#pd101 oneshot
b2utifulight · 7 years
Trainee! Seo Sunghyuk Imagine
You have been a trainee for almost a year now
But you’re not in a rush to debut tbh
You have this mindset that you’ll eventually get what you want if you work hard enough
Given you’re also in a quite new and small company so they can’t really splurge on someone’s debut yet
When you auditioned it was the first audition the company had
If it wasn’t for your dancing skills you might have not even made it in to the company
At least that’s what you think
You’re not bad at singing just practicing a lot would stabilize your talent more
Like boo you could be the next Moon Jongup
Aka dancing king and dark horse vocals who slays meh life
Anyway on with the story
You are quite the hard worker and after school you go straight to the company to train
You also tend to lose track of time and stay late as one of the last people to leave the building
Today wasn’t an exception
Looking at the time it was already 1:27 AM (if anyone knows this reference let’s be friends)
You sighed looking at the time
You had to wake up early in the morning for school
Packing all your things and making sure everything is off and shut properly you started to leave the training room
Meeting a very dark hallway
It seems like you’re literally the last one in the building
So you decided to make a run for the stairs
Cause like elevators are way scarier at night time
And luckily the training rooms are just on the 2nd floor
So you started to run but halfway you braked almost falling
A light in the corner of your eye caught your attention
You would run further but you had to check if there was still someone in the building
And you low-key didn’t want to get scolded by someone the next day for leaving lights on as the last person
So you walked towards the training room and peeked through the small window
Someone was in there
That someone is Seo Sunghyuk
You know him because he is the kid who always worked hard like you do
And others always talk about a certain handsome guy with honey vocals
Yes I’m high-key promoting my boi still sue me
He´s also the kid who is a bit clumsy
Cue memory of his head banging on the table (still sobs for mi preciosa (╥﹏╥))
You’ve never really talked to him though
You are both good at focusing on your own and aren’t really in need for someone to talk to
Which is kind of weird also as there is just a small amount of trainees
And you are close with others but just not with Sunghyuk
You keep your focus on him
It seems like he’s practicing the dance you just learned today in class
His steps weren’t the sharpest but you could see that he was trying to perfect it going back to steps he had missed
But then he missteps and falls
You ran to him unconsciously
Right by his side you asked if he was okay
He just stared at you
Both having great ‘first’ impressions
You all sweaty but sweet to help him up
And he all sweaty but confused getting off the floor
Awkward introductions follow
But from that day on you started being friends
More like acquaintances
Saying hi in the hallways
And smiling at each other from across the room in classes
Laughing and giggling when one makes a cute mistake
You get closer when you both stay in late to practice
“Oh you’re also still here. Let’s leave together.”
Using a bigger training room for both of you instead of two individual ones
Him saying that his dancing is not that great
And you telling that your singing ain’t that great
So you helped each other from then on
Making sure moves are clean and notes become stable
This all results to doing a song together for the monthly evaluation
It’s not gon be troublemaker
That’s for another time
Wink face ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Just a simple song where you can showcase your singing and dancing equally
It is not recommended to do the evaluation in duos as one could outshine the other
But both your efforts pay off really well
Your evaluation is seen as one of the best of the month
Or actually it was the best
Because you both were just that good
Getting that recognition from the company that you both grew in your talents
News spread all through the company and you are now known as the power duo in the company
Other trainees start looking up to you both
And some whispering that you might be dating too
Which you kind of ended up doing anyway
You’ve had a connection since the sweaty beginning and getting together together was just the next step
Totally natural progression
And by totally natural I mean legit natural
You both noticed your feelings for each other around the same time
And the official start would be something like this
You were practicing a dance together and you tried to stabilize his steps
But he being clumsy fell forward and took you down with him
And maybe he did that on purpose
Now you were under him and just staring at each other
But then he initiated the first kiss
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long”
“And I’ve been waiting for so long”
Your company totally not arguing about dating
Especially in house
Such a cool company tbh(if I legit had a company it would’ve been the best) 
They’re totally fine
Dating is not that different than before
But just with some more pda
Small kisses whenever the choreo provided you to be close enough
At practice off course not classes or evaluation
Though you tried in classes but got scolded
Lots of cuddling
Getting distracted a lot by each other
One time while practicing you decided that one should be punished if a mistake were made
The punishment was to fulfill a wish from the other
This resulting in a cute cuddly chaotic mess
That day ended with no progress whatsoever
Staying even later than before at the company
Ending up making the company your second dorm
They made resting rooms specially because of you but anyone can use it
But they do prohibit cohabitation in these resting rooms
But rules are meant to be broken
And legit it’s the best duo of the company
They know you won’t do anything weird
Or would you (・ω・)
It has also become a regular thing that you’ll do the evaluation together
And the company is deciding whether just to debut you as a duo
Because you guys are just aces
And it will be the best decision the company had ever made
Here is the end product! Well in time for his birthday! Honestly didn´t plan it, it really just happened like it. Happy Birthday to Seo Sunghyuk! And Yeo Hwanwoong!
AND AND AND RAINZ IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!! I CANT BE ANY HAPPIER THAN I AM NOW!!! We will see Sunghyuk on stage again ಥ_ಥ \(^o^)/
I hope you like this imagine! And I´m still planning on releasing more so until then~
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eijiroukiriot · 4 years
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good morning! i’m usually a little put off by aus that start w krbk not knowing each other (their familiarity in canon/the friends-to-lovers of it all is a big selling point for me) but this is my first time writing an au like that and. i’m kinda obsessed w writing those first few interactions where they’re still strangers
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gukyi · 7 years
tripping over ourselves | jsw
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⇒ summary: jeong sewoon is your best friend. he also happens to be a vampire. you’re no expert with vampires, but there must be something about his immortality that keeps drawing you to him. no way is it just his cute personality on its own.
⇒ vampire!au, friends to lovers!au
⇒ pairing: jeong sewoon x reader
⇒ word count: 4k
⇒ warnings: blood mention (it’s a vampire au, i don’t know what else you were expecting)
⇒ a/n: happy birthday to the baddest bitch i know, @sihyun !!!! i love u so much and i wanted to do something special for ur birthday, so here this monstrosity is!!!!! i could make this authors note like 4k long if i wanted to bc i love u so much. on a side note, me writing for a pd101 boy is kind of a one time thing. soz.
There’s a lifeless, colorless bird on your windowsill, and it’s the first thing you notice when you step inside your shared apartment. The poor thing’s had the life drained right out of it; decaying, rotting scent wafting through the room. It almost looks peaceful, really, collapsed on its side like it just conked out after a very long flight, feathers fluttering softly in the breeze that runs through the flat.
Well, at least Sewoon had the decency to open the window to get the smell out.
Dead animals are a surprisingly common occurrence in whatever fucked-up household you live in, though you made the executive decision a while ago to restrict the animals that Sewoon treks in to just birds of flight. No penguins, tragically, and also no rodents. Dead birds are a little less gross than dead rats. You see enough of those already whenever you walk down the sidewalk of the city center.
You sigh, seeing this as only a minor inconvenience at best, and drop your backpack to your feet, letting it hit the wall beside it. Once that damn heavy thing is off of your shoulders, you make a beeline for his room, storming towards it and trying not to pay too much attention to the lifeless creature on the windowsill. The less you worry about it, the better. If you spent your entire life stressing over the fact that sometimes Sewoon has to kill birds to live, then you’d never get anything done.
“Sewoon?” You ask, a little peeved, not even bothering to knock on his closed door and instead just barging inside. “I thought we discussed—”
Sewoon looks up like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide as the light from the hallway illuminates a bit of his figure. His room is pitch black otherwise, every part of it hidden in the shadows, including himself. His eyes are a blazing shade of red, a stark signal that he’s just fed. In a little, they’ll fade back to a casual mahogany shade. Something a little less… obvious. There’s a thin trail of blood from his bottom lip to his chin, little drops falling onto his sheets.
“You’re kidding me,” you immediately say, crossing your arms over your chest as you take in the sight in front of you. “Don’t tell me you’ve been batting around in the dark while I was in class.”
“I have,” Sewoon says, grinning guiltily. “But not by much. I just haven’t fed in a while, I got a bit desperate. Didn’t want you to come home to see me freaking out in the living room, getting blood stains all over the furniture.”
You chuckle, stifling a much bigger laugh. “You do that even when I am home.”
“But I try to avoid it when you’re not, just so you don’t scream at me when you get back,” he insists, eyes pleading. God, they always fucking work on you. Vamps with soft hearts are a deadly combination. No pun intended.
“I’ll scream at you any time.”
“Like now?” He asks, wincing. He knows he’s in some minorly deep shit now.
“Like now,” you confirm, walking into his dark room and pulling him from his bed by his shirt collar, holding onto it tightly as you drag him outside. “I thought we discussed the dead bird shit, man,” you say, exasperated. “What the hell is this?”
“The dead bird shit.”
“Exactly. When did you even have the time to feed off of it?” You ask, pushing the boy backwards, making him stumble over his feet, dazed. You peer out the window, squinting at the moon behind the skyscrapers. “The sun barely set an hour ago.”
“I was really hungry,” Sewoon admits, and from the way his eyes are still ignited in red hot flames and the blood on his chin is still fresh, you know he’s telling the truth. “It’s been tough.”
“Don’t you work the night shift at the hospital?” You remind him. Typically, this type of incident isn’t an issue, just because Sewoon kind of has an endless supply of human blood whenever he goes in for his internship. It’s a win-win situation most of the time, really. Sewoon gets his blood and he doesn’t have to come in contact with the sun, which—while it will not kill him—will give him a particularly gnarly sunburn on the skin where exposed. Vamp perks. Or not, you suppose.
“They’ve given me more work this past week,” Sewoon sighs, collapsing onto the couch as you get a paper towel to shove the bird out of the window. Couldn’t he have just done this on his own? “I haven’t had the time to feed.”
