#pays better than my last one and they offered me assured raises
kiealer · 1 month
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i have a job now, apparently -- got offered as soon as the interview was over, they wanted me to start tomorrow, i said can i please have a couple days first to process this so now apparently i start tuesday instead--
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kjack89 · 1 year
Back to Where We Started (Chapter 1/?)
For @theworldfallsup for my 10 year/4k follower anniversary, who requested a Mr. & Mrs. Smith-type AU.
It's gotten long, so I'm splitting it into multiple chapters, largely to force myself to actually finish it.
E/R, modern AU. CW: Mentioned character death, gun violence, everything you'd expect from an action movie AU.
Cosette offered the two men sitting on the couch in her office a tight smile. “I’m sorry for being late,” she said as she sat down. “My last session ran over.”
“It’s fine,” the blond man sitting on the left assured her with a faint accent she couldn’t quite place.
She nodded, giving them both a quick once-over as she pulled her pad of paper close to her. For as long as she’d been doing this, it would never not surprise her how much she could learn about a couple before they even got into whatever issue had ostensibly brought them in for couple’s therapy. In the case of the two men sitting in front of her, the tension between them was palpable, mostly based on the fact that they were sitting at opposite ends of the couch rather than directly next to her. And based on the way his knee was bouncing at about ninety miles an hour, the darker-haired man was particularly unconvinced that this was going to work.
“So,” she said, “my name is Cosette Fauchelevent. Which one of you is Enjolras?” The blond raised his hand and she smiled at him before switching her gaze to the brunet. “And you must be Grantaire.”
“I assume these incredible deductive reasoning skills explain the exorbitant price we’re paying for this,” Grantaire said in lieu of an answer.
Cosette didn’t so much as blink. “Then let’s get right into it to justify the cost,” she said pleasantly. “What’s wrong with your marriage?”
Both Enjolras and Grantaire stared at her. “Who said something was wrong with it?” Enjolras asked, his brow furrowed.
“Mostly the fact that you’re sitting here,” Cosette said, still pleasant. “But if you’d rather, we can back up a little. How long have you been married?”
“Three years,” Grantaire said.
Cosette nodded. “And how often do you have sex?” This time, she didn’t wait for either of them to protest. “Sex is a cause or symptom of larger issues more often than you might think, so better to get it out in the open.”
Enjolras cleared his throat. “Sex isn’t really our problem,” he muttered, the tips of his ears burning red, as Grantaire crossed and recrossed his legs, studiously avoiding looking at him.
Cosette just nodded again, scribbling a note on her pad of paper. “On a scale of one to ten, how satisfied would you each say you are with your sex life?”
For the first time all session, Enjolras and Grantaire glanced at each other. “Eight,” Enjolras said, and Grantaire looked back at Cosette.
“Wait, is ten the best or is one the best? Like is ten mind-blowing sex every day, and one is bad missionary once every six months, or—?”
“Just answer instinctively,” Cosette said.
Grantaire jerked a nod, looking back at Enjolras. “Ok. Ready?”
“Ready,” Enjolras said.
They both looked at Cosette and said in perfect unison, “Eight.”
Cosette jotted down another note. “And how often do you say ‘I love you’?”
The question was met with a stunned sort of silence. Then, Enjolras leaned forward, his brow furrowed. “I don’t understand the question.”
“Yeah, I’m lost,” Grantaire added quickly. “Is this a one to ten thing?”
“It’s really not,” Cosette said, circling something in her notes. “But how about I make this easier: do you love each other?”
Again, silence.
Cosette let it linger for as long as she personally felt comfortable with before clearing her throat. “Maybe we should back up even further,” she said, keeping her tone as neutral as possible. “Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourselves, like what you do for a living? Sometimes that can be a sore spot between couples.”
Enjolras looked visibly relieved at the change in subjects. “Oh, well, I’m involved in local politics—”
Grantaire snorted derisively. “I think she meant, like, your job.” He glanced at Cosette. “Which is a sore spot, because he doesn’t have one.”
A muscle worked in Enjolras’s cheek. “We’re very fortunate to not need a second income, which allows me to focus on things that matter,” he said, something warning in his tone. “And I don’t know that I’d consider photography a real job, anyway.”
“Is that what you do?” Cosette asked Grantaire, ignoring the murderous look he had just shot Enjolras. “Photography?”
“Yeah,” Grantaire said gruffly. “I used to be a wildlife photographer. Traveled all over: Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, the Korean Peninsula, Siberia—”
Cosette cocked her head. “I wouldn’t think there’d be a lot of wildlife in Siberia,” she remarked.
Something shifted in Grantaire’s expression. “You’d be surprised,” he said before clearing his throat. “Anyway, now I mostly do, like, weddings, senior portraits, stuff like that.”
“I’m sensing that you’re not particularly enthusiastic about the type of photography you’re currently doing.”
Grantaire jerked a shrug. “It’s fine. It’s steady. It’s – well, I mean, it doesn’t quite compare to traveling the world, but…”
He trailed off and Enjolras shifted impatiently in his seat. “But we both agreed that we can do a lot of good right here in this community, right, honey?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart,” Grantaire said, saccharine sweet. “Of course, if it weren’t for traveling, we never would have met, so…”
“Oh, where did the two of you meet?” Cosette asked.
“East Africa,” Enjolras and Grantaire said, again in unison.
Cosette nodded. “Were you on vacation?”
“Something like that.”
Three Years Ago
Enjolras wasn’t naïve about what he looked like, so the fact that he managed to slip unnoticed through the crowded market in Bujumbura spoke to how much effort he’d put into learning how to blend in. It was a necessary survival skill, after all, given his line of work.
It was also a skill put to the test when he overheard a snippet of conversation between two men in police uniforms patrolling the outskirts of the market, and more specifically, the name General Lamarque. Enjolras’s step slowed, and he lingered longer than was wise to overhear what they were saying next, hopeful that it would be about the continued rumblings of revolution that Lamarque was stirring in the former capital city.
Instead, what he heard next made his blood run cold.
“Le Général Lamarque est mort.”
And then: “Assassinat.”
Enjolras was immediately aware that these two were not the only police in the market, and that the police he saw were much more heavily armed than usual. And scanning the crowd as if looking for someone.
He backed away quickly, his heart pounding in his chest as he rapidly thought through every exit strategy he had developed over the past few weeks living in Burundi. But he hadn’t thought that this would happen, at least not this early on, so the vast majority of them wouldn’t work, especially if the police were looking for anyone they could reasonably accuse of being involved.
Like anyone foreign, and traveling alone.
He couldn’t do anything about the former, but he could try to figure something out for the latter.
Plan decided on, he turned on heel and strode back in the direction of city centre and the few hotels in the area, hoping he could find someone friendly. It wasn’t exactly a tourist-heavy part of the world, but there were bound to be a few NGO workers who wouldn’t have been evacuated yet.
He managed to make it inside a hotel lobby before he was stopped by two men in paramilitary uniforms who spoke to him in rapid French. Enjolras only half-listened, looking over their shoulders into the bar he could just see, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he locked eyes with a dark-haired man sitting by himself at the bar.
Not that Enjolras particularly cared at the moment, but the man wasn’t much to look at, though judging by the way his shirt tightened across his chest as he moved, he was well-muscled, and that mattered far more given everything. “Cet homme là,” he said, interrupting the man speaking. “C’est mon ami.”
He didn’t wait to hear what they said, just brushing past them and making a beeline for the man in the bar, who smiled when he approached. “I was wondering when you’d be back,” he said, with a kind of warm familiarity that Enjolras wouldn’t have appreciated under any other circumstance. “I was beginning to think I was going to spend the evening drinking by myself.”
“You’re traveling together?” one of the military officials asked sharply.
“Of course,” the man said, as if it was obvious, and Enjolras thanked whatever higher power might exist that he was rolling with it. “Do you need to see our visas, or…?”
A sudden burst of gunfire came from the street, and the officials exchanged glances. “You should get to your embassy,” one said shortly before they both hurried outside, leaving Enjolras alone with the man who just might have saved his life, or at the very least, kept him out of a Burundi prison cell. 
“I hope you don’t think that was, uh, forward of me,” the man said, almost a little sheepishly. “Only the bartender just told me that someone was assassinated and the military police are looking for anyone traveling alone, and then I saw you, and, well, you looked a little desperate, so I just figured—”
“You figured correctly,” Enjolras said, cutting off the man’s ramble. He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of more gunfire. “And while I thank you for your assistance, we should get out of here.”
The man nodded and turned back to the bar, grabbing whatever he’d been drinking it and downing it in a single gulp. “To the embassy?” he asked. Enjolras hesitated, because of course he had absolutely no way of explaining that going to any embassy was as dangerous for him as staying put, but thankfully, the man then offered, “Or I have a connection that was going to take me to Kenya tomorrow anyway, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind an extra passenger.”
“Are you sure?” Enjolras asked, surprised.
The man shrugged. “He owes me a favor,” he said breezily. “Or ten.” He looked at Enjolras expectantly. “So what do you say?”
Enjolras shrugged as well. “It’s as good a plan as any,” he said, aiming to match the man’s breezy tone.
The man laughed. “Not exactly brimming with enthusiasm, but I’ll take it.” He held his hand out for Enjolras to shake. “My name is Grantaire.”
“Enjolras,” Enjolras said, shaking his hand, but before he could say anything more, there was the sound of a distant explosion. “How would your connection feel about moving our trip up to today?”
“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Grantaire said. “I need to grab my bag from upstairs. Do you…?”
“No,” Enjolras said, thinking of his clothes, forged passport and array of weaponry currently stashed in what had been General Lamarque’s camp outside the city. “No, I never travel with anything I can’t afford to leave behind.”
Grantaire smiled at him. “Well,” he said, “just as long as that doesn’t include me.”
Enjolras laughed as well. “Don’t worry,” he said, and it was only after Grantaire had left for his hotel room that Enjolras added, “it absolutely does.”
— — — — —
Three nights later, Enjolras slipped out from under Grantaire’s arm still draped across his waist and held his breath when the other man shifted in his sleep. But Grantaire didn’t stir and Enjolras breathed a sigh of relief before standing and heading over to his bag to grab his satellite phone. He glanced at Grantaire before stepping out onto the balcony, closing the door softly behind him.
Then he called Combeferre.
“Thank God you’re alive,” Combeferre said by way of greeting, and Enjolras half-smiled as he leaned down to rest his elbows on the balcony railing.
“Alive, and made it to Nairobi,” he reported. “Wish I could say the same about Lamarque.” 
Combeferre sighed. “I know. It’s a tough loss.”
“Tough?” Enjolras repeated. “It’s going to set back progress in the region by at least a decade.”
“Unfortunately, we’ve got bigger problems than that,” Combeferre said, a little grimly.
“Like what?”
Combeferre cleared his throat. “The Burundi government evidently recovered some of your personal effects, and after connecting your most recent alias to some of your other ones, well…let’s just say you’re being blamed for the assassination. Meaning you’re also now on every terrorist watchlist in the world.” Enjolras had expected as much, not that it made it easier to hear. “Speaking of which, how did you make it all the way to Kenya on your own?”
Enjolras glanced back over his shoulder to make sure Grantaire was still sleeping. “I’m not on my own.”
“You – what?”
This was the part of the conversation that Enjolras had been dreading most. “I met someone,” he said, and when Combeferre was silent, he added, “His name is Grantaire. He’s an American, a wildlife photographer, and he used his connections to get us both out of there.”
“And then you immediately abandoned him in Nairobi, right?” Combeferre asked, and Enjolras could just picture him pinching the bridge of his nose.
Enjolras traced a finger along the balcony railing as he hedged, “Define abandoned.”
“He’s very nice,” Enjolras assured him. “And he thinks he just saved my life.”
“Courfeyrac and I wouldn’t have let—”
“You know that, and I know that, but…”
“But what?” Combeferre demanded, exasperated. “Enjolras, you can’t just sleep with a random American you met in a war zone without us thoroughly vetting him!”
Enjolras made a face. “Tell that to Courfeyrac,” he muttered.
He could practically hear Combeferre roll his eyes. “Courfeyrac doesn’t exactly have the same international profile that you do. And this guy could be CIA, he could be INTERPOL—”
“Or he could be my ticket out of here.”
Combeferre was silent for a moment before asking warily, “What do you mean?”
Enjolras cleared his throat. “I mean, it’ll be, what, three to five years before the heat dies down enough that I can get back to work, right?”
“At least.”
Enjolras nodded. “So I’ll spend the next three to five years with Grantaire,” he said, looking over his shoulder again before telling Combeferre, “He asked me to marry him.”
“He – what?” Combeferre said weakly. “It’s been three days!”
That had more or less been Enjolras’s reaction, though he at least had the benefit of seeing how amazing the sex was before Grantaire asked him the world’s dumbest question. But while Enjolras had demurred at the time, he had also been thinking about it. And now he needed Combeferre on his side. “What can I say, almost dying together has a tendency to accelerate the timeline.”
“Enjolras,” Combeferre said, with the kind of patience a parent used on a misbehaving child, “you can’t marry him.”
Enjolras shrugged. “After a thorough background check, I don’t see why not—”
“Because you are wanted by INTERPOL, the FBI, the CIA, Mossad, Hezbollah, the Russian SVR, NYPD, LAPD, and the Cook County Assessor’s Office for $5,000 in back owed property taxes!” 
Combeferre practically shouted the last bit, and Enjolras cocked his head. “I’m pretty sure Courfeyrac added that last one to my file as a joke,” he said mildly, “seeing as how it’s the plot of the Blues Brothers.”
 “That’s not the point—”
“No, the point is, I need to lie low until the heat from any and all of those dies down,” Enjolras said, with conviction. “And the sane thing to do is to flee to a non-extradition island somewhere and wait it out.”
“Exactly, the sane thing—”
“And the predictable thing.” Combeferre fell silent and Enjolras paused before asking, “Can you honestly tell me that you think the CIA is going to come looking for me in a suburb in middle America? Let alone Mossad, or the SVR?”
Combeferre sighed, and Enjolras knew he had already won. “I think we can safely assume that the CIA is going to come looking for you wherever they pick up your trail.”
“Then we’ll do whatever we can to make sure I don’t leave one.” Enjolras half-smiled. “Come on, you have to admit, of all the asinine plans we’ve made, this one actually might work.”
“Maybe.” It was Combeferre’s turn to pause, and Enjolras knew he was readying his most convincing argument. “But what happens to Grantaire after three to five years?” Enjolras was silent, and Combeferre sighed again. “I have always supported you, and I’m not going to stop now, but this is a mistake.”
Enjolras shook his head. “I don’t think it is. Combeferre, you know me. You know that I’m not…sentimental. But Grantaire…” He trailed off and shook his head again. “He’s different. No questions, no demands, it’s like he already knows the truth about me and doesn’t care.”
“Then it’s even more of a mistake,” Combeferre said heavily.
“Maybe,” Enjolras echoed. “But the worst that can happen could happen anywhere, with anyone. So why not?”
Combeferre was silent for so long that Enjolras almost checked to make sure the call didn’t drop. Then, reluctantly, he said, “I’ll talk to Courfeyrac. We’ll get started on the arrangements. Let me know when you’re back stateside.”
“Thank you,” Enjolras said softly. He hung up and turned the phone over in his hands, removing the SIM card with practiced fingers before casually dropping the phone off of the balcony.
And just in time, as moments later, Grantaire stepped out onto the balcony, yawning widely. “What are you doing up?” he asked sleepily, wrapping his arms around Enjolras waist from behind and dropping a kiss onto his bare shoulder.
Enjolras turned to face him. “Couldn’t sleep,” he said. “I was thinking about what you asked me.”
Hesitation flickered across Grantaire’s expression. “I know it’s only been a few days—”
Grantaire blinked. “Yes – yes what?”
Enjolras smiled. “Yes, I will marry you.”
A grin spread slowly across Grantaire’s face. “Seriously?” he breathed, and when Enjolras nodded, he let out a whoop before pulling Enjolras close and kissing him. “You’re not going to regret this, I promise.”
“I know,” Enjolras told him, closing his eyes as Grantaire pulled him in again.
He’d had worse covers, after all.
And how bad could three to five years of marriage be?
>>Read Part 2>>
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bridgertonbabe · 7 months
I got genuinely excited every time I saw you post something 😅 May I ask a HP question: how will the yule ball turns out for each Benophie babies?
Well I can tell you how a Yule Ball turned out for one of the Benophie babies (purely because I haven't got something for all of them 🤭)...
"Hey, sissy." William smirked as he swung his bag down and dropped into the seat next to Violet, who rolled her eyes in lieu of greeting him.
"Shush!" the disdainful librarian, Madam Hinchcliffe, hissed over at him, giving him a parting glare before she stalked off.
"What's that your working on?" William enquired, paying no mind to the sour-faced librarian as he peered over at Violet's homework.
"Any particular reason you've come to annoy me or you just being your normal irritating self?" his sister shot back without raising her eyes from the parchment in front of her.
"Well it's nice to see you and all." William snorted. "Get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, hm?"
"I just want to focus on my Arithmancy in quiet."
"Seriously though, what's got you in a mood?" William continued to poke. "Jealous that Lottie, Aggie and Penny all have dates for the ball?"
Finally he had said something that had gotten his little sister's attention as she whipped her head towards him. "How'd you find out they have dates?"
"Pft! Are you under the impression that Georgie doesn't spread gossip like she's employed by the Daily Prophet?" he raised an eyebrow and his sister responded by grumbling under her breath in acknowledgement. "There, there sissy. I'm sure someone will ask you to the ball." he assured her in a teasing tone, giving her a patronising pat on the back for intended irritating emphasis.
"For your information I have been asked!" she snapped back, cracking her neck round to throw him a pinched look.
"Okay, then why are you so pissy about it?"
At this, Violet's frown ceased and she cast her gaze back to her essay. "I turned them down."
"How come?" William cocked his head curiously. "Not good enough for my precious ickle sister's high standards?"
"Fuck off." she muttered.
"No go on; tell me, please?" he begged her. "I want to know why you turned them down. What, too ugly?"
"Nothing's wrong with him." Violet hissed. "I just couldn't go with him, that's all."
"And why not?" William pushed.
"Because if I take him up on the offer then Bernadette will be all by herself and I don't want to abandon her like that." she explained. "We thought it'd be like last year again, the five of us; Charlotte, Aggie, Penny, Bernadette and I, and we'd have a fun night altogether. But then the others all got asked and they said yes and it's not fair on Bernadette to play the ninth wheel to the rest of us."
William genuinely hadn't expected his sister's reasoning for turning down a date to the Yule Ball but now that Violet's best friend Bernadette had been brought into the equation he understood why Violet had rejected a potential date. His heart warmed for his little sister's loyalty to her friend and though he enjoyed teasing her to no end, he could acknowledge just how selfless and kind-hearted she was in picking Bernadette over some guy.
"Well what if you asked the guy who asked you if he had a friend who could go with Dette instead? Then she wouldn't be by herself." William suggested, seeing no reason why the problem couldn't be easily solved.
Violet looked sadly to her brother. "Will, you know people are cruel to her." she sighed in a small empathetic voice. "They're mean and nasty just because of her size and I just... I don't want to run the risk of asking Grant if one of his friends would ask her only to have them laugh in my face. Bernadette deserves better than that, she shouldn't be made to feel bad about herself. Not when she's one of the best people I know."
William chewed on the inside of his lip, frustrated to acknowledge that people at school were indeed very cruel towards Bernadette when she didn't deserve it. He had spent the last five years trying his best to protect his sister's best friend from the school bullies and the bitchy jibes they aimed at her, and he had even gotten himself into trouble for punishing those who dared to breathe a bad word against her when they were in his presence. He couldn't understand how people could be so shallow and rude especially when Bernadette was the sweetest and one of the cutest people he had ever met. In fact, he was so fond of her that she was one of the few people he never teased or played pranks on - which speaks volumes of just how much he regarded the girl.
In that moment, William knew the perfect solution to solve the matter at hand.
"Vi, you're a very good friend." he said to his sister in all sincerity. "But you should go take up that offer for a date to the ball."
"Will, I just told you-"
"Yes, I heard you. But don't you worry; I'll make sure Dette's got a date." he told her and got to his feet.
"William, please don't confund anyone." Violet groaned.
"Hey! What sort of person do you take me for?" William scoffed.
"The person who confunded Denny Horlicks into mooning your NEWT Defence Against the Dark Arts class."
"That was different." he shrugged off (plus Denny deserved it for making fatphobic comments about Bernadette).
"And don't slip anyone any love potions either!" she hissed as he swaggered away.
"Violet, Violet, Violet." he shook his head in amusement. "O ye of little faith."
Later on that afternoon William managed to track down Bernadette as she came down the stairs from Ravenclaw tower.
"Hey, Bernadettie!" he chirped.
"William!" she squeaked in surprise.
"On your way to dinner?" he guessed and she nodded. "Great, I'll walk with you the rest of the way."
As they made their way to the Great Hall he asked her how her day was, cracking a few jokes and prompting her trademark adorable giggles that he always delighted in hearing.
"I've got a question for you." William said as they reached the last flight of stairs.
"What is it?" Bernadette asked, her tone bright and laced with lingering amusement from his last quip.
"Fancy being my date to the Yule Ball?"
"Your - oh!" she squealed as all of a sudden her foot missed a step and she nearly ended up falling down the stairs - but luckily William caught her by the waist and steadied her as quickly as she had lost her balance.
"It's alright, I've got you." he assured her and only let go once he was sure she was safe. "So how about it?" he asked and continued making his way down the stairs.
"You... you want to go with me?" she questioned him incredulously as she trotted after him.
"Yeah. Why else would I ask?" he shot her an amused grin.
"But why would you want to go with me?" she asked him.
He drew to a halt and turned to her, and then he noticed the uncertain glimmer in her eyes, questioning why he would want to go with her out of anyone else.
"Well I figured we'd have fun together." he told her simply. "Unless you planned to go with someone who's more fun than me-"
"No, no, of course not." Bernadette giggled nervously.
"And as this is going to be my last Yule Ball I want to spend it with the person I like the most - and there's no one at this school I like more than you, Dette."
"R-really?" she asked, her eyes shining up at him in awe.
"Please; you're the best person here by a mile. Do you know how bored I'd be if I didn't have you around?"
Bernadette's face warmed from his flattery - flattery he meant in all sincerity. She was one of the most genuine people he had met at Hogwarts; there was no side to her or any sort of facade, and that was the very reason why he thought so highly of her.
"So what's your answer?" he smiled at her. "Will you do me the honour of being my date?"
"Yes." she nodded eagerly. "Yes, of course I will!"
Instantly William mirrored her ecstatic little face and celebrated by squeezing her into a hug, before draping an arm around her shoulder and leading her into the Great Hall.
"You and I, Bernadettie, we're gonna have the best night ever!" he declared assuredly.
Violet's face had been a picture when he revealed he would be Bernadette's date to the ball, knowing full well she had expected him to use some sort of underhand means to go about acquiring a date for her best friend; "Now really, Vi. You've really got to stop holding me in such low opinion." he had smirked as she gawped at him.
"And Bernadette agreed?" Violet asked before her expression of surprise swiftly changed into a frown. "Hang on, you didn't confund her did you?"
"Of course not!" he scoffed. "Dettie's thrilled to be going with me. We've even discussed what dress she's wearing so I can colour-coordinate." he smugly informed her. "So now that's all settled, why don't you run along and take that guy up on his offer."
Violet narrowed her eyes at him as she got to her feet, peeved as she generally tended to be with him, but then before she left she quickly ducked down and gave him a hug.
"Thanks, Will."
"No problem, sissy." he grinned and then watched her hurry off to get her date to the ball back on track.
Two weeks later William was leaning against the wall outside of Ravenclaw tower when the door opened and out stepped Violet and Bernadette all dressed up for the winter formal.
"Wow, Dettie!" William beamed as he took in the sight of his date as she dazzled in her sapphire gown. "You look incredible."
"Thank you." she smiled back at him sweetly.
"And I guess you made an effort too, sissy." he said to Violet, who flipped him off in response.
William escorted Bernadette and his sister down to the entrance of the Great Hall, where Violet met her date for the evening before they all headed in. There they met their cousins and soon enough they began taking photos altogether and while William always made it his mission to photobomb others pictures and pull the dumbest faces possible, he did ensure he and Bernadette took a few nice photos together so she could have some pictures from the night where he wasn't being a total prat as per usual.
"I can't believe Vi said there was nothing wrong with him." William remarked as he and Bernadette drank some punch and watched Violet take to the floor with her date.
Bernadette turned to him with a preemptive amused look on her face. "And what is it you think is wrong with him, may I ask?" she enquired, her lips twitching in excitement to hear his answer.
"I mean; what kind of name is Grant?" William said and instantaneously made Bernadette snicker. "Like for real, I can't believe his parents looked at their newborn baby and went lets call him Grant. Seriously, based on name alone I'm surprised Violet agreed to go with him. Merlin almighty I hope this doesn't develop into anything serious between them. I wouldn't live it down, having a Grant for a brother-in-law. Like imagine the father of my future niece or nephew being a Grant. Having to make small talk with a Grant at family get-togethers."
"William, stop!" Bernadette wheezed from his endless disdain for the name.
"Fucking Grant. Doesn't even sound like a name, does it?"
"Please." Bernadette gasped for breath, clutching her stomach with one hand and his arm with another.
"You get my point." William relented, more than satisfied with tickling Bernadette into borderline hysteria for his running commentary on his sister's date's stupid name. "But good for Violet. Being able to see past his name. She's so kind like that." he smirked as he prompted another snort out of Bernadette.
"She really is." Bernadette giggled along.
"I mean I'm assuming he must have more going for him than his name... and his dancing." he commented as he watched Grant shuffle awkwardly on the dancefloor.
"Probably." Bernadette sighed - but it was a response that immediately piqued William's interest and he quickly observed Bernadette watching his sister and her date warily.
"Hang on; you think there's something wrong with him too." he deduced. "Beyond the name and dancing, obviously."
"No." Bernadette replied in a tone of voice William knew full well she only used when she was lying to be kind.
"Yes you do! If you really liked him for Vi then you would be all girly and excited for her and hyping her up and cheering her on; but you're not. You don't think he's good enough for her!" he clicked his fingers.
"No, no; it's not that."
"Well it must be something. Come on! You can tell me."
"It's not that I don't think he's good enough or anything... it's just my own personal thing." Bernadette said, and William recognised right away that she was quietly dismissing her own feelings on the boy for the sake of her best friend's happiness.
"You're entitled to your own opinion, Dette." he reminded her in a more measured tone, removing all gossipy excitement to let her know she could open up to him. "I won't breathe a word to anyone about it, I promise."
For good measure he even extended his little finger out to her, letting her know he meant his word. Bernadette shyly smiled and shook his pinky with her own.
"Well?" he gently prompted.
"It's just..." she hesitantly sighed before continuing, "it's just whenever Grant comes up to us to talk to Violet... I'm sorry, it's stupid." she shook her head.
"It's not stupid, Dette." he assured her, sensing something must genuinely be causing her concern about Grant for her to be so reluctant to share.
"Well he... he doesn't look at me." she deflated. "He doesn't speak to me, he doesn't acknowledge me; it's like Violet's by herself. And I get it; he's just there to talk to Violet, that's his main focus, no reason to even bother with me... but like... even a glance would be polite, you know? Just the bare minimum acknowledgement that I'm also standing there instead of acting like... like I don't even exist."
William's heart sunk as he listened to Bernadette express her feelings on the matter, especially as he quickly reflected on the brief interactions from earlier on in the evening with his sister's date. Grant had greeted him and Violet when they arrived outside the Great Hall, and his sister's date had even told him how funny he found his commentary at the last Quidditch match; but now William thought back on it, not once did Grant say a word to Bernadette or even look her way.
"It's silly I know, it's entirely my own issue. And to be honest I shouldn't have even said anything. I mean even if he did acknowledge me it'd probably be with a look of disgust, like I'm something gross he just stepped in, so it's probably for the best."
William clenched his jaw, incensed that Bernadette had been made to feel so awful about herself that she felt she had to make do with people either being cruel to her face or rude and refusing to even see her properly. He found it appalling that anyone could treat another person like that, that Bernadette should be made to feel lowly and unworthy of anyone's time or energy. How most of their peers could treat her so wickedly was beyond him; how could they not see just how sweet and lovely and delightful she was?
"Dette, listen here." he exhaled as he tried to keep a lid on his emotions (and thus prevent himself from pulling some stunt to ruin everyone's night to avenge Bernadette's hurt and sadness), and rested a hand on her back. "You don't deserve that. You don't deserve any single person making you feel like shit, like you're unworthy of being treated with basic decency. You deserve so much better, not just from that twat but from every last person who has ever made you feel less than. I wish I could cure every last one of them of being foul loathsome evil little cockroaches and make them open their eyes to just how wonderful a person you are, hand on heart I really do - but you know what; fuck them. Fuck every last one of them. It's their loss that they haven't made the effort to get to know you, that they don't see you for the amazingly talented, intelligent, witty, beautiful person that you are. They're not worthy of you, Dette, and I cannot wait for the day when you outshine every last one of those actual fucking losers."
