#pecan does writing
asinglepecan · 13 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 Prompt 6: Halcyon
A young Aila hears a story from her captain.
“Have ye heard of the ‘Halcyon’ Sprout?”
Aila shook her head. There were no Halcyons in the Twelveswood. 
Orwen chuckled, and looked to the captain. “Cap'n Hyllfhiswyn, Sprout wants to hear bout the Halcyon! You'll tell her yea?”
Aila was still intimidated by the Captain. She stood taller than anyone she had seen before, and talked in a thick accent. Still, a story was a story, and Aila sat eager to listen. 
“Aye Orwen, I'll tell 'er. Tis a seabird, unlike anyother. Ol pirates said the lil bird could calm the very seas. A gift from Lymlaen erself!”
Aila was enraptured. She had heard about Lymlaen, and she was clearly a very powerful woman. 
Dornlonna continued “A reward fer its fishin skill. They say the Halcyon has dove deeper ‘an any man. Say it's caught every fish in the sea. So impressed by it was Lymlaen that she demanded the bird never have to return to land. She gave it the power to calm the seas, and nest upon the whitecaps.”
“Really?” Said Aila.
“Oh yes. Now anytime we're out to sail ye keep an eye out Sprout. See if he can't see the little nests, bobbing along the water. And remember to give thanks the next time ye see a seabird. Never know which one might be the Halcyon in disguise.”
Aila nodded sagely. The next morning she stood on the deck and quietly thanked every bird she could see.
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dlsintegration · 3 months
I must not discourse discourse is the mind-killer discourse is the little-death that brings total obliteration etc. but uhhhhhh what show are we watching did everyone go crazy between s1 and s2 whats going ONNNN are we not approaching the narrative we're being served critically anymore I feel a little insane . scratching my head with big cartoonish question marks hovering above it?
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evenstarfalls · 5 months
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
A door that’s slightly ajar (and then, I opened them all up)
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Yunjin x Male Reader
Word Count: 8939
A/N: Hello Orenjideul! Of course, it's the down bad days for me, again and this time, I've been wanting to write something like this, like a student-like fic and here we are! I absolutely love writing this and creating up with titles like this—I really do!!! Also, big thanks for @majorblinks for beta-reading and making some corrections to my mistakes! Thank you so much! Anyways, hope y'all enjoy this fic and see you until the next time again! <3
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It's just another normal day of the week, is it? Yes, it is, and you're tired of it. There's nothing you can do either, unless, doing a significant change that will probably make the day more interesting. Yet, what change can you make? You can't even have one, at the moment, so you'll be back on this redundant day, again.
Thank god that your class dismissed early, and that uplifted your motivation of making that “change”. It was on a Saturday too, maybe it explains why your lecturer feels drowsier than usual—I mean, he already looks like that all of the time but whatever.
You kick your shoes, got your things packed on your bag on a quick two-hour discussion as you rushed your way out, going straight to the cafeteria so you could buy and eat your favorite chocolate-pecan flavored cookies there—and honestly, you don't really spend that much money on miscellaneous things, but those cookies are maybe worth dying for.
You drool in the imagination of it, and you can't wait to taste those.
*something thuds*
You're subtly startled by that sound. There's no ghost (you don't really believe in such, too) nor your friends trying to prank the living life out of you as maybe, you just speculate those are just those reckless students doing whatever they're doing.
“These people…”
Maybe it's because of Saturdays. Weekends are pretty much the busiest days at your end even though it's the time where people set themselves to rest—there's so much contradiction that it outdid itself more than an oxymoron.
Such unnecessary thoughts shall go and fade away, in your mind, at least. Why are you even overthinking about this? Too descriptive? Well, maybe, it's a yes but there's something more descriptive, and that's when you opened your locker, full of those damned textbooks you aren't even bothered to read. Why does it even exist anyways?
Too busy. Too unbothered. Too focused—
“Hello, baby.”
You shout at the sudden figure startling you, almost dropping your textbook and your folder full of your seatworks in the process. You then put them onto your locker and shut the door lock, then averted your unwanted eyes towards the girl in front of you.
“W-What do you want, Yunjin?”
Huh Yunjin. Yes, that's her name and it's classy whenever she gets called “Jennifer”, her English name. She's one of the most popular girls on the whole university thanks to her clever and smart mind, her pretty face and her personality, and her specialty, her ways of captivating the hearts of guys and gals with her charm-filled flirting and here you are, standing right beside her—
“You.” She pokes her finger onto your chest, talking about you and you only.
If this is just one of her games you're sick and tired of playing, you definitely have no time for this, especially since you know how much she'll want to seduce someone under her spell.
“Yunjin, I have no time for this, okay? If you have someth—”
“Why not, hm? Then tell me why you're frequently looking at me in the lecture earlier, baby.”
And yes, you're mostly in the same class with her. Even though maybe it's written in the stars that you're both destined to be in the same class with each other and to top it all off, it’s even with the most stressful subjects known to man. Even with her being an ultimate nuisance—the bane of your silence—there's still a positive side of this: her ability to make everything interesting. Yes, you stole glances with her earlier—then wait, if she knows about this, then she's looking at you often then—
“Then how would know that without stealing glances to me too—”
“Answer my question, baby…” Yunjin whispers to your ear as she extends her right arm, pinning you against the metallic locker behind you and her other arm reaching for your necktie, her eyes burning with desire and lust as she demands an answer escaping from your lips, right here, right now.
“Come on, baby. Answer me—”
“Is it maybe just a coincidence, Yunjin? Get off me—”
“Nu-uh, baby. You can’t escape me.”
Yunjin’s seductive voice never fails to bring you weak, onto your knees as it feels eargasmic to hear, her saccharine tone almost leaving you defenseless. Her firm grip onto your necktie leaves you vulnerable to her and there’s also no way you can escape her, and even if you wanted to and if you were successful, she’ll try her best to catch you. What does she even want from you, anyways? Why would you experience this treatment of hers instead of the other guys on the campus? Why even you?
Well, as much as you want to keep asking yourself those kinds of questions, there’s only one way to find out what she really wants: finding the answer yourself.
“Then, w-what the fuck do you want from me, Yunjin? Can’t you j-just do your thing to the other guys at the campus? Why even m-me?”
Well, if she would help herself on resisting you, she may—
“No—” Yunjin closes her face dangerously towards yours, just inches away from kissing you but you won’t let her. Her minty breath captivates you even more as her tone is the cherry on top—the mixture of sultry of sweet best describes it—but you won’t let yourself fall under the spell of this slut—
“Come on, baby. Don’t you want me, hm?”
Of course, she’ll lure her prey into the abyss of no-return (into the unknown depths of lust) and will get to her desired promised land. She’ll do everything to get what she wants and it even starts right now: her hot breath brushing off on the crook of your neck as she kisses the soft skin right after, letting your defenses crumble down in shambles as she’ll do what it takes to be hers for the time-being.
“I’ll make sure that you’ll never forget this day and…” Yunjin peppers your neck with passionate kisses as it’s not enough to leave a mark, yet enough for you to feel her immediate need for you. “I’ll let you do anything to me, baby.”
Is she really talking about this? Is she for real?
These thoughts linger in your mind as the last sentence turns you on. You know how this may end with Huh Yunjin—you getting in trouble as she gets away with an unscathed and clean record because of her mother being the president of the parent’s organization of the university and… you absolutely hate it. Yes, it’s unfair and you curse yourself on what could happen but how could you deny such a hot girl like Yunjin? Her pretty face, captivating eyes, her plump, kissable lips, her hot figure, spankable ass—there’s just not enough time on how perfect she can be and if you were to be asked, you can’t help but be attracted to her.
Yes, it may sound hypocritical but you meant what you said, or at least, what you thought. Giving in to your desperation and desire, you utter an almost inaudible answer that raises Yunjin's attention towards you.
“O-Okay, Yunjin…”
“Okay what, baby, hm?”
She continues peppering your neck with kisses that drive you insane. Her body is incredibly close towards you and you can't help but moan with the emanating heat she's making you feel. 
She needs further clarification—she wants to hear what you really want and possibly, saying it with your heart out, like, you really meant it.
“More, Yunjin, please…”
Desperate pleas can't go unanswered as Yunjin wasted no time talking but rather in a form of latching. Latching in a way her lips suckled onto the sharp collarbone which earned a moan for you as she knew exactly what you wanted all along—and it's like you won't give in to that damn temptation.
“Like that baby? Like how my lips just… pepper your smooth skin full of kisses, hm?”
A soft moan fuels the fire of desire inside her. It was never new but something felt different and new at her end, but she brushes those things off as she averted her whole focus on marking you and kissing you all over.
“I love it when you moan for me, baby. Gladly, we're only getting started.”
Her fingers trace your pristine skin and up to your lips as she shut your moans, not letting any sound escape from it. 
“Well, let's up it an ante, shall we? I'm getting to know you a little more, baby~”
A little seduction is spicy and you fell for the trap that you'll absolutely be grateful of. Between the plethora of all of the possible things she can do to you, she wants only a single thing for now: and that's to feel how soft and good your lips taste, and especially, how they feel onto hers.
Latching her soft lips onto yours, you immediately reciprocate the kiss in probably less than a millisecond and you cherish it in every second possible as her lips are insatiable and tastes incredibly great. It was splendid and passionate, and you couldn't ask for more but the derivation towards lust makes you want more of it—rather, more of her.
Fuck foreplay—that is probably you, right now. 
You're not a big fan of build-ups nor teasing as you're incredibly impatient and it's proven to be tested right now and probably, you despise it—it's also maybe the fact that you're down bad for her at this moment. It's like you can do something to reach for climax immediately as you're deemed powerless, being captivated and allured under her spell, the animalistic urges inside you craving for more but you couldn't, yet. She'll let you drool over her and that only, for now. She's insatiable and you can't wait to get past the rising action. 
If you think about it, it's probably better like this before the main course as you can't help yourself from getting aroused from Yunjin's advances.
“God, you taste really good, baby. Is it your first time getting kissed on the lips, hm?”
You stutter and she giggles. She finds it rather cute that a man like you gets feeble around her and she smiles on that fact. It's even better because of the fact that you can't do anything to retaliate against her actions and she knows you won't.
“Liar, hehe~ I bet no one kissed you, or—this fucking good, hm?” 
Her stern tone turns you on more than you can imagine as she demands an answer yet the serenity of her voice contradicts the devil—the venom laced between her words of lust and greed.
“Say my name, baby.”
You're genuinely confused why would she need you to call her name—oh, maybe because she wants to know how much you love her, how much you love her stupidly-hot acts towards you. Her fingers then unbutton the first layer of your uniform swiftly and with you being so oblivious, you didn't notice how she's slowly undressing you.
“W-what do you mean, Yunjin?”
“There you go, baby~ Hmm—mwah. That's for being a good boy, hihi~”
A quick peck on the neck as she hears her name once again escaping from your lips. A quick peck as a result of her wants being attended and letting you know how much she loves this moment. You’re utterly confused but you don’t care—you want her now and no one’s stopping you from that.
“You know, baby—” Yunjin’s hands caresses your back as she feels the heat radiating upon the foreplay that’s happening, and that makes her smile genuinely. “—let’s do this somewhere private, y’know?”
A casual giggle involuntarily caused by her captivating actions escapes her lips. You know where this will be ending and you waste no time leading the way, already miles away, reading her mind.
“I'll lead you to the bathroom then, Yunjin.”
“Then do, baby~”
She then offers her hand gently as you insist on holding it slowly, leading the way to the bathroom. Once you got there, nothing held back as the unstoppable force met the immovable object—both of your lips crashing onto each other, exchanging sloppy kisses towards each other as she moaned from your aggressiveness. 
“Mmph, baby—ahh! You really, really kiss me so good~”
“Not really, you do, Yunjin.”
Yunjin blushed from your heartfelt compliment as you did feel the heat within your cheeks, painting it rosy-pink as you find the kiss so incredibly hot and passionate that you can't help yourself but let the tiger inside you to be unleashed. 
Unleash the beast, as a famous saying says (it clearly reflects what you’re feeling right now) and without containing the ferocity inside you, you unbridle it. Wasting no second, you connect your lips her onto her again, exchanging the sloppiest and the most lustful kisses imaginable and as time advances, there goes the dancing of your tongues, fighting for dominance.
“God—getting so messy with me, baby, hm?”
“Can't help that you're so fucking insatiable, Yunjin.”
She tugged onto your necktie once again as she pulled you towards her, whispering to your ear seductively as it's also enough to send tingles down your spine.
“I feel the same too, baby. You make me feel so good, it's insane~”
The adrenaline inside you is making you unstoppable right now as you can only imagine the possible fantasies of yours coming true, and you can't simply wait to do everything with Yunjin. 
Every. Single. Thing.
She's also cognizant of what will happen next, possibly and surely…
“Ahh—ahh! Baby, right there~ Yes!”
You then latch onto her neck and collarbones, suckling onto the porcelain skin of hers as it's maybe enough to mark her. Her inevitable moans came loose, her sinful releasing the long-shackled lustful cacophony of sex-filled sounds that she can't contain anymore—
“Like it, Yunjin?”
“I fucking love it, baby. I love it when you mark me like you really own me—god, yes!”
She's giving into submission and she inevitably will, slowly, and surely. That's your goal right now, and you'll show off every trick up in your sleeve just to get her into that.
A door is close, way too far and nigh-impossible to reach.
A door is slightly ajar, try to reach it, and eventually you will, then you'll open one and will open more. 
It'll be a domino effect—starting from a single one then will possibly try out everything you can think of.
The door will suddenly close, yet you'll already think of the fact that you've seized those opportunities.
And you'll start right now.
“I want more, Yunjin. Wanna see more—wanna taste more of you.”
Yunjin has that look—that slutty, desperate look of ardor in her eyes and the way it sparkles with lust and anticipation—yes, it's perfect.
“Getting daring, aren't we, baby? Ahh—keep kissing me first. Let them know how much you love it and how much you're mine, baby~ Oh fuck!”
“No, Yunjin—I want more of you, right now.”
Crazy how a sexual desire drives a man into his lowest—a deceitful strength; a vulnerable spot; his cock doing the thinking, and not his brain. Getting daring, you slowly coursed your hands onto the side of Yunjin's plaid skirt, caressing it as you slowly undress her bottom half, wanting to feel and see those meaty thighs—those thighs you've been drooling with since the start of this.