“God, I hate it when you’re all responsible and productive. It makes me feel so awful,” you tell him, rolling your eyes as you move his feet off of the couch so you can sit next to him. “You’re literally going to live forever. You have all the time in the world to be productive and responsible. Me? I’m gonna die.”
“Not soon, I hope,” Sewoon says, sitting up and leaning on your shoulder. “Nobody else understands my vampire ways like you do.”
“I’ve had to deal with you my entire life. Vamp or not, you’re stuck with me.”
Sewoon rests his chin on your shoulder and grins your way, a tired, hazy smile, and he shows off his blood-stained fangs in the process. They are, admittedly, very cute for a vampire, endearing and surprisingly fitting for him. It’s like he was just made to be a vamp. You can’t help but send a smile his way, not when it’s late in the evening and time feels delicate and slow. You reach a hand up and wipe away the blood on his chin with your thumb, letting it stain your skin and leave his skin pale in return.
“I’d rather live the rest of my days alone than with someone that isn’t you,” Sewoon says, and the line that resides between platonic and romantic affection is practically moot at this point, a nonsense concept that shouldn’t try to separate relationships into black and white. Every interaction with him that you have is platonic, but it could also be romantic if you wanted it to be.
The question is: Do you want it to be romantic? Does he?
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Sewoon’s favorite season is winter. By a very long shot. It used to be summer, but that was before he turned, before he realized that he literally always has to walk around outside covered from head to toe, unless he was looking for some intense sunburn to go along with those awful shorts of his. Now, when the seasons change and he gets to bundle up under layers upon layers of sweaters and coats and scarves, he thrives.
You quite like the colder months too, but maybe that’s just because Sewoon always looks so adorable with that bright orange puffer jacket on over four different sweaters. Like the coziest, bright orange marshmallow in the world. He’s always had a particularly cold body, even when you two were children. Not even being turned into a vamp could change that.
“You look like you’d rather die than let your skin touch the sun,” you’re commenting as the two of you get ready to go out on the town. It’s shopping season (it’s always shopping season, really), and you’re also meeting up with one of his friends at a little winter music festival in the square.
“Isn’t that kind of the point of being a vamp?” Sewoon asks as he zips up that obnoxious orange coat of his. He fishes his only pair of gloves out from the pockets of the jacket, tugging them on before turning to attack his scarf. It takes you guys almost five minutes to get from saying that you’ll leave now to actually leaving. It’s always him.
You laugh. “Sun versus Sewoon, who will come out on top?” You declare in your best wrestling commentator voice.
Sewoon smiles to himself, little white fangs peering out from his closed mouth, meeting his soft pink bottom lip. “Sun, definitely. I’d be toast.”
“Ba dum tss,” you say, noting his probably-intentional pun and grabbing your bag and opening the door, the universal signal for hurry the fuck up, let’s go before it’s tomorrow already. Sewoon gets the message and speeds up the process of putting on his boots before scurrying to join you as you make your way down the hallway.
“Are you looking forward to this music thing?” He asks as you reach the lobby. “The one that Donghyun invited us to?”
You shrug, bracing yourself for the biting wind as you leave your complex. “I guess. I’m not looking forward to standing in the cold for God-knows how long.”
“You just gotta toughen up,” Sewoon says, reaching an arm around you and tugging you close into his side. “I’ll warm you up.”
“You’re a fucking vampire. You wouldn’t warm up even if you stood in flames,” you say, frowning.
“I tried to be hospitable and welcoming and romantic and you shoot me down, once again,” Sewoon says, shaking his head in disapproval. “Stop being so realistic all of the time. It ruins the mood.”
“That’s my job.”
“Ah, yes,” Sewoon nods, chuckling to himself heartily as the two of you make your way along the sidewalks to get to the town center, “Professional Mood Ruiner. Very prestigious title. You should put that on your resumé.”
“I’ll put it right next to Vampire Moral Support,” you joke, grinning his way and shivering from the cold. He tightens his hold on you, coat warming you up in place of the body heat that he no longer possesses.
“Yes, you do that.”
Donghyun is already there when you and Sewoon finally reach the festival stage, munching on some ridiculously unhealthy thing he probably got from a food truck nearby. He turns his head, mouth filled with food, and spots the two of you huddled together to shield yourselves from the cold as you walk over to him.
“How the hell are you wearing short sleeves?” You ask, brows furrowed. “It’s winter.”
“It’s not that cold, you guys are just weak,” Donghyun retorts, making Sewoon roll his eyes. Sometimes, when he does that, you get a little worried that those brown contacts are going to dislodge themselves and reveal the red underneath. “Look, I got us a really good spot near the front.”
“Whose smartass idea was it to have a winter music festival outside,” you mutter to yourself as you and Sewoon situate yourselves together next to Donghyun, who’s already distracted and paying little to no attention to you.
Even so, the crowd is sizeable and also getting very hype over the performing artists, Donghyun included. No wonder he’s wearing some goddamn short sleeves—the body heat he must be producing with all of that obnoxious jumping is probably warming him right up. Meanwhile, you and Sewoon are just casually standing together, swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the music. You probably look like the damn softest couple in the world, hardly even dancing to the upbeat song and all bundled up together, but neither of you are protesting. Sewoon’s always been quite comfy.
Sewoon turns to smile at you when the song changes, the shadow from his cap cast over his face as his fangs gleam in front of you. Vampires have never been so damn cute, or maybe Sewoon’s just an outlier. The one adorable vamp in the population of evil, rude ones. Of course, no wonder he’s ended up with you.
When the show ends, Donghyun rushes up to the two of you from where he was standing near the stage—you hadn’t even realized he had somehow moved—an alarming amount of sweat staining his shirt from all of the excitement. Only Donghyun would fucking somehow manage to start sweating while outside in the middle of a cold winter’s day. He looks absolutely spent, to put it gently, hair matted and panting like a dog.
“Wow, have you guys even moved?” Donghyun asks the two of you in shock. “It’s like you guys have roots growing into the ground, trapping you here.”
“I think we’re quite comfortable, don’t you?” Sewoon says confidently, wrapping his arms even tighter around your body as he grins towards you, nearly knocking into your forehead with that goddamn cap of his. You nod in response, though under this thick jacket, you’re not really sure if anyone noticed.
Donghyun puts a hand up to wave off Sewoon’s words. “Whatever. You guys can keep being soft here as the crowd leaves. I’m out. Catch you later?”
He doesn’t give either of you time to respond to his posed question and suggest another date  for meeting up, just bounces off as if the weather doesn’t affect him whatsoever, skipping away like a child.
“There’s that nice coffee shop nearby,” you remember, not wanting to go back to your apartment just yet. “Wanna go?”
Sewoon nods happily, releasing you from his embrace as the two of you head in the direction of your next destination. On the way, his fingers fiddle with yours, playing a little game in between your bodies until he eventually coaxes you into just holding his hand like normal people do.
Neither of you are really quite normal.
Stepping into the steamy little corner shop, your ears and nose heat up from the sudden change in temperature, making you shiver from the contrast. You know Sewoon experiences no such sensation, but you don’t really think he minds not having that human quality anymore. Not when your shivering is just another excuse for him to wrap his body around you like a fucking hot dog bun, or something. You eventually have to force him off of you—because with his overbearing body on top of all the heat from this coffee and your own outerwear, you feel like you’re about to melt into a pile of lava right on the hardwood floor—but he doesn’t leave you alone without a teasing little smile, one that is so terribly Sewoon of him.
“Black coffee with absolutely no flavor, how intense of you,” you comment as the two of you wander over to where you can pick up your drinks. In your best rugged, bearded lumberjack voice, you say, “Only real men waste five bucks on coffee that has no taste.”
“Oh, shut up, you know why I got it,” Sewoon says, nudging your side as he rolls your eyes, fake sick of your taunting. “Besides, it tastes better than whatever sugar-filled tea you got yourself.”
“Like you know what my very, very delicious peach green tea tastes like. With your taste buds, everything just tastes like blood, to you,” you retort.
“You got me there,” Sewoon says, pointing a finger gun your way as the barista hands you your drinks.
You migrate over to an empty couch, sitting with your legs pressed up against each others to warm up even further.
“Did you like today’s thing?” Sewoon asks, taking a sip of his coffee and not even flinching when the beverage (probably) burns his tongue. Oh, the life of a vamp.
“It was alright, I guess,” you reply. shrugging. You don’t have the invincible tongue that Sewoon does, so you refrain from drinking your tea for a little longer. “I probably would have enjoyed it more if it weren’t cold and if Donghyun weren’t so… Donghyun.”
Sewoon chuckles at your description of his friend. “That’s the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard.” Another sip. “I quite liked it, actually.”
“Really? You could hear the music under all these damn layers?”
Sewoon pouts, not appreciating your humor despite the fact that you’re absolutely hilarious. “Yes, and I enjoyed it. Makes me want to go home and experiment with my own guitar, see what I can come up with.”
“Oh, please don’t,” you say, brows downturned as you finally work up the courage to have a bit of your drink. Tastes perfect. “Your experimenting isn’t as welcome as you think it is.”
“I am a great singer, thank you,” Sewoon says, playfully affronted.
“Yeah, but you’re not necessarily a good ‘let me just strum random notes on my guitar and see if something sounds nice’ person,” you respond. You don’t know how many times you’ve come home from class to hear Sewoon stringing together some awful sounding melody, woken up in the middle of the night to some obnoxious guitaring from the room beside yours because he sleeps during the day.
Sewoon laughs at your rebuttal, too smitten to come up with his own comeback. “I was hoping you’d like it, that’s why I invited you to it.”
You chuckle. “Ah, geez, thanks. Thought I was just invited because I’m your sad mortal roommate.”
