#paula peril
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ropetil · 5 months ago
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das-coven · 3 months ago
Paula Peril : entre mystère, glamour et réinvention du pulp
Paula Peril : entre mystère, glamour et réinvention du pulp
C’est souvent par hasard que l’on fait les meilleures découvertes. Ce fut le cas avec Paula Peril, rencontrée à travers une page Facebook consacrée à ce personnage singulier. Entre le charme rétro de ses aventures et l’originalité de son univers, il n’en fallait pas plus pour piquer ma curiosité. Continue reading Paula Peril : entre mystère, glamour et réinvention du pulp
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blake078 · 8 months ago
Marla Malcolm Chloro in The Adventures of Paula Peril (2014)
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bleaksqueak · 1 year ago
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In Case of Obit This marks the end of our skittish damsel's daring adventure-- or does it? For her sake, we can only hope. Main comic resumes on Thursday! Special omake comic by @elanorpam
Read today's page!
Read from the start
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mostlysignssomeportents · 6 days ago
You can’t save an institution by betraying its mission
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I'm on a 20+ city book tour for my new novel PICKS AND SHOVELS. Catch me in SAN DIEGO at MYSTERIOUS GALAXY on Mar 24, and in CHICAGO with PETER SAGAL on Apr 2. More tour dates here.
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Paula Le Dieu is one of the smartest, most committed archivists I know. Many years ago, she shared a neat analogy with me about the paywalling of public archives, a phenomenon that has become rampant as public institutions have been pushed to seek private funding to close the gaps left by swingeing cuts.
Closing up these archives in order to give these new "investors" a chance to make their money back is pitched as just "good business." But – as Paula pointed out – this isn't how business works at all! If you are an early-stage investor to a startup, providing patient capital in its early stages, then later investors don't get to zero out your shares. If a museum or public broadcaster is a business, then the public is the early investor, and their share is access. Taking away free access is tantamount to wiping out our investment.
But of course, public institutions aren't businesses, and they don't exist to make profits. They exist to serve the public interest. If your public health system, public education system, public archives, public museum or public parks are making a profit, then something is desperately wrong.
Managers of these public institutions forget this lesson at their peril. Every public institution eventually faces an existential funding crisis, and when that crisis strikes, the only thing that will save you is public support. Back in 2014, I got to speak to a group of curators about this when I keynoted the Museums and the Web conference in Florence:
Since then, I've had many chances to talk with Paula about her views on archiving in these apocalyptic times. She's come up with a crisp formulation of the point I tried to make in that speech – when archives trade access off for preservation, they sign their own death warrants. As I said in my speech, if you don't maximize public access to your archive, then there will come a day when they take away your funding and the public won't care because you locked them out of their own collection. When that happens, all your careful preservation work will be used to prepare the auction catalog for the sale of your collection to the "philanthropic" billionaires who insisted that you lock up the collection in the first place. Your meticulous documentation will become the manifest for a shipping container full of formerly public treasures that will henceforth reside in a lightless, climate-controlled warehouse in the Geneva Freeport.
My conversations with Paula came back to me this weekend when I listened to Corey Rubin talking with Brooke Gladstone on NPR's On the Media, about the universities that are seeking to avert Trump's attacks by sacrificing students and faculty who spoke out against Israel's genocidal attacks on Palestine:
From Columbia's complicity in the kidnapping of green card holder Mahmoud Khalil, a grad student now held in immigration detention in Louisiana; to Yale professor Helyeh Doutaghi, suspended because an AI-driven pro-Israel site hallucinated a connection between her and Hamas:
These institutions – and others, like the LA Children's Hospital, which halted gender-affirming care for trans kids – aren't merely "complying in advance." They are betraying their mission in order to save their bacon:
This will come back to bite them in the ass. This is like firefighters doing a bit of arson on the side to make ends meet, and thinking that the townsfolk will continue to vote to maintain their budget.
I get it: it's damned easy to convince yourself that you need to destroy the village to save it. By "living to fight another day," you will get more chances to serve the public. Rationalization is a hell of a drug:
Trump and his fascist movement wont't let up on their assault against institutions that support free inquiry, care, justice and openness. Rolling over for them now will not keep you safe tomorrow. But with every betrayal, these institutions alienate more and more of the public, without whose support they are ultimately doomed. Supporters will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no supporters.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Ajay Suresh https://www.flickr.com/photos/ajay_suresh/52009406881/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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kinkynerfherder · 1 year ago
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Paula Peril
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imzadi-caskett-huddy · 10 months ago
It Started With a Kiss (8/?)
Thanks so much, everyone for your reviews on the last chapter! I’m so glad you all enjoyed my take on the Alex Conrad situation. And now for one of my favorite episodes of the show, To Love and Die in LA. Seriously, this episode is in my top 5…maybe even top 3 depending on my mood that day.
Date wise, the last chapter took place around April 11, and this one takes place around May 2. So that’s a 3 week time gap. Wonder what our favorite couple got up to after the way Kate kissed him in the last chapter, hmm?
Again, I want to remind you that this will be the last update on this story until after I return from vacation on June 15…and Hell Hath No Fury will be due for an update first. So enjoy this one, because it will most likely be several weeks before I get around to writing the next chapter. I promise I’ll get it up as soon as I can though!
Also…there is a section rated M in this chapter. It is clearly marked where you will want to stop reading, and then when it ends. It’s sex heavy, but not smut heavy. Still, read at your own peril, lol!
I still don’t own Castle…
Castle had barely seen Beckett since that night 3 weeks ago when she’d kissed him. The first week she’d been tied up prepping with an ADA for a trial, which worked out with him needing to finish a couple of chapters for the next Heat book, as well as some edits. And then Gina and Paula had worked together to ambush him with some promotional book signings and appearances in an effort to drum up more presales for his newest novel, not to mention the graphic novel for Storm that was being put together.
He’d seen her exactly twice…both times at the precinct when he’d brought her coffee. Neither time for very long, so they hadn’t been able to discuss their relationship or if the kiss she’d given him was a sign she was ready to move forward, but she had made time to spend several minutes with him in the break room since he had come all the way to the precinct just to bring her coffee. They would spend those ten minutes or so in the break room together, innocently flirting and occasionally standing just close enough to brush up against each other. And it always ended with the most brilliant smile from her, thanking him for the coffee. Castle knew he would go out of his way to bring her coffee every day for the rest of his life if she continued to smile at him the way she had those two days.
