#payam noor
oaresearchpaper · 13 days
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doisongsuckhoe · 2 years
9 cách giúp ngăn ngừa ung thư vú
Bỏ hút thuốc và uống rượu, hoạt động thể chất, mang thai sớm hoặc cho con bú có thể giảm nguy cơ mắc ung thư vú.
Ung thư vú là loại ung thư phổ biến thứ hai ở phụ nữ sau ung thư phổi. Theo nghiên cứu của Đại học Payam Noor (Iran), trừ yếu tố di truyền gây ra bệnh không thể ngăn ngừa được, thì một số thói quen sinh hoạt nhất định kết hợp với các chiến lược chăm sóc sức khỏe khác có thể làm giảm nguy cơ mắc ung thư vú.
Hoạt động thể chất
Hoạt động thể chất có thể làm giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú. Các nghiên cứu của Viện Nghiên cứu Y sinh Los Angeles (Mỹ) chỉ ra, những phụ nữ đi bộ nhanh 1-2 giờ mỗi tuần giảm 18% nguy cơ ung thư vú. Hình thức hoạt động không nhất thiết là phải tập gym, bạn có thể khiêu vũ, chơi trò chơi với con cái (rượt đuổi), chơi bất cứ một môn thể thao mà bạn thích và tốt cho nhịp tim.
Bỏ uống rượu
Phụ nữ uống 2 - 5 ly rượu mỗi ngày có nguy cơ mắc ung thư vú cao gấp 1,5 lần phụ nữ không uống rượu. Hiệp hội Ung thư Mỹ khuyến nghị, để ngăn ngừa mắc ung thư vú, phụ nữ nên từ bỏ rượu hoặc không uống quá một ly đồ uống có cồn mỗi ngày. Theo đó, nếu vẫn muốn uống, bạn chỉ nên dùng khoảng 350 ml bia, 150 ml rượu vang hoặc 44 ml rượu chưng cất 80 độ (rượu mạnh) mỗi ngày.
Ung thư vú là loại ung thư phổ biến ở phụ nữ. Ảnh: Freepik. Ung thư vú là loại ung thư phổ biến ở phụ nữ. Ảnh: Freepik.
Bỏ hút thuốc
Theo nghiên cứu của Đại học Y khoa Saint Louis (Mỹ), hút thuốc có thể làm tăng nguy cơ phát triển ung thư vú, cũng như nguy cơ tái phát ung thư này. Hít phải khói thuốc thụ động cũng được cho là góp phần làm tăng nguy cơ mắc ung thư. Phụ nữ không hút thuốc, bỏ và tránh khói thuốc là cách hữu hiệu ngăn ngừa ung thư vú và bệnh khác.
Chế độ ăn ít chất béo
Một chế độ ăn ít chất béo không chỉ làm giảm nguy cơ béo phì mà còn có thể làm giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú. Nghiên cứu của Trung tâm Ung thư Toàn diện Sylvester, Đại học Miami (Mỹ) chỉ ra, phụ nữ béo phì có nguy cơ phát triển ung thư vú cao hơn, đặc biệt phụ nữ ở giai đoạn mãn kinh. Phụ nữ mãn kinh thường có mức estrogen thấp. Thiếu estrogen có thể khiến cơ thể sử dụng tinh bột và lượng đường trong máu kém hiệu quả, dẫn đến tích trữ chất béo nhiều hơn, dễ hình thành các mô mỡ, có thể phát triển khối u lành tính hoặc ung thư.
Thụ thai sớm
Mang thai sớm có thể làm giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú ở phụ nữ. Theo nghiên cứu của Viện Ung thư Quốc gia Mỹ, phụ nữ mang thai và sinh con ngoài 30 hoặc muộn hơn sẽ làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh ung thư vú.
Cho con bú
Cũng theo Viện Ung thư Quốc gia Mỹ, mang thai và cho con bú có thể làm giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú ở phụ nữ. Theo đó, cả hai đều làm giảm số chu kỳ kinh nguyệt, tăng tích lũy lượng hormone estrogen nội sinh làm giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú. Ngoài ra, quá trình cho con bú có ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến các tế bào vú, khiến chúng biệt hóa hoặc trưởng thành để có thể tiết sữa. Những tế bào đã biệt hóa này có khả năng chống biến đổi thành tế bào ung thư cao hơn những tế bào chưa trải qua quá trình biệt hóa.
