#patrick sommerlath
andiatas · 10 months
The King's words about Patrick Sommerlath: "Very serious"
For several days, Expressen has been trying to get a verbal comment from the king and queen about how they feel about Patrick Sommerlath's handling of the service.
Now, the royals respond in a comment via the Royal Court's Director of the Information Department, Margareta Thorgren:
"The King has asked me to state that he and the Queen strongly distance themselves from the fact that the person chose not to be reachable at the time of serving and take the whole situation very seriously," writes Margareta Thorgren to Expressen.
At the same time, several police officers have expressed disappointment at the lack of commitment from the Royal Court to help get hold of Patrick Sommerlath. The King also chooses to comment on that.
"The King further states that the Royal Court's approach is always to have good cooperation with the police. According to the Court's security department, it has also applied in this event".
Excerpts from an article by Hannes Lännerholm and Alicia Heimersson for Expressen, published Nov. 22, 2023, at 19:12, updated at 21:38. Translation done by yours truly and you can find the interview with Patrick Sommerlath, which kicked off this whole thing, here.
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Who is the man on the far left next to CP in the photo of Victoria and CP walking into the concert?
Leopold Sommerlath. He is the son of Victoria, Carl Philip and Madeleine's maternal cousin Patrick Sommerlath and is also Victoria's godson.
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importanttragedyfan · 10 months
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Patrick sommerlath har köpt sex. Han är drottning Silvia s bror han bor gratis hos kungen.
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Is that Patrick Sommerlath talking to Daniel in your last gif?
Yes! They were there. Patrick, Leopold, and the twins Chloe and Anaïs.
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oneillsofsweden · 8 years
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Princess Madeleine and Princess Leonore with Crown Princess Victoria and Patrick Sommerlath, two of Leonore's godparents, and Princess Estelle after Leonore's christening at the Royal Chapel of Stockholm on June 8th, 2014.
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royalchildreneurope · 3 years
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King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Queen Silvia of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, Princess Sofia of Sweden, Prince Alexander of Sweden, Prince Gabriel of Sweden, Prince Julian of Sweden, Erik Hellqvist, Marie Hellqvist, Jacob Högfeld, Frida Vesterberg, Patrick Sommerlath, Stina Andersson and Johan Anderson pose for official portraits to mark the christening of Prince Julian of Sweden (on August 14th 2021), at Drottningholm Palace in Stockholm, Sweden -August 18th 2021.
📷 : Elisabeth Toll/Kungahuset.
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bihaberci-blog · 6 years
Vaftiz Töreninde Elbisesinin İpi Çözülen Davetli, Yarı Çıplak Kaldı
Vaftiz Töreninde Elbisesinin İpi Çözülen Davetli, Yarı Çıplak Kaldı
İsveç prensesi Madeleine ve kocası Christopher O’Neill yeni 9 Mart’ta doğan kız çocukları Adrienne için Drottningholm sarayında vaftiz töreni düzenledi. Törene tüm kraliyet ailesinin soyluları katıldı.
Törende prensesin erkek yeğeni Patrick Sommerlath ile evli olan 35 yaşındaki Maline Sommerlath’in giydiği yeşil elbisesinin bel bölgesindeki bağı çözülünce elbisesi…
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andiatas · 10 months
Police chief after the criticism of Patrick Sommerlath: "Good cooperation with the Royal Court"
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For several days, the police searched for the royal relative Patrick Sommerlath, 52.
They searched for him both at the address on Drottningholm where he lives - and in other places.
He would be charged with purchasing sexual services. But it failed - because he had left the country.
During the intensive search, Patrick Sommerlath's traces ended at Drottningholm. His car was parked there, and the castle guard stated he was there when the police searched for him.
At the same time, Carl-Henric Svensson Eldmalm, group leader for the serving section of the Stockholm police region, believes that the Royal Court and police cooperation worked well.
- It has mainly been the case that staff from the police authority have requested information and help to obtain information, which has been left by personnel from the Royal Court.