“That too,” Sewoon jokes, earning a gasp and a light smack on the shoulder from you. “I’m kidding. I really did think you’d like it, though. Was considering taking you out to another festival like this one when it gets a bit warmer.”
You narrow your eyes, taking a hesitant and drawn-out sip of your tea. “Did Donghyun set you up to do this?”
“No! All me. Thought we could go together, do some festival-y type things and listen to good music,” Sewoon says, grinning and hopeful.
It sounds suspiciously like a date to your ears, but you suppose that friends can have dates. Very romantic-sounding dates. Sewoon’s playing some sort of game here, but you’re not sure if you ever read the instruction manual, so you’re kind of just bullshitting your way through it. But a date—romantic, platonic, pathetic, whatever—with Sewoon is something you find you can never really resist.
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One plus side to your best friend-slash-vamp being your long-term uni roommate is the fact that the both of you are typically awake at the same time. This can mostly be chalked up to your absolute shit sleeping schedule and the fact that he has to try and be as awake as he can during the night, since he can’t really do much besides mope in a dark room with the blinds drawn when it’s day.
Truth be told, even before Sewoon turned, he always had kind of a terrible sleeping schedule, always calling you up in high school at three in the morning to go and have some ridiculous escapade in the local park, go to a gas station convenience store and buy an obscene amount of chips before pigging out on the sidewalk. Sewoon really was just meant to be a vampire. Hardly anything changed—other than his unyielding need for blood—when he was bitten. Jeong Sewoon is still Jeong Sewoon, fangs or not, and you are still his best friend, vamp qualities and all.
He doesn’t have his internship this week—something about overstaffing and boring patients and shift cuts that you didn’t pay much attention to—and he doesn’t have class either because he takes it online (so he can do it at night), so he’s kind of just… always at home. Always. To be quite frank, you don’t really like leaving Sewoon at home alone. Not that he’s been known to you to throw massive parties or constantly bring home one-night stands (in fact, he never does the latter), but this whole vampire thing is still a bit new to the both of you. There could always be this one weird trait that could pop out of nowhere and burn the whole damn complex down, and you don’t like taking that chance.
The relationship you have with him is a little weird. You’re not necessarily his caretaker, because he knows how to deal with his own shit most of the time, but you’re also not just his best friend-slash-roommate that just so conveniently happened to want to share an apartment with him. There’s this peculiar mix of friend, guardian, guide, and another thing you don’t like putting a name to.
That thing that makes you think that half of the time there’s some romantic connotation with whatever the hell you’re doing with Sewoon. Whatever it is.
At least you can go to class with peace of mind, knowing that Sewoon typically just keeps himself busy when you’re not there with naps, schoolwork, or that beat-up old guitar that drives you nuts. The one that makes him hiss at you when you try to touch it.
You come home on a Friday night to one of the nicest scenes you think you’ve ever seen in the history of your friendship with Sewoon. Candles are lit all around the living space (you didn’t even know you owned candles) and there are Christmas lights decorating the walls. Sewoon sits on the couch, not a dead animal in sight, curled up in several layers of blankets and duvets and sheets, and a DVD case rests on your coffee table.
“The hell is this?” You ask, mostly in awe as you look around, dropping your bag onto the floor beside you.
“Movie night, except I took the liberty of setting the mood,” Sewoon says, clearly proud of his work.
“What movie are we watching?” You ask in disbelief, settling in on the couch next to him.
“Zootopia,” Sewoon says as he presses a couple of buttons on the remote, bringing the two of you to the loading screen.
“Wow, very romantic. Animals walking on two feet, damn, it just gets you,” you comment sarcastically.
“Leave me alone, I know we both like this movie, so we’re watching it.”
“You know me so well,” you mutter as you let your head rest in the crook of his neck, heaps of blankets covering your bodies.
Surprisingly enough, the movie goes on perfectly and without any interruptions from Sewoon, who is notorious for pausing the movie every five minutes to say something. He just lets his arm tug you in closer as you snuggle together on your sad little couch in this homely apartment. Sewoon always laughs at the worst parts, though, and typically you’re just a little annoyed by the timing but tonight, you can’t help but relish in the sound of his giggles, heart racing when they begin and dropping when they end.
You’d be a fool to not notice the definite romantic aura this entire movie night possesses, from the candles to the blankets to the fairy lights. Even so, you swear to yourself that you’re just friends, that maybe Sewoon’s doing all of this just for fun because you guys are just friends and you’ve always been just friends and that’s how you think you’ll always be. Friends do this type of stuff for their friends? Right?
You’re almost half-asleep by the time the movie draws to a close, Shakira’s voice fading out as Sewoon lowers the volume.
“Sleepy?” He asks, voice thick with tiredness himself.
“Just a little,” you say, trying to hide it even though you know he can see right through you. “What was all of this for, anyway, Sewoon?”
Sewoon blushes a little, eyes glowing a dark burgundy in the candlelight. You’ve never seen them this shade before. “Just a thing for you.”
“For me?”
“Yeah, can’t you tell? I care about you a lot, Y/N. I never want you to leave my side,” Sewoon hums softly, and you have no idea what he’s going to say next, what else he’ll do to sweep you off your feet, until he presses his lips to yours.
This is easily the most lighthearted kiss you’ve ever had, no teeth or tongue, just a child’s playground kiss. Just his lips on yours. It makes you gasp ever so slightly, but immediately you melt into the feeling, smiling on his lips.
“So, how about it?” Sewoon asks, beaming and hopeful and promising. He’ll give you the world if it means your happiness. “Will you accept my very cheesy confession?”
You laugh into your hand, almost too in shock to say anything. Almost. “You’re such a soft vamp, Sewoon, but of course. Always. It’s always been you, Sewoon.”
Grinning in the candlelight, his fangs have never looked better.
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
Park Jihoon Soulmate AU
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Okay so this wasn’t requested but all the other boys had a soulmate au and I just didn’t like that Jihoon was the only one without one?? It’s a little short and stuff but here we go! (I think Sunday is now my upload day)
• Your soulmate key isnt exactly helpful, • At all, • But it’s more of a sentimental thing, • You would be frustrated about its uselessness but you’re a firm believer in fate being fate and the time will come when you meet your soulmate, • So while a clue, any clue, would have been nice, you where chill, • Because on your wrist glowed a timer, recording how long you’d lived on earth,  Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, until it would stop when you met your soulmate, • Which is damn exciting because it could be AnYmoMEnT, • But then whenever you meet someone new you always check your wrist because what if it stops and you don’t notice? • A damn tragedy ™ • So you also have a habit of holding your wrist because you can feel it ticking down and it’s reassuring to know you haven’t missed them yet, • Some people looked down on your soulmate sign, thinking it was useless or ugly, which is frustrating, • And some people pity you, especially when their signs are obvious, which is slightly irritating but, like I said, you chill AF so yanno, ya don’t mind as much, • So your school is the practice place of the town’s orchestra, which you just so happen to have a place in, • You make up half of you orchestras flutes, because the flute is pretty and sounds pretty and that’s just how you roll, • But although you’re in the orchestra, you haven’t actually met everyone yet? • Just sorta turn up, play and talk to the other flute, Jaehwan, and occasionally the other woodwinds around you, • And because the strings look scary okay, • They just look so elegant and their elbows could break a jaw when they’re playing fast and sometimes they s c r e e c h  at a pitch to rattle your brain, • And coming from someone who sits next to piccolo’s, that’s high, • Although the piccolo player in the orchestra is adorable and their control is 10/10 so it sounds godly, • But you still notice everything that goes on in the orchestra, • Like when two of the French horns fell out and it was a complete battle between the two on who could play louder and better and smooth for a week until the conductor nearly had a mental break down,
• (Okay maybe the whole orchestra noticed that), • And how whenever one of the cello’s have a break they stare dreamily at one I the clarinets, • Like how there’s a new violin, • But boy, how could you not notice him, • His timing is perfect to the exact second, • Because having a ticking clock on your wrist really helps with keeping time, • How his arms move as if he’s one with the music and and how his face switches between at total peace and an intense concentration, • Your heart aches to talk to him, to praise him, to duet with him, • Because you swear you can hear his violin over the others, • But tbh it could be the 3 other violin’s playing exactly the same piece, • But your STUBBORN and IT IS his violin, • But you have no idea how to approach him? • Because your orchestra doesn’t really mingle, and he’s a string and your a woodwind, • Jaehwan, one of your best friends, labeled it as the modern Romeo and Juliet because this is just as dramatic okay, • You just have to get him to notice you, • I mean you killed a solo the other day so he must have seen you but whether he’s noticed you is totally different, • So when your school starts talking about their annual summer show auditions,it’s like the light has been shown to you, • You know the boy is from your school, he sometimes shows up to practice in uniform as it’s straight after school, • And you know he’s in the class opposite yours, because Jaehwan has leads everywhere, • How does he get all his info? What’s a lie and what’s real? He’s a mystery, really, • So when you slide open Jihoons’ classrooms door you’re on edge™ • This is the dude you’ve literally dreamed of having a duet with, so if he rejects you now you might as well just sell your flute and move to the country to become a recluse, • You scan the classroom, it’s lunch so only half full, students sleeping or chatting or desperately cramming because you never know when the next surprise test will pop up, • (Always prepared), • But you spot  Jihoon • (Jaehwan also provided you with his name like the great best friend he is), • Luckily for you he isn’t asleep, but sat On a desk talking to Woojin, who you know from the one year you decide to try badminton and needed a partner, • You take a deep breath and make your way over, Woojins friendly presence calming you slightly, • It may seem like you’re making a mountain out of a molehill but something about Jihoon daunts you a little, probably because he’s a string player, • Woojin sees you first, smiling widely in greeting and at that moment you want to get down and thank him on your knees, • “Hey, y/n, how ya doing? Got another new Hobby in mind? I was thinking, what about figure skating?” Woojins teasing makes your cheeks redden but your mouth curve into the smile, • “Really? I was thinking we could take up horse riding. But I’m, uh, here to