#pd101s2 scenario
wanna-able · 1 year
Daehwi: I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate or malewife our way outta this one.
Jinyoung: *Grabbing dagger*
Jinyoung: Manslaughter it is
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pocket-scenarios · 7 years
Boyfriend!Park Jihoon
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(Admin: Sxng I finally edited this wow.)
Constantly making you blush
He’s evil.
But Not Really
He’s genuinely a sweetheart
He whispers cheesy lines in your ear that only work because it’s him.
Movie dates are his favorite.
He used to copy your school work & you would tell him to pay you and he would kiss you. 
“That’s not a payment, I want physical money.”
He lowkey-highkey leaves his hoodies for you to wear.
He gets protective over you.
Jihoon gets jealous sometimes, but he tends to get over it quickly
He trusts you
Give him attention
He’s soft.
He definitely needs to stop watching Kdramas to get ideas on things to say to you.
You cuddle on the couch a lot.
After the two of you graduated high school he started talking about being an idol a lot more.
He’d dance for you a lot.
He’s really bubbly.
Jihoon introduces you to his friends a lot, which you are thankful for.
Fights are very uncommon, but you’re both young so it’s unavoidable.
The iconic wink
Smut-Ish Part (this was edited in 2020)
He is a bit hesitant at first.
It takes him a while to ease into it because he is just afraid to do something wrong or to hurt you.
He seems confident a lot of the time, but in situations like this, he really isn’t.
Jihoon likes to plant kisses along your skin.
He likes to undress you.
When he does his eyes scan over your body.
He is really careful with anything he does.
He is so afraid of doing something wrong that you’re afraid he can’t enjoy it.
Of course, he is not like this every time.
His hesitation did fade over time and he grew more confident in his actions.
Jihoon is observant and knows how to get you worked up.
He loves when you pull his hair
Jihoon is the biggest tease.
Even afterward he likes to poke fun at you
Jihoon usually talks to you for a bit after sex.
He likes playing with your hair and making sure you are okay.
← Previous Boyfriend!Baekho // Next Boyfriend!P Woojin →
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loveydpp-blog · 6 years
[8:36pm] hugging samuel as he cries about the pd101 results
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uwuniel · 6 years
[9:35 pm] singing Christmas songs with Seongwoo as he drives you home from a late dinner date at Subways
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Police officer: What are your names?
Seongwoo: Jaehwan, don’t tell him!
Police officer: Jaehwan and...?
Jaehwan: God fucking damn it, Seongwoo
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wokainight · 6 years
[BRODUCE 911] EP.22 Cafe Latte
you met up with hyeongseob to go to the cafe he was talking about five minutes from the hospital. it was a well-lit, homely type of place with lights shaped like flowers, fake grass for floors and pastel coloured wooden furniture. there was various types of cakes, drinks and savory food to choose from and instantly, you felt hunger hitting you like a storm.
YOU: All of it looks so nice /your pouted as you scanned over the cakes.
HYEONGSEOB: Since you had to wait like /checks phone. two hours for me, I'll treat you /grins. Choose anything you like... and don't limit yourself to just one thing
YOU: /glances at hyeongseob and smiles delightfully. What are you going to get?
HYEONGSEOB: Hmmm me? My usual /winks at the cashier boy.
CASHIER BOY: He's a regular here and unimaginatively only orders a set menu /snorts.
HYEONGSEOB: Your Tiramisu Brunch is hella good ok! Don't diss your loyal costumer!
YOU: /laughs heartily. Well I'll try the Strawberry Fantasia set
HYEONGSEOB: Are you sure that's it?
YOU: Hyeongseob, there's like a main, drink and dessert in it!
HYEONGSEOB: Fineeee /pays for the meals and sits down in his usual spot.
YOU: So what's in yours?
HYEONGSEOB: So you get a plain old toasted bread with bacon, egg, spinach, mushroom and cheese... and then a slice of tiramisu and a drink of your house... well I always get an iced mocha /he listed while looking up and counting with his fingers.
YOU: That sounds nice! I should get it next time I come here /smiles brightly.
HYEONGSEOB: /jokingly. Are you going to abandon me and come on a date next time?