Bernadette gazed at him in awe, her mouth hanging open as he finished his gloriously impassioned speech, never having heard him speak with such intense sincerity before - in fact, even William was a little taken aback by himself, though not by his sentiments; he meant every last word of them.
"William, I... that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." she uttered.
"You're the best person I know, Dette." he stated. "Simple as that. And just remember whenever you feel like nobody sees you; I see you. I can't not see you. I wouldn't ever not want to see you. You're everything that's right with the world."
"Oh..." she exhaled with teary-eyes. "Oh, Will."
He didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug, holding her tightly, letting her know just how much he valued her, how much he adored her, how he'd do anything to make her feel the best she possibly could about herself.
Once he was positive she was feeling better about herself, he of course insisted it was time to dance ("and show that twat what dancing with rhythm's meant to look like"). Bernadette's mood lifted even more as they danced about together, loudly singing along with the rest of the crowd to the band, spinning each other around and just having the time of their lives.
Eventually they exhausted themselves out and settled at their table where several of William's cousins and their dates were also catching their breaths. They sat around chatting and laughing until Violet came marching up to the table and right away William knew his sister was upset.
"Vi, what is it?" Penny asked.
"Grant." Violet pouted.
"What did he do?" William's face darkened, already gearing himself up to put the little shit in his place for upsetting both his sister and Bernadette.
"He's just a jerk!" Violet huffed and dumped herself into a chair. "Can't believe I even agreed to be his date."
"Did he say anything?" Bernadette asked, grabbing her hand to comfort her.
"He was just being vulgar and insinuating stuff-"
"Do you want me to say something?" William asked, his frown deepening the longer he listened to his sister's melancholy.
"No, it's fine. Charlotte wiped the floor with him anyway." his sister sighed and immediately William's temper was quelled, knowing Charlotte would have given the pathetic twat hell for whatever he had said to Violet.
Despite the disappointment she had suffered, after half an hour of her brother, best friend, and cousins all boosting her up Violet was sufficiently feeling much better about herself to not let some stupid boy spoil her night. Along with Bernadette and her cousins she returned to the dancefloor to let loose and enjoy herself and after watching Violet and Bernadette cracking up as they danced together, William decided to head outside to get some fresh air.
He was taking his time stretching his legs around the rose garden, contemplating what prank to pull on Grant to get back at the guy for upsetting his sister and Bernadette when he rounded the corner and stumbled across Nina Chenoweth - Gryffindor chaser, rumoured half-Veela, and the crush of pretty much every single male student at Hogwarts - leaning against the wall with a cigarette in her hand.
"William Bridgerton." she grinned as she brought the cigarette away from her lips. "Punch bowl not spiked, no one's formal-wear stained, no firecrackers being set off..." she shook her head with faux disappointment. "You're losing your touch."
"Eh. It's my last year. Figured I may as well kick back and enjoy the festivities without disrupting them." he shrugged off with a grin.
"How very noble of you." she exhaled with amusement. "And it was very cute of you to ask that Bertrand girl to be your date." she added with a sincere lilt to her tone. "Did your sister ask you to do that?"
"No, no, no. I asked her." he informed her, moving a few idle steps forward. "My sister had turned down a date because she didn't want her friend to be on her own, so I asked Bernadette so she didn't feel left out."
"That's so sweet of you." Nina cooed. "Just so long as you didn't lead her on or give her the wrong idea,"
"No, of course not." William scoffed. "She's sweet and adorable but I don't see her like that. And I'd never do anything to make her think there's something there when it's not."
"Ah, so no kisses under the mistletoe for you two?" she teased.
"Merlin no." William snorted. "Absolutely not. That's the last thing I'd want to go anywhere near with Bernadette."
"Anyone else you fancy standing underneath it with instead?"
His eyes met Nina's and she held his gaze as she exhaled downward before dropping her stub to the ground and squashing it.
"Maybe." he replied with a crooked grin slowly pulling on his lips and he took another step forward.
"Sure would be a shame for those lips of yours to go unkissed." Nina breathed, reaching out and pulling him in by the lapel of his jacket.
"Mhm, it would be a shame." he hummed as his hands traced along her hips, riding along the red satin of her slinky dress as he eyed up the curves she had in all the right places.
"Well let me fix that." Nina uttered before her lips met his.
William couldn't believe his luck as he kissed her, grinning into their snogs as his hands made their way across the dips of her body, pushing her up against the wall as she hungrily explored his mouth with her tongue and ran her hands through his thick curls.
His night truly couldn't have gone any better; there was no way he'd ever have to contend with Grant worming his way into any sort of relationship with his sister, he had provided Bernadette with the best night possible and boosted her self-esteem, and now he was getting hot and heavy with the girl of every boys dream; things couldn't have worked out more perfectly for him.
(Except unbeknownst to him, the girl he had asked to the ball - the girl he had no idea had fallen in love with him from their very first meeting - had overheard the way he had scoffed at the idea of there ever being something between them and dismissing any suggestion of ever kissing her like it was one big joke, and had watched with oncoming tears in her eyes as he made out with the most gorgeous girl in the school. Far be it from providing Bernadette with the best night possible and boosting her self-esteem, he had unwittingly given her the worst night of her entire life by breaking her heart in two and shattering any hope that he could ever love her back.)
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blu-joons · 2 years
You Appear On Knowing Bros ~ Vernon Chwe
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Your heart fluttered as soon as you caught the boys walking past your dressing room, smiling to each one of them. As one member passed your dressing room door in particular, they stopped, offering you a wide smile.
“You look great,” Vernon grinned as you spun around to face him properly, “how do you manage to pull off school uniform too?” He asked just in time before Jeonghan pulled him away.
It was the last chance that the two of you were going to have to interact before the shoot started as you tried your best to keep your distance from the rest of the group. It seemed too good to be true that the two of you were asked to appear on the exact same episode.
With plenty of secrets between you and the boys, you couldn’t help but fret how the day was going to go. Vernon had assured you that the boys would be on their best behaviour, but as for how much you trusted them, you weren’t too sure.
You were close to cancelling your appearance on the show, but luckily Vernon managed to talk you out of it. He wanted to appear with you, even if it was at a distance as something you could both watch back at a later time.
“Y/N, we’re ready for you whenever,” a producer knocked at your door, bringing you back.
You nodded after letting go of a deep breath, “I’m ready now,” you replied, standing up.
They smiled back to you as they showed you the way, “we’ve had Seventeen before, and they’re loud, so make sure that you stand up for yourself.”
Your head nodded, chuckling to yourself as you realised that he had no idea just how well you knew the group. As you joined them, their smiles were wide, several of the members nudging Vernon as Seungcheol opened up the door and walked everyone in.
“Say the name,” Seungcheol began as everyone introduced themselves, with you keeping your distance from Chan who was at the end of the line.
“And I’m Y/N, and I come from the school of there may be more of them, but I’ll be the star of the show today,” you added when your cue came.
Everyone could tell that you were nervous as you stood at the front of the classroom, with so many of the boys there, you definitely felt outnumbered. Although they were all more than happy to have you there, you wanted to make sure that you could promote your drama too.
“Is this Seventeen plus one?” Soogeun asked as he looked at the long row that you all stood in. “Y/N, I don’t know if you watched, but I actually won a competition to be the next member of Seventeen, and you’ve stolen my place.”
You went to speak, but Mingyu raised his arm in the air. “We found a better replacement for you,” he cheered, sending you a knowing glance as he boosted your profile.
“I got roped into being here with them,” you laughed in addition to Mingyu’s comment.
It didn’t take long before you found yourself speaking as if you really were a member of the group. The boys, and the crew on the programme all involved you in everything, despite there being only one of you, you were definitely still present.
As the conversation shifted to your drama, the boys all hyped you up plenty. Vernon stood back with a wide smile on his face as several of the boys, especially Seungkwan, gushed about how they loved to watch your dramas at the dorm.
“Shall we move onto some questions?” Hodong asked once the conversation began to fall silent, kicking off the next segment of the show.
“I have actually met Seventeen before,” you read off of your cue card, looking around the classroom, “but what did they do that touched me?”
“Did they present you with an award?” Jinho asked from the back of the room, raising his arm to make sure that he could be seen past Janghoon.
“It was at an awards show,” you told him, “but it wasn’t anything to do with an award.
“Did they crash an interview?” Heechul asked you next, “they interrupted a Super Junior interview once when we weren’t paying attention.”
Your head shook with a chuckle, “no way, they’d be in big trouble if they ever interrupted me.”
The boys were all sat around wearing smug smiles as they remembered what it was that they had done for you. It was a couple of years ago now, but you often brought it up whenever you wanted to tease the boys about how nice they could really be.
“Think about things that are important at an awards ceremony,” you prompted after wrong guesses came from Kyunghoon and Sangmin too, “what could you do to help someone.”
“Did they act like bodyguards?” Youngcheol asked you, looking around the room at the smug smiles that were on many of the faces of the boys.
You hummed slightly with a tilt of your head. “They did something that maybe a member of security would do, you’re getting a little bit warmer with that guess.”
“Did they hold your hand?” Hodong asked, nudging Joshua beside him with a shy giggle.
Your head shook as Hodong joked with several of the boys. “They held onto your dress to help you walk around?” Janghoon spoke, clapping his hands together, convinced that he’d nailed it.
“Correct,” you grinned, pointing across to Janghoon, “I was tripping over my dress and Vernon, Seokmin, Junhui and Wonwoo came and held it for me to get up some stairs.”
“How cute of you guys,” Heechul teased as the boys all shyly smiled, especially those who had helped you in your time of need whilst getting around the theatre.
Once the boys had been teased, the show carried on with you eventually swapping places with the units, with Vernon’s unit going last to guess the answer to the question.
“Alright, what made Vernon miss our group meeting last month?” Seungcheol asked the room, “it was a very important meeting as well for us.”
“Did you oversleep?” Kyunghoon called out, “I would definitely understand if you did something like that, I do it too.”
“I was awake for the meeting, but just didn’t go,” Vernon replied to him.
The group nodded as they noticed the shy smile that was on Vernon’s face as he tried not to give anything away to anyone.
“Were you with a girl?” Soogeun called out, not missing a trick with the grin that was on Vernon’s face as he spoke to him.
Sangmin hit his desk beside Soogeun, “you were with a girl, weren’t you?” He pushed, knowing exactly what the typical reason was for someone missing a meeting.
Beside him, Mingyu’s head shook, “Y/N wasn’t at the dorm that ti..” be began, trailing off.
“Y/N?” Heechul asked, with everyone immediately spinning around to look at you, “what’s Y/N been doing at the dorm, is Y/N the girl that you were with?”
Your head shook as Vernon nudged his side into Mingyu’s, “I missed the meeting because I had family visiting,” Vernon told everyone.
“But you and Y/N have been together before?” Hodong asked, not dropping the topic as Vernon’s head slowly nodded. “Did the boys help you because you were dating?” He then asked you, as things started to piece together for everyone.
An apologetic smile was sent your way by Mingyu as several questions were sent in both yours and Vernon’s directions with everyone desperate to get an exclusive.
Your head shook in reply to Hodong though, “I didn’t really know who they were back then, but I definitely know who they are now.”
“It seems you know one of them very well,” Heechul chimed in, sending you a knowing glance, “I can’t believe you guys revealed yourselves on our show.”
“Yeah, we’ll be getting Mingyu back for that one later on.”
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Tinder in Real Life
Pairings: Harry Lewis x fem!Reader, Sidemen x platonic!Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Language some people may find offensive, sexual themes, recycled lines from Sidemen Tinder in Real Life because I'm not at all creative Request: Hey! Could you do reader x Harry imagine where the sidemen do a collab video with the reader who is also a big youtuber and Harrys celebrity crush. And during the video the reader is very flirty, leaving Harry a flustered mess when the flirting is directed towards him, but very jealous when its with any other sidemen.
The Sidemen were one of the biggest groups on YouTube and one that you were very familiar with. At the age of 23, you were a fair bit younger than some of its oldest members but yet you had a close relationship with JJ, whom you had met through YouTube.
You had started your channel when you were 17, just under four years ago, making makeup videos, which was a passion of yours when you were younger. Not that you were any good at it back then. Those videos quickly become unlisted when your channel started blowing up in late 2016, now nearing 20 million at the present time.
It wasn't long before you expanded your horizons and had started making different sorts of videos, including vlogs of your everyday life - which wasn't and still isn't that exciting in your opinion - and those where you just had a laugh, attempting to do stupid challenges that were so popular back then. It was those, however, that grew your channel. Your fans seemed to love them and so you gradually started to make more.
As your small channel began to grow significantly, it caught the attention of KSI, a member of the Sidemen, who reached out to you to for a collab. You were ecstatic. You couldn't believe it at the time, why would someone like KSI with 20 million subscribers want to collaborate with you? By that time, you couldn't exactly call yourself a small channel anymore, with almost 5 million subscribers but it still didn't make any sense to you.
You and JJ quickly bonded after filming together. You had a very similar sense of humour and interests. As the years went, the older boy became one of your best friends, the nature of your relationship being very teasing and flirtatious but the both of you knew it was a joke. It was just the way you both were.
Though despite having known him for nearing 3 years now, you had never met the rest of the Sidemen, with the exception of Simon, as he lived with JJ. Which is why when he texted asking you to collaborate with the Sidemen, you couldn't turn the offer down. You were a fan of the group and the content they were producing. You thought the videos that they made were exceptional, that they were pushing the envelope of the standard of content on YouTube and often found yourself excited for new videos.
He had explained that they were filming another of their 'Tinder in real life' but a YouTuber version with the likes of BambinoBecky and ChiWithAC. You were so excited. You were finally going to meet the rest of JJ's friends and you had the opportunity to be a part of a Sidemen Sunday.
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You arrived at the studio the boys were filming at in the afternoon, finding and greeting JJ before he introduced you to the other sidemen in addition to Lux, Freezy and Stephen.
"And you've already met Simon." He finished.
"Yeah. Nice to finally meet you all. JJ tells me a lot about you guys." You laughed.
"Because that's assuring." Ethan pointed out with a chuckle, the other boys letting out agreements.
"Not all bad, I promise." You teased, winking at him. Ethan felt the blood rushing to his face, immediately becoming flustered and stumbling over his words. You found that you often had that effect on people as you could be very direct and flirtatious even when you didn't mean it. To you it was just friendly banter.
"Geez Y/N, stop flirting with people you met literally five minutes ago." JJ rolled his eyes.
"You sound a bit jealous, Jide." You smirked, a teasing grin spread across your face.
"Nah, allow it." There were eruptions of laughter around the room, coming from the boys. You were quick to notice Harry standing out of the way and was significantly quieter than the others, with what seemed to be a forced smile on his face.
Harry was in his own head, barely paying attention to what was going on around him. When JJ had told him that you were going to be in the next Sidemen video, he panicked. You were an accomplished YouTuber who he was quite fond of to say the least. Well, that would be an understatement, he had a fairly large crush on you. A crush that no one but Freezy and Lux knew about.
He knew that JJ had been friends with you for some time now but never considered the possibility of even meeting you. His anxiety acted as a barrier to even the thought of it. But he was currently in the same room as you and had said nothing more than a short 'hello'. He longed to have the confidence Ethan had to speak to you, even more so for you to look at him the way you were.
Already you were flirting with JJ and Ethan, something that caused a pit to form at the bottom of his stomach. He wouldn't admit it, but he could slowly feel the jealousy forming. Not that he had anything to be jealous about in the first place!
You continued to speak with the boys as you got your mic set up, telling them stories you were sure would embarrass JJ.
"Y/N, stop." The older boy whined. He could be like a child sometimes, but it was one of his more endearing qualities. He simply wouldn't be JJ if he wasn't.
"No, carry on." Simon laughed.
"Oh, don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from." You teased.
"I think it's time we started, don't you think?" Harry grumbled.
"Right." You smiled at the boy, who's cheeks became tinted red. He ducked to hide his face and walked around to stand in the line, hiding himself in the middle.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm 23 and I'm from Y/H/T." You spoke to the camera once you were given the go ahead.
"I'm Simon, I'm 28. I like to practice safe sex."
"Always a good start."
"I could tie you to the bed, so you don't fall off." He finished with a giggle. You acted like you were pondering it for a moment before letting out a laugh and swiping right.
"I'm down for that." You teased. The boys all let out rumbles of laughter
"Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm 26 and kiss me if I'm wrong, but you're gonna swipe right."
"What would you rather?" You joked. Ethan shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the board, sticking his head through with his lips puckered, eliciting a cry of protest from Harry that this wasn't allowed. You laughed and made an over exaggerated motion to swipe to the right, causing him to pout playfully but walked over to the right anyway.
"Hi, I'm Josh, I'm 28. KSI has a top ten single, but you're the only hot single I can see."
"Wow, that was smooth!" You said with a grin. "Definite yes from me."
"I'm Callum, I'm 26. Are you into fitness?" Freezy asked.
"Can't say I am." You replied, unsure of what turn this could take.
"How about you fitness dick in your mouth?"
"I wouldn't get too excited babes, I gag on my toothbrush." You laughed. "We could try though."
You swiped right on him, chuckling as you watched him let out a yes before joining Simon, Ethan, and Josh. You frowned slightly, a crease forming between your brows as you saw Harry whisper something furiously at his friend but ultimately got distracted by Vik stepping up to go next.
"I'm Vik, I'm 25. My ex-girlfriend always said I'd never do better than her, wanna prove her right?" You could hear the cries of the boys in the background, some scolding him, others laughing.
"Man actually said prove her right. Not wrong." JJ shrieked with a shocked look on his face, holding his head with his hands.
"You need to find someone for that." You snarked, swiping left on the boy, who shrugged and walked off.
"Damn! You got told!" Lux cackled.
"Uh hi. I'm Harry. I'm uh 25, no I'm not I'm 24." He stumbled. "Are you sure you're a muggle? Because that ass is magical."
"You should see how magical it can be." You spoke before cringing at yourself and laughing, swiping right to avoid a reply. The boy's face grew a bright shade of red, closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
"Geez, is that an offer?!" Freezy yelled from the right side. You laughed, observing how Harry whispered furiously to the boy to stop and winked at him once he had could see. Your laughter only increased as you watched JJ step up.
"I'm JJ. I'm 28 and are you a raisin? Cause you're raising my dick." The boy in question stood in front of you so confidently, hands clasped together in front of him so seriously that you just lost it. By the time you composed yourself, there were tears almost falling from your eyes.
"A* for effort." You laughed, swiping right eliciting a cry of success.
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You had wrapped up filming your segment of the video, which conveniently was the last of the day. You found JJ who you spoke to whilst the other boys were otherwise occupied talking to each other.
"Cheers for coming, Y/N/N. You've been great."
"Anything for you." You joked.
"Don't tempt me." He laughed. You could feel eyes on you, eyes that were burning into your side. You turned your head to see Harry staring you and JJ down before looking away after being caught in the act, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
"Does Harry not like me or something?" You whispered to JJ, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden.
"Not that I know of." He frowned looking at the younger boy. "He can be a bit awkward at times and gets flustered a lot."
"Right." You agreed. You excused yourself before sauntering up to the boy in question, calling his name to snap him out of the daze he appeared to be in.
"Oh, um hey Y/N." He stumbled.
"Hi." You smiled gently. "I uh, I was just wondering, do you... have I done something to offend you?"
"Offend me? Why, uh, why would you think that?" He rambled.
"It's just... it's nothing, it's probably just me overthinking things." You waved it off, feeling like a complete idiot.
"I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I don't like you. I don't not like you, in fact I really like you! Oh, um I mean I like you, you're very pretty." The boy couldn't stop rambling which made you laugh. "No, wait."
"You think I'm pretty?" You blushed interrupting him. Harry felt his mouth go dry, not being able to get anything coherent to come out. "Well, Harry, I really like you too."
"What?" His eyebrows shot up so far it was almost comical. "Really? So, you don't like the other guys?"
"What? No." You laughed. "That's absurd. Why would you think that?"
"You seemed very..." The boy trailed off, not wanting to offend you after you had admitted to liking him.
"Flirty?" You finished, causing him to nod. "I'm like that with everyone, I don't mean to be half the time."
"Well, how about you give me your phone number and when you finally grow a pair, you can ask me out?" Your confidence levels had shot up spontaneously.
"Uh, sure." His cheeks had become a dark shade of red as he passed his phone to you so you could put your number in. You kept looking up at him as you typed, putting your name under 'Y/N x' in his contacts before handing it back to him.
"Y/N! Come on! We're going to Nando's!" JJ called from the other side of the room.
"Call me." You winked. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth and was currently the only thing from stopping the wide grin from spreading across your face. A grin that hadn't disappeared from your face for the rest of the day, much to the curiosity of JJ, who was disappointed when you refused to tell him why, or more appropriately who, had put the smile on your face.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar error, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1177
| published : 12 november
| request :  Hello 👋 I just read your story ‘Reunited’ and I really loved it! I was wondering if I can request a sukuna x female reader oneshot? The plot would be somewhat similar to reunited but instead mc was a powerful witch that was offered to sukuna but they ended up bonding. Mc gets killed from an attack and sukuna kinda builds a temple or burial for her. Present time- Sukuna takes over during a mission and runs off to the temple and finds mc’s preserved body and revives her??? Bonus if you add everyone’s reaction to their reunion. You can reject this if you want and thank you!! 😊
| barista’s notes : i didn’t have time to add the reaction bonus, so i apologies for that  ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ, i hope you love your cup of black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request)!
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An offering that turned into a blessing.
That’s what she was to him.
Slowly looking down upon his lap, all that came into view was a woman peacefully sleeping with her head hidden at the crook of his head, savouring the lingering warmth that the King of Curses had kindly offered her with a few strands of her hair suddenly falling upon her face. Raising his hand, he tenderly stroked her cheek before gently pushing the thin strands behind her ear to savour the beautiful view that could disappear any second.
Since the beginning of their time together, Sukuna was nothing but captivated by the woman that was with him right now. Everyday with nothing but filled amusement when he was with her, from her feisty comments to the way she could stand on her own. It was like that ever since the shamans offered her to him.
“Oh? What do we have here?”
“If you’re gonna say something, then say it now,” you commented back, surprising Sukuna on how you were so self-assured when others would cower within his presence.
“For someone being offered to me, you sure seem confident, woman,” Sukuna snapped, wondering how you were still able to stand on your ground.
“Well with you being a curse and me being a witch, I don't have to respect someone like you,” you snapped back, resulting in a ball of flames being thrown towards your direction, only for you to suddenly put up a shield to cover you from the attack.
“What the hell did these shamans offer me?”
“As I mentioned, they offered you a witch”
“Why are you staring at me?” someone asked, causing the curse to zone back into his surroundings, only to find you staring up at him with your glowing eyes that he loved so much.
“No reason, little witch,” he answered, only for you to pout in response. “You know I hate it when you call me that,” you stated only for the King of Curses to smirk at you, “only a better reason for me to call you that, little witch”.
An offering that turned into a blessing.
That’s what she was to him.
However, the shamans weren’t willing to make that blessing last
Your arms were wrapped around his neck as he looked over your shoulder with eyes widened with shock on the current events that had just occurred.
What seemed like a simple hug from a lover was the opposite. The shaman that was behind you quickly created some distance from the both of you, only for Sukuna to fully see the blade that was in his right hand, covering in the red liquid that was dripping at the end of the sharp tip.
“You know...I never thought I would sacrifice my life for anyone,” you muttered, as you weakly tighten your arms that were around him. “But I guess, you were the exception,” you suggested as your knees began to weaken, resulting in Sukuna tightly gripping onto your waist to help keep your balance before he kneeled to the ground see what he could do to reverse the damage that was already done.
“Ah...I wanted to see more of the world with you,” you quietly admitted, as Sukuna positioned your head upon his lap.
“I’m going to miss you”
1000 years had passed, and here he was slyly standing behind Fushiguro Megumi after eliminating the special grade curse that had manifested within Eishu Juvenile Detention Centre.
“He ain’t coming back,” Sukuna informed Fushiguro, making his presence known leading to the first-year shaman to turn around in a panic. ”Don’t worry, I’m in a good mood, let’s talk,” Sukuna casually mentioned, only leading Fushiguro to increase his guard making Sukuna smirk with amusement.
“You know if I remember, there’s a temple called Komorebi temple that’s nearby here” Sukuna suddenly mentioned, leading the shaman to look at him in confusion while still keeping his guard up for any incoming attacks that could happen. “Fun fact is that I was the one that built it, yet there is little to no curse energy within that area, you want to know why?” the curse rhetorically asked, only to quickly answer with “there’s this woman that I was offered by the people like you, I buried her body thereafter a shaman killed her and her being the feisty woman she was, her power still emits slightly keeping any negative emotions away from her,”.
Fushiguro didn't know where this conversation was heading to, but this gave him some time to think of a plan to get Itadori to gain consciousness and switch back. However, it seemed like it was going to take a lot more effort than he had hoped.
“I’m going to pay her a visit, if you wanna come you can,” Sukuna informed the Grade-two sorcerer as he turned around to go towards the exit, only to look over his shoulder to say, “that is if you can keep up with me of course,” before suddenly disappearing from Fushiguro’s sight, leading to a wave of panic to take over the shaman’s body.
Standing in the middle of the shrine somehow calmed Sukuna down as he looked around at his masterpiece that lasted surprisingly well throughout all these years. However, what calmed him down the most was that your lingering power was still somehow radiating throughout the whole building, giving off a sense of comfort rather than hostility - the complete opposite to him - that was no surprise to him for a powerful witch like you.
At this moment and time, what he was standing in front of was a small shine that was littered with flowers and burning incenses, most likely from people coming in to give you offerings for blessings for someone they knew or for themselves. Sukuna was no different, in his hand was a small charm that was infused with his curse energy with the remainder of your energy that he managed to retrieve after killing the finger bearer. 
Gently placing the artefact down in front of the shrine as an offering, Sukuna slowly closed his eyes before praying to anyone right now to bless him with what he wanted. What he craved for.
Nothing was heard. Only the rain that was pouring down was filling the building, leaving Sukuna to tut in annoyance at how foolish he looked right now. There was no way he could bring you back to him, you weren’t a curse like he was, there was no way you could come back. 
There was no offer that he could give for his blessing to come.
“You look well Sukuna”
Quickly opening his eyes, the King of curses turned around to see a familiar woman standing in front of him with a small smile on her face as she dawned the same kimono that she had back all those years ago.
“What blessing would you like in return for that offer?”
“You, my little witch”
An offering that turned into a blessing.
That’s what she was to him.
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
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part two
Summary: Reader doesn’t know what she did to make Spencer hate her so much.
A/N: This fic is just a reminder that sub!Spencer lives rent free in my head at all times. Also, if anyone would like to be on a taglist for one shots like these, let me know! I’m going to work on getting one started.
Pairing: sub!Spencer/femdom! reader
Content Warnings: honestly way too much swearing, sexual harassment, slapping, hands free orgasm, oral sex (male and female receiving), hand job, orgasm denial, edging, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, degradation, femdom 
Word Count: 8.2k
           I have absolutely no idea what I’ve done to make Spencer Reid hate me.
           Usually, when someone despises a person to the point of complete and total avoidance, there’s a reason. No one just wakes up and decides to resent another person for the hell of it – right? Wrong.
           Because Spencer Reid positively loathes me – and I have no idea why.
           It all started on my first day at the BAU. I had somehow landed the highly coveted job of media liaison after the previous one had decided to complete the training to be a profiler. For reasons unbeknownst to me, they thought a twenty-four-year-old fresh out of college with no prior job experience was the best fit for the position. I didn’t understand it, but I also wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
           To say that I had been terrified the first time I set foot into the bullpen would be the understatement of the century. After a very formal and very intimidating orientation with the unit chief, my predecessor, a beautiful blonde named Jennifer, offered herself up to be my personal tour guide. Jennifer introduced me to the other members of the team, and with every smiling face I came in contact with, my fears of being the odd man out were assuaged. I could tell that Penelope Garcia, tech analyst extraordinaire, would most likely be my biggest ally – and it was abundantly clear that Derek Morgan and I would probably get into a fair amount of mischief together. Elle Greenaway seemed like the obvious choice for a future drinking buddy, and Jason Gideon – well, he merely grunted at me in acknowledgment before retreating back to his office. I figured three out of four wasn’t so bad.
           I didn’t meet Doctor Spencer Reid until after lunch. Jennifer mentioned something about him guest lecturing at a local university, which surprised me considering she mentioned him being a year younger than me. Apparently, the kid was an actual genius, which was more than a little bit intimidating, but Jennifer assured me that Spencer was a sweetheart.
