#peeping tammy
hellosweetart · 3 months
Regarding your hot spring ask, is the peeping Tom a girl? Cuz I think of a couple of funny ways this can go down.
So the peeping Tom wanted to check the men’s hot spring when suddenly she was cockblocked by Anastacha (no kids were allowed in the hot spring so she had to sit out)
Anastacha: what’re you doing in the men’s hot spring? Are you spying on them or whatever? And why are you looking at my dad’s butt or whatever?
And even if the peeping Tom succeeded in getting a good glimpse of guys naked, they’d still get caught. And all the men would throw towels, wash buckets, soap whatever they can find to chase her out.
Francis and Robertsky: *shrieks like a girl when they found the pervert*
Afton: we have a pervert on the loose!
Angus: get her!
*all the guys throw their stuff at the peeping Tom*
Francis: get out of here you perv!
Hahahah yeah peeping Tom is a girl and let's call her Peeping Tam.
Peeping Tam has been having a crush on Izaack Gauss who lives in a huge apartment building just near her office. She heard from her "secret spy" that the reporter and his apartment friends are going to have a great relaxing time on a luxurious hot spring resort. Not wasting the opportunity, she stalked them and had to sneak inside carefully to avoid any suspicion. One bratty kid with pigtails is blocking her way though.
"Uhm, this is MEN's area? What you are like, doing here, or whatever?"
"I'm a janitress" Tam said monotously. Hopefully, her disguised uniform is effective.
"Don'cha have like, an assigned schedule to clean up? Cuz, my Dad and his friends are there..." The girl made a sassy look, much to the peeper's annoyance.
'.... this little brat.' Tam thought
"Oh, you are right. I must have overlooked. im gonna leave..."
Now she has to think another route to get a glimpse of her crush.
Luckily, she found a hidden way to sneak peek into the men's resort. And boy oh boy what great joy she experienced that aside from Izaack, she's able to witness the other young men's bare glory. "What a bonus!" She thought. She didn't expect that the milkman, the pilot, and the other men are so attractive to look at. Sure they have some imperfections on their bodies, like fat, or scars but she doesn't care! Its the best day of her life.
But its shortlived when she got caught.
(this may sound funny in fiction but don't do this in real life, its creepy 😶‍🌫️)
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elvirusx · 3 months
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Ever since I redid my bedroom, I don't wanna leave 💚
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b00bconnoisseur · 2 years
Yo, how was your trip to the Van Gogh exhibit?
Hey! I actually didnt go b u t instead went to a concert!! I saw Bring Me the Horizon!!!!!!! It was so hype and fun and i had so much fun and even went all out w my outfit cause why not 🤭
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It was the 28th. The 27th we didn't really do anything celebratory wise n was a kinda eh day so i celebrated the day after
How was your bday? Did u do anything or receive any gifts?
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koko-heads · 1 year
tina: louise is okay.
tammy: he's okay? they said they were going to break my legs! and don't tell me she didn't mean it, okay? 'cause she gave me the crazy eyes, she meant it!
tina: tammy, louise threatened me. he threatens gene every day. they probably threatened our mom before breakfast this morning. it's what she does. grow a pair.
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stephaniebittrolff · 2 days
Deleted my original update posts and I'm going to keep this vague, because I'm damn well aware I have a few stalkers that are stupid enough to misinterpret this. I have been living with my Ma in Florida. My new ride is BEAUTIFUL <3 I don't feel like talking to anyone or coming back to my house in Wilmington until I sort things out. My mother is willing to finance a nursing degree at UNCW. The issue is I don't want to work in Biomed, but I also don't want to be a nurse. I hated my old job at the clinic off of Barclay.
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I wanna see more about Remy and Tammy, I’m intrigued 🙂
Like, when they both confessed, Tammy’s transition, confronting both Remy and Tammy’s awful parents?
Man I never thought so many peeps would be so intrigued in my little lore 😭 I love it sm that people are 💜 but oh boy I'm trying to get around to that but work and my motivation is kinda dog shit. I have a couple of sketches like what Tammy's first baby steps into transitioning is and Remy being an awkward mess. I can share those at the moment.