YOU: /blinks. I was planning to come here again with you...?
HYEONGSEOB: /looks down, all red.
you stared at him with uncertainty for a single moment before being interrupted by the waiter. the food looked great. it had stunning visuals and a delicious aroma, both which would guarantee a great lunch.
YOU: Wait a minute Hyeongseob! /brings out your phone. Do a cute pose!
HYEONGSEOB: /hesitates; does the peace sign over his closed eyes while smiling.
YOU: Perfect /takes the picture and claps before standing up to take pictures of the food from a birds eye view shot.
HYEONGSEOB: /chuckles. You sure do like taking pictures
YOU: When the food and company is great I love doing this! I'll send it to you afterwards ok?
HYEONGSEOB: /pauses for a second. ...can we...
YOU: /looks up at him. Yes?
HYEONGSEOB: Should we take a picture together? /gathers some confidence.
YOU: /smiles. Of course! /picks up your phone again and searchers for the camera app.
HYEONGSEOB: /goes over to your side and half-squats behind you while smiling into the camera.
YOU: I'm going to take it now... One, two /makes a finger heart and smiles. /looks at the photo. It looks nice /turns around quickly to show him. /realises that both your faces are really close to each other, like 2cm apart.
HYEONGSEOB: /leans in a tiny bit closer to look at the picture. Ooh you're good at taking pictures /tries to not show his nervous side.
YOU: /snaps out of trance. Ah! Hm yeah
afterwards, you sent the pictures to hyeongseob and the two of you commenced your late lunch. hyeongseob would steal a bite or two from your plate and you would playfully reciprocate the gesture. by the end of lunch, the two of you walked back to the hospital with smiles and laughter.
HYEONGSEOB: So I'll see you next time yeah?
YOU: Yup! Have a good rest at home! See ya
hyeongseob chuckles and waves as the both of you went your separate ways. on his way back to his apartment (his shift was finished, but not yours), he reviews today's gems and smiles widely at the pictures.
HYEONGSEOB: ...we look good together /grins.
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softtm · 6 years
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Wanna One finding out you’re dating Jisung
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runawaymp3 · 6 years
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5/6 of jbj moodboard series (that no one asked for) ♡
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
fanboy part 2 // park woojin
♥ reverse idol! park woojin
♥ fluffy!
♥ 1.1k words
♥ summary: if it weren’t for your viral moment, Woojin would not have gotten back into dancing and fallen hopelessly in love with you
Part 1
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The day of the fanmeeting in Busan finally rolled around as you walked out of your vehicle with Miko in tow
“I hope there’s food there,” you mumbled, still a little groggy from your little nap
“our fans know you too well, they’ll probably bring a shit ton of snacks to feed your big mouth”
“hEY” you exclaimed, sending a small weak punch to his shoulder as you walk past him, afraid that the hypocrite would run his big mouth and expose you in front of the staff
The staff probably knew too but only used it to their advantages
They have to get work done too yknow
You and Miko briefly greeted the fans, quickly returning back to your seats behind a table as you fumbled with your sharpie
You see a few familiar faces, waving to your fansites and sending them hearts as you patiently waited for the first row of fans
Woojin was trembling while you were efortlessly looking beautiful as ever
He had prepared everything, from the questions to the gifts he had prepared for the both of you
He checked his bag once again, ensuring that his things were in place and nothing was forgotten as he patiently waited for his turn – the second row
It seemed as if time had fast forward as he was walking through the line of seats towards the side of the stage
From where he stood, he could see your side profile and admired it once more
“how does someone look so gorgeous sitting down,” he thought out loud
“(Y/N) does look amazing doesn’t she? And even better in real life too!” a guy from behind Woojin swooned as he gawked over you as well
“O-oh yeah. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to meet them. But here I am,” Woojin chuckled, a little taken aback from the strangers friendliness.
If Woojin had seen him on the street instead, he would have mistaken the guy for a bully
His physical build was wide, making him a little jealous from the nation’s ideal body type
“ I’m Daniel by the way!” the guy holds his hand up for a hand shake as Woojin quickly and a little hesitantly, reciprocated it.
