#pediatric medical devices
aaravjonas85 · 2 years
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bms-medshop · 18 days
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curekahealthcarestore · 3 months
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 Flamingo Classic Powered Wheelchair Premium
Flamingo Classic Powered Wheelchair has joystick control and is easy to operate for elders and patients. It is a personal mobility aid for indoors and outdoors. It has an 18-inch-wide seat with a back rest, an arm rest, and a footrest for more comfort.
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roselinel690 · 6 months
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dineshpawar27 · 1 year
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thaisibir · 4 months
SEES members react to getting anesthesia: headcanons from a real anesthetist
(Go here for post on Phantom Thieves react to getting anesthesia)
Makoto: the guy who secretly smokes weed, chews through roc every 15 minutes, needs over 1.5 MAC maintenance sevo. (Laymans terms translation: smokes weed so he burns through a ton of muscle paralytic agent (rocuronium) and anesthetic gas (sevoflurane) needed to keep him relaxed and deeply asleep)
Yukari: had her hair and nails done the day before surgery, wakes up from anesthesia asking if she said anything dumb and apologizing if she did. (Complimenting patients on their nice nails is part of my small talk to attempt calming nerves when they're rolled into the OR)
Junpei: would try to fight anesthesia and count past 10 seconds, tries to cheat by counting fast (he loses anyway) (It's so amusing when patients try to challenge anesthesia. Some put up a good fight, but in the end, anesthesia always wins.)
Mitsuru: takes 300 mg of propofol on anesthetic induction, scares the shit out of OR staff when she still reaches for the airway device as the anesthetist tries to insert it. (Redheads tend to need more anesthetic than average. For context, the induction/knock-you-out dose for propofol is about 2 mg/kg. For frail old people, I halve that dose. Most people don't need more than a single 20 ml syringe/200 mg of propofol. I push 200 mg for big tall football/basketball guys. I've seen redheads take at least 2, even 3 syringes. Mitsuru would be a tough one to knock out.)
Akihiko: the extremely athletic ASA 1 guy with baseline bradycardia bordering on need for anticholinergics. Will most definitely wake up swinging fists and knocking out teeth and trying to jump out of the bed if he didn't get enough sedative on board beforehand. (Healthy athletic young patients (HAY patients, I call them) tend to wake up violently and delirious from anesthetic gas. To mitigate this, there's a sedative called precedex that helps smooth out emergence from anesthesia. Good to give for little kids, teenage girls, and big strong-looking guys. As soon as I see I'll be getting an Akihiko/HAY type patient for an upcoming case, I already know to draw up and dilute precedex to have at the ready.)
Fuuka: actually a very pleasant and compliant patient, but has family history of malignant hyperthermia and allergies to practically everything, apologizes for all the trouble. (Malignant hyperthermia is a very rare, but very deadly anesthetic complication if not treated promptly. Many anesthesia providers go through their entire careers without ever seeing MH, but we're trained to know what to do if it ever happens. Anesthetic gases and a muscle paralytic agent called succinylcholine are MH triggers. The anesthesia machine must be completely removed of the gas canisters and flushed through with high flow oxygen for an hour or so, to really make sure none of that stuff is exposed to an MH patient. I like the idea of Fuuka turning out to be a patient requiring an extensive anesthetic plan when she totally wouldn't mean to)
Ken: the rare kid who's cool with getting an IV in preop. (Pediatric patients typically do not get an IV placed before being rolled back to the OR, as most kids are terrified of needles. Induction of anesthesia in the OR must instead be achieved by delivering high flow anesthetic gas through a mask. Once the kid is unconscious from the gas, then an IV can be placed to give medications throughout a case intravenously. Amada seems like the type to be fine with getting an IV placed when he's awake because that's what adults have to do.)
Aigis: is a robot, physically can't process anesthesia. (Probably goes without saying)
Koromaru: Mitsuru or Akihiko, as the oldest members of SEES, act as guardians to sign anesthesia consent forms. Holds out his front leg and rolls over to offer his chest so staff can put on the blood pressure cuff and EKG stickers. Adored by the vet and vet techs for being so smart and adorable.
