#pav writing more? you would not believe your eyes
reverieblondie · 5 months
Remember Me?
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Pairing: ExNerd!Miguel O’Hara X fem!civillainreader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut with Plot, Praise, Unprotected Penetrative Sex (wrap it before you tap it), , Oral, Cowgirl, Missionary. You and Miguel make a mess...
Summary: Miguel has changed a lot since high school, but one thing remains the same...how he feels about you.
A/N: I have been trying to write about Miguel for weeks now! Every time I get close to finishing something for him I reread it and hate it! So I am posting this before I can change my mind! I hope you all enjoy I tried my best!
Word Count: 6,823
Part 2: coming soon....
“Pfft…I can't believe this is real; this can’t be real!” Gwen keeps repeating to herself, trying to stifle back her laughter. 
“I know! I couldn’t believe my eyes when Peter showed me but here it is!” Miles agrees; Pav quickly slings his arm around Miles for a better look.   
“Take a look at the specks on him. Did you know he needed glasses?” 
“Flip to the club photo. Now, that will shock you all.” 
At Hobies request the teens quickly start flipping through pages. The sound of flipping pages and then the sudden bursting of laughter from the small huddle was something Miguel could no longer ignore. Miguel wasn’t sure why the teens and Peter were in his office. But since the events with the spot and some well-deserved apologies, Miguel, in the teen's words, “Chilled out,” and now they seem to hang out around him more. Meaning they are often now in his office… Miguel, of course, tried to appear as indifferent as possible to this change of pace, though He had to admit it was somewhat nice to have the cheerful ambiance that came with them... Hell, sometimes they could make him chuckle; Miles was actually pretty funny. But, of course, he keeps these things to himself. 
Miguel makes his way to the huddle to see what could possibly be so enthralling. When he sees what's causing their uproar, his blood runs cold, freezing him dead in his tracks.
It was turned to his picture and plan as the day under his unrecognizable photo was his name. So there was no getting out of this saying it wasn’t him…
“Miguel, is this really you?” Miles questions pointing to the picture. 
“Must be his name right there,” Pav teases, making Miguel groan. This was an actual nightmare. 
Looking over them, Miguel sees the picture they are all questioning; the difference is pretty night and day. A young 17-year-old Miguel was way scrawnier compared to his now bulking physique. His dark brown eyes were hidden behind his thick black-rimmed glasses, the only ones his mother could afford at the time. Miguel's thick, wavy brown hair looks untamed as it hangs down his forehead, threatening to cover his eyes if not for his glasses, the rest hanging loosely down to the nape of his neck. Poor kid was desperate for a haircut. Their cheekbones and jaw were still chiseled, and his face was not yet littered with lines of stress, sleepless nights, and age.  
Hobie quickly grabs the yearbook, vigorously flipping through the pages until he stops on a picture of a young Miguel holding up a mathlete trophy, awkward smile and all. “This is my favorite picture. Do you still smile like that, bruv?” 
“How did you all get this?” Miguel asks in irritation, pinching the bridge of his nose as if that will somehow stop his building anger and embarrassment. 
Very aware of the sight of Miguel about to rage out, the young spiders quickly part, pointing the blame to a laughing Peter. Who finally quits his laughing fit as now he is staring into the eyes of a very irritated Miguel, waiting for an explanation. 
Peter nervously clears his throat before speaking, “Wel, uh…do you remember a couple of days ago when you told me to drop off that equipment at your apartment? Well…I happened to see this on your living room bookshelf and thought I would look at it. Then I saw how much you had changed… I figured the kiddos would get a kick out of it…”
Miguel's eyes narrow, and his talons pop out, ready to bounce, but that is quickly escalated by Gwen taking back the yearbook, prepared to negotiate peace. 
“Okay, okay, no need to rip his head off; we will return your book.” Miguel's body relaxes as he sighs of relief, holding out his hand for the book, but Gwen smirks, holding the book back out of his reach, “But, you have to show us your old crush first.” 
Miguel’s eyes nearly pop out of his head, freezing at the terms of the agreement, and everyone else, including Layla, starts oohing. Making Miguel pitch the bridge of his nose again, muttering under his breath, “Esto tiene que ser una pesadilla…” (this has to be a nightmare…) 
Then, to make things worse, they start chanting, “Show us….Show us…Show us! Show us!!”
The chatting became too much, and he snapped, holding out his hand irritatedly for the book. “Fine! I will show you; just shut up!” 
A yay fills the room as Miguel starts irritatedly flipping through the book as soon as it’s laid in his hand. Everyone waits in bated breath until finally landing on the correct page. It's the page he spent the summer before college staring at, the picture he had agonized over. Miguel pauses, taking in the picture, and he feels those familiar feelings rushing up and swelling in his chest…Those high school crushes do hit you hard…
Even after all these years, he still remembers you so vividly; seeing the picture always solidifies for himself as confirmation as to why he had liked you so much. Beautiful and popular, everyone would only have positive things to say, even if your friend group wasn’t as nice. Miguel remembers that sweetness fondly. Though, behind that sweet smile, there was a mischievous side of you; he recalls hearing it hidden in your cooing voice when you would say that pet name during chemistry class… 
The memory warms Miguel's cheeks, but he quickly dismisses the feeling. “There, that's her.” 
The teens quickly grab the book back, climbing over each other to marvel at the picture of the girl the oh-so-scary Spider-Man 2099 had a crush on when he was their age. 
“Wow, she's stunning!” Gwen complements 
Miguel hums in agreement, “Yeah… the prettiest girl in my grade…prom queen, part of the student council, incredibly sweet…, and we took chemistry together…” 
Pav and Hobie shoot Miguel a smirk, and he quickly huffs, folding his arms over his chest. 
“Ever work up the nerve to confess?” Pav questions, ever the romantic. 
The group watches as Miguel closes his eyes, thinking that the blush from earlier is slowly rising to his tan cheeks, making them all gasp in excitement. 
“You did!” They all scream, but Miguel is quick to correct them. 
“Well…technically…I didn’t” 
“What do you mean technically?” Miles prys
Miguel can’t believe he admitted this much, but since he's already down the rabbit hole, he might as well give some more context: “At graduation…I kinda did, then I…ran away…”
A look of shock and confusion fills the teenager's face, but Peter is all grins and is going to give Miguel a high five: “Ah, the mysterious type. Nice.” 
Gwen quickly swats him on the shoulder, earning a whine from the man. 
“Not nice! That is so confusing! You just ran? Did you ever talk to her again?” 
Miguel takes a second to avoid eye contact, stoically starting to the side, before letting out a quiet, “No…” 
There is a collective groan, and Miguel rolls his eyes, trying to contain his high school embarrassment. 
“Can we stop talking about this and return to work now?”
“Have you seen her since?” Miles questions, 
“No,” Miguel answers sharply, irritation coming back up.
“Wha-what! How will you ever win her love if you don’t clear up the misunderstanding and confess your true feelings!” Pav laments, making everyone look at him with a raised brow. 
“Pav, mate…you know how long it's been since he's seen her?” Hobie chides 
Pav shrugs slightly, muttering, “Maybe it could be like a romantic thing…” 
“So wait, You have all the resources and never thought to at least search her out? Aren't you curious?” Gwen prods 
“No, I never thought about stalking my old crush. Now, can we please-” 
“She lives in the city!” Miles' voice calls out, making Miguel whip around.
Miles and Layla stand on Miguel's platform with your picture, info, and social media pulled up on his halo screens. Everyone is quick to web over, including Miguel. Miguel quickly pushes away a beaming Miles as he takes in all your information. He sees where you went to college, where you work, and…
“Ooohhh! She's still single!” Pav beams, looking at Miguel expectancy.
Miguel rolls his eyes as he keeps looking at you, still as perfect as he remembered. Somehow, you seem more confident in yourself, you seem…sexier…
Feelings start rising back to Miguel's chest. He hasn’t seen you in so long, and even your pictures still stir something within him. 
“Wow! This is awesome!” Miles beams, pointing to one of the screens 
Miguel, being too lost in your pictures, hasn’t realized what the teens are yammering about until they all start shaking him back and forth in excitement. Then he finally hears it.
“You can see her at your High School reunion! It's coming up in a couple of weeks!” 
Miguel turns his head to the invitation Layla had pulled up. “You got this a month ago but didn’t think you would be interested…. It looks like you will be attending now, though!” 
Before he can protest, she is RSVPing, and all the teens are hollering in laughter and giving high-fives. Everything is happening so fast that all Miguel can do is stand there in something akin to a trance. That's until Pav comes up to him with a giddy smile, 
“It’s like density!” 
Miguel groans…he wants everyone to get back to work…
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They really got him here….How the hell did he let them convince him to come here? They even managed to get him to dress up…
Hair in its usually slick back style, slate gray button down that did little to hide his bulk, and black trousers that he thought appeared too tight but Layla had insisted upon.  
Miguel stands uncomfortably off to the side as people he used to know all gather together, chit-chatting about their lives and reminiscing on the good old days… All while Miguel stays sulking in the corner…Maybe things from high school haven’t changed that much. Well, despite the whole genetic splicing that made him a superhero… Instead of still being the captain of the Mathletes team, he's now the CEO of Aleamax. However, one thing remains the same: When he is in a room filled with all these people from school, his eyes still roam around, trying to find you…
High school had not been kind to a nerd like him. He was 9 inches shorter, and the most important things to him were keeping all A’s, getting into his dream college, keeping up with his favorite comic series, avoiding bullying, and wanting so badly to kiss his crush. 
Miguel vividly recalls all those times in chemistry when you two worked so closely together. Miguel shyly mutters the mixing process while you lean in with stars in your eyes, taking it all in. Miguel never knew if you were interested in what he was saying or if you were trying to get a good grade, but he didn’t care. You still made his cheeks flush and heart race all the same. 
“Then…When-when you add fluid B to A, you will get a fizzing reaction…” 
A shaking Younger Miguel tries to steadily pour in the fluids while you watch, leaning in so close he could smell your sweet perfume and look at your glittery glossed lips. 
“Wow! Miggy, you’re so smart.” Your voice would be like sweet honey praising him, and the mere closeness of you to him would make his body feel like it was going to melt. 
“I keep telling my friends I have the best lab partner…” Miguel feels his throat dry as your hand slowly curls over his forearm. Then the bell rings, and Miguel is flustered, packing his things as you smile sweetly and wave goodbye. 
God, you must have been just messing with him, toying with him, knowing he was like a love-sick puppy for you. The worst part, if this was the case, he would have let you…Miguel would have let you toy and bat away at his heart until you felt content with it fully unraveling to you. Pathic…is that what you thought? Well, if it wasn’t what you thought of him before, it must be what you thought after his pitiful confession…
Miguel thinks back to that night when he last saw you…that all too familiar warmth threatens to take him over, so as he stares down at his drink, he slips back to that moment…
The ceremony had ended, everyone had exited the stadium, and Miguel was taking a second to calm himself in the dark hallway. High school was over, and his life was beginning. He was thinking back on all his decisions for this new chapter. Miguel fidgets with his graduation cap and feels about what awaits him. Then he thinks about the things he missed out on…
Then your face comes to mind…he had vowed to confess; even if you laughed and rejected him, he wanted to get his feelings off his chest. But when it came down to it, he let his shyness get the better of him and let you slip through his fingers without telling you. This was high school? He was sure to like other girls…but why was this eating away at him so much? Why did he feel so sick to his stomach for not doing this… 
The sound of clicking heels fills the corridor, and like fate, you are walking through the hallway back toward him. Miguel adjusts his glasses, unsure if this is some kind of halustion brought on by self-pity, but no… it was you…
As soon as your eyes locked to his, your lips curled to that all too familiar smile, the one that was so sweet. Then your voice rang that teasing nickname you graciously bestowed upon him.  
“Miggy, what are you doing, silly? Hanging out in the dark…Don’t you want to go celebrate?” 
“Oh…... I didn’t plan to go to any parties… just going to go home and get started on some summer reading…”
The smile that curled on your lips was additive as you stepped closer to his slouching form, “hm…Miggy…always so prepared… I’m going to miss seeing you around so much. I’m sure you're the only reason I passed chem!”  
“No…I am sure you will have more interesting people to talk to than a nerd like me…” 
“Maybe I like talking to nerds like you.” 
The statement made Miguel look up to see you so close to him mischive filling your eyes. Leaning in so close to him, he feels like he can’t breathe when he looks at you so close like this…
“You don’t mean that…” he chuckles softly.
Then your index finger lifts his chin, and you look at him with sweet eyes, but your tone is stern, “Don’t tell me what I mean…” 
Miguel feels his heartbeat quicken, and his palms begin to sweat. Before he can return to rational thought, he leans into you. 
He so gently cups your cheek with his nervous hands. Brushing his nose against yours, his shaky breath fanning over your sparkly glossed lips. Then, when your lips finally meet, he isn’t sure who fills the gap. 
The kiss was so sweet, and he held you so gently, but he knew you could feel the shaking of his hands and the heat rushing to his face. Everything around you two seemed to fade.
Eyes shut tightly from falling into the depths of the kiss, he pulls away to breathe. Peeking open his eyes, Miguels sees you are breathless, and your face is burning with a deep blush. You look so surprised... and he doesn't know what to say or how to explain. 
“I’m sorry…I just had to do that once…”
Then he ran off… leaving you alone in that dark hallway, scared of what you would say next…
Lost in his thoughts, Miguel failed to notice that one of his ex-classmates had been trying to get his attention. One of them must have finally recognized him. Looking up from his cup, Miguel expects to see one of his old mathlete teammates, but as he finally meets their eyes, he feels his heart stop at the sight. 
Looking up at him with that same sweet smile, you look just like he remembers: completely radiant. Your pictures showed you were still beautiful, but in person, you are the thing he remembers most about you: breathtaking.
“Miguel, that's gotta be you… Do you remember me?” -How could he not remember you?
Miguel feels himself staring at his thoughts, running everywhere; what does he say? What does he do? 
“I…I, of course, remember m-my lab partner.” -Okay, a little shaky…But with your face seeming to light up when he says he remembers and your eyes roaming over him, he can’t chastise himself too much for stuttering now. Miguel feels his hands starting to become clammy, and his stomach feels full of butterflies…shit…this feels like high school all over again. 
“I can not believe how different you look!”
“Yeah, late growth spurt and I uh… I started going…to the gym a lot….You though! You still look so beati- uh nice…good you look outstanding…” His mind is running a mile a minute, and he can’t believe how he is acting right now! He's Spider-Man, and he’s acting so nervous?
Smirking, you look as if you could read his mind about how nervous he is, though to anyone with working eyes, it was obvious. 
“You think I look good?” you ask, playful spinning, making Miguel's eyes take in just how tight your dress is. “I was hoping for beautiful…” you smile, giving him a wink. His blood rushes in his veins, and he swallows his suddenly dry throat. 
You could eat him alive…and he would let you…
“Beautiful then, you - uh… you have always looked beautiful…” 
“Thank you, Miguel, you look very handsome.” Miguel feels his heart racing as you step closer. Your eyes stay on his confident smile on your glossy lips. It teeters on cocky, and Miguel can’t bring himself to hate it…he loves it…
“Though Miguel, I do have to say…I miss the glasses; they were really cute.” 
“I still have some that I wear sometimes,” he says a bit too eagerly. 
Your smirk widens, “Really? Does your girlfriend like them?” 
“Oh, I don’t have a girlfriend.” 
The smirk on your lips borders on sinful “Good…” You purr 
Miguel feels a wave of electricity shake through him. Are you flirting? Miguel can’t help the smile and blush that's now reached to the tips of his ears. Miguel came here thinking that you wouldn’t be here, and if you were, you would be avoiding him, but he didn’t expect this. Do you even remember it? Well, of course, you would! Who forgets getting kissed, and then the person runs? He needs to apologize before he never sees you again. 
“So Umm…I am glad I got to see you, well other than it’s just nice seeing you…but I want to apologize…” 
“You’re talking about graduation.” Your cheerful voice cuts him off and utterly confuses him. Furrowing his brow, he’s lost and hoping you can explain. 