After a few minutes of talking and fanboying over you and Miko’s visuals and talent, it was now Woojin’s turn to finally meet you.
“ Hi! What’s your name?” you asked him as you took his little photobook and turned to the page where the post-it note had your name on it
“I-I’m Woojin. It’s s-so nice to meet you,” he stuttered, holding onto the edge of the table for his dear life
You noticed his trembling fingers, taking them into your hands as you chuckled
“don’t be so nervous, I don’t bite,” looking into his brown eyes and sensing a familiarity in them
It seemed as though you had seen him before, but didn’t know where or when
But when you glanced down to the familiar way he had worn his outfit, you connected the dots and nearly screamed at the realization
“You’re that boy who did a cover on our dance right?” you asked him excitedly, clenching a little too tightly onto his hand
At this rate, Woojin felt like his heart was about to burst
Not only because you looked incredibly adorable, with the twinkle in your eyes
But also because you had remembered him out of an ocean of people
“y-yeah, I’m sorry if I butchered it. It’s been awhile since I danced and you helped me realize what my true passion was,” he rambled on
his eyes glancing back on forth from his hand in yours and the biggest grin plastered on your face
“That’s so nice to hear! I really do hope you continue dancing too. I see alot of potential in you, Woojin,” you encouraged him, patting his shoulder with your other free hand
“A-also I got you some gifts, let me take it o-out” he chuckled nervously
fetching a goodie bag full of your favourite snacks
along with a plush toy on a cartoon you had recently been talking alot about
“You even got me the limited version kind? Gosh Woojin, I would kiss you right now if I could,” You squealed, grabbing the plush toy and hugging it tightly
Woojin blushed furiously at your words as his panic levels began to skyrocket
“k-kiss me?” Woojin stuttered, the tips of his ears beginning to redden
Your eyes trailed back to his before you giggled, the same light pink hue blossoming on your cheeks
With a few scribbles on the post-it note, your returned his photo album and took his hand back in yours
“If you’re still sure of dancing as a career, you should call this number. It would be nice to see you around as my back up dancer instead,” you winked, letting go of his hand
Before Woojin could utter another word, it was time for him to move onto Miko
“Did (Y/N) use one of her lame pick up lines on you? I still wonder how they’re that effective,” Miko chuckled, greeting Woojin as he flipped to his page
But Woojin had his mind somewhere else
He had his mind on becoming your back up dancer
Not for the money
Not for the fame
But definitely for you
“Woojin?” you whispered harshly, calling him to follow you into the corner of the building
You had just finished performing for your comeback at a music show and was facing a little trouble, or so Woojin thought
“What’s up-” Woojin questioned, before being pulled into the corner by you, your hands wrapping around his waist as you giggled at the contact
“I just miss you, a LOT,”
“but you’ve been seeing me for almost the entire week,”
“as my backup danced, not as my boyfriend, you silly” you huffed, pushing his forehead with your index finger
“fine, I’ll find a way to get you out on a date this saturday, we’re both free on that day so don’t go sleeping in, understood?”
“roger that, Mr Park,” you saluted before pulling him by his collar and into a kiss, melting in his embrace even though the gesture had been done a million times over
“I love you, (Y/N)” Woojin’s smile was lopsided as he endearingly looked into your eyes, cupping your cheeks ever so tenderly
“I love you too-”
“Will the lovebirds get out of the corner and get into the vehicle? You guys aren’t being very private about this relationship and it’s hurting my single heart,” Miko peeked out from behind the wall as he furrowed his brows, holding in his ‘vomit’ before rolling his eyes
“We’ll continue this later, princess,” Woojin chuckled, ruffling your hair before being dragged by Miko
“That’s enough, we still have another performance to go to. You guys can canoodle whenever you want after that”
Of course that’s what you did, it’s hard being an idol yknow. You gotta take every chance you get ;))
A/N: part 2 is here!! I TRIED i dont know where my fluff went and am trying very hard to compensate it with my terrible writing skills.😭 I’ve only been able to write bulletpoint scenarios due to my schedule but I’ll be back soon with proper writings. In the mean time, i hope you guys enjoyed this! ☺💓
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channiekyun · 6 years
chick or chic?//cube ent./pd101//seonho
pairing: yoo seonho/reader genres: fluff, bullet list word count: 1870 summary: “he always stayed by you because of your smile, but what happens when the reason you lose your smile is him?” a/n: i think this is the longest thing i’ve ever posted but, dear by lord i love this boy. pls support him and his debut!!
