#pb catfood
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vegantinatalist · 3 months ago
I was looking thru your blog and seeing your point about feeding animals a vegan diet and you know what I had always been the “just adopt another animal if you don’t want to feed them meat” which ofc still stands but I always thought it was impossible for a cat to be healthy on a vegan diet. Good to know otherwise! I was never the type to get upset about it though bc there are 100 times more people who starve or abuse their cats and dogs than vegans who love their pets and feed them vegan so I was always like. Can we prioritize pls
(disclaimer again for anyone reading, plant based catfood contains synthesized dietarily available taurine and l carnitine etc and has the proper acid to protein ratio and addresses all other concerns. we are not talking about feeding cats plain vegetables at home. be fr.) lol ikr? only like 30 percent of cats are ever even taken to the vet. vegans take their plant based fed cats to the vet to make sure the claims about plant based food are legit and their cats are healthy.
plant based cat food is such a godsend, vegans dont often talk about how many animals are bred and slaughtered to feel bajillions of cats and dogs. they are really trapped in this "trying to use science to easily fix this issue is gonna make me look too crazy to nonvegans!" like why do you care. they think youre crazy anyway. this stuff has the potential to seriously decrease animal suffering and take down the industry. we should be recommending it to everyone, like people who dont want to go vegan themselves. the more people use it, the cheaper it will get, and if it became mainstream the impact it would have would be astronomic.
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I hate this fucking place.
Groceries are stupidly fucking expensive. Why the fuck did it cost $50 for a half gallon of milk, a box of butter, and a bag of catfood? Tell me why I can't even afford to eat *PB&J* the poorest of poor people food, because a loaf of bread is now $8 and a small jar of peanut better is $8 and a small jar of basic strawberry jam is $7?
"Make coffee at home." "Stop splurging on unnecessary things." "MAKE your twenties stretch." My brother in Christ, the only frivolous things I have spent money on this paycheck were a $5 eyeliner, a $10 gift for my best friend for Hanukkah, and a $10 pizza to feed three people. I paid my rent and my internet bill - literal necessities because I work remotely - and that's it. I haven't even been able to go grocery shopping. I have $10 in my account left over.
I make $18.50 an hour. Tell me why the fuck I'm floundering.
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highoncatfood · 5 years ago
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lil gamtav doodle... as a treat :]
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