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pechadream · 5 months ago
Photo dump from my NYC trip! (AOT edition,,,) ((reijean edition as well))
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I might go into a whole other post talking more in depth about it later on BUT WOW OH MY GOD I LOVED IT SO MUCHH EVERYONE WAS SO AMAZING THE CAST WAS AWESOME THE SONGS WERE SO GOOD AHHH I LOVED ITT <3<3 10/10 rare splurge-
also background characters got roles in the musical, which I don't know how other people felt about it (considering how they got parts in the musical instead of like RBA for example-) BUT I FOR ONE LOVED THAT LOVED THAT- BECAUSE I LOVEEE EXPANDING MORE ON BACKGROUND CHARACTERS, THEY'RE EVERYTHING TO MEE
(nack, mina, thomas, milieus, hanna, and franz my beloved)
also there were a suprising amount of kids,,, like,,, under the age of ten,,,,?? they weren't loud (from what I could tell, wasn't seated near them-) so I didn't really care since they had manners and all that, but WOW I was not expecting to see kids at the AOT musical LMAO
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they didn't wanna cuddle, maybe they had an argument or something (they kept sliding around and I couldn't get a good picture)
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I pretty much spent most of the day with Ashley, and was on a call with Mr. Foot ( @480pfootage ) so the three of us could talk n whatnot, so I didn't take many pictures-
Plus there was also wanting to actually enjoy my time and not focus on taking pictures (because I totally would forget to actually enjoy my time,,,)
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Ate some food in Chinatown <3<3 (had to use a fork at first because my hands were shaking a lot because I was kinda in a bit of pain,,, Did manage to use chopsticks later on though, I'm making my chinese side proud)
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Took them to see lady liberty <3
I don't know why Reiner looks slightly green here, I guess he gets seasick or something
(not really a whole day, just me going home)
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Reiner is so pale he looks sick for both flying and out on the water
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Individual photos <3
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if it looks like I'm gripping onto reiner and jean tightly, that's because I am,,, I get really worried over accidentally losing something, I'm already really forgetful as is,,, plus those chains have broken on me before and I don't wanna risk that either-
that's also another reason why there's not that many photos-
Ahhh this post is pretty long now, I also wanted to show off the merch I got but I'll make that a separate post,,, I guess reijean (and connie) can have this win to themselves this time, they actually got a whole post for themselves
i can't wait to draw jean later
(maybe if I travel around more I'll take more pictures of reijean, maybe make it their own lil series-)
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pechadream · 6 months ago
can i get a eren drawing? 🥺❤️
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You can have two!
I might color this at some point-
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pechadream · 1 year ago
what do u think about alex growing out a stubble when he's a dad
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Y'know I never really thought about Alex having facial hair, but,,,,
Yeah, I get it (And I kinda love it ngl)
also my bad, I can't really draw stubble all that well- so it's a lil bit more grown out-
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pechadream · 5 months ago
Heyooo, I made a bluesky for mainly posting sketches/quick doodles! 👍 (as well as OC and AU content)
I'd love to have some more mutuals in the SDV and AOT community, so feel free to reach out if you wanna be mutuals! (For both here and on bluesky-)
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pechadream · 1 year ago
Can we know moreeee about your Stardew farmer? Any cute facts?
Of course!!! I love sharing things about my OCs so please don't be shy to ask more about them! (especially if you want to know anything specific, I love going into details-)
Facts about Luna under the cut <3<3
When growing up, she'd frequently visit her grandparents and she'd bake with her grandma before going to help her grandpa on the farm. As an adult, she still uses the tips her grandpa taught her about farming along other general tips he gave her, occasionally she’ll bake the recipes her grandma taught her, and she’ll share it with the villagers. Evelyn, who was close with her grandma, jokes about how it’s even better than how Luna’s grandma used to make it. (Grandma’s spirit is not pleased)
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She doodles a lot in her notebooks, her drawings usually consist of whoever her partner in that timeline is and also of her cat. The doodles aren't the best and she will get very embarrassed if anyone sees them and comments on them-
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When Luna gets stronger as she works on the farm she starts picking up her friends (after asking if she can) as a way to show off how strong she got. For example, she can fully carry Sebastian, and she can lift Alex a few inches off the ground. She always gets excited whenever she can pick someone as she’s never really had the strength to do so beforehand-
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Luna has a small trend when it comes to naming her animals, it started when she got her first two chickens and she named them after desserts (specifically; Custard and Tart) it may or may not have been because she was thinking about making said desserts and was hungry at the time of naming, but since then she's stuck to it and continued the trend of naming all future animals after desserts as well.