Then, new information dropped. According to the guard, Sommerlath had left Drottningholm during the morning and said he was on his way to Los Angeles. Shortly afterwards, different news - he had already left the day before.
- We could not get any more information than that he had travelled, but nothing more straightforward about it, like how. It was then that, based on the observations made around his home, we were still interested enough to get into it to see if he could be there, that they continued to request a search warrant, says Carl Henric Svensson Eldman.
That request was denied by the district court.
Several police officers have expressed disappointment at the lack of commitment from the court to help find Patrick Sommerlath.
- I know that there have been statements in the media that I myself have read where police sources have expressed frustration about the handling, saying that they should know where this person has been, and so on. From our side, the serving section, I do not recognize that anything like that would have been expressed. Then I cannot answer for individual employees, says Carl Henric Svensson Eldman.
The Royal Court did not know where Patrick Sommerlath was at the time of serving last weekend, Director of the Information Department Margareta Thorgren told Expressen on Friday. Only on Thursday, his lawyer announced that Patrick Sommerlath had been abroad since Tuesday, November 7th.
"The whole story is regrettable and sad in every way," writes Thorgren in a comment.
Excerpts from an article by Cecilia Anderberg for Expressen, published Nov. 18, 2023, at 16:44 and updated at 19:00. Translation and then editing for the sake of clarity is done by yours truly.
Photo: Stella Pictures
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andiatas · 10 months
Patrick Sommerlath may be forced to move
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The failed serving attempt has involved the Royal Court on several levels. Police have been in contact with the Royal Court, and servicemen have been helped by the palace guards at Drottningholm.
It is unclear whether he will continue to live in the property, which is managed by the King.
- It is, of course, one of the things that could come to be discussed, Margareta Thorgren has previously told Expressen.
In a new comment via email, Thorgren writes: "I cannot answer the housing question today."
Own decision to come forward
According to the Royal Court, Patrick Sommerlath's decision to come forward in Svensk Damtidning was his own.
"We can state that [he] himself has chosen to go out in the media," writes Margareta Thorgren in an email to Expressen.
Excerpts of an article by Cecilia Anderberg and Agnès Ericson for Expressen, published Nov. 18, 2023, at 06:44 and updated at 16:57. Translation and editing for clarity is done by yours truly.
Photo: TT
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andiatas · 10 months
The Royal Court: "Didn't know where Patrick Sommerlath was"
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Queen Silvia's nephew Patrick Sommerlath was charged with having bought sex at a Thai massage parlour at Östermalm in Stockholm in November 2021. The police chased him to serve him the charge, but he stayed away.
On [Nov. 12], the statute of limitations expired.
- I deliberately chose to leave Sweden. In people's eyes, I would still be a sex offender, says Patrick Sommerlath, who denies the accusation, in an interview with Svensk Damtidning.
Before time ran out, the police searched for Sommerlath at Drottningholm Castle, where he is listed. According to Expressen's sources, the police were on site as late as Sunday morning for a final search.
"There is reason to assume that the recipient is withholding being served," the police summarize in their final report to the district court.
During the search, the police requested a house search at Drottningholm but were refused.
- It's too damned frankly, a police officer told Expressen.
The Royal Court on cooperation: "Worked well"
Director of the Information Department Margareta Thorgren says that the Royal Court cannot comment further on the case.
"The Royal Court is still unable to comment on Patrick Sommerlath, he is a private person and not an official person, even if there is a relationship with the Royal Family", she writes in a comment and refers to the interview in Svensk Damtidning.
She continues, "The Royal Court's cooperation with the police during the serving period has worked well."
“The whole story is regrettable”
However, she says the Royal Court did not know where Patrick Sommerlath was.
"Yesterday, Patrick Sommerlath's lawyer announced that Patrick had been abroad since Tuesday, November 7. The whole story is regrettable and sad in every way."
Margareta Thorgren has previously said that the guards at Drottningholm helped the police search for Sommerlath.