Kiểm tra vú hàng tháng
Kiểm tra vú hàng tháng có thể không làm giảm nguy cơ phát triển ung thư vú nhưng có thể giúp phát hiện sớm ung thư vú. Bệnh được phát hiện càng sớm thì khả năng điều trị khỏi càng cao. Chụp Xquang tuyến vú có thể phát hiện bất kỳ khối u nào ở vú mà bạn không sờ thấy được. Phụ nữ từ 40-50 tuổi nên chụp Xquang tuyến vú hàng năm hoặc 6 tháng một lần để tầm soát ung thư.
Tìm hiểu tiền sử gia đình
Tiền sử gia đình mắc ung thư vú làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh này. Nếu người thân trực tiếp (mẹ, chị gái) bị ung thư vú, bạn nên khám tầm soát thường xuyên vì ung thư vú có thể di truyền. Thử nghiệm gene BRCA1 và BRCA2 có thể biết về khả năng mắc ung thư vú của bạn.
Không dùng liệu pháp thay thế hormone
Phụ nữ mãn kinh thường sử dụng liệu pháp thay thế hormone để điều trị các triệu chứng như: teo và khô âm đạo, trào huyết, loãng xương, rối loạn giấc ngủ... Theo Trung tâm Ung thư MD Anderson (Mỹ), dùng liệu pháp thay thế hormone trong thời gian dài làm tăng nguy cơ ung thư vú. Năm năm sau khi ngừng liệu pháp này, rủi ro mắc ung thư mới giảm xuống. Nếu bạn cần dùng liệu pháp thay thế hormone, hãy cân nhắc với bác sĩ về rủi ro và lợi ích.
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android-apps · 4 years
دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور
دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور
دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور
  دانلود اپلیکیشن Payam Noor 0.0.30 اندروید
    پیام من یک سامانه و نرم افزار برای اطلاع رسانی و مدیریت پروفایل و پرونده برای دانشجویان و اساتید دانشگاه پیام نور است. با دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور می توانید از آخرین اطلاعیه و اخبار رشته خود مطلع شوید و از امکانات متنوع آن استفاده نمایید.
  دانشگاه پیام نور فعالیت خود را بر اساس آموزش از راه دور و مجازی با تعداد جلسات کلاسی کم شروع کرد به همین سبب به تازگی نرم افزار پیام من را برای دانشجویان و اساتید خود طراحی و توسعه داده است تا بتوانند از قابلیت های مختلف آن بهره مند شوند. با دانلود نرم افزار پیام من قادر به مشاهده پیام های مدیر گروه , اطلاع از زمان تشکیل کلاس ها , برنامه های کلاسی و برنامه امتحانی رشته خود خواهید بود. همچنین می توانید نمرات تحصیلی و تاریخچه کارنامه خود را در اپلیکیشن Payam Noor مشاهده کنید.
با اپلیکیشن پیام من اندروید می توانید به نحو احسن فعالیت های دانشگاهی خود را مدیریت کتید. شایان ذکر است معاون پژوهشی و فناوری دانشگاه پیام نور اذهان نموده که با پرداخت مبلغ 10 هزار تومان می توانید به آرشیو مقالات درسی , آزمون های آزمایشی پرونده های پرسنلی و … دست یابید.
  آموزش تصویری کار با برنامه پیام من اندروید
  آموزش ورود به نرم افزار پیام من اندروید :
ابتدا فایل apk را از باکس دانلود زیر بارگیری نمایید
سپس برنامه را نصب کرده و باز کنید.
در ابتدا برای ورود طبق تصویر زیر کد کاربری خود و گذرواژه را وارد نمایید.
کد کاربری برای اساتید همان کد مدرسی و برای دانشجویان همان کد دانشجویی می باشد.
گذرواژه به طور پیشفرض کد ملی شخص در نظر گرفته شده است.
اگر گذارواژه خود را فراموش کردید می توانید از بخش فراموشی رمز عبور اقدام کنید که در این صورت یک کد یک بار مصرف برای ورود به شماره همراه ثبت شده شما در سیستم دانشگاه پیام نور ارسال خواهد و بعد از 15 دقیقه منقضی خواهد شد.
در صورت تمایل می توانید از گزینه ورود بدون عضویت استفاده کنید که در این صورت فقط  می توانید از ��یستم اطلاع رسانی دانشگاه پیام نور استفاده کنید.