Shinjiro: the guy you think would smoke weed and drink a lot but actually has a history of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and prolonged emergence from general anesthesia. (Somehow I like the idea of Shinjiro turning out to be a delicate flower when it comes to anesthetic requirements)
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kaurwreck · 4 days
Literary criticism of Ryuunosuke Akutagawa wants so badly for him to have been spiritually fragile. He was wrought with doubt and skepticism, and he felt crushed beneath the pressures stacked on his thin frame by others' demands of him. He was certain there was prophecy written in his mother's insanity and her ghost was a fixture haunting the edges of his vision.
But, he was also overprescribed barbituates. Like, really, really overprescribed. High doses of barbituates are now known to cause irritability, paranoia, depression, and, sometimes, suicidal ideation. His spirit was fine; it was his pharmacologist who should have been scrutinized.
This is especially agitating to me when Ryuunosuke Akutagawa's malaise is contrasted against Nakajima's mettle. Nakajima was administered ephedrine for his chronic, debilitating asthma. Ephedrine weakened his heart, but has a dopamine transporter inhibitory effect simar to amphetamine and other stimulants. (Then, stimulants were gaining popularity as antidepressants and were supplied by the US, British, Japanese, and German militaries to servicemen during World War II.) In other words, there were confounding variables which might have attributed to one's sensitive nerves and the other's spirited focus.
Both men were brilliant writers who stylized their pediatric onset anxiety; profound insight; excessive cleverness; stubborn resistance to literary trends; and existential terror. Both men suffered from chronic mental and physical illnesses and overrelied on treatments widely prescribed but poorly suited for their conditions. Both men were killed in no small part by excessive administration of medication: the former by depressants meant to settle his disordered mind enough to sleep, and the latter by the stimulant meant to settle his disordered body enough to write. But, way too much ink has been spilled on insisting fragile nerves and spiritual weakness killed Akutagawa, while the cruelty of fate struck down Nakajima.
That is the problem with treating authors as if they're literary devices or signs of the times, rather than people who lived to save themselves.
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Hi! I know other people have sent similar asks before but I thought I'd send my own just to be sure. I can't fit more than a finger... up there. And even then its a tight fit. That's enough for me but I'm worried about if I go for a pap smear (I think that's what its called, I have a bad memory): something has to go up there right? Will it fit? What happens if it doesn't? Is it going to be a hassle to request a woman? How much do I need to "clean up"? No pressure to respond right away, I get that you're busy. I just wanna know what to expect. Thank you! 😊❤
Hi Anon!
How old are you? You don't need a pap smear until 21, and you don't need a pelvic exam at all before then unless you've got some kind of complaint or you want to get fitted for an IUD. If you are 21+ and have had zero sexual contact, you can discuss a modified schedule with your provider.
Reminder - pelvic exam is when the doctor/midwife examines your pelvic area and vagina. This can include the use of a speculum or not, and be done for a number of reasons. Pap smear is a screening test where we take a cell sample (like a cheek swab) from your cervix to check for HPV/precancerous lesions. A pap smear is usually conducted in conjunction with a pelvic exam, but not all pelvic exams include a pap smear, as you don't usually need one every year.
Let's go through your questions one by one. But first I want to start by saying that medical consent is the same as regular consent - you have a right to refuse or defer any procedure or examination, or to stop one at any time. You have the right to fully understand everything you're consenting to, and ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable. If you make an initial appointment with an OBGYN or midwife, and she doesn't pass the vibe check, you are not obligated to go through with the exam. It can be scary to stand up to someone who seems like they're in a position of power, but you should know that you can.
"Something has to go up there, right?"
At your first GYN appointment, nothing has to go anywhere. You'll meet with a provider, she'll take your full medical history, your menstrual and sexual history, your family history, ask if there are any concerns you want to discuss. At this point, you should talk to her about your issues with insertion and your anxiety about it. She may want to have a look (literally just eyeballs) to ensure there's nothing going on, but she will ask permission before doing any touching, and explain everything she's doing. If she thinks it's worth attempting a pelvic exam, she would start very slowly and only with your full buy-in. It may be necessary to try to figure out if you've got an underlying problem.