Fredrik Wersäll, Marshal of the Realm and chief of the Royal Court, has further commented on the Royal Court's help in the search as follows:
- It may be the case that employees at the Royal Court have been helpful in various ways. But this is not information that has reached me, and I have no reason to have knowledge or an opinion about it.
Translation by me of an article by Sofia Clason for Expressen, published on Nov. 17, 2023, at 17:56 and updated on Nov. 18, 2023, at 06:44. The article has been translated and then edited for the sake of clarity.
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andiatas · 10 months
Perhaps time to get something of your own, Patrick
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I'm having a hard time letting go of the fact that a candle was burning in Patrick Sommerlath's window. A lone light in the dark and outside were policemen wondering if he was home, and if he hadn't forgotten to turn off the world's longest candle, he was.
Imagine if Patrick Sommerlath was lying on the floor under his royal window, looking at the little light he has and saying a prayer that the police would give up. Imagine if he now lives his life crawling. When evening comes, he doesn't light any lamps, only has his small candle, and when he has to make a cup of tea, he crawls to the kitchen over evil high thresholds from the seventeenth century.
If you google Patrick Sommerlath's name, his home address is the tenth hit, surely it feels a bit bare and almost unreal? If we want, we can send him Christmas cards. When I was a kid, I thought Patrick Sommerlath was handsome as hell. Seven years older, tall with slicked-back hair, always in a tailcoat. Lucky Victoria, everyone wants to be friends with whoever has a good-looking cousin.
In previous interviews with the police, Sommerlath has claimed that the second Swish [payment] could have been massage oil or perhaps an ergonomic pillow. I have recurring problems with my neck, and when I went to a chiropractor and asked what pillow I should buy, he said that neck pillows are ineffective.
"But why are they sold then?" I asked. "Because the pillow companies want to make money?" he replied with a question.
How are you, royalists? Are you feeling bad? Are you mad and think we Republicans are [using the situation]? We are. But what honest chance do we have in a country that believes the state of affairs should be based on "Victoria is so nice!"
And let's also consider which is more shameful: being suspected of buying sex or staying at home when you're over fifty? In Sweden, over 170,000 households have children over the age of 24 who still live at home. Maybe time to take the pillow under your arm and get something of your own, Patrick.
When evening comes, Patrick Sommerlath rests his head on his ergonomic pillow that may have cost him a double Swish and his entire existence. In the window burns a lone candle.
Excerpts of an article by Malin Wollin for Aftonbladet, published Nov. 18, 2023, at 11:58. Translation and editing for clarity has been done by yours truly.
Photo: TT
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andiatas · 10 months
Four question marks surrounding Sommerlath's story
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Words against words. If the police report is correct, Patrick Sommerlath lies four times in the interview with Svensk Damtidning. If Sommerlath's version is true, he has "cooperated with the police all the way".
In the interview with Svensk Damtidning, Patrick Sommerlath admits that he deliberately stayed away from the police's attempts to inform him of suspicion of buying sex. Because he managed to stay away until the statute of limitations expired, the charges were recently dropped.
But the details of how he managed to stay away differ on four points between the police version and Sommerlath's version.
1: Sommerlath tells Svensk Damtidning: "I have cooperated with the police all the way."
The police's version: In a letter to the Stockholm district court, the police requested to search the house for serving. It appears that the police tried to reach Sommerlath physically, by phone, and by email without his response.
2: Sommerlath tells Svensk Damtidning that he has been "abroad since last Tuesday and before the serving", meaning since November 7.
The police's version: In the letter to the district court, the police state that on the first occasion of the search at 17:40 on November 9 at Sommerlath's residence at Drottningholm Castle, the castle guard says that "Patrick Sommerlath has not left the residence all day and they are trying to call Patrick Sommerlath without success".
3: Sommerlath directly answers Svensk Damtidning's question about whether he hid in his home by saying, "It's a complete lie."
The police's version: The letter to the district court indicates several times that Sommerlath hid in the residence. A friend and ex-wife say they have not received any information that he would be abroad. The ex-wife also says it is Sommerlath's "children's week from Monday the 13th". The information in point four also suggests that Sommerlath is lying.
