#patrick sounds so young….. omg
acaesic · 6 months
listening to take this to your grave rn………. why didnt you guys tell me about this
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dorianslayyy · 5 months
13 Books Tag Game
Tagged by @bubblegum-blackwood
1) The last book I read:
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros - I absolutely devoured this sequel, omg. Obviously it’s nothing fancy or anything like that but hey what’s wrong with a smutty YA? Not to mention DRAGONS
2) A book I recommend:
Perfume by Patrick Süskind - when I read it I had no idea it was a whole entire modern classic, I just picked it up at Oxfam for like 3 for £1 or something but, wow, I can 100% understand how it earned that status! If you like an eery not-too-long horror story with the most beautiful imagery describing some fucked up gothic storylines and a lot of social commentary, you’ll love this book!
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Ahhh ok, im gonna say In Memoriam by Alice Winn. The ending was… idk I wasn’t really a fan of the ending, I thought it kind of disengaged and took away from the struggles and severity of war and sexuality the rest of the book portrayed but until that point the rest of the story was everythingggg, there’s a sweet forbidden romance/coming of age/found family in the 1910’s propelling into a story of the horror of WW1 and losing everything you know. All I can really say is that I read it all in one go (more or less) and it had me laughing and sobbing throughout
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I mean… there’s an obvious choice here - The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. HOWEVER I’m going to absolutely cheat and also say Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, the drama, the trauma, the vast majority of these characters are awful and I love it 🤌🤌
5) A book on my TBR:
So many… so so many… I’m gonna say House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski tho because it was expensive and it’s cool looking and I’ve actually been meaning to read that for a while but boy howdy it’s huge
6) A book I’ve put down:
The Tale Of The Body Thief by Anne Rice UGHH I’m trying so hard!! It’s so many words with so little going on, and I do enjoy it, I really do, it’s so goofy, but it’s so.. i mean verbose isn’t really quite the right word but you know what I mean. Sorry mutuals :( I just need a break to read something short and silly - which I’ve almost finished the little series I’m currently reading
7) A book on my wish list:
Prophet Song by Paul Lynch - it sounds absolutely soul crushing and miserable, I know this completely contradicts what I just said about being in the mood for a silly read but <333
8) A favorite book from childhood:
Omg 10000x the Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy, guys you don’t understand, as much as I would love to talk about how my mum and I used to sit and read Anne Of Green Gables before bed or my Enid Blyton obsession when I was like 6, Skulduggery Pleasant was my absolute jam - I must’ve read that series (the original 9 + spin offs) a million times in primary school. I did keep up with phase 2 when that was coming out but I don’t know if I’ll bother with phase 3, I’m just too old now and phase 2 wasn’t all that imo - I think it’s sort of beating a dead horse at this point :( but the original 9 and Maleficent Seven/Armageddon Outta Here were my childhood and I definitely absorbed Valkyrie Cain into my identity as a child so that series probably shaped a big part of who I am and my hobbies as an adult
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Love On The Brain by Ali Hazelwood. Silly, nerdy, fun, a cute little Pride and Prejudice-esque enemies to lovers feat. women in STEM
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Ok so anyone who’s seen my other poetry blog @apoemadaykeepsthehoesaway knows my obsession with The Complete Poems of Wilfred Owen (I have a lot of difference versions) AHHH by far my favourite poet - as you can imagine with such a young man, you can clearly see his changing mentalities, his growth as a person and a writer, his influences, and really gather a lot of context for what’s going on with him in general through his poems. And he grew up in all the same areas I grew up in and hung around as a kid/younger teen, which I think adds to my personal interest in him too. Idk ig we’re very close friends on a parasocial level lol.
And ofc there really aren’t that many poets around that give such visceral, truthful, and emotional insights to the First World War as Owen does (also a queer icon). He was my intro to war literature and I have tattoos relating to him, he and his work are just incredible to read about, would highly recommend having a look at Siegfried Sassoon’s war poems too; another very blunt poet who was a celebrity and war protestor at the time and happened to mentor Wilfred Owen, as well as being linked with other influential folks of the time such as Robbie Ross, Stephen Tennant, Rupert Brooke, and Ivor Novello. Ok Ill move on :,)
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Surprisingly I quite like nonfiction, mainly history and essays from philosophers and the like. Speaking of, Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good And Evil is a pretty solid one I own, I’ve never read anything where the author begins by calling himself and all his coworkers socially inept incels 🥹 but even though I don’t remember the specific reason I bought it (I was reading it to argue against some other philosophers in an essay in college and I really don’t remember who or what it was) I remember it being a really interesting read
Or yknow in a more traditional sense of non-fiction, I also have Notes On A Nervous Planet by Matt Haig. Really helped me get through some stuff, if you’re struggling with anxiety or feeling a bit down lately I’d very much recommend
12) What are you currently reading:
Omg ok, The Hitchhiker Trilogy by Douglas Adams, I’m currently on book 3 of 5 - Life, The Universe, And Everything. Really silly and nonsensical space bs but somehow also a bleakly satirical social commentary on the unseriousness of our ‘serious’ world. Really enjoyable, fairly political to some degree, really short (around or less than 200 pages a book), really fun. Martin Freeman truly was the perfect casting for Arthur Dent in the film of the first book. Full of that quintessentially British cynical humour and of course plenty of cups of tea
To give a little preview, the second book literally opens “The story so far: In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Books 4 and 5 of The Hitchhiker Trilogy, and then I suppose I had better carry on reading The Tale Of The Body Thief :D
Tagging whoever wants to have a go, it’s super fun, sorry if I went on a bit on some of these 😅
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dyed-red · 2 years
Happy WW! What do you think about Sam’s and Dean’s safe sex practices? Do they use condoms with each other? Do they *talk* about it? Have they ever been cavalier with strangers? What about Robo!Sam and Demon!Dean?
you sent this like 3 weeks ago, i started replying, got distracted by work, went to a conference, got covid, finished teaching for the term, and now we're back!
(sorry about the delay omg, and thank you for asking!! i love asks! i'm just distractable af with replying)
Happy Wincest Wednesday!
Okay I definitely had to think about this one and separate what i like to write or think is hot (no condoms, nothing between them and marking each other with cum) versus what i think actually suits their characters.
Starting with how they are with other people (because I don't headcanon them as especially monogamous in their relationship with each other, especially dean), I headcanon that they both have fairly careful safe sex practices -- once again, especially dean.
he wasn't entirely shocked by the idea that he might have a kid running around out there when he met Ben, so i think sometimes something slips (condoms aren't fool proof, and whatever he and lisa were up to sounded bendy and memorable so maaayyybe he was skipping the safety just a little, he was still pretty young when he would have had that memorable time with her, i think 19?). but i also think he's really damn careful because he knows that if he had a kid, that would consume his life in a huge way. family is everything to dean and given his lifestyle and the fact that sam's safety (or continued survival and humanity, at least) is typically his #1 priority, i imagine the thought of getting someone pregnant would terrify dean as much as he might also want that, on some level.
sam, i imagine, is incredibly practical about these things, which means careful safe sex and condom usage. at the same time, sam is undeniably kinky, and if we assume he has as big a dick as is typically headcanoned and at times implied (by jared and by that ridiculous dick joke of a promo with swords), i also think sam wouldn't really... like condoms. (i mean, does anyone?). getting the right size feels almost egotistical, and he might be really particular about ordering from a select brand or something. i also think he'd definitely get off on not using one, on being bare with his lover and finishing inside them and the fear/danger/possibility of that as well as him leaning into the possessive and territorial side of marking someone. sam is a jealous guy, even if it tries to paint himself as cool headed.
so - i think sam is practical but also... reckless. he's canonically got a blindspot for his own reckleness, because once he's decided something is a calculated risk, he's 110% in. driving the impala through the side of a house? check. turn into a zombie with dean to loophole dean's deal? check. sam dgaf, and i have to imagine he takes calculated risks with sex too.
so condoms are assumed, but with a long term partner (jess), once they're exclusive and she's on the pill (or patch or iud or whatever), he's seeing if condoms can exit the equation.
even more casually though, he's not hard to convince to just... skip it. the girl says she's clean and on the pill (or whichever)? sure, yes, great, no condom needed. maybe not for the more incidental of hookups, but he also prefers to get to know his partners, even his hookups, at least a little before sliding into bed with them, which i think would also lend him more confidence in what they're claiming about their birth control and sti status.
(he's also had the clap courtesy of that joke from Patrick the witch, if i remember the episode correctly, so like... there's that. tbh i headcanoon that both sam and dean have both had stis at least once, dean because condoms aren't 100% perfect in mitigating sti risk and he really enjoys hooking up, so it's just a numbers game. and sam because he's not as careful as he likes to think he is)
for demon!dean, he's using condoms. he does not want to have to deal with any of that shit. if demons can get pregnant and carry the antichrist (as per season 5), they can sure as shit get others pregnant, and that is a headache and a half. he might not bother when he's hooking up with crowley and twins or triplets and things are getting wild, because it's not like he can get an sti this way (the same way demons can't really get human injuries, right?), but i also tend to think dean is... not a germophobe, not actually, but there's a limit to what other people's body fluids he wants on or in him or wants to have to deal with in general, and condoms are just easier, including and especially when doing anal (regardless of the gender of his partner).
for soulless!sam... that man gives zero shits. you want him to wear one? cool. you're cool with him not wearing one? no likely issues or infections? great, condoms are a nuisance anyway. if you get pregnant he'll pay for the abortion. he doesn't need a brat walking around but he's not above shooting you if it becomes a headache. if you show up with a kid, he also might decide that's cool and he has a little mini me to train up, since having a hunting partner is preferable than not, especially if he can mould them into a useful tool.
now the most interesting part... what does that mean about their safe sex practices with each other?
(under a cut because this got long and ever so slightly filthy)
depending on how they start hooking up and the trajectory here, i can envision that when they get to the penetrative stuff (regardless of who tops and who bottoms), dean being confused and a little... affronted? that sam wants to do it without condoms?
"what do you mean you like it better that way? you're doing this with other people? you're skipping condoms? what the hell is wrong with you, did you learn nothing from the safe sex talk when you were 14?? that talk was 98% about no glove no love! where did i go wrong? aren't you worried about diseases? about kids? sam what the fuck?"
i jest but like... this is sending dean, a bit. sam is the responsible one, what the fuck is happening here. sam, unless he's pissed about dean being over the top, would just shrug and say condoms numb some of the sensation. poor dean is stuck between the reality of sam's stupid big dick and the perfect responsible sammy image he has in his mind cracking into a million pieces.
(not like he didn't know sam is a freak in bed but that's one thing and this is another. but well, sam has literally drank blood, what's a few other bodily fluids in the mix after that? but dean doesn't want to think about that. and sam reassures him that he gets tested regularly for stis when he's sexually active, regardless of whether he's using condoms or not, because he is diligent and responsible in his own way)
anyway, they come around on it, both willing to try it the other guy's way and accomodate. assuming they're both vers, which is my headcanon on their dynamic, they fall into a pattern where whoever bottoms essentially determines what safe sex practices are gonna be used that day.
when sam bottoms, except when things are quick or sleepy and he doesn't want to deal with any prior or post cleaning, he typically prefers when dean skips the condom because it turns him on when there's nothing between him and his brother, and dean gets into that as well and gets a bit kinky with it, with having all of his brother and leaving some of himself in sam's guts. sam eats his fibre and this doesn't present either of them much issue.
when dean bottoms, he generally makes sam glove up, but there are plenty of exceptions. one of the things he enjoys about it is that sam will go a little caveman and pull out to cum, pulling off the condom and cumming on dean's skin instead, whether that's on his back and ass and on his hole (dean doesn't mind, kind of likes when sam rubs it in there a little, with his dick or his fingers, but he's not about to admit that out loud), or whether it's all over his stomach, or if sam is in a Mood and he grabs dean by his short hair and cums on his face.
(which is another thing that turns dean on like whoa, but only when sam does it, he hates taking it on the face from anyone else. and it's half because of how sam looks when he does, and looks at dean, and there's so much heat and possessiveness in the action that it slides down dean's spine, the naked reality of just how much sam wants him, how he can't hold back or hold himself in check, how he wants devour dean just as assuredly as dean wants to devour him).
when sam is needy or jealous though, or when they have a bit of time, dean invites him in without a condom and and and - and he feels a little deranged and unhinged with sam all the way in there with nothing in the way, and it's really fucking good just skin on skin (better, he's willing to admit, even if it's not worth the added effort all the time), and sam invariably cums first when they do it that way and sometimes dean trips over that edge with him because sam hammers in so fast and deep when he does and because knowing sam is spilling inside of him scrambles something in his brain.
other times though, sam pulls out and goes down on dean and fingers his cum back in there and dean feels absolutely filthy and almost embarrassed and exposed and it's an entirely different kind of orgasm. almost always leading to cuddling that they don't discuss because things are a little raw when it plays out this way, for reasons neither can quite articulate.