She moans loudly in response to your actions, so, to tone her down, you immediately crash your lips onto hers again—probably for the umpteenth time—as she reciprocates, now feeling her and tasting her. Your insatiability towards her is imaginable, so you immediately pull out and lay down to slowly undress her skirt as it came in, right after, is a work of art: her smooth, pristine thighs on your sight as the white panties being the cherry on top.
“God, Yunjin—your thighs are so—”
“Tasty? And probably, meaty? Yeah, I know, baby. My thighs are all for you to worship and kiss. Hmm—ahh—now, please—let them know how much you want them.”
She read you. It's probably like the first thought everyone will have in their mind once they see Yunjin's thighs—they can relate to you if they were in your shoes but luckily, you're the only one who's having her at this moment, no one else.
Here lies your needs. Onto the hunger of kissing the milky flesh in front of you, you immediately do what must be done and waste no time. Peppering her thighs with pecks in quick succession, plethora of lewd moans came right after—and it's like she's giving herself to you of her own accord.
You continue peppering and worshiping her thighs with kisses and marks and because of how you're making her feel too good, she can't help herself but hold onto your hair, scalp-deep as she needs an outlet to fight the sudden rush of pleasure. 
Her succulent flesh is way too irresistible to pull out as her moans even encourage you to go further, but you wanted to experience more things with her and kissing her thighs for a hot minute and a half is enough to fulfill one of your wants. 
“Baby kissed my thighs so good, hm? Love how delicious my thighs taste, hm? The sweat dripping out slowly and probably—hngg—m-my juices too, hihi~”
“Isn't it obvious, Yunjin? I'm fucking drooling all over these.”
She didn't need to ask honestly, her deep, captivating tone in her voice just sparks the fire within you and it just drives you crazy. It's an obvious yes as an answer to her question, and there's no hesitation in that.
“I want yours too, baby. It's unfair that you drooled all over me and I won't drool over anything about you~ Come on, baby~”
God—it's her seductive tone that really gets you riled up. You just want her whispering to your ear every damn day, teasing you and more—oh, it'll feel like a dream yet technically speaking, you're already living in that fantasy of yours.
As clever as she is, you undoubtedly know what she means by that so, positioning yourself to lean against the cubicle wall, she kneels down slowly, ready to unbuckle your defenses down to its last straw. She looks up at you seductively, her eyes glistening in need and lust as you caress her cheeks and encourage her to do more.
“Mind doing the honors for me, Yunjin?”
“Of course, baby~ You got me so fucking needy for you. I'm dying to taste this dick, baby.”
Noticing the inevitable bulge tenting onto your pants, she smirked at the sight that she made you like this and slowly undressed your bottom half how you did hers earlier. One by one, every piece of clothing is now deemed worthless as every defense is being unshackled and when it's only the last one left, she licks her mouth, getting ready for what you had in store for her.
In one swift motion, the beast inside is now unleashed from its genuinely frustrating restraints as it's rock-hard, almost hitting Yunjin in the face and already dripping with that infamous colorless liquid.
“God, w-wow… You're so big, baby~ I wonder if it can fit inside my mouth, hihi~”
Her puppy-like eyes curiously studied your length, right from your engorged head up to your swollen balls as she admired every inch of you and she leisurely stroked you which earned a moan that escaped from your mouth.
Sure, the wholeness of your dick will fit inside her tight, slutty throat. Not to mention how much she drooled all over your length once you've revealed it and by that, you could tell how much wonders she could do with it.
“Tell me, Yunjin, do you like what you're seeing?”
An unhesitant nod from her as here comes her seductive voice again—
“I do, baby—I fucking do—mwah!”
There starts the slow, passionate kiss on your already swollen head as she plays your leaking slit with her tongue, also, in accordance with the rhythm of her strokes on the base of your shaft. She kissed your mushroom-shaped head so lovingly, it caused you to moan her name alongside with ragged breaths as the sensitivity is way too much to handle.
“Moaning my name, baby? I can tell—you're loving this already, hihi~”
You nod, and that's enough as an answer to her question.
“T-Tell me, Yunjin, what do you want to do with my cock?”
She did hear you, but instead of answering you, she just doubles the efforts of kissing your length from the base up to your swollen tip. You don't like this so, you grip her hair forcefully slowly, demanding an answer escaping from her slutty, cock-hungry lips.
“I w-want to choke on it, baby.”
“Want to gag and drool all over it, baby.”
There's definitely more—
“Want to take this cock deep down so badly that I want my throat ravaged by it.”
“Want you to fuck my face with it as I struggle to breath while you do t-that to me, and then, you'll thrust your hips so hard that you're only goal is to destroy my slutty throat for my throat is only a cumdump for you, baby. Or, you can pull out and start painting my face with—”
Fear emanates her eyes as she's flummoxed about your sudden command towards her.
“You d-didn't like it, baby?”
“No, Yunjin—” You reposition yourself comfortably and lean yourself against the wall again, preparing for what's about to come. “—I'd rather see you do those things you’ve said rather than talking. Be my guest.”
She immediately fulfills what she'd said as constant licks and slurps reverberate around the puny cubicle you're in. She drools all over your cock, worshiping it with numbers of kisses to god knows how many—she just can't get enough of the succulent taste of your shaft.
She's maybe not the most experienced one in your opinion, but surely, she's making you feel great as her plump lips makes your brain go haywire in pleasure and it’s like it’s really made of cock-sucking. Sucking on your head gently, you moan and grip her hazelnut-colored streaks, an outlet to fight the constant course of pleasure.
“God—so fucking good, Yunjin. So so so fucking good—argh! Take me all in—s-shit!”
With your inevitable groans and subsequent moans, she takes this as fuel to up the ante of her pace, bobbing her head vigorously as she takes now half of your shaft, her saliva leaking out slowly on the side of her mouth. The liquid then drips down to your balls which she averted her attention too, not leaving it unattended.
She lathers it with her saliva as she sucks on one ball gently, making sure she's not hurting you in any kind as her aim is to stimulate you further and with her moderate rhythm of her strokes and the gentle care of attending your needs onto your balls, it's impossible to hide how good you're feeling—way better than you expected.
Gently and surely, she doesn't give you a break on the constant serotonin you're feeling. Having enough of your balls, she then goes onto doing the thing she's best at as the slurping sounds resumes and so is the constant gagging that keeps resonating around your ear. Having had enough of the slow stuff, she bobs her head frantically like she has something to prove to you as she went deeper, her throat welcoming the entirety of your length as she gags again in response—her gag literally echoing around the restroom as a hint of panic hits you as someone may barge in to know what's happening, mostly those janitors. Tears inevitably begin flowing down her cheek, messing up the mascara she had on—and it's just better seeing her getting ruined slowly.
Eventually, she pulls out as oxygen is to blame, her gleeful smile meeting you as she still strokes your shaft at a snail's pace.
“You l-like that, baby? You like h-how my tight throat constricts when your head hits the back of m-my throat, hm? You like how good I made you feel?
“S-shut up, Yunjin—do more of that and less talking, okay?”
“What a tsundere… Hmm—mwah!” Yunjin peppers your swollen head with numerous kisses as she continues her dirty talk that sends your arousal higher than the sky. She didn't mind how hypocritical your response is because all that matters is that she did a great job at pleasuring you and it's evident and you can't lie with that.
“Don't you dare lie in front of your teeth, baby—I know you liked it so much. I could even hear you moaning my name repeatedly and wanting mo—”
Well, that's another way to shut her up, for now…
If your words can't shut her slutty mouth up, then maybe taking your cock once again will do. It's really effective, considering how she struggles once you thrust your hips into her throat, making her gag and hum in satisfaction. In every thrust you do, she welcomes it in her tight cavern with open arms as she grabbed your hips almost-so-tightly in order to have stability while fucking her face. The pace quickens immediately, bringing in an onslaught of thrusts in a rapid succession which she enjoyed—she's maybe struggling considering how harsh you're using her throat but you didn't care as your pleasure comes first, and she even enjoys it too. After two minutes of a hot, sloppy (the saliva seeping out of her mouth are in copious amounts) facefucking, she tapped your thigh as she's visibly lacking oxygen and immediately, you pulled out of her tightness.
She gasps for air, struggling to breathe as it almost feels like you ravaged her throat completely. She smiled towards you, coughing a little as her mouth was used like a fleshlight, most likely, a cocksleeve in her (possibly yours too) own terms. She feels like a toy whose only purpose is to pleasure his master and no one else and she absolutely loved it. 
“Oh f-fuck, baby. You used m-my throat so well, hehe~ Now, you gotta finish what you've started i-in my mouth.”
Sticking her tongue out just to invite you to fuck her face again, you fall in under the spell of lust as you insert your length inside her mouth again, and suddenly, the pleasure courses down your veins as the warmth of her throat envelops and welcomes your cock like in a warm embrace. 
You're reflecting as you fuck her mouth mercilessly. You want to save that energy for later—
“Actually, Yunjin, just finish me off. Suck me like you fucking mean it, you slut.”
And off she goes, fulfilling your desires. You could feel that familiar sensation down your loins even earlier, and it's not even that far off now as your orgasm is nearly coming.
Look down as the hazelnut-haired girl bobs onto your penis like she means it—like what you've said—and you let it all out. She feels the persistent throbs of your length inside her throat as she plunges her mouth balls deep, her nose pressing onto the base of your shaft as you fill her cavern up to the hilt and welcoming another side—using it as a canvas for you to paint on. Series of hot, thick semen deposits inside her mouth, painting her throat like you have something to prove—to prove how much she's yours, maybe, just for this moment. Spurt after spurt, she closes her eyes as she feels the incredible volume of your load and the succulent taste of it—she can already feel how much your seed tastes good as her taste buds involuntarily chase the flavor of it, like it's her favorite dessert to indulge in anytime.
After your orgasm dies out (it lasted for at least twenty-two seconds, estimated, since your brain went haywire because of the pleasure), you pull out of her mouth and see streaks of her saliva and your cum as your length becomes lathered by it. Yunjin, as the clever girl she is, cleans your cock without being commanded to do so as she licks all over it, sucking and slurping all over the conglomeration of liquids and gathering it all. For one last time, she pulls out and gathers all of the cum that she can and sticks her tongue to show you how much your load is, and then, swallowing all of it within a single gulp and then showing to you her tongue again, smooth and clean as all of your seed is now into her stomach.
“Gosh, baby. That was so fucking good. That was like, the most delicious load I had ever tasted—god, I wanted more of it.”
If she wants another one, then she needs to earn it like a good girl yet, the both of you had more plans with each other, and it feels like a magnetic connection—the both of you suddenly read each other's minds on what the both of you want.
“I want more of you, baby—like, way much more… Like, I want to feel you, baby—deep inside me.  ”
Well, here we go—
“But baby, I'll let you choose though. Consider this as your luckiest day as you'll get to feel me, hehe~ It's either you wanna fuck me senseless while you rail my tight, little cunt or—” Yunjin slowly takes off her panties, giving you an unholy sight of her holes, which made your cock twitched involuntarily—she's way too fuckable at this moment and too hot to handle. “—you could shove your entire length up in my ass and finger me until I cum uncontrollably.”
These choices are way too tempting and of course, more difficult than ever. You wanna feel her tight cunt clenching and possibly, creaming—which is probably not hard consider how wet she is right at the start—around your shaft while you fuck from behind but also, you can’t let the opportunity fade of fucking her tight asshole and fingering her pussy, all at the same time.
Well, there are also second-hand thoughts within those choices: is there any lube whenever you made your choice on fucking her ass—
“Don’t you worry, baby, I have my lube here, in my uniform pocket.”
—and is no one going to know all of the sinful events that are about to happen within the next few minutes?
“And baby, no one’s gonna know about this as you know how I can get out of things like this. My mother has power and authority in this university so you, and I, will be safe from any trouble, hihi~”
Well, that answers anything you’ve been afraid of…
“So, what is it going to be, hm, baby? Come on—” Yunjin slowly seats onto the toilet (and of course, it’s been covered since the beginning) and spreads her legs wide slowly, presenting her already dripping cunt and her puckered hole, tempting the devil inside you. “—don’t keep a girl waiting.”
Takes you several seconds before coming up to a decision that you’ll surely won’t regret.
“I’d love to fuck you from behind, Yunjin.”
“On what hole, bab—”
“Both of them, your pussy first—”
Well, she’s caught off-guard and perplexed by your sudden need and aggressiveness as you grab her wrists tightly, and then turn her facing the wall. The lust and greed already consumed you and there’s no one stopping you, not even her as you can easily overpower her without breaking a damn sweat.
“I s-said only a single option, bab—”
“No, no, no, Yunjin. That’s not how the games are going to be played—” You spank the creamy flesh in front of you as it jiggles in response, you then smirking as the downfall of Yunjin’s control ensues—herself submitting into pure submissiveness that you dearly wished to see. 
“—I’m the one who’s in fucking control now, Yunjin and don’t tell me you don’t want all of your holes stuffed with only my cock, hm?”
“No what, Yunjin?”
You gently gripped her neck, choking her as you force an answer to escape from her lips. Such a demand is needed immediately, and you don’t want to be a part of Yunjin's games anymore and you want to show her what exactly you can do to her.
“G-god—I—what I m-mean is that, no—I won’t s-say anything like that b-because this—is—ahh—what I wa-wanted all along!”
You loosen your grip onto her neck and avert your fingers across her clit, stimulating and teasing her and not-so-surprisingly, she moans seductively as the pleasure is starting to get into her and you love seeing how she’s drowning in need—you should’ve done this in front of the restroom’s mirrors, so you can see her ahegao-like expressions that surely, will arouse you further.
“You like that, Yunjin? Like how I make you a whimpering mess on my fingers, hm? Wow, you’re drenched and so fucking wet.”
“Y-yes, baby, I like—”
“Wrong fucking word, Yunjin.”
And then, that hits her, she realizes that she can’t do anything but be the good, submissive toy for her—
“Daddy. I’m very, very sorry, daddy.”
“Good girl—you clever girl, hm?”
You tease her more and more, earning the sexiest of moans escaping out of Yunjin’s mouth as she pleads you to fuck her already but you insist, letting the carnal desires inside you be tamed, for now. You wanted to get her as wet as possible—not to mention how wet her pussy is already, nectar dripping all over her thighs and staining her socks—so you do just that.