I feel like they don't really confront either parents they just kinda move out and do their own thing. Tammy is more involved with her parents because they weren't really terrible just abit absent parenting. Remy however doesn't really see his parents but he doesn't really have to worry about losing his riches either so they just kinda fuck off and live comfortably somewhere else and tolerate his parents bs while Remy helps AJ with the Galax institute.
At the moment I've been thinking about an au where Remy and Tammy gains custody of Dev, but in a funny ass way.
It's been an all over mess with these two in my brain lately
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They're abit messy
Then some stuff with that gaining custody au thing.
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blairefrances · 20 days
Another character for my Ice Cream Indie series!
Mei Gao!
She's 21 years old!
She resembles Matcha Green Tea!
She's a Demigirl!
Her voice claim would be Dendy from OK KO!
Her favorite aesthetic is Grunge!
She is a second adult character in the Ice Cream version!
She knows how to play Dance Dance Revolution!
Her favorite song is DOTA by Basshunter!
She loves taking hot spring baths!
She also wants privacy during her relaxation because she doesn't like Peeping Toms or Tammys.
She's an NPC character.
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waterfallswords · 10 months
location: jones cabin, nov 18th
starter for: isla alvarez and tammie jones @rviner
Isla isn't sure if her and Elliot's news has traveled beyond the Cross pack but, Tammie's predicament found it's way to Isla's ears. Who to trust with little Eden when the full moon comes? Isla overheard the conversation in the depot, Tammie reluctantly accepting help from a pregnant wolf that arrived just after the storm. She could hear the hesitation in Tammie's tone, and it caused a sobering reminder of how she rarely trusted anybody else with Cece. Not beyond the close knit of family. Isla's instincts urged her to offer but a gentle caution pulled her back. That she hasn't held a little girl since Cece. Stealing cuddles and affection from Toby and Jude feels entirely different to this, but eventually, Isla knows the right thing to do.
She wanders towards the Jones cabins, catching sight of Tammie climbing the small steps with Eden in her arms. "I...came to see her." she mentions, as a way of grabbing the other wolf's attention. "A little late. I am sorry." Isla's heart constricts but she wears a gentle smile. An even warmer one when she can see the peeping glance of Eden in her direction. Her and Tammie's closeness can't be described as such, but both of them found themselves embarking on a relationship with a Cross at the same time. It seems childish now to Isla, how she wasn't as welcoming to Tammie simply because of Nora. A petty reason for that, too. "If you are busy, it is okay. But I would like to talk."
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littlemessyjessi · 2 years
"I Need A Favor": Naga Boyfriend Sef: Part Three
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"I Need A Favor": Naga Sef: Part Three 
Warnings:  Some mature content.  Monster boyfriend… if that can be a warning.  Maybe language.  Also, my unedited, un'beta'd work.  Maybe my grammar because I'm a troll.  Idk?  
Monster Boyfriend x Plus Size Reader 
Commissioned by the lovely @thickemadame  
Thank you so much, darling!  And I apologize that this took so long.  I was devastated when I lost everything on my old computer and I am permanently scatter brained but still… I am appalled that it took my so long.  I love you, darling! 
Never in my life had I been so nervous for someone to be in my garden. 
All this despite the fact that I had strangers in it all the time for photoshoots … and also the fact that Sef was my neighbor and literally saw it every day. 
Though somehow this felt different. 
While my nerves were turning my stomach into the equivalent of a washing machine with a brick inside… I was still quite proud of my the oasis that I had created in my time here. 
The lush foliage and blooming flowers. 
I'd put a lot of work into making sure that it was a garden that was beautiful year round and taking care to plant so meticulously so that when one thing was done another was coming to life. 
Strategically placed stone pieces reminiscent of a garden some ancient greek goddess might've had. 
Twinkling lights and no short amount of gorgeous focal points. 
It was my pride and joy. 