When a pelvic exam is warranted (like when you need a pap), the provider may first insert fingers while pressing on your belly (called a bimanual exam) to assess your anatomy, and then use a device called a speculum, which allows us to actually see the inside of the vagina (speculum exam). The speculum will be lubricated, and the provider will coach you through the insertion process. You can also ask about inserting it yourself. Usually, you lie back and put your legs up in stirrups, and are coached to let your knees fall out and give a deep breath out, so as to relax your pelvic floor muscles, while the speculum is inserted down and back (towards your tailbone) in a smooth motion. You'll then feel a bit of pressure as the blades of the speculum are slowly opened so the provider can peek through. It shouldn't hurt, but it can be uncomfortable. I don't know anyone who actively enjoys speculum exams, but most people would say they're not too bad. The whole thing is over in a matter of seconds.
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"Will it fit?"
Speculums come in a wide range of sizes, in plastic or metal (if metal, it will be warmed). You can ask for the smallest speculum they have (they make pediatric-sized speculums, so there are definitely small ones - see middle device in the image below, about the size of a finger). The provider will use one that should fit based on your history, anxiety/preferences, and her visual inspection of you - but don't be afraid to speak up.
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"What happens if it doesn't?"
If you have an anatomical variation that means even a pediatric speculum could not fit, the provider will likely catch this before you get to the speculum stage. If you've got something going on like vaginismus, this will help her diagnose you. The most likely scenario is that you just need a competent and compassionate provider you trust and some good coaching. But what will NOT happen is the provider trying to jam something into you that doesn't fit!
"Is it going to be a hassle to request a woman?"
Absolutely not. It's very normal to have gender preferences with medical providers, especially for something so sensitive. Just ask for a female provider when you're requesting your appointment. You can also ask to see a midwife -- we're something like 96-99% female-identified, with most of the rest being AFAB trans/GNC/NB. (There ARE a few male midwives, but they're really rare).
"How much do I need to 'clean up'?"
If you've got time and it would make you feel better, take a shower before you come, wash with soap and water like normal. But if you can only get in on your lunch break or something, that's fine. Otherwise, you don't need to do anything! I promise your pubic hair is not so forest-like that we will not be able to examine you. Don't douche, or use any fragrances or lotions unless you would like some patient education about how you should not use "feminine products."
Okay Anon, that's an initial GYN visit in a nutshell!
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aikoiya · 2 years
Arcane Writing Prompt - Viktor With Counselor's Daughter F!Reader
For anyone who wants to give this a shot.
Viktor with a daughter of a Councelman fem!s/o from Piltover who he'd met as kids. She's secretly a magicborn on her mother's side with healing magic, but no one knows this, not even herself as her parents have kept this from her.
When her magical reserves are full, her magic gives her auto-healing, auto-regenerative, & auto-detoxifying abilities as well as a boosted immune system (she calls it her magical self-recovery), but the worse the damage, the slower the process of recovery.
Depending on the sort of food she consumes, she can heal certain things faster. So, once she's learned of her magic, she begins to study nutritional gastronomy in order to optimize the healing process. Things like drinking 3-bone tea (nettle, comfrey, & boneset) or bone broth when she has a broken bone.
But, she isn't really aware of any of this in the beginning. Though, she becomes suspicious once she begins studying medicine, but she has nothing to confirm it.
Anyway, she'd run off from her caretaker as a little girl, getting lost in the Undercity. She lived there for a week, essentially homeless, until she met Viktor who took her home to meet his mother. She lived with them for a month, becoming best friends with Viktor & Rio. Accompanying him to visit Singed & helping him with his gadgets.
Then, one day, the Enforcers found her & ripped her away from Viktor.
She cried for weeks because he was her only real friend.
Having learned what it was like living in the Fissures, she grew up to study medicine, biology, pediatrics, pharmacology, biochemistry, bioengineering, neurology, psychiatry, anatomy, biophysics (the field that applies the theories & methods of physics to understand how biological systems work), biomechanics (the study of the structure, function & motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems), & biomedical engineering (which is the study of building prosthetics & other machines to advance healthcare treatment), in an attempt to someday help the Undercity residents have better healthcare, hopefully to find a cure for the Zaun Grey & to also hopefully build a better brace for Viktor so that he'll no longer need a cane, because she knows how much he hated that thing.