“Really want to feel me, huh?”
Another harsh spank to her bubble butt marks it red, enough for the sting of pain to be felt until later as it echoes around the tiny cubicle. You can't wait to feel her tight walls as her desperation and pleas ignite the fuel inside you to resist the temptation and with her continuous pleas to let her out of her misery, a flick of a switch is all it takes as you take her in.
Her velvety walls hug your shaft so tight that you groan in half-pain, half-pleasure—it feels like her pussy walls constrict so hard that its life probably depends on it. With how wet she is, it isn't any hard thrusting in and formulating a pleasurable pace as you form a moderate rhythm from time to time. Her moans were just inevitable too, alongside her chants that were probably part of the symphony of a lewd orchestration of sounds. 
“Fuck me h-harder, daddy! I want it rough s-so what are you waiting f—”
A slap on her butt probably lets her know how you're now in control, and not her yet you think to yourself that you need to destroy her cunt to teach her a lesson. A mere adequate attempt from her for you to play rough with her almost sends you into overdrive as she lures you into the deepest abyss of lust. Even if you deemed her attempts futile and ineffective, you're just saying to yourself how hypocritical you are.
You wanted to ruin the beautiful image of Huh Yunjin, letting everybody probably know how much of a slut she is for cock—
“Don't you fucking worry, Yunjin—I'll pound you so hard and fast that the only thing you'll feel is my cock ravaging your tight, little hole and nothing else. Heck yeah, I would maybe even make you forget your own name and the last thing you'll actually do is beg for my mercy while you can't take it anymore—because I'm going to fucking ruin you, Huh Yunjin, the school's slut.”
Letting out the profanities and the devil inside you, you work your way into making her for you to ultimately use. You waste no times in build-ups as you pound her tight cunt like you're proving something to her—proving how worthy you are to probably own her pussy and how good you'll fuck her throughout this session.
You ram into her hard and fast, letting your animalistic urges take over your body as you didn't stop even a slight second. The clashing of both of your bodies becomes so frequent that sweat is beginning to form onto your forehead and to your back, considering how hard you're fucking her brains out like you're rearranging her guts.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, daddy! You're so deep in me! Keep f-fucking me until you make me a creamy mess! Oh fuck, daddy~”
She moans uncontrollably with every thrust you do into her and she tries to silence it by biting the clothing of her uniform but it wasn't enough. And it's like she can conceal how much of a slut she is for your cock—and there's nothing she can do either. 
She clings onto anywhere she can just to have a greater grip on what's ravaging her pussy. Another attempt of silencing her moans is futile, so you grab her locks, pulling it slowly onto you to let everybody know who she really is.
“You l-like how I fuck your pussy like this, hm, Yunjin? I bet no one fucked this good in your entire life. Let the whole university know how much of a fucking—slut—you are!”
She responds in guttural groans and lustful moans as you drive her insane with your cock—her mind only being flooded about sex, and maybe that only.
“Oh god—daddy, I'm so close! Please let Yunjin cum, please let me cum—cum, cum—I'm cumming!!”
A spank delivered to her backside by your naughty hands is the indication of—
“Then cum, Yunjin—all over… my cock…”
And there she goes, letting everything out as her visceral moans broke the tow, and off she goes, creaming all over your throbbing length like a broken faucet out of control. You want her to take a little breather, so you slow down your thrusts while riding her beautiful orgasm out that lasts for almost a hot minute (roughly like thirty-five seconds but that'll do).
“Now, it's your turn, daddy, hihi~ Cum inside me, please!”
You resume your frantic thrusts and ignore her wants of filling her pussy, aiming to achieve your high too and chasing it as fast as possible.
You definitely want to finish inside her tight, little cunt but a sudden hit of reflection made you think of another option (and also by the fact that a slut like her wants to be bred and you don't want to finish inside her while she's not safe).
She's too spoiled, anyways. With that possible privilege, now is the time to break the tow and maybe, you'll be the first to do it.
“No, Yunjin—” You whisper onto her ears and immediately, and even so, painfully pull out of her pussy as she wails, wanting you to fuck her hole until you ride out your high but you have other ways on settling this mess. “—I'm going to fuck your creamy thighs until I cum, okay? Now, it's up to you to catch all the cum with your hands to taste it or let it go down in waste as I paint the cubicle walls white.”
She definitely wants that idea, for sure. You can sense it even though you can't really see the emotions on her face—she's way too readable now, and there's nothing she can do to let her wants be attended to, either.  
“Daddy's going to fuck these meaty thighs until I cum, okay, Yunjin?”
“Yes, daddy! Please do fuck my thighs—you're still going to fuck me from b-behind, daddy?”
“Yes, Yunjin, and I hope you're prepared.”
She's even more than prepared as you position your throbbing length between her thighs, she then anticipating what's coming next. Her thighs suffocate your cock for dear life and thanks to her wetness dripping down the meaty flesh and also the wetness of your cock due to her own fluids, it wasn't difficult to thrust and hammer between her immaculately perfect thighs.
Thrust after thrust comes moans and groans from you as she hugs your entire shaft tighter than ever, making sure you'll get the utmost pleasure you'll ever desire. Not so long, you're now starting to develop your pace frantically as your hips go wild as the lust drives you into oblivion—the will of greed powering every thrust to chase your nearly-impeded orgasm earlier.
Of course, the inevitable comes closer than you expected.
“I'm so close, Yunjin—fuck! I wanna just fuck these thighs all day. Argh, so fucking close—I'm going to fucking cum!”
“Cum for me, daddy, please!”
It feels like another dormant volcano erupts, sending magnitudes of pleasure all over your body as peak euphoria is achieved within an exhilarating act. Multiple streaks of semen splutters from your slit—probably up to four, if you can count it right—as Yunjin tries to catch it all but all she can do is cling onto the walls . She is unsuccessful in catching the wholeness of your load but manages to capture a little and with her hunger for your taste, she licks the little amount clean on her fingers, humming soundly as she's satisfied to taste your load again.
“Never fails to amaze me, daddy. So delicious, as expected, hihi~”
She then strokes you slowly, not wanting your hardness to die fast as there's more things to do with her. She knows how painful and sensitive you feel right now and her dainty fingers and dexterity of it aims to get you hard (even though you're definitely rock-hard towards her, still) for her as the last course on the menu is nearing. At least she's a bit concerned about what you want to feel, and also concerned with her own pleasure too. 
“Now, daddy—” Yunjin faces you as both your eyes make contact with each other, sparkling with anticipation and greed. She then made the first move as she thought of something that has been lingering inside her mind since you started fucking her almost senseless. “—you said something earlier about fucking my ass and I was thinking that, maybe, you can fuck me while I see your face, daddy. Don't you love the thought of it?”
Of course you do love it and she doesn't need to ask that. You love how lewd her expressions are—even though you can't see it but deep in your heart you know that her face does those expressions inevitably—while you fuck her like it's your last and the pleasure converting her face into pure submissiveness and lust. Also, to top it all off, you want to do something that for sure, will make this experience more than memorable, written down in the history books of your life.
“Of course I do, Yunjin. I'll hammer your ass hard like what I did to your pussy—I'll gape this tight, little asshole so hard that you'll walk out here wobbly and struggling.”
“Then you'll need to carry me out here, daddy. Fuck me until my legs give out—give me everything you got, daddy.”
The sensitivity fades faster than the speed of light as Yunjin's dirty talk reignites the fuel of lust inside you. Handing you the small bottle of lube in her pocket, you lather a decent amount on your hand and spread it onto your cock. You then command her to bend over in order to have a greater grip in spreading the lube around the rim, and the tight walls of her asshole. She lets out a ragged breath and a moan as the cold liquid comes into contact onto her puckered hole. You continue lathering her asshole with lube and warming her up until she breaks the silence.
“Daddy, I h-have something to confess to you…”
“What is it, Yunjin?”
It takes her several seconds to respond as the pleasure of teasing her asshole with your fingers is getting over the limit of her nerves to handle—it's maybe too much to handle but she never insists you to stop and you won't.
“My ass, hasn't been fucked, yet—and y-you're probably going to be the first one who will open me up in my other h-hole…”
A bold confession to a girl like her is a bit surprising as it feels like she already experienced a lot more than what you could imagine but that expectation falters once it's factual that she still has her anal virginity—you can hear the sincerity in her voice.
“B-But you've experienced this before, Yunjin? Like with your toys and stuff?”
A hint of sweat drips down your forehead as you're a little bit nervous considering that maybe, it is really her first time experiencing a phallic object will be taken up in her ass.
Even though you're driven mad with lust, there's still heart in you and concern came first.
“Yeah… Only a couple of times with a dildo but it never really felt the same but now—” Yunjin holds both sides of your arms as her eyes ignite with seriousness, wanting you to fulfill her needs by feeling your length up in her ass for the first time.
One thing's for sure before you make a move: she'll be tighter than ever, and even may rival the tightness of the gripping walls of her pussy.
Knowing how well-lubed up her rim and your already throbbing length are, you waste no time and impale Yunjin's incredibly tight asshole with your rod. Even with just the mushroom-shaped tip inside her inviting hole, you can't fathom how incredibly tight she is. She eases up her muscles for both of your comfort and slowly, and surely, you insert your length into her deeper and deeper, the lubrication really helping out a lot.
“It s-still feels a bit weird—but anyways, fuck me daddy! I c-can take it!”
“Really, Yunjin? You sure?”
A broken melody escapes her lips and interrupts her moans, “Yes, daddy—please just fuck my ass… I c-can take it.”
And who are you to refuse that? No, you won't and now having a better grip of her ass—and thanks to her anal muscles easing up and helping you fight against the incredible vacuum-like tightness—you start thrusting into her, slowly and delicately, cherish every second of fucking her incredible ass. You spank her buttocks hard as a moan from hers is the response, the moan of need and lust as she smiles almost maniacally at you, feeling euphoric from the experience. 
As much as you want to see her get fucked with her uniform still on—because it's one of your fetishes—you want to see what she's packing underneath that white blouse of hers. You then immediately latch your hands on the buttons of her uniform, undressing it slowly and thankfully, Yunjin doesn't care and wants to get herself naked for you, letting you see what she has in store for you and you're probably going to drool with the sight of that.
Like a prophet, you did predict your own actions almost accurately as undressing her final defense, which is her white-laced bra. With her sheepish expressions maybe because of your possible disappointed judgment, you reassure her as you are met with a perky set of her mounds with taut pink nipples that you're ready to drool over with.
“Sorry if it's not too—”
“You're not sorry, Yunjin—” You up the ante of your pace of hammering her ass as you fondle the soft, pillowy flesh in front of you, making her moan in ecstasy as everything seems going perfect for her. 
“—in fact, I love it so much—mwah—wanna suck on these all night, not gonna lie—fuck, you're incredibly hot, Yunjin.”
“Gah—ahh! Daddy! T-thank you for that. You make m-me feel so good—so, so good, daddy!”
With your frantic pace of thrusts inside her tight hole, you can't help but moan soundly as it feels way too euphoric to be true. Latching your tongue lightly onto her erect bud, she moans in delight, and it is so hot that it keeps you going. You also want to stimulate her so much that you want the dam inside her to break, and considering how she's been touching herself since the start of your anal session, she'll get on her euphoric high in no time.
“Gah—daddy, I'm going to fucking cum! So, so much—all over you, daddy!”
Announcing the nearing peak of her orgasm, you fuck her gaped hole like an animal in intense need, letting the lust and your ultimate will inside you power your hips to do the fastest, most uncontrollable thrusts known to man. Your urge to destroy her asshole and her asshole only is indomitable as the devil inside takes over you, plowing her ass like it's your last. 
You're close and she knows it well considering how much you're throbbing inside her. She knows this and that's why she helps you chase your own orgasm too and hers, wanting to cum with you in unison.
“I'm close too, Yunjin—I'm going to fucking cum balls deep inside this incredible ass of yours—I'm going to fucking cum!”
“Me too, daddy—cum with me, please!”
And there goes everything.
The rush of adrenaline through your veins soon comes to an end and so do your thrusts. You buried down your entire length inside her walls, filling her up to the hilt and the goal has now been achieved: filling her absolutely with thick shots of semen, painting her insides white.
It is euphoric rearranging her guts to the fullest. Groan after groan comes spurts of your load being deposited inside her ass as her moans encourage you for more and so you do. Yunjin herself reaches her high as she sprays her nectar all over your toned abdomen as she comes harder than earlier, leaving her breathless and enervated from the wildest session she had been. After your orgasm has died out, you then slowly pull out of her—and she's still oh-so-tight even though she has been gaped like crazy with your actions—to see what you've done—to see what you've become: a monster, blinded by lust as every drip of white leaks out slowly, out of her asshole. She then reaches for her metallic buttplug and inserts it inside her puckered hole slowly as she doesn't want the cum dripping out of her thighs after she walks out of here—she's still in public, so that makes sense and she doesn't want to get embarrassed.
You filled her well. Too well. She's going to feel that load until later.
Not wanting the moment to die so fast, you initiate another heated kiss with her again as she immediately reciprocates, letting her know how much you loved this moment and how you'll cherish this, forever.
“God, daddy—you still filled me up so well… I'm also sure, you're completely drained, right?”
“Yeah, Yunjin… *coos* I'm way too drained—thanks for this, though. It felt very euphoric—and good. Thank you…”
“No, baby—I need to thank you. You made me feel like this and I never felt this before—like, this felt enchanting, meeting you…”
You faintly smile and face her, blushing from her remarks. You then kiss each other for the last time, wanting to savor the built-up need and lust for this one moment, once more. With a little panic making your heart skip a beat, you then help her prepare herself and yourself, cleaning what you also could so no one will suspect all of the sinful events that happened inside this cubicle.
“I could barely feel my legs though, baby...”
“Oh no—will you get in trouble for that, Yunjin?”
“You'll need to carry me out if here, baby—that's what it means, hihi~”
Panic courses through you as you're shocked on what she said, not prepared on what she's really planning.
“I'm kidding, baby��I can still walk though. I'll just make up an excuse that my feet just feels painful suddenly. Neither of us will get in trouble, don't worry.”