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alonetogether · 7 months
been thinking since it happened about how pete riffed about the infodumping and then patrick talked about his adhd as a lead in to young and menace, a song that sounds so much like how my adhd brain sounds that I've used it as an example when trying to describe the internal experience more than once. And it made me look up if patrick has it lol
omg anon it’s not quite what i think my adhd brain is like but it is precisely what my brain sounds like when i’m in a manic episode it’s so cool how like. spot on y&m is describing like… very busy messy brains it’s such a good soonnggg 😭 also i’m so so happy patrick is so open about his adhd i think just sharing it that first time on tourdust rly let him heal about it a bit :,-))
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wentzsmatchacup · 2 years
omg haii what flavor are the fall out men to you?? :P OH AND what flavor are the different fob albums?? and which one is ur favorite? ^_^
thank you so so much for asking!! :]
The flavors of people change based on who they are n stuff, so like, young Pete and now Pete have different flavors!
Blondie Pete (Pete now) is a citrus seltzer and a warm oatmeal cookie with dark chocolate chunks. Younger Pete is Cola, raspberries, and a hint of something bitter, but like a deep flavor; kind of like a chocolate but saltier; it’s something I can’t quite put my finger on. Patrick is like the Texas Roadhouse bread (shameful yeehaw from a Texas resident. If you’ve never had Texas Roadhouse, the bread is famously delicious and sweet and fluffy) with butter and a lavender tea. Andy is a sherbet with mint in it and a little metallic tang to it. Joe is a smokey steak, cherry juice, and carnival corndogs. Out of the boys, I’m torn between now-Pete and Joe for whose is my favorite. Pete’s reminds me of sunshine and warm spring and happy memories and just overall comfort and stuff, but Joe’s is strangely nostalgic.
As far as albums go, the different songs kinda taste different, but I can give an overall synopsis! :)
Take This to Your Grave tastes kinda like gunpowder, sweat, something lightly fragrant, like rain, bug juice (okay this sounds crazy but it’s this juice in a bottle from gas stations n stuff and it’s great, you should Google it lol), and a snickers bar. Despite those flavors sounding somewhat unpleasant, it’s oddly endearing and I love TTTYG! 6/10 flavor
From Under the Cork Tree tastes like bitter cherries, smarties, perfume, and wood. It’s probably one of the albums I have the least to say about flavor-wise, but it’s SO good and simple. This one has a more cohesive flavor pallet which makes it super pleasant to my senses. 9/10 flavor
Infinity On High tastes like dusty fabric, butter, summer rain, gummy bears, sawdust, and chicken noodle soup. Despite this being one of my favorite albums (behind Folie and SRAR) it has one of my least favorite flavor combinations. I can’t focus too hard on some of the tastes of the songs or it grosses me out, but MAN is it good to my ears. Very salty, very dingy. 4/10 flavor
Folie a Deux tastes like green tea, cleaning spray, cinnamon, honey, whiskey (only ever had it like once lmao), nachos, and dark chocolate. Don’t ask me why cleaning spray, that’s what “What a Catch, Donnie” tastes like to me :,) I LOVE YOU FOLIE!!! 7/10 flavor
Save Rock and Roll tastes like pop rocks, sand, milk, smoke, assorted fruit, wet dirt, something vaguely like nostalgic summers(?) (idk I can’t place it), beef, and sour patch kids. Weird combo, but it somehow works? It’s not quite unpleasant, but it’s not wholly enjoyable if that makes sense? Young volcanoes tastes good lol. 5/10 flavor
American Beauty/ American Psycho is one of my favorite tasting behind FUTCT. It tastes like sour punch straws, whoppers, apple juice, sweet tea, seawater, ballpark hotdogs, barbecue sauce, and blackberries. It tastes like going to a movie theatre and a cookout; it’s freakin delicious. There’s this overhang of hazy, deep flavor, while maintaining a sweet and tangy thing goin on. 9/10 flavor
MANIA tastes like dust, leather, cotton Candy, milkshake, wood, lemon seltzer water, vinegar, pistachios, and fruit snacks. It’s kinda like you dropped your food on the ground and ate it afterwards. I love MANIA, but why does it remind me of kindergarten daycare.. yuck… not a good taste, excluding Stay Frosty, Bishops Kinfe Trick, and Wilson. 2/10 flavor
I May update this post when So Much (for) Stardust is released, but as of right now, it tastes like licorice, pine, gunpowder, sprite, and cantaloupe! 5/10 flavor
I love the way that flavor connects me with things. These flavors also change from time to time, and I can’t ALWAYS taste it, but it’s kind of a neat party trick, eh? Once again, thank you so much for the question! This was really fun, and gave me a new appreciation for their music!! :)
final ranking (based on flavor)
(this does not at all relate to my opinions on the albums themselves! I Can do a separate ranking for that some other time!)
overall, my favorite song (flavor wise) is probably XO, Young Volcanoes, The Kids Aren’t Alright, and Favorite Record! :)
(Edit: I’m sorry i forgot to include EOWYG and didn’t include any of their EP’s, but I would LOVE to if anyone would like to hear it!)
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measuringbliss · 2 years
My thoughts while watching Starset or whatever the movie's name is, the one about Joe Meek.
Overall loved hearing everyone speaking, like the accents!!!! Also the gay stuff. Was very much. Right up my alley. The last minutes. Hell yeah. Hell. Yeah.
Is this movie 2 hours of James Corden being yelled at?
Joe's boyfriend is so adorable like come on
He's gonna die isn't he
Oh no poor baby Geoff
That community of touchy-feely young guys...... I'm absolutely in love with the quick moment where Geoff pledges allegiance with Patrick who just smiles nicely at him. It's cute!!!!! Also ASMR sound design.
No but for real they're all gay
That flat is basically Charles Xavier's School for the Gays
"Ooooh FUCK OFF GEOFF" This came from his heart
Patrick might be my favorite???? I need a Patrick??? Do they get discounted at Christmas???
Is it Patrick? Are Patrick and Joe together? I DON'T KNOW I'M BAD WITH HEADS.
NO, BABY?? 1965????? BABIES????
I can't determine if Patrick's his son or his slave twink.
I shouted "WHAT" a lot during the credits
I rewatched the Traumatized Twink Scene because it's wonderful. Absolutely magnificent. Gosh.
I rewatched all of his scenes. I STILL DON'T KNOW IF JOE'S BOYFRIEND DURING THE VACATION MONTAGE (the one with the Kinks song that Joe doesn't want to hear) IS PATRICK???? ANYWAY. GOOD SHIT. MIZUMONO BAND!AU.
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heystephen · 3 years
Dress got the carving a name into a bedpost
Fall out boy has "Im just a notch on your bed post, but you're just a line in a song"
and Taylor went a step further with "omg she's insane she wrote a song about me"
The save rock and roll album and all music videos (for anyone unfamiliar they did a mv for each song that, from start to finish tell a story about the band fighting against people that want to end music in general, and also have easter eggs to their own lore) and here are all the other connections I've found with Taylor in passing:
-bad girls in biker outfits that remind of biker Taylor (these are the people that hate music and want to end it)
-"tonight the foxes hunt the hounds, it's all over now, before it has begun"
the are the hunters we are the foxes/ archer and prey
-a more extreme (read violent) dinnertable scene than in blank space in young volcanoes
- "I don't know where you're going
But do you got room for one more troubled soul?
I don't know where I'm going
But I don't think I'm coming home" very willow-like
-"I'm in the de-details with the devil"
devils roll the dice, devil's in the details
-"Your crooked love is just a pyramid scheme and I'm dizzy on dreams"
crooked love in a straight line down
-"It's getting clear, you're never coming clean
So lock you up inside and swallow, swallow the key"
the key necklace and all the doors in the 1989 era plus CLEAN
-pete wentz biting into an apple (just one yesterday mv) and then spitting out the bite (along with a snake) like the dude in blank space does
-also an orange snake mixed in the vids
-"I know I'm bad news" repeated in the backing vocals of just one yesterday
-a mirrorball appearing multiple times very out of place (dining room table, hospital room)
-orange jumpsuit in a cell by patrick stump and we got taylor in an orange jumpsuit in lwymmd in a cage
-"The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger" sounds like the explanation for mtr
- "You are what you love, not who loves you", "wherever I go trouble seems to follow", "How'd it get to be only me? (me, me, me)"
wherever you stray I follow/trouble's gonna follow where i go
oh this one is your best work
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waithyuck · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairing: ghost!zhong chenle x reader (f) *halloweenie special*
genre: supernatural au, fluff (with suggestive tones)
word count: like 2k cuz I suck
warnings: one lil mention of murder, themes of haunting, suggestive content (like kissin and some heavy petting, but nothing explicit y’all), non consensual touching (not in a sexual way, more like ‘omg I think a ghost touched me’ yk), explicit language, chenle is a lil lonely ghost boi, reader simps for him,,,,and forms a relationship,,,,with a ghost,,,,
a/n: FUCK IT ITS FINALLY DONE. FUCK. is this edited??? HAHAH. no
< previous
moving out on your own for the first time was hands down probably the scariest thing you’ve had to do in your short life. sure, finding a place that was relatively cheap had you excited at the possibility of having a sense of responsibility, and getting away from your parents was a definite plus, but the entire prospect of being alone was, well, terrifying.
you probably should have asked more questions when agreeing to move into said place; a one bedroom apartment that was big enough to fit you and you only. it was cute and clean, and it was all you needed with the minimal amount of things you had.
the cheap price didn’t raise any red flags in your admittedly stupid and naive brain, but it definitely should have. you cursed yourself looking back at not inquiring about exactly why it was affordable.
about two weeks in is when some weird shit started to go down.
you expected there to be the usual noises that occur in an apartment building, but the ones you heard in the early hours of the morning, every morning, seemed a little bit different.
it sounded like small sniffling, like crying, and sometimes the floorboards would creak softly outside your bedroom door, scaring you beyond belief. you even went as far to ask you neighbor if they had been crying every night, to which she looked at you like you had gone nuts.
the touches started not too long after that.
you felt like you were going insane, but you would swear on whatever god you needed to that there was something touching you at night.
light, feather like traces across the skin of your arms, light presses against your face and shoulders, and the occasional cold poke against your legs had you almost ready to give up on the apartment entirely.
you couldn’t leave though; if you were to break the contract you signed, you would lose an incredible amount of money just for vacating early.
you tried to convince yourself it was just your imagination; stupid childlike paranoia from watching horror movies as a kid.
however much you tried, nothing would be able to convince what was before you currently, was part of your imagination.
“woah, what the fuck?!” you screamed, your eyes widening at the sight of the extremely pale boy standing a few feet in front of you. “who the fuck are you?” you clutched what remained of the pile of laundry in your arms, the rest fallen onto the floor as your heart seemingly beat through your rib cage when he stared back at you in awe.
“wait, you can see me?” he asked quietly, his mouth agape as your face screwed up in confusion.
“what? of course I can see you, what the actual fuck?” you blurted back, subconsciously taking a small step backward, dropping the rest of the clothes as the boy seemed to float forward. his feet didn’t touch the ground and he seemed to slowly become more translucent the farther down his body you looked, shocking you even more.
“oh my god,” your breath was staggered as you became to realize what this boy actually was. “oh my god, are you dead?!”
“well that’s one way to put it, yeah.” he stayed out where he was, not moving forward any more into your space. “I’m a ghost.” he put both his hands up and gave a small sheepish smile. “ta-daaa…”
your brows furrowed in confusion, your idiotic human brain trying to process what was actually going on in your apartment right now.
“so wait a minute,” you started suddenly, bracing your hand on the wall beside you to keep yourself steady. “have you been the one touching me at night? what the hell, dude??” you weren’t sure how it was possible, but a blush rose to his ghostly cheeks.
“I didn’t mean anything creepy by it…” he softly spoke, looking down at his feet. “I just haven’t felt any human contact in a...very long time. I’m sorry.”
you wanted to be more angry at him, but then thoughts swirled into your mind of how lonely he must have been, and how long he could have possibly been here on his own.
you continued to converse with the ghost boy (crazy, you were aware) and came to find out that he was actually straight up murdered in this exact apartment about twenty years ago. the most surprising part was that the damn apartment building you were living in has been around that long, considering it’s shady history.
chenle was visibly upset talking about it, sparing the gory details but explaining enough for you to understand that he was killed in his sleep during a robbery turned hostile. it made your heart ache knowing that he died alone, and has been alone ever since.
sure, there were people living in this place before you, but no one stayed long, for obvious reasons. they either found out the history of the murder or were scared away by chenle who was just trying to fill the whole in his dead, ghostly heart.
