#pattern ournal
bevanne46 · 5 months
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The Foundation Piecer Pattern Book Pattern Journal for Quilters who love Paper Piecing Volume 6, Number 3 Autumn 2001
9 Patterns 128 pages, Full Color Paperback in Excellent Condition
Patterns Included: Millennium Compass Through the Seasons Harvest Meow Chrysanthemum Garden Leaves of Change Butterfly Blossoms Harvest Wreath Log Cabin Table Set Baby's Favorite Things
Zippy Designs Publishing Newport, VA May 2001 Zippydesigns.com https://www.tedooo.com/shop/648a9e3da46f667bfb7621fd
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afishtrap · 7 years
Coins appeared relatively late in the history of maritime Southeast Asia. No indigenous coins have so far been dated to before the very end of the eighth or the beginning of the ninth century A.D. These early gold and silver (or silver alloy) coins, which seem to be unique to the region, have so far been found on the Malay peninsula, on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali, and in the Philippines. The prototypes for these coins were almost certainly first minted in the Javanese state of Mataram, and the spread of their use was apparently linked to the expansion of this state's influence in the maritime trade networks. As the early Asian sea trade boom began to affect the domestic marketing patterns of Java, after the beginning of the tenth century, the need for large numbers of smaller denomination coins grew more pressing. Chinese copper cash were first imported, and then copied, in order to meet this demand.
Christie, Jan Wisseman.  “Money and Its Uses in the Javanese States of the Ninth to Fifteenth Centuries A.D.“ Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 39, No. 3, Money in the Orient (1996), pp. 243-286.
Once the word pirak had acquired a general meaning of "money in coin," detached from any specific metal, it appears to have been used to refer to all coinage in circulation.This broader application of the term may well have helped to obscure changes that were underway by the late eleventh or early twelfth century. It was almost certainly during this period that lower-value copper coins began to displace the very small and difficult-to-handle kupang and saga coins in market transactions. By the fourteenth century at the latest, two parallel systems of expressing monetary value had developed, both tied to the long-established currency system. The older units remained in use for gold and silver alloy, in certain contexts, into the fifteenth century. However, before the mid fourteenth century--possibly as early as the end of the eleventh century--some of these units had acquired additional meanings, expressing the equivalent value in terms of copper coins. The 2.4 gram gold masa (or mas) was given a parallel value of 400 copper coins; the atak or half-masa worth 200 copper coins --a usage which survived into this century in Lombock; and the kupang was valued at 100 copper coins. These secondary meanings were apparently already well established by the time that the Kutaramanawa, a legal text mentioned in the Ferry Charter of 1358 A.D., was written.
Finds of large numbers of Song Chinese coins in east Java ... suggest that the Chinese government's claims concerning the scale of copper coin losses abroad may not have been much exaggerated. The fact that locally-minted Javanese pisis were based upon the major Northern Song issues suggests that the process of absorbing these coins into the Javanese currency system began as the Chinese coin imports dropped off during the twelfth century. The very large number of copper coins in use in east Java by the fourteenth century is reflected not only in the Chinese records, but also in the quantities of copper coins that were quarried in the Brantas delta region during the colonial period. Ma Huan's observation regarding Java in the early fifteenth century that, "[i]n trading transactions the copper coins of successive dynasties in the Central Country are in current use," and that the Javanese paid for Chinese exports in Chinese cash' --as well as references in fourteenth and fifteenth century Javanese inscriptions and texts to pisis in lots of up to two million--suggest that the quantities of copper coinage in circulation in Java at the time were very large indeed.
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trancepanda · 7 years
Image is EVERYTHING darling... Or is it?
In my very first blog post, I asked about your online activities, what they say about you and explored the fact that we can alter our online ego to be anyone we really want to be by carefully selecting our posts... Well... This week, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Snapchat A social media tool that almost CRUSHES all those rules (at least in my world).  I’m sure you’ve heard of Instagram. With it’s beautiful filters and ability to seamlessly alter a photo so it looks almost nothing like the original, it’s the photo/video sharing social media platform you use when you want to look glam! Snapchat is another photo/video sharing app however it’s messages are fleeting; you can only view them once for up to 10 seconds (unless you’re an absolute jerk and you screenshot them; an act of ultimate betrayal). 
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FunnyMemes, I Trusted You
The fleeting nature of Snapchat makes for interesting communication amongst friends and a study on it’s use has indicated that it’s done mainly for bonding and not social status (Piwek and Joinson, 2016). As vain as it is, I give you exhibit A. below; a perfect illustration of the difference between Snapchat and Instagram. And yes, that’s me; aren’t I beautiful?!?! I DEFINITELY use Snapchat to bond with my close friends and the array of horrendously ugly selfies exchanged between us is pretty intense... And HILARIOUS! Snapchat is just another way for me to share my slightly geeky, slightly embarrassing self and funny moments with my good friends as they happen rather than updating it to everyone on my Facebook.
A photo posted by Tamara (@comebakqueen) on Mar 26, 2016 at 1:06am PDT
Comebakqueen, Instagram
Now... I’m not someone who massively cares about what people tag me in on Facebook unless it’s something I’m vehemently against and I don’t want to be associated with it... I’ve got plenty of ugly photos, embarrassing stories and awkward realisations that I’ve been happy to shame MYSELF with let alone other people; the photo above is one of my absolute favourites! But not everyone is like me; I’ve got plenty of friends who don’t like to have their information shared online. Additionally, I’ve got plenty of friends who get upset if they AREN’T tagged in something or find it awkward to tag certain people. When did something that’s supposed to be fun and social become so political? 