You then slowly unlock the cubicle door, making it “vacant” and then, open it. Yunjin kisses your cheek one more time as a token of gratitude before smiling at you genuinely, her eyes speaking words of being thankful for such an incredibly euphoric session.
“Oh! Before I leave—give me your phone, baby.”
“I d-don't have it on me, right now…”
You know where this is going and you don't want this opportunity to fade away. You frown in disbelief of your phone being nowhere near you as it's on your locker yet with a clever mind like her, she opts for another option, also, not wasting this opportunity.
“Do you… have a ballpen though? Like... any kind?”
That, you do. 
Without any time to waste, you give her your black ballpoint pen as she grabs your hand gently, going to use it as the canvas.
“Hope you don't mind this, baby and… there you go! That's mine, okay? Text me when you get home, okay? I'll be gone for now and… thank you, again—so, so much, baby. You may leave after me for like—uhm… a few minutes so no one will suspect what we did here, baby, hehe~”
And you're now captivated with her. Who are you to blame though? A girl like her will make any other men go crazy but in this moment, she's the only one you see and so she is. You loved this moment and so she did too, and that concludes another exhilarating yet memorable day for you.
You seized every opportunity you had with her at that given moment, and you're glad that you've opened them all up.
“Bye, baby, see you tomorrow—or… maybe later, hihi~”
What a day written into your own history books. It truly is and you wanted more…
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yellowbunnydreams · 8 months
So Bunny Ears won the HeadCannon poll by a fair margin! Don't worry Vamp!Will fans, I'll also do one for him and the AU at a later point, but of course, I must write for our soft husband first.
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William loves fruit flavoured candies, specifically gummy candies
However he does keep a bag of jolly ranchers in his desk drawer and enjoys freaking people out when he crunches them rather than letting them melt.
He was punk in college and occasionally puts his tongue piercing back in to stop it from closing. He has however swallowed the ball for it too many times to count.
He loves pecan pie, especially the kind with whipping cream and caramel drizzle
At some point during a drunken dinner, Henry tried to convince him to get matching Fredbear and Spring-Bonnie tattoos. Henry went first and William went home.
When he's sick, William turns into a grumpy(ier) man. Refuses to take sick days and might take some cold-and-flu medication if he feels super ill. Henry and Sarah have absolutely had to drag his ass to urgent care to force him to see a doctor on multiple occasions.
In college he was one of those people who could not revise for anything and then aced all his assignments, even if he didn't turn up to class.
Holds the high-score in 'Fruity Maze' and honestly a shocking amount of the arcade games, and no he doesn't use the cheats even though he knows all of them because he has to debug the machines after kids try to manipulate them for cheats.
His full name is William David Afton, although he usually misses out his middle name because he's not a huge fan of it.
Not an openly humorous man, but he loves inside jokes with people. He particularly enjoys flustering a certain new girlfriend, and gleefully remembers when the whole ID incident occurred between them.
NSFW HeadCannons under the cut
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William Afton absolutely goes feral for lingerie. More specifically, he loves ripping it to show off how strong he is, and the more expensive the better as he knows he can just afford to buy you new ones if you want them.
Call him 'sir' and he'll loose that extra bit of control, he likes the authority he has not as your boss, but that he can show you all those skills he's learnt behind closed doors.
That man has SUCH a biting kink. He wants to mark you up and let people see who you belong to and that it was passionate, it's also a bit of a trust thing since it's stupidly easy for a man of his size to accidentally be a little too rough and break skin.
Don't even get him started on cock-warming. He's definitely not fantasised about having you in his lap and warming him up whilst he tries to teach you how to fix the animatronics.
Has an oral fixation. It's part of the reason for loving gummy candies, but he certainly isn't going to complain if he can put that fixation to tasting you in any way possible. Kissing, biting, eating you out. He's all too happy to do it all. When you bit his ring off, he went absolutely feral knowing that your pretty mouth could become fixated too.
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Always Protected
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I’ve got requests- ignore them if you want, but I had to try.
If you could I’d like (all plus sized/curvy reader):
Beau Arlen- meets reader in town, takes her out, maybe dancing, I picture him to be super protective if someone says something to her about her size. LOVES him some thick girl
*This is for you 😁 I hope I bring your vision to life. Thank you for trusting me with a request!!*
Characters:Beau Arlen x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Language, insecurities, physical violence, Fluff,
A/N: This is my 2nd request and I’m so excited to write it. I wrote it fast so please forgive any mistakes. This does not follow The Big Sky story line. I’m working on these requests fast because I’m inspired. 😁
All work is my own, don’t take it!!
Minors DNI 18+
“Come on Beau, you’ve got to get some food. You’ve been here all night and all day. When was the last time you actually slept?” Jenny asked. “I think yesterday afternoon I fell asleep at my desk. Jenny I have to get this solved. It’s driving me crazy. I’m missing something I know I am.” He grunted as he stood. “Go get something to eat. It will help clear your head. Get it to go if you want to. Just please go. We need our sheriff in too shape.” She pleaded. “Okay Hoyt. I’m getting it to go. I’ll be back. Want anything?” He asked as he grabbed his jacket. “Nope. I’m good thanks” she smiled.
Beau got in his truck and drove into town. He had to park further away from the diner because it was lunch time. As he walked down the street greeting people he smelled something amazing. There in the once vacant shop was a new bakery. How did he not know a bakery was opening. The smell coming from inside was drawing him in. He pushed open the door.
You were busy with a customer when you heard the bell chime above the door. “Welcome in. Please take a look around and I’ll be right with you.” You said without looking at the person who came in. You finished with the customer you were helping and noticed a very tall man standing with his back to you. He was looking at the dessert case on the opposite wall. You came around the counter and approached him. “Hello. Welcome in is there anything you’re looking for specifically today” you asked him.
He turned around and oh lord this man was gorgeous. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green and wow was he beautiful. You swallowed hard and shifted a little bit. “Oh I was walking by and smelled something amazing coming from in here and had to stop by.” His voice was like smooth whiskey.
You smiled and said “oh it could be the pecan pie I have in the oven.”
Beau’s eyes went wide. “You have pecan pie too? I’m from Texas and we love our pecan pie.” Beau said. “Yep I sure do. It has to cool but I can save you some if you want.” You smiled. “Yes. That will be perfect. I’m going to grab some lunch and I’ll come back later if that’s okay.” He said.
“Yep. Sounds great. I’ll save you some” you smiled. He nodded and smiled and headed towards the door. He stopped and turned around looking at you again and smiled. You blushed and started helping the next customer.
Beau walked over to the diner with a smile on his face. He couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful you were. Your smile, your y/e/c eyes, your curvy body, and your kindness. He knew you were new in town and he wanted to know more about you.
He decided to eat at the diner and while he was there he chatted with some of the people there. “Hey Sheriff Arlen, how are you today” Ms Carol asked from behind the counter. “I’m good. How are you doing” he smiled. “I’m good honey. I’m thankful for Miss Y/N next door at the bakery. She’s been helping us out with our desserts recently. I can’t keep up with the desserts like I used to and she offered to help us out. She’s a sweet girl. She won’t take any money either. She just swings by for some lunch when she gets a chance.” She told Beau.
Beau smiled. Wow she really is sweet he thought. “That’s really nice Ms Carol. I’m glad you’ve got some help.” He said. The bell above the door rang and you walked in. “Hey Ms Carol. Here’s your pies and some cookies for Mr John. I hope he gets to feeling better.” You said as you handed her the food. “Oh Y/N you are such a sweetheart. Thank you and I know John will love these.” She hugged you.
You looked over and saw Beau sitting at the counter. You smiled at him and he smiled at you. He extended his hand “we didn’t get properly introduced, I’m Beau Arlen. I’m the temporary Sheriff here.” “Hello Mr Arlen, Sheriff, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to officially meet you. Well I need to get back. Don’t forget to come by and get your pie.” You smiled. “No ma’am I won’t forget.” He smiled.
You nodded and said goodbye and left. Ms Carol was watching and smiled at Beau. “Beau, you know she’s single, right? Maybe you two could go out to dinner or something fun. You both deserve it.” She winked. Beau smiled and nodded. “Maybe Ms Carol. Maybe.”
He got up, paid his tab and headed back towards your bakery. He walked in and the sweet smell of the shop filled his nose. The place smelled like home. His mother loved to bake and the smell was bringing back sweet memories of her. You were stocking the case when he came back in and you greeted him with a smile.
“Welcome back Sheriff. I have your pie right here.” You handed him a full pie. “Please call me Beau, and you didn’t have to save the whole pie. Thank you Y/N.” “It’s my pleasure, Beau. The sheriff deserves his own pie. Especially a Texas boy.” You smiled and winked. “How much do I owe you Y/N?” He pulled out his wallet. “Nothing. This one is on the house” you told him. “What?! No, I can’t let you do that. Please let me pay for it.” He pleaded. You stood firm and shook your head no.
Beau knew it was a losing battle. “Well, then let me take you out to dinner as a thank you.” He said. You stood there with your words caught in your throat. “What do you say Y/N? Let me take you out tonight” he said. “Okay sure. I close at 6 so let me go home and change and you can pick me up at 7:30 or I can meet you there.” You said. Beau moved closer to you “I’ll pick you up and it’s a date.”
You bit your lip and smiled. A date?!? This gorgeous man was asking you out?!?
The rest of the day flew by and it was time to lock up and head home. You got home and got in the shower. You had no idea where he was taking you so you wanted to dress comfortable but nice. You decided to wear a pair of your favorite jeans that hugged every curve of your body perfectly, a nice top that showed off your cleavage just enough and a pair of boots that had a little heel. You put on a little makeup and your hair was half up and half down.
You took a step back looking in the mirror. You always had problems with your body. You carried a little more weight than you should and you were curvy. Most of your clothes hid your body well. The outfit you picked did just that. You liked Beau. You were just worried if he could like you, curves and all.
There was a knock at your door. You took a deep breath and opened it to see Beau standing on your porch. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, a button down shirt and a pair of worn cowboy boots. The wind shifted and you smelled his cologne. It was heavenly. “Hello Beau. Come on in. I’m almost ready.” You stepped to the side. He walked in and sat on the couch.
You finished getting ready and as you walked into the living room he stood and stared. “You’re absolutely beautiful Y/N. Wow!” He said and you blushed. “Thank you, Beau. You look very handsome tonight.” You smiled.
He guided you outside by the small of your back and opened the truck door for you. You climbed in and smiled. He got in and started the truck. “So where are we going” you asked. “I’m taking you to a restaurant a town over. Great food and music.” He smiled. You nodded.
He reached his hand over and took yours. “Is this okay” he questioned. You smiled “more than okay.” The drive to the restaurant was good. The two of you talked about life and how both of you ended up in Montana. You thought it was sweet he moved there to be closer to his daughter.
When you arrived at the restaurant Beau got out and came around opening your door. He offered you his hand helping you out of the truck. As you got out you lost your balance and started to fall. Beau caught you and for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you. He didn’t and you were a little disappointed.
As the two of you walked into the restaurant hand in hand a group of drunk men came out. They took one look at you and Beau and started talking about your weight and one of them went so far as to moo at you. You tried to ignore it but they kept going.
Beau stopped walking. “What the hell is y’all’s problem” he seethed. “No problem at all. How do you fuck her? Slap the leg and ride the wave?” The taller man said. Beau let go of your hand and stepped in front of you and between you and the men.
“You need to shut your mouth and leave before I shut it for you.” Beau growled. “Beau, come on. Let’s go. It’s okay. Please” you begged him as tears pricked your eyes. He turned and looked at you. His face was angry but softened when he looked at you. “It’s not okay. Nobody should ever speak to you like that.” He said.
“Beau, I’m used to it. I just want to go inside.” You told him. He nodded and smiled. Beau put his hand at the small of your back and led you inside. The two of you sat down and ordered your food. While you were waiting on the food the two of you talked more and got to know each other better. The food came and a comfortable silence fell between you two.
You excused yourself and went to the restroom. You steadied your breath. Beau was amazing and you could see yourself falling for him. You were scared though. How could he be with someone like you, and would he want to. Screw it you thought. He asked you out so that’s something. Throw caution to the wind you thought.
On your way back to the table a man that had been at the bar stepped in front of you. “Where you off to in such a hurry there princess” his alcohol smelling breath engulfed you. “Excuse me. I’m heading back to my boyfriend.” You said as you nodded towards Beau. “That string bean is your boyfriend? Honey a big girl like you needs a real man.” He said as he grabbed your arm.
You screamed for him to get off you and this caught Beau’s attention. Before you could process what was happening Beau was by your side pulling you to safety. The man had about 2-3 inches on him but Beau stood his ground. “Keep your hands off the lady” he growled. “Oh come on man I’m just trying to show her what a big girl like her really needs” he said laughing. Beau stood in between you two now. “I said back off. Don’t make me tell you again.” Beau said.
The man grabbed your arm again and pulled you hard causing you to yelp in pain. Beau knocked the guy flat on his ass and pulled you into his arms. “Are you okay darlin” he asked. Tears were streaming down your face and you shook your head no.
Beau paid the tab and helped you outside. You climbed in the truck and he held you as you cried. “I’m sorry Beau. I’m sorry you had to defend me because of my size. I’m sorry the man grabbed me. I understand if you don’t want to see me again.” You sobbed.
“Oh sweetheart. You have nothing to be sorry for. That man was a jackass and he had no right talking to you like that or putting his hands on you. I love the way you look. You’re so beautiful to me. I’m sorry people don’t see how beautiful you are. Inside and out.” Beau wiped away the tears from your face.
He leaned over and kissed your lips softly. When he pulled away he looked at you. “Was that okay” he asked. “More than okay, Beau. It was amazing.” You whispered. “Good because I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I saw you this morning and if you’re okay with it I’m going to do it again.” You smiled and nodded.
This time the kiss was deeper and passionate. Oh the way he kissed you set your soul on fire. He started the truck to drive home and he held your hand again. You knew Beau Arlen was going to be one of the best things in your life. You knew he was going to protect you, defend you and love you. You knew with him your heart would always be protected.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92 @suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 @manicjk
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baobaoyuu · 4 months
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TITLE : bitter coffee
summary : in which , a barista working at dunkins caught the growing rapper's attention. too bad he's not in the same major as you in college.. he thinks.