4: Sommerlath says in the interview that "the light is electronic and basically always on".
The police's version: The statement about "electronic light" contradicts the police's letter. On the first occasion of the search, Sommerlath's car is parked outside the home, and the glow of a candle shines in his home. The next time, his car is still parked outside the residence, but then another light is on in the residence. To Svensk Damtidning, Sommerlath says that he did not drive abroad.
It can be added that the castle guards' information about Sommerlath's whereabouts has been changed several times. First, a castle guard says that Sommerlath did not leave the residence all day on November 9; later, it is said that he left the residence on the morning of November 9 to fly to Los Angeles; then it's said that he possibly left as early as November 8 or 7.
The district court rejected the police's request to search the house, citing certain circumstances that indicated Sommerlath "may be in his residence" while other circumstances "suggest otherwise".
In the interview with Svensk Damtidning, Patrick Sommerlath categorically denies that he would have bought sexual services:
- This whole story is absurd, he tells the tabloid.
Aftonbladet seeks Sommerlath for a comment.
Translation done by me of an article by Joachim Kerpner for Aftonbladet, published Nov. 17, 2023, at 14:42. The article has been translated and then edited for clarity.
Photo: Johan Valkonen
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andiatas · 10 months
Sommerlath opted out of the opportunity to be exculpated
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The Queen's nephew Patrick Sommerlath is suspected of buying sex at a Thai massage parlour. He denies the crime and avoided being served by staying away. Since Monday, he can no longer be prosecuted because of the statute of limitations. The reason why he is hiding is that he feels prejudged, he says.
Patrick Sommerlath seems surprised by the criticism and accusations that hit him and the Royal Family. Queen Silvia has received a severe blow; she who has dedicated her life to helping children and young people who suffer from sex crimes and trafficking.
The Queen welcomed her nephew with open arms when he came to Sweden as a 16-year-old in connection with his parents' divorce. He has more or less grown up as a sibling to his cousins, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine.
Being part of the extended royal family means many privileges. Patrick says in the interrogation with the police 1.5 years ago that he does not keep good track of his finances. The police state that he had an assessed annual income in 2022 of 59,600 SEK.
- It sounds too damned, but it could probably be true, Patrick replies.
A back injury in the early 2000s ended Patrick Sommerlath's full-time work. This situation would be challenging for anyone, but Patrick shouldn't have worried. He lives for free on the King's property and has no debts [according to his statement during the questioning]. Patrick Sommerlath is part of a family that prides itself on being supportive and helpful.
But what is also part of the extended royal family is the knowledge that everything one does will affect the Swedish people's view of the Royal Family and the Monarchy. It's a big responsibility - but a relatively small price to pay to be part of the family and be taken care of. What is required? Do not commit any crime and behave [with common sense].
Like everyone else, Patrick Sommerlath should be considered innocent until proven otherwise. Unfortunately, we will never find out whether Patrick committed a crime. He opted out of the possibility of being exculpated.
Translation done by me of an article by Jenny Alexandersson for Aftonbladet, published on Nov. 17, 2023, at 14:42. The text has been translated and edited for clarity.
Photo: Stella Pictures/Johan Valkonen
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andiatas · 10 months
Silvia's nephew Patrick Sommerlath comes forward: "I have not bought sex"
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Silvia's nephew Patrick Sommerlath, 52, now comes forward in Svensk Damtidning and tells the editor-in-chief, Johan T Lindwall. It is Sommerlath who was chased by the police - suspected of buying sex.
- I deliberately chose to leave Sweden. In people's eyes, I would still be a sex offender, he says.
Are you guilty of what you are accused of?
- No! This whole story is absurd.
Patrick Sommerlath, Queen Silvia's nephew and cousin of the Crown Princess, Princess Madeleine, and Prince Carl Philip, has in recent days been described [in media] as a "relative of the royal family" or "friend of the royal family". He has been abroad since last Tuesday and has chosen not to comment on the accusations against him until now.