The Roundabout Crew, Tagging Your Friends Girlfriend
I found a great article by Pamela Wisniewski et al (2016) that explored the implications involved with tagging friends online. Whilst studies have shown that it can lead to higher levels of social bonding it can also lead to a sense of helplessness (p. 1884). Whilst most users choose to ignore this and post photographs anyway, some prefer the choice and have their Facebook set up so they have the option to reject Facebook tags in order to preserve their online image and keep that control.  I don’t often untag myself but I know I’m always cautious about tagging other people in my photo updates. Posting monstrously ugly photo’s of myself is one thing, but I still prefer to be in control and can fully appreciate that others feel the same. My advice to you, always try and be mindful of how other people feel about sharing information online and try to take that into consideration when sharing your own information; you never know who might get insulted or hurt if you share something unwanted. 
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ImgFlip, Tagging
FunnyMemes, Image: I trusted you, accessed 21st January 2017 via http://www.funnymeme.com/2014/11/25/funny-memes-when-someone-screenshots-your-snapchat/  ImgFlip, Image: Tagging, accessed 23rd January 2017 via https://imgflip.com/i/f489c  Piwek, L & Joinson, A, 2016, ‘“What do they snapchat about?” Patterns of use in time-limited instant messaging service’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 54, pp. 358–367 The Roundabout Crew, Video: Tagging your friends girlfriend, accessed 23rd January 2017 via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elnEWJ9L18A&feature=youtu.be  Wisniewski, P, Xu, H, Lipford, H & Bello-Ogunu, E, 2016, ‘Facebook Apps and Tagging: The Trade-off Between Personal Privacy and Engaging with Friends’, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol.66, no. 9, pp.1883-1896
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outletggdbsale-blog · 5 years
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Through twenty- years pertaining to Republican guidance we posses financial property markets in tatters, a room class insolvent, an industrial base noncompetitive, a crumbling infrastructure in addition a disappointment public schools system. Fewer leads: Less day-to-day Golden Goose Sneakers Outlet oney isn't merely about the specific risk of less inspiration. You decrease their capacity for condition. Remember: Customers get the actions you pay for. Golden Goose Superstar Sneakers Online aving to less suitable for a excellent service most likely will get anybody less (provided, of course, you will probably see information on how money while the project directly pertains to performance). Do so many of become familiar with. I can potentially not problems this just enough. If most people were in which to ask everyone about which way you should go going becoming a powerful expert, would offer you you several answers. 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People client at mine has done consulting while the enterprise capital an area. His cover letter looked that include he was actually just placed at home eating bonbons. My preparation to her dad was so that it will change michael's profile that can highlight in what way out right in the business world he very much was. I make which my specialty to are aware how which will market a single candidate {to|toward|time for|to positively|when you need to|of|into|with| their perfect advantage. You see, the last process you truly want is on to appear which include you are at doing completely nothing. Personal print is therefore , popular spot on now when you consider that any job seeker is probably as really of a single brand such as Starbucks along with Hyatt. The best top practitioner priority is in fact to consume care out of your brand!
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dewberryauthor-blog · 7 years
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Step of Faith
 Step one of my recovery journey began with admitting I have a problem with co-dependency and controlling others. I admitted I am powerless over my addictions, brokenness and sinful patterns—that in my own power my life is unmanageable. Taking the first step toward healing my brokenness was not easy. I still have days where Satan attempts to remind me of my past. Instead of giving in to the devil’s schemes, I remind Satan of who my God is.
 My past is in the past. I've made poor choices, but it is time for me to take the step of faith and depend entirely upon God for healing. The great Healer can do all things. It is only through his grace I am able to continue to place one foot in front of the other and walk toward His shining light.
 This is what Paul wanted to convey to the Christians in Rome. He reminded them of the importance of the Gospel and to continue in the walk of faith in Jesus Christ as their savior. Although the majority of the Christians of Rome were enslaved at the time the letter was written, he urged them to hold strong to their faith and believe they had been set free by the precious blood of Jesus.
 Although I don’t understand how it feels to be a true slave, I have often felt enslaved by my feelings of shame, self-blame and regret. Just as Paul wrote to the Christians of Rome in Romans 7:18:
 “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not.”
 Apart from God's grace, I do not have the ability to be good, but through the blood of Jesus I am made good. I must rely on my faith in Jesus Christ to get me through this life on earth so I can rejoice one day with Him in heaven.
 Think About It:
 ·         What does Satan attempt to remind you of?
·         Have you taken the first step toward a life of healing?
·         Read James 5:14 Psalm 107:19-20.
·         Are you ready to lean into God for your healing?
 Journal About it:
 Journal about how the questions and scriptures today resonated with you. As you write, thank Him for His eternal love.
 Pray About it:
 As you think and write, say this prayer with me.
 Father God,
Thank you for reminding me that my strength comes from you and from you alone. You are my father and my protector, I praise you for your unfailing love, grace, and mercy. I know my flesh is not good, but I know through the blood of Jesus, I am perfected. My sins are washed away. Praise you!
In Jesus’ Precious Name,
 Talk About it:
This is my story, what’s yours? I would love to hear from you! I enjoy connecting and keeping in touch. Do you feel as though you don’t have anyone you can share with confidentially? Your anonymity is protected. Do you feel you are the only one struggling with the aftereffects of growing up with an alcoholic parent? Sweet sister, YOU are not alone! It’s time to break free from the shackles of your controlling habits, trust issues, co-dependency, guilt, self-blame, hurts, regrets, and heartaches!
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