    برخی از قابلیت های اپلیکیشن پیام من :
امکان مشاهده اخبار و اطلاعیه های دانشگاه
قایل استفاده برای اساتید و دانشجویان
اطلاع از تغییرات برنامه های رشته خود
امکان ارتباط با اساتید و مدیران گروه ها
دارای آزمون های آزمایشی و بانک مقاله
قابلیت مشاهده نمرات
و …
  تغییرات اضافه شده در نسخه جدید :
بهبود رابط کاربری
رفع مشکلات نسخه های پیشین
بهبود عملکرد و افزایش سرعت
نوشته دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور اولین بار در موب 98. پدیدار شد.
https://ift.tt/2BHNQbr June 25, 2020 at 10:31PM
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drabedian · 3 years
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iranculture-athens · 5 years
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Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι το κέντρο εκμάθησης περσικης γλώσσας του Payame noor University διοργανώνει εντατικά μαθήματα περσικών για τους αλλοδαπούς για το καλοκαίρι του 2019 στο #Ιράν. Αυτός ο κύκλος αποτελείται από δυο ξεχωριστές περιόδους που διαρκούν δυο εβδομάδες και ένα μήνα αντίστοιχα. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας. [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/By7fFikIjjU/?igshid=m581wcpf4prh
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pakdinikasravi · 5 years
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کارنامه‌ی کردار درخور پذیرش آنست که به مهر و امضای وجدان برسد. این سیل که پتیاره بجان و داراک سیل‌زدگان بوده فرصتی نیز برای نیکوکارانست که کارنامه‌ی کردار‌شان را درخور پذیرش گردانند. همه باهم به یاری سیل‌زدگان بشتابیم. #کسروی #احمد_کسروی #پاکدینی #شیعیگری #صوفیگری #بهائیگری #بهاییگری #سیل #خوزستان # لرستان #گلستان #مازندران (at دانشگاه پیام نور شوشتر payam noor university of shushtar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv61ufEnGS6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ar2qqxka30iw
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urduclassic · 11 years
Allama Iqbal
Sir Muhammad Iqbal   (November 9, 1877 – April 21, 1938), also known as Allama Iqbal   was a philosopher, poet and politician[1] in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature,[2] with literary work in both the Urdu and Persian languages.[1][2]Iqbal is admired as a prominent classical poet by Pakistani, Indian, Iranian, and other international scholars of literature.[3][4] Though Iqbal is best known as an eminent poet, he is also a highly acclaimed "Muslim philosophical thinker of modern times".[1][4] His first poetry book, Asrar-e-Khudi, appeared in the Persian language in 1915, and other books of poetry include Rumuz-i-Bekhudi, Payam-i-Mashriq and Zabur-i-Ajam. Amongst these his best known Urdu works are Bang-i-Dara, Bal-i-Jibril, Zarb-i Kalim and a part of Armughan-e-Hijaz.[5] In Iran and Afghanistan, he is famous as Iqbāl-e Lāhorī (اقبال لاهوری‎) (Iqbal of Lahore), and he is most appreciated for his Persian work.[6]
 Along with his Urdu and Persian poetry, his various Urdu and English lectures and letters have been very influential in cultural, social, religious and political disputes over the years.[5]In 1922, he was knighted by King George V,[6][7] giving him the title "Sir".[8]While studying law and philosophy in England, Iqbal became a member of the London branch of the All India Muslim League.[4][5] Later, in one of his most famous speeches, Iqbal pushed for the creation of a Muslim state in Northwest India. This took place in his presidential speech in the League's December 1930 session.[4][5] He was very close to the founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah.[5]In much of Southern Asia and Urdu speaking world, Iqbal is regarded as the Shair-e-Mashriq (شاعر مشرق, "Poet of the East").[9][10][11] He is also called Muffakir-e-Pakistan (مفکر پاکستان, "The Thinker of Pakistan") and Hakeem-ul-Ummat (حکیم الامت, "The Sage of the Ummah"). The Pakistan government officially named him a "national poet".[4] His birthday Yōm-e Welādat-e Muḥammad Iqbāl (یوم ولادت محمد اقبال) or (Iqbal Day) is a public holiday in Pakistan.[12] In India he is also remembered as the author of the popular song Saare Jahaan Se Achcha
Iqbal was born in Sialkot on 9 November 1877 within the Punjab Province of British India (now in Pakistan). His grandparents were Kashmiri Pandits, the Brahmins of the Sapru clan from Kashmir who converted to Islam.[10][14] In the 19th century, when Sikhs were taking over rule of Kashmir, his grandfather's family migrated to Punjab. Iqbal often mentioned and commemorated about his Kashmiri Pandit Brahmin lineage in his writings.[10]
  Iqbal's father, Sheikh Noor Muhammad, was a tailor, not formally educated but a religious man.[6][15] Iqbal's mother Imam Bibi was a polite and humble woman who helped the poor and solved the problems of neighbours. She died on 9 November 1914 in Sialkot.[7][14] Iqbal loved his mother, and on her death he expressed his feelings of pathos in a poetic form elegy.[6]
Who would wait for me anxiously in my native place?