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baby chick debuting with a mini album?
an hour to write before I fall asleep?
bring it on.
you and yoo seonho have been friends since you were like 6 bc your moms both dropped you off at the same daycare center
how convenient right
but you haven’t met seonho ‘till a while so bear with me here
I like me some backstory to the story
you’ve been coming to the daycare center for 4 months
you were so-so at making friends, kinda shy, but most of the times energetic
like literal spikes of energy could be seen coming out of your back lmao
sometimes you’d be called out on it by some of the kids or supervisors but like
u didn’t care 
anyway, you’ve pretty much gotten your name thrown everywhere in the daycare center 
and you were just playing with blocks and crashing toy cars into them (that’s what kids do right?)
then suddenly some of or supervisors start coming to you with a cake with lit up candles
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear (Y/N), happy birthday to you!”
and your 6 yr old brain was all like-huh?
but then they told you to make a wish and you blew out the candles
and you know how things done can’t come undone?
well, there’s your explanation for that being done
and then everyone just started cheering
plus the supervisors were all like: “I can’t believe your already 6, (Y/N)! you’ve grown so much!!~”
but again you’re just like: “im already 6??!??”
but your 6 yr old self just thinks that this atonement for not celebrating your birthday before you even went to the center
keep in mind you’ve only been there for 4 months so
ppl kept crowding you and the adults just starting distributing the cake
and this boy that you’ve never ever seen before sits next to you 
and he just whispers into your ear “it’s my birthday too.”
“oh really? it’s not even my birthday today anyway!” you giggle
and this boy’s like huh
but seonho doesn’t do anything
nuh uh
he likes it when you laugh and smile
so you share your big slice of cake with him and play with him the entire day
you guys got picked up at the same time so your moms were just waiting by the door and you were saying bye and your moms were like “isn’t that just cute aww”
then suddenly one of the supervisors came and started bowing
“I’m sorry Mrs. Yoo and Mrs. (L/N), we switched up (Y/N)’s and Seonho’s birthdays so we ended up celebrating (Y/N)’s birthday today!”
and your moms were just like “that’s fine” but Seonho just looked a tad bit disappointed
and an unhappy Seonho makes an unhappy you so
you started crying, legit out of nowhere bc you felt so bad for him
plus you started screaming stuff like “it’s all my fault” and yea
and the adults try calming you down, but no, that didn’t work
but then seonho comes up and hugs you
and you surely calmed down while you held to his shirt
you felt reassured
and the grown-ups found this amusing
like you only met today but who knew?
next morning you brought a huge cake+a gift for seonho to make it up to him (ofc with your mum’s consent though)
you tell him to open his present and he did
what laid inside was a chick stuffie
it wasn’t big or anything, just average
and seonho’s grateful and all but he asks why you gave him that
“because you remind me of one?” you laugh
he likes to think that that laugh was also a present for him
and you play with him for the rest of the day
fast forward, your moms became acquainted then soon began to hang out with each other
which made you happy bc you got to see seonho more
when you guys were still at the daycare center you would bring him food
like juice boxes
but then like juice boxes turned to chocolate bars and then that turned into muffins
fast forward a little bit more to where you were now, both of you 14 and in high school, and you were still close af
oh and muffins turned to legit rice lunches bc he never had enough to eat lol
and you called him out on it a lot and he would either act offended or not care at all 
that’s where he got his love for food from~
there were a couple loose strings here and there but that happens
you shared secrets, shared friends, shared test answers
you even got close to his brother and he got close to your sibling(s)
but everyone knows there’s gotta be a secret here and there somewhere
but you made several plots at 2AM to get to the bottom of whatever he seemed to hide even though it may not be your business
you were each other’s businesses anyway, right?
