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lforlimbo · 1 year ago
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With long sobs the violin-throbs of autumn wound my heart with languorous and montonous sound. Choking and pale When I mind the tale the hours keep, my memory strays down other days and I weep; and I let me go where ill winds blow now here, now there, harried and sped, even as a dead leaf, anywhere.
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portraitsgallery · 2 years ago
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Natalia Gontcharova, Portrait de Verlaine, 1909 © Centre Pompidou
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...Paul Verlaine definì Poeti maledetti i poeti, frequentati personalmente, ai quali dedicò nel 1883 l'opera omonima che comprende alcune tra le migliori opere di Tristan Corbière, Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore e Pauvre Lelian, pseudonimo e anagramma dello stesso Verlaine... "STANOTTE HO SOGNATO DI TE" Stanotte ho sognato di te: ti sdilinquivi in mille pose e rubavi un sacco di cose... E io, come s'assapora un frutto, ti baciavo a piena bocca un po' dappertutto, monte, valle, pianura. Ero di un'elasticità, d'un vigore veramente ammirevole: perdinci, che lena e che nerbo! E tu cara, a tua volta, che nerbo, che lena, che elasticità da gazzella... Al risveglio fu, nelle tue braccia, ma più intensa e più perfetta, esattamente la stessa festa. (Paul Verlaine) #libridisecondamano #ravenna #booklovers ##instabook #igersravenna #instaravenna #ig_books #consiglidilettura #poesia #paulverlaine #poetimaledetti (presso Libreria ScattiSparsi Ravenna) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqHt77yobdx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crironic · 1 month ago
Paul Verlaine: La Voce Lirica del Simbolismo
Paul Verlaine è uno dei poeti più significativi della letteratura francese e una figura centrale del movimento simbolista. Nato il 30 marzo 1844 a Metz, in Francia, Verlaine ha trascorso la sua vita in un contesto di tumulto personale e artistico, ma le sue opere continuano a influenzare la poesia contemporanea. Questo articolo esplorerà la vita, le opere e l’eredità di Paul Verlaine,…
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lainutilidaddelapoesia · 1 year ago
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“La Angustia” de Paul Verlaine en “Poemas saturnianos - Melancolía - VII” 1866.
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croquissartoriaux · 1 year ago
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So outdated ...
#croquissartoriaux #menswear #oldandyoung #menstyle #ringard #nerdy #outdated #outoffashion #elegant #doudoune #antisocial #opposition #funnysketch #funny #paulverlaine #arthurrimbaud #metro #subway
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soniaalfani · 1 year ago
Car, sans toi,
Rien ne puis,
Rien ne suis.
Buongiorno 🍂🤎🍂Buon fine settimana
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unfoldingnarratives · 1 year ago
Il pleure dans mon coeur
Comme il pleut sur la ville ;
Quelle est cette langueur
Qui pénètre mon coeur ?
Ô bruit doux de la pluie
Par terre et sur les toits !
Pour un coeur qui s’ennuie,
Ô le chant de la pluie !
#paulverlaine #madrid #pluie #cityscape #sky #cielo #lluvia #colores #restlessmind
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hitomisringo · 2 years ago
The obsession of my life! Don't think over to be or not to be! You are worthy! I AM glad you were born!
#PaulVerlaine #BSD
“The audience is not allowed to touch the performers.”
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julienphoque · 4 years ago
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SOUVENIRS SOUVENIRS... Il y a près de 2 ans, avant le Covid, je publiais mon troisième livre autoédité, REDEVENIR EXTRAVAGANT. C'est un livre bleu comme un ballon de basket, orange comme la nostalgie, on y retrouve les personnages secondaires des Nouilles, a qui une nouvelle est dédiée. (On peut l'apprécier sans avoir lu Les nouilles, même si c'est comme dormir en pyjama plutôt qu'en jean, c'est mieux.) C'est d'inspiration dada, Pata, mais surtout Julien Phoque, on y rencontre David Bowie, Guillaume Musso et des Irlandais. Frédéric Beigbeder m'a dit que "ça rebondissait bien". Astrid, que sa lecture était "un choc" (merci Astrid). Ma maman n'a pas trop aimé. Claire a fait un gentil parallèle avec Murakami. Ça a plu de bout en bout à Justin. Pour autant je n'ai pas eu beaucoup d'autres retours. J'attends les vôtres avec impatience, mais il y a un peu urgence : d'un tirage de 300, il m'en reste aujourd'hui 34 exemplaires. Pour vous le procurer : - mon site www.julienphoque.com - Fnac GARE Montparnasse Jazz 🖤 . . #livre #librairie #litterature #bibliotheque #poesie #paulverlaine #symbolisme #nouvelles #lesnouilles #redevenirextravagant #illustration #illustrationartists #art #artwork #instabook #bookstagram #illustrator #writer #shortstories #mybook #frenchlitterature #davidbowie #autoedition #autoedite #antiedition #gallimard #sollers #club #clique #clac https://www.instagram.com/p/CPc4KXmhpO7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goodbearblind · 4 years ago
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(Tratto da "Rinuncia", Paul Verlaine) #paulverlaine https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYb4q8AEpj/?igshid=gqltduyc5sdh
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churchofsatannews · 5 years ago
Paul Verlaine: "Muted" (En Sourdine) read by Count MoriVond
Paul Verlaine: “Muted” (En Sourdine) read by Count MoriVond
“En Sourdine,” or “Muted” as per this translation by C.F. MacIntyre from University of California Press, 1961. Written by French Decadent poet Paul Verlaine, first published in 1869. Music snippet from “Trip To Paris” by Jan A. P. Kaczmarek from the Fine Line Feature’s movie soundtrack for the 1995 film Total Eclipse, based on the life of Paul Verlaine and fellow French poet Arthur Rimbaud.
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portraitsgallery · 4 years ago
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Eugène Carrière, Paul Verlaine, 1891 Musée Orsay
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flyinglibellule · 5 years ago
Il faut, voyez-vous, nous pardonner les choses De cette façon nous serons bien heureuses Et si notre vie a des instants moroses, Du moins nous serons, n’est-ce pas ? deux pleureuses. Ô que nous mêlions, âmes sœurs que nous sommes, À nos vœux confus la douceur puérile De cheminer loin des femmes et des hommes, Dans le frais oubli de ce qui nous exile ! Soyons deux enfants, soyons deux jeunes filles Éprises de rien et de tout étonnées, Qui s’en vont pâlir sous les chastes charmilles, Sans même savoir qu’elles sont pardonnées.
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mathieulaca · 5 years ago
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Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud, oil on linen, 36X72 inches, 2019. Available at the @thompsonlandrygallery History doesn’t unfold on a line and progressively. It bends and breaks. History happens when strong individuals collide or partner up in specific places and at specific times. When Rimbaud — who was 17 — came to meet Verlaine in Paris in 1870, one of those rare moments occurred and the face of poetry forever changed. Now, you might think: “What’s so great about poetry anyway? Who cares if it’s revolutionized?” You should care. Poetry is not just a fancy play with words meant to seduce long-haired princesses. It’s about human experience. And it can change your life. Seriously. I can’t remember how many times I cried reading the Illuminations. We are driven by the magical power of words more than we think. I could tell you how Verlaine and Rimbaud were violently in love, how it ended with the drunk Verlaine firing a bullet on his lover’s wrist and then doing prison for it while being stigmatized for his homosexuality, or how the cocky young Rimbaud felt so shitty everywhere that he always kept fleeing — he also stopped writing at only 22 — and ended up doing some obscure business in some obscure country before dying after a leg amputation at 37. I could tell you all that but it would just be a collection of anecdotes that have nothing to do with the core of their relationship: their poetry. Rimbaud and Verlaine together were like the birth of one single “superpoet”. They read each other’s work, they wrote together, they got high and drunk together, they slept together, they traveled, they fought, they shouted “fuck you” to every shadow of authority they met (artistic glory, family, country). They killed God to invent the most marvelous wonders with the sole power of their minds. They went where no imagination has gone before. They were poor but gold poured like rivers from their homeless eyes. They were the richest men to ever dance on this earth. #mathieulaca #arthurrimbaud #rimbaud #verlaine #paulverlaine #poete #poesie #litterature #literature #poet #poetry #art #artoftheday #artofvisuals #instaart #instaartist (à Thompson Landry Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B47jBdhHZWu/?igshid=13u8njzocg0p1
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unblogparaloschicos · 2 years ago
Cine: El fuego y la sombra (1995)
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Paul Verlaine (David Thewlis) y Arthur Rimbaud (Leonardo DiCaprio) fueron dos de los mejores poetas franceses del siglo XIX. Rimbaud tenía dieciséis años cuando Verlaine, casado con Mathilde Mauté (Romane Bohringer) y a la espera de un hijo, lo invita a pasar un tiempo con ellos para delinear un trabajo juntos, impresionado por el desparpajo de su obra. Ni bien llega, la actitud de la visita demuestra unos modales discordantes con los imperantes en la casa (se comporta como un maleducado, vamos). No será lo más grave: allí también se da comienzo a una relación que hoy se definiría como tóxica: pasional y violenta, el alcoholismo lleva al anfitrión a lugares de violencia en la que no se salvan ni su esposa ni su hijo recién nacido.
Rimbaud ha muerto y no es un spoiler: la película inicia con su hermana Isabelle (Dominique Blanc) reuniéndose con un avejentado Verlaine para pedirle que le dé el trabajo que posee para destruir los textos más impúdicos y dejar un resto potable para ser publicado. Oportunidad perfecta para que conozcamos los aspectos más importantes de una vida tan exigua como fulgurante, tan rebelde como trágica.
DiCaprio ya era una estrella en ciernes: el año anterior había sido nominado al Oscar por su rol en “A quién ama Gilbert Grape” y el siguiente comenzaría a rodar el trabajo que lo catapultó definitivamente al estrellato global: “Titanic” (1997). Aquí se pone bajo el mando de la directora polaca Agnieszka Holland para coprotagonizar una obra escrita por Christopher Hampton, basada en los textos que los improbables amantes se procuraron desde 1871. Brutal y bella a la vez.
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