Who would display restlessness if my letter fails to arrive? I will visit thy grave with this complaint: Who will now think of me in midnight prayers? All thy life thy love served me with devotion— When I became fit to serve thee, thou hast departed.[6]
Iqbal was four years old when he was admitted to the mosque for learning the Qur'an, he learned the Arabic language from his teacher Syed Mir Hassan, the head of the madrassa and professor of Arabic language at Scotch Mission College in Sialkot, where Iqbal completed matriculation in 1893. He received Intermediate with the Faculty of Arts diploma from Murray College Sialkot in 1895.[7][10][16] The same year he qualified for Bachelor of Arts in philosophy, English literature and Arabic as his subjects from Government College Lahore in 1897, and won the Khan Bahadurddin F.S. Jalaluddin medal as he took higher numbers in Arabic class.[7] In 1899, he received Masters of Arts degree from the same college and had the first place in Punjab University, Lahore.[7][10][16]Iqbal had married three times, in 1895 while studying Bachelor of Arts he had his first marriage with Karim Bibi, the daughter of a Gujarati physician Khan Bahadur Ata Muhammad Khan, through an arranged marriage. They had daughter Miraj Begum and son Aftab Iqbal. Later Iqbal's second marriage was with Sardar Begum mother of Javid Iqbal and third marriage with Mukhtar Begum in December 1914.[7][9]
 Higher education in Europe
Iqbal was influenced by the teachings of Sir Thomas Arnold, his philosophy teacher at Government college Lahore, Arnold's teachings determined Iqbal to pursue higher education in the West. In 1905, he traveled to England for his higher education. Iqbal qualified for a scholarship from Trinity College in Cambridge and obtained Bachelor of Arts in 1906, and in the same year he was called to the bar as a barrister from Lincoln's Inn. In 1907, Iqbal moved to Germany to study doctorate and earned PhD degree from the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich in 1908. Working under the guidance of Friedrich Hommel, Iqbal published his doctoral thesis in 1908 entitled: The Development of Metaphysics in Persia.[10][17][18][19]During Iqbal's stay in Heidelberg, Germany in 1907 his German teacher Emma Wegenast taught him about Goethe's Faust, Heine and Nietzsche.[20] During his study in Europe, Iqbal began to write poetry in Persian. He prioritized it because he believed he had found an easy way to express his thoughts. He would write continuously in Persian throughout his life.[10]
Iqbal, after completing his Master of Arts degree in 1899, initiated his career as a reader of Arabic at Oriental College and shortly was selected as a junior professor of philosophy at Government College Lahore, where he had also been a student, Iqbal worked there until he left for England in 1905. In 1908, Iqbal returned from England and joined again the same college as a professor of philosophy and English literature.[21] At the same period Iqbal began practicing law at Chief Court Lahore, but soon Iqbal quit law practice, and devoted himself in literary works and became an active member of Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam.[7] In 1919, he became the general secretary of the same organisation. Iqbal's thoughts in his work primarily focus on the spiritual direction and development of human society, centered around experiences from his travels and stays in Western Europe and the Middle East. He was profoundly influenced by Western philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson and Goethe.[6][20]
 The poetry and philosophy of Mawlana Rumi bore the deepest influence on Iqbal's mind. Deeply grounded in religion since childhood, Iqbal began intensely concentrating on the study of Islam, the culture and history of Islamic civilization and its political future, while embracing Rumi as "his guide".[6] Iqbal would feature Rumi in the role of guide in many of his poems. Iqbal's works focus on reminding his readers of the past glories of Islamic civilization, and delivering the message of a pure, spiritual focus on Islam as a source for sociopolitical liberation and greatness. Iqbal denounced political divisions within and amongst Muslim nations, and frequently alluded to and spoke in terms of the global Muslim community or the Ummah.[6][22]Iqbal poetry has been translated into many European languages, at the time when his work was famous during the early part of the 20th century.[4] Iqbal’s Asrar-i-Khudi and Javed Nama were translated into English by R A Nicholson and A J Arberry respectively.[4][11]
Final years and death
 In 1933, after returning from a trip to Spain and Afghanistan, Iqbal had suffered from a mysterious throat illness.[23] He spent his final years helping Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan to establish the Dar ul Islam Trust Institute at Jamalpur estate near Pathankot,[24][25] where studies in classical Islam and contemporary social science were plan to be subsidised, and Iqbal also advocated the demand for an independent Muslim state.