Despite the fact that I allowed strangers here for my side hustle all the time… it still seemed intimate to have a date here. 
I'd never done that before. 
I'd chose a simple outfit for the evening. 
Something comfortable and flowy to accent my figure in an ethereal way but also cozy enough as to not add discomfort to my growing anxiety. 
The scent of something cooking away caught my attention and l looked over the fence to see a trail of smoke spiraling into the air. 
I stood on my tiptoes and peeped over the fence to see Sef standing at the grill. 
I admired him for a moment before he began to chuckle. 
"You know, I've heard of Peeping Toms before but perhaps I should call you a Peeping Tammy." he said before those vivid eyes of his flicked up to meet mine. 
I was suddenly very grateful for the fence between us as I could feel the heat rise in my skin… and more importantly the weird face I pulled when I realized I'd been caught. 
"Sorry, I smelled the food." I said. 
"I'm glad to know you're hungry." he said.  "I may have overcooked a bit but it's alright.  Atleast, I know you'll be well fed with the leftovers this week."  
"If it's as good as it smells there may not be any left." I said.  "Would you like me to open the gate?" 
"That would be great." he said, turning the vegetables on the grill. "I'll meet you in the middle." 
I fiddled with the latch on my side and swung the gate door open at the same time he did his. 
At the risk of sounding terribly cliche, it was like a moment in the moment where the two romantic leads finally see each other in a certain light. 
And in a way… it was. 
Despite the rather comical last twenty four hours or so… I had never really taken notice of Sef in this way. 
Without a doubt. 
But I had never really, really looked at him as a pontential partner. 
And I had to say… he was looking very good. 
A slow smile spread across his lips, "You look absolutely breathtaking." 
"Thank you." I said softly.  "You look very handsome, yourself." 
And he most certainly did. 
He'd opted for a green button down that made his skin tone positively glow against it as well as matching his eyes incredibly well. 
I was also very pleased to see that he hadn't completely changed back into his human form. 
He was caught somewhere in between. 
The legs were gone, replaced by his long tail and little scales dotted his skin here and there. 
His eyes were the same beautiful color but if you looked closely you could see that the pupil of the eye was enlongated a bit. 
Apparently, I had been quite too long and mistook my admiration for gawking. 
"I, uh, I hope this is alright." he said gesturing towards his tail. 
"Oh!" I started, shocked and perhaps a little embarassed that I'd made him uncomfortable.  "Of- of course! Whatever you are most comfortable with.  I, um, well I was just admiring you was all.  I didn't mean to stare.  You just… you look very handsome tonight and I was a little taken." 
He smiled softly but only broke out into a laugh as I bumbled through my words again. 
"Not to say that you're aren't always handsome! You are! You always have been! I mean, you know that.  You see yourself in the mirror every day.  Oh god, someone please shoot me to put me out of my misery.  Excuse me while I go crawl under a rock and die now."  
He erupted into further laughter before he gently took my by the arms, "Relax, sweetheart.  It's quite the confidence boost to know that you're so taken." 
"Oh, great.  As if your ego needed anymore inflating." I said before I could stop myself. 
The smile turned into a fond little smirk, "Ah, there's that sassy mouth I love so much." 
"Excuse me?  You enjoy ridicule?" I asked. 
He laughed, "It's not ridicule. It's your duality.  I love that you are both sweet and salty. It's my favorite kind of snack actually." 
In favor of my thundering heart, that I have no doubt he could hear judging by the deepening smirk on his face… I chose to ignore to the double meaning to those words. 
Instead, I chose to prissily turn my nose up, "It's very rude to call your date salty, you know." 
"Oh, would you prefer sweet and sour?  That's another flavor combination I'm partial to.  I just love devouring things that dance on my tongue." 
My heart felt as if it were going to burst from my chest and I narrowed my eyes into slits when he actually doubled over in laughter. 
"I am so not your friend anymore." I said, huffing and turning away from him. 
It was all playful, of course. 
He was riling me up and despite the fact that my body was betraying me, I couldn't deny that I loved his attention. 
