#pedro pandoja
musicalhqsgossip · 4 years
i think pete should give up on wendy and accept his thing with gabriella
❝ ˛ ♥ – and be a rebound to a relationship that is clearly not over yet ? lets be honest, gabriella is still in love with troy and it is only a matter of time before she will dump pedro to get back together with her high school sweetheart. i think pedro should get out before his heart gets broken, again. 
@stvrcrcssed, @freczeyourbrain, @kingofnxwyxrk
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thatjacobsgirl · 4 years
Sarah was scared to get back in the ring. The doctor had cleared her to get back to her normal activity weeks ago, but she still didn’t have the guts to go back and face her fears. Days passed and while she packed a bag every day because of sheer habit, Sarah would find any excuse to just go home. It used to be the opposite way around...and when Pedro came to find her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide much longer. “I'm just super tired, Pedro.” Sarah insisted, finding any excuse not to meet his eye. “Maybe tomorrow...”
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pcper-fcntcsy · 4 years
After the dust (what little had been kicked up) settled with Wendy and she didn’t seem bothered by it at all, Claude seemed to still be stuck on the matter. Not Wendy specifically, really, but the romantic in Claude always chased those fleeting lovely moments nonetheless. And who better to talk to about loving the Wendybird than the boxer himself? “Hey, Pedro!” Claude waved from outside the ring, “You know how you’re crushing on Wendy?”
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kingofnxwyxrk · 4 years
CLOSED EVENT STARTER FOR: troy bolton && pedro pandoja @stvrcrcssed​
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          TROY was at the bar, ordering yet another round, when a familiar face walked right up next to him. how could he not recognize the guy his ex-girlfriend showed up with? he’d admit he’d been keeping an eye on them. as much as he hated the stranger, he wasn’t about to cause a scene, if only for gabriella’s sake. however, he couldn’t just exactly stand by either. “ so you and gabriella montez seem close, ” he commented aloud, a harsh edge to his tone. “ how long has that been going on? ”
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              “ wait... pedro? ” meg  s t a r e s  at the boy in front of her, confused, as she’s trying to accept in her  m i n d , which, to be fair, is a bit clouded by the bar, that the young man she met just weeks earlier is in front of her. after her almost  f a i l e d  trip the mall, he was indeed the reason she could, finally after almost 2 hours, decide what to get maria for a birthday present. granted, she forgot the little bag with the present wraped in   c o l o r f u l  paper in her bedroom, but still, it was a nice thought and it was even nicer of him to help her out. they ended up chatting a lot as they went through the stores. she never thought she’d see him  a g a i n  -- or at least not that soon! -- but she has a smile on her face. “ oh god! hi! i’m so glad to see you! what are you doing here?! ”
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tinkcrbela · 4 years
you and pedro have just been friends your whole life?
That’s right. Best friends since we were kids, nothing more. Though that’s not to say there hadn’t ever been short moments where I’ve thought of things.
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musicalhqs · 5 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ itzan escamilla, male, he/him ⊱ i think i just saw PEDRO PANDOJA walk across trafalgar square, singing to FOREVER YOUNG ( ALPHAVILLE ). you know, the TWENTY-TWO year old CHILD’S BOXING INSTRUCTOR? people claim that they are just like PETER PAN from PETER PAN. it must be because they are ADVENTUROUS and IMMATURE as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at PETERSBURG apartment. { soy yo }⌝
⌞ʾ⁎ 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪┆congratulations SKITTLES and welcome to musicalhqs ! we cannot wait to see what PEDRO PANDOJA will bring to london. you have 48 HOURS to send in your account and read through our CHECKLIST. have fun, dear friend ! ITZAN ESCAMILLA is now taken ! xoxo
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musicalhqsgossip · 4 years
Who are your current ships or people you think would work nicely together?