 Iqbal ceased practising law in 1934 and was granted pension by the Nawab of Bhopal. In his final years he frequently visited the Dargah of famous Sufi Hazrat Ali Hujwiri in Lahore for spiritual guidance. After suffering for months from his illness, Iqbal died in Lahore on 21 April 1938.[5][10] His tomb is located in Hazuri Bagh, the enclosed garden between the entrance of the Badshahi Mosque and the Lahore Fort, and official guards are provided by the Government of Pakistan.
 Iqbal is commemorated widely in Pakistan, where he is regarded as the ideological founder of the state. His Tarana-e-Hind is a song that is widely used in India as a patriotic song speaking of communal harmony. His birthday is annually commemorated in Pakistan as Iqbal Day, a national holiday. Iqbal is the namesake of many public institutions, including the Allama Iqbal Campus Punjab University in Lahore, the Allama Iqbal Medical College in Lahore, Iqbal Stadium in Faisalabad, Allama Iqbal Open University in Pakistan, the Allama Iqbal International Airport in Lahore, the Allama Iqbal hall in Nishtar Medical College in Multan and Gulshan-e-Iqbal Town in Karachi and Allama Iqbal Hall at AMU, India.
 The government and public organizations have sponsored the establishment of educational institutions, colleges and schools dedicated to Iqbal, and have established the Iqbal Academy to research, teach and preserve the works, literature and philosophy of Iqbal. Allama Iqbal Stamps Society established for the promotion of Iqbaliyat in philately and in other hobbies. His son Javid Iqbal has served as a justice on the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Javaid Manzil was the last residence of Allama Iqbal.[26].[13]
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fmehraban · 5 years
Entrance Results 98
Entrance Results 98
The results will be announced in the second half of August, according to the results of the MEC. Download the Concourse 98 Click here to download the 2011 entrance exam questions booklet. Get the entrance exam key According to the Mathematics and Technical Sciences, Experimental Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Foreign Languages ​​Exams Questionnaire publication, you can find the primary key to the 2010 (Nationwide) Exam Questions here.` Number of participants in the entrance exam 98 According to the State Counselor for Education Assessment, the number of participants in the national entrance exams increased by 6,5% compared to last year, with a total of 98 million and 119,155 نتایج کنکور 98 entrance examination. Have been called. Mathematics and Technical Entrance Attendees 98: 1, 2, 6 in the Mathematics and Technology Experimental Entrance Entrance 98: 1, 6, and Humanities Entrance 98: 9 Thousand Art Participants Entrance Exam 98: 1 Thousand and One Language Attendants in Entrance Test 98: 1 Thousand National Examination of 98 Degrees for Universities and Higher Education Institution Examination for Student Admission to Daily, Secondary (Nocturnal), Non-Profit, Non-Profit, Semi-Attendant, Virtual, Self-Governing and Surplus Capacities of Universities and Higher Education Institutions and Degrees The study was conducted by Islamic Azad University. Designed for the national entrance exams of the year 98 with a change in the secondary education system, a set of questions for students in the single or semester or old secondary education system and a set of questions for students of the new system (new system 6-3-3) Was. Announcement of Entrance Results 98
After the test and after correcting the papers, the initial results of the entrance exam 98 will be released in the second decade of August 98. Candidates who are allowed to choose a course after announcing the results of the Entrance Examination 98 should choose the course, taking into account the capacity of universities in the announced deadline. The final results of the national examination of the year 98 will be published in the third decade of September.