talk to Jihoon,” • Jihoons eyes land on you, but where you expected to feel more nervous you suddenly feel more at home, as if you’d known Jihoon all of you life, • “Hey Y/n, first flute, right? You always stand out when we all play together,” • Jihoon’s kind words warm your heart as well as your cheeks, • “Ah, that’s the thing. Your playing is beautiful, so I was wondering if you’d like to do a duet for the summer show?” • You imagined you’d feel jumpy or anxious, but the shy smile that spreads in Jihoon’s face is peaceful and the enthusiastic shine in his eye is reassuring, • “Oh thank god, I was just trying to figure out whether you’d say yes if I asked you,” • “I’d be stupid not to say yes to you,” • And damn if u two ain’t hitting it off straight away, • You swap phone numbers, which makes your stomach twist and heart flip, • But as you turn to walk away, a warm hand quickly reaches out carefully wrapping around your wrist and sending a shock Through your arm and up to your head, • You turn around, totally shocked because like???? What’s up???? • But Jihoon stays silent, another shy smile on his face, he simply holds your own wrist up for you to see, • Your numbers glow unchanging on your wrist, there’s no longer a ticking in your blood, • The complete sense of peace you felt when you first met eyes with Jihoon makes total sense, • And you feel a little stupid you didn’t notice your constant beat had disappeared, • As if it wasn’t already clear enough, Jihoon slowly holds his wrist up next to yours, his numbers also stopped, • It’s overwhelming - You always had a feeling of being on edge, tense, although it felt completely normal, • But now you feel at home, at ease, at peace, the old feeling now seeming terrible, Jihoon looks calmer than you’ve ever seen him and looking at Jihoon’s timer he had to deal with a few extra month than you, • But you can’t quite believe it, and neither can Jihoon, that the person that is destined for you was just a few seats away, working his own magic with a violin as you worked your own with a flute, both of you unaware, • Although not totally unaware, your trust in fate well placed, as the fact you were always drawn to him, his music always standing out, now makes sense, • “Right in front of me, y/n, a few rows away,” • You pull each other forward, wrapped in each others embraces, grins splitting your faces, • Honestly, the hug is just to make sure it’s all real, • So the two of you completely sweep the floor at the summer show, • It’s difficult learning timing all over again without the ticking flowing through your blood, but the two of you manage together to find your own new rhythm, • And omg has a duet ever been more heartfelt ever? You basically combine to make one badass note making machine,
• Julliard? You laugh in the face of Julliard, • You’re always tracing the numbers on the others wrist, • Like ‘wow, it took us this long to find each other,’ and you cherish every single second after that, • Because you spent that long apart, gotta make up for lost time, • And then you’re always playing together, making up new pieces to express what words can’t, • And there’s really nothing more intimate than watching someone perform something that was made only and especially for you,
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minhothebighoe · 7 years
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@ google u ok ?????????¿
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Letters To You (Park Woojin Oneshot)
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Genre: High school AU, secret admirer AU, angst.
Summary: The closer I get to you, the farther we become.
A Meowment Like This (Kang Daniel College AU)
     “Another one?” Your friend exclaimed, pointing to a small white envelope peeking out of the top of the math book on your desk. “How long has he been at this? Almost four months now? Why doesn’t he just confess already.”
     Grinning to yourself, you sat back at your desk after returning from lunch break and pulled the envelope out of the textbook. On the front, with the usual handwriting, the words ‘To Y/N.’ were jotted down.
     “He’s probably not ready, it’s okay.” You shrugged at your friend, slipping the envelope into your uniform pocket to read later in private without her snooping its contents.
     “What do you mean it’s okay? The romance and excitement is gonna wear off at some point.” She muttered, leaning on the edge of her desk next to you.
     “I mean, that when he feels comfortable, he’ll reveal himself. I don’t mind waiting.”
     Your friend sighed, shaking her head as she sat down in her seat. At the beginning of the school year, you’d received the first letter from this secret admirer. Everyday, without fail, he would write one to you and they’d appear out of nowhere with no source in sight. At first, the curiosity killed you. You tried to figure out who it was behind all those loving and encouraging words, however, none of whom you suspected seemed to fit the role. As time passed, you began to accept his anonymity, believing that one day when the time is right, he’ll show you who he truly is.
     The bell rang, knocking you out of your thoughts. Your math teacher entered the room and positioned himself at the teacher’s desk, calling, “Everyone, pass the homework I assigned to the front then open up to page 99 and start working on those questions!”
     The sound of groans of complaints and shuffling of papers spread throughout the classroom as the homework was handed in. You flipped over to the designated page and searched for your pen, exhaling in exasperation when you realised that you had leant it to a friend from a different class.
     “Can I borrow an extra pen?” You whispered to your friend, nudging her elbow.
     “Don’t have one.” She mouthed.
     You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to face your shy, quiet classmate, Woojin. He never interacted with anyone other than his small group of friends and usually preferred to keep to himself. As a matter of fact, despite him having sat behind you all year, other than school related topics, you’d never had a proper conversation with him.
     “Here, you can borrow mine.” He murmured, only maintaining eye contact for a second before he nervously dropped his line of sight to the pen he was offering you.
     “Thanks Woojin, I owe you one.” You chuckled, taking it from him before turning back to your work. You pulled out a sheet of paper and began scribbling the numbers mentioned in the first word problem, pausing momentarily when your heart skipped a beat at the sight of the green coloured ink. It reminded you of the same coloured pen your secret admirer would often write his letters with. Your cheeks flamed up; how can all your thoughts revolve around someone you haven’t even met before? He’s taken over your heart and mind.
     As you jotted down the answers, your mind travelled elsewhere, thinking of all the things you’d tell your secret admirer if you could. You always wished you could somehow write back to him, however, that was impossible. His letter were so thoughtful, as if he were watching over you and making sure you were always happy.
     ‘I heard about your physics test score, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll do much better next time! I believe in you!’
     ‘Don’t let what Mrs. Jung said today get to you. Not being able to answer her illogical question doesn’t give her the right to say what she did.’
     ‘You fell asleep today during history lesson. Don’t worry though, you can have the notes I took. Make sure to get enough sleep, Y/N!”
     ‘I saw you crying by your locker today. You don’t know how hard it was for me not to walk over and hold you in my arms. I don’t know what’s going on, but I hope you can get through it. I hate not seeing you smile.’
     Although he probably never understood the full picture of what you went through in your life, he was always there supporting you. Never once was he not by your side, motivating you to move forward. With every word he wrote, he managed to make you fall more in love with him.
     You couldn’t concentrate in class for the rest of the day; all you wanted to do was read the latest letter you had received. So by the time last period had rolled around and you were given the final ten minutes to yourselves, you were at the edge of your seat with excitement.
     Ripping the top of the envelope, you pulled out and unfolded the paper inside. You were so absorbed in your own bubble that you didn’t notice the teacher calling out a student and the chair behind you being pushed back. A figure passed by your side and to the front of the classroom, yet your eyes scanned over the emerald writing with the sides of your lips turned up into a giddy smile.
     “Perfect, I think I'm finally ready to show you my true identity.
     All these past months I've been sending you these letters and,
     Revealing myself seemed impossible at the start,
     Knowing that you might be disappointed when you find out who I am.
     While writing these letters to you, I allowed myself to pour my heart out,
     Overthinking was never a problem because at the end of the day, I was anonymous. I was able to say what was on my mind without feeling embarrassed.
     Oddly enough, you never figured out who I was despite accidentally leaving hints about myself,
     Just to my luck or else I would've died of embarrassment.
     I guess all I wanted to say is that I love you more than you could ever know. You’re so important and special to me.
     Now all you need to do is put the first letters of each line together and you'll know who I am. The puzzle is finally complete.”
     Your heart raced at the realisation of the contents of this letter. Your head shot up and you twisted around quickly to the boy sitting behind you, however he wasn't there. Turning back, your eyes locked with his as he stood next to the teacher, his stare filled with sorrow. He smiled sadly at you, once again lowering his gaze as his eyes glassed over.
     “Unfortunately, Park Woojin is transferring to a different school. Today was his last day with us.” The teacher announced.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Track Down (Donghyun)
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Let Me Love You (Lai Guanlin twoshot)
When you were first paired up with Lai Guanlin for your Advanced Business final, you didn’t know what to think. Guanlin was quiet and shy, but as you continued to work together, you realized that he was also kind and a gentleman with his own personal problems. Slowly, you fell for him, and unbeknownst to you, he’d been in love with you all along...
featuring kang mina (pd101/gugudan), kang daniel and ong seungwoo as your best friends
park jihoon and yoo seonho as guanlin’s best friends
high school! au
so this was originally a oneshot but it’s 8K words total so i split it into two parts as to not overwhelm people haha
“(Y/G/N) (Y/N) and Lai Guanlin, Ethics and the Law in Business,” your teacher called out. You twisted in your seat to look at Lai Guanlin, the transfer student from Taiwan who always sat in the back of the class with his friends Seonho and Jihoon. The three were all on the basketball team, but they didn’t talk much in class, so you didn’t know how well you two would work together.
You hadn’t realized that Guanlin had even been listening to you, let alone that he remembered such a passing comment like that.
“Your family is staring,” you murmured quietly, letting yourself savor the feeling of Guanlin swaying you back and forth.
“Let them stare,” Guanlin responded, deep voice rumbling in his chest, intense gaze looking down at you.
Not Hyunbin, not Hyunbin, not Hyunbin, please
You folded your hands together under your desk, praying to any God who was listening that you wouldn’t get paired up with Kwon Hyunbin, who, while he was nice, was also a total idiot. Since your teacher was pairing your class up for your final project, you really couldn’t afford to get paired with someone who couldn’t pull their own weight.