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The Junimos like to spend time on her farm as it has lots of lush nature (she left some parts untouched and just left for nature to reclaim because she noticed the wildlife liked to stay there to make nests and the likes) But occasionally a Junimo will get curious about Luna and will start trailing behind her as she does her work, so she always carries extra berries on her at all times to hand out to the Junimos if any are following her for a long period of time (she assumes they get tired from floating after her all the time)
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pechadream · 5 months ago
it's my birthday :3
everyone except 480p gets a piece of cake <3<3
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pechadream · 5 months ago
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this is pure joy right here
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pechadream · 1 year ago
Who's your favorite Stardew Valley NPC out of these categories?
Bachelore Bachelorrette Unloveable NPC
My favorite bachelor would have to be Alex! He was the first one I romanced so he'll always be my main favorite even though I don't draw him often (because his hair is surprisingly a pain to figure out-)
I love him so muchhhh <3<3
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My favorite bachelorette would probably be Emily, she's just so silly and I love her whole side story with her taking in the parrot (look I'm just really soft for people who take care of animals-) How much you wanna bet she can also see the Junimos?
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And my favorite non-romancable would be....
Caroline! (Runner-up for second place is: Leo! He's my son <3)
Her and Alex were pretty much instant favorites for me, I didn't really focus much on the characters until I was deep in my hyperfixation, but those two have always been the 'main' favorites-
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Bonus favorite character who doesn't really fit in any of these categories:
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pechadream · 1 year ago
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Meet The Artist! (Pechadream edition)
Hihi!! Six years on tumblr and I'm finally making a (somewhat) intro post lmao-
I always wanted to make one of these though and I'm really proud of it, so I hope you enjoy! <3<3
(Credit for the frames I used goes to Erinyan on the CSP asset store!! [Asset ID: 1859164] These frames are absolutely adorable and I love them so much!! They were so fun to use! <3)
EDIT 10/17/2024: I don't feel like messing with the format, so just pretend like AOT is in the fandom list- (For favorite characters just imagine Jean, Reiner, and Porco being there 👍👍)
⚠  Do not repost my art or I will come after your kneecaps  ⚠
(Closeups of the writing and icons under the cut in case tumblr messes up my image resolution!)
(Remember to click on them to see it them better quality!)
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Info Tabs
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(bonus fun fact that I probably should've added: I talk a lot more in the tags than I do in my actual posts for the most part)
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pechadream · 1 year ago
I don’t *love* u
Pretty art, I like seeing 480p get mad and you guys do it best.
Oh I'm sure you'll see 480p get mad frequently, especially if we do end up posting the things we make together on call (Ashley included as well, of course)
anyways here's a bonus since you made the trip to my blog
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also kit if you see this (I know you will)
stay away from matsu-chan
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pechadream · 1 year ago
‼️trick r treat‼️ 👊🎃
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Here's a duck with a bowl filled with strange buns (from sdv) take your pick!
(Please do not eat the duck, he's very sentient and would not enjoy it)
also did you just punch me with a pumpkin
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pechadream · 2 years ago
Do you have any headcanons for the Shinonome siblings?
(Also that Ena drawing was super adorable!)
Ah hi!!! Sorry, I completely forgot about tumblr for a bit, everything's been really hectic 😭😭
I don't really make that many headcanons for proseka compared to other fandoms I'm in, but I do have one for the Shinonome siblings! I hope that's okay!
I like to think when Ena was starting out with make up she'd practice on Akito (she'd bribe him with pancakes and cheesecake)
Of course that'd have been when Akito was pretty young so there's little to no chance that'd work out now unless she bribed him a lot but she will still try to convince him to sit still and let her practice on him. He always ends up escaping.
(Also thank you!! <3)
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pechadream · 2 years ago
did you get into creepypasta through the pokemon creepypastas
oh it's actually the opposite, anon-
I got into creepypastas and then I found Lost Silver and Glitchy Red and that's what got me interested in Pokémon in general. (which is why I was so into polishipping and why Red and Ethan were my favorites)
Which also explains why my main interest were the characters rather than the games themselves-
I did know of Pokémon beforehand of course, but all I saw first was the first two seasons of the Pokémon anime and that just- did not get me interested at all- all it had to take was just my previous special interest colliding with Pokémon and that convinced me enough to check it out then bam, a new special interest was made
anyways haha speaking of lost silver, I drew the lil guy recently- I should post him later-
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pechadream · 2 years ago
jeff ?
anon please what does this mean-
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pechadream · 2 years ago
you sound like you were a theatre kid /t /lh
fkldsjfkldsf you're completely correct anon- do you just have a sense for finding neurodivergent theatre kids or something god damn 😭😭 /lh
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pechadream · 2 years ago
favorite guy from seduce me? or character
My all time favorite guy is Erik! Recently I've been really into going over Matthew's stories again, but Erik will always be my number one favorite :)
(Lil spoiler for a character from smto2, I know it's an old game by now, but my friend hasn't played it yet and I want it to be mostly a surprise when he does-)
Fae is my favorite background character! They're so cute and they instantly became a favorite when I first played, my love for them is still going really strong-
also a lil bonus: Carrie is my favorite one of the incuwives, move out of the way Sam. Carrie my beloved.
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