rawr my ass
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LOL! black she/her ooogleys on all platforms (i think)
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ooogleys · 3 days ago
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wiege did not affect me in any way (lying)
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ooogleys · 3 days ago
Hyuna has complicated feelings for Luka that find themselves intermingling love and hatred, I love that that part of her character was expanded on through this comic. It is a whole other level of anger for her to throw herself away for the sake of her beliefs, for the sake of her justice, for all those years she spent in pain and having to persevere despite that because of Luka, but the way those feelings co-exist is puzzling for her, too, because of all of these remaining sentiments she still has for Luka, the betrayal HyunA felt knowing she loved someone she resented so much.
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And knowing that he loved her back, so much so he loved her more than himself. No matter what, through that connection, HyunA will always be attached to Luka, and Luka will never stop loving her. HyunA resented seeing herself on those posters, knowing that Luka would be overjoyed that through them, it confirmed to him she was still alive and their bond still existed. While HyunA spent so long trying to avoid it all. She's gotten so far after escaping Alien stage and joining the rebellion and she's actually living a life that she can call her own. Everything would be so much easier if she could forget him, but she's still constantly reminded of Luka, she lives with the burden of holding Luka's devotion in her palm, the guilt she has because she still loves him so much she couldn't crush it right then and there.
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HyunA is a character haunted by guilt. On the inside, she has a heart more troubled and complex than the confidence she exudes on the outside. Hyunwoo's death haunted her. She didn't want to acknowledge what happened to him, the nature of his death was pure torture on her conscience. The grief and the guilt she had over ignoring reality and still loving the man who killed the person she loved most made HyunA angry at herself. She couldn't forgive herself for betraying her brother; by extension, she could never forgive Luka.
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HyunA resented him for all of it. For running back to her and seeking her out after what he did, The way Luka was always her weak spot no matter what he did because her attachment to him was so strong. She could never forget her innocent perception of that little boy she played with and remembered following her around the garden. After all, the opposite of love and hate is just apathy, HyunA never stopped caring about Luka, so she couldn't move on or force herself to be apathetic towards her feelings for him.
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She was once told to forgive herself by the past rebellion leader, but she couldn't as long as she was still held back by the past. HyunA lived in anger and resentment toward Luka for years. To Luka, who never truly understood the gravity of what he did to her, what she had to do, or the coping mechanisms she resorted to so she could deal with the emotional turmoil he left her in. To Luka, who loved her so much, leaving him would be her retribution, her ultimate revenge. Giving him back the same burden he left her with so that he would confront a reality crueler than death: A life without her. Without any possible way to deny it. The overwhelming sensation of grief and suffering he would feel would be her way of avenging her dead brother and that devastated child in her.
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But there are many layers to HyunA's feelings, so that's not truly it. There was still a part of her that laid down her life for Luka because she couldn't see him die, she left him with those last words because she wanted him to do something with what she said for himself in her absence.
It is compassionate of HyunA to know and acknowledge the suffering Luka went through all his life. But she knows Luka hasn't experienced losing someone he cared deeply about like this until now. Before, he could at least confirm HyunA’s existence in their time apart. But what can he do now?
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Luka is a person so alienated from his humanity. For instance, from a young age, he was trained to "overcome" the most natural human instinct, emotions. His purpose was for the stage, so the aliens made him into something that ultimately functioned how they wanted him to. He's emotionally stunted, he exploits others callously for his own benefit, and he conforms to the aliens' expectations: to be a tool the aliens could control and use until the end of his life. Of course, it’s not like Luka was aimless; he tried to understand by himself. He wanted a connection with HyunA, he wanted to understand but didn't know how to express himself properly, in his efforts, he caused her so much hurt and discomfort in the aftermath. Ultimately, he can’t truly comprehend human emotions until he’s lived them. A book can’t replicate that.
He hasn't experienced HyunA’s struggle, that tunnel of guilt she's still trying to find her way out of so that she can keep growing up, moving on, and learning how to keep living. He doesn't understand how she feels. It shows in his obliviousness to her suffering in Wiege, the blunt dismissal of her efforts at moving on because he thinks she's just foolishly running away.