“Miguel, I liked the kiss…I wish you wouldn’t had run away…” 
Miguel is sure he’s died, and there is no possible way you're saying this to him. Sweet, perfect you, liked when he kissed you. Nerdy awkward him? Gently, Miguel feels your hands touching his chest, slowly dancing your fingertips over his muscles. Miguel hopes you can’t feel the way his heartbeat is racing right now. 
“You know, now that I really think about it…you owe me an apology or something. It was very rude of you to kiss me suddenly and then run away like that, teasing me. Then, when I went to reach out to you, you didn't have any socials. That's not very nice to do, you know…”  
Your hand slightly grazes his jaw, and he feels like he could melt. Rising to your tiptoes, you try to whisper in his ear as you lean into his chest, your chest rubbing against him. Miguel can feel himself starting to break a sweat. 
“I thought you were sweet…” 
Miguel feels you start to pull away, and in a moment of bravery or desperation, he carefully places his hands on your waist. Leaning down, he whispers back to you. 
“Could I make it up to you somehow?” 
“I have an idea…if you're up for it?”
Gathering his confidence, when he sees your smile, he squeezes your sides slightly, “Anything you want.” 
Without any hesitation, you grab his large hand from your waist and pull him along with you to slip out of the reception room into a dark hallway. The irony is not lost on either of you as you grin and pull each other close. Your lips are so close to his as you lean into his chest. 
“You're not going to run away this time. I want you to do this properly this time…”
Part of Miguel feels like he could be dreaming; your arms are wrapped around his neck, your fingers tangled in his hair, smiling at him so sweetly. Your eyes are one of pure hunger, and your voice is so transparent with your want. It’s perfect. 
Miguel brushes his thumb over your tempting lips, slightly dragging the bottom down while he tries to archer himself back to reality. Moving his hand to your neck as he leans in and kisses you. Your lips are soft and perfectly guiding against his. Miguel's hands fall to your hips; he digs his fingers into the plush of your skin, making you gasp into his mouth with a moan. It’s been a long time since he’s kissed you, and he wants to make sure you know how much he wants you… trying his hardest to impress you. 
The fingers in his hair tighten to a fist as you guide him to part his plush lips, then slip in your tongue to get a taste of him. It’s gentle at first but quickly heats up from your eager influence. Then you start straddling his thick thighs, grinding slightly against him. Both your bodies feel like you’ve been set on fire in a blazing flame of want. 
“Miggy, I always liked you…just-”
Before you can finish your words, Miguel drives his tongue back into your mouth, eager to taste those words he had always wanted to hear. His hands cup your ass as he drives his knee deeper between your legs, letting you use him more. Breaking the kiss, you let out the most perfect moans as your body tingles and shivers. Miguel hasn’t had enough of you yet as he keeps his mouth kissing against your flushed skin. His tongue rolls over your rapid pulse as you keep grinding and mewing for more. 
“Fuck, miggy~”
Miguel licks a long strip up your neck before grunting in your ear, “I… I only came here… to see you…t-talk to you…” 
His rough words make you grind against him more, and right as Miguel starts to feel your slick soaking through his pants, you pull his hair, successfully pulling a whimper from him, which is quickly cut off by your soft lips to his again. Then, as you pull away, you bite his bottom lip, which makes him shiver. 
“Can…can I take you home…” Miguel asks breathlessly, his hands still squeezing your ass. 
A small giggle leaves your kiss-bitten lips as you take a second to fix his now-disheveled hair, thanks to you. 
“Take me to your place, Miggy; you still owe me…” 
Miguel feels a rush of excitement run through him, making his length throb at your words. You really are going to eat him alive…
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It's the perfect sight he’s only ever dreamed of seeing, you sitting on his large bed completely naked, a sweet smile on your face, soft legs crossed over each other, waiting patiently for him. Miguel adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose…you had insisted, and he’s finding he can’t deny you…
Miguel slips off his underwear, kicking them away. Your eyes widen as you see his massive length slap against his abdomen, then hanging heavily. Your eyes rake over his immaculate form; the sight of you licking your lips isn’t lost on him. 
“Strip for me, Miggy,” you taunted as you dropped your dress with little effort, waiting for him to follow. Of course, he did. He would follow anything your sweet voice commands. Just please…let him touch you…
Running his hand through his hair, Miguel approaches you, but your sweet voice turns to him in disapproval, and he pauses. 
“No walking, I want you to crawl on your hands and knees…please? Miggy~” 
Every time you use that old nickname, he feels his cock twitch. Keeping his now blazing eyes on you as he slowly sinks to his knees and begins to crawl to you obediently. The action is meant to make him look submissive, but you find that even now, he looks like a predator getting ready to devour its prey… The shiver that shoots down your spine goes right to your sex, making you drip down on his sheets. 
As Miguel crawls closer, you unfold your legs, stretching one out slowly toward him. His large hand immediately catches your ankle. Hungry eyes look up at you, blazing with want, as his hand slowly caresses up your leg. Miguel's lips kiss softly against your calf while he whispers faint words under his breath after every kiss. His eyes watch you as he slowly raises your legs, the back of your thighs being pressed against his broad shoulders.  
Miguel's hands grab your hips, making you slip a moan. His eyes turn softer as he hears you moan, his lips coming away from the fresh mark he's left on your inner thigh. Miguel's lips part to apologize, but you're quick to interrupt before he can. 
Leaning forward, you push his glasses back into their proper place and caress his cheek. “You're doing so well for me, Miguel…though…It does feel like you're trying to make me beg… Are you trying to tease me?” 
Miguel's lips curl into a smile as he lowers his face to lick his tongue against your clit. You throw your head back at the hot contact, Miguel groaning at the sweet taste of your cyprine. 
“I wouldn’t dream of teasing you…” Miguel's lips lower down to your clit before he gives it a quick lick. 
Unable to help yourself, you grab a fist full of his hair, making him let out a soft groan, “Then devore me, Miggy; you still owe me, remember? And I-Ah!~” 
Before you can finish your taunting, Miguel is driving his face into your wet sex to selfishly devore more of you. Long slow licks of his warm tongue send waves of pleasure to flood your body as your toes curl from every push of his nose to your clit. 
His breaths for air huffing against your quivering sex, the tip of his tongue darting back to lick against your soft folds, making you whine. Looking down at him, his glasses crooked and hazy and his groans continue to vibrate through your pussy. Then the sensation of his tongue probing you open makes you close your thighs against his head and grab this thick hair, pulling hard enough for a grunt to slip through his chest. Getting the message, Miguel moves his tongue to lick your sensitive clit as his finger slips into you. Your grip on his hair gets tighter as you squirm, grinding your hips against his face, mouth hanging open as your chest heaves moan after moan. Your body starts shaking at the addition of another finger, making you feel jolts of pleasure that make you need to roll your hips onto his face more. 
Miguel could carless at the apparent use of his face for your pleasure; it's all he craves right now, your cum to dip all over his eager tongue. For your hips grind onto his face for hours. He would stay on his knees worshiping you like this until you're calling out from too much pleasure, and even then, he doesn’t know how he could pull himself away from your delicious taste. 
You feel him groan into you, the vibrations rushing through you to cause you to gasp and shiver as his tongue keeps sliding in and out of you, desperate for your sweetness. You want more, need more, you crave it with every roll of your hips; you want him in you deeply. Unclenching your thighs from his head, you pull his hair, forcing his face from you with a wet pop. 
Miguel's eyes are blown as he keeps them steady on yours, his full lips parted and panting. The sight of his face glistening with a mix of his saliva and your arousal is sinful and complete perfection. His poor glasses are resting on his face, still lopsided from his ravenous pursuit to taste your cunt. Leaving forward, you keep a smile as you hold his cheek; he immediately melts into it. Grabbing his glasses from his head, you toss them to his nightstand; before he can say anything to you, you're leaning forward to bring him into a kiss. His lips and tongue are laced with you, and you can’t help but want to giggle as he groans and leans his whole body onto you, so needy for more. 
With a gentle push to his massive chest, you can change the positions as you now straddle his hips effortlessly. You are slowly running your hands up and down his chest and abdomen, feeling his hair decorating his skin, making your mouth water. As you shift yourself up, you feel his swollen length hanging heavily as you nudge against it. The tip is hot and already pebbling with glistening pre-cum, straining for you to envelope around him. Reaching down, you flick your eyes from his eyes to his length. 
Miguel sure has changed over the years, but his face is so breathless and furrowing with every strained pleasure as you slide your thumb over his cocks slit. Whining so softly, sounding like the sweet nerd you remember. On the other hand, Miguel is witnessing you in a way only his mind had fantasized about. Your smile is no longer so sweet but devious; He wants to push his cock into you so deeply and have you shudder and scream while you gush all over him, But this teasing and taunting… it's mouth-watering. 
Touching his length, you feel the sheer heat of it as you carefully trace over the soft skin, feeling every vein. Tracing over the red weeping tip, you feel him shudder and mumble something under his breath as you grasp him to hold against you, seeing that he measures to your stomach. You can't help but bite your lip in anticipation of the stretch. 
Your eyes flick back to Miguels, “Think it will fit?” you tease.
“I will make it fit…” his rough voice sends a shiver down your spine. 
Lifting to your knees, you line up his tip to brush on your clit, making you gasp as you slip him through your folds. Then finally, you slip him in slowly, feeling his cock stretch your fluttering hole; the stretch is intense and makes you roll your eyes as your back arches. Miguel grabs your ass tightly, bucking his hips to sink in a bit faster; he pants a sorry as you let out a moan and squeeze your hands on his chest for support. Looking down at his beautifully blushing face, you only smile as you sink deeper. 
“So eager, Miggy~” 
All Miguel can manage is a smile as he works hard to keep himself from bottoming out immediately. He so badly just wants to shove it in deeply and rut into you like a damn animal. A groan builds in his throat as he tries to keep himself from whimpering as you continue to sink so slowly. His cock throbbing and stretching your walls as it heats your insides. Before he can manage a whine, you sink all the way down, taking every inch; before either of you can moan, you lean down to catch his lips in a needy kiss, taking control you guide him, your tongue pushes past his lips to taste his groans. While his tongue eagerly does the same. Pulling away from the kiss, you grind against him, relishing in the feeling of his cock pushing in deeper and his trimmed hairs tickling your sensitive skin; you can’t help but bite his bottom lip to compensate for the mind-numbing feeling. 
Miguel's hands squeeze harder, making you release his lip as your cunt to clenchs on him, the moan of his name dropping from your lips as your hips start to grind on him at a slow pace. Using your hands, you slightly push yourself up and rock your hips back and forth, letting his cock slide to bully your gummy insides, brushing your cervix with every nudge. Miguels is mesmerized as he roams his hands over your body, worshiping every inch of your skin with his careful fingertips brushing and rubbing you so tenderly. His hands come to your breast, where he takes a minute to squeeze and pinch your nipples, your whimper in response, and grind harder against his cock, pushing him to rub harder against your cervix.
“You look s-so fucking beautiful…your body, your…tatse…I’ve never stopped thi-thinking of you…” Miguel mutters through pants of hot breaths. 
The words spur you on, and you start to pick up your pace, making him moan out and guide your hips to rock back and forth faster, “Always so sweet…” you coo to him…the words are less taunting but just true; he has always been sweet to you…
“Only for you…” he muses, and you can’t help but smile, 
You feel yourself starting to sip from having a clear head that's now blurring in a haze of lust as you continue to pursue your pleasure on his girth. Pushing in and out on him quicker. Your hands grab onto him tighter as you ravish your tight pussy with his throbbing cock. Begging for both his and your release. Fucking so deep in you, now your jaw falls slack as his cock keeps pushing against your velvety sweet spot, making jolts of pleasure pulse through your body with every bounce. 
The sweat that has built on your bodies works hard to try and cool your fevered states, but with every push into your cunt and with every clench around his length rousing him to go deeper makes it all in vain. There is no cooling as you two approach your white hot release, bodies only growing more hot and sensitive with every whine and every mind-numbing push. So close to tipping the other to ecstasy…
With a couple of aided thrust from Miguel fucking up into you, your muscles tenase and your mouth falls open in a pitched scream of his name as your danm burst making you clench and shudder on his cock, coming undone on top of him. You're quivering on his length as he carefully grinds you through your drenching pleasure, the feeling of his cock slipping deeper as you eagerly ride him through your high. 
With the way you clench so tightly and grind faster, Miguel couldn't help but feel himself throb and spurt right into your cervix. The feeling of it spurting so thickly, his cock pulsing inside of you, feeling so heavy in you with each twitch. This cum is hot and fills you so that it's leaking down mixing with your arousal, creating a sticky mess. You can't help yourself when you side on more and more feeling your cunt want to stick to his skin. 
Haze starting to clear you fall forward on him, you try to catch your breath in between placing frantic kisses to Miguel's chest and neck. Your orgasm leaves you utterly satisfied, but Miguels is not done…
With a quick turning over your body, you're lying on your back now as Miguel situates himself between your legs. He takes time to look over your flushed form, his massive hands dragging over your sensitive body, and you shiver and buck your hips up. Miguel takes your legs, pushing them up to your chest, making your mew from his touch, your pussy completely exposed to him. Miguel feels his breath catch as his cum leaks out of your trembling puffy cunt in milky drops. Miguel releases one of your legs to fall to his shoulder so he can plam his cock, still erect and ready for more. His red eyes flick back to your blisted-out face, and though you're at the point of overstimulation, you still ache for more. 
“M-Miggy…” you're the one to tremble shyly for him now, and the switch of the roles makes him fold. He’s helpless for you…
Leaning down carefully, Miguel cages you between his massive arms as he places a gentle, sweet kiss on your begging lips. Breaking the kiss, he whispers in your ear so softly, “More? Can you give me more? Perfect girl…let me feel you again…please…” 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling his damp skin, you buck your hips up in your whine of, “More, Please, Miggy ah—I need more of you, always. You are so good to me.” 
He catches your hips in a quick grip as he lifts them up, smiling; it's everything he has ever wanted to hear from your sweet lips. And he is always eager to satisfy you. 
Miguel slips his cock into you with a groan; you're already so sensitive as he pushes down to the base, filling you so quickly that your body already starts quivering around him. Pressing soft kisses to your sweaty skin, he rolls his hips slow and deep. He is taking his time with you. Every thrust is hot and tingling, and you feel that familiar tense starting to build up again from the consistent pace he's set. Managing to open your eyes through moans and rolls, you see Miguel with beautifully flushed cheeks, eyes filled with want as he softly pants and whimpers with each clench of your wet cunt. 
As his pace quickens, you feel him throb, giving you new resolve to meet your hips with each thrust, and your core starts to burn deliciously. Your nails find their place, digging into his broad back. Every slap of his balls to your overly sensitive skin makes you moan and throw your head back. Miguel takes the opportunity to kiss and lick against your neck, his hot breath rushing over you. With a final clench and strained moan, you feel that white-hot wave of pleasure burn through you; his body shudders at the feeling of your cunt, so desperate to cum against him to milk him dry again. His groan borders on a whine as his hips are still, and you feel that familiar throbbing against your cervix as his thick cum fills you up. Looking up at him, you watch his face contort to be in complete pleasure; the sight of it is completely addicting. 
Staying in you till you are both down from your highs, he slowly pulls out his softening cock. The pooling of both of your cum completely ruins the sheets underneath you, but Miguel doesn’t worry about that. He brushes stray hairs from your face and whispers he will be right back. You're too exhausted to move, and you can only twitch slightly as you feel a cool cloth cleaning you up so gently. 
After cleaning you up, you feel the bed sink beside you and the feeling of an arm around you, bringing you closer to his warm body, his other hand brushing through your hair so carefully. You gather your energy to curl into Miguel with a broad smile. You two lay there, slowly drifting away in each other's comfort. 