Patrick Sommerlath ended up on the police's radar in connection with a more extended surveillance operation. The massage salon at Östermalm in Stockholm was watched by the police and received hundreds of sex buyers during this period.
Patrick Sommerlath speaks out
One of those who visited the salon was Patrick Sommerlath, who, in November 2021, is said to have sent several payments via Swish. First 250 SEK and less than an hour later another thousand SEK.
According to the prosecutor, the extra payment indicates a sex purchase - something that Sommerlath denied during interrogation. He was charged but has not been served the charges because the police have not been able to catch him. For Svensk Dam's editor-in-chief, Johan T Lindwall, he now chooses to tell about what happened according to him.
Why do you choose to come forward now?
- Because others have had to suffer because of me.
What do you mean?
- The King and Quen have been judged. It is completely absurd what is happening. Really crazy how they have been judged. It's not nice. Even the Royal Court has suffered because of this.
You are accused of buying sex at a massage salon. Have you done it?
- 100% no! I have cooperated with the police all the way. I was convinced they would dismiss me as a sex offender. 1: because I did not commit the crime and 2: because there is therefore no evidence to support it.
What actually happened at the serving?
- I knew that I would be outed as a sex buyer in all of Sweden if this went to prosecution, and needed to think about the situation in peace. I would have to wait until a possible trial could be prioritized to prove my innocence. Until then, in everyone's eyes, I would be a cod, a sex buyer, and once I was freed, it would only generate a small notice for no one to see. That's how it works, says Sommerlath and continues:
- That is why I made an active choice not to let myself be served when I read that it is not a criminal act. In retrospect, I would have made a different decision when I realise what a commotion it has become and how many people have been involved.
So you chose to leave Sweden to avoid being served?
- Yes, just because I knew at the same second people will think they know that I am guilty.
Patrick Sommerlath: "Complete lie"
Where are you now?
- Abroad since last Tuesday and before the serving. That's enough.
If you ask me, this kind of had a bit of a reverse effect?
- Yes, of course I should have stayed at home. But now I made that decision, it was wrong.
There is information that you did not go abroad at all. Instead, you should have hid in your home, which is inside the castle grounds at Drottningholm.
- It is a complete lie.
An officer says he was there and saw your car in the driveway and a light burning inside the residence.
- The light is electronic and basically always on and I didn't drive abroad.
The speculation is that the Queen and King must have hidden you.
- It's absolutely insane! After all, I don't live with them and have as little habit of informing them about my everyday life as they do about theirs.
- It's too fucking surreal! That even politicians go out and accuse them of it is beyond all criticism. Had I understood that both the police and the press would put in so much work for a penalty offence, I would have made a different decision.
Patrick Sommerlath continues:
- I considered for a long time to stay and be served. It felt wrong not to face it when I also feel completely unfairly accused. If I hadn't already felt sentenced by the media, I would have stayed. Now I made another decision and it turned out to be fatal for everyone involved.
- None of us deserve that judging and least of all the King and Queen who have absolutely nothing to do with this. I am extremely critical of how the police have acted in this, both before and after the serving phase.
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Denies everything
In the other cases at this massage salon, sex buyers have been exposed by making double Swish payments — something police and investigators say is a way to pay for sexual services. You made double Swish payments. How do you explain that?
- I have not committed that crime. I have explained that to the police. I have had problems with my back and neck since 2010, chronic pain. Going to meetings with doctors, surgeons, pain clinics, acupuncturists, and massage therapists is everyday for me. Over the years, I've bought everything from ergonomic pillows, oils, and bonus cards at such places, he says and continues:
- Therefore, it is not strange to me at all, both that I have been to a massage and also that I bought a product separately. Many of the places sell products on the side, and the witness has also spoken in the interrogation about both dietary supplements and bonus cards, something the police did not speak too loudly about.