1 : dunkin gal
2 : the butter pecan crunch guy is pretty cute
3 : ...
i'm not sure how many chapters this series will hold , hence i'll give out the chapter names after uploading.
the writings does NOT represent the actual idol's personality. remember that this is a work of fiction.
— baobaoyuu , 2024.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 5 months
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Thank you so so much for the tags @welcometololaland @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sznofthesticks @carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @sugdenlovesdingle & @tommy-kinard-buckley 💕
Carlos laughs quietly and runs his fingers through his husband’s soft, sleep mussed hair; he loves the way it falls loose across his face in the mornings, freed from the gel that usually keeps it coifed and pushed back. He loves TK on mornings like this, soft and warm and pliable. And just for him.
“You can have whatever you want, baby,” Carlos coaxes.
Bennu is TK’s favorite coffee shop, a local mom and pop with several locations around East and Central Austin. He discovered it shortly after he moved to town while he was exploring the city with Paul and Marjan. They’d stumbled upon the cafe on Congress and TK was hooked. His favorite drink is the Don Quixote, a Mexican hot chocolate mocha with vanilla, almond and cinnamon. On their shared mornings off TK likes to walk to the Bennu about half-a-mile from the loft. Carlos gets a macchiato cortado and they split a cinnamon roll and a pecan bar. Sometimes Paul or Marj or both will meet up with them and they’ll head over to the park a couple blocks down with their coffee, sometimes they’ll play a game of ultimate frisbee or kick a soccer ball around. Sometimes TK and Marjan will lay in the grass and gossip and point out all the clouds that are shaped like dogs as they go by while Paul and Carlos walk around the small pond in the middle of the park and discuss the latest book they’re reading for their unofficial book club — “does it count as a book club if it’s just two people?” TK always teases — or the political climate in the Texas legislature or Paul’s struggle to accept Asha’s insistence on sneaking stevia into whatever she’s baking. Sometimes they bring Buttercup. Carlos has been thinking more and more lately about getting a dog of their own to accompany them on days like that.
Tagging @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @honeybee-taskforce @nancygillianmvp @thisbuildinghasfeelings @bonheur-cafe @paperstorm @basilsunrise @whatsintheboxmh @freneticfloetry @chicgeekgirl89 @strandnreyes @eclectic-sassycoweyes @vineofroses @ladytessa74 @fitzherbertssmolder @fallout-mars @your-catfish-friend @kiwichaeng @iboatedhere @liminalmemories21 @literateowl @guardian-angle22 @tinyluminaryzombie @herefortarlos @filet-o-feelings @rmd-writes @theghostofashton @reyesstrand @lightningboltreader @never-blooms @decafdino @certifiedflower @zitasempri and OPEN TAG
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talshiargirlfriend · 2 months
I wish you would write a fic with T'Pol's first attempt at making Trip a pecan pie for his birthday. ;)
I hope you enjoy this birthday treat!
T’Pol had researched and studied carefully, for this was an important assignment. She had compared recipes and watched instructional videos and enlisted Ensign Sato’s bartering skills (to obtain the necessary quantity of bourbon) and even risked the notoriously temperamental Chef’s capricious wrath by entering the kitchen. 
Her task complete, she inspected the results: one large pecan pie to be shared with friends following a dinner to celebrate Trip’s birthday, and one miniature version she intended to deliver personally to the man of honor. 
The small repaired tears in the crust did not detract significantly from the overall appearance of the dessert. The halved pecans on the surfaces were arranged neatly in symmetrical patterns. The color was pleasing, and the sweet aroma promised an appealing flavor. T’Pol determined it to be a satisfactory physical product. 
Chef had praised her efforts as “nice - passable for a first try” before telling her to get the hell out of his kitchen. 
The time for the true evaluation of her work was approaching. 
Physical and chemical reactions, ratios, melting points, things that could be measured and quantified, she understood well. 
Human social behavior? That remained an enigma. It was far more ambiguous, especially around mating. 
T’Pol had only herself to blame for being so thoroughly immersed in this world of emotion and nuance, and now she simply must navigate it to the best of her abilities. On reflection, perhaps she should also blame Trip. She suspected he would like that. 
With the tiny pastry and a single fork concealed in a lidded container, she approached Trip’s door.
Apprehension and doubt rose up like tiny biting insects to be swatted away. T’Pol blinked as she reached for the chime. That analogy certainly belonged to her human mate. 
“Come in!” Trip called through the door.
“Happy birthday,” she greeted him.
“It is now,” he smiled warmly as he raised his first two fingers to brush against hers. “I missed you at the movie last night.” 
“I’m sorry, but as I told you an important project required my attention.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to be sorry. It’s just more fun when you’re there. You know I like hearing your questions and observations.” He also liked teasing her and attempting to coax her into eating popcorn from his hands.
“Whatcha got there?” he cocked his head toward the small container she carried.
“It is a gift for you,” she explained as she placed it on the desk and lifted the lid. 
Trip leaned down and inhaled deeply. “Oh, that smells good! What kind of equipment upgrades did you have to bribe Chef with to get me my own little birthday pie? It’s so cute.” 
“I may have promised to mention the power supply to the auxiliary stasis units. He does not like sharing his kitchen.” T’Pol handed Trip the fork with an amused glance. 
He had lifted the first bite halfway to his mouth when he paused and looked at her with a hint of a frown. “Wait. Did you-? You made this?”
She nodded, “That’s correct.”
“I didn't know you liked baking.” His eyes roamed her face as if searching for something. 
“I have never attempted it before. It was not disagreeable.”
“High praise,” he teased, but he set the fork down and was blinking back some emotion. 
Vulcans do not get nervous, but T’Pol was slightly concerned that she had misread the situation. She had been so certain that something made with care and attention by her own hands, however inexpertly, would be seen as indicative of the care and devotion she felt toward him. Perhaps something else would have been a more appropriate gift. This was the first occasion they’d had to mark since agreeing to share a romantic relationship, and his guidance had been simply a whispered “surprise me.”
“Sorry. Didn't mean to get all emotional on you.”
“Your emotions do not offend me,” she said softly.
”That’s good ‘cause I’m full of ‘em right now,” he huffed. 
“All those extra ‘lab hours’ this week - I bet you looked real cute with flour on the tip of your nose.”
T’Pol glared at him without any heat behind it. 
He took her hand and rubbed his thumb over it gently, “And I bet you hated getting it under your fingernails.”
She tilted her head in acknowledgment. 
He looked at her seriously for a moment. “Thank you, T’Pol. I love you, too.”
Now it was her turn to blink rapidly as his affection and understanding filled her with warmth, like the first sip of tea on a cold morning. 
“I shoulda known you made this. I've never seen more perfectly spaced pecans in my entire life! Did you use a laser level?” She realized he was teasing her to allow the more overwhelming emotions to settle over them both. Her appreciation of him and the subtle ways he managed his feelings and hers only grew.  
“Perhaps you should actually taste it before thanking me,” she suggested.
He grinned and took a bite at last. “No, you’re right, I rescind my thanks. This is terrible.” 
He smirked at her around his second forkful. “Here, see for yourself,” he offered her the next bite. 
T’Pol found it pleasingly complex but slightly too sweet. 
“You open to constructive criticism?” he asked.
She had no plans to bake again in the near future, but she nodded just to hear his thoughts. 
“Maybe take it out of the oven a little sooner next time, so it doesn't set quite so firmly.” His gaze traveled over her body and became what could only be described as lascivious. “I like it with a little jiggle.” He licked his lips, looking very pleased with himself. 
“If I describe to you how I would ‘like it’, we will be late for dinner,” she responded in kind.
“I can’t believe you said that!” His mouth dropped open and he plunked the fork back down and laughed helplessly.
“You may consider it another birthday surprise if you wish.” It was very gratifying to provoke such joy in him. 
Once his laughter subsided, Trip leaned in close and planted a kiss on her jaw. “I say it’s worth the risk. Tell me how you’d like it,” he breathed against her ear. 
They were late for dinner. 
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
Hopper Croakington II Headcanons:
His full name is Prince Hopper Thaddeus Croakington II.
He grew up in a southern US lifestyle. His mother especially embodied Southern hospitality and encouraged him to do the same. His father was more of a northern type but still very welcoming and amicable.
His family was on a reality show called “Keeping Up with the Croakingtons.” It’s the main reason why he’s socially awkward and anxious, due to cameras watching and following him. His “Frog-Poofing” was popular among fans, making him more and more anxious. The show finally ended after he started school, much to his and his mother’s relief.
He had a more pronounced stutter when he was little. He recited the Crooked Man poem to help him overcome it, but it still comes out sometimes.
The reason the kissing cure is not permanent (at least, for recent generations) is because the true antidote to the curse would be for the princess to kill Hopper. In the original story, the Frog Prince was thrown against a wall and killed, only to be resurrected as a human. Hopper is so scared of this happening that he’s convinced himself that he’ll break the curse when he finds the right princess.
He had a habit of eating bugs in human form when he was little. 
He is a complete momma’s boy. His father was there, caring, and present in Hopper’s life, but he was always closer to his mother. 
Hopper suffers from seasonal depression. Winter months make him feel sluggish, and he copes by eating. He undergoes light therapy to help with this. 
He’s a fairly decent cook. He’s no Jack Horner, but he makes a mean pecan pie. 
He had a bodyguard named Iron Henry. He was somewhat of a second father to Hopper growing up. 
Hopper’s relative, the Toad King, is responsible for the genetic frog curse in Hopper’s family line. For whatever reason, he passed the legacy down to his niece/nephew instead of any direct heirs. He then placed the frog curse on the family himself, modifying it so that a princess’s kiss will only cause a temporary remedy. No one remembers why he did this, but Hopper has a deep resentment for toads because of it.
He is slightly farsighted. 
He’s very athletic. He loves bookball especially. It’s something he and his dad bond over.
He has enormous feet. 
He loves watching sitcoms from the 90s. His favorites are the Fresh Prince of Spel-Air, Prince Meets Kingdom, and Saved by the Wishing Well. 
The frog curse in Hopper’s family is triggered by something the person must overcome. For Hopper, it’s his awkwardness. 
He prefers writing over speaking. It helps him truly convey what he’s feeling without stumbling. 
He is a very good poet, even in his human form.
While he’s afraid of many things, he has a particular fear of herons. 
Hopper is gay, but he’s been told all his life that kissing the princess of his destiny will break his curse. He wants that to happen more than anything (and he doesn’t want to think about the other option) so he’s had to convince himself that he has to like girls. He latched onto Briar because he admires her confidence and ability to make friends with anyone. 
Hopper’s dad never broke his frog curse, even though he found his princess and still loves her. The family pretends that this isn’t the case to keep up appearances, but Hopper does worry that he may never overcome his curse.
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lysarria · 1 year
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Warnings: Fluff, Tiny hint of PTSD, Cussing, Lots of love ❤️
Words: 3562
I enjoyed writing this and I hope that you all enjoy it as well. This story will be 2 parts. Possibly 3. There will be typos. Thank you for reading ☺️😘
A love that never fades
Part 1
Finally got the last box out of storage and into my house. Long distance moving and trying to get everything lined up is frustrating and very exhausting. I flopped my tired body onto the couch to rest my sore feet and back. I reached for my phone to check the notifications and I saw I had new text messages. Most were in my group chat with Cat and James (My friend and Sy's sister Catherine and her husband James who is good friend of Sy's from the Army). I replied in our group chat and went to my next set of new texts and they were from Lily (Sy's Mom).
Lily - Good morning sunshine and welcome home! We are thrilled that you are back here. We think of you as family and love you. You are always welcome at our house.
Let me know if you need any help! If you are feeling up for it later today we would love to have you over at the house for dinner and catching up. You're welcome over anytime but we will start cooking around 4:00. :)
While reading her messages I started to tear up a little bit and felt happiness in my heart. I moved away for a job opportunity little over 3 years ago. I gained a great deal of experience to further my job advancement but the feeling of being out of place and alone started to wear me down. I knew where I belonged so I put together a plan and made it happen. I replied back and let her know that I'd love to come over and that I would let her know once I was on my way.
I placed my phone on the ottoman and jumped up and started to dig around in boxes and putting together an outfit for this afternoon. Once that mission was completed I decided to turn on some music to rock out to and start working on unpacking boxes and figure out how I wanted to setup the house. Mötley Crüe - "Kickstart my heart" came on and that music adrenaline rush hit and I was rocking out all over the house cleaning out boxes while memories of Sy started to flood in and how he had taken me to see Mötley Crüe in concert a couple of times. He would always stand close to me, especially during the slow songs. He would stand behind me and wrap his arms tightly around me. Damn, I miss him. Does he miss me? Does he ever think of me ? For whatever reason we became distant after I moved. Honestly, the man is on my mind probably more than he should be, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. I sighed and shook my head and reset my focus back on the task.
I took a much needed long shower. The hot water felt so good on my sore body. Now it was time to finish getting ready and drive over to the Syverson's for dinner. I sent Lily a text to let her know I would be leaving soon and should arrive in 30 minutes. I am excited, nervous, happy and somewhat emotional on this drive. I haven't seen them in years and I have missed them so much. It is such a beautiful drive in the country to their house.
The leaves are starting to change colors for Fall. The feeling of actually being home is becoming stronger and stronger. The feeling of real happiness is sparking again. Moving back to Texas was the best decision and I'm excited for the future.