Is considered a genius of medicine & biology.
With musicology on the side just for fun because she loves music.
Even becoming something of a Zaun Independence Advocate & supporter of the Children of Zaun, starting up a charity with food & clothes drives as well as collecting learning material to be brought to the Fissurefolk. Has met Vander many times as he's usually the one who distributes the things she brings. They get on very well & he's always sure to show her his gratitude. Cried when she learned about Vander's death as he'd been a good friend to her & honestly more of a father figure than her own father had been. Got on well with his kids & Ekko, but only because they didn't know she was a Piltie at that time. Later becomes a trusted (secret) ally of the Firelights as she provides them with medical assistance, food, clothes, learning materials, medical supplies, & teaches whoever is willing to listen, first aid.
She is considered quite odd amongst the Piltover elite. An outcast. Think Belle from Beauty & the Beast. Her parents outwardly behave as though she were a disappointment while inwardly being somewhat secretly proud of her.
Then, one day in the Academy, she stumbles into a lanky man with a cane & very familiar dayglow eyes.
She's there when Viktor & Jayce make the breakthrough on HexTech.
See's incredible potential in HexTech for medicine, specifically in the realm of biomedical engineering & the construction of more effective medical machines which results in the invention of chemical centrifuges, x-ray machines, catscan machines, & other such devices.
Once HexTech kicks off, she & Viktor build a Susurrecorder, which is a HexTech device that produces sounds at a frequency of 25 to 150 Hertz to mimic a cat's purr, which she discovered is a frequency which aids in bone repair & healing. This, when put together with the Hex Crystal powering it, simulates low-level, gentle sound-based healing magic that gives listeners low-level health regen.
It was a success & is now used in Piltovan hospitals to aid in recovery.
She also discovered Alpha Waves, Beta Waves, & Delta Paterns. Alpha Waves peak around 10Hz. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate. Beta Waves are the fastest frequency of brainwaves (13-40 Hz). They are responsible for focus, concentration & analytical thinking. Binaural beats in the Delta Pattern operate at a frequency of 0.5–4 Hz with links to a dreamless sleep. Meanwhile, 432 Hz frequency is ideal for use as a sleep aid as it is known for its relaxing, calming effects.
Later models of the Susurrecorder are built with a knob allowing users to switch between the Healing Frequency, a mix of Alpha & Beta Waves called Brain Beats, & a mix of Delta Patterns & the 432 Hz frequency called Sleep Tunes.
An even later model built specifically for hospital patients has the Healing Frequency with a switch to turn on Sleep Tunes so that both can be on at once to both aid in sleep while still allowing for increased healing.
Is Viktor's primary doctor when he gets ill (I hc that it's either Leukemia or Tuberculosis) which complicates things because doctors aren't allowed to be in relationships with their patients.
Maybe she also already had a crush on him to begin with, but didn't go for it because of the whole doctor/patient thing & if they got together before he was cured, she'd be forced to stop being his doctor & he might not ever get cured because of it? Maybe Viktor's the one to instigate, but it was while she was his doctor & she only turned him down because of the doctor/patient thing, but not long after curing him, she approaches him because, now, she's no longer his doctor.
She also makes the best & most effective medicines & half her stock goes to Zaun for dirt cheap while the other half goes to Piltover for higher than typical to compensate. It's only because her medicine is so effective that people in Piltover keep using her medicine.
She's planning to move to Zaun to start an independent practice to provide better Healthcare for the city.
Arcane Masterlist
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vijayadentalcare · 2 months
The best pediatric dentist in Ayanavaram, Chennai
To the prospective clients, parents to be precise, Vijaya Dental Care clinic welcomes you with open arms since your child’s dental health is as dear to us as it is to you. Our clinic is nestled in Ayanavaram, Chennai and is fully dedicated to child dentistry, offering thorough and patient centered service to children of all ages starting from as early as six months.