"Oh, come now." he whispered into my ear and I almost choked. "Don't be cross with me. I was only teasing.  It's just my nature." 
In his nature, indeed. 
His arms wrapped around me as well as his tail, "But you are correct about one thing." 
Curiosity having gotten the better of me, I turned in his embrace to lock eyes with him, "What's that?" 
"I don't want to be your friend." he said. 
My brows furrowed in indignation. 
"I want to be much, much more than that." he said, a twinkle in his eye again. 
I slipped out of his embrace after deciding that I needed to give my nervous system a break from his infuriatingly intoxicating presence. 
"Go finish the food." I said sternly. 
"Yes, ma'am." he said, bowing dramatically and slithering back to the grill. 
I huffed again and I could hear him snort in the background….but I would sooner fling myself off a cliff than give him the satisfaction. 
I soon lost myself in fussing over the area I had prepared for us. 
Earlier I'd made quite the little paradise in the best spot in the garden. 
I'd set up the projector and brought every pillow I owned outside under what I called the fairy grove. 
Twisting vines and twinkling lights. 
It was magical. 
"Where should I put these?" 
I turned to see him standing there with trays of food in his arms and a small bar cart trailing behind him being pulled by his tail. 
It would seem that it was quite dextrous. 
I shook the thought from my head before I could start drooling.  
"Just there." I said pointing to an open spot while I fretted over the set up. 
"Just relax." he whispered in my ear.  "There's no need to be so tense.  If you're trying to impress me, just know that I've been impressed since the moment I saw you.  I just want to spend time with you." 
And for some reason, my stress just slid off my shoulders. 
We ate- his skills as a chef were truly unmatched. 
We drank- he hadn't been lying about being a bartender. 
We laughed- he was incredibly funny with a sharp wit. 
Before I knew it, we were laid out, stomachs full and smiles on our faces as we watched the movie. 
We'd long since turned the volume down and decided to provide our own dialogue. 
He'd just finished making it seem as if the lead role was headed in for his routine colonoscopy causing me to fling myself backwards across the pillows in a fit of laughter. 
He laughed before laying back and joining me. 
We stared up at the night sky through the canopy of leaves and soft twinkling fairy lights. 
"You know, I've always thought this was the best spot in your garden." he said. 
"Thank you." I said before blinking, "Hold on.  You've never been in this spot of my garden.  You've never even been in my garden before." 
He gave a long that I could only describe as a child having been found out when they were being naughty. 
"Well, that's not exactly true…" he said. 
"Oh?" I asked. "Been trespassing have you?" 
I wasn't necessarily accusing him… though I was curious as to what might've provoked him to scale not only his gate but mine as well. 
"Kind of." he said.  "But you've actually seen me many, many times. You've even given me snacks and placed me in sunny places on particularly chilly days." 
"What are you talking about?" I asked. 
He sighed and before my eyes he transformed yet again into a tiny green garden snake. 
I gasped, "My little friend…" 
He slithered towards me and gently nudged my hand with his head until I ran my fingers over his scales. 
He changed back and looked at me sheepishly, "Honestly, I never meant to invade your privacy.   I've just always thought you had such a beautiful garden and, of course, you are possibly the most lovely creation in here.  I just… wanted to get closer to you. I didn't exactly have the confidence." 
I was shocked. 
"I've told you many, many secrets like that." I whispered. 
"And they're still just as safe with me as they were when you thought I was just a little snake." he pressed. 
"But why?" I asked.  "If you were so taken then why not just talk to me?" 
He chuckled, "Love, for all my pompous ego of mine… I am really no different than any man. I see a beautiful person and I am just as scattered and flustered as the rest of them."  
"What's changed then?" I asked out of curiosity.  "Forty eight hours ago, we weren't exactly chummy." 
"I've known for a long time that I wanted you, darling." he said. "But in my time of need, when you didn't particularly like me… you helped and it was that that told me everything that I ever needed to know about you. I wasn't afraid of asking anymore.  I was more afraid of not asking… and letting the opportunity slip away." 
