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wisteriasymphony · 6 months ago
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@pyrusinc can't have all the fun, here's a small pavicinelle drawing until i can hit back with another poster lolol
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jphantasma · 7 months ago
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Here's some more drawings from @wisteriasymphony
We've been messaging ideas for an au with our oc's and this is the result, Oberon and pavino being close friends
Once again wis your art is incredible
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pamtoto · 1 year ago
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don't ever touch my name. don't ever touch my numbers.
Emma Ruth Allaire Zerna Hellenna Omela Silliman Concepcion Mccallister 李
Anne Marie Cuaresma
Jessa Pavino
Alyssa Dibi Rusari
you're just a cheap desperate wannabe. don't ever f- with me. i ain't ever gonna let any mfer be me. ya heard?
I'll run you and yours into the ground.
~emma ruth mccallister
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amseehafen · 5 months ago
Chemie Öltanker PAVINO Binnenhafen chem oil tanker shifts to Emden lock ...
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aineofknockaines · 11 months ago
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so many try to study me. they stalk me and copy me.
i just usually block and ignore.
"Do you want me to autograph that item of mine for you?"
"Do you want me to autograph my photo for you?"
*jessa pavino kiss-kiss*
~emma ruth mccallister
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anavlys · 1 year ago
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Everything is coming up roses. I'm about to leave. I've been informed that I was able to complete assignments and went above and beyond the call of duty. It's not just satisfactory work, but more than. Just wonderful.
*visayan curtsy low*
~emma ruth mccalister
anne marie cuaresma
jessica belle pavino
alyssa dibi rusari
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honorscholarruths · 1 year ago
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'desperately seeking jessica'
from pinterest.com
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emmaconcepcion · 1 year ago
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Let's put this in context. In 1997 I met this creepy girl in Terris (online RPG), PISSE who was role-playing an angel of death poorly. So I had to show this dim-witted fool how to do it. This b*tch stalked me and wanted to be me. I was Jessica Pavino, italian and German. And this b*tch decided to say she went to Florence, Italy to study art. Because I'm Italian you see, especially Florence. B*tch thinks she's got Colorado and Italy and Dark Academia cornered. Well, let me tell you something sweetheart... The President of my class is a REAL Italian - Allyson. Her family OWNS towns in Italy. And my italian colleagues own your ass in Colorado. And b*tch we were DARK & LIGHT & Shadow Academia before your ass ever knew what that was about. Kapiche, b*tch? Ciao bella xoxo
Ain't part of my crew and never will be. PISS
from pinterest.com
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jpavino · 2 years ago
Jessica “Jessa” Qiran Belle Roxanne Pavino 8/9/72
I run into John Wick every now and then.  Just working, John.
I am Stuyvesant HS.
I am Bronx Science
I am Christ the King.
I am Pace University.
Amherst, Mount Holyoke, Andover [Sylyna]
Bow down to my Browning and get jiggy with it.
~Jessa Pavino
[edit: 18:25 20:26 20:27]
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penelopeparis · 5 years ago