Clearing his throat, Miguel tries to be as unawkward as possible, and it only manages to make you smile more; you two just had amazing sex, and he’s still nervous; some things die hard, you guess. Looking up at him, you see he’s trying to gather up the best way to approach his next words; this night has been everything he hoped, and he doesn’t want to blow it now, but he needs to know the answer to his question, 
“Can-can I…take you out on a date?” 
His face is completely sincere and flushed; you have to bite back your giggle before you answer. 
“Miggy, about time you asked…” 
You two set the date up for the next night; Miguel, of course, wore his glasses…
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hoshigray · 1 year
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Pleasurable Practice
Here's what I got: when you're left in headquarters to study for an upcoming language skit, your boss and work crush, Miguel O'Hara, does what he can to help his subordinate. And he does, in more ways than one...
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A/n: It's been a week since I saw the film in theaters, and my brain hasn't been the same. I tried very hard not to write for this man, but here we are. Sighhhh, I swear I wasn't this bad when playing EoT (curse you Oscar Issac, and the ATSV art department!!!). And it doesn't help that my social feeds are full of him...Anyway, I hope you enjoy this piece! It's WAY longer than I wanted, but I guess that's meant to show how much fun I had writing, hehehe~. Also, ty so so much for 600+ followers!!
Cw: Miguel x fem!reader - some ATSV spoilers so tread carefully - sexual context so minors DNI - fingering (fem! receiving) - cunnilingus - clitoral play (Miguel's fangs lightly brush your clit, but doesn't bite it) - praise - kisses on the stomach - pet names (amorcito/little love, mi alma/my soul; amor/my love; vida/my life) - sexual acts in public - outside intrusions, but you two don't get caught.
Wc: 2.8k
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"Hey, Lyla. You sure you wanna leave me here?"
"Aww, you scared something would happen without me?" She chuckles when you shrug. "You'll be fine; everything's been taken care of for today. If something pops outta nowhere, you know where to find Miguel or give me a call. Alright, I'm outta here. Cya tomorrow~."
"Bye, Lyla~" With that, the pixelated woman signs off from your line of sight, and you slump into your chair with a sigh.
It's late at night in Nueva York. The Spider Society headquarters is still active, but fewer people occupy the halls and sectors in these late hours, you being one of them. You're sitting at a conference table by the teleportation room, taking in Margo's shift. But since things are quiet around here, you use this time to work on your homework.
Well, you would've if a pair of hands didn't suddenly come from behind and blocked your vision. "Guess who?"
You shake your head with a smile. "Aren't you supposed to be at Earth-50101 hanging with Gwen and Pav?"
The hands are removed, giving your shoulders a quick rub. "Can't say a quick bye before I'm off?" Hobie Brown walks from behind to sit on the table, avoiding the scattered papers on the surface. "What's all this? School?"
"Yeah," You pick up a paper with color-coordinated dialogues. " I got a reflection to finish and need to read this script for a skit in my modern language class on Wednesday."
"What language?"
"Spanish." You flip the script for him to look at. A giggle slips from you. "Suppose you can't help me, huh?"
Hobie grins. "Yo lo haría si pudiera." Your eyes go big. Of course, the guy who "doesn't believe in consistency" would know a thing or two about other languages.
".....Please stay and help me."
"Can't, perhaps next time." Another heavy sigh as the tall other gets up from the table and opens a portal to Pavitr's universe. "We'll save some snacks to bring back tomorrow. See ya then."
"Bye, Hobie." You groan with your head meeting the table surface as the portal vanishes with Hobie's dismissal. In despair, you lift your head up and proceed with your work.
It's about 11 p.m., and you were able to finish your paper in about two hours. It's now time to work on your Spanish script. Unfortunately, your class partner can't be here (obviously) to say his lines with you, but you two promised to highlight your lines and recite on your own downtime. So you follow through with the blue lines — your lines — avoiding the red lines and announcing all the words to the best you can.
After the third time around, you start to get to the rhythm of it. So in tune with what you're doing, you don't mind your surroundings as you circle around the table with your face glued to your script.
"What're you doing?"
However, it all comes to a halt when a voice startles you. So used to the silence and your own tone that you didn't notice a familiar man creep from behind you. Your eyes widen at the tall and well-built figure before you.
Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man 2099 and the leader of the Spider Society — your boss who you have a major crush on and is still waiting for you to reply after nearly scaring you to death.
"O-Oh, Miguel, umm," you quickly straighten yourself up, but the heat in your face encroaches. "Sorry, didn't see ya there. I was just looking at this script."
"A script?" He slightly tilts his head, surveying your moves as you sit back at the table. He follows and peers behind your shoulder to see what you're working on. "For what?"
"It's for a skit in my Spanish class. I'm reciting my lines for Wednesday." He nods at your answer, glancing around to see you're alone. "Lyla signed off for a while, but she told me to tell you that if you 'need anyone to put a leash on you,' Jessica would answer the call."
The man narrowed his eyes and sucked his teeth, "of course she said that..." was all he murmured under his breath from his pixelated peer's words. With a heavy sigh, he turns back to the paper in your hand and extends out his. His silent request is answered when you pass him the sheet to skim. A brow is lifted. "Is the skit like some kind of married couple or—"
You confirm. "Yes. Our unit is on relationships, and my partner and I wanted to do a skit where the husband — my partner — comes home and surprises his wife with their favorite flower and then gives a nice speech on how much he loves her." Miguel still reads the script, but you continue on. "Luckily, our instructor said it's not our final where it's required to talk entirely in Spanish. So, we can say some English phrases or words if our brains go blank."
Miguel finally stops examining the script and eyes at you. "I can help."
Huh? "Excuse me?"
"You're the blue lines, right?" Correct. "Then I can be the red lines and help you practice."
Wait, no! "Oh no, there's no need for that, Miguel! I'm sure you're busy looking at the screens on your station and—"
"No pasa nada, Y/n," You gulp when he grabs a chair and sits close to you. "I'll say your partner's parts, and you reply with yours." There's no use in arguing with him out of this, so you just follow suit.
For the past thirty minutes, you and Miguel have been practicing. Sometimes he'll call you out on words you forget or mispronounce, which hurts your little heart being scolded like a child. But then there are times when he praises you for saying something correctly without second-guessing, or he'll ask for a pen to scratch off something and write a better phrase for you to say. And you can tell that your memorization's been improving thanks to his help. Maybe there was no need to be nervous.
The time is now 11:46, and you feel way more confident about this skit than before. Miguel can also tell by how much you've performed that you'll do fine on Wednesday. Guess that should do it. He puts the script down and gets up, heading back to his original post.
"Hey, wanna do the actual skit with me?"
Huh? "What?"
"Well, I was thinking," You squeak. "Maybe we can try acting out the skit without the paper now that I'm kinda getting the hang of it? But, I mean, that's only if you're okay with it, ya know..."
His brows trench down. Miguel knows he shouldn't do it; there are many universes in his post that he needs to keep an eye on in case anything pops off. He can't afford to just act out a scenario for some class. However, when he glances back at you, he faces mixed feelings. Your eyes look at his, nibbling on your bottom lip, and your fingers fidget with each other as you wait for his answer.
Miguel knows he shouldn't...but it won't hurt to comply this one time.
"Fine," your heart skips when he turns back to face you fully. "But don't mention it to Lyla or Jess. I'll never hear the end of it from those two."
"Of course!" You reassure him as you ready yourself, mentally calming the happiness brewing inside down. "You go."
He nods and plays the scene. He acts like he opens a door and holds an imaginary object. "Estoy en casa, cariño."
"Oh, bienvenido a casa, bebé!" You rush to Miguel and give him a hug. You feel him go rigid, and you freeze. Wait, he's still my boss and not my actual partner! Oh, God, I bet he regrets doing this now...Ughhh!! Commit now, cry later!
You quickly improvise and pull him by his spider suit to come close, placing pretend kisses on his cheeks. "Llegas pronto a casa, mi guapo muñeco. Is something wrong?"
Miguel stares at you for a few seconds before he blinks and coughs. "Ahem, Querida, vine temprano porque es tu cumpleaños. Y quería darte esto." The hand with the invisible object comes up, and you take it.
"Dios mío, ¿mi flor favorita en mi día especial?" You give the man a warm smile and place a hand on his cheek, stroking his skin lovingly. Miguel hitches his breath. "Eres demasiado buena conmigo, muñeco. Pero no tenías que regalarme nada."
It takes Miguel a moment, but he coughs once more and returns to the task. "Puede que la flor no fuera necesaria, pero tenía que conseguirla para ti, mi amor." He puts a hand on yours that's still on his cheek, now it's your turn to slow your breathing. "Cada vez que veo esta flor, sólo puedo pensar en ti. No sólo hoy, sino todos los días. Veo todo lo que haces por mí y nunca lo doy por sentado. You are my everything, Y/n. Tú eres mi mundo. Mi luz. Mi corazón. Mi… Mi…"
He stops, noticing your expression and shallow breaths. Your eyes never leave his, mouth agape, and your attention entirely on his words— no, on him. Even in this little act, you dare not move or say something out of turn. Listening to the man before you intently, your hand still in his.
He knows he shouldn't, but Miguel leans into you, and a small gasp leaves you before his lips press onto your soft ones. "....Mi alma."
Your brain short-circuits, the feel of his lips overtaking you. You awkwardly kiss him back, resulting in a moan from Miguel. He grabs your waist while pushing himself forward, making you walk backwards until you hit the table. The bump has you two break the kiss, forcing you back to reality.
Miguel says nothing, and so do you, your eyes honing in on his deep red orbs. Your thoughts go too fast that your head pounds. What? What was that? Did he mean to do that??
He captures your attention. "What?"
"Lie down, mi amor." He commands in a stern voice. Hesitance restrains you, yet you still follow orders and sit on the table with your back to the surface. A small smile creeps up on Miguel, and he leans down to plant more kisses on your sweet lips. "Good. Now, say your part."
Slow smooches from your chin to your neck leave you breathless. Although the heat in your face is unbearable, you play along and stick to the script. "My wonderful husband...Y...You are so thought—"
"Se supone que está en español, Y/n." He corrects you. Lifting your shirt to reveal your abdomen. Miguel kisses your exposed tummy while his hand snakes past your bottoms, pressing a finger down on the wet spot of your clothed vulva. Your toes curl as your first moan leaves puffy lips. "Try again."
You intake a deep breath. "Ere...Eres muy considerado con—Mmmm....conmigo." Your bottoms and undergarments are now off, your bare cunt out for Miguel to see. The older man props your legs upward with both hands as he brings his face close to your pussy. He lightly blows on it, and you bite your lip from the cold air. "Keep going, mi vida."
"Cuando....no haya luz en mi—Oooh!!" Miguel flicks your clitoris with his tongue before nestling it between your soaked folds, sucking and laving your essence. "Nnnmp! Mi-Miguel, I can't do thisss...Your tongue, it feels so, so—Oh Christ..."
His ruby eyes peek at your face. "But you were doing just fine, Y/n." The way he says your name feels so sinful, so forbidden. But so pleasing to the ears. "Repeat it."
His tongue goes back to torment your slit. The risque noises the wet muscle makes with your slick-covered chasm ring your eardrums. Ecstatic whimpers fill the space around you, and you grab tufts of Miguel's brown hair when his tongue flicks your clit again. He's impatient, so you concede.
"Cuando no haya luz en mi vida....Haaaahhh, sé que estarás ahí para protegerme." Miguel pushes your tender bud against his teeth. His canine brushing on your pearl, causing you to jerk. "Eres mi sombra...Mi—Ahhhh!....escudo....Mi rey."
He chortles, "Good job, mi alma."
Satisfied with your cooperation, the man sucks on your precious sex as his forefinger nestles between your folds, your slick providing lubricant to naturally push his digit through your entrance. You jolt with a sharp cry, tears falling from your beautiful face.
His tongue and fingers go faster, and your release climbs higher with every lick. The stimulation of your poor cunt and clitoris is hardcore that you come in a few seconds, the walls of your chasm fluttering around Miguel's fingers coated with your personal fluids.
Your heavy pants slow down to steady your body that subsides from the aftershocks of your orgasm. Miguel withdraws his mouth and fingers from you, standing upright to take in your figure.
He scoffs with a tiny grin, licking his lips. "Amorcito."
You open your mouth to say something, but a flash of colors and shapes captures the attention of both of you. Your eyes go wide. Oh no, someone's coming!
With haste, you immediately grab for your bottoms and underwear before taking cover under the conference table, using it to quickly put your clothes back on before someone enters through the portal. That someone was Jessica Drew, making her arrival known by revving her motorbike.
"Jess," Miguel puts on his usually serious face. But on the inside, he's almost as nervous as you. Because he swiftly pulls a chair out to cover his erection lower regions.
"Hey, Miguel! I thought I'd find you here." The woman addresses him when she's done a lap around the table. Her portal vanishes from the scene. "I've been trying to call you through your watch. You not wearing it?"
He looks down at his wrist where it was supposed to be. "...I was using the restroom, so I left it on my station."
"Mmm, I figured." Jessica then notices the paper and backpack on the table. "This is Y/n's stuff, right? Where are they?"
"R-Right here, Jess!" To her surprise, you come out from the table with your bottoms fully secured. "Sorry, I was looking for my pen before packing up." You smile to ease the awkward tension and your racing heart.
"Oh, okay then." Jessica nods to your words and turns to Miguel. "Anyway, I was calling you up because I need backup. The guy I was dealing with somehow switched places with another villain. Took care of the other one, but my guy's elsewhere."
He hums. "Lyla."
"That's me." The yellow-pixelated woman with pink heart-shaped glasses appears once more.
"Where are the coordinates of the anomaly Jess was handling?"
"I'm sorry, you want me to do what?"
"What's the magic word?" The tiny woman teases him while you and Jessica hold in your laughs.
Miguel's brows furrow with a slight pout. "....Canyoupleasesend—"
"Woah, woah, woah," Lyla gets closer to his face with each word, raising his irritation as she does so. "Little too fast there."
"Can you please give us the co—"
"Already gave it to Jess."
"Then what was the point—"
"You know how much I love to pester ya," her smile doesn't help squander his frustration, not when he also hears the exchanged giggles between you and Jessica. "And call that payback for not having your watch on you."
To avoid their eyes seeing Miguel's situation, he leaves and fetches his watch quickly after being repeatedly teased by the two women. He returns ready with his mask on and the device on his wrist. Lyla and Jess are waiting for him, same with you and all your stuff packed up. It's 12 in the morning now, you have to get home. "Ready?"
"Yup, see ya there." The woman on her bike starts it up. Lyla disappears when the dimension is opened. "Bye, Y/n!"
"Bye, Jess!" You wave goodbye to the woman, who does one final lap before entering the portal to her new destination. And now you're back to being alone with Miguel, who you find looking at you. You gulp and say your thoughts. "Don't worry, I didn't tell them! And, sorry that it happened. I was being a little too close to you in the first—"
"Hey." Miguel lifts a hand to stop you from rambling on further, and you listen. "Your skit. When is it again?"
It takes you aback that he asks, but you still reply. "Wednesday?"
"Hm. Alright then." And with that, he walks to the portal to his next mission. But before he exits, he peers from his shoulder and proclaims something.
"Tell me how you did on Wednesday, then we'll continue with this talk."
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hey! Saw that your requests are open :]
Could you write a scenario where Gwen, miles n pav are looking for Hobie in his universe for whatever reason, just for them to find him and his s/o taking a nap together on a rooftop together 🥺?
I just kinda wanna see hobie/y/n in the perspective of other characters <3
Thanks in advance ❤️❤️❤️!!!
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‘Hobie’s not picking up.’ Pavitr said.
‘Neither is y/n.’ Gwen replied, pocketing her phone after the third failed phone call.