❝ ˛ ♥ – you guys REALLY love some good old romance, don’t you, you absolute saps ? n e i t h e r of my ships have really set off to sail yet, but i think we can all unanimously agree that emmett & elle would be a match made in heaven. god knows what happened there in the past, but two hot lawyers getting some romance going – it’s the drop dead diva remake we have ALL been waiting for ! or what about allie & alvin ? talking about the cutest ‘ friends to lovers ‘ trope we are a l l dying to see happen. and what is all going on with reese & wendy ? i love my best friends – but i wouldn’t kiss ‘em like THAT. however i cannot lie to you – that wendy & pedro kiss was also kind of super cute… wendy girl, you’re on a roll ! it would almost make me forget about lily & vlad – aren’t we all fond of some romance with a history ? be sure i will be keeping my eyes on t h e m. and last but not least, my all time favorite ship, trina geller & happiness – i don’t care how this cheesiness is bad for my rep, the woman deserves it, damn it ! now now, enough about m y opinion – who do Y O U have your eye on ?
@legallyelle, @drivens, @allieness, @musicplaying, @thctgolden, @defyingrcvity, @stvrcrcssed, @russianlily, @neverstcpdreaming, @idontastound
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musicalhqsgossip · 4 years
who do you think would be good together that you've seen lately?
❝ ˛ ♥ – baby, i’m seeing sparks fly between maria and dimitri ! and am i the only one who can totally see kristoff and aida together ? plus, who knows what wendy and pedro have been cooking up, i’m sensing maybe a tad of pining. and did i spot ivy making a move on jd ? or maybe it was the other way around… 
@aida-amcnasrc @jascndeann @pcrtrcit-girl @caughtinthestcrm @neverstcpdreaming @edclweiss @stvrcrcssed
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musicalhqsgossip · 4 years
What cinnamon rolls do you think are more of sinnamon rolls?
❝ ˛ ♥ – ah – i see what you did there. very nice. i’ve got karyn smith very high on my list – i mean, can people t r u l y be that much of an airhead ? also leslie jacobs. seemingly all sweet and innocent but the kid has been reeling in not one, but two hook-ups ! i wonder what his goody two shoed pair of siblings thinks about that. and last but not least – isabela and pedro. both cute as a button, but don’t get me STARTED on the mischief those two got up their sleeves.
@sortapsychic, @dimplcsandcurls, @tinkcrbela, @stvrcrcssed
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musicalhqsgossip · 4 years
Troy REALLY needs help getting over that gabriella girl. She seems to have no problem finding someone new....
❝ ˛ ♥ – is he taking volunteers ? because i’m sure there are plenty of girls who would love to help h i m move on. and he deserves it -- boy traveled across the globe for his girl and what is her thanks ? getting cosy with a LOST BOY who has the hots for someone else. these people are a mess ( and don’t we love it ).
@kingofnxwyxrk, @stvrcrcssed & @freczeyourbrain
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tinkcrbela · 4 years
who's the worst kisser you've ever met?
PEDRO. Kidding. Some guy I knew in high school, I think his name was…Noah? The worst.
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musicalhqs · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ maureen johnson’s faceclaim has now been changed to camila mendes and pedro pandoja’s faceclaim has been changed to arón piper ! 
lindsey morgan and itzan escamilla are now open !
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musicalhqsgossip · 4 years
Wendy says she “loves” Riff, yet she’s macking on Pedro? SMH...
❝ ˛ ♥ – has innocent little wendy darling been macking on her best friend ? sure you must have seen more than we did, ‘nonnie -- please do tell ! can we all not agree that a hug does not mean any harm... but can we blame her ? riff is cute an all, but he does not seem big on affection. 
@defyingrcvity @stvrcrcssed @thctgolden
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musicalhqs · 4 years
can i change pedro's fc to shawn mendes pls?
⌞ʾ⁎ pedro pandoja’s face claim has now been changed to shawn mendes – aron piper is now open !! xoxo
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tinkcrbela · 4 years
Mint Tea : How do you relax? Rose Hip Tea : Describe your first kiss
Mint Tea: How do you relax? 
I take a hot shower and then curl up on the couch in a blanket.
Rose Hip Tea: Describe your first kiss
Pedro was my first kiss. Kind of the cliche “best friends are each other’s first kiss” thing but we wanted to know what it was like. He wasn’t awful.
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