I was quite then. 
Pondering all he'd told me. 
Here I'd thought it was simply a neighbor version of 'and they were roommates' but it was so much more. 
"There is this thing with creatures of my breed, the Scalenes, The Cobraeans." he said.   "Our animal counterparts don't always hold true to it but those of us who live between the two worlds of human and animal.  We're born with two eyes, two ears, many things in twos.  But we're only born with one heart… because we're supposed to find the other.  I… I think I've found that with you." 
I simply stared at him for a moment. 
Perhaps a moment too long because he seemed to be panicking a little. 
"Uh… could you say something?" he said before looking down at his lap, eyes widening.  "I don't think you're freaked out.  You're hearts not racing but your eyes are dilated. Oh my goddess, I've gone and thrown you into shock! By Medusa's gaze! Nice going, Sef! You've gone and-" 
His sudden monologue was cut short by my laughter and he whirled around to look at me. 
"Sorry, sorry." I said. "I just - you're quite funny when it's you having the come apart." 
He narrowed his eyes at me slightly. 
"I reveal my feelings to you and you laugh at me." he chuckled.  "Wow." 
"Oh, come now." I said with a mischeivious smirk of my own. 
He gave me a deadpan look, "It's not nice to toy with a man's libido after scaring the life out of him." 
I smirked, "And I thought you liked my duality." 
"Well the sour I get but I've yet to see the sweetness." he pouted. 
"Aw, I'm sorry." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.  "Whatever, can I do to make it better? Would you like a hug?  Perhaps, a cuddle?" 
"Not enough." he pouted childishly, already long over it but definitely gonna milk it for what it was worth. 
That much I could tell already.  
"You made my blood run cold I was so scared." he accused. 
"You're Scalene.  Your blood is always cold." I teased. 
He huffed but I could tell he wasn't finished, "The only way this absolute injustice could possibly be righted is by a kiss." 
I pretended to ponder it just for the sake of toying with him. 
"I could…"I trailed off, bringing my lips dangerously close to his, ghosting them against each other. 
He chased after me as I pulled away. 
"Tease." he hissed at me. 
I giggled ridiculously, "Perhaps, I have Scalene in my bloodline somewhere.  Teasing seems to be in my nature as well." 
He narrowed his eyes but the smile playing about his lips gave him away. 
I dramatically clasped my hands together in consideration, "I could give you a kiss to mend this obvious discontent I've bestowed upon you.  But perhaps, I've been too cruel.  Perhaps, it's not enough." 
He softened thinking I was serious, "Darling, you don't have to.  I was only playing." 
I winked at him, "Oh but I do.  I have giving you saltiness and sourness.  So now I shall give you something very sweet." 
I pulled him into a kiss that seemed to suck the very life from him. 
He was easy to roll over as I straddled him. 
"And now perhaps, I'll let you have that snack after all." I said flicking the bottom of my dress at his face. 
The man looked like it was Christmas Day and Santa Clause himself had arrived to give him his presents. 
And that is how two quarreling neighbors ended up finding the other heart they'd always been searching for. 
Fifteen years later and we're still together. 
We tore down our fence and built out two homes together into one just as we did with our own lives. 
Tore down the walls we'd both had around our hearts and built a new one together. 
Entwined together forever. 
And it all started with a favor. 
For my darling @thickemadame : I do hope I've done this justice and that you forgive me for taking so long.  I know it's not very smutty but I got caught up in the fluff of it all and I hope there was enough saucy bits to keep you happy.  All my love, darling. 
Hey, loves! I hope you liked it! I'm trying out new content styles! If you liked, it please let me know!
Love, K
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gctchell · 6 months
tagged by: @jizzlords thank you, my darling! 🖤
tagging: you, if you see this. tag me so I can peep.