“(Y/G/N) (Y/N) and Lai Guanlin, Ethics and the Law in Business,” your teacher called out. You twisted in your seat to look at Lai Guanlin, the transfer student from Taiwan who always sat in the back of the class with his friends Seonho and Jihoon. The three were all on the basketball team, but they didn’t talk much in class, so you didn’t know how well you two would work together.
Shrugging, you turned back around in your seat to face the chalkboard again.
Once the teacher was finished assigning partners, she went back over the directions. “Now, this is the final project for your Advanced Business class. As this is a more challenging class, and the only Business class offered to high school students in the area, the principal will be sitting in on your presentations. I expect you all to dress in professional attire, and conduct yourselves accordingly. This will be 15% of your final grade in this course. Class is dismissed, please wait for the bell.”
As you packed your things into your backpack, your friends slowly made their way to your side.
“Yah, trade partners with me, (Y/N),” Kang Mina, your best friend, complained. “I don’t want to be stuck with this idiot.” The idiot, Ong Seungwoo, shot her a finger heart.
“Lai Guanlin, huh?” Kang Daniel sat in the empty seat next to yours and casually slung his arm over your shoulder, “he’s chill.”
“Oh, you guys are teammates, right?” You asked, perking up a bit. Daniel was also on the basketball team, but had to sit out temporarily because he’d hurt his thumb in practice. “He’s gonna, like, do work and stuff, right?”
“Yeah, you’ll be fine,” Daniel reassured you, “He can get shy and is unconfident in his Korean, so he might be kinda quiet, but I think you’ll be fine.” Seungwoo and Daniel traded sly looks.
“Ey, what was that look?” Mina pointed an accusing finger at the boys, “you guys aren’t telling us something.”
“What?” Seungwoo shook his head, “I would never!”
“Bullshit,” Mina hit him in the arm as the bell rang. “Tell us!”
You laughed as Mina started slapping his chest, and you collected your bag to head to your locker. You trailed after your friends, struggling to get the straps over your arms.
“Hey, Guanlin can help you with that,” you heard a playful voice say from behind you. You whirled around and came face-to-face with a chest—Park Jihoon’s chest.
“Yah, hyung!” Guanlin rolled his eyes and shoved Jihoon. Jihoon snickered, and the three friends walked off, but not before Jihoon sent you a smirk.
You stared after them, backpack still hanging off only one shoulder. What just happened?
“Okay students, find your partners and get started working on your projects!”
It was a new day, and you’d totally forgotten about the project and what had happened after school with Guanlin. As students started getting out of their seats and talking with each other, you looked around for him.
“Oh? He’s not here?” You wondered—you could have sworn that you saw him during lunch in the cafeteria. You peered over to where his seat was in the back of the classroom. His backpack was there, but his notebook and pencils were gone.
You jumped, startled by the sound of Guanlin’s voice behind you. He was standing by the empty desk next to you, notebook and pencils in hand.
“Oh, hi!” You greeted him, smiling your wide, cheery smile, “you can sit there if you want, no one sits there, or we can sit somewhere else. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“I can sit here,” Guanlin replied stiffly, sitting in the desk. He neatly arranged his notebook and pencils so that they all lined up, making you look down at your own supplies that were strewn across your desk.
“So, we’re working on Ethics and the Law, right?” You pulled out your textbook, opening to the chapter that addressed your topic, “What do you think we should focus on for the topic?” Guanlin shrugged, fidgeting with one of the pencils on his desk.
“And we also need to figure out how we’re gonna present, do you have any ideas for that?” Guanlin just shrugged again, pushing his hair away from his face. You heaved a huge sigh in your head.
“He can get shy, and is unconfident in his Korean, so he might be kinda quiet.”
Daniel’s advice from the day before echoed in your head.
“Is a slideshow okay?” You asked him, looking up from your textbook, “I think those are fairly easy, but I’ve never actually had to make one. They’re so confusing sometimes, and I’m not great with computers.” Guanlin just stared you, and you continued to babble nervously. “But I mean, we don’t have to do a slideshow, I guess that’s kind of a stupid idea now that I think about it.”
“’s fine.” Guanlin nodded, flipping to a blank page in his notebook. “You can say your ideas, I’ll write.”
You beamed at him, glad that you’d arrived at a way to work well. When he realized that you weren’t talking, he looked up and caught sight of your huge grin. Cheeks slightly pink, he ducked his head and picked up his pencil again.
“Right, right,” you nodded, flipping through the textbook, “maybe we can have one slide for an overview of Ethics and the Law, and then one slide per sub-unit, and a summary slide at the end?” Guanlin nodded and began scrawling in his notebook.
“Oh, you write in Chinese?” You asked, glancing down at his notebook. Guanlin froze, and reached for his eraser.
“Sorry, you can’t read that,” he muttered, beginning to erase what he’d written.
“No, no, it’s okay!” You smiled at him again, “Don’t worry, I was just surprised! I’ve always heard that it’s hard to write in Chinese, because of how many different characters there are. But you should write in it if it’s easier for you, and you can always just tell me what it says when we work, anyways!” Guanlin stared at you for a moment, and gave you a small smile of his own, nodding and going back to his work.
At the end of class, you packed up your stuff like you normally did.
“Students, students,” the teacher called for everyone’s attention, “before you leave, please exchange contact information so that you can work on the project this weekend! Class is dismissed.”
You reached into your backpack and grabbed your phone out, blushing slightly at its unkempt state, earbuds tangled around it. After pulling the earbuds out, you opened a new contact and handed your phone to Guanlin.
“Here, put your contact in,” you explained, “and I’ll just text you that it’s me so that you have my number as well!” Guanlin nodded, and carefully typed in his name and number. When you got your phone back, you sent him a quick text with your name and a bunny emoji after it. Guanlin checked his phone and gave you a thumbs up that he’d gotten the text.
“Okay, I’ll text you sometime to figure out when we can work this weekend!” You said cheerfully, smiling up at Guanlin, who nodded in response.  He started getting up to go back to his seat when Seonho came up to your desks, setting Guanlin’s backpack on the desk.
“So, Guanlin, introduce me to your partner,” Seonho grinned cheekily, nudging his friend.
“Oh! I’m (Y/L/N), (Y/N),” you greeted Seonho, bowing slightly from your seat
“Oh, I know,” Seonho snickered. “Ow! Fuck!” He suddenly bent over, clutching his shin in pain.
“Seonho, stop harassing (Y/N),” Seungwoo came up to you all, backpack slung casually over your shoulder. “She doesn’t need your disrespect.”
“I have only love and respect for all women on this planet,” Seonho responded, leaning on Seungwoo.
“Hey, (Y/N), are you going to the movies tonight with us?” Mina asked you hopefully. Your group of friends had a tradition--every Friday, you all went to see a movie in the evening.
“You know it,” you responded, giving Mina a thumbs up. “What are we watching today?”
“You guys made plans and didn’t invite us?” Jihoon joined your group, placing a hand on his chest to mime being hurt.
“That’s right, Wink Boy,” Daniel teased him, ruffling Jihoon’s hair with his free hand, “you wanna go?”
Daniel, Mina and Seungwoo were closer with Jihoon and Seonho because of basketball (Mina and Seungwoo were managers), but you didn’t really know them. You didn’t mind, though, as they seemed like nice people.
“Sure,” Jihoon nodded, turning to Seonho and Guanlin, “y’all going?”
Guanlin sent Jihoon a wide-eyed, panicked look. “Ow! Fuck!” Guanlin suddenly jolted, reaching down underneath the desk.
“Oh, are you okay?” You asked in shock as Guanlin doubled over in pain.
“Yah, Seonho-ah,” Daniel whispered, as all the males present winced. “I think you missed the leg.”
“I’m going out, Mom!” You called upstairs to where your mom was watching some new drama.
“With who?” Your mom yelled back.
“Mina, Daniel and Seungwoo,” you shouted back, “and some of their friends!”
“Text me when you arrive so that I know you’re safe,” she shouted, “and who are these friends? Boys?”
“Yes, Mom, but they’re Daniel’s friends so they’re okay!”
“Be safe, honey!”
Shaking your head, you grabbed your keys from the little hook by the door and slid on your shoes. Once you had your shoes on, you opened the door, only to be startled by three tall figures—Daniel, Seungwoo and Jihoon.
“You scared me, geez,” you sighed, clutching your chest as you quickly locked the door.
“You’re wearing your glasses?” Daniel asked as you followed Seungwoo and Jihoon down the street towards the bus stop. Your hands flew up to your face.
“Oh, damn,” you sighed again, this time more frustrated at your own forgetfulness, “I forgot to change back into my contacts.” You had changed from your school uniform into a more comfortable oversized sweater and jeans, and had used your glasses to give your eyes a break from contacts, figuring that you would change back right before you left.
The bus ride to the movie theater was short, and you tuned out Seungwoo, Daniel and Jihoon’s antics by listening to some music. Jihoon, you soon realized, was just as playful (and irritating) as your other two male best friends.
“So what are we watching?” You asked Seungwoo as you all walked from the bus stop to the theater, pushing the glasses up your nose in frustration.
“Mina was thinking Wonder Woman,” Seungwoo responded, texting on his phone, “I want to watch a romcom, though.”
“Ey, no, let’s watch Wonder Woman,” you agreed with Mina, “we’ve watched enough of your stupid romantic comedies to last me a lifetime.”
“I knew my bestie would back me up!” You heard Mina exclaim, and you turned around to greet her. “We ready to buy our tickets?”
“Guanlin and Seonho already bought theirs, and they’re just waiting inside,” Jihoon relayed. “Annnd they bought Wonder Woman tickets, so that’s what we’re seeing.”