‘Hobie’s phone is probably dead, he let’s that thing drain to it’s last percentage and y/n is probably busy on a mission.’ Miles tried to justify as he, Pav and Gwen walked through the streets of Hobie’s dimension in search of their friend to hang out but the longer the trio went without seeing Hobie -or you for that matter- in places they believed he’d be; the last place being the pub he frequents where Hobie’s band mates informed them that they haven’t seen him in a while, the more worried they’d become for his well being despite not needing too, but still he’s their friend and friends worry about one another; no matter how capable they are.
‘Have you tried his place?’ One of his mates tells them, ‘can’t hurt if you haven’t.’ They added, raising the pint glass to their lips as they downed the rest of their drink in a couple of gulps. ‘We have, he wasn’t there.’ Miles said and they put their glass back down on the table, wiping their mouth with the back of their hand, shrugging their shoulders. ‘You know how Hobie is with his dislike for consistency and all that. But if I were to guess where he is -if he’s even there at all by the time you lot get there- it’ll probably be up on the rooftop of that half arsed complex they’ve left to rot.’
‘Where would we-‘ ‘I think I know where that is,’ Gwen cuts in, remembering her time spent here and the places she’s been due to Hobie helping her get her bearings of the place, one in particular having stuck out more so then the others. ‘Thanks for the help.’ She tells them right before looking to Pavitr and Miles, jutting her head towards the exit of the pub. ‘Come on, if I’m right, he shouldn’t be too far from here.’ She tells them as she, Pav and Miles left the pub and began making leeway to their next destination.
‘They’ve been here the whole time!’ Miles exclaimed upon seeing you and Hobie fast asleep with you practically cuddled into Hobie’s side, your face buried within the crook of his neck as your hands clung to his waist while one of Hobie’s hands were at your waist, keeping you anchored to his side as his other hand was holding onto your forearm that rested comfortably across his hip bone; Both of you looked at peace within the others presence, it was a sweet sight to behold for the trio that it made the goose chase all the more worth it’s frustrations.
‘You’ll wake them!’ Pavitr shushed Miles but he couldn’t care less when he saw what was in his friend’s hand, his brows immediately raising. ‘Pav, are you taking pictures of them asleep?’ Gwen piped up, also having caught on.
‘You expect me not to? Look at them!’ Pavitr was the one to exclaim this time as he gestures to yours and Hobie’s still slumbering intertwined figures. ‘They’re love incarnate, the beautiful vulnerability brought forth by their comfortability with one another,’ he sighs longingly as he snaps another picture of you two, ‘to have a relationship where your soul feels at ease with that person, to have all your walls come down when you’re with them to the point you are able to hear the song of their heart, soothing you into a slumber filled naught with dreams but memories.’
‘So kinda like the male and female skeletons that were found romantically embracing one another.’ Miles said. ‘I guess I can see the comparison.’ Gwen piped in as she looked closely at you and Hobie, her eyes immediately noting some movement in Hobie’s hand as it subconsciously intertwined itself with yours and giving it a squeeze, almost like he was making sure you were still with him. So it made Gwen smile when she saw you reciprocate the squeeze with one of your own; It was so obvious that the relationship you and Hobie had was one of love, respect, loyalty and above all else trust.
It’s a relationship anyone would die to have but it takes a special person to have that type of relationship and Gwen couldn’t be happier that you and Hobie found each other. You two were the missing pieces that you’ve been searching for so long, Gwen couldn’t imagine the imminent relief you must’ve felt whenever you and Hobie held hands knowing that you were finally where you were meant to be, to be able to see clearly, to be able to breath; Gwen might not be a hopeless romantic like Pavitr is but she couldn’t help but want a relationship like yours and Hobie’s one day because that’s the day when she knows she’s found her person.
Miles took note of how Gwen looked longingly at you and Hobie and wondered if she thought the same as he did, to have what you and Hobie had, to find his person whom he can spend every waking moment with and still feel how he felt when first meeting them; in adoration and awe, to have someone whom he can be unapologetically himself and hope that they feel the same with him, to be able to fall sleep on a rooftop somewhere without fearing all the possibilities that could happen in your moment of vulnerability.
Miles deeply wished to have the kind of love his parents have, the kind that you and Hobie have for it was, in Pavitr’s words, a love that transcends the need for words, for words weren’t enough to convey how you felt compared to the intimate act of soul searching within each others eyes.
‘We should leave them be for now.’ Gwen said softly to Pavitr and Miles whom had no qualms in agreeing to leaving you and Hobie alone, though not without admiring both of you one last time, just as you nuzzled yourself deeper into Hobie’s neck and Hobie’s little smile before they all headed back to hq.
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captain-lessship · 1 year
His “Sidekick In The Chair” No Longer Pt. 1
a/n: No die hard comic fans come for me but I do know that Toxin (A symbiote) has helped spider man in the comics and I wanted to write something that has the potential to get funny but I will warn you, there is a sad bit in this part.
CW: Possible Spoilers (idk i know not everyone has watch the movie or read the comics)
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“Every superhero has a sidekick!” He whined.
Your best friend, Pavitr, had offered to walk you home and had talked non-stop about you helping him. 
“Pav,” you turned around, fully ready to shut him down but you saw the sheer hope and excitement in his eyes, “I- Fine!” You lamented. “But I am not your sidekick, we are equals.”
He smiled widely at you as he slung his arms around you, “I knew you’d agree! Thank you. And sure! You can be a hero too!” 
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Besides how hard could it be?”
“About that… we need suits.”
“Oh come on, all superheroes have cool suits and besides you can sew!” He said.
“I really really hope that I get side swiped by a car.” You groaned.
“You’ll never get hurt while I am here.” He said, voice trying to be serious.
You were unimpressed, “Let’s hope you never have to use that line.” You patted him on the back. 
When you got home, you immediately got to work doodling up a suit that would be fit for your rather expressive best friend and now partner in crime fighting. 
You smiled to yourself as you drew and after what felt like hours, you added color. As you stared at the costume, your mind began to wonder, thinking about all the shenanigans and by relation, danger he’d be getting into and you wouldn’t always be there.
You were set on the sidelines: No powers, only your mind to help him. You knew he was smart and wouldn’t purposefully get himself in deep trouble but yet, you still worried. 
And your worrying was for the best.
There was now a-
“Hole in our universe.”
A hole in your universe.
“Pav, sweet sweet, Pav,” you held your phone closer to your ear, “Why is there a god damn hole in our universe?” You yelled into your phone.
“Geez, don’t yell! Calm down, it’s being fixed and… I’m sorry.”
You were shocked. It wasn’t that Pavitr never apologized, it was that he never apologized without adding on why it wasn’t his bad.
“It’s- Pav, it wasn’t your fault. You are not responsible for other people’s actions.”
“I know, I know but I feel partially responsible: it’s my city. And there’s a hole in it.” 
“It’s being fixed, it’ll be okay.” 
A sudden knock on your window made you jumped and you turned in your chair to see him. You walked to your window and opened it. 
He tumbled in and slumped to your bed, still in his Spider-Man suit. You sighed as you walked over and sat beside his face down figure, “So is this a ‘Leave me alone for five minutes and bring me tea’ or a ‘I am just being dramatic’ ?”
“I am not dramatic!” He shouted at you. 
You just stared at him as he jerked his mask off, a very angry and hit look painted across his face. 
“You know what?” He stood up, “Forget it! You don’t know the half of it!”
“Oh what don’t I know?” You said, feeling yourself become annoyed.
“What it is to be an actual superhero!” 
It cut you deeper than it should’ve. There was just something about the way he said it that made you believe that he never thought you were more than his tailor and direction giver. 
Anger filled you, “Oh please!” How quickly could he forget that he would not have been able to do it without you. 
“You just don’t! And I don’t expect you to!” 
“No, I don’t get the easy part. I don’t get the powers and I don’t get the praise but I hope you can do it without me.”
He stared at you, eyes scanning your face, “I don’t have the easy part. I have to except the fact my life is written out for me.”
“Well, should be easy to live then, the reassurance that it will all be okay must be great!” You folded your arms across your chest. 
There was silence for a bit. 
“What do you mean without you?” 
“You said I wasn’t a real superhero,” you felt your anger subside, “And I got mad.”
He looked at you, “I am just… disappointed in what I now know my life will be like, it’s all already drawn out and I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”
“What will it be?”
“My uncle, and every other Spider-Man’s uncle, were already destined to die. So is a police investigator that I am close to.” 
You could’ve swore you saw tears form in his eyes, something that never clouded the face for your sunny spirited friend, ��Every Spider-Man has a Gwen Stacy. Every Gwen Stacy falls in love with Spider Man.”
You picked up on what he meant, you walked to him and wrapped your arms around him and felt his body give slightly, sniffing and snuffling noises leaving him. “Every Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy can’t be together, can they?” 
He nodded yes, acknowledging that his young love was predestined to end. All you could do was hug him.
You thought about that all through the night. Mind drifting to how sad it must be. Suddenly something touched your foot. 
It was cold.
Slightly slimy.
And it was moving. 
With a shaky hand you pulled back the cover, revealing a crimson colored mass.
Before you could scream, it began to rise slightly off the bed and a pair of pearly white eyes with a light blue sheen came to the thing that was in your bed.
Fear filled you as words came from the creature.
“Hi.” You all but whispered.
“Are you frightened?”
“Uh, yea, no offense but it’s not everyday a random blood looking creature appears in my room.”
“I am Toxin.”
“Is there something you need or what?”
“I can make you a superhero. You would want to help your friend, right?” Toxin remarked. 
“Okay eavesdropper, but how could you do that?”
“I just need your body. Then you will have all my powers.”
“Could I web swing?”
“We could try.”
“What’s the catch?”
Toxin laughed, “Smart, aren’t we? Well there is one. What you eat, I take half the nutrients. I use your body as a sort of home.”
“It won’t kill me, right?”
“No. What parasite intentionally kills their host?”
“You need a marketing class.” You sighed, “But I guess we could take one.”
“We could.” Toxin smiled widely. 
You extended your hand and Toxin climbed onto it, you shuddered slightly at the feeling, “How are you gonna get inside me?”
“Take a deep breathe.” 
You closed your eyes as you breathed in through your nose, feeling him slip in your nostril. It felt like when a doctor swabbed your nose to see if you had the flu. You choked slightly, feeling it drip down into your chest. Then the voice came.
“It’s nice in here.”
“You’re welcome.” Toxin said, “Now, I request a sandwich.”
“PB & J?”
“Grape jelly.”
“Of course.”
Little did you know who was outside your window, having seen the encounter between you and the alien. It was Pavitr. His watch chimed.
“Canon Event Successful. Continue your work.” 
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ticklyblues · 1 year
hiya! i saw requests open, is it okay if i request a lee!hobie and ler!pav from atsv? Like a scenario where normally hobie is the ler but pav is able to turn the tables and flip it on hobie. Hobie would be shocked but smug, but as soon as the tickles start that facade would fade. I also headcannon if you get a certain spot for long enough hobie just melts. anyways take ur time and tyyy!!
Yes!!! Of course!!
(youre my first ever request btw :D literally so excited to write this)
A Lession on "Childish"
762 words
(VERY brief lee!pavitr and ler!hobie but like only for a second)
CW: very mild and minimal swearing
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The night was dark. The night was stormy. And frankly, the night was boring. The rain lightly patted against Hobie's window as him and Pav tried to come up with something to do.
"We could... go play in the storm?" suggested Pavitr.
"Nah," the punk said, "our clothes would ge' all soggy. Plus, isn' jumpin in puddles a tad too childish for us?"
Hobie did have a point... kind of. But Pav was dead set on going outside. He didn't care what it would take, they were gonna go play. It couldn't be that hard, the guy doesn't believe in consistency after all.
So of course he started whining about it. "Hobie PLEASE! We could bring umbrellas! What if we wore raincoats? Would that change your mind? hmmmm?"
Hobie thought about it for a second. If he was being honest, the only reason he considered it was to get the kid off his ass. The boy sat there with a stumped look on his face, trying to think of something to distract the other spiderman with while it continued to rain. All of the sudden, he had an idea. His expression was so intense, you'd think to check for a lightbulb above his head.
He looked over at Pavitr. The poor guy was still pacing around the room, no clue what was about to happen.
In one quick movement, Hobie was across the room, rapidly poking at Pavitr's sides. Foolishly, he thought he had won. "Finally, this should keep him busy." He hoped.
Spiderman India held back a yelp. Thankfully, his spidey-senses had warned him not long in advance. He was prepared for Hobie's attack, and he even had an idea to counter him. Pav almost felt sorry for the guy as he thwipped webs at his wrists, pinning him to the bed.
The punk's expression hardened even more at this. "Pav... ye know I'm not ticklish, right?" Hobie lied, pretending he didn't care one bit. He was hanging onto every last bit of hope that Pavitr wouldn't go any farther, if he convinced him it wasnt worth it.
"You sureee? 100 percent? Do you have something you might not want to admit, Hobieeee?"
"Ov course I don't!" he shouted back, still trying to keep up his "cool" personality. If Pav found out, he'd almost never hear, or worse, feel the end of it.
Pavitr hummed in response to this. He already guessed Hobie was at least somewhat ticklish, he just never got around to proving it.
"You know what Hobie? I know you hate labels and all, but you're pretty hypocritical... maybe I should show you what childish REALLY means!"
The older ones eyes widened at an exponential rate. "WAITWAITWAITTT!!!" wow, Pav had barely even dragged his fingers up his sides yet. This was gonna be fun. Spiderman India started with light little circles on Hobie's collarbone, going easy on him for now.
"Pahahahavvv!!" Hobie started, giggling like mad, "We can go play ou'sihihihide if that's what you really wahahahant!"
"Nah, I'm past that now bud. Besides, aren't you having fun just like this?" Pavitr questioned playfully, switching to scratching at his ribs. This made the punk chuckle a little harder, trying to squirm away but to no avail.
"Nooohohohoo!!!" Hobie squealed, if you could even call it that. "हे भगवान, होबी! This is a pretty bad spot for you, huh? Maybe I'll be a little nicer..." Pav might've SAID that, but he didn't really mean it. The dude always had a plan, after all. He started circles again, this time at his armpits, which quieted Hobie's laughter a little bit.
The punk thought that his ribs were the worst of it. Boy, was he wrong. After about 20 seconds of Pav under his arms, he could barely take it anymore. The guy tried his best to act tough, but his head shaking and shoulder shimmying could only hold back his laughter for so long.
"PAHAHAHAHAVVV!!! ENOUGHHHHH!!" As soon as Hobie shouted that, Pavitr immediately undid his webs and brought his hands back. He might be mean, but not THAT mean. He gave the curled-up spiderman a pat on the back, actually feeling sorry for him this time.
"Woah there man, that was a solid 2 minutes! New record?" Pav was only half joking, he'd never seen Hobie being tickled for longer than a few seconds, after all.
The older spiderman looked up with a smirk on his face. "Aye, I guess." He thought for a moment. "Wanna try beatin' it?"
Legends say that Pav didn't survive that night.
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woofwoofwolf · 1 year
Go home, Hobie Brown
Hobie brown x reader
Part 2:
Notes: Alt reader, Aro Ace spec reader but this fic is still romantic in nature (bc im aro ace and this is wish fulfilment, so dont come for me if this doesnt line up with your lived experience), fluff, reader has anxiety over liking Hobie and he teases reader for it a lil, reader remains GN but might have a writing bias towards fem, nicknames: babe and sweetheart, Hobie and reader are adults, use of (y/n), no phonetic spelling of Hobies accent, brit wtitten by a European sue me
The type of alt space the reader belongs to is up to you. Alt meaning alternative, as in subculture spaces. I'm alt myself so this comes from experience. Get stared at a lot lol
Pls dont repost anywhere thx ✨️
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There was a rush to the exit of the classroom. You were always slow packing your intricately decorated book-bag and were one of the last to leave.
"Thank you professor, have a nice rest of your day."
"See you on monday, (y/n)." The professors always knew your name, despite having so many students. Another curse or blessing (depending on the situation or your point of view) of dressing alternatively - people never seem to forget you.
You opened the door but immediately slammed it shut again, causing the professor to look back up at you.