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🧙‍♀️🎃La festa di Halloween, che si celebra la notte del 31 ottobre, ha origini antichissime, e non è stata importata dagli Stati Uniti come molti pensano: 🧙‍♂️la sua storia e le sue origini sono europee, precisamente celtiche, molto lontane dalla tradizione e dalla visione che abbiamo noi oggi della festa, poiché l’horror, il macabro e le maschere sono subentrati dopo. Le origini di Halloween sono molto discusse tra gli storici. 🧙‍♀️C’è chi pensa che la notte delle streghe derivi dalla festa romana dedicata a Pomona (dea di semi e frutti) o dalla festa Parentalia, dedicata al culto dei morti. 🧙‍♀️Tuttavia, la maggior parte degli storici (il primo fu Frazer) è concorde sul fatto che Halloween tragga origine dalla festa celtica Samhain. 🎉Il termine deriva dall’antico irlandese e secondo gli studiosi significa “fine dell’estate”. Questa teoria viene avvalorata dal fatto che secondo il calendario celtico di 2000 anni fa l’anno nuovo iniziava proprio il 1° novembre. 🔥Ma in cosa consisteva la festa di Samhain? Con questa festa gli antichi Celti celebravano la fine dell’estate, ringraziando gli spiriti dei morti per il raccolto estivo. Secondo le loro credenze infatti, la notte del 31 ottobre, che segnava la fine dell’estate, consentiva di aprire le barriere tra vivi e morti, dunque era possibile comunicare con il mondo dell’Oltretomba. 🎊La festa di Ognissanti, ricordiamo, fu poi istituita ufficialmente il 1° novembre da papa Gregorio IV nell’840, ma con il protestantesimo la festa religiosa venne interrotta in Inghilterra, continuando ad essere celebrata tra la popolazione come festa laica.🎃 🎉Verso la metà del 1800 la festa venne poi importata negli USA, dove in seguito assunse le connotazioni attuali del macabro e dell’occulto. Halloween dunque passò da rituale religioso e spirituale delle origini, a festa consumistica e laica, tra party in costume a tema prettamente horror, zucche intagliate (Jack O’Lantern), fantasmini, streghe e il famoso dolcetto o scherzetto (trick or treat) dei bambini. #autumn #ottobre #poca #pavere #pavere #pavino #pavino #pavino #pane #pane # caduta #trickortreat #scary #autunno #inktober #love #happyhalloween #persone https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XLnB3ovDC/?igshid=1471h5f0taqgu
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cgvijesti · 2 years ago
Saobraćajna nezgoda u Bijelom Polju
Saobraćajna nezgoda u Bijelom Polju
Dvije osobe povrijeđene su u saobraćajnoj nezgodi koja se danas oko 15 sati dogodila u bjelopoljskom naselju Pavino polje, saopšteno je portalu CdM iz Operativno komunikacionog centra Uprave policije. Kako su naveli za taj portal, u automobilu su bile tri osobe, a za sada nije poznato kako je došlo do nezgode. “U saobraćajnoj nezgodi dvije osobe zadobile su lakše tjelesne povrede”, kazali su iz…
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444names · 2 years ago
german x 2 and russian forenames
Aart Abariam Abeatrusta Abiacolgaf Abiedisanz Abieleg Abies Abilina Abillavia Abnov Abod Aborelya Aboya Abricolix Abrina Aburielid Aburtya Adiel Adina Adon Adotry Agaf Agafodymyr Agafokl Agalia Agan Agapiotya Agapiy Agavetcher Agavina Agdakt Agma Agmardin Agne Agotry Alekkevikh Alinelo Alora Altolby Ambomilo Amutheran Anas Aniante Anich Anielavgus Anim Anne Annese Antermar Aradoma Argertimin Argertya Ariata Asigoreid Auguide Augus Aurosladan Aus-petona Aust Auster Avald Avdarea Avde Avdel Avdia Avdim Avdory Avelm Aven Avena Avenjah Aventz Aver Avert Avery Avetlinah Aveto Avetter Avgata Avgundy Avgus Avgus-pete Avgustjard Avia Avico Avid Avida Avikiya Avinatelma Avine Avino Aviy Avks Avksilor Avksim Avlay Avralde Avralvit Avre Avred Avredina Avredrich Avreina Avrel Avrethmard Avrorta Avsenja Avtob Avund Avunth Avvakur Avvan Axim Benina Bentina Bernežanna Berom Bilix Bine Bogera Boreina Boren Bovikt Boya Brutharlo Bruttomir Chein Colen Colfrand Dagafa Dagar Dalia Dard Dardim Darolle Diele Dikh Dimirisa Diya Dmine Dolgert Dulria Eidim Eina Ekaredey Elenz Eleralor Elfrey Elmundt Emmand Emmannasta Emyr Eslas Fert Feryl Flon Flora Freasy Fredifa Frey Fricha Frichard Frinratton Gafan Gafonicas Garcob Gebhana Geliastan Gena Gene Genie Geory Gerich Gertephild Gislay Gnicherina Grea Gried Grin Günton Güntz Hana Hanat Hand Hanz Hard Harey Harolda Hart Heid Heina Heinadi Heinailo Heine Helfradona Helgeonia Heline Hentoria Hericolik Herined Hernov Hert Hesenel Hilah Hilbel Hild Hillaury Hillmunth Hilmasta Hilotton Hily Holiamvrey Holietery Huber Huberndy Hubetera Hunda Ilipp Inaikatjah Inolaw Irathmalla Islad Isladonis Islavdin Islavva Janies Jans Jarilhein Jery Johalya Johard Joslaul Jürgartya Kassa Katandt Katra Keharaul Kernerne Kevias Kevolo Kirin Kirmater Kitorey Klan