#ellick group chat
redclaire999 · 3 years
Ok, I'm going to ask the question because I can't bring myself to rewatch the clusterfuck shit-show of finale,
The file/intel/leak...
Did Ellie actually secretly leak it 10yrs ago?
Or did she and Odette just plant it to look like she had, like they had the file (real stolen, or fake made up ?)ready to plant (when they picked the time) to make her look guilty as an exit story/disgraced agent/publicly fired/ running from prosecution but really all to join cia op?
Is she actually working for CIA, like on payroll? Or just winging it on a dodgy Odette op?
See my problem? Do we know or are we to guess what's true?
Is what she told Nick the truest version if so can someone tell me what it was?
@onlyhereforellick @erinchristmaselvis @wanna-be-bold @paulanna @roots--before--branches
Anyone? Bullet points might help!😍🤣🤔🙄🤯🤪🤬😡🤬😡
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tiffanytheweirdo · 5 years
@staff WE NEED GROUP CHAT ON DESKTOP so i can put my phone to charge and still talk to my friends
@ellick gc friends, back me up here please😂
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- Ellick AU:
-A Walk to Remeber (2002)
(one of the greatest saddest movies to ever exist)
Ellie and Nick as Jamie and Landon, *but a happier ending*
An epic love story
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1, 19, 23, 43. Fanfiction askssss
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Harry Potter, when I was like... 8 or 9? Ahaha. It’s been a minute. 
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Ehhhhh most of the Gibbs ships, lol. I like Slibbs but all the other ones over the years are just meh for me. 
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
That We May Forgive is by far my favorite out of all my fics! It’s one that I started writing at 6pm and didn’t look up from until I finished at 7am, 13k words and 13 hours later. It was lovely to write a piece that didn’t give me a single second of hesitation... I started with just this sentence in mind: “Ziva's second pregnancy is nothing like her first.” I swear, the rest of the fic wrote itself, lol. I’m really proud of how it turned out. (It’s basically just a comparison between a really happy second pregnancy (post-reunion) and Ziva’s traumatic, depression-laden pregnancy with Tali... half told in ‘present time’ and half in flashbacks to what would have been season 11.)
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
SO. MANY. PEOPLE. Besides you yourself, there’s @indestinatus, @benditlikepress, and @wanna-be-bold, to name a few of my favorite Tiva authors, plus @hellokaelyn, @enchantedbooklover18, and @onlyhereforellick as a few of my favorite Ellick writers. Plus, there’s @saraluvstiva, who doesn’t write often but TOTALLY KILLS IT when she does, and @tivaholic4, who is just starting out but whose work I’m really enjoying. And then there’s @softdeckerstars for continually spouting truth in the tags on every post and @ocheabutter for art and commentary and general friendliness and @pro-bee for making me cry pretty much every time 1am shitposting time rolls around. And @why-did-you-just-lie-to-mcgee for being, like, the best fic reader in the world. And pretty much everyone in my Ellick & Tiva ff group chats! In short, THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE, way too many to name all of them! 
Fanfiction Questions
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onlyhereforangst · 5 years
Wow, it’s lowkey a shame you won’t post it. I get you only care about Ellick but still ...
And it’s highkey a shame you didn’t catch on earlier, or else we wouldn’t be here.
But look- we’ve arrived.
You know why I didn’t post the third sneak peek anon? Because in my overall opinion of ‘important things I had to do tonight’ - posting a clip of Gibbs & Jack sharing a rather menial conversation where essentially all that is covered is the suspect’s narcissism - did not rank high.
No, instead- after coming home from a 12 hour work day- making dinner, playing with my one year old, giving him a bath & putting him to sleep because my husband is out of town for work- all came before posting that sneak peek.
Yes, I found the time to post the Ellick-centric ones, because if you hadn’t guessed already- I like them. A lot. And I have good friends in our group chat that don’t get to see those clips. I did it for them because I’m a nice person sometimes.
Do I only care about Ellick, you surmise? Mmm, pass. What were the words of that professor last ep? “You didn’t check your work, agents.” And you, anon, didn’t check your work. I’ve been an avid NCIS fan since the day it aired, 17 years and counting. I used to love Tiva, I adore Kasie, I wholeheartedly miss Clay, and Jimmy cracks me up daily. Now is Ellick at the top of my list? Did I literally only join this site to talk about them? Are 99% of my posts about them?
Hopefully you’ve figured the answer out by now. Hopefully my handle didn’t mislead you.
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thetricktoholdingon · 4 years
I posted this in the tumblr group chat but thought I’d make an actual post too. Can we do a Slibbs week with gifs/edits/fics (sometime after Ellick week is finished of course)? I have no editing or writing talent myself but I would love to see what other people create.
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Here is the missing tassel @ ellick group chat
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indestinatus · 4 years
I miss you so much :((( please come back soon!
LMAO my hiatus was originally longer but wth let’s just address some things.
I needed some time to breathe - and I was correct to do so, it was actually really helpful to sort out ma life - and it left me with lots of new stuff planned (for those interested haha who knows...). I won’t be back 100% because it’s a process but yeah, taking time for myself was actually great and very helpful. yay
No hate is allowed from now on, only flowers and sunlight
I’ve deleted the older asks and am so SO grateful to have the friends I have here, they gave me space to think and to heal. They respected me and loved me and became the most wonderful online family during these hard times.
I’m going to address the other anon about the episodes gifset on other ask, but just to say: thank you for being so graceful on that. It brought reason where it was scarce (fandom fights are just crazy people shooting each other) and very refreshing for that. Will post them soon. 
I took a mini-break and end up completing my first multi-chapter fic haha need no to this more (it’s ellick quarantined together and more about it later). Also started digital art and found my place in what I’m studying, so wow a lot can change in a couple of days, uh
Anyway, I’m rambling now. Thank you so much anon! This made my day when I logged in again.
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whatscaitdoing · 4 years
Hey like how do I send a card to my ellick group chat that says *inhales and says really fast* “I know I’ve been gone for a while and finals were insane but now they are over and I miss y’all but I feel like I’ve missed too much time in the gc to come back...”
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torresandbishop · 5 years
2 more things: is there an Ellick group chat somewhere?? Also, Bishop's backpack is really cute, I want one.
There is! You can find it in the Ellick tag ☺️
Yessss I love all of her accessories & wardrobe though if I’m being honest haha
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redclaire999 · 3 years
Another Ellie Bishop’s Exit Diatribe!!
So , like like a lot of other fans on here i’ve been thinking about the awful storyline /plot/shitheap that was Ellie Bishop’s exit story!
First off, yeah it sucked!
But secondly, and i’m asking the plot writers this one...why?
Like the whole Odette/covert/undercover thing? Fine, I could go with that, even if it was more than a little TIVA 2.0
When Ziva chose that life (or had it foisted on her?) she had a reason, she had history, her family, Israel, Mossad, a dark tangled past of betrayal/revenge...duty. She did what she did because she owed people, alligence, for the greater good or more viscerally to protect the people she loved because no-one else would or could. 
Ellie Bishop felt a little snubbed by Gibbs that she didnt match up to Ziva, that she couldn’t compete with a ghost.
She left for a ‘mission’ that blew up her whole life, her job, her family ties, left her home/apartment, her friends and her love, Nick,  and she did it not for revenge, not to avenge a love or family,  not to escape a broken heart, she didn’t need to do it to protect anyone, or to draw the fire away from anyone. 
And she hurt everyone doing it.
It was an ego trip.
This is why I think this storyline was shite, baseless, pointless and completely out of character.
@onlyhereforellick @erinchristmaselvis @roots--before--branches @thekeyboardninja  @paulanna
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izzyadisaster · 4 years
if you ever join the ellick group chat...
it’s chaos
but fun
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Ellick Taylor Swift Songs
Wildest dreams
You are in love
Begin again
King of my heart
Call it what you want
Cruel summer
Miss americana and the heartbreak prince
Sparks fly
Haunted (from nicks pov after ellie left)
The 1
Exile (thanks ellick group chat)
This is me trying (i like it from nicks pov)
The other side of the door
Champagne problems
Tis the damn season
Gold rush
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seriouslyobsessed · 4 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
•always love her the same By blackorchids
Lucas living with her was supposed to be temporary. It's not long before Maya doesn't want him to leave.
•Baking By SirKris
Mycroft scares Molly into checking up on Sherlock and learns that the consulting detective can bake very well.
•Run Away with Me By SimplyShelbs16
Post-TEH. S3 AU where Molly was never engaged and Sherlock actually snogged her properly in the stairwell. Greg decides to throw a welcome back party for our favorite detective, but when Sherlock discovers Molly is there, they eventually run off together. Oh, what have they gotten themselves into now?
•In Every Way By forthegenuine
They were, in every way, practically almost married.
Doctor Who
•The Doctor's Planetarium Checklist By mindoflily
The TARDIS team is trapped on Earth. Donna thinks it best to take a field trip to a museum.
•Friends, Old and New, All Together By Mycroffed
Jack Harkness created a group chat for all of the Doctor's former companions. Now, with the new regeneration of the Time Lord, the new companions get added and introduced to the world of chaos that surrounds the Doctor.
•Learning to Walk By MemoirsOfADream
Regeneration means relearning everything, even how to walk.
•Forgiveness By Lastsyns
Rose and the Doctor are forced to consummate at a Spring Festival. Now can she ever forgive him.
•ichor By AlexiaBlackbriar13
Prompt 3:
Vampire!Oliver and Felicity have a fight, resulting in her taking a break by leaving the city for a week. Oliver is reliant on Felicity for his blood supply and hates drinking bagged blood. He goes into withdrawal and he gets found half-starved to death in the Foundry by Diggle.
•Blindsided By Redclaire999
Ellie finds the link that leads to the breakthrough in the case but no one anticipated the consequences of her discovery.
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redclaire999 · 3 years
Ok , I've had a thought! Maybe the reason #WilmerValderrama hasn't commented on Emily leaving is because HE DIDN'T KNOW! Like, ok he knew the story was she , Ellie, was going on the run/Odette blah blah, but that she'd be back S19.., gibbs and her together, rescue or whatever. But maybe that Emily is quitting the show was a surprise...Kasie didn't know the ending either, the script. was kept under wraps.
So maybe Wilmer is pissed because even he knows that it's not going to go down well with fans and like what's the point of Nick for next season...
It's my thought for the day...there's more but I'll leave this here!!
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redclaire999 · 3 years
Another #NCIS @NCIS thought!
So there are now no long term female character survivors in NCIS but we still have Gibbs, Mcgee,Palmer, Vance and arguably Ducky and Fornell even.
We've lost EVERY female actors, and Kasie is still fairly new, Knight..what 2 episodes in??
Something is wrong here. Are the women being pushed out? Paid less? Treated differently? Why do they all feel the need to 'move on' to other projects (not readily apparent what..) or are just written out without input (Emily Fornell!)
@erinchristmaselvis @wanna-be-bold @roots--before--branches @paulanna @indestinatus @onlyhereforellick And anyone else still venting
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