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alias / name:  red!
birthday: march 23rd.
zodiac sign: aries.
height: 5'1''. what's up lucifer i think we see eye-to-eye.
hobbies: love roleplaying, love writing, love diving into character psychology and obsessing over that shit. love drawing when I can, and driving when I get to, along with gaming. re-entering my continuous obsession with vtm:b lol.
favorite color: black and burgundy.
favorite book: it changes as i read more. palette is kind of clean atm, don't got a fav. finished and enjoyed "in the company of witches" by auralee wallace recently tho, and currently getting into "the historian" by elizabeth kostova, "interview with the vampire" by anne rice, and "the exorcist's house" by nick roberts. and "wuthering heights".
last song:  storytime by nightwish.
last film / show: hook (1991) / x-men '97 (SO GOOD)
inspiration: for niffty, it's her pilot self that i'm primarily using which i've just built on for a few years now. looking at those 1950s diners, old cars, and listening to the music from the time helps, too! for stella, it's listening to 10 hour long videos of snowstorms and within temptation, along with the fact awkward moms who mean well, love their kids more than anything, and are trying their best are not really all-too present in media like the dad counterparts are. i wanna write that for her. for lilith, it's reading what her followers have to say about her as well as the books they've recommended for getting to know her more personally, rolled in with morticia addams (carolyn jones & catherine zeta-jones). to boot, there's also my love for the gothic, vampires, nightwish, and experience from my days of playing jessica rabbit. also listening to sea ambience, crashing and washing waves. for carmilla, it's the paranoia of tammy's death scene (blood and death in that link), the pain, perseverance and elegance of ballet, some of the energy from "the hacienda" by isbaela cañas, and just staring at her scenes and analyzing them in my little mind palace.
story behind url: i was sitting here trying to think of a quick url and i was like 'wouldn't it be cool if gotohell was available' .. this variation was. :)
fun fact about me: i've always wanted to be a stormchaser ever since i was a kid. also, i own two daggers, three katanas, two swords, one machete and an iridescent pocket knife, and a crossbow. loading crossbows is harder than you think. need some strength for that.
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dxrkenedheights · 1 year
where: ryan and tammie's home
with: ryan cross and tammie jones @blackheartatl
The light shift of weight beside him pulled Ryan from his already shallow sleep, eyes still stuck closed as his arm raised in a natural response to the movement and to give Tammie her spot against his chest before it dropped around her. Ryan's eyes were forced open to check the time on the alarm clock, Faith now in a strong enough routine to only make a peep on the dot of six thirty. "We still doing that thing today?" he mumbled, voice thick with sleep as he tucked his head against the top of Tammie's and his fingers circled against her arm. Snapshots like these and they could almost fool the world and themselves that they were a normal little family, and Ryan wished to believe it more than anything. He'd let himself believe during the brief moments between their eyes opening before their daughter's. "Think he's got work, I asked yesterday." Ryan then said, referring to Mason who was still scrunched on a couch that his long ass legs stretched over like it was nothing. Ryan drew a long but soft inhale against Tammie's hair while a smirk formed to the scent, his hand skimming lower to squeeze her waist gently. "You got that honey shampoo thing again. Smells good."
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carlypearces · 7 months
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carlypearce: Such an honor to get to sing with one of my absolute idols AND bring Johnny & June along! Peep the last slide to see how excited June was to be in a dress 😂
📸 © Tammie Arroyo / AFF-USA
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da fuckin AS2 timeline lizt 0f patientz in my au. l0l
makin diz az a part 2 0f thiz p0zt that i did l0l
[alz0 juzt like lazt time z0me characterz will be the zame since... yeah i cant think 0f shit and/0r are fr0m different AS gamez cuz, well r0le swap type ztuff. l0l]
anywayz 0nt0 the lizt, act 1 patientz:
tammy gracefulz [az an 0ld w0man]
BugBite Mike [the verzi0n 0f em zeen here btw. l0l]
Richard Thimble
Dick Masterson [uhh... the 1 fr0m amateur ninja btw.]
