie’s dad died to a political strife? She was born in 1157 - what kind of “political strife” existed in 1157?
Interestingly, House Hrym was vaporised in 1167, ten years after House Matritz’s fall subsequent to the “killing” of her dad in a political strife.
The devs are allergic to give us any crumbs about Adrestia and Ionius content, but who acted the fall of House Martritz, without giving any fucks about the surviving widow and heir in the oven? Was it Ionius? His predecessor? Why? Was House Martritz the first House who opposed Ionius’s policies and was hit, but when Hrym tries to defect 10 years later that’s when the rest of Adrestia reacts?
Oh well, maybe in Mercedes’s next FEH alt we will get more about her backstory /s
#fe heroes#tfw heroes has to flesh out your world more than your games#adrestia stuff#why is heroes always the game with the fodlan development?#first it was revealed in FEH that Ludwig was named Ludwig#then we have the history behind Supreme Leader's horned crown#and then this?#FE16
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I just stumbled on your blog and read through your posts on Fates’ localisation. Thank you for writing it. I wasn’t aware of most of the changes and after reading your posts I went on pegasusknight to read the JP supports for myself. I have to say though, I actually felt that the Beruka and Saizo’s EN C support makes sense because I felt that 2 assassins from previously opposing sides wouldn’t simply start talking about themselves and when they are first starting to get to know each other. Instead, they would silently observe each other first. That’s just my take on it though. I wish they worked the original C support into their support conversations somehow.
Funny enough I thought about that before, where they have the 4 lines of ellipses before starting the conversation proper, and that'd be great. Especially if it happened in like a Fates remaster or smth
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Golden Wildfire - Chapter 3 - Camp Lines (Japanese)
Couldn't find them on PegasusKnight, so...:
Claude: こうも同時期に、フォドラ各地で変事が 起こるってのは ...... 何なんだろうなあ? Claude: 偶然だとは思うが、妙な胸騒ぎもする。 この先いったい、どうなることやら..... Shez: 胸騒ぎ、か・・・
[共感する] Shez: 確かにね。パルミラを撃退して万事解決、とはいかない気がするわ。 Claude: お、お前もそう思うか。これが杞憂なら、それでいいんだが。 Claude: ここから、フォドラの情勢が大きく動く・・・・そんな気がしてならないんだ。 Claude: 他の連中も不安に思っているかもしれない。お前も声をかけてやってくれよ。
[受け流す] Shez: 考え過ぎじゃないかしら? それに今は、 パルミラとの戦いに集中したほうがいいわ。 Claude: まあ、そうなんだが......どうも引っかかるんだよなあ。 Claude: ここから、フォドラの情勢が大きく動く...そんな気がしてならないんだ。
Hilda: あーあ............... せっかく兄さんから離れて楽しい学校生活を送れると思ったのになー。
[ヒルダの兄について聞く] Shez: てことは、お兄さんと仲が悪いの? Hilda: ううん、むしろ兄さんはあたしのことが 大好きすぎて、面倒くさいっていうかー。
[楽しい学校生活について聞く] Shez: 学校生活ってのは、楽しいものなの? Hilda: そりゃ楽しいでしょ。 同世代の友達と一緒に泣いたり笑ったり踊ったりー。
Hilda: あーもう、嫌だなあ。早く士官学校に戻りたいよー。
Lysithea: 万一、パルミラ軍に喉元を突破されたら、 同盟領は無事では済まなくなります。 Lysithea: クロードは、この事態の深刻さを ちゃんと理解しているんでしょうか。
[していると思う] Shez: わかっていて、あえて落ち着いて 振る舞ってるんじゃないかしら? Shez: 彼が不安な顔してたら、他のみんなも不安になってしまうものね。 Lysithea: なるほど............それが本当なら、彼を見直してあげなくもないです。
[していないと思う] Shez: うーん、わかってないんじゃない? 彼の様子は普段とあんまり変わらないわよ。 Lysithea: だとしたら困りますね。 彼は盟主代行として諸侯を指揮すべき立場だというのに。 Lysithea: クロードが次の盟主に相応しい器か......見極める機会にもなりそうですね。
Lorenz: 喉元近くにパルミラ勢が現れること自体は 珍しいことではないが... Lorenz: ゴネリル家が各地に援軍要請したとなると、 これは由々しき事態だと考えざるを得ない。 Shez: それは......どういうこと? Lorenz: 武勇で鳴るゴネリル家が堅牢な首飾りに 拠る限り、レスターは安泰とされてきた。 Lorenz: ゴネリル家もそ���を誇りとしていたはず。 援軍を求めるなどよほどの事態なのだろう。 Lorenz: ・・・・・・君は平民なのだから、わざわざ危険な戦地に赴く義務はない。 いいのか?