“you’re gonna leave, aren’t you?” he finally asked, his voice somber.
you did consider it before, but now it felt wrong to do, especially after meeting and somewhat befriending the exact thing that was potentially going to drive you away.
“no,” you replied solidly, shocking him as his head shot up to look at you. “I’m not going anywhere, now that I know you’re not gonna like, try to kill me or anything.”
you tried to joke to make the atmosphere more lighthearted, and it seemed to work as a chuckle escaped him. you sat in silence for a few moments, before a realization hit you.
“wait, wait,” you put a hand out in front of you in emphasis, surprising the boy in front of you. “how are you able to touch things?” you paused for a moment, “and me?”
the boy, chenle, rolled his eyes at you before looking at you with a void expression. “jeez, everyone has the stereotypes so messed up. have you ever seen the movie ghost with patrick swayze? it came out in like 1990.”
you blinked at him a few times before nodding slowly, having an idea of where he was going with his point.
“yeah well, it’s like that,” he paused, coming closer to you and reaching his hand out tentatively, trying to gauge your reaction. “if we just practice enough,” He was close now, directly in front of you with his hand hovering over your arm. “we can touch whatever we want, whenever we want.” his hand wrapped around your wrist gently to prove his words to be true, and you softly gasped at the feeling, still trying to wrap your head around this crazy scenario you were living in.
“that’s nice,” you said, slightly nervous at your own reaction to him touching you. you couldn’t deny that it didn’t feel nice to have someone caress your skin so gently…
he stared at you silently, his face seemingly emotionless as he held you. it didn’t take a genius to decipher the look in his eyes, however. glistening with life and longing, looking at you like you were the only person in the world...and you supposed to him, you were.
“you’re so…” he started, his voice quiet as his other hand reached out to touch your face. hesitant at first, he drew his hand back a millimeter, before letting his fingers brush against your cheek as you sighed and found yourself leaning into him. “pretty. so pretty.”
it seemed crazy; this raw form of attraction at first sight that you were feeling. you had no doubt he was experiencing it too, just from his confession alone.
your lips parted to speak, but no words came forth as you brain short circuited, taking in his handsome features as you finally realized just how attractive he was.
the hand that was holding your wrist slowly slid up your arm, causing your skin to prickle at the sensation of his touch on your skin. it slid up over your shoulder and up your neck, to finally rest on your cheek like his other hand was now doing.
the moment was insanely soft and intimate, and even though his hands were slightly cold, the air around you both seemed to grow warmer and warmer with every passing second, almost suffocating you with each shaking breath you took.
without a second thought, you lunged forward into his space, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and kissing him softly, his hands dropping from your cheeks to rest on your waist as a surprised grunt came from within him.
‘this is so crazy’, you thought, leading him into your room as you kept your lips attached, ‘absolutely insane.’
you weren’t sure how this even came to happen; you’d never thought you’d be flat on your back against your mattress while a literal ghost boy ran his hands up and down your waist as he kissed you like a man starved. you were still slightly convinced that he was a figment of your imagination; he felt so real, nothing like what you assumed a ghost would feel like against your skin.
his hands weren’t as warm as a living humans would be, but you still relished in the feeling of his fingers gripping at the skin of your waist, holding you close to him as he kissed you without holding back.
you highly expected him to be shy and inexperienced; since he had died so young you figured he wouldn’t know what to do.
it was a stupid assumption, to say the least.
you gripped his hair gently and tried to sit up, only to have him keep you down as he sweetly moved his mouth against your own. his grip was becoming more needy and before it could go too far, you pulled back.
you relished in the sight of his red puffy lips, seemingly so alive and human, like blood was still coursing through his veins. his eyes showed wide, blown out pupils as he stared down at you, his eyes hooded slightly.
he licked his lips once before softly falling beside you, his shoulder brushing yours as you both laid in the middle of your mattress in a calming silence.
“well that was a strange turn of events.” you panted, curling your body beside him as you tried to catch your breath. who knew that a dead boy would be such a damn good kisser?
he smirked at you in response, not saying anything as he grabbed your hand in his.
“now you definitely can’t go anywhere. I’m attached.” he teased, looking at you longingly with a cheeky smile on his face. you rolled your eyes but still smiled nonetheless, knowing that you wouldn’t be going anywhere anyway, for a very long time.
you weren’t sure how this was all going to work out, but you’d figure it out as you went along, together.
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
Prince Harry, Prince William, Waver Velvet, Diluc Ragnvindr, Jeremy Fragrence, and Childe (Ajax)....uwa I spelled Diluc's name right on the first go!
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Yikes full stop. Yikes. || I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? || I Do Not Deserve How Could You Do This? Hmm? Et tu, Brutus? 😐
Ok listen being royalty esp modern royalty immediately cancels out any beauty god gave you in my eyes. All the poetry I wax about how there is something to appreciate in every face and body is null and void here. If we take the Some Guy approach and look at him objectively (impossible but I’ll humor you in the name of love and not being a spoilsport).... nothing I feel nothing. Maybe a whisper of contempt and a little voice in my head going “we should avoid him he’s not going to add to our life.” But that’s. IT.
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II I’m Far Too Sane And Pretty For This?
*by this point I am shaking and crying from psychic damage* see above 👆🏽😐
Waver Velvet:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But. I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty (I Suppose) Like If He Floats Your Boat Epic But I Might Not Attend The Wedding || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
his younger self awakens big sister instincts in me meaning he would be SO fun to tease and annoy + root for + naively hope he grows into a fine young man. At that young age he is not yet broken so there is no fixing to be done, but I certainly could help set him straight! Like a bonsai 💚 he’s more sinless and (unintentionally) funny and full of promise than his other selves.
His adult self however awakens the misandrist in me. I wanna come up to him unprovoked and tell him to smile or else bc that’s the only time he’s handsome imo.... also when he has vulnerable moments like being sad the shoes he bought with his first ever paycheck got ruined 🥺 or when he gets all triumphant and carefree ever so once in a while, like in the first ep of Case Files... what I mean is sometimes his prickly hard cranky veneer cracks and I catch a dazzling shimmer of handsome but... not often enough for my liking 😑 for my favored pixelated men I get a genuine kick out of their being disgruntled (sign of true love) but his grumbling just makes me want to file for divorce and we’re not even married 😐 like can you imagine road tripping with this man? I can’t I couldn’t I will not! And omg I don’t think you could make him say stuff like I love you without feeling like you’re pulling teeth... I don’t have the patience to reach that point with him. We’d be so bad for each other and not even in the fun way... his sharp way of dress and penchant for red and long hair and passion for certain subjects are just not enough to salvage him for me, if I want to be subjected to a short tempered man all day I have a father 😩 also he has the kind of sense of responsibility that would doom you if you married him I feel. Like admirable but also what the fuck dude. Taking on all of Kayneth’s debt w/o batting an eye? Mr Velvet what about your hypothetical wife and children.... like I can’t imagine him stopping to think about them in such a scenario... he’d have to marry someone like Melvin (or Melvin himself) who would get a kick out of that brash decision and support him and I’m the wrong dame! He feels like if he had a family and he grew into old age, he would end up one of those foreboding slightly frigid patriarchs w/ short fuses who have hearts of gold but you have to dig so long and hard that by the time you have reached it you’re youth has passed you by and your fingers are worn to the bone and you’re tired... so tired..... you should’ve listened to your mother and married that nice doctor within your ethnic group instead... he’s been a widower for a few years now, hasn’t he? Has a summer home in Vienna and a very nice curly beard? Last time you stalked his FB anyway....
Also his little friend Melvin is hilarious but I could never allow him into my home on the reg. I refuse. Reines is on thin ice and reminds me too much of my sister in some ways... Literally the only person he is oft surrounded by that I would not only be chill with but delighted to have over is Flatt Escardos. Love that wild little man, he’s a brilliant riot. But also a bit of a danger to himself and others I think? Idk I barely read FSF bc the niqabi character design pissed me off to hell and back and then some 😔💔
Diluc Ragnvindr:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II You Absolutely Deserve Him, Bestie 🥺🤲🏽 (heartfelt + sincere)
Oh he’s pretty enough.... like def not an ugly man! But as you yourself often correctly say he’s just Some Guy! When you tell me why you love him I absolutely understand how he captivated you 🥺 but I personally am too wild of heart to be ensnared by so sober (ahaha get it? Bc he owns a tave— whatever nvm v_v)/ and stable a man.
Jeremy Fragrance:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I Could See The Objective Appeal If He Never Opened His Mouth But I’m Too Smart To Be Taken In By Some Conventionally Pretty Features And Some Muscle™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
I scroll past his vids fairly fast the same way I often scroll past spider pics that make it on to my dash despite my best efforts.... when I decide to watch his videos I regret it so much and can barely finish. The way he talks and acts and the things he Just Says sans hesitation make me so uncomfy... so performative and out of touch in the unfun way and aggressive... why isn’t he an actor why couldn’t he be named Jeremy Drama... then I could lie to myself and go it’s okayyy Hiba it isn’t real I’m sure he’s sane behind closed doors 😖 anyway I couldn’t willingly stay in the same room with him for 5 min I COULDNT! I’m v confident our priorities and moral compasses are polar opposites and have you heard the way he talks about women? 🤨 I would honestly. Prefer Patrick Bateman. Not even kidding bc at least that man isn’t real and has successfully made me laugh and gets Big Mad over the dumbest stuff so I can mock him before he kills me. Also I think I could outsmart Bateman but... what does one do with JF other than... keep ur distance. Like I’d never trust either BUT. Yeah.
Childe (Ajax):
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
HES ERRATIC.... IM ERRATIC.... CAN I MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUSSSS<3 no but rlly I love a lively straightforward man and he’s got red in his character design + is often pictured with whales? And his galactic themed suit of armor is nice 😳 he’d be fun to hang out with and divorce on grounds so outrageous and absurd we both find it hilarious ✅ like I don’t think I’ll ever love love him esp since all my knowledge of him is second hand but he sounds like a blast 💥
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jonnolovesfob · 3 years
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*clears throat* allow me.
rank every FOB album with a description on why you like/dislike each one.
and also, if you had a chance to meet any of the members, which one would it be?
take your time, no rush!! No pressure either!!
hardy. hardy.
evening out with your girlfriend. fall out boy’s first album. i absolutely love the sound and the first ever demos of fob’s sound and it’s just so cool. and i have a physical copy of it!! (fav tracks : switchblades and infidelity, short fast and loud, GROWING UP)
take this to your grave is probably one of my favorite albums of all time. it’s got that punk sound and i just love it it’s so good. i love it lots and it’s just amazing (fav tracks : reinventing the wheel to run myself over, calm before the storm, homesick at space camp, grenade jumper)
from under the cork tree is the first ever fall out boy cd i ever bought. it was definitely my fob comfort album for the longest time and it still happens to be one of them. (fav tracks : i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me, XO, a little less sixteen candles a little more “touch me”)
so i call infinity on high my comfort album because it just is amazing and i love it a lot. it’s also the first fall out boy record i ever bought! (fav tracks : the carpal tunnel of love, GINASFS, it’s hard to say i do when i don’t, fame < infamy)
folie à deux, the madness of two. gotta be the best fall out boy album out there. it deserves so much love after the 2009 era fandom trashed it and now fall out boy doesn’t play many of those songs live because they were hurt by it (>:( ) it’s literally amazing and so good ( fav tracks : 27, w.a.m.s., 20 dollar nose bleed, west coast smoker)
ok i gotta acknowledge the believers never die albums their still good too. they may be greatest hits but they contain bonus tracks. my favs are alpha dog and from now on we are enemies
save rock and roll. pete dismissed rumors of fob coming back on my birthday in 2013, then came back the next day. I LOVE THIS ALBUM AND THE YOUNGBLOOD CHRONICLES SO MUCH LIKE OMG (fav tracks : (death valley, where did the party go, rat a tat)
paX AM DAYS NEEDS MORE LOVE PLS. it’s literally straight out of the 80s punk scene. my bass teacher loves this ep and that made me so happy. (fav tracks : eternal summer, caffeine cold, demigods, american made)
american beauty/american psycho is one of the best albums to ever exist. it’s got great songs and really cool features it’s just so good i love it. (fav tracks : favorite record, immortals, twin skeletons, novocaine)
mania. omg mania. i love mania. it’s their newest album with all original material (and one of their songs references nikki sixx, that’s also a good song) stop me before i talk about mania for hours because i love it. (fav tracks : sunshine riptide, young and menace, bishops knife trick)
lake effect kid. lake effect kid. it’s a literal master piece i love all three tracks of lake effect kid, city in a garden, and super fade. i relate to super fade and i love it.
personally, i’d wanna meet andy because he deserves so. much. love. and the fandom just favors pete n patrick over andy and joe n i’m just like WHERE ARE THE BOYS AT HUH. but i’d also wanna meet pete (i’m a hypocrite shh) because he’s the original bassist who inspired me to pickup bass in the first place! and joe (and other various guitarists) inspire me to want to play guitar which is cool too :D
ladies and gentlemen, joe trohman
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omg I only just saw your brat pack ask game so I’m gonna be super late and ask you questions for it now: 6, 8, 15, 25, 26, 31 and 33
ahhhhhh ty!!