Donny Debonair
Scarlett Throbbing
Emo Shun [alz0 fun fact: since were 0n t0pic 0f thiz z0rt 0f... swap!bleed w0uld n0t react like h0w Alan d0ez t0 cl0wnz due t0 them having different fearz, but yeah he w0uld have a reacti0n t0 mike th0. l0l]
Edgar Stubbington III
The prezident [which iz aure0la btw]
and Batshift Crazy
act 2 patientz:
Ringo Fixit
Napoleon Trotterski
hubriz D'0bscene [bit 0f backzt0ry 0n why he'z here, basically an experiment he did with p0iz0n g0ne wr0ng and well Dwayne pretty much f0rced em t0 get help even th0 hubriz argued with em that he'z fine [he wazn't btw], and then he f0und blaineley n she t00k em 0ver t0 bleed. l0l]
Mr. snufflez [bit 0f backzt0ry az well, basically while blaineley waz 0ut playing z0me kidz went up t0 her and t00k em and t0re em up az a way t0 bully her.]
Chewtoy Chuck
Eddy the Dog
Peeping Tom
blaineley The Aide
Aure0la née svelte [well i mean bef0re bleed murderz her after surgery n ztuff]
and Dr. Alan pr0be
alz0 uhh circuz freak0ut thing:
The Ringmaster
Tricks the maedar
the man eating chicken [swap!trent]
bugeater peter III
Boris Power
Elephant Boy
The Marvellous Manfredd
Mileena Lamia the f0rtune teller [and psychic cuz yeah l0l]
Brain In The Jar
"The Ringmaster" [again]
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zahryaofdawn · 11 months
who?: anyone who already has permission to be in the forest (fey/elves/whatever the transformed peeps happen to be) minus tammy where?: the spring gardens, cute lil dinner party
✿*° ‘° ・
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The winds were shifting and dark times were approaching. There would certainly be more loss on the horizon and overcoming a few tribulations should not have been interpreted by the fey as omens of good. Yet, in the Faerie Court, it was Zahrya's duty to lead eladrin in celebration. The Spring Chancellor hadn't thrown a party in some time and this one's splendor paled in comparison to his events in the past, but he invited everyone to the gardens anyway. This wasn't about showing off or receiving praise, this was to remind everyone that they still had one another.
"A toast," Zahrya interjects, temporarily disrupting the gentle noise of the calm affair. "To the heroes who returned and His Majesty who refused to perish. To our future and all of you." He raises his floral cup, though he's quick to cut the toast off when he notices Estel floating away to be near another. They've spent more time awake since Midsommar and have become increasingly more curious about the world beyond their dreams as a result. Zahrya swiftly went to collect them before they projected feelings of excitement too strongly. "Apologies. They'd normally sing themself to sleep with so many around, but it seems they've taken quite a shine to you," Zahrya beams, expressing the tiny tiefling's excitement for them.
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pleasetakethis · 1 year
all of ‘em for the rnm ask meme 🤭❤️
Yessss!!! Link to the original in case anyone else wants to reblog/play.
Who is your favourite Rick and Morty Character? This is like asking my favorite It's Always Sunny character... because I love them all for their terribleness. Probably Rick, though Rick wouldn't be nearly as compelling without Morty. Favorite side character would be Squanchyyyyy or Mr. Nimbus.
Which Beth is the clone: Domestic Beth or Space Beth? As a mom, I want to say Domestic Beth is the real one because a parent wouldn't leave their kids... except this is Beth Smith we're talking about, so I think Domestic Beth is the clone. I think our "scared little overachiever" pursued freedom when she knew her family had a fallback.
Do you think that Rick-C137 and Rick Prime were previously romantically involved? "Infinite shit happens." Yes, absolutely.
What do you think would be a good name for Birdperson and Tammy's daughter? Phoenixperson II aka PP aka Peepa (terrible The Office reference).
How many seasons do you think Rick and Morty will eventually have? No clue but I'm here for alllll of them.
Rick C-137: smash or pass? Smash.
Who is your favourite Rick and Morty villain? Evil Morty. I love that manipulative little asshole who found a way out.