Klavdald Kliel Kliy Kono Kovia Lanicolge Laustel Levit Lias Linom Linz Lisa Ljut Loricold Luberia Ludmir Ludolger Luky Lutert Malislav Malphert Malydine Mana Manne Manya Mard Mare Marigora Marl Marlherha Maron Martamor Martyana Medey Meinheid Michenne Mico Miladan Milby Milie Milippat Milliko Milor Minaike Minge Miror Morisamund Mstank Mstjah Nalmard Niedrianna Nikatrinz Nikehan Nikt Nikto Niratia Nirom Niste Olfrartatr Orgy Osivivakit Osla Otter Otyottsch Paver Pavin Pavino Pavrete Petcheler Peth Pettlia Pettsca Petyomert Philanna Philtom Pyomir Rada Radanikt Radim Radiy Radiya Radmiria Radmund Railorey Raily Rallay Ramilenra Randa Randric Ranie Ranna Ranya Rardt Reath Reato Reinn Rober Robiana Robine Rolexey Romald Roschan Roslavrey Rosta Rudor Rudwil Rutert Salenich Same Samelo Sandretr Sanicard Sigoracha Sikir Silina Snertrily Soberte Sobertrusa Sona Sons Soph Sophilora Sophimir Stina Svel Svene Sver Svia Svina Svit Svivalf Tianne Tinadona Tino Toniradul Udminn Ulieslav Ullippav Ulramely Ulria Urom Utter Uwena Vadminalo Vado Vakold Valenis Valina Valise Valphilann Valte Vassil Vaste Vena Vias Vika Vike Vikiramutz Vina Vinah Vinerne Vitheladom Vivas Vivias Vladaine Vladian Vland Vlavgus Vlimon Voltor Vsily Walterich Wena Werky Werwiese Wiedit Wiewalph Wilheinz Wilid Wina Winata Wine Womir Yefiya Yeka Yekata Yerico Yesladan Yeslastas Yeste Yveliasha Yvenia Yver Zele Zentim Zenz Ziner Zorena Zorica Zorin
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oeleo · 5 years ago
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213:365 | Pavino's // Polvoron de Leche × Polvoron Cookies and Cream ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #2019leo365 #Pavinos #Polvoron #Pulvoron #Milk #PolvoronDeLeche #PolvoronCookiesAndCream #CookiesAndCream #DeLeche https://www.instagram.com/p/B0x_sXKngtB/?igshid=ttp77v78nirb
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moviemunchies · 3 years ago
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I’m sort of doing this thing where I’m reading books and keeping a log of it, and if there’s a movie adaptation I try to watch it before moving on to the next book in the series. So I’ve been meaning to get to Prince Caspian for a while now after reading the book.
This one’s weird because a large chunk of the Chronicles of Narnia fandom doesn’t like this movie very much. And I pretty much loved it since I saw it in theaters? It’s not as faithful to the book as the previous film, but that doesn’t make it bad. I’m still struck by the design of the film, which stands out from most fantasy films of the time (and many today), and it’s got a lot of action! That’s enough to make me dig a fantasy movie.
_Prince Caspian_ is the second installment of Walden Media’s Chronicles of Narnia film series and the sequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It’s also the last film in the series that was made by Disney, as they quit because they were disappointed by this one’s reception. Walden Media managed to get another studio to fund and distribute the third movie.
After a year in England, the Pevensies come back to Narnia to find that over a thousand years have passed. The country’s been conquered by the Telmarines who have driven the Narnia creatures into hiding, thinking they’d been wiped out. The Telmarine prince, Caspian X, is sympathetic to Narnians but didn’t know they still existed--that is, until he has to run from the palace and lead them in rebellion against his uncle who wants him dead to take the throne. The Pevensies are there to help of course, but Peter butts heads with Caspian (and his siblings) on how to best fight this war. And Aslan’s nowhere to be seen, except by Lucy, who can’t convince the others to follow that lead.
This movie does actually have a lot of content from the book, just rearranged or recontextualized. The Plot is completely reworked and I don’t mind that because a huge chunk of Caspian’s story in the book is being told to the Pevensies by Trumpkin--that would be a very frustrating way to tell his story in the movie. Some things, like the animals holding faith for Aslan when others don’t, is implied by the way scenes are done rather than outright told to the audience.