Mina and you traded triumphant looks as the group lined up to buy the tickets. After buying them, you all headed inside to where the food was sold in order to meet up with the other boys.
“There they are,” Daniel pointed to where Seonho and Guanlin stood, shoving each other and messing around.
“You guys didn’t buy popcorn yet?” Jihoon complained, “why do I trust you guys for anything, I swear.”
“Let’s just get in line, dude,” Seungwoo shrugged, glancing up at the menu. Quickly, you checked your purse to see how much money you had and winced. After the movie ticket, and since Mina wanted to hang out again that weekend, it would probably be best to not spend money on food.
“You guys go ahead, I’ll just wait for you over here,” you told them, sitting down on one of the benches near the line.
“You sure?” Mina frowned at you, “You love Sprite!”
“It’s fine, don’t worry!” You shook your head, “I’m trying to watch the calories anyways, so just go ahead.”
As everyone grabbed snacks and drinks, you pulled out your phone to text your mom where you were.
to: ma
I’m at the theater
I’m safe don’t worry
>>who are you with again?
Daniel, mina, seungwoo and three of daniel’s basketball friends
>>do I know them?
I don’t think so?
Idk maybe
Theyre in my class too
>>as long as Daniel thinks theyre ok people
>>I trust his decision making more than yours -.-
You don’t trust your own daughter??
Wow mom, such confidence
You looked up quickly, meeting Guanlin’s eyes. The others were already walking towards the theater where Wonder Woman was playing, leaving the two of you behind.
“Oh, sorry!” You quickly stood up, and the two of you silently followed your friends. “Are you looking forward to watching this movie?”
Guanlin grinned and nodded, “I love superheroes.”
“Ah, same!” You exclaimed, holding up your hand for a hi-five. As you slapped your hand against his, you noticed that he was holding two bottles of Sprite. “Oh, did you buy some for Jihoon-ssi?”
Guanlin looked down shyly and held the bottle out to you, “I actually got it for you,” he said quietly, not meeting your surprised look, “you should enjoy yourself, not diet.”
“I’m trying to watch the calories anyways.”
Wow, you hadn’t realized that Guanlin had even been listening to you, let alone that he remembered such a passing comment like that. Cheeks slightly pink, you accepted the Sprite from him.
“Thanks!” You grinned up at him cheerfully, “When we work on the project this weekend, I’ll be sure to bring lots of snacks!” As Guanlin walked quickly to catch up with Seonho and Jihoon, you found yourself looking back down at the bottle of Sprite. Your heart beat a bit quicker, and you rushed to catch up with your friends, holding the bottle of soda just a little bit tighter.
to: lai guanlin
sorry, what’s your house’s address again?
im taking the bus there and I don’t want to get lost haha
>>(address that I’m not making up)
>>see you soon
“Holy shit,” you whispered under your breath in awe. You’d arrived at Guanlin’s house—if you could even call it a house. It looked more like a mansion, complete with a front gate that you were standing in front of awkwardly. Their front yard seemed to stretch on for miles and miles before it arrived at the front steps of the house. Cringing slightly, you pressed the button on the gate.
“Hello?” A scratchy voice came from the speaker, “Madame, have you arrived?”
“Um, hi? My name is (Y/L/N) (Y/N), I’m here to work on a project with Guanlin?” You twisted your fingers nervously, unsure as to who the person was referring to when they said “Madame”.
“Oh yes, my apologies,” the voice said pleasantly, “I’ll send the Master to come greet you.”
Master? What was this, some palace?
You waited awkwardly, readjusting your backpack on your back. In the distance, you could see Guanlin jogging up to you, clad in a large sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. Given the choice, that’s what you would have worn as well, but since you had to take the bus, you figured it would be better to look presentable. Besides, you didn’t want to look like a slob if you met his parents or anyone.
“Hey,” he greeted you, cheeks flushed from the cold air of the day—and not out of breath. Damn those basketball skills.
“Hi!” You greeted him as the gates swung open, letting you join him on the huge expanse of green grass. “I’m not saying this to make you uncomfortable or anything, but your house is huge.” Guanlin smiled slightly and shrugged.
“When we moved from Taipei here, my parents wanted to be sure to remind everyone here in Korea why we moved here,” he explained simply, glancing down at you. You rearranged your backpack again, the weight of it hurting your shoulders. “I can carry that if you want.”
“Oh?” You shook your head with a smile, “it’s okay, I can carry it.” Guanlin sighed and grabbed the top handle of the backpack, gently sliding it off you. His chest was scarily near your face, and your heart beat a bit faster as you took a deep breath of the mixture of his body wash and cologne.
“God, what’s in here?” he groaned, slinging it on his own back. You giggled at the sight of Lai Guanlin, the school’s star basketball player and swaggy macho man with a pastel pink backpack.
“I brought snacks!” You explained happily, and started listing everything off on your fingers, “I have chips, cookies and I also may have brought a liter of Sprite.”
“An entire liter?” Guanlin laughed at your sheepish expression, “that’s more than paying me back for Friday night, you know. A small little bottle versus and entire liter?”
“I know, I know,” you sighed, “just accept it, okay?” You looked up at him, meeting his eyes, and he looked away quickly, cheeks darkening slightly.
You had arrived at the front door, which Guanlin opened. He quickly stuck his head in first, as though he was looking around and checking something, before ushering you in.
The inside of the house was just as huge and grandiose as the outside. There were marble floors, ornate gold decorations and swirling stairs. Guanlin led you down one of the halls and opened the door to his room.
“It’s kind of messy, sorry,” he said sheepishly, “you can sit at the desk if you want, so that your back doesn’t hurt.” Thanking him, you timidly sat down at his desk. Guanlin set your backpack on the desk and got up again. “I’ll go grab glasses for the Sprite, is that okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s fine,” you waved him off with a smile. He left the room quickly, leaving you to observe his room. Of course the first time you were in a boy’s room would be for a stupid school project.
His room, you realized, was very plain. He had white walls and his bed had white pillows and a navy blue comforter, which looked super fluffy and warm, but you decided not to test that hypothesis. One shelf held books; tilting your head, you could see a couple Chinese titles, and a few books on the Korean language and idioms. Next to the books were all his basketball trophies and medals.
There were a few pictures of him and what looked like his friends from back in Taiwan, but other than that, there were no decorations or things to personalize his room.
“I got the glasses,” Guanlin said from the door, setting down the glasses on the desk. You yanked the Sprite from your backpack and carefully poured two glasses. You also pulled your textbook from your backpack and set it on the desk, flipping open to the correct page. Guanlin settled himself on his bed, facing you, and grabbed his laptop.
“Okay, let’s get started!”
The two of you settled into a fairly productive pattern. You would identify key topics or points, Guanlin would research them further on the internet, and then he would put it on the slideshow. You worked through a large portion of your project that way, and before you knew it, it was nighttime.
Neither one of you had gotten hungry, given the amount of snacks that you’d brought with you.
“Ah, I hope we get an A on this project,” you sighed, stretching in your seat. You two had decided to take a quick break from all the working you’d been doing. “I really need to do well in this class.”
“Why?” Guanlin asked, mouth full of potato chips. In the time that you’d spent with him that day, Guanlin had obviously gotten a lot more comfortable around you, going from his usual quiet self to messing around and dancing weirdly to the music that you’d been playing. It was, dare you say, cute.
You sighed, tilting your head back on the chair, looking up at the ceiling. “My mom and my older sister are the only ones in my family,” you explained, “and my mom and her sister own a small grocery store, but it isn’t doing very well. I wanted to go to college and earn a degree in business so that I can help them, but I can’t get into a good business program if I don’t do well in this class.”
As you looked back at Guanlin, you realized that he was staring at you. Instead of looking away, you met his gaze, and you felt your heart speed up a bit again.
“Ah, we have a lot more in common than I originally thought,” Guanlin sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
“What do you mean?” You asked curiously, wondering what he meant by that.
“I mean, everyone knows who you are,” Guanlin responded, not meeting your eyes, “You’re (Y/L/N) (Y/N), Kang Daniel and Ong Seungwoo’s cute, kind friend. I guess I’d forgotten that you have problems in your life just like the rest of us.” You felt your cheeks grow warmer at that comment—Guanlin had highkey just called you cute out of nowhere?
“People know who I am?” You asked in disbelief, and Guanlin chuckled.
“(Y/N), my first day at school, I heard more than ten guys talking about how pretty you’d gotten over summer vacation,” he responded, laughing at your disgusted expression.
You ducked your head in embarrassment, “I’m not pretty, though.”
“Yes you are,” Guanlin insisted, “and I really hope that bs you told us about being on a diet on Friday was just a random excuse.”
“LAI GUANLIN!” A shrill voice echoed in the room suddenly, making you jump and almost drop your glass. Apparently, you soon realized, the mansion also had a PA system. The shrill voice started shrieking things in Chinese, and Guanlin buried his head in his hands.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned, “I am so, so, so sorry.” The PA system crackled off, and Guanlin got up with a sigh.
“Um,” you raised an eyebrow, “what just happened?” Guanlin went over to his closet and started pulling clothes out of it.
“That was my mom,” Guanlin explained slowly, turning to look at you, “I didn’t realize that she was coming home from London today, if I had known I have said we should have just studied at a library or something. My mom is…”
“Overwhelming?” You suggested.
“A witch,” Guanlin supplied dryly, “and I don’t use that term lightly. But she’s here, and she’s demanding that you have dinner with us. If you feel uncomfortable with that, just tell me, I can make some excuse for you.”
“Why does she want me to have dinner with you all?” You asked, confused.
“She does this thing,” he explained, “she’s really obsessed with every aspect of my life, and since you’re in my life, by extension, she’ll be obsessed with you.”