[問題ないと答える] Shez: 私は戦いを生業とする傭兵よ。さら戦地を避ける理由はないわ。 Lorenz: そうか。ならば止めはしないが、無理はしないことだ。
[答えを保留する] Shez:なるほど、引き返すなら今のうちよね。考えておくわ、 忠告どうも。 Lorenz: その顔・・・・・・引き返す気などなさそうだな。無理はしないでくれたまえよ。
Marianne: 主よ......。 Marianne: ..................。
[大丈夫か聞く] Shez: ねえ、大丈夫? 不安なら無理に 戦場に出なくてもいいと思うわよ。 Marianne: .........いえ、そういう訳には。義父に叱られてしまいますし。 Marianne: ..................。
[黙って見守る] Shez: ..................。 Marianne: ......... ! あ、あの.........何か? Shez: いえ、邪魔したら悪いと思って。 でも結局、邪魔しちゃったわね。 Marianne: いえ、邪魔だなんてそんな・・・・すみません。 Marianne: ..................。
Leonie, Ignatz, Raphael
Ignatz: やっぱり来るべきじゃなかったのかな。 ボクなんて、きっと足手まといに......。 Leonie: ちょっと、 イグナーツ。ここまで来て、何をプップッ言ってんだよ。 Leonie: パルミラの侵入を許せば、わたしらの故郷もどうなるかわからないんだぞ? Raphael: オデは戦うぞ! パルミラをブッ飛ばして妹を守ってやらねえとなあ! Ignatz: でもボクらは、 戦いを学び始めたばかりの、ただの平民じゃないですか・・・・・・。 Raphael: ただの平民じゃねえだろ。 ちっとは学校で 鍛えたし、その辺の奴らよりは戦えるぞ。 Ignatz: シェズさんみたいに傭兵として戦ってきた経験があるならまだしも・・・・・・ Leonie: 情けない奴だなあ。 シェズ、あんたからも何か言ってやってくれよ。
[同情する] Shez: イグナーツの言ってることが道理よ。ちょっと無茶よね。 Ignatz: そうですよね? 成り行きに任せてここまで来ちゃったボクが悪いんですが........。
[助言する] Shez: まあ、やるだけやって、危なくなったら 逃げちゃいなさい。無理はしないことね。 Ignatz: 危なくなったら逃げる、 無理はしない...............わかりました、 それなら何とか......。
Leonie: 敵はもう目前、今さらジタバタしても 始まらないんだし、 頑張るしかないだろ! Shez: 戦いに備えて、そろそろ休もうかしら。
Shamir: ・・・君は、傭兵上がりの生徒だな。話は聞いていた。 Shez: シェズよ。よろしくね。 Shamir: ああ。 私の本業も傭兵だ。セイロス騎士団に籍を置いてはいるが。 Shamir: つまり、君とは同業者だな。何かあれば言ってくれ。
Count Burgundy
パルミラ襲来の報を受け、近隣諸侯の兵を 引き連れてレスター西端より駆けつけた。 グロスタール家の将兵も預かってきている。 伯爵は自ら戦う気など端からないのでな。 文句の一つも言いたくなるが、 伯爵の心証を 害しては後々厄介、 長い物には巻かれろだ。 伯爵のご子息にも気を遣わねばならんし、まったく気苦労が絶えんな·····
Alliance soldier
フォドラの首飾りは、三国の力を結集して築かれた難攻不落の要塞です。 そして守将は、レスター随一の武勇を誇る ホルスト=ジギスヴァルト=ゴネリル卿。 たとえ我々が兵力で劣ろうとも、パルミラ軍なんて恐れるには及びません。
本当なら今頃は、教室で講義を受けているはずだったのにな・・ 入学早々、こんなことになるなんて、まったくついてないよ。 とはいえ、自分で志願してきたんだし、 戦うからには全力を尽くすつもりさ。
Alliance soldier
パルミラ人と戦ったことはないが、 野蛮で残虐な連中なのだろう? 聞いた話では、全身が硬い毛に覆われていて牙まで生えているとか......。 もしも捕えられたら、 どんな酷いことをされるか.........想像するだに恐ろしい。
Alliance general
ゴネリル公よりレスター各地に援軍要請を 出したが、集まった兵はそう多くない。 このところ大きな戦争がなかったからな。諸侯も軍備を怠っていたのだろう。 それでも帝国や王国が兵を出してくれれば問題はないはずだったのだが...・・・・・ どうやらそれも望めぬらしい。 これは厳しい戦いになりそうだぞ。
私はミュラー子爵家の縁者でね。実家は首飾りからそう遠くないんだ。 ・・・・・・そんな貴族いたっけ、って顔だな? どうせ五大諸侯くらいしか知らないんだろ。 ミュラー家はリーガン領とエドマンド領に 挟まれた、吹けば飛ぶような小貴族さ。 だが、レスターを守りたいという思いは、 五大諸侯にだって負けないつもりだよ。
Alliance general
私はエドマンド辺境伯家より派遣されてきました。 常ならば兵力の供出は免除されているのですが、今回ばかりはそうもいかず。 率いる兵力は僅かですが......せめてお嬢様をお守りしなくては。
#fe3h#fe16#few3h#golden wildfire#gw#golden deer#claude you... not poor clod yet ig#think i spent more time checking PK than making this post and I'm still scared that I missed something... oh well
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If the subject still interests you, delete otherwise, I got the Japanese text and a machine translation of them from PegasusKnight:
Jagen's line about Naga: はい 守護神ナーガも さぞや お怒りでしょうな
Directly translated this is: hai shugoshin naga mo sazoya ookorideshou na.