- Among other things, I have bought nutritional supplements and bonus cards at clinics and salons. Not remembering what it was about right there or being able to produce a receipt for it 2 years later is not the least bit strange either! Hand on heart, how many do you think can answer the question "did you buy anything in particular on Nov 12, 2021?"
So you claim that?
- I attest that it is so. I just got a massage.
Were you offered sex?
- No, but in other places I've been to and it hasn't exactly felt so fresh.
Have you bought sex then?
- No!
Have you ever bought sex?
- Never.
Patrick Sommerlath continues:
- You can also turn things around and think. Why do the police wait until only four days remain of the statute of limitations when it has been lying with them for at least 1.5 years? Why does it feel like they are in collusion with the press and choose to leak to Aftonbladet at the same time that the first interrogation was going on long before it became a public document?
- Did [they] mean that there was strong evidence against me when the only thing they could bring up is a double payment that you choose to interpret in a given way? Allegedly, they have hundreds of suspicious and wiretapped calls, video surveillance, semen residue, repeated double payments, an internal ledger that gossips about sex purchases, cods caught in flagrantly but they still single me out.
- Why have so few of these been prosecuted and how is it possible that all of them are considered to have had some form of news value?
Patrick Sommerlath's conversation with Queen Silvia
When all this happened, did you tell the King and Queen?
- Yes, I told you that I had received a summons, but that I was completely innocent. It was the Queen I was talking to.
So if I ask you one last time: Have you ever bought sex?
- No!
After all, the Queen is involved in Childhood, which works against sexual abuse of children and is also involved in issues related to trafficking and prostitution. Have you spoken to the Queen about the incident now in retrospect?
- No.
What do you think your cousin, Crown Princess Victoria, has to say about all this?
- Do not know. Of course, I am disappointed that I have cost others so much. I've got clean flour in the bag. I have nothing to do with this.
Finally, what do you want to say to the Queen?
- I will say what I have to say to her on my own. I am fully aware of everyone's disappointment. For that I can only apologize from the bottom of my heart. But, once again, I have not done what I am accused of.
The translation is done by me from an article by Johan T Lindwall for Svensk Dam, published on Nov. 17, 2023, at 08:11. The interview has been translated word for word, whilst other parts of the article have been translated & then edited for the sake of clarity.
Photos: TT
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Prince Julian's godparents have been confirmed as:
Mr. Johan Andersson- Son of billionaire Rune Andersson. He currently sits on the board of his family's company.
Mrs. Stina Andersson- Johan's wife and the owner of Swedish shoe company StinaaJ which Sofia wears regularly. Stina and Sofia were friends before she began dating Carl Philip.
Mr. Jacob Högfeldt- Carl Philip's childhood friend. He is the chairman of the municipal board in Strängnäs and a Moderate Party politician
Mr. Patrick Sommerlath- Carl Philip's maternal cousin who is already a godparent to Princess Leonore
Miss Frida Vesterberg- Sofia's long time friend who co-founded the Project Playground charity with her and continues to run their operations on the ground in South Africa
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I saw Patrick is also Leonor's godfather - which Sommerlath cousin is the most used godparent?
The cousins who have been made godparents (only including cousins through the royal parents):
Silvia's family
Patrik Sommerlath- Son of Silvia's brother Walther. Chosen for Leonore and Julian
Thomas de Toledo Sommerlath- Son of Silvia's brother Ralf. Chosen for Gabriel.
CG's family
Oscar Magnuson- Princess Christina's son. Chosen for Oscar
Gustaf Magnuson- Princess Christina's son. Chosen for Nicolas.
Victor Magnuson- Princess Christina's son. Chosen for Alexander.
As you can see from the above, Patrik is the only one who has been named godparent more than once (unless I'm overlooking something). Also the reason it's all Christina's children is because she's simply the closest to the King's family. The King's parents had three daughters in less than 4 years, then a gap of over 5 years before having Christina and CG. So much like with the split with the Queen's children, the aren't as close to the older siblings. Like CG was still only a teenager when his eldest sister married and moved abroad.
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