           “He’s a little quirky, but I’m sure you’ll love him. Just don’t be surprised if he tries to talk your ear off,” Jennifer laughs. “Last week I asked him about the weather and he went off on a tangent about climate change that lasted nearly an hour.”
           By the time Spencer strolled into the bullpen at exactly one in the evening, I was sitting perched atop Jennifer’s desk, thoroughly engrossed as she told me about their latest case. When she stops talking midsentence in favor of smiling at someone behind me, I half expect that Morgan is attempting to sneak up on me, when:
           “Hey, look who’s back,” Jennifer greets, prompting me to turn around excitedly. I was eager to put a face to the man I’d heard so much about.
           And when I turn, my eyes land on the prettiest man I’ve ever seen.
           Sharp cheekbones and a chiseled jawline are framed by shaggy brown hair, complete with beautiful brown eyes and soft, pillowy lips. As if his good looks weren’t enough, he’s dressed in the most adorably nerdy sweater vest and a pair of thin framed glasses. He’s absolutely precious – a fact that Jennifer had conveniently left out.
           “How was the lecture?” Jennifer asks him as he places his satchel on the desk adjacent to hers. Spencer perks up at this, smiling excitedly from across the divider.
           “I think it went really good, actually. I incorporated this really cool joke that I heard about quantum physics. Do you want to-”
           He stops abruptly when he realizes Jennifer isn’t his only spectator, and those lovely brown eyes go almost comically wide when they settle on me.
           “Spencer, this is Y/N Y/L/N. She’s the new media liaison. Y/N, this is Doctor Spencer Reid.”
           I give him my best smile, tacking on a small wave for good measure.
           “It’s nice to meet you, Doctor Reid. Jennifer’s told me a lot about you.”
           “Uh, y-yeah. It’s n-nice to meet you, too,” Spencer stutters. He looks positively stricken and I’m fairly sure he hasn’t blinked in over a minute. I cast a glance at Jennifer, who seems just as confused as I am.
           Well, she had mentioned that he was a tad strange.
           “I’d like to hear the joke,” I offer, only to immediately regret it when I see him tense up.
           “N-No, that’s o-okay,” he chokes out as he struggles to gather the files on his desk. “It’s n-not that good, anyways.”
           And just as quickly as he came, Spencer leaves in a flurry of crumpled papers, leaving Jennifer and I wondering what the fuck just happened.
           Things didn’t get better with time. In fact, they got much worse.
           In the six months that I had been working for the BAU, I could count my interactions with Spencer Reid on one hand. It wasn’t for lack of trying on my part – in my desperation to figure out what I’d done to make him avoid me, I sought out the young genius every chance I got. But every time I got within ten feet of him, it’s like an alarm would sound in his head and he’d make up some excuse to leave the room.
           The others had noticed his strange behavior, too. It seemed they all had made a sort of game out of it – calling Spencer into rooms that I was in just to see him panic, or asking me to personally deliver files to his desk. At first, I played into it, hoping that their teasing would help to diffuse some of the tension.
           After a month of being on the receiving end of Spencer’s cold shoulder, I started avoiding him, too.
           I tried to act indifferent – like it didn’t hurt me as badly as it did. I no longer sought him out, and by month two, we had a sort of understanding. I didn’t go near him, and he didn’t go near me, and that’s how it went on for four miserable months.
           Until today.
           “Reid, Y/L/N, you’re in 202.”
           I damn near drop my bag on the floor. This was bound to happen at some point or another, but I hadn’t planned on that day being today, and I was not prepared. After nine hours of running around the local police department, my body was weighed down from fatigue and I was downright grumpy. Not to mention I had picked the worst possible day to try and break in a new pair of heels, and my feet were throbbing.
           Needless to say, I was in no mood to deal with Spencer Reid’s bullshit.
           “Uh, Hotch? Could I maybe room with Elle?” I ask, sending a glare in Morgan’s direction when he snorts out a laugh. Hotch raises an eyebrow at me.
           “Why? Is there a problem?”
           Yes, sir, there certainly is. And your guess is as good as mine as to what that problem is.
           “No, but I just think that-”
           “Good. Then you should be fine to share a room with him.”
           I spare a brief glance at Spencer, who, in the last thirty seconds, has turned the color of a tomato. I pray that he’ll speak up and voice his discomfort, but just like always, he stays silent.
           Hotch doles out the room keys and I begin the trek down the hallway, my poor aching feet groaning in protest with every step. I’m vaguely aware of the sound of footsteps behind me, and it’s not until I swipe the key into the key card that Spencer speaks.
           But not to me – no, never to me.
           “Derek, please, I’m begging you. Just switch with me this one time, and – and I’ll do your reports for a month!”
           After six months of dealing with Spencer’s aversion to me, his words should come as no surprise. And really, I’d expected as much - but that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
           “Not happening, kid. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get over whatever problem you have with Y/N. I bet you’ll even end up liking her. She’s not going to be rude to you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
           “… T-That’s not what I’m worried abo-”
           I don’t wait around to hear the rest of his sentence. I push open the door to the room, not bothering to wait for Spencer before closing it. I kick off my heels as soon as the door clicks shut, letting out a half relieved, half frustrated  groan.
           After claiming the bed nearest the air conditioner as my own, I pluck my pajamas and toiletry bag out from my suitcase and shuffle over to the bathroom. The way I see it, the quicker I get a shower and can go to sleep, the faster the night will pass. Before I know it, this unfortunate situation will be a thing of the past.
           After drawing out the shower for as long as I possibly could, I exit the bathroom clad in a tank top and a pair of shorts, hair dripping wet and skin freshly scrubbed clean. Spencer’s sitting on his bed, book in hand and tie loosened. He doesn’t look up at me when I walk by - not that I’d expected him to. A thick silence hangs in the air as I pull a bottle of lotion out from my suitcase, and I debate turning on the TV just to make things slightly less awkward. In the end I decide against it, because I doubt even that could make this situation better.
           I prop a leg up on the bed and begin to lather my legs in cherry scented lotion, paying special care to my aching feet before moving on. It’s not until both of my legs have been thoroughly massaged and coated in lotion that I look up.
           Spencer’s eyes are locked on me, mouth hanging open and chest heaving up and down. His knuckles are white from how hard they’re clutching the book in his hands, but despite that I can still see the way they’re trembling. When he realizes I've caught him staring, he closes his mouth and gulps hard.
           I straighten up and raise an eyebrow in a silent question, and that’s enough for Spencer to snap his book shut and scramble off of the bed. He’s clumsy as he moves to his suitcase, dropping his bottle of travel shampoo twice before he reaches the bathroom. If I wasn’t so off put by whatever the hell had just happened, I might have thought it cute.
           As if the universe thought my current predicament wasn’t enough to deal with, the next morning I was dealt another shitty hand. This time, my distress came in the form of a young cop who couldn’t pick up on social cues to save his life. After an entire morning of dodging sleazy advances, I finally managed to shake him when his superior sent him out to go and actually do his fucking job.
           Or so I thought.
           I’m standing in the breakroom, pouring my fourth (or is it my fifth?) cup of coffee when I hear the sound of footsteps in the hall. I don’t know if I’ve developed a sixth sense about these things, or if I’m just particularly on edge today, but I know it’s the young officer before he can even cross the threshold.
           And when he does, and he sees that he has me cornered, a saccharine smile stretches across his lips.
           “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he drawls in an accent that could probably be attractive if he wasn’t so damn skeevy.
           “Might wanna get your eyes checked,” I mutter, refusing to look in his direction as I stir my coffee.
           “Pretty and feisty. Just how I like my women.”
           “I am not your anything,” I seethe, and instead of backing off like any respectful human being would, he just chuckles and begins to saunter towards me.
           “C’mon baby, you don’t have to be that way. You don’t have to act all professional with me.”
           “Don’t call me that.” I look at him now, and the smug, self-righteous smile on his face makes my blood boil.
           “You don’t like baby? That’s fine – I’m sure I can think of lots of other things to call you,” he murmurs. He’s closer now, so close that I can practically feel his breath against my neck.
           “I’m going to tell you to stop one more time, and it would be in your best interest to listen,” I growl.
           “Or what?” he taunts. “I’d like to see you try to stop me.”
           I jolt forward when a hand comes down hard on my ass, squeezing me harshly through the material of my skirt.
           Oh, fuck no.
           I’m whirling around faster than I ever thought possible, and then a harsh crack sounds throughout the room as my hand comes in contact with his face.
           My hand stings from the contact, but the pain is welcome because he flies backwards, stumbling and grasping as his already reddening cheek.
           “What the fuck?” he roars, eyes flashing with unbridled fury. I take several steps towards him, and to my utmost delight he nearly trips over himself in his hurry to put distance between us. I stop when his back hits the wall and I lean in until our faces are only inches apart.
           “Listen here, you limp dick fuck,” I snarl. “I’m getting real sick and fucking tired of pathetic pieces of shit like you thinking they can put their hands on women. What’s your problem? Are you so fucking tactless that you can’t get anyone to fuck you?” I punctuate my question by jabbing my pointer finger into his chest and cocking my head to the side. “Are you so unappealing that the only way you can get your hands on a woman is to wait until she’s alone and try to corner her?
           Or is it a power thing? You’ve got the gun and the badge so you think you’re entitled to just take what you want, don’t you? You think no one can stop you because you’re in a position of power. Well, I have some news for you – I outrank you, and you just assaulted a federal agent. I will not stop until I ruin your fucking career, and if you even think of trying to lie your way out of this, I’ll do a helluva lot fucking worse. After the week I’m having, I am just looking for an excuse to kick your fucking dick into the dirt. Do you understand?”
           By the time I finish speaking, my chest is heaving up and down and my eyes are narrowed into slits. The officer is so angry that he’s shaking, hands balled up to fists at his sides. For a moment, I think he’ll try to hit me, but then his hard-exterior cracks and the anger gives way to fear.
           “You – You can’t tell anyone about this,” he says, trying his best to sound menacing. But his voice wavers, and I can tell he’s losing his grip. “It’ll r-ruin my career.”
           I raise my hand up to his cheek, placing my palm over the red imprint I had left on his skin. And then I flash him the sweetest goddamn smile that ever there was.
           “I’d like to see you try to stop me.”
           I give him a pat on the cheek before turning around and heading for the door, only to stop halfway when I see that I have an audience of one.
           Spencer stands in the doorway, a coffee mug gripped tightly in one hand, mouth agape and eyes wide. He’s standing stock still, eyes darting in between the police officer and me. I let out an exasperated sigh because of-fucking-course it would be Spencer that would happen to walk in on whatever that just was.
           “Close your mouth, Reid. That’s how you catch flies,” I deadpan, prompting Spencer to snap his mouth shut.
           Without another word, I brush past him and leave the break room.
           I suppose the universe had decided to finally give me a break, because that afternoon we were able to apprehend the unsub. But my good fortune only went so far, because Hotch announced that we would be leaving first thing in the morning – which meant another night alone with Spencer Reid.
           He didn’t mention what he walked in on when the two of us arrived back at our room, and I didn’t expect him to. The two of us went about the motions of unwinding from the day in complete and utter silence, and by the time I emerge from the shower I decide that I’ve had enough.
           “I’m gonna go stay with Elle and Derek,” I murmur as I zip up my suitcase and slip on my shoes.
           “Oh. O-Okay.”
           And that was that.
           It’s about an hour later when my phone is on four percent that I realize I hadn’t remembered to bring my charger with me. I contemplate just letting it die, but the idea of sitting through a seven-hour jet ride tomorrow without it sounds excruciating. Then again, so does the idea of having to suffer through an interaction with Spencer.
           The phone wins out in the end, and with Derek and Elle still snoring softly in their respective beds, I slip out of the room and into the hallway. With any luck, Spencer will be in a similar state and I’ll be able to sneak in and out without him waking up.
           I think thank my lucky stars when I slowly crack open the door to Spencer’s room and see that the lights are off. I take special care to close the door as quietly as possible before tiptoeing across the carpeted floors, feeling my way around in the dark so that I don’t trip over anything.
I make it halfway across the room when I hear it – it’s quiet, and if the air conditioner had been on, I wouldn’t have even heard it at all. It’s faint, so faint that I wonder if I’d imagined it, but then that same sound breaks through the silence and I know it’s not a product of my imagination.
I hear the covers rustle, and then a low moan followed by the distinct sound of skin on skin. My blood runs cold as the moans grow louder and more frequent, rolling off Spencer’s lips in rapid succession. There’s heavy breathing and whimpering and holy fuck I just walked in on Spencer Reid masturbating.
Spencer cries out a particularly load moan, one that sounds so pornographic that it shoots straight to my core. It’s sexy and dirty and he sounds absolutely wrecked, and the part of my brain that is still capable of logical thinking is screaming get out! Get out, now!
I begin to slowly backtrack, moving at one tenth of the speed that I had coming in because the possibility of being caught is absolutely not an option. If Spencer hates me now, he’d really hate me if he found out I snuck into his room at night and heard… that.
I’m about five feet away from the door when:
“O-Oh my God, yes! Y/N, please - fuck!”
I think then that I certainly have to be dreaming, because there’s no way I’d just heard him correctly. There’s no way that Spencer – the same Spencer that scurried out of the room when I walked in – was moaning my name while he touched himself. Absolutely not.
But then it happens again and again and again – my name falling from his lips incessantly like some kind of debauched chant.
It feels like my skin is on fire – my mind a befuddled mess – and before my brain can tell me what a terrible idea it is, my feet are carrying me back into the room and I’m coming to a stop at the foot of Spencer’s bed.
Bathed in the glow of the moonlight shining through the window, Spencer looks ethereal. There’s a thin line of sweat beading on his forehead, and his usually meticulously slicked back hair is fanned out on the pillow like some sort of halo. His teeth are nestled into his bottom lip now, and all that can be heard are tiny whimpers as his hand slides up and down underneath the bed sheets. Spencer’s always beautiful, almost painfully so. But the way he looks now, shadows dancing across his face as he works himself to orgasm, is infinitely more breathtaking than words can express.
It doesn’t take long for Spencer to release his lip from beneath his teeth, and when he does my name is flying out of his mouth once more.
I take that as my invitation to speak.
“I don’t think I’ve heard you say my name before.”
Spencer’s entire body stills and his eyes fly open to reveal two dark pools full of sheer panic.
“I-I can explain,” he stammers, moving to clutch the comforter to his chest in an attempt to cover himself.
I let out a hum and sit down on the edge of the bed.
“Please do. I’m very interested in hearing about just what you were picturing me doing.”
Spencer sucks in a harsh breath. I can practically see the wheels in his brain turning -desperately trying to concoct some kind of reasonable explanation.
“I-I… I don’t… I’m s-sorry,” he stutters, and it’s so adorable how he’s squirming underneath my gaze that I decide to help him out.
“Was I sucking you off? Or were you fucking me?” I wonder aloud. He tries to hide it, thinking the covers will mask the way that his hips buck up, but I definitely see it.
“Which was it, Spencer? Was I taking you down my throat or were you fucking my pussy? Or maybe I was coming undone on your face – was that it?”
Spencer lets out a low groan, and if my patience hadn’t been running so fucking thin, I probably would’ve left it at that. But after the hell he’d put me through for the last six months, I feel like he deserved to squirm a little.
“Fucking answer me.”
“Y-You were, um… r-riding me. And you s-slapped m-me.”
This just got a lot more interesting.
I raise an eyebrow at him and I can see the way his Adam’s apple bobs up and down as he gulps.
“So, you liked what you saw today, did you?”
Spencer nods so fervently that I have to bite down on my tongue to suppress a laugh.
“Words, baby. Use them.”
“I-I liked it. A lot.”
“Apparently so, seeing as you were moaning for it like a desperate little slut,” I breeze, my tone cool and indifferent. “Have you done this before, Doctor? Touched yourself to the thought of me, that is.”
“… Y-Yes. I’m s-sorry. I didn’t m-mean to. It just kind of happened one night, and once I started, I couldn’t s-stop.”
I reach out a hand and brush away the hair that had fallen into his face, tucking it back behind his ear before continuing.
“Why the cold shoulder, then? And here I thought you hated me,” I muse, before pausing and cocking my head to the side. “Do you hate me, Doctor?” I ask, and just when I thought he couldn’t look more guilty, he proves me wrong.
“No! I just… couldn’t be around you. I felt so b-bad. You were so nice, and I was using you to g-get off,” Spencer explains. “I couldn’t look you in the eye. Not after picturing you… like that.”
I let out a sigh. Knowing that Spencer didn’t actually hate me for the last six months was a relief. Knowing that Spencer was secretly rubbing one out to me was something else entirely. Whatever was I to do with this information?
“So, you want to fuck me, then?” I reiterate. “Why not tell me this sooner?”
“The probability of you responding positively to me telling you that I, uh, m-masturbate to you was very l-low. And after what I saw today, I think I was wise for keeping that from you,” Spencer says, the last part coming out in a rush. I can’t help but let out a low laugh.
“Yes, but the guy that was coming on to me today wasn’t someone I find attractive. He was pompous and crass and pushy - and you, Doctor Reid, are none of those things.”
“R-Really? You think I’m attractive?”
I hum.
“Very much so, Doctor. But I’m afraid you may have waited too long, and now I don’t feel as inclined to be nice,” I murmur, allowing my hand to trail down from his shoulder to his collar bones before lightly grazing his nipple with my thumb.
“O-Oh my… God,” Spencer whimpers, eyes fluttering shut as my fingers continue to dance across his skin.
“But then again, I don’t think you really want me to be nice to you. I think you want me to treat you like my little play thing.” I stop my hand just below his navel and I thumb across the light layer of hair that makes up his happy trail. “You want to be my dirty boy - don’t you, Doctor Reid?”
“P-Please,” Spencer chokes out, hips jerking up when I allow my thumb to graze a little lower.
“Please what?”
Spencer lets out a frustrated groan.
“Please, I-I want you to u-use me. However you want, just as l-long as you just do-don’t stop touching me,” he rambles. He’s shuddering underneath me, his breaths coming out in harsh pants as my hand wanders lower and lower until I abruptly pull away. “W-Why did you stop?”
“Because I don’t think you deserve to be touched just yet. You’ve got six months to make up to me, after all. I think I want you on your knees for me first,” I say, and from the way his eyes seem to dilate even further, I don’t think he has any objections. “Are you familiar with the color system?”
Spencer nods.
“Green for good, yellow means slow down, and red means stop now.”
“Do you have a safe word?”
“I… I’ve never really, uh. Done t-this.”
Oh. Oh.
I withdraw my hand from its place on his leg and Spencer lets out a distressed whine. “No, please! Don’t go. I’m not a complete virgin, I promise. I got a h-hand job once,” he argues. “And I think I’ve done enough, uh, research, and I really want to try to make you cum. I want to be good for you. Please let me try.”
Spencer looks like he’s about two seconds away from crying, and I can feel my argument dying before it even leaves my mouth.
“Oh, baby, I know you’d be so good,” I coo, and just like that Spencer’s leaning towards me, desperate to have the contact. I indulge him, placing my hand on his cheek, and he relaxes into the touch. “Are you sure you want to do this with me? I’m not what anyone would call vanilla, and I don’t think you know what you’re getting into.”
“I trust you. I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else,” Spencer whispers, and he sounds so damn sincere that I feel my resolve crumbling.
“You’ll let me know if at any point you want to stop?”
“Yes. Absolutely!”
Enthusiastic little shit.
“Safe word?”
“Um… Tolstoy?”
I let out a snort.
“Alright, smarty pants. We’re going to start now, okay?”
“Yes, Miss,” Spencer pants out.
Fuck me running. He clearly has been doing his research.
“Get on your knees for me, baby. I wanna see just how eager to please you are,” I instruct as I stand up and shimmy out of my shorts. I discard my shirt, too, absentmindedly throwing it somewhere across the room. Spencer lets out a startled squeak when he sees that I’m now completely naked, aside from my underwear.
“Y-You’re so pretty,” Spencer breathes out. “Even better than I imagined.”
The sentiment tugs at my heart, really, it does, but I specifically requested that he get on his knees and he seems a lot more content to just sit and stare.
“On your knees,” I command, and Spencer jumps up almost comically fast.
“S-Sorry, Miss,” he apologizes as he lowers himself down. I seat myself on the edge of the bed and spread my legs for him.
“Don’t apologize, just do as I ask of you, okay baby?”
Spencer nods.
“C-Can I kiss you? Like on the lips first?” Spencer asks as he looks up at me with big doe eyes. It’s a beautiful thing, the image of Spencer Reid sitting in between my legs, cheeks flushed and chest rapidly rising and falling. I give Spencer a sweet smile and lean forward, and the excitement radiating off of him is practically palpable. He leans forward, too eager to wait for me to close the gap, and the action makes my chest swell in adoration.
Just as our lips are about to meet, I pause, and Spencer barely has the time to look confused before my palm connects with the side of his face. The moan it draws out of him is obscene and his hips jolt forward, desperate for some kind of friction. His dick rests painfully hard between his legs, flushed red with precum beading at the tip.
I waste no time in taking his chin in my hand and tilting his head upwards.
“Did I say you could kiss me?” I ask him, voice sugary sweet, contrasting starkly with my actions.
“N-No, Miss. I’m sorry,” Spencer pants out. His hand twitches at his side and I can see how desperately he wants to touch himself, but his desire to please keeps him still.  
“Then the answer is no. Maybe if you can prove to me that you aren’t completely incompetent at eating pussy, I’ll consider it,” I allow a moment for my words to sink in. “Color?”
“Green. So fucking green,” Spencer whines.
“Good boy,” I praise him, and the effects of my words are instantaneous. Spencer rests his cheek against the skin of my thigh and then he’s nuzzling his face against me in a silent plea for permission. After a moment, his pleas become a lot less silent.
“Wanna be your good boy - please let me,” Spencer begs as his nose brushes against my skin. “I want to make you feel good. S’all I ever think about, since the first time I saw you.”
His words send a jolt of pleasure to my core and I reward his brazen honesty with a tender smile and a nod.
“Go ahead, baby. Let me see what that pretty mouth of yours can do.”
The words barely have time to leave my mouth before Spencer is reaching out and hooking a finger underneath the waistband of my panties. I raise up off the bed just enough for him to slide them down my legs, and before I even manage to settle back down onto the bed, Spencer literally dives in. He starts with one long lick, and by the time he reaches my clit he’s crying out lewd moans against me. The feel of the vibrations mixed with the feel of his mouth on me is maddening in the best possible way, and my eyelids threaten to flutter closed under the weight of my pleasure.
“Fuck, baby – you’re doing so good,” I sigh as I lift my hand up and card my fingers through his hair. “You look so pretty on your knees for me.”
Spencer’s movements stutter when he feels my hand tangle itself into his hair, and I let out a light chuckle. I grab hold of the roots and give an experimental tug. My actions cause his hips to jolt forward violently.
“O-Oh my…” Spencer keens, raising his glossy, lust filled eyes to mine. “H-Harder, please.”
I oblige, and Spencer lets out a particularly filthy groan before lapping at my pussy like a man possessed. His hands come to wrap around my thighs and he pulls me closer to him, causing me to let out a gasp when his nose nudges against my clit. The sound only spurs him on further – Spencer begins assaulting my clit, alternating between short, kitten licks and light sucking. The control I had so adamantly been asserting over him began to slip from my fingertips the longer he worked his mouth against me, and quiet, breathy moans started falling from my lips.
“Such a good boy, Spence,” I moan as I scratch my fingernails against his scalp. “You’re making me feel so good, baby. Love that dirty little mouth of yours.”
Spencer thrives on the praise – that much is made obvious by the way he whimpers and tightens his grip on my thighs. He’s completely submitted himself to the act of getting me off, only stopping long enough to cry out when my hands give a particularly harsh tug on his hair.
“Add a finger, baby,” I tell him, allowing my hand to drift down the side of his face, caressing the sharp angles of his cheekbones.
Spencer releases my thigh from his hold and tentatively raises a hand to my entrance, eyes raising to meet mine.
“You’ll tell me if I do something wrong?” he asks, and his concern is so endearing that I tilt his chin upwards and lean forward until my lips meet his.
Spencer gasps into the kiss, shocked, but it doesn’t take him long before his lips are moving against mine fervently. His lips are slick with my arousal, and I dart my tongue out just long enough to swipe it across his bottom lip.
           “D’you like how I taste, baby?” I murmur against his lips, pulling back slightly when Spencer tries to bring his lips down against mine.
           “S-So much,” he whispers, before letting out a frustrated groan when I tease him with the slightest brush of my lips before pulling away again. “P-Please, kiss me again.”
           I bump my nose against his before I reach down and grab his hand in mine.
           “Don’t be a greedy boy, Spencer. Greedy boys don’t get to cum,” I chastise him as I raise his hand up to my mouth. I trace my bottom lip with his pointer finger as Spencer watches on in rapt fascination, before taking the digit into my mouth and sucking. Spencer chokes out a pathetic cry and his hips hopelessly buck into the air as I swirl my tongue around the pad of his finger, taking special care to coat it with spit before releasing it from my mouth.
           I guide his hand back down to my pussy, gasping when the tip of his finger brushes across my entrance.
           “Just take it slow, baby. Start with one and move up to two once you get the hang of it.”
           Spencer nods, eyes alternating between my face and my entrance as he slowly slides his finger in me.
           “You’re so warm, oh my God,” Spencer breathes out, tentatively pulling out his finger before inserting it back in. I hum appreciatively as he begins to move faster, eyelids fluttering shut when he lowers his head and begins languidly licking my clit.
           “Feels so nice, Spence. I fucking love your fingers. Knew that they’d feel like this. I can only imagine how good your cock will feel,” I ramble, one hand fisted in the sheets and the other tugging on his honey brown hair.
           I groan as he inserts a second finger, reveling in the way he’s stretching me out.
           “Curl your fingers when you – fuck! Just like that, baby. Gonna make me cum if you keep doing t-that.”
Spencer speeds up both the onslaught of his fingers and his mouth at my admission, tongue working figure eights on my clit while his fingers brush up against my g-spot. A familiar warmth starts to spread in my lower belly, and with every swipe of Spencer’s tongue against my clit, the coil in my stomach winds tighter and tighter until, finally:
“O-Oh, fuck, Spence!”
The coil snaps, sending jolts of pleasure straight through my core. I can feel the way my walls tighten around Spencer’s fingers as my orgasm rips through me, never stopping their ministrations in an attempt to help me ride out my high. Vibrations ripple across my clit when Spencer lets out a cry of his own before his movements halt completely as shudders wrack his body.
I know he didn’t just…
           I allow myself a moment to recover before I lean forward and drag my eyes down Spencer’s slender frame – and sure enough, his tummy is covered in white ropes of cum and his now softening cock is hanging limply between his legs.
           Spencer’s eyes reluctantly open when his shudders cease, and one look at my pissy expression is enough to send him into a fit.
           “I-I didn’t mean to cum! I’m so sorry, Miss. It’s j-just that you looked so pretty when you came, and you taste so good! And you were pulling my hair, and you called me a good boy and I just couldn’t do it anymo-”
           “Shut up,” I seethe, voice cold and laced with annoyance. Spencer’s mouth snaps shut and he gulps. “Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember saying that you were allowed to come. Am I mistaken?”            “N-No, Miss.”
           “Mm, that’s what I thought,” I hum. “Stand up.”
           “B-But I want to make you cum again! Can I plea-”
           “Shut the fuck up and stand up, Spencer.”
           Spencer rushes to his feet, stumbling a bit when his legs begin to shake. He corrects himself, standing perfectly still in front of me with a shameful look on his face. I scoot back on the bed and fix him with a stony look.
           “I want you to lay on your stomach across my lap. Can you do that, Doctor Reid, or are you too stupid to follow simple directions?”
           Spencer adamantly shakes his head, scrambling to splay out across my bare thighs. Once he’s comfortable, I raise a palm to his bare ass cheek and smooth my hand across the skin.
           “G-Green,” Spencer stutters out.
           “Wonderful. Since you’ve decided to be a greedy little slut and cum before I gave you permission, I’m going to punish you. Do you remember your safe word, baby?”
           “Good boy. I’m going to give you ten, and I want you to count them out for me. One for every month you held out on me, and four because you’re an insolent little whore who can’t do as he’s told. Does that sound fair to you?”
           “Y-Yes, Miss. P-Please.”
           A harsh smack sounds throughout the room, and Spencer lets out a whorish moan that’s bound to wake the people in the neighboring rooms. The pale skin of his ass transforms to red, and I rub my palm across it soothingly.
           “O-One,” Spencer says through gritted teeth as he rocks his hips against my legs.
           “You okay, baby?”
           “Y-Yes, Miss. Please don’t stop. I deserve it. P-Punish me, please.”
           My palm comes down across his ass four more times, and with each strike I watch Spencer fall apart right before my eyes. Tears are gliding down his flushed cheeks, and his cock is now painfully hard against my legs.