6. favorite geek?
surprising no one, my heart belongs to MTG’s portrayal, but I also really love Kyle’s and Pip’s (his riffs in the video you sent to the discord that time live in my head rent free)
8. favorite basket case?
the vulnerability the vibes the vocals all of it
her 🥰
(honorable mention to queen Emily Lopez)
15. song you think is better than the original?
I will yell to the rooftops about how each rebel (specifically Shawn) takes the shallow lyrics of somebody’s baby and turns it into this vulnerable lovestruck banger
25. moment that had you Shook™️ when you first watched it?
the first production I saw was the cruise ship version on Shawn’s youtube channel, and I was full-on vibing up until the rebel’s confrontation with mr; when I say shook I mean SHOOK
theatre. god. theatre
I’m aware that the way I’m talking here makes me sound like some unintelligent teen but I swear I do have Actual Eloquent Nuanced Thoughts about the way young people are treated by authority etc
26. favorite acting choices?
I’m just gonna answer this with the cruise ship production bc that’s the one I’ve watched the most-all of them, truly, but the ones coming to mind include every little breath, pause, and movement in Shawn’s phone monologues, the visceral yearning/regret/resignation/pain/etc of Quinn’s your eyes reprise, Michael’s “I would have died for you” and that entire bit seeming so much more genuine than even the original movie, Katie’s “I just want to let them know that they didn’t break me”, each inflection in Patrick’s voice that makes his character go far beyond the stereotype, Perry’s “I’m a swell guy” making you physically recoil, and EVERYTHING DURING THE ENTIRE DETENTION SCENE
31. favorite costume?
the princess’ during “changes” (which I attempted to recreate when the seniors had 80s day at school a few months ago) has to take the top spot, along with that iconic duckie look and the ensemble outfits
33. what does the show mean to you?
in short, everything.
I first saw a few breakroom clips that had been sent to a zep discord I’m in, at first watching it for Michael and Patrick and very quickly falling for the whole atmosphere. It was my reprieve, the representation of the senior year my friends and I should have had, and the representation of all I want to do as a theatre actress: immersive, joyful work that covers quite a bit of the human condition in an honest way.
When I got more into it and did a bit more digging, I learned of the pre-show karaoke, prom royalty chosen from the audience, discounts for high school students, costumed crowds, even more audience participation, etc, and it was almost painful. This is the kind of show that makes me miss theatre more than anything-I remember watching the cruise production once, and when Shawn said that line about the world hurtling to an apocalypse, I almost cried. The finale was deeply bittersweet for a time, because no matter how hard I sang along, I couldn’t will myself into that moment; I was still in my parents’ living room, headed to a college that’s nowhere near my first choice, the future of the art form I’ve dedicated myself to-not to mention, of course, the world itself-appearing as a menacing question mark. I longed and still long not only for the life being portrayed on that stage, but the life taking place on it.
anyway it’s a Very Good Show, and I’d give anything to be part of it and to work with those people. thank you and goodnight
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fenweak · 4 years
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High School AUs
College/University AUs
⭐ A+ fics (imho) | All of the recs
High School AUs
High Scores by popfly ⭐
Kaner is a DDR master, Jonny is ultra-competitive. Bollig just wants to make out with Shawzy.
Dynamical Systems by jezziejay ⭐ - math geek patrick! jock jonny!
Jonny’s plenty smart, but there’s hockey practice just before a double math period every Tuesday and Wednesday morning. He gets to class on time. Physically, he’s there. But his mind is still on the ice. Throw in a kidney infection that keeps him home for two weeks, and Jonny’s struggling. Not failing, but that C is dragging his GPA down, and his mom is making clucking noises. The same noises that mean hockey time is coming up for review.
There’s a note on the student boards advertising tutoring.
promise i'm worthy (to hold in your arms) [One and Only series] - teenage angst and american douchebags ft. ryan kesler
"So come on and give me a chance to prove I am the one who can walk that mile."
love is a contact sport by hazel, mermaid  ⭐ - high school soulmates!
"And the tragic reality of Patrick's life is that even though they broke up over a year ago, he and Johnny still play beautiful hockey together."
A high school AU, featuring dream-fish, bad movie dates, and a little bit of magic.
Movie Nights or Five Times Jonny Wanted Popcorn (and One Time He Didn’t) by CoffeeKristin
Patrick had only been working at the movie theater a few weeks when a noisy bunch of boys from his high school burst through the doors just before the last showing of Captain America: Civil War and come tumbling into the lobby, whooping it up. He sighed and put down the containers of popcorn he was counting, mentally preparing himself for the asshattery he was likely to endure.
“What can I get you?” he asked the crowd, and true to form, no one was listening so he waited another moment. Finally one of the boys got pushed to the front, stumbling into the counter. “Fuck, Duncs, not so hard,” he said, and oh. That was Jonathan Toews: Captain of the high school soccer team, president of the student council, son of the mayor. Basically, everything Patrick wasn’t.
do it how you want it done ⭐
(very vaguely) grease-inspired high school au.
yeah, i went there.
kissing your honeyed eyes by forochel
The one that's the British boarding school AU.
This Is What A Love Song Sounds Like by fourfreedoms  ⭐ - reunion fic but god the flashbacks! the angst!
When he came out after his freshman year of college his mother said she’d always known, and he’d had to fight down the bizarre wave of paranoia that maybe everybody knew, maybe they’d all just been letting him sweat all those years. It was crazy of course, there was only one person who’d known, who had any idea.Patrick Kane.
Ten years after they fucked around in high school, Patrick and Jonny meet back up at their high school reunion.
roll with it by hazel  ⭐
The one where a bunch of Blackhawks inexplicably go to boarding school, Tazer is the world's meanest DM, and Pat doesn't know why anyone would think cutting the head off a hydra was good idea.
Light Me Up by sahiya - where they both went to Shattuck!
Being serious about hockey always meant Patrick would have to leave home. For a long time he thought it would be for juniors and a billet family. But things don't go as planned, and he finds himself at Shattuck-St. Mary's.
His roommate's name is Jonathan Toews. He can't keep his water bottles on his side of the room, and he's unfortunately, stupidly hot. Because Patrick's life sucks.
boot theory by mentalistecbm - teen angst, break up
Everyone knows that they're broken up.
glory days by liketheroad ⭐ - soulmate, teen angst
He never expected his destiny to involve anything but hockey, never thought it would show up in flip flops, but when Patrick smiles at him across the locker room, quick and surprised, Johnny lets his priorities shift and change without a hint of reluctance or regret.
There's Only Blood Running In My Veins by mikarala - pwp
Patrick and Jonny are making out in Patrick’s bedroom when Jonny says it. “I--I,” he stutters out, in between a moan, “I want you to fuck me.”
Gold Seeking Ends by liveinfury - Flipped AU
“Wanna go on the tire swing with me after?” Jonny asks.
“No,” Patrick answers.
“Oh,” Jonny says, looking deflated. “What about the jungle gym?”
“Um, okay,” Jonny says, shrugging before walking away.Sam giggles some more. “I can’t believe Jonny, the dirt eater, likes you.”Patrick smirks at him. “Everyone likes me.”
(or Patrick and Jonny meet in the second grade. Jonny's instantly smitten, Patrick is...not. Ten years later, things start flipping.)
Keep Calm and Don't Think of Star Wars podfic by exmanhater ⭐ - A Clueless AU
After I once again assure Abby that Johnny and I are not, NOT related (by googling the difference between half-brother and stepbrother because jesus fucking christ am I am the only knowledgeable one around here?), she agrees to help.
but i can write a song 
“We’re not going to be called Jonny and the Patricks,” Jonny says, sounding entirely too put upon  about a name that’s clearly awesome.
[or; the high school band au you probably didn't ask for]
lost in brightness - pat, jon and a crowded train
“You’re gonna get caught one day,” Jonny sighs, herding Pat in front of him as they squeeze onto  the train, the crowd thicker than usual. It’s been raining on and off, fall well and truly taking the city in  its grasp. Jonny’s already looking forward to meeting Pat by his house every morning, red-cheeked  and rugged up, his face barely visible between his toque and scarf.
you're mending what's broken - a stats nerd Patrick story
The guy who sits behind Jonny in AP Stats wants to know how  many shots on goal he had last Tuesday. Or at least, that's how it starts.
A high school AU featuring stats nerd Kaner and his Tragic Hockey  Backstory (TM), without much time or inclination toward actual tragedy. Instead there is  discussion of Corsi. And kissing.
Examine Other Beauties by kiwoa - theater kids!
"I," Jonny says, and he slips his headset up from around his neck to nestle over his ears, "am not an actor."
"Good thing I don't need you to act."
"Please?" Kaner cants forward and tilts his face up to blink at Jonny. In the fluttering light that filters in from the stage, his eyes look unnaturally pale. "Just read the lines, okay? I want to see how well I've memorized them."
Jonny scrubs a hand over his face. The motion knocks his mike askew. "One scene."
A/S/L  ⭐ - 90s teenaged kids meeting on webcam omg
The internet is a dangerous place, or:
Patrick and Jonny meet, lie through their teeth, and fall in love. Mostly that last part.
Actual Prom King Brandon Saad by popfly  ⭐
Patrick might be a little jealous of the new kid.
Sure Brandon is basically the prom king from every feel-good teenage movie Patrick’s sisters have made him watch, but that doesn’t mean Jonny wants that.
Sign it with your heart by tictactoews + podfic by exmanhater  ⭐
Patrick loses a bet and is dared to plant an anonymous love letter into a random locker. It just so happens that the locker belongs to one Jonathan Toews, captain of the school hockey team.Meanwhile, Jonny finds himself in need of a math tutor, and following the advice of his teacher, he asks the new kid, Patrick Kane, for help.
a complicated kindness by liketheroad - young and figuring out d/s  ⭐
Patrick still remembers how scared Sharpy looked, just for a second there. He remembers not understanding why anyone would back away from Johnny when he was like that, why they wouldn’t want to strain closer, pushing to see how much further he’d go.
What Comes Easy by impertinence - summer camp of angst
Kaner's determined to never grow up; Tazer's determined to grow up as quickly as possible. Over eleven years of summer camp, they learn to meet in the middle. Set in stlkrchk's Camp Quaquanantuck universe.
mathletes are totally athletes by ukiyo91, yukonecho
Mathlete Patrick Kane never thought that when he was assigned to tutor hockey jock Jonathan Toews that he would be swept up into a new sport...or into Captain Serious.
Toews was like the guild leader Patrick had always aspired to be in WoW, but more of an asshole.
i'll be the embrace that keeps you warm by longtime_lurker - huddling for warmth
It is like death, but it is not death; lovelier. / Cold, inconvenienced, late, what will you do now / with the gift of your left life?
Clumsy by CoffeeKristin - a short first kiss fic uwu
“Knock it off,” she hissed at him. “He’s looking at you!”
“Who?” Patrick said, his head swiveling around, resulting in Erica smacking him again. “Hey! Quit hitting me!”
“Then quit being an idiot,” she huffed. “Jonny Toews, you dunce. He’s looking over here, and you’re biting on the string of your hoodie like a moron.”
look around once in a while by achilleees
One man’s struggle to take it easy.
Based off of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” but instead of girlfriends and daddy issues, there’s hockey and pining. And daddy issues.
Summer Lovin' by CoffeeKristin - est. relationship insecurities
Patrick's home from summer camp, and Jonny's first on his list of to-do's. Somehow a little actual angst/plot worked it's way in. But mostly it's just porn.
Ninety-Nine Point Three Percent by jimtiberiuskirk - best friends mutually pining
The problem is, is that Patrick is 99.3% sure that Jonny knows all about his giant, embarrassing man-crush on him.
bring it if you really want it by staraflur - harry potter AU
It starts like this:
Well, okay, Patrick has no idea how it actually starts. But as pertains to him (in other words, the important part), it goes a little something like so:
America, being a nation composed in large part of a melting pot of immigrants who may or may not have taken over land already owned by others using less-than-savory means, doesn’t have much of a magical national identity. Much less a magical continental identity. There’s no grand heritage going back thousands of years. Magical families home-schooled all their kids until, like, the 1800’s, and tough for the muggle-born, apparently. Hopefully you got noticed by someone who knew what to do with you before you got burned at the stake. Since you probably can’t control your powers, sport.