University Selection Guide After Announcing Entrance Results 98 Which Universities Have Computer Science - Entrance 98 It is not long before the announcement of the results of the entrance exam and selection of the course. Meanwhile, computer science enthusiasts are preparing for admission. As the time for the selection of public and undergraduate degrees in associate and undergraduate courses approaches 98, the following provides a brief explanation of the field of computer science, a list of universities offering this degree, including public and private universities (also non-profit, Payam Noor and Training complexes). Which Universities Have Computer Engineering - Entrance 98 Prior to 2013, computer engineering was taught at two universities, hardware and software. But from 92 onwards, the quadruple tendencies were replaced by the earlier ones: "Computer Systems Architecture" Trend "Software" Trend "Secure Computing" Trend "Information Technology" Trend Information and communication technology, once considered a separate discipline in the field of computers, is now just a trend in computer engineering *. In the following, you will see which universities have a computer engineering degree following the results of the exam. It is worth mentioning that in last year's entrance exam, computer engineering was one of the most popular fields.
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rajasahebpressmedia · 6 years
Doctor of Pharmacy results
LAHORE: Punjab University has declared results of Doctor of Pharmacy, final part, annual examination 2018, LLB part I, II & III, LLB (five-year programme) part I & II, annual examination 2018. Detailed results are available on PU website.Transfers: The Punjab government has issued a notification of transfer and posting of officers on Monday. Ijaz Ahmad, Additional Secretary Industries (on officiating basis), has been transferred and posted as Chief World Trade Organisation (WTO) under IC&C Department, Ashar Abbas Zaidi (awaiting posting) as Additional Secretary Industries, Commerce & Investment, Usman Ali, Officer on Special Duty (OSD), as Director Civil Defence Punjab, and Qasier Naeem Azam, Deputy Secretary Local Government, as Secretary DRTA Gujranwala.PU: Punjab University has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Payame Noor University, Iran for cooperation in the field of education, research and technologies. In this regard an MoU signing ceremony was held at PU Vice-Chancellor’s office.Punjab University Vice-Chancellor Prof Niaz Ahmad, Payame Noor University President Prof Mohammad Reza Zamani, Faculty of Oriental Learning Dean Prof Dr Muhammad Saleem Mazhar, Registrar Dr Muhammad Khalid Khan, Director Alumni Dr Fouzia Hadi Ali and others were present.According to the MoU, both the varsities will facilitate the cooperation between the faculty members in the field of developing educational resources of Persian language & literature and joint publications of the books. Both the varsities will collaborate in the field of scientific publications and hold educational courses. Both will offer scholarships to the students to study in Iran and Pakistan and provide facilities to exchange professors and students. Both the universities would also launch chairs related to Iranian studies and Persian language & literature. from The News International - Lahore https://ift.tt/2Bi31FF from Blogger https://ift.tt/2BjRvKf
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android-apps · 4 years
دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور
دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور
دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور
  دانلود اپلیکیشن Payam Noor 0.0.30 اندروید
    پیام من یک سامانه و نرم افزار برای اطلاع رسانی و مدیریت پروفایل و پرونده برای دانشجویان و اساتید دانشگاه پیام نور است. با دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور می توانید از آخرین اطلاعیه و اخبار رشته خود مطلع شوید و از امکانات متنوع آن استفاده نمایید.
  دانشگاه پیام نور فعالیت خود را بر اساس آموزش از راه دور و مجازی با تعداد جلسات کلاسی کم شروع کرد به همین سبب به تازگی نرم افزار پیام من را برای دانشجویان و اساتید خود طراحی و توسعه داده ا��ت تا بتوانند از قابلیت های مختلف آن بهره مند شوند. با دانلود نرم افزار پیام من قادر به مشاهده پیام های مدیر گروه , اطلاع از زمان تشکیل کلاس ها , برنامه های کلاسی و برنامه امتحانی رشته خود خواهید بود. همچنین می توانید نمرات تحصیلی و تاریخچه کارنامه خود را در اپلیکیشن Payam Noor مشاهده کنید.
با اپلیکیشن پیام من اندروید می توانید به نحو احسن فعالیت های دانشگاهی خود را مدیریت کتید. شایان ذکر است معاون پژوهشی و فناوری دانشگاه پیام نور اذهان نموده که با پرداخت مبلغ 10 هزار تومان می توانید به آرشیو مقالات درسی , آزمون های آزمایشی پرونده های پرسنلی و … دست یابید.
  آموزش تصویری کار با برنامه پیام من اندروید
  آموزش ورود به نرم افزار پیام من اندروید :
ابتدا فایل apk را از باکس دانلود زیر بارگیری نمایید
سپس برنامه را نصب کرده و باز کنید.