There are some things that are in both the book and movie, but the movie doesn’t quite explain what that’s about. The sparring match between Edmund and Trumpkin doesn’t really make much sense in the movie.
There’s also the attack on the castle. This sequence is invented entirely for the movie, and while it’s frustrating in a similar way that Finn and Rose’s subplot in The Last Jedi is, the book does mention the Narnians losing some battles and so actually showing that to the audience is fine. Also I like seeing the way they apply griffins and mice in the raid. That’s cool thinking and I wish to see more fantasy films think about how fantasy creatures might be used on military operations.
Also I really like the design of this movie? The Narnian side mostly keeps the same designs for their weapons and armor, but it’s a lot more worn down, and that makes sense because they’ve been hiding in the woods for a few hundred years. They don’t have new weapons. The Telmarines, on the other hand, look fantastic. For their culture, WETA Workshop was inspired by Spanish and Italian culture, so instead of longswords they use side swords and falchions, and their armor brings to mind a combination of Spanish conquistadors, Italian condottieri, and Japanese samurai. They look more Renaissance than medieval and I love it.
The cast is also matched up to that, with Spanish and Italian actors playing the roles of Telmarines. Ben Barnes is an exception, as he’s English, but he’s putting on his best Inigo Montoya impression as Caspian.
You know what? Let’s talk about this cast. Ben Barnes, back when he wasn’t just playing villains. I remember classmates in high school saying that he’s too old, but if he is that’s because the actor playing Peter is also too old. Caspian is supposed to be the same age as Peter, so I didn’t mind it here. I think he overdoes the whole “YOU KILLED MY FATHER” thing but I don’t think that’s Ben Barnes’s fault as much as he’s working with the Plot point that’s been sandwiched into the story.
William Moseley does very well in playing Peter as he’s written for this movie, the problem is that Peter in this movie is written to be an absolute prat. His whole arc in this movie is about learning that he doesn’t have to be in charge and to let Aslan take the wheel. This would make sense if his life experience was only what we saw in the last movie’s adventure, but we know that he apparently grew up in Narnia and became a successful and wise warrior king. So him being so full of himself here doesn’t make sense. I got over it, as I see what they were going for, deconstructing how a kid might feel after his time in Narnia, but it is very annoying and it makes Peter very unlikable.
Unlike Edmund, played by Skandar Keyes, who is absolutely THE SHIZ in this movie. Having learned his lesson from the last movie, Edmund is a cheeky wonder child who takes no crap from anyone. He doesn’t have that much of an arc in this movie, but he is great to watch, so I forgive it. He’s the guy who keeps his head screwed on straight when Peter and Caspian need someone to keep them grounded.
Anna Popplewell’s Susan is good? They still go with her being the “reasonable” one, albeit a little less uptight than in the first movie. They have this thing in the movie in which she and Caspian are definitely into each other and I don’t think that’s too out there--in the books Susan had at least half a dozen suitors when she was queen--it does mean that a lot of her character arc is dedicated to that, and we know that it goes nowhere. This one clearly implies that she’s having trouble holding faith in things she doesn’t see in front of her, and that’s a fascinating direction that doesn’t go quite as far in this movie as it could.
And Lucy. Georgie Henley as Lucy is still delightful. They removed and rearranged a lot of the material from the book in her character arc which is a shame, because I really like a lot of that stuff. As the one who still has the faith and wants to see the magic in Narnia when even the Narnians are giving up hope, she has to come across as sympathetic and believable. That doesn’t always work, especially when she does things like walk up to a bear that’s about to attack her, not realizing that it’s not talking (there ARE non-talking animals in Narnia, dear!). But for the most part she works in this movie.
You know Peter Dinklage is in this movie as Trumpkin? I find it odd that he made it big on a fantasy show that was billed as deconstructing usual fantasy tropes while heavily featuring sex and violence when he also starred in the film adaptation of a famously Christian book series and one of the giants of the fantasy genre. He does okay. I mean I like that Trumpkin is this grumpy guy who is cynical and tired of everyone and just wants to go home, but I don’t know if Peter Dinklage is acting or just… cynical and tired of everyone and wants to go home. It’s entertaining sometimes, but not brilliant.