(if you're feeling down) i can feel you up by hawkeytime
"Hey," Patrick said appreciatively from behind where Jonny stood, stoic as always, by the side of the pool. "Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a sweet ass.”Or: How Patrick Kane spent his summer hitting on the hot lifeguard with the help of some inspired (read: awful) pickup lines.
kiss and tell by hawkeytime 
“Trust me,” Sharpy says, “this will be good for you.”And then, he shoves Jonny into what appears to be a mostly empty coat closet and slams the door shut behind him.
“What the fuck, Sharp!” Jonny calls, pounding at the door which is, of course, locked.
“Enjoy your seven minutes in heaven, Tazer,” Sharpy singsongs.Then, the bare bulb mounted on the ceiling flares to life, illuminating one Patrick Kane.
i know you are (but what am i) by booktubelover7 - always a girl!pat
Pat throws up her arms in celebration after Toews makes a beautiful goal off of Pat’s assist. She crows in celebration as Toews slams into her, shouting in her ear.
Pat’s playing, she’s playing, she’s playing. Not just that, but she’s winning too.When her line gets back to the bench, Pat leans over to speak into Toews’ ear. “Thank you,” she says. Her teammate just turns his head to look at her, a grin spreading across his face.
Love or Torture - a/b/o
Patrick Kane is too short, too Omega, and his heat too delayed for him to play hockey. Jonathan Toews has a plan to bring glory to both of them.
keep buying the stars by medusacascade22- teacher!Jonny 
“Fuck,” Jonny groans. He props his elbows up on his desk and lets his head fall into his hands. It’s going to be a long fucking year.
(or, in which Jonathan Toews is Patrick Kane's teacher, and shit gets real.)
College/Uni AUs
cello suite no. 1 - THIS IS ONE IS A CLASSIC 👌
The first time Jonathan meets Patrick Kane is because he hits him with a lacrosse ball.
In Jonathan's defense, he threw a perfect pass to Seabs, who failed to just reach the one or two feet above his head to catch it.
"Oh shit," Jonathan says when he watched the ball arc across the lawn and whack a blond kid squarely between his shoulder blades.
"Heads up!" he calls belatedly.
this is how we do it series by staraflur ⭐ - frat bros AU!!!
He doesn’t think Zeus is supposed to have a sword, but their Zeus does. So now Jonny does, because of course he’s in charge. He looks, Patrick is drunk enough to acknowledge, far better than anyone has a right to in a grody old Halloween costume that’s probably soaked up the butt sweat of dozens, if not hundreds, of Theta-presidents past. Jonny wears it, Patrick gets the sword. Win-win.
AKA that time there was a frat AU (of course).
This Heart Is Not For Wasting by fourfreedoms - oblivious best friends
Patrick puts his head in his hands. “How could this get any worse?”
“Wait, it’s not like, a big deal is it?” Duncs asks, looking at him and Jonny in turn. “The way you and Jonny are weird about each other? She’s gotta have made her peace with it ages ago.”
A college AU.
love song for love songs by boodreaus  ⭐ - angst, internalized homophobia
“Right,” Jonny says. “Cool.” He seems to hesitate, pausing when Patrick goes for the door handle, and then, right as Patrick’s bracing himself to run for the house, Jonny says, “You should come.”
Patrick turns back at him and is handed a piece of paper. “To our next show, I mean,” Jonny is saying as Patrick examines what turns out to be a flyer, thick black lettering taking up every square inch of space on the brilliant sunshine-colored surface. “It’s tomorrow night, at the showcase. Feel free to say yes or no or whatever. If you don’t know, it’s cool.”
“I’ll,” Patrick starts, and then stops, blinking up at him. Jonny’s just watching him, kind of, elbow resting on the steering wheel. “Maybe,” he finally says, and Jonny smiles.
yet we will make him run - some more angst, except more erudite
Kaner the English Lit major AU.
Sigma Chi series by hatrickane - frat bros hook up and then angst about it
Jonny and Patrick run into each other at a frat party. Patrick proposes a way to pass the time.
Can't Wait by LouLa - first time pwp
Pat's on a hair trigger.
when you flex like that - hookup in a frat party
Johnny isn’t drunk, but he does let Sharpy and a couple of frat-looking guys he doesn’t even know talk him into a contest of shots. It’s Sharpy’s fault — he appeals to the competitive side he knows Johnny can’t let go of at the best of times, and one of the guys, blonde curls, a lazy smirk of a grin, picks up on it pretty fast too.
Hope you don't mind by haroldslouis
“Oh, sorry, man,” the guy says, giving him a quick grin. “Thought you were someone else.” He taps the visor of Patrick’s snapback and just like that, he turns around and disappears into the crowd.Patrick doesn’t know how long he stands there, just looking at the general direction he disappeared in.
or, 5 times Jonny mistook Patrick for someone else + 1 time he definitely didn't
Room 4 Rent
Patrick stares at the ad for a while, clicking back and forth between the Craigslist page and his  fantasy hockey league, chewing on his bottom lip.
3 bedroom apartment near Loyola. One room available, others occupied by two male students.  Shared living room and kitchen. Two bathrooms. Rent split three ways. Email [email protected]  or call 773-639-7812 for more info. No texts please.
are you buying what i'm selling? - frat party buddies
The Sigma Chi Halloween Bash is in a week, Jonny’s holding two tickets, and he has nobody to go with.
He had a somebody to go with, until that somebody decided Jonny’s student athlete life wasn’t worth  hanging around for. Their relationship was already tanking anyway; Jonny’s more upset about  potentially wasting a $40 ticket than that shit ending. Whatever.
Just A Spark by heartstrings  ⭐ - magical realism!
In a desperate attempt to hide his feelings from the object of his affections, Patrick accidentally drinks a love potion that causes the people around him to fall for him. Too bad it seems to work on everyone but Jonny.
do you know who you are? by liveinfury - frat bros
“Sure, Cap. I’ll try to keep it quiet.” Patrick winks at Jonny. “But be honest, you like the noises I make, huh?”
“What? Of course not!" Jonny sputters. "I’m not gay!”
(or where Jonny can't figure out why he feels so uneasy when Patrick brings guys home to their frat house).
The Great Desk Assembly Project - they were roommates
“I’m going to nail some shit,” he says. “Jonny, come watch me nail some shit.”
“We share a room, I don’t need to watch you nail anything else.”
“That’s not what you were saying last night,” Pat says with a laugh in his voice. He reaches back  behind him and punches Jonny in the shoulder for good measure.
No, It's Not A Secret by SimoneClouseau ⭐ - always a girl Jonny 
Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your boyfriend. No way, no way. I think you need a new one.
Jehanne Toews is dating a loser. Sometimes it takes a ridiculous awesome young star on the Blackhawks to see the light.
good form - always a girl Pat!  ⭐ 
“Best head of your life?”
“Yes, he was better than you, you competitive motherfucker.” Hayds says it like it’s a joke, like it’s funny, like it’s not the single most devastating thing a girl could say to Pat.
“A hockey bro gave you the best head of your goddamn life? Am I in the fucking Upside Down?”
“Believe it, baby. Jonathan Toews: hockey bro and magical pussy-eating wizard.”
forever i'll try for you and i by staraflur - always girls Jon and Pat!
It’s extra great—whenever Jo’s losing, she always makes like their running point tally competition isn’t real. Tonight’s true to form: when Trish holds up three fingers and points at herself, then two before pointing at Jo, Jo actually scoffs as she pokes at a couple chicken breasts with the tongs, trying to find the best one.
remedial at love - jonny ‘i'm great at math but the math tutor's really hot so i'm gonna pretend i'm not' toews
There have been a lot of things Kaner’s done that could be considered suspect. He chose the  Backstreet Boys over Nsync for the Kane Dance-Off Championship when he was 15. He opted to go  to Disneyland instead of Disney World for his high school graduation present. He frosted his tips after  coming out in 12th grade because he thought that was like, the obvious thing to do until he realized  this was not, in actuality, the 90s.
But this one. Calling up ‘Jtoews’ and requesting tutelage in math when he was a fucking wiz at math  was -- the most highly suspect of all.
Drink yourself under, fuck yourself over by Mythisea
Jonathan Toews is the sophomore captain of the college hockey team. Patrick Kane recently quit hockey before coming to college.
Jonny thinks Patrick would be perfect on his wing. Patrick would rather be drinking. Jonny does not approve.
Make The Moves Up As I Go by agirlnamedfia - tutor!Jonny with a dash of angst and pining
Patrick has his first Econ 202 class on the second day of the spring semester. It doesn’t exactly go well.
how to make boys-next-door out of assholes series by bessyboo, thisissirius - textfic
Yo man, Sharpy's having a party tonight. You up for it or you gonna be a boring shit and study???
it's only you and me by crystaljules - graduation blues
"We're so fucking stupid."
Overdosed on Confidence by runphoebe ⭐ - fwb, internalized homophobia
“Someone could -,” Jonny starts, breaking off when Patrick ducks down to draw Jonny’s lips against his, kissing him fever-hot and wet and desperate. Jonny’d be embarrassed by how hungrily he responds, but he knows Pat’s into it, moaning unashamedly into Jonny’s mouth when he tightens a hand around Pat’s neck. “Someone could see,” he finally gets out, voice rough, when Patrick pulls back, as if Patrick’s supposed to believe that that’s any sort of protest.
Patrick licks his lips, the hint of a smirk playing at the corners of them in that familiar way like when Patrick's got a particularly bad idea on his mind. “Guess you better be quick then, huh?” he says cryptically, waggling his eyebrows at Jonny. Jonny’s a second away from rolling his eyes and asking what he means when Patrick slithers off Jonny’s lap and onto his knees on the floor beneath Jonny’s table and - oh. Oh.
Silence Gives You Space by liveinfury - pining, misunderstandings
“Have you been avoiding me?”
“’Course not,” Patrick says. “I’m just letting you do your own thing.”
“My own thing?”
“Yeah, didn’t want to crowd your space,” Patrick blurts out. Fuck, he didn’t mean to actually say that.“You’re not…”
tuck you in - getting together
“You sexiled again?" He smirks and stuffs down the fondness that rolls  through him at theway Jonny’s hair is rumpled and a little bit wavy.
Jonny sits up slowly, groaning. “Yeah. Fuck, this is the third time in a week  and a half.”
obvious from the start - radio DJs Pat and Jon!
It’s not like Patrick even likes radio, because he hasn’t really listened to  anything that’s not on his iPod or his Pandora stations in years, but when he notices the red and  white flyer advertising the student radio station on the ground, he picks it up with the  excuse that he’s trying to be environmentally friendly.When he played hockey they told Patrick that he was too small, too short to  be a hockeyplayer; that he’d never make it because of his size. Hockey is, was, his heart  and soul, and he’d put years and years of his life into the one thing he knew he was good  at; threw his very being into the best he could be to prove that he can do it, be the best,  even if he was small.
Patrick supposes maybe he'll find something else that he’s just as good at.
stupid college boys series by 19trash88 - Jonny is the cute guy from Econ class
Patrick’s not one to wax poetic about a penis, but if ever there was a reason to, Jonathan Toews’ cock would be at the top of the list.
Green Light by heartstrings - friends to lovers
Patrick knows two things: he likes sex and he likes Jonny. If Jonny's newly single there's no reason not to combine the two. Right?
Everybody Wants to Touch Some(body Paragraphs) by Kerfluffle  ⭐
Wherein Jonny writes the worst essay ever, and weirdness abounds.
Motivation by somethingnerdythiswaycomes  ⭐ - pwp
Only Jonny could keep working on his LIT-110 paper while Patrick was getting himself off next to him. Fuck, but Patrick loved him so much.
Muse series by by somethingnerdythiswaycomes
So Jonny had applied for every damn job he was qualified for, even the "life model" one TJ goaded him into.So Jonny had received an email the next day asking for his availability to come in for a session.So, as it turned out, it wasn’t some random chick that was going to draw him. It was some random dude.
So "life model" apparently meant "nude model."
You Love Me, I Love You Harder So by leyley09 - overly competitive boys on the hockey team
Patrick circles around him at center ice. “Jonathan, my team is going to kick your team’s ass so hard your parents will be embarrassed without even knowing why.”“I’m gonna give you a lesson in goal scoring you’ll never forget.”“Toews, you couldn’t give me a lesson in long distance spitting. Anything you can do, I can do better.”“Oh yeah?”“I can do anything better than you.”
Jonathan Toews is used to be being the best. He has zero clue what to do with competition.
Especially when the competition is cute.
middle ground by boodreaus - college road trip, friends to lovers
Jonny, Patrick, and an excellent adventure.