در ابتدا برای ورود طبق تصویر زیر کد کاربری خود و گذرواژه را وارد نمایید.
کد کاربری برای اساتید همان کد مدرسی و برای دانشجویان همان کد دانشجویی می باشد.
گذرواژه به طور پیشفرض کد ملی شخص در نظر گرفته شده است.
اگر گذارواژه خود را فراموش کردید می توانید از بخش فراموشی رمز عبور اقدام کنید که در این صورت یک کد یک بار مصرف برای ورود به شماره همراه ثبت شده شما در سیستم دانشگاه پیام نور ارسال خواهد و بعد از 15 دقیقه منقضی خواهد شد.
در صورت تمایل می توانید از گزینه ورود بدون عضویت استفاده کنید که در این صورت فقط  می توانید از سیستم اطلاع رسانی دانشگاه پیام نور استفاده کنید.
    برخی از قابلیت های اپلیکیشن پیام من :
امکان مشاهده اخبار و اطلاعیه های دانشگاه
قایل استفاده برای اساتید و دانشجویان
اطلاع از تغییرات برنامه های رشته خود
امکان ارتباط با اساتید و مدیران گروه ها
دارای آزمون های آزمایشی و بانک مقاله
قابلیت مشاهده نمرات
و …
  تغییرات اضافه شده در نسخه جدید :
بهبود رابط کاربری
رفع مشکلات نسخه های پیشین
بهبود عملکرد و افزایش سرعت
نوشته دانلود برنامه پیام من دانشگاه پیام نور اولین بار در موب 98. پدیدار شد.
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"We have been bad neighbours"
Knocking on doors. Nachbarn - von guten oder schlechten, von großen oder kleinen.
We ordered big glasses of tea to be able to stay longer. One could call it a privilege to spend a mesmerizing hour with Fateme and Farzane Bakhshi in one of the cosy cafés of Moabit, Berlin.
It may not be simple for Farzane to consider Iran as her home and Afghanistan as a neighbour. Knocking on doors of their neighbour, Farzaneh’s parents moved from Afghanistan to Iran years ago. Being born and grown up in Isfahan, with its Chehel Sotoun and Naqsh-e Jahan square, the 19 years old actress Farnzane Bakhshi has never found peace as an ordinary citizen of the country in which she was born in.
According to the UNHCR there are 2.5 million afghans living in Iran, of which more than 950,000 are registered. Most of the registered afghan residents hold a temporary identification card which only allows them to reside in one city. This card has to be extended every few months. “You would always feel insecure holding these cards. You would hover between being able to stay and being forced to leave,” says Fateme Bakhshi, playwright, stage director and sister of Farzane, who left Iran in 2015 accompanying her younger sister. “My father used to ask us every single year not to buy so many things. He used to tell us to keep our luggage light because we may have to leave next year.”
According to the law of Iran, afghan residents have to hand over their temporary resident permit if they become a student. In this case they acquire a passport which can only become valid with a visa. Despite achieving a high rank at the entrance examination for university admissions of Iran, Fateme did not receive a positive answer from any public university. “I got only accepted to the second-rate public university of Payame Noor. I had to go to Afghanistan to obtain my visa, where I did not feel at home.”
In 2016, the newly arrived Fateme started the process of writing a play called «Death is bigger than the ocean’s mouth» in Germany. It was in October 2017 that she celebrated the premiere in Berlin. “Living as an afghan woman in Iran and the conflicts and contradictions I observed among the afghan community here in Germany have been my sources of inspiration for writing,” says Fateme, the dramatist and director of the play, who casted her younger sister Farzane as one of the main characters.
The storyline has caused controversy among actors. “I wish I hadn’t spoken to the group about every detail from the beginning. There is a scene that depicts a woman as a mu'adhin, who takes off her clothes later in the play. The actors asked me to cut off the scene because they were afraid of the audience’s reaction. We were even asked if we need security guards.” The role of mu'adhin, who calls for prayer at a mosque is traditionally reserved for men. Today the group feels more confident after pulling off four successful performances in Berlin and Heidelberg. “After the premiere I was not afraid anymore. The reactions were mainly positive. The viewers expressed real sympathy for our characters,” says farzane, who portrays Samane, the striking female character of «Death is bigger than the ocean’s mouth».