"Oh. Hehe... sorry..." you turned back to the classroom. No other exits. Maybe you could jump out of the window?
But before you could reconsider your escape plan, the originator - or should I say instigator - of your panic and embarrassment entered the room with the heavy steps of his well-worn boots.
"Hey there," said Hobie Brown, as confident as always. "What are you up to,"
You felt an unwanted warmth crawl up your neck. You had always told your friends that romance wasn't for you and that you weren't going to date anyone just to 'find out.' You weren't ever ashamed of not ever having been attracted to someone before, but man, were you ever unprepared to have a crush as an adult.
You met Hobie through Gwen. From the moment he met you, it was as if a switch flipped inside of him. He decided that he liked you and that he wanted you. He had told you so right away.
"You single?" You were sure he didn't even know your name at that point. He liked the way you expressed yourself, and although you usually hated how people would pretend to know what you were about only from the way you dressed, it was like Hobie actually understood you in just a glance.
You felt it right to tell him that you didn't do dating, but it wouldn't leave your throat. Never had you been confessed to before, and you didn't know what to even say.
He started showing up places, more and more, he became an unpredictable part of your circle. You didn't know how to process him.
"Let's match pace together. You feel me?" He'd say.
"No, I don't, actually,"
But slowly, you did. It felt as if your slow and monotone life started to pick up some speed, all the while you felt more in tune than ever. You wondered if the pace of his life had slowed down a bit in return, but you were too scared to consider what he might specifically be feeling for you and why. You doubted he wasn't being genuine, but you had no idea why he insisted on you.
You'd bicker with him (oh. It was so fun to bicker with him- wait were you flirting with him?), but when Gwen asked if you wanted her to tell him to leave you alone, you told her not to. Which only further fanned the flames of Pav's incessant 'shipping' of the both of you.
And so, you realised that for the first time in your life, you felt something for someone. And you were completely unprepared to tackle it.
"I can't believe it, coming to see me while I'm at uni."
Your eyes shot back and forth from Hobie and the professor who looked at the both of you with sparkling curiosity. Even the small remainder of the otherwise consistently disinterested students were all looking at you. Dressing alternatively, you were used to people staring, but now you just felt embarrassed, as if even talking to him was the equivalent of making out in the middle of the room.
"You told me when your classes were yourself," Hobie reminded you with a little smirk, picking up on your embarrassment.
"No but-" you huffed. "this is harassment-"
"You know, I'll leave if you tell me to?" He teased, back straight, hands in his pockets. "You can say it, sweetheart. I believe in you. Say 'Go home, Hobie Brown'!"
You glared at him, yet no sound dared to leave your throat.
"C'mon babe, say it," he leaned forward challenging your gaze.
Both of you held it there for a couple of seconds. A pin could drop in that classroom and everybody would hear it.
Finally, after that afore-mentioned warmth reached your cheeks and had become visible to all, you broke.
"You like dunkin'?" You muttered, walking towards the door. You swore you could hear some students chuckle or gasp, and you wanted to get out as quickly as possible.
Hobie whistled and followed, just a few steps behind you, never actually invading your personal space until you were ready, "Asking me on a date? Now, that's bold,"
"It's not a date. But you ARE buying. I want a smoothie. And a donut, of course."
"Taking advantage of me now babe?"
"And why shouldn't I? If you're going to cling to me like a magnet, I might as well make use of you." You briefly stopped, and Hobie nearly walked into you. You peered up at him, batting your lashes. "You know I really don't know what you see in me. Maybe you better run home while you're ahead."
"Depends," Hobie said, ecstatic every time you took his bait. "Will you be going with me?"
Two fics in one day??? What is going on. Anyways hope you enjoyed, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, don't be shy to talk to me lol
You know as someone who's aro ace spec, I find an escape in fictional characters and the idea that they could be the ones to finally sweep me off my feet and get me to feel some type of attraction. It sounds cringy and emberassing, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If you're like me then I hope this scratched some kind of itch for you lol.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Can you do a uh. Pav x Reader where the reader basically short circuits at any compliment? Even small ones like "that art is nice" and reader basically goes "DIFUUWUUS???? SIDHUEUFUJU"
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Pav x gn!reader
Warnings: flirting, compliments, aged up, short and sweet
A/N: So, I used a movie quote to write this. :) I don't believe Pav is that romantic, but he does try, he's more playful and sweet than anything. Venust -> beautiful, graceful, elegant
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He'd asked you to a ball of sorts at the Spider Society HQ. Miguel had allowed everyone to bring a plus one that wasn't a spider person as long as he'd given permission for that person. After all, he wants this to be a success without breaking the multiverse.
"In my eyes, you're more beautiful than any painting or book describes." Pav whispers to you as you two dance. His hand is firmly on your waist, not daring to let it drift.
You stammer and blush deeply, adverting your gaze away from Pav. At first he's confused. Had he misread? Had he upset you?
Obviously he had to find out, so he went to his good friend Hobie. Who just responded simply, "Keep complimenting them and see how they respond. They might have trouble accepting compliments, so it might take them a while to warm up. Just continue to treat them with kindness and respect, no matter how they respond to your attention."
"I wish I had done everything on earth with you." Pavitr breaks the silence. You two were sitting on the ledge of a building, swinging your legs a little.
"W-Wha-" You sputter, blushing madly. Pav watches you, smiling widely. He enjoyed making you blush and stutter, knowing he made you flustered. Pav would never do it if he thought you were uncomfortable, but he followed Hobie's advice. The last thing Pav would ever want is to make you uncomfortable, he remained respectful and complimented you when he believed you needed it. Pav never went overboard, but he did become your hype man.
Eventually when you do start dating Pav, he tries to compliment you at least once a day. If that's too much for you, he'll dumb it down to a few times a week.
Pav genuinely loves complimenting you. He finds it cute how you react and he loves when you get so flustered you throw pillows or blankets at him. He really just wants to wrap you up and hold you forever.
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simpcityy · 1 year
Hi! :)
Can I request a one shot or head cannons if the spider teens + Miguel (platonic) with a reader who is like jolyne cujoh from Jo-Jos bizarre adventure they are also a spider person I’ll link below jolyne and her stand in case you do pick up this request and don’t know much about either of them
Stone free/stone ocean -> https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Stone_Free
Jolyne cujoh/kujo -> https://jojowiki.com/Jolyne_Cujoh
Anyways have a nice day/night :)
My second ever request! It took so long to write this since I was having a hard time, I'm not familiar with Jo-jos Bizarre Adventure but after seeing the amazing color concept and style, it's on my list to watch! Remember to stay hydrated and to keep on simping! ( I hope this is what you had mind 😊)
Hobie: 🧷The moment he met you, one thing came to mind. You’re going to be his new partner in crime. The moment he heard about your small crimes you’ve committed since you were young. You would be perfect in his small projects of fighting the government establishment. 🧷 Especially hearing the time you were in a maximum-Security Ward; he definitely wants to help you put more crap into your government establishment in your earth as well. It must have been tough for you, but he salutes you for pushing it through, making you more amazing to him. Heck, he has mad respect for you for taking one for the team knowing you were innocent. He looks at you talking with others, just by the way you look, he wouldn’t have a clue that you went through so much. He definitely wouldn’t mind doing favors for you, he doesn’t believe in taking orders but you’re an exception. 🧷Whenever he finds matching pins, he always hands you the other half. “What’s this? Wouldn’t you give this to Pav?”  “Nah, this suits you more” Would be his excuse, seeing you wear the pins on your suit or bag got him smiling proudly since the pins were pretty much saying ‘fuck the govenment’ and so on. 
Gwen: 🥁Your style is what brought her closer to you before dating you. She wonders if you dyed your hair all by yourself but one thing, she could agree is that your style is pretty cool. She even thinks about growing her hair out to try cool and funky hairstyles like yours. 🥁The first time she talked to you; her first conversation started was. “Can you adopt me?” “What…” Was your only response to her odd question. Gwen has to admit, having you as an older/younger sibling would be so cool and fun.
🥁It kind of happened over time, you two would dye each other's hair and even taught Gwen to do your signature hairstyle on yourself. Motivating the girl to grow her hair out to do a similar style like yours and even dye her hair more to express herself.
Pav: 🍵Once you stepped foot into the HQ, he was asking all sorts of questions. Is your hair naturally like that? What’s your Stands job? How were you bit? So much more that Hobie had to snap him out of it as Pav had his eyes glowing with admiration once you were introduced by Miguel. His friendly and cute behavior is what made you two into the cute couple. 🍵What made you stand out to him was your flashy colors and choice of clothing which he finds so cool. Even the way you fight had a flashy style and overall, he found it amazing how different you are from different spider people. When Pav joined the team for the first time, he felt like he didn’t belong from how different he was but now, he doesn’t feel alone when you joined the team. 🍵 A lot of Chai breaks to gossip the latest romance between the spider-people. He feels so happy to share this little hobby of his. While you get the juicy gossip of what happens when you’re off working. You have to admit, he’s pretty good at being cupid. I mean look how happy you two are with each other.
Miles: 🖌 You are a new inspiration to his book of art. Pages and pages filled with you in different poses, standing, drinking and he even captured some of your fighting poses when you were assigned a mission with him.  When you discover his book laying around at his place, he was having a mental breakdown only to feel stupid for overreacting when you were cool with it and even offer to pose for him to draw different angles. 🖌 Hangouts and dates are mostly consisting in his earth teaching you how to do a mural in some alley wall. It brings him a sense of relief since he used to be taught by his uncle and now, he gets to share moments like this again with someone he cherishes, you and sometimes would take the time to admire your stand from up close. Your stand has their own personal mural of them created by Miles! 🖌 Found a new person who admires his sneaker collection. Seeing the way, you dressed yourself, he introduced you to the whole sneaker world and he has to say, he got you addicted to getting yourself new kicks once a month as a treat for yourself for saving lives. You even got Miles some limited editions from your earth, let's just say, you're the street fashion couple. Miguel (platonic): 🕷️ Miguel finds you troublesome, but he admits one thing to himself that he would never tell anyone not even Lyla, the strength you carry to the team, he admires it. Seeing you always making sure no one comes back injured after a mission. He does scold you for taking all the hits. “Ay niño/ niña! Don’t be the punching doll for others!” It’s like a father scolding their crazy teenager which Lyla always has fun watching the chaos between the two of you. 🕷️ He has many questions like Pav but his are more about your past. He knows how it feels to have a shitty dad so he would always check up on you. How was the mission? Did you eat? The brand sold out your favorite hair dye, come check his earth to see if it’s stocked there. He hates to admit but, he bonded with you over the similarities of childhood trauma. 🕷️He has complained about your clothing choice, and he knows it’s how you express yourself, but his excuse is always, “You’re showing too much skin, Look! “ Comments that every parent worries about their child's safety, Miguel is one of them. Always giving the glare to any of the young spiderlings that get close to you or even lay a hand on your shoulder but in the end, he respects it but he still keeps an eye on anyone who stares at you for too long. As Lyla tells him, “you’re just a single tired father with a punk type, angsty type of teenerager.”
Author notes: THANK YOU I HAVE REACHED 200 FOLLOWERS. Wow, also thank you for loving my I'm not her series, it's the most popular out of all the works I did so far. So, I am working on that. The poll also finished so I will do that 100-follower special as well.
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dailyunstableeve · 8 months
I’ve been non-stop listening to this song, Natalie by Mckenna Grace. I couldn’t help it but to think this song is my Spidersona, Eve and Miguel. 
I wish I could draw it out but my talent in art is limited so I thought maybe it would be nice if I just used words to visualize it. 
You can listen to it while reading it too 💕
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .
She's got something about her
It's easy when you're around her
Miguel is used to working solo like any spiderman would, after the spider society is founded, he’s mostly with Jess. Since Jess is pregnant, Miguel would secretly look after Jess. Eve joined the group and Miguel would find his job of capturing anomalies a lot easier than before. As in dropping the idea of constantly getting worried at Jess because Miguel and Eve would get it done most of the time. 
A big smile and dark eyes you get lost in
Eve is a cheerful person, she’s a big sister to everyone or a mom figure for everyone, because of her ability to look after people, like how she cares for Miguel. Eve basically cares about everyone more than herself. 
Eve and Miguel would hang out from time to time, Eve is always there to try to crack a few smiles or laugh from Miguel but Miguel is mostly in his serious mode. But little does that Eve doesn’t know, Miguel loves watching Eve smile, holding onto eye contact as she was talking to him. 
She's the first on the dancefloor
Eve is an 80% extrovert, she will never be able to resist the temptation of music and always dance along with it. 
Small Flashback from the Christmas fic (You can find it in the Masterlist), Miguel gifted her a vinyl of classic music and she loves dancing with it. 
Watch her laugh, the kind you would fall for
This will be the same explanation of “A big smile and dark eyes you get lost in” 
She'll always be there when you're calling
She'll hold your hand in the crowd (Ahh)
Miguel often would have nightmares about what happened in Gabi’s Universe, that he will keep on working and working until he thinks he did enough (he never did). When it comes to night that he couldn’t sleep, Eve would accompany him, she would sit in the office together with Miguel as he continued the work. 
The kinda girl you'd write a song about
Or, write a poem about (They had a poem bet before) 
You move as natural as the breeze
Every sentence that you speak has a hold
Her flexibilities, her ideas of fixing problems, all learned from F.E.A.S.T. Which brought her a huge advantage when it comes to keeping everyone on check. 
Oh, Natalie
You're as wild as the sea
Could you teach me how to be so beautiful?
Miguel believes he’s a monster, sometimes he wishes to be like Eve, that everyone in the Society adores Eve while Miguel is just a boss to them. 
I'd like to know
She's always fun at parties
Walks in looking so carefree
She shines and I feel a little lighter
‘Parties’ take it as the band show she’ll be in every weekend with Hobie, Gwen, Miles and Pav. Eve would never know that Miguel actually watches her show every time. At start Miguel is just watching from his office then he starts to appear in Hobie’s universe just to watch the band show. 
Miguel loves to watch how Eve just spreads her wings and sings out her best, it does give him a slight relaxation of how he doesn’t need to be so strict to everythings.  
Brown hair right past her shoulders
Confidence that makes her seem older
Eve has brown hair, except she dyed it to red (since Red is her favorite color). Miguel and Eve have an age gap of around 8-9 years (I heard Miguel is around his age around 30 while Eve is 23 by the time she joined the society) Sometimes, Miguel would forget about Eve’s age due to how she handles the situation no matter how bad it is. 
I wish I was a little like her
She'll hold your hand in the crowd (Ahh)
The kinda girl you'd write a song about
You move as natural as the breeze
Every sentence that you speak has a hold
Oh, Natalie
You're as wild as the sea
Could you teach me how to be so beautiful?
I'd like to know
(Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh)
Feel like the moon watching the sun
Miguel is like the moon, and also he is a crazy workaholic at night. And the moon is only able to shine because of the sun. He thinks that with Eve around, he could do so much better, turning the society into a better place
So many stars but she's the one
That everybody needs
Out of every Spiderman he recruited, Miguel believes Eve is the one (no hate towards other spiderman, spiderwoman and spidersona, I love all of them)
(Oh, oh, oh)
I'd like to be like that for once
How does it feel to be so loved?
Could you show me how to be?
After losing Gabi, Miguel basically told himself that he doesn’t deserve anything anymore until Eve appears. Eve showed Miguel that it’s okay to embrace the mistake and learn to fix it, she showed him warmth and he wishes to return that favor too. 
You move as natural as the breeze
Every sentence that you speak has a hold
Oh, Natalie
You're as wild as the sea
Could you teach me how to be so beautiful?