Who Knew by themistrollsin
Jonathan and Patrick meet after they're forced to go to a party by their best friends (Adam and Brent respectively).
Night Moves by heartstrings - meetcute
After a series of unfortunate drunk events that lead him from falling into a snowbank to being laughed at by the police, Jonny meets Patrick in an elevator.
Ignite My Fire, Object Of My Desire by ThalassicThedes ⭐- theater boys!!!
A good ol' fashioned College Au in which the college itself is hardly even mentioned. Just... make of this what you will.
absolute beginners by heartstrings, thundersquall
That time Jonny walked into a diner and accidentally got himself a temporary fake boyfriend.
Like A Classic - royalty!Jonny
So: due to a series of complicated and improbable events involving some sort of life debt and signed promise from two generations ago, it was decreed that Patrick had to marry the Crown Prince of Canada.
Captain Oblivious by wantstothrill - royalty!Pat
Why would Jonny care about the American royal family visiting his university? He's Canadian. He hasn't paid any attention to Prince Patrick since he was a teenager. He's more concerned with the very hot guy he's just run into, who's name also happens to be Patrick. What a coincidence.
check out the high school AUs tag aaand the college AUs tag @ 1988rebloggedfic!
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swearronchanel · 5 years
 🎶Do re mi fa so time for me to talk my nonsense..🎶
I’m so ready for the sound of music content LESS GOO
wow just kidding it’s starting off so sad😭
“there are moments when life seems to pause” felt that
I’m glad to see Sister MJ is there with Sister J tho 😭
“They gave all they had, all that they were.”
Tim!! He’s so grown omg
really Patrick? eat a damn pancake
“I love Julie Andrews” WHO DOESNT?? QUEEN!
LMAO Phyllis 😂 but even Phyllis stans!
OMG Sister Mj skipping, so pure I love her 😂
Violet should just rig the raffle we know Sister Mj deserves to go ! She wants it so badly
LMAOO “I’ll pin an I.O.U”
We better hear what Sister Frances has to say about the movie
“I demand that you acknowledge it” me to the ctm writers about the sound of music for the last 4 years 😂😂 tbh me to the writers about EVERYTHING
“Frivolous and inappropriate” ugh Sister J pull the stick out your ass you know God purposely blessed the world with Dame Julie Andrews, also how can you hurt Sister MJ like that?
Aww no words from Cyril
“Have I told you lately that I love you?” STOP I WILL CRY
Judy Parfait is literally a gem, I want to hug her
Oof Cheryl that hurt
“You’re taking them to see an escalator?” LMFAO MS HIGGINS IS A SUBTLE SAVAGE
oh no what’s wrong with mrs calthorpe
Sister Hilda giving a class to fathers? Love to see it😂 give her more screen time though
LOOK AT YOUNG JULIE ON THE COVER😭😍 bow down to the TRUE queen of england
A DR SPOCK BOOK! WHERE’S SHELAGH ? 😂 also remember the Rugrats version? Dr Lipshitz LMAO
“The jungle drum’s been banging” 😂😂 word travels fast on the mean streets of poplar
Why is she bleeding??
This guy is so nervous 😂 it’s cute though
Sister Hilda can’t stand crying in public? She obviously didn’t go to university bc my bitch ass can cry ANYWHERE now LMAO 😅🔫
Val’s dress? Cute
Trixie looks great as always! Also can’t believe they mentioned her God mother in Portofino! You know how people disappear from their lives *cough cough Trixie’s brother for example*
Aye the Den is my favorite bar too 😂😂
Phyllis is annoyed but still giving him a chance, what a brick
Sister Frances is such a recycled Sister Winnifred and it’s a shame, make her more unique
Val knows how tough ladies had to be/still are
Aww the dad is crying, how sweet🥺
Tickety boo and marvelous! WHERE in the world is MRS CHUMMY NOAKES?! I Miss her rip, Miranda Hart is funny af
ugh this so so heartbreaking😭
“Nurse Turner” 🥺 that was cute
Now Sister Frances will take over and they’ll warm up to her, like one of the earlier Jenny storylines I remember from season 1 right?
Is it the strawberry or angel mark? whatever people call it
omg grace’s mom, I’m legit gonna cry this one hurts
poor grace is going to wear herself thin, sister Frances help out
get out omg she better not stick her head in the oven
“How you’re invisible...” 😭 damn that hurt
backstory unlocked for sister Hilda ✅  give us more now
“Doris day as another, que sera, sera” LOVE TO HEAR THAT FROM PHYLLIS UGH give me lessons only through pop culture lol
“Have you lost May and Angela?” I LOVE MS HIGGINS LMAO
Tim is only back just to play babysitter again LMAO
But Shelagh and Patrick are going to see their counter parts soon MARIA AND GEORG WE LOVE
SHelagh just tell him COME HOME!
Oh no Grace!! 😭
The Turners having a TV dinner who would’ve thought LMAO lean cuisine baby
Angela speaks AGAIN wheww that’s still shocking. The girls are so adorable though
Trixie’s right don’t dismiss some vanity! But shes so much more that though UGH
Sister MJ found a new owl😭
Sister Hilda is for sure underrated
Even though Trixie is my fav and was hardly in this episode: dare I say this has been the best ep this season??  
“What makes night within us may leave stars” wow
“We’ll always have Columbia road” STOP OMG
that literally made me love the Turners again, TBH I was over them for the last few seasons but as of right now I’m back on the damn bandwagon beep beep bitches
“Closest thing to edelweiss” Patrick should’ve broke out into song but no offense he was right he isn’t Christopher Plummer 😂😛
“The world shifts around us and we shape ourselves to fit. Imperfect and beautiful...” 💖
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wolfhuntsmoon · 5 years
Sarah Rogers pt 2: or, how baby!Steve imbibed a fuck-you attitude with his mother’s milk
Okay, so after looking at Sarah’s backstory, how she met Joseph and had Steve and decided to go to America, I couldn’t stop thinking about: what next? The MCU wiki is VERY thin on the ground with detail, and she’s so interesting! Plus, this is, like, one of the most criminally underdeveloped sources for Steve Rogers’ character, as I mentioned in pt 1. So, what can we reasonably source from the time to fill in the gaps?
So: I said in my previous post Sarah likely arrives in January/February of 1918. This is because in those days, travel times were long, conditions were VERY poor and you did not want to be heavily pregnant on a cheap ship to America with the conditions on board. Plus, in those days there was no guarantee a ship company would even sell you a ticket if you were visibly pregnant. It did happen, but was risky for the company, so you could never be sure. Sarah would have left asap once she made a decision. 
The journey itself would have taken about 3-4 weeks. First she would have had to travel to London, because nothing would have been leaving to America from the French or Belgian coastline, as a) most of it was too close to the war and b) the bits that weren’t wouldn’t have been profitable. Travel to London from Passchendaele would have taken a few days to a week, given the mud and absolute priority troops and military materials were given on all journeys. This map here shows it took between 7-10 days to arrive in New York from London (by ship, no flights until the late 1920s/1930s) in 1914 before the outbreak of the war. I mentioned how at this point the German U-boats were basically sinking anything they found not flying a German flag, which made this journey pretty hazardous, even with the newly introduced (and very effective) protection of the convoy system. If Sarah was travelling on a fast convoy (less likely as they were primarily for troop ships) it would have taken about a week. Slower moving convoys carrying mostly cargo might have taken 2 weeks, even 2 and a half weeks if the weather was bad. Convoys, by the way, were where groups of ships were clustered together and escorted across the Atlantic by a combination of naval ships bristling with every explosive known to man, and navy ships disguised to look like harmless merchant cargo ships but ALSO bristling with every explosive known to man, to prevent U-boats sinking them. And also attack U-boats when they turned up. Not if. When. As you may be imagining, these journeys often contained lots of Things Going Boom and people Dying in Unpleasant Ways. Sarah would have been told by literally everyone she knew that this was a stupid, near-lethal decision, and that she should just NOT. But Sarah being Sarah, ignored this in the pursuit of what she felt was right and best for her and her baby... that doesn’t sound familiar at all, does it?
Okay, so she’s made it through the journey to the iconic Ellis Island. The next problem was that Immigration to the USA was incredibly curtailed by 1918, compared to the levels of immigration to the US prior to WWI beginning. In this, Sarah was lucky. Prior to WWI, on average between 1900-1914 about 1 million immigrants arrived into the US each year. In 1918, roughly 110,000 did - Sarah being one of them. I’ve said before that she would have had an easier time getting passage on a ship in the first place because she was comparatively better off on a nurse’s wage and was a middle class professional. More than that, most travel was reserved for the military - and Sarah likely had connections, being the wife of an American soldier, which made it easier for her to gain passage on a ship. (More on this later.)
Her status and profession is also very important for explaining how Sarah gained entry to the US, because by the end of WWI, the open door policy of the 19th and early 20th century had been solidly shut. The open-door policy had essentially allowed anyone who could pass a very basic medical and legal check free entry to reside in the USA, and the Ellis Island museum has a very good description of just how cursory these checks were - they were nicknamed the ‘six second physicals’. 98% of immigrants passed straight away, and a only a very small percentage of the remainder were put on a ship back to their country of origin. But by the outbreak of WWI, politicians and the public had become uneasy about this. Mostly due to racial concerns - Chinese immigration was the first to be restricted in 1882 with the Chinese Exclusion Act. Japanese immigrants were targeted in 1907 and all Asian immigrants in 1917. (I see a lot of posts on tumblr talking about how immigration restrictions in the US began by denying Jewish refugees entry in the 1930s, which... is wrong. So, so wrong. But anyway.) Here is a contemporary cartoon showing a pretty good summary of attitudes to immigration by the time Sarah would have been travelling:
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(The 3% refers to immigration restrictions put in place by Congress AFTER the war, btw.)
But the US wasn’t just worried about one continent’s people! Or even ‘just’ non-whites! Oh no... they were also VERY worried about the ‘wrong sort’ of white immigrant too. Namely, anyone from southern and eastern Europe, and the Irish. 
The discrimination against the Irish is an interesting one, because on the face of it, the Irish were the kind of immigrants the US wanted - north and western Europeans. But here’s where eugenics and pseudoscience come along and fuck things up for a lot of people. Part of the reason why the US was suspicious of southern and eastern Europeans was political - that they harboured a tendency towards violent revolutions, communism and anarchy. The Irish, after the violence of the 1916 Easter Rising and the fact that a not-insignificant number of violent revolutionaries tried to facilitate a German invasion of Ireland (and then unionists ran guns during the war through Kriegsmarine U-boat dropoffs on the Irish coast in... defence???? Idk either.), came to be included in this politically radical group. That’s the first strike.
The second strike came from the fact Irish had the British working against them. In those days, British media and culture really set the tone for the rest of the world. Remember, the US was not a world superpower yet - this is when Britain is at the height of its power, ruling 20% of the world’s people and 25% of its land surface by 1924. Britannia really did rule the waves, and much of the world’s culture, at this point. Hollywood, and American ‘soft power’ had yet to develop into the behemoth it is now. British culture persistently depicted the Irish as subhuman, ape-like, feckless, uncivilised and dangerous, as you can clearly see here:
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The top one is from 1866, and the second one from 1849. Both were cartoons published in Punch Magazine, which was the pre-eminent social and political publication that EVERYONE read in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. It also played a huge role in shaping social attitudes, and you can see more of its, and others, views on the Irish in these excellent galleries. The rest of the British media was the same - almost universally negative views of the Irish, which filtered across the Atlantic over time. And seemed to be vindicated by events like the 1916 Easter Rising, and before that a long running number of secret societies the British kept discovering, plotting revolution against their rule. The whole ‘kiss me I’m Irish’, dying the Hudson green on St Patrick’s day, ‘omg I love an Irish accent’ thing? Didn’t happen until the latter half, or really the last quarter, of the twentieth century. The Irish were pretty much persona non grata when Sarah was alive. Part of the explanation for this came from the idea that the Irish were a part of a lesser race, their Celtic origins leading to a lack of judgement, predisposition to alcoholism and hotheadedness, and passionate outbursts which meant you needed to treat them more like children. Conveniently enough for the British, this explanation meant you didn’t need to treat your subjects like equals, deserving of the vote, or indeed with anything except violence and condescension. Ha. Funny that.
But anyway, back to America.
Third strike: the Irish were Catholic, as Sarah would have been. Only the very richest in society were Protestant, because they were descended from British settlers. Both the British and the US governments of the time viewed Catholicism with deep suspicion, partly for historical reasons (Martin Luther, 1517 and all that jazz) but ALSO because the Catholic Church remained a vastly powerful institution which could and did command the loyalties of people more than the national government, and this represented a dangerous fifth column within the nation state. Most of north and western Europe was Protestant, unlike the south and east which was predominantly Catholic (with the exception of France. But hey, they’re the French. No big.) so the Irish being 99% Catholic was yet another reason they got lumped in with the other ‘undesireables’. 