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It is for this reason that at Vijaya Dental Care we appreciate that attitude towards oral health.
At Vijaya Dental Care, we understand that a child’s dental experience can shape their attitude towards oral health for a lifetime.
The specific goal of Vijaya Dental Care is to ensure that children enjoy going to the dentist so that they embrace oral care throughout their lives. Thus, our knowledgeable and experienced staff of pediatric dentists can offer you and your child a welcome and comfortable atmosphere every time you come to us. Modern equipment and techniques, depending on the individual patient needs, effective in the prevention of caries, diagnosis and treatment start.
Our Pediatric Dentistry Services Include:
Here is a list of the services that we offer in relation to the pediatric dentistry:
Routine Dental Exams and Cleanings:
Your child should have checkups from time to time and scales and prober cleanings that will help his or her teeth stay healthy and that he or she should not have any cavities.
Fluoride Treatments and Dental Sealants:
Sealants which provide the outer layer of the teeth to be harder and assist in prevention of cavities.
Oral Health Education:
Spending time to give directions to the children and their parents on how to clean teeth, how to use floss and the kind of food which is good for their teeth.
Early Orthodontic Evaluation:
Assessing the necessary orthodontic treatment that many involve the use of braces or other comparable devices for correct occlusion and precise positioning.
Cavity Prevention and Fillings:
Compard various treatment techniques that can be safe and efficacious in treating as cavities of both the primary and permanent teeth and in preventing them.
Emergency Dental Care:
Correct treatment the person feels while having some dental issues such as tooth ache, RCT or any kind of face or mouth injuries.
Behavior Management Techniques:
The interventions which medical professionals take to handle children with fearful attitude towards dentists and ways that can used to make a child calm during a dental session.
Custom Mouthguards:
As a way of giving back to the society provide head gears to the young and kids who engage in sporting activities in a bid to lessen instances for dental injuries.
As Vijaya Dental Care, the vision is to develop long-term health of the teeth among the patients. Cohorts are children, and the dream that you wake up to every day is to see children walk out of the clinic smiling. They should therefore call or make an appointment so that they get to taste the best that children dentistry in the locale has to offer.
Allow Vijaya Dental Care be part of the initial steps of your child’s life and growth through its progressive and healthy-looking teeth.
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cyb3r-mutt · 4 months
Ough that last post about battery saving mode I just asdfhkjgg having thoughts
Um warning medical descriptions to do with my heart below the cut?
it reminded me of when I got my new pacemaker I had a whole system replacement and it was put near my shoulder with leads going into my heart. They were supposed to remove my old system that’s tucked into my ribcage with external leads cuz that was the pediatric placement or whatever but the old device had been there so long the scar tissue around it calcified so they weren’t able to take it out without being majorly invasive so when they were programming my new device they also had to program my old one to be low power mode where the pacing threshold wouldn’t interfere with my new one until it died fully.
I just get a lot of feelings about the fact that I have permanent machinery and wires inside me and I am battery powered and that technically yeah someone could put me in low battery mode and also can manually adjust my heart rate :3
It’s not all good of course it’s not fun being on the same heart medications as the 90 year olds in the clinic waiting room and a million other things but I need to have my fun where I can get it you know?
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bms-medshop · 1 month
Discover Quality Medical Products at BMS Medshop
🌐 At BMS Medshop, we are committed to providing top-tier medical supplies and healthcare products at competitive prices. Whether you're a healthcare professional, caregiver, or just someone looking to maintain your well-being, our extensive online catalog offers everything you need—from diagnostic tools and personal protective equipment to wellness products and supplements. 🩺 Why Choose Us? Wide Range of Products. Trusted Quality. Convenience. Expert Support. 🌟 Your Health, Our Priority 🌟 Visit today to explore our offerings and experience seamless online shopping for your healthcare needs! https://bmsmedshop.com/
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curekahealthcarestore · 3 months
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Flamingo Classic Powered Wheelchair Basic Universal OC2281 
Flamingo electrical wheelchairs with multiple features are safe and comfortable for elders and patients. It is easy to operate with a joystick indoors and outdoors. That is made of light-weight aluminum materials, so it can be maneuvered easily.