So, in a selfish and selfless final act, she saves Luka. Before, I thought HyunA didn't let anger guide her, but this does change that. She is still a person who selflessly prioritizes what she cares about first before herself even now, but being a person who’s not always righteously led by “what's right” humanizes her so much in this scenario. It shows how much her trauma affected her and how it can bring out the most visceral of emotions in people. Despite all those years she spent growing up, she will never escape herself.
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Her hatred is so deep-seated and personal. Saving Luka was impulsive of her, she didn’t plan it beforehand, but as aforementioned, she’s been living with this anger for years. Seeing that look on his face, knowing what he was going to do, and knowing what was going to happen, she just moved. The way he hurt HyunA changed her in a way he'd never had a chance to understand before, she wanted him to experience all of it for once. All of the same pain and the struggles she had to live with. She wanted to leave him in the same lost and confused state he left her in.
But at the same time, her love still co-exists with this anger, her love was so great despite that she gave him those final words because she sincerely wanted him to live and do what she did, find his own way through that pain and survive it without her. All the while finally connecting with a part of himself that had been suppressed for a long time. Exposing him to human vulnerability was her way of getting revenge and giving him the kick he needed to take the opportunity she left for him. Whether he will or won't, wants to or not, or he will die the same boy he was born as. And that’s a guarantee based on what he does next.
Luka analyzes people like objects and puzzles, not as actual humans. So HyunA left him with a lesson to learn. A puzzle so complex, emotional, and undeniably human that he can’t possibly solve it without gaining back what was taken from him, his humanity. HyunA did this so that he would be forced to re-evaluate everything he thought he ever knew. He will never truly understand HyunA's words, her motivations, her suffering, or her death without gaining a human perspective. In this way, to him, her death will be both a consequence and atonement for all he's done.
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HyunA had to do the same thing before. Luka was a puzzle she solved years ago. She describes him best in those few sentences because she knows him best. She resents him so much for what he's done to her, but she can still see Luka for who he is. She can't help but recognize him as a person she couldn't help but pity, a person she couldn't help but love despite it all. She has a big heart that is inevitably unable to close itself off from people she cares about, no matter how in the right she would’ve been for completely hating Luka. Her love for him is gentle and genuine as much as it is twisted and complicated
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HyunA's revenge is complex and contradictory. It is exploitative, brutal, and selfish, a cruel way of teaching Luka how it feels to be in her position. But in a twisted way, it is loving. She wanted Luka to suffer in the way he deserved. At the same time, she genuinely wanted him to grow and change, to find his own answer just like she had to. This is the only way he would ever do that.
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I adore this direction Vivinos took with her character, I figured the idea I had of her before aligned just as well with her character as this, but seeing her mixed feelings for Luka acknowledged this way feels more considerate of her character and her feelings. I wanted HyunA to think about herself more and to act more cruelly, I wanted more intention from her. She is still the selfless and endlessly caring person she was before, but I'm glad she got to act on her anger and find satisfaction to some extent by making Luka suffer, and through this comic, she got to come to terms with her feelings and the complexities of her situation in a way she'd been avoiding before
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ooogleys · 9 days ago
Love is presented in many ways throughout Alien Stage: For Mizi and Sua, it's codependent, romantic to a worrying extent. For Ivan and Till, it's one sided, unrequited, and painful.
And for Hyuna and Luka, it's a curse.
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Not only a curse, but one that haunts them. Jacob once told Hyuna to "Forgive yourself", which, to her, was misplaced. She could have forgiven herself. It was Luka who she couldn't forgive. But, in the end, she couldn't fulfill the legacy. She couldn't forgive herself for loving Luka. She couldn't forgive Luka for killing who she loved. And so, what did she do? She passed on the legacy.
The words "Forgive yourself" didn't help her. They built who she was, but in the worst possible way. She couldn't take his words, because she didn't consider herself the culprit, but the one she resented.
She told this curse, "Forgive yourself" again. She told them to Luka, sentence that almost sounded mocking on her lips. She couldn't have died before because she had to keep moving forward, but now, the pressure wasn't on her shoulders anymore.