I entered their long driveway and came to a stop. I stepped out of the car and grabbed my phone to take a picture. They have Pecan trees and Oak trees along the sides of the driveway. The color of the leaves are so magical. A slight breeze blows the leaves around and the smell of crisp air flows. I've always loved their property. Out in the country. Away from the loud and busy city. Out here it's just nature and peace. I let out a content sigh and get back into the car and continue on. I parked my car and got out and looked around. Sy's truck is under the car port. He would always leave his truck at his parents during deployment. I could feel my heart speeding up just seeing his truck and all the memories I have with him. Our random adventures, driving around just because, going out to eat, sitting on the tailgate and watching sunsets. He loves that truck and seemed that he also loved having me sit next to him with his arm around me. I know that I loved it and I would put my head against his chest. I know he's currently deployed in Iraq but a big part of me wishes that this was a surprise and he was actually home because he's pulled that surprise on me before. I jumped as a dog started to bark at me and my eyes quickly located the incoming dog. "Hank!?" I quickly squatted down and greeted their Chocolate Labrador, Hank. I gave him lots of love and pets as he's trying to lick my face off and dancing in excitement. All these years and he remembers me! Then I hear laughing and look up to see Lily and Felix (Sy's Dad). I stood up and walked towards them and they met me half way. Lots of hugs given and received. They are two of the kindest people I've ever met. Chatting away in the driveway with Lily and there's good ole Hank at my side. Felix went back into the house but returned in seconds. I can hear keys jingling and slightly curious. Lily stepped away to check on dinner and Felix motions for me to follow him. We chat back and forth as we walk to Sy's truck and he hands me the keys that I heard. I looked at him and then to the truck. Felix smiles at me and says "Go ahead Sweetheart. I saw you checking out his truck when you got here." I unlocked the door and slowly slide onto the custom made leather bench seat. I looked down at the set of keys and Sy still had something on the keyring that I had made for him many years ago when I was learning different crafts. A small metal charm in the shape of Texas and I had engraved Sy and a little heart below his name. I put the key in the ignition and started up his truck. Ahhh that loud rumble. I can't help but smile like a big goof. His truck had such a distinct sound. Everything inside looks almost the same as a few years ago. I turned off the truck and slid out of and I handed Felix the keys and thanked him. He then looks at me and says "You know he loves you, right." Tears immediately start to form up as I look at him. Shocked and unsure what to do or say. Felix reaches out and hugs me tightly and as I'm crying I tell him that I love his son so much. He patted me on the back saying "I know you love him, sweetheart. You always have. You're very special to him and to us as well. You bring out a side of him that not many people get to see. You truly make him happy, dear."
Felix made sure I was okay and then stepped back into the house to help Lily with dinner. I walked around the yard with Hank by my side as I gather myself and my thoughts before I head inside. We walk up the steps and I open the door and I'm hit with the wonderful smell of Pot Roast. Lily and Felix always made the most delicious meals. I head into the kitchen and let them know dinner smells great! Lily smiles and winks at me. "We knew this was one of your favorites and we felt a good comfort meal would be perfect for this evening." Felix is making homemade mashed potatoes and rolls. I thanked them for doing so much for me and it wasn't needed. They just shake their heads at me and Felix said dinner will still be a bit and to make myself at home.
I walked around the house and viewed the framed pictures on the walls. Many pictures of friends and family. Army pictures. Baby pictures. A few of the pictures I remember and then some new ones. Pictures of Cat and James adorable daughter, Skyler. She is 2 years old. There's a picture of my Dad and Felix. They were both Majors in the Army. They had met on Base and quickly became good friends. That is how I ended up in this area during my highschool days. My parents had divorced and I picked to live with my Dad. He was transferred to Texas and of all the places we lived. This is where I felt the most at "home." A lot of that is from meeting the Syverson family and how fast they welcomed us in like we were family. Now I am in my late 30s and this is where I still feel the most at home and welcomed. I stepped down the hallway and there's one of my favorite pictures of me and Sy at a Fall festival. Both of us making goofy faces while lost in a corn maze. I can't believe that was almost 4 years ago. Another picture is me with the Syverson family on Christmas. Cat came up with the idea of doing an ugly Christmas sweater photo op and everyone actually agreed to it. That was a fun day. We did the photos after opening our gifts. So to add to the ugly sweaters we decided to stick bows on each other and do silly pictures. His family has such a great sense of humor and very laid back. All these memories makes my heart feel alive. I walked down the hall more and enter Sy's old bedroom. He always liked to stay at his parents house from time to time. Framed Army certificates, Medals, Awards and Army group pictures are hung on the walls. His stereo system and large music collection still sat in the same spot as I remembered. The top of his dresser had a couple of framed pictures. One of him with his parents before leaving for his first deployment. The second picture is of us at Cat and James wedding 4 years ago. Sy in his Army dress uniform....*swoons*. Another favorite picture of us. They had such a beautiful outdoors evening wedding. I grabbed the photo and sat on the bed and just stared at it. It's so obvious that we love each other. I have so many regrets and I'm sure Sy has regrets as well. I do hope that whenever he returns home that he will want to see me and we can talk. I miss that man so much. Half of my heart feels empty without him. Then I hear a knock on the door and Lily walks in. She sat down on the bed next to me and looked at the picture with me.
"He called us a couple of days ago. We told him that you were getting yourself settled in. I could hear a difference in his voice once I mentioned you. He sounded livelier. He asked if you were single! Oh my boy. That was his first question about you. I could hear him smile. If that makes sense. When I told him that you were single. He said he wished he could get on that plane now and come home. He probably has three more months on this deployment but maybe things will change and he can come home sooner. That would be wonderful, huh? Ya know....you should mail him a Care package. I remember when you would mail him packages and letters all the time. You helped him feel like he wasn't too far from home or alone. He knew he had people back home that cared and loved him. I think that would be quite the surprise for him on mail day! I will write down his address for you. He decided to date about a year and half ago while he was home in between deployments and that didn't last long. That girlfriend was absolutely the worst nightmare ever and really messed him up. He was really hard on himself after that. He wanted to jump in his truck and drive out to see you. He kept kicking himself for not asking you out. So many years he wanted to ask you out. He wanted to take it further with you but he always hesitated. We sat right here on this bed and had many discussions about the two of you. I believe in soul mates and I feel it in my heart that you two are meant to be. You both were teenagers when you met but even then. You both clicked like you had known each other for a lifetime and got along perfectly. It was hard for him to fully wrap around the idea he had met "the one" at such a young age. Then he went into the Army and was away so often. He wasn't sure if you wanted that life with him because you grew up in the Army life with your dad. At times he wondered if he deserved to have you in his life in that way. Each deployment changed him and I get it. I went through it with Felix. Just like you had seen a change in your Dad over the years. I told Sy that you are both strong people and can handle anything that is tossed at you. As he grew up and older he realized more and more that you were his world and didn't want to be without you and kicked himself for the past and letting all these years slip by. You two have such a special bond and no other woman has made him feel the way that you do or treated him so lovingly the way you do. I think things will fall right back into place as they were with you two and your future together will be bright and full of happiness and maybe even a wedding! Then we can officially make you a Syverson!"
Lily winked at me and I can feel that I'm blushing and my face hurts from smiling. Felix shouts from down the hall that dinner is ready!
Dinner was amazing and the best meal I've had in a long time. We sat at the table talking and catching up. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the sun was setting. The sky was covered in orange, red and a hint of yellow. I quickly jumped up and asked if one of them would take my picture with Sy's truck so I could print him a copy and put it in his care package. We rushed outside to capture the gorgeous sunset before it was gone. The sun was shining brightly through the trees. Felix took a few pictures for me and then I asked for a group picture. Of course we included Hank! It was very entertaining trying to get the 4 of us in a picture but we finally got it. I can give Sy a copy of that picture as well. We go back inside and continue to chat and catch up. Lily yawns and I didn't realize how fast time had zipped by. It was almost 10:00 p.m. I thanked them again for a wonderful evening and everything they had done for me. They followed me out to my car. I gave Hank some pets and told him bye. I hugged Lily and Felix again and got into the car then Lily stops me from leaving and runs into the house and returns with a post-it note and smiles at me. It's Sy's Military address. It's too late to shop for items tonight. I know what my plans are for tomorrow after my morning jog. I'm excited to go shopping for Sy like I use to and buy some of his favorite things. The drive home went by fast as I had many thoughts going in my brain. Having someone and something special to look forward to. It really makes each day better and happier.
I got up early and went for my usual sunrise jog. Afterwards, I went the post office to get Priority mail shipping boxes and then off to the store to buy items to put into his care packages. It's been such a long time since I've felt like this. The excitement for him to receive my packages and how he'll react when he opens. If only I could see those reactions. From the way his parents talked to me then he should be over the moon. I purchased: coffee, creamer packets, beef jerky, trail mix, oatmeal cookies, granola bars and packs of crackers. Then I decided to get some candies that were cute and a little flirty. In my head I could see him shaking his head and grinning as he pulled the items out of the box. So off to the candy aisle! I tossed a variety of different types of Hershey's kisses...they probably won't survive the Iraq heat but I'm sure he'll still enjoy. Looking around I spot Hot Tamales candies.... I mean...he is pretty damn hot. Perfect find. Tossed a couple of boxes of those in the cart. The last great find... Gummy bears! Of course. I've called him Bear for almost 20 years. Then I went to the other side of the store and purchased some hygiene products that will I will put into a different care package box. Off to the register to purchase the items. I almost feel like squealing and dancing as I exit the store. Before going home I swing by the photo center and quickly print off some copies of the pictures we had taken the day before.
I placed all of the store bags on the living room floor and then I went to browse my crafting box for cardstock, stickers, markers and glue. It's been a while since I've mailed him a package but I had kept all of the supplies. I sat on the living room floor and started working on the packages. Trying to decide on what to write on the inside flaps of the boxes. Then it hit me...."Someone in Texas misses you beary much!". Cute, cheesy, corny? I'm going to go with my heart on this and just be me. After writing that on the flaps I placed a big cute bear sticker on one flap and then placed some little red hearts on each flap. I filled up the boxes with the items I had purchased. I wrote a short note to him on the inside of a card and wrote my phone number at the bottom. I'd love to hear his voice. I placed the photos in the card and sealed the envelope. I looked at both care packages and felt like they were ready to be taped up and to be mailed. I decided to add a little extra love and put some hearts on the outside of the boxes as well. I wish I could see the looks he receives whenever he picks up his packages.
Off to the Post office I go. I took a picture of me with the boxes and sent to Lily. Packages were accepted and later today they will officially be on the way to Iraq to a very special Captain. I get back into the car and Lily had replied:
Wow Honey!! You were on it this morning, huh?! You are such a wonderful person. Thank you for caring and loving our Son like you do. Thank you for loving us and we love you and glad you're a part of our family.
Each day I check the tracking numbers on his packages to see their progress. On day 10 the status on both of his packages change to Arrived to Military Post office. They made it ! Now the feeling of being nervous/anxious hits. I check the tracking again a few hours later and the status has changed. Green words that say "Package delivered to Recipient." I thought I was nervous and anxious earlier. Nope. What I feel now blows that away. I want to jump up and down, scream, cry, giggle, dance. Every emotion is hitting me. Will he call me or maybe just write to me. I can't concentrate on anything. All of my thoughts are on him and these packages I sent. Hours go by and nothing. It's almost 9:00 pm and my phone starts to vibrate and I freeze in spot. I grab my phone. Unknown number. I accepted the call and said Hello. I hear a lot of crackling. No voice. I say hello again. Still just crackling. Then I hear a deep breath...
"I miss you too, Sweet Pea."
..... To be continued 💚
Tags: @mayloma @identity2212 @happydistraction @blah80 @beck07990
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asinglepecan · 15 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 Prompt 4: Reticent
Saga opens up about Carteneau
Saga had made a habit of sitting in at the Ironworks. Cid Garlond was one of the few people Saga didn’t mind the company of. There was kinship between turncoats, a quiet bond in the mutual knowledge that neither would ever see home again. An understanding that all their work could crumble. A longing for old things. It was Garlond that repaired Saga’s pistol, and smuggled her Garlean secrets and comforts when he could. Knowledge on new weaponry, uncovered histories of Allag, Landisian vodka and Garlean cigarettes. 
The two of them had found some comfort in each other's diligent work. The sounds of Garlond working at metal and magitek reminded Saga of home. Her mother’s workshop was always alive with noisy progress, soot-black hands toiling at the latest ceruleum wonder. When the men marched to war it was Landis’ women that took to the forge, and Saga had grown surrounded by her Aunts bickering and her Mother’s barked orders. She could hide in the corner of the shop, holed up with broken things, and listen to the cacophony. All day her mother would fling insults and sparks in equal measure, and Saga would sit and learn.
“A Corwyk does not make shoddy product. You make again.”
“The Armies need good steel, this is scrap! You make again.”
“I give you a place to work and you give me this? Disgraceful. You make again.”
Looking back, Saga understood the harshness. The Garleans were not kind to those who could not provide. And so her mother was not kind to those who could not provide. You cannot just be good, you cannot just be better, you must be perfect. In her own way, her mother was giving everyone the chance to survive. That was a word Saga could grasp, a word she had chased much of her life. Saga would be perfect, and Saga would survive.
Whilst Garlond hammered away at his newest contraptions, Saga worked at her own art. She devoured knowledge of the Arcane. Scraps and memories of real magic, magic from the old empires, older than Garlemald. Magics white and black, and the careful dance between. Her current focus was on a ritual of white magic, gifted to her by Cwaenrael, which she was slowly translating.
Garlond interrupted her work, however, with a question.
“You saw the moon didn’t you? at the Flats, I mean.”
The memory stole Saga away from her texts. It hung in the sky like a glaring eye, peered into her soul with white-hot light. Stole from her. Stole her eye. Stole her purpose. Stole her life. She clenched her book a little tighter.
“I don’t mean to pry, it’s just… a personal matter. I need to know what it was like from the ground. I need to do right by everyone that died that day. And everyone still carrying on after.”
The air sat in uncomfortable silence. Garlond fidgeted uncomfortably, clearly worried he had crossed a line. Saga looked past him, still gripping her papers tightly. Slowly, she began.
“I-I watched that…thing… wipe my squad out before I could blink. I had spent my whole life hearing about Garlean dominance. The right to rule. The promise that conquered lands could be made better, that Landis was better without its gods and knights. Stronger. I followed the Black Wolf into war without hesitation. Dalamud wasn’t war.”
Saga paused. She could feel herself wanting to close up.
“I don’t know Garlond. It didn’t just kill our soldiers, it killed my faith. It caught me unprepared and I’m never getting caught like that again.”
Garlond’s expression tightened. 
It had stolen everything from her, but worse it made her realize how small she really was. It taught her what she needed to do. Saga was going to be perfect, and Saga was going to survive.
I kinda did the opposite of the prompt with this, but thinking about how closed off Saga usually is made me want to write her letting a bit of her feelings out for once. For once not reticent
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icebear4president · 3 months
I wanted to write something for both of the boys ‘birthdays, but I wasn’t able to. Still, I wanted to make something cute, if a little cheesy, for the best brothers ever.