Fateme and Farzane are hoping to perform in the Iranian Theatre Festival of Cologne this year. “The scenes that express happiness in our play are actually sad because this is a tragic story. I hope there comes a day when the happiness in our story is real.”
The sisters left the café when it was already dark outside. Their answer to the last question made me hesitate for longer minutes. “My fear is that I will not see my father again.”
Thinking about their father who has lived for many years in Iran yielded a fire inside me. He does not feel at home after all these years. The people and the government of Iran have not been friendly hosts for their neighbours. I wrote a sentence on a blank sheet: “We have been bad neighbours.”
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innspubnet · 7 years
A mini review: biodiversity, life form and vegetation of flora in the Alpine zone - JBES
A mini review: biodiversity, life form and vegetation of flora in the Alpine zone – JBES
Narjes Ebrahimnezhad
Scientific Board, Department of Biology, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran
Key words: Alpine zone, climate, flora, vegetation, reproduction.
The Alpine and Arctic biomes cover 16% of the earth’s surface area. Because of the importance of alpine flora, this review discuses on the results of different studies on the Biodiversity and phytogeography of the alpine flora.…
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taliemsite-blog · 7 years
Bornological and b-bornological locally convex cones have been studied in [D. Ayaseh and A. Ranjbari, Bornological Locally Convex Cones, Le Matematiche, 69(2)(2014), 267-284]. In this paper, we show that the projective limit of bornologi-cal cones is not bornological in general by an example. Also, we present an example of a nonbornological locally convex cone
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wemdashikurfan-blog · 7 years
Allelopathic effects of weeds extract on seed germination of Trachyspermum copticum L., Foeniculum vulgare and Cuminum cyminum – JBES
See on Scoop.it - IJAAR-INNSPUB
Mostafakemal Shams, Ehsan Zandi Esfahan, Mahdi Ramezani, Mahnaz Ghandkanlou Department of agriculture, Payame Noor University, P.O. Box 19395- 3697, Tehran, Iran Rangeland Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, P.O. Box 13185-116, Tehran, Iran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O. Box 14778. Tehran, Iran Key words: Allelopathic effects, weed species, Trachyspermum copticum…
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rajasahebpressmedia · 6 years
LAHORE: Punjab University has declared results of Doctor of Pharmacy, final part, annual examination 2018, LLB part I, II & III, LLB (five-year programme) part I & II, annual examination 2018. Detailed results are available on PU website.Transfers: The Punjab government has issued a notification of transfer and posting of officers on Monday. Ijaz Ahmad, Additional Secretary Industries (on officiating basis), has been transferred and posted as Chief World Trade Organisation (WTO) under IC&C Department, Ashar Abbas Zaidi (awaiting posting) as Additional Secretary Industries, Commerce & Investment, Usman Ali, Officer on Special Duty (OSD), as Director Civil Defence Punjab, and Qasier Naeem Azam, Deputy Secretary Local Government, as Secretary DRTA Gujranwala.PU: Punjab University has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Payame Noor University, Iran for cooperation in the field of education, research and technologies. In this regard an MoU signing ceremony was held at PU Vice-Chancellor’s office.Punjab University Vice-Chancellor Prof Niaz Ahmad, Payame Noor University President Prof Mohammad Reza Zamani, Faculty of Oriental Learning Dean Prof Dr Muhammad Saleem Mazhar, Registrar Dr Muhammad Khalid Khan, Director Alumni Dr Fouzia Hadi Ali and others were present.According to the MoU, both the varsities will facilitate the cooperation between the faculty members in the field of developing educational resources of Persian language & literature and joint publications of the books. Both the varsities will collaborate in the field of scientific publications and hold educational courses. Both will offer scholarships to the students to study in Iran and Pakistan and provide facilities to exchange professors and students. Both the universities would also launch chairs related to Iranian studies and Persian language & literature. from The News International - Lahore https://ift.tt/2Bi31FF
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wemdashikurfan-blog · 7 years
The study of climate change in Mazandaran Province using the limit indices of temperature and precipitation – JBES
See on Scoop.it - IJAAR-INNSPUB
Razaghian Hadi, Shahedi Kaka, Haghshenas GatabiRahman Rahman Ali, Kheirollah Poor Saraee Ahmad Department of Watershed Management Engineering Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University and Instructor, Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, Payam Noor University and, 19395-4697, Tehran, Iran Department of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Department, Sari University, Iran Department of Natural Geography,…
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