I'd like to know
(Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh)
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a/n: this is mostly of how Miguel viewed my Spidersona and I've been urging to write about it for so long because the song is so beautiful 😭😭😭
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alex110370000 · 1 year
Pavitr Prabhakar x fem!reader Angst to fluff
Summary:You and your boyfriend Pav have been together for some time and he has been planning on telling you his identity within the next few days, but while finishing patrol a building collapses where you were
Warnings: Close to death(no death I promise I don’t feel like bawling my eyes out) blood, sad pav :(, and I think that’s it pls tell me if I missed any
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You were in class sitting next to you boyfriend while writing down the rest of the notes before the last bell rung, once it rung you and Pavitr walked out to his locker, “meet you around 6:30 at my place?” He asked, you happily agreed, “Yes of course! I’ll see you then” he gave you a hug and a quick peck on the lips before waving you bye before he went home.
On the way home his spidey senses went off so he ran to alley to quickly put on his suit. He showed up at the scene to the bad guy, trying to quickly but carefully take care of it since you guys were to hangout later.
When he was almost cleaning up he noticed a building got damaged while fighting, probably from someone hitting it with full force, bits from the top came down a bit after he noticed, he quickly went to get everyone, not noticing one person in the process, once he was away from the building he noticed someone, someone who he loved. You went to run as he did as well before bigger debris fell around you, Pav immediately dropped to his knees, his chest burning, fresh tears spilling out of his eyes and soaking his mask, his breath hitched. He didn’t know what to do it felt like a big part of him got destroyed in one go.
They police dismissed him home saying it would take a while to get all the debris, he climbed into his window and changed, he say the clock at almost 6:30 knowing he was supposed to see you today, instead he saw your last moments.
POV switch
I woke up from passing out I’m assuming from shock, I try to move but my jacket it caught.I wiggle out of it, luckily it fell around me leaving me room so I’m not crushed, I look around and find a fairly sized gap so I climb the debris and make my way out. I check my phone and notice it’s almost time to see Pav, what will I tell him abt the cuts and bruises? I got in a fight, I fell, a dog? I’ll tell him it was a fight that’s more believable I think as I make it up to his house, I knock on the door and his aunty answers, “hey I’m here to see Pav”, “oh yes he’s just upstairs in his room, come in come in.” Once my skin hit the light she noticed the cuts but before she could say anything I was already up the stairs
I heard footsteps but they didn’t sound like aunty, I quickly get up and crack the door to see who it is. It’s y/n- but how? I fought the urge to cry again as i swung my door open as she got up to my door, I pulled her into a tight hug, holding on as if it would be the last one I ever get. I kissed her head and let go so we can go into my room
3rd person POV?
They sat on the bed, once the light once more hit her face Pavitr noticed a cut on her cheek, not wanting her to know he was there he asked about it even though he knew. “Oh… Uhmm just a fight.” His heart sunk knowing she was lieing. “That doesn’t look like it’s from a fight but okay, as long as your safe. Does it hurt?” He asked, “not much actually it’s tolerable” you responded. He got lost in thought and tears stung his eyes thinking abt what happened the tears threatening to spi, he was brung back to reality by a hand on his cheek, “My love, are you okay? You seem upset.” He finally found the courage to tell you. “I know what happened y/n, I was there”, you have him a confused look as he got up, went to his closet and pulled out the suit. “I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while but- I’m spider man, I tried to run but I was to late, I was so scared I lost you, I’m so glad your not severely hurt” he started ranting as you sat there kinda shook, but it didn’t change how much you loved him, nor would it ever, you got up and kissed him to hush his ranting, he happily wrapped one arm around your waist and the other made it’s way in your hair on the back of your neck. You broke the kiss as pecked him on the cheek, “listen I don’t care if you’re spider man I still love you the same.” You say, he smiles and picks you up and brings u to his bed so you guys can wind down and cuddle and watch movies, while enjoying each other’s company.
Hey sorry this was kinda rushed but I hope you like it
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chandisiacs · 4 years
[9:45pm] chan’s touches are like fire against your skin, like cool metal running down the curves of your arms, your waist, your spine. his lips captured themselves onto yours, slowly pulling in and out just to hear the smack of your lips detaching from his for pure satisfaction. you had your hands on his chest, legs around his hips, your pussy closed around his cock, and you felt bliss overtake you the moment chan’s hands wandered aimlessly towards your skirt so he could feel your bare ass through amount of kisses the both of you are sharing. 
you hummed in content when he kneads your ass before grasping them firmly, perhaps loving the feeling of your smooth skin on his palms. your kept your hands busy around his chest and arms as you reclined him further into the couch, and you could’ve sworn you felt him sigh onto your lips as if he were completely pleased. believe me, he’s more than just pleased. 
breaths becoming bated, you could feel your lips reddening by the sloppy kisses you exchanged with chan as well as the lack of friction on your clit. you knew chan wanted to cockwarm today, knowing that he’s had a rough day at work and he was too beat to engage in sexual activity further than this. you were riled up when he got home, and you hoped that he would be in the mood for it. sadly, he showed none of that, and while you were slightly disappointed, an idea popped into your head. so, you made it your goal to completely relax him tonight, and now that the goal has been accomplished, you wondered if your goal could ever reach its end mark. 
as if hearing your thoughts, you could feel chan’s hands drop from the small of your back down to your ass once more. at first, you thought that he might just be having his way around the feel of your skin again, but after a few rubs, you suddenly felt two of his fingers enter you, the tips immediately finding the clit. he started with slow, circular motions first, but as he heard the first whimper that escaped from your throat, his fingers sped, fucking you inside so that he could break you apart without having to do anything than just that. 
“easy, love.” he held you by the waist as you ushered to thrust into his cock, and peppered his kisses all the way to your ear before he whispered, “i didn’t tell you to hump on me, did i? you’re being way too needy for that.” 
whining, you dug crescents onto his arms when you felt his digits fucking you fast. you tried to stay obedient for him, you did, but sitting still while he abused your poor clit was giving you a struggle to stay in one place as you could feel your high fast approaching. you mewled out his name as a plead, but your cries were cut short when he caught your lips on his again, this time hotter and wetter. 
“you’ve already been a good girl for me today,” chan murmured into the kiss, his digits slowing down just to tease you, “i’m pretty sure you know what would happen if your broke that, hm?” 
“y-yes.” you panted, the sudden arousal pooling on your core at his dominance. “i’ll continue to be a good girl, just for you, channie.” 
you didn’t see it, but you knew chan was smirking through your complete submission. he leaned forward to give you light pecks as a small reward, and you knew that you would be getting around to your first orgasm sooner than expected when he rubbed his other thumb on your inner thigh and husked, “that’s my girl.” 
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triptuckers · 5 years
Morning sickness (Pavel Chekov)
Request: Yes: Hey! If it’s okay, could you write an imagine featuring Pavel Chekov + Female Reader where both the reader and Chekov find out they are expecting a baby and they ask Captain Kirk if they can if transferred off the Enterprise to raise their baby on earth. Thought it would be a nice tribute to Anton Yelchin without killing Chekov off, if they ever did make a possible sequel. Thanks!! Pairing: Pavel Chekov x female!reader Summary: The request itself is a pretty good summary!! Warnings: None  Word count: 2.8K A/N: I got this request and oh my god this is so cute I love Pavel. Also, this is my first Star Trek request!! Thank you so much for requesting this. It took me a bit longer than I intended, because I started college a few days ago and all the travelling is something I have to get used to. Anyway, to the one who requested this, I hope you like it, enjoy reading!!
You open your eyes and for a brief moment, you’re not sure what woke you. But then you feel your stomach and you quickly untangle your legs from Pavel’s. You throw the sheets off of you and hurry to the little bathroom. Just as your knees hit the ground, you throw up into the toilet. You hear footsteps approaching and someone holds your hair back with one hand and rubs your back with the other. When you’re done, you flush the toilet and sit up, resting your back against the wall.
‘Are you okay, my love?’ says Pavel’s soft voice. You close your eyes and nod. You feel how Pavel wipes your mouth and cheeks with a piece of paper. You then feel a hand pressed to your forehead. You open your eyes and see Pavel’s face inches away from yours. ‘Hmm, you don’t have a fever.’ mumbles Pavel. You rest you hand on his knee as you look at him. ‘Pav, I’m fine. It’s probably just some food that wasn’t fresh. It’s nothing.’ you say. Pavel looks at you knowingly. ‘Are you saying that because it’s the truth or because you want me to believe it so you can just go to work tomorrow?’ he says. You chuckle. ‘Both.’ you say. Pavel stands up and holds both of his hands out to you. You take them and he pulls you up.
‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ he asks again. You smile and kiss his cheek. ‘I’m fine, I’m just tired. Let’s just go to sleep, yeah? We both have an eight-hour shift tomorrow, and I don’t want you to work that long without getting a decent amount of sleep.’ you say. Pavel agrees with you, and the two of you walk back to the bed. It’s far from a king size bed, given that it’s meant for one person. But you rarely stayed at your own quarters. The bed fits you and Pavel, and you both sleep better if you’re together, so you figured you’d just stay with Pavel. You cuddle closer to Pavel and rest your head on his chest. You listen to his heartbeat and after a while, to the soft snores coming from him. Shortly after that, you drift off as well.
Scotty’s voice wakes you and you slowly lift your head. You turn your head to try to find out where the sound is coming from. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up. Pavel’s arm falls off your body, but he doesn’t wake up. You groan when you find out the sound is coming from the yellow shirt Pavel was wearing the day before. You get out of bed and walk over to the chair he put the shirt on. You search for his communicator and find it in one of the pockets of the black pants laying underneath the shirt. 
‘Scotty?’ you say and you rub your eyes again. ‘Mornin’ Y/N!’ he says happily. ‘Would you mind waking Chekov for me?’ No one was surprised if you answered Pavel’s communicator or if he answered yours. Everyone knew you always stay at Pavel’s quarters, so that’s always the first place anyone goes when it’s late and they’re looking for you. ‘Give me a minute.’ you say and you walk back to the bed. You sit down on the bed and kiss Pavel’s cheek.
‘Pav?’ you say softly and you run a hand through his curls. He hums and you chuckle. ‘Pavel, wake up. Scotty needs you.’ you say. He opens one of his eyes and looks at you. ‘What?’ he says in a low, morning voice. His accent is always thicker in the morning. ‘Scotty needs you.’ you repeat and you hand him the communicator. Pavel groans before taking the communicator from you. ‘Mr. Scott?’ he says. ‘Sorry to wake you, but we’re going to need you down here. One of the new guys messed around with the controls and now everything is in Russian. We can’t find out how to put it back to English. Any translation Lieutenant Uhura tried didn’t work.’ says Scotty. ‘I’m on my way.’ says Pavel. He hands you the communicator back and sits up. ‘Sorry, my love, but I am afraid we have to skip morning cuddles.’ says Pavel and he kisses your forehead. ‘That’s okay. We have tonight.’ you say. Pavel smiles at you before he quickly puts on his clothes and runs a hand through his hair. 
‘By the way, did you feel sick when you woke up?’ asks Pavel. ‘No.’ you answer. ‘Why?’ ‘Because if you did, you should go see Doctor McCoy.’ You chuckle. ‘Pavel. I threw up once. I don’t have to go see a doctor because I threw up one time.’ you say. ‘Just to be sure you could-‘ ‘Pav, honey, I am fine.’ you interrupt him. Pavel nods at you and gets up off his place next to you on the bed. He’s about to leave when you call him back. ‘Pavel!’ you say. He turns around to look at you. You raise your eyebrows at him. He smiles, knowing what you mean. Pavel quickly walks up to you and presses a loving kiss to your lips. ‘See ya.’ says Pavel and he runs off. ‘Bye.’ you say.
Throughout the day, you write reports, you help Spock with his research, and you do a number of other things. Around lunch time, you start to feel dizzy again. You don’t throw up, but you do feel sick the rest of the day. You have an hour left of your shift when you decide to call it a day and you head to Pavel’s quarters. As soon as you open the door, you let yourself fall on the bed. One of your hands rests on your stomach and you lay the other over your eyes. You don’t know for how long you’ve been laying there when you hear the doors open. 
‘Y/N?’ you hear a soft voice calling you. You remove your hand from your face and open your eyes. Pavel is looking at you with a worried look on his face. ‘Hey Pav.’ you say softly. ‘What is going on?’ asks Pavel. ‘Just tired.’ you lie. Pavel sighs deeply. ‘If you’re still sick tomorrow morning, you go to Doctor McCoy.’ says Pavel. ‘Fine.’ you say. ‘Can I at least get my night cuddles? Given that I didn’t get my morning cuddles.’ Pavel smiles at you and nods. ‘Been waiting for it all day.’ he says.
When you wake up, Pavel is still asleep next to you. You take a moment to look at him. His chest rises slowly as he’s breathing. His face is turned toward you and you smile to yourself and lean in to kiss the top of his nose. You want to keep looking at him but you feel your stomach again. You get up as quietly as you can, not wanting to wake the sleeping man next to you. You tiptoe to the bathroom and try to throw up as quiet as you can. But after a few minutes you hear footsteps approaching you. You flush the toilet and look up to see Pavel looking down at you. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and raises his eyebrows at you.
‘Yeah, I know. I’ll go see Bones today.’ you say. Pavel holds out his hand and you take it. He pulls you up and looks at you. ‘Is it just your stomach?’ he asks. ‘Or is there more?’ ‘No, just throwing up, that’s all.’ you say. You look at Pavel and notice the way he’s looking at you. ‘Pavel, I promise you, it’s just the throwing up. I’m sure Bones knows what’s wrong with me and I’m sure he knows how to fix it.’ you assure him. Pavel nods and kisses your forehead. ‘Thank you.’ he says. ‘Thank you for caring about me.’ you say. ‘You know I’m too stubborn to look after myself.’ Pavel chuckles. ‘Of course, Y/N. I love you.’ he says. ‘I love you too.’ you say and you lean in to kiss him.
The doors open and you’re quick to spot Leonard McCoy in the room. He’s frowning while looking at some papers. He looks up when he notices someone entered the room. ‘Morning.’ he says. ‘Hi.’ you say as you walk up to him. ‘Everything alright?’ he asks you. ‘That’s my opinion.’ you mumble to yourself. ‘Look, I’ve been throwing up lately. And though I think it’s nothing, Pavel insisted I’d go see you to find out what’s going on with me.’ Bones briefly raises his eyebrows and he walks to one of the beds. He pats on the bed. ‘Come sit down so I can assure Chekov you’re fine.’ he says. You do as he says and Bones begins to check you for any unusual things. 
‘Huh. Well, that’s weird.’ mumbles the doctor to himself. ‘What is it?’ you ask immediately. ‘We’re going to make a scan, okay?’ he says. ‘Why?’ you ask. ‘Just to get some clarification, that’s all.’ says Bones and he walks with you to a different part of the room. He tells you to lay down and lay still. You do as he says. It’s probably nothing, you say to yourself. If there was something seriously wrong with you, Bones would react very differently, and he’d probably call in Captain Kirk right away. Once the scan is finished, Bones tells you to come over. You get off the bed and walk over to him. He points at the screen in front of you and you look at it. You gasp softly when you see the image. ‘Might want to tell your lover boy you’re expecting.’ says Bones. ‘Is that- Am I… Am I pregnant?’ you say softly. ‘The scan’s pretty accurate, darling.’ chuckles Bones. ‘Congratulations.’ ‘I- Thank you. I have to talk to Pavel.’ you say and you can’t help but to smile brightly. ‘Yeah you should. Go tell him you’re more than fine.’ says Bones. You nod at him and quickly leave. You couldn’t believe it. This explains it all.
You quickly make your way to the bridge, where Pavel is. You walk up to him and he’s surprised to see you. ‘Y/N! What are you doing here?’ he says. ‘I need to talk to you.’ you say. ‘Alright, but I don’t know if the Captain would-‘ He can’t finish his sentence because you’re already walking away from the bridge, holding his hand. Pavel keeps asking you what’s going on, but you don’t respond until you’ve entered his quarters. You turn around and look at him. ‘Are you finally going to tell me why you dragged me away like that?’ he says. You smile at him.
