februarys-wednesday · 11 months
starkid fans when they see Normal Man and his Barista Crush onscreen for 0.5 seconds:
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rockrosethistle · 9 months
If you guys liked the whole "Stephs flannel matches Peter's suspenders and bow tie" thing then this costuming detail is in tgwdlm gonna fuck you up.
When we get our first scene with Paul and Emma, the two are dressed in their respective main outfits. These are the ones people tend to associate with them.
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But throughout the show, as they get closer and bond, their outfits become more and more similar. Pretty soon Emma's lost the apron
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Then at the professor's house, Paul loses the jacket
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and by the time McNamara is infected, Paul has his sleeves rolled up and Emma's bow tie has come undone.
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At this point, the two are at their most aesthetically similar, and also the closest they've been the entire show. This is moments before the helicopter crash and their failed kiss. They remain this way for a good chunk of time...until Paul comes back
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It's like some fast-paced foreshadowing. Emma remains in her changed state, the same as her character, but Paul is back to square one. He's wearing the same outfit he was when they met, and they no longer align. She doesn't know who he is anymore.
I don't know if this was intentional (and if it was, no one explained it to Jon) but it plays out so damn well.
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ricky-mortis · 1 month
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Hatchetfield Character doodles from the past week :)
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rysttle · 3 months
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i havent drawn em before yet so im still figuring out how to but i saw this post from @strivia (hope it's ok to tag) and wanted to do a thing xD
Bonus paerhaps
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eldritch-ace · 2 months
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The Leading Man
I love how after watching Nightmare Time, TGWDLM implies that all the powerhouses of Hatchetfield were infected before the CCRP crew (also that Pokey plays favorites)
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piedpip3rrr · 10 months
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Dude this guy really does not like musicals
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theatre-apocalypse · 11 months
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“And he gives me his number. Very smooth.”
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jesterbabey · 10 months
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owchie-wowchie · 3 months
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closetnerd62 · 10 months
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The holy quintuplet of dynamics
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Starkid really is insane cause like what in the fuck do you mean these are all the same people
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angsty-art-ist · 4 months
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and we’ll all dance along to the tune of your death
edit: glad to see this is doing numbers with the recovering emo theatre kids o7
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doomsdayoption · 11 months
I love the fact that Show Stopping Number is included in Inevitable. Because when Hidgens first sang it, he was still totally human, which means that Pokey liked the song so much he was like "Yeah you know what I'm gonna get this in there, it was a banger and it will definitely make Emma lose her mind!" and I love him for that.
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waywardsoul-s · 11 months
Paul Matthews and Emma Perkins are everything to me. They are soulmates and find each other in every universe but they almost never get past the awkwardly flirting stage before the world ends. They are both losers. They find each other every time an apocalypse commences. They are the only normal people in the whole universe. They are doomed by the narrative. They hate musicals. He tips her 5 dollars and she spits on everyones coffee. They are Orpheus and Eurydice coded. They are a spark that never turns into fire. They are intimate but don't like labels. They are the only constant thing in every timeline. They are what it could have been but never meant to be. They meet in that coffee shop again and again forever. He'll order a black coffee and she'll ask him for his name. And the loop will start all over again.
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booigi-boi · 4 months
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Felt like redrawing this old thing ☄🎶💦💙
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fact-dogsarehappiness · 11 months
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Something something “I’ll find you in the next time”
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