           “Five more to go, baby. Keep counting for me, my pretty boy.”
           By the time my hand comes down against his flesh for the final time, Spencer has devolved into a mess of pathetic whimpers. His cock is smearing precum across my thighs as he rocks against me, and his ass is covered in a litany of bright red marks. Incomprehensible pleas are falling from his lips, and his hands are tightly fisted in the sheets.
           I lean forward and place a gentle kiss to each of his battered cheeks.
           “T-Thank you, Miss. Thank you, thank you, thank you…”
           “You’re welcome, baby. Can you go lay in the center of the bed for me?”
           Spencer gives a feeble nod and crawls to the center of the bed, carefully laying himself down and letting out a low hiss when his ass came in contact with the mattress.
           I let him rest against the sheets before I roll over and settle in between his legs.
           Spencer’s cock, painfully hard and leaking precum, sits against his belly. Spencer watches as I trace lithe fingers up his thigh, his chest rising and falling quickly as I get closer to where he demands my attention.
           A garbled groan rips from his throat when my hand grasps his cock, and I have to place my other hand on his hip and force him back down onto the bed when he tries to buck up.
           “Stay still, baby,” I tut as I drag my fist up and down at an agonizingly slow pace.
           “S-Sorry, M-Miss,” Spencer stutters. His brows are drawn together and his eyes are heavy lidded. “Need m-more, please.”
           “Mm, I don’t think you need more. You just want more. Dumb little greedy baby,” I tease as my thumb swipes across his head.
           “Oh… G-God, please!” Spencer mewls.
           “Is what I’m giving you not good enough?”
           “N-No, it’s just-”
           I raise an eyebrow at him and halt my movements.
           “No, it isn’t good enough?”
           Spencer lets out a frustrated groan and his fists clench the sheets.
           “P-Please, Miss! I’ll be your good boy, I promise. Just let me cum, please, I want it so bad!”
           Thoroughly pleased by his shameless begging, I start moving my hand again.
           “Let me know when you’re about to cum, baby.”
           That moment comes when, not thirty seconds later, the muscles in Spencer’s abdomen start to spasm – telltale signs of an impending orgasm. Spencer is so lost in the way my hand is moving against his cock that he makes no move to warn me, and just as I see his eyes start to flutter shut, I withdraw my hand.
           “W-Why did yo-”
           “You didn’t tell me you were about to cum. I thought you said you were going to be a good boy, Spencer? You sure aren’t acting like someone who wants to cum.”
           “S-Sorry, please, just… fuck!”
           Spencer’s whole-body folds in on itself when my mouth wraps around the head of his cock. I swirl my tongue around the tip, lapping up the precum that had gathered before I pull away.
           “You’ve got such a pretty cock, baby. Can’t believe nobody’s had you in their mouth yet,” I murmur, pausing to drag my tongue along the veiny underside of his erection. “Let me hear you, baby. Wanna know how much you like when I use my mouth on you.”
           “Love it so much, oh God… Feels so warm and wet. Thank you so much, Miss. God, it feels perfect,” Spencer keens as I take him into my mouth again. Mumbled praises fall from his lips as I take him deeper, and the second my nose hits the soft skin of his belly, Spencer’s hand comes up and begins to tap incessantly on my shoulder.
           “S-Stop! I-I’m close – Jesus Christ, I’m so fucking close and I really want to cum inside you, i-if that’s okay with you,” Spencer babbles, eyes wide and pleading. I smile up at him.
           “Do you think you deserve to cum in my pussy?”
           “H-Honestly, no, but I’m hoping you’ll let me anyways,” Spencer says, shooting me an adorably shy smile that has my heart doing somersaults in my chest. I let out a light laugh and shake my head, moving to straddle his lap.
           “Are you sure you want to do this, Spence?” I murmur as I caress the side of his face with my hands. “This can stop right here, if you want it to.”
           “Please, Miss. I want this. I want you,” Spencer reiterates, eyes shining and filled to the brim with adoration.
           “Want you, too, baby. You can call me my name now, if you want,” I say as I place a gentle kiss on his lips. I move to pull away, but Spencer’s hand is quick to grasp the back of my neck and pull me back in.
           While our lips move together, frenzied and desperate, I sneak a hand in between our bodies and grab Spencer’s cock. He gasps into my mouth as I drag his head in between my folds.
           “I-I won’t last long,” Spencer chokes out, eyes trained on where I’m rubbing him against me. “I’ll try my b-best, but I’m sorry if I c-cum too fast.”
           I sink down just enough that his head is the only thing inside me, watching as his face contorts beautifully as a result.
           “Don’t worry about me, baby. Tonight’s all about you.”
           With one last, chaste kiss to his lips, I slowly begin to lower myself down onto his length. The sound of our moans fill the room as Spencer clings desperately to me, hands finally finding purchase on my hips.
           “Y/N, fuck, you feel so good,” Spencer whimpers as I begin to slowly rock against him. “I-I knew it would feel good, but oh my God. I-I can’t… I’m gonna cum, soon. M’so sorry.”
           His admission prompts me to move faster, raising my hips until he’s almost completely out of me before I’m slamming back down.
           “Spence, you feel so good. Such a good boy – my good boy.”
           “Yes, yes, I’m all yours! Only yours, please!” Spencer whines. I lean forward, and the change of angle is enough for both of us to cry out.
           “Are you gonna be a good boy and cum for me, Spence?” I murmur into his ear, biting lightly against his earlobe. “I want you to cum in me, baby. Don’t you want to be my good boy?” I punctuate my words by lightly wrapping my hand around this throat and squeezing, and that’s all it takes for Spencer to completely fall apart underneath me. 
           “Y/N - fuck!”
           Spencer’s grip on my hips tightens as he bucks up into me, painting the inside of my pussy with his cum as he yells out strangled exclamations of my name. He presses his face into my shoulder as I ride him through his orgasm, whispering quiet thank yous and pressing open mouthed kisses to my skin as the euphoria floods through his body.
             I place a kiss to his forehead before I crawl off of him, having every intention of getting up and procuring a wet washrag. But Spencer reaches out to grip my arm, and his eyes look so sad that I stop in my tracks.
           “C-Can you stay? Please?”
           The insecurity in his voice tugs at my heart.
           “Of course, I’m staying. Was just gonna get a wet washrag for us. M’not gonna leave you, Spence,” I murmur. Spencer visibly untenses, but his grip on my arm doesn’t lessen.
           “Could you just stay here a little bit longer?”
           “Sure thing, baby,” I say, prompting Spencer’s lips to pull up into a pleased smile. I crawl back into the bed and lay on my back, and Spencer instantly plasters himself to my side. He hums contentedly as he wraps his arms around me, and I let out a light laugh when I catch him stealing glances at me.
           “What is it, baby?”
           A rosy blush spreads across his cheeks.
           “Can I kiss you?”
           After everything we just did, he still feels the need to ask permission to kiss me. What a sweet boy.
           My answer comes in the form of me pressing my lips to his, and that’s how we stay until he pulls away.
           “I have another question,” he says shyly.
           “Lay it on me, baby.”
           The blush on his cheeks gets significantly more pronounced.
           “It’s just that, uh, you didn’t get to cum again. And I really want you to, because you took such good care of me,” Spencer pauses, and his fingertips lightly graze the inside of my thigh. “C-Could I please eat you out again?” Another pause, and he retracts his hand. “I-It’s okay if not. I understand if you just wanted this to be… a one-time thing. I guess I was just kind of hoping that it w-wouldn’t be. But that’s silly – you were just doing me a favor. I’m sorry I asked.”
           Spencer cringes as he finishes speaking, not even giving me a chance to reply before he’s trying to pull away. I tighten my grip on his arm, and Spencer gives me a weary look.
           “First of all, I don’t think I would ever say no to being eaten out – especially if you’re the one offering. Second, this is definitely not a one off. I have lots of plans for you, pretty boy,” I explain, and the relief that radiates off of Spencer is almost palpable.
           “Thank God,” he sighs, and then he’s scooting down the bed and settling in between my legs.
           And if the rest of the team notices the way Spencer starts following me around like a lost puppy - well, they’re all kind enough not to point it out.
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ptergwen · 3 years
I think your requests are open (I didn’t see anything that said otherwise but I suck at this app lol) but I was wondering if you could write a peter x reader (likely college-age) where they have an academic rivalry and just tease each other a lot and lots of fluff and shit? It can be an established relationship or like a friends/rivals to lovers or really whatever you want. Sorry if this is super specific! Anyways, I love your writing, it always cheers me up :)
friends close, enemies closer
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ik this is cherry BUT i had to
w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing and hints of suggestiveness
a/n: thank you my love ! i’m actually obsessed with this concept so i’m super super happy with how it came out n i hope you are too :,)
you wipe sweat from your upper lip, peeking at peter’s laptop screen. he’s more than halfway through the paper your english professor tasked your class to write. he looks to have not a worry in the world as he continues to type away. growling at this, you dive right back into work.
you’ve been at each other’s throats since the beginning of classes when you both wanted the same spot. first row, middle seat. peter had officially claimed it in the end. you’d flopped down next to him and his irritating smirk.
the dude is smart, you’ll give him that. his knowledge of literature is almost as impressive as yours. almost. he raises his hand any chance he gets, effectively stealing your thunder if you dare to participate.
peter is also a bit of a people pleaser. he’ll chat up your professor at office hours, fascinate her with his hot takes on things or stupid anecdotes. you often get so annoyed that you bail before you even attempt to woo her yourself. the sight of you storming off is something peter thoroughly enjoys.
bottom line is, golden boy peter parker never loses. underneath the sweet, innocent persona he hides behind is a ruthless fighter. you’re determined to end his winning streak, thus sparking your ongoing competition to be better than the other in every way possible.
this time, your goal is to meet your ten page paper requirements the fastest. they aren’t due for weeks, but you and peter are banging them out in one sitting.
you’re hauled up in the campus library, sat side by side despite your wishes for peter to get his own table. he’d insisted on sharing with you. why, you haven’t a clue. you can’t stand him, and he isn’t the fondest of you either.
that’s what you tell yourselves, at least.
“progress report?” peter requests from you. “page three. you?” you grunt back. he props his feet up on the table, arms flexed behind his head. “finishing up page seven. you already knew that, though... creeper.”
god, you can hear the shit-eating grin in his voice.
you glance over at peter, doing your best to ignore how his biceps bulge under his hoodie. nerdy little parker is ripped.
“worry about yours, i’ll worry about mine. thanks.” you reread the sentence you wrote prior to peter’s chiseled body distracting you. “oh, the irony,” he sighs and nudges the edge of your laptop with his sneaker. scowling, you shift the screen away from him.
about a minute of silence goes by until it’s unfortunately filled by peter. he stretches his arms out, finally removing his dirty shoes from the table.
“i’m gonna take five. maybe, you could use it as an opportunity to catch up to me,” peter cockily suggests. “spare me your charity, peter. i’m doing just fine without it,” you retort, letting out a scoff. peter raises his hands in defense. “if you say so, princess.”
here you were, naively thinking peter couldn’t become any more insufferable than he already is.
you slam your laptop shut and jab a finger at his chest. “jesus christ, how many times do i have to ask you not to call me that?” a patronizing pout adorns peter’s lips. “aw, i love it when you get all bossy on me. so cute.”
he grabs your hand still on his chest, pressing a light kiss to the back of it. you’re quick to wipe it off on his hoodie. nevertheless, there’s an undeniable heat rushing to your cheeks.
“well, i hate it when you call me princess,” you deadpan. peter tilts his head to the side. “do you?”
of course not. deep down, you live for the fuzzy feeling you get whenever the nickname slips from his tongue. oh, his tongue and the things it can do. poking out as he focuses hard on a question, running across his pink lips…
you have to reel it in. this is peter parker you’re fantasizing about, your mortal enemy.
“yes. i hate it, and i hate you,” you unsuccessfully convince the both of you. “no, you don’t,” peter rasps, darkened eyes scanning over your features. his stare is intense and intimidating. he grasps your chin between his thumb and index finger, slowly leaning in closer.
he’s not going to stop until you make him. you don’t want to, but you will.
you shove his shoulder, dragging your laptop towards you again. “on second thought, i could use that catch up. you’re not gonna throw me off my game, parker.”
your rejection seems to disappoint peter. his expression matches that of a kicked puppy, brows furrowed and arms crossed over his chest.
“we’ll see,” he murmurs and swings a leg over his chair. “alright, i’m gonna run to the caf. you want anything?”
he’s offering to buy you food now? what’s his angle here?
“i’d say yes, but i’m afraid you’ll poison it somehow,” you half joke. peter hops to his feet. “don’t give me any ideas,” he warns, snatching his backpack off the floor. “i’ll just surprise you.”
although you’re curious what his mystery snack choice for you would be, you can’t accept. you’d be going against your entire dynamic.
would that be so terrible?
you wave him off towards the double doors. “i’m good, peter. really. i’m not that hungry, anyway.” shaking his head, peter throws a backpack strap onto one shoulder. “y/n, your stomach’s been grumbling for the last hour. you gotta eat.”
he’s not wrong. you’re starving, but you’ve been too preoccupied by your essay to break for dinner.
“fine, surprise me,” you concede. peter flashes you a smile, this one void of its usual condescendence. “i’ll be back. try not to miss me too much,” he calls as he walks backwards to the library doors. “i won’t. shoo already,” you dismiss him, a laugh falling from your lips.
peter winks at you, then disappears into the night. you’re left with a serious case of butterflies and a certain freckle faced know-it-all on your mind.
that’s a problem.
you’ve managed to get another page done when peter reappears. he sits back down and slides a bag across the table, you closing your laptop. you dig into it to figure out what he picked for you. you’re not too pleased with his selection, however.
“oh, yummy. vomit in a cup,” you announce as you hold a green smoothie in your hand. peter reaches over and pats your thigh. “it’s good for you. drink up, princess.” you slap him away. “hard pass. i’d rather you have gotten me nothing.”
narrowing his eyes, peter pulls two cookies wrapped in a napkin from his pocket. “i’m guessing you don’t want these either? more for me, then.”
they’re chocolate chip and m&m, your favorite in the cafeteria. they just came out of the oven, so they’re still warm.
“how… how did you know i…” you trail off, peter setting the cookies in front of you. he offers you a lopsided grin. “i know a lot about you, believe it or not. i pay attention.” you surprise yourself by returning his smile. “thank you, peter. how much do i owe you?”
“nah, it’s on me,” peter assures you. “enjoy.” pushing aside your unappealing drink, you seize the cookies instead. “you have to eat, too. let me at least split these with you.” there’s a beat before peter nods. “fair enough.”
that results in you two munching on your cookies while pretending to write your papers. you’re sneaking glances at each other whenever the other isn’t looking, in reality.
once it’s about time for the library to close, you’re on the verge of passing out. peter is concluding his essay until he hears a thump from your side of the table.
he finds you with your cheek smushed against your keyboard and hitting random letters, snores escaping you.
chuckling to himself, peter places a hand on your shoulder. “hey, y/n?” he speaks in a hushed tone. you awake with a gasp, drool pooling at the corners of your mouth. “easy there, princess. it’s only me.” he rubs circles on your back, and it’s oddly comforting.
“keep doing that,” you purr, momentarily forgetting how much you’re supposed to despise peter. he lets his fingers dance across the exposed skin of your lower back. “we should probably head out. it’s kinda late,” peter decides.
you sit up, bones aching and eyes forced open. “not yet. have to beat you first.” you start to delete the gibberish you accidentally typed. peter cups your cheek to turn your head towards him, your movements halting. “this one’s a tie. you did good, y/n/n,” he coos. “finish the rest another day.”
“why’re you being so nice to me?” you nearly whisper. peter uses his thumb to swipe the drool from your lips. “‘cuz i care about you. i might not show it, but i do,” he admits with the hint of a smile. “besides, i need you… for the, uh, the healthy competition.”
laughing softly, you twist his hoodie strings around your fingers and tug. “your intentions are pure as always. sure that’s all you need me for?” peter’s gaze darts to your lips, then your eyes. “we’ll see,” he repeats.
rivalry be damned.
“mm. i care about you too, parker. thanks again for tonight,” you hum. a blush coats peter’s cheeks, even in the dim library lighting. his sweet and innocent side might truly exist. “no problem.” peter links your pinkie with his, the gesture giving you that fuzzy feeling. “i’ll walk you back to your dorm?”
you lean over and kiss his pinkie intertwined in yours.
“lead the way.”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - The First Year
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Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies.
Chapters will have additional warning when necessary.
Tag list ( let me know if you want to be tagged or removed idk haha) @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia
Part I - The First Year
Hogwarts will be fun was the first thought you had when you opened the letter in your hands.
Tony, your older brother, ruffled your hair slightly as he came down into the kitchen and watched you open the mail.
"Your letter finally arrived, huh, little witch?" He joked with a smile as he sat down at the table. 
"I can't wait to go!" You commented excitedly rereading the acceptance letter for the third time.
"Miss, after coffee, can we go to diagonal alley if you like?" Jarvis, your butler, asked you politely as he poured Tony's coffee making you hesitate slightly. Tony, who had his eye on you, forced a smile as he patted you on the arm.
"I'll go with you, don't worry." He assured and you nodded.
"I wish dad would come." You grumble as you sit down and Tony sighs.
" Yeah, me too." He says. "But you know he's busy, and we can't leave it to the last minute."
You mumble in agreement as you serve some sweetbreads on your plate.
Eating in silence for a few moments, you are startled slightly when Tony lets out an exclamation.
"Damn, I forgot to write back to Steve." He announces getting up and walking over to the next shelf where there were some stationery and pen.
"Your boyfriend will be upset." You tease lightly, and Tony mumbles softly without responding.
When he finishes writing the letter, he goes to the kitchen window and opens the metal, whistling loudly in a familiar rhythm. A few seconds later, Iron, his barn owl lands in front of him. Tony stroked the animal gently before dangling the letter in his paws.
" Please take this to Steve, Iron." He ordered and the animal made a noise before flying away again.
"Jarvis, I'll get ready to go." You tell the man as soon as you finish eating and head off toward the stairs.
Diagonal Alley is a noisy place.
Tony asked you to walk beside him, but you stopped walking at the first Quidditch shop you spotted, and he had to turn back halfway when he noticed you were no longer beside him.
"Don't do that." He warned, mildly annoyed, but you glazed over at the exposed broom in front of you, and he let out a chuckle when he noticed. "Come on, Y/N, you already have a broom."
"But that's no ordinary broom." You retorted with an impressed look. "It's a Nimbus 2000, it's the fastest broom there is."
"You have the 99, I don't understand the difference." He retorted with his hands in his pockets and you shrugged.
"Tony, can we buy it?" You asked pleadingly, making your brother laugh slightly.
"Let's buy your stuff first please" He retorted with a smile and you grumbled but accepted the arm he offered for you to hang on. Jarvis walked behind you with a keen eye on your surroundings.
After you had bought the vast majority of your supplies and replenished your stocks of potions items for Tony, Jarvis took you to Blossoms and Blurbs to buy this year's books.
"Good morning! Hogwarts, third and first year books, please." You heard Jarvis tell the clerk who approached you three. Tony nodded his head signaling you to feel free to walk around the bookstore in the meantime, and that is exactly what you did.
You found many interesting books in the place as you walked among the shelves. One in particular caught your attention, as there seemed to be little miniature magical creatures trying to jump out of the cover, and you grabbed it on a table, watching the item carefully.
You smiled when an ink dragon jumped into your hand, moving your head as if you were looking around. Distracted by the book, you let out a low exclamation when someone bumped into you.
"Sorry, kid." You heard a female voice speak in a humorous tone. It is a girl taller than you, short red hair. "I ended up tripping over some of those runner books."
"It's okay." You said with a smile. The girl looked at the one book in your hands for a moment.
"Do you enjoy creature tracts?" She asks casually as she reaches for a book on the bookshelf beside her.
"I don't know yet." You say and she looks at you slightly confused, "I never studied."
"Ah, first-year." She understands and you nod in agreement. "Hogwarts too or some other?"
"Cool, I guess I'll see you there then." She says. "I'm from Slytherin, third year."
You let out a surprised exclamation.
"Maybe you know my brother." You say and the girl takes her gaze from the books in her hand she was checking to look at you with her eyebrow raised in curiosity. "His name is Tony Stark, he's also from your house."
The girl lets out a short laugh.
"I can't believe you are Stark's sister." She says. "We're not exactly friends, but I've seen him around the dorm several times. And your brother is a pain in the ass, by the way."
You laugh lightly, agreeing.
"I am Natasha Romanoff." She introduces herself next, balancing her books in one hand to greet you. You introduce yourself with a gentle smile. "Good luck with your books." She says before turning away.
You think it's cool that you already know someone besides your brother before you start at Hogwarts.
Buying your wand is a rather strange experience.
Mr. Ollivander has a glint in his eye as if he knows everyone's secrets, and seems to disappear and reappear in his store very easily.
Tony sat on one of the stools while he waited for you, and Jarvis went to buy something for you two to eat.
After trying almost five wands, and exploding a glass vase when he tried the last one, Mr. Ollivander sighed.
"Sorry, I don't know why it's not working." You asked feeling nervous, but he smiled.
"Don't worry, dear." He said. "Difficult customers are so much fun." 
He walked back in between the shelves after that, and then reappeared with three new packages.
"I remember when Howard Stark bought his wand." He told smiling nostalgically as you opened one of the packages, a black wand in front of you. "Phoenix, Cedar, slightly flexible."
"Dad has changed wands thousands of times." Added Tony wryly, but Mr. Ollivander didn't seem to mind.
The wand you tested let out a faint spark when you tried to cast a simple conjuration spell, and the man in front of you was quick to take it from your hand the next second.
"I think I have a better idea." He announced turning around, and then climbed the ladder supported by the wall, picking up a package at the top.
"Try this one dear." He asked handing you a dark wand, the wood was shiny, a color you didn't know exactly what it was, but it was beautiful. 
When you grabbed the item, you felt a tingling sensation spread throughout your hand, and the wand vibrated slightly for a few seconds, causing Ollivander to let out a noise of excitement.
"You see, I knew I would find an owner for you dear." He spoke and you realized that he was speaking with the item in your hands. Soon he turned his gaze back to you. "Take good care of this one, will you, it was quite difficult to get dark elf blood for the core."
"R-right." You said with a slight frown, not quite sure what to make of that information.
Tony laughed lightly at the interaction, he should be used to Mr. Ollivander's eccentric manner by now, since he kept breaking his wands just like your father and often returned to the store to get a new one.
After paying, you and Tony met Jarvis outside, he was carrying some sweet rolls.
July ended too quickly for your happiness. You were very eager to go to school.
You spent most of August at home, playing quidditch with Tony in the backyard, curiously reading the magic books you bought, and trying to peek into the basement where your father worked, but he always caught you looking and smiled, asking you to go back to your room.
You would like your father to take you to the station, but he said he had a magic conference in September, and would be traveling for the next few weeks. Tony was upset, but he put his arm around your shoulders and asked you to hurry to get your bags.
When you finally got to the station, you were slightly nervous about going through a wall, but Tony laughed, and showed you how to go first.
You hugged Jarvis good-bye before following your brother along the way.
Tony dragged you across the train cars to the first empty cabin he could find. He commented that it would be nice if you made your own friends, but that he would like you to sit with him.
So here you were, sitting with Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, Tony's best friends since the first year. The boys smiled encouragingly at you. You already knew them, because Tony kept inviting them to spend holidays with him all the time.
"Hey, Y/N, how was your vacation?" Steve asked as soon as you sat down next to him. You shrugged, saying that it was nice, but that you were looking forward to attending Hogwarts.
Soon the boys started talking about what they were excited about next year, and you did your best to keep up, not knowing exactly who the people they mentioned were, or knowing the classes they talked about.
Many minutes after the train was moving, a girl opened the cabin door.
"Hey, strangers." She greeted with a smile. 
"Hi Peggy." Steve said with a smile, you frowned at the slight scowl on your brother's face.
"They're calling for us in the prefects compartment, Steve." She warned and Steve nodded, getting up. He and the girl then left, and Tony crossed his arms.
"What's wrong?" You asked noticing his posture and the way Bucky had a little smile on his face.
"It's nothing." Grumbled your brother, and as he turned his face to the window, Bucky who was standing in front of you, whispered to you.
"Tony thinks Peggy likes Steve." He recounted. "So he doesn't like Peggy very much."
"Oh." You said, pretending to understand the whole plot. It didn't make much sense to you because everyone couldn't be friends, but you figured that when you were your brother's age you would understand better.
The Hogwarts Express only stopped at night.
Properly uniformed, you smiled when your brother patted you on the shoulder, telling you that he would meet you at the castle, since the first-year students had to go by boat.
Your hands were sweating a little as you walked up to the extraordinarily tall man who introduced himself as Drax.
"First-year students, please, six in each boat." He shouted to the crowd, and the students moved closer together.
You sat in one of the first little boats, five other children you didn't know surrounding you.
"I'm so excited." A blonde girl commented cheerfully, waving her hands. She smiled at everyone as she introduced herself as "Harley Quinn". 
"I bet you''ll blow something up once we get there, Harley" Added a redheaded girl sitting next to you, you could tell by her tone that they were probably friends. The blonde, Harley, laughed.
"Shut up, Ivy." She said, and then Drax was back, climbing into one of the boats beside her. He checked the boats one last time, then waved his hand, and the transports began to move.
Everyone, including you, let out a chorus of excitement.
When you noticed the castle, you smiled. It was huge, and just as amazing as Tony used to tell you. 
"Wow, it must be amazing to fly over all that." You quietly observed, and the girl next to you turned her head in your direction, smiling.
"Do you like flying?" She asked, and you nodded. She looked at you for a moment and then held out her hand to greet you. "I am Diana. Diana Prince."
"Hi, Diana." You said introducing yourself next. "Do you also like to fly?"
"I love it." She says. "I hope i can make it onto the team."
"I don't know if the first-years have any chance, but I'll be rooting for you." You assure, and Diana smiles.
When the boats stop in the harbor, the students are all excited to get out and see the castle, but Drax's almost intimidating posture makes everyone properly behaved.
He leads the crowd to the staircase, and then there is a lobby. There is a woman waiting for everyone, her strict posture makes you think she is someone you wouldn't want to upset.
"Welcome to Hogwarts." She announces. "I am Professor Okoye, head of Gryffindor house."
The students exchange burbles next, but the teacher's gaze shuts them up almost immediately.
"As long as you are here, your houses will be like your families." She continues. "Your triumphs will earn you points, and if you break any rules, those points will be taken away." 
She says, casting a disapproving glance at one of the students in the corner, who giggled. "In a few moments we will begin the sorting hat ceremony."
The teacher then turns around, heading toward a large bronze door, and talking to someone on the other side. You hear someone laughing near you, and you turn your head to the side in curiosity.
It was a blond boy, and he seemed to be enjoying himself as he balanced one of the gold cups he picked up from the surrounding shelves. You thought he would be in trouble if he knocked it over, and this seemed to be exactly the same opinion as the girl next to him, who was looking at him disapprovingly.
"Stop being an idiot, Peter, put that back." She complained and he laughed, shrugging.
"Gamora, you're a spoilsport you know." He retorted and when he put the cup back, it spun and fell to the floor, breaking into several pieces. The boy turned pale as Teacher Okoye turned her head in his direction.
You rolled your eyes, walking over to them.
"Reparo" You said drawing your wand as you pointed at the broken object. Some children let out impressed exclamations when they saw the bowl form again, but you just put your wand away in shame. It was no big deal. Okoye caught up with the three of you next, looking reproachfully at the boy.
"I expect better behavior during the ceremony, sir..."
"Mister Quill." She completed and took one last look at the boy that had with his head down before turning back to the front of the crowd again, waving for the students to follow her.
"Hey, that was pretty cool." Peter commented beside you as you walked. You shrugged, focusing on the path.
The sorting hat was something exceptional.
Tony never told you how the choice was made, and you knew it was only to annoy you. He had sometimes joked that the students faced each other in a duel, and even though you told him to shut up, you had a look at his spell book before you came.
The actual ceremony was much simpler, however.
When it was your turn to climb onto the small stool, you bit your lips, hoping that everything would go smoothly. Just as the old cloth of the hat fell over your eyes, blocking your view of the rest of the hall, you heard a voice in your head.
" Hello, dear, no need to be so nervous." Announced the hat gently. "You are a curious little thing, I see."
"Is that a good thing?" You thought, and the hat chuckled lightly.
"It might be." He said mysteriously. "Interesting what I see here. Very interesting."
"What are you seeing?"
"Your memories, dear."
"Oh." You thought, feeling slightly embarrassed. That seemed like an intrusion of your privacy. The hat laughed again, and you remembered that he was on your head.