And Warwick Davis is in this movie? He was in the BBC series as well, but instead of as Reepicheep this time he’s playing Nikabrik, the dwarf that is even more cynical than Trumpkin and hates all humans. It feels weird for me seeing him as a villain, though I know he’s done it before. I always had trouble with Nikabrik as a character because I always felt like him going full-on evil was… well, everyone seemed strangely unperturbed by that in the book, even if we had an idea of how we got there. In the movie I felt as if Warwick Davis does well in that you get him, and you get where he’s coming from, but not enough to agree. And other characters react to his turn in a way that’s appropriate.
Ken Stott voices Trufflehunter and he does not have enough to do in this movie. Trufflehunter is not that Plot-relevant in the book, but I always had the impression that he was an important character and one of the most prominent Narnians in the story. He’s okay here, but I really thought that he should be doing more in the story. Maybe the filmmakers didn’t think it would fit the darker tone they were going for, if there was a badger running around in many of the scenes? I don’t know, I wanted more.
We do, however, get quite a bit of Eddie Izzard as Reepicheep, which is fantastic because Reepicheep is fantastic. This mouse is amazing. There were some people very surprised that a mouse is going around killing people, but it’s a fantasy film, he’s a knight, and also it wasn’t as if the first movie didn’t have violence? I’m frustrated that the movies don’t go with the “talking animals are bigger than normal animals” EXCEPT with Reepicheep, because it’s pretty darn weird that all the other animals are ordinary-sized and the talking mice are the size of cats. But Reepicheep is very entertaining, very cool, and he’s great.
Sergio Castellitto plays a surprisingly sharp Miraz? Yeah, Plot-wise he’s generically evil, but I think that Castellitto makes him A) entertaining to watch, and B) convey that he knows that he’s the least popular guy in the room with the other Telmarine lords. The book version of Miraz has no idea that they’re plotting against him. Miraz in this movie does, and although he’s definitely not bright enough to realize exactly what they’re doing, by the end of the movie he knows that they’re happy to watch him die.
Pierfrancesco Pavino’s Glozelle, for instance, is barely a person in the book? He shows up to stab Miraz in the back. Here, not only is he not the person who does that, but the movie makes him very uncomfortable with the direction Miraz’s path to power is taking, despite remaining loyal until almost the very end. He’s a complex, conflicted character and I like him. 
And also noticeable is Damian Alcazar as Sopespian, a guy who doesn’t like Miraz, but is no more likable because of it. Because he’s obviously not doing it for any sense of the greater good, he’s doing it because he wants that power for himself. I don’t think anyone mistakes his motives or thinks of him as a secret good guy at any point in the movie, which I think speaks to the actor’s performance.
Liam Neeson is Aslan. He does great, though he really doesn’t have that many lines. Which is part of the point, that he’s not there for most of the movie, so it works, I think.
Also Tilda Swinton’s in this movie. There is some justification for it, but I think it was because she loved being in the first movie, and they loved having her in it, so they just brought her back.
I like fantasy movies with lots of action and sword fights and cool design choices. So no, Prince Caspian isn’t that faithful of an adaptation of the source material (though it’s more faithful than people give it credit for), and I do get frustrated with character arcs--mostly Peter’s. But I still really love this movie, and I have tons of fun every time I watch it.
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aineofknockaines · 1 year ago
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the 41, well you're actually just cousins. You want to be part of my Father's and Mother's clans. Because as you know, my Father only has 2 - Emma Ruth + Kris. Perfect set and both me and my brother are formidable. We're hard to beat. We're just about perfect.
But greetings once again. Please don't ever challenge me, because you won't like the consequences. I'm formidable, especially if you try to cross me. Our Virgin Mother would only give Our Virgin Father, two kids. perfect set- girl + boy.
You get to be part of our clan. Please make yourselves useful and live up to the potential of the academy names I made for each of you. And try to avoid incurring my wrath. I'm known to be ruthless when crossed.
~emma ruth mccallister 李
anne marie cuaresma
jessica belle pavino
sylyna mervia rayne-sanibel
margaux st. michelline
katya vebrenskov
geraldine "GiGi' têves
valeria von'tog
zara coventry
persephone wynd
angelle rue
alyssa sandoval alixi dibi rusari 高 angill
[edit: 11/29/23 7:55 8:08 8:09]
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auddityy · 5 years ago
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roasted squash (idk what kind i just found it growing at my moms dentist’s office and saved the seed) with pavino cheese egg and green onions and a homemade pho spice goat-squirrel sausage. with turmeric lemon tea. what did i do to deserve me
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