Haha, these three have one thing in common: Ladies~ XD
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onlyhereforangst · 4 years
Damn it.
Your last gif set.
It is amazing 🔥
haha why thank youuuu ❤️ it’s actually from a few weeks ago, I just forgot I made it somehow and decided to bring it back up 😅
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tiffanytheweirdo · 4 years
On that making own answer emoji
🥰 - i feel like were good friends !
Awww I feel that too!! Sorry I forgot about this sitting in my inbox 🙈🙈
Send me emojis
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indestinatus · 4 years
🌻💫💛✨This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ✨💛💫🌻💜
oh my how kind <333 thank you so much!!! 💕
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Paulanna Igura (a robotic matryoshka doll)
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Paulanna Igura (you can call her "Iggy") is a robotic matryoshka doll who is broken
Before she was broken, she was very motherly towards her holographic "children" (which now are gone due to her cannot project anything from her broken screen)
But now since they're gone, she became really sad and just stands there hopeless, unless if her friend, Ron, comes and cheers her up by singing old songs
She has a detachable belt that makes her function called a "byda" (which i got the inspiration from the word "pita" (ribbon in indonesian), and if you detach it, you can separate her upper part and lower part to see her machines inside (mostly to repair her sensor)
She has 7 "children" (which i will draw later)
Her name is inspired by "pustaya igra" which just means "hollow play" in Russian (i was originally going for her as a hollow matryoshka who is lonely, but then i remember i wanted to go for robotic stuff) (and the play is just something because matryoshka is a toy)
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Rule 9
Requested by @paulanna "Having this au in my head that one morning Ellie comes over to Nick and says he forgot his knife at her place. Everybody looks at them. Everybody things they are together but they aren’t. Yet."
Takes place in season 17, pre- Head of the Snake
"Morning Nick." 
"Morning McGee." The greeting was more of a mumble as Nick walked straight to his desk, plopping his backpack down on his desk and rummaging through it. Gibbs just glanced up from his computer, sending the younger agent a look before shaking his head, choosing to ignore whatever Torres was doing. It became harder to ignore however when muttered curses came from across the bullpen.
Gibbs sent McGee a look that clearly said 'deal with it' before going back to his computer. Rolling his eyes, McGee spoke up. 
"Uh Nick. What's going on?" With another curse in Spanish he ran a hand over his hair in frustration. 
"I lost my knife. I know I had it yesterday cause I used it to cut that rope but then…" He trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. The sound of the elevator ding brought him back to reality and his face lit up as Ellie walked in the room. "Ellie!." Running up to her he grabbed her shoulders. "Please tell me I left my knife at your place last night." McGee's eyes widened slightly as Gibbs looked up again, suddenly interested in where this was going. 
"Uh yeah. I found it this morning next to the sink when I was getting ready." Reaching into her pocket she pulled the knife out, holding it out for him. 
"Oh thank goodness." He kissed her forehead quickly before grabbing it and sliding it in his pocket. "Thank you." 
"You're welcome." She smiled at him then, tapping his arm that was still on hers and going to sit at her desk when he let her go, him following her as he perched himself on the filing cabinet behind her. Neither paid any attention as Gibbs stood up and walked out of the bullpen but they heard his words clearly. 
"Took us long enough? What did he mean by that?" Ellie asked, turning to McGee who was also standing up from his desk.
"Oh come on guys really? You've been flirting with each other since day one. We're just surprised it took this long. Now I gotta go tell Kasie." McGee rolled his eyes before heading to the elevator, already knowing that an 'I told you so' was coming. 
With confused faces they watched Gibbs and McGee walk away before slowly turning back to each other.
"What do you think that was about?" Ellie looked up at Nick, biting on her lip as she processed what had happened. 
"No clue. But uh, McGee seems to think you've been flirting with me since day one?" He smirked, making her roll her eyes playfully. 
"Oh please. If anything you've been flirting with me since day one." Ellie poked him in the stomach, laughing as he cried in faux pain. 
From her perch at the top of the stairs Jack couldn't help but laugh at the two agents antics as they argued over who has been flirting with whom for longer, neither denying that they've been flirting with each other for years. Shaking her head she walked to the elevator to make her way downstairs. She couldn't wait to tell Kasie and McGee that their bet on the two was still on. 
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redclaire999 · 3 years
Ok, I'm going to ask the question because I can't bring myself to rewatch the clusterfuck shit-show of finale,
The file/intel/leak...
Did Ellie actually secretly leak it 10yrs ago?
Or did she and Odette just plant it to look like she had, like they had the file (real stolen, or fake made up ?)ready to plant (when they picked the time) to make her look guilty as an exit story/disgraced agent/publicly fired/ running from prosecution but really all to join cia op?
Is she actually working for CIA, like on payroll? Or just winging it on a dodgy Odette op?
See my problem? Do we know or are we to guess what's true?
Is what she told Nick the truest version if so can someone tell me what it was?
@onlyhereforellick @erinchristmaselvis @wanna-be-bold @paulanna @roots--before--branches
Anyone? Bullet points might help!😍🤣🤔🙄🤯🤪🤬😡🤬😡
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paulanna · 4 years
This is me, posting a new fic.
Inspired by the beautiful @hellokaelyn ❤️
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luunie · 3 years
Angof (Golden Gnome Awards - RuneScape) by Paulanna
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tiffanytheweirdo · 4 years
Put this 🎈 in the Inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread some positivity!
Aww thank you sweet 💚
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another-mikaelson · 3 years
Answer 10 questions
thanks for the indirect tag @canary-warrior
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: dark purple and red
Favourite food: really depends on my mood tbh
A song stuck in my head: santana lopez's cover of "mine" (i know i know uGH)
Last song I listened: santana lopez's cover of "mine" (no i am not okay)
Last thing I googled: scarlett johansson
Time: 9:05 pm
Dream trip: new york
Anything I really want: ellick closure/rewrite of the season 18 finale. and macgyver to be uncancelled because we were THREE EPISODES away from a macriley kiss
I tag: @ihatethenciswritingteam, @wanna-be-bold, @bishopsbitch, @paulanna, and anyone else who wants to do it
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lekyk · 4 years
Happy new year to everyone here.🎆🎉
I don't think I should even be here. I haven't written much in the last year. For the first time in my life, I started writing English stories. Many years ago, when I even started writing, I would never have thought of that. I can't brag too much about my stories. There aren't many of them yet. So far, I have written only 3 stories, which I have even completed. 
-3 stories completed so far.
-1 still unfinished
-18274  Words
I know my stories aren't good, but I've always loved writing, and even though my stories probably never appeal to all people, I still try to write. 
But I would like to thank some great authors here: @redclaire999 , @tiffanytheweirdo , @hellokaelyn , @enchantedbooklover18 , @erinchristmaselvis , @wanna-be-bold , @roots--before--branches , @onlyhereforellick,  Your  stories are amazing they gave me the impetus to try to write again. Thanks to your stories, I joined a new amazing fandom. 
I would also like to thank the other people I could meet here on Tumbrl. There are a lot of them, but special thanks go especially to them @paulanna 💖 ( I'm glad to see that you like my things I share. 😘😉 ) , @blogger360ncislarules  , @hmmm-what-am-i-doing , @torresandbishop, and lots of other people, thank you for meeting you here. 😘😍💖. 
And one more special thank you belongs @enchantedbooklover18  Thank you for taking the time to help me understand the whole posting of stories on AO3. 💖.
Thank you for all your great stories, gifs and other work you have created. I hope that 2021 will be a better year.💖💞😘😍 
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susanna950-blog · 8 years
Community round since November 14
Since this week, we will be back and forth of Runescape community itself. A group of passionate players together these two weeks community content in cracking, so why are you waiting for? Reading!Welcome all the new CRU: by the community, for the society!We are a group of creative players who decided to waste some XP in order to bring you a longer, more detailed community a second week of back and forth. In the past few weeks has been mostly focused on Halloween and RuneFest, this means that a lot of things to show off! Great works of art, interesting BBS theme, fan site news, more - enjoy!
RuneFest 3 - the best ever Runescape event in real life - held on November 2.Here are some amazing pictures and video during the day: falcon ZB to RuneFest this year, and records the window of his day!Is there any RuneFest video and pictures there.Leave Jagex RuneFest gallery on Pinterest!Art and stuff in real life.Reddit user DerpusDraconis, all ready for this terrible class division more skull Godsword in real life he made.Class meeting is very happy with his work.Nomads never ask him good capture, but Paulanna do also just as well.Take a look at this amazing images of the nomads.
Because of the Halloween and RuneFest has passed, video producers have to do your own thing and make some amazing video content.Here is a great cooperation between SirMikkel RSMurderer.This is a Halloween video, so turn off the lights before you see!We've collected some interesting thread check-out.We are always looking for new content and advice!The most embarrassing place play RS?Play RUNESCAPE on the train, your roof, or even in a space hopper - it appears a lot of us from some strange place to play.Where is the place where your most embarrassing moment?
City square Q&A: veterans and newcomers together, hanging out in the town square, every week to answer questions, and have fun.Welcome to attend. Have you ever played how many seconds? The general consensus is more than 9000, but where do you stand in the time ranking? RUNESCAPE fan site information and fountains of things to do! Here is a selection of some content, you can enjoy this week from them:
You have a creative writing tips? Whether you've always wanted to show their talent to the world? Do you want to free Runescape members? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then you should go into the Tip. It coating fictional "competition! There is a new, working RS3 biggest hit calculator to fight for every style: magic, melee and ranged! It can be found particularly Calcs (calculate) part of the Tip. It site.
Enjoy the latest increase - Tip. It's the biggest hit calculator has been very popular, this is a great addition! As usual, RuneHQ events team has been hard to provide recreational activities Runescape. This week, they held a variety of small game and skilling events. For those who enjoy the capture the flag of the game, or those who are trying to 07 rs gold , pruning, RuneHQ hosting castle war game at 11 PM GMT on Friday on November 15. Maybe you more skilled - don't be afraid! Also has a set of skills in the Runespan events, as well as the events of the arrow, to match the upcoming BBS competition!
For more information, please visit the official RuneHQ active threads. It summarized community back and forth. This is an amazing cover within a few weeks, and there is no doubt that the next will be the same. We have to add some cool ideas, such as your friend,, maybe some of your advice, you can give a shout play on BBS. Soon, we will set up the way to provide you with content give us too much!But until then, see you later!
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redclaire999 · 3 years
Another Ellie Bishop’s Exit Diatribe!!
So , like like a lot of other fans on here i’ve been thinking about the awful storyline /plot/shitheap that was Ellie Bishop’s exit story!
First off, yeah it sucked!
But secondly, and i’m asking the plot writers this one...why?
Like the whole Odette/covert/undercover thing? Fine, I could go with that, even if it was more than a little TIVA 2.0
When Ziva chose that life (or had it foisted on her?) she had a reason, she had history, her family, Israel, Mossad, a dark tangled past of betrayal/revenge...duty. She did what she did because she owed people, alligence, for the greater good or more viscerally to protect the people she loved because no-one else would or could. 
Ellie Bishop felt a little snubbed by Gibbs that she didnt match up to Ziva, that she couldn’t compete with a ghost.
She left for a ‘mission’ that blew up her whole life, her job, her family ties, left her home/apartment, her friends and her love, Nick,  and she did it not for revenge, not to avenge a love or family,  not to escape a broken heart, she didn’t need to do it to protect anyone, or to draw the fire away from anyone. 
And she hurt everyone doing it.
It was an ego trip.
This is why I think this storyline was shite, baseless, pointless and completely out of character.
@onlyhereforellick @erinchristmaselvis @roots--before--branches @thekeyboardninja  @paulanna
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 years
Another for AnnaAugust :D
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 years
Some Paulanna Angst
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