Stars glittered across the dark expanse of the night sky, the only lights that shone during this tranquil time. Except, tonight would be different; now bursts of color would light up the entire sky, signaling the strike of midnight and a bright welcome to a new day.
Matthew sat on his windowsill seat, warm cup of tea in his hands while he admired the fireworks. He wasn't one for extravagant displays, but it was his birthday, so he allowed himself to indulge in it just this once. It only came once a year after all.
Birthdays. He didn't really give them much thought. The most he did was go to a few parades here and there, or indulge in not-so-healthy snacks. Besides, he usually had plans reserved for today...
Loud banging broke him from his musings, and he located the noise almost immediately. There was Alfred waving excitedly from the window across from Matthew, where he showed up every year along with his bag of treats.
Matthew's lip twitched, but he pushed down his amusement, trying to make himself look annoyed while he pushed the window open. "Can't you use the front door like a normal person?" He scolded as Alfred jumped inside besides him.
"And miss the opportunity for my grand entrance? Not a chance bro!" Alfred said, ruffling his hair back to look more presentable. "Except it does mess up my hair."
Matthew chuckled and shook his head fondly, following Alfred who was already making his way to the kitchen. Alfred dropped his bag unceremoniously on the table, digging into it and pulling out the contents. "Let's see, drinks, snacks, doughnuts," he threw the pack at Matthew who caught it with one hand, satisfied to see that Alfred remembered to have them made with chocolate glaze instead of regular, "And of course, birthday cake!"
As the tradition every year, the brothers tried to best each other in a competition to see who could make the best birthday cake. Matthew had a winning streak the last three years, but it seemed Alfred was determined to win, the huge cake shaped like a maple leave, with smaller ones iced on.
"Well?" Alfred asked with a cocky smile, pleased with his creation.
"It's not that bad," Matthew admitted through a mouth full of doughnut. "But the real question is, what flavor is it?"
"A maple pecan cream cake! I hacked into your computer and looked at search history for the recipes you used the most." Matthew went red at that wondering what else his brother saw, but Alfred kept babbling, oblivious to his internal panic. "Can you believe the dude at the bakery actually asked if I wanted it birthday cake flavor? Like what?"
Alfred looked scandalized at the mere suggestion, and Matthew mirrored his expression.
"How can something be birthday cake flavor if birthday cake can be any flavor,' they said in unison.
Another bout of fireworks went off, causing both of the brothers to flinch violently in surprise, Matthew dropping his beloved doughnuts(he had went through many betrayals through his life, but this had to be one of the worse), and Alfred bumping into the table.
The cake wobbled precariously, and Alfred's eyes widened in horror as it started to slide to the side. He immediately sprang up to catch it, but missed it by an inch, instead slipping and landing face first into the cake.
The room went dead silent, Alfred frozen in place with icing dripping down his face and bits of cake stuck in his hair, and completely mortified. He gave Matthew a guilty look, ready for a firm reprimand.
Instead, Matthew doubled over laughing, giggles making his shoulders heave. "Oh my god, I can't believe you actually did that," he wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye, "Where's my phone, I NEED to take a picture of this!"
"Oh no you don't!" Alfred lunges at him, tackling him to floor, and grabbed the nearest pile of cake and rubbing it over Matthew's face. Matthew sputtered, face red in anger and embarrassment. He flipped them over repeating what Alfred did to him, and soon they were tumbling around the kitchen floor, spreading cake and icing everywhere they landed.
After a few moments they gave up, panting on the ground, both covered head to toe in what used to be a birthday cake. They shared a look and immediately burst into giggles.
"Does this mean I automatically win the cake contest?" Matthew asked, after they calmed down. Alfred groaned and banged his head against the floor. "Ugh, I'll give you a handicap because I actually made a mistake," he said.
Matthew hummed, licking some of the icing off his fingers. "I'll give a few points for the taste. And presentation," he teased. He got up and brushed himself off, before holding out his hand to Alfred. "Anyways, I think it should just about be time, eh?"
Alfred took it gratefully, and was already tugging Matthew along behind him. "Seems like it! Let's hurry before we miss it!" He reopened the window, precariously balancing on the edge and climbed up to the roof, Matthew close behind. Okay they still had at least three hours to go, but now there was no way they would miss the sunrise.
Alfred handed him ear mufflers which he gladly took. He looked out into the darkness, watching the fireworks that continued to rage on. It really was beautiful.
Alfred nudged him, making Matthew look at him. "I got you something even though I know we promised not to get each other gifts." He said quickly before Matthew could protest. He reached behind his neck unlocking a chain with a stone and placed it into Matthew's hand.
He looked a little embarrassed, but started to explain. "I know it's kinda silly, but I read somewhere a cornelian stone represents family, so I just- you know what, the technicalities don't really matter." He curved Matthew's fingers over the gift. "But what matters is you always have the best day imaginable. Happy Birthday, Mattie."
Matthew's felt the familiar pinpricks of tears and he wiped them away hastily, laughing as he did. He met Alfred's smile with his own soft one.
“You know what? I think this might be the best birthday yet."
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ashhh-14 · 11 months
OC's I created, which I'll gladly be writing about, on request or when my heart sings for them~
All the necessary information about them and their characterization is given below, take your pick and request on whoever you like!
Pictures belong to the rightful owners! Mwah~
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Name-> Samuel
Age-> 20
Eye colour-> Cedar brown
Modern setting
The barista who works down the street at a cafe, also does his degree in literature at your university.
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Name-> Theodore
Age-> 28
Eye colour-> chocolate brown
Medevial setting
A scholar, manages the largest library of Ashford Kingdom. He also assists the Royal family with his knowledge.
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Name-> Lucifer
Age-> 24
Eye colour-> Red
Modern setting
Runs a mafia business after inheriting it from his father. Also owns a successful clothing brand.
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Name-> Arthur
Age-> 36
Eye colour-> Paris brun
Medevial setting
A duke by profession in the Ashford Kingdom. Manages the civil affairs after the royal family.
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Name-> Issac
Age-> 25
Eye colour-> Golden
Medevial setting
First born prince of Ashford Kingdom. Soon to be crowned as the king.
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Name-> Xavier
Age-> 22
Eye colour-> Pecan Brown
Modern setting
Right hand man and friend of the owner of 'the frenzy'
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Name-> Adam
Age-> 19
Eye colour-> Sky blue
Modern setting
A science major at your university.
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Name-> Hunter
Age-> 26
Eye colour-> Jade green
Modern setting
Owner of the 'H.S. corporation', took after his dad after finishing his degree in Business management.
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Name-> Leonard
Age-> 27
Eye colour-> Jet black
Medevial setting
An expert martial artist, taking after the skills of his master and becoming next in line. Owns his own dojo.
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Name-> Ace
Age-> 21
Eye colour-> Forest green
Medevial setting
Second born and younger prince of Ashford Kingdom.
Let's keep their personalities a secret for now! I have them in mind but I want to portray them through my writing rather than simple words!
Please feel free to request I'd love to write them!
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thevirginwitch · 9 months
New Moon in Capricorn - January 11, 2024
This post was posted 8 days early over on my Patreon! Be sure to follow me on Patreon for free to be notified when I post new content, or when I make important announcements!
This is a successful period for career development and long-term planning. You may be feeling extra ambitious to tackle new projects, or finally gather the courage to go for the new promotion or job you’ve been looking for.
Your emotions will be moved to the backburner during this time, however. You may be feeling more guarded and there will be a breakdown of communication between your heart and your head – try not to dwell on these inner turmoils, and be wary when spending time with others who may not be understanding of this emotionally-absent period.
Your energy is best spent on patience and self-control, and investments and long-term plans. Plus, a little self-care never hurt anyone!
Red & Black Poppy
Number 8
Journaling Prompts
What does “success” mean to me?
How can I re-evaluate my finances to better suit my goals?
What is a project I’ve always wanted to start, but was too scared to? What small steps can I take to begin that project?
Spells, Charms, Rituals & More
Successful Growth Jar Spell
This spell is a lot like a sourdough starter – keep feeding it and as it grows, so will your success! This is very similar to a money bowl, but in my opinion, it’s more like an altar that you can constantly work on and change. Plus, it kinda looks like those vases from the 90s/2000s filled with neon sand art, so… that's a plus.
A large, tall jar (I'm using an old pasta jar)
Rice for abundance
Bay leaves for wishes, luck, manifestation and abundance
Coins and/or dollar bills for abundance
Ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks for success and abundance
Pecans and/or walnuts for success
Pen or pencil
Permanent marker
Take your rice and layer a good amount at the bottom of your jar, maybe an inch or so. This will be the “foundation” of your spell, and represents the beginnings of your success.
Next, write on a few bay leaves what the “seeds” of your success will be. For example, “time”, “energy”, or “commitment” – things that will grant you the success that you want. Bury them in the rice.
Sprinkle ground cinnamon on the rice (or, shove sticks of cinnamon into the rice). This will represent your efforts to grow your success.
Lastly, sprinkle walnuts or pecans on top. These pieces will represent the “buds” of your success; the beginnings of your rewards.
Now, as time goes on, with each accomplishment you make, write it down on a strip of paper, fold it up, and place it in the jar. With patience, the jar will continue to grow until it is overflowing with accomplishments and successes.
Walnut Charms for Prosperity
Whole walnut(s) for prosperity
Whole cloves for prosperity
Bay leaves for wishes, luck, manifestation and abundance
Rice for abundance
Super glue or twine/string
Golden metallic paint and a paintbrush (optional)
Carefully open your walnuts and clean out the shells.
In each shell, place cloves, crumbled bay leaves, and a few grains of rice.
Charge each shell by meditating, with a candle, or however else you see fit.
Once charged, carefully superglue or tie the two halves of the shell back together.
(Optional) Paint your walnut with gold metallic paint.
Leave on your altar and carry the charm with you when you feel the need for some extra prosperity. Once you feel it has done its job, you may bury the charm in your backyard.
Other Ideas & Considerations
Paint your nails gold or green
Carry cinnamon sticks and/or bay leaves with you or in your wallet
DIY your own wind chimes to carry in good luck
Great time to begin any long-term workings you might be considering
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biscuitblinkeu · 1 year
Build A Bitch [1]
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Park Chaeyoung x Fem!reader
Word count: 3884?
Warnings: this applies to every chapter: Profanity is used, and there is trigger warnings
A/n: Don’t ask why this chapters so long because I have no idea what possessed me to write that much, it’s practically two chapters in one… And, maybe, just maybe, I waited till I reached 400 followers (Wow! Thank you!) to post this series.
“Why is it that I always find you hiding in here?”
Multiple times, when you have nothing to occupy your mind, the question is drawn about and you find yourself asking: what makes someone a Crazy Bitch? The term most indefinitely applies to women, and is said by a “friend” or man in most cases.
Is it a woman that has emotional problems?
“I don’t know how you deal with that crazy bitch. I’d never put up with her antics.”
Is it a woman who after a break up slashes the tires of your car, burns your clothes, and tries to get you fired from your job, that calls you the next day to reconcile?
“That crazy bitch keyed my car!”
Is it a woman who has suffered during their childhood, and as a result of the experience matures to be simultaneously lascivious and sexually aggressive?
“I refuse to go clubbing with her, she’s constantly acting like she’s going to fuck everyone— it’s embarrassing, you can’t go anywhere with that crazy bitch without getting into some kind of trouble. She needs to get help.”
You believe, contrary to the stereotypes that come with the term, that a “crazy bitch” is an intelligent woman who will call you out on your behavior. That will not put up with your bullshit and will hold everything in until you push her to the point that she explodes, and tells you everything about yourself. Verbally destroying your existence, and exposing you for the true piece of shit you are. There’s little to nothing (at all) mentally wrong with these women. Calling them crazy is the only defense a person has to make her seem unstable to everyone.
You slide into a chair, dropping your backpack to the floor with a sigh. You decided to go to your on-campus Starbucks to pass time till class starts. The campus is partially empty because no one takes morning classes. You’re here because you are, in fact, a morning person— though it doesn’t feel like that today. Today, you’d do anything for an extra hour or two of sleep. You’re here because you’re an art major, because your professor, Mr. McCarthy, believed waking up at the (ass) crack of dawn is the most effective way to get those “creative juices” flowing. In short, you and your peers had no choice.
On any other day you would’ve enjoyed your 8:00am life drawing class, but your head is killing you, and so are your feet (you should’ve taken the train) since you wanted to walk across campus and enjoy the morning dew of spring. You’re thirsty and you have half the mind to go and get free water at Starbucks but you don’t want to get up. Everything is just so bright and dizzy. Thus why your head is situated on the oh so cool table top, offering you short relief and bliss.
You groan, slowly lifting your heavy head from the table in hope of easing the splitting throb and squint at the woman who’s robbed you of your peace. She finishes the journey to you and pulls out a chair next to you and you wince. Everything she does is too loud for you right now.
“Lisa,” you sigh, exasperated. “Would it kill you to be a little more subtle?” You sound tired and your voice is a little raspy from the lack of hydration.
Lisa stops talking about her multiple cats and pauses, finally giving you a look over. “Oh.” She whispered, looking apologetic. She gives you a deprecatory smile. “Hangover?”
You nod numbly and Lisa gets up without another word. You close your eyes, only to feel the back of them throbbing in tandem along with your head. About two minutes later, Lisa is back with a Gatorade and banana walnut and pecan loaf.
She sets them in front of you, smiling. “Here, for you. I hope you feel better.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to Lisa, thank you.” You uncap the Gatorade and take a few sips, feeling much more comfortable now that your throat is wet. What would you do without Lisa?
The Thai befriended you freshman year when you shared the photography-I class with her. You didn’t even know how to use a camera if it wasn’t your phone’s. She helped you get through the class with good marks. She ignored what others told her about you and approached you— and you don’t know why she did, because freshman-year you was a trip. You bonded over your love for the arts and animals, quickly becoming close friends. Now, it’s your junior year and you’re still close as ever. You wouldn���t do anything to jeopardize your friendship.
You and Lisa don’t share as many classes this year as you did prior, but you still hang out often. Lisa shares the photography-III and English class with you this year. She majors in dance. Lisa excels in all her classes— especially dance. (This girl can really move!)