“I can stay for dinner, it’s fine,” you nodded, “I mean, as long as you’re okay with that too, I know we aren’t like close or anything and that might be awkward.”
“No, no, I’m fine with it,” Guanlin shook his head, “It’s just, my mom is seriously crazy and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” He sighed, blowing his hair out of his face.
“Lemme just call my mom to let her know that I’ll be staying late,” you motioned to your phone. Guanlin nodded.
“I need to change into something nicer anyways, so it’s okay,” Guanlin replied, gesturing to the clothes on his bed.
Once you’d informed your mom of what had transpired, you looked down at what you were wearing—black jeans and a striped t-shirt. When Guanlin stepped out in a neatly ironed button-down shirt and slacks, you realized that you were drastically underdressed.
“Don’t sweat it,” Guanlin said to you, picking up on your discomfort. He led you down the hall slowly, as though he was walking to his own death. “Okay, so it might seem super fancy and overwhelming, but don’t worry. If you ever get confused about like which fork to use or anything, just look at me and I’ll help you out.”
“Fork?” You looked up at Guanlin in panic. You weren’t at all used to the Western style of eating, much preferring chopsticks and a spoon. Guanlin patted you on the shoulder in reassurance. As you two neared the dining room, you quickly tried to smooth down your hair and shirt.
“You look fine,” Guanlin reassured you.
“Guanlin, you’re taking forever,” Guanlin’s mother’s shrill voice echoed through the hall.
“Coming, Mother,” Guanlin shouted in response. The two of you traded looks and you entered the dining room, bracing yourself for whatever was to come.
The dining room, like everything else in the damn house, was beautiful and over the top. A huge chandelier dripping with crystals lit up the room, and a huge table laden with food sat at the center. A woman sat at the head of the table, her piercing gaze roving over first Guanlin, and then you. Three other males also sat at the table. Two of them looked to be in their 30s, and one in their 20s.
They all looked so perfect and magnificent, and you froze in your steps.
“Mother,” you heard Guanlin’s shirt rustle as he bowed slightly. “This is (Y/L/N) (Y/N), my partner in my Advanced Business class.”
“Good evening,” you said, and bowed the full 90 degrees. Guanlin’s mother glanced at you again and sniffed, waving one thin, elegant hand. You felt Guanlin place his hand on the small of your back, gently guiding you to a seat. He took the seat next to the man in his 20s, and had you sit next to him.
The tension in the room was palpable, thin, like someone had made a string out of glass and had stretched it out.
“So. Weiting. How was work today?”
“Why the hell are you acting like you care now, Mother?”
And the string made of glass shattered.
“What, I’m not allowed to be a mother?”
Guanlin groaned, making eye contact with you. He grabbed a plate of food and started dumping its contents onto your plate and then his.
He leaned over to whisper in your ear, “just eat, it’ll be over soon.” His breath tickled your ear, and you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Not after you screwed my company over,” the 30 year old, Weiting, snapped, stuffing rice into his mouth.
“Can you not eat like a fucking pig,” the man sitting across from you snapped, glaring at Weiting.
“Can you not swear in front of a lady, a-hiann?” Guanlin responded, joining the fray.
“Thank you,” Guanlin’s mother smiled, simpering.
“I was talking about (Y/N), not you.”
“How’s that business class of yours going, anyways?” the one sitting across from you asked, clearly enjoying the ruckus. You settled for just quietly eating, trying to ignore the incredibly awkward atmosphere.
“Fine, Paihan, it’s going fine,” Guanlin retorted, glaring at him. “Why, are you scared now that you have competition for who’s going to take the company?”
“Oh please, you were never in the running,” Weiting rolled his eyes, snickering, “You’re like a toddler, you throw tantrums when you don’t get your way and all you do is play basketball.”
“I do more than you ever did in high school, brother,” Guanlin crossed his arms, sending Weiting a glare.
“All he ever did was fool around with girls,” the younger one, Paihan, snickered.
“So, (Y/N), tell us about yourself,” the last guy, whose name you never got, suddenly turned the attention to you. His sly smile told you that he was definitely up to something, and judging from the atmosphere of the dinner thus far, it wasn’t out of kindness.
“Leave her alone, Chenghan,” Guanlin glared at him, shaking his head. “And mind your own business for once. Why don’t you tell us about your new girlfriend, huh?”
“You have a new girlfriend?”
The attention shifted from you before you had to say anything, luckily.
“Thanks,” you mumbled to Guanlin, who sent you a small smile before turning back to his food.
to: mina
dude his family is legit crazy
idk tho I think I might like him?????
Which is scary bc I said that I would’t crush on anyone in hs
lol its not a huge deal??
Idk hes just rlly kind and sweet
And my heart is like Out OF cONtRoL
Girl u gotta chill
to: lai guanlin
>>hey do u know what we’re supposed to wear for the presentation?
>>it’s this Friday right?
Omg it is
That’s only a couple days away
We’re supposed to dress professionally I think??
Whatever that means lol
>>oh ok cool
>>and we’re ready for the presentation right?
Yeah, when we ran thru it at ur house it went smoothly so I think we’re good
>>also warning I get kinda nervous speaking in front of people sometimes?
But ur so confident playing basketball omg
Its ok tho!! If u get nervous just lmk and I can take over
>>haha ty
read part two here!
ok so i was on youtube watching pd101 vids like the trash i am when i saw this video about guanlin’s suit manners???
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and i was genuienly wondering, is guanlin from like money? bc idk how you would know such detailed rules like this, unless maybe his school taught etiquiette? also side-note, i tried to research taiwanese honorifics instead of using mainland chinese honorifics bc im not tryna piss ppl off but since i didn’t really find anything, i just skipped honorifics altogether rip
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wannawrite · 7 years
rules + what we do
hey friends, this is all you need to know…for now ;) thank you !! Please request and show us some love 
 ADMINS, WHO DO YOU WRITE FOR? we write for BTS, SVT, PD101, Wanna One, EXO, Hotshot, MONSTA X. Admin L manages Hotshot, PD101, Monsta X and Wanna One. Admin N handles EXO, BTS and SVT.  
ADMINS, WHAT DO YOU GUYS WRITE? we can write scenarios, oneshots, small fics and Admin L might drop a mood board / aesthetic from time to time ;) as long as it all abides by the rules. 
 1.  please be quite specific when requesting 
example: BTS Jimin scenario reacting to his S/O wearing his clothes
we will try our best but we are unable to do so if we don’t get enough information. Thank youuuuuu
 2. strictly NO smut 
as both of us are still pretty young, we’d appreciate it if you would refrain from requesting anything sexual. we can do some vanilla and hints but NOTHING NSFW will be published here unless we get another admin 
3. strictly NOTHING that hints sexual abuse, rape, drugs and romanticisation of mental illness/suicide/pedophilia/violence 
And that should be it, do message us if you have any questions regarding this. 
Love, admins L + N  
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fyboys101 · 7 years
Hi! I wanted to ask if there are any tumblr blogs dedicated to writing fanfics/ oneshots of pd101 trainees? If I were to make one, would I get good support?
i think there are a few already (i’m not sure though, fanfiction is not really my thing) but your writing style will be different from any of them, so yeah you’ll likely get a lot of good support!
but!! please keep in mind, if you do open a blog for this, not to sexualise in any way the trainees who are under 18! i would suggest to make any fanfic/one shot age appropriate according to the trainee(s) you’re writing about ^^ good luck!
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b2utifulight · 7 years
University AU | Yoon Jisung
I mean I can’t put him in high school
and I know he is also a beautiful fairy who doesn’t really age but I still can’t place him in high school
so uni it is.
Jisung is well loved on campus
like how can you not love this meme and his ulzzangness
he greets everyone with his sweet smile
and the ones he knows well with his jisung clap
imagine him and seongwoo just in the middle of campus clapping and others just joining for the fun of it
him being a helpful fluffball cause you supposedly need help
you don’t, you’re like one of the smartest in all classes
but you’ve had this crush on him for about forever and you wanted to act up on it without being weird.
so you needed an excuse to start up a convo somehow so this is the best your brain came up with
actually not really a bad idea
surprisingly not that surprising tbh he immediately agreed in helping you out when you texted him  
you can’t really believe it so you rubbed your eyes a lot and asked your friends for confirmation that it isn’t a dream
you’re excited and very nervous
and you know that when you get too nervous you start to talk a lot
and heck with Jisung there is gon be a lot of talking 
like a casual topic comes up and you just start talking about it and everything that has to do with the topic
it’s the nerves but it doesn’t sound hasty. It’s just like you’re storytelling.
and you have a lot of stories to tell apparently
your mind will warn you that you’re rambling and when you realize you stop
jisung is just smiling at you.  
he likes listening to you while also trying to help you with some problems even if you legit don’t need explanation
it’s also kind of hard for you to fake being dumb in the supposed class so most of the time you just mumble yes and okays and can you say that again.  
but jisung knows you’re faking it
truth to be told it surprised him that you asked him for help when he knows you have never failed or got below 90
so he just played along because he was wondering where it would lead
truth to be told again he has a crush on you too but on both sides it just never really happened
because Jisung doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to ruin anything  
and you the rambling potato are meanwhile surprised that you haven’t said anything about your crush yet.  
but one day he confronts you
“Why did you ask me to tutor you?”
‘Oh no he is onto me…’
“Cause I need help? And you’re the smartest in class?”
you can’t answer confidently so that’s why there are question marks
“I know you don’t need any help. You’ve never failed anything before.”
you can’t look at his face you’ve been lying to him all along
you sigh once and again for dramatic effect
Jisung is silent, waiting
sighs a third time
“I like you…”
and ramble
“For a long time I wanted to say something but never got the chance to so I just got this random idea about me supposedly failing this class and asked you for help and I never would have thought you would say yes but you did and I’ve just been lying to you for several weeks now and now we’re here…”  
did you think Jisung would stop your rambling?  
nope. not today
he listens  
when you are done he just smiles and goes for a hug
shocking you
“I’ve liked you ever since the first time I saw you at the campus square.”
and the rest is history 
lol nope let’s go on for some more
your relationship is super sweet
the smartest couple on campus  
ha nerds
no no you are the best people to look up to
but your friend group do tease you a lot
just the cutest beings tbh
Jisung wanting to show you off to everyone
“Hey, you know, my gf/bf.”