Not a small part of this was caused by the fact that the Irish had been immigrating to America in vast numbers ever since the Great Famine (aka the Potato Famine/Blight) to the tune of and average of c450,000 Irish per decade between 1850-1900. That is... a LOT. Like, New York’s population in 1890 had only just hit 2.5 million! Ireland’s population TODAY is 5 million! So by the end of WWI, there was already a sense that Too Many Irish were here, particularly since the Irish tended, like most immigrant communities, to move into certain areas in large numbers via family groups and connections. Sarah would have been no exception to this, which I’ll explore more in pt 3 later. It was a very common practice in this period for a man to go to America and work, then bring his family and extended family over. Or for young relations to go and live with family already in America if there was no work in Ireland - which there wasn’t, the Irish economy being subsistence agriculture and not a lot else. 
All of this together means that when Sarah arrives in Jan/Feb of 1918? She’d get a pretty rough welcome at Ellis Island (still used for incoming immigrants until new legislation establishing a visa system in 1924 went through and basically made it redundant.) and beyond.
Below is a pic of an Ellis Island arrival card, just because it’s cool:
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These tightened restrictions resulted in not just health checks, but intelligence tests and ‘mental fitness’ tests, which if failed, could result in the immigrant being sent back to their country of origin. However, Sarah would have made it through okay, because she had good English, her profession and likely her marriage cert and references from Joseph Rogers’ commanding officer to speed her passage. She may even have had family connections already in New York or America, but for the reasons outlined in my previous post, probably wasn’t in contact with them. Or if she did contact them, was likely to be ignored and ostracised. Because patriarchy, yay.
But ironically? Getting into America was the easy part. I know, I know, unbelievable, especially when you consider she was PREGNANT during this. I mean, can you imagine enduring morning sickness and all the other joys of pregnancy on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic in WINTER, in danger of sinking from a U-Boat torpedo at any moment? Can you? Can you??? Sarah Rogers came up against an immense set of obstacles just to get into America and just fucking ploughed through them like they were tissue paper. Which explains a LOT about Steve Rogers, that’s for sure.
Join me next time for pt 3, where I explore Sarah’s living and working situation after she arrives and we all learn to be even more in awe of how fucking metal she was.
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Movies Watched in 2019 - Filmes assistidos em 2019 (part two / segunda parte)
111. About a Boy (2002) Directed by Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz
I liked it a lot! The Kid is amazing and just imagine my face when I found out he was Nicholas Hoult…
112. Hotel Mumbai (2018) Directed by Anthony Maras
It’s a very heavy movie to watch, even more because is based in a real life history… the amazing cast helps to make it even more realistic.
113. Toy Story 4 (2019) Directed by Josh Cooley
I’m angry and very disappointed. It may sound childish of me because “people change” and “leave our lives” but was that really necessary? I think NOT!
114. Widows (2018) Directed by Steve McQueen
I didn’t like it that much but it was probably my fault… I was expecting something more like Ocean’s 8, but it’s completely different from that. Anyway, the cast is great.
115. Final Destination (2000) Directed by James Wong
116. The Final Destination (2009) Directed by David R. Ellis
117. Final Destination 5 (2011) Directed by Steven Quale
So I re-watched all of the “Final Destination” Series at once, and I had the most fun!
I had already seen de second and the third one when I was little (I was about 6 or 7, grown ups were crazy in the early 2000′s) but I had never seen the others and, for my surprise, I loved almost all of them! (I really don’t like the fourth one and I rather pretend it doesn’t exist)
The second one is still my favorite, but the others are as crazy and fun! I LOVED IT!
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118. Liar Liar (1997) Directed by Tom Shadyac
Jim Carrey making funny faces for no reason for 86 minutes straight
119. John Wick (2014) Directed by Chad Stahelski
120. John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) Directed by Chad Stahelski
121. John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (2019) Directed by Chad Stahelski
So I also watched all the “John Wick” movies all at once and all I can say is: it’s really great to see treined assassings kill people to revenge their dogs and to see Keanu Reeves being amazing, sexy AND kicking other people’s asses.
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122. The Perfection (2018) Directed by Richard Shepard
I saw this weeks ago and I still am absolutely shocked with everything that happened in this movie
123. Us (2019) Directed by Jordan Peele
Literally, a masterpiece of horror and comedy. The cast it’s incredible!
124. The Lion King (2019) Directed by Jon Favreau
Nice, but… it’s the same as the original, but more… dull. Impossible not to have fun though, because it’s the same movie as the original.
125. Long Shot (2019) Directed by Jonathan Levine
Now I really want to go to a club with Charlize!!
126. The Angel (2018) ‘El Ángel’ Directed by Luis Ortega
Beautiful photography, and the cast is really great! The music is also incredible.
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127. Hello, My Name Is Doris (2015) Directed by Michael Showalter
It’s a nice reminder that everyone has it’s own time for doing things… sometimes you star things eary and sometimes, other things happen in life before others, and that OK! I loved it!
128. The Lake House (2006) Directed by Alejandro Agresti
It’s romantic, well done and super interesting! Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock looked so good together! I really loved this sci-fi love story.
129. Pride & Prejudice (2005) Directed by Joe Wright
Honestly, everything is absolutely pefect in this movie… like when Mr. Darcy always look’s like he’s about to throw up everytime Lizzie is around, how Mr. Bingley is an absolutely sunshine, how Jane it’s his perfect match, how Lizzie is perfecly sassy and smart… I, obviously, and I can not stress this enough: THE HAND FLEX!!! (and when Mr. Darcy cofesses his eternal love to Lizzie in the rain and them they fight and them they almost kiss… AMAZING CINEMA!)
I loved the movie and I can’t wait to finally find time to read the book too…
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130. Creep (2014) Directed by Patrick Brice
131.  Creep 2 (2017) Directed by Patrick Brice
Both weird movies, but the first one is more amazing because you spend more than a half of it not knowing what it’s happening.
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132. Vox Lux (2018) Directed by Brady Corbet
Natalie Portman is amazing and this movie is also weird.
133. Austenland (2013) Directed by Jerusha Hess
A thriling saga to my Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen obcession…
So, the fake Mr. Darcy (Mr. Noble) looks like young Tom Hiddleston so now I have a huge crush on him.
Also, I think it’s a very fun movie and I had a good time.  
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134. Good Sam (2019) Directed by Kate Miles Melville
Fun, I guess… honestly, the romance was unecessary.
135. Almost Famous (2000) Directed by Cameron Crowe
The bus scene when they all are down and then suddenly starts singing to “Tiny Dancer”… The most beautiful thing I saw in my life.
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136. The Losers (2010) Directed by Sylvain White
It’s a very fun movie!
But I have an observation: It just don’t sound truthful that people would make fun of a hot, nerdy, super uncle, not being that good with girls Chris Evans… really, he is absolutely hot and cute in this movie, it just not make sense!
137. Sing (2016) Directed by Garth Jennings
I watched this because of Taron Egerton singing “I’m Still Standing”, but I loved it for so much more!!!
138. Candy Jar (2018) Directed by Ben Shelton
Fun for spending the time.
139. The Red Sea Diving Resort (2019) Directed by Gideon Raff
Nice movie and great cast!
(also, I know thi isn’t the point but Chris Evans is beautiful in this movie to)
140. The Jane Austen Book Club (2007) Directed by Robin Swicord
I loved this so much, but I also feel kind of sad because I don’t have friends to make a Jane Austen book club with me and also I will never get married with nerdy and cute Hugh Dancy.
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141. The Hustle (2019) Directed by Chris Addison
Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson deserved better!
142. The Sun Is Also a Star (2019) Directed by Ry Russo-Young
I don’t want to be mean but, this was horrible!
143. Descendants 3 (2019) Directed by Kenny Ortega
This movie was already going to be very emotional because is the last one of the trilogy, but the recent evens with the super talented actor Cameron Boyce, it was twice as emotional... I cryed a lot.
Also, the movie is increadible in every way: the songs, the dancing, the characters, the cast... I loved it!
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144. Brightburn (2019) Directed by David Yarovesky
Well, that was a disaster...
145. Parasite (2019) ‘기생충’ Directed by Bong Joon Ho
Okay, so this movie... there’s so much to talk about this movie...but I don’t want to spoil it... BUT,  everything is absolutely PERFECT! OMG! I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH!
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146. Otherhood (2019) Directed by Cindy Chupack
Great cast, fun to watch!
147. The Craft (1996) Directed by Andrew Fleming
148. Wild Child (2008) Directed by Nick Moore
EMMA ROBERTS: I’m sorry for every time that I sayd that you were not a great actress. You are, and this movie is a masterpiece.
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149. Mandy (2018) Directed by Panos Cosmatos
That was a crazy ride and I LOVED IT! Nick Cage it’s amazing in this and I really love this scrypt.
150. Falling Inn Love (2019) Directed by Roger Kumble
This couple is so beautiful and I really wish they could date me as well.
151. Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009) Directed by Marc Lawrence
I did not like the movie that much but the cast is nice, so is not that bad to wach.
152. Bacurau (2019) Directed by Juliano Dornelles, Kleber Mendonça Filho
This was, honestly, the best thing I saw the entire year. It made so happy and proud of my own culture, and was so increadible to watch, with a great cast and characters that are truly amazing... and as if all of this wasn’t enough, the movie (as a coincidence) talks direcly with Brazil’s currently politic scene. 
When the movie was over, I felt like crying of happines... I so proud o f brazilian cinema and how it gets better and bigger each year!!  
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153. Between Two Ferns: The Movie (2019) Directed by Scott Aukerman
There was scenes that I really found funny and there were times that I was just confused... but I liked it.
154. Last Holiday (2006) Directed by Wayne Wang
Honestly, this movie is everything a romcom should be... PERFECT! 
155. The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) Directed by Lasse Hallström, Joe Johnston
I’m absolutely angry with the fact that Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen in the same movie and they even looked at each other! CRAZY THING RIGHT?
156. Rumor Has It… (2005) Directed by Rob Reiner
Just imagine a world were Jenifer Aniston and Mark Ruffalo are a couple... 
The movie was SO WEIRD!!! (but good) 
157. It Chapter Two (2019) Directed by Andy Muschietti
The first one still is my favorite, BUT this is so great... I’m not even going to begin to write about the cast, ‘cause everyone knows it’s absolutely PERFECT, but really, BILL HADER GUYS! JUST, AMAZING.
Anyway, I did not got even a little scared, but who cares, it’s a great movie.
Also, the scene were Bill Skarsgård  show up without the Pennywise makeup... his acting was SO GREAT!
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 158. Midsommar (2019) Directed by Ari Aster
Today I saw someone describe this movie as “a bunch of white people killing other people and dancing in circles” and honestly, this is the perfect description for this.
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159. Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé (2019) Directed by Beyoncé Knowles
i CAN’T BEGIN TO DESCRIBE THE FEELINGS I FELT SEEING THIS! This woman is beautiful, super talented and a genius! 
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160. Frozen (2010) Directed by Adam Green
161. Hush (2016) Directed by Mike Flanagan
I NEVER FELT SO UNCONFORTABLE IN MY LIFE! Truly a good idea for a scary movie and a very well executed one to! Loved it!
162. El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) Directed by Vince Gilligan
The perfect ending for one of the best suporting characters on a TV Series.
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163. Little Monsters (2019) Directed by Abe Forsythe
Lupita Nyong'o deserves way more recognition from the Movies Industry because she is so great and even with a fucking OSCAR on her shelf, she barely has any leading characters on her career and is SO UNFAIR!
This movies is funny, scary, the cast is great and there’s Shake it Off by Taylor Swift was sang by a bunch of kids and Lupita dressed on a beautiful yellow dress all dirty of zombie blood, sooo... you should go and watch it!
164. The Blair Witch Project (1999) Directed by Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez
The movie it’s okay until it gets on it’s last 15 to 10 minutes... then so much starts to happen and you just want to stop seeing it, but can’t because you want to know the ending of it, and it’s so scary and crazy... Really I totally get why lots of people are crazy about this one... SO SCARY!
Also, look out for the website they made for the three filmakers that “disapeared” ( AKA were killed by the Blair Witch), it’s so good and there’s a lot of more information that makes the movie even more scary.
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165. Yesterday (2019) Directed by Danny Boyle
It could be SO GOOD! But it was SO BAD! Lili was this movie, the guy that played Richie in Skins was in this movie and I still did not like it... The sountrack was made by BEATLES SONGS and I still did not like it... SAD.
166. The Witches (1990) Directed by Nicolas Roeg
NOT A KIDS MOVIE! Really, it’s so scary! OMG!