‘Morning sickness is something that occurs when you’re pregnant.’ you say. Pavel looks at you confused for a moment. But then his face lights up and he steps closer to you. ‘Are you?’ he says. You nod happily. ‘Oh my god!’ yells Pavel excitedly and he wraps his arms around your waist, lifts you in the air and spins you around. You laugh loudly as you hold on to him. When he puts you down, he rests his forehead against yours. ‘I am the luckiest, the luckiest,man in the entire galaxy.’ says Pavel and you chuckle and kiss him.
Unfortunately, you and Pavel both have a shift to finish. You want to spend the rest of the day with him, but you can’t just abandon your work. You did agree to head over to Pavel’s quarters as soon as your shift ends. The hours go by slowly and the other crewmen seem to notice your mind is somewhere else, but they don’t mention it and let you work. As soon as your shift is over, you quickly make your way to Pavel’s quarters. You open the door to find him already there. He smiles brightly at you.
‘Hi.’ you say as you walk over to him. He gives you a long kiss and you smile. ‘I thought we could have a drink, but since you can’t have any alcohol now, I made us tea. I hope that’s okay with you?’ he says and you feel your heart melt. ‘Tea is perfect, thank you.’ you say. You and Pavel sit down and he hands you a cup of tea. You’re quiet for a few minutes as you sip your tea. He made it just how you like it. You notice Pavel looking at you out of the corner of your eye. ‘Are you going to stop staring at me any time soon, pretty boy?’ you say and you can’t help but to smile. You turn your head and you’re not surprised when your eyes immediately meet his. Pavel shakes his head as he looks at you in awe. ‘No.’ he says. He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. You blush and playfully roll your eyes at him. After all this time he still managed to make you feel like a 12 year old school girl.
‘I love you.’ says Pavel. ‘I love you too.’ you say and you take another sip of your tea. ‘Pav?’ you say. He hums in response, still looking at you. ‘During the day, I got some time to think. I think we should go back to earth. I want our son or daughter to be able to grow up on earth, and not on a spaceship.’ you tell him. Pavel nods. ‘Just like I thought. Do you know how dangerous it is to be on a spaceship? We should be able to let our little boy grow up safe.’ he says. ‘Little boy, huh?’ you say. ‘Someone has preferences.’ Pavel chuckles. ‘I am fine with a boy or a girl.’ he says. ‘But a boy would be nice.’ he adds to it. You laugh softly and finish your tea. ‘How about we talk to the Captain first thing tomorrow?’ says Pavel. ‘Yeah, sure.’ you say.
The next morning you and Pavel get up earlier, given that you agreed to go talk to Captain Kirk. The two of you hold hands as you walk through the halls. It’s not as crowded as it normally is, which you are grateful for. Pavel can’t keep his eyes off you, and every time you look his way you catch him looking at you. Once the doors to the bridge open, you look around the room. You spot him talking to Spock and walk up to him. ‘Captain?’ you say. ‘Sorry for interrupting, but Pavel and I have something we want to discuss with you.’ Captain Kirk looks at you and nods. He points to a door, gesturing you to enter the room. Once the three of you are inside the Captain turns to you and Pavel. ‘First off, thank you for dragging me away of Spock. I had a feeling he was about to lecture me again.’ he says and he chuckles. ‘What is it you wanted to talk to me about?’ You look at Pavel and he smiles at you.
‘Well, we found out yesterday that we’re expecting.’ you say to the Captain. ‘Really? That’s great news, congratulations!’ he says. ‘Thank you.’ you say. ‘We want to ask if we can return to earth. We want to raise our son or daughter in a safe place, not in space.’ says Pavel. ‘You want to be transferred off Enteprise?’ says Captain Kirk and he looks at you and Pavel. ‘Yes.’ you say. ‘I mean, I get it, of course. I get that you want what’s best for your baby. But we’ll miss two of our best crewmen.’ says Captain Kirk. You smile at him. ‘I really do get it. Don’t worry, I’ll tell Starfleet and I’m sure they’ll understand. I’ll let you know once it’s settled.’ ‘Thank you Captain.’ says Pavel. ‘I do expect a call when the first Enterprise baby is born.’ says Captain Kirk and you laugh. ‘Will do, Captain.’ you say. Pavel takes your hand again and the two of you leave the room. ‘I’ll be late tonight, I’m taking over a shift.’ you say as you walk through the halls. ‘Are you sure working late is good for you?’ says Pavel and you laugh. ‘Pav, I’ll be fine. Just a few more shifts and then we can go home, and you don’t have to worry about me anymore.’ you say. ‘I’ll always worry about you because I care about you.’ says Pavel and you turn to smile at him. ‘I love you, Pavel.’ you say and he smiles as well. ‘I love you too, Y/N. More than anything.’ he says and he kisses you before pulling you in a tight hug. You’re already looking forward to spending time on earth with him. You’ll miss Enterprise and the crew, but starting a family with Pavel is all you want at the moment.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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orangeyutt · 6 years
Tumblr media
✘ Pairing - Pavel Chekov  x reader
✘ Timeframe - 
✘ Summary - 
✘ Up ahead - self-loathing in a way?, FLUFF, body positivity shizz, (And there's an epilogue), cussing.
✘ A/N - Hello Lil’ nuggets! This was requested by thoughtfuloperaartisanpersona!! As always THIS IS AS GENDER NEUTRAL AS POSSIBLE, something I wanted to point out. Thank you for dealing with my slow arse writing!! This is shit btw
Ask/Request shizz l fandom list
@peaceofflights Can you PLEASE do a Pavel x reader where Pavel confesses his feelings because reader is ditched by her crush or something. You’re awesome btw! ❤️ 
They were an ACTUAL arsehole!
There you were waiting in the party room looking good, feeling good and your crush nowhere to be found. And they're the one that set up the fracking date in the first place!
You didn't want to believe it but you knew this was coming.
Uhura suggested for you not to go. Saying it was a bet between the other lower ensign.
“Don’t put yourself through this y/n,” Uhura said. “They’re a little shitty person! You could do so much better!” she said.
Sighing you got up and walked out of the lifeless party room.
At least now you knew that no one may ever like you again and that you’ll be alone forever! At least you have friends and work to keep you stable
You slowly walked down the hallway eyes casting down. Your self-esteem lowering itself down and down and down and-
“Hey y/n!”
You turned your head to the curly-headed cutie: Pavel Checkov. To be honest you liked him more than your crush. He had an effect on you. His hair, look, accent, just everything was attracting you to him. But with the way of your friendship, you were pretty sure you were going to stay in the friend zone.
Nevertheless, you still smiled and gawked when he was near. But he was doing the same to you.
“Vhy do you look sad? I zought you vere on the date ”
“Yeah about that.” You scratched the back of your head, a bit embarrassed by the truth. “They ditched me.”
“They didn't come. Turns out it was really just for a bet.”
“Oh. I’m sorry y/n”
“Don't be. Uhura tried to tell me but I didn't listen. I guess you could call me a wild thang for not listening.” You try to laugh it off but both of you knew it was a failed attempt.
Though outside he was calm and apologetic, inside it was very different.
He was angry, to say the least. Pavel would have done SO much better than that... fucking Prick!
He would have left messages on your desk throughout the day about what would come that night. It would make no sense because it was Shakespearean type poems that you only read in books about past Earth. 
He would sneak up behind you and cover your eyes asking who you think it was. (Obviously, it was the whiz kid. That accent was so noticeable)
You’d trust him to guide you in the room, eyes still covered. When he lifted his hands you’d see the most romantic thing. You'd see fairy lights hanging on the perimeter of the room.
You’d see the stars on the ceiling, and thick blankets on the floor surrounded by pillows. And sitting on the blankets: the best NY pizza he’s able to find on Earth, he'd have-
“No one will ever like me, Pavel.”
At this Pavel was shooketh (I’m sorry I'm hip). 
He stared at you. Your eyes were still cast down at the floor, shoulders slouched, smiling sadly.
“Zat's not true, y/n”
“Yeah, it is. All people will see me as is weird, ugly, closed off, boring, anno-”
He suddenly held on to your shoulders and lifted your chin to meet his eyes.
“First of all, none of zat is true. And I know zat looking into the mirror you may not like what you see, but honestly, you should. I know zat my opinion doesn't matter. I’m just Russian boy zat made it on zis ship. (And fell massively head over heels vith you in progress.) only opinion zat matters are your own right now. Tell yourself zat your an amazing person because that is the truth. Look at you!" He waved his hands around you.
"Your smile is so incredible. Your body is perfect. YOU are perfect. And you vill be able to see how everyone perceives you. Charming, beautiful, funny, creative, sma-”
“But there’s a problem: no one sees of me that way, Pav.”
After some silence, Pavel said quietly. “Zat's the vay I see you. I like you, kind of a lot actually”
At this, you looked at him more seriously. "There's no way you could like me! I'm... I'm-"
"-an entirely attractive person zat I probably don't deserve and vill be with only in my dreams? Yeah, I know."
"I don't know about all that. But, I like you too... a lot"
"WHAT- I mean... Wow. Okay. vould you like to date me?"
"Sure... When."
"As soon as I kan find NY pizza."
You laugh at the weird thing he said.
1 year later
A groan passed through Pavel's lips. He blinked and breathed in harshly.
"Lights at 15% please"
"Mmm, why do you say please?" You mumbled.
“Good morning to you too, Love”
He pecked your lips and got on top of you.
“Good morning” You played with his face. “How did I fall in love with such a dork.”
He collapsed on top of you and put his head right next to your face.
“But I’m your dork.” His voice was muffled but the message got through.
“We should go to work.”
“Ve kan't risk being late again.”
- 20 minutes later -
You two were still entwined together. 
It was perfect.
Just 2 lovers looking at each other, smiling. Talking about stupid things and laughing about it. The stars out the window. Patterns being drawn on your backs. occasional neck kisses every now and then.
Pavel suddenly got up.
He checked the time and cursed.
“What really?” You checked the time too and cursed under your breath.
“WERE LATE AGIN!” You shouted
“Yeah, I KNOW!”
You both said, “WE NEED TO GET DRESSED.”
You both nodded and quickly got dressed and fracking RAN to the main room.
“You’re late...again,” McKoy said.
“Your just jealous that they're being laid and you’re not. But don't be late again.” Kirk replied.
You both nodded and turned to each other smiling lik chidren,
“I will see you on planet Mudd, Mr.Chekov?”
“Yes, Ms. L/n”
You were turning when Pavel got your attention.
“I’m so glad he ditched you.”
“Same here.”
You two crashed in to each other and hugged. 
Meanwhile, Spock gave Urhura 5 credits and a coupon for a killer foot massage.
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ficdirectory · 7 years
Blink (An AU Fosters family fic) Chapter 39
 Jesus doubted he had ever felt so relieved to be home as he did on Sunday night.  To be in his own space, with stuff the way he needed it?  Just walking into his room made him feel all overwhelmed.  Truth was, he was still super out of it.  The car ride from hell had totally spent his energy, and he crashed as soon as he possibly could.
Monday morning, first thing, he’s in Dr. H’s office, in person.  He still doesn’t feel like himself.  He still has a ton of excess energy going and has a hard time sitting down, because sitting down means they’ll actually have to talk about everything.
 Dr. H. is patient and gives him a bunch of options for where to sit, like she always does.  When he sits on the floor, she sits there, too, across from him.
 She has him get grounded and breathe.  It’s different because he can’t press his feet down.  Instead she has him feel the carpet under his hands.  Study it.  Tell her about it.  How it feels.  What color it is.  Then, she asks him if he’s ready to look at her.
 Jesus does.  Doesn’t check in with himself at all, to see if he actually is ready.  Just makes himself do it.  
 “How are you feeling right now?  Can you tell me?”
 “Tell me about fine, Jesus.  What makes you fine?”
 “Not upset.”
 “I see.  We touched base quite a few times during the past week.  It sounds to me like you have every reason to be upset.  What do you think?”
 Jesus shrugs.  Wraps his arms around raised knees.  Laces his fingers together, so he’s holding his own hands.  He’s down a bracelet.  Can see the scars from chains there.
 “I need to hear you, Jesus, because speaking out loud helps you stay present.  What are you unsure of right now?  When I asked whether you thought you were entitled to feel upset, you shrugged.  Do you know why?”
 “I guess.”
 “Why is that?” Dr. H. prompts, reaching behind her for a bottle of purple glitter which she sets between them.
 Jesus ignores it.  He feels so numb.  So empty.  So not human.  He’d thought coming home would fix all that, but it didn’t.  He’s still lost in his head ever since that dude at the airport. And the bags in the car.  And everything before that, too.  It’s too much to take.  Better to shut it all down.
 Dr. H. offers him a bottle of water.  A blanket.  To sit in an actual chair.
 Jesus shakes his head.
 “I’m feeling concerned, Jesus,” Dr. H. tells him.
 He meets her eyes.  (Good.  She should be concerned.  He is all messed up and if she can’t help him then Jesus doesn’t know what that’s gonna mean for him.)
 “Okay,” he tells her flatly.
 “I’d like you to stand up when you’re ready, and choose a chair or the couch to sit on.  I’d like you to bring the blanket with you.”
 Slowly, Jesus stands up, bending down to pick up the blanket.  He sits in the chair he usually occupies.  The blanket’s balled in his hands.
 They go through grounding and breathing again.  But Jesus is restless.  The last thing he wants to do is feel his body right now.
 “I can see you’re struggling right now,” Dr. H. offers sympathetically.  “I know traveling is very difficult for you.  Do you want to share with me anything in particular you found hard?”
 Feeling human.  Jesus says it in his head, no sweat.  But saying it out loud?  It’s like all his words are blocked off.
 She hands him paper.  Markers.  Pencils.  Pens.  He pulls the paper closer and picks out a pencil.  Loses himself in sketching.  When he’s done, Jesus takes it all in:  LAX dominates the page with the airport security dude inside.  He’s not obvious.  But Jesus knows he’s there.  The plane is in another section.  The bags going around on the luggage conveyer.  The car in another section.  At the very bottom, from the back, there Jesus is.  He’s small.  Like in one of those Where’s Waldo books, except he’s basically a nondescript nobody from the back.
 Jesus pushes the sketch toward Dr. H.
 “May I pick this up?  Look at it?”
 Jesus nods.
 She does and takes her time studying it.  After several minutes, she asks if they can talk about what she sees in the picture.
 He nods again.
 “Talk to me about LAX,” Dr. H. begins.
 “I didn’t like it.”
 “What specifically, Jesus?  Can you name one thing?”
 “That it’s in LA.”
 “That makes sense.  Have you been back there since?”
 He clears his throat.  Shakes his head no.
 “I can see why that would be very difficult.  Do you want to talk any more about LA?”
 “Okay.  I respect that.  Can you tell another thing you found difficult?”
 “Yes, I can imagine.  I remember from our previous conversations that it’s triggering for you.  How did you cope with seeing the luggage?”
 “Pearl.”  Dr. H. waits.  So eventually, Jesus can say more.  “She texted and like sent a video.  So I could have something else to focus on.  But then the luggage was in the car.  And I had to be in it.”
 “Sounds very disconcerting.”
 Jesus nods absently.  “I freaked out.  Felt like it was happening again.  That He was taking me away in That Car.  Pearl helped again, but I still don’t feel safe.”
 “First, you are safe here, Jesus.  You’re safe with me.  And when we’re done, Lena is going to be here to pick you up and take you home again.  Tell me about how Pearl helped.”
 “She talked to me.”
 “What kinds of things did she say?”
 “Just that she understood, I think?”
 “That sounds like it would be very affirming.  It helps to have friends who can relate to what you’re going through.”
 “How did you do in the car this morning?  On the way here?”
 “Okay.  There weren’t any bags.”
 Dr. H. and Jesus talk a little longer, but it had taken him so long to sit, and to start to open up that they really didn’t have much time to discuss stuff at all.  They don’t talk about the dude at airport security.  Not about his giant backpack full of food, or the feeling that he still needs it, on some deep level, even though he has access to food way easier at home.  They don’t talk about Isaac or grief.
 It’s how Jesus wants it.  He’s not ready for all that stuff to come up yet.  He can barely deal with talking about riding in the car with the luggage without feeling like he’s riding in the car in the luggage.