“they are just the best.”
”I love them so much.”
“We know Jisung. We know. You tell us every day.”
taking pictures wherever you go
cue aesthetic ulzzang jisung
Jisung is always making sure you are okay and he still loves to listen to your stories
He does stop you from time to time to just give you a random kiss cause he thinks you are just too cute when you talk
cue blushing faces and stammering
you actually starting to tutor him for the class because you get a higher grade than him
and maybe he did that on purpose
lots of study dates
lots of just being silent and enjoying each other’s presence cause you don’t have any stories to tell for the day
Here it is! Hope you liked it… My first ever text post AU imagine scenario thing I’m pretty satisfied myself tbh and I really enjoyed writing this but please do give me feedback.
more of these are up and coming just can’t tell you when. Let’s say this is a test
so I guess till next time ~
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A Meowment Like This (Kang Daniel Oneshot)
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Genre: College AU, fluff.
Summary: “I need you to help me find my cat.”
Letters to You (Park Woojin High School AU)
     “Again?” You grumbled through the phone, trying to keep your voice as quiet as possible so as not to wake up you roommate. You pushed yourself up to a sitting position and pulled the bedsheets off of your body.
     “I’m sorry, I’ll treat you to some ice cream to make up for it!” He replied enthusiastically.
     With an irritated sigh, you swung your legs off the bed and put on a hoodie and some slippers, murmuring, “I’ll be down in a second.”
     You checked the time on your phone as you silently escaped your dorm and tiptoed down the stairs. It was 3 a.m., no person in their right mind would be up at this time; then again, Daniel wasn’t in his right mind. Ever since you were kids, your best friend Daniel would haul you along to look for his cats whenever they’d get lost. And being at university didn’t stop him from proceeding with this tradition. You’d be lying if you said it was a burden. Although cutting your already very few hours of sleep short wasn’t ideal, you couldn't deny that you loved being in his presence. You and Daniel clicked at a young age and you found it easy to let go and be yourself around him.
     Shuffling down the dark hallway, you exited the building towards Daniel who stood there stifling his laughter. You rolled your eyes at him and he spread his arms, announcing, “There you are! My favourite person in the whole world is here!”
     “Why do you always think that saying that is going to make these situations any better?” You muttered, already aware of where he wanted to go without mentioning it and shuffling in that direction.
     He faked offence and slung his arm over your shoulders, playfully forcing you into a side hug that you immediately eased into. “I take that back, you look like a slug dragging yourself down here.” He pouted at the rejection.
     “Shut up.” You laughed, slapping his arm and perking up the moment you started joking around as usual. Chuckling, he dropped his arm from around you and walked to the university's parking lot.
     “You really need to find a solution for this cat problem of yours. The RA’s going to kill you if he finds out you have pets in your dorm.” You said, a smug expression on your face, “And don’t you think you should take the hint? If Rooney keeps running away…..don’t you think that mea-“
     “No! Rooney loves me! She’s just….. adventurous.” His lower lip protruding again, “This is all Seongwoo’s fault, he says the room gets too hot at night so he leaves the windows open and that’s how she gets out.”
     “Okay, okay.” You smirked, nudging him lightly and stopping in front of the large tree in the middle of the parking lot. You looked up and peered through the leaves in the darkness, with only the dim street lights offering any type of illumination. You scanned the branches and found the grey cat with dark spots sitting on one of them.
     You pointed at her, “There she is!”
     Immediately grabbing onto the lowest branch, Daniel climbed up the tree swiftly. The moment he had gotten to Rooney, she hopped onto the next branch. However, he was quick to catch her, stopping her from fleeing one more. Bursting into laughter, you called up to him jokingly, “I told you she doesn’t like you.”
     Daniel stuck his tongue down at you as he slowly descended, his eyes trained on where he placed his feet to avoid tumbling down. When he was close enough, you reached your arms up and he handed Rooney over to you.
     “Why do you keep making your dad go up this tree all the time? It’s tiring, you know.” You murmured, kissing her head as she meowed and nuzzled into your chest. Daniel bounced down and adjusted his maroon beanie back on his head, nodding in agreement.
     “Thanks again.” Daniel said as you two headed towards the 24 hour convenience store near campus.
     You shrugged, rubbing Rooney’s back, “I didn’t do anything, I was just there.”
     “I know,” He murmured, tucking his hands deep in his pockets, a nervous habit of his, “I’m thanking you for always being there.”
     You glanced over at him and cocked an eyebrow; he didn’t usually thank you when you two went out together. It was a common occurrence and you were both aware that you appreciated each other, it didn't have to be said out load often. Something was strange about him; from the way he avoided eye contact to the hastiness in his steps. His mannerisms gave away that there was definitely something he was not telling you. Nevertheless, you pretended you weren’t suspicious of him.
     “Here we are.” Daniel opened the door of the convenience store, letting you enter first then you two made a bee line for the small freezers at the end of the small store. You slid the lid to the side, you and Daniel’s eyes running over all the different treats but both of you opted for the usual strawberry swirl popsicles you ate since you were children.
     “We can go sit on the bench outside.” Daniel murmured, nodding his head towards the window and tossing the wrapped popsicle from hand to hand nervously.
     After the man at the cash register scanned the popsicles, making sure to give you annoyed glares for waking him up from the nap he was secretly taking in the back, you walked out to the bench and plopped down next to each other.
     You allowed Rooney to be free but instead she lazily curled up on top of your feet, creating a bundle of warmth. You ripped the wrapped off of your popsicle and handed it over to Daniel, who disposed it along with his in the trashcan next to him.
     After a few moments of awkward silence on Daniel’s part, you spoke up, interrogating him casually, “What’s up with you?”
     “What? Nothing!” His eyes went wide after being deep in thought seconds ago.
     He paused then attempted to survey your face from his peripheral vision as he asked, “Why?”
     You shrugged, “You’re acting weird and you seem uncomfortable. What’s up?”
     Daniel wanted to beat himself up for being so obvious. He knew that even if he was able to hide it, you could read through him like an open book; this was inevitable. With his free hand, he started fiddling with his fingers, his line of sight darting everywhere but at you.
     “Well,” He began.
     “Well,” He continued, then let out a breath exasperatedly, “Y/N this is so cringey, can we just change the subject?”
     “No! You have to tell me, it’s obviously bothering you.” You urged, “You’ll feel better once you get it off your chest.”
     “Y/N!” He groaned, sinking down into the bench, trying to pull his beanie over his eyes as his cheeks turned bright crimson.
     You laughed and grabbed his upper arm, shaking it as you whined, “Daniel! Now I really need to know what you’re hiding.”
     “Fine, fine, fine.” He drawled. You turned your body to face him, waiting for him expectantly.
     “Well, you know how Rooney escapes all the time?” He twisted the half finished popsicle stick with his index finger and thumb.
     You nodded, waiting for him to carry on.
     “She doesn’t actually do it herself, I let her go so I get to spend some time alone with you.” He blubbered, tossing his head down and covering his face with his hands, embarrassed.
     Your skin flamed up as you began blushing, “You……you see me everyday, though. We hang out all day.”
     Daniel, who felt like he had nothing to lose at this point, continued his confession, “But ever since we started uni, it hasn’t been just the two of us. There’s always Seongwoo, Jaehwan, Woojin, or any of your friends.”
     Your mouth gaped as you tried to reply, but your mind was a mess attempting to process all this.
     “I think sacrificing my baby just to spend alone time with you made it obvious, but if you haven’t caught on yet,” He concluded, “I like you a lot.”
     “You’re such a bad cat mom, this is why Rooney doesn’t like you.” You pointed out, leaning in as your hands shook slightly. You were in disbelief of this whole situation, it didn’t feel real. It was like a dream you didn’t ever want to wake up from.
     “Y/N!!!” He groaned, pouting at you. You laughed at his reaction but he wasn’t going to let you have it. Pressing his lips to yours, Daniel pulled you into his embrace and kissed you gently, leaving you surprised as you melted into his arms.
     The weight one your feet disappeared as Rooney sprung from the ground onto Daniel’s lap, her paws immediately going to his face. Pulling away immediately, Daniel complained, “Now you choose to love me?”
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minhothebighoe · 7 years
Hello~ I saw you are taking requests so I came here to request a first kiss scenario with Sungwoon if it's okay for you? Take your time and thank you~ 💙
All requests are being written currently!And I’m so sorry if it takes a while too I just got a new job and I have college but I will get to all of them !! :)
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Hi! I'd like to ask if there are PD101 and/or Wanna One scenario blogs you'd like to recommend? Thank you so much! ❤
@heochannies bc ily meike; i really enjoy the written oneshots over at  @wannabl; and @wannaonescenarios is just 10/10 great quality (ily lily ur amazing)!
if anyone has any other amazing blogs that have good writing, please please let me know because i’m always looking for other pd101 scenario blogs to read!!
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
new blog//pd101 imagines+oneshots!
hello everyone! i’m a new blog, imagineproduce101!! i’ve been following pd101 for a while now, and while i really, really love the boys, i’ve noticed that there isn’t much writing dedicated to them! i decided to write this blog in order to contribute to our growing fandom!
my requests are currently open, and you can go straight here to request a oneshot, imagine, or even a multi-chaptered fic! i would also be happy to just scream about pd101 with anybody haha. 
thank you and please request away!
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