167. Shaun of the Dead (2004) Directed by Edgar Wright
It’s a very diferent zombie movie, but I really liked it! 
168. Maid in Manhattan (2002) Directed by Wayne Wang
Very cheesy, not the best romcom I ever watched, but also not the worse... If you want a good JLopez movie, go see Monster In Law!
169. Monster House (2006) Directed by Gil Kenan
ALSO NOT A KIDS MOVIE! This was actually very little apropriate to kids and so fucking sacry, OMG, how this was made up to be a kids movie? 
170. mother! (2017) Directed by Darren Aronofsky
I will never get over this movie, I feel marked for the rest of my life, thanks very much Aronofsky! (no, really, THANKS!)
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171. The Meddler (2015) Directed by Lorene Scafaria
Honestly, the “I was visiting my daughter, she just shot a pilot!” joke was THE BEST THING I EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE! Also, “I have to go home, my hands are loud!”.
172. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) Directed by Stephen Chiodo
I don’t even know what to write about this one... It was weird and not scary at all, but was kind of... diffent? I mean, you don’t get literally scared but you feel unconfotable, like, a lot! Go check it out and you will hopefully understand what kind of feeling I’m trying to describe, it’s just... weird.
173. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) Directed by André Ovredal
If you read the books I don’t know how you going to feel about it, but in my experience from movie adapttions from books, you probably going to feel like shit. But I did’t read the books and loved it, so, you might to :)
174. Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) Directed by Joe Berlinger
Not ever close to be as great as the first one, it’s crazier, more things happen and you still feel crazy with the characters, but, it’s not as great. But it would be a great stanalone, if the first one did not existed. 
175. Vacation (2015) Directed by John Francis Daley, Jonathan M. Goldstein
I love comedy movies, but I always expect to much of them... but this served me EVERYTHING that a good comedy should have to make me laugh until my breath runs out. LOVED IT!
176. Walk the Line (2005) Directed by James Mangold
Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon are absolutely babes and so increadibly talented! 
The movie is a bit slow (maybe only if you not a particularly big Cash fan), but is great! 
177. Love Happens (2009) Directed by Brandon Camp
Jennifer Aniston is amazing and goergeous as always but I didn’t conect with the characters so... it didn’t work to much for me, but it’s not bad eigther.
178. John Tucker Must Die (2006) Directed by Betty Thomas
Talking about perfect comedies, this is ONE OF THEM! FOR SURE! 
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179. You’ve Got Mail (1998) Directed by Nora Ephron
I’ve got three things to say:
Two: I could never date someone that led me to bankruptcy, I could however punch this person multiple times.
Three: MEG RYAN!!!
180. The Prince & Me (2004) Directed by Martha Coolidge
Okay, so I was not expecting anything big from this movie and I only watched it because of Julia Stiles, BUT OMG I’m so thakfull that I gave it a chance, because it’s an amazingly done cliché and the Prince it’s totally hot!
 181. Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) Directed by James Bobin
I WAS SO SURPRISED THAT IT WAS SO GOOD! I really wasn’t expecting that! SO GOOD! 
182. Me Before You (2016) Directed by Thea Sharrock 
But Emilia, I want to be your best friend!
183. Late Night (2019) Directed by Nisha Ganatra
To Queens that almost coused my death because of how much a I laughed in this... it’s ligh, fun and dramtic and real... AMAZING!
184. Let It Snow (2019) Directed by Luke Snellin 
Kiernan Shipka and  Mitchell Hope singing The Whole of the Moon awakend my bissexuality.
Shameik Moore and Isabela Merced to!
185. When Harry Met Sally… (1989) Directed by Rob Reiner
So... this is the movie that every fanfic is based on? I really loved it!
186. Bringing Down the House (2003) Directed by Adam Shankman
Queen Latifah always brings a smile to my face... she’s perfect!
187. Joker (2019) Directed by Todd Phillips
Huum... Joaquin Phoenix it’s a very great actor, OMG! 
188. Penelope (2006) Directed by Mark Palansky 
It was very hard for me to watch this movie and not get distracted by James MacAvoy’s perfect face and body and not so perfect hair in this one, but does anybody really care? It’s beautiful James McAvoy! 
Also, the movie is so great! I didn’t knew about the plot and I was so surprised! It’s very, very good! 
I love the final scene when Penelope just let’s the children run wild while she swings with her hot boyfriend...
“Take of your mask!” ~proceds to kiss Christina Ricci very dramaticly~
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189. Mad Money (2008) Directed by Callie Khouri
Everything about this movie was PERFECT
190. Baywatch (2017) Directed by Seth Gordon
Great opening scene, the rest was kind of a mess.
191. Noelle (2019) Directed by Marc Lawrence
But I will complain about the lack of Bill Hader content.
192. Every Day (2018) Directed by Michael Sucsy
Another surprise this year, a very good one! 
It’s cute and dramatic, also, this actress kissed every teeneger and young adult in Hollywood!
193. Over Her Dead Body (2008) Directed by Jeff Lowell
A good and weird movie! Gave a few laughs. 
Paul Rudd is in it, so, totally worth it!
194. The Skeleton Twins (2014) Directed by Craig Johnson
A dramatic, surprising and “few good” comedy! 
I really wish I could hang out on Halloween with Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig...
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195. Eat Pray Love (2010) Directed by Ryan Murphy
I didn’t quite understood her journey but I quite liked it. 
Veeeery long movie.
196. Death at a Funeral (2007) Directed by Frank Oz
197. Death at a Funeral (2010) Directed by Neil LaBute
I know I should have loved the original version more but the american version... I don’t know what it is (probably the many actors that I absolutely LOVE), but I coul not stop laughing! 
James Marsden was an absolute STAR! 
198. The Other Woman (2014) Directed by Nick Cassavetes
I wish I could personally thank Cameron Diaz for every great movie I watched because of her.
Thank you, Mrs. Diaz! 
That last scene was peak COMEDY!!!
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199. The Back-Up Plan 2010 Directed by Alan Poul
Honestly, I was thinking this movie was going to be very problematic, but it wasn’t that much... it was actually pretty cute! The birth scene was sacry and funny at the same time!! 
200. Muriel's Wedding 1994 Directed by P.J. Hogan
Don’t judge me, I didn’t liked it, it fact, It made me feel pretty shitty, so I just wnat to forget that it existis. 
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laraheartstaylor · 6 years
Meeting @taylorswift - My Experience 💘
The Main Story
It all started on the 5th of October 2017 (Thursday). Taylor Nation dmed me on instagram&tumblr that they needed to speak to me about a confidential eventand asked me the basic information they needed to know. I gave them it and a few minutes later they called!!! They asked to speak to my mum but I wasn’t at home I was at someone’s house so they said they’d call back. They called back a few hours later and told my mum that I was too young to attend the event (secret sessions) and so they’d be sending me a package from Taylor instead! They said the package would arrive on the 11th of October(Wednesday) and the time was to be confirmed. (From the 5th-11th tn we’re keeping in contact with me it was so cool)
So I waited SUPER EXCITEDLY DKCJDKD for just under a week until THE GOLDEN DAY THAT WOULD CHANGE MY LIFE FOREVER rolled around!!!! I went to school and could not concentrate for the whole day of course and then the end of the day came around. I raced home and got changed and waited. Then Taylor nation sent me a dm saying my package would be delivered from 4pm-6pm. So, I went upstairs to the bathroom and sat on the ledge, looking down into the street waiting to see a delivery truck drive down my road. It must’ve been aliens 4:30 when I noticed a man standing in my road wearing head phones and speaking into them. He was looking up my road and at a car that was driving down it. The car parked up in front of my house (I just thought it was someone parking ect). There were two men sat in the front seats and the back ones were blacked out. THEN,, a boy stepped out of the car (so I thought it was just a boy getting dropped of or something) BUT then I noticed he was holding two tope bags that said “rep” on them. AT THIS POINT I WAS LOSING IT, but what was to happen next would KILL ME. A ~BLONDE GODDESS~~ STEPPed OUT OF THE CAR AND STARTED WALKING UP TO MY FRONT DOOR. I WAS RACING DOWN THE STAIRS AND THE KNOCKed On THE DOOR AND I STARTED SHOUTING to MY MUM LIKE SHES HERE ELEKFKKEKFRKFKOEFK!! SO I OPENED THE DOOR AND THERE SHE WAS !!!!!! BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING AND CUTE AND ~THE WOMAN I HAVE ADORED FOR SO MANY YEARS~ STANDING THERE AND THEN SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO SAY “HEY BUDDY” LIKE OMAY SIS ATTACK ME MORE IM AMREADY DESD OKAY IL SHOOK IM DEAD UK SKCMDCKD uMMMMM PAMYCJEJCKRKFKFKFKEKFRKFKRJFJRJJF I MISS HER SO MUCB SKMFRMKFRKKGMFGMMF IM GOING TO INCLUDE THE CONVERSATION JN TBE NEXT SECTION
sorry guys I tried to keep this chill and neat and professional but ofc you know me I cannot do that!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways next section HERE WE GO JM SOBBING ALRWSDY
The Conversation
Okay sisters I’m going to try to say as much as I can because it’s such a blurrrr !!! I can only remeber bits of the conversations so here we go :,)
So after she decided to attack me with “hey buddy!” and I had stopped speaking gibberish and being super embarrassing (for now) she said “can I see you room?” And wbk I was praying to the heavens that my room was tidy (it was not) so I said “yEAH SURE” and like we went upstairs and LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT WAD WALKING BEHIND ME AND SHE WAS LIKE “you have such a cool house!” LIKE SIS IM ALREADY ATTACKED STOP! And we walked into my room and she said something along the lines of “omg!! I love your room, I saw in your videos it’s really extensive” LIKE SIS WHAT VIDEOS STOP KILLING ME LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! AND THEN WE TALKED ABOUT STUFF AND THIS IS WHAT I CAN REMEMBER:
“Oh yeah I love how you love the song how you get the girl”!!
Taylor: “oh yeahh haha the light up dress?!!”
mE: “YES!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s the name of my second account hehe” (we love a self promoting queenie😩😩😭)
me: *speaking about ibfs*
Taylor: “how do you know all these people?” *smiles*
Taylor: *laughs*
Me: *try to talk about Brits GC without losing it... (moral of the story: i lose it )
Me: *tries to remember Brits usernames and names but I’m tOo dead so gives up and says “should I show you them?”*
Taylor: “yeah yeah”
Me: *shows her them”
Taylor: “that’s so cute! That’s so awesome! They’re just chilling there. Oh yeahhh *giggles* I know a lot of these”
Me: *speaks about tabby and how great she is*
Taylor: “ooo does she live in the uk?”
Me: nope, she lives in Germany but she sounds a bit American so we have a joke that she’s ‘gemerican’
Taylor: “do you want me to sign these posters?”
me: “yes please!!!”*hands pen*
Taylor: “do you want to hear a song from the new album no ones heard yet?”
Taylor: *opens bag, gets out head phones&ipod hands me them* “alright this song is called king of my heart” *plays it on her iPod*
me: *hears what heaven sounds like*&bops super hard
Taylor: *goes around my room signing my posters with her autograph&cute messages*
komh: *ends*
Taylor: “did you like it”
Me:”I LOVED IT!!!”
Taylor:” turns to Patrick* “sUCCESS!!”
T: “where are the kitty cats?!”
me: “ we can go downstairs and find them!”
we: *all go downstairs*
We find my cats in the garden and the run away whoops
*we all take photos in my garden*
Then Taylor had the leave to have dinner with her parents ( OH YEAH SHE ALSO SAID “my parents told me to say hi!!” BECAUSE THEYD ALL BEEN stALKING ME TOGETHER)) and we hugged and I was super emo and I told her about a cookie dough place in nyc (@taylorswift sis pls say you’ve been there it’s so good!!!!!!!!) and we hugged for the last time and it was so genuine like patrick watched us hug and he smiled because it was SUCH A CUTE AND TIGHT HUG AND UGH I MISS HER
(Also throughout,, taylor hugged me so much and we took lots of photos too!!)
The Taylor Week- 5th-11th October
So basically between those dates Taylor attacked me more!!!!!!! On the 6th (Friday) she joined my live stream and commented “😻” ONAY SIS EAH JUST KILL ME AHAIN and then on the 8th (Sunday) she just OPENED MY DM AS SOON AS I SENT IT AND ID BASICALLY SAID “thank yOU FOR NOTICING MY BEST FRIENDS ILYYYYYY”
The moments that meant to most to me was (everything of course ) when we spoke about hygtg and I listened to komh and when we hugged so many times :,) but the whole thing was the best day of my life and the brightest highlight of my life!!!!!!!! TAYLOR INMISS YOU SONMUXN BABE HOW ID IT POSSIBME GOW MUCH I MISSS U I DONT GET IT
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