Your favourite Rick and Morty episode? How do you pick just one ;_; For Rick's character development, I'd say Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort. Seeing Rick deal with his feelings for others always hits me hard because he spends so much time denying those feelings. For fun, I'd go with Mort Dinner Rick Andre because I love Mr. Nimbus and I also love seeing Jessica become more than just Morty's obsession.
Your least favourite Rick and Morty episode? One Crew over the Crewcoo's Morty (the popular choice seems to be Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty but I love the slut dragons--currently fostering four cats for a friend while said friend is moving, the youngest is female and going through her first heat, and I will randomly mimic the wizard when she's yowling: "You slut! Shame on you! Shame, you slut! You slutty, slutty slut!" I am giving her lots of lovings and she has a heating pad, though, so she's okay).
Who is your least favourite Rick and Morty character? Beth and Jerry without character development (pre-separation).
What is, in your opinion, the worst thing that Rick C-137 has ever done? Real answer: use his grandson the way he does (codependent, grooming, the list goes on and on). Fan answer: torn between taking Morty's memories and the "save a point in time device" from Vat of Acid.
Do you think that Rick and Morty will be affected substantially by having to change the voice actor for Rick and Morty and a bunch of other characters? Affected, yes. Substantially... I don't know but I'll give anything a shot, especially since Adult Swim did the right thing dropping JR. The cool thing about the show is that there are infinite (heh) ways they can address this, if they choose to address it at all, so I'm excited to see what happens next.
What's a good Rick and Morty blog? All the Rick and Morty peeps I follow are awesome! I hesitate to recommend anyone I don't interact with because DNIs pop up all the time based on stuff I saved in my drafts and later go to queue and have to delete because they have some hateful anti/TERF rhetoric going on, so check out my reblogs and likes to find my favorites. :D
Who is the Rick and Morty character that you relate to the most? This ties back in with IASIP. I don't really relate to any of them, I just enjoy them and their fucked up relationships and situations.
The funniest Rick and Morty bit/scene, in your opinion? This is the one that hooked me on the show, the moment I knew I was a goner for these assholes: Butter robot: What is my purpose? Rick: Pass the butter. (Butter robot passes butter) Rick: Thank you. […] Butter robot: What is my purpose? Rick: You pass butter. Butter robot: [looks at its hands] Oh my god. Rick: Yeah, welcome to the club, pal.
Best Rick and Morty season? My favorite so far has been season 6 (they did such a good job with character development, including Rick backsliding into his obsession with Prime--just chef's kiss).
Worst Rick and Morty season? I've enjoyed all of them so far for different reasons. Much like some of my other favorites (The Office, IASIP), I would say push through season 1 if you're unsure and wait until you get through season 2 before you make a decision about the show.
Would you stop watching the show if Justin Roiland returned? I don't know. Depends on whether a public statement was involved and how much responsibility he took for his actions (versus playing it off). I can't listen to Marilyn Manson anymore (because Brian Warner is an abusive POS) and that band was formative during my middle + high school years (almost as important to me as NIN and I would mourn that loss if Trent Reznor turned out to be trash). Roiland coming back might ruin the show for me.
Your favourite Rick and Morty quote? Hard to pick but right now it would be: "Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV." This gets me right in the feels because it's true. Life is short, probably meaningless, so might as well enjoy while we're here and have a chance... because this all ends.
If you had to be one member of the Smith family in the next season, who would you want to be? Ooo, I'd want to be Space Beth.
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yulogica · 2 years
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Byron is mine, Mason and Ben belong to @eldritchbonemancer. Our buggy boys had an eyewear swap and Ben be cheering for Byron's literal downfall by evil rock.
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My Tammy and @atomichush 's Strata swapping clothes while keeping their palettes and patterns. Tammy's based on taho with sago and boba, Strata's based on butterfly pea flower boba tea.
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Arel interrupting his information guild head mother Abeille for a cuddle. She doesn't really mind.
The Sweetical cs which is about magical peeps based on sweets belongs to ScarletDestiney
Sunset Castles is a group with the Solinox and Lunalux cs which currently belongs to minky.
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