She loves Luka, of course she does. But she cannot possibly forgive him. She knows he doesn't realize the suffering he inflicts. It's ironic, he's so unbearably smart, solving puzzles in a matter of seconds, but he doesn't know how to take in the real world, and the feelings of the ones around him, the most important 'puzzle' of them all. So, she gives him the biggest dilemma of his life. It's harsh, cruel, messed up in every sense. It's the puzzle she knew he could never solve, because she herself, who knew humanity, couldn't. Hyuna knew Luka loved her more than himself. And Hyuna cared for Hyunwoo more than for herself. Luka killed Hyunwoo, and so, Hyuna repaid him with the same coin, an eye for an eye. With an act that is the ultimate sacrifice, and the ultimate revenge.
As I have said, Hyuna knew the love he had for her, beyond the limits of his own body. She must've known how much her act would destroy his world: a fate worse than death. Her kind tone, telling him to take as much time as he needs to solve the newfound question she has proposed in such an ugly way, appears almost taunting.
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And the way she holds him in her arms, purposefully close, and looks into his eyes, makes it just so much more painful. And yet, when she speaks her soul, passes everything she was carrying on her shoulders, over to him, her face is hidden away, buried in his shoulder. She's free. She finally had her revenge. She can forgive him, and then herself, even though the price was destroying him, without building him up again. Leaving him like pieces of a puzzle that never got solved. She's been cruelly betrayed, and she, even more cruelly, fed him his own medicine.
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Hyuna is haunted by both Hyunwoo and Luka, similar to how Mizi is haunted by Sua. Hyunwoo brings the horror aspect: the bloodied blouse and head, while Luka has the smile that Sua has in the imaginations. The two people she loved most: the one who couldn't forgive her because she didn't get to apologize, and the one she didn't forgive. It's all so incredibly complex: she hates and loves, she resents and adores. Hyuna can't pick anymore. We're shown that she's such an active person, sociable, loving, having a whole group of humans just like her, and yet, we're told that she thinks all of them are selfish, even if they seem altruistic. She doesn't trust them, it seems it's a facade. In this, Luka and Hyuna are similar, but divided by the fact he wants to conceal his emotions, and she wants to make them more visible.
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This page, specifically, made me click MiziSua and HyuLuka together. They look scarily alike. The same lovey-dovey expression, versus the distressed one of the lover, even the slight glow that Luka has is similar. I think this is meant to show that they still depend on each other, despite the fact that Hyuna seems to resent him so much.
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Hyuna says Luka doesn't know the meaning of love. That the only thing he's ever shown, the only thing he genuinely knows, is suffering, and that his abilities basically stop at inflicting the same. (At least, emotional ones.) This is a parallel to Ivan, in my opinion, who didn't know love either, but he liked the idea of it. Instead, Luka loved with everything he had, even though he had no idea what it truly was. His love is obsessive, and somehow, so impossibly innocent at the same time. Because in a way, he's still a child. When he sees Hyuna, he becomes immature again, his facade of control dissipating into thin air. He mocked Mizi for her inability, but he's even worse.
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According to his ear monitor, his heart was beating out of his chest. He could hear his own erratic heartbeat. It's painful, how happy he was, how excited, to be in her arms again. And yet, despite the love, the embrace was just as much of revenge.
Ever since Wiege, we've seen Luka smile so much. Just for him to never truly smile again.
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I am a fan of the gentleness that Hyuna treats young Luka with. She seems awfully attached to the image of that innocence she knew. But it's not like Mizi's idea of Sua, the perfect one. It's an image she can't bear seeing again. "I couldn't stand seeing myself on those posters, because I knew exactly the face the you'd have. Yes, I bet you were smiling ear to ear." We've only seen him like this for the first time, but to her, it was so familiar, even years apart, she still knew.
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Another thing I have noticed is that Hyunwoo's grave is right infront of a tree, almost separated from the others, just the way Luka was sitting before Hyuna found him. Now, this time, Hyunwoo lost Hyuna, and he's forever forced to be lonely in the garden he'll never grow out of.
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Hyuna wanted to give Luka a rubik's cube he wouldn't be able to solve, something difficult. A rubik's cube can represent human nature, who Luka seems to have mastered completely. But Hyuna finally manages to postpone him: the puzzle is herself.
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And in the end, after Hyuna's body goes limp, he finally manages to take her in his arms. He promised that there, she'd be safe, but he didn't manage to keep her that way. And suddenly, the words "My Savior" from Ruler of my Heart are awfully true.