 Before he leaves, Jesus crumples up the drawing.  Then rips it into tiny pieces.  He doesn’t want Dr. H. analyzing it while he’s gone and picking out the dude at the airport or any of the rest.  She says he has the right to have a say over what happens to his work in here.  It helps, a little, to remember he has rights.
 Mama’s there to pick him up.  Frankie’s already at preschool, so it’s just the two of them.  Brandon’s piano music is playing and Jesus is just kinda looking out the window, trying not to think.  Because if he thinks, then he’s gonna feel sick or panicky or something.
 Pearl has been up since 3 AM.  She barely slept after seeing Jesus in such a state last night.  Since it’s obviously bad manners to text someone in the middle of the night, Pearl does her best to hold off.  First, she tries to calm her racing heart.  Her swerving thoughts.
 She needs to do something, but journaling just feels too real right now.  So Pearl settles for an intermediate step, of sorts.  She pulls out notebook paper, and writes a letter to Jesus, trying to channel her zillions of questions and concerns into reassurance that he can hold in his hand:
 Monday January 5, 2015
 I wanted to be sure you know that it’s okay.  What happened in the car.  Calling me.  All of it.  I know it probably feels everything BUT okay, but it is, I promise.
 I hope getting home has helped cement that you’re safe.  If you need me, please let me know however you can:  by letter (Old-People style), text, call, Skype, whatever.  I just want to be here.  I want to know that you are okay.  And especially if you’re not okay.
 I want you to know that what I saw last night doesn’t change anything.  It doesn’t make me feel differently about you.  Vulnerability is not the same as weakness.  Trauma is not a character flaw.  You are still my favorite person to drink hot chocolate with.  To hang out here with.  To just be with.
 Trust your instincts and try with everything you have not to shut down.  I know it’s so tempting especially after your awful trip home, but I have confidence in you.  You are capable of so much.  You are worth so much.  Please believe me.
 If you need ANYTHING at all, please let me know, and I will do my best to help.
 Love, Pearl
 Before she seals the envelope, Pearl tucks in a piece of dark chocolate and raspberry Ghirardelli, still wrapped.  She figures nothing will speak to Jesus’s sense of self worth quite as deeply as food will.  She labels the chocolate with a piece of masking tape on the back and the words: Eat Me, Jesus.  Pearl hopes it won’t melt in the California heat.
 Pearl hasn’t gotten in touch with Pav or Char in what seems like forever.  She misses them, but she also feels too raw to really talk.  Especially because a lot of what she would want to discuss has to do with Jesus, and she is in no place to talk about his business with her friends.
 So, she talks about him while she knits, knowing Gracie’s here, and always listening:
 “I really miss him, girl.  And I barely slept last night so I’m all emotionally unstable today.  It’s just--  You’re never ready to see a friend like that, are you?  I don’t want him to feel badly about it, which is why I wrote the letter, but I hope, in the meantime, he’s doing okay.”
 Gracie cocks her head a little, as if to say, Are you doing okay?
 “Okay, what’s with the attitude?  I gave you an egg this morning.”
 Gracie licks her hand.
 Pearl sighs.  “Obviously, I’m not okay.  The first person I let close to me in years is gone and I have no friends.  Plus, he’s struggling and, like it or not, that means I’m struggling more, too.  I want to be okay for him.  I want to be okay for me.  But I don’t know if I can do it alone…”
 Just then, her gaze falls on her own wrist.  On the bracelet Jesus had given her.  She’s not alone at all.  That’s right.
 She texts Jesus:
 How are you?
 Pearl gets lost in knitting.  In walking Gracie.  In having lunch.  And before she knows it, two hours have passed since she sent the text to Jesus.
 No response.  And it’s definitely late enough that he should have received it.  Unless he’s sleeping in, which could be.  He’s probably exhausted enough.
 She takes a slow deep breath like his therapist always had him doing.  Goes over to the swing and tries to relax.  She’s not gonna freak out about how he’s doing until she has a reason to.
 Gracie’s here, as always, a steadying presence and a reminder that she does need to take care of herself first.  If she doesn’t take care of herself, she won’t be able to be there for Jesus at all.
 Pearl closes her eyes.  Imagines her letter bridging the distance between them.  She tries not to think of Frank’s cabin, standing empty now, next door.
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fanficsj · 7 years
Blind Disaster
Dean Thomas could not believe his luck. He couldn’t keep a boyfriend, his best friend is getting married in a week and his ex-girlfriend is now married to a wealthy athlete. Dean continued to look through his wardrobe for his navy and white jumper.
“Oy! Thomas hurry the feck up,” said with a huff from his best friend Seamus Finnigan. Dean rolled his eyes at him and sighed again for the 12th time in 30 minutes.
”Listen Seamus, I did not want to go on this stupid blind date in the first place,” Seamus huffed once again and threw the book he was reading on the bed.
”Okay listen mate, I know you don’t want to go on this date but trust me, the lass I have set up for you tells me she’s liked you since Hogwarts!. You have to give her a chance for me Deaney. I promise you will not regret it. Plus! I heard through Ron that she is still as hot as we remembered.” Seamus practically screamed as he jumped up onto Deans bed.
Finally happy with his appearance, Dean pulled his shoulder length locs back and danced in a circle to give Seamus a view of his outfit, ”Shay, you keep going on and on about this girl who is like in love with me since Hogwarts, but who the hell is she? Why does it have to be a blind date? And I’ve only liked 3 girls during Hogwarts Ginny, Ariel, and Macey. Besides you’re getting married in a week. I should be planning your bachelor party.”
Seamus laughed. He knows Dean left out one special girl on purpose. He paced back and forth trying to think of a way to calm Dean down. He’s been on the outs ever since Seamus married Pavarti a few months ago.
”First off, I got married two months ago. This is our official wedding and Dean listen to me we are only 30 and you are freaking out about this date for no reason. You know this person, you talk to this person all the time. Well not all the time mate but you know. You know her and she has confessed her sexual attraction to you many times over” Seamus was trying his best to drop hints but Dean was completely ignoring him as he put on his coat and boots and headed for the door.
”Shay I’m going to be late, it’s 7:45 now and I get what your doing but all of our friends are sexually attracted to me. See ya mate!” and with a pop Dean was gone. ”Well he does have a point,” Seamus said to himself as he picked up a muggle picture of him, Dean, Luna, Harry and Ron. “The man is sexy!” Following Dean’s lead Seamus apparated home to his wife to tell her how ridiculous Dean was being. Hell, Dean had forced him to go on a blind date with Parvati first.
Dean fidgeted with his pocket watch as the time turned 8:05pm. His date was late, probably stood him up or something. This was really starting to piss him off, until he saw her walk into the room. Is that who he thinks it is?
”Oh my god Dean?!” Luna Lovegood rushed to his side of the table to pull him into a hug. “I am so sorry I am late. Seamus gave me the wrong address and I ended up down the street and had to walk 15mins to get here. I am so going to slap that man.” Luna placed her purse on the chair and picked up a menu not waiting for a response.
Dean was honestly shocked. Here was a 29 year old Luna Lovegood, with a new short haircut and makeup on. Her eyes were still wide and wandering and still as crystal gray as ever. He watched as Luna played with her earrings, which were just live shrunken pygmy puffs. She looked so different with her hair cut in a bob, it fit her nicely. She encouraged him to loc his hair stating, ”If you ever got locs, you would look so good I would have to give myself to you” then apparting away like she hadn’t said something out of the norm to him.
”Uh Dean?” Luna asked staring at him as if she was trying to look into his soul. He hated when Luna looked at him like that. It meant she was trying to read his mind. Which she could do so he always kept his thoughts positive around her. He did not need her knowing about his sad love life and the fact that he was slightly and only slightly, in love with her.
”Hey yeah sorry! I was just shocked that it’s you and especially with all your long blonde hair being gone. What sparked the change?” He reached across the table to play with her hair a bit.
Luna giggled at him, “Well I remember someone saying his favorite haircut on any woman was an asymmetrical bob. So I the know-er of all spells, turned my hair into a bob for this date. I was going to turn it brown but then I would look regular. I mean how many black women or as my horrible muggle boss loves to say half white women, do you know with bleach blonde hair and gray eyes?’
Dean laughed a real genuine laugh at Luna’s story. She didn’t smile though. At all, she looked more like the girl from Hogwarts who got picked on. She had this dreamy look on her first like she was about to say something so out of this world, but she didn’t.
”Hey Luna, I like the way you look no matter what. I mean lets be honest here you and I both know how hot you are. The bob does turn me on a bit but you’ve always been hot and beautiful to me” Dean felt his cheeks heat up as Luna’s wide eyed expression stayed on her face as he spoke. Luna looked away from after his little speech. She couldn’t believe Seamus didn’t tell Dean she was his date. She knew they were coming on this date but he didn’t, and she was fuming and crumbling all at once.
”Sorry to intrude on your thoughts this way Dean but, I was not aware this was a blind date for you. I asked Seamus if you had said yes yet to finally going out with me and he told me yes. I feel stupid and tricked and lied to. It’s obvious you’re shocked that it’s me and while I can be very unknowing, I am no fool Dean Thomas and your horribly cruel best friend Seamus “Fecking” Finnigan will pay for this.” Luna then got up and walked right out the same door she came through.
Dean left a $50 bill on the table and ran after her. He saw Luna duck into the apparition check point behind the small green rubbish bin in the alley next to his favorite bar. He was too late, he heard her disappear with a pop followed by a gust of blue air. God she was amazing. The only witch he knew who could apparate with a show of color to follow. He knew she was going to Seamus’ and he apparated into the apartment to open the door before they did. Dean landed right on top of Seamus screaming out a rushed sorry as he pushed Seamus back down and opening the door to met Luna. Who by they way looked furious but what concerned him more was that she also crying.
”Seamus Finnigan how dare you lie to me about- oh Dean? I’m sorry I’m hear to yell at Seamus as you well know. Now move Dean Thomas or you shall be moved.” Luna proceeded to push Dean out of her way as if he weighed nothing. ”Luna wait!” Dean tried to stop her but it was too late. Luna entered Seamus and Parvati’s home with her wand pointed at him and her eyes trained on Parvati. She was never a fan of her to begin with. ”Mrs.Finnigan your husband lied to me and made me believe that Dean knew he was going out on a date with me. I showed up excited to finally go on a date with me and guess the hell what? Dean did not know!” Luna’s eyes never left Pavarti and her mouth never spoke any other words but Seamus’ right pants leg started to smoke. ”Bloody hell Luna! That was not appropriate. You do not try to jinx my husband!” Pavarti stepped forward and Dean stepped in front of Luna. ”Pav look, Seamus lied to her and it was wrong. Luna just feels tricked that’s all!” Dean grabbed Luna’s hand and led her to the door.
Seamus ran into the hallway. “Luna wait! It wasn’t a trick I swear. I wanted to tell Dean but I thought it would be best if he didn’t know it was you. He would have backed out, he thinks you’re to good for him!” Seamus shouted down the hall. Dean froze and Luna’s tears continue to roll down her brown skin. “Seamus! I told you that in private!” Seamus snorted at Dean’s embarrassment ”What? Dean you told me that at a karaoke bar as we sung Mariah Carey”
”Seamus this was cruel! Very very cruel of you. This reminds me of Hogwarts. You know how much I like Dean. You knew back then in Hogwarts too. Even tried to convince me to ask him out as we redid our 7th and 6th years. I’ve had enough of being bullied as a child, teenager and even as an adult. But I never never thought you would do something like this to me too. It happened once at Hogwarts with Jason Tiller and I will not be the butt of anyone’s joke any damn more” Luna shoved Dean off of her arm and apparated away.
Six months had passed since his blind date with Luna and no one has seen or heard from here since. Dean went by her father’s place and even by her mother’s burial plot. He went by her job the next day but her boss said she quit. No one answered her door and she changed her wards. Seamus felt guilty as well. He tried to send apology letters to her but they just ended up at Dean’s place. Which worried him even more. This was not like Luna at all. She told him everything, especially when she went on one of her disappearing acts. Pavarti is still livid, but Seamus informed Dean that she’s actually mad at him and not Luna, which Dean is grateful for.
Luna is his best friend. Well, obviously Seamus is his best friend, but Luna is completely even with him. Traumatic events bring people closer together. Being trapped in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor, really solidified the ever growing bond he had with Luna. If he had known that Luna liked him so much he would have went on that date no convincing necessary. He wrote to Luna, and none of his letters were returned, but none were responded to either. He had just sent his last letter off 30mins ago but Bailey also never returned. Luna lived two blocks away. Bailey should have returned by now. Dean started to a write to Luna asking if she is keeping Bailey as punishment to him, since she was a gift from Seamus but He heard Seamus swearing outside of his door.  
”Dean open up now,” Seamus rapped on his door as he screamed in gaelic. Bemused,Dean swung open his front door to see Seamus being pulled by his ear by Hermoine. ”Hello Dean, I haven’t seen you in 2 days. Glad you invited us over. I received a letter from Luna Lovegood informing me of everything that has taken place between the 3 of you and something about Pavarti being a mean old hippogriff” Hermoine looked around Dean’s apartment as if she wasn’t just over last week for dinner. As she spoke, Seamus rubbed his ears with a hiss, but more importantly Hermoine walked right over to Dean’s mirror and refused to face it or even stand poised with her legs closed.
Dean cocked his eyebrow and studied her some more before walking over to where she stood, ”Hey Moine, listen just tell me where she is so I can go to her” ”Well I can’t really do that Dean.” Hermoine looked Dean over. “ I promised her that I would keep her location a secret. Besides I came here to find out a bit of information from the two of you” ”Well what is it you want to know Mrs.Weasley?” Hermoine circled Dean’s ottoman before she sat down bending her legs to the side before she spoke up, “Seamus here tells me you’re secretly in love with Luna but he had to lie to get you to go on a date with her because and I quote, ��she’s too perfect for me’.”
Dean smiled as Hermoine’s smoldering face turned into one of curiosity. ”You tell me, are you who you say you are? Or are you the same 5th year who fell in love with me and told me Ginny Weasley would not be great for me? Or are you the 6th year girl in the dungeons encouraging me to keep it together and to not be afraid, while also holding on to me for dear life? Or are you the scared 21 year old who came over in the middle of the night because she was afraid that she would stay a virgin forever and never birth any children, due to her first ever heartbreak. Or are you the 25 year old woman who kissed me so passionately on new years night she had to disappear for 1 month to study the mating rituals of the new species of gnomes she found in her backyard. Or are you the 29 year old woman who tried to set my real best friend on fire?,” Dean walked over to Hermoine and pulled her in close.
”Because unlike Hermoine, Luna I know your stance and more importantly the way you sit from anywhere. Also I know that’s you Ginny, Seamus is actually already here. He’s in my bedroom taking a nap before he has to go into work tonight. Please turn yourselves back into who you are so I can kiss my hopefully future wife.”
Ginny folded her arms and huffed as she started to turn back into herself, “Fine whatever you say Dean, but Luna we will talk about what he said later.” Ginny stalked off to wake Seamus up, leaving Luna and Dean alone. ”Are you not going to turn back into the sweetest, bravest and most bad ass woman I know?” Dean asked as Luna kept up her Hermoine appearance. ”I don’t know, are you going to stop being a coward and ask me out? Or should I turn into the sexy muggle mail man from you’re mother’s street?”She asked clearly amused by Dean’s new found ego. ”I mean I do love me that mail man.” ”Well I guess I better hurry up then and turn back into myself so I can see if those lips still got it.” ”Oh they do baby trust me” Luna giggled and broke free from Dean grip running for the door. ”Hey where are you going?” ”If you catch me I promise I won’t tell anyone about your crush on the mail man and I will probably kiss you and I will most likely marry you. But only in the veeerryyy far future.” and with that Luna apparated out of his apartment, leaving Dean to follow her red colored magic to their favorite place. Shell cottage.  
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