seonho had a dream of becoming famous
you admired him for that
and the school was going to be hosting an event where he would be starring in
and you were proud and almost started shedding a few tears
you: *sniff* so proud~~
him: not again (Y/N)
when the day of the show came on, he acted like a stuck up celeb 
and you weren’t sure whether this was all just an act, or if it was just him but you weren’t gonna have this
you pulled him out of the corridor and slapped him just for him to get his sense back+you also gave him his rice box so
during the talent show when seonho was performing with the piano and singing you were videotaping him while standing up 
you: “yeS, WORK IT SEONHO. gUYS THATS MY BEST FRiEND” (a total regina goerge’s mom moment here guys)
you were that extra lmao that seonho was mixed abt what you did but he felt so happy so you just cuddled (non-romantically) at his house after the show
next morning, you were waiting for seonho out of his house so you could walk to school together
but oh
((i tried to look up seonho in a leather jacket and there were no images, pls someone get him into one i will die omfg lord))
and you just walked like you usually do, but this time in silence and no hitting or kicking
was he acting cold again?
he wasn’t talking at all
and even ppl started to stare
you just kind of avoided him for the whole day
it’s the type of thing that would get on celeb headlines: ‘(Y/N) Splits From a Cold Seonho?!?’
you were walking down the hall just mindlessly, wondering what to do with that extra rice lunch you had in your bag
but then you hear a couple girls whispering in a corner:
“oh my god, did you see seonho at the show last night? he has so much talent”
“but like did you see him today? he’s wearing a leather jacket and acting all cold today haha”
“he even drove (Y/N) away today, and they’ve been friends since they got here”
“that’s pretty chic though to be honest lol”
and there were murmurs of agreement to the last girls statement
and once you got outside you started laugh
cuz they just started calling seonho “chic”
you never thought that you would’ve ever lived to the day where someone would call that tall, clumsy, cutesy boy something along the lines of “chic”
but you felt a pang of jealousy when the girl’s started talking about him
yes, you were aware of your own feeling, you weren’t stupid like that
you went to his house, said hello to his mom, and went to his room
you didn’t want to mess around with anything but there was one thing couldn’t keep your eyes off
that chick plush you gave him when you were 6
it was sitting on his bed
you picked it up and admired it but quickly set it down
on the high bookcase shelf there was another chick plush
so you reached for it and looked at it in your hands
it was the exact same one but with a bow? which makes you confused
“what are you doing?” you hear behind you
oh shit
“um-really nothing” you turned around to seonho still in his leather jacket
“uh, then (Y/N), why are you holding that?”
you dropped the plush on the ground
“holding what?”
seonho just looked at the floor, not responding
and naturally..
you took the opportunity to slap him
“why were you acting like that the entire day? why with the jacket, dude??”
and he looked up at you with honest eyes and quietly said “for you”
that’s when your entire world started crashing down
“i thought that if i acted cool you’d like me better, I guess that didn’t work though..” his eyes still tracing an outline of the floor
“you acted cool, just so i would notice you more?”
“i guess.”
and naturally...
you took that opportunity to kiss him
and his eyes grew wide and he just hugs you like you usually would and it was all just so damn perfect
you pulled away and was all like “seonho, honey, I love you but can we get you into that cardigan instead of this stupid jacket”
and he just jeered at you with “I love you too (Y/N) dearie”
that’s how you went from making out with seonho in a leather jacket to cuddling on his bed with seonho in his oversized white cardigan (which was fckn adorable btw)
man, you would love having a relationship with seonho, anyone would tbh
you even spoon fed him the rice lunch you had packed in your bag
his mom would call your mom to tell you what the hell was happening at her house
you and seonho’s mom fangirling over your relationship with each other
at the next show, you and seonho had a duet with him playing the piano and you singing
he got you a matching leather jacket and you were like “ew no,” but after he saw your reaction he made puppy eyes and said “but couple’s outfits” and you just said “i’m sold, just for gags though, seonho”
a happy seonho
a beagle seonho
you match each other so perfectly bc if soulmates were real, and they are, you found your match
one time you were helping seonho catch up on homework in an empty classroom after school and you got curious
“hey, seonho, what was that chick plush doing on top of your bookcase. it looks similar to the one i gave you”
he blushed and shyly said, “i was going to give it to you for your birthday..”
and you just kiss him
and when you pull away you say: “I can’t believe they would call a baby chick chic..”
ps i realized how bad i was at summaries mianhae
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wanna-able · 1 year
Jihoon: who else here thought Guanlin was my boyfriend?