As you eat the banana-pecan bread, you wonder why Lisa hasn’t asked you why you have such a bad hangover. Usually she’s on your tail about that, lecturing you on why you should stop going out so much. She knows you went to a party in the upperclassmen’s dorms last night with your Fine Arts major friends.
You observe Lisa, who rambles on about the new choreography she’s learning that she wants to show you, and wonder. Has she finally given up on making you a better you? Is she dissatisfied and disappointed that you still went to the party against her wishes? That you continue to mingle with those:
“Poor excuses of a friend group.”
“Bad influences.”
“Substandard stick-figure drawing shit-heads.”
The last one makes you laugh because it’s the first time you heard Lisa use obscenity and curse. She was really mad that time: when she found out the art portfolio assignment you worked on won the drafting to get featured in a student art showing at a popular museum, she was ecstatic for you. But it failed to be submitted because you were suspected of plagiarism.
For some reason your work looked incredibly similar to your friend’s. It was obvious she copied you. Lisa thinks that your friend had very obvious intentions. If she doesn't win, you don’t win. You go down with her. So when it was obvious you were going to win, she pirated your hard work. Even acted like you stole hers— and the fact you were “friends” didn’t make anything better.
You were devastated at the time, but got over it. Lisa never did, and with a vengeance, she even got her law major friend Jennie involved. Now that? That was a whole mess.
“Why are you staring at me?” Lisa pipes up, and you realize she’s finished her rant and has been calling for your attention for quite some time now.
“You’re not going to ask…?”
“Do you want me to?” Lisa smiles knowingly.
“Yes, actually. Please bestow some of your wisdom on me.” You joke.
“Well,” Lisa begins. “How was the party?” Internally letting out a sigh at her broad question, you know she has to start somewhere.
“It was…interesting.” You say, trying to give a noncommittal response, which you suppose will suffice, considering that you were drunk and can hardly remember the whole event anyway.
“Interesting how? What were you up to?”
Oh, just your usual sexual escapades— can’t tell her that, though, can you?
You shrug and sip from your Gatorade, avoiding eye contact with her. “I don’t remember much…just drinking, dancing, I might have kissed a few people too.” You mutter, almost to yourself.
Lisa furrows her brows. Her gaze flickers to your neck, scrutinizing the expanse of revealed skin. She does this for a moment more before speaking again, seemingly satisfied with what she saw: no marks. “Did you hook up with anyone?” She asks, and the hint of concern in her voice doesn’t go unnoticed.
Lisa wasn’t fond of you sleeping with people you or she didn’t know well, even if those said people went to your college. Lisa may not approve of some things you do, but she’s a loyal friend who just wants you to stay safe.
Your face feels warm. “No,” you assure her. “Just kissing.”
She lets the topic go after that, and she tells you what’s happening in her life right now. Along the way, she got up to buy herself a drink as well, having to stand in a line now that more people are arriving.
It's then when you get a text. Upon opening the chat, your heart drops to your stomach. A text, followed by a chain of photos of you that are absolutely humiliating. The pictures seem to have the one focus to show you in some type of lewd way— like you’re some kind of horny bitch.
The first attachment has you captured during a passionate kiss as you're grinding onto a man’s lap, arms hooked around his neck as he holds your hips. Another shows you with hands slightly under a woman’s dress, you have her pinned against the wall, your lips together in an eager manner. The rest of the pictures follow a similar fashion, some even having inappropriate comments edited on the bottom.
Your phone dings again. It’s a message this time.
Oh God. Your stomach lurches and that deep feeling of anxiety begins to boil. You reread it over and over, irrationally hoping the words are just an illusion and that if you read it again and again the words will change. (They don’t.)
What if I were to post these online?
Your first thought was that whoever this is, is joking. This is just some sick prank from someone who was at that party last night. Who would be that invested in your life to go to the extent of stalkerish behavior?
You must’ve taken too long to reply because another one is sent a minute later.
Everyone knows you're a crazy bitch, what harm will it do?
Your jaw is clenched and you stare at the images and texts, seething. That two worded term gave them away. There’s only two people who still call you that, so it’s either both or one of them responsible for this.
With trembling fingers, you turn off your phone. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes. Hundreds of thoughts are racing through your head— but the recurring question lingers: How dare they?
It’s another thing that you’re not even disappointed. A little shaken, yes. Shocked? Totally. But disappointed? Not at all.
You knew.
So, it feels like cold water was poured on you, it feels like being slapped; with reality. It’s the long awaited, big and regretful I-told-you-so moment— because Lisa told you so.
And because Lisa told you so, you’re going to do what Lisa told you not to do (if this situation was to come).
You open your eyes to Lisa, still in line, looking at you in concern and confusion, probably wondering why you look so distressed. “You alright?” She mouths, brows knitted. You smile weakly, giving her a thumbs up before looking at the white marbled floors.
A moment later you open the contact again and stare blankly at the screen, thinking about your plan of action. This is considered blackmail, isn’t it? That means that the course of action you should take is talking to a blackmail attorney and reporting who sent those photos. And as satisfying as that sounds— that whoever sent those would be fined or sent to prison— you don’t plan on doing that. (Yet.) There’s much more satisfying ways to deal with this, afterall.
You nearly fall out of your chair when a hand touches your shoulder.
“(Y/n)? Who sent those?” (Thank God) It’s Lisa, who now stands directly behind you looking over your shoulder. She’s frowning and looks as if she’ll blow a fuse if you don’t answer her, and quickly too. But all you can think about is finding the person/s who took these. The chair you were sitting on skids on the marble as you abruptly stand, shoving your phone into your sweatpants’s pocket and gathering your things at a fast pace.
“Where are you going?” Lisa asks, alarmed as you start walking towards the building exit. “Wait!” She reaches out and grabs your arm. “…Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, alright?”
“I won’t.” After today passes, you think.
Loud laughter that turns silent, turns into grumbles and bitchy whines very quickly.
“Hey guys!” You shout when you’re a few footsteps away from their little circle, moving towards them quickly. They’re always in the same spot, it wasn’t hard to find them. Iseul, Ramus, Riley, and Krystal were all surrounded around Jackson, looking down at his device giggling like little girls. They barely had time to react as you bulldozed through. “What’s so funny? What are we laughing about? Let me see,” you forcefully snatch the phone out of his hand much to his shock.
So funny. Just fucking hilarious. They were laughing at the pictures of you— of course, and they seemed to have had lots of fun coming up with captions at the bottom of the photos and playing with the dumb filters.
Almost immediately, you delete the file from the photo editing app they used, exit out, and click onto his photos. Krystal, the Barbie wannabe is on her toes a moment later, ready to snatch the phone out of your hands. You see, you have to be careful around her; you all call her “Swiper” (no swiping) for a reason. She swiped your ex; Jackson; your cash, your clothes, your art, your— you get the point. But she’s the clumsiest person you know, so you're not really surprised she tripped onto her ass when you dodged her outstretched arm.
You deleted the photos from the Camera app on his phone, and then you had to go to the Photos app and delete them again, permanently. On to the Messages app now.
You can’t help but question why this is so easy. Your little group has five people, but only two of them are actually trying to get the phone back. Jackson chases you down and wow, is it hard to run and tap on a phone at the same time. You’re lucky you ran track in highschool. Eventually you ran out of places to run due to the lake behind you that cuts the campus halfway into two parts. Maybe you shouldn’t have ran onto the dock. It’s not like it was built all the way to the other side, so you’re trapped.
“Give me my fucking phone back (Y/n),” he growls. You shake your head.
Just as you deleted where every trace of those pictures you can guess were saved, he’s lunging towards you. And you do the only thing you can think of— kick him in the groin. He falls to his knees right after a curse leaves his lips, crumpling into a ball as he holds that area.
You gasp. “Oh I’m so sorry, you can have your phone back now.” You purposely place the phone near the edge of the dock where he lays and walk away. His hand reaches out for it but, not surprisingly, it falls in the water. “You fuckin’ crazy bitch!” He all but screams, fist hitting the wood of the dock. You roll your eyes and pick your bag up from the picnic table before heading to class.
Lisa doesn’t ask you what you did when she came to your dorm in the late afternoon. (It was just you and her, no Krystal).
You shake your head. “I can’t stay in this dorm anymore, Lisa. I was lucky to come back and see my things still intact but she’ll make my life a living hell if I stay, I know it.”
Lisa bites her lip as she looks elsewhere, presumingly thinking. “Well. I have a friend who doesn’t have a roommate right now. She hasn’t for a while, somehow,” you raise a brow, interested. “If you ask me, I think the school gives her extra attention but she denies it every time. She even has one of the big dorms with a kitchen and bathroom, and she turned the extra space into a living room.” Lisa laughs.
“So you think she might let me move in?” You ask hopefully.
“We’re talking about Roseanne here,” she muses. Lisa watches your eyes grow wide, recognition highlighting your features.
You melt into the beanbag chair lazily, looking at the ceiling. “Roseanne is really nice,” you start, and Lisa nods. “But I’m sure she likes her privacy. And me? I’m nosey as hell and loud— unintentionally. What if she thinks I’m annoying? Or what if she remembers how I acted Freshman year and immediately says no? What if she thinks I’m some mean bitch?” You groan, every good trait of yours you can think of is canceled by a bad one.
“Hey,” Lisa raises an eyebrow at you. “Don’t write yourself off yet, you never know. I don’t believe she thinks that either.”
“How do you know?” You question.
Lisa throws her hands up, smiling teasingly. “I don’t, but my words still stand.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You’re about an hour into a movie when Lisa move’s suddenly. “Shoot,” she says, looking at her watch. “I have to go out for dinner with some of the dance majors, but I’ll bring the roommate thing up to her tomorrow and we’ll see what happens, okay?”
“Yeah. Thanks Lisa.” You hug her goodbye and then with a click of the door she’s gone.
True to her words, Lisa seeks out Roseanne in a free time period they share. She had traveled from the new arts building to the old arts building, and hoped to find her there. (A part of her hopes she wasn’t in that creepy building.)
The building’s lights still worked, but there was no one using the classrooms, so dust and spiders made them their homes. You had to have a key to get in the main door, and only one person had it. Lisa walked down the long hallways, jumping at little noises or shadows (including her own), and looking around wearily. Lisa knew Roseanne was slightly odd, maybe that’s why she’s able to be alone in an empty abandoned building.
Further down, she hears it, and makes her way to the soft melody that escapes from a familiar battered oak door. Lisa pokes her head in, and just as she suspected, she was there.
“Why is it that I always find you hiding in here?” Lisa muses as she squeezes past the door frame, blowing out a puff of air. That door only opens so much, and she thinks she might have skinned her knee on the lower hinge. (That’s gonna burn in the shower later…)
Slender fingers once gliding across ivory keys halt their movements. Roseanne rests her hands in her lap and turns to her friend with a smile. “Who said I was hiding? And what if I like being holed up in here?”
Lisa rolled her eyes playfully. “You know what I mean and I know you like being holed up in here.” Looking around, she spoke again, “I see you cleaned up some more and moved things around.”
The room was an old music classroom that was abandoned when classes were moved to a newer building, the old equipment stayed. It was a small room but now that Roseanne had moved and stacked up the old music stands and chairs, it was spacious. The curtains were open and the sun shone through, enhancing the satisfying rustic look of the room. She had to have also dusted and swept the floors since Lisa didn’t sneeze immediately upon walking in. “It looks nice.”
Roseanne hummed, eyes flickering across the painted vines and colorful roses on the piano’s surfaces. “Thank you. But you never come back here without very good reason to, what’s up?”
Lisa shrugged and sat herself on the windowsill. That was true, Lisa doesn’t do spiders, spiderwebs, dust, or creepy, mostly empty hallways. “I missed you, that’s one thing.” Roseanne was in Melbourne on vacation, so they haven’t seen each other since break.
Roseanne’s expression shifted into one of amusement. “I missed you too Lisa. It’s good to be back,” her fingers began picking idly at the piano's edge. “But what else brings you over? I can tell you want to ask me something.”
“Ah, do you remember (Y/n)?” Roseanne nods. “Well, the relationship between her and her current roommate is sour— it’s always been sour if you ask me, so she wants to move dorms.”
“I told her that you don’t have a roommate...”
Roseanne knew what Lisa was implying already yet asked her to continue as she found amusement in Lisa’s nervousness. “And would ask if you’d consider letting her move in. But it’s totally okay if she can’t, she knows you like having the privacy.”
Roseanne let out a heavy breath and leaned against the piano, running a hand through her hair as she thought.
Other than some factors, she doesn’t see why she would deny. If she agrees, it would save you the time of being put on a waitlist with the other students who want to move dorms. It could be fun to have a roomate again, she thinks. It’s not like you’re total strangers either, both friends of a friend, Lisa being the link between.
“Okay.” She says.
“Okay?” Lisa repeats.
“I won’t say yes till I talk with her.” Roseanne runs her fingers across the small dips in the piano keys. She’ll have to lay down some groundwork and ask you some questions. The worst thing she wants to do is let someone nasty into her dorm— not that you are…hopefully.
“Oh! We can arrange that, um when did you want to meet up? I can tell her,” Lisa looks happy.
“Tomorrow is fine.”
“Alright then, thank you for considering this.” Roseanne nods and Lisa stands up. “I’ll head back for dance class now,” she says, “Stay safe okay? Watch out for ghosts too— I swear I’m hearing things.” Lisa shivers.
“I will Lisa,” she cocks her head to the side, “don’t get scared walking back.” Roseanne’s teasing earns her an eye roll.
“Yeah, yeah.” After Lisa slips out the room, she waits a few seconds to see if Lisa will come back; she does. Lisa pops her head back through the door and yells, “if you get a call in a few minutes you better answer it!” Lisa may need to call her if she gets scared walking through the hallways.Then she is gone.
Chuckling under her breath, Roseanne scoots back to the edge of the bench, her back straight with her arms relaxed and in front of her, before resuming to play. An upbeat song, she began with and played, before the music slowed to something soft and melancholic, and Roseanne closed her eyes at the sound, allowing herself to be drawn into the world of the music. These keys— any piano keys really— to her, were like a past memory. Something she can fall back on whenever her thoughts get the best of her.
And tomorrow, she’d have to meet up with you.
Would you like to continue?
Another A/n: Y’all don’t know the hell I went through italicizing words. Like why doesn’t tumblr do that for me? Why don’t you transfer exactly what I write on a google doc here? (😭)
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