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rebel-21 · 5 months
OC Thunee GOTG
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Thunee: African wild dog
Height: 5.3 feet
Age 32 born may 11 1990
Batch code: 88A91
Fur colouring: Marking of African dog
Eye colour: brown
Medical needs:Loss use of vocal cord use ASL/AAC Devices or text Cybernetic Eye right
Had a tracheostomy when she was 2 years old from a botched surgery done by the High Evolutionary.
Born on: Arete
Lives on; spaceport
Language: Kree KSL ASL English
Safe house: Xmen mansion
Schooling:Online NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Job/ career: pediatric nurse day job
Night job: working with HWG to rescue animals and children who haven been traffic and taken by black market scum.
Mentor: Hank Mcoy
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infosnack · 10 months
Life-extending epilepsy surgery performed less often in Black children study finds
Life-extending epilepsy surgery performed less often in Black children, study finds https://www.statnews.com/2023/12/01/epilepsy-surgery-black-children-medicaid/?utm_campaign=rss Children with drug-resistant epilepsy who are Black or insured through Medicaid may be less likely than white and privately insured patients to receive surgical treatments that can end or minimize their seizures and extend their lives, according to new research being presented Monday at the American Epilepsy Society’s annual meeting in Orlando, Fla. The study of 18,000 children who were treated at 49 pediatric hospitals in the U.S. between 2004 and 2020 found that those who had cranial surgery, which involves removing or disconnecting the brain portion where seizures occur, were 83% more likely to be alive after 10 years. Children who received vagus nerve stimulation, or VNS, which involves implanting a device under the skin of the chest or neck to send electrical impulses to the brain, were 35% more likely to be alive. All of the patients were taking anti-seizure medications, because the drugs help to reduce their occurrence, even if they don’t end seizures entirely. Read the rest… via STAT Health - Science, medicine and healthcare news https://www.statnews.com/category/health/ December 01, 2023 at 09:00AM
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fenrislorsrai · 9 months
A 17-month-old child is in the pediatric intensive care unit after an Elyria Police raid gone wrong, a family says. The incident occurred after Courtney Price and her son Waylon had traveled from Kentucky to stay with family in Elyria so the child could receive medical care at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children, the mother said. Elyria Police Special Response Team were executing a search warrant at the home, which was the correct address on the search warrant, police said in a press release Friday. The officers had obtained the court-authorized search warrant as part of an ongoing criminal investigation, according to police. Two flash-bangs were deployed outside of the residence, police said. They are devices that produce sound and light that are noticeable in day or night conditions and are intended to distract a suspect’s attention. Diversionary devices do not produce a continuous burn and they do not deploy or contain any pepper gas or chemical agent, according to police. Price said the smoke covered Waylon and that she could not attend to him in the moment because she was taken into custody. She said she told officers her son was born prematurely and has pre-existing medical conditions. “I kept yelling for my baby,” Price said in an interview with cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer Friday night. “The officers were in the home, searching the home. The baby was clearly laying there suffocating turning red, blue, and they all just walked by him. Nobody went to him.”
Elyria Police said detectives, paramedics and the mother assessed the condition of the child, confirming that the child did not sustain any apparent, visible injuries. Redia Jennings, Price’s aunt, has been renting the home since February 2023. She said Elyria Police have come to the house multiple times before Wednesday searching for the same suspect, who she said is a previous tenant. “There’s been five different occasions that detectives and CPS and officers have showed up at my house looking for (the suspect). They’ve been told numerous times he does not live here,” she said. Waylon is in the pediatric ICU at University Hospitals, Price said Friday. She said he was diagnosed with chemical pneumonitis, has burns all over his body and is struggling to breathe.
Relevant, this child was already using a ventilator. The cops also destroyed that. The family's GoFundMe
also if you note in the article, it mentions CPS. The warrant was for a 14 year old. they came ready to flash bang A CHILD. that they got the wrong one entirely... whelp.
Video shows the cops tossing in the flash bang they said they did not throw.
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