Jihoon: Guanlin, put your hand down.
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pocket-scenarios · 7 years
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(Admin: Sxng I did not edit this, I just changed the gif and admin tag)
Loud laughs
Violent laughter like chill Min
Random videos of him and Aron doing dumb shit
“Why am I dating you?”
“Because I’m Nu’est Minhyun.”
More loud laughter
Video calls.
Text messages at 4 am telling you to wish him good luck.
Drops his phone like 7 times when he calls you because he’s tired.
He visits you as much as he can.
When he went on pro101 you couldn’t see him
Or talk to him really.
You could only watch the show.
Then he just shows up at your house one day like he’s just there
He ignores the fact you haven’t talked in two months like he was never gone.
“Let’s go out to eat,”
A jealous bf
but he’s shy to admit it
He gets jealous af but he’ll just silently glare at whoever it is.
He could get jealous of a dog if he tried hard enough.
He can be really clingy at times.
Movies & cuddles on the couch
He almost constantly had his head in the crook of your neck and his lips are most lightly attached to your neck as well.
“I’m trying to watch the movie.”
“I’m better though,”
He laughs & cringes at himself.
Smut-ish Part:
He’s highkey afraid of hurting you
He’ll try to be intimidating and sexy but it just doesn’t work for him most of the time.
Gentle n’ caring
He whispers sweet words in your ear while he’s kissing your neck.
Did I mention his favorite place is your neck
He kisses you everywhere, but he still mainly resides at your neck.
He loves leaving marks on you, but not extremely dark ones, soft marks.
He’s just soft
No matter how many times the two of you are together he treats it like it’s his first or last, he tries to remember it.
He can be rough, but he prefers to be gentle.
His eyes can freeze you in place.
Eye contact
Deep thrusts
Sharp rolls of his hips
He lives for the sound of you moaning his name.
Shallow breaths and soft whimpers against your neck the closer he gets to his end.
The way his body tenses and the shallow breaths and his bottom lip shaking slightly when he releases.
He always makes sure you release to before he pulls you into his arms sleepily.
← Previous Boyfriend!Bogum // Next Boyfriend!Jongsuk →
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loveydpp-blog · 6 years
[4:32pm] you being a member of ‘fantasy restaurant’ and justin saying you both are the parents of like (if you don’t watch the show, they have to take care of a dog named ‘like’ while managing the restaurant)
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uwuniel · 6 years
[10:22 pm] FaceTiming Daniel while hugging onto a cat plushie he got you a while back in his shirt because you miss him and his hugs
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Guanlin: It’s not gonna work, I’m not a snitch.
Jisung: Fine, let’s try something else. Tag a friend you recently robbed a house with.
Guanlin: LMAOOO @Jihoon
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wokainight · 6 years
Hi love, when you get the chance could you do a reaction for park woojin, park jihoon, and kim donghyun when their gf is feeling super cuddly? They make me feel extra extra soft ;;;;
WOOJIN: reddens slightly at the contact and would be particularly passive/shy at your efforts. he’d let you do it nonetheless, not that he isn’t enjoying any of this. doesn’t try to advance any further though. he’d just let you hug him and would probably place an arm around you. “can you hug me back properly please?” you’d request-- to which he complies. “oh, okay.” he’d say in a stoic manner, but he’s flustered to no ends. 
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JIHOON: is kinda proud at how clingy you are (he’s weird like that). would steal kisses from you whilst you’re cuddling him and the both of you would just be a ball of mush. “can’t get enough of me, huh?”
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DONGHYUN: would be as cuddly right back at you. he’s always in a mood for intimacy and would hug you tight in return. donghyun’s great at sensing things, so there’s literally no need to cue him to do things. he’s the one who’s active at holding your hand or giving you hugs. would be delighted to see you taking the initiative. “are you in a good mood today?” he would say with a dazzling smile.
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