monriatitans · 3 months
Digital Product Launch: WITHOUT SAYING "I'M AUTISTIC" Workplace Boundaries Email Signature Images
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If you work for a company, be sure to check whether or not you’re allowed to adjust your email signature!
And, even if you can’t, you can still use these as a reference! The email signatures can be found in three places: Payhip, Ko-fi, and BMAC, as Free/Pay What You Want! Upon purchase, you will receive a ZIP containing 14 differently colored email signatures! If these don’t all apply to you, here are the dimensions for making your own, if that’s your thing: Pixels: 800 W x 240 H I’m open to suggestions, via Payhip, for additional versions/variations!
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robynthinks · 11 months
Listen/purchase: YUKU: 3 Year Birthdizzle Compadoodle (Pay What You Want) by YUKU
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glomlings · 1 year
10 separate phone wallpapers of cute and adorable little Glomlings. Enjoy these cute little chibi creatures doing their painting. download and use as wall paper for your phone✨
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carolynsehgal · 1 year
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#marchmeetthemaker: Weekend edition today I am sharing some #print photos because when you’re a #freelanceillustrator you have to have a #shop or #support site … I am currently moving things over to my #kofi site and even have some #paywhatyouwant up in my shop I plan to have more #freebies for members as time goes on #illustration #kidlitillustration #designer #marchmeetthemaker2023 #lineasketch (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaheMNun_j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fururipaws · 2 years
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Mazu Mystery Box
Recent mystery box commissions for GDMoor You can get these PYWY NSFW commissions through auctions! I upload one at least once a week on my FA.
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jp-lovecraft · 2 years
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Happy horrorweenie everyone!!! Here’s my newest release to help celebrate the season! A young man awakes in a dream due to the call of Mother Nature only to encounter a strange phantom at the end of the hallway, next to the bathroom, eating a sandwich 🥪 A reclusive bibliophile encounters a strange tome, a brown robed stalker, necropants and feces induced madness… A decades long dream, a dancing apparition, a cult that worships a deity with finely shaped buttocks… DJ4AM and Jason Nevermind (The Creepy Podcast) bring you three stories from the troubling imagination of JP Lovecraft. The Vampire on a Pony Network presents its first audio book: The Sandwich: Tales of Fantasy and Delusion by JP Lovecraft. 3 full length stories with bonus spooky ambient tracks. Now available on #Bandcamp www.DJ4AM.Bandcamp.com and soon available on other platforms along with many other fine releases from The Vampire On A Pony Network. #podcast #audiobook #horror #goth #halloween #freedownload #freedownloads #paywhatyoucan #paywhatyouwant #thankful #grateful #thc #cannabisculture #plur #wineoclock https://www.instagram.com/p/CkWBbp1Jjl_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jonasgoonface · 6 months
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some special little dork knight + joiker moments from the comic me and Io made.
it's free/paywhatyouwant here in pdf
or get the flesh n blood copy
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thehipovercor · 8 months
PayWhatYouWant Comms!
Gecko vet bills are once again in my future, because apparently paying Mr. Jack Gecko with my blood did not cure his eye problems. Sucker has a bite on him...
I can only really take PayPal (i am sorry) and I'll accept minimum of 10 bucks because i am a lil desperate. My official sheet beneath the cut, if it pleases ye to see it. I promise I'm more lenient with what you'll get than the "official prices" imply
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chaotictomtom · 9 months
hELP could you answer truthfully on what sort of art stuff you would be interested in seeing on my shop? it'll help a ton 🙇
commissions are SCARY to me but wee portraits in my colourful wax pastels might not kill me. i have no idea abt the prices of all of them probably will go for all of them based on a pay-what-you-want with a small base of 3 or 5 € depending on the thing!
didn't put zine in the options as there already my the bear zine up + didn't do another good enough zine to share on here, i'll get one or two done soon i hope 😤 i missed doing zines
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leadendeath · 2 years
❤️‍🔥 OFFER! ❤️‍🔥
(updated 19/01- still open!) I’m gonna open specifically two color portrait slots for PWYW (PayWhatYouWant)- starting at 10GBP each = about 12.37USD, sorry my country/currency sucks... :(. Usually they are 15GBP each so you’re getting a discount here!
Just send an ask or message if you want art from me! :3 More info and art examples below
I’m at this amount currently while saving up for a better PC for quite a while! Would love to reach a milestone by getting another 20 before the end of the month~
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See my pinned post for my info if you want to give me your guys to draw for you (*'ω'*) Here's some art examples:
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toxicoow · 1 year
Streaming PWYW
Streaming some PayWhatYouWant, minimum price is 5€ ! Prices/Form: https://forms.gle/xP861YmEN6uhwNRh6 Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/toxicoow/
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surveycircle · 1 year
Teilnehmer für Online-Studie gesucht! Thema: "Wahrnehmung von Startups im Angebotsbereich" https://t.co/DLvoMmBCEE via @SurveyCircle #SRH_MobileUni #konsum #konsumentenverhalten #psychologie #wirtschaft #pwyw #paywhatyouwant https://t.co/yEjAyFYoBL
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) May 15, 2023
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edgethesketch · 2 years
Here's some of my art! It's cold and that makes my body hurt, would love to do some PWYW(paywhatyouwant) customs!
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porygonzz · 3 years
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art?? more like fart amirite?? :3 Art trade w Jess Marshall on fb, char belongs 2 them (: and btw….. my commissions r pay what u want for anything, + i do digital too, and can ship physical art too uwu (and i always include xtra goodies w the physical artttt just sayinnnnn x3 ) msg me if interested !
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naivecoquille · 4 years
I made a Gumroad account -> www.gumroad.com/naiscoq
It has comic zines and short stories, English translations and the original French versions when i have the rights.
Feel free to visit and feed my tea habit :)
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labs107 · 5 years
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Hello! I need to pay exams again to see what's going on with my intestines pains (they continued and last gastroenterologist didn't done much so gotta go to the anticancerous association one),so I'm doing these PayWhatYouWant mini sketches on Kofi ,any help is appreciated! Pls tell me what you want me to draw in the description https://ko-fi.com/Blog/Post/Quick-Mini-Sketch-W7W719HAG
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