Properly translated with a machine it is: Yes, the guardian deity Naga must be angry too.
This is almost identical to the fan translation.
Now here is the big bit in Japanese:
今から千年以上前のこと まだこの大陸に 王国はなく 人々は小さな村々にわかれて 暮らしていたといいます▼
そのころの世界には恐ろしい 魔物がすんでいて たびたび人間をおそってきた▼
そしてある日 ついに 何万という数でおしよせてきて 人間を絶��寸前まで 殺しつくしたといいます▼
わずかに生き残った人々は 神に助けを求めた▼
そして神は 人々の願いを ききいれて巨大な戦士を 地上につかわされたのです▼
戦士は 右手に光かがやく剣を▼
左手に五つの宝玉をうめこんだ 盾を持っていたと 言われています▼
そして 激しい戦いの末に 魔物どもをうちとり 天界に 去って行ったと・・・▼
それが この神殿に祭ってある 守護神ナーガです▼
Which roughly translated in english is:
More than a thousand years ago There is no kingdom on this continent yet. The people were divided into small villages It is said that he lived there▼
The world back then was scary There are monsters living there It has often threatened humans▼
And one day, finally I have brought you blessings in the tens of thousands. bringing humans to the brink of extinction It is said that he killed them all▼
the few who survived I asked the Kami for help▼
And Kami listens to people's wishes Listen to the giant warrior He was sent to the earth▼
The warrior is In his right hand is a shining sword▼
He placed five jewels in his left hand. he had a shield It is said▼
And after a fierce battle Take away the monsters When I left for heaven…▼
That is what he is enshrined in this temple. This is Naga, the guardian deity▼
Guardian deity is 守護神 AKA Shugoshin.
Hope that was something you enjoyed. :0
Ooh thank you so much! I really should start making an attempt to learn Japanese one of these days.
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that is INCREDIBLE and exactly what i imagine in my ideal world. a limited time event would end and the day after you'd get people in global advertising their event sets for 500 sc a piece. a two month long player trying desperately to sell their jorvik starter pony they only got for the championship. people would buy like, six copies of the same limited magic horse and then sell them for triple the price. im imagining a world where the jorvegian economy crumbles because most popular youtuber bethany pegasusknight has decided to form a cult following around a single hat sold during a 2 week event in 2019 and now it's the most valuable thing in the game regularly being sold for 1600 SC.
sse would most definitely lose money because of exploits. and face extreme backlash. but i would never play a different game ever again
my DREAM update for SSO is a player-controlled economy where you can sell each other items/gear/clothes. not at ALL because i think it's a good idea, but because i know the chaos of it all would be the best thing to happen to me since photo mode. it would be so much fun
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My old #fireemblem persona Cassandra the #pegasusknight #Copicmarkers #cartooncassiecorral https://www.instagram.com/p/CV_ITiBhq70/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pegasus knight, cover art for a fan novel
#bretonnia#pegasus#pegasusknight#knight#medieval#medievalfantasy#dark fantasy#Warhammer#warhammer fantasy#bretonnian#commission
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Avec mon frère, on a décidé de dessiner le même personnage : Ingrid de Fire Emblem. #draw #drawing #ink #inking #fe #fireemblem #fe3h #ingrid #pegasus #card #drawinyourstyle #crest #pegasusknight #knight https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqPd-JK-g3/?igshid=cgpnrb0a4zk0
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#est #fireemblemheroes #fireemblem #pegasussisters #pegasusknight #whitewing #sketch #fanart #doodle #pencildrawing #drawing #characterpoll #traditionalart #artistsoninstagram #drawingaday #sketchaday #instadaily
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Where do you get your nopes scripts from? I use fedatamine but it only has the main game
It's from the datamine you can access on reddit!
We have info only compiled only in the demo like the books, and the rest of the things compiled for the full version!
Also, @shadowshrike compiled and analysed a lot of Data you can read very interesting analysis about those datas on their blog!
PegasusKnight is adding slowly but surely the jp!script for the chapters though.
And those are the sources I used to comment about the game's script!
#anon#replies#hope that helped?#I think we're spoiled with the datamine website for FE16 lol#but I want to reiterate#the people working behind the scenes to compile everything in easy to access documents are really awesome#thank to them#fandom wouldn't be half as fun if not for them#3 nopes
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ALA was so much fun and I was so busy having fun I forgot the hand out ribbons until the last second! But here I am in Cordelia on the final day taking selfies on my unsuspecting prey. #pegasusknight #fireemblem #fireemblemcosplay #fireemblemawakening #animelosangeles #animelosangeles2017 #fireemblemfates
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Oh, with the help of Pegasusknight I finally figured out what Yunaka's name is from! Unakite!
So, she stuck to the Brodian theming even with her second name after all.
(and since it's written 'yunakaito' in Japanese, I wonder if there was intentional pun similarity to 'kaitou', phantom thief)
And Alear is probably supposed to be the French word for 'to shine', Luire! I was wrong, it's not a dragon pun after all--or it's only a dragon pun in a secondary sense.
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