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rockmusicassoc · 5 months ago
Happy birthday to Patrick Pentland, best known as songwriter/singer/guitarist/bass player/drummer in Sloan, proud Middle Sackville transplant, born in the rock 9/20/1969 in Newtonards, Northern Ireland. #Sloan #PatrickPentland #CanadianContent #RockHonorRoll
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itsthelinernotes · 8 years ago
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Sloan - Twice Removed One of my favourite Nova Scotian records and one of my favourite albums to come out of the 90s alt-rock world. In my mind Sloan is a perfect band for music nerds. Of course they are famous for all four members being active song-writers and singers (perhaps more famous for actually doing that well, I'm sure other bands do it). But that gives them a lot of extra meat for discussion among fans. Who is your favourite member? What's your favourite Chris song? Jay song? Pat song? Andrew song? You can compare things like Andrews more experimental edge to Chris's more pop tendencies in a way you couldn't for two different solo acts. With Sloan there's a chemistry and an interplay present that isn't there in other bands, even other bands with multiple singers. One activity I can recommend is making a playlist for each member out of the songs they wrote and just shuffling them. Listening to Jays songs all in a row, for instance, is very different than hearing them in an album. Of course none of this would matter if all four members didn't write some of the best and underrated pop-rock of the last 20ish years. . . . . . #Sloan #TwiceRemoved #MurderRecords #CanCon #CanadianMusic #novascotiamusic #ChrisMurphy #JayFerguson #PatrickPentland #AndrewScott #vinyl #records #nowplaying #nowspinning #Thelinernotes #albumart #vinyligclub #recordcollector #vinylgeek #recordcollection #vinyladdiction #albumart #vinylcollectionpost #records_feature
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markeating · 8 years ago
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@patrickpentland @sloandude @jayferguson.iii @andrewwgscott @goosedog (at Hamilton, Ontario)
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rockmusicassoc · 2 years ago
Happy birthday to Patrick Pentland, best known as songwriter/singer/guitarist/bass player/drummer in Sloan, proud Middle Sackville transplant, born in the rock 9/20/1969 in Newtonards, Northern Ireland. #Sloan #PatrickPentland #CanadianContent #RockHonorRoll
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itsthelinernotes · 7 years ago
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Sloan - Navy Blues Here’s a great little Sloan rarity that I was able to track down here in our home city of Halifax (thanks to Discogs user KatherineG). It was even sealed! At least before I got my greasy paws on it (sorry purists). It’s a toss up between this and Twice Removed for my favourite Sloan album, with honourable mention to Between the Bridges. This of course has some big hits like She Says What She Means and Money City Maniacs which is maybe their biggest hit. It’s also got the deep cuts though, like C’mon C’mon, I’m Not Through With You Yet, and Suppose They Close the Door. Sloan is really the peak rock band. Four incredible song writers, each with their own sound that lends perfectly to the sound of the others. This record, like many Sloan records kicks the door down with one track from each member flowing seamlessly into one another. The rest of the album then grows and develops seamlessly from there effortlessly switching voices. . . . . . #Sloan #NavyBlues #MurderRecords #HalifaxMusic #ChrisMurphy #JayFerguson #PatrickPentland #AndrewScott #vinyl #records #nowplaying #nowspinning #Thelinernotes #albumart #vinyligclub #recordcollector #vinylgeek #recordcollection #vinyladdiction #albumart #vinylcollectionpost #records_feature
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