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ooogleys · 9 days ago
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everything to smile about
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ooogleys · 10 days ago
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I’m fashionably a decade and a half late to the function 😇
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ooogleys · 14 days ago
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HYULUKA 🙇🙇anakt garden,,, (kiss?)
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ooogleys · 16 days ago
Dude I can't Luka's expressions in wiege fuck me up so bad all the parallels between Luka now and himself as a child get me so fucking bad like:
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The wiege MV (for the mostpart) is about going back to the beginning. It's about the in-betweens we didn't get to see. It's about the journey and it's about all the small moments that built all the characters (most importantly Hyuba and, imo, Mizi) up into what they came to be. For better or for worse, Hyuna and Mizi both grew up so far from what they used to be, went through the whole spectrum of experiences that humans in their position could possibly have, and its shown by the wide range of scenes/experiences/flashbacks they have just how much they've lived.
Meanwhile Luka, who is, objectively, on top of everything, far above what Hyuna, Mizi, and everyone else could've been or ever was, is by far the most stagnant as a person. Where we see Hyuna and Mizi go through all the motions of loving and losing and loving again (and losing again), Luka has always been stuck on Hyuna, and the second he sees her everything he's built up to is all thrown to the wind without a second thought, without any fanfare, because nothing for him as changed.
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Internally, Luka's still sitting against that tree in the garden and watching someone else grab his hand, Luka's still watching Hyuna count with his fingers and making him laugh for the first time ever, still clinging to her arm, still crossing the grass field to reach her.
Even years later, even as an adult, he's still looking at her like she's his salvation. When he sees her again on the stage he looks at her like he's just found his way back home after far too many years away from it, and when that gun is pointed at his head to stop him he looks at it like he's wondering why he's not allowed back inside.
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And then when he looks at Hyuna more and remembers the moments with her that he's been clinging onto more he forgets about it entirely. And then you know what happens from there. I'm sickkkk
The fact that a lullaby. A Fucking Lullaby, and presumably a song that most if not all kids of Anakt know and learned when they were still young (see: that scene of the main 4 singing it) was the song choice for this video. The fact that seeing Hyuna, just seeing her again like that is what brings that lullaby back, a melody from the beginning of it all that should be so far beneath Luka by now, but isn't. I can't bro.
Luka, live with love. Or whatever. Augh I don't even know
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ooogleys · 16 days ago
"But love is still love, and it's not like LUKA didn't try.
However, we don't know if his efforts are really making the other person happy. "
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ooogleys · 16 days ago
"you were my only weakness." and oh, luka really was. he truly was,
because it's only love that breaks past the barrier of logic and overwhelms all sense of strategy. it's only love, it's always love, that greatest curse and that most basest instinct-
because in that split second, hyuna didn't think. she just did what she always has. she loved luka, and she loves luka, and her final act was an act of love for luka, still, always, forever-
she loved without regret. and so she sacrificed herself for luka without regret. it's so easy to lend your lungs to your love if they're the only reason for you to breathe.
it's that sort of feeling. it looks at you from the corner of the corridor, always unblinking, always there. you just can't help yourself. it's always there. it's like holding your breath underwater, your lungs straining, your chest burning,
and then she breathes her last breath, like a kiss across your lips cursing you to your humanity, that you might feel alive again - just once - and you gasp open your mouth for that first inhale in a long, long time. and you know,
it was always meant to end this way.
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ooogleys · 16 days ago
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ooogleys · 17 days ago
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im so scared of wiege. heres some recent hyulukas
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ooogleys · 19 days ago
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Mizisua art dump cus I love them dearly
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ooogleys · 19 days ago
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Whit young with his hood on
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ooogleys · 20 days ago
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Have this old design wip of bunny whit while I work on something else
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ooogleys · 20 days ago
something I love about Anakt Garden uniforms is how they differ between each character, so here's a few little observations (sorry for the crude doodles)!
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ooogleys · 20 days ago
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"lit freaks pretending to be meek" omfg that's ✌︎( ᐛ )✌︎
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ooogleys · 20 days ago
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why dis 🤡 look so mad 😭😭😭
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