"You're hard to sort out." He says, and you squeeze the stool. "Don't worry, I'm not going to send you home, that's not how it works."
"Oh, right."
Hat was silent a few moments. 
"I see courage in your heart." He says and you try to remember the characteristics of the houses. "But that courage is well forged with your loyalty."
You swallow dryly, feeling your anxiety rising. This was definitely taking much longer than the people who went before you.
"You are as smart as your father and brother, both members of the Slytherin house." He says.  "There's a willingness not to let them down."
"That's personal." You grumble feeling your cheeks flush, but the hat doesn't care to apologize for bringing up your insecurities.
"Ah, this is interesting here. A pure kindness, yet pruned in your origins of shallow paternal affection”.
You frown, not understanding what he is saying.
"You are quite adaptable child, it has always been one of your best virtues." The hat remarks, and you get the impression that the next part is only said for you. "Tell me, where would you like to stay?"
"Isn't that your job?" You retort in thought, and hear him laugh again. You rush to correct yourself, not wanting to be rude. "Sorry, hat. I don't really know. I'd like to stay where I fit in best."
"You would do well anywhere." He retorts, and you frown. "And that's pretty impressive, you know. I haven't met another hatstall since the last century."
You swallow dryly, not knowing if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"I'll work hard, sir." You tell him. "I don't want people to think I'm a special witch just because of my family. That's something I'm sure, I don't know if it helps you choose."
Hat lets out a sigh of relief.
"Actually, that's exactly what I needed."
It takes a moment for him to speak again, and when he does, you feel your whole body shake.
Steve Rogers is the head boy of Hufflepuff and he celebrates excitedly when you sit down at the table next to him.
"That's so cool" He comments. "I'll be able to tease Tony all year about it."
After that, director Agatha Harkness, made the announcement of the beginning of the year. If her goal was to scare the students, she succeeded when she talked about the deadly dangers surrounding the forbidden forest and the punishments for the disobedient. Professor Strange interrupted her speech as he cleared his throat, awkwardly waving for Agatha to stop saying such things, and the woman giggled. 
Dinner is delicious, and then you are following the crowd of students into the communal rooms. 
"Butterbeer" Steve said to the portrait on the wall, and you blinked in surprise when the painting moved to the side, a door behind.
You sighed when you realized how cozy the Hufflepuff's common room was.
"Everyone please come in." Asked Steve in the center of the room, waving to the students who stayed behind. When everyone was around him, he smiled. "The dorms are divided by gender, but you can sleep wherever you feel most comfortable. I will only suggest that none of you try to sleep with the seventh graders, because they are scary." Steve joked making the crowd laugh lightly. "We have a supply of food in those lockers, just in case you feel like having a snack in the early morning, outside of the permitted hours for walking around the castle." He continues and stands thoughtfully for a few moments. "Most of the things you need to know are on the bulletin board on that wall, and you can also ask me anything you want. Your belongings have already been taken to the free beds, but if you want any help, you can organize among yourselves or just come talk to me."
Steve smiled as the crowd moved. You headed in the direction where he said the rooms were.
You let out a surprised exclamation as something landed on your head.
"Damn, sorry!" Asked an asian girl approaching you, and pulling the small being out of your hair as you entered the room. "Groot, I told you to behave yourself."
"I am groot." Grumbled the little creature. You looked at it wide-eyed, impressed.
"Wow, is that a tree?"
The girl laughed, putting the small creature sitting on her shoulder, sitting on the bed next to the one you identified as having your things.
"Yes and no." She said. "I found Groot in my garden over the vacations, and well, I don't know what he is exactly. But I think he was trying to make my mother's plants grow."
"He's really cute." You commented approaching with your finger extended. Groot smiled, accepting your touch.
"I am Mantis." Says the girl next and you smile at her as you introduce yourself. "We're going to be roommates."
"Yes, and so is Groot." You add as you take off your cape to throw on the bed that would be yours.
After eating so well at dinner, it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep. 
You dream of glowing green eyes and a red light, but you don't recognize them or understand what it means, and when you wake up, you no longer remember.
Two weeks since you started at Hogwarts, you are used to how eccentric everything can be.
The classes weren't as difficult as you imagined, but that's probably because you've had contact with magic all your life and always had an easy time learning things. All the teachers were unique in their own way. 
Professor Rocket, for example, taught Transfiguration and spent almost the entire period transfigured into a raccoon, even outside of class hours. He was temperamental and got irritated very easily when students talked too much in his class, so it was not recommended to do so.
There was also Professor Fury, who had an eye patch as a mandatory piece in his daily costume, and all the students spent more time trying to guess how this happened, than listening to his explanations of defense spells against the dark art.
Your astronomy class on Wednesdays was taught by Professor Odin, who like to claim that he was a descendant of the Olympian gods, but no one believed him. He was also the father of two of your classmates, Thor and Loki Odinson, who were the exact opposite of each other. While Thor was warm and friendly, Loki was cold and reclusive, plus the former was from Gryffindor and the other from Slytherin. Surprisingly, you liked them both. 
You ended up meeting the head of your house only on the second day.  
Professor Heimdall taught Divination, so you wouldn't have any classes with him until the third year.You bumped into him when you were late for fifth period and had to run to the common room for your Potions books, and almost fell on the floor when you turned the corner without looking and the professor was there.  He prevented you from falling with a wave of his wand, smiling gently. 
" Forgive me." You said clumsily, feeling slightly intimidated by the yellow irises as the magic set you on your feet properly, as well as catching your books in the air and placing them in your hands again. 
"Be careful with the castle corridors, Miss Stark." Said the man, and for some reason, you thought he wasn't just talking about this little incident.
"Professor Heimdall, let's talk in a private place, please."  Asked Professor Okoye, who was standing at his side, she looked at you with a certain disapproval, and you couldn't tell whether it was because of your intrusion, or the fact that your tie was hanging loosely around your neck, in addition to the open buttons on your shirt.
After this little incident, you asked Steve who Professor Heimdall was, and he explained that he was the head of Hufflepuff, and might seem intimidating at first glance, but that he was very kind.
But so far, the professor who has intrigued you the most was Professor Erik Lehnsherr, who taught Potions. He didn't say anything that wasn't related to the subject, didn't make any comments about behavior or events at school. And he had such a stern and mysterious look in his eyes that no student had the courage to ask him anything. You heard Peter Quill make a bet with Thor Odinson that Professor Erik was unable to smile because of some particular sorcery, but you thought it best not to laugh, especially since Mr. Lehnsherr was looking at your direction.
When you had your first Potions period with Slytherin, after herbology professor T'Challa needed to reschedule classes for an appointment, you were surprised to discover that professor Lehnsherr had children.
Gamora ended up on the same bench as you, and she was talking to her sister, Nebula, about an incident that occurred in their dormitory.
"Clearly, the professors' children have an easy time getting away with punishment." Nebula bitterly remarked, and you frowned in confusion. 
"I don't think it was the girl's fault." Gamora retorted as she put the ingredients into her cauldron. She looked at you quickly, realizing that you were listening to the conversation, but she didn't scold you, she just kept stirring the mixture.
"What happened?" you asked next, and Nebula looked at you with mild irritation. She seemed about to tell you to mind your own business, but Gamora smiled, moving closer to whisper to you.
"A girl lost her temper in the Slytherin dorm bathrooms last night." She told. "She's a second year, her name is Wanda Maximoff. She and her brother are Professor Lehnsherr's kids, and everyone is saying that she didn't go to detention because of it."
Your jaw dropped, impressed. 
"I can't believe Magneto has children." You said making Gamora and Nebula laugh at the nickname. Last week you found out that the school had been calling Erik that since he stopped the hall chandelier from falling on the teachers' desk two years ago when he used non-verbal magic to attract the metal, and everyone started calling him that behind his back. Tony told you and you liked the story.
"I know right, he seems so self-contained." Gamora remarked looking back briefly. Professor Erik was focused on his own potions book.
"That noisy kid from Gryffindor said he's married." Nebula added next and Gamora laughed lightly.
"Peter Quill?"
"Wow, that's surprising." Says the girl. You both return to stirring your cauldrons in silence after that little conversation.
When you have finished your mixing, Professor Erik gives Hufflepuff five points for your good work, and you smile with red cheeks.
"You're nice." Nebula suddenly said beside you as you were leaving the room. Gamora stood next to her. "Do you want to walk around with us?"
"We're already walking." You joked and Gamora laughed unlike her sister who grimaced.
"Yep, definitely cool." She added. "Do you want to have lunch with us?"
"At your table or mine?"
Gamora and Nebula exchanged glances.
"I'm not sitting with Hufflepuff." Nebula declared and you sighed, rolling your eyes.
"You know I'm from Hufflepuff, right?"
"I'm reconsidering the invitation." She retorted and you frowned, but Gamora smiled at you.
"Will you sit with us, please?"
You sighed, nodding in agreement. You could talk to Tony after all.
Lunch at the Slytherin table became an everyday thing after that day. It took two weeks for Mantis to start joining you, and then you realized that you had a small group of friends now.
At Christmas, neither you nor Tony came home, because your father was working and you didn't want to be alone in the Stark mansion. You ended up turning down Tony's invitation to spend Christmas with Steve Rogers and his family, because you weren't really friends with Steve. Tony insisted, not wanting you to be alone, but you assured him that you would be fine in the company of your friends, and that he needn't worry.
On Christmas morning, Groot woke you up by jumping on your face. You laughed lightly because he was so small that he was like a tickle, and stood up as you returned the little creature to Mantis' bedside table.
A few hours later, as you were opening your presents at the Slytherin table along with Gamora, Nebula, Mantis, and Peter Quill, who had also stayed at Hogwarts for the end of the year, you let out an excited exclamation.
"I can' believe it." You spoke, opening the package in front of you. It was a large box, it was bewitched and only revealed the actual wrapping once you tore the paper off. It was actually a broom.
"Wow, that's cool." Peter remarked as he looked at your present. 
That's how you ended up in the middle of the snow, testing your new broom while your friends cheered and celebrated below you.
"Are you sure you can fly?" You asked Peter as soon as he asked you if he could ride. He shrugged, smiling.
You and the girls watched as he controlled the broom for a few feet above the ground, and then he overspeeded it and sped away.
You all ran into his direction, while the broom seemed almost annoyed at his lack of control, and knocked him into a tree. Peter fell between the branches, onto someone who was resting under it.
When you all reached him, you frowned when there was a boy pushing Quill.
"Watch it, dude!" Warned the boy, but before you could say anything, Gamora was already stepping forward, wand in hand.
"It was just an accident." She said and the boy looked at her surprised with her wand outstretched. He crossed his arms however, not looking scared.
"Oh, you're going to spell me now, are you?" He teased.
"Piss off, Maximoff." Warned Nebula next, taking a step beside her sister. So this was Pietro Maximoff. You figured that confidence should come from being the son of one of the professors.
"I suggest you leave my brother alone." Warned a voice behind you. You turned next, only to catch sight of a girl with brown hair, green eyes that glittered with anger. 
Gamora clenched her jaw, and Nebula drew her own wand toward the girl, who also had her wand in her hands.
You sighed, raising your hands as you stood in the line of fire.
"Would everyone please calm down?" You asked. "It was just a misunderstanding, and the broom is mine anyway, no need to fight about it."
It takes a moment, but Gamora puts down her wand, and everyone follows her after that. She has an insinuating smile on her face.
"You really are a Hufflepuff, aren't you Stark?" She teases, and you laugh sheepishly, putting your hands in your pockets.  "Come on Quill." 
Gamora warns and the boy shoots Pietro an ugly look as he leaves. You accept your broom that he hands to you, and turn around, your gaze meeting that of the girl who is supposed to be Wanda Maximoff for a moment. You feel your face heat up at the intensity of the angry look, and you look away, following your friends.
The months went by quickly as the rest of the school year passed. You managed to do very well on the exams, and didn't get involved in any near-fights again.
When the year ended and the Hufflepuff didn't win the House Cup, you thought you should have been more upset, but you didn't mind having Gamora and Nebula celebrating beside you, laughing and hugging you excitedly.
You also didn't understand why you felt your stomach turn when you caught Wanda Maximoff smiling amidst the Slytherin celebration when you looked around.
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
unexpectedly becoming a sugar baby
pairing: ceo!sunwoo x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
synopsis: reader is desperate for money so she has sex with her boss
warnings: lots of oral and fingering, use of vibrator in public , office sex, sex for money
a/n: wrote this yesterday instead of studying for my final. the exam went well tho :) also please send in requests!!!
masterlist + requests
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to say you were desperate would be an understatement. today you had received an eviction notice that stated that you had exactly 30 days to either pay back all the money you owed your landlord or leave your apartment.
due to your mother's illness you had to pay for all her medical bills. your father hadn't been in the picture for a long time so you alone were responsible for your mother's health. you couldn't just let her die. but because of all these costs you hadn't been able to pay your rent and now you were on the verge of homelessness.
never in a lifetime did you imagine that you would be begging someone for help. you felt so helpless that you honestly didn't really care how you got the money.
you decided to ask your boss for a raise and were prepared to work your ass off in order to get it.
mr. kim's office was on the fourth floor of the company, one you barely had ever been to. normal employees were usually only to be found on the lower floors so taking the elevator up felt wrong.
you were determined, however, to not let your pride get in the way. the money was more important than how you felt.
you knocked on the door twice. as if to make you feel even more nervous, it seemed like mr. kim waited extra long to respond.
when you entered he was sitting behind his desk. he didn't even look up at you so you just stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do.
'why don't you just sit?' he finally asked annoyed and closed his laptop.
you quickly took a seat and tried to put up a professional front.
'what can I do for you, um…' 'y/n,' you helped him out. 'right, y/n. what can I do for you?' he asked.
'I would like to ask for a raise, sir. you see, I am usually the first employee to enter the building and also most of the time the last one to leave. I do my work reliably and deliver solid results. my coworkers are pleased with me and we also get along well. I think I contribute a lot to this company and wanted to ask whether it would be possible to raise my pay.' you really tried to not make it seem like you had simply memorized all of this and forced yourself to speak slowly but firmly while looking him in the eyes.
mr. kim didn't respond at first but opened his laptop.
'to my understanding you have been working here for a very long time already. your pay is already the highest it can get. there is no way for me to raise it because there is no room for improvement.' he sighed and waited for your reaction.
you started sweating. this wasn't going as planned. you hadn't known that you were already receiving the highest pay. you were barely able to afford food with your current money.
'please, sir. I will do anything you ask of me. I don't care how many extra hours I'd have to work. I can do it. I promise. please give me a chance,' you begged him.
he was intrigued by you. why were you so desperate for the money?
'first, why don't you tell me why you are so keen on a raise?'
was your boss even allowed to ask you such personal questions? you answered anyway.
'my mother has cancer. I am the only person paying for her medical expenses and the treatments are all very expensive. I am about to get evicted because I cannot pay my rent.'
he seemed to be deep in thought. his gaze on you was intense.
your heart skipped a beat when he placed his hand on yours.
'y/n, I'm extremely sorry that you have to deal with all of this. I wouldn't want anyone to have to experience the same thing. believe me when I tell you that I want to help you. you know what? come back tomorrow. I have an idea how I might be able to help but I need to think about it further. would that be alright for you?'
it felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. you didn't care about what you had to do. you stood up, bowed deeply and thanked him over and over.
he let out a deep chuckle. you were cute.
the next day you came back again in the afternoon. this time he answered the door quicker and his attention was focused on you from the start. the energy felt much different than the day before. he seemed excited and was smiling at you. this had to mean good news, right? he shook your hand and pressed firmly while looking you deep in the eyes.
'y/n, I came up with an idea to help you. but it is less conventional and it depends on how much you are willing to do.'
'mr. kim, I will do anything,' you assured him. the smirk he flashed you threw you off guard.
'okay then. first, I'd prefer it if you called me sunwoo as we'll be seeing more of each other if you were to agree.'
this lowkey felt like crossing some boundaries but you wanted to please him.
you nodded eagerly. 'okay, sunwoo it is.'
'so my idea is that there are certain things you can do to earn money. I will pay for everything with my own savings and you will receive it in cash. we will start off easy and over time I'll add new tasks. of course, you have the freedom to choose whether you want to do them or not. that is completely up to you.'
the look of confusion on your face must have told him you didn't fully understand.
'it's hard to explain. I'd rather you figure it out by trying it. since today is friday, the task I'll give you is for monday. I would like to choose an outfit for you. I'll send it to your apartment and you have to wear exactly what is inside the box. if you were to do this I'd give you $20 cash.'
that was a weird request. why would he want to decide what you were wearing? did he not like your outfit? did you look disgusting?
'let me get this straight. you pick an outfit for me and if I decide to wear it I get money?' you ask him to see if you had understood correctly.
'exactly. that doesn't seem so bad, right?' you shook your head. it was whatever.
'that's great. you'll receive your outfit and I can't wait to see you in it on monday.' you didn't know if you were imagining it but it seemed like he was eyeing your body. h god, he definitely didn't like what you were wearing.
$20 wasn't much but still more than nothing. and apparently the other tasks would be worth more. guess you had to start somewhere. with the money you could at least afford something to eat.
you say goodbye and continued with work until it was time to leave.
you waited anxiously all weekend for the clothes. sunday you decided to go for a walk and when you opened your door you almost tripped over a package.
on monday morning you tried on the outfit sunwoo had picked out for you.
the white blouse was a bit see through and a bit too tight around the boob area but looked neat otherwise. the black skirt hugged your curves perfectly and made you look quite sexy in your opinion. he even picked out a bra, underwear, stockings and high heels for you. the note he had left clearly stated to wear exactly and only what was in the box. so you did.
you usually wore something more simple and loose but you didn't feel too uncomfortable in this look.
when you entered his office his eyes lit up.
'I'm glad you wore this. it looks very good on you.'
you were sure you blushed a bit at his words. you weren't really used to receiving compliments from men.
'I like it too,' you admit. sunwoo smiled contentedly.
'so would you like to do the same tomorrow? I'll send you another outfit,' he asked you.
this one wasn't bad at all so you agreed. he handed you $20. when you stood up and walked out the door he couldn't stop admiring the way your butt looked in the skirt. tomorrow was going to be even better.
the blouse was almost the same one. however, this time the skirt was a lot shorter. it ended at the middle of your thighs. but that wasn't even the weirdest thing. this time he had forgotten to send you panties.
you felt very unsure what to do. the note clearly stated to only wear what was in the box.
you sighed and pulled down the skirt as much as you could. this would have to do. as long as you were just sitting, everything would be fine.
you went about your day and some time in the afternoon you were called into sunwoo's office.
you were wondering whether or not to tell him about the missing underwear but decided to keep your mouth closed. panties didn't seem to be a topic to talk about with your boss.
'today, I want to offer you an additional task. you will receive your $20 dollars for sure and you can make another 30 by cleaning my office. what do you think?' he proposed to you.
that would be $50 in total. you needed all the money you could get.
'of course. just tell me what to clean and I will be happy to help.'
everything was going according to sunwoo's plan. he was excited and told you you could start by dusting the shelves.
your eagerness was cute and he watched you out of the corner of his eyes.
some of the shelves were higher up so you had to stretch to be able to reach them. when you did your skirt rolled up higher and he was able to see the just the outline of your butt cheeks. he unconsciously licked his lips.
for the rest of the week you continued these two tasks. but you noticed that the underwear kept on missing and the skirts also progressively became shorter.
this was a struggle when you were cleaning and organizing his office. you were aware of your skirt rolling up and you were hoping that sunwoo wouldn't notice.
of course he did. that had been his intention all along. when you bent down he could sometimes get a glance at your pretty pussy. he couldn't help but get hard at the sight of this and palmed his bulge through his pants.
in one week you had received $220. you would have been more happy if you hadn't gotten another bill from the hospital asking you for another $1200. the health care system was simply fucked up. whatever the next tasks were, you had to do them.
on monday you were cleaning his office again. you wanted to pick up some files but you struggled reaching them from the highest shelf. you felt your skirt roll up again.
'wait. I'll help you,' sunwoo announced and walked over.
you gasped as you felt something hard poke your thigh as he stood behind you to reach for the files. when he took a step back you saw the clear outlines of his hardened cock.
unable to hide your surprise, sunwoo laughed.
'this is all your doing.' so he did notice your skirt roll up. wait. had he given you these clothes with this in mind?
'do you want to touch it?' he asked.
you just blinked at him. what? were you perhaps still dreaming? it was possible that you were having a wet dream about your boss. sunwoo was very handsome and you had to be blind not to notice.
'if you help me get rid of it, I'll promise you $100.' he knew you were thinking hard. you couldn't keep your eyes off his bulge, clearly not sure what to think of this.
this was against all the work protocols but you would kid yourself if you said that you didn't want to. not only was he very attractive but you'd do a lot for a mere $100.
you reached for his belt. sunwoo smirked; he had won.
you pulled his pants down and were immediately greeted with his veiny cock.
'you aren't the only one not wearing any underwear, my dear y/n.'
so that had been intentional. interesting. you realized you must have been very naive to have believed that he had simply forgotten to put panties in the boxes.
you started by rubbing the tip softly with your thumb. it was pretty and pink and already leakined pre-cum.
you felt strangely good about having this kind of effect on someone. with a few pumps his dick was completely hard.
sunwoo propped his hands on the desk behind him and leaned back in bliss.
deep moans were escaping his beautifully luscious lips while you were pleasuring him with your hands.
you decided to put your left hand you use as well by massaging his balls.
'fuck! when did you learn to do this so well?' sunwoo groaned.
during high school you had had a lot of sex. it made you feel good and you enjoyed it. now your experience turned out to be lifesaving to you. well, he'd probably pay you even if you weren't as mind blowing.
'hmm, practice,' you simply state.
'if this is already so good I wonder what your mouth can do, baby girl.' being called that aroused you way more than expected. this was so exciting.
'I'll give you another $100 if you suck me off.'
before sunwoo knew it you had already wrapped your lips around his cock. you skillfully bobbed your head up and down. when you looked up at him with big eyes he swore he was about to explode.
with most of the dick in your mouth your other hand was continuing to knead his balls.
he was coming close quickly and grabbed your hair so you would stay still.
he proceeded to fuck your mouth harshly. you felt spit running down the sides of your lips and tears escaping your eyes as he buried his cock deep in your mouth. you tried to relax in order to deep-throat him properly.
he came hard and emptied his load in your mouth. to prove a point, you swallowed it and then opened up to show him.
panting hard he said: 'fuck you're just amazing!'
you looked absolutely delicious with your face full of cum. he had a good feeling you were the right person to do this with.
you licked off some of the white liquid from your lips and smirked at him.
this was definitely not what you had expected what you would be doing but you weren't one to complain.
sunwoo quickly disappeared to search for some paper towels to clean your face. his employees couldn't see you like this.
after your face was clean again he handed you $250. 'you deserve it.' 'thanks.'
he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and leaned closer. 'maybe we can do more tomorrow.' ooh, sounds exciting.
'then I'll look forward to seeing you.' with a wink you left.
you wondered how much money you would get for some sexy time with your boss.
the next morning, you couldn't fully button up the blouse he had sent you. the top buttons had to be left open and a lot of cleavage was visible. this horndog!
this time you actually received some underwear but only for a special reason. you found a pink mini vibrator in the box as well.
so you were walking around with a vibrating stick up your pussy. you didn't want to come in front of your co-workers so you turned it off whenever you got too close and waited to calm down.
'did you have fun today?' was the first thing sunwoo said to you.
you laughed ironically. 'I had so much fun pretending I wasn't being masturbating in front of everyone…'
he made you turn around and lifted up your skirt. the outline of the vibrator was visible and he could see your panties shaking.
with one quick move he pulled your underwear down and took the vibrator to turn it off. it came out with a wet plop and juices were running down your thighs.
sunwoo surprised you by sucking on the wet vibrator.
'sit on the desk,' he commanded you.
you did as you were told and sunwoo spread your legs wide apart.
he inserted his index and middle finger which slipped in with ease. your pussy made wet noises as he pushed them in and out of you.
finally having privacy you allowed yourself to make sounds. he made intense eye contact while fingering you, loving the way your face was scrunched up in pleasure.
you wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing him. his tongue easily won the fight over dominance and started exploring your mouth.
you two were basically just sucking each others faces off until he broke off the kiss and lowered his body. he attached his mouth to your clit and started sucking. you pulled at his hair in pleasure and had a hard time controlling your breathing. damn, he was skilled at this as well.
when he felt you clenching around his fingers he withdrew them and you let out a disappointed noise of protest.
'don't worry. you'll have more soon.', he laughed at you. he quickly took off his pants and pulled you off the desk. he turned you around so your ass was facing him.
he started rubbing his thick cock between your ass cheeks and coated it in your juices. every time he got into contact with your tense pussy a shudder overcame your body.
he lifted your leg and placed your foot on the table. the angle from when he thrusted into you from behind was just perfect.
sunwoo attached his lips onto your neck and started leaving hickeys there. at the same time he was kneading your breast through your shirt.
he had barely ever felt such a perfect pussy around his cock. the way you took him in seemed too good to be true.
while his dick was still inside you, he lifted you up and placed you on all fours on the floor.
he grabbed your hips so tightly that he left red marks on them. at this point, he was just uncontrollably slamming into you while you were losing your mind. you were screaming his name loudly, glad that you knew no one could hear you.
as you could feel both of you getting close, he pulled your upper body up to his chest and wrapped one hand around your neck.
the pressure he applied was just enough for you to see stars but not enough for it to be unpleasant.
the lack of oxygen stimulated your senses even more and while repeatedly screaming out sunwoo's name you finally came hard on his dick.
with a few more thrusts, sunwoo's hips started stuttering as well and he shot his load into you. while riding out your highs he was just fucking his cum right back into you.
when he finally pulled out, a pool of his semen started dripping out of you. you suddenly felt so empty. his thick cock had filled you up so good that you were already missing it.
while you were still catching your breath on the floor, sunwoo had gone to get paper towels.
when he came back, however, he seemed hectic.
'I'm so sorry. there has been an emergency and I need to leave right now. I'll leave these here as well as the money.' he placed everything on the desk and walked back to the door.
he turned around one last time. 'I hope we can do this again.' he smiled at you.
you later saw that he had left you $750.
kind of becoming a sugar baby had never been your plan but you didn't mind it. if only the circumstances had been better.
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Can't Keep a Secret
Word count: 4300
Warnings: tickling, fluff, reader with an inability to keep secrets, reader with a crush on a certain god of mischief
I'm so excited for 100 followers!! I didn't expect so many people to actually be interested in my writing when I started posting 🥰
This one is based on @atlas-of-the-universe's request here for a fic where Loki tickles the reader to get information of some kind 😉 I hope this is what you were looking for!
This one also has a little more crushing/romantic fluff than some of my other fics at the end, so if you're not into that just skip that part. As always, completely SFW!
* * *
No one ever seemed to do anything nice for Loki. So, when Thor approached you to ask if you’d help him and the others plan a surprise birthday party for his brother, you wholeheartedly agreed to assist. As the Avengers’ best party planner, you jumped at the chance to start brainstorming ideas to make this party the best Loki had ever experienced – including on Asgard. And, if it meant he’d pay a little extra attention to you, well… that was an added bonus.
The only problem was – you were terrible at keeping secrets.
It wasn’t as if you went around spilling the details when someone asked you not to tell the others about something. You knew enough not to just blurt out the fact that you were planning a party. Unfortunately, though, you had a tendency to let your feelings show in your facial expressions. Trying to keep secrets made you anxious, knowing you’d been the one to accidentally say just a little bit too much in the past and ruined other surprises.
The fact that you were the worst secret keeper was no… secret, for lack of a better word. Your teammates frequently exploited this fact when they wanted to know what you were hiding from them. Tony, especially, loved to talk circles around you until he could get you to trip up and give some detail away. On the other hand, they also tried not to let you in on too many details when they were planning a surprise for one of the other team members.
This time, you were determined not to give anything away. You were thrilled that the team was finally going to do something special for Loki, and you were NOT going to ruin it by spilling the beans to the trickster. Thor was probably one of the more trusting members of the Avengers, and he assured you when he asked you to help with the party that he had faith you wouldn’t screw up (quite literally in those words).
You started researching online to get some ideas. This party had to live up to the standards of an Asgardian prince, so you couldn’t just order a few pizzas and beer and call it a party. Plus, Tony had offered to pay for the whole thing (you suspected he felt guilty for having accidentally blasted Loki through a wall in the training room with his new Ironman suit the week prior) so your funds were basically limitless.
Inevitably, though, you were bound to run into situations where you had to spend time with the raven-haired god without allowing yourself to let any details slip.
The moment Loki first started to suspect you were hiding something was when he walked in on a conversation you were having with Thor in the kitchen. You had been asking him about the Asgardian mead his brother loved so much and wanted to know if he could manage to get some here on Midgard for the party.
“What is it about the Asgardian mead that you like so much better than standard alcohol?” you inquired curiously.
“Ha! That is a very funny question, Lady Y/N,” Thor laughed heartily. “As if any Midgardian liquor could so much as hold a candle to the spirits we drink on Asgard.”
“Hey! I enjoy my tequila! Margaritas are arguably a delicious alcoholic beverage,” you bantered.
“You truly believe this ‘margarita’ as you call it could compare to the smooth, sophisticated taste of an Asgardian mead?” Thor countered.
“I must agree with my brother on this one – I have seen this ‘margarita’ drink you speak of, and it is highly unlikely to be superior to Asgardian spirits.”
You gasped involuntarily when you heard Loki’s voice in the doorway, spinning around to face him with a look of bewilderment on your face. He cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow as he scrutinized your expression.
“Oh, hey Loki! Didn’t see you there,” you greeted, trying to lean casually against the counter you were standing beside.
“Yes… it appears you didn’t. You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.” Loki folded his arms across his chest, eyeing you intently. “What was it that brought you to the subject of Asgardian liquor?”
“Oh, that? Well…”
“I was just informing Lady Y/N that I have been feeling a bit nostalgic thinking about the celebrations we had on Asgard, when we would drink heartily with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three,” Thor cut in, quickly interrupting you mid-sentence. “Brother, you must recall the time you had a bit too much while drinking with us and…”
“I believe that’s quite enough nostalgia for one evening, dear brother,” Loki cut in, appearing almost frantic as he glanced quickly at you before turning back to glare at the elder Asgardian. “Stark asked me to inform you he requires your assistance in the laboratory. You’ll need to continue this conversation another time.”
“Ah, yes, alright then. Another time,” Thor agreed, winking at you before he exited the kitchen. Loki followed close behind, but not before giving you one last calculating glance before he crossed through the doorway and out of sight. You let out a breath of relief, hoping he hadn’t thought much of the conversation.
You noticed, though, that Loki started conveniently popping up around you more often after that incident. Maybe he didn’t want Thor to have the opportunity to tell you about whatever embarrassing story had occurred when they were younger, you thought. Regardless, it meant that you had to be extremely cautious about doing any planning for the party in any of the common areas.
The second time you nearly let something slip was during a hushed conversation in the training room with Peter after one of your sparring matches. He had pulled you aside after training to ask your opinion about whether he should ask his friend MJ to attend the party with him. He’d had a crush on the girl for quite some time, and now that she knew his secret identity he thought it might be time to introduce her to his Avengers family.
“I’m nervous she might not want to come, but I think it would be a great chance for her to meet everyone when the focus would be on someone else,” he explained. You hiked your backpack up onto your shoulder with your training gear and made your way toward the door to the training room with Peter by your side.
“Why wouldn’t she want to come? From what you’ve told me, she seems to be more of a social butterfly than you are, even,” you asked.
“Yeah… you’re right, I’m probably overthinking this, aren’t I?” he chuckled. “I just don’t want to screw things up!”
“What are you screwing up this time, spiderling?”
You stopped short as you heard Loki’s voice from behind you, making your heart leap into your throat. You turned around, trying not to look startled.
“Oh, Peter wants his friend MJ to attend… a training session with us!” you fibbed, trying to think quickly. “You know, so he can show her his Spider-Man moves!”
“Yeah! That’s right,” Peter agreed, nodding vigorously. “I’m going to go call her right now, thanks Y/N!” Peter scurried off down the hallway, leaving you standing with a somewhat skeptical looking god of mischief.
“Why was Peter asking you about inviting a friend to his training? Would he not have asked Stark?” Loki inquired. You shrugged in a non-committal way.
“Who knows? Anyway, uh, it was nice talking to you, but I’ve got to get going… big assignment to finish up tonight, can’t really stop and chat. See you later!” you blurted, not waiting for a response as you hurried toward your room. Phew, that was close, you thought to yourself, hoping he hadn’t been standing behind you for too long.
Later that week, you found yourself alone in the common room while watching television. You pulled out your laptop during one of the commercials and started searching the internet for caterers, hoping to find something fancy enough to appeal to an Asgardian god. You had thought that everyone else was out for the day, so you weren’t overly concerned about anyone seeing what you were doing.
“What mindless reality television show are you watching today?” The smooth, baritone voice caused you to jerk your head up from your laptop screen and instinctively slam it shut. He hadn’t even been standing behind you to see what you were searching – it was purely on reflex that you closed the computer. Loki raised his eyebrows at you. “I see you aren’t really watching anything, are you? What is it you were viewing on your computer?”
“Nothing! I mean, nothing exciting, really. Just some old photos that I was trying to sort through,” you stammered, standing up with the laptop clutched to your chest. “You can have the TV if you want, though. I have to go… work on that assignment some more. I was just taking a break. It’s almost done!” Loki opened his mouth as if to say something, but you didn’t wait around to let him ask any more questions that might make you give away something you shouldn’t. You spent the rest of the evening in your room, avoiding the trickster at all costs.
The next morning, after getting ready for the day, you grabbed some breakfast before heading back to your room to continue to do some additional party planning research where Loki wouldn’t walk in on you unexpectedly. You shoved the last bite of one of Thor’s pop-tarts that you’d stolen into your mouth as you approached your door, opening it and walking toward your desk where your laptop sat. You always left the door slightly ajar when you were in your room, and so you were quite surprised when you heard the door thump shut behind you, the lock clicking into place.
“You’ve been hiding something from me.”
You stopped dead in your tracks, your heart pounding in your chest. You turned around slowly, staring wide-eyed at the god of mischief now standing in your bedroom between you and your only exit. His hands were clasped behind his back, his blue-green eyes gleaming ominously as he stared you down.
“Oh, hey Loki! What brings you to my room?” you asked, trying to sound casual.
“Let’s end this little charade, hmm?” He took a few slow paces forward into the room, closing the distance between the two of you. “It’s become clear to me over the last week that you have knowledge of some information that you do not want me to become aware of. I’d like you to tell me what it is.” His tone was calm; low, but dangerous. You swallowed hard.
“Loki, I-I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t have any secrets.” You took a step back from the advancing Asgardian, your back meeting the cold, hard wood of your desk behind you.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is up to you,” he threatened, stepping even closer so he was only a foot away from where you stood trapped against your desk. “Tell me what it is you’re hiding, or I will… coerce you into talking.”
“Coerce me? Heh, what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked nervously, your hands gripping the desk behind you.
“I have my ways. I am the god of mischief, after all.” Loki stood in front of you unmoving, a barrier holding you hostage against your desk.
“Even if I did have something to hide, you wouldn’t hurt me. Your brother would kill you,” you warned.
“I never suggested I would hurt you, darling. I would never do such a thing.” He took the slightest step closer. “You seem tense. Am I making you nervous?”
“Good.” A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. “Have you decided, then? Will we be doing this the easy way or the hard way?”
“I told you, I have nothing to hide,” you insisted.
“Very well then. We’ll do this the hard way.” Quickly, you darted around Loki toward the door, trying to make your escape. He was faster, though, catching you with an arm around your waist and dragging you back so your back was against his chest. “Tell me, darling…” he growled in your ear, making you shiver, “… are you… ticklish?”
“Wha-“ you opened your mouth to protest but stopped speaking as you felt gentle scratching on your side. You shook your head quickly, suppressing the giggles that were threatening to rise out of your throat. If you stood still long enough, maybe he would give up.
“Do you think you’re fooling me by not allowing yourself to laugh? I felt you tense up immediately the moment I touched you.” He tightened his grip, wrapping both arms around your waist and digging his fingers into your sides. You snorted at the sudden sensation, doubling over to try to fight your way out of his grasp. “As I suspected. You are extraordinarily ticklish.”
“S-shut up, Loki!” you demanded, your muscles relaxing as his fingers stilled against your sides. He released you, allowing you to turn and face him but still standing in between you and the door.
“Now then – are you going to tell me what it is you’re hiding? Or do I need to tickle you until you are begging for mercy?”
You felt your face flush with heat. You’d been tickled before, certainly, but only for a few seconds at a time, and never as a means to pry information from you. Truthfully, though, you were enjoying this playful side of Loki. You were also determined not to tell him about the party – it would be so much more fun if it were a surprise, and he deserved to have fun. You braced yourself, folding your arms defiantly across your chest.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
Before you could react, Loki had tackled you, and you found yourself flat on the floor with your wrists pinned over your head. Your heart hammered against your ribcage as the dark-haired Asgardian loomed over you, his smirk growing wider.
“I see you’ve made your choice, then. But I should warn you – I don’t do mercy.” The fingertips of his free hand connected with your belly, lightly tracing the soft skin through your shirt. You turned your head so you wouldn’t have to look at him, his knowing stare making it more difficult to prevent yourself from laughing. Slowly, he applied more pressure until he was clawing at your belly with all five fingers, varying between the center and sides and analyzing your expression to evaluate your response.
“I-I’m telling y-you, t-there’s nothing to t-tell,” you insisted, jolting a little each time his fingers found a particularly sensitive spot.
“Unfortunately, I don’t believe you.” He shifted his attack to your side, his fingers spidering gradually up your ribcage. Your nerves were alight with ticklish shocks, helpless giggles now bubbling out of your chest.
“W-whyhyhy don’t you believe mehehe?” you asked, your tone starting to sound more desperate.
“You’re not exactly subtle. It’s rather obvious when you’re trying to keep a secret.” Loki was now scratching in between your upper ribs, and your giggles were evolving into desperate laughter. “I see this is becoming more challenging for you. I wonder – should I try to identify all of your weak spots? Surely one of them will get you talking.”
“NOHOHO LOKI!” you pleaded, thrashing to try to free your wrists from his grasp.
“You’ll need to provide me some information, then. What was it you were really discussing with my brother the other night?”
“HE TOHOHOLD YOU!!” You shrieked as Loki’s fingers found purchase under one of your arms, your feet pounding against the floor in desperation.
“Honestly, Y/N, I didn’t believe a word either of you said.” His fingertips grazed the underside of your upper arm, tracing from your elbow down to your underarm and back up again. You hadn’t realized how ticklish the soft skin of your arm could be, but his maddeningly light touch had you writhing to try to evade his fingers.
“STAHAHAP THAT!” you begged, yanking at your restrained wrists to try to lower your arms. Even before you were in this weakened state, the god of mischief was stronger than you.
“Then talk.”
“Aha!” he exclaimed suddenly, lifting his fingers away from your arm. You sucked in air desperately, letting out the residual giggles as he allowed you a moment to recover. “You ARE hiding something! You’ve given yourself away.”
“I… but… no I didn’t!” you pouted. He chuckled, a genuine grin spreading across his face at your adorable, disappointed frown.
“It’s too late now. You may as well tell me your secret.”
“I won’t tell! I’ll never tell!” you barked, a sudden surge of bravery rushing through you.
“I’m afraid I must continue, then,” he stated, feigning pity. “Why don’t you tell me where else you are ticklish instead?”
“What? No! I won’t tell you that either!”
“Fine. It’s much more amusing for me to locate your weak spots myself anyway.” Loki released your wrists and in the same motion reached behind him to squeeze above your knees with both hands. You yelped at the unexpected touch, trying with difficulty to sit up now that your arms were free. You reached toward Loki’s sides to try to retaliate but he was too perceptive, grabbing a wrist in each hand using his cat-like reflexes. “You don’t want to do that, darling,” he warned.
“Oh, but I think I do,” you argued, trying your hardest to break free of his grip. He wrestled with you for a moment, successfully forcing you onto your stomach so you could no longer sit up and try to counterattack.
“Now then – where were we?” he huffed as he sat himself down on the back of your legs, pinning you in place. You lifted your upper body up onto your elbows and turned to look at him, keeping a close eye on his hands. “Ah, that’s right. You were about to tell me what you were discussing with the spiderling the other day.”
“No I was-“ your retort died in your mouth as Loki’s fingertips touched down on the backs of your knees. “L-Loki, hold on, don’t you even think about it.”
“Why? Too sensitive?” he teased, tracing one finger along the tendon in the back of your knee. You let out a squeal, only egging him on as he began to flutter his fingers against the thin skin there.
“You hardly sound threatening when you’re giggling like a child,” he taunted, tracing along the skin on the inner sides of your knees. You reached back desperately with one hand while holding yourself up with the other elbow, trying to grab hold of his tickling fingers. He snickered at your feeble attempts, reaching up quickly to slide his fingers under your arm so your elbow would buckle beneath your torso before returning his attention to your knees. “This could all stop if you’d just tell me what your secret is.”
At this point, you’d come to the embarrassing realization that you were actually having fun, despite your abdominal muscles aching from laughing so hard. You were also still determined to keep the party a secret, if not for you then for Loki’s own good. You picked yourself back up onto your elbows so you could turn and look back at him defiantly.
“No!” you declared.
“No? I see I must not be trying hard enough, then. Let’s try somewhere else, shall we?” Loki shifted his weight so he could pin your legs down with his shin, his gaze turning down toward your socked feet.
“Don’t… you… dare!” you warned, noticing where his line of sight was directed. He placed his fingertips teasingly against the soles of your feet, maintaining eye contact with you, eyes glowing with mischief.
“I’ll give you one final chance. Spill,” he ordered. You merely smirked back at him.
“Make me.”
Without another word, Loki sprang back into action, his torturous fingertips skimming along the soles of your feet. Frantic giggles spilled from your lips as you tried jerking your feet away from his touch without success.
“I’d wager you’re regretting what you said now, aren’t you?” he goaded, scratching under your toes with one finger on each foot. Your giggles pitched up as you curled your toes to prevent him from reaching the sensitive skin. “Are you prepared to talk now?”
“NEHEHEVER!!” you screeched, still determined to win. Eventually he’d get tired of this and give up, right?
“Then I’m afraid you leave me no choice.” You practically screamed in ticklish agony as his fingers once again connected with your ribs, darting rapidly up and down your sides and under your arms, scribbling into the small of your back, fluttering against the sides of your neck and behind your ears, never staying in one place long enough to grow accustomed to the sensation. Your laughter fell silent as you tapped your hand hard on the floor, signaling you were giving up. Seeing your signal, Loki’s fingers stilled against you, still pressed gently into your sides as a warning that he could start right back up again at any moment. “Talk.”
“I will… alright… just… just give me a sec,” you huffed, your chest heaving with exertion. Your mind was racing, trying to come up with a plausible lie that would satisfy the god of lies. Your heart sank as you realized you couldn’t possibly come up with something in the next ten seconds that would fool him. It had to be the truth. “I’ll tell you, but you have to swear to me you won’t tell your brother that I told you.”
“That depends on what it is you’re about to tell me,” Loki bantered.
“No, I’m serious!” Loki shifted so his weight was no longer pressed on your legs, and you turned over into a seated position on the floor. “Promise me you won’t tell.”
“Fine. I promise. Now tell me.” You took a deep breath.
“We’re planning a party. For you. It was supposed to be a surprise.”
Loki was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. His blue-green eyes searched yours as if trying to find any hint of a lie in your face. His face softened a bit as he began to realize you were actually telling the truth.
“What for?” he asked, his tone flat.
“For your birthday.”
“We don’t celebrate birthdays on Asgard, we have far too many of them to be excited for them.”
“Ugh, Loki, don’t you get it? Thor wanted to do something nice for you! I wanted to do something nice for you!” You held his gaze, trying to prove to him you still weren’t lying.
“You wanted to do something for me?” His voice was low, but there was something different about his tone; something you hadn’t heard before. Hope? Excitement? You averted your gaze down to the floor, poking at the fibers in the carpet with your finger.
“Yeah, I did. You deserve something nice. You’ve come a long way since New York. And you’re… a good friend.” You felt heat rush to your face. You’d nearly revealed another secret, one you had no intention of telling him today. Or ever. Unfortunately, Loki was perceptive.
“That sounded like another lie, Y/N,” he stated ominously. You risked a glance up at him, seeing a smirk slowly spreading across his face.
“What?! No, it’s not!” you argued, the warmth in your face spreading to your ears.
“Haven’t you learned not to lie to me by now?” Loki suddenly grabbed hold of your waist, dragging you closer to him. “Or do I need to repeat the lesson?” His fingers latched onto your ribcage, squeezing and kneading with maddening precision. Still exhausted from the previous attack, you immediately caved.
“ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I like you, ok??” Loki stopped tickling you, not yet releasing you from his grasp. You covered your flushed face with your hands. “Happy now?”
Loki pried your hands gently away from your face, tilting your chin up with his finger. His eyes were softer than you’d ever seen them before as he gazed at you, a small smile on his face. With a surge of confidence, you closed the gap between your faces, pressing your lips to his. He kissed you back, gently but passionately all at once. When he finally pulled away, he grinned at you.
“Yes, I am happy,” he said simply. You smiled shyly back at him.
“Good.” You hardened your expression a bit, although admittedly it was hard to wipe the smile off your face. “You still have to act surprised. I can’t have people thinking I can’t keep a secret.” Loki laughed at that, his voice rumbling in his chest.
“But you can’t, darling.” He gave you one last poke in the side, eliciting a whine from you. “I’ll do my best to act surprised. I am the god of lies, after all. I should be able to put on a convincing display.”
“Good.” You allowed him to help you to your feet before shooing him out the door. “Now, get out of my room. I still have planning to do.”
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled, stopping in the doorway to look at you. “I’ll go, but only if you’ll have dinner with me tonight.”
“Only if you don’t tickle me,” you countered.
“Sorry, love, but I can’t make any promises,” he replied, winking. You sighed, smiling at him.
“I guess I’ll take my chances then.”
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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So excited to be sharing my piece for this months bnharem collab!!! The theme for this is, you guessed it, sex worker!au. I am so honored to be writing along with everyone else who put so much time and energy into writing these pieces. Please please please check out their collab pieces here. Everyone has put so much work into these so give them a read through and some warm and fuzzy notes 😊💕✨
Pairing: Touya Todoroki x Reader Genre: NSFW Warnings: Coercion, Dubcon, Anal fingering, Hardcore sex, Deepthroating, Dabi is a Todoroki Word Count: 6,166 Synopsis: Rich ceo Enji Todoroki gives you the offer of a lifetime on one condition. You have to sleep with his eldest son.
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Working at a strip club was the last thing you pictured yourself doing after you graduated high school. After graduating and moving into a cheap apartment on the outskirts of town, you decided to start working immediately to support yourself. At first, you first got a job working at a cute little Italian restaurant that paid quite well. Waiting tables helped pay the bills and save up for college a little, but after two years of working at the same restaurant, it unfortunately went out of business.
That was one of your worst months, constantly looking for new work and facing rejection after rejection to the point that you were plagued by the phrase, “not enough work experience.” By the time a month and a half went by of you scoping out newspapers and checking all of the job finder apps on your phone, you had gone through most of your savings.
One of your best friends, after realizing how bad your situation was, decided that it couldn't hurt to see if you wanted a position at the joint she ran.
You were very skeptical at first, since she happened to run an insanely popular erotic dance club (aka, a strip club) in town, but she assured you that you wouldn’t be stripping, just bartending and dishwashing. As soon as she explained everything, you immediately took her up on the offer and decided from then on you would owe Mina Ashido your life.
You were able to pick things up easily, make conversation with customers and become friends with many of the dancers who worked at the club. The only downside to working the job was, well, you’re cute. And that meant you got a lot of unwanted attention from guys who initially came for the strippers.
Mina assured you that if you ever needed to take a step away, that that was perfectly fine. But the attention you got wasn’t so bad, you thought. At least there was a bar counter separating you from the wandering hands and predatory words of these people.
Bartending, while it was enough to pay the bills and save up for some nicer furniture, did not pay as much as you would have liked it to. While you wouldn’t have dreamed of asking your friend for a raise, you still felt somewhat resentful watching the dancers at the club walk home with stacks of cash from tips meanwhile you had to wait every two weeks to get your next paycheck.
You were astonished when, on your twenty-first birthday, Mina offered you a job as a dancer. “A lot of our regular customers have been asking about that ‘cute bartender,’” she said. “And I think you would actually really enjoy it. Plus, it pays a lot more.” She ended that last bit in a sing-song voice, as if that in and of itself would be enough to convince you.
You were tempted to say no, you really were, but you’ve seen how much fun the dancers have and how much money they walk away with every night. You knew next to nothing about stripping or pole dancing, but Mina assured you that she’d teach you and that you’d pick it up fast.
And she wasn’t wrong. After a month of her teaching you how to sway your hips and gyrate your body, dip down and caress every exposed inch of skin with your supple fingers, you were ready to hit the audience with everything you had.
You didn’t realize how much fun you would have as a pole dancer. It was a great form of exercise and you kind of liked having lots of people cheering for you to show off your sexy moves. Plus, walking home with a stack of cash each night was one of the greatest perks it came with.
There was only one rule that you had, which you made abundantly clear to Mina. All you would be doing was pole dancing. No lap dances, no touching the audience, and for the love of god, no sleeping with the audience.
And she respected your wishes, even going as far as asking some customers to leave who have tried to touch you without your consent. She keeps a hawk eye over you and every audience member and their wandering hands. You’re nothing but grateful for everything she has done for you.
After the first few months of pole dancing and wearing revealing costumes, you moved into a new apartment and bought nicer furniture. Things were definitely starting to turn around for the better.
“Hey,” you greeted your fellow coworkers as you made your way into the locker room. The club was about to close up for the night and you were more than ready to flop onto your bed at home and sleep until your next shift. “Have any of you seen Mina?”
The other girls looked around at one another. No one seemed to have an answer for her whereabouts.
“Oh!” Nejire popped up. “I think I saw her talking to some guy in her office. Yeah, yeah. Some big guy wearing a business suit.”
Tsu frowned. “I wonder what that could be about.”
You nodded, a sudden feeling of anxiety washing over you. You really hoped she wasn’t being bought out or something. If she wasn’t the one running the club anymore, or worse, if the club was demolished, you would be surely out of a job.
A knock on the locker room door made you swallow your thoughts. “Is (Y/n) in here?” Mina’s voice rang through the room.
“I’m here,” you piped.
She looked scared, and a bit pale. You don’t think you’ve ever seen her look fearful before, even when dealing with rough customers who refuse to leave the building. “Could you come with me for a sec?”
“Sure.” The anxiety you were feeling was bubbling back in your stomach. “Just let me get dressed.”
“Actually,” her voice was shaking. “If you could come here now that would be better.”
You paused, then nodded and followed her to her office. On the way there, she squeezed your hand, slipping something inside.
“I’m so sorry,” she said. “Please, please forgive me for doing this.”
“Mina, what’s going on?” You were worried. Never in the time that you knew her had she ever been so apologetic.
At her office door, you looked at what she slipped into your hand. A small pink bottle of pepper spray stared back at you. What could she have done that you would need this?
She opened her office door and on the other side, like Nejire said there would be, was a big, beefy businessman clad in a suit that was probably worth more than your rent.
“Mina,” you whispered to your best friend. “What is going on?”
The man turned around and you shrunk at his intimidating appearance. You felt the need to cross your arms and cover up your exposed skin of which there was a lot of. “Hello,” the man bellowed with such a low timber. “You must be (Y/n).”
How did he know your name? What did Mina tell him? Who is this man?
You meekly nodded your head and clutched onto the pepper spray until your knuckles couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Forgive me for not introducing myself first.” He extended a hand. “My name is Enji Todoroki and I am the ceo of Todoroki Enterprises.”
You gulped. What the hell did Mina get herself into? You croaked out an “oh” before extending your hand and shaking his. “That’s nice.” You didn’t really know what to say. Was he considering buying the building from Mina? You looked at her and she shrunk back at your gaze.
“Ashido,” he said with a stern demeanor. “If you would please.”
She nodded and squeezed your shoulder one last time. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered in your ear one last time before leaving the room.
And then there was silence. You took a moment to breathe and look around Mina’s office, find something to calm your nerves with. Her office was usually like a little safe haven for you and the other dancers. She deemed a corner of the room the “zen area” where she set up cushions and a kettle and tea boxes. You stared at the fuzzy pink cushion you were so used to sitting on. You were sure your butt had made an imprint.
“Please, take a seat,” Enji Todoroki said, gesturing to the other side of Mina’s desk, away from the cushion that brought you so much comfort.
You frowned at his tone of voice, as if he had been there many times before and as if he owned the damn office himself. At least there was a nice fuzzy blanket on that side of the desk which you could use to cover yourself.
“I can tell that my presence is intimidating you,” he said. “But please, allow me to make my offer before jumping to any conclusions.”
Why was he making an offer to you? What did he want from you?
“As I am sure you are aware, Todoroki Enterprises is a million dollar company run by me and my other associates.”
You nodded. You were not aware of that but you were afraid of what would happen if you asked too many questions.
“And once I retire, the company will fall on the shoulders of my eldest son, Touya.” Enji Todoroki sighed and rubbed his eyes and the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “At the moment, he is being rather difficult.”
You nodded. You weren’t sure what was going on, why he was telling you this, but hearing about this rich ceo’s family drama did spark a bit of interest in you.
“He is not doing what I ask of him. He spends all day sleeping in and wasting my money and he refuses to take any part in working for the company.”
That sounded like typical teenage behavior to you. You weren’t sure why this man was being so pessimistic about it, or why he was even telling you in the first place. Surely it’s just a phase he would grow out of. “I’m sorry,” you started, feeling incredibly out of place with the conversation. “I’m not really sure why you’re telling me this information.”
Enji Todoroki let out another sigh. It wasn’t so much that he was fed up with your inability to understand, but really he seemed reluctant to be there talking to you in the first place. “I believe that if he were to have some, well, motivation, he may actually perform his tasks as a part of the company and as future head.”
“Motivation?” What on earth did he mean by that?
“I watched you and your co-workers perform tonight, and from watching your movements paired with his type, you seem like you would be best suited for the job.”
Your face flushed. He couldn’t be suggesting that, could he?
“(L/n), I would like to hire you to have intercourse with my son.”
Your eyes widened. He wanted what? There was no way, no way you could do that. “I’m sorry,” you said with staggered breath. “I don’t think I’m comfortable having sex with a teenager.” You smiled and nodded, thinking that would be the end of it.
“A teenager? My son is twenty-six years old.”
You paused for a moment before letting out an incredibly articulate, “uhhhhh, what?”
“My son is a fully grown adult, older than you in fact. So if your concerns lie within the legality of this exchange I can assure you that he is not a minor.” Enji Todoroki’s booming voice had just shattered your resolve.
Still, he couldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to. All you had to do was tell him no and it would have been fine.
But you didn’t get a chance to. Before you could even think of what to say next, Enji Todoroki spoke up yet again. “I presume you are wondering what kind of compensation you will be receiving in return.”
You stayed silent.
“Your boss tells me that you are saving up to attend university and intend on furthering your education. I can only admire that kind of work ethic.”
Why? What could he possibly do with that information to make his offer worthwhile? It dawned on you then that that is why Mina was acting so weird, apologizing constantly as she led you to her office. She must not have been able to find a way out of this for you. Either that or the deal was too good to speak on your behalf of. But what could it even be?
“If you are willing to spend a night with my son and get him to take more responsibility in the company, Todoroki Enterprises will pay for your full college tuition at any institution you decide to attend.”
Your jaw fell onto the floor. This had to be a prank, right? Was he seriously offering to pay your full tuition for you?
“So, do we have a deal?” Enji Todoroki leaned forward against the desk and folded his hands together, large hands that could probably hurt you if you decided to say no.
“This is...” you trailed off. You didn’t know what to say or how to respond to an offer like that. He must be pretty desperate for his son to work in order to pay for your tuition in full.
His son.
If you took up this offer, then you would have to… “What if I say no?” you asked.
He cleared his throat. “While I would tell you that saying no to this offer would not be in your best interest,” he started. “I cannot force you to say yes or do anything you are uncomfortable with.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. This was an impossible decision. You didn’t know his son, what he looked like or if he would even want to have sex with you. “It would only be for one night, right?”
Enji Todoroki nodded and let out a sort of grunt out of confirmation.
The thought of being with someone you didn’t know was scary. But at the same time, you would never get an opportunity like this again. Taking a deep breath in and keeping your dream school in mind, you nodded. “I’ll do it.”
“You made the right choice.” He stood up and you followed suit, assuming he’d have you shake his hand and schedule a time and place. “If you’d follow me, the car is waiting out front.”
“Wait, you mean right now?” No, you needed more time to prepare, to figure things out and to take it all in.
“Unless you have something important to attend to, which I doubt you do since you just finished your shift at work, then yes right now.” His eyes, which you hadn’t realized were such a remarkable shade of blue, bore deep into you. “I don’t like to be kept waiting, and neither does my son.”
“Right,” you flinched. “Um, if I could just grab my stuff and get dressed–”
“There will be no need. I already asked your boss to gather your things. We will provide a covering for you so there is no need to get dressed.” The authoritative tone to his voice made you feel so small, like there would be no way for you to even say no against his gaze. “Now if you’ll please follow me.”
You nodded and followed him out of the office and past the locker room where Mina and the other girls watched as you walked away. You barely had any time to watch them or wish them a good night before Enji Todoroki’s bellowing voice spoke up again.
“Our car is waiting out front. In the meantime, you can cover yourself with this.”
Another stranger, someone you presume works for Todoroki Enterprises, handed you a long, tan trench coat. You swiftly threw it over your shoulders and fastened the tie tight against your stomach. He also presented the boots that you wore to work that morning. Mina must have given them your things.
“If you’ll follow me this way,” the stranger said.
He led you outside where you could see the sun begin to poke its way up from beyond the horizon. You hadn’t realized how early in the morning it was. Would Enji Todoroki’s son even be awake at this point?
You were ushered into the backseat of a sleek black Tesla. You had never been in a car that nice before. It made the whole ordeal more harrowing and unreal. “Is Todoroki-san not coming with us?” you asked.
“He’ll be in the car right in front of us. Don’t worry, ma’am.” You usher closed the door and entered the driver’s side of the vehicle. He was a smooth driver, which helped with the nervous bubbles in your stomach that refused to calm down.
Free college, you had to remind yourself. This really was an incredible offer. You hadn’t even let it sink in until you were alone in the backseat of the Tesla, only accompanied by your usher and the light classical music that played on the radio. You would be able to go to any school you wanted to, free of charge. You couldn’t help the giddy smile that played its way onto your lips. This felt like a dream you were scared to wake up from.
“We’re here,” your usher said. Looking out your window, you saw that he had pulled up in front of a tall building reaching more stories than you could count. He opened the door for you and you stepped out into the cool, early morning breeze.
Enji Todoroki had also stepped out of his vehicle and gestured for you to follow him. The wind tickled your legs and you hugged the trench coat tight against your figure. He led you into the lavish building where one of the receptionists handed you a small paper cup of coffee. You were then brought to the elevators where you, Enji Todoroki, and your usher brought you up to one of the tops floors.
The elevator ride felt like it lasted forever. Your hands gripped the coffee cup and shaky lips sipped the beverage as Enji Todoroki talked your ear off. You knew that the receptionist gave you the drink because she figured you would be tired, but you were sure that your nerves would keep you awake regardless of the caffeine.
“I called my son in for an early meeting so he should be here.”
You nodded at the man’s words. This was really happening.
“And if he refuses to show up then we will provide a room for your lodging until he arrives.”
So you would be camping out here until the deed was done. A thought popped into your head, one that hadn’t even come to mind when you were given the offer. “What if he doesn’t want to have sex with me?” you asked.
Enji Todoroki paused. He didn’t really know what to say. “Knowing my son, he will.” As if that was supposed to give you any reassurance. “But on the off chance that he doesn’t, we will still compensate you for your time here.”
But no free college. The thought lingered in your mind. Of course you were doing this for the perks. You wanted to be able to make the most out of your young adulthood and part of that meant furthering your education. But you were still scared shitless by the bright fluorescent lights of the building as the grand elevator doors opened up on your destination.
“Wait outside the door,” Enji Todoroki directed at your usher, and you assumed you were supposed to wait with him. He led you through the halls and stopped at a door that's placard read “Touya Todoroki.”
You leaned against the wall and downed the rest of your coffee.
“I can take your empty cup for you, ma’am,” your usher said with a bright smile.
You smiled back and shaky hands dropped the empty paper cup in his own. You needed to stop shaking so much, but you didn’t think you could if you tried.
You could hear Enji Todoroki’s authoritative voice from outside the door and another one, you presumed him son. He sounded bratty, from what you picked up on their conversation. The more you picked up on it, the more nauseous you felt. “Is there a–”
“Bathroom?” your usher finished for you. “Right around the corner. But I would make it quick.”
At least he had a friendly smile that put you at ease. If this person you were supposed to sleep with was anything like him then maybe you wouldn’t mind it, but you had a feeling that was not going to be the case.
You stumbled into the bathroom and untied the trenchcoat, letting it fall to your ankles. You pulled your panties down and sat on the toilet, relieving your bladder. Your legs trembled. Not even you placing your hands over your thighs could stop them. A chill ran up your spine. How long had you been in there? No, you just sat down. Not much time had passed. But you should get back quickly. Enji Todoroki and his son, Touya, would be waiting.
By the time you got back to your usher, they were still arguing in Touya’s room? Office? You weren’t sure whether or not it was a bed or a desk behind the closed door.
“You’re just in time,” your usher said. “Any minute now.”
He had probably been working for Todoroki Enterprises, Enji Todoroki specifically, for a long time, because as soon as he said that, his boss’s booming voice called for him.
“Yamamoto,” he said, “bring her in.”
Your usher, Yamamoto, opened the door to Touya’s office and you tentatively stepped in. The office was spacious. A cluttered desk sat center in the room. On the other side there was a small couch facing a flat screen TV, although you couldn’t see the screen from where you stood.
And then, there was Touya. A young man with dyed black hair and white roots springing up from the center of his head looked your way. He was quite attractive. He had a much more lean figure compared to his father. He wore a tight fitting black dress shirt that accentuated his muscles, but what really set him apart from anyone you had ever seen was his face. Beautiful teal eyes, much like his fathers, stared back at you. The piercings in his nose and over his lips reflected the light from overhead. He would have to be one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen.
“What is this,” he asked. “Another marriage arrangement?”
“No,” Enji, you think you know him well enough by now to start referring to him by just his first name, sighed. “This is not a marriage arrangement. After all, you threw aside the last twelve options I’ve given you.” He seemed to mumble the last part. He cleared his throat and spoke again. “I have hired her to take care of any of your...needs, and in return I expect you to finally pick up your slack and take part in this company.”
Touya scoffed. “So what is she then? A hooker?”
You felt incredibly out of place, and you averted your eyes to the dark hardwood floors you were standing on. “I’m not a hooker,” you mumbled.
“What was that, sweetheart? I couldn’t really hear you.” Touya snickered as you flinched at the nickname.
“Touya, I expect you to treat her with dignity and respect while you two are enacting in your...activities.” Enji turned to Yamamoto and nodded. “With that settled, I will leave you two alone.”
He and Yamamoto walked out the door and left. That was it? He wasn’t going to assure your safety any more than that? You were left alone in a strange room with this man you didn’t know who you were supposed to fuck. And you were completely and utterly defenseless.
You wish you still had that pepper spray Mina handed you. You’re pretty sure you left it on her desk when you had your initial chat with Enji. If only you had thought ahead enough to remember to bring it with you.
“So what’s your name, doll?” Touya, who was now on the couch, asked. His cheek rested on his fist and a lazy expression was splayed across his face.
“(Y/n),” you said, turning to look at him.
“That your first name?”
You nodded.
He chuckled. “So, what did my old man pay you to do this for me? A hundred k? Two hundred?”
“Free college tuition.”
His eyes widened. “Wow. He must really want me to start taking part in this company.” Leaning back. He patted his lap. “Why don’t you come over and take a seat, sweetheart.”
You didn’t want to comply, but your legs moved on their own as they walked towards him. Your butt found its place sitting on his lap and you pretended not to notice his semi erect cock pushing into your cheeks.
“Aren’t you a little obedient one,” he teased. One of his hands rubbed down your exposed thigh and up your trench coat. He thumbed over the collar of the coat. “So are you gonna take this off for me, or do I have to be the one to take it off you?”
You shuddered and he chuckled at how nervous he made you. Touya emanated so much warmth but even under the trench coat you had never felt so cold.
“Lemme guess, this is your first time whoring yourself out?” He grinned like the fucking cheshire cat as you squeezed your eyes shut out of embarrassment. “Nothing to be ashamed of,” he said with a cocky grin. His thumbs trailed up to the tie on your coat and his fingers pulled it open. “And I gotta admit.” He pulled the sides of the coat off and let it fall off of your shoulders onto the couch. “My dad has got my type pegged down to the nail.”
You were now fully exposed to the man in front of you. Your black bra accentuated your bosom and if it weren’t for the end of the trench coat you were still sitting on, you would have been able to feel the rough material of Touya’s slacks rutting against your ass.
He leaned down to lick a long stripe against the skin peeking out of your bra. “Although I wouldn’t have pegged you as someone who is this compliant.” His hands traveled further up until his fingers were wrapped around your panties, tugging at the elastic keeping them up. He moved up to pepper kisses up your neck, and you let out a sharp gasp when he bit your ear lobe.
“Sorry,” you mumbled when he stopped to let out a laugh.
He moved you off his lap so you were sitting next to him. “You’re not used to this. I get it.”
And you let out a sigh of relief at hearing those words. He was less scary then you thought he’d be. His kisses were gentle up until he bit you and the way he stroked his fingers up and down your exposed skin was comforting in a way.
But just as soon as you began to relax, his eyes narrowed with an evil tint. His hand reached down to unbuckle his pants. “So let's start with you getting on your knees to suck at my cock, shall we?”
Your body was frozen. His demeanor changed in an instant. You didn’t know what to do.
“Come on, doll. I don’t like asking twice.” Now, his hand was making its way up and down his dick. It was bigger than any you had seen before, not that you had seen many to compare it to to begin with.
You stood up from the couch and made your way in front of him, bracing your hands on his thighs as you lowered yourself down.
“That’s it. Now why don’t you pick it up and give it a few good strokes.” He guided your hand towards his dick and stroked it with your soft palm. It took a few strokes before you managed to get a hold of the rhythm. “That’s it. Now why don’t you give the tip a little kiss, hmm?”
Give it a kiss? You didn’t know how to put your feelings in words. His dick was impressive in length and width. There was a series of piercings lining the underside and the thought of them inside of you made you squirm. You leaned your head down and gave the tip a kiss.
Touya smirked. “That’s a good girl. Now open your mouth, sweetheart.”
You parted your lips slightly only to have him grip your hair and shove your head down against his length. You gagged and tears sprung out of your reddening eyes as you tried to push up for your release.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t you want that free tuition? If you want it, you gotta earn it.”
Gripping onto his shaft with one free hand, you hollowed your cheeks and tightened the shape of your mouth.
As he hesitantly loosened his grip on the back of your head, you realized what kind of person he was. He liked to be in control at all times, he’s the kind of person to take what he wants, and you knew that the act of him giving you gentle kisses not even five minutes earlier was just a facade.
Running your tongue up his pierced dick wasn’t as horrid as you thought it would be. You almost smiled at the sharp inhale he took when you swirled your tongue around the tip and lowered yourself onto him fully, using one of your hands to grip his balls and the other to keep your balance against him.
Breathe through your nose, you had to remind yourself.
The soft grunts that Touya made and the way he squeezed your ass may have gone over your head. Especially when he snuck his fingers under your panties and began to prod at your little asshole with his middle finger.
It took you by surprise, and you almost clamped your teeth around his cock out of shock.
“Easy easy,” he said, lifting your head off of his member. He took a moment to stare at your ruined face. Drool and slobber spilled down your chin and your makeup, which had been slowly rubbing off throughout the night, was completely gone as your tears had dragged it across your cheeks. “Look at you, you fucking whore.”
He’s right. You were a whore, selling your body for free education. What was wrong with you? And what was wrong with him getting off on this?
You wanted to speak up, but he beat you to it. “Why don’t you bend over the couch, sweetheart. I’ll show you what guys like me do to little whores like you.”
You hated how you could feel a rush of pleasure between your thighs at his words. Nevertheless, you obediently made your way over to the arm of the couch as he stood up, and you leaned over it so your ass was in the air and stomach was pressed flat against the cushy material.
Touya ran his hands over the fabric of your panties before ripping them off, tearing them to shreds. “Don’t worry about it, doll. I’ll buy you a new pair.”
He fucking better. Lace briefs are expensive for how little skin they cover. But your thoughts on the prices of various pieces of lingerie were pushed out of your mind when you felt something wet prodding at your exposed cunny. His tongue pushed past your folds and lips sucked around your clit.
Your hips pushed into the side of the couch and he snickered at how much he was affecting you. He slipped his thumb into your hole and you squeezed around the digit. “You’re so tight. I’d have expected you to be a bit more worn out.” The pads of his fingered rubbed quick little circles into your clit as his tongue dragged up to flicker against your bumhole, which fluttered against his touch. “Never had anything up here before?”
You shook your head vigorously against the couch and squirmed around as he ate out your ass with the full intent to make you cum. His fingers picked up the pace and if you didn’t have the couch to support you, you were sure you’d collapse into a heap onto the floor. You were edging closer to your orgasm, so close, so damn close, and then he pulled away.
Touya removed his thumb from inside your hole and sucked it clean. He laughed as you mumbled something about being close to cumming, but you shut up when you heard him tossing his shirt aside and dragging his pants further down his thighs. “I gotta say, after every shitty thing my dad has done to me, I gotta thank him. This is the best present he’s ever gotten me after all.”
You didn’t have time to think about what he just said as he lined his dick up between your cheeks and slid it up and down, gathering up his saliva and bits of your vaginal juices. He wasn’t planning on shoving his whole dick up your ass, was he? You didn’t think you’d be able to take that without any lube, or at least without anything other than spit.
It was almost as if he was so in tune with your body that he could hear your thoughts. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t stick anything too big up there for now.”
For now? What did that mean?
He lined up his tip with your entrance and carefully pushed his way in. He thought to himself that he’d always remember the way you cried out in pain and pleasure as he snapped his hips forward once the tip was snuggly in place.
The way his piercing rubbed against your insides caused your toes to curl. Chills ran up your back and Touya rubbed a large palm over your spine to ease some of the pain.
He was raw and merciless as he pushed your head down into the couch cushions and thrusted into you at an alarming rate. You barely had time to catch your breath as he pushed balls deep inside of you.
Touya inched one of his fingers inside your tight little back hole to the first knuckle, and curled the digit up and down as you squeezed around him. He continued to push further and further in until you let out a sob of pleasure and the pace of his thrusts quickened.
Your body felt so hot yet so cold as you were pushed back and forth against the couch. It wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm build up again, but this time Touya didn’t stop. He wormed his finger around and continued thrusting into you until he felt you squeeze against him and your fluids gush out around him.
You laid limp against the couch as he pulled his finger out of your back hole and gripped both of your hips, continuing to thrust at a hard and fast pace until he came inside of you.
There was a moment of eire silence between the two of you as he settled down and pulled his cock out. You could hear him shuffling over to the other end of the room and typing something on his phone. “Yamamoto should be up with a towel to clean you up soon.”
You let out a groan of acknowledgement and sat up. Your body was still shaky, but not with nerves. You felt as though you had been thoroughly recked.
Touya couldn’t help but laugh at how pathetic you looked. “Was it worth the free college, babe?” he chided.
“Yeah,” you smiled to yourself. “Yeah it was.”
His smirk grew wider and a more devious glint in his eyes appeared. “Good. Now next time, let’s see if we can get something a little bigger in that back hole of yours.”
Your smile dropped and you could feel any contents in your belly churning around. “Next time?”
“What,” his eyes lowered in amusement. “You didn’t think this was a one time thing, did you? If you want that free college then you gotta earn it, doll.” He made big strides over to where you sat on the couch and gripped your chin, making sure you were staring into his bright teal and devious eyes as he spoke. “That was the best fuck I’ve had in weeks. I’m not planning on throwing you away any time soon, sweetheart.”
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havenoffandoms · 3 years
72 for Geralt/Jaskier?
I meant to post this a lot earlier... sorry about the wait, nonnie. I hope you like it anyway. I'm not sure how it came out in the end after I agonised over this for the past couple of days, but it was fun going back to my Geraskier roots.
Pairing: Geralt x Jaskier
Prompt 72: Character A has a secret. Character B does whatever they can to find out what it is. When they find out, they wish they hadn't.
Warnings: brief angsty episode, mention of Geralt's traumatic childhood
Also, I love that art! Holy Shit!? So of course this had to feature before the fic <3
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Travelling with Jaskier had its downfalls.
For one, the bard talks a lot. He never stops, not even in his sleep, and that would drive any man insane if you ask Geralt. He listens to Jaskier waffling about poetry all day, every day, he doesn’t have to endure a lecture on the benefits of iambic pentameters when he’s trying to fall asleep, thank you very much. Jaskier also likes to complain about every little thing that causes him discomfort, which when they’re on the path, ranges from fly bites all the way to sore feet. Travelling with a human also means that they travel considerably slower, unless they’re both riding on top of Roach, but Geralt doesn’t like putting his best girl under that kind of strain very often.
For all of Jaskier’s flaws, Geralt would hate to have to separate from his bard. At least, when Jaskier is close by, Geralt can keep an eye on him and make sure Jaskier doesn’t get himself into any unnecessary trouble. Having Jaskier travel with him gives Geralt peace of mind. He appreciates the singing as well, even if he could stand to tell Jaskier this a bit more often. Geralt deems that his bard’s ego is plenty inflated without Geralt making it worse. Not to mention that life always seems a little bit brighter when Jaskier is around, and the nights are a little less lonely as Geralt gets to pull his bard close and fall asleep to the sound of his beating heart. Knowing that Jaskier is safe is the only thing that lets Geralt sleep peacefully at night.
You’d think that after nearly two decades of knowing his bard, Geralt would have figured out Jaskier’s secret by now. Geralt is, of course, referring to Jaskier’s near supernatural ability to always come up with coin when he and Geralt need it most urgently. Geralt has no idea how the bard does it - his songs are popular, granted, and on a good night Jaskier makes enough to buy a nice room for the night and the better pieces of meat from the kitchen. Still, being a bard doesn’t pay that well, not even if you were as famous as Jaskier. Just last week, Geralt’s horse and most of his belonging were stolen by bandits, leaving Geralt travelling on foot and too poor to afford to buy a new horse. Two days later, Jaskier came trotting up to their camp atop a gorgeous mare, looking mighty pleased with himself but refusing to tell Geralt how he managed to afford to pay for the horse.
“Would you believe me if I told you I stole her, Geralt, my dear?”
“Not in a million years,” Geralt admitted deadpan, pulling an offended squawk from his songbird.
“Just because I’m a bard you don’t think I can steal a horse?”
“I don’t think you could ever steal a horse because you’re as stealthy as the proverbial bull in the porcelain shop.”
It’s not just the horse, though. Geralt’s armour needed replacing and good armour doesn’’t come cheaply. Geralt doesn’t hire the services of just any blacksmith or armourer to craft his weapons and protective gear. He has his regular suppliers, the ones he always goes back to because he knows that their work is reliable and of the highest quality. And even though these people know Geralt by now, even offer him a friends and family discount on occasion, their wares still come at a hefty price. Geralt, as it turns out, didn’t have the coin to replace his armour for a few months. He desperately needed new boots, though. A new pair of breeches wouldn’t hurt either, and his silver sword broke in half whilst fighting a particularly vicious griffin a few weeks back.
Geralt didn’t even mention all of this to Jaskier. That didn’t stop the bard from going ahead and commissioning a brand new suit of armour, new silver and steel swords, as well as a few casual clothes for Geralt to wear on the warmer summer days. All of this must have cost an arm, a leg and a fucking lung, and yet Jaskier acted like he didn’t just break the bank all for Geralt’s benefit. He didn’t even get anything for himself and that realisation had Geralt feeling slightly embarrassed about the gesture.
“You don’t have to buy me all this stuff, Jask.”
“I know that, dearest,” Jaskier assured him, eyes soft and an easy smile playing on his lips, “but I wanted to. Only the best for you, my sweet witcher.”
The mystery of where Jaskier managed to find the coin to pay for all this remains unsolved, despite Geralt’s questioning. Well, if Jaskier won’t outright tell him, then Geralt will just have to investigate the matter by himself.
"Where the fuck did you get your hand on all the coin to pay for all this?" Geralt asks one evening, blunt and straight to the point. There was probably a kinder and gentler way to ask this, but after spending weeks mulling over Jaskier's sudden new-found fortune, Geralt has lost the little patience he possessed in the matter. Jaskier, on the other hand, looks perfectly unperturbed.
"From the bank," he offers simply as he sprinkles expensive herbs over the hare Geralt caught earlier that evening, "you know, where people deposit their valuables? I know you witchers don't believe in bank accounts, savings and interests, but-"
"Where does the coin come from?" Geralt interrupts, hissing those words through clenched teeth.
"Why, my inheritance."
Geralt stares for a long while. It takes his brain several seconds to catch up to what Jaskier is telling him, and another few seconds to make sense of the words. Inheritance?
"What inheritance?"
"Well, when my father passed away he left me and my siblings a share of his wealth. That's how inheritance works. Say, pass me my satchel my dear, I think I have some more spices in there."
Geralt wordlessly hands Jaskier his satchel, still trying to process this new discovery. Come to think of it, Geralt knows precious little about Jaskier's family. Sure, that's probably on him for never asking, but Geralt has grown so used to Jaskier oversharing every aspect of his life that he never needed to ask his bard anything. Jaskier just… never talked about his family. Or his childhood, or his upbringing. His life story seems to always begin when he was a student at Oxenfurt.
Geralt is growing curiouser by the minute.
"When did your father pass?"
"Oh? Uh… good question. Maybe a few years after I went to Oxenfurt? I'm not sure. I received a letter from the bank notifying me that a share of my father's wealth was deposited in my account."
Geralt frowns. "You never went back to find out what happened?"
Well, that's an oddly abrupt response, and Jaskier doesn't seem like he's got anything to say on the matter. Which only makes Geralt feel more curious about the whole thing.
"Why not?"
"Geralt…" Jaskier heaves a sigh before putting on a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, too tense to be genuine. "My father and I didn't get along. I felt no need to go mourn him with the rest of my noble family in Lettenhove when he passed. That's it. That's all there's to it. I was not a good enough man to refuse my share of the inheritance, either, despite my non-existent relationship with him."
That's a lot to unpack. Geralt always assumed that Jaskier had a good childhood. Then again, he would think that, wouldn't he, considering Geralt spent his own childhood being tortured by magnanimous and sadistic mages. Where most children got to spend time outside helping out in the fields or playing with their friends, Geralt was put through drill after drill, after drill… until he was physically unable to walk so much his muscles hurt.
"Wait… did you say your noble family?"
"In Lettenhove… there's nothing in Lettenhove. Only the Viscount and his family live there on a large esta-" Geralt's mouth clicks shut as realisation dawns on him. "Your father was the Viscount of Lettenhove?"
"Yes. And since I'm the oldest, after he died that title passed onto me. But I much prefer being a bard, so I graciously devolved my duties to my younger brother, who now manages the estate. Are we done with this conversation?"
"I didn't mean to make you mad…"
Geralt watches Jaskier stop dead in his tracks, his shoulders briefly tensing at those words, before exhaling loudly through his nose. Jaskier anxiously rubs the back of his neck as he straightens up and offers Geralt a sheepish smile, that one warmer and softer than the previous one.
"Sorry, dear heart. I didn't mean to be so short with you. It's just… well, there's a reason I don't bring up my family all that much."
"Hm." Geralt gently taps the spot next to him on his bedroll, and Jaskier doesn't have to be told twice. Soon, Geralt has one arm wound tightly around Jaskier's shoulders. Not quite a hug, but the intention is there all the same, and Jaskier eagerly melts in the embrace. "I shouldn't have insisted. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise. You did nothing wrong." Jaskier nuzzles the crook of Geralt's neck sweetly before depositing a featherlight kiss just over his pulse point. "Do you want to ask me anything?"
Geralt ponders over that question far too long before whispering an answer in the air pocket between them.
"Did he hurt you?"
Jaskier hesitates.
"Not physically, no. He didn't approve of my aspirations and choices. He didn't support me. I suppose it hurt a little when he didn't see me away to Oxenfurt at the age of 15, but he never raised a hand on me."
"Hm." Good, Geralt thinks. No child should ever have to suffer at the hand of an adult. Geralt earned plenty a beating at Kaer Morhen, some justified and others not so much. Just because he went through this doesn't mean he condones it.
"At least I get to spend his money on someone I love," Jaskier offers softly, eyes as blue as the deepest ocean glancing up at Geralt through dark lashes, “That, at least, the old man can’t take away from me.”
A happy little rumble bubbles up Geralt's chest, despite the blush gracing his cheeks.
"I never thanked you for the gifts." Geralt blushes a deeper shade of red at the realisation. "Sorry. It's been a long year."
"Well, good thing we're heading North soon then, hm?" Jaskier straightens up so he can cradle Geralt's face in his lute-calloused hands. Their eyes meet then, amber seeking out blue, and Geralt thinks that he must be the luckiest son of a bitch in all the Continent.
"Yes," he agrees in a whisper, tilting his face to place a kiss on the inside of Jaskier's wrist, "good thing, indeed."
Request a prompt
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animatedrapture · 4 years
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"𝖐𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖒𝖊 𝖘𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖞" — suna rintarou ;
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𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: suna rintarō is so much more than his bored eyes, the blunt between his lips, and his tendency to slack off—luckily, you're one of the very few people who know this; especially after he comes home to you sullen after finding out he didn't make it to the olympic players.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘: female reader. fluff—established relationship. angst if you squint. comfort. mention of drug use. like, one swear word.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 2k
𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: in lieu of the influx of toxic stoner!suna content, i offer you a piece of appreciation towards him and all that he is. i was meaning to post this in my new blog but i thought there's so much of you here who would appreciate and need this more. written on a whim at 1AM and didn't proofread so for any errors, gomen. repost because tumblr tagging hates me. cross posted on ao3 under the same username. original post here. this was written before we got information that he actually made it to the olympic team. furudate really told me to stfu, huh?
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It's you who find out first that there is truly so much more to Suna Rintarō than his expressionless exterior, sleepy eyes, and bored gaze towards even the most ridiculous situations. It's when his self assured stance dwindled as he walked towards you once upon a time, introducing himself first before asking you for your number.
"My number?" You echoed his request, trying your best not to gawk at his attractive features and six foot two stature towering over you so easily; making you feel oh so small. (Which is funny, given that you were already standing straight on your heels.)
"If you don't mind, 's cool if you say no," he replies, tearing his gaze from you as if he was actually anxious you'd say no.
It's funny, really. It's not every day a famous pro-athlete known for both his good looks and skills walk up to you, asking for your number and actually considering you'd say no to him and his pretty features—in fact, nevermind that he was pretty, it was more the fact that he wasn't so full of himself to actually think you wouldn't say no.
That's what makes you nod your head; your heart already beating right out of your chest as he gives you a lazy grin and his phone to press your number in. When you're done, you hand it back to him and you mentally pat yourself at the back for not visibly trembling.
"Y/N?" He reads your name from the contact information, and good God, did your name sound so beautiful coming out of his mouth. He doesn't wait for your reply anymore, looking back at you from his phone, the lazy smile still across his lips as if he knew it was a heart killer.
"Thanks, I'll text you later," is the last thing he said before he walked away from you.
It didn't take long for you to fall in love with someone like Suna Rintarō—underneath his detached personality also lied someone who was truly passionate with the things he set his mind to, gave his time to. Like you or volleyball or the video game he's been waiting to release for a whole month—it only had to be something or someone who was special enough, then, he would give it his all.
The smoke that filled his lungs occasionally did nothing to lessen your own intoxication of Suna Rintarō and his passions—because every exhale, his dark green eyes would meet yours and oh so easily, he offers you that same lazy smile yet one that was dripping with affection.
"Should you even be smoking that, Rintarō?" You had questioned him before, about the second time you've seen him put the rolled blunt in between his soft lips, inhaling it.
"It's a once in a while kinda thing, you don't actually think I'd sacrifice my career for this don'tcha?" He grins at you, amusement flooding his usually bored eyes — now glazed over with the effects of the weed—from the way he gazes at you with an eyebrow raised.
It's when you realize that Suna Rintarō was independent and knew what he was doing—did what he did with full awareness, full control, full flexibility. It's as if who he was in court was who he was in person as well.
"You're really interesting, y'know that Rin?" You had mumbled against his chest once before, it was at the first few months of dating—he had one of his arms around you with you cuddled on his side, watching a movie from his couch.
"I mean—you've always been so good at what you do, huh? But you still work for it."
"What makes you say that?" You can feel him looking down on face against his chest.
"C'mon, don't be silly. You were scouted at middle school and you only got better as you grew up!" You say, finally moving your head to meet his gaze.
But all you get is a flick on your forehead and his low chuckle, "'s not that deep, y/n," he answers.
But you already knew better.
Suna isn't one for words, and no matter how much you insist that he was beyond the description of words, he only rolls his narrowed eyes at you. You find out Suna Rintarō, your boyfriend, was a huge inspiration during your sixth month together when you finally met his little sister.
It's hard to say it wasn't amusing how snarky she was, just as he was to his friends whom you've met a few times before—Atsumu and Osamu Miya, you remember. She's quick with her tongue, easily retorting back to her brother's comments.
"Are you sure you didn't just pay Y/N-san to be your girlfriend, nii-san?"
"Nah, you still jealous I came out prettier than you?" Suna bites back, a teasing grin plastered across his face. His sister only scoffs, looking back at you.
"You can tell me if he blackmailed you to come here!" She attempts to whisper. You're not sure whether you should be worried or continue to laugh, but you do neither as you choke on the drink you were sipping on right as she told you this.
"Shit, Y/N," Suna curses as you cough, your throat burning at the drink's intrusion, but Suna's quick to rub soothingly against your back as he offers you his water, his eyes glazed over in panic.
"You okay?" He asks when you stopped coughing, and you nod in response—throat remaining slightly sore. Suna lets out an aggravated groan, "Be careful next time," he manages to scold you, but oddly enough, his words remain saccharine.
There's something about the way that his little sister doesn't seem the least bit surprised with his reaction that somehow lets you know that perhaps, Suna Rintarō might just be quite the caring brother behind closed doors.
After that, it was when Suna excused himself to take a call from his manager, leaving you with his sister.
"Hey, nee-san, promise you'll take care of Rin-nii? You won't break his heart, will you?" His sister asks, eyes gleaming with something akin to hope, expectation, wonder. It easily takes you by surprise.
"Don't you worry, I'll promise I'll take care of him, promise I won't break his heart," your voice easily softens, nodding. His little sister's gaze remains on you, as if she's assessing you and as if she would easily tell whether or not you meant the words that came out of your mouth.
It makes you hold a breath until she nods slowly, smiling at you lightly just as Suna comes walking back, eyebrows raised, knowing he must've missed something.
"Whatcha girls talkin' bout?" He asked as he slipped back on his seat beside you.
"None of your business, obviously," his sister quickly answers.
They're truly quite similar, it's enough to make you smile and get through meeting his little sister until both of you dropped her off back to the train station.
"What'd she tell you?" Suna nudged you after seeing her train leave.
"Nothing, Rin," you answered with a wide smile, leaning up to place a chaste kiss against his lips—yet just as you pull away, one of his hands has found its way behind your neck, pulling you back to him.
You never thought a kiss could feel so loving before—but it really seemed as if Suna Rintarō had a knack for proving you wrong, over and over again.
It was the day that the Olympic team was announced when you see so much more of Suna Rintarō. Quick like the blink of an eye, or lightning that leaves the thunder chasing it; Suna felt the exhaustion, the pressure, the burnt-out feeling that's been repressed in the back of his head. It comes to him, crashing down like boulders not just on his shoulders but weighing down every part of his body.
Did he lack somewhere? He wonders. Where did that lacking end and start? What could have he done? Was it training, where he spent most of his time now? Suna had end up seeing you less and less since the drafting of olympic players started and you've been nothing but patient.
What was he supposed to tell you? After all the time it has stolen away from you—that he didn't make it?
When he opened the door to your shared apartment, he doesn't look up at you with a relieved sigh as he usually would—he avoids you gaze entirely, he avoids your observing eyes from the couch you sat on, watching him slowly shrug his shoes off.
"I'm just gonn—" he started, about to make an excuse to avoid looking at you.
"Prepared your bath, Rin. C'mon," Suna hears you say but it doesn't sink in his head, watching you take his hand, leading him to the bathroom.
Suna remains silent as he looks down on the bath you prepared for him, warm and inviting.
"Meet me in the kitchen when you're done, okay?" He hears you say, followed by the echo of your footsteps walking away.
You easily understand that Suna Rintarō was more than his talents, his efforts, and every little thing about him when you feel his large arms wrapped around you, his broad chest pressed against your back and his face buried on the crook of your neck. His fresh scent right out of the shower engulfing you and invading your senses, flooding you with him.
"'m sorry, bunny," he mumbles.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, Ri—"
"It's odd, thought I'd pull it off, thought it'd be nothin' if I didn't make it. Don't know why I'm so upset right now," he continues, cutting you off, "Been so patient for me too, bunny. Thought I'd be nice to make you proud, ya know?"
Your sigh comes out sharp from the heavy feeling from your chest, not knowing what to do to make him feel better—like he did with you, always knowing his way around your low moments.
You wriggle out of his arms, making him grumble until you fully face him. He looks back at you with a small frown, eyebrows furrowed, watching your expression.
"I'm always proud of you, Rin. Olympic player or not, you make me so proud," you speak softly, your hands cupping each side of his face.
"Don't even get why it matters to me this much, it's just—" it was your turn to cut him off, tipping your toes to press a lingering kiss against his lips. Suna smiles against your lips, carrying you to sit on the kitchen counter like he always did—knowing you always would have to tip on your toes to reach him.
Soon, the lingering kiss turns slow and passionate—lips softly grazing the other, and it feels more like pouring the heavy weight of love out of your chest and into the other. A kiss so loving, so reassuring, so passionate—the kind that easily takes your breath away and makes your mind go blank. When Suna pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. You smile at him because it's all you can do when your heart feels like it's going to leap out of your throat just to offer itself to him entirely—and Suna smiles back at you, pecking your lips before wrapping his arms around you again, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You run your fingers through his hair, hoping it would help soothe him, and then you say, "I promise that you'll make it next year, Rin. I'll be with you now, and I'll still be with you then."
It only makes him hold you tighter, closer to him, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Rintarō. You deserve the world and all the stars in the galaxy."
"'s too bad there's nothin' more I need than you, then."
That's what Suna tells you—Suna, who was smoke in his lungs, dumb videos of the twins to blackmail them with, little mistakes, bored eyes, and lazy attitude. The same Suna who was slow kisses, passion, and genuine smiles reserved for you—the same Suna who gave his passions his all, the same Suna who held you securely in his arms every night, the same Suna his little sister admired. Most of all, the same Suna Rintarō you loved with every beat of your heart, every fibre of your being.
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📞 violet is calling... all content featured belongs to ©️ animatedrapture. do not plagiarize, repost, or modify.
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Moments of Courage
Summary: Osamu Miya is a difficult ex to have. When your paths cross endlessly, you try to rebuild your relationship. Will there be second chances? Or just more broken hearts?
HQ Masterlist || Multi-fandom Masterlist || Read it on A03
Osamu Miya  x reader  
“Are you leaving this party because of me?”
Osamu calls you out from the tiny hallway of your friend’s get together. After locking eyes with him, you did your best to subtly scamper towards the door.
“You don’t have to go. I can leave if it’s making you uncomfortable.” he assures.
You shake your head, “You can stay. I’m not having that much fun.”
You begin shuffling through the coat rack to look for yours. You’re desperate for anything to cut the time talking to him, talking about him. The only guaranteed way for this to stop is to leave.
“Are you hiding from me?” he asks almost rhetorically. His brows are gently raised.
“Yeah, obviously,” you retort, “I don’t want to be seen by you or with you.”
Osamu Miya is your ex. After over a year of dating, he decided to end things with you in a small cafe far off his onigiri stall.
“I’m too busy,” he claimed, “You deserve someone who could give you more time.”
You reasoned out that you didn’t mind not spending so much time together. His job was time-consuming. You understood that.
But Osamu was unsettled. You didn’t mind cheering him on from the benches waiting for him to finish up work. You liked seeing Osamu do things he was passionate about. And yet he felt unsettled, because he knew this was the type of work you would not engage in.
Osamu pressed on, “I’m sure you’ll find yourself someone more worldly, more sophisticated in the city. I don’t want to prevent you from meeting someone like that.”
Something dropped at the pit of your stomach. Your mouth was ajar. He’s really trying to break up with you. It’s no secret that you preferred the city and Osamu the countryside, but neither of you seemed to mind. You’d both make the time to visit each other. You made it work.
You remember barely touching your drink. Listening to him talk was like having a ton of bricks dropped on your back. The sunlight pouring in from the glass window suddenly felt prickly.
“I just don’t think we’re a good fit.” he swallowed, unable to look you in the eye, “I think someone from the country, someone simpler and more traditional would be better for me.”
You don’t miss the yearning in his voice, the dreaminess for someone who was clearly not you. He’d always tease that you were a true blue big city girl. You liked the tall buildings, the noise and the fancy department stores. You thought it was a point of endearment, but apparently not.
It’s been almost a year since you last saw him. He looks so unaffected it irks you.
“I broke up with you respectfully. Why are you mad?” he scratches his head.
It takes all your self-control to not slap him across the face.
“Because you hurt me! You’ve hurt me so…so…much.” your voice hitches before you can catch it. This is so humiliating. He’s clearly moved on from you.
Tears start pouring down your face. You quickly hide your eyes behind your coat.
“You’d eventually realize that I’m not right for you.” he murmurs, “We’re too different.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me.” you snap, clenching your fists, “So is this is it? To make you feel better you’re going to date a small town girl to solve all your problems.”
“Well, Kita did introduce me to someone lately.” he unironically replies, “She works in her family ryokan (inn) and we work similar hours. I think we’ll understand each other more than we did.”
Your eyes narrow.
“There’s no point staying in a relationship that I can’t make time for. Why can’t you understand that?” he snaps back.
It is one thing to be left for someone else and another for him to dump you just because. Somehow you feel like you lost even if you didn’t even have competition. He simply didn’t want you.
Your face contorts into an angry frown.
You slip on your coat and grab the door. “Man, you are a terrible ex. Do you know how it hurts when you tell me how wrong I was for you?”
When Osamu regains his cool, he tries to reach out to you, “I didn’t mean it that way…I didn’t feel good that I could make time for ‘ya and so I let the relationship go. Because i don’t know…—“
“Well, this is all just theory anyways.” he says, “I haven’t met Kita’s friend yet. We haven’t gone out yet, just the two of us.”
You do a double turn. “What?!?”
“Yeah, we’re working all the time but we haven’t made the time to meet.”
You break into a laugh. He stands stunned and confused.
“You know what? You stay behind. You left the last time. I want to be the one to leave this time.” you sigh, closing the door behind you.
You don’t turn back to see the look on his face.
————————————— Osamu mostly works in the countryside which means that you’d be less likely to run into each other in the city. It’s easier for you to keep your mind off him and focus on your current life.
So when you see him in the corner store in place of a small fried chicken stall you used to frequent, you’re visibly shocked, appalled even.
“What are you doing here?!” you jump back, “What happened to the fried chicken stall that was here?”
Osamu looks left and right, making sure no approaching customers can hear your dialogue.
“I run this stall now. Kawaneshi-san retired. It’s a great location. I’m literally in a crossroad between a shopping district and some schools. The rent isn’t too bad and it’s a very busy location.” he answers in his usual no nonsense tone.
You make a mental list not to pass by here again.
He recognizes the look on your face, “Have I just ruined your usual route for you?”
“I thought you were a country boy.” you avoid answering him.
“Even I need to make a living.” he snorts, carefully arranging umeboshi-flavored onigiri in his display case.
Sure! All of a sudden working in the city becomes important after he breaks up with you!
You roll your eyes and curtly walk away. You got here first. You love this city. You refuse to let some onigiri-making man ruin your everyday route.
The days roll into weeks. You stick to your route and diligently ignore Osamu each time. After a while it stops feeling weird that he’s there. You feel like you’re slowly taking pieces of yourself that he broke.
It feels so good to start to be whole again.
———————————— Your newfound peace with Osamu is interrupted when he calls you out of the blue one evening. He calls to tell you that he’s sick and that he needs help running groceries. The nerve!
“Don’t you have anyone else?” you groan. Hasn’t he made friends with some other shopkeepers?
“I have no one else. There’s only you.” he coughs through his words. He tries to explain that one of his few friends is out on bereavement.
You let it go. He clearly doesn’t have anyone for today.
You find out that Osamu lives in the apartment above his stall. The space is rather small. He shares his home with some of the equipment and supplies from his store.
He must hate it here. Osamu always loved wide open spaces.
You open the fridge to find it totally empty. His sink has a few empty bowls from his earlier rice porridges. You understand his desperation. He had nothing to eat.
Moved by his situation and the little compassion for him that remains in you, you sigh and begin chopping up some vegetables to make a nutritious broth. You add in some mushrooms and root crops. While the soup boils, you prepare rice and some pickles.
The faster he recovers, the less you have to interact with him.
When you bring him a tray of food in his room, he is equal parts surprised and confused.
“You can cook?” he clears his throat.
“No, Osamu.” you roll your eyes, “I eat all my food raw.”
He sits up and sniffs the aroma of your food through his clogged nose. He dips a spoon into the soup to sample his first meal of the day.
“I mean you can cook well, like a proper home cook.” he says, his eyes wide with awe. He quickly takes a few more sips and starts on his rice.
“I’ve never known.” he croaks, turning to you.
“You never asked,” you shrug, “And you like to do the cooking yourself. You probably assumed I can’t cook, because I’m not as passionate about food as you are.”
He quietly eats and looks away to confirm the truth in your statement.
You sigh and take a nearby basin with some towels in it. “I’ll leave after I bring the basin back.”
——————————————- Something changes in your relationship with Osamu after that incident. He starts to greet you when you walk by and sometimes offers you onigiri from his store.
You always insist on paying. He doesn’t always take it.
“You’re here to make a living.” you say as you push money into his hands.
In between these exchanges you start to ask about each other again. How are you doing? Was today busy? Stuff like that.
Slowly and surely, you two were rebuilding your relationship ground up. But it was tough. Neither of you went beyond these interactions. Maybe things are just meant to stay that way.
One late evening, the last customer for the day disappears out of Osamu’s line of sight when he heads into the back to start cleaning up. He’s about to start pulling down the rafters when you suddenly show up at his counter.
His face expresses his surprise.
“If it’s too late, I can just go.” you gesture sheepishly.
He’s always surprised when you come here on your own volition.
“It’s not,” he denies, “I was closing up too early anyways.”
You pick out your usual onigiri flavors and quickly pay up. As soon as you turn your back, Osamu stammers at you.
“I-I’m cooking up some stuff at the back. Do you want to stay and eat? Think of it as a return favor for the other week.” he refers to the episode of his sick day.
You’re caught off guard but you slowly nod your head to agree. You hadn’t had Osamu’s cooking in a while and it was getting quite late. He opens the door for you and you follow him towards the back of his shop.
In a messy plastic table, you see an array of salads and pickles with different kinds of miso soup laid out. You feel almost intrusive, even more than last week.
You set the table. Osamu fetches hot rice.
It feels unnecessary for you to be here especially if he is with someone else. You do your best to keep your mouth shut. This is a friendly return of favor.
Osamu notices how unusually quiet you are. He chats you up about work. He tries his best to be animated and show interest in your latest project. He asks about your coworkers and your work environment. Were you having fun? Do you get to eat on time?
For dessert, he brings out mochi wrapped in leaves.
“It’s made by the girl I was telling you about.” he remarks, while clearing the dishes.
“Oh,” your heart sinks. You get up and leave, feeling humiliated by your naivety. Of course he’s with her. You feel stupid for even hoping.
You’re about to walk out when he comes back in. “Apparently, she’s been secretly in a relationship with another chef in her family inn. They recently got married and are hoping to start a family soon. She sent these down to inform me. I suppose that solves the problem of having to see someone outside of work—”
He sees you standing. Confusion runs through his expression.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Just stretching…” you lie.
You want to shoot yourself in the foot in embarrassment.
When realization dawns on him, Osamu looks crestfallen. Any energy left in his body abandons him. He sighs, resigned.
“It’s ok if you want to go,” he nods, “Or if I’m making you uncomfortable.”
He bites his lip and looks down on his shoes. The room is still and pregnant with silence.
“I really am just stretching. My hip feels wonky from sitting all day.” you insist with some renewed energy. You grab hold of the pot on the table. “Also, can we get some more hot water? Tea would be nice with the mochi and it’s kind of gone cold.”
He offers to make another pot, relief evident on his face.
“I’ll go heat up the water.” he walks to the kettle, “Are you sure you want dessert?”
You sit back down.
“Yeah, I want to stay.” you murmur. For once you don’t go running to the door.
He glances at you, content, a small smile creeping on his face. ——————————————————
Atsumu, Osamu’s twin brother, always finds himself in his brother’s kitchen every time he visits. He doesn’t mind too much though. It gives them something to do when they catch up.
“Samu, you can’t still be moping around your ex!” Atsumu exclaims. He’s washing Osamu’s dishes as his brother prepares for their meal.
“I’m not ready to get back out there.” Osamu waves dismissively.
Atsumu flicks some water his way. “You’re just not open to seeing someone else.”
His words clearly prick Osamu who throws flour into his face. Atsumu dodges right on time and flicks some flour right back.
Some flour grazes Osamu’s sleeve. He sighs and dusts himself.
“It’s tough, because I’m working all the time. This job doesn’t pay too much and it’s not glamorous. Who’d wanna date someone like me?” he murmurs.
“That’s why you gotta date around to find out!” Atsumu emphasizes, “Maybe you’ll even find someone who might help you with your business when you get married.”
Osamu obstinately shakes his head. “It’s not as easy as you think.”
Atsumu dries his hand and carefully observes his brother. He puts his towel down onto the kitchen counter and raises his brow, “Or maybe I should just give you advice on getting back together.’
As if right on cue, Osamu slams his hand down onto the counter, “I hate that we still haven’t gotten back together. This is killing me!”
Atsumu chuckles in satisfaction. He’s hit the nail right on the head.
“Why has nothing happened yet? I’m already in the city!” Osamu continues on, “They can cook too! Did you know that?! I wish we can skip to the part where we can settle down.”
He vigorously gestures in frustration.
“I cannot! I just cannot move on until I know I’ve given everything to make this work and yet every time I see them all I do is offer them food!”
Atsumu places his hand on his brother’s shoulder, “You need to be more strategic about it. Here’s what you need to do…”
Osamu takes a deep breath before knocking at your door. He holds a bag of onigiri in one hand and whatever courage he has in another.
One knock, then another. He hasn’t been this nervous in a long while.
When you open the door, his ear picks up on a male voice inside your house. Combined with your expression, he realizes that he’s come at an inconvenient time.
“I brought you something.” he tries to smile despite the sweat pooling, “I made you lunch. I just wanted to make sure you were eating. We don’t have to talk. I just wanted to give this to you.”
He tries to look past your shoulder, attempting to glimpse at your guests.
“Are you seeing someone else by any chance?” he blurts out, “I want to clarify before I make any more free deliveries.”
You frown. “That’s none of your business, Osamu. You should leave.”
Your frankness pierces something within him. He hadn’t expected to be rejected so quickly.
Osamu’s eyes widen and his mouth drops. He quickly gathers himself before he gets disheartened.
“I want you to give me a second chance. You loved me so deeply. Maybe you can find love in me again.” he says quietly.
“I thought I was too much of a city girl for you,” you retort, despite lacking an edge in your voice. You notice his hands tightly clutching the plastic bag.
The noise at the back seems to melt away. It’s like you’re back in that party, standing too close to each other near the coat rack and the door.
“Maybe you’re not.” his shoulders gracefully go up and down.
You shook your head wryly, “Osamu, I haven’t changed. I like my job and the city. I’m not the life and business partner that you’re looking for. I’m just a customer and we should keep it that way.”
“I can stop if you like.” he offers meekly, putting his hands behind his back.
“Yeah, you should. You’ve hurt me so much.” you cover your mouth with your hands while you try not to sob, “There’s nothing to go back to.”
“I’m sorry I ended things the way I did.” he looks away, “Seeing you walk by me every day feels like penitence…“
You close the door before he says anymore.
Osamu gazes longingly at the door. It’s only now that the full weight of losing you sinks in.
—————————————— “How’d it go?” Atsumu calls to check on Osamu.
Osamu sucks in his breath, his palm pressed on his temple. Atsumu braces himself, this doesn’t sound good.
“They had someone else over.” Osamu is seething in frustration and angry tears.
“Calm down. Were they alone? Or was it a friend group?” Atsumu ’s mind races. He sifts through the situation in an attempt to placate his brother.
“Yeah? No? I don’t know.” Osamu snaps, “They told me she didn’t want to talk about it. Your advice sucks!”
Osamu walks most of the way home. When he catches sight of his store, he curses. He had left his damn bike at your apartment complex! The universe is not giving him any breaks today.
He sighs and continues towards his store. He had a friend watch it while he was away. He’ll have to come pick up after he closes the store.
Throughout the rest of the day, he tries to push you out of his mind. By the time he closes the store, he is bursting at the seams with anticipation to make his way back to your apartment.
Before he sets off, he sees your figure wheeling his bike towards him.
“You left your bike.” you breathe out. You fish something out of your pocket and toss him the key to his bike lock, “You left this in your lock too.”
“Every time you see me, I just look dumber and dumber.” he sighs in exasperation.
You can’t help but burst into laughter at his candidness. He perks up a bit. He hasn’t made you laugh in a while. Of course he’d rather have you laugh with him than at him. Still, this was a start right?
"Did Atsumu put you up to this?" you chuckle, handing the bike over.
“Yeah, how did you know?” he asks dumbfounded.
“I just do.” you scoff, “It’s not like you to show up on people’s doors.”
He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, “Sorry about that. It won’t happen again. It was a moment of weakness.”
Your eyes lower, framing the sad expression that sets into your face, “Yeah, it better not. I’ve moved on.”
You turn around to walk away. In a brief moment of courage, he cups his hands around his mouth.
“I’m not ready to move on from you and if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.” he calls out.
Taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan @kaizumi @holaaaf @glxar​
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! I’m definitely making a part 2!
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Okay one last one for now, but I offer a mix of age gap and breeding kink with modern Laszlo 👀
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Basic Needs (Modern! Laszlo Kreizler x Fem!Reader)
(You know how to keep me happy and horny, thank you for sending this amazing request <3)
Smutty Smut ahead!
Laszlo looked at you as you talked to him, your hands slightly moving as your eyes were drifting every now and then to remember details.
This was supposed to be serious, you were an active collaborator of the institute. Even worse, a volunteer, somebody there for free just to help with the kids. You were young. Too young, amazingly, intoxicatingly young and even too good with the kids.
You were talking about some boy with an aggressive behaviour toward other kids, you were being serious and passionate, yet he was only thinking about what you mean for him.
“I don’t know how to help about him”
You admitted it a bit defeated as you looked down, you come often to talk, to unleash, sometimes hurting too much of yourself in the process.
“You do love kids don’t you?" He couldn’t help by ask.
You looked up and smiled widely
“Yes, I mean, I am applying to study child welfare, I just love to see them grow and express themselves and their little quirks”
He smiled as his eyes fell on your hips, imagining them shift to welcome a baby bump “And what about your own? Are you afraid? Many women are afraid of pregnancies and delivery”
You were surprised but shrugged “no, I mean, a little but it is supposed to be natural, no?”
He smirked “Completely natural”
You looked down as he saw some bitterness in you, some shadow over you.
“What is on your mind?”
“I don’t have the money to pay your fee doctor” you joked and he smirked 
“I will think of some payment, now tell me”
His answer was so well balanced and you giggled softly leaning your head on side as your toyed with a little hole on your jeans, he couldn’t help but notice you looked ravishing in the white shirt with the logo of the institute on it.
“I broke up with my boyfriend” you said it, it was quite dry the way it came out, but only because you couldn’t help it anymore, you probably cried too much about it already, you rolled over the thought over and over.
“I am sorry” he said even though he wasn’t sorry at all “there’s a reason?”
He looked at you as you frowned visibly and let out a sad chuckle while you tried to hide the pain “He said he is not ready for a serous relationship, that he is not ready and he wants to…to enjoy life and not settle down yet”
“He wasn’t for you then, you deserve somebody that would appreciate your gifts”
His answer was easy, like it was clear as sunlight, but you chuckled as it seemed a bit of a common thing to say “And what are my gifts then?”
Laszlo smiled without wincing at that incredulity from you “You’re what somebody would call a serious girl, a safe one, somebody faithful, family oriented, made for a long term relationship, responsibility, commitment. All qualities that I find remarkable, if not attractive”
You blushed as he said so and smiled a bit
“Am I?”
He nodded “Very remarkable”
He pushed his chair back and waited, he stared at you from behind his desk waiting, a soft smile playing over him.
Was he implying that?
You licked your lips slowly standing up, it wan’t a gesture meant to seduce, only due by tension. You always liked him, you couldn’t speak in front of him before because of the amount of emotion it caused you, how his darling attitude with kids moved something inside you that you couldn’t explain.
He just realised that little adjective escaped him when he enlisted those for you, but that was probably for the better.
He watched you moved around the desk standing in front of him, he left you there for a moment, he knew the effect he had on you, he saw you and he took pleasure from being your little fantasy. He got it form the little side looks and soft smirks, the eyeing up, the way you reacted to the smallest mention of sexual topics.
You stood there as his eyes seemed to scan your soul, he stood slowly up not breaking eye contact and he did what predators do best: he waited.
You didn’t last long, your hands not knowing how to behave slowly rested on his chest as you leaned on your toes for a kiss.
He kissed you and pulled back, you seemed disoriented as he lowered himself again kissing you one more time. His hand moved onto your clothing tugging onto the belt that secured your jeans on your waist, his fingers undoing it one handedly showing a skill he had to learn for himself but that felt incredibly hot for you.
“Look at you, you can’t wait”
He smirked as his lips moved onto your neck “You can touch me” he assured as you begun undoing his shirt.
It wasn’t your first time, you had clear in your mind how it worked, but something in him pulled something different inside you, another level of excitement.
Excitement that he didn’t miss when his hand slipped into your open jeans and panties earning a moan faster than he expected.
“You’re so ready for me”
He smirked as the notion pleased him, his fingers started tracing your little bud nicely and you could barely focus onto his shirt so you moved down to his pants. “You don’t have to”
He murmured it as you stopped not understanding and it was really hard to understand anything with his hand playing tricks on you like that.
“I want to please you, it is not a give and take” he assured as he knows how young boys act, like if they have to put the effort to touch you before fucking you then you should at least do the same in some way.
He kissed onto your lips slowly as you parted them finding his tongue, he was so apparently calm but completely overbearing, he could control you without even attempting for it.
You couldn’t speak, his fingers massaging you so good until his thumb rested over your clit while his index and middle finger buried themselves in your soaked pussy, the jeans still tangled to your ankles making you hate them as you wiggled your hips , the pleasure frantically running behind you, catching up with you and Doctor Kreizler with no intention to let you go unpleased.
You jerked against his touch, you moaned messily as your legs trembled and you his your face against his shoulder, your backbone resting against the desk.
He gave you few moments, he let you go down your height as it washed over you like that, his lips slowly resting on top of your forehead.
“Help me now darling, you want to get naked for me?”
You nodded immediately as you pulled your clothes off, jeans finally off your figure, that tempting white shirt too.
You were soaked and still a bit dizzy, he waited for you expectedly, he stared with an adoring look.
“You want me, Liebing?”
You nodded at him”I do, I do”
He smirked as he finished your job of undoing his pants and setting free his hard on, you raised onto his desk as you parted your legs feeling his tip brush against your entrance teasingly.
“I don’t know about your ex, but this will hurt a little, I will fill you up so good”
In the mouth of anyone else this phrase would be laughable, but not coming from him. You believed him and you whined in pain as his large cock pushed inside you like that. The wetness of your previous orgasm helping but your sensitiveness making everything even better.
A soft curse left your lips, you shivered as he caressed your cheek kissing you again, he gave you a moment, he waited, never you felt like your pleasure and safeness came first like this.
“Now, le me show you”
You blinked at him as he started to thrust inside you, his left hand around your waist while the right one rested onto you thigh, his hips snapping deliciously inside you while his lips grazed onto your neck.
You grabbed onto his shoulders moaning, you were a proper moaning mess, he was feeling safe but also powerful.
You soon realised, among your pleasure, how you could never deny him anything, ever.
His left hand slowly leaving your waist pressing onto your lower abdomen, you whined as it was almost painful but bringing you a weird kind of pleasure.
“Look at you, so young, so flexible” he smirked as you just realised how your legs tangled around his waist brought by pleasure.
“I am going to fill you up, you’ll be so full of me” He murmured at you as a shiver came over you, the times you argued your boyfriend every time he was careless about cumming inside you or you had to do a night trip to a pharmacy.
“Will you knock me up?”
His smirk grew wider “I will my little liebing, I will make you round with my kids, you’ll a young mommy, so good, do not expect me to stop after one, I will give you many many more”
You couldn’t help it but think how this was such an amazing idea.
“Yes, please Laszlo”
“Call my name, what do you want?” “I want to have your children Laszlo”
He never stopped thrusting inside you, he hovered you, his presence overbearing as your pleasure was around the corner once more, your moans erratic as he begun to trust order in you.
You lost yourself into that orgasm once more, you shivered resting against him as another moan escaped you when he came in your body, he filled you up as he promised.
You looked at him blinking softly as your legs fell off his hips.
“You’re so beautiful”
You blushed as you shifted lightly
“Don’t move” he murmured and you blinked at him surprised “Let’s make sure it will work”
His hand on your clit once more, your hands holding tight the desk.
The night was still young.
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