They had, of course, chatted via text and twice over the phone, but neither of them seemed to want to discuss the kiss or their relationship over the phone or text messages, and rightfully so. It was a big step for them; when it happened, it needed to be in person. She had known he was returning to the city that afternoon, so when his phone rang, he didn’t bother to look at the caller
ID, simply assuming it was her. No one else usually called him after 9 anymore.
“Did a body drop, or did you just miss me so much you couldn’t wait another day to see me?” he asked with a grin.
“Castle, I’m going to send you an address, and you need to get down here,” Lanie said simply.
“Lanie? What’s wrong?” he asked, the smile falling from his lips. Lanie never called him. Kate was the one who called him about a body drop.
“A body was found…”
He swallowed hard. “Kate? Did something happen to her?” he had to ask, interrupting before Lanie could finish her sentence. He felt his heart sink. Was Lanie calling to tell him something had happened to Kate?
Hearing the worry in his tone, Lanie realized what he must have thought. “The body we found is Mike Royce. Espo is just now calling her, so she’s not here yet, but you need to hurry. I doubt she’ll admit it, but she’s going to need you on this one.”
“I’m on my way,” he said, already out the door. He’d watched her go through hell several months ago when she’d realized Royce was part of their investigation and she’d had to arrest her former training officer. He could only imagine how his murder was going to hit her.
Castle’s eyes were on her the moment she got out of her unit. He could tell, just in the way she carried herself…the tension in her shoulders, the firm set of her jaw...she was torn up and doing everything she could to not appear that way.
“Where is he?” Beckett asked as she approached.
Montgomery stood beside Castle, shaking his head. “Turn around, go back home, and let me handle this.”
“Sir, I’ve seen dead bodies before,” she insisted.
The captain studied her for a moment but knew it was better for everyone if he just let her through. He nodded toward the back of the alley where Lanie was standing.
Castle was immediately at her side as she headed in that direction. “Come on, Kate…you don’t want to remember him like this,” he tried to get through to her.
“Castle, if it were me lying there, would you just walk away?” she turned to look at him.
Just the thought of that possibility sent a chill through his body and made him nauseous. He didn’t have to answer her question; the look he was giving her was answer enough–hell no, he wouldn’t just walk away. He would find whoever had hurt her, and then no one would ever find the body.
“I’m so sorry, honey,” Lanie offered her condolences.
Beckett clenched her jaw and blinked, but Castle could tell she was struggling to hold onto her composure. “Tell me what happened.”
“He was shot in the leg. Judging from the blood trail, I’d say the bullet broke the bone. He tried to hide, but…” she trailed off with a shake of her head. “I found this in his pocket,” she handed Beckett an airplane ticket stub. “He flew in from LA this afternoon.”
Castle took a step closer to Beckett then. “What was he doing in LA?” he asked curiously.
“I heard he moved there after he lost his bounty hunter’s license. I guess he was trying to make a fresh start,” Beckett answered, looking over the ticket stub.
“When was the last time you spoke with him?” he asked her softly.
She swallowed hard, staring at the ticket stub before folding it back. “When I arrested him.” She took a deep breath. “Lanie, could I?”
“Sure,” Lanie answered, stepping out of the way and exchanging a look with Castle as Beckett approached Royce’s body.
Castle watched intently as she crouched down near the body and took a few minutes. He watched as her shoulders tensed a little more. He watched as she touched Royce’s hair and either sniffled or inhaled deeply…he couldn’t tell. He was ready to move to her side the minute she stood and headed back in his direction.
“Royce had something else in his pocket. It’s addressed to you,” Lanie handed her a note.
“Is it about the case?” Castle asked her as she opened it.
After reading for a few moments, Beckett folded the note and put it in her pocket. “No.”
Esposito approached them, carrying a gun. “I think we got the murder weapon. Found it in the garbage around the corner.”
“Gun was definitely fired recently,” Ryan added as he joined them. “Shooter took the time to empty the ammo before he dumped it.”
“Worried we’d find fingerprints on the bullets?” Castle raised the question.
Beckett took the gun and examined it. “This is a cheap street gun. It’s a throw away.” She studied the gun a little more. “There’s threading on the barrel.”
“Silencer?” Castle suggested.
Esposito nodded. “Yeah.”
“Allowing our killer to shoot Royce in broad daylight,” Beckett stated, handing the gun back to Esposito to bag as evidence.
“Listen, Beckett…we’re gonna get this guy,” Ryan assured her. “We got uniforms heading to every store and apartment within a 5-block radius.”
“This is New York. Somebody had to have seen something,” Esposito added.
Castle turned to her, placing his hand on her shoulder lightly after the boys walked away. “Kate…”
“Castle, I’m fine,” she insisted.
“You’re not fine,” he said softly. “Royce was your friend. It’s okay to take a few minutes to grieve,” he added. After a minute, he let his hand fall from her shoulder. “Why don’t you let me take you home? There’s nothing else you can do tonight. You can get some sleep and start fresh on the case in the morning,” he suggested.
Beckett was about to protest when Montgomery walked over to join them. “Alright, you’ve seen him. You paid your respects. Now go home, Beckett.”
“Sir,” she started to protest.
“There’s nothing else you can do here tonight. Dr. Parish won’t have anything for you until she does an exam. Uniforms are canvassing everywhere. Ryan and Esposito will handle anything else. They’ll call you if anything pops. Go home, Beckett. That’s an order.”
She looked between her captain and her partner and finally relented, wordlessly stepping away from them to go back to her unit. Castle was quick to follow her.
“Castle, you go home too,” she told him, stopping him as he went to get into her car. “You just got back from a book tour. I know you’re tired.”
“I’m okay. I can just sit with you. You shouldn’t be alone…you don’t have to be alone,” he offered.
“I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” she assured him.
“Rick, please,” she said. She needed to be alone. She was going to fall apart when she got home, and the last thing she wanted was for him to see her break like that.
The way she said his name, coupled with the look in her eyes had him nodding. “Okay. I’ll go home. But if you need anything…you call me. Even if all you need is me to sit on the phone with you in silence, ok?”
“Do you even know how to be silent?” she teased lightly, trying to show him that she was okay.
“I do, actually, when it matters. And I’m serious. Call me,” he insisted.
She nodded. “Okay.”
“Beckett, I’m not sending you to LA. You have no solid evidence linking Neal McCauley to this murder,” Montgomery insisted.
“He came to New York for 6 hours. Who flies in for that short a stay?” Castle pointed out.
“Businessmen do it all the time,” Montgomery countered.
“Businessmen don’t use fake IDs,” Castle countered back.
“Or pack silencers,” Beckett added.
Montgomery shook his head. “That’s supposition. I need a lot more than that to justify flying a detective across the country.”
Beckett shook her head as well. “You and I both know the longer I wait to go out there, the colder this trail gets.”
“Take a day to shore this up. And then if there’s sufficient evidence, I’ll contact the LAPD.”
“You’ll contact the LAPD?” Beckett asked incredulously. “This is my case! This happened in our jurisdiction. You think the LAPD is gonna lift a finger?”
“Kate, you’re too close to this!” Montgomery insisted.
“No, Sir, I am committed. I am not compromised.”
“You’re torn up,” he interrupted her. “Kate, things between you and Royce ended badly. I get it. But that emotion is exactly why I need to assign this to someone else.”
Beckett paused then, taking a step back. “You know what? You’re right. I am too close to this. I have some vacation days coming up. I think now would be a good time,” she stated, turning to head out of the office.
“Kate,” he called, stopping her. “I hope you’re not thinking about doing something reckless.”
She turned to face him, meeting his eyes for a long moment. “No, Sir,” she stated, leaving the office.
Castle’s eyes met Montgomery’s and both men seemed to understand each other. Montgomery’s look told Castle to follow her…something he would have done anyway…because neither man believed she was stepping back and doing nothing.
“Where are you going?” Castle called after her.
“Home,” she insisted.
“The hell you are. I know you better than that,” he tried to stop her with a hand on her arm.
“Castle, please,” she pulled it away. “He was my training officer…my friend. I just…I really need to be alone right now,” she told him, making her way to the elevator.
Castle watched helplessly as the doors closed. Why did it always feel like they’d take one step forward and then something happened to make them take two steps back? He was really beginning to hate that dance.
“You know she’s going to LA,” Espo said, coming up behind him.
“I know,” Castle sighed.
“You really think she’s going to just willingly let you go with her?” Ryan asked as he joined them.
“She won’t have much of a choice if she doesn’t find out until the plane is already in the air,” Castle stated simply, already pulling out his phone to check for the next flight to LA, knowing she’d be on it. “Whether she likes it or not, someone’s got to have her back…and I’m her partner.” He headed for the elevator himself; he had a couple of hours to pack a bag and get to the airport, already calling to arrange a hotel suite for them.
Kate Beckett hated the middle seats in airplanes. Unfortunately, that was all that was available to her last minute. She knew she was lucky to have gotten on the flight at all considering she’d been on standby status. Still, being squished between two larger men was going to make for a very uncomfortable flight across the country…especially if the baby screaming in the cabin didn’t eventually tire itself out and fall asleep.
“Excuse me, Detective Beckett?” one of the flight attendants approached her.
“Yes?” she answered.
“You’ve been upgraded to first class.”
Beckett didn’t even question the reason. “Thank you,” she smiled, standing quickly. “I’m sorry…excuse me,” she said to the man, climbing over him to get out of the cramped row. She followed the flight attendant to the first-class cabin.
“Seat 3C,” the attendant told her.
“Thank you,” she smiled her relief. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the man she’d be sitting next to.
“Champagne?” he asked innocently with a smile.
She took the seat beside him, fastening her seatbelt. “Castle, what are you doing?”
He shrugged with a grin. “The studio’s been after me for weeks to fly down and do a set visit for the Heat Wave movie. Imagine my surprise when I saw your name on the standby list,” he took a sip of the champagne.
“You cannot be a part of what I’m gonna do out there,” she told him simply.
“I thought you were on vacation,” he pointed out.
“Castle,” she shook her head. “Look, it’s one thing for you to follow me when we’re in New York, but I’m not a cop in LA. I don’t have any authority or backup,” she told him.
“I’ll be your backup,” he insisted. Seeing her roll her eyes, he continued. “I’m your partner. Besides, going rogue is kind of my specialty.”
“Yeah, but subtlety isn’t,” she countered with a small smile. “I’m not going to get rid of you am I?” she asked him. Seeing him shake his head, she sighed. “Okay, if we do this together you have to promise me that we’re gonna fly under the radar.”
“Of course,” he smiled, offering her the extra glass of champagne.
She studied him for a moment before taking it with another roll of her eyes. She took a sip, offering him a small smile. “Thank you for upgrading me. I was kind of miserable back there.”
“You mean, you didn’t enjoy your seat sandwiched between two of the linemen for the Giants?” he asked with a chuckle.
“No,” she smirked. “The screaming baby didn’t help either.”
He laughed softly. “You’re welcome. Besides, how are we supposed to talk strategy with you in the back of the plane and me in the front?”
“We weren’t supposed to talk strategy at all,” she laughed, nudging his shoulder playfully.
“We have a 6-hour flight, Beckett. It’s going to be a long 6 hours if we don’t talk.”
She smiled and took another sip of her champagne. “Some people sleep on a flight.”
“Are you one of those people?” he asked with a smile.
She shrugged. “Sometimes. Probably not this flight. I’ve got too much on my mind.”
He nodded, placing a hand over hers. “I’m here for whatever you want to talk about,” he offered her a smile. “Or we could just drink,” he joked.
“I think one glass will suffice,” she chuckled, stretching her legs out.
He smiled and squeezed her hand before releasing it. The surprise was evident on his face when she took his hand back in hers a moment later.
“Thanks for coming with me, Castle,” she said softly, offering him a smile and pulling their joined
hands back into her lap.
“Always,” he smiled, stretching his legs out to get comfortable as well.
“Is this what you call under the radar?” Beckett asked, gesturing to the red Ferrari they were currently in.
“In LA, this baby fits right in,” Castle insisted. “So what’s our first stop?”
“My hotel. It’s on Ventura Blvd.”
Castle shot her a look. “That’s all the way in the Valley. How are we supposed to work together if you’re an hour away?”
“Castle, we weren’t supposed to work together at all,” she reminded him.
He shrugged. “Okay, well the studio comped me a two-bedroom suite at a 4-star hotel. You just stay with me,” he stated as though it were a no-brainer.
She snorted a laugh. “Yeah right!”
“What?” he asked, turning to look at her. “You’ll have your own room.”
“No! I am not staying with you!” she insisted, biting back another laugh.
He raised an eyebrow, almost in a challenge. “Worried you can’t control yourself when we’re alone together?”
Her smile faltered only slightly. It was a legitimate concern of hers, yes, considering the current state of their relationship and how close they currently were to crossing the line between friends and lovers…but she wasn’t going to admit that to him. “Actually, it’s not me that I’m worried about,” she replied.
“I assure you, Detective, my intentions are pure,” he insisted as the light they were stopped at turned green. He paused a moment before continuing. “Need I remind you that the last two times we were alone together, you were the one who kissed me,” he commented nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the road.
She tugged her lower lip between her teeth. She couldn’t even deny that. Even though it had been months ago and she hadn’t ended her relationship with Josh at the time, she’d still been the one to kiss him on Valentine’s Day over wine in his loft. And now that they were both single,
she hadn’t been able to resist kissing him when they’d gone out 3 weeks ago after he’d been so jealous of Alex Conrad.
Yes, they were here to work…at least she was…but she also couldn’t deny the attraction and connection that pulled them together, couldn’t deny that they were one “Yes” from her away from becoming romantic partners in addition to professional ones. Here to work or not, she knew it was a very real possibility that when they were alone together she would give into the temptation that was her desire to be with him. Simply having her own bedroom didn’t guarantee she wouldn’t seek him out in the middle of the night without anything holding her back anymore.
“Fine, I’ll stay with you,” she finally agreed. She knew herself well enough to know there was a very real possibility she would find herself in his bed…or invite him into hers…before they left LA. She only hoped she was ready for everything that entailed. Because once they crossed that last line between them, she knew there would be no going back. If she messed it all up, if they crashed and burned, she would lose him forever…and she wasn’t sure that was a loss from which she’d recover.
“We’re so happy to have you back, Mr. Castle,” Maurice the concierge smiled. “I’ve taken the liberty of setting up the suite just the way you like it.”
“Thank you,” Castle returned the man’s smile.
“And I’ve scheduled a couple’s massage at 7,” Maurice added.
Beckett paused looking around the suite for a moment to cut Castle a look. “Pure, huh?”
Castle’s eyes widened slightly. “Uh, Maurice, you can cancel the couple’s massage. We’re actually here to work, so we won’t be needing that tonight.” He didn’t ask for the champagne or flowers to be removed, however.
Maurice nodded. “Very good, Sir.”
Castle handed the bellhop who handled their luggage a tip and offered Maurice one as well. “Thank you, Maurice.” He followed the men out and closed the double doors behind them. “The last time I was here, I brought this Parisian supermodel, so he…” he trailed off when he caught the look Beckett shot him and he realized bringing up the fact that he’d been with other women here was probably not the best idea considering they were working toward a relationship with each other. “You know, that is not important. Would you like to choose your bedroom?”
She rolled her eyes and went to her carry-on to get her jacket. “No, I would like to start the investigation.”
“But we haven’t even ordered room service yet,” Castle pointed out.
“Castle, I’m not here for room service, I’m here for justice,” she stated, heading for the doors.
“Can’t we have both?” Castle called as he followed her. “Wow. In LA for all of a minute and already she’s spouting cheesy movie dialogue. Must be something in the air.”
“Picture this: a gullible young actress, desperate to make a name for herself. She meets our mastermind at a club. He needs a pretty girl to help him get the voice code. He tells Violet he’s a producer, promises to make her famous if she helps him play a practical joke on a friend,” Castle theorizes. He turns to face Beckett on the couch in the living room area of their suite.
Beckett turns a little more facing him, her elbow resting on the back of the couch with her head resting on her hand. The bottle of champagne from earlier is opened and mostly empty on the coffee table in front of them. “She doesn’t even realize that she’s participating in a crime until afterwards. She can’t call the cops, so she contacts Royce.”
“But then, our Mr. McCauley finds out,” Castle continues to build theory with her.
“And Royce tries to change the game. He goes to New York; home-field advantage. Classic. Classic Royce,” Beckett smiled slightly. “I was so in awe of him, Castle when I first met him. I just hung on his every word. And then later, I realized he was just making up stories to mess with me,” she gave a soft laugh, but her smile faded. “I can’t believe that I’m never gonna see him again.”
He studied her for a moment, shifting just a little closer. “You know what I first thought when I met you?” he asked her.
She turned her attention back to him. “Mm?” she hummed the question.
“That you were a mystery I was never gonna solve. Even now, after spending all this time with you, I’m still amazed at the depths of your strength…your heart…” he trailed off as the faintest smile teased his lips, “and your hotness.”
She looked down for a moment and then met his smile with one of her own. “You’re not so bad yourself, Castle.”
Their eyes locked and they held each other’s gaze. He wanted to kiss her…so badly. Under any other circumstance, he would have. But she was vulnerable now. She was dealing with her grief over the loss of her friend whom he knew she cared for deeply. He wouldn’t be the guy who took
advantage of that. He cared too much about her to be the guy who did that to her. If there was a move to be made, she was going to have to be the one to initiate it.
“I should go. It’s late,” Beckett stood, finally breaking the moment between them as she headed for her bedroom door.
“Goodnight, Castle,” she stated, stepping inside and closing the door. She leaned against it, running her hands over her face and through her hair. A hundred thoughts were running through her mind: She should have kissed him. Why was she running? How badly she wanted to kiss him. How badly she wanted to lose herself in his arms tonight, let him make her forget everything else but him and the way she knew he would make her feel. But was that fair to him to do it this way? Was it fair to either of them to spend their first night together under these circumstances? Was she ready to fully embrace the depth of her feelings for him? Was she ready to embrace the depth of his feelings for her?
Her hand lingered over the door handle for another moment as she hesitated. The words from Royce’s letter echoed in her mind: And now for the hard part, kid. It’s clear that you and Castle have something real. And you’re fighting it. But trust me, putting the job ahead of your heart is a mistake. Risking our hearts is why we’re alive. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder, if only. A moment later, she’d made her decision. She wanted the comfort he would provide. She wanted to touch him, to taste him, to feel him. She just wanted him. She opened the door and met his eyes as he stood from the couch. “Castle…” she breathed from her doorway.
He wordlessly approached her, coming to stand in front of her in her doorway. In her bare feet, she was a good 5 or 6 inches shorter than him, and his eyes were soft as he looked at her. “Kate…” he murmured, unable to resist reaching out to run his fingers gently across her cheek.
Her hands moved to his chest and her eyes closed as she leaned into his touch. Her fingers tightened in his shirt and she pulled him closer against her, opening her eyes to look at his lips.
He leaned down, his lips stopping just before they touched hers. Swallowing hard, he had to make sure. “Kate, I don’t want to take advantage of you,” he murmured in a whisper.
Her nose nuzzled his, her lips moving the tiniest bit closer until they were only a hair’s width apart and she could feel his breath tickling her lips. “You’re not…” she breathed, her lips barely brushing his as she spoke. “If we hadn’t been so busy the past few weeks, this would have already happened…”
He swallowed hard again. She was making it so damn hard to think straight, to try to be the
gentleman. “I thought you wanted to wait…”
The last words from Royce played over again in her head. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder, if only. “I’m done waiting,” she told him.
“You won’t regret this in the morning?” he had to ask her. Because he wouldn’t be able to handle it if she did.
“No regrets,” she promised, unable to take it anymore and closing the almost invisible distance between their lips with a slow kiss. She stepped back from him into her room a few moments later, her lower lip tugged between her teeth and the look in her eyes inviting, imploring him to follow her.
He was powerless to resist her now, and he knew it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them a second later, he followed her into her bedroom and closed the door behind him.
Her eyes never left his as he approached her. She took the final step toward him necessary to close the distance between them again and took his face in her hands. This time when she kissed him, the dam broke; her feelings for him, their physical attraction to each other, the past two+ years…everything poured into her kiss. She was drowning in his kiss, in him, and for once she didn’t care.
Her tongue ravaged his mouth, and he let her take what she needed, what she wanted from him while his hands gripped her hips and pulled her closer. One hand slowly ran up her back and curled into her hair, deepening the kiss until both needed some oxygen. His mouth ran along her jaw to her neck and finally along her throat, grazing her skin lightly with his teeth as he tasted her.
Her hands moved to his plaid button-up shirt and shoved it over his shoulders, causing him to release his hold on her long enough to yank his arms free from it. She grabbed his t-shirt and tugged it over his head as well, her eyes and fingers traveling the lines of muscle across and down his now bare chest appreciatively. Her lips grazed against the hollow of his neck where it met his chest, her tongue darting out to taste his skin. Her arms moved around him, her fingers sliding up the muscles of his back as she pressed an open-mouth kiss to his chest, smiling against his skin at the low groan that escaped his throat.
When he felt her fingers at his belt before he’d even had the chance to get her shirt off her, he
caught her wrists and brought them to his lips for a gentle kiss. “Not so fast,” he murmured with a smile. He caught her playful look and returned it with one of his own before grabbing the hem of her shirt and bringing it up and over her head. His eyes darkened at the exposed skin, the black lace of her bra a stark contrast against her tanned skin. His fingers gently traced along the length of her bra strap at her shoulder as he circled behind her.
The feel of his lips on her shoulder and then her neck as he pushed her hair aside drew a gasp from her lips. His mouth lightly danced along the curve of her neck as his fingers unclasped her bra. She leaned back against him as his hands slowly slid the straps down her arms until the piece fell from her body to the floor. Her head fell back against his shoulder and her eyes closed as his lips slid to her shoulder, one hand flattening against her stomach to hold her against him, the other moving to her breast, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.
He bit her shoulder gently as he squeezed her breast. One of her hands moved to cover his on her breast, and her other moved to his head, pulling him into a smoldering kiss. As she tugged his lip between her teeth and bit gently, the hand on her stomach slid lower, dipping inside her pants, his fingers lightly tracing along her underwear. She moaned her approval into his mouth and released her grip on his hand to guide the hand in her pants lower until she could press his fingers into the heat between her legs.
Even through her panties, he could feel her arousal, causing him to groan against her lips. “Kate…” he breathed, his mouth moving to her neck as his fingers slipped past the barrier of her underwear to slide between her legs. The feel of his touch where she was already so ready for him caused her hips to buck against his hand and nearly sent her spiraling. The hand still joined with his on her breast flexed and squeezed, while her hand that had guided his into her pants gripped his hip, her fingers curling in his belt loops.
He continued to work her up with his fingers at her core, his lips gently sucking and nipping at her skin, and his other hand on her breast, alternating between massaging and rolling her nipple between his fingers. It wasn’t long before he had her a whimpering mess, his name escaping her lips in a breathless moan as she crashed over the edge. His fingers continued to work her through her orgasm until she couldn’t take it anymore and gripped his forearm, tugging his hand away. He smirked against her skin, moving his hand to her stomach to hold her against him as she recovered, his lips softly caressing her skin.
Once she regained her senses, she turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and meeting his smile with one of her own. “Hi,” she murmured, kissing him slowly.
“Hi,” he returned, resting his forehead against hers. He slowly walked her back toward the bed, easing her back and lowering her down on it when her legs hit the edge. He moved over her, capturing her mouth with his in a passionate kiss, his tongue slowly stroking hers. This time when he felt her fingers slide down his chest to his belt, he didn’t stop her.
She easily unfastened his belt and the button on his pants, and then slowly slid the zipper down. Her fingers teased just underneath the waistband of his boxers before her hands moved to his hips. She pushed both his jeans and boxers over his hips, her hands sliding around to grab his ass, squeezing the ample flesh as she pulled him into the cradle of her thighs. “Get them off…” she murmured, her lips brushing against his jaw as she pushed them as far down as she could.
He did as he was told, standing and removing his last remaining clothing. She pushed up to her elbows to watch, her eyes darkening as she took in the sight of him for the first time. She sat up, her hands moving to his hips as she pulled him to stand in front of her.
“Kate…you don’t have to…” he started.
“I know,” she met his eyes with a smile. She knew he would never expect or even ask her to do what she was about to do. But she wanted him, wanted all of him; she had for awhile. “I want to taste you.”
Her lips pressed a soft kiss to his stomach, glancing up at him as one hand moved to his length, her slender fingers stroking him slowly. She smirked against his skin at the low groan and moved her mouth to his hip, nipping playfully before blazing a trail of open mouth kisses across his skin as she worked her mouth further down. She looked up at him watching her and saw his eyes close as she ran her tongue the length of him before taking him in her mouth and sucking gently.
It took all of his willpower not to buck his hips into her mouth, but he somehow managed. He forced himself to keep his eyes open, watching her, one hand tangling in her hair…not to guide her movement, but to simply caress her. After a few moments, he hand to stop her. “Kate…” he managed to choke out her name on a strangled moan, his hand gently caressing her cheek. “I can’t…you’ve got to stop…or it’s going to be over to soon…” he managed to get out, trying to force his breathing to return to normal.
She raised an eyebrow, slightly amused as she leaned back on her elbows. He moved with her, leaning down to kiss her again, moaning against her lips as her tongue sensually tangoed with his. His hands gripped her leggings and pulled them down her legs slowly, standing to toss them aside as she shifted to push herself up on the bed, resting her head on the pillows.
He crawled up the bed to her with a grin, dropping soft kisses to the inside of her knee and trailing his tongue along the skin of her thigh. When he reached her underwear, he paused and looked up at her. “You’re sure?” he asked her again.
She pushed up on her elbows so she could gently caress his face. “Make love to me, Rick…” she told him softly, pulling him to her for a slow, deep kiss as she slid her body against his.
He groaned, wrapping her in his arms as he deepened the kiss. When he finally broke away, he pushed up to his knees and hooked his fingers in her panties, drawing them down her legs slowly before dropping them to the floor to the side of the bed. He swallowed hard as his eyes traveled over her body slowly. “You’re beautiful, Kate…” he murmured in awe. His hand slowly, lightly ran up her thigh as he settled between her legs.
He trailed kisses across her stomach before getting sidetracked by the tattoo on her hip, which she’d fully expected, tracing the outline with his tongue. His mouth continued it’s path, until his tongue dipped inside her, finally tasting her, and he knew at that moment he was addicted. Each touch of his fingers to her skin, each press of his lips, each stroke of his tongue was reverent, as though her body was a temple at which he was worshiping. He took his time as he worked her up, enjoying the taste of her, enjoying the soft moans and whimpers of pleasure as he explored her body, learning the way she liked to be touched so intimately.
It wasn’t long before she was moaning his name as she came, her fingers clenching in the comforter on the bed. He gently but firmly held her hips in place as mouth continued to work her through her orgasm, and then suck on her bundle of nerves until she quickly came undone again, his name falling from her lips in a strangled scream. Only when her fingers curled in his hair and pulled him away slightly did he move his mouth to her hip, biting enough to leave a mark and soothing it with his tongue.
His kisses were slow and gentle as they moved back up her body, giving her time to recover. It wasn’t until he was settled in the cradle of her thighs with her hips rocking against his as they kissed passionately that he realized–he didn’t have protection on him. “Kate…” he pulled away breathlessly. “I didn’t bring…I mean, I didn’t expect that we would…I don’t have condoms…”
“Neither do I…You don’t carry one in your wallet?”
“Not if I don’t think I’m going to need it…which I didn’t…because we weren’t together…and I did not come out here with the intention of sleeping with you…” he murmured, moving to shift off her.
She gently stopped him, her fingertips lightly caressing his jaw. “Castle, it’s okay,” she assured him softly, pressing a kiss to his chin. “I’m clean. And I’m on birth control. So I’m good without one if you are.” He was the only man she would ever consider doing this with, and only because she trusted him implicitly. She'd never even had unprotected sex with Josh. There was no one she trusted the way she trusted Castle.
He stared at her for a moment, because he knew the level of trust that she was putting in him with that statement, with that action. “I’m clean…” he promised. “You’re…you’re really sure about this, Kate? Because I can’t promise you I’ll be able to pull out before I…”
She interrupted him with a kiss. “I’m sure. I trust you completely, Rick…”
This time it was him who cut off her words with a deep kiss. I love you, was right on the tip of his tongue to say, but he didn’t dare say it now. He’d told her before…on more than one occasion, admittedly not always at the best moment. The last thing he wanted was to send her running now if she wasn’t ready to hear those words from him again. Instead, he’d show her.
One of his hands found hers and he laced their fingers, pushing their joined hands above her head. His other hand lightly caressed her thigh and shifted, meeting her eyes as he slowly slid inside her. She gasped softly, and his forehead rested against hers as they both took a moment to savor the connection.
Her hand squeezed his and her free hand caressed his cheek as her lips met his again in a tender kiss. One of her legs hooked over his hip, pulling him in closer, and a soft moan escaped her throat. Another moan escaped, this time from each of them, as she rocked her hips against his to get him to move.
They exchanged breathless kisses, gentle caresses, soft moans as their bodies moved together almost seamlessly, meeting each other perfectly, each knowing what the other needed or wanted as though they were in a well-choreographed dance and not coming together for the first time.
As he felt his climax approaching, he released her hand and shifted so that he had a deeper angle. “Kate…I’m close…” he warned dropping his mouth to her neck.
Her lips moved to his ear as her hands slid down his back, her nails raking across his skin. “Let go with me…inside me…” she panted breathlessly, tugging on his ear with her teeth as her legs pulled him in closer to reinforce her words.
Her breathless moans and the way she moved her body with his, the way her legs tightened around his waist, was enough to push him over the edge and pull her with him. He thrust a few more times until he was completely spent, and dropped down, rolling them so she was on top of him.
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms silently, both catching their breath. He caught her hand drawing patterns on his chest after a few minutes and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss.
“You were right…I had no idea,” he admitted with a grin.
She laughed softly and pushed herself up on his chest to look at him. “You still don’t,” she grinned. Seeing his look, she kissed him as she laughed again. “That was just a preview,” she murmured against his lips before pushing herself up off the bed. “Be right back,” she promised, pressing one last kiss to his lips before disappearing into the bathroom.
When she returned, he’d gotten under the covers and made no attempt to hide his enjoyment in the fact that she hadn’t bothered to put any of her clothes…or his…back on to cover up. She met his gaze with an amused arch of her eyebrow, turning the lights off on her way back to bed. “Staring is still creepy, bud.”
He chuckled as she slipped back into bed beside him. “Can’t help it,” he shrugged, turning on his side to look at her. “I told you before…I’m still amazed at your hotness.” He couldn’t help but reach out and let his fingers trace along her curves.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she echoed her own words from earlier, sliding closer to kiss him. She grinned against his lips as he deepened the kiss and threw her leg over his hips, quickly straddling him, running her hands over his chest as she stared down at him. “You wanna find out what you really had no idea about?” she asked in a husky tone, already sliding her body sinfully against his as she bit her lower lip.
He swallowed hard, his hands moving to her thighs. “Yes, please,” he managed to choke out. The way she was moving her body against his was similar to every fantasy and wet dream he’d had about her since that undercover date in the club back in February. Only now it was real…she was really here, it was really her body moving against his, and it was better than any fantasy.
She leaned down to kiss him with a wicked grin. “Your safe word still apples?” she purred against his lips.
All he could do was nod.
Okay, I am aware this is only the first half of the LA episode. I went a little crazy here…I told you guys it was a favorite of mine! And I am sorry, but you will have to wait until I return from vacation to get the chapter dealing with the second half of the episode. But I did make this a long one to tide you over in the meantime!
I really hope you enjoyed this one! And I look forward to reading all your comments for those who leave them!
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pupsmailbox · 3 months ago
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MASCULINE︰ pablo. pace. pacey. paden. padgett. page. palmer. paolo. paris. parker. parry. pat. patricio. patrick. patton. paul. paulie. paulo. pax. paxton. payson. payton. pedro. penn. pepper. percy. perrin. perry. perseus. pete. peter. peyton. pharaoh. phil. philander. philip. phillip. phineas. phoenix. pierce. pierre. piers. pierson. pip. placid. porter. prairie. praise. pranav. presley. preston. prestyn. price. prince. princeton. prosper. pryce. prynce. psalm. purdie.
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FEMININE︰ paige. paislee. paisleigh. paisley. paityn. palmer. paloma. pamela. paola. paolina. paris. parker. pasha. patience. patrice. patricia. paula. paulette. paulina. payliana. payton. pearl. penelope. penny. pepper. perla. perry. persephone. petra. peyton. phoebe. phoenix. pia. piper. pippa. poppy. preslee. presleigh. presley. preye. princess. priscilla. prisha. priya. promise.
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NEUTRAL︰ pace. pacey. page. pain. paint. paisley. palmer. pan. pandora. pansy. paradime. paradise. paris. park. parker. parks. parris. party. passion. patch. patience. patton. paxtyn. pay. payden. payne. payson. payton. paz. peace. peach. pearce. pearl. pearson. pen. penny. pepper. peregrine. peridot. peril. perish. perrin. perry. petal. petrichor. peyton. phantom. phenix. pheonix. phoenix. phoenyx. phynix. piano. picture. pilot. pink. piper. pistol. pixel. plague. plains. planet. plaque. player. plum. pluto. poem. poet. poison. poppy. porter. portland. post. praise. prescott. presley. prestyn. price. primrose. prism. promise. prosper. pruitt. pryce. pryor. psalm. psalms. psyche. pulse. pumpkin. punch. puppet. purpose. purr. puzzle. pyro.
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kaydub80 · 7 months ago
The Dems are getting pretty desperate because Dr. Stein has now tied the VP with the Muslim vote
AOC should have known that Howie Hawkins was the Green nominee in 2020
The WFP is a fake left organization that sheepdogs people back into the Democratic Party
As someone who voted to block the railroad strike, how about you sitting down, AOC?
Greens are running at the local level but her ilk are too busy ignoring them or telling people to not vote for them
Democrats have spent this whole year to keep Greens, PSL and Cornel West off the ballot because they don't want anyone to their left on the ballot, nor do they want to deal with any anti-genocide opponents
Predatory? Take risks? Bullshit, Alexandria! You refused to support Cori Bush (in 2020) or Paula Jean Swearngin (2018) when they ran for office and only supported Nina Turner the second time around at the 11th hour. Don't even get me started on kissing the ass of number one progressive basher Hakeem Jeffries who once stated that Israel is the sixth borough of NYC and that you steadfastly refused to get any concessions out of Nancy Pelosi in the middle of a deadly fucking pandemic
AOC got her marching orders to trash the Green Party, but she may have made it easier for the Greens to get the needed 5 percent of the popular vote
Democrats have been trivializing genocide at their own peril
The professional managerial class folks who have defended her are also to blame since they have abandoned their principles of withholding their votes for the Democratic ticket solely because Joe Biden is out of the race
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tamedmermaids2 · 4 months ago
The Adventures Of Paula Peril | Full Movie | Action Adventure | Valerie ...
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bondagegirls8 · 5 months ago
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Paula Peril Gostosa ❤
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ropetil · 1 year ago
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Paula Peril #paulaperil #hogtie #boots ##gagged
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blake078 · 8 months ago
Valerie Perez Chloro in The Adventures of Paula Peril (2014)
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adj444 · 2 years ago
MEEHAN BLANKS (& answers)
WOW i've been inactive caught up with school and personal things, but here's a paula meehan fill-in-the-blanks i made because i found that making them and doing them helps me remember the dreaded english quotes (sorry i love u meehan </3) here it is as a quizlet if needs be
Grant us the _______ of ___, the _______ of ____
In that silence ___ __ ____
Let their _____ be (...) the _______ _______
The ______, the _____, the ______ on the _____
The _______ in its _____; The _____ in the _____
That couldn't ________ them; That __________ them in __________
That ________ them everything; That __________ nothing
______ has ____ ____ to me of hers
She'd ____ me in ______ ____, she'd ____ me at her _____
We'd grow ______ as _______ in an _________ _____ around her
As women without ____ like ______, ____, ______, _________
To me it spelt _______
A ________ journey to ___________ realms
________, ______, the land of the _______
The _____ beyond her already a _____, already ____
Knowing ______ has brought her to her ______
He _______ me in by the ____
It'll be over my ____ ____ anyone _____ a ____ of your ____.
A ______ ________, a ________ ____, a ______ of _______, the _____ of her ____
the ______ _____ of iron into _____ and _____
I did not ____, I didn't ____ a ______ to help her, I didn't _________ with ______
They call me Mary- _______, ____, ______
My being _____ out to be _________, _________, ________ and _______ in a _______ bed
They _____ before me and their ______ ___ up like ______ from a _______ that _____ a moment, then ____ out
______ ______ of us all, hear me and have ____
and I, _____ up here in this ______, without as much as ____ or ______ to ____ __ _____
The whole town ______ __ ____ and ________
She ______ her ______ out into the _____ far from the town ______ __ in ______ ________
Staring _____ down with a ______ of ________ in one hand, a ______ of _______ in the other
Always a ____ in her name- Cora, ______ (...) promising _______, ______, the scent of _____
All that year I ______ _______
...my _______, Helena, my ______, Mary, my ___________
The _____ of those ____ only ________ me now
or else you'll ___ __ in the ______ _______
Not that I knew it, then, not in those words- _______, _______. That's all ____ ____________
_______, _____ and neighbours _______ like ________ on a ________ ____
Words can _____ you, leave you _____, your ______ _____ _______ all gone.
Grant us the clarity of ice, the comfort of snow
In that silence let us hear
Let their names be (...) the holiest prayers
The scream, the siren, the knock on the door
The needle in its track; The knife in the back
That couldn't shelter them; That spellbound them in alleyways
That promised them everything; that delivered nothing
Little has come down to me of hers
She'd reel me in firmly home, she'd land me at her knees
We'd grow solemn as planets in an intricate orbit around her
As women without tags like mother, wife, sister, daughter
To me it spelt poverty
A perilous journey to uncharted realms
Zanzibar, Bombay, the land of the Ethiops
The world beyond her already a dream, already lost
Knowing history has brought her to her knees
He dragged me in by the hair
It'll be over my dead body anyone harms a hair of your head.
A sewing machine, a wedding band, a clutch of photos, the sting of her hand
the hammer blows of iron into wrist and ankle
I did not move, I did not lift a finger to help her, I didn't intercede with heaven
They call me Mary- Blessed, Holy, Virgin
My being cries out to be incarnate, incarnate, maculate and tousled in a honeyed bed
They kneel before me and their prayers fly up like sparks from a bonfire that blaze a moment, then wink out
Molten mother of us all, hear me and have pity
and I, stuck up here in this grotto, without as much as star or planet to ease my vigil
The whole town tucked up safe and dreaming
She pushed her secret out into the night far from the town tucked up in little scandals
Staring Death down with a bottle of morphine in one hand, a bottle of Jameson in the other
Always a girl in her name- Cora, maiden (...) promising blossom, summer, the scent of thyme
All that year I hunted sequins
...my aunties, Helena, my mother, Mary, my grandmother
The light of those stars only reaching me now
or else you'll end up in the sewing factory
Not that I knew it, then, not in those words- labour, dignity. That's all back construction
Mothers, aunts and neighbours trussed like chickens on a conveyor belt
Words can pluck you, leave you naked, your lovely shiny feathers all gone.
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spacesapphist · 2 years ago
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"How They Learned to Drive. And Why They're Driving Again." (New York Times, 2020)
I read this quote from Paula Vogel a while ago and it's stuck with me ever since!
Image description: A quote from Paula Vogel which reads, "Three things that I want to talk about. One was a promise to my mother, who read it. To say that her health was fragile is putting it mildly. She asked that I not say that it was autobiographical. The other thing is that whenever women write autobiographically, we are told that we are confessional. No one says that about Sam Shepard, or David Mamet, or Eugene O'Neill. Third thing was there's a myth, and it's I think a very perilous myth, that the reason that women become lesbians is because of sexual trauma, a fear and a hatred of men. The last thing I'm going to do is get put into that category. Now I'm 68, man; I'm in the grandmother category. So say whatever you will."
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rabtbooktoursandpr · 15 days ago
Tour Kick Off: The Seer by Raquel Y. Levitt #nowontour #giveaway #historical #fiction #paranormal #rabtbooktours
Historical Fiction/Paranormal Fiction Date Published: March 11th, 2025 Publisher: Acorn Publishing   In 1890s Missouri, secrets are a matter of survival. Clairvoyant Sarah Richardson screams as her older sister Katherine is forced into a straightjacket and thrust into a carriage bound for the St. Louis City Lunatic Asylum. She is devastated to learn Katherine has been blamed for her inadvertent role in an abused woman’s murder. Now, too frightened to speak up, she hides the truth that it should have been her in that carriage.  Sarah’s mounting guilt becomes too much, and she heads to St. Louis, determined to regain her sister’s confidence and prove herself worthy of forgiveness. While working to heal their relationship, Sarah meets a timid housewife who tries to hide her bruises. When troubling psychic visions of the woman begin to affect her, she sees an opportunity to atone for her past mistakes. Desperate to do whatever it takes to make things right, Sarah embarks on a perilous journey that may cost her everything—including her own life. About the Author Award-winning author Raquel Y. Levitt holds an MFA in creative writing and a master’s degree in English. Her short stories have been published in various anthologies and literary journals and reflect her passion for writing about strong women finding their voice and their power. She is a world traveler, an amateur nature photographer, and a collector of cool rocks. Raquel and her husband live, work, and play in the Texas Hill Country and Montana’s Bitterroot Valley. The Seer is her debut novel. Contact Links Website Facebook Goodreads Instagram   Purchase Links Amazon B&N iBooks Smashwords   March 11 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight March 12 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt March 13 - Book Corner News and Reviews - Spotlight March 14 - The Avid Reader - Interview March 17 - Guatemala Paula Loves to Read - Review March 18 - Books by Centeno - Spotlight March 19 - Texas Book Nook - Review March 20 - Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight March 21 - My Reading Addiction - Interview March 24 - Nana's book Reviews - Spotlight March 25 - Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt March 26 - Frugal Freelancer - Spotlight March 27 - The Indie Express - Review March 28 - Matters That Count - Spotlight March 31 - A Life Through Books - Interview April 1 - Tea Time and Books - Spotlight April 2 - Wall to Wall Books - Review April 3 - Sapphyria's Books - Spotlight April 4 - On a Reading Bender - Review April 7 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight April 8 - Novel News Network - Review April 9 - My Bookmarked Reads - Spotlight April 10 - Chapter Break - Interview  April 11 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up   a Rafflecopter giveaway